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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7005182 No.7005182 [Reply] [Original]

▼Phase Connect Links

Official Website:

Official Schedule:

Official Twitter:

▼Ashelia Rinkou 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
A "clumsy" special agent from the other world. Cheerful, clueless, and laid back - a little too laid back to be on the run...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg7sW-h1PUowdiR5K4HlBew

▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
A "young dragon" who has just recently awakened from her slumber. What awaits her in this new world?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB7sSUNwh_dXE7ZL3DsGDpw

▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
A special killer-agent disguised as a maid. She was sent from the other world to capture a very dangerous criminal and retrieve a very important relic. The fate of the other world depends on it!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN5bD1YYapThOeadG7YkBOA

▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
A trainee agent from the other world. She dropped out of the academy to pursue her dream of becoming a rock-star. Well... Let's just say it's not going too well for her...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjXJYPsKxoJyc-1RPB6dSyw

▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
The daughter of a powerful wizard and a beastman. She grew up surrounded by magic, animals, and love. As a free spirited young wizard, she decides to travel the worlds and experience new things.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1cExET9xoWSO9iSnRsW_1Q
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui

▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
A mysterious little fox claiming to be a college student. She appears to be smart, kind and innocent, but harbors an unexplained fixation on a particular rabbit.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3K7pmiHsNSx1y0tdx2bbCw

▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
The cutest rabbit in the universe - or so she would like you to thin-
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ46YTYBQVXsfsp8-HryoUA
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa

Previous thread >>6952783

>> No.7005438
Quoted by: >>7015126 >>7015168


▼Next Stream
Tenma playing Isaac in 4 hours

▼Collab on Mii-channel
>Waiting room
>Send your cringe to Aoi-senpai and Mii-chan here:

▼Daily dose of Nasa being cute

>> No.7006150

Thanks, Kevin

>> No.7007338
File: 33 KB, 809x373, 1602597340124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mi-chan hit 4k subs. Uruka also hit 4k.

>> No.7007462
Quoted by: >>7027047

Dumb + Cute

According to Iku, management has been trying to get them to cut down on that unfortunately.

>> No.7007580

aaaaaah Lia pls slap my face!

>> No.7007690
Quoted by: >>7008848

Honestly I'm really excited to see how quickly the Viscera Cleanup stream is gonna spiral out of control
Tenma is a ball of chaos, Uruka is too nice to tard-wrangle her, and it's a game where the smallest mistakes can snowball very quickly

>> No.7008682
File: 456 KB, 704x685, tno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7008848

The place is probably going to be dirtier than when they started. Womble's Viscera video is one of my favourites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcVu4j_hkLc

>> No.7010313
File: 2.22 MB, 1750x1500, tenmadriving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7012294 >>7020900

I hope Tenma won't get mad

>> No.7012284
File: 1.75 MB, 1918x1001, pippa mech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phase village continues to grow, Tenma bar soon

>> No.7012294

kek nice
tenma monocle when

>> No.7012856


>> No.7014761
Quoted by: >>7018937 >>7020824

based or cringe?
haven't seen it

>> No.7014926
File: 245 KB, 1706x1830, 1611423517377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7015092


WAKE THE FUCK UP BOYS!!! Mi-chan is playing Isaac in 10 minutes.

>> No.7015092

miichan CUTE

>> No.7015126


>> No.7015168 [DELETED] 

Nasa is cute!

>> No.7015258
Quoted by: >>7016267

i thought the server gets reset and someone else is going to host it.

>> No.7015269


>> No.7015449

why do people excuse themselves in chat when they are tired or whatever? like, you can simply just stop posting and no one will notice you are gone kek

>> No.7015476

Parasocial relationships

>> No.7015485

i think you already know the obvious answer

>> No.7015499

For validation and autistic fears that the streamer will think she did something wrong to cause her views to drop

>> No.7015560

once a streamer responds to any chats like this schizos will feel like they have to

>> No.7015815
Quoted by: >>7016228 >>7020016


>> No.7015887
Quoted by: >>7016017 >>7016213

Have any of the girls watched Invincible or do they just like the THINK meme

>> No.7015947

I'm guessing Tenma has seen it considering how much of a westaboo she is.

>> No.7016017

schizos being schizos, as ever and as always

pretty sure they, like 96% of people that know the meme, just know the meme

>> No.7016123
Quoted by: >>7016245

>and no one will notice you are gone
yes that's exactly the feeling they are trying to avoid

>> No.7016196

>tenma still taking devil deals in repentance
when will she take the angel pill?

>> No.7016213
Quoted by: >>7016700

I also know only the meme. Is it worth watching? There's no SJW agenda in it?

>> No.7016228


>> No.7016245

a better way anon could've put it was that no one, the streamer included, cares that you're gone

>> No.7016267

that's not until the end of the year at the very earliest, plenty of time

>> No.7016573

>Haachama chama
>Tenma hates children
Tenma stop being cute and stop being based.

>> No.7016700
Quoted by: >>7018113

>Is it worth watching?
maybe. It's a somewhat fresh take on the superheroe thing.
I didn't care too much for it but I'm waiting for 2nd season to decide
>SJW agenda
I remember the following interracial dating, namedropping pozzed authors, black girl marysue, all white males bad general feeling

>> No.7016729

I want Tenmama to change my diaper and suck my cock…

>> No.7017023
Quoted by: >>7017413

mostly because for small streamers you're actually talking directly to them so it feels rude to just leave

>> No.7017413
Quoted by: >>7017631

understandable but Tenma has 70 watchers right now. Too much to keep track of who is who or notice the viewers number fluctuate. Plus it's usually the same autists that do those kind of comments, so I guess it has more to do with their mental state like other anons already said

>> No.7017631
Quoted by: >>7018020

If I can recognize most of the green names in chat so can she. But mainly its parasocial attention fags.

