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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 430 KB, 2624x2342, 1706988728352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69912398 No.69912398 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>69927033

【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com
【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com/@idol_corp
【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp
【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp
【 Archive 】 E-Sekai + Origin: https://idol.icebox.moe / Endless: https://idol2.icebox.moe / Former members + Events: https://grad.icebox.moe
【 LIMITED MERCH AVAILABLE 】 Poko Birthday: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/poko-rakun-birthday-merch-2024 / Endless Valentine: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/endless-valentine-set / E-Sekai Valentine: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/e-sekai-valentine-set / Origin Valentine: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/origin-valentine-set

idol Origin:

【 Kattarina Qutie - קאטרינה קיוטי 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@kattarina_qutie / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie

【 Nikki Rei - ניקי ריי 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol


idolEN E-Sekai:

【 Yuko Yurei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@yukoyurei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/YureiYuko

【 Juna Unagi 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi

【 Rin Penrose 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rinpenrose / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose

【 Pochi Wanmaru 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@PochiWanmaru / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PochiWanmaru

【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield


idolEN Endless:

【 Roca Rourin 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rourinroca / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RocaRourin

【 Poko Rakun 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rakunpoko / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PokoRakun

【 Kai Saikota 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@KaiSaikota / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/KaiSaikota

【 Momo Otako 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@otakomomo / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/MomoOtako

【 Coni Confetti 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@confetticoni / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/coni_confetti


Former members:

【 Emi Suika - אמי סויקה 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@EmiSuika / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/suikaemi

【 Neo Sparkles - ניאו ספארקלס 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NeoSparkles / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/NEOSPARKLES

【 Lily Sin - לילי סין 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@LilySin / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/lily_sin_idol


【 idol Friends 】
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V4Mirai >>>/vt//v4m/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
Pixel Link >>>/vt//pxl/
V-Dere >>>/vt//vdere/

Previous Thread: >>69890666

>> No.69912534
File: 630 KB, 640x1036, 1681609016338447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Momo

>> No.69912536
File: 2.48 MB, 2000x3000, 1699314563539778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pochifeet Love!

>> No.69912556
File: 45 KB, 600x650, 1705354540642315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69912589


>> No.69912615
File: 983 KB, 1024x1024, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69912618

I miss Momo

>> No.69912628
File: 330 KB, 603x703, 1708730254520187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69912639
File: 880 KB, 733x716, hopefield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark.. alway rember happy day!!!

>> No.69912641
File: 234 KB, 768x1024, F_qZHPJXIAA2DWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69912878

Sweaty sex with Poko

>> No.69912645

She moaned for him and said his name. He posted it ITT when It happened

>> No.69912676

Roca is a good girl.

>> No.69912718


>> No.69912752
File: 273 KB, 1318x1186, Perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69912780

shes alright i guess

>> No.69912786
File: 2.00 MB, 640x360, en3_lolis[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fd15wa4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready

>> No.69912853
File: 248 KB, 1272x652, 243435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69919688

Juna on Echo's palm reading stream in 1h

>> No.69912878
File: 141 KB, 944x944, 1706770211425256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokos leaky faucet cunny...

>> No.69912926

Being a good girl by 4chan standards is more of an insult than a compliment

>> No.69912952


>> No.69913117

Pineapple pizza, yea or nay?

>> No.69913126

more Poko JOI when

>> No.69913144

big yes.
hope she cries or something

>> No.69913167
File: 211 KB, 924x581, 1701940746751494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69913173

super nay

>> No.69913184
File: 583 KB, 566x468, fjkbnyitunb74m6h6j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69913550

i love you kai
i love you kai
i love you kai
i love you kai
i love you kai

>> No.69913194

no, super gross

>> No.69913202
File: 2.65 MB, 3050x4294, 1703215120976973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff Coni's feet

>> No.69913266
Quoted by: >>69913304


>> No.69913284

I don't like soft on my pizza nor sweet with my savory

>> No.69913288


>> No.69913304
Quoted by: >>69913549

you talking about the pizza?

>> No.69913383

Not my favorite, but I don't mind it.

