Robosa assemble!
>>OPPerhaps the most important question: With Glasses or Without?
>>6880167I'd say with glasses, but any RBC is a cute RBC!
>>6880167With, I adore those teardrop glasses she has.
Alright i'm fully charged and awake.Roboco stream at 18:30-19:00 allegedly.
bigger question: what ear DLC is best?
>>6887208Definitely rabbit.
>>6888911you mean donkey?
Where's the robutt?
>>6889592>more Pokemon
Goodnight Robosa!
>>6887208donkey ears best
>>6889592Stream yah! It is that shitty Pokémon Moba..
I missed this Robot!!
I made the other thread because I didn't see /rbc/ in the catalog but I didn't check for just Roboco, please forgive me Roboco is being extra cute right now
>>6902683There is a good chance you just bumped off a cancer thread, so all is good. Besides more Roboco is always good.
>>6902683Maybe we should bump both threads
>>6905242Too late.
Goodmorning Robosa!
>>6908537Late goodmorning to you Robosa
>>6903944I miss the girls in swimsuits.
>>6915989I never understood why they just didn't stream it on another side.
>>6916031Right, considering some holos already do streams on fanbox. And theres also twitch.Weird decision imo to just not use them at all
>>6916787Too late for that now. What a shame...
sing azamina! RI RA stream
Cha Cha LOVE
le high-spec bümp
Roboco makes me happy a cute! CUTE!
I really really really really really really love Roboco
>>6880167I don't like glasses but she doesn't look terrible with them.
>>6944248This reminded me...Stream Crazy Party Night!
>>6889170>>6888911They're pretty similar in hindsight.
>>OPDo you guys think RBK should get a model update? I know her dad dont want it but there are ps2 models that look better. I think its a shame cause her design is good and unique
Roboco... in 2 and a half hours
>>6953798This smug bot...
Why would she wear glasses if she is a robot? Surely her vision is good enough, she is high spec after all
Chatting stream soon
>>6957151I’m sorry Roboco, I’m watching the Olympics.
She’s so cute…
>>6959876Name a cuter holo, you fucking cant
i dont know most of what shes saying but i just love hearing her talk
>>6955498is it even worth explaining anymore
Now she forgot to make her voice higher than it really is. Now she sounds a lot better.
>>6962764I think she is one of the vtubers that changes her voice the least, she doesnt speak in a very high pitched tone and her voicr in general sounds very relaxed
>>6962501Glasses are love
>>6963395I believe you meant to say her voice in general sounds like sex. Especially when she sings Azamina
More Pokemon Unite later on
>>6887208the metal gear horn
>>6958743Given that the Olympics are in glorious Nippon this year, I'm surprised no one is doing a watchalong.
>>6971804What's the name of that indie chuba that was doing the World Cup watchalongs, maybe she'll be doing it
Roboco feet
>>6976203Why does she have raptor feet? Surely cheeta feet would be faster if she has the power of a robot
Usually I call her cute, but this time, she’s smokin hot
>>6985634>ywn be a Garchomp nestled in Robocosan's bosom
>>6985634>short hair>exposed shouldersMy fucking DICK
>>6985634Short hair Robo best Robo
>>6950699Personally I think her model looks fantastic already. What do you have in mind? She looks similar to I think this is already cutting edge.
>>6989654I think her rigging/design itself is good but it feels lower fidelity and more scuffed than the others and I dont know why, all other gen 1 models have been upgraded except for robocos, the only one i would say is a downgrade is azkis because I liked her old design more. To me it looks like it is at the same level of sora/mikos original models
>>6887208I will decent and say cat/wolf, theyre cute with the new outfit.
>>6995409>You will never get fucking rocked by roboco and wake up in her lap with blood all over your face as she is apologizing for punching you
>>6880167I got used to her glasses look but she's cooler without them
>>6887208Whatever Roboco is wearing! Phone collab in one hour! If only Aki was here to complete the AnPonTan trio…
>>6880167Without fer sure.>>7000643Hoping its good.
>Takoyami TowaTokyo Tower…
Wet dreams tonight!
>>6887208Gotta be honest, the default look is my favorite, same with most veechubbas. It doesn't help that you can't swing a dead cat without hitting some kemonomimi girl.
>>7004433To be fair kemonomimi girls are really fucking cute. I am more about ponytail Roboco though.
>>7004433Roboco and Botan have the best designs in hololive hands down.
Collab was great, now we need Anpontan
>>7013196>Roboco was just wearing elaborate pasties all along>her bottom half was naked the entire time FFFUUUU-
>>7024517Roboco ass>
>>7025600don't lewd the robot >just woke upChoco, that’s an amazing feat
>>7027436>>7027916Let her sleep!
These two are too cute
>>7029378This is true!
More Pokemon Unite in about 3 hours!
>>7032371Forgot link about "fans reflect their oshi"'re getting spoiled tonight bros. Singing stream in 7 hours
>>7035272She really does spoil us with these singing streams.
>>7041062I hope it will be a lofi singing again
>>7041062>>7035272CAN'T WAIT!
>>704106240 minutes lets go!
>>7045419Robobum is so sexy
Roboco sweats oil and grease
Singing stream delayed 30 minutes
>>7048740That would imply her hydraulics are faulty and leaky. Roboco is high spec, so that can't be the case. The truth is, Roboco doesn't smell.
Her youtube music week lofi singing stream was absolute fucking sex, I've always liked her music.>>7049060Do note that external bearings and joints need to be lubricated too externally, that stuff tends to leak and smear
>>7049093Shouldn't they be incased for a model designed to hang around humans?? The joints should at least have a cover I'd say.
>>7049139Look at the knee joints, they look pretty exposed to me.Now I'm not an expert on roboco as I only know her music, but I'd say those need to be kept greased and lubricated like a bearing every now and then.
>>7049215I'd be glad to lubricate any part of her whenever she liked
>>7049215I suppose so... Still feels like a design oversight.
>>7049290>>7049328's some evidence material from my brief research
Ah god. She so cute already.
>>7049694so cute today
Unfiltered voice sex...I'm dying, bros...
Roboco isn't my favourite singer in Hololive, but I'll be damned if this husky ass voice of hers isn't pure sex. SINGING
>>7052678Feels good to be Robosa
I love it when she sings for us
>>7055905Pretty good day for us.
I just noticed Roboco used Kananote art for the thumbnail. High-sepc culture on display.
>>7064089She hasn't done a cooking stream in a long time...
>>7065916Would love to get another one soon.Who knows, maybe one day.God help us if cooking collab stream with Choco and/or Aki
Do her flesh colored piece feel like flesh?
>>7070212Anon, she's high spec all around
>>7071939I don't know Ive seen her over sleep
More Pokemon in 5 hours
>>7075733Too bad ill be asleep. This dumb robot has got me into this Pokemon moba and Ive been playing it too much.
>>7075733Beat me to it. Looking forward to more Pokemans and Roboco.