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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 367 KB, 4096x2048, 1685548245573606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70492070 No.70492070 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

divegrass Edition

Previously: >>70233025

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:




>Survive catalog ACCELERATION
>Put more nations in
>Develop existing ones

>> No.70492531
File: 706 KB, 958x918, 1703614766885232.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.70493089
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>> No.70494088
Quoted by: >>70495354

We got some Australian snacks courtesy of bread dog. Cheezels (like Cheetos but without styrofoam), mini meat pies, sasauges, snack crackers and spinach dip, some candies, and even Vegimite if you want that.

>> No.70494177
File: 95 KB, 315x233, big kokones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kokones boobs are big

>> No.70495354


>> No.70495440
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Quoted by: >>70496360

Goodnight you bitches. Tomorrow please feel free to yell at me for I have been a lazy fuck and need to write about the potentials of vnug prostitution. I have many questions but for tonight, I sleep. Also Meeta is extremely sexy.

>> No.70496360

good night!

>> No.70496931
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Quoted by: >>70497103

Basically! From what I can tell lightning happens the most frequently when warm, wet air collides with cold, dry air. Lake Maracaibo happens to have almost the perfect mixture since it’s surrounded by high mountains on 3 sides (for cold air) and tropical sea on one side (for warm and wet air). It’s also vaguely round so all the lightnings get concentrated near the center. Something similar also happens to eastern Congo and apparently Sumatra (but they’re less round so it’s more a squall line). In /vnug/’s case it’s nerfed somewhat since the southwestern mountains aren’t as high but it’s still somewhat circular at the estuary so I imagine most lightnings will occur over the wetland (it’s been suggested that particulates help causing lightnings so the rainforest should amplify that) before gradually fanning out into the gulf and the relatively flat land north of it

>> No.70497103


>> No.70497937

TF was that about Shiorin I heard last thread?

>> No.70498271
Quoted by: >>70500567

Idk and I don't see any catalogslop about whatever it is so I doubt it's much of a big deal.

>> No.70499629

>Fucking bread dog. I swear to god he gets in the way of me seeing that sexy bombshell baker one more fucking time-

>> No.70500567
Quoted by: >>70501037

Im actually really surprised we dont have a shiori rep considering how much she encourages fanfic and writing.
the drama was that she cried on a member stream and their thread broke down about if it was ok to reupload or not

>> No.70501037
Quoted by: >>70501442

If we do get a Shiori rep then I will bake that person a pie.

>> No.70501442
Quoted by: >>70501645

Would it be bad form to advertise ourselves there?

>> No.70501645
Quoted by: >>70501786

Yes. I'm speakijg from experience. Let them come to use. Otherwise it'd be a great way to get blacklisted.

>> No.70501786
Quoted by: >>70502337

Yeah thats fair

>> No.70502337
Quoted by: >>70502699

Especially since Shiori is considered one of "the bad girls" of HoloEN.
Aka recognizing Stars.

>> No.70502699
Quoted by: >>70503913

Yeah, last thing we need is that tribalism over here

>> No.70503913

We do have the church of the Unicorn in lore.

>> No.70504087
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>> No.70504101
Quoted by: >>70506034

I like their sales pitch

>> No.70506000
Quoted by: >>70507492

Fair, but we hope it doesnt stem from a single 1 v 1 right?

>> No.70506034


>> No.70506540

I made a really good honey butter topping for popcorn once. I'm thinking of either doing that or garlic parmesan cheese for Divegrass.

Fuck I wish I can sleep right now.

>> No.70507492


>> No.70510099

Goddamn insomnia bump.

