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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.70522972

OP dont have one

>> No.70523006
Quoted by: >>70585903


>> No.70523091

Authentic goth girl experience

>> No.70523209

She like me fr fr

>> No.70524584

The Runt of Advent LMAO

>> No.70524674

>tradcath Chinks
Now whyever she would do that?

>> No.70524735

It takes a special kind of person to get that model and still get outperfomed by your genmates.

>> No.70524873

Why are you guys seething at a so call "runt"? She got into Hololive

>> No.70524910
Quoted by: >>70525345

Ok shiori you don't need to seethe so hard

>> No.70524979

Because Holoniggers are numberniggers

>> No.70524986

>She got into Hololive
Nijis and 2views

>> No.70525006

Rent free RUMAO

>> No.70525132

She has no talent and no personality whatsoever
Waste of a model

>> No.70525345


>> No.70525419

She wasn't the first pick for that model.

>> No.70525451


>> No.70525467
Quoted by: >>70528435

>source: the voices in your head

>> No.70525482 [DELETED] 


>> No.70525800

yeah because mococo's voice totally fits that model.

>> No.70525849

Kayahara deserved better

>> No.70527205

Because she is a failure and a disappointment

>> No.70527263

She is cute, she will survive it

>> No.70527267


>> No.70527323

I just wanna be your Shiorin

>> No.70527341
Quoted by: >>70529647

She's up against a loli, twins who were popular in bygone days and an entire family.

>> No.70527356

She' literally me

>> No.70527496

I hate her parents too

>> No.70527944

Who doesn't?

>> No.70527998

I hate her parents too fo birthing such a boring piece of shit.
She's one of the greatest wasted slots ever.

>> No.70528035

She deserves it after what she's become

>> No.70528108

This but unironically

>> No.70528119
Quoted by: >>70528201

Her gimmick of saying outlandish shit is not working out. Mellow out for fuck sake.

>> No.70528177

Has there ever been a bigger mismatch between model and voice?

>> No.70528201
Quoted by: >>70528451

She literally grew up watching south park as a kid

>> No.70528355
Quoted by: >>70528417

She won
You lost
Stop seething 2view

>> No.70528417 [DELETED] 

>Runt of her gen
>Disliked by everyone in Hololive
Cope and seethe
She is going to graduate soon

>> No.70528435

If you knew who was the first choice you would be sad it didn't happened.

>> No.70528438

as this is a blatant anti thread, anyone her members stream breakdown?

>> No.70528451
Quoted by: >>70528541

So did an entire generation.
Most of them matured as they got older.

>> No.70528541

She has autism plus strict parents that stunted her growth

>> No.70528549
File: 41 KB, 1170x1145, 1704330109865927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disliked by everyone in Hololive

>> No.70528553

>nijisisters' brigade, the thread

>> No.70528579
File: 73 KB, 472x472, 1709175195214718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sisters still mad against Shiori

>> No.70528582

Thanks for the thread anon. Now we can have some hours without threadshitters in the general

>> No.70528592
File: 2.26 MB, 432x404, 1704807871381875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70528608
File: 1.56 MB, 1200x1200, 1709347259721730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay what happened at Nijisanji this time?

>> No.70528629


>> No.70528633

She's beautiful. Chuu~

>> No.70528649
Quoted by: >>70528695

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of this board lately.

>> No.70528653

its ok jamal, you don't have to project

>> No.70528672
File: 375 KB, 724x670, 1693448036982494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is in Hololive
You are /here/ seething about her
She won
You lost
Cry about it

>> No.70528695

Fuck off already tourist

>> No.70528722
Quoted by: >>70543276

>beryl trannies seething and coping in 2024
enjoy the coffee

>> No.70528776


>> No.70528798 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>70528943

She was seething with jealousy because of the Mamarissa debut
Typical femcel behavior

>> No.70528943

Why lie?

>> No.70529019

maybe you can prove he's lying

>> No.70529038

>has a mental breakdown about her shitty parents the same day Nerissa debuts her mother
Way to out yourself as someone who doesn't watch streams. Shiori has been seething since everyone in Advent talked about their moms in the brunch collab.

>> No.70529046

Do people even watch her? Out of all of advent she is the one with the most talent: coder, game designer, pianist, singer, writer, actually uses the videos and shorts feature on YouTube, and I am probably missing more stuff.