>> No.7018020

ok but still. There's a line between recognizing green names and noticing that one of her 100+ members suddenly stopped posting in chat

>> No.7018113

When I watched it I skipped through all the dating scenes, barely any of it matters to the plot.

>> No.7018937

the movie is horrible. She's 100% right

>> No.7019231

Tenma karaoke at 10k.

>> No.7019621

So is Tenma’s appeal her broken English?

>> No.7019721

She's emphatic.

>> No.7019765

A lolibaba. But she can also draw and potentially sing (10k special might be a karaoke stream iirc). She's shy of her skills but can bloom if nourished enogh.

>> No.7019991

she's unfiltered and brutally blunt. MI-CHAD

>> No.7020016
Quoted by: >>7020179 >>7020183

What are the odds staff are screening these marshmallows? No one did for Pippa.

>> No.7020179

Mii's not stupid and Aoi's a native english speaker. If they didn't screen for Pippa's, there's no reason they'd screen Mii's

>> No.7020183
Quoted by: >>7020358

As far as I can tell by how Luto hasn't gotten bonked, Prism has no filters.

Don't think Phase will bother either unless Gorira or Sakana wants to do it themselves. Tenma seems to understand what she shouldn't talk about though.

>> No.7020234

she's a huge westaboo and knows western internet memes, is actually good at the games she plays and is straightforward but still knows how to interact well with chat, also big art skills and improving on her talents
but yeah her cute broken english is also a huge charm point, still looking forward to her improving in it so she can reach fluency

>> No.7020282
Quoted by: >>7020317

How many meetings do these girls have?

>> No.7020317

One after every Pippa stream.

>> No.7020329
Quoted by: >>7020484

It's the some of the best I've ever heard. Not only is it extremely cute, it's still understandable despite being broken

>> No.7020358
Quoted by: >>7023891

The only thing Prism has been bonked for iirc is turning a normal streams into a 4+ hour endurance/zatudan.

>> No.7020484
Quoted by: >>7021139

Her Engrish is the best gateway to the Japanese language. I don' think I've ever been confused with her Japanese because she uses the most basic words whenever she slips into it.

>> No.7020652

She plays games that appeal to me. Basically no shooting games, which means no APEX.

>> No.7020769
Quoted by: >>7021054

Why is issac always crying

>> No.7020790

Is the hook that gets you in. She is a really funny girl, she is can draw and what I heard of her singing was cute as well. I don't want to get into comparisons because there is more to her than this, but I think of her as an actually westaboo Korone

>> No.7020824

Horrible acting. Might as well do a Nick Cage marathon instead. Will Smith couldn't (or didn't want to) carry a shitty story on his shoulders.

>> No.7020900

mi-chan looks like a nerd.

>> No.7021054

too many reasons to list

>> No.7021139

Yeah that's true as well. She's great for people early on in their Japanese reps

>> No.7022086
File: 252 KB, 425x430, paiorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7022472

>ywn be Issac resting on Tenma's fluffy head

>> No.7022472
Quoted by: >>7022513

>wanting to be issac
do you really hate yourself that much?

>> No.7022513

if it means I get to be on Tenma's head while she streams yes

>> No.7023891

it's zatsudan project
why? managements think it will hurt grow?

>> No.7025731
Quoted by: >>7025778

Does fish really lurk /here/, or is that a meme?

>> No.7025778
Quoted by: >>7026166 >>7080999

He shilled here at the start. We make our own threads now so I doubt he stuck around.

>> No.7025829

I'm in love with _____ she's the _____ vtuber there has ever been.

>> No.7026166

Nice try, Kevin.

>> No.7026203
Quoted by: >>7026602 >>7027135

I'm in love with Pippa she's the smelliest vtuber there has ever been.

>> No.7026602
Quoted by: >>7026677

Pippa's not real you are imagining the smell.

>> No.7026677
Quoted by: >>7026799 >>7026800

He might be smelling himself

>> No.7026799

he might be pippa.

>> No.7026800
Quoted by: >>7026965

In that case maybe I was pippa the whole time
That's it bros I'm never taking my meds again...

>> No.7026965

Take your meds and not shower

>> No.7027047

>cut down on their best content
i swear management for these small vtubers agencies are cancer

>> No.7027135
Quoted by: >>7028153

can she be worse than nyanners?

>> No.7028153

haha imagine being stuck with both of them in an elevator after a month of streaming and not showering
what would they even smell like haha
imagine they held you down and forced you to smell them haha

>> No.7028264

I'm in love with Ashelia she's the stupidest vtuber there has ever been.

>> No.7028548
File: 21 KB, 598x257, 1606808308634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7028647 >>7028766



>> No.7028587


>> No.7028647

Wildfires tend to cause both of those things, yes.

>> No.7028766
File: 12 KB, 357x103, california.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7028948 >>7029286

>hot and windy

>> No.7028852
File: 26 KB, 399x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7030751

save her

>> No.7028948
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>> No.7029278
File: 81 KB, 238x212, 1622259308996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... my internet is struggling today I don't know if I can play with Pippa. How do I cope?

>> No.7029286 [DELETED] 


>> No.7029567

that she was drawn by my favorite artist is what drew me in

>> No.7030108
Quoted by: >>7030707 >>7034073

Imagine having smokey dry sex while your air fills with smoke from the forest fires with Lia

>> No.7030707
Quoted by: >>7030783

Nasa, Michiru, Iori -> glorious Nippon
Lia -> Commiefornia
Pippa -> Tornado belt
Tenma -> nuclear sub
Uruka -> ???

