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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.70110423

Retards like this will likely cause the total collapse of nijien.

>> No.70110449

She should. It's obviously her fans. Silence is complicity.

>> No.70110569
Quoted by: >>70111193

She already spoke up. Multiple times. She can and should just move on, as she's doing. The only party that did the right thing since the termination.

>> No.70110571

>pls forgive my liver oshi he was only kidding when he said you should kill yourself, say sorry please
They are only getting what they deserve

>> No.70110573
Quoted by: >>70112146

She already asked for no harrassment in her public statement, her job is done.

>> No.70110613

No, silence is smart. Only retards treat legal issues like a fucking Twitter callout.

>> No.70110619


>> No.70110647

>She can't just "move on"
why not? is this fag going to stop her somehow? brain damaged.

>> No.70110680
Quoted by: >>70111109

>Random nobody twitterfag
A thread died for this OP...

>> No.70110690

Always assume any demand for peace from Nijis is an attempt to knife you in the back.

>> No.70110704

>Vox profile pic
Not surprising.

>> No.70110719

whaaa my feelings whaaa closureee whaaaa

>> No.70110731

You can't make this shit up

>> No.70110741

Hypocrisy, where was this when Sayu was harassed and doxxed down to her ex.

>> No.70110769

She's not obliged to. This is the bed Elira and co. made, they must lie in it until they've all apologized to her and proved to her they're capable of never doing what they did to hurt her again.

>> No.70110782

>complaining about harrassment
Also, why is it her responsibility to clean up Niji's mess? Retarded voxshart.

>> No.70110820

They asked for this.

>> No.70110847

fucking sisters can't read so they don't know doki has said multiple times to not harass anyone. Not like they'd stop anyway.

>> No.70110908

>to finally speak up
She did. They didn't listen. That's their fault, not hers. Her fans did listen and they celebrate her for it.

>> No.70110974

Is this somebody important?

>> No.70110988

In her opinion it isn't harassment.

>> No.70110992
Quoted by: >>70111150

How are you sure, it's not the holofags who wants niji dead, or the fans who are hurting that left niji with years of membership to prove it. Let's just blame it all on Doki fans.

>> No.70111109
File: 59 KB, 864x380, Screenshot_20240226-222612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This "random" tweet has more engagement than 95% of NijiEN streams

>> No.70111110
Quoted by: >>70111215

>she can't just move on
But I was told you can leave at any time?

>> No.70111150

Holochads only care about what happens inside the garden. I don't care for the pigs fighting in the mud.

>> No.70111195



Niji fans get fucked. dokibird has spoken, she's already done with this shit

>> No.70111193

i mean, im no niji fan but her tweet about the 100k youtube button is instigating harassment, when she said "my first one", of course people already know that niji livers dont get those, but this is just fuel to keep making fun of them

>> No.70111200

She did twice. They're the cunts who couldn't let it go.

>> No.70111215


>> No.70111228
Quoted by: >>70112019

>Doki needs to me on the hook for fixing our PR fuckups!

It's unbelievable how utterly pathetic these sisters are. Imagine being so dumb you ask the victim of your bullying to stand up for you to clear your name.

>> No.70111247

No, we're too busy watching Batman to give a shit about what your company is doing.

>> No.70111353

Vox only has like twenty gachikoi left and they're all like this. He needs to graduate ASAP for his own dignity, he'll do amazing in any performing arts field that doesn't rely on retarded menhera sisters

>> No.70111379

what else is there to say tho? she already said to move on.

Rather than this wanting a closure, the post feels more like it wants more drama.

>> No.70111388

So she can't celebrate getting her button? grow up.

>> No.70111391


>its harassment, goy
>everyone knew we treat our employees like dirt, goy
>denying our tubers the play buttons they earned is totally fine and acceptable, goy

i can hear the shekel rubbing from here

>> No.70111414

Sister, I don't know what you're talking about. Dokibird's youtube channel only hit 100k recently despite being up for several years before this. How on earth is it harassment to post her accomplishment. She earned this.

>> No.70111433

>le retard de Vox Akuma pfp
opinion discarded

>> No.70111476

Fucking retard
The one who start "there is bullyting" is Nijisanji statement itself
Doki just response to that statement

>> No.70111491

She should reveal the truth to the public.

