Chuuni Laugh Edition Last thread: >>70156538TEMPUS Schedule: Schedule: TEMPUS>Regis Altare>Axel Syrios>Gavis Bettel>Machina X Flayon>Banzoin Hakka>Josuiji Shinri>Magni Dezmond [Alumn]>Noir Vesper [Alumn] ARMIS>Jurard T Rexford>Goldbullet>Octavio>Crimzon Ruze >OP Template>Songs Playlist>Magmaboard
>>OP/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.>1. Why not merge with /stars/?Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?It is not of our concern.>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?It is not of our concern.>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?It is not of our concern.>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!Thine words do not belong in this temple.>8. You guys should split the thr-Thou shalt not.Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.
Dumb blue fuck love
Rex Sex
>>70185160amen i miss this little faggot so much
Ruzerex rabu~
An hour of Shinri was not enough. [[I don't feel nearly as pacified and chilled out as I usually do after about three hours.]]
>>70185998Oh, for fuck's sake.
>>70185998>[[ ]]
>>70186081kek jobberYou could wait 3 days and then watch his pre-recorded vods back to back, pretending it's one full vod
>>70186253I don't know if I can last three days. And I've already watched his entire backlog due to his internet issues.
[[spoilers]]That ASMR membership stream he did broke me because I don't even like ASMR that much and I was soothed into calmness with just his voice and consideration. I was never the same after that.[[/spoilers]]
>>70185998>>70186667Now all of /mans/ knows your shame!
>>70186667Holy fucking shit how the fuck do I do this- Then again, how many kois aren't jobbers unironically?(sighs)You can throw rotting produce at me now.
twice, anon? don't double the brackets
>>70186787>(sighs)Just stop posting
>>70186851Yes, like the filthy jobber I am.[spoilers]Thanks. Third times the charm?[/spoilers] button game reupload
>>70186911Where else could I air out my grievances and openly beg to be shoved into Shinri's pecs?
>>70186958>He keeps going
>>70186958It's spoiler, not spoilers
oh my god
>>70187040You know what, we're all degenerates here. Spoiler brackets are mostly unnecessary anyway.
>>70186958You are doing your best
>>70186958 your reps and lurk some moar before posting newfagchama
roru rumao even
>>70187040>nonnieWhere did you come from? never seen anyone use that
Been while since we had spoiler jobbing... where is the bingo sheet when you need it?
>>70187261Term the "female" imageboards use
Please.I am preemptively bracing for the rotting tomato to hit my face.
>>70185998SPOILED UNGRATEFUL BRATt. bettelion
>>70187313too early for bingo, but here you go
>>70187425Not the latest version>>70187313Douzo
>>70187417I'm calling it masochism because at a certain point, that's precisely what it becomes.
>>70187482damn I need to clean my folders because I had both of them. thanks
>>70187415ladies and gentle/mans/, we've done it
>>70187482time to update this with gibby hate posting and the gorexlotl
You'll be watching neo-TSB right?
what if leader was gay
>>70188503Absolutely that shit was my bread and butter when I stumbled upon it.
>>70188503Fuck off back to HAHA or kill yourself, retarded troon piece of shit
>>70188577Kill yourself, worthless doxxtranny.
>>70188546If only
>>70188722what if shinri was a femboy
>>70188801This summer, thirstymite. You’ll get your deep voice femboy bussy vtuber.
>>70188503Discuss this somewhere else. TSB is only on topic for nostalgia posting.
>>70188546Shinri, try to enjoy your break instead of pondering these things
>>70188907No anon, the HAHA trannies HAVE to spam their doxxshit itt or their fat roastie will try to neckrope again
>>70188909What if the slimes slimed their way into Leader's ear canal when he was wearing them?
I need all of them. They're so ROUND
>>70188935Good shit.
>>70188867Stop trying to shill yourself here, the ship has already sailed and no one watches you because no one but 13 kids are interested in femboy bussies
>>70189007Try to be less of a kurosanji bootlicker, tribalfag
>>70189037I assure you, there’s nothing inside that could be in danger
>>70188867but what if i can't wait that long
>>70188935what is the line under their chins supposed to be?
>>70189137Don't care, stop bringing doxxshit here you piece of troonshit. Talk about your whore in her thread, faggot
J-Japan arc..?
>>70189114I am apparently a 13 year old kid then
>>70189007You seemed extremely upset last thread to the point of jumping down random anons' throats over jokes. I genuinely think this place isn't very good for you as you seem to get riled up very easily.
>>70189137It is as offtopic as niji and live, no rm shit in this thread
>>70189274MMHHHHHHM….I’ll keep my hopes low but perhaps
>mama takes a break>everyone else also takes a breakmama being a good role model and showing the other boys it's okay to take breaks for your mental health but we'll still miss you all
>>70185998>[[ ]]wat
>>70189312I only want this thread to be ontopic and for there to be less tolerance for these worthless trannies here>>70189274i'm assuming jester activities means vtubing stuff so could be recording a cover, vp, or anything really
>>70189280You have to be 18 to post here kiddo
>>70189272exceptionally ugly, imagine looking at this 10 years later
>>70189274We were so back.... Why can't he do more than five streams before needing another break
>>70189737not health related
lazy lazy LAZY gavis bettel
>>70189816Fingers crossed its a trip to Japan then. Honestly it'd be hilarious seeing him interact with the senpais there
>>70189865is he really lazy if he is flying to Japan and practicing singing off stream for his upcoming 3D showcase?
Banchou's voice finally...
>>70189816definitely for holoexpo then
>>70190014Yeah, he is LAZY FUCK!It's obviously a joke since it's mimicking the hate hate HATE regis altare ritualposts
>"I don't wanna do you."
>>70189439Then don't feed into niji/live/whatever offtopic posting. You can't really control how everyone else behaves /here/. The best you can do is report AND present something fun that /mans/ will like, and chances are people /here/ will engage with the shiny holostars fun post over the off topic shit. And if they don't, keep posting the fun holostars things. It won't take long for the anons to have some tangent about that.At present, your approach of screaming at people online is not working. You aren't convincing people to think like you. You're actively repelling them.
Banchou is pronouncing words with an American accent for the white people...
>>70190320Where do I get that shirt leader? I'm gonna wear it when I go to the gym
No thanks. I will continue to tell the hololivetroons shilling their whores here and doxxposting to make like their oshi and neckrope. Keep it Holostars only or die
Dear Banchou,I'mma is a contraction of "I am going to"There is no e in any of these wordsThank you.
>"Thank you for bullying me, Ruze. I will shove it in your face when we meet"
>>70190661His English is actually quite charming, not gonna lie.
>>70190320don't even bother anon, that anon always jumps at the bit to gush how much they hate women, they're using the RM shit as an excuse this time around. besides talking about other vtubers briefly has always been ok as long as it doesn't majorly derail the thread or invokes a timeloop
Consider: you can permanently banish a game to the void so that your oshi may never play it again, and add a game in its place. What are those games?
>>70190913Banish: ValorantGame to add: Europa Universalis IV
>>70190749Correct, I hate women and they are expressly offtopic in a Holostars thread, especially as it pertains to doxxshit. Why is the concept of keeping a holostar thread for holostars only such a foreign concept to you people? Do you see me going to hlgg and shilling tempus there?
