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Sweaty sex with Poko
I miss Momo
I want to sniff Coni's feet
Coni peut être mon clown pour toujours, et je sourirai pour elle aussi longtemps.
i love my wife junny
This but with Coni
>>69867391would you hold Momos tentacle?
>Coni seeing people say she's ovulating "Y'know women don't ovulate all the time?"Also Coni>"Y'know for punishment you should marry me and have kids with me, wouldn't that be terrible."Why is she like this?
>>69867563Who wouldn't?
Roca is a good girl.
>>69867628i dunno i dont like slime desu.
Oh fuck I just realized that I never managed to dream about Yuko. Maybe my subconscious knew all along.
Yeah, me. I'm the tall shadow guy personification of chat that Coni dreams about
>>69867936next time you see her, you should do a funny dance.
That kiss? All for me.
I'm ending it.
>>69868327your life?
>>69868327Good, that Yuko membership isn't worth it
>>69867568I've eaten one of those today...And hotdogs like these are generally sold on restaurants And also a bunch of them are made using the pot method, but using the sausage + whatever + sauce is cheaper and better in my opinion
>>69868386fucking kek
I miss Coni...
>>69868483by those i mean the holoX dog
>>69868545its ok, shes waiting under bed so she can pull a funny lil prank on you once you fall asleep.
Coni would be a good mother
>>69868657I can't wait to become a father of 5 half-clown children without even realizing!
>>69868743Yeah, to my children I have with her
>>69868860Those children? All me
putting 12 babies in coni and then 12 more in each of her 100 clones...
>>69868743I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Coni .Every day I would wake her up by cumming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck inside her dog pussy. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that she'll be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if she's already pregnant, I'll fuck her while she's pregnant and she'll get double pregnant. I'll fill her with so much cum every day that she'll look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married) I would do everything in my power to make Coni as fertile as possible. I'd give her fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go 12 hours without at least one spastic orgasm. I'll even bake her home made lactation inducing biscuits to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of sweet cream per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. I'll make her so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she's carrying at any given time. Her natural belly shape will be a fucking sphere. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside her again each time she asks for something. She would be so pregnant all the time that she should literally not be able to stand up straight anymore even after menopause. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone her purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. If she doesn't have any eggs I will synthesize them from her DNA. She would have so much progresterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her. Imagine marrying Coni and she tells you she wants a kid and that she'll be fine and she'll keep her Vtuber duties up while pregnant. When she finally gets two lines on her pregnancy test she'll jump and full body hug you crying about how happy she is after trying so hard. Everything is going great for a few months, Coni is glowing and her Vtuber activites are working out and her belly is quite small on her toned body. Now imagine in a few months Coni has to stop her Vtuber activities because her feet hurt and her legs aren't used to holding up her new weight. Her belly extends almost a full foot infront of her and she's gained nearly 15 kilos. Imagine the look on Coni face when her doctor tells her that she would take a break on her Vtuber activities for a while because she's carrying triplets and the excessive movement is doing more harm than good. Imagine Coni reluctantly smiling at you and promising to stop doing her favonious reps for the sake of preparing to take care of three kids at once. Imagine as the weeks go by and her womb fills up more and as her appetite and weight increase with it. Imagine finding your 7 month pregnant wife Coni raiding the fridge in the dark at 4:00 AM with a guilty look on her face when you find her, like a puppy and that gnawed holes into your pillow. Imagine towering above Coni while she sits on the floor nervously wiping ice cream drips off of her massive belly and mumbling about how the kids made her do it. Imagine helping Coni up and princess carrying her back to bed and having her ask if she can lie on top of you because you're warm. Imagine rubbing Coni's nipples and having her complain about how you might get milk everywhere and how she needs to save it for the kids. Imagine Coni being proud of her breast growth despite it being painful and unhealthy and imagine the look on her face when the doctor says she would just start milking herself and how her husband (you) would probably be willing to help. Imagine spending hours with Coni now plump squishy body resting on your lap while you suck the milk out of her tits. Imagine the extra weight from her pregnancy making it difficult to walk for her and turning her partially immobile during the last month. Imagine Coni try harding motherly charms like decorating the baby room and lactating. Imagine your comments having made her self concious about her milk production so she starts try harding supplements and massages to increase her yield to nearly a quart of milk per day.
