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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.98 MB, 1420x1420, GHkxGsRaIAAQ-cR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70359324 No.70359324 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>70347595

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.70359366
Quoted by: >>70366676

Holy shit, is that Kanye West?

>> No.70359459

Are these the only ones?
Also hope they never throw another bone to normalfags, it keeps attracting people who don't give a shit about them and act like scuffed zoomer music in a karaoke is the highlight of their career.

>> No.70359557

Check hololyzer
Also what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.70359567
Quoted by: >>70359691

I'm not making another post in a thread with that OP

>> No.70359608
Quoted by: >>70359691

>a literal who
Awful OP

>> No.70359671

I love my wives

>> No.70359691

you snooze you lose.

>> No.70359740
File: 25 KB, 672x628, GHG1BN9XwAA4DXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70359812

As long as they subscribe who cares, they won't watch streams anyway

>> No.70359851
File: 503 KB, 1000x1000, 1680647853518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70359875

I'm Mogogo

>> No.70359875

Hi Mogogo you are very cute

>> No.70360368
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, Kendrick 'Kevin' Lamar - Silent Hill (FWMC ADVENT Karaoke Relay 1_19_24)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F178bqp.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70360403
File: 123 KB, 1076x924, 1708759969758270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that nigger in the same picture as my wifes?

>> No.70360439
File: 637 KB, 1748x2480, F9iTn-Da0AAyEK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought i wouldn't miss fwmc so much after a few days.
i was so wrong

>> No.70360473

I don’t think it’s healthy or normal to be in my 30’s writing extremely heartfelt and emotional walls of text to two hags on the other side of the world telling them that I love them with all my heart and that I’ll always support them. I’m still going to do it though.

>> No.70360479


>> No.70360524
File: 274 KB, 1027x571, 1702255742683115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70360547
File: 73 KB, 229x245, 1709280257253762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baused and same

>> No.70360585

I don't want them to forget about me either...

>> No.70360663
File: 3.06 MB, 194x268, NOTKINO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never post this image again.

>> No.70360677

Bau bau?
Demon... dogs?
What are these?

>> No.70360711
File: 2.77 MB, 1809x2160, l868y5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fuwawa

>> No.70360747

I feel the exact same way, and yet I can't stop
The amount of love I have for them is uncontrollable. I just want them to always be happy and smiling so badly...

>> No.70360751

Why is Obama holding my wives?

>> No.70360797
File: 434 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_1028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70360827
File: 216 KB, 1110x438, 1709243013742516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FuwaMoco HATES black "people"

>> No.70360850
File: 198 KB, 960x530, Fuwamokoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70360885

Honestly I feel the same but their affection is so genuine that I just go with the flow, it also helps that they are funny, that gives it a lot of points

>> No.70360907

I can survive this break but I'll be a bit sad if they can't get everything set up so we can have a watchalong of holofes

>> No.70360915
Quoted by: >>70362225

I cant believe they released an HD marshmallow mania and I see not a single gorilla aka

>> No.70361372

>chloe get an oppai mouse pad
i want one of fuwawa and a mococo big cheeks pad

>> No.70361406
Quoted by: >>70361699

>Ruffians posting pictures of them being with a black guy and a fat eceleb leech that spergs out about idol culture
When did this fanbase go to shit?

>> No.70361699

Didn't get the engagement you expected, huh? Try in a different time zone, maybe.

>> No.70362066

What the fuck

>> No.70362151
File: 270 KB, 560x494, Mococo Spin 500%.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, ruffians! It's Friday, which means it's practically the weekend! You've all been doing a great job hanging in there for the first week of the break, Fuwamoco are really proud of you for being strong! Makre sure to take some time to relax and treat yourself before the weekend is over, you deserve it! Do your best today too!

I think it's fairly normal to want to help and support people who are so wholly authentic and positive like Fuwamoco are. It's too easy to just be callous and detached from everything, but being happy and positive about people you care about is way more fulfilling!

>> No.70362193
File: 104 KB, 907x655, 1693488974600219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70363119

Good morning! I got fridays off and ended up completely messing up my sleep schedule so I'm probably going to pass out soon enough...
Good luck with work today

>> No.70362225

why would you send aka when fuwamoco's not even there

>> No.70362235
Quoted by: >>70363119

but where's my fwmc morning...

>> No.70362279


>> No.70362474
Quoted by: >>70362830

free cat

>> No.70362583

motherfuckers, my tts got covered by miko nyee and this random vid I watch

>> No.70362591

they are getting more free with free chat. we are getting closer to no sleep times

>> No.70362726
File: 362 KB, 585x568, fuwa sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to post this last thread

>> No.70362814
Quoted by: >>70363066

so why did they ask that...

>> No.70362821

Expect them to show up to Mikochi's stream

>> No.70362830

>are you awake!?
>bau bau!!
aaiieeeeee what so the suspense

>> No.70362956

HAHAHA that fucking expression change from miko was fucking hilarious
3d is powerful what the heck

>> No.70362989

migo kinda sounds retarded..