>>70190913Delete Apex Add UT3
>"We have to overcome the weakness of our own stupidity"
>>70190913banish: some random chilla's art game. throw away all the ones released so far, why notadd: GBA pokemon, pokemon black/white 2
>>70190913Banish Apex, add Titanfall 3
>>70190605We are all here for Holostars (catalognigs don't count). This is not a platform where you can really control others, but you may be able to influence the thread. If you see offtopic/dox, report and spam it with Holostars. That's the closest thing you're going to get to influencing others /here/ to what you want, because anons will jump back on topic when they see cool Stars post. Right now, you're just trapping yourself in a loop where you're not happy.>>70190749I think I should try at least once.
*yawn* no thanks
>>70190913>Banish Valo>Add Stellaris or 40k mechanicus
God, it's that time of year where I get so busy with university/work that I fall off vtubing, which usually leads me not have a interest in being a frequent watcher anymore/complete oshi fallout. It's happened to me with Vesper and Flay, now Ruze.... Makes me wonder if I'm really bulit for this kind of hobby.
You said what you wanted for the thread, I gave a feasible solution. It's on you if you don't want to work for what you want, I guess
>two steps away from leaving the map>open up the fast travel menu
>>70191429Hell yea
>>70191694looks like the same fag that was raging about brotubers last thread>>70191659I'm in uni too. Just watch whenever you have the time
>"let the monkey faggots doxx and offtopic post with no pushback, anon. It certainly won't impart long term consequences on thread culture"Fuck off
>"I think he's on that grind, I think he's trying to find himself"Jurard believes his cat is having a midlife crisis after his divorce...
>>70191920Arcturus and Pollux could never.
I can't believe this was my first yowie I drew for /here/. Blue hair is kira and pink hair is kaoru btw
>>70191659we will be free one day anon...
>>70192090incredible work, OP. belongs in the louvre, dare i say.
>>70190913Banish palworld, replace with Bastard Bonds
>>70192090I thought it was Altare kek
Flay schedule up, who the hell is Reiny? Guessing they're some female indie?
>>70192319 girl?
>>70192319>ApexWhat draws people to play this dogshit game?
>>70192319's going to get drunk with him apparently
>>70192319apparently some indie who's graduating next week.
>picks "play until you win a prize">is surprised he keeps getting prizesis this dino stupid
>>70191659Unless you have a similar arrangement as me(i work from home) i dont think its feasible to catch every stream . So really dont feel too bad about it.
>>70192442isn't flay chronically bad it too, due to his motion sickness? im guessing he just agrees to whatever his collab partner wants.
>>70192466>>70192512thought it was gonna be a squeaker, but our pilot actually has a higher voice than her
>>70191899Can you have this same energy when people bring up nijis unprompted?
>>70192278>Altare plays a character guilty of rape
>>70192319>Holofag>GraduatingFlay's nepohire for EN4 calling it now
>>70192715hopefully, she cool
>>70192715This might be the weakest rrat I have ever seen
>>70192512how do machiyumes unironically live when he keeps cucking them with fictional and real women lmao
>>70192794They have been carefully filtered to be as passive and submissive as possible, anything for little pure Flaybaby who could never do anything wrong
>>70192693You keep saying this but I never see anyone bring up any Niji whatsoever?
>>70192794>cuckingYou lost? Those kind of fags have their own general.
>>70192715I'd be fucking surprised if either EN branch debuts a new gen this year, we just got Advent/Armis. Personally I'm expecting new StarsJP guys and ID4 this year.
Arguably speaking, who is beating who in a fight in Tempus and Armis? Genuinely curious.
>>70192687Yeah wtf that is not the kind of voice I expected from that model
>>70192869Just yesterday there was a dude crossposting about vox. When Selen was still in there it was more adamant but it kept happening constantly
>>70192869well, no one will anymore in the coming days. Maybe except Jurard or Tavi
>>70192934Somehow it's even more annoying
>>70192928We will see during Expo, they have a habit of announcing stuff than. Although i am joking..mostly.
>>70192966>dude crossposting about voxYeah, he was shitting on him and calling anybody who told him to fuck off a Nijinigger. This doesn't prove your point.>>70192970They're retarded flips. I can forgive them.
>>70192913That was the stream I stopped watching him... It was so obvious he was failing on purpose I couldn't even make myself watch the cake stream. Does he still do that kind of stuff?
>>70192932I think Ruze could get taken down if he was kited and engaged with strictly out of range. The problem is, the other 3 DO have range and would definitely try some fuckery.
>>70192928Honestly you never know with starsEN management, I mean they fricking debuted 3 gens in less than 2 years and based on Shinri's map lore thingy there might be some plan on debuting new members soon just to complete the region lore
>>70193110Agreed. And there's also something to be said of the potential of Octavio's ability. We have yet to see how big his puppets can be and if he could potentially pull a biological mecha and go toe-to-toe with Flayon.
>>70192932Tavi can control corruption beasts/corrupted entites with a wave of his conductor's baton + string so theoretically all of VG who are partially corrupted are essentially useless. I'd say HQ vs ARMIS will definitely be a rough fight on HQ's end but could honestly go either way depending what out of the dubious pool of offhand stuff that could consider lore we're taking as canon.
>>70192932Any conditions? As is, Tempus out number Armis by 2 and most of them are pretty competent fighters not to mention Flay has a massive fuck off mech.
>>70193070>Yeah, he was shitting on him and calling anybody who told him to fuck off a NijiniggerFunny, I'm pretty sure he out of nowhere just called an anon to be a vox fan, meaning that he was occupying a nijithread, and when told that he was wrong he said that the energy bwing into Axel would have been better used into something elseIdk why you keep defending nijisister if you insist that you aren't one
I will join holostars
>>70193331How was your audition?
>>70193285Funny you should mention that, I think Flay started saying "I got nerfed/now I need goverment permission to bring out R-TRUS" exactly around the time Armis was revealed, I think we should assume Flay is unable to get approval a petty fight lol.
>>70193263I would agree, but there's something to be said of Phantom's sentience as I don't think Phantom would consent to being put under Octavio's control. It is also to be said that there is some speculation as to if Shinri's really corrupted (or what he is period because koi/dragon lore) and what his power level is. He DID say that his bow was taken from him because Altare said it was 'too OP' (in his debut). I think that the fight would be more even than initially thought given those attributes and speculations alone.
>>70193263>Octavio controls Bettel and gets him to walk out of cover so Goldbullet can shoot him>Somehow, Goldbullet keeps FUCKING MISSING>Same with Jurard, but thats normal>Octavio makes him dance into axe range>Ruze ALSO KEEPS FUCKING MISSINGMAX LUCK DODGE TANK
>>70193263>Tavi can control corruption beasts/corrupted entitesAre record corruptions the same as corruption beasts?
>>70193311Then that's a different anon you're talking about. I don't keep track of every single post here. Also you're painfully esl so I didn't understand half your post. Keep your offtopic female roasties out of a holostar thread and we won't have any issue, shrimple as.
>>70193285Not setting any conditions as much as speculation and general powerscaling things. However, whether you want to take the mecha into consideration is up to you. Personally, I don't exactly know how the mecha WORKS per se, so there's no real way to measure its strengths and weaknesses as well as how it really functions (how it looks in a fight). Like I said previously, it would be really interesting to see if Octavio could do a bio-mecha and go against Flayon. But that's just one line of thought.
>>70193458I would appreciate if you could point out my grammatical errors. Let's keep nijis out of the thread as well shall we, we both agree that other than holostars are offtopic, I don't like the live girls either
>>70193169Crazy conspiracy theory: The reason StarsEN got shotgunned out so fast is that either they were trying to get a fully formed branch out in the overseas market as quick as possible (to make up for lost time as it didn't debut at the same time as Holomyth), as now that it's as big as HoloEN/OG StarsJP, it is considered "fleshed out" and the rate of new gens are gonna slow down massively.