>> No.70510761
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Quoted by: >>70515053

>> No.70513041
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Quoted by: >>70515055

>> No.70513533
File: 200 KB, 950x721, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! Thanks for the tips. This is the script i came up with. I want it to be pseudo-logographic like the hebrew alephbet. Mostly because it makes it easier to come up with words. For how the script works, there are basically 3 categories, each one assigned a vowel. The letter at the end of the word becomes the root letter so you pronounce that vowel. There is also a vowelization mark which makes it so you can make CVC words. I would like a grammatical system where you can kind of embedd adjectives and conjugations to a word with the vowelization mark. In theory it’s supposed to be like a way to split off concepts in a word like say a wafflemaker, the word for waffle and maker should be divided by a vowelization mark. But in practice i think it’s more used to make letters be able to fit together by putting a vowel between. I think adding more letters or choosing consonants that work together better could make this work, but i can’t be sure. I have trouble deciding what kind of grammar would fit this best. I was thinking like simple mandarin grammar, but then again. I can’t speak mandarin so yeah

>> No.70514934

Nta, but cool script idea, my fave is the majesty symbol

>> No.70515053

AoT Kronii?

>> No.70515055
Quoted by: >>70515664

I'm guessing this image is based on Cyberpunk. If I'd wake up to sluts pointing guns at me I'd wonder how I got there.

>> No.70515664
Quoted by: >>70518487

I'd get a boner.

>> No.70517610
Quoted by: >>70520965


>> No.70518487

Same. Even better if it is indeed them, word for word, bar for bar.

>> No.70520965


>> No.70522195
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>> No.70523881
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>> No.70524928
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>> No.70526913
Quoted by: >>70528222

Just in time to bump!

>> No.70528222

Not again!

>> No.70528870
Quoted by: >>70529309

lol theres a pp
But actually though, nice work anon, seems cool. Shame theres no way to type it

>> No.70529309

Ty ty. Yeah, when typing you will have to write it like this 1:1,2:2 this means multiplication. And 1:1,1:1,2:2 would mean ”to the power of”

>> No.70529954
File: 2.37 MB, 5000x3000, viti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divegrass is starting in a few minutes, so hop on in if you wanna watch!
Our match against /morig/ is game 3, so it should be starting in about an hour and a half. Best of luck to both teams, and let's hope for a better performance this league!

>> No.70530318

Eugh, it'd be ass o'clock for me here...

>> No.70531602


>> No.70532639

Match versus death? What's this The Sims 2-ass bullshit

>> No.70533943

oh shit, we're up next

>> No.70534174

good luck worldbuildingbros

>> No.70534197
File: 507 KB, 1920x2372, White Snake by Axel Sauerwald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70534494

Regardless of who wins, we still love you deadbeats
but I really hope you eat shit lol

>> No.70534494
File: 177 KB, 1440x1487, FpT9S-mXsAAM7rG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we still love you

>> No.70534649
File: 73 KB, 850x1275, 1684109181154640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool hype bros, can we haz it to show to kiki later when she wakes up?

>> No.70534726 [DELETED] 

Of course, gonna send it to your caretaker.

>> No.70534889

hope she likes it! Huge thanks for her help.

>> No.70534953


>> No.70535127

tense match

>> No.70535170
Quoted by: >>70535235

THE CONCEPT of mother fucking stealth /meat/ not being able to FUCKING SPRINT

>> No.70535235

Talk shit again. It's helping.

>> No.70535323
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Quoted by: >>70535558

>> No.70535558

>Not even 15 moves in
>White has already lost their queen somehow

>> No.70535599

Please understand, ya boi ain't too good at traditional games

>> No.70535619

Death is on that Tate grind, he don't need no woman in his army

>> No.70535721


>> No.70535923
File: 80 KB, 322x437, 1679246740901792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70535973
Quoted by: >>70536207

congrats /vtwbg/

>> No.70536207

ty ty

>> No.70536991

That was some nice divegrass! Time to get back to lore with divegrass on the left screen.

>> No.70538698

Our next match is against Lia, I think.

>> No.70539978


>> No.70541648

man i've been meaning to write that cold war althis, it's been a while since I was here. we rebooted the world entirely?

>> No.70541795

New world, new map, and no chuubanite. But pretty much everything else goes. A few people kept the same or similar lore for their nations

>> No.70541845
File: 69 KB, 528x695, 1706526423666417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, yeah we did a bit of rebooting. But yeah if you haven't written much of it your Cold War concept can prolly still work for Viti.