>> No.70529048
Quoted by: >>70529230

Or you can do your reps

>> No.70529060

spoilers: he cant

>> No.70529111

And still she can't do any of those things right

>> No.70529140
File: 244 KB, 512x512, 1696300669486387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talking about her shitty parents is the same as seething for the happiness of others
Why are you projecting?

>> No.70529166

she has less subs but peaking in superchats, gura has 4m subs but she is very low in superchats lmao not even near the top of en

>> No.70529223
Quoted by: >>70529295

>refused to join the Mamarissa stream when Biboo did

>> No.70529230

The vod is deleted and shiori dickriders reported the reupload. So no, you can't prove shit.
On that note, she was also crying because she's the runt of EN. Prove me wrong, you can't.

>> No.70529247
Quoted by: >>70532650

Way to out yourself as someone who doesn't watch her streams. She has always been open about her shitty parents even before the brunch stream.

>> No.70529263

First of all, Mamarissa debut was after her members stream. How would she seethe about something that didn't happened yet?
She vented about her family situation, cried in silence about her shitty parents, then moved to other topics.
Where's the seethe? When did she shit talked about her genmates?

>> No.70529280

Her model filtered me because I tought it would be a pick me gota girl but she has son me over time, she’s sweet and I listening to her talks.

>> No.70529295
File: 172 KB, 512x512, 1696369865046582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Nerissa said that she offered Shiori to join and when did she say that Shiori refused to?
Why are you making shit up?

>> No.70529329
Quoted by: >>70529379

Her chat has been pestering about her doing a collab with her mom

>> No.70529379

So the chat represents the vtuber's opinion and will? she has no voice in the matter?

>> No.70529385

>Mamarissa cheerfully talking about everyone in Advent
>Changes to a sad and cold tone when talking about Shiori

>> No.70529388
Quoted by: >>70529533

Her parents were probably fine and she is most likely overreacting.

>> No.70529411 [DELETED] 
File: 1.59 MB, 2752x2038, sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double paizuri from Shiori and Sukoya.

>> No.70529477

I can fix her

>> No.70529480
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1696300734830740s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70529520

What does that have to do with Shiori "refusing to join the collab"?

>> No.70529520

Are you retarded?
Read the room chumbie

>> No.70529533
Quoted by: >>70529625

>I can't make an argument
>I'll just say she's lying

>> No.70529574
File: 164 KB, 512x512, 1693016943408644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70529603

I'm trying to be reasonable here, even if it's obvious bait

>> No.70529603

You can't reason with a sister.

>> No.70529625
Quoted by: >>70529761

>Trusting a woman to be honest about her family
Have you literally never talked to a woman before?

>> No.70529647

>twins who were popular in bygone days
The fuck are you on about? They weren't popular which is the entire problem they had.

>> No.70529648
Quoted by: >>70577434

>Her parents want her to pursue a real career instead of being an anime girl on the internet
Oh no, the horror.

>> No.70529662 [DELETED] 

>make claim
>"prove me wrong"
Why do low IQ pag pag eaters post here. Fucking monkeys

>> No.70529739
Quoted by: >>70529770

Nice projection ESL SEAmonkey

>> No.70529762

>Go on a week long break not even 1 month into her gen.
No fucking wonder she is the runt. Most idiotic decision I have seen

>> No.70529761
Quoted by: >>70529974

The other option is trusting you, an anonymous vt poster, who's also posting in this clearly bait thread shitting on Shiori

>> No.70529770

>No u
Slit your throat

>> No.70529830

If i was her parent i would be disappointed in her too

>> No.70529902
File: 486 KB, 442x535, 1687591594370865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70529975
File: 1023 KB, 1200x800, 3ba31cc3c59bb73629c1ba195714e211e0663a65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70530090

>Anyone claiming x happened on members is lying
>Prove it
>Do reps
>The vod and reupload are gone, it's probably true
Damn you shioritards are masters at debating considering your own oshi is SEA.

>> No.70529974

Id trust /vt/ with my life

>> No.70530090

My oshi isn't Millie

>> No.70530462

>thread about Shiori hating her parents
>Hijacked by Eilenefags and seething 2view sisters

>> No.70531919
Quoted by: >>70533263

Eilene won
Shiori lost

>> No.70532650

There's a difference between talking about how shit your parents and having to sit there hearing about how everyone has a good relationship with their parents though and you can't join the conversation for the obvious reason.
I can see why someone would be mad jelly in such a situation. A glimpse of what you've always wanted but never be able to attention.