>>70193433>Pain radiates from Hakka's abdomen, blood poured from his wound>His carelessness and naivete has finally caught up to him.>His memories take him back to the time when first arrived at the guild hall>His apprehension to this foreign strangers>The joy he felt after spending time with them>and becoming the family he never had>*Crack* the sound of bones snapping back into place jot him from his memories>Out in the corner of his vision >a singlular amber eye watch him atop Bettels body unblinking>*Pop**crack* Bettel body horribly mangled before, now mending>as the last of his limbs with a loud crack snap back into position,>Bettel rose, abruptly, almost as if being pull by the wires of a puppeteer.>The colours on his clothes started to shifts >much like what you would see, looking through a kaleidoscope >The shifting quickens, his form now a dazzling blur, >his outlines exploding into blizzards of light>The vague form of Bettel could be seen bowing amidst the dazzling display.>Bettel spoke with a sing-song flourish to his voice>"Let me introduce myself, Gavis Bettel code name Jester">"Or you might know me from my moniker,Monster of the Elysium Fields~">With the mention of his moniker he had the attention of all four invaders.>"So Ladies and Gents~ , i welcome you all tonight!">"To our performance of.... ">"The dance without end!"To be continued
I really like this part. He sounds like a bird.
>>70193407>>70193548Okay, with this in mind, I think Flayon is genuinely useless in this fight unless there's other lore I'm missing here. I know that he's some sort of 'cyborg' or something and that he's quite old, but his physical frame in general does not inspire confidence in his abilities to genuinely fight.
>>70193433Bettel's maxluck means that it swings from one end to the other. Sure he will dodge all of Armis' attacks but probably by getting his boot stuck in quicksand or falling ass first into a poisonous bush
>>70193639Anon holy fuck keep cooking.
>>70193169Stars JP actually debuted 3 gens within a year. It's
>>70193650I sometimes wonder how he can make half the noises he does on songs or streams kek
>>70193760Pretty sure it's an old green text
If Gen 4 debuted this year, when would be the perfect time, in your opinion?
>>70193407kek>>70193548>bio-mecha>fusing a bunch of corrupted beast into a unholy creation of destructionAlmost lovecraftian, love it, as for R-trus i imagine it functions like a AC mech purely from aesthetics.
>>70193949Armis just came out bro. No time would be perfect
>>70193590I've never mentioned any Niji ever itt nor do I want to.
>>70193433>>70193752>>70193424There is much to be said about his luck in this role as this is an exchange between Bettel and Phantom. This could potentially support the point that Phantom, and by contract Bettel, would not fall under Octavio's control if Octavio tried to exert it. This makes for a very interesting scenario that if Bettel got close enough, he could dispatch Octavio and ARMIS would lose some extra bodies.
>>70193949I wouldn't consider this year to be the perfect timeIdeally a gen 4's debut would be in the spring since we have summer, fall, and winter debuts so it would complete the millennium puzzle, but shoving them out this spring would be retarded
>>70193760Havent cooked for months now, this is just something old i wrote that i thought kinda fit the current discussion.
>>70193955Noted! Now all that remains to be seen is HOW this theoretical bio-mecha would work and function. I would imagine that the R-trus would have higher sensory optics as well as fine-tuning due to the link and sheer experience of the pilot, but in terms of what the bio-mecha COULD do and the fact that it would be made up of parts of a whole, it could split off parts of itself and latch onto the R-trus and fuck up a lot of how it functions. That is if Flayon would let it get to that point, which I highly doubt he would.
>>70194298Anon, if you ever bring yourself to go into the kitchen again, I will readily eat every scrap that you have.
regis altare
Obviously, Altare would win it all since he's the only one "aware" and metagame the whole thingIt's why they should drop the whole digital world shit
altare regis
>>70194427Bleh! Cover made it too easy! Who on earth wrote that lore? I just wanna talk. I suddenly want to assert that this 'easy way out' be expunged from the rest of the discussion just to make it more interesting.
Bettel,Hakka,and Shinri all taking a break is suspicious. Has Flay said anything about taking a break soon I don't watch him often? If it is all of VG I suspect 3Ds may be sooner then we thought for em. Maybe Cover is rushing out 3Ds for a 3D concert to celebrate the second anniversary in a few months.>>70193949Perfect time? Honestly not this year at all spring next year is the best time let's armis keeps the lime light for a year first. However Shinri brought up recruiting recently so I suspect in a few months we'll get armis gen 2 similar to how HQ and VG debuted near each other. If the cycle continues then it will be about a year after armis gen 2 before we get another gen and it will not be connected to armis or tempus but take place in the same world still.
>>70193855sorry, forgot to delete the last part
>>70193424>>70194089One by one, the strings wrap around the jesters' struggling limbs. He's screaming, he's yanking away at them like it will do something. But in short order, those hands fall limp like the rest of him. Through my strings, I have his body. One tug and he rises from the floor stiffly to walk besides me. Soon I will have his soul. They tighten around something ethereal, and then something abyssal and vicious. My strings are straining. My Jester puppet has fallen slack to the floor. I've joined him. The bump on my head is nothing compared to the malevolence tearing away at my mind. He's screaming. I'm screaming. My baton has rolled away from me, and a little purple dog rests his paw on it. His one eye glows like a maddening moon.
>>70194506>Has Flay said anything about taking a break soonidk, but he's been tweeting shit like this for the past few days
>>70194427>>70194498I have now been given a reason completely different to the norm to somewhat despise Regis Altare.
>>70193949After 3rd act
>>70194582Phantom - 1, Octavio - 0.I FUCKING kneel.
>>70193705He has those shield panels he can cover himself, ride on, and send out to cover allies or bash foes. Without the R-TRUS, I guess he could be kinda mobile but also be a support if needed?>Goldbullet REEEing internally when Flayon is providing cover or is flying too erratically to hit
>>70194317Corruption beast have a wide array of weaponary i would imagine so depending on what kinda beast are being fused it might have Bio-Cannons, multiple claws and razor-sharp blades, armoured with a thick chitinous hide that exudes poisonous spores from rends in its plates. Control wise i would imagine Octavio would need to actively puppet it.>That is if Flayon would let it get to that pointIt depends if his defense system get overwhelmed.
Is Ruze an elf
>>70194937Not gonna lie, unless Goldbullet can initially get the jump on TEMPUS or get a few shots in by surprise, he'll mostly be relegated to sniper. And as for Flayon's panels, I have to imagine that a great deal of brute force can do a lot of damage to those. I don't quite know how far the capacity of those panels go as to if they have an additional shielding capacity or shield as they are.
what about chibitrus
>>70195068No, he's just a regular average human!
>>70195068He is a perfectly normal human being
>>70195117chibitrus is not an elf
>>70195068There are rumors but (((they))) will deny them with ferocity
ackshually Ruze is a vampire
I appreciate the description in Shinri's slime rancher video
>>70195018>Control wise i would imagine Octavio would need to actively puppet it.I think Octavio might have to do a bit more than 'puppet' it in the sense that this is (presumably) an entire host of corruption beasts. While one could assume that there's a hive mentality amongst them based on how they come about, whether it's enough for them to be considered one entity or be distinct enough to be separate is up for debate. Depending on the sheer quantity of creatures, the baton may not be enough and Octavio himself would have to serve as a conduit to control all of these corruption beasts. This will have some considerable mental strain on him. As for everything else, all of the possibilities of the bio-mechanics can make the defense systems on the R-trus completely overwhelmed, but there's also much to be said on whether Octavio himself could be overwhelmed based on what I previously suggested.
