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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.80 MB, 1500x2000, 1626632336273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6914832 No.6914832 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>6612628


>> No.6914868

thicc baby

>> No.6914910

miko miko medium rare baby ohohohoh yes sexy lady

>> No.6915007
Quoted by: >>6915575 >>6916138

when does summer start for the japanese?
i want to watch Miko twice a day like she promise

>> No.6915575

It's already started few days ago

>> No.6915996
File: 230 KB, 1500x1150, cocomiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco Miko love!

>> No.6916138
File: 1.29 MB, 847x859, 1616859780499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen how little other girls stream?
We very lucky to have an oshi that works so hard for us.

>> No.6916722

The Shiranui collab earlier was hilarious

>> No.6917522
Quoted by: >>6918860

What games would you like to see Miko play anon?

>> No.6918829


>> No.6918860

Seeing how tolerant she is of Western games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto V, I really really wanna see her play Halo
Microsoft has always been a bunch of weeaboos so they've no reason to object

>> No.6919131
File: 431 KB, 880x726, Ea75W-qUYAQEyaJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was going to do it but they lost the permission...

>> No.6920673
File: 1.14 MB, 1770x1400, 1625060583593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, hoshiyomi here. What are some must watch clips of Miko? I don't mean funny clips, I mean something where she talks about her struggles or where we get to know her better. I think I read somewhere that Suityan and Miko had similar stories for different reasons but I'm not really sure. I want to know more about her!

miComet love![\spoiler]

>> No.6922345

Imagine Migo sitting on your face with that beautiful booty

>> No.6924347
Quoted by: >>6926793 >>6934462


>> No.6925280
Quoted by: >>7104252

how'd they lose permission?

>> No.6926368
Quoted by: >>6934462 >>6947817


God I love this goofy dork so much it's unreal

>> No.6926548
Quoted by: >>6934462 >>7078577

>Miko almost quit Hololive due to being unpopular.
https://youtu.be/rXCU5QDG90Q convinced by Mio and Subaru
>>Miko cried in this stream and thought she is a burden, fans suggested her to play GTA which completely change her life.
>MV sum up all of the above.
>Miko happy tear with Sora
>Miko overworked plus her contagious illness forced her to rest for 4 months
>Miko came back after 4 months
Full stream: https://youtu.be/_SWjDWUBDio
There are a lot of stories about her pre-hololive, like she was bullied and her only friend was Pekora. Find it yourself if you interest.

>> No.6926623 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 562x468, 1604719546261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko seems like westaboo with all the western movies she watches and references

>> No.6926793 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 256x165, 1603975056163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has her own video liked

>> No.6930008
File: 647 KB, 3908x2700, E67zkmJUUAEva1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to conquer Mikochi's bountiful valley

>> No.6931800


>> No.6932314
Quoted by: >>6932584

You're welcome!

>> No.6932584 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 35x35, 1604724058943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6934904


>> No.6933418


>> No.6934462
File: 596 KB, 868x1228, illust_90829843_20210722_212425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the clips! I'll watch all of them eventually. Maybe I'll give her a subscription.

Have a Mikochi for good luck.

>> No.6934742


>> No.6934904
Quoted by: >>6935042

What is this a Elite for ants?

>> No.6935042
File: 6 KB, 6x6, 1613947802723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6937566


>> No.6935092
Quoted by: >>6937162

Fuck, that actually makes me angry. It's one thing if she just hasn't considered it yet but for her to have actually planned to do it but gotten shot down is a shot right to the heart. The Halo trilogy is one of my favorite franchises.

>> No.6937162
Quoted by: >>6937340

the Holo permission is on the limbo for Hololive, something about that microsft doesn't own the music of Holo so it's more problems for cover and stuff

>> No.6937340

I consider Halo's OST is integral to the experience so it would kill me if they had to play it sans music

>> No.6937566

What is this an elite for fleas?