>>69868935Get your ass in bed, son, before I spank you with my belt again
>>69869060I'm not reading all of that but I support your horny carnie ass
psstheypsssssssthey youyeah you, jewbrocome over heressshhh keep it downokay don't tell anyone I told you this butI hope you have a nice day chu
you get to marry your oshi... but only if you can last 24 hours in bed with each other girl in Idol first. no breaks inbetween.
>>69869716wow thanks
What the fuck is Pochi's problemo?
>>69869807She realized that she wanted to be a cat this whole time
>>69869060I read all of that, and I can relate 100000%
>>69869716thanks frozone, you too
>>69869807Her feelings are more important than yours
>Aviel just casually says that there are more than 12 talents waiting to debut with some huge surprises5 ES, 5 EN3, and a bunch of music-focused talents?
>>69870373Nice, any new models for Origin?
>>69870460nope lol
>>69870460>katta and nikki will graduate, reducing the amount of talents to 10, and redebut under EN 3.5, meaning more than the amount of active talents debuted this year
>>69870373I'm ready for the new lolis
I love Momo
>>69870630>he doesn't know that brave group banned new lolis and is making talents abandon GFE
>>69870634Cute little fang!
>>69869060this is goodI want thislet me have it?
>>69870696As long as they have the Brave seal of oppai approval I'm okay with it.Mono's doing ASMR by the way
>>69869786dont threaten me with a good time I trained for this my whole life and my dick does NOT get soft
>>69870886>oppaiI'm not a faggot, fag
>>69869786I have death grip gooner energy you can not stop me
>>69870696Again, why do people keep saying Brave doesn't allow lewd content or gfeCause it sounds like you're pulling it out of your ass
>>69870924What are you even doing here then?
>>69871064same20 cums a day, 3 hours of sleep, still fineprime of my life
>>69871133It's just funny to shitpost about brave
>>69871155>doingI am not doing (you) fag thats for sure
>>69870373>huge surprisesBah gawd that's Riro's music, she's back and she has a steel chair!
Fuck my balls feels so heavy, if only there was a succubus octopus nearby to help me (momo please come back).
>>69871133They are throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks
>>69871231I can't tell when people are joking...
>>69871335It's okay, I love you autistanon
>>69870886curse you Monoposter, I wanted to watch hampter
>>69867331As the days go by i honestly feel more numb towards her, even if she went back to gfe i would not want to spent a single second with someone so disgusting
>>69871317>momo lifting your balls like weights to get back her strength after being bedridden due to surgery
>>69871355This is one of the EN3 girls
>>69870225this world needs more coni ass art
>>69871586It better be bald
>>69871664If it's not bald, I'll anti
You can overhead press your oshi right?
>>69871783Yes, she is a little girl and is very light
>>69869060giga based
Give me your most punchable idol!I need to relieve some stress
>>69869786do I have to cum in each of them, or just fuck them till they cum?
>>69871943pls don't punch uyfo
>>698703735 ES, 5 EN3, the 3 graduated HE girls are returning
>>69871783My oshi has child like body (and mind) so i should not have much trouble manhandling her
>>69871943Built for punching
>>69870696>and is making talents abandon GFEMono's ASMR literally JUST finished where she was licking my ears and saying she loves me
>>69872038>the 3 graduated HE girls are returninglollmao
>>69872109Relax, dude, I was just shitposting
>>69871589for a second I thought this was a femanon posting her ass and I got excited
>>69871783yes, Im going to the gym everyday lately
>>69871783Yes. I'm getting fit for my oshi
>>69871943fuyo is built for harapan
>>69871992both at least once, but you still have to keep going for the whole 24 hours.
>>69872221She was cute
>>69872621Emi was fucking cute, I feel bad that I missed out on her
>feel diarrhea coming>toilet is already clogged from earlier's shitwtf do I do?
>>69872221Why does this girl have Palestinian colors?
>>69872779why did you leave your toilet clogged?this is a problem of your own making anon. better hope you can unclog it quickly.
>>69872779Print a picture of Yuyu, Put it in a bucket.Record the act and send the video to yuko through as many means as posible
>>69872832the twitter trannies don't even realize that they're secretly Emi fans
>>69870373So he already hired them? How does no one here noticed bitches going into hiatus
>>69872947I have my schizo grad list, doesn't mean I will share it
>>69872946>loli vtuber>twitter tranniesEmi would be anti'd
>>69872947aviel has expedited the process and the new generations will be streaming on their PL the same day they debut
>>69872832>Have you seen her anywhere since october 7?Didn't think so
>>69872947people do. its just not typically major news.that said, there was that faggot with the thread about that rat girl who went on hiatus he just 'knew' was getting into Idol yesterday.