>>70194937I can kinda picture Flayon zooming up close to do his best Jason Griffith impression zooming away
>>70195387He's carrying on Magni's legacy
6 million horas in ms paint. Enjoy racist bettlehead
>>70195500those hips are so distracting
>>70195540while you were distracted, that bettlehead posted 13/51 stats again
>>70195500Nice. Now draw it getting fucked by Bettel.
>>70195068Speaking of Ruze in this context, even though he insists he's a proper human, the lore says otherwise as he has 'superhuman strength'. It is also to be noted that he's blatantly wearing objects that were tainted with corrupted energy but seems wholly unaffected. And don't get me started on his others (egos? personalities? minds? aspects?). They remind me of a literal prism crystal of sorts, and the Ruze we know is the one we see most of the time, but that might not even be 'prime Ruze' in a sense. Regardless, I think he's a lot more powerful than we see at first glance.
>>70195819he's literally an arrancar
>>70196283Anon I have no idea what the fuck that means beyond that it's from Bleach.
>>70196394like how an arrancar is a hollow that developed sentience and looks human, Ruze is a corrupted beast that developed sentience and looks human
>>70196382me on the right :(
>>70196436This is absolutely possible. Now, I don't want to nitpick, but his eyes are distinctly different from every other person. There's a certain blankness that can belie origins that aren't as human as you think given the comparisons. However, if he gained sentience, then why is he killing his kin? Does he hate himself or rather what the corrupted beasts to the people he used to roll with?
>>70196563Not that anon, but doesn't his bio mention he might be descended from demons? I think we've only met Hakka's evil tengu and whatever the fuck Phantom is, but those rumors might be true.
>>70194427Altare said in lore he doesn't actually know he's in a digital world, at least for now
>>70196692The lore specifically says that he is 'rumored' to have demonic blood because of his superhuman strength, but that remains to be confirmed or denied. The folks around him may be speculating just as much as we are right now lmao
Hello Mansisters, is it true Nijisisters were reporting the boys to Cover?
>>70196763They see him with the mask with horns and think the horns are coming from his head
>>70196986>I wanna do that to Flay oh wait your question, I dunno and don't care. Cover wouldn't do a thing
>>70196563We know corruption can add extra "code" to folks like Hakka. Maybe Corruption could also fuse 2 entities. Ruze was thick headed enough somehow gained control. Azure and the lot might be the corruption beast he fused with possibly the remains of his former party as well. Ruze might not even be alive but had a strong enough will to over power the corruption beast that tried to adsorb him post mortem causing him to sorta come back but now way stronger cuz is is actually corrupted. More morbid still Ruze might not even know he is actually corrupted hence his insistence on being human despite very clear not being human. Possibly even being in denial about what happened to him.
Also, I would very much like to discuss what is up with Jurard and his lore because based on what I recall he is:> Part dinosaur via hereditary> Some semblance of royalty or a part of a dynasty> Had some clout or enough money to have clout at some point (if his name is not his prestige)> A goal to stake out his own claim in the south, fuck all else and whatever his powerscaling is.It is also to be noted that it is up for debate as to if his very voice can be considered a weapon or not.
i remember when altare was talking about himself vs armis he said something like "hmm there's a chance octavio..." idk if he got distracted or was implying somethingbut he said later ruze would probably be the toughest fight
>>70197042>>70197115>>70196739Given everything we've seen and how he absolutely refuses to bring up his backstory (canonically and in real life as it pertains to his lore), this can also be the case. However, it also leaves the question of what corruption is capable of as well as whatever it is. And given that this can be digital, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that perhaps this corruption is some sort of bug in the code that spawned from a 'virus' in the world if it can 'corrupt' the various entities in it. I might be completely wrong, but nothing definitive has been given as to suggest anything else.
>>70195540You wouldn't fuck a bettelhead
i think ruze's deal is a take on that trope with the whole "parasite/ghost/alien/whatever takes over a dude's body but gets their memories and sympathizes with them" thing but with a corruption beast
>>70196986Fuck off and kill yourself, hololivetrannies aren't welcome
>>70197276I definitely think TEMPUS are all corrupted and someone notices and hires ARMIS to take them out
>>70197276This is either a fluke on his part or implies that both Octavio and Ruze would be heavy hitters, which makes sense given the potential bio-mecha simmering on the stove and the many questions about what the fuck is up with Ruze.
RPR and some weird soundin mf are on dokibird right now might be cool
>>70197469Kill yourself. This is why I hate you HAHAtrannies so much. Fuck you and your fat whore
>>70197461 (me)When I say corrupted I mean having connections to corruption beasts which is why Octavio might be way scarier than he looks
>>70196986Whenever I see this video I keep looking at it... I wish I was this comfortable with physical touch, I want hugs and cuddles and headpats...
magical boys ruzerex...
>>70197461I would agree with you, except that I genuinely believe that Shinri has gotten by mostly unscathed. The blue hand could very much be referring to his own power as opposed to actual corruption. And given the circumstances proposed, this bounty that ARMIS would be taking would have to be worth a LOT. And there's been little-to-no allusion to any group being THAT powerful existing in Elysium at large (that we know of definitively).
>>70197469this feels wrong
>>70197534I too would like to know how Octavio has the ability to control corruption beasts. He has to be corruption beast-adjacent at LEAST.
>>70197121Most Badlanders don't really have or care about surnames. The Rexfords however seem like a prominent enough family/name that Jurard happily throws around. Gonna guess they're all dino beastmen who used their power to kick ass and get to the top of Badlands society. Jurard may have been raised on tales of his ancestors kicking ass. And then there's TEMPUS being heroes. These stupid Utopians/Xenokunians who don't know how good they have it over in their land are somehow building the legends HE wants to build. Ha! He has no choice but to get out and make his mark. No bullshit, no mercy, just glory.
>>70197607YAGOO and Riku are still BFFs, despite the drama
What do fans of female vtubers get out of shilling their disgusting whores in here all the time i wonder? You have literally 95% of the board for that yet this is the thread you choose to post in? Entitled behavior
>>70197461Yeah I think so too, it's great contrast
>>70197580I hate when they just copypaste the heads, Zephyr I can kinda understand
>>70197722Has anyone made a zephyr gijinka yet
>>70197680Offtopic, has nothing to do with Tempus
>>70197580the concept is good but this just looks unsettling...
>>70197509>>70197691SEETHE SISTER
>>70197691nta but if i had to take a guess it'd be because we like 3/4ths of the participants in that stream and maybe they wanted to talk about the stream with other people who like 3/4ths of that stream's participants
>>70197891This is not the thread for that discussion
>new IPs
>>70197597That's fair, there's a chance that TEMPUS is a fresh guild and that nobody knows how strong they really are and I kind of forgot about Shinri. I remember he said his arm was turned blue as punishment for failing a test of strength and that he uses magic to make his arrows but that's about it
>>70197868>>70197891You realize you're doxxposting in a holostar thread right? Stupid faggot I hope your fat whore attempts again and actually succeeds this time and they find her body in a ditch somewhere. Maybe that'll stop you worthless trannies from dilating itt
>>70197891This thread is for STARSEN activity
>>70197962(me) i meant to post shipart but this works too honestly
>>70197891Just don't attempt to reason with troglodytes on 4chan especially vtuber fans it is absolutely not worth, they only support brands not the streamers
>>70197276That's huge if he was implying he's also got corruption.