>> No.70532720

Does she have a breakdown every time she sees a happy family? Thats a retarded excuse for behaviour that should stay off stream

>> No.70532783

Nijisanji gave Sayu 6 hours to sign a graduation NDA or they threatened to terminate and smear her.

>> No.70532791

Menhera breakdowns are top tier mengen content. The hell are you on about?

>> No.70532821
Quoted by: >>70534076

She should be kissing her daddy's feet because she would be eating stale pagpag right now if he didn't impregernate her mom and gave them both US citizenship. What an ungrateful whore

>> No.70532872
Quoted by: >>70538193

And I think you are sucking a fat dick right now.
Prove me wrong, you can't.

>> No.70533125

yeah but doing 10 regular things instead of 2 good ones still sucks

>> No.70533180

I do wonder if the newfags /here/ who seethe sour gravity about Shiori look just as insane as when Kiara was the runt of Myth that their forerunners would dump on.
Nerissa's mother is the most normie Holomom yet revealed. Of course she would pity the autistic girl not knowing we're just vibing in the corner.

>> No.70533263

Pay denbts Eilene

>> No.70533389
Quoted by: >>70533648

As someone who genuinely hates my one surviving parent I can assure you that she doesn't. Her relationships with them are at worst moderately dysfunctional, but probably just mildly and likely will improve as she becomes more independent over the course of her 20s.

Low subs, many whales is just the way that sadgirl/menhera streamers pan out and Shirori is the biggest name in that niche of the EN market right now,

>> No.70533648

Eh, it depends.
If her parents can never accept her chosen career path then they will never completely get along.
Imagine every time you visit them asking if she found "a real job", despite the fact that in a couple of years she will have made more money than a lifetime of what they would consider a "respectable job".

>> No.70533667
Quoted by: >>70533991

wait i dont get the joke with this pic

>> No.70533895

She did joined the convo, she was immediately interrupted.

>> No.70533991

The mana would go critical if the lid fully closed

>> No.70534076
Quoted by: >>70534111

Hol the fuck up. ANOTHER fucking Asian in the EN branch?

>> No.70534111
Quoted by: >>70534868

Maybe 4 of them are actually white, the rest are fully asian or halfbreeds

>> No.70534291

Her parent and relatives are freemasons. Try antagonizing them OP

>> No.70534335
Quoted by: >>70534557

Freemasons never had much influence. It was a social club for pretentious rich men, and basically remains the same today

>> No.70534557

Freemason hands typed this post.

>> No.70534628

Wait it was for Rushia?

>> No.70534776


>> No.70534842

Everybody hates their parents at some point, you do forgive them at some point, it's called growing up
Unless you're a narcissistic faggot

>> No.70534868

Calli, Ame, Gura, Kiara, Fauna, Mumei, Nerissa.
Not a bad rate in the vtuber sphere, half-asian girls dominate afterall.
Niji for example has: Elira (probably), and... actually i think only Elira remains, the rest graduated.
And thats 1/12 being white natives. The indie scene is also the same with around a 1/10 rate for EN vtubers

>> No.70534876

But yesterday she said she still loves her parents?

>> No.70535115

That only happens in nations with strong familial structures, where outside pressure towards your parents force them to be responsible, a lot of asian parents in the west dont take any emotional parental responsibilities yet expect all the respect and duties expected of a child in such a country, and surprise! The kid also has no outside pressure forcing him to be responsible to his parents.
I have noticed this when i was studying in Canada, specially with asians, their parents are barely parents, yet expect perfect children. I felt like an outsider just because my parents were responsible and not mentally ill abusers

>> No.70535289

Why are you mfers so mean to her? She's so nice and fun to watch. The amount of effort she put into her Valentine's Day 3D eclipsed all the other EN members combined (except for maybe FWMC)

>> No.70535386
Quoted by: >>70536619

BVTM raiders, sisters, 2views went all out on her at debut, expecting her to collab with males or indies, but she hasn't done anything

>> No.70535391

Dont worry its just the cycle, its all falseflags they will jump on the next girl soon. Its all just 2 or 3 guys.