>> No.69913401

Yay if you caramelize it

>> No.69913549

no, tourist

>> No.69913550
File: 93 KB, 590x656, 656456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kai cute

>> No.69913642
File: 172 KB, 273x251, 5686786793u57568rghh56j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69913740

very cute

>> No.69913740
Quoted by: >>69913915

Now bonk her over the head with a bat

>> No.69913812
File: 10 KB, 162x172, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's in

>> No.69913857

is that bean?

>> No.69913900


>> No.69913907

and that slime better be able to be connected to emote based off chat.

>> No.69913915
File: 611 KB, 524x475, 658fgn5g45h56j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69913985
Quoted by: >>69914116

Kai's gyarufication was a complete success

>> No.69914006

Could be.
Could be anything really, a few companies are likely to drop new gens in several months.

>> No.69914116

kai gyarufication makes my dick even harder than it did before, which i didnt know was even possible

>> No.69914160

Phase had their last two gens too recently to drop another one so soon and HoloEN is too slow
That leaves idol, NijiEN, kawaii, PRISM and pixellink maybe?

>> No.69914219
Quoted by: >>69914628

its a bit weird that it was so suddenly and right after aviels blogpost.

>> No.69914251

Momo will come back stronger and hornier than ever

>> No.69914292

Kawaii is dropping in a new gen in a few days.

>> No.69914314

Pretty sure Kawaii has a gen coming very soon and Pixel has been teasing their 2nd gen for ages, no idea about Prism though.

>> No.69914369


>> No.69914418
Quoted by: >>69914638

a what?

>> No.69914455
File: 69 KB, 661x630, 0000767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69914554

>so,who is your oshi?
>and why is it me?

>> No.69914454
Quoted by: >>69914540

I always forget how many talents some of those corpos have, because they somehow manage to still not have much presence.

>> No.69914483


>> No.69914513
File: 631 KB, 503x740, 1703665262860204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe we're getting Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess as a talent!

>> No.69914540
Quoted by: >>69914673

Then there is NijiEN. Big, but the only presence is their yabs.

>> No.69914543

v&u has a gen coming soon I think

>> No.69914554

Chrissi SEX

>> No.69914584
Quoted by: >>69914677

I chain Infinite Impermanence from my hand.

>> No.69914626
File: 686 KB, 260x380, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1aou12.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69914628

Eh, probably more a coincidink than anything.
Several people have been dropping their notices over the past few weeks.
She was probably just wrapping up the handful of things she wanted to do properly before the looming fate of disappearing from that account "for good".

>> No.69914638 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 400x400, Takodachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69914827


>> No.69914642
File: 286 KB, 567x434, 1691375448544451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69914736


>> No.69914646
Quoted by: >>69915350

Oh right I forgot they existed, same as V4Mirai and globie I supposed
Although I would have no idea when any of those are due for another gen

>> No.69914673

not all publicity is actually good to have, we have learned.

>> No.69914677
File: 537 KB, 479x700, 1685537826345671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyo :3

>> No.69914736


>> No.69914739
File: 90 KB, 850x1256, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbass, that's an existing ES vtuber

>> No.69914758

it's on the nose enough that I'd expect her to be an artist who says wah on debut

>> No.69914764

>pay half your life points to negate 1/20th of a modern YGO turn
what a shit card

>> No.69914767
Quoted by: >>69914981

Red Reboot then, I pay 4k.

>> No.69914804
Quoted by: >>69915124

yeah they are really cranking them out aren't they

>> No.69914827

Big if true. I like drawing streams.

>> No.69914863
Quoted by: >>69914922

I would instantly drop all idol support

>> No.69914911

Lolification needed!

>> No.69914922

do I even wanna know who that is to get such a reaction

>> No.69914973

the thigh squish from those shorts look jut a bit too much. less cute squish, more im worried her legs are gonna start turning blue.

>> No.69914981

Surprisingly it's been at the bare minimum a good side-deck for essentially the entire existence of Yugioh.