>> No.70543343
Quoted by: >>70544372

ᚢᛖᚱᚦᚢ ᛚᛁᚠᛋ ᛘᛁᚦ ᛒᛚᛖᛋᛋᚢᚾᚢᛘ ᚷᚢᚦᛅᚾᚾᚨ

>> No.70544372
File: 160 KB, 310x224, IMG_1362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ᛋᛋ

>> No.70545329
File: 348 KB, 500x500, 9g72ZKfWK_GB_9EPhZeziAs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70546080

GG you sexy fuckers

>> No.70546080

Was nice to see so many players score, a real collaborative effort.

>> No.70547703


>> No.70548594

VNUGBOI! Let us discuss the sex industry shall we. What kind of sex work are we going for. Are we going to allow prostitution all over the place, ban it, or just have it in certain areas?
Are we gonna have hag hookers, loli hookers, gay/lesbian hookers?
Are we gonna go red light district, full out whorehouses, rub and tug massage parlors?
Im basically asking HOW HORNY DO YOU WANNA GO!?

>> No.70548821
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, 1708853722520564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70550352

>> No.70550352

not again...

>> No.70550543

In general, prostitution tends to be more common in urban areas and rarer in the countryside.

>> No.70550611
File: 210 KB, 500x500, 1693101016818451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As horny as you wanna go

>> No.70551653
Quoted by: >>70552090

Does South Korea have BDSM clubs?

>> No.70552090
File: 75 KB, 480x480, 1679447105946406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70552270

I… guess? You can probably find some niche places if you look hard enough

>> No.70552270
Quoted by: >>70554885

How will you work in Echodactyl into your lore?

>> No.70553508
Quoted by: >>70554885

Alright well for thread accuracy ill just go off of the hornyposting I see. And honestly, from what I've seen its not THAT bad, at least compared to other threads. I think it would make sense for vnug to be a place where outright prostitution is highly regulated like some other countries do. We kind of have an obsession with hands so Ill write up something about massage parlors that jerk you off in the end. I think vietnam has something similar? Ill write something up since I have nothing better to do and you can change shit if you feel like it.

>> No.70554885
Quoted by: >>70556092

I can always add it into the ecosystem but I don’t know what to do with it just yet

I heard it’s originally to abuse some loopholes since it’s not prostitution if there’s no actual penetration but I guess people also enjoy it for what it is

>> No.70556092

Well Im very fond of the asian massage parlor that gives me handjobs desu. Also im pretty sure japan has something like that. Theyre called soaplands i think and pretty damn sure they operate just like brothels.

>> No.70558178
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x648, 1698253654787024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I did some reading and confirmed that lightnings don’t play nice with boats which is kinda troublesome since I wanted my lightning bay to also be a major port city for merchants and pirates. I think what I’ll do is to fill the estuary with limestone pillar islands so that ships can dock safely between the islands and inside sea caves. The port city will be built on top of the islands and maybe on the cliff faces so that people can actually get off the islands. Some might also just build into the limestone like the Citadel in Mad Max
The city will be hit by severe lightnings every night due to its geography which I think the inhabitants will harvest the energy… somehow. I can see them building high towers of lightning rods to channel them into specific places but I don’t know where to go from there just yet. Maybe they use it to boil water and power some kinda steam infrastructure?

>> No.70558180

Damn, the Cheezels and mini meat pies went stupid fast. Crackers and dip was pretty popular. Candy was for the kids. No surprise on Vegimite. That's an acquired taste. Beer and ale was drunk in gallons. Even Baker-chan got herself some good beer.

>> No.70558608
Quoted by: >>70562256

I live in thunderstorm land. I can confirm lightning is no joke. Lightning is drawn to the tallest structures that can conduct electricity. Lightning rods are not a meme. Unlike Minecraft lightning rods are actually structures that run deep underground to disperse electricity below any buried lines and sewers. What you can do is have metal statues that act as lightning rods placed on your pillars with enough metal buried deep enough to disperse the charge away from sea water. In the ocean lightning is a death sentence because salt water conducts electricity easy.