>> No.6938317
Quoted by: >>6938431 >>6938614

You can watch this official clip about miko's journey https://youtu.be/P3kv98KtlFg and read this translation that Miko wrote about her shortcomings a while back https://pastebin.com/sWBqcsze

>> No.6938431 [DELETED] 
File: 691 KB, 603x911, whoa sekusi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6938661

bring back this outfit

>> No.6938614

Translation of a letter that Miko wrote*

>> No.6938661


>> No.6939808


>> No.6940498
Quoted by: >>6942863 >>6946701

Made for headpats.

>> No.6942863

Man of culture

>> No.6946701
File: 444 KB, 1920x1440, 91416926_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made for giving headpats

>> No.6947006
Quoted by: >>6947255 >>6985044

I find it hard to sexualise Miko because I feel like that voice would make me go limp in seconds.

>> No.6947255
File: 272 KB, 688x458, E6w7jjaVoAE6fS1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might help

>> No.6947492

Okay consider me converted.

>> No.6947613

Mikos cunny was made fore pure love as her armpits were made for kissing

>> No.6947647

I got hard in 1 minute what is this sorcery

>> No.6947817

i feel bad for mikos uncle. he did nothing wrong.

>> No.6948943

I love Sakura Miko!

>> No.6949386
Quoted by: >>6949629

Rare Miko covers.

>> No.6949629

she really has good taste in VNs

>> No.6949798

I don’t know whats going on but I like it

>> No.6950012
Quoted by: >>6950095

Miko's tits are too large for her voice. Also I don't think she'd approve of us lewding her.

>> No.6950095

>Also I don't think she'd approve of us lewding her.
She saw hentai of her, she approves and is happy

>> No.6950732


>> No.6951053
Quoted by: >>6951363

Miko stream https://youtu.be/9_oc4fi_VJQ

>> No.6951363

And this https://youtu.be/lniH9TmFrKs

>> No.6952325

Miko please practice the songs beforehand...

>> No.6953194

I love miko's voice

>> No.6954068

Miko lol

>> No.6955844

Marika 1st place endurance https://youtu.be/9_oc4fi_VJQ

>> No.6956481

Did Miko apologize to Matsuri for raping Haato to fuck up her birthday stream?

>> No.6958342


>> No.6959568


>> No.6961359


>> No.6961855


>> No.6961883
Quoted by: >>6962149

How long is she going to be doing this?

>> No.6962046


>> No.6962149
Quoted by: >>6963855

until they let her win

>> No.6962617


>> No.6963855

Well that's never happening.

>> No.6964713

Just let her win, this is getting sad.

>> No.6965149

No one believed in Miko...

>> No.6965313
Quoted by: >>6965362


>> No.6965346

shuffle off this mortal coil

>> No.6965362

I feel like everyone was giving it to her.

Also the SCs are raining.

>> No.6965668

I jumped off my couch. Holy shit I'm happy for her.

>> No.6965766

Very proud of her. She finally did it

>> No.6966254 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 112x112, 1605188092228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6967120 [DELETED] 

i wanna see miko and the others play valheim but it seems like not even coco could get the permissions to do so
botan plays it offstream

>> No.6967519 [DELETED] 

post more

>> No.6967525
Quoted by: >>6967906 >>6968708

I'm amazed it took her that long to get a win. I was watching it and she was drifting around corners and even taking shortcuts. It's clear she at least somewhat knows what she is doing due to witnessing the above. How did she not at least luck into a win? Either way it was quite the journey and it was great seeing her finally win.

>> No.6967906

That's a classic Miko. She got cocky at the start then she lost

>> No.6968634

Gouhan-kun! Gouhan-kun!

>> No.6968708
Quoted by: >>6968905

Mario Kart is not entirely about being skilled since it punishes you hard for being good (worse items the closest you are to 1st place) to give noobs a chance. She was 1st a lot of times by the 2nd lap but then got item-bombed and dropped positions hard.

That being said, she was playing fundamentally good. She dropped stuff sometimes but she knows how to drift and how to take the curves. She also improved a lot by the end of the stream.