>> No.7030751

I subbed because I like watching APEX and weak players getting better. I need more info though since I can't believe she only has APEX as her main jam. That's death for even above average vtubers.

>> No.7030783
Quoted by: >>7042666

Uruka->Canadian dumpsters

>> No.7030998

Cute rabbit in 7 mins get comfy

>> No.7031246
Quoted by: >>7032414

she usually play apex, dbd and minecraft
not good at any particular game

>> No.7031446

she sings good

>> No.7032414

I was afraid of that, starting out on APEX/DBD as easier for indies with no affiliation since they're freer to collab with experienced players, some of which ended up getting hammer badges within 3 months despite still having potato game sense.
I imagine it's harder for any agency-affiliated vtuber to get collabs going and it's still a toss up if she'll get good advice.

I hope she trucks on and finds enjoyment from these games or maybe get something going with Tenma and try going for single player games.

>> No.7032808

the music from this game is making me really sad

>> No.7033776
Quoted by: >>7033919

Sorry, Pippa, but this stream is pretty boring. Sounds like you're having fun at least.

>> No.7033873

her DbD streams are fine for me
mainly because of her cute "くぅ~~" noise when she gets outfoxed and the gap moe of cute giggling while sticking people on meathooks
also, her singing voice makes me diamonds

though she does need practice and possibly a vocal coach to help with the breathing/head voice issues, since halfway through a lot of songs she falls apart

I want her and Nasa to incline

>> No.7033919

maybe it would help if I could read the ingame text, since the screen is too small, but I'm not that interested to bring it up in chat

>> No.7034073
Quoted by: >>7034420 >>7042489

>smokey dry sex
Come again?

>> No.7034420
Quoted by: >>7034502 >>7035160

did he stutter?

>> No.7034502
Quoted by: >>7034642

With smokey bear??

>> No.7034642

and lia

>> No.7034693
Quoted by: >>7036202

Michiru live in ~3 minutes
Talking + Singing

>> No.7034756
Quoted by: >>7034894 >>7034975

>enter pippa stream
>she's talking about throwing communists out of helicopters
How can one rabbit be so based?

>> No.7034894

hail pippachet

>> No.7034975

Pippa edit of Pinochet Pepe when?

>> No.7035160

No he's saying what he'd do.

>> No.7036202
File: 1.82 MB, 1638x1080, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7037352
Quoted by: >>7037699

god the difference between Michiru's speaking voice and singing voice is wild

>> No.7037496


>> No.7037699

I've seen some pretty wild differences. Like I've seen a couple Japanese singers who only speak Engrish at best but it suddenly turns into English when they sing.

>> No.7037959

She's dying of heat stroke because she can't remove her jacket even in the middle of a wildfire.

>> No.7038255
File: 976 KB, 1140x955, pippachet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7038340

Beautiful. I want this to be the next OP.

>> No.7038659

I genuinely wonder if she herself had any say in her design as the face of the group

>> No.7039702
File: 181 KB, 728x1107, unrelated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7041359

She looks like a slut and she wants to look not like a slut.

>> No.7040110

now i want Pippa inviting the viewer to her helicopter

>> No.7040280
Quoted by: >>7041335

wouldn't you want to have a bunch of toys and outfits if you were a chuuba? it's probably expensive as fuck.

>> No.7041335

>have a bunch of toys
I have a hard time imagining Kevin green-lighting dildos.

>> No.7041359

If Lia covers up her boobs I might actually lose my mind

>> No.7041449

i love lias huge milk truck tits and think they should stay

>> No.7041594

Maybe the retarded, big tiddy Stacy just wants to be the retarded Stacy.

>> No.7041735

t. Lia's boobies

>> No.7041957
File: 443 KB, 597x766, memequeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7042056

Nasa's reply gave me a chuckle

>> No.7041983


>> No.7042056

nice touch

>> No.7042220

cute dragon streaming

>> No.7042254
Quoted by: >>7042422

Thanks, I hate it

>> No.7042422

kummanism has killed millions

>> No.7042489

Look man I'm also in a climate where I'm breathing in the burning trees give me a break

>> No.7042666

Uruka isn't Canadian. Every leaf is intimately familiar with the disgusting yet incredibly effective cold relief of Buckley's.

>> No.7042815

Lia is a cute slut and wants to appease the coomers with a super skimpy outfit i fucking KNEEL

>> No.7042861
Quoted by: >>7043656

some Michiru SOUL

song is 花に亡霊 (Ghost in a Flower)

>> No.7043656

She sang most of the songs really well.
Unbreakable Machine Doll ED was a bit fast for our slow-speaking Witch though.

>> No.7044311

I just found her slips during that particular song really cute (especially that ん? and laugh being in time) her vibrato during the chorus was perfection though so I made sure to include it
agreed on that UMD song being too fast for her, but it was great how she still pushed through it regardless and had fun with it
honestly I was mainly impressed since I missed her last karaoke stream

>> No.7044505
File: 225 KB, 750x923, E9E1A3AB-2EEB-4FB4-B80E-E860820D2F1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to cum in the big titty st***

>> No.7044648
File: 132 KB, 1500x741, 12387234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7044791

>those faggots on Twitter ruined the Stacy thing

>> No.7044791
Quoted by: >>7044962


>> No.7044793
File: 418 KB, 652x576, d0938a32586ddd276fba7c1e09d61a7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7044836

looked at what they've done to her...