>> No.70535432
Quoted by: >>70536138

Ngl this sounds like cope. She can still say she still loves her parents and still get jealous of how close her genmates are to theirs.

>> No.70535667
Quoted by: >>70536394

Are we even talking about Shiori? Lmao

>> No.70535695

Soes anyone have the clip of her crying when said her dad was not doing much while her mom worked hard.

>> No.70536138

All this happened the day Nerissa debuts her mom. Nobody can't deny the truth.

>> No.70536394

Humans have the wonderful ability to put themselves on the shoes of another person and imagining how they would feel despite having completely different circumstances.

>> No.70536619


>> No.70536705
Quoted by: >>70537569


>> No.70537116
Quoted by: >>70537569

Tumor weaks sister

>> No.70537569

This but unironically

>> No.70537818

All of you better post tits with all the gossip going on.

>> No.70537882 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 850x1240, __shiori_novella_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_padoruu__sample-f1c36a65055e86137994b50da6bedf43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the titfucks...

>> No.70538193

yeah mine

>> No.70538521

Based I hate her parents too

>> No.70538781
File: 442 KB, 1593x2048, 1691195069250531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70538823
Quoted by: >>70549509

Why wasn't she a better daughter? Could have gone to school for doctor instead she became a vtuber.

>> No.70539933

No,I still hate mine, their EXTREME preaching and perfectionism is the fault I'm an autist incapable of regular human communication
I appreciate the work they've done for raising me but still fuck them and their methods

>> No.70541226
File: 160 KB, 608x605, fdundnotfriend666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70542358

fdund hates her fans, atleast shiori loved hers.

>> No.70542358

Fuck off pakistani shit stain

>> No.70542688
Quoted by: >>70542830

her mom made this thread and samefagged 40 times

>> No.70542830

It's true

>> No.70543276
Quoted by: >>70577326

Dunno who that is, but it was meant for someone much bigger.

>> No.70544086

I've seen rekt videos of chinese mom beating up their children like grown ass people, that probably was what shiori childhood was like.

>> No.70544139

Well you also need to consider the fact that Gura never streams, kek.

>> No.70544583

im not a niggerlette but i specificaly remember her talking about her relationship with her family early on and about how shes not open with them about her job. just a big red flag if someones child cant be honest with them. it means a lack of trust or feeling safe around them, just irreparably fucked relationship and Im also projecting and this is also dating advice

>> No.70544641

She sounds like a bitch desu

>> No.70544715

What does gura have to do with anything, shes basically retired

>> No.70546183
Quoted by: >>70546257


>> No.70546257

Bump deez fucking balls in your mouth you necrobumping catalognigger.

>> No.70546596
Quoted by: >>70558482





>> No.70546844
File: 3.93 MB, 854x480, 1707308822392139.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70580598

>mad jelly
no, she is happy!

>> No.70548704


>> No.70549501

Hatred of parents is usually proportional to suction force.

>> No.70549509

She has a master's degree, she's probably the most educated member of EN.

>> No.70549988

Whatever you say Shiori

>> No.70550253
File: 64 KB, 709x709, 1702794032573377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my girl

>> No.70550897
File: 13 KB, 412x412, ApplicationFrameHost_vPM9FewvNQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read the room
>Shiori and Nerissa are involved
Are you stupid? Or do you just not watch streams?

>> No.70551993

Fuck no, this bitch is retarded. Just because you have a master's doesn't mean you're smart.

>> No.70552661
Quoted by: >>70555957

she's pretty educated, where have you been?

>> No.70554974
Quoted by: >>70555957

Let's be honest, she is one of the least retarded people in Hololive

>> No.70555957

Okay maybe retarded was the wrong word to use, but she has absolutely no common sense whatsoever.
That bar is in the 9th level of hell in Hololive.

>> No.70556237

now do this with her default at debut and her default now

>> No.70557065
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori and Kronii could bond over both of them having terrible Asian mothers.

>> No.70557311

who couldn't?

>> No.70558079

My mom isn't Asian.

>> No.70558135
Quoted by: >>70576735

Its worse than that. Multiple holos have used family for successful streams and stream arcs and three of her four genmates are using family as one of their primary drivers to get ahead in the industry. At this point her lack of close family members is an actual job liability even for her fucking youtube video career that she has been painstakingly carving out of her hobbies for the past decade.