>> No.70363016
File: 380 KB, 566x761, 1703583291481502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70363065

I cant wait for fwmc 3d. They are already really good at changing expressions

>> No.70363020
Quoted by: >>70363065

Miko is the best in Hololive at controlling her avatar

>> No.70363065

Do any holoens have home 3d?
Yeah I love live2ds but if you're very expressive 3ds are great

>> No.70363066

they just wanted to know if we're awake!

>> No.70363067
Quoted by: >>70363124

I am guessing they are joining the Miko Totsu, since they RT'd it

>> No.70363119

Enjoy your sleep and thank you! Let's both have a good day today!

It will be back before you know it, I promise!

>> No.70363124

>quote retweeted it
>said, "are you awake!?" in freecat and nothing else
Yeah, they're calling in soon.

>> No.70363147

3 and it's now

>> No.70363150

so uh
whats the miko announcement about again

>> No.70363228


>> No.70363267
Quoted by: >>70363302

Her birthday is march 5th so probably a live

>> No.70363294

Jp only tweets and streams already and they haven't moved yet even, love it! Reps reps reps

>> No.70363302

cardboard cutout fwmc lets goooo doubt it

>> No.70363313
Quoted by: >>70363340

I wish...

>> No.70363323

how new

>> No.70363328

Titor, what did I say about sliding between time, again?

>> No.70363340


>> No.70363349

no u!

>> No.70363356

I meant that as in they don't even strem faggots

>> No.70363410

I've always wondered... Why does Miko sound so... retarded? Is she making a voice or is her voice natural?

>> No.70363414

fwmc start asking if their chat is awake every 2-5 hours. Would you try and answer every time?

>> No.70363456

She has an abnormally short tongue, causing her speech defect

>> No.70363460

Dogs incoming I can feel it

>> No.70363466


>> No.70363467
File: 115 KB, 900x530, F4kjdY3aYAAfkLs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fwmc on miko's stream. WAKE UP RUFFIANS

>> No.70363492


>> No.70363504


>> No.70363522
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x602, 1693456392803222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unreal how much i missed hearing fwmc....

>> No.70363535

Better get used to this, it's going to be at least half their content or more going forwards

>> No.70363556

they're so cute...

>> No.70363579

Why do they sound so much happier talking in Japanese than they did talking with us on Wednesday...

>> No.70363598
Quoted by: >>70363637

SEAnig hours

>> No.70363609
Quoted by: >>70363658

why did they abandon their english audience.. what did we do wrong?

>> No.70363615

miggers is gonna take my mogo for a nice meal

>> No.70363634

you already know the answer to that stop going menhera over something we've known for months

>> No.70363637
File: 29 KB, 450x433, 1000003620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore and listen to dogs

>> No.70363654

Learn JP loser, or get used to waiting to watch translated clips.

>> No.70363656

i can't wait for more

>> No.70363658

holy fuck you monkey relax

>> No.70363667
Quoted by: >>70363792

The baiters are on fucking time

>> No.70363682

I'm sure it's a bit of column A and column B, they know exactly what they are doing.

>> No.70363702
Quoted by: >>70363830

does this kinda cross off their migo goal about VNs?

>> No.70363769

they still sound pretty nervous and awkward in japanese. im fluent in japanese but they still arent used to interacting with holomems

>> No.70363772
File: 158 KB, 1600x944, 1000003342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously silly

>> No.70363792

I'm not baiting I literally have an alarm for every fwmc tweet stream stream and appearance but I might have to turn that off and start missing content if it's going to be something I can't even understand at all with no TL. And full streams are never fully TL'd so I will always miss info and context. I'm scared that will make me demotivated to stay as obsessed with even their EN content and I'm scared

>> No.70363812
File: 73 KB, 460x215, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, add this to list of vn they mentioned

>> No.70363830
Quoted by: >>70363862

People are too eager to cross off goals - they could have a whole stream later with Miko discussing VNs, instead of a brief call. They'll be in Hololive for many years, no rush. This is just a taster

>> No.70363832
Quoted by: >>70363891

how do you setup alarm for their appearance in other stream

>> No.70363835


>> No.70363862

yeah I know that now. I spoke too soon. They barely went into anything...

>> No.70363866
File: 1.11 MB, 545x280, fwmcdance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's feels great to hear their voices again

>> No.70363881

Why? Why do so many of you /here/ want to turn the EOPs into antis? Are you fucking retarded? You should fucking know how dissapointed Fuwamoco would be if they saw you guys shitting in EOPs, so why do you do it? Are you just antis? Is this the new strat for sisters?

>> No.70363890


>> No.70363891
Quoted by: >>70363908

Discord notifications linked to an alarm trigger

>> No.70363908

there's no discord notification for this call

>> No.70363942
File: 2.85 MB, 2048x2048, 1694055881655702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and just like that they are gone... until the next crumbs

>> No.70363956
Quoted by: >>70364055

You mean people who sperg out over a 10 minute interaction in japanese? Fuck off, you're not an actual fa. And the fact that 6 new ips suddenly started mentioning it makes it awfully obvious as well

>> No.70363957
File: 1.36 MB, 1233x992, 1694923265483816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70364010

because no one actually cares. anyone who claims to is a shitposter, unironically.