>> No.7044836

look* fucking hell

>> No.7044943
File: 68 KB, 1600x900, 112472320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044962
File: 84 KB, 601x793, jotaroavatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7045035

I remember there being other whiteknight replies, but I don't see them anymore
two people pointed out it wasn't meant to be a bad thing, but Lia's kind of retarded so...
>jojo avatar
>beating a dead horse

>> No.7044964
Quoted by: >>7045300

How relatably crappy is Tenma's music taste. I know she listened to Marilyn Manson but how does she feel about what were the big nu-metal bands?

>> No.7045035
Quoted by: >>7045130

I guess she was never /here/ after all

>> No.7045054
Quoted by: >>7045217

Cute Nasa just completed her "symbol of peace". I wonder how much peace that's going to bring into the server tho.

>> No.7045130
Quoted by: >>7046126

She was definitely here. But she was never /our girl/ like Pippa is.

>> No.7045217

Her symbol of peace was built on a foundation of stolen wool.

>> No.7045300

it seems like she just really enjoys Western stuff during the Terminator watchalong she went nuts for this song and kept asking for the name:

>> No.7045421


>> No.7045796

>watching most recent detroit become human from uruka
>"why are we talking about swordfights? who has a sword?"
>"oh, wait. HAHAHAHAH-"
i love this dumb bear.

>> No.7046126

looking back on it i believe she might have never come here and instead it was Piippa who showed her some of our post and Lia replied to some on twitter. She definitely hasn't been here before phacon

>> No.7046527
Quoted by: >>7046600

just did my dirscord reps. I take it all back, she's unironically based

>> No.7046600
Quoted by: >>7047973 >>7067067

she probably went on /a/ a few times to find BL manga to schlick it to
spoonfeed pls I don't want to download discord again

>> No.7046835

I really doubt that actually. Lia took a post criticizing her lack of elemental reactions in Genshin weirdly hard and I don't think Pippa would have thought to send her that post.

>> No.7047648
Quoted by: >>7047694

She said she’s been seeing ogey and kino “around a lot lately” in the first power washing stream. I have never seen those words outside of the 4ch.

>> No.7047694
Quoted by: >>7047737

I see them in stream chat all the time

>> No.7047737

I'm on the other Anon's side. I never see that shit on streams, vtuber or not, outside of Lia and Pippa's stuff. Which is to say it's Anons here posting them, I'm sure.

>> No.7047973

>download discord again
you dont need to download discord
just open it on your browser
you dont even need an register an account with email, they allow anon account with only name
what the fuck anon chama?

>> No.7050891
Quoted by: >>7051466

Uruka... at least 1 eu friendly stream per week... please

>> No.7051466

Eurocucks can’t win

>> No.7052360
Quoted by: >>7052841

Aoi and Tenma drinking collab in 15 minutes:
>tfw completely out of liquor

>> No.7052841


>> No.7053024
Quoted by: >>7053150 >>7056994

>I haven't seen die hard
>I've only seen one star wars
>I don't really watch many popular movies
>Yeah i'm a musical person

It just keeps getting worse and worse

>> No.7053134
Quoted by: >>7053193

>Doesn't know the boiling point of ice or water.

>> No.7053150

Please don't judge me for being Aoi Oshi. S-she's good at singing I swear

>> No.7053193

She knew Aoi needs all the opportunity show off her smarts and was being a good host!
Also it's autism but technically ice can boil

>> No.7053530
Quoted by: >>7053563

aoi...it's called westaboo

>> No.7053563

I can't believe Aoi just called Mi-chan a westaboo live on stream!

>> No.7054821

Kinda a weird question.

>> No.7054924
Quoted by: >>7054953

Can't believe Mii-chan just called Uruka a fucking kuso zoomer on stream!

>> No.7054936
Quoted by: >>7054966

Tenma is ready to play Minecraft again if it's for the collab. What a trooper.

>> No.7054953

mii-chan this isnt cool or funny :C
the bear is mine to bully

>> No.7054966

Miichan really loves Aoi doesn't she

>> No.7055292
Quoted by: >>7055461

sometimes I wonder if the Japanese shouldn't be allowed to make western fusion foods
forget Unit 731 or Nanking, naporitan pasta and corn or mayo on pizza are the real war crimes

>> No.7055424
Quoted by: >>7055556

Which one of you fucks was uooh'ing at Tenma in her hello kitty dress?

>> No.7055461

A lot of the pre-war fusion cuisine (yoshoku) is pretty great and is mostly thought of as wholly Japanese now. Their penchant for novelty does lead to some absolute mistakes though. it's still better than the shit that swedes put on pizza

>> No.7055556


>> No.7055560


please watch michiru... she only has 11 viewers....

>> No.7055682

Bad time since Tenma is streaming.

>> No.7055791

Fine, I'll leave it open.

>> No.7055848

I swear ever since the dead grandpa thing I notice that sean kid almost immediately

>> No.7055893
Quoted by: >>7055952 >>7055977

Fish, are you here? Do your talents read their DMs? I had art commissioned for tenma and I want to send it to her. I don't want to reveal my power level and I'm too lazy to create a dummy accnt.

>> No.7055952
Quoted by: >>7055977 >>7056324

If you post it here it will eventually make it to the discord.

>> No.7055977
Quoted by: >>7056174

Also Pippa is /here/

>> No.7056015

Aoi and Tenma have such a good dynamic

>> No.7056174
File: 242 KB, 1980x1080, 1627227026075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7056211 >>7056324

Alright Pippa. Send this to tenma for me please. Ty. Art is by @alissya_03 on Twitter.

