>> | No.70514221 File: 126 KB, 1764x1323, IMG_1303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>70513866 I tried to look for which stream it is, but I can't find it yet! I'll try to keep looking, but I remember it was around the week and a half mark or so after the whole thing started. he mentioned that elira had also been in the calls, and that they were all these feeling like a family. I took it as a crumb too in just hoping that meant that even if they were keeping away from socials, they weren't isolating from the others
don't want to cause a loop, but hearing fuuchan say that made me think that everyone was on the same page more than some people keep assuming about the situation. And yeah! Elira's comment section seemed promising. And also how nice Rubensargasm had been addressing the kindreds in the OW2 stream. Hopefully they're just waiting a bit longer till it's better