>> No.70364018
File: 943 KB, 4096x2785, GEszKBjXkAAg0yi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the totsu call

>> No.70364038

I dont if I should go to sleep or not now

>> No.70364051

10/10, can't wait for the otomoge collab

>> No.70364055

No. I mean retards like you that are always trying to shit on EOPs and make them feel upset with Fuwamoco

>> No.70364056

in free cat

>> No.70364057

makes me miss them even more/10

>> No.70364076
File: 591 KB, 1152x2048, 1693408585855884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cute

>> No.70364078

Surprisingly long! Looking forward to clips, gives me something to watch in their absence

>> No.70364087

Maybe they talked with UI i still remember that Mococo couldn't buy Ui merch because the were poor...

>> No.70364089

Cute FWMC crumbs/10

>> No.70364148

For people that dont remember

>> No.70364153

as fellow JK enjoyer, I'm sure they got lotsa things to discuss about

>> No.70364159

Just woke up. What was talked about on Miko stream

>> No.70364169
File: 566 KB, 736x920, 1706254329582680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70364249

Cute! I wasn't expecting to hear their voices today, so it was a nice thing to wake up to.

>> No.70364181

Idk I don't speak a lick of Japanese but it was cute

>> No.70364208


>> No.70364209

Surprisingly comfy.
They ain't as nervous as, say, their first stream with friend, so discussion flows.

>> No.70364228
Quoted by: >>70364273

They made fun of miko's japanese, talked about wanting to read clover days together and did a trolley problem at the end

>> No.70364238
Quoted by: >>70364273

Sport fes something about being on the opposing team of miko?
Clover Day
trolley problem: Miko taken into EN vs FuwaMoco breaking up

>> No.70364249

Same, but I hope they do another twitterspace soon... I love how intimate they are in those

>> No.70364258


>> No.70364269

Personalized chat messages this is not a drill

>> No.70364270

fwmc are still in chat

>> No.70364273

Cute. Thanks.

>> No.70364281

Its pretty obvious that they are big fans of miko, remember when mococo log in minecraft when miko was playing there is no way that was just luck

>> No.70364285
Quoted by: >>70364377

Only lucky if they read his SC later and sing happy birthday to him otherwise no

>> No.70364320

well yeah obviously. They're massive hololove fans, so it makes sense they like/look up to migo

>> No.70364377
Quoted by: >>70364485

They will. So he gets a like, a BD message in chat AND a song. Probably a twitter post like too which they've been doing recently

>> No.70364433

*aggressively claps*

>> No.70364440

Eh his birthday just so happens to be during their big move, which is definitely not lucky... getting a direct chat shoutout is cute and nice

>> No.70364443

did she became JK again

>> No.70364485

I can feel someone seething from this kek
there's also that one dude sending pink on his birthday but got ignored because they ain't there, rite? kek

>> No.70364492
Quoted by: >>70364633

Will they read the superchats from this week?

>> No.70364502

They took the advice about retweeting streams they're going to show up in

>> No.70364575

Yeah I thought of that poor bastard top. This guy was really lucky and strategic with that SC. Just had a surprise call in, we're in chat, had liked a precious SC. They basically instantly hearted his birthday SC

>> No.70364633
Quoted by: >>70364863

fat chance

>> No.70364652
File: 103 KB, 292x345, 1703983791241302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that sucks that it happened to someone

>> No.70364697

iirc miko was one of the jp holomems who fwmc were trying to reach out on twitter in their early days. although this was gyaku totsu so miko invited them. fwmc went to subarus totsu this year but its was out of their own will.

>> No.70364729

They should play eroge with Migo

>> No.70364731

>fwmc went to subarus totsu this year but its was out of their own will.
wait I missed this fuck

>> No.70364750

Fuwawa trained ruffians well to send her a cut of birthday money

>> No.70364797

Yeah, they also called into Ame's stream as well which I missed

>> No.70364804
Quoted by: >>70364982

then watch subaru gashing over fwmc while talking to okayun

>> No.70364863
File: 336 KB, 543x511, 1000003221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70364910

>fat chance
does this mean there's a large chance, since fat means big?

>> No.70364893

I can't believe Migo just graduated

>> No.70364910

>fwmc went to subarus totsu this year but its was out of their own will.
It was normal tosu though?
heh, no it's the opposite actually. fat chance means a very low possibility

>> No.70364919

I miss them…

>> No.70364921
File: 326 KB, 1115x1800, 1000003193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm glad. a quote retweet + talking in freecat made it pretty obvious, which is nice

>> No.70364944

That was me, but I only ever said it in this thread...

>> No.70364960


>> No.70364982

oh it's the new year call in
oh rite, that was in subaru's channel wasn't it
turns out I didn't miss that, I just internalized that as something else due to how packed new years week was

>> No.70364984

That’s fine. Mococo has this place on autoscroll.