>> No.7056211
File: 119 KB, 1980x1080, 1627227127281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transparent version.

>> No.7056280
Quoted by: >>7056369

anon your png reps....

>> No.7056285
Quoted by: >>7056369


>> No.7056324

not necessarily.they never post my shit there
except for the creepy pippa fanart kek


>> No.7056369
File: 637 KB, 1980x1080, plastic love tenma no bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why it did that. Maybe because I was phoneposting.

>> No.7056445
File: 1.01 MB, 1980x1080, plastic love tenma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7056750

Yikes. It was because I was phone posting. I guess it compresses the image. Reposting. Please use this instead Pippa.

>> No.7056541
File: 363 KB, 474x361, 1614218038732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7056574 >>7060199

Tenma showed off Theo

>> No.7056574

Good cat

>> No.7056750
Quoted by: >>7056860

There you go. Managed to remember my throwaway discord account. Posted both pngs since since some shitter posted the jpg version.

>> No.7056860
Quoted by: >>7057522

Thanks anon.

>> No.7056994
Quoted by: >>7057850

>>I've only seen one star wars
Which one?

>> No.7057285
Quoted by: >>7058713

Raft is somehow even worse than Apex.

>> No.7057522
File: 26 KB, 729x248, 1613008617782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7058069

Your answer?

>> No.7057850

No idea she didn't say

>> No.7058015
File: 172 KB, 445x503, 1624224030515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7058069

I commissioned someone to make it. If she wants to credit the artist it's @alissya_03 on Twitter. She's more than welcome to use it. I had it made for her after all.

>> No.7058405
Quoted by: >>7058576

Is it really that difficult to kill a goat in this game, or is michiru doing it wrong?

>> No.7058576

Looks like her timing might've be a little off.

>> No.7058627

michiru is losing her will to live, LIVE

>> No.7058713

Michiru is too powerful. For her safety and ours she never leaves home without her debuffs.

>> No.7060199

I feel like I've seen this cat before.

>> No.7060263
Quoted by: >>7060390

so, what are we watching?
and do I need crunchyroll or something?

>> No.7060390

She's using https://www.tenami.tv/.. So HBO Max, Netflix, Crunchyroll, and YouTube are on the table. You need an account with whatever service if you want to use Tenami. Or you just watch it the old way.

>> No.7060530
Quoted by: >>7060941 >>7061001

the old way it is, then

>> No.7060941

nvm. shit is too old to find active torrent

>> No.7060944
Quoted by: >>7061001

isn't tenami for twitch only?

>> No.7061001

Tanami auto syncs the videos. So no finagling with timers and different versions. Its kinda cool actually.

It only has integration with twitch but she can host private lobbies or discord lobbies. It still syncs with her but it doesn't show her and chat.

>> No.7063183

Who’s kevin

>> No.7063191

What retro anime do you want to watch with Pippa?

>> No.7063204

A fish

>> No.7063350

pippa’s torture victim

>> No.7063354

Owner of the couch ever talent had to get through.

>> No.7063363

Night Shift Nurses

>> No.7063366

bible black

>> No.7063439
File: 768 KB, 460x322, KdlzrhB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7069685

Space Runaway Ideon

>> No.7063526

Sad I wasn't awake for it, but I also did leave the stream open for her while I slept. Not sure if it counted or not, though.

I think I've only seen Raft played alone once. Most people play it with at least one other person.

>> No.7064099

aren't we watching alice in wonderlad? I mean, because of the thumbnail

>> No.7064403
Quoted by: >>7064640 >>7069962

I thought Pippa was a little too mean at the end of the Build a Bear stream

>> No.7064640 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 126x123, 1627244320815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please understand

>> No.7066469
File: 273 KB, 1109x1960, 1627247872350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically pic related. Had a crush on Judy Abbott as a kid and got cucked by daddy long legs.

>> No.7067067 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 965x804, 1627248682581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoonfeed pls I don't want to download discord again
this is the whole convo leading to that. Shame she doesn't like the st*** thing but she reacted fairly to what was starting to look like 4chan thirstposting. Also not a fan of seeing us screenshoted in the official discord to be honest

>> No.7067498
Quoted by: >>7067804

Thank you for this. Now I know who the containment breakers are.

>> No.7067804

UnluckyCat is also /here/.

>> No.7068593
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 1624493021305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kinda a weak week.

>> No.7068815

Bravely Default could be a really good stream since she said it's her favorite game, I believe

>> No.7068870

>gorilla stream
But Lia said they were extinct!

>> No.7068992

RIP to the Stellaris dream.

>> No.7069123
Quoted by: >>7069361


>> No.7069216

>bravely default
Lia really likes it, and that game filters me hard due to boredom so I hope to leave with the intention of playing it
>Thief Sim
gonna be hit or miss, probably the latter
>birthday party
soul karaoke and talking, strong
>gorilla stream
if it's about her gorilla nonsense, it's gonna be kino since we get to hear even more hilarious takes

basically I'm calling you gay

>> No.7069361

I wonder what goes through her head when she posts stuff like that zzz video

>> No.7069685

For a second I was gonna ask what's that thing that his head.
Then I realized they blew his head completely off and what I'm seeing is the rocket launcher from the other soldier.

>> No.7069962
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 876347816234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she was mean enough

>> No.7069991
Quoted by: >>7073056

If you don’t want to be mocked for saying cringe shit, don’t say cringe shit. If you feel the urge to thirstpost, go jerk off first and come back.

>> No.7070349
File: 5 KB, 608x57, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell

>> No.7071724


Iori is play genshit.