>>69872947I barely pay attention to that kind of stuff but I did notice a lot of graduations/long term hiatuses pop upDoubt any if those girls are gonna be in idol tho
>>69868386>>69867331>>69868386Y’all doomposting about yuko but I’m telling you right now that not only will she survive, Yuko will thrive, big fat stacks of cash money from entertaining nijien refugees. It’s not just her best option, it’s her only feasible option. She will pander to the exniji crowd.
>>69872947>>69872994>>69873045>>69873073>>69873103graduations don't mean anything for idol tourists
>>69873015but they're using her oshi mark
>>69872947We already had a few scouted. Im still waiting the white haired black nail polish barefoot loli
>>69873171that was literally the basis for my joke you dumb mass replier, fuck you
What if I DM my notoshi?
Hopefully EN3 are all euros, they're the most consistently good girls Aviel has hired
>>69873163Makes sense. She'll announce that all the donothon goals are cancelled with no refunds and the nijiggers will just accept it
>>69873258hope you got good rizz or a lot of money
>>69872947I wouldn't mind if they are all unknowns who love streaming like Poko
if aviel doesn't give me more sexy little girls, i'm gonna be fucking pissed
>>69871943Fuyo is made for ryona
>>69873376The only way Aviel can save idol if the entirety of the new gen all have Pochi level feetand they show them once a week
>>69873171preparing a debut while still streaming can be stressful and a few have graduated even if Idol doesn't ask them to and we can hope that new girls' contracts prevent them from PLshitteryplus, one of the en3s already graduated
>>69873526Riro had nice feet, too. Yuko really phoned it in with the foot pics.
man say what you will about nijien, at least those guys don't have to work for jews
>>69873891Nigger, nobody here talks about Niji at all
>>69873808True, loosing the pink whore meant loosing a good pair of feetA loss that will be mourned for generations
yuyu's stubby toes
I have been concerning so much about my oshi and I cant speak about it. I just hope EN3 comes up quickly with a new girl I can migrate to if necessary.
>>69873891>le ebic joosbut aviel pays more than 2%
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waitholy crudwhat if my usual wives collab asmr post but it's an actual competition to be the best good girl and the loser gets harapan'd with a full bladderholy crud
>>69874025I don't like stubby toes, they look weird.The small feet are nice but the stubbyness just makes it seem like they belong to a midget
>>69874025Fuck off
>>69874324>>69874335seethe and dilate
>>69874282I want Conyo Fetterfield to castrate me
>>69874282Off-colab where they play challenge games, and the looser gets harapan'd by the winner
Yuyu's little toes make my cock look massive while she's jacking me off with them
>>69874282Character development
>>69874375cope, she gets mogged at everything but grifting
i got a singular dm by my oshi out of nowhere a while ago and i have been scared ever since about the possibility of her being in dms with other viewers. i have kept this to myself until now but i am very drunk right now
>>69874413This but they invite Yuko. And all the games are blatantly rigged against her
>>69874728My oshi DMs me too, you're not special
>>69874375yukocucks out in full force
>>69874777i know i'm not special, that's why i'm so scared that i'm not the only one you dimwit
>>69874915She DMed me to laugh at you
>>69874915Then be scared, idiotIt's time to drop her or sit down in your cuckchair like a good little boy
>>69874915You sound like a fag. If I was your oshi, I'd laugh at you
>>69874728she dm you out of the blue or was it a reply to you dming her?
I want to join idol and make "breastfeeding your oshi" asmr
>>69875110yeah, fuck this scoob, i'm going back to phase
fuck megood night
Where's the cunny?
>>69875531inside my mouth you stupid nigger
insider here, there will be no cunny in gen3.
>>69875595It is so fucking over
Actual insider here, oops all lolibabas for EN3!
>>69875595Endless is gen3You dumb impostor fuck.
>>69875756i like lolibabas
insider hereEN3 will have __me__
insider here, there will be only middle aged mexican ladies in ES.
How's the shit with Yuko going? Is it still making these threads unreadable aside from the Fuyoposters and occasional Coni sex post?