>> No.70365050
File: 1.10 MB, 3091x4096, 1693900356128369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70365062
Quoted by: >>70365583

its a well kept but open secret at this point anon. I usually try not to bring stuff up since thats for the best

>> No.70365086
File: 23 KB, 535x144, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they mention Clover Day
>check it in Steam
>somehow already in lib
g-good job past me

>> No.70365098
File: 197 KB, 1280x1280, 1690311380754562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70365158

Oh, Miko got Taiyaki collab recently, so that's why they mentioned they want to eat Miko's Taiyaki, huh

>> No.70365179
File: 183 KB, 1284x1034, GHlgb2EaMAExckm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70365224
File: 3.61 MB, 1818x2160, evteo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70365360

mogotyan... my dearest mogotyan...

>> No.70365242
Quoted by: >>70365270

No, it means that they are gonna eat her out

>> No.70365266
Quoted by: >>70365604

>that one twitter JP ruffian who can't speak English translating their appearance into english
kek cute jp wuffian

>> No.70365270

>they want to eat miko's from head first

>> No.70365292
Quoted by: >>70365372

>work out and shower
>entirely miss their appearance on Migo's stream
Do we have timestamps for when they showed up?

>> No.70365360

I love her...

>> No.70365372

50 minutes ago, so around 55 minutes mark

>> No.70365397
Quoted by: >>70365477

Already JP streams huh?

>> No.70365445
Quoted by: >>70365477

This is the one place I can chat when they have JP only streams because it feels disrespectful to chat in EN in their chat .

>> No.70365477
Quoted by: >>70365526


>> No.70365526

Lol they're desperately grasping at straws

>> No.70365534
Quoted by: >>70365573

They sounded super tired on Wednesday. Also it was super cute so I dunno why you‘re complaining

>> No.70365555
File: 965 KB, 950x535, fvpc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWMC when

>> No.70365573

You're replying to shitpost

>> No.70365583
Quoted by: >>70365692

I hope if they do come here they know this place gets raided throughout the day by antis and shitposters like the above

>> No.70365604
Quoted by: >>70365634

Maybe i can be friends with JOPs after all...

>> No.70365634


>> No.70365692

I'm just being honest with my feelings like they have asked us to. Posting here instead of publicly to not ruin their day because they will take it in the worst possible interpretation.
I'm sad we lost a bit of the closeness but it's my fault for not learning JP sooner. Still doesn't make it feel better though

>> No.70365739
Quoted by: >>70365927

You'd get used to it
t. Indogs who lost literally everyone but Kobo

>> No.70365753

It's funny they'll join a random JP reverse totsu but wouldn't even acknowledge Bae's birthday beyond a tweet because of the homos. I knew I'd find the best holo EN

>> No.70365772
Quoted by: >>70365850

So they should never interact with any jp member? that will make you happy anon?

>> No.70365825
File: 922 KB, 1409x868, 1709168732727147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I love them

>> No.70365831

>I'm sad we lost a bit of the closeness
what? They're incredibly close still?

>> No.70365850
Quoted by: >>70365999

I never said that. They should do what makes them happy, I'm just a viewer I don't dictate content. I'm just sad when I can't enjoy content from someone I love. Idk how that's an anti mindset. Even if they streamed even more in JP I'll still support them, it'll just be different and more distant for me personally

>> No.70365914
Quoted by: >>70366075

Yeah, it's pretty great, isn't it? They probably didn't want to take any chances after Kobo's BD live, so they correctly assumed homos would be in Bae's stream.

>> No.70365918
File: 89 KB, 811x647, 1709254026795559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70365973

>> No.70365927
Quoted by: >>70366472

Kobo's pretty cute, you got a good one

>> No.70365969
Quoted by: >>70366063

>bait hours
>replying to bait hours
The mascot for ruffians should be an ouroboros instead

>> No.70365973

I wuv u fuwawa

>> No.70365999
Quoted by: >>70366176

Im asking if you will be more happy if they dont interact with jp members out of curiosity

>> No.70366044

You're definitely not alone in feeling this way, anon.

>> No.70366063
File: 290 KB, 483x325, 1000003473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70366075
Quoted by: >>70366151

>so they correctly assumed homos would be in Bae's stream.
Bae revealed they would show up ahead of time on her tweets

>> No.70366121

Didn't know you guys were into this.

>> No.70366151
Quoted by: >>70366253

Not for the call ins

>> No.70366176

Hard question that I can't answer. I'm happy when they're happy and interacting with JP senpai seems to make them the happiest so of course I like that.
I'm a little less happy when I can't understand anything and would prefer English only but again that's my fault and doesn't seem like it would make them happy because they are currently moving to Japan.
I don't know smile calculus to determine what theoretical makes me happier. I'd like to think their personal happiness makes me happier than my small selfishness of wanting to connect with all their content and missing out makes me sad

>> No.70366231

The cloudy feelings...

>> No.70366253

Since you mentioned Kobo's live I thought you meant Bae's live too
But yeah props to them for being wary of the homocollabers

>> No.70366285
File: 1.67 MB, 1555x1244, sq4034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70366330

I want to finger the butthole of this princess

>> No.70366356

>that op
you guys are fucking cucks? LMAO

>> No.70366363
File: 360 KB, 558x561, 1709278640400409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70366372

Miko is still gushing over them...