>>70198060>defending offtopic doxxshitGo ahead and kill yourself, silly bitch.
I feel like I need to up my game on the Islamic stars posts. The arabified names I made feel a bit contrived for me
>>70197659Just because of how epic that sounds, I might put Jurard firmly OUT of having any corruption as I feel his bloodline may actively fight against any sort of corruption. It would also explain his family's dominance.
>>70197944his blue hand is weird, i don't think it's mentioned in the official lore but he says it's a bad thing but then it's a dragon arm in his logo and he talks positively about becoming a dragon in his lore intro
>>70198060This thread is for STARSEN activity.
>>70198119There is no "doxx" take your ass back to red_dit and tell them to actually teach you the definition
>muh doxxSurely Axel and Altare are streaming because they DON'T want anyone to watch them. No streamer would ever want to be watched, goes against everything they stand for.
>>70197944So the blue hand might genuinely be a nerf for his larger abilities. This would explain his bow being taken as well as a further nerf and something to enhance that lore. So with that in mind, if Shinri somehow atones and succeeds, we could be dealing with a genuine powerhouse.
>>70198250Alright then, don't discuss RM shit here. That better for you? Fucking tourists.
in like 3 weeks we're gonna get another collab with the same 4 people but two of the fugis will be different and then it will be perfectly fine to talk about it here, in the meantime there's /haha/
>>70198296>>70198250What part of "This thread is for StarsEN activities ONLY" do you not understand? You worthless braindead shitstabbing monkeys. Ease the burden on everybody around you and end your life. It doesn't get better for you.
>>70198188Maybe vary it up a bit? Have a Nation of Islam guy in there, their whole thing is having trashy names
>>70198296Neither Axel nor Altare are streaming. Have you considered moving to the appropriate thread for the stream you are watching?
>>70198365or it never happens again and you fags can just stop doing this
all of tempus being corrupted (save for mama) and armis being experts at defeating corruption makes sense to me, sounds pretty coolit would also mean that the ongoing tempus joke about being a villain's guild is kinda real kek
>>70198222>>70197944The other suggestion that this blue hand could be the beginning of his turning into a dragon (his eyes are doing NO favors opposing this theory) and therefore being more powerful could also lend credence to why his bow was taken away as he was becoming too powerful. This also implies that if Altare took it from him that he could beat Altare in a fair fight I'm totally not getting giddy at the thought-
rpr is honorary tempus so it's okay to discuss about it
HAHAtrannies will NEVER be welcome here. Your fat roastie is so fucking boring that you're bitching in here instead of watching her stream lmao
>>70198362>>70198413Nobody cares you autistic faggot, go be gay somewhere else.
>>70198424I'll take that into account. I specially wanted them to be real Arabs though because in ISIStars, I want Arabmag and Arabves to be martyred in a valiant suicide bombing
>>70198534Keep the thread ontopic or kill yourself, tranny. You will never be a woman
>literal doxxfaggots invading the thread>no mods in sightThis board is doomed
>>70198466What if Tempus doesn't know that they're corrupted and are unknowingly spreading the corruption? Flay might know and be the one orchestrating it though
>>70198534Ofcourse its a fucking axelotl defending the doxxfags. You are the worst troons itt
>>70198612that's actually a SICK idea, there's so much you could do with that
I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with the resident retard, but there is literally another thread if you want to discuss that stream
>>70198700Axel deserves better than you brotuber faggots. Kys tranny>>70198707Do you see who the problem is now?
>>70198638>tribalfaggingI remember when this thread was fun.
>>70198522>>70198576>>70198592>>70198638None of these posts are on-topic. YOU are the cancer killing /mans/, newfaggots.
samefag, just talk about lore or die.
>>70198741I'm a fujo tho
>>70198707Yeah. It's not like some fleshie activity where there's nowhere else on the board. Other place is completely accessible, just being a tourist there is fine. They're neighbourly.
>>70198755Apologies for noticing patterns of behavior>>70198761Retard
>>70198060You have other places to livepost about that stream and you are welcome to go to them. This thread is not one of them, it's pretty simple
armis/vg only watchers remember what MANS stands for and shut the fuck up
>>70198466>>70198612>>70198701All of this absolutely cooks we're eating so well right now. TEMPUS (established guild dedicated to figuring out what the fuck is wrong with them to try and purge the corruption from themselves) versus ARMIS (group of bounty hunters carving out a piece of the Badlands for themselves and mowing down corruption while they're at it) is AWESOME and would make for such a good story overall.
>>70198612I wish Flayon's lore was more accessible, I guess he tries to make it vague nonsense so he doesn't have to say it's not canon or reveal too much if it is canon but it's so annoying.
>>70198849>what MANS stands forMyAssholeNeedsStuffing
so that jurard t rexford persona 3 reload stream huh
>>70198805Noooo but how else will the brotuberfags and trannies shill their BASED UWU WAIFUS to one of the few threads where they would be offtopic? The axe wound between their legs starts closing the second they stop shoving nonHolostars in everybody's face anon
>>70198903I too would like to know about what the fuck is up with his age and the wider implications it has for lore, but alas, we cannot have everything we want.
>>70198741Oh don't get a big head. I actively dislike bitches who scream like niggers over minor things. I also dislike niggers who are dox/off topic posting when they have a perfect thread for it
>>70198958If you cared to make it stop you'd realize your constant embarassing seething about it only encourages people to keep talking about it, retard.
I can't hear the lore over all the samefagging, did we figure out if Ruze is an elf
>>70199084No but we have the new juicy rrat that Hakka is a boy![/spiller]
My personal lore rrat I'm nursing is that Altare and the giant blue tree in their world are somehow related, like he was summoned to be the tree's (digital) physical representative, but with the corruption crossing some wires maybe literally something's gone wrong.I'm doing nothing with this info, I just think it would be Neat.
>"Anyway, where does Banzoin Hakka go in terms of how he'd do in a fight? I'd imagine that his more intense manifestation of corruption alongside his tengu ancestry would make him quite the formidable foe."
>>70199008The only thing embarrassing are the female vtuber faggots who think they're welcome here or allowed to shill their boring roasties. Post Holostars or die, monkeys
>>70199084No, he's black.
>>70199084If he is, he's a self-hating one
>>70199128>[/spiller]/MANS/ never change
I still think about Axel stuffing Magni every night I can't help it! It was my perfect ship.. robbed from us way too early. And I can't even heal because Axel keeps thristing for that ass
>>70199084Ears definitely pointy. Absolutely blind guess, but maybe some kinda fusion between Ruze and whatever was left of his party members. So he's got the the prism stuff, but also some physical features? I'd like to think regular Ruze was the base though, and everything else was from his party
>>70199164His corruption is the tengu data, he doesn't have tengu ancestry
>>70199084Jury's still out on that one, they're more inclined to believe in corruption-adjacent ancestry, but are open to the rumors of demonic power.
Jurard clocked shinjiro as a tsundere in literal seconds...
>>70198894Imagine if ARMIS finds out TEMPUS has corrupted members. There is absolutely no way Jurard's loud mouth wouldn't be shouting that from the rooftops. ARMIS could potentially get a fuck ton of money from panicked civilians AND get a really high profile hit. Taking down those bastards who were deceiving everyone and working with the enemy! Fuck yeah! We don't need to talk about """research""" because that sounds like excuses.