>> No.70558138


>> No.70558172
Quoted by: >>70558537

QRD on Kronii and her mom?

>> No.70558185

What's the point if she is boring and acts like a twitch e-girl

>> No.70558482
Quoted by: >>70567221

Ame will never be Hispanic

>> No.70558537

Pretty much why she started off as such a downer goes back to her mom iirc.

>> No.70558542

FWMC are white

>> No.70558777
File: 137 KB, 1280x1280, 1703182067575851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori has a shitload of antis from different groups. Eilene and any lackies she has, sisters mad that they can't doxx her and find her face, BVTM niggers mad that their Flayon shitposts backfired on them, 2views who think they'd do better in her place (they wouldn't). They've made it a living hell here for her and her fans, especially the past 2 months they've gotten particularly worse and more vindictive.

>> No.70558802

The average catalog dweller doesn't watch streams. Why would they be on the catalog if they had streams to watch and discuss? That's why they hop from bait thread to bait thread about all these vtubers they've never watched but read some schizopost about, so they piecemeal narratives together based off of that plus whatever they can glean off of whatever saps are dumb enough to reply to their bait, for a dopamine hit they get by being an annoying idiot online.

>> No.70558956

Kronii loves her mom her situation is different than Shiori's.

>> No.70559150
Quoted by: >>70595278

What is your relationship with your mom like?

>> No.70560696

>Shiori has a shitload of antis from different groups. Eilene and any lackies she has, sisters mad that they can't doxx her and find her face, BVTM niggers mad that their Flayon shitposts backfired on them, 2views who think they'd do better in her place (they wouldn't). They've made it a living hell here for her and her fans, especially the past 2 months they've gotten particularly worse and more vindictive.
I'm sorry to hear that, Novelite. I have all my emotional energy spent just trying to enjoy Sayu and Doki, I hope it gets better for all of us soon as time goes on...

>> No.70565014
Quoted by: >>70567700

and so does fauna. point is, once you get in, you're settled. talent be damned.

>> No.70566282

Another vtuber for my "fat retards with autism" folder

>> No.70566515

fuck is every single liver asian besides the white ones

>> No.70566576

yes. And most of the white ones are hafus.

>> No.70566759

A LOT of chuubas are Asian girls. Probably the majority even. Then you have white girls making a much smaller but still sizeable portion. Then you have Latinas, Blacks, etc. as a very small minority.

>> No.70567221

She looks cuban as shit anon, she has even used cuban words. Im from Miami, honestly think shes cuban or grew up in a cuban household.

>> No.70567298

Ironic, because I'm about to make her a mom!

>> No.70567370

Kiara is Asian Austrian, I think

>> No.70567700
Quoted by: >>70580491

>comparing shiori to Fauna
some people really wonder why everyone laughs at novelites

>> No.70568435

She doesn't hate her parents but they were very harsh and critical of her and held high expectations for her all her life. Doesn't help with the fact that they're Asian Catholics and are possibly immigrants according to the stories she told about her childhood.

>> No.70570539

I can be her zaddy

>> No.70572894


>> No.70573459
Quoted by: >>70573615

We need more normie white girls chuubas like Nerissa. I'm really getting tired of mentally ill asian girls.

>> No.70573615

Why are so many Asian girls so menhera? Do their parents make them this way?

>> No.70573876

>Westernized Asian girls are menhera
>Westernized Asian men are incels
This is why you should never reject your home culture.

>> No.70574031

Hormonal birth control, same as the white and black ones.

>> No.70574179

>home culture
If you live in America, there is no home culture lmao
You're all just a bunch of jokes who got taken over by the woke crowd, everyone laughs at you, even the maple syrup Canadians

>> No.70574545

In the context of asian inmigrants, all their issues come from rejecting their cultures trying to integrate intro western societies.

>> No.70574860
Quoted by: >>70578525

Canada is becoming just as much of a shithole as America, they can't laugh at us anymore.

>> No.70575006
Quoted by: >>70575083


>> No.70575083

>frequently purchasing butt plugs

>> No.70575105

It's funny how much jealous sister is in this thread. I love to see woman or faggots ranting

>> No.70575469
Quoted by: >>70575528

Doesn't she keep her vtuber life a secret from her parents because they wouldn't agree with it?