>> No.69915124
Quoted by: >>69915364

There is barely over a year gap between gen 2 and upcoming gen 5 (march 3 and march 16), with current level of acceleration chuubas graduating now might as well be for next gen 6

>> No.69915293
Quoted by: >>69915536

I was having fun cropping random somewhat well known es chuubas and making it seem they were leaks, super nigger faggot I hate you

>> No.69915350

ever heard of nexstage project so many crpos out there it's hard to keep track

>> No.69915364

especially with the existing competition, what market can any of these corpos in general, much less one doing that, be hoping to tap into?
judging by what ive look up alot are already struggling to get humidified leftovers off the pipes...

>> No.69915428
Quoted by: >>69916043

Life points barely exist in Yugioh, basically every competitively viable deck has a means to beat you in one turn so disrupting a combo that might kill you isn’t necessarily a bad play.

>> No.69915536
File: 172 KB, 512x512, 1689519342079965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick something that can't be reverse image searched next time

>> No.69915550
Quoted by: >>69915719

Nimu, went from lolituber to fleshtuber, rumors say she sold fake noods of herself in OF and scammed fans with those, had/has drama with almost everyone in the ES sphere, rumors also say she's a known groomer and groomed, she has done almost every single drama idol and vshojo and whatever indie corp has done and more, Yuko and Riro are saints compared to her, it's a running gag that she's so horrible that people only forgive her because she has gigantic tits IRL.

>> No.69915568
File: 584 KB, 1761x3400, c5dd1a4cdac848511d5ed2e8edf6a62b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is a prude
>Clearly wants to be bred and start a family
What's her deal?

>> No.69915691

Imagine every single bad thing from every vshojo/exvshojo member and then make it a seething argie.

>> No.69915701

did the surgeries fix Momo's libido?

>> No.69915719

went from lolituber to fleshtuber
No need to continue after stating such a heresy.

>> No.69915794
Quoted by: >>69915928

wanting kids and a family is different than being overly sexual or lewd.
mainly wanting a family implies some level of intimacy to the acts, compared to being public with stuff.

>> No.69915838


>> No.69915864
Quoted by: >>69916510

Anon, that's just how the average rural woman is.

>> No.69915875

She's constantly ovulating in front of Carnies, please understand

>> No.69915880
File: 121 KB, 850x1190, 8765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being one of my favorite chubbas ever

>> No.69915928

Please stream today Coni

>> No.69915930
File: 324 KB, 600x650, 1705428348381471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69916110


>> No.69915944

It's the girls who hold back their libido that are the wildest in bed

>> No.69915983


>> No.69916015

>Is a prude
Coni alone out coomers everyone inside idol in degeneracy levels

>> No.69916043

Yes but also no
Winning the game is more important than some amount of life points but losing half of them to deny one summon is really risky when a lot of direct damage is available in the game or when denying a summon is not enough to break your opponent's combo
Solemn Judgment used to be run in every deck for a long time and it certainly was a strong card but I think it was overrated back then
Nowadays the card doesn't see play anymore because you have other cards that can do the same thing better. It's only use is in gimmick decks like stun or traptrix

>> No.69916057
File: 103 KB, 229x359, 1683017806365710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69916132

>> No.69916110
File: 1.37 MB, 1271x710, fufo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69916124

Remove a few years, and take her shoes off.
Then we can talk about joining idol

>> No.69916130

oh I thought the lethal company collab was today

>> No.69916132

Neither am I, bitch. You ain't special.

>> No.69916185
File: 315 KB, 1478x2048, 1695610847429658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69916219
File: 455 KB, 644x661, furryoHappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally we have Some cute fuyoposting

>> No.69916229
File: 637 KB, 631x558, 1673291294542370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69916297
File: 133 KB, 408x408, 1681730375402470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will fuyo do a full countdown

>> No.69916373

I feel there some shitposting potential in this song for the EN3 debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQhcOJHTdb4
unfortunately I'm neither creative enough or skilled at video editing

>> No.69916377
Quoted by: >>69916459


>> No.69916399
Quoted by: >>69916441

What is a full countdown? Counting down from 10? 30? 60?