>> No.70559076
File: 1.05 MB, 3508x2480, 1709511571029190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, maybe electricity could be a useful ingredient in some magico-alchemical process? Harnessing the power of the heavens purely to boil some water seems a bit mundane lol.
>inb4 we harnessed fission just to boil water
That idea of limestone cliff-face cities is really nice, I think that'd look cool.
Wait a second, does Mousey have four ovaries? Deep lore.

>> No.70560495
Quoted by: >>70562498

To be fair, boiling water to turn turbines to generate power just werks.

>> No.70562256
File: 50 KB, 300x300, 1705904758468172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70562498

I like the idea of using statues as lightning rods! I feel they’ll need to be replaced every now and then due to the damage caused though. I’m thinking that since lightning’s mostly electrons, maybe it can be channeled into a process that creates magical gemstones that can release electricity when triggered? I think most of the energy would still come in the form of heat so the waste heat can be used to boil water for power as well
Lightning also creates nitrate and I read some people are working on replicating the process but I don’t think it’s commercialized yet

>> No.70562498
File: 445 KB, 650x366, 1685922350193485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70562717

Yeah for sure, boiling water is the most OP thing humanity has learned to do desu.
Maybe there's something to mess around with in the idea of fulgurite? It's silicates that get flash-fused into rock/glass by lightning. Maybe if you point your lightning rod into a bunch of sand filled with magical shenanigans you can get some magical rocks out of that?
They look cool too, since they form alongside the lines of lichtenberg patterns.

>> No.70562717
Quoted by: >>70563451

>we learned how to split atoms to boil water more efficiently

>> No.70563451

Bro, we learned how to heat gas to temperatures 10 times as hot as the center of the sun to cause atoms to fuse together and release energy just so we could boil water more efficiently.
Too bad we're still nowhere close to it producing a positive amount of energy.

>> No.70564430
Quoted by: >>70564817

The thing about boiling water is you need a consistent heat. Lightning is only bursts of power. The reason why we haven't harnessed lightning yet is because there's no good way to store all of that power quickly and instantly. Either you have to use all of it or it dissipates.

>> No.70564817
Quoted by: >>70564986

>we haven't harnessed lightning ye
What is electricity?

>> No.70564986

I'm talking specifically about lightning strikes. But yes we harness electricity.

>> No.70566774
Quoted by: >>70566983

Did my girl do anything good in the match?
(Eirika with Sora's colors)

>> No.70566983
Quoted by: >>70567817

check the VOD, the hyp was pretty soulful.
But not today, her condition was pretty bad so she warmed the bench. Maybe next match, there's two more in group stages.

>> No.70567817
Quoted by: >>70568108

Where? Alternatively, I'll probably just wait for the highlights. She did show up in the intro, right?

>> No.70568108
Quoted by: >>70572619

Anon, I...
Not very familiar with divegrass I guess? Only the players on the field show up for the intro. We did see her name in the selection screen, though. Link to the VOD is somewhere in the matchday's thread.

>> No.70569784
File: 41 KB, 480x480, F7OESh7W0AAKlNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70573961

goodnight you sexy bitches

>> No.70572395

I'm going to try to unfuck my sleep schedule tonight. We're going to have to import more Cheezels from the Sanallites.

>> No.70572619

Yeeeeep, not too familiar. Only got into it harder because I have personal stakes. Kinda feel like a father in Little League.

>> No.70573371
Quoted by: >>70573961

I wouldn't mind if the /rrat/ monk came back. I bet Cheezels are popular among mice and rat people. Maybe Palkyries would like them, but opossums are more into fruit than grains. Anyway goodnight.

>> No.70573961

good night anons

>> No.70577338
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>> No.70577997
Quoted by: >>70608053

even for my autism this is gaudy, but i can still help you. there are two things you are doing here that, to my knowledge, no other languages do. i would want elaboration on these before we continue:
>consonantal roots which have dedicated vowels
reminds me of runes, but does this mean that [b] can never precede an [i:] and the like or am i just stupid? i don't really mind if it works this way or not, i just want to be sure
>adjectives and conjugations can be embedded (represented?) with vowelization marks
conjugation is okay for this, but does this mean adjectives can be imbued within CV(C) syllables? could it be an infix? suffix? you're kinda cooking here but i honestly don't know how you intend to pull this off, but i'm all ears
and the script looks fine, could use some stylization though

>> No.70579959
Quoted by: >>70580785

And so the silent duty begins.