>>69876158get smarter
EN3 is actually hand picked, by Roca, Juna, and Rin.
>>69876612>EN3 is going to be terriblewas a goo- was a fun ride while it lasted.
>>69876090i have already prepared a cunny edit of my model that i will post shortly after it's been fully revealed :3
>>69876356So yes, then.
>>69876755Okay, you're my new oshi
To get into Idol, the next gen of talent had to all perform oral to Juna. She judged them for their skills, duration, and technique. Fuyo would judge whenever Juna got tired. Rin weeped in the corner.
>>69874728Well what did the DM say?
How do I get DMed by my oshi...
>>69876158>occasional Coni sex postyou got that right
>>69877009>his oshi doesn't dm himlel
>>69874728why did she DM you
>>69877081One of the few good things in these threads.Kinda wanna write my own.About all of them.
Im back from the wagie cagie. Why is yuko's vr stream private?
I'm sorry my jewbros, but ever since Yuko broke my heart I can only get erect to hags with giant tits.
>>69878391she listened to music
>>69877819Whats stopping you?
>>69878409v4m might be good for a mindbroken individual like you
>>69878711good thing Fuyo doesn't bathe, she'll never have to worry about dropping the soap
Aviel theres better be AT LEAST 3 lolis in the next gen, or I swear to Allah you will regret it.
>>69878943inshallah i demand my virgin cunny wives
>>69877081Does Coni wants good lewds of herself so she can think about what carnies are doing to themselves while thinking about her
>>69878829What if it's shit and you anon make fun of me. I just want to make you all proud.>>69878711I'm retarded. Am I in prison or is she? And why?
I think it would be really cool if my wives coni confetti and fuyo cloverfield would do a collab asmr where they compete to be called the goodest good girl by the listener by trying to out pamper each other and eventually they start defensively accusing each other of being a more masochistic bottom and also at some point they end up swapping shticks to mock each other and fuyo starts going honk honk and coni starts saying yoyoyo and making weird goblin noises and then it escalates to kissies which is too embarrassing for coni to do at first until fuyo taunts her about not being a good girl if she can't give kissies and then coni immediately escalates to ear licking and then the next like 10 minutes is them playing tug of war trying to suck the listener's brain out of their respective ear and then at the end a winner is decided and the loser gets harapan'd with a full bladder and pisses themselves and then the winner gets too cocky and bratty about winning and gets corrected with also getting harapan'd into pissing themselves and this scenario is only going to become more evil and foul until they actually do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>69874728Me with Katta, Nikki, Rin, Pochi, Yuko, Fuyo, Juna, Roca, Coni, Momo, Kai, Poko, EmI, Neo, Lily, Riro and Aviel.
>>69879322She wants implied sex art with a faceless muscular man, unfortunately the carnies love to make gay ass OCs and self insert.
>>69880468Kys Tomer
I hate jidf
Pochi is the wizard of my cum
>>69881651ewww don't wake up
>>69881651good night!
>>69881651Ni ni. Get good rest. See you tomorrow!
Hey I got my refund for the Yuko stuff!
>>69881790wow, Fuyo is a rude girl, isnt she?
>>69881787Oh dope I got mine too let's fuckin go
>>69881471and we hate you
>>69881787yeah I got mine like 3 or 4 days ago
>>69881873epic meme
>>69882124Hi Pochifuck off or stream. I know what you did you stupid bitch
>>69881790Ow my ears ow
>>69881873kek it really do be like that
>>69881873CLAP CLAP
>>69882232I was already called kira earlier you can't just call me pochi too
>>69882318shut up aviel
>>69882232>I know what you didYeah, me.
>>69881787How you do it?