>> No.69916441
Quoted by: >>69916532

anything works as long as it gets to 0

>> No.69916459

good BGM

>> No.69916509

What the fuck is a countdown

>> No.69916510
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1644614095374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69916602

I should find myself an average rural woman

>> No.69916532

I also cum when a rocket launches

>> No.69916584

When she learns her numbers!

>> No.69916602

They are all waiting for you

>> No.69916640

okay but what about a countup

>> No.69916673
File: 506 KB, 665x515, 1679000152730024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69916796


>> No.69916683
Quoted by: >>69916841

If the voice is cute, same.
Please don't

>> No.69916686

>Conditioning yourself to only ejaculate on countdowns.
>To the point where you have to live in fear of random countdowns in the wild

>> No.69916796
File: 141 KB, 560x366, 1704919149508005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69916955

fufu tummy power licking then bulging

>> No.69916825

all the astronauts in the rocket cumming after the launch

>> No.69916841
Quoted by: >>69916998

What, will it make you cumn't or something

>> No.69916911

It helps ease the nerves. Smart.

>> No.69916949
File: 31 KB, 404x359, coni54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coni is a national treasure

>> No.69916955

ima snip that tongue off.

>> No.69916957

my last nut would retreat back into my balls

>> No.69916993
File: 76 KB, 375x247, Traffic light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69916998

Yes. My sperm cramps would kill me.

>> No.69917159

The suits jerk you off. That's where the halo novel writers got the idea

>> No.69917441


>> No.69917592
File: 167 KB, 446x352, poko horny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69918555

Go on...

>> No.69917687
File: 300 KB, 778x379, Choices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chose wisely.

>> No.69917801

hasn't Juna basically already done that stream?

>> No.69917866

she's repeating it because I didn't watch it

>> No.69917877

Yeah, but even Aviel gets a re-debut, before Origin.

>> No.69917945
File: 1.76 MB, 328x332, 1677376185806298.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the odds momo comes up with a reason not to come back next week?

>> No.69917986
Quoted by: >>69918239

She's perfecting her skinwalking so she can kill and replace Aviel
Soon idol will be nothing but Korean dominatrixes and subby femboys

>> No.69918239

EN3 is just korean nepohires

>> No.69918247
Quoted by: >>69918469

why do you refuse to be happy

>> No.69918469

I'm just being realistic

>> No.69918555
File: 442 KB, 687x688, 1708207733530635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69918760

I love this erotic rakunny so much

>> No.69918745
File: 421 KB, 710x611, 1691424098587462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69918760
File: 79 KB, 496x1172, FyltiBCX0AUjPt-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's pretty erotic even in her base pose

>> No.69918767

She will get a new crippling ailment as her 100th punishment for being born Korean.

>> No.69918946
Quoted by: >>69918986

I bet that one evil carnie will surprise her with a new gallbladder on the day she was meant to come back

>> No.69918986
File: 12 KB, 839x558, 1684852248353121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69919243


>> No.69919181
File: 20 KB, 1500x1280, pxlconi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coni peut être mon clown pour toujours, et je sourirai pour elle aussi longtemps.

>> No.69919241
File: 1.88 MB, 1820x2526, 116332387_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69919822

>> No.69919242

God I hope there's at least one coomer brat loli in the new gen. Please, it's all I need.

>> No.69919243


>> No.69919419

she is just so godawfully SMUG.

>> No.69919582
Quoted by: >>69919719

The sexual energy this image radiates is too much for me to handle.

>> No.69919688

what a kissable forehead

>> No.69919719

Whenever she shows her full body during the stream I have a hard time containing myself

>> No.69919822

Nice view!

>> No.69919972

Poko makes me feral

>> No.69919988
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, RPMMvo8NKU4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roca: Unarchived Karaoke

>> No.69920054


>> No.69920126


>> No.69920143
Quoted by: >>69920208

Real or Genshin character?

>> No.69920208

Scroll up

>> No.69920238

>clicked the bell and everything
>still doesnt get notified about Roca streams
>but get notified about vtubers I dont even watch
wtf is going on

>> No.69920294


>> No.69920300

Wholesome Roca

>> No.69920313
Quoted by: >>69921971

>roca met someone she hadnt seen in over 20 years
real hag love

>> No.69920392

youtube is utter trash at alerts, thats it.
that or Roca is stealth gimped for some reason. not sure why she would be though, unless google is just being a dick over her working for an israeli corpo.