>> No.70580785

ganbare anon, I pass my torch to you

>> No.70582738
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Quoted by: >>70586519

>> No.70585159
File: 1.21 MB, 935x1039, 1702827885832188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70586519
Quoted by: >>70586569

Who this broad be?

>> No.70586569
File: 3.92 MB, 982x982, 1703397656743900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70589132

So soon, already forgotten...

>> No.70589132
Quoted by: >>70592672

I only now saw the wings.

>> No.70591252

No die

>> No.70592672
Quoted by: >>70592880

Yeah, I guess they're a bit smaller than usual in that art.

>> No.70592880

There's also my head being fuzzed up due to the impending cold

>> No.70594388


>> No.70595307


>> No.70597841

a man rots in his thread

>> No.70598123
Quoted by: >>70598978

Sleep schedule is kinda unfucked now. Still feel like a log. So how's your projects going?

>> No.70598978

I redrafted my design documents for vDriver, and expect to have an update finished in the next few days, if not today.
No Installs will be cut. Graduates will be left alone, since logically the lore of the game says that none of the Installs are real anyway.
I did find a flaw in the XP system, so I'll be rebalancing that as well, and the update should also include the item system in more detail.

>> No.70599554
Quoted by: >>70599739

Could you go into detail about leaving graduates alone?

>> No.70599739
Quoted by: >>70601148

I don't plan to ignore or neglect a chuuba's inclusion in the game just because they're graduated/retired/terminated IRL.
There might be other circumstances where I would do that (they don't have much lore to build on, for example), but I intend to eventually include any chuuba that has enough lore or other substance to create a kit out of, or at bare minimum build a framework for others to make their oshis with after I hang up my hat. The essence of TTRPGs is the ability for the players to make up their own shit, after all.

>> No.70601148
Quoted by: >>70607876

What about chuubas that reincarnate into new lives? Like Selen into Dokibird for example.

>> No.70602500


>> No.70603530


>> No.70604884


>> No.70606155

You guys smell that?

>> No.70606870
Quoted by: >>70611153

I'm guessing WARanon finally kicked the bucket?

>> No.70607117
File: 113 KB, 640x659, i-may-have-found-a-meme-able-use-for-this-new-risu-v0-mz2969rit1ca1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70607267

You guys ok?

>> No.70607267

Something died and we're trying to figure out what.

>> No.70607436

I think it's coming from the shed in the back yard, does anyone remember where the key to that thing is?

>> No.70607876
Quoted by: >>70608204

I feel like associating chuubas with each other based on the RM is a slippery slope into doxxshit, and I also think that it distracts from the lore of a chuuba. I also don't want to have to track PLs to maintain internal design consistency. I would rather focus on the lore and personality of the chuuba, and use that alone to inform their kit.
Regarding Dokibird specifically, she is planned to be included in the update, and her kit is focused on the skinwalking/tomato lore, giving her unique interactions with the ReInstall mechanic. There's frankly no room in there to directly reference Selen, and a similar story exists for other kits between related chuubas. The limited breadth of each individual kit is what keeps the system fresh, because there's a lot of design space to work with, but you can only really give each kit one or two good tricks.

>> No.70608053

My script adapted for ASCII
(if a symbol is missing, it's because 4chan doesn't allow it)

I could have gone the route of trying to find symbols that match the EXACT letters, but i figured it was better to just opt for something that looks nice together by changing up the style a little. This will be the standard square script

