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File: 1.78 MB, 2114x2832, 116268171_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69774237 No.69774237 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>69774247

Towa Thread
Previous >>69682146

Please listen to her newest cover, 「Replica」!

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>> No.69774247
File: 129 KB, 2048x2048, GG0514eaEAAptbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music: https://pastebin.com/AkBD5Ztv
>Latest EPs
>Latest Solo/Group Originals and Covers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGlyohr8CXI Replica (with Minase Rio)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLRMiqM5TXE S.T.Y.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaXpo1S21oY Ninin Sankyaku (with Nekota Tsuna)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLIz-w5cyeU Otona Blue (with holoID 2nd Gen)

>「Soreyuke!! Makai Gakkou」 by Moro-yan (JP)
>「Underworld Academy Overload!!」 by Moro-yan (EN/ID)

Merch: https://pastebin.com/yk5HHRSr
>Tokoyami Towa 4th Anniversary Celebration
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Single "S.T.Y."
>Hoshimatic Project Supporter Merchandise
>"Lisani! Vol.55 hololive Music Encyclopedia" Limited Edition
>hololive Cookie
>Ichiban Kuji hololive vol.4
>hololive Closet
>hololive friends with u Vol. 6
>hololive Starting Voice
>Fuwakororin 3
>hug meets Vol. 4

Interviews/Articles: https://pastebin.com/vAeipX4B

>> No.69774265

i miss towa the most...

>> No.69774289

towa loves me the most...

>> No.69774630

i love towa the most...

>> No.69774768

i hate towel the mostest…

>> No.69775062
File: 173 KB, 1240x1754, 1699745992554255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love blue women the most!

>> No.69775293
File: 845 KB, 2902x4096, 1708618125733067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss towa...

>> No.69775295
File: 238 KB, 1350x1947, 1679299561752821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69775601

Towa is in heat...

>> No.69776359

Towa… step back from the fireplace…

>> No.69776731

Towasama tried to swim in lava...

>> No.69777084

i barely even watch towa...i just come here to ellipsispost...

>> No.69777159
Quoted by: >>69777260

you can ellipsispost anywhere... this is towa's thread...

>> No.69777260
Quoted by: >>69777297

If it's Towa's thread why do I always see a bunch of other random girls in it...

>> No.69777297

because of people who don't care about towa that just want to ellipsis post...

>> No.69777316

no...it cant be true...

>> No.69777786

I hate you Towa...

>> No.69778042

Towa ate the last cookie...

>> No.69778168

kissing towa's odeko...

>> No.69779393

same… except I never watch Towa…

>> No.69780001

i bought a dozen donuts this morning and towa ate them all before i got home...

>> No.69780922
Quoted by: >>69783186

towa should have had an eating disorder instead of a voice complex...

>> No.69783003

i have a towa disorder…

>> No.69783146

Good night Towa and menheras!

>> No.69783186

She developed eating disorder due to her voice complex...

>> No.69783775

she needs to start posting more pictures seeking validation...

>> No.69783879
Quoted by: >>69784186

naked so we can see her full figure…

>> No.69784186

So we can call her Fatowa like we call Fatachi...

>> No.69784291

she did that and kenzies called her fat and old...

>> No.69785451
Quoted by: >>69786075

towa should go full festival...

>> No.69786075

you whores would still just post about other women when all she wants is love…

>> No.69786471

kenzies don’t deserve anything good for letting whores roam freely among them…

>> No.69786829

Confessing to Towa how many times I have cheated on her without any regret...!

>> No.69787299

Towa has 3 dildos in her butt....

>> No.69787365

i love towa at any size... any weight...

>> No.69787606
Quoted by: >>69787884

towa's fat is going to her boobs...

>> No.69787746

towas getting fat is going to make her legs look weirder...

>> No.69787884

its her butt... its so juicy now...

>> No.69788319

towa's slightly saggy boobies...

>> No.69788400

Towa is flat and saggy...

>> No.69788609

kissing towa's twellulite...

>> No.69788740

massaging towa's cankles...

>> No.69790719

towa is a sopping wet cat...

>> No.69791466
Quoted by: >>69792063

I have had gay thoughts about towa...

>> No.69792063

are you a girl...?

>> No.69793083

If I were a girl, I would dress seductively and get kidnapped by towa...

>> No.69794586
File: 85 KB, 634x1105, 20240222_162751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guten morgen, kenzies, menheras, und die dummes Twat.