>> No.7072653
Quoted by: >>7072784

thanks for spoonfeeding me this shameful display
Lia should understand by now that we are just messing around, but I'm also happy she's trying to shut it down early outside of /pcg/
this has the potential to turn into a "Rushia pettan/boing boing" situation once they start inclining and nothing annoys me more than a joke being spammed constantly

>> No.7072784
File: 274 KB, 750x916, 622173DC-51E0-4145-8AE8-04EED0AC59BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7072982

It was ignored less than 10 minutes later.

>> No.7072982
File: 694 KB, 1257x865, I love this bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7073056
Quoted by: >>7076082

you overestimate the amount of fucks I give about being mocked.
My point is that I hope screenshotting 4chan doesn't become a thing now. thirstposting and shitposting is for here. The official discord should be kept clean from our bs but there are too many underages who lack common sense

>> No.7073630

can you guys shill phase connect to me? I've only seem a few streams.

>> No.7073900

they are, like, the best, my dude. Check em out

>> No.7074027
Quoted by: >>7074427

Pippa has good conspiracy rants, Lia has good ???? theories?, Michiru sings like a boss, Nasa cute, Uruka good singer and exemplary trash bear, Tenma chaotic angry lolibaba, Iori bilingual middle ground of all of them.

Lia got big tits check them out.

>> No.7074292

I really really like when Pippa says "okey" and "oh may gawd" in a cute voice

>> No.7074427
Quoted by: >>7075161

what's a trash bear?

>> No.7074493


>> No.7074523
Quoted by: >>7074803

JP branch:
Nasa: sleepy dragon, mains Minecraft, killer at Splatoon, soft singing voice, very relaxing streams
Michiru: incredibly cute voice, great singer, mainly plays debuffs like Apex and Dead by Daylight so she's difficult to watch unless you want to SAVE
Iori: bilingual (almost fluent in EN), translates what she and chat are saying live 40% of the time, tends to play a wide variety of stuff, wide vocal range (deep voice makes me hard as diamonds), haven't heard her singing, voice filters some people, very long streams [live right now playing Genshin]

EN branch:
Tenma: JP, my wife, bilingual, mains roguelites and 2D action, very loud, gyaru office lady lolibaba (started learning English a year ago so its still slightly broken), did a 14 hour watch-along
Pippa: /here/, based as fuck, gets in trouble a lot, /here/ so she's menhera and breaks down a lot, has a lot of unique stream ideas, variety-gamer (made a throwing commies out of helicopters reference last night), kusogaki, has to be tard-wrangled by chat/management/other members
Ashelia: Californian big titty zoomer, thought gorillas went extinct during prehistoric era, has good taste in manga, great talker, gacha whale and keyboard autist
Uruka: seriously great singer, multi-instrumentalist, speaking voice similar to Niji's Ange, terrible at games, lived under a rock until she joined, very endearing

Mess of a post but so is this company and it's part of why I like it

>> No.7074803
Quoted by: >>7075614

thanks this is very useful.

>> No.7075161

Homeless dumpster diving bear.

>> No.7075551
File: 28 KB, 379x254, unknown[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7075685

What did Pippa mean by this?

>> No.7075614

no problem anon
here's a shortened list of clips I've made if you don't feel like sifting through stream archives
[Tenma] [Pippa] JP Learning Stream "Toilet Desu Ka":
[Tenma] Butt Inhaler:
[Tenma POV] Tenma vs. Chatter:
[Pippa POV] Tenma vs. Chatter:
[Pippa] Ping's House (Panda Dick):
[Ashelia] Gorilla Theory Re-Edit:
[Ashelia] Pokeslurs Re-Edit:

Pippa and Tenma also have dedicated clip channels for now
Pippa's dedicated clipper: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIAUty9R0lRTWx8fEp4NEow
Tenma's dedicated clipper: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHqPs5-mkfZCr0hExYqktPA

halfway through making this post I realized I might be autistic

>> No.7075685

Pippa will definitely do more reading streams.

>> No.7075782
Quoted by: >>7075845 >>7076927

Is Unlucky employed by PC or is he just a janny?

>> No.7075845

just a janny that won the mod olympics iirc
MrElectrician is the one that's actually involved in production

>> No.7076082

I read “us in the discord” as you not wanting to see the discord in /here/. I’m saying not to post 4chan to discord, but the fags on the discord can suck it if they want to thirstpost in the chuuba’s faces. Respect containment and all that.

>> No.7076243
Quoted by: >>7077358

Cutest rabbit watchalong stream

>> No.7076901

Pippa doesn't brush her teeth confirmed

>> No.7076927

If he were employed he would probably have the staff role in discord, but he doesn't.

>> No.7077077
Quoted by: >>7077146 >>7077264

maybe we can funnel all the faggots that like to talk about how depressed they are and how shitty their life is in vtuber chats to pippa and quarantine them all together

>> No.7077146

yes please

>> No.7077264

what did pippers do to deserve that?

>> No.7077358

pippas stream started low res and I thought she was sitting in a toilet kek

>> No.7077421

>eng dubs

>> No.7078530
Quoted by: >>7078710

Wish pippa's mic was louder. The video drowns her out

>> No.7078710

just lower the video volume

>> No.7079256
Quoted by: >>7079668 >>7080895

>people in this thread actually think containment exists
Have you ever watched a single Pippa stream. Just short of actually saying 4chan it's extremely obvious she's referencing us and it's easy to find the place she's referencing.