Also, i never said this, but here is the basic lore for this langauge
>it's impossible for a human to speak like a demon
>the demons have this purely written language which is etched into stone. used to archive stories.
>as mouse abandon the throne in hell and come to the overworld, many demons do the same thing
>they bring this language with them and the religion of the sexy latina semon demon
>demons are dominant. Kidnapping human children as pets
>retarded demons kill too many humans, they can't sustain their population (in mousey's lore, she has to feed on humans to sustain herself in the human world which is what she does when she streams, it's a projection of her CVID and plasma injections. so do other demons)
>demons die out in the overworld
>all of these child slaves develop a spoken form of the demon language after generations of DEMONwashing after all of these mute slaves no longer are under the demons, kind of like how ninjas are christian thanks to their owners

>reminds me of runes, but does this mean that [b] can never precede an [i:]
Yes. The meaning of doing this was so i could use really similar consonants, and in so you will be able to tell them apart easily by listening to the vowel afterwards in speech.
>conjugation is okay for this, but does this mean adjectives can be imbued within CV(C) syllables?
Exactly! I want to conjugate words this way. I was also thinking of having a big case system like in finnish, but i feel like i am chewing a bit more than i can swallow with that one since i don't speak a language with many cases (proficient in swedish, english, japanese, and i am really rusty at russian and spanish)
>i honestly don't know how you intend to pull this off
I'm not really sure either lol. I was thinking maybe adding more letters would help so you could make more diverse concepts and also so we can have more than 3 vowels. maybe another set of 5 letters that indicate action. Let me know if i am flying away from earth with this one and we can simplify it a little KEK
>Wait a second, does Mousey have four ovaries? Deep lore.
One of her models had a really sexy womb tattoo that made it look like she has 4 ovaries, so it's canon to me B)

>> No.70608204

Fair enough. Each incarnation of a vTuber has unique mechanics and skills only for them. Coco and Kson would have two different powers and roles for example.

>> No.70608449
File: 611 KB, 1944x3686, 1700749969418342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thing is still alive.
Here's the old flags.

>> No.70609945

Do you still have milky priestesses?

>> No.70611153
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a89(...).jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might be old but i am still kicking it and i dispose of the corpses of my enemies too, must be the /meat/heads

>> No.70612934
Quoted by: >>70614673

Finally, vDriver will be the game that allows me to put on twenty enchanted rings, two on each finger individually, right?

>> No.70613017
Quoted by: >>70616739

>One of her models had a really sexy womb tattoo that made it look like she has 4 ovaries, so it's canon to me B)
Dangerously based. Which one was that?

>> No.70614205

That's a throwback. I forgot the army used the Ouroboros, looks cool.

>> No.70614673

I have intentionally avoided calling it an "Equipment" system for a reason.

>> No.70615693
File: 179 KB, 715x845, 25345245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a drink bartender!

>> No.70616739

Hol’ up, imma search my mouse folder

>> No.70616881

Here you go you little glizzygobbler

>> No.70617335

Oh nyoooo the pwinting pwess downt hwav mwy lwetters ;~; i hav 2 dwo like UK and weplace þ with the cwosest llwetter (y) so rwetwards will rwead my lwetter as Ye olde coffee shop in a LARPer pirate accwent, how embawwassing o/////o

>> No.70618664
Quoted by: >>70619387

This will never not make me mad, and to specify I'm referring to the fact that we lost þ purely due to the fact that German printing presses didn't have þ since every Germanic language lost þ except English for some reason.

>> No.70619244

fucking love me a LARPer pirate accwent

>> No.70619387
Quoted by: >>70619861

>elfdalian (also used runes until the 1900’s btw)
Still there

>> No.70619861

>Still there
Yeah, but barely given that those languages are spoken by very few people. It's a shame that Elfdalian ditched runes considering that it could've become popular among internet language nerds nowadays if they kept them.

>> No.70620878
File: 881 KB, 1092x1200, 1678987504358901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in mousey's lore, she has to feed on humans to sustain herself in the human world which is what she does when she streams, it's a projection of her CVID and plasma injections. so do other demons
That's a cool backstory, gotta love a slaver downfall. Did the the demons leave other stuff besides a language? Hellish cities? Demonic weapons?
The part about "impossible to speak like a demon" reminds me of a video a friend sent me about MTG where they created a conlang for a race of beings able to make sounds humans cannot, it was super interesting, might wanna check it out https://youtu.be/rRl0Z-HYe2g?t=1857
Also, getting the language into ASCII is handy, would make it easier to get my conlang into rentry if I could do that.
>a big case system like in finnish
I think we have a finn in the thread that could give some insight.