>> No.69794612
File: 91 KB, 765x825, 1688968334569767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cute girls...

>> No.69796680


>> No.69797631

Towa will definitely tweet soon...

>> No.69799526

Taa... Tee.. Tii... Too... Tuu and sometimes Tyy...

>> No.69799582 [SPOILER] 
File: 231 KB, 1316x2048, 20240223_115728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bad, bad girl becomes your girlfriend right now, how fucked are (you)?

>> No.69799632
Quoted by: >>69799698

not fucked enough...

>> No.69799698
Quoted by: >>69799765

But... She's a very bad girl...

>> No.69799765
Quoted by: >>69800324

then she should do bad things to me to prove it...

>> No.69799780

she'd be the one fucked...by me..

>> No.69799909

wake me up when towa's back...

>> No.69800324
Quoted by: >>69800489

She took a break and just played with hags, because she doesn't want to see you for a month. That bad.

>> No.69800489
Quoted by: >>69800896

if she didn't want to see me for a month then she would've done nothing for the month...

>> No.69800896
Quoted by: >>69801302

she wants to play with her girlfriends more...

>> No.69801302

towa wanting to play with her girlfriends is nothing new... yet she is still around just for me...

>> No.69801532
Quoted by: >>69802543

What is Towa gonna do to those hags... Is she not satisfied with just young Korean women...

>> No.69802543

towa won't rest until every girl...

>> No.69803070


>> No.69803993
File: 139 KB, 804x1024, 1677559971756719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69804042

The cuter devil...

>> No.69804042


>> No.69804987
Quoted by: >>69805546

i hope the announcement is something that is relevant to me...

>> No.69805546

She is finally pulling the plug on kenzies... ID verification will be necessary for all future streams...

>> No.69805587

that’s a boy…

>> No.69806077

the announcement will be massage chain exclusive towa merch that i'll never be able to get...

>> No.69806303
File: 3.02 MB, 1270x2048, 1705052406733340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69818594

goodnight towa... i love u...

>> No.69806367
Quoted by: >>69806395

Scheduled shillwa...

>> No.69806395

that wasn't exactly on the hour though...

>> No.69806598
Quoted by: >>69807523

what if... massage sponsored original song...?

>> No.69807523

Towa's happy ending JOI song...

>> No.69808237
File: 287 KB, 2048x1432, 1693069836701484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple women...

>> No.69808510
File: 766 KB, 4096x2956, 20240219_130632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we make Towa burn all her excess fat away?

>> No.69808647

Sex with me...

>> No.69808742

sex diet..

>> No.69808819

Sex with frustrated kenzies...

>> No.69808851


>> No.69809083

No way...

>> No.69809523
Quoted by: >>69810032

Towa confirmed to the next character to be in fortnite...!!!

>> No.69810032
Quoted by: >>69810612

unironically i would start playing fortnite… and start watching towa…

>> No.69810513

I'm not a whore but GHOST is literally my favorite song ever made...

>> No.69810612
File: 130 KB, 976x893, 20230810_091251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69810689

>not watching towa
You should watch the shill stream...

>> No.69810689
Quoted by: >>69810794

I’m too busy ellipsis posting…

>> No.69810774

I would party with towa all Friday night...wake up on Saturday and daydrink playing fortnite with towa...

>> No.69810794
File: 67 KB, 467x481, 1688489116450308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69810801

Towa should sing chug jug with you...

>> No.69810891

I would never watch Towa...

>> No.69811029
File: 44 KB, 474x1300, GG-tfYQW0AAHufS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete world Towafication...
And when everyone's Towa, no one will be...

>> No.69811179

I wouldnt watch towa if I was the last girl on earth...

>> No.69811374


>> No.69811646


>> No.69812786

I didn't realize there's metric fuckton of Palette covers out there.

>> No.69813234

i hate catalog towas...

>> No.69813406

I love towa in every shape and form...especially her rounder shapes...

>> No.69813458
File: 650 KB, 1673x2255, 20231205_141721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chubby twpi

>> No.69813816 [SPOILER] 
File: 283 KB, 2048x2048, 1677408379924903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69814489

This Towa is a bit too difficult...

>> No.69815157

Good morning Towa and menheras!

>> No.69815951

troublesome towa...

>> No.69816730

towa will announce that she’s ending her break…!!!!

>> No.69816881
Quoted by: >>69816913

Isn't it pre-recorded...how can it be delayed...

>> No.69816913

because towa is lazy….