>>70199176Sisters also insist on talking about rpr /here/ I fucking hate it
so, any anons know about VRchat assets?
>>70199265Thank you for the correction. This just reinforces that there's some sort of digital element to the corruption that alludes to how some of the worldbuilding is done at large.
>>70199164He is a glass cannon, and I think he could beat or have close matches with everyone except Flayon forma de mecha or if they catch him off-guard
>>70199309How much does this lore take into account how they are during streams? Asking because Hakka is very close to Armis and also the most corrupted member of the guild
>>70199330Yes it's possible but I think it's really difficult or not possible in game... at least it wasn't years ago
>>70199309>"We're going after this fucking bounty because if we do it, I'm going to be so fucking rich."Seriously though, all of those motherfuckers are so collectively trigger-happy that they'd do it with little persuasion clout and cash aside.
>>70199330I'm sure there has to be based on the Ame VRC streams I've seen.
>>70199443>most visibly* corruptedI don't think you can base a lot on stream interactions, the only ones that really interact like their characters would is Altare and Jurard but that will probably change once/if they ever collab
>>70199443>>70199416Taking this into account, at the end of the day, I don't think Hakka would stab Tempus in the back. Dare I say, he might actually be able to dominate ARMIS if he caught them off guard. And going off of the other thread, he could absolutely do it with the expected amount of difficulty accompanied by ARMIS at large.
I was writing speculative biology for the Bettelion as I do for each mascot. I had a thought unconnected to my version of Bettelion biology. What if Bettel is creating the Bettelion like Hakka makes Hakkitos but is too stupid to realize he is doing it subconsciously. Bettel is showing early signs of corruption with his hands becoming weird. Perhaps Phantom's influence is letting Bettel do it without thinking to prevent the corruption from getting worse. Phantom was the last thing Bettel saw when he got corrupted hence the similarities between the Bettelion and Phantom. Hakka said the Hakkitos are birds cuz he saw a fat bird when he first corrupted after all.
>>70199580uh oh you'll be called a tranny now
>>70199164>>70199265Hakka has 2 spears (that can become one MEGA spear) and has all his ritual exorcist magic AND the raw power of the tengu data... I don't think there's anything he can't do, except survive if he gets hit
>>70199443ARMIS is based in the Badlands. They might not know about the specific kinds of corruption that are outside of that area, or at least in not enough detail. Hakka could probably lie to them as well claiming it's a Xenokunian magic thing and they wouldn't look too hard into it. Maybe Ruze might be a little suspicious, but not suspicious enough to care until later when he starts noticing more shit
>>70199747Nice try but that anon didn't do anything wrong. Completely offtopic discussion of roommates and literal doxxshit is what's not allowed
>>70199729Someone did this based on the not cannon™ lore of Hakka spawning the Hakkitos from his cursed/corrupted energy
>>70199729This is devastatingly on-brand for Bettel, actually. Given that his brain is canonically small enough for Phantom to have difficulty taking control of him for long periods of time, Phantom wold have to resort to more overt methods to assert his control and continue to go along with what he is trying to do.
>>70199860If tengu corruption is like beast corruption then Tavi would know/feel it, right?
>>70199885ah picking and choosing now are we
>>70199885>literal doxxAnon, before using a word the least you could do is look up its definition. Using words incorrectly just makes you look like a retard that no one has to take seriously.
ok but axel can hit you with chains, take that armis
>>70199812>>70199860Given this information... would it be fair to assume that Altare would have a plan in order to 'neutralize' Hakka JUST in the case that he has to do so? And also taking into consideration that corruption can manifest itself differently based on which region and how one is affected by it, this could serve to be a very interesting catalyst for potential conflict.
>>70199958maybe Hakka can disguise the aura with his exorcist powers
>>70199218the reason he keeps pushing so hard for tempus dildos is so that he can watch magni ride it now that he cant fuck him himself
>>70199967Nope. Unlike your assertion the people who want the tourists and offtopic cunts to fuck off aren't going around spraying fire at anyone making even a passing nonHolostar mention.>>70200044>"You HAVE subscribe to the dictionary definition of words because I can't infer any meaning from context alone and because language doesn't change"You know what the issue is, right?
Also as a note... it was never specified what kind of bounties ARMIS took. If ARMIS specializes in bounties that are in the Badlands, then what on earth is stopping TEMPUS from employing them besides a sad and genuinely depressing lack of funds to capture a corruption beast alive and bringing it to them for study? Instead of standing on some moral high ground, why not try and make them work for you? It is a job, no?
>>70198466>bettel keeps saying he’s evil, etc>doesn’t know what to do when he realizes he actually is a villain along with the rest of tempus>phantom finally takes over
>>70199483>>70199580then I hope he gets some real answers eventually because for now it's mostly just people trying and failing to be funny
>>70200110Altare has said Hakka can do no wrong so either he doesn't know or he's into it.Shinri is full on batman though, he said he has or is working on a way to stop each Tempus member if they ever go rogue.
>>70200209What's funny is that /vt/ was made specifically for Hololive Global and its definition of doxx. This is why you see stuff get deleted despite it being "about vtubers" still over there.Whenever someone pulls the "uhm, ackshually doxx really means ____" shit, it just outs them as a retarded tourist.
>>70200209kek when you were shitting on hololivetrannies just in this thread right now? get fucking real
>>70200054>Dingo hands typed this postAxel is a heavy hitter that does have some range/flexibility with his chains. I don't think he could take too many direct attacks from Ruze. But with a agility focused approach, he might be able to make up for it. Dodge shit, tangle people's limbs and weapons in chains, trip them up... Hopefully he doesn't blunder into Octavio's strings tho
>>70200290 (Me)>Hakka can do no wrongWhen asked about Hakka's possible possession*
>>70200290>>70200236Well, that's nice to know. Speaking of that, how on earth would Shinri stop this besides killing Bettel and hoping Phantom doesn't latch onto him in the process? If there's a way to separate the two in the first place...
>>70200044Anon you should also know that the word doxx on this board means talking about RMs as well
>>70200209>>"You HAVE subscribe to the dictionary definition of wordsYes, because words have meanings you daft ESL cunt. If you want to participate in the English internet you should start by fucking learning English.
>>70200290>Shinri is full on batmani feel like that confirms he's not corrupted?
>>70200324Sorry I'm not going to be led by you into shitting on random anons that aren't derailing the thread with offtopic shit. Come up with better bait
i think ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
>>70197538I've never really drawn porn so I cannotYou can have this though's not actually anything drawn there
>>70200346Ruze is definitely smart enough to know that this would be Axel's strategy and would absolutely be able to come up with a counter on the fly. But what remains is if these counters would be a success and the goal of the fight. Ruze would definitely be fighting to kill or at least incapacitate. While I believe Axel is capable of the same, fighting in the gladiator ring cannot be compared to fighting for your life (in some instances).
See lore diffusion is fun.If all their lore was confirmed and set in stone, there would be nothing to discuss.Would you rather have it that way?
>>70200435Just say you're clinically retarded and can't formulate very complex thoughts. You don't have to write the extra stuff
>>70200346Axel does have the ultra instinct on his side too so Axel would probably be a really annoying target
Does the data corruption happen randomly (like a glitch in the data) or could it be obtained if you wanted? Since in my opinion Hakka's orisongs talk about him making a deal with the karasutengu>This new power you give me, is it worth it>This wasn't part of the deal—do you want me dead?