>> No.70622726

Page 10 emergency bread bump!

>> No.70623227

I'mfrom the old vitubia times
Do I have to make all the lore and stories for /mythread/ from 0 again?
We had done quite a bit

>> No.70623492
File: 1.87 MB, 498x498, 1707409932438575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back! Some of the threads mostly lifted the Vitubia stuff into Viti, others started from scratch, either (or a mix) is fine.

>> No.70624640
File: 12 KB, 346x339, tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green mint tea, a shot of jaeger, stirred with a cinnamon stick

>> No.70625062
Quoted by: >>70627469

I want to experiment with mixing alcohol with Sonic's Ocean Water. I just don't know what alcoholic drinks would taste good with proto-Gatorade.

>> No.70625273

What thread were you from? You can import the lore and culture. You just have to alter your history to the new location.

>> No.70625719

>all of these child slaves develop a spoken form of the demon language after generations of DEMONwashing after all of these mute slaves no longer are under the demons, kind of like how ninjas are christian thanks to their owners
deadbeat bros....
>Yes. The meaning of doing this was so i could use really similar consonants, and in so you will be able to tell them apart easily by listening to the vowel afterwards in speech.
what you get from this is a highly restrictive syllable structure. i can change the phonology for this this to make more sense but it would fuck with the already established sounds so much that i'd be taking too much control. naturalism is overrated anyways
>Exactly! I want to conjugate words this way. I was also thinking of having a big case system like in finnish, but i feel like i am chewing a bit more than i can swallow with that one since i don't speak a language with many cases (proficient in swedish, english, japanese, and i am really rusty at russian and spanish)
that shouldn't be hard at all. i can do this for you, just list the cases you want and i can get to work on declensions, same with conjugations
>I'm not really sure either lol. I was thinking maybe adding more letters would help so you could make more diverse concepts and also so we can have more than 3 vowels. maybe another set of 5 letters that indicate action. Let me know if i am flying away from earth with this one and we can simplify it a little KEK
i mean standard arabic has only six vowels, the short and long counterparts of a, i or u, and that one native south american language pirahã doesn't even do that much. it's not unheard of. what we can maybe do is make it so that there're special morphological changes to words to make them into abstract adjectives of their main properties? like if we changed "father" to "fatherly" in english. what we can also do is add semivowels like [j] and [w] which have their own symbols not correlating to any of the three vowel categories. i don't know if this is what you meant or not. if so this also shouldn't be hard

>> No.70627469
Quoted by: >>70629895

>Sonic's Ocean Water
Am I the only one who doesn't know what Ocean Water is?

>> No.70627527

up you go

>> No.70628143
File: 1.76 MB, 2894x4093, 1698808609137381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I wrote about the idea I had yesterday

>> No.70629895
Quoted by: >>70630822

It's a patented soda pop created by the Sonic fast food chain in the USA. I remember it's blue but it tastes like carbonated salty sweet lime water. It's been over fifteen years since I had one. I bet they ruined it with high fructose corn syrup now.

>> No.70630215
Quoted by: >>70630664

>soda pop
anon? are you 60+?

>> No.70630664

Bro this is unironically his retirement home, just humor the mentally deficient fossil

>> No.70630822
Quoted by: >>70633000

Doesn't sound too bad as far as soft drinks go, I like lime water.

>> No.70631081
Quoted by: >>70633000

Morning boys and girls
Couldnt join yall, I was collapisng and my phone too, but worse.

>> No.70631131

This village looks super freaking cool anon, nice pick

>> No.70633000

No, but the drink's not coke either.

I'm going to pick up an ocean water before I bring housemate back home. I'll let you know if it's ruined by corn syrup.

That's okay. I slept until 3 PM yesterday.

>> No.70637155


>> No.70637468

Looks like were going to have to brace for a storm again brothers...