>> No.70366386
File: 978 KB, 500x375, 32489057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70366411

Mogo tyan no...

>> No.70366410
File: 667 KB, 926x749, om9pq1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70366493


>> No.70366417

I dump my cloudy feelings here, sorry ruffians. I'll bottle it up until my next explosion

>> No.70366467

I want her to suck me dry and then bite my cock off with those fangs God I want it more than anything

>> No.70366472

wait until you understand the unholy shit she says in ID

>> No.70366487

Bau bau... Bau... Ba... B...

>> No.70366493

Moco-hime... you're so cute and breedable...

>> No.70366501


>> No.70366551
Quoted by: >>70366660

I dump my gorilla coom journals here, sorry ruffians. I'll bottle it up until my next sexplosion

>> No.70366594
Quoted by: >>70366700

I understand that in a normal stream but in a collab or a call in doesnt make any sense, the only way for them to make you have 0 sadness is blocking any collab with jp members because jp members cant talk shit on english, fuwamoco tried with Lui and somehow that was REALLY BAD, is like going to another country with a friend and get mad at him because he can order food in the local language. I have family in SA, france and boston and this sound like a american mindset

>> No.70366610
Quoted by: >>70366900

>I'm a little less happy when I can't understand anything and would prefer English only but again that's my fault
Just start you jp reps already, even 20-30 minutes a day is fine
Once you grasps the basics and start to understand the words they're saying instead of it being a jumble of noise you'll notice the nip they speaks is incredibly easy and simple to understand
If you watched anime for years like I'd assume anyone here then you already have years of a head start

>> No.70366656

I hope they are somewhat settled in by the time Fes comes around for watch a long steams. Cover office has streaming ready set up available.

>> No.70366660

/here/ is the right place to be brutally honest.
Anywhere else is a yes-man hugbox

>> No.70366673
File: 690 KB, 1000x651, i3la6u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70366676
Quoted by: >>70366965

Kevin Lamar

>> No.70366700
Quoted by: >>70366850

>in a collab or a call in doesnt make any sense
especially when it's a fucking 10 minute call in that was instantly translated by two/three people in freecat.

>> No.70366758
Quoted by: >>70366819

I bet mococo specifically asked for a CG with her sticking out a fat gyatt because of that one twitter post making fun of her for having no ass

>> No.70366762
Quoted by: >>70367289

You're not losing any 'closeness' by having more JP collabs. Their main streams will always be EN. If you're the kind of person who absolutely must watch every single thing they do then you're going to have to come to terms with the fact not everything will be for you specifically. Deal with your FOMO, how would you cope as a VOD watcher like a lot of other ruffians?

>> No.70366819

Probably. It's sad that some of the posts/SCs that get the most attention from them are ones being a bit mean to them. I couldn't ever bring myself to do that though

>> No.70366850
File: 215 KB, 471x427, 1690568591094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70366951


>> No.70366860

why are you so dead serious about everything? many listen to jp holomems as background noise. it fucking works and also jp viewers do it too.

>> No.70366894
File: 239 KB, 1280x1156, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with the fuzzy fluffy sisters

>> No.70366900

I've not watched a second of anime in my life outside of the watchalongs they hosted. But I already did start my reps this weekend and will keep trying. No idea how long it will take. I'm doing 2 hours a day no exceptions

>> No.70366914

Can you guys stop with Freecat?

>> No.70366941

no, nigger.

>> No.70366951
File: 269 KB, 355x576, Okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70366965
Quoted by: >>70368374

At a glance, I unironically thought it was Roman Reigns with his hair down

>> No.70366975
File: 434 KB, 1280x720, 1709224082406332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70367010

what's wrong with free cats?

>> No.70367017

They love us

>> No.70367025
File: 375 KB, 2362x2584, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But cats are good Wuffian..

>> No.70367075
Quoted by: >>70367195

>I'm doing 2 hours a day no exceptions
What's your study routine? following any guides? doing some study book? anki?
Honestly the biggest tip I can give you is learn the particles asap, once you get those down it'll be easier to make sense of what's being said since you'll understand the sentence structure of when words start and end and what they're referring to

>> No.70367093

How did you even end up watching them if you don't like anime???

>> No.70367099

Get that hungry slut away from me. She empties all of my food and semen.

>> No.70367129


>> No.70367154


>> No.70367174 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 581 KB, 829x513, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70367306

is hard

>> No.70367195
Quoted by: >>70367530

On phone so I can't link but I bookmarked something an anon sent a while ago. Cards and a guide. Open to anything though, I will be completely consistent because I love FWMC that much in in fear of losing them if I don't learn this

>> No.70367204

That cat's not free though, it's behind a paywall...

>> No.70367234
Quoted by: >>70367294

but they will definitely show up for mori's totsu though.