>> No.7079447
Quoted by: >>7080874 >>7080917

lia bros where are you https://youtu.be/ie3V7KPu_ts

>> No.7079578

nasa is so comfy, she's probably got the closest soft voice to lulu i've heard from any chuuba

>> No.7079668
Quoted by: >>7079954 >>7079965

obvious bait but I'll bite
people were talking about Lia
>short of actually saying 4chan
that's the point
Pippa isn't pulling up screenshots from 4chan and posting them on discord to discuss
anything beyond a reference here or there is extremely gay behavior
>inb4 muh sekrit klub
I don't want Phase-Connect to be known as the 4chan vtuber group, let Vshojo pretend to be that

>> No.7079954
Quoted by: >>7080082 >>7080913

>pulling up screenshots from 4chan and posting them
>extremely gay behavior
Yes and her waifu a shit. SHIT.

>4chan vtuber group,
Only Pippa. The other six are on a higher plane.

>> No.7079965
Quoted by: >>7080913 >>7081035

>I don't want Phase-Connect to be known as the 4chan vtuber group
they never ever will, stop exaggerating

>> No.7080082

"That's different though"

>> No.7080705 [SPOILER] 
File: 341 KB, 500x628, 1627267013819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7080888 >>7080940

>> No.7080874

Late due to mobage reps, but here!

>> No.7080888


>> No.7080895

Referencing is fine, it’s not like Pippa is constantly spouting out ogey or rrat or talking about what thread she saw earlier. Posting SS of what’s said here on Twitter or Discord, especially cringe/thirstposts, is cringe and un-epic.

>> No.7080913
Quoted by: >>7080965 >>7080999

okay great so Pippa is a sperg as well, nothing new, I won't defend that it's still gay behavior like I said
exaggeration maybe, but besides Pippa, no one else but Kevin is here
I'm sure neither of them would want the discord to just be faggots from this general

maybe I've just been here too long and my way of thinking is outdated
even though this has been a normalized site for years now, I can't understand why people want to discuss 4chan screenshots on discord, twitter, or reddit
this site is optimized for shitposting, just keep the stupid shit here and let discord be the sanitized version to attract people that aren't mentally ill

-end blogpost-

>> No.7080917

I just got up, I'm here now though

>> No.7080924
File: 6 KB, 351x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7081053

>calls all meguman games shit

>> No.7080940

it is different though.
we are talking about screenshotting our thread.
that twitterpost was a meme old as fuck

>> No.7080965
Quoted by: >>7081004

>attract people that aren't mentally ill

>> No.7080999

>Kevin is

>> No.7081004

you are the retarded one for giving out (You)s

>> No.7081035
Quoted by: >>7081396

even if they do, how many times do newfags have to have it waved in their face that containment after 2014 does not exist. everyone on the internet who makes it past google search knows about
4chan and has visited at least once, from the edgy 13 year old who wants to say nigger without getting banned from toontown to the 65 year old facebook boomer

>> No.7081053

I'd think someone with a C&C avatar would have some semblance of taste. Oh well.

>> No.7081396

>thinking containment is about keeping 4ch a secret

>> No.7081700
Quoted by: >>7081793 >>7082472

I want to milk Lia

>> No.7081793
Quoted by: >>7081851 >>7082472

First you have to make her lactate.

>> No.7081851
Quoted by: >>7082472

Step aside, I got this.

>> No.7081923

Talk dirty to us Lia

>> No.7082088

Can you not down attack in this game?

>> No.7082257
Quoted by: >>7082724

No more Genshin or IdentityV

>> No.7082302
Quoted by: >>7082379

That one comment triggered her so hard she'll never play Genshin on stream again


>> No.7082379
Quoted by: >>7082534

One comment?

>> No.7082420

>Do vtubers ever speak about regrets?
She doesn't know...

>> No.7082472


>> No.7082534
Quoted by: >>7082620 >>7082677

People were critiquing her elemental reactions

>> No.7082620

when you whale as hard as she does it doesn't matter. just fucking roll your keyboard at that point

>> No.7082677
Quoted by: >>7082800 >>7082936

I think in this case she got worried all the new genshin story content would bore people like with scarlet nexus and she wants to enjoy it on her own free time since she likes the game so much.

>> No.7082701

Lia, if you ever come here and read this, the best way to deal with anxiety from internet comments is unironically working on your self esteem. If you love yourself properly, then you get to a point where you don't need anyone else's aproval, that way you can grow thick skin for these stuff. Although everybody is different, this work for me. tldr, love yourself more, give less of a fuck about everything else

>> No.7082724
Quoted by: >>7082876 >>7082936

She's still going to play them off-stream so this ultimately translates to less time streaming.

>> No.7082800

She brushed over her reason with "if you know, you know" so 1. it happened on stream, and 2. she doesn't want to revisit it.
I haven't been watching her Genshin streams but vitriol sounds right to me.

>> No.7082833

I'm in love with YOUR MOM she's the WORST vtuber there has ever been.

>> No.7082876
Quoted by: >>7083174

Does it? The average vtuber on Youtube schedules in advance and at best streams 2-3 hours on average a day. Of course most take a day or two off so it's not even that.
It's not like her using up her free time differently is going to mean more streaming hours for us.

>> No.7082936
Quoted by: >>7082987 >>7083328

Yea seems like it, 3 days off the week coming compared to 1 this week.

IDK she nuked the IDV vod right after people were taking the piss out of her getting angry at it here.

I'm getting Pippa post wrangling vibes from her today, she mentioned being told to play more Minecraft too so i smell some fish mixed with anxiety.

>> No.7082987
Quoted by: >>7083187

She just announced that she is going hiatus at some point in the coming weeks.