>> No.70639160
File: 1 KB, 32x30, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the heart of Tuihovyn, where the ancient rocks kiss the sky,
Lies a tale of a girl, under Sematol's watchful eye.
Born amidst the towers of carbonate grace,
Where the river Tuih whispers secrets of the place.

She wandered through streets carved in stone,
Where legends of lightning and statues were known.
In the City of Angels, where faith intertwined,
With the hum of the ships and the ocean's kind.

Her childhood echoed with the thunder's roar,
As lightning danced upon the forest floor.
In the shadow of statues, she sought refuge and lore,
From the tales of old and the legends galore.

With each passing day, she grew strong and wise,
In the land where the misty forest lies.
She learned the ways of the sea and sky,
In Tuihovyn's embrace, where dreams could fly.

Amidst the bustling port and ships of trade,
She found solace in the stories that never fade.
Of pirates and mercenaries, a world so wild,
Where order was kept, but justice beguiled.

In the heart of the city, amidst towers tall,
She found her place, standing proud and tall.
A daughter of Sematol, with tales to tell,
In Tuihovyn's embrace, where all was well.

Through the storms and the sunshine, she thrived,
In a land where magic and mystery arrived.
With lightning crystals gleaming, a treasure rare,
She found her purpose, beyond compare.

In Tuihovyn's cradle, she made her mark,
In the City of Angels, where shadows embark.
A girl of Sematol, with a spirit untamed,
In the embrace of the archipelago, forever named.

>> No.70640284

I like to get comfy in storms by hugging the sleeping bag.

>> No.70640418
Quoted by: >>70643219

What does the storm look like?

>> No.70640873

what happened now

>> No.70641727
Quoted by: >>70648568

Something something OffKai Expo and black company I think. Hopefully we'll weather the storm.

>> No.70643219
Quoted by: >>70648568

Very dark
Very black
Lightning cracks across the sky, sinking yachts ships

>> No.70643429
File: 166 KB, 1768x992, 1680441478359461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70643675

Mori released a new song and it's awesome. Life is good. I gotta write something about carnivorous plants now. But first, read the new lore.

>> No.70643675

Calli keeps appearing in my dreams to hang out casually. Send help.

>> No.70643866
File: 255 KB, 1092x611, 1697079106571911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70644126

it's a normal symptom, let it happen.

>> No.70644126
Quoted by: >>70644214

Sure if you're DYING!!!

>> No.70644214
File: 161 KB, 750x750, 1702930639087020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky, say hi to her from me

>> No.70644947
Quoted by: >>70645526

lucky tulpa-having-ass mother fucker....

>> No.70645526

She's not my tulpa. My tulpa is a nanomachine robot maid with ginger hair and huge tits who's voice was a porn star. But man she can sing David Bowie songs. If I knew how to rig Live2D I could probably design her into a vTuber along with a hebe feathery sky dragon. Though sky dragon sounds like Kairi from Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.70646347

Speaking of worldbuilding I wonder if the dreamscape is real. Though that might be a thing for dream-based vTubers. The dreamscape is an idea where dreams are their own world and we visit it when we sleep.

>> No.70648562

I have to sleep now. Good night bump.

>> No.70648568

Eeyup, saw it on Xwitter. Catalognigs taunt, NDF responds...its all so tiresome...

>> No.70648974
Quoted by: >>70649816

Guys... I just thought of something stupid: Curse of the Black Yacht. It should be a title to something.

>> No.70649816

Probably a book one of the surviving Dragoons/Zaion fans made
Can also be a Gundou fan or a Moruru fan that has continued on to be a Lunaito

>> No.70651934
File: 380 KB, 1170x348, 1690758318611098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70653550
File: 243 KB, 1800x1000, 1691231266421865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70654412

>> No.70654412


>> No.70656509
File: 78 KB, 500x500, 1681466241858882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70657112

>> No.70657112
Quoted by: >>70657441

Bird stealer!

>> No.70657441

sorry laplus, the superior bird demon has been recognized

>> No.70658845
File: 3 KB, 347x46, 1695633982016068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70659168

>> No.70659168

Yeah, why DID she do it..