>> No.70367289
Quoted by: >>70367448

Many ruffians seems to be new with hololive, ANON you have a insane luck with Fuwamoco half of En doesnt stream AT ALL, the other half give up with their grow and just stream dont do anything new. Im gonna be honest if your oshi doesnt move to jp each year you will have 3 month AT LEAST of zero streams, because thats the amount of time that they need to be in japan without setup, also they being in japan means that cover will help them with shit, the talent overseas are like second class citizens for cover because why are you gonna invest on them if you cam count with them.
Now this is my personal opinion as a long time viewer, EN still doesnt have the real hololive experience, that experience is built over the bonds that the talent grow working together in the same place and offcollabing all the time, i hope fuwamoco moving to japan help with that in the EN sphere.

>> No.70367294

well yeah, obviously. kari-chan kakkoii

>> No.70367306
Quoted by: >>70367537


>> No.70367405
File: 84 KB, 844x348, 17038474838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70367450

Live look in of the first off collab/night


>> No.70367448

This is why I kinda respect the rat alot. Works hard. Put out shit tons of music and collabs. Move to Japan. Same with mori.

>> No.70367450
File: 254 KB, 392x567, 1708364362948974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70367512

Red/pink women LOVE

>> No.70367530

If you got flashcards in there then yeah learn those particles and start trying to make sentences by yourself with the words you learn
It's going to become a game of where to put the subject, verb, and adverb
You can use google translate or deepl to write in nip IME and check if your logic is fine

>> No.70367537
File: 3.91 MB, 498x280, i made it the fuck up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70367541
Quoted by: >>70367772

I want them to follow in mori and the rrats footsteps in nearly all regards except the homocollabs. I kneel they won't but I'm scared they'll be forced to if Bae and Mori are their two EN partners

>> No.70367602

With how many times they emphasize us not to forget about them I always have to stop my self from posting really cringy things that maybe deemed to affectionate in the comments.
I really feel sorry for them if they honestly believe that they're gonna lose a sizable chunk of their members and viewers.
But I guess they need that reassurance in these trying times.

>> No.70367662

>I always have to stop my self from posting really cringy things that maybe deemed to affectionate in the comments.
but that's what they want to hear

>> No.70367721

Send them. It's my only counter to the cloudy feelings they keep getting every time they come / here/ and see the jpcuck loop going on

>> No.70367725

Kanade also moved to japan, but in her case she owns nothing in jp is like a apartament with nothing inside just her pc .

>> No.70367772

But think of the twin collab that could happen!!

>> No.70367853
Quoted by: >>70367906

I was talking in the context of EN but yes, kanade gets my respect too. Didnt she dropped out of college to do this shit?

>> No.70367884

>but that's what they want to hear
Ok next doggy pack post I'll post something more heartfelt.
>It's my only counter to the cloudy feelings they keep getting every time they come / here/ and see the jpcuck loop going on
You have a point, I really hope they don't take the shitposting here seriously, the gorilla posts sure, but the anti posting should never ever be taken seriously especially here of all places. But I guess we do give critical feedback that can't be posted anywhere without getting alot of flack from the community about it.

>> No.70367901

>but that's what they want to hear
I can only imagine them holding back as hard as they can on liking every single tweet saying they miss them

>> No.70367906

She did. Which is based af, yo

>> No.70367983

Is Kanade native or gaijin with japanese parents?

>> No.70368051
Quoted by: >>70368330

Let's just say we shouldn't trust her in a room alone with fuwamoco

>> No.70368060

I have a question for you, ruffians: why do you guys like collabs so much? I don't mind them, but I think normal streams are just much better, they are more personal and intimate, and I prefer to spend time with my wifes and have their full attention, so I don't really get the appeal of collabs

>> No.70368078
Quoted by: >>70368330

She doesnt sound native to me or maybe she just talk in a slow way because of kayfabe idk

>> No.70368102
Quoted by: >>70368330


>> No.70368105

>why do you guys like collabs so much?
i don't. i prefer solo content.

>> No.70368120

The only collab they should do is with me after the stream, I agree

>> No.70368155
Quoted by: >>70368369

If you love hololive, you will love collabs. Is that simple.

>> No.70368156

Collabs are good because they give the chance to see cute interactions between them and other Hololive members. I don't think I've seen anyone say they prefer collabs over regular streams

>> No.70368169
Quoted by: >>70368369

Collabs are the fucking PEAK CONTENT of hololive

>> No.70368266

Next year's vday cyoa will have JP senpai guest stats. Your reaction?

>> No.70368295

I wana romance sakamata.

>> No.70368307
File: 932 KB, 946x600, Mococo This is peak[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8h73q9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70368330

Can't I like both? I think collabs can be kino

I see. I just checked her debut and she has english/kr/jp has self study however that works kek

>> No.70368340

As long as we end up with fwmc at the end and the orgy CG is optional content for 100% I'm ok

>> No.70368369
Quoted by: >>70368443

I like hololive, I've watch it since early 2020, but i enjoy the time I spend "alone" with my wifes a lot more than just watching them interact with other people

>> No.70368374
File: 2.29 MB, 1334x750, 81B77DAFC283443684081B29D06B57C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco should join up with the Based Big Dogs.