>>69882460just email aviel and include the order number, that's all I did.you should have received an email when you bought it that has the order number
which idol has the most suckable bean
>>69882871does suckable entail it being the biggest?maybe Juna
>>69883044Poko's restless jungle lowers her suckability
I'm excited for EN3 and ES1. However I would be most excited for JP1
>>69882525Gotcha. Gonna try my luck later in the day
>>69883212Poko is bald. Momo on the other hand has tentapubes
I barely watch my indie ES chubas because all they do is play LoL or talk with their male friends in co-op games. If Idol is really going to make an ES branch then prepare yourselves because the same thing will happen
>>69883779the only ES chuuba I've watched (Nisha) doesn't do anything like that
>>69883563Anon don't make me post proof of how smooth her cunny is
>>69883851Oh no anything but that
>>69883457The extra girls are probably gonna be an invaders equivalent
>>69883779I am already preparing to not watch them desu
Aviel please make sure someone in EN3 streams past 10PM EST
>>69883851no balls
poko has a huge clit and an extremely puffy and fat pussy. her clit is bulbous and rounded at the end. you can peel back her clitoral hood to reveal its true size. it even has a vein in it. it's like a tiny penis. it shows up as a small bump in the crotch of her underwear. it's a pretty cool clitoris
All Yuko had to do was pretend to be apologetic about her change in content and she would've saved her friends and boobros from so much bullshit. Why could she pretend for a year for her wallet, but couldn't do it for an hour for her friends?
I love you, JIDF. Despite it all.
>>69883094it means whatever you want it to mean>>69884170incredibly compelling argument
>>69884418I don't
>>69884359The honest answer?Because boobros already found out it was bullshit, if she tried to lie they won't have throw her dirty laundry in her face.Now they will just call her the evil cunt that she is and make fun of her while she fades away into obscurity.
>>69884170Thanks for the info Koko.
>>69884359she's retardedappend this to any and every answer or bit of speculation, she's retarded
>>69884518I love you most of all. For now.
>>69884418I may disagree with you guys on occasion but I do appreciate you all. It is fun being silly on here with you all
>>69884636but bros... you told me that being retarded made girls cuter...
>>69884839They are cute as long as they remain ungroomed
>>69884910Unfortunately for you, wherever I go, I must also groom
>>69884800I love you the most now.But yes, sillyposting is fun. Also hornyposting.
>Yuko heavily drinking>Begging for Twitter interaction way harder than she ever has>Replies to literally everyone >Still doesn't like anyones postslove to see it, can't wait to see her get worse and worse
>>69885117Especially hornyposting
>>69885172yeah I noticed that too, it's even more pathetic when you realize she completely stopped replying to her fans comments months ago but suddenly feels the need to reply to everyone while getting drunk
>>69885172She's hunting for new boo bros to connect with, hoping giving then attention will open their wallets.
I think I like dorf fort Coni, I'll keep this one on hand
>>69884839never go full retard, when you go full retard it's no longer cute.
>>69885172Lmao holy fuck, that is legitimately one of the most pathetic things I've seen in years
>>69885172Poor thing. This was the logical outcome, of course, but it still is sad to see
>>69885172I'm almost starting to feel bad for her, but not enough to start watching her again.
>>69885346I like the simplicity of appreciatively and not so subtly side eyeing your manmeat coni
>>69884170I NEED that in my mouth.
>>69885172why are you people like this?
>>69885547>sadNah she asked for it>>69885901Based
>>69885901hey at least the guy answered her question
>>69885172she's done the replying to everyone thing a few times before, it's not new.
>>69885172she asked for it
>>69885901kek, guess he wants to get added to the list.the results of a two way unhealthy relationship.>Captcha; K4TNT
>>69885901Didn't think I'd feel guilty, but I just sorta did and now I know for sure I'm gonna feel like a piece if she ever really starts to spiral.Want I really want is an apology, and then for her to find success somewhere else where I can't see her or hear about her. Barring that, just her fucking off and maybe finding some success is enough, I just really wish I could wipe her from my mind.
>>69886118epic reddit post
>>69886160I'm a bit of a fag yeah, but reddit is telling her to go girl and frick those ebil gfers, not wishing for an apology and that she would wallow in mediocrity
>>69885172nah im playing with her right now, drinking night is going really nicely <3
>>69886118i still think theres light evidence to back up the rrat of management convincing her to stay as Yuko.not the most unheard of thing for there to be caveats she might not want to ending her contract early, though really the most likely answer is she just wasn't on bad terms with the corpo so them giving support for her wishes to shift gears was enough to get her to stay.
so... whats the status on this guy anyway?
>>69886643He was Kira
>>69886763We all are Kira now... it's unknown if he ever even existed or if he was just a concept we refused to admit was reality.We may never truly know.
>>69886643He was Dusty the whole time
>>69886643if he is who I think he is he's ok
The glow that you haveThe diamond that you areRough, you never were
Dead hours theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5CByAYGwuU
puffy child cunny
>>69885172wow I've never seen this much interaction from a vtuber! She must really love her fans!