>> No.69817004

massage lady my beloved…

>> No.69817254

mio sex noises

>> No.69817502


>> No.69817669

This is a lovely stream to tune in to. My two oshis, mio, silly little hijinks with massages.
Been there. Massages are the best.
And then the hags become sussy...

>> No.69817777

The fucking harmonica

>> No.69817800

Why did Towa do it...

>> No.69817828

Aki sounds like a baby...

>> No.69817874

i want to touch towa’s butt…

>> No.69817900

towa likes this too much…

>> No.69818013

this all seems vaguely erotic

>> No.69818058

i feel weird cause of towa…

>> No.69818152

hag moans…
towa should moan more too…

>> No.69818273

Akis fucking DEAD

>> No.69818361

Mio sex...

>> No.69818506

It better not be merch...

>> No.69818536

i hate towa!!!

>> No.69818586

i miss towa…

>> No.69818591

i miss towa…

>> No.69818593

I miss towa...

>> No.69818594

I miss Towa...
This artist is very protective of their artwork...

>> No.69818595

i miss miosha...

>> No.69818599

I miss towa and hags...

>> No.69818654

Towa crashed their site...

>> No.69818698
Quoted by: >>69818727

You don't keep up with her sponsors, do you? This is the second ad stream, and they sponsored her solo live as well.

>verification not required

>> No.69818715

The Kenzie holocaust... Femzies get the VIP and Kenzies gets executed...

>> No.69818725
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20240223_045804_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69818727
Quoted by: >>69819037

I don't know what that has to do with my post...I was talking about the announcement...

>> No.69818761
Quoted by: >>69818774

>only way to make reservation is via LINE
Towa is advertising sketchy services...

>> No.69818774

it’s to easily determine the femzies

>> No.69818783
File: 1.17 MB, 1180x771, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69818837

Cute twi...

>> No.69818833

i wish i was in japan…

>> No.69818837

i wanna kiss her…

>> No.69819019

Towa permanently paralyzed me...

>> No.69819037
Quoted by: >>69819071

The whole stream is an ad for their company.

>> No.69819071
Quoted by: >>69819889

Yeah but at the start she said "there's a big announcement at the end!"

>> No.69819412

she said it was a happy announcement but i’m not happy…

>> No.69819499
Quoted by: >>69819688

towa's next happy announcement will be her graduation...

>> No.69819688

Towa is too dumb to graduate...

>> No.69819879

i hate campaigns like this…

>> No.69819889
Quoted by: >>69819920

Yeah, the vip entry passes

>> No.69819920

and I posted >>69818506 before it was announced what it was...

>> No.69820067
File: 526 KB, 2315x3274, 20240218_190037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69821535

Massaging Towa's flabby tummy...

>> No.69820117
Quoted by: >>69820133

Mami... Please release a Towa ver. soon...

>> No.69820133
Quoted by: >>69820204

she's not allowed...

>> No.69820204

I would pay for it, even in the black market...

>> No.69820253
File: 367 KB, 1418x2048, Ftq5j5baQAAzrE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tightly grasping onto towas rolls...whispering to her ill never let her go...

>> No.69820375
File: 2.52 MB, 444x760, Towe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69820538
Quoted by: >>69820576

I deleted Towa...

>> No.69820576


>> No.69820577
File: 750 KB, 2920x4096, 1658028477803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69821369

This girl needs a water only diet...

>> No.69821369

Wdym... She's already perfect...

>> No.69821535

Towa please zip up your shorts, nobody wants to see that…

>> No.69822494
Quoted by: >>69822646

Towa planted something inside of me...

>> No.69822514

i can kinda hear towa in that video…

>> No.69822543
Quoted by: >>69822604

What video...

>> No.69822604

the one she replied to…

>> No.69822605

That's his mom...

>> No.69822633
Quoted by: >>69822918

Towa is a mom.

>> No.69822646


>> No.69822696
Quoted by: >>69822766

the voice in the background kinda sounds a little like towa for a quarter of a second…

>> No.69822766

Towa can't make girly sounds.

>> No.69822918

having two cats you call your children does not make you a mom.

>> No.69823367

hate that purple thing...

>> No.69823421

only 2 more weeks…

>> No.69823665
File: 3.75 MB, 1920x1080, INSANE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 2 more weeks...

>> No.69823708
File: 235 KB, 1073x2048, 1000002109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't trust Towa if I were you...

>> No.69823883
Quoted by: >>69824155

I want to have SEX with TOWA...

>> No.69824155

Towa can't do that...