>> No.69920440

My notifications were broken for about a month and it got fixed a few days ago. Now I even get notifications 30 minutes before. YT is still messing up with some of the features.

>> No.69920504

I have been asking that for years now. She doesnt know what she wants, she been talking about wanting a baby for years now.

>> No.69920529


>> No.69920717

>Roca is stealth gimped
That sucks. She doesn't deserve that.

>> No.69920871
File: 621 KB, 1784x2048, GHHgIRPaMAA9nW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69920908
File: 260 KB, 1527x1795, 1700685875908772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't have time to practice today
every time she says something like that the karaoke ends up being a 10/10

>> No.69920951


>> No.69920985
Quoted by: >>69921185

>don't touch my nose
Kek Aviel

>> No.69920998
File: 6 KB, 331x56, aviel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO spotted

>> No.69921046
File: 290 KB, 800x800, pokomegalul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69921097

>touching the nose of a jew
juna is graduating next week

>> No.69921185

kek, thats perfect.

>> No.69921217

I can't pinpoint the accent, what is Roca's native tongue?

>> No.69921229
File: 124 KB, 553x661, Neo Merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69921252
Quoted by: >>69921918


>> No.69921270
File: 4 KB, 224x37, imagem_2024-02-24_181539783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69921272
File: 825 KB, 320x180, eLn2R5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69921328
File: 141 KB, 850x1063, a52785dcdc4342623c822f86aeaa980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ES branch with no Nisha
I still dont see the point. I will give them a chance but I doubt they can be as cute as her.

>> No.69921343
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Quoted by: >>69921465


>> No.69921347
Quoted by: >>69921918


>> No.69921385
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Quoted by: >>69921531

>juna and roca streaming at the same time

>> No.69921404

Talking about pineapples, can anyone confirm it actually makes your cum sweet? I dont eat pineapples or my own cum so I dont know.

>> No.69921465
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Sorry, i couldnt resist

>> No.69921474
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Quoted by: >>69921552

Do you trust Korean woman?

>> No.69921507
Quoted by: >>69922302

The only reason I heard that she has nothing to gain by joining Idol, but has she ever confirmed it specifically? Many indies said they would remain indie just before joining a corpo.

>> No.69921522


>> No.69921531

swear i've only seen juna overlap streaming for a bit now. or it at least is common enough to give off that perception...

>> No.69921550

Roca I kneel

>> No.69921552

I can trust Juna to always use her rigger powers for evil, and to me that is kino

>> No.69921561
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>I get bigger when I get excited

>> No.69921577
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yes, italians invented pizza but americans perfected it

>> No.69921615

same Roca

>> No.69921633

We're so back!

>> No.69921677
Quoted by: >>69921850

>it's all black for me
>I have to go back
>guess I can't
what did she mean by this?

>> No.69921850
File: 677 KB, 1071x687, 1699730673747320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess that's what going to Hell, looks like.
Instead of the light, all you see is black.

>> No.69921854

Nisha is so cute!

>> No.69921918

Thanks anons

>> No.69921971
Quoted by: >>69922623

I wonder if she realizes that makes it easier to estimate her age. She gotta be at least 25, which makes me feel better about being older.

>> No.69922001
Quoted by: >>69922842

That's not Nisha
Luna I miss you

>> No.69922016
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Quoted by: >>69922349

I miss Riro

>> No.69922098
Quoted by: >>69922316

Thats what I was scared of, that it isnt just me not getting her notifications. I didnt see anyone mentioning it on Youtube comments so maybe its not everyone. That would be terrible for her growth.

>> No.69922208
Quoted by: >>69922353

Man, Roca did that song JUSTICE. Best cover I've heard of that song.

>> No.69922302

Since she got friends in Idol, I feel she could join if she was allowed to keep her avatar and previous fanbase. But I dont think she can and she is too attached to her current fans.