>> No.70368443

Same. It was always depressing to see several days of no streams sandwiched between two collabs for my JP holo.

>> No.70368454

>we cheat with chloe
>yandere fuwamoco route

>> No.70368516

When you put it that way I could see it happening. The true test of wuffian loyalty

>> No.70368583

Who is going to be the first member to give into the lust and give the moco cake a huge slap during an off collab? I want that sound to fill my ears , godddd

>> No.70368617


>> No.70368736

I'm not a cuck, I don't enjoy watching someone else sexually assault my girlfriends. The only one that can sexually assault them is me.

>> No.70368752
File: 3.57 MB, 482x769, 1709260575902482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70368805


>> No.70368805
Quoted by: >>70369041

I'll rape you someday Fuwawa, look forward to it

>> No.70368812
File: 108 KB, 924x1187, fuwawa kotonoha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70368915

>yandere fuwamoco route
i wanna get killed by fuwawa, in a vn, so bad

>> No.70368875
Quoted by: >>70368949

I like it when y wives interact with and have fun with their friends. I'll always take solo streams over collabs if given the choice.

>> No.70368915

I want her to toy with me, fuck my brains out as she chokes me tighter and tighter. And as I spill my final drop, I take my last breathe as she plunged the knife between my ribcage clumsily . The ecstacy of bleeding out while spilling inside her divine womb

>> No.70368947


>> No.70368949

I like it too, I just don't want to lose a solo stream for some collab...

>> No.70369006
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1072, Good Morning[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fy0nina.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.70369018
Quoted by: >>70369226

>I just don't want to lose a solo stream for some collab...
but that's already been happening since debut, and will keep happening forever.

>> No.70369041
File: 307 KB, 1510x1220, deeperwuffian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70369185

Don't forget the rules of yobai

>> No.70369157
File: 176 KB, 329x389, 1693332055156696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70369172

I want both.

>> No.70369185

Please look me in the eyes fuwawa

>> No.70369227
File: 546 KB, 1166x930, Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 07.12.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this picture?

>> No.70369226
Quoted by: >>70369809

Yeah I know, I'm just a bit frustrated because once they are in japan they'll probably spam a lot of collabs

>> No.70369254
Quoted by: >>70369393

I don't. I personally prefer solo streams. My favorite moments with them are always when they're being silly playing a game and riffing off chat. But i still the occasional collab is important and crucial for growth.

>> No.70369272

that's literally me

>> No.70369290

I just realized that we aren't getting any streams during their silly time of the month because of the move. I wonder if the stress will delay it a bit. I want to quench her heat again.....

>> No.70369305


>> No.70369364

Fuwawa has trained us very well

>> No.70369372
File: 994 KB, 1002x793, 1692012419852165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70369380
File: 195 KB, 392x510, 1707024491387421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're well trained. That's what it means.

>> No.70369393
Quoted by: >>70369580

It's going to be a rough few months for you. When they land its going to be JP Q&A, segments in fwmc morning where they talk about their day in Japanese, constant off collabs as their JP senpai line up out the door to get their hands on the BAU BAU.

>> No.70369429

y-yes, fuwawa...

>> No.70369470

Every time I see Fuwawa I get so hard...

>> No.70369506

timestamp for anyone that missed it
like me

>> No.70369580


>> No.70369683
File: 226 KB, 469x500, 1705639775609732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70369778


>> No.70369778
Quoted by: >>70369830

S-stop it Fluffy, I'm in the street I can't do it right now...

>> No.70369805
File: 49 KB, 744x712, 1707934877082502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but Mococo

>> No.70369809
Quoted by: >>70369872

>once they are in japan they'll probably spam a lot of collabs
If they do start spamming collabs with jps then it's most likely going to be in the 7-10pm jst time, which wouldn't be an awfully terrible time for them and by that time of the day they should be done with whatever work they had, with some spare time before fwmc morning

>> No.70369825

nta, I send stuff via supas and member posts, but I’m too worried about coming across as a menhera if I post that shit on twitter either as a reply or just shouting it out into the void for them to ego search. I’m also starting to worry if I’m telling them I love them both too often and it’s making me sound creepy.

>> No.70369830

Get off your phone before someone runs you over, ojisan!

>> No.70369872
Quoted by: >>70370035

Couldnt they just do EN streams -> JP collabs -> FWMC morning? That will still leave them time for homework. Moving to japan is honestly a great move.

>> No.70369928

They'd rather hear you love them 1000 different ways than some of the other stuff menheras post. They've liked posts that were full blown schizo so I hope they also appreciate the normal love messages even if they don't like them on Twitter

>> No.70369964
File: 3.92 MB, 1400x1482, 1703803342585667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70370144

This art gave me a very sweet and sex filled dream about my princess

>> No.70369973

I don’t think Mococo is wired correctly to be able to process a surprise smack on / or a squeeze of her ass. I bet she’d sorta freeze up and short circuit.

>> No.70370022

I have those same fears, that's why I force myself to tone it down incase.
Maybe soon enough I'll grow a pair and just go full gosling and hope things go ok.