>> No.70575528
Quoted by: >>70576279

I believe they found out in the holidays
Which would explain her recent behavior

>> No.70576190

>Her general just imploded with schizos
Are novelites the worst EN fanbase?

>> No.70576240

Why are you blaming the victims?

>> No.70576279
Quoted by: >>70576470

>Which would explain her recent behavior

>> No.70576424

I blame them for worshipping namefags and not standing their ground against the antis

>> No.70576425
Quoted by: >>70576710

Because it's there fault.
There was a guy who used to make soundposts for the thread, but he outed himself as an attentionwhore when he protested to the upload of members VOD she deleted and tried to be a moralfag. He deleted his archive of soundposts and stormed out of the thread. It's all his fault.

>> No.70576470

no more kisses, is what i'd assume he means

>> No.70576551

They're Kronies 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.70576654
Quoted by: >>70576782

The harassment will never fucking end. Mark my words.

>> No.70576710
Quoted by: >>70576945

>never once identify himself prior
>an anti constantly attacks him and it wears at him
>regulars thanked him all the time
>he mistakes sisters for regulars when the sisters upload the deleted member vod
>he got baited and left
Let's not misconstrue the timeline of events.

>> No.70576735

>three of her four genmates

>> No.70576782

>Shiori and the Novelites become a magnet to all the board schizos
Thank you for your noble sacrifice

>> No.70576832

They will never stop the eggs.

>> No.70576833

They are fucking required to receive pain.

>> No.70576844

Her general always has schizo's in it. There is either in-fighting about the writing contests Shiori gives or about how she doesn't kiss them anymore. That place is not a normal fan-loving general thread unfortunately.

>> No.70576856

Bro if only that were true. /baubau/ still get raided more than us. Sisters truly don't have lives.

>> No.70576871

But enough about the nijien clique

>> No.70576945

The problem was him being an attentionwhore and moralfag over piracy on fucking 4chan

>> No.70576958

Sad but slowly becoming true, I've found myself lurking more and more when she's not streaming, soon I probably will just stop showing up since almost nothing good is ever said because le funposting

>> No.70577016

I hate tourist newfags so much

>> No.70577025

I find it funny how Shiori is very sweet and hardly causes drama, yet her Novelites are fucking dramafags.

>> No.70577089
Quoted by: >>70612962

I wish I had tradcath chinese parents instead of ones that let me play video games 12 hours a day and achieve nothing in life.

>> No.70577101
Quoted by: >>70577183

She's attracted too many obsessive parasocials.

>> No.70577113

I'm not a novelite and I love seeing them burn. I sprinkle salt in their wounds often. Fragile sad general.

>> No.70577145

No, the problem was her very own fan general being the start of it.
Imagine your own fans spreading shit you explicitly asked not to. Who cares if the antis on the catalog do it, they always would have, but your own fans? Damn. Even the pebbles agree that was shit.

>> No.70577183

This i why you should never pander to GFEfaggots. It always ends up badly for everyone involved.

>> No.70577255
Quoted by: >>70577367

It was going to be uploaded anyway, who cares where it came from? You can't stop piracy. Stop being such a retard.

>> No.70577273

No one who is a real Shiori fan would come to this cesspool

>> No.70577290

But it's pretty much most generals that are dedicated to specific chuuba. They are always overprotective or over analyze anything to the point of schizophrenia. Especially if chuuba is considered controversial/not normal or "extremely wholesome" I.e. Shiori, Shondo, FWMC.
Nerissa and Bijou generals have been fine from what I've seen, but I didn't visit them that much.

>> No.70577318

yeah I made the mistake of thinking nerissa thread was going to be schizo hotpot and wasted my time there throwing shit around. Then I found novelites were the runts of en fanbases and never stopped bugging them ever since

>> No.70577326


>> No.70577367
Quoted by: >>70577379

>Missed the point
>Being retarded on purpose

>> No.70577379

Oh, you're HIM.

>> No.70577390
Quoted by: >>70580554


>> No.70577434

Sounds like Bae 2.0

>> No.70577441
File: 968 KB, 4096x2305, GCwSrqhakAAV4pO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you funposting fags. Never stop, you guys make me laugh.