>> No.69824965

Towa doesn't like anything related to sex

>> No.69824986

mami... your stream...

>> No.69825043
File: 163 KB, 960x1285, 20240209_092134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Towa is a special-class cursed object. Do not consume any Towa.

>> No.69825723
Quoted by: >>69825870

If Towa doesn't come back soon I'll cry...

>> No.69825870

Cry harder...

>> No.69826771

rurudo loves me... more than towa...?

>> No.69826977

Impregnating mami...making another towa that will love me...

>> No.69827053

you whores don’t deserve towa… perish and never return…

>> No.69827898

Towa would sell me into slavery...

>> No.69828172

kenzie slaves, towa masters...

>> No.69828351
Quoted by: >>69828448


>> No.69828371

Towa will take another 2 week vacation after holofes to go on a trip since she didn't plan one during this vacation...

>> No.69828448
File: 670 KB, 2048x1756, 1701641199056785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiikawa hate...

>> No.69828451

towa will love me a lot when she comes back...

>> No.69828793

Why is mami playing DDLC...

>> No.69828819

towa will never love me again...

>> No.69828870
Quoted by: >>69829034

the non believers will be punished and banished for their sins while the loyalists live in eternal bliss...

>> No.69829034
Quoted by: >>69829068

As long as it's within the rurudo bloodline, everything is legally loyal.

>> No.69829068

the rurudo bloodline has abandoned twa...

>> No.69829245

whats the tax policy and fertility rate of the toyalists...

>> No.69829344

increased taxes for those who work and visit other countries... decreased taxes for the dedication of your service...
the highest femzie population of any group...

>> No.69829600

no straight sex allowed in towa's kingdom... only gay sex and you have to let towa watch...

>> No.69829792

sounds glorious...

>> No.69831098
Quoted by: >>69831123

Wait...Towa might be naked...

>> No.69831122

I saw a femzie get arrested for kissing a kenzie...

>> No.69831123


>> No.69831458

police towality...

>> No.69832080
Quoted by: >>69832183

imagine if towa wanted to cancel her break early.....

>> No.69832183
Quoted by: >>69833073

towa doesn’t have any friends that want to play with her…

>> No.69832387


>> No.69833073
Quoted by: >>69834484

>Play Ark by herself
>Play apex with nobody for few match

>> No.69833261
File: 3.08 MB, 1920x1080, Twis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69833341

shes so sexy...

>> No.69833525

Did towa always have those nice looking boobies...?

>> No.69833581
Quoted by: >>69834283


>> No.69834283
Quoted by: >>69834296

No... I'm starting to think towa is sexy...

>> No.69834296

she always was...

>> No.69834484
Quoted by: >>69835343

She didn't play apex...

>> No.69834531

She uses a push up bra...

>> No.69835343
Quoted by: >>69835391

>Doesn't realize Towa alt

>> No.69835391
Quoted by: >>69835667

Towa is too dumb to make alts...

>> No.69835667
Quoted by: >>69835746

She does make alt, she made one whenever she play with other Holomen that are low lvl than her Towa108, her Alt, her other alt that she made cause she forgotten password to other previous alt, her nnn18 alt and her Towa108 account

>> No.69835746
Quoted by: >>69836705

source: it came to me in a dream...

>> No.69836112
File: 159 KB, 1129x2047, 20240221_160126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69836251

Wait...I can have gay sex with this boy AND get Towa to watch us?? Cool!

>> No.69836251
Quoted by: >>69836533

sorry gay sex with that boy is only for towa

>> No.69836533
Quoted by: >>69836788

How come Towa always gets the good gay stuff... It's so unfair, I wanna rape master Toi...

>> No.69836705 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69836768

Not like she doesn't have alt on Valorant. I'll give you hint, it's Disney jp character

>> No.69836768

you're so dumb...

>> No.69836788

in exchange for the blessings of master Toi, she is granted certain privileges and prizes

>> No.69837521
Quoted by: >>69837821

apparently, Towa is legally retarded...

>> No.69837821

Can I still use her for inflammation?

>> No.69837840
Quoted by: >>69837950

putting a baby in suitummy...

>> No.69837854
File: 293 KB, 1366x2048, 1701647724081216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with purple women

>> No.69837905
Quoted by: >>69838106

i am towa's boyfriend.

>> No.69837950
File: 142 KB, 1398x2048, 20240123_131508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly kenzie, boys can't get pregnant.