>> No.70111529

Bait used to be appetizing.

>> No.70111567
Quoted by: >>70111681


she has and the truth is Niji is trash. what's the problem?

>> No.70111576

Doki's mere existence will be called fuel and instigation if you allow sisters to do so. Her milestone > black company "feelings"

>> No.70111614

What do you mean? If I post about planting a tree on twitter should I ask people not to harass BP or Shell for destroying the environment?
Sounds like a niji problem.

>> No.70111649

Dookiebird is a turd

>> No.70111667

of course it's fuel, it's fuel that nijisanji created.

>> No.70111681

B-but what about le retard de Milord's feelings?

>> No.70111701
Quoted by: >>70112146

She's already spoken up. Every time in response to Niji and the NijiEN livers shooting themselves in the foot. There is zero reason for her to speak up or say anything at all. She's trying to move on and do her own thing. It's been Niji and their mentally ill fans that haven't allowed her to do that, and are still trying to prevent her from doing that with shit like this.
These retards either don't understand how things like this work or they do and desperately want her to publicly air out whatever dirty laundry she has to fuck herself over. Unfortunately for them, Doki is not as retarded as Niji, the NijiEN livers or nijifags.
And of course it's a fucking Luxiemsister.

>> No.70111698

Let niji do it, they have the documents.

>> No.70111702

She did. Know what happened after that? THAT stream.

>> No.70111703

I thought digging for the truth was bad? I'm confused.

>> No.70111776

>Niji constantly shoots itself in the fucking foot
>People laugh at it
>How could Doki do this?!?!?!?!
Are they serious?

>> No.70111788
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, wp10968090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't want to be made fun of for the abuses of their corrupt corporate overlords graduation is always an option

>> No.70111789
File: 397 KB, 2048x2048, 1708954455915912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He says this as if doki is responsible for putting out the flames in the company. She owes them fucking nothing and they can go pound sand

>> No.70111801

She did. The button rrat is real. Why are you not asking Riku fo give them back?

Oh right, fuck the livers. Not even following them as they finally stream right now, too busy shilling.

>> No.70111803

They want her to speak up only so Anycolor will go after her legally, or more likely so she'll say their oshi wasn't the bully.

>> No.70111873

Maybe nijisisters should stop spending their days digging for the truth?

>> No.70111877

I want Anycolor to go out of Buisness and leave room for better Businesses to grow from the ashes of their black company

>> No.70111886

>noooo you can't celebrate achievements! that's harrasment!
The last time I heard something so retarded was when I was talking with a commie acquaitance who would get mad when someone had it better than him because they worked and he didn't. Kill youself

>> No.70112002
File: 369 KB, 532x518, 1708858565806617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70112019
Quoted by: >>70112093

Next time doki organizes a tournament that doesn't get cancelled or puts out a MV that doesn't get taken down I expect they will expect her to put out a public apology and a call to stop bullying as well.

>> No.70112054

I'm going to fuck FWMC

>> No.70112055

guys, I'm no niji fan but come on
she made a comment about using mods and playing games without needing perms.

this is a targeted attack on Nijisanji, and she should seriously apologize and make sure to control her fans so the livers don't face harassment over her thoughtless remark. this is really unprofessional

>> No.70112093

Watch them do something retarded during her charity stream

>> No.70112136
File: 38 KB, 602x451, Xzwe1SVHE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70112146

it's not enough. she needs to keep speaking up over and over and over again until eventually she says something that we can use as ammo against her. it's not fair for her to be a mature and rational adult while all of our organs are making gigantic fools of themselves and having retard fits on twitter. she NEEDS to say something racist and then confess to a crime of some sort and then shoot her feet and shins 17 times or else she's a bad person.

>> No.70112182

yeah, c'mon guys. By playing Neopets, Wolf Quest, and Helldivers she was directly attacking Nijisanji for not having perms for the games. This is peak harassment. What'll you all do if poor Rosemi tries to kill herself because her backstabbing friend can fuck a dog and she can't?

>> No.70112203
File: 186 KB, 1045x1200, THE HITLIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niji fans