>> No.70370025

Me whenever I get a tweet notification tweet from them.

>> No.70370035

Their usual EN stream timeslot would be at 11am JST, so they can still easily do all 3 in a single day
>Wake up at 8am jst and get ready for the EN stream
>End at say 1-2pm jst
>Have lunch
>Homework until 8pm jst
>Eat dinner
>Collab at 9pm jst
>End at 11pm jst
>Get ready for fwmc morning at 1am jst
>End and go to sleep

>> No.70370144

They always ask to hear about our dreams but all of mine are pure sex with one or both of them. I can't even share it

>> No.70370175
Quoted by: >>70371228

yeap, is perfect for them. I hope they make full use of it for the next 3-4 months.

>> No.70370220
Quoted by: >>70370409

They've been doing less streams lately, do you really want them to burn out by doing 3 streams per day?

>> No.70370409

>do you really want them to burn out by doing 3 streams per day?
Not saying they will or should stream 3 times a day, just saying the times will be extremely convenient if they decide to do so compared to before

>> No.70370660
Quoted by: >>70370797

I hope they actually take a week or more off from streaming after they're all settled in JP. they haven't had any time off at all to rest since debut and it's months overdue.
Knowing them they'll immediately jump into 20 streams a week to 'make it up to Ruffians'

>> No.70370678
File: 493 KB, 667x866, 1706951339022697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70370705

Look at this...

>> No.70370705

I kissed

>> No.70370733
Quoted by: >>70370767

They're posting in freechat

>> No.70370767

yeah me

>> No.70370786

Nice try fag.

>> No.70370797
Quoted by: >>70370869

They won't do that, they miss us a lot, I don't think they want another week away from us, I just hope they don't start doing a million collabs and projects once they are in japan, I want them to take it easy and enjoy their time there

>> No.70370869

Which I love but also it's a big fear. They are going to have the worst burn out we've seen in holo in a while if they keep up this pace

>> No.70370907
File: 1.30 MB, 960x720, bau soccer[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvjv0so.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that /vt/ League 6 starts about in hour and /baubau/ plays against /pink/ today

>> No.70370951

Some girls like mori, koyo and watame seems fine with the workload. We wont know until they try.

>> No.70370953

in 2 mins

>> No.70370967
File: 101 KB, 944x852, GCqrIB6a0AAbXcG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great song pick. songs about missing (Her) are always kino

>> No.70371003
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1024, fuwamoco_en-twittercircle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clique paypigs, surprisingly.

>> No.70371009
File: 121 KB, 302x467, 1698426181064924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70371050


>> No.70371074


>> No.70371094

I hope they learn that before It's too late, by doing as many streams as they have done until now they haven't had time to be with their parents and now they feel bad for that, I want them to find a balance

>> No.70371104

About to start

>> No.70371110


>> No.70371114
File: 300 KB, 1200x1200, GGjX4Gua4AApTC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70371134
Quoted by: >>70371331

Where can I watch it?

>> No.70371163

Ganbatte, /baubau/!

>> No.70371194

i just bought riz because holy shit fuwamoco are so hot i can't stop gooning bau bau

>> No.70371195

during their packing they've made an intentional effort to not like/RT paypigs/clique/most ruffians. It's been strictly holo members and official stuff

>> No.70371199
File: 831 KB, 967x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa did this

>> No.70371228

They aren't going to be spamming collabs or anything. That was already the timing they chose for nearly all of them so far and they've only had like one a month. Since they'll have their own lessons after they move I think it will actually be harder for them to schedule collabs, not easier

>> No.70371287
Quoted by: >>70371351

There are at least three clique members (non-paypig) though

>> No.70371331
Quoted by: >>70371400


/vt/ league 6 thread here
>where to watch

>> No.70371346
File: 1.33 MB, 1886x811, Screenshot 2024-03-01 110315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kino

>> No.70371351
Quoted by: >>70371378

Yeah but they're purely just art RTs, which they do anyway for anyone.

>> No.70371368
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, staff making fun of korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collabs are good because you can see the interactions between the members
even if the collabs arent with members we would like to see most of the time

>> No.70371378

Oh yeah true, I forgot some of them are actually artists

>> No.70371400


>> No.70371412
File: 212 KB, 1000x904, 1697672417687590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70371531

>Spending $1k - $2k a month just to get NTRed by some random Japanese poorfag
Look at all these retards, Moco chan

>> No.70371486
File: 190 KB, 500x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70371532

>got a random indie vtuber clip in my recommendations
>"fwmc" in title and their silouhetes in the thumbnail
>got curious and clicked
>they were playing a japanese copy of gen 1 pokemon
>they talked to a nidoran
>nidoran said "bau bua"
Ruffians look like this?

>> No.70371531

Kek, this spam is funny at this point, I always smile when I see it

>> No.70371532

oh I saw that too

>> No.70371623


>> No.70371705
File: 88 KB, 391x401, 1702556428810516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70371865
File: 1.18 MB, 546x550, 1704473527490465.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70371897

>/baubau/ all in free chat for FWMC Morning

>> No.70371897

stop noticing things