>> No.69837995

why does towa seem to try so hard then…

>> No.69838106


>> No.69838159
File: 596 KB, 2894x4093, 1701459037555653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wont stop me from trying

>> No.69838199

please post cute towas, preferably webms.

>> No.69838344
File: 591 KB, 720x1280, 1698021902198596.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69838462
File: 2.33 MB, 430x566, towachristmasjig.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69839184


>> No.69839463
File: 2.86 MB, 1076x1056, 1636926519693.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69839797

I miss Towa...

>> No.69839920
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1687713185605933.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69839978
File: 3.69 MB, 610x868, 1706936965418880.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69840047


>> No.69839992
File: 3.97 MB, 1600x900, tworba.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69840047

why did this make my peepee hard...

>> No.69840114

Because it's towa...

>> No.69840294

You are extremely retarded...

>> No.69840364

I love mami...

>> No.69840389

Your dick retarded...

>> No.69840830

towa is very sexy…

>> No.69841291

Towa owes me...

>> No.69841695

Towa owns me...

>> No.69841936

i want to be inside towa...

>> No.69841971

Towa should use me...

>> No.69842226
Quoted by: >>69842283

I bet towas feet smell nice right now...

>> No.69842283

hang on let me check...

>> No.69842296
Quoted by: >>69842528

towa should show me her nipples...

>> No.69842380
Quoted by: >>69842683

Kimoizoku are unfortunately alive...

>> No.69842528

Towa doesn't have those...

>> No.69842683

kimoizoku are better than whores…

>> No.69842771
File: 342 KB, 1174x2048, 1677620208329240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69842822

I keep getting seduced by troublesome women...

>> No.69842822

Isn't this Towa too big...?

>> No.69843381

Towa loves kimoizoku the most...

>> No.69844000
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, Mami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting the mami route...

>> No.69844842
Quoted by: >>69845314

Where's Towa...

>> No.69845314

you don't want to know

>> No.69845490

Towa's green haired friend sent me a selfie...

>> No.69847139
File: 217 KB, 1000x1357, 1679433459319741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69847758
File: 1.60 MB, 406x766, Twai .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69847882

>> No.69847882

why does she do that...

>> No.69847976


>> No.69848160

I wanted to write an essay about how I feel about towa but it just ended up being the words hate and love typed over and over again...

>> No.69848208


>> No.69848974
Quoted by: >>69849306


>> No.69849206

My Towa senses are tingling...

>> No.69849306

Tow doesn't remember who that is...

>> No.69849364

the odds of towa remembering is higher than kenzies knowing who...

>> No.69849432
Quoted by: >>69849621

i think they at least encountered each other in vcr recently... which is the only time towa interacts with anyone other than her closest girlfriends anymore...

>> No.69849621
Quoted by: >>69849817

towa can't trend hop... all she know is ubereats, groom some girls, twap, be homosexual, and snacks...

>> No.69849751
Quoted by: >>69849805

towa will have forgetten kenzies by the time she comes back...

>> No.69849805
Quoted by: >>69852746

but this is the most she's replied and interacted with kenzies on twitter in ages...

>> No.69849817
Quoted by: >>69849867

All those girls want is get closer to kenzies...

>> No.69849867
Quoted by: >>69850541

then why does every girl seem to want towa so badly if that were true...?

>> No.69850023
Quoted by: >>69850465

It's tough being a kenzie and being loved by femzies and towa girlfriends and yet being hated by towa herself...

>> No.69850148
File: 722 KB, 2901x4096, 1692942143142235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69850465

theres no way femzies love you… towa does…

>> No.69850541
Quoted by: >>69850664

They are merely pretending...

>> No.69850664
Quoted by: >>69850739

what kind of pretending makes you take pictures of towa’s ass…? isn’t that a bit far…?

>> No.69850739
Quoted by: >>69850822

Subaru is a compulsive liar...

>> No.69850822

so going over to huff towa’s pussy late at night and going on dates wearing matching dress are all lies…? that towa corroborates on…?

>> No.69850893
Quoted by: >>69850949

she's lying about enjoying it so that she can get closer to kenzies...

>> No.69850949
Quoted by: >>69851069

how is trying to get in towa’s pants productive to getting kenzies…?

>> No.69850972

Towa doesn't want to seem like she has no friends so she goes with the lies...

>> No.69851069
Quoted by: >>69851131

she tells stories about towa every week so kenzies who are constantly starving for offstream towa info tune in to ohashuba and subaru gets free pickings...