>> No.7083138
Quoted by: >>7083453

Good stream Lia. Looking forward to the Bravely Default stream since I like watching streamers play games their passionate about. Also don't worry so much about talking about your feelings on stream. As long as you don't go full menhera it's okay.

>> No.7083144
Quoted by: >>7083248

It is worth pointing out that if Lia is near the fire I think she is near, there is a very realistic chance she is under a lot of stress because the forest fire might actually eat her home.

>> No.7083174

It's not going to be a 1:1 time loss but I guarantee you she will bite into stream time to compensate.

>> No.7083187
Quoted by: >>7083514

Where at? I missed that

>> No.7083247
Quoted by: >>7086710

>three days off this week
>upcoming hiatus
>cancelling games because of individual comments
>barely progressing in any of current series
>afraid to talk about things she’s interested in
I think she likes the idea of streaming but can’t handle actually doing it. I really wish she had more confidence.

>> No.7083248

If California treats its homeless as well as Washington that's the opposite of a problem.

>> No.7083328

>she nuked the IDV vod right after people were taking the piss out of her getting angry at it here
big if true
Lia I'm sorry I post toxic because that's how I cope from my own problems irl, dont take srs

>> No.7083339
Quoted by: >>7083497

Lia's birthday is coming up, so make sure to give her tons and tons of love to keep her motivated!

>> No.7083453

Also Kevin stop forcing the girls to play games they don't want to play/stopping them playing games they like. You're causing them unnecessary stress. You're their boss not their friend. Half of the are anxiety/self doubt ridden 20 year olds. Lia is already going on hiatus and Tenma is constantly doubting herself and Pippa is Pippa. Don't put unnecessary pressure on them.

>> No.7083497

and maros

>> No.7083514
Quoted by: >>7083594

She mentioned it at the end. At some point soon she going to going on hiatus due to her mental health getting worse. She said she'd post about it when the hiatus is closer.

>> No.7083594

Poor Lia, you just know that she just ignores all the positive comments and zooms straight up to the negative ones which keeps her up at night.

>> No.7083678

Heading to bed. Thread is almost certainly going to die while I'm asleep. Don't fuck up the OP again.

>> No.7083745

Shes going to have a real tough time as a streamer unless she hardens up, it'll only get worse as their channels grow.

>> No.7083811

>she hardens up, it'll only get worse
I think now is a worse time than later to say e.g. "die in a fire".

>> No.7084636

Menhera is a natural condition occurring in all streamers but especially in female vtubers.
One only needs to shout the power word "Stacy" and her ego will shatter instantly.

Real talk, we got sub 5 indies that eventually catch a stray bullet from a Jap spamming "I must use a voice changer because my voice is not fit for vtuber" over and over. She needs some mental toughness.

>> No.7084770
Quoted by: >>7085544

I want to choke on Pippa's feet

>> No.7085544


>> No.7086626
File: 123 KB, 1080x530, Screenshot_20210726-014219_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7086707
Quoted by: >>7087224

we lost

>> No.7086710

Lia... I cant watch any streams cause of my family being unbased so i dont know what's got your pantsu in a jumble, but i will watch all the vods when i return to neetdom. Based on what >>7083247 and >>7083745 said, you aren't good. While its true you need to "get hard" aka learn to ignore your tards, no one gets hard instantly or can anyone force it, it's a process of realising, mending and accepting your flaws and mistakes 1 (one) at a time. You don't seem to have anything going on besides streaming so you have time to think and work on yourself. If you ever feel guilty about focusing on yourself while your fans are waiting, a comfy you is best for us so there's nothing to worry about. Good luck and dont forget... at least 1 autismo will root for you until the end

>> No.7086735
Quoted by: >>7086940


>> No.7086757


>> No.7086818

Why is Chinese listed?

>> No.7086882

Pippa is an undercover Zhang agent, I'd know, I'm fucking her

>> No.7086940
Quoted by: >>7087330 >>7087439

90% sure hiatus will be for the wildfire

Not in the poll ;_;

>> No.7086981

to talk about taiwan's independence

>> No.7087039

Because Pippa has no fear, for better or worse.

>> No.7087189
Quoted by: >>7087330

Thanks, Flakes.

>> No.7087219

It's a really tough mentality to get out of sometimes. You just have to eventually accept that not everyone is going to like you, whether it's for no real reason or not other than "Just cause". I personally have gone through that at one point, it's demotivating and I sometimes relapse a bit when I get overstressed.

It like this anon said >>7086710 , you have a lot of people that actually like you and want to see you succeed. Just keep that in mind and take your time.

>> No.7087224
File: 19 KB, 392x237, 91e5af00cab97dd03f3573dd3081348a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't give up just yet

>> No.7087330

>90% sure hiatus will be for the wildfire
Its not only about the wildfire
I dont break containment in the slightest, its bad publicity for the greys

>> No.7087439
Quoted by: >>7087620

She directly said the hiatus would be for her mental. Having such bad anxiety and suddenly being given a small army of bitches criticizing everything you do was probably a lot to take at once.
Honestly feel bad for Kevin having this team of stars and roadblocks being put up nonstop.

>> No.7087620
File: 906 KB, 2480x3100, 5694368568368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7087755

As a Tsunderiabro, I sympathize. Be glad no one in PhaCon is hospitalized, or had their pet go missing, or is stuck with no power in historic blizzards for weeks. These startups are cursed

>> No.7087755

I like both groups, feel ya bro

>> No.7088447
Quoted by: >>7088562

Has there ever been such dead hours?

>> No.7088562

Pippa you gave me motivation to get back into drawing so thank you. expect another cursed drawing soon, kek

next stream in 6 hours. thread about to die. im going to bed. good night anon