>>70200545Absolutely not, anon. However, it would be nice to know just a smidge more or get a few more crumbs so that some of us could get more hogwild with it
Does Ragus have an alt streaming account or something cause Dokibird is streaming with someone who sounds exactly like him.
>>70200545But think how much Magni gave just by having a barebones background, people were eating that shit up. I wish for but a crumb of lore dear sir
>>70200545yeah because there will always more things to speculate or cook up or counter
>>70200537Bettelion are finally going to have an asshole
we rape regis altare
>>70200391I don't care how many anons are wrong, because I'll always be right.
>>70200719We have an asshole, it's the guy in your pic
>>70200696no, go in the dokibird thread if you want to discuss it
>>70200696Very subtle, go back.
>>70200635it's probably both, i think hakka went in depth into how he got the tengu data in an es zatsu but i can't find the clip
>>70200635I think maybe the deal wasn't as favorable as Hakka thought it was going to be and if that's the case, then the karasutengu's data corruption may be distinct enough from the other types of corruption in TEMPUS but is similar enough to Bettel's that it is notably separate from every other example we have.
>>70200696>RagusOfcourse you're from THAT thread
>>70200545Lore fujos are the best fujos
goodnight /MANS/, have fun with your lore and goodnight next baker, whoever you are
>>70200696No, it's a total coincidence
/MANS/ fell off and it shows
>>70200558Thats why you are mock by our brethren, always with your schemes, how many times has it backfired on you over the eons with have existed "Phantom"? Reap what you sow brother, REAP WHAT YOU SOW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ShinySpicy's friendship with that whore is one of the worst things that's happened to this thread ngl. I'll take the Vesper suspension rrats over this
>we're fucking minorsamazing phrasing from Jurard
>>70200715I will forever mourn what was lost with Magni's lore.Funnily enough his idea of an Elysium academy is seemingly canon now
>>70200715>"A crumb... a crumb... my kingdom for a crumb..."
>>70200696>>70200861>>70200912Worthless faggots. Hope your obese whore succeeds in the next attempt
>>70200882Axel should have just gone with full Tempus team, even if Magni would have bitches about it the while time
>>70200938Seethe harder
>>70200836I concur.
>>70200938your words are useless
>>70200715I mean he really threw us a bone with that dead ex guildmates for each of his arms.
>>70200938This post is off-topic. You should go be butthurt elsewhere.
>>70200998I'm mad that lorewriter he collabed with never ended up making that comic about him
>>70200998>>70200922As a lore enjoyer, I kneel to Magni for the morsel that shall sustain me.
>>70200836>Me a lore autist discussing lore with fujoI did not see myself doing this 10 years ago, but its kinda nice.
Samefag at least offer your hole so I can impregnate you while you complain
>>70200958>>70200994>>70201007Keep defending the doxxfags, trannies. Only a matter of time before that landwhale attempts again
How has Jurard's P3R been goingI've been listening to Ruze's worldbuilding autism
>>70201089boo hoo bitch keep seething about trannies
>>70200998It's little things like that that ignite the inspiration. It does also help that Magni's design lent itself to such interesting premises. We will never get as great of a design and I am mourning it every day
>>70201089Seethe at max potential
>>70201089>assmad anon's a furfaggotCan't make this shit up
We support NijiEN here, dookie fans. You're not welcome.
God I fucking hate female vtuber fans
>>70201091I envy you anon. If only I could afford a membership. Don't spoil me lest a few gifts are tossed my way. How is the stream going?
>>70200346if we go with the theory that all of tempus is corrupted, how are axel and altare corrupted?
>>70201136i think about the possible doppelganger magni lore that we never got all the time. especially after prince syrios once said copium existed in their world
>>70201045Can I mourn something that I never had in the first place? Can the guy do us a solid and drop it as a 'fanfiction' or something?
>>70201127>>70201146>>70201150The troons are SO mad lmao. You will never be women T^T
>>70201153lol, lmao
>>70199892Guess I wasn't the first person to think about this concept. The concept of Hakka going around teaching all of Tempus how to do this as the guild slowly corrupts is kinda sad honestly. Like maybe it starts with him becoming worried that Shinri's blue hand will spread so he teaches Shinri to be safe. Then he notices Bettel's fingers and starts to panic before rushing to teach him too. After what happened to Bettel he decides to teach everyone just in case while slowly getting worse himself from the stress of it.
>>70201072I did not expect someone to use my shitty drawing from way back, but lore does bring up the best type of autism and I always wish more of the boys would indulge in it and let the chuuni take over
>>70201241lmao keep seething
Ever since Dead World I thought the life tree world tree whatever the fuck was already dead and now with the badlands introduced, that place is the beginning of the apocalypse. what say you fellow /mans/
>>70201153Nice false flag there, you shiteating HAHAtranny. Your whore isn't welcome here
>>70201212Mhn, stop. I have thought about it so many times...
>>70201091He just bullied a small child
>>70201045>>70201055Here's a really really old greentext i wrote base on that.>Magni struggles as he opens his eyes,the scene that greeted him was not a pleasant one>He can vaguely hear the sound of battle,"Who were we fighting again""Oh""Them">"I took a blow to the head,a scythe was swung down towards me to finish me off.B-but someone shielded me who was it again">turning to his side he sees vesper lying on the floor beside him blood pooling around his body.>Magni look up to see,Axel struggling to get on his knees.His legs clearly broken in a few places>Altare fighting one armed ,a bloodied mess remains of where his right arm used to be.Five figures surround him trying to finish him off.>Altare is putting up a valiant defense,but clearly he was not long for this world.>They had minutes,no seconds before they were completely wiped out.>"Everyone is gonna die....again">He looks down at his collar,a small red crystal sits there.>He hears a burly voice echo in his mind."Dez Boyo you dont have to do this" another voice younger almost musical "It will kill you,you know this">a female voice speaks "Run,Dezzy,they wont blame you,we didnt" >He removes the pin that secures the red crystal to his collar,it thumpers to the floor,arms trembling he picks up the crystal and places it carefully into his mouth.>As he is about to swallow ,A single thought consumes him "Never again.">Finally a voice he recognize all too well speaks to him from the great beyond,his old master "You were always a stubborn lil runt.You have 5 mins before you are dead">Magni chuckles to himself and with labored breaths whispers "good enough">He swallows,light from each arms of his glove cloak flows into his body>As he stands,power coursing through his veins.>Magni bellows "YOU DARE CHALLENGE ME,THE GREAT MAGNI DEZMOND ALCHEMIST OF HOLOSTARS ENGLISH!!!">4 mins 59 seconds..
>>70201195Axel is a dog npc whose data got corrupted and ended up a human gladiator.Altare grows horns but keeps getting shorter from corruption.
>>70200874Nobody asked the living STD growth what its opinion was. What of your """schemes""", you spawn of putrescence? MAGMITES have done more on their own than you. Mere jelly-filled, sniveling shadows of a fallen man and yet they were able to build and maintain a lab dedicated to resurrecting their lord. And don't pretend that you're their backer behind the throne. Magmite Prime gave me that video of you fornicating with that sock puppet,by the way. Vile.
this thread has become significantly more schizophrenic since the grads
It's amazing. SO much seethe from HAHAtroons and yet they will STILL never be women.
I'm enjoying the collab
>>70201241This post is off-topic.