>> No.69851131
Quoted by: >>69851193

wouldn't that just means kenzies really want towa instead...? i don't think those dedicated kenzies are whores like that...

>> No.69851193
Quoted by: >>69851234

other girls start looking mighty cute when kenzies are left neglected too long...

>> No.69851234
Quoted by: >>69851279

anyone willing to leave towa at a slight bump were never meant to be kenzies... this is why towa loves femzies the most...

>> No.69851279

femzies are the biggest whores... just look at llkr...

>> No.69851329

The ultimate menherazie...

>> No.69851344
Quoted by: >>69851514

llkr is still in a stranglehold to towa... she came back to the membership even after her tirade...

>> No.69851514
Quoted by: >>69851559

She really wants to be with handsome kenzies...

>> No.69851559

a femzie inherently has no interest in men...

>> No.69851622
Quoted by: >>69851635

Towa is a man...

>> No.69851635


>> No.69851640
Quoted by: >>69851691

You have been fed lies...

>> No.69851691

name a single straight femzie...

>> No.69851896
Quoted by: >>69851914

All of them

>> No.69851914
Quoted by: >>69852400

there's no way that's true...

>> No.69852400
Quoted by: >>69852450

Must suck being one of the few ugly kenzies who doesn't get femzies...

>> No.69852450

you've gone insane...

>> No.69852746

she was more active early last year…

>> No.69852783
File: 98 KB, 1268x706, 1693368349703145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69853190
Quoted by: >>69853301


>> No.69853301
Quoted by: >>69853369


>> No.69853369


>> No.69853513
File: 421 KB, 720x951, 1685106164534453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69853725

Once again I am cheating on Towa with a purple rock girl...

>> No.69853734


>> No.69853858

why is towa having sex with a girl on stream...

>> No.69854010
Quoted by: >>69854052

I hate Towa's voice...

>> No.69854052

i love you towa...

>> No.69854160
Quoted by: >>69854215

I wished towa used this combo more...

>> No.69854215

aren't cat ears banned or something now

>> No.69854250
Quoted by: >>69854266

okayu... no...

>> No.69854266

for non cats...

>> No.69854401
Quoted by: >>69854469

Why would that be banned?

>> No.69854469

for branding i think, when was the last time someone got cat ears

>> No.69854607
Quoted by: >>69854662

i could maybe understand for actual cat ears but i feel like you couldn't justify banning a cat ear headband

>> No.69854662
Quoted by: >>69854705

i imagine towa just forgot/assumed it was the same, the beanie is basically never used either.

>> No.69854705
Quoted by: >>69854762

that's because the beanie is stupid...

>> No.69854762
Quoted by: >>69854821

its cute...

>> No.69854771
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, Fauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this be considered cat ears?

>> No.69854821

It's not stupid it is RETARDED

>> No.69854860

i forgot about that, but i think she got that before the pseudo-ban, i think towa is just retarded like normal.

>> No.69854894

i think the real problem is that she uses the stupid chrome outfit too much now...

>> No.69855057

Or that she hardly ever uses her accessories...

>> No.69855126

Petting her pussy vigorously...!

>> No.69855293
Quoted by: >>69855525

>>69854894 (me)
i'm not gonna bother actually counting but just looking through her archives since she got that outfit she's used it the vast majority of the time, second most is the school outfit, on the rare occasions she's used casual it's usually just with the regular hat...
and not counting the 3.0 streams she's used her default outfit exactly once...

>> No.69855525

i wouldnt say vast majority for the white outfit, she's been pretty consistent on changing it for the past few months, but it's still a majority and it is a new outfit, i think it'll only just now be 6 months of having it.
the default outfit towa isn't real.

>> No.69855644
Quoted by: >>69855804

towa loves mami so much but mami doesn't love towa...

>> No.69855804

If I had a daughter like Towa I would pretend I didn't have a daughter either...

>> No.69855811

towas giving me heartburn...

>> No.69856159
Quoted by: >>69856202

hag attraction campaign...

>> No.69856202
File: 676 KB, 704x684, 1678442279455670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69856311

The chiropractor shill arc is so weird...

>> No.69856335

I would curse the world that gave me a towadaughter for it deprived me of a towife…

>> No.69856367

would you rather she shill adobe products...

>> No.69856434

towas going to paralyze me chiropracting me...

>> No.69856450

I want to break Towa's bones and make her scream in pain...

>> No.69856484

towas always been a fan... why not get free hags with it as well...

>> No.69856779