>> No.69922315

don't look now, but there seems to be some sort of shifty jew on Juna's stream

>> No.69922316

yeah. probably is just youtube being dumb to you specifically. hopefully anyways.
sadly its not like youtube hasn't been randomly vindictive before though.

>> No.69922349
File: 3.54 MB, 2800x3334, 109558757_p0 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69922427

On one side of the fence, we have a certified dragon fucker, aiming to grow even stronger.
While on the other side, we have a lazy fat fuck, a dead Russian alien, and a flat clown, on a highway to self destruction.

Choose wisely.

>> No.69922353

It was really amazing

>> No.69922383

i'd say she could pull a Riro, where they just dont even try to hide her PL and even make her new model similar.... but ignoring how things ended, that still didn't actually really work for her.

>> No.69922427
File: 2.03 MB, 800x450, OPEN UP [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqory5e.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69923238


>> No.69922518
Quoted by: >>69922906

Idol was open to the idea of getting someone without reincarnating and I think it was related to the ES branch. Unless something changed, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.

>> No.69922623

i mean she talks about her childhood stories a lot and plays older games and likes older music, its kinda common enough knowledge

>> No.69922779

Reminder that the King never died.
He just went back home.

>> No.69922829

Roca literally just grabs my ipod classic and hits shuffle for these karaokes.

>> No.69922842

>Does he know?

>> No.69922906

I would kneel so hard.

>> No.69923023

La Roca bonita

>> No.69923238

Kai is Rin, but actually likeable.

>> No.69923408

what are your guys' favourite Kai streams?

I want to get into her more so would like to know her top streams in your guys opinions

>> No.69923411
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I bet Roxy will pass Fuyo, Pochi, and Juna, before the end of the year.

>> No.69923496

she already mogs every other jewdol in ccv

>> No.69923536
File: 196 KB, 1200x901, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roca would be like

>> No.69923561

I still hear HACHAMA HACHAMA HACHAMA in my head every time this song comes on...

>> No.69923565
File: 391 KB, 1655x2048, __kai_saikota_idol_corp_drawn_by_milmikut__078069376d6f1bf30001136dc1c552fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69923655

Dunno bout the streams.
But just check this, to get a taste of her character, and chat interaction.

>> No.69923619

I enjoy her singing. Her karaokes in general are fun.

>> No.69923655

ive been watching her the past week and a half or so, i know how her streams are - but moreso asking for past content what is the good good stuff

>> No.69923724

i dont think thats a surprise or anything

>> No.69923762

Fuyo love

>> No.69923790

>the girls supporting each other
you love to see it

>> No.69924146
Quoted by: >>69924348

Why make these type of posts comparing girls to each other number wise, literal children behavior
At least compare them to other agencies why turn everything into idol vs idol are some of you retarded

>> No.69924202
File: 1.79 MB, 310x420, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fczkxgy.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69924861

Her spy game collab with Juna. It's basically a one and a half hour bantering zatsu. It also has some of Kai's hardest laughs.

>> No.69924307

is juna the most evil member ?

>> No.69924309
File: 563 KB, 1106x1069, 1704262113735739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roca is the cutest

>> No.69924328

Roca cute!

>> No.69924348

being able to sing well usually cosigns a vtuber to having bad fans that act like /#/ faggots

>> No.69924525

but shes pretty open about it.

>> No.69924574
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>> No.69924595
Quoted by: >>69925525

Chaotic evil. We need a moral alignment chart for idol.

>> No.69924678

Yuko gotta be the current most chaotic evil in the corp.

>> No.69924696
File: 1.41 MB, 2150x3035, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_drawn_by_cdog2035__b9d4ac0c0252cf76a03a4151bc557298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69924903

>tfw, be Roca
>literally themed as a little devil
>actually the purest girl in the company

>> No.69924711

Analog Horror Aviel

>> No.69924861

thank you anon, ill check it out!!

>> No.69924903

Yeah pure semen demon

>> No.69924906
Quoted by: >>69925007

So that's why Aviel only had one photo of himself, he saw Juna's first stream and was terrified. Now that he finally found the courage to take another picture, she's reminding him of the horrors of the world.