>> No.70577473

These have been/are the only non-Asian NijiEN talents:
Pomu Rainpuff
Nina Kosaka
Reimu Endou
Vox Akuma
Ike Eveland
Fulgur Ovid
Alban Knox
Kyo Kaneko
Ren Zotto
Zaion Lanza
Also, most of the people that've left are white people.

>> No.70577548
File: 137 KB, 463x453, 1707398573023544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70577963


>> No.70577834
Quoted by: >>70579250

Pretty sure Zaion is asian, I've never seen her face, never cared really.

>> No.70577963
File: 318 KB, 1365x2048, GEXJuOLbUAA9T89111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70578525

Canadians think drinking maple syrup and eating French Fries and selling all their real estate to the Chinese is culture.

>> No.70578918
Quoted by: >>70579240

I'm sure it's being too westernized that's the problem and not the "study hald child...confucius say be filial" attitude

>> No.70579028


>> No.70579173
Quoted by: >>70579528

Elira is asian?

>> No.70579240

>confucius say be filial
Can I at least be Neuro or Shylily? I don't want to be Filian

>> No.70579250

Not just asian, full blooded japanese.

>> No.70579383
Quoted by: >>70579417

Unironically this. They also become major lefties to rebel against their conservative/traditional parents who are usually immigrants. Case in point, Shiori.

>> No.70579417

>They also become major lefties
Shiori hates gays and women.

>> No.70579449
Quoted by: >>70579607

She literally has a gay best friend lmao
Do your reps sister

>> No.70579506

>Doesn’t collab with homos
>No actual yabs
>Keeps to herself
>Sweet girl who doesn’t generate drama or dish about other members
What’s the fuckin problem?

>> No.70579528

yes halfu

>> No.70579559

She likes NTR

>> No.70579607
File: 455 KB, 1064x1064, Shioribonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she refers to him as "the dude liker" who gets pounded in the butt by his bestselling book Pounded in the butt by my own butt

This doesn't make me a sister you silly faggot

>> No.70579770

non-schizo qrd?
all her jokes she's said that her dad has said came across as jokes and i didn't really hear any passive-aggressiveness in her voice when recounting them
so basically her parents wondered what she worked on she told them vtubing?
but she's been doing this for years, why would they be against it?

>> No.70579804


Nerissa- 620k
Koseki - 558k
Shiori- 486k
Fuwawa - 386k
Mococo - 386k

>> No.70579839

Why is this a problem? If they're close enough to make offensive jokes about each other then clearly they don't hate each other.

>> No.70579841

Shiori knows Chuck Tingle??

>> No.70579956

Most of her friend group consists of fags, furries, sluts, a frenchman, fagfurries. But she has implied that she calls her gay best friend a faggot.

>> No.70580021

lore accurate shiori

>> No.70580173

You live a sad life

>> No.70580491

It's literally faunaschizo

>> No.70580540

Shiori was never the problem. The problem is a combination of antis and her more schizo fans. She's done everything right but they've still turned every little thing into a fucking issue. Amazing high effort Valentine's stream? Doesn't matter, let's have a meltdown in the thread for the next 24 hours because she didn't end it with a kiss.

>> No.70580554

Bro that's a lot of samefagged posts to jerk your anti behavior off in order to try and make your life feel validated and worthwhile. I have no doubt you would kill yourself if you didn't get to do your "funposting" and attentionwhoring. It's pretty much the only thing keeping you going at this point, I've seen your kind time and time again. Not like will miss you when you eventually die either.

>> No.70580598
Quoted by: >>70580910

What a cute little cunt, I wish she was entertaining

>> No.70580910
File: 494 KB, 762x715, 1709278690821524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy her!

>> No.70581607
File: 539 KB, 2100x2100, GHwcDo0b0AASs56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, that sucks! :(
anyway, Nerissa LOVES her parents! it's so cute :3

>> No.70583930
Quoted by: >>70586103

the model is not that great.

>> No.70584405


>> No.70584451

Divide nerissa by 4

>> No.70585903

>selfreported by not recognizing lingo

>> No.70586103

You're very wrong

>> No.70586181
Quoted by: >>70586220

>despite the fact that in a couple of years she will have made more money than a lifetime of what they would consider a "respectable job".
Lmao dyrbi

>> No.70586220
Quoted by: >>70586667

Not him but yeah, I believe that.