>>69886643he moved onto poko a long time ago
>>69888597You should've seen her before she dropped GFE
>>69888585best post ITT
>>69888585holy fuck ToT
How much money has yuko made with the whole new meta with her streams?
>>69888763like 20 bucks
>>69888763Less than $60
>>69888763$231 USD including her graduation bait return stream with 5k+ ccv$39 USD not included her return stream
>>69888907>$39 USDholy fucking grim
>>69888907It's still absolutely baffling to me that she made fucking $39 in 4 streams and one of those was a return karaoke
>>69888907did you take into account YT tax?
>>69889040No that is a total combination of her stream elements + supers with nothing taken outOut of those $39 only $1 was from stream elements by the way
>>69889082What compels someone to throw away all the whales and ruin her source of income?
>>69889129The answer is profound mental retardationBut the deeper answer is that she never cared about them at all and probably started feeling guilty about all the lies or got scared of getting caught and eventually was just found out anyways.As to why she did all that in the first place..... Profound mental retardation
>>69889178The worst thing is that she ruined her reputation. She can no longer perform gfe because everyone will know she will just do another 180 turn and fuck everyone kek
>>69889129caring about something more than income based off being a whore.
>>69889129she thought she could have her cake and eat it
she probably could have either kept it going for quite a while or slowly walked away from it and kept many of those who left and/or became permanent antis, or done anything else she wanted if she hadn't followed those particular peopleas the one who said to append 'she's retarded' to everything it's still a doozy, she did the dumbest thing possible
>>69889647All she had to do was not lie constantly, not ghost the fuck out of them, and not publicly rub her groomers in their face while at the same time completely ignoring them while she was begging for their support and funneling all of them to her PL account.It is genuinely baffling how fucking retarded she is.
>>69889867Hang in there budShe didn't deserve you
>>69889867Don't drink too much bro
>>69889903I appreciate it. Losing your oshi is tough.>>69889941I'll do my best.
Everything will be ok.
>>69889178I'm still not entirely sure if it was all a grift that she got tired of after the PL antics got noticed, or if she really was enjoying herself but then someone told her to stop. Because if she was lying the entire time, god damn she has talent as an actress and shouldn't be wasting her life as a vtuber like this.In either case, her choice was clear and made it obvious that she has no longer any interest in her old fans, so I have no regrets abandoning her and I will not go back in case she has a change of heart. The trust is completely gone.
>>69889990I've lost a couple and it's never easy but I won't ever pretend that I had the same connection that the boo bros did to YukoWhat she did was cruel and unusual, I genuinely feel for you guys and pray for your hearts to mend.Jewbros strong together
>>69890063I didn't want to cry tonight, but I'm glad you're around. I appreciate you, anon.
>>69889867It sucks man. That pit of despair is awful and I don't wish it on anyone. My ex-oshi was never as forward or lovey as Yuko seems to have been with boo bros, but I still felt that pang of betrayal and realized I could only move on to someone who appreciates me better as a viewer and fan. I've been there before, and it only heals with time.Good luck to you all.
>>69890177It's alright to cry. I know a lot of people cry about "le parasocial" but a lot of you guys genuinely loved her and wanted to spend every waking moment with her. There is no denying you guys didn't do your best for her. Let it out and try your best to carry on, we might be anons but I really do hope and pray for you guys. Losing people you care abt isn't easy.
>>69889867It'll get better, just give it time. Yuko sucks but boobros will always be my jewbros.
i love you guys so fucking much
>>69890372Love you tooIt makes me happy when the stinkos leave for a bit and it makes it obvious how amazing the jewbros really are.
Coni is a national treasure jewbro love
>>69889867Yeah it hurts being lied as much as she did and being portrayed as the villain because she deleted everything. I will continue to defend Boo bros anytime they are getting shit on.
Happy I glanced at the thread tonight for the first time in a while.I really miss you guys but I'm not ready to come back. Hope I can move on and come back to have fun with the jewbros soon. All the false flagging and name dropping isn't good for my already destroyed mental health.Take care bros and thanks for making my night better.
>>69890666>>69890666>>69890666satan pan
>>69890633It's been pretty noticably shit without the boo bros honestly, hope you can come back happy and healthy.
last for riro cunny
Insider hereES has 2 lolis