>> No.69924950
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>> No.69925007

does he only have one shirt

>> No.69925108

the fact that roca's sweet but still acts like a bratty temptress makes me want to bust in her until my balls turn inside out

>> No.69925156
File: 1.46 MB, 873x1027, 1688337367308861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69925226

Roca is 30-35 y.o. And this is good

>> No.69925246

Today's karaoke is such a mood

>> No.69925274

I know younger folks with a very boomer taste.

>> No.69925278

hag love

>> No.69925292

I bet she looks 10 years younger with her baby face

>> No.69925310

jesus christ Juna

>> No.69925326

Juna needs an exorcism

>> No.69925328

No way she is older than me.
I would love if thats the case. Makes me better for still watching vtubers.

>> No.69925335
File: 1.87 MB, 506x600, women [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fojl669.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69925370
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>> No.69925517
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time for sexy asmr

>> No.69925525
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>> No.69925567


>> No.69925605
Quoted by: >>69925710

A proper Christian stream

>> No.69925636
Quoted by: >>69925710

my good christian trad wife Roca...

>> No.69925710
Quoted by: >>69925774

Aviel, don't look

>> No.69925721
File: 278 KB, 440x508, my valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wife junny

>> No.69925774


>> No.69925830

6.5 hours of Splat Tim is making me go insane. How does she play these kusoges for so long. I kneel.

>> No.69925861

kinda feel like Fuyo and Roca should switch, maybe?
but in reality its more like i just feel Fuyo still leans chaotic.
Rin probably fits true neutral more, maybe even lawful neutral. shes not exaaactly a stickler for the rules, but certainly seems to like sticking to 'systems' if that makes sense.

>> No.69926195

I guess it makes sense

>> No.69926414

Whos gonna tell her

>> No.69926526

Eotena Rocaslaught

>> No.69926539
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, GHIWydLWUAAv1Gt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate Roca's karaoke

>> No.69926562
Quoted by: >>69927744

Katta is by far the most kind and caring person in all of Idol and it's not even close
She is chaotic good and there is no argument against that.

>> No.69926605

10/10 as always

>> No.69926612
File: 459 KB, 486x610, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69926812

this is pretty terrifying..

>> No.69926625

god bless her, the one woman with a voice and personality to keep her attractive even past her mid-thirties. past like 35 they can't look hot anymore and a good personality and sense of humor is a needle in a fucking haystack so you have to look at generational wealth and earning potential, but roca's special

>> No.69926649


>> No.69926746

Is Roca really in her 30s or are you guys memeing?

>> No.69926774
Quoted by: >>69926922

10/10 as always
One thing I think she should do is get a background for karaoke though. Some vtubers use like a concert background, and since Roca does karaoke all the time she really should look into that.

>> No.69926806
Quoted by: >>69926877

Why hasn't that phoney whore graduated yet?

>> No.69926812

best thing about this is Aviel used the 1.0 model before for a call.

>> No.69926853

She obviously over 25 would not be a surprise if she's in her 30's

>> No.69926877

which one?

>> No.69926887

anon clearly has never watched a roca stream

>> No.69926922
Quoted by: >>69927039

Wasn't that one of the donothon goals? I remember she talked about commissioning something like that.

>> No.69926925 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.69926975

Switch Katta and Poko and we good

>> No.69926986

still no kai...

>> No.69927033

best vsinger
she needs more music projects

>> No.69927039

Oh I must have forgot. I thought that could just be found around, since a lot of vtuber assets are shared for free.

>> No.69927108

I'm sure she's cooking. She has the donothon goals and probably other projects outside of that.

>> No.69927143
Quoted by: >>69927490


>> No.69927243
File: 467 KB, 852x714, stalkerfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69927436

Mono gunpla building handcam

>> No.69927466
Quoted by: >>69927688

oh, thats creepy
i like it

>> No.69927490

I wish Nikki luck

>> No.69927516

wrong thread

>> No.69927571

It's been a rough day without Yuko...

>> No.69927580

I'd range her between late 20's and early 30's, but I don't really know when certain Cartoon Network shows aired over in the Netherlands.