>> No.70586260
Quoted by: >>70586725

>keeps making more shit up about her past to the point that she's starting to overlap
She's like Zaion with her kurosanji narrative, eventually someone's gonna ask her why she's making shit up

>> No.70586667
Quoted by: >>70602063

These girls aren't rich anon, maybe they make good money but that's it
Only myth girls have a better contract (probably)

>> No.70586725

She even clipped the part about calling her mom
That was kinda weird
But I don't think she's a liar, just a little narcissistic, she needs to grow up

>> No.70587218

>runt of advent
>mogs other corpo chuba


>> No.70588100

I avoided her streams at first, but started watching some of them. Sometimes she streams very early and I usually watch those because of the low or no overlap at that time. She's ok. She's done some really high effort work in unity and seems to spend a lot of time on stuffs like that. She obviously enjoys her job. I think she's a good hire.

>> No.70588655
File: 283 KB, 798x798, 1708469862229274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70588943

How sad does a life have to be to get to this point?

>> No.70588673

Please try posting this on X again, BVTM. I really, really want the Phase girls to castrate you publicly.

>> No.70588943

They live in SEA and there's only so much pagpag to collect. What else would they do with their time?

>> No.70592467


>> No.70594669

prove it

>> No.70595278

Not nearly as good as my relationship with yours

>> No.70596245
Quoted by: >>70604038

>she's philipino
>she's chinese
where do these fanfics come from?

>> No.70596471

>Nerissa winning
this makes me happy as a day 1 ope when we were the runts

>> No.70597466
Quoted by: >>70604038

Shiori is not Filipino.
She doesn't know sweet Philippine mango is.

>> No.70598855

The only real Freemason is European (Main) Freemason. US Freemason is nothing but larp.

>> No.70599103

>Eilene and any lackies she has,
All Eilene families in discord support Shiori. I've never seen someone openly opposed Shiori. But right now they are busy with Eilene's Crowdfunding against chink.

>> No.70601820


>> No.70602063

What are you basing that on?

>> No.70602201

They are slaves to a black company

>> No.70603217

I thought it could be Nina but it didn't seem likely.

>> No.70603292

Forcing Offkai to blacklist guests.

>> No.70603828
Quoted by: >>70610174

Ehhh, I don't know.
Knowing her, she is probably happier being an indie.

>> No.70604038
Quoted by: >>70605605

I guess making the flip-christcuck connection. not many christian asians

>> No.70605605
Quoted by: >>70606227

But why do people think she's asian? She sounds like an autistic white girl to me.

>> No.70606227
Quoted by: >>70609182

She gets red envelopes so she's got to be at least hapa

>> No.70606324

Nice, girls like her are easy.

>> No.70607820
Quoted by: >>70608943

So what?

>> No.70608943

That's not very good

>> No.70609182

I'm pretty sure she's full Asian, she's in a previous stream I think it was Only Up that she wasn't born in the U.S and that English is her second language

>> No.70609512

Kyo is black he doesn't count.

>> No.70610099

Fulgur is daburu.

>> No.70610174
Quoted by: >>70611150

It's more possibilities vs more freedom.

>> No.70610918

I would too if they forced me into a cult as a kid

>> No.70611150

I just don't see her working well under a corpo, even Hololive.
Besides I think that overall what she has now is actually good for her mental health, to say nothing on how much she would agonize about feeling like she abandoned her current fans.

>> No.70612962

You weren't going to achieve anything anyways.

>> No.70613299

Prove to me they are rich
The things they say indicate they are definetly not
I know they make decent money and it's a steady income, and you get to work from home, of course some make more money than others and myth definetly has a decent contract since they were the first EN wave and probably share a bigger cut,
Hololive is not a black comoany like kurosanji but they still have to take their part, them there's youtube and your fucking taxes
If you watch holos and listen ti then talk and vent about their lives, seem like they're definetly not rich

>> No.70613723

Only big youtubers like Pewdiepie you can call "rich"

>> No.70615490

A big thing too is they keep reinvesting the money they get into crazy expensive projects like MVs.

>> No.70615888
File: 43 KB, 570x587, superior specimen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait used to be good

>> No.70615982
Quoted by: >>70616766

I think Shiori just likes having people listen to her yammer

>> No.70616766
File: 117 KB, 467x451, 1709329834614103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we like listening to it.