>>70201330The miitopia moment reminded me of this..
speaking of lore wasnt there some characters lore in nier that he really liked and wanted to use as inspiration once? something about her dying over and over and remembering her other lives and that there was a scene of a sea of her past (failed) selves or something. i think he should have lore similar to that ngl
>>70201182pitying his precious lizardmen and getting excited over valuable regional resources
I'm enjoying pissing off the seething anon that's minbroken by trannies
>>70201364Considering I can filter 95% of it out by blocking 3 words, it's one samefag trying to tank /mans/
>>70201364Some offtopic whale is streaming apparently so her tranny fans felt the need to shit up this thread by shilling her here. Troons gotta troon i guess
>>70201255I always liked that drawing reminds me of how united /mans/ was back than.
>>70201364It's just the samefag seething again because our boys are backstabbers
>>70201182Pretty good, I missed the first stream of this but I guess Mappa Imperium is basically assisted world building, which is right up Ruze's alley. Even chat's offered some interesting ideas. Makes me want to mess with this shit myselfAlso feels vaguely related to the thread's current lore discussion since could you just recreate a kinda elysium in this?
>>70201428Why do you hate Axel and Altare?
>>70201250>>70200387This is on-brand for Hakka as well as his interactions with the guild members at large. Compounds nicely with Bettel realizing he's the bad guy and subsequently losing it.
>>70201364I blame VG for bringing the cancer in.
>>70201476axel and altare are not obese
>>70201476Because he's a shitposter who doesn't watch streams.
what a fun discussion
>>70201527Sorry Bettel, phantom is the star of this show
>>70201417Ah, he sounds like he's having a blast. Good for him.
>>70201333do you think axels code gets confused sometimes and he lifts his leg to pee?
>>70201511the thread was awful before vg even debuted
>>70201511Sadly, yeah.
>>70201195I don't know how Axel would be since he hasn't given us anything but wouldn't Altare's just be the demon side?, Especially since it's been canonized now
>>70201465From what I've looked at, I might consider dabbling in Mappa Imperium in the future. However, the fun of making my own maps by hand cannot be easily curtailed. Perhaps I shall try my hand at making both work in tandem.
>>70201574nah it was fun
>>70201393>miitopiaYa, Aniki's miitopia streams really invoked some core memories.
>>70201620>vesper's suspension
>>70201527It certainly is!
>>70201620>>70201511It was fun until the Vesper suspension. He fucked up everything and the bounced.
>>70201465Yeah it's made me want to find a way to play this with a friend or one of my siblings but I'm not sure they would be interested in building a world map
>>70201573Kek, he's facing the toilet and just lift one leg up. Though I think he has said that he pees sitting down if he's at home, maybe the data was female dog's but there are no women in Elysium so the human resulting from the glitch is a man
The day that they finally hand over some of the lore building to Ruze is the day that I can die happy. Dare I say, I would live just to see it come together. And him working with Shinri as well? Consider me making a marked effort to actually stay alive.
>>70201699no wonder axel goes into heat sometimes...
>>70201717I need a conspiracy debate stream with those two so badly
>>70201717Someone should definitely help Flayon with his lore... Usually any morsel gets a big response from the Tempura but Flay's lore is so fucking convoluted I literally have seen almost zero fan response to it
>>70201644>>70201663the only thing vesper's suspension caused was awakening schizophrenia in a bunch of insane women that decided they wanted to spend the next six months trying to convince us he's just like an abusive boyfriend for the crime of getting salty at management autism one time
>starsEN will never get another CRPGfag>no holostar will ever stream Disco Elysium
>>70201573I hope
>>70201787I would clear out my entire schedule to be there live. The stream length is four hours MINIMUM. Every single concerned viewer is subsequently shot on site so that they lose perception of time and we get the ten hour collab that we deserve.
>>70201699I need art of that KEK
I've been writing up some ideas for a StarsEN related quest, so this shit is looking pretty rad. Dunno exactly when I'll make the quest, but it will probably be on a weekend
>>70201813Yeah, when his 2.0 stream came out, I was more confused than anything. It was like butter with how easily anything that could be solid slipped through my fingers.
>>70201881Glorious OC
>>70201717I'm doubtful management will let them mess around with Elysium directly much, but at least there's a DnD world to potentially mess around with freely. And Ruze's idea to try to get Armis (so far) individually to build a piece they can call their own into the world
>>70201881Through his pants? How hard is he pissing wtf
>>70201813you expect a TYPE-MOON fanboy to have lore that can be easily understood?
>>70201907Sounds fun!
>>70201881reminds me of picrel i stole off some schizo a while ago
>>70201907As in a fic then?
>>70201952And Shinri's dabbled in DnD before... please scheduling PLEASE make it happen I would have a reason to live...
>>70201359Calling names , how far you have fallen, your mental faculties has clearly been compromised, i wonder, brother, will your shackle perish before you devoid into nothing more than a beast. Oh and he gave you that video because i allowed him to,how do you like my performance? Dont be such a prude eternity is a long time.
>>70201878They'd never get perms anyway because the game outright mentions communism/fascism which are yabai in Holo terms.
>>70201881KEK>>70201813I think it's because he's actually invested in his lore so people are more of in a -waiting- mode rather than a -starved- mode waiting for the slightest crumb. Flay's lore activates my neurons like no other
>>70202180Ok explain his lore so far then
>>70201967His pants have a zipper I made sure not to say fly so you wouldn't get confused
Ruze should release Ruze themed dice
my oshi should beat up your oshi
>>70202339bday merch idea
>>70202259Get out of here Tavi, shoo!
>>70202180is his lore another version of a dual personality/clone/dark version of him? Just like leader's demon king, or magni's clones, or astel's, aruran's.
>>70201527Lore is fun! Now repeat after me LORE IS FUN
>>70202339Would purchase.
Crimson Ruze? More like Crimson Snooze! heheheh
>>70202501LORE IS FUN
>>70202592You're gonna be Crimzon Bruise when I'm done with you
>>70202493or ruze's rainbow versions, or tavi's crafted self, or silverbullet...
>>70202633Try it. You'll Crimzon Lose
>>70202633>>70202685>s instead of zcrimzon pozers
>>70202685You'll be blinded by my Ruze Cruize
>>70202042Not a fic. Quests are basically like choose your own adventure things but you're also playing with others in the thread. There is also a dice rolling thing for chance. >Pared down example:You're Axel, and you're really not having a good time right now. Your shoulder has a bleeding hole in it because of one of those ARMIS bastards, and it screams murder if you so much as move it. The rest of your body is sore from having to evade the attacks of 4 people. At least that muscle head with the big axe as well as that creepy babyface are out of commission on the forest floor. Now you just have this screeching Dino-Prick and whoevertheFUCK keeps sniping you to deal with.Will you:>Try to spot the sniper (Hard Roll)>Trip Jurard with your chains (Medium Roll)>Knock Jurard's magnums out of his hands (med roll)>Shout AGAIN for help. Where is Shinri???Then anons would vote for one of the choices and roll to beat a certain number in order to succeed. From there the story develops depending on what was chosen and if it worked
Got to enjoy Lore talk. So my question is now, Does Bettel realize he corrupting? How about the other Boys? If the boys know who's job is it to eventually tell Bettel if he doesn't know? I imagine none of them want too say anything in fear of it spreading more but leaving him in the dark forever could also be dangerous. I think that either Shinri or Hakka would have to give Bettel the corruption talk. Or maybe both of them as they try to reassure a panicked Bettel that it will be ok.
>>70202822That sounds really fun but be real, people will lie about rolls if it's all through posting
>>70202888There's a board for quests that has a dice roll system
>>70202848I think the whole idea was that he's too stupid to realize there's anything wrong but also too stupid to actually be controlled by Phantom