>> No.69927648

yikes, imagine a hand with a face like that jackin yer cock

>> No.69927688
Quoted by: >>69928091

Watch her Halloween series in order. She planned a whole story arc from the candy stream, it was fantastic.

>> No.69927739

give me new lolis aveil, fucking please...

>> No.69927744

lmao even

>> No.69927802
File: 522 KB, 3000x720, 1706133608413224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready!

>> No.69927823

NTA but it's easy to tell you are a bonker

>> No.69927846
Quoted by: >>69928037

I think she is still working on that vtuber band she talked about.

>> No.69927893

I'd tell you to watch streams, but you don't deserve Katta

>> No.69927913

He fucking better. It would be retarded not to after seeing how much Endless girls got in their donothon. I mean they are good girls but the loli avatar plays a huge part too.

>> No.69928030

Nijisanji won't run a cunnytuber and look at how they're doing

>> No.69928035
Quoted by: >>69928462

Oh boy I can't wait for 17 more donothons where all of the girls immediately stop streaming after they've done them
Also can't wait for Pochi donothon 3

>> No.69928037

It will probably take some time considering how long does it take to produce regular covers.

>> No.69928091

...i just might.
never hated Fuyo, but she got into some territory sometimes that got me to quit other chuubas too sometimes.

>> No.69928090

Lolis are the only reason I'm still sticking with Idol.

>> No.69928149

why don't we have someone that builds gunpla or plamo yet...

>> No.69928158

To this day this is the best stream in idol's history speaking from a creative, build up and narrative standpoint

>> No.69928246
Quoted by: >>69928414

Nikki is probably the closes with her various creative streams

>> No.69928332
Quoted by: >>69928519

Did yuko cancel the member stream? I canceled but my shit ends on the 5th of next month. So I should be avle to access anything in there til then, right?
>inb4 retard
I may be retarded.

>> No.69928387

Having a girl that builds models would be so fucking sweet. I don't care if they're building fighter planes or gundams.

>> No.69928414

the topics come up but she didn't seem interested. doesn't help that she hasn't seen any mecha anime either, she's into battle shounen and isekai

>> No.69928462

Fuyo has done her best to accomplish her donothon goals and talked about how she won't do more in the near future, of anything it outs the bad apples who can't even be responsible

>> No.69928475

Vtubers that built military models are a white whale. 1/35 armor would be kino too

>> No.69928519

>Did yuko cancel the member stream? I canceled but my shit ends on the 5th of next month. So I should be avle to access anything in there til then, right?
It's scheduled for 5pm PDT (just under 2 hours time from now), afaik it's still happening.
Membership access continues up until the expiry date.

>> No.69928530

roca isn't a loli though?

>> No.69928554
Quoted by: >>69928644

Roca is a loli. She's just an older loli

>> No.69928618

im still holding out hope for a chuuba to figure out how to actually play tabletop model games on stream.

>> No.69928644

that's called an adult

>> No.69928656
Quoted by: >>69928725

She's 140cm, I WILL uoh ToT at her even if some retard purists tell me not to

>> No.69928693
Quoted by: >>69928771

Some would still consider her a loli. I vaguely remember that many months ago Roca said something that implied something in a sense of fitting in the loli category.

>> No.69928704

Welp, more cunny for me

>> No.69928725

height alone doesn't dictate being a loli or not

>> No.69928748

I don't think 12 year olds count as adults

>> No.69928771
Quoted by: >>69928919

her hips to waist ratio, tit size, and other proportions don't indicate the loli figure at all.

>> No.69928919

her head size to body size ratio too isnt loli at all

>> No.69929019
File: 606 KB, 1022x776, 1683677360917828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69929193

>8 months later
>anons are still arguing about whether or not roca is a loli

>> No.69929193
Quoted by: >>69929215

what you drinkin there anon?

>> No.69929215
Quoted by: >>69929261

Jim Beam

>> No.69929225


>> No.69929261
Quoted by: >>69929364

it strong enough?

>> No.69929364

It's strong if you're not an alcoholic like me