>> No.6968793

No Miko's stream except for the hangover 3 watchalong today

>> No.6968905
Quoted by: >>6969349

Oh yeah I completely understand that but to not get a single win in 5 hours when you are fairly competent at the game and not a total newb is, like, astromically super bad luck. It almost seems statistically impossible bit then you have her Janken antics and it all makes sense.

>> No.6969349

I think there were lots of stream snippers that wanted to keep her going. It was really fun so I kind of understand. When she won I think no-one really threw items at her so probably they kinda let her go.

>> No.6970374


>> No.6972181

i was able to watch Miko's stream live because she was bad at mario kart and last enough for me to wake up

>> No.6974765
File: 369 KB, 748x418, 20192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6975169

lol no
now she sounds like she huffs helium

>> No.6980285


>> No.6983923


>> No.6984417

This just makes me laugh desu. Stereotypical hentai lines are just too hilarious to take seriously.

>> No.6985044
Quoted by: >>6988688

>hey man, FAQ me

>> No.6987658

I feel like the thread is trying to die more faster than usual.

>> No.6988688


>> No.6991161


>> No.6991265
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, E6-OnThVkAMA0PO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6991947


>> No.6991947

Can you do migo in mating press position holding her legs up, thanks

>> No.6992966

I still listen to this cover daily https://youtu.be/K57XcDsUl6A

>> No.6993681

Is miko pretend sucking dick? I thought she was les

>> No.6993761

>I thought she was les
none of them are except for kanata probably

>> No.6994042 [DELETED] 

it's an act, how is it related in any way to her sexuality?
she acts like a dirty old man when seeing hot girls which is a good indicator, it's more than just regular bicurious girl shit

>> No.6994057
Quoted by: >>6994124

She is, it's just for her R18 audio works. But as you can hear, she's pretty trash at it. She imitated it from all the eroges she's been playing all this time.

>> No.6994124

shit opinion

>> No.6994297

Never was, just an act for idolfags.

>> No.6995465

I love Miko!

>> No.6996187

No miko today...

>> No.6996812
Quoted by: >>6996847 >>6997085

What it means to be an elite https://youtu.be/A96DhKcUwO8

>> No.6996847

Elite Mikochi!

>> No.6997085

Miko is a treasure

>> No.6998480


>> No.6998498
Quoted by: >>6998611


>> No.6998611

dios Miko

>> No.6999732


>> No.7000671

Miko sure is cute!

>> No.7001196
Quoted by: >>7002375

Delayed by an hour https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1418912923393667088

>> No.7002375

Damn at the same time with Chammers graduation announcement

>> No.7003721
Quoted by: >>7008534

Miko your Haachama...

>> No.7006913

this movie is stoopid

>> No.7008436
Quoted by: >>7008701

>Miko singing Johnny Cash 'Hurt '
One for the books, even if it was just a few unintelligible lines.

>> No.7008534
Quoted by: >>7008916 >>7012808

>Miko streaming over Haachama
The rrats are going to be feasting tonight. Give them to me!! I think Miko has contempt for Haachama and Haachama probably just took her break to get out of the Miko collab.

>> No.7008701

It was cute

>> No.7008916

Dont make it so obvious that you dont watch the streams anon.
>Miko has recently talked positively about Haachama and how happy shes to hear from her.
>Haachama talked about the Elytra and Miko in her superchat reading.

>> No.7009005

Based Miko picked a movie that compare Zhang with dog - the animal they hate the most.

>> No.7010384

Miko Osbourne

>> No.7010476

I think I am falling in love with this dumb baby, is it normal?

>> No.7011031

Kek at the ending

>> No.7011365

One of the best watchalong

>> No.7011892

Best Miko's laugh https://clips.twitch.tv/InventiveAliveRaccoonRaccAttack-ELeEiaKT78IKpb_L

>> No.7012808
File: 174 KB, 499x530, 1626291904910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like fragile gachikoi'ism here. Could it be that you're just projecting that our oshi has regular schedule?

This, this brings me happiness

>> No.7012937

She's so precious. Thanks for sharing, anon

>> No.7013073 [DELETED] 
File: 777 KB, 684x670, 1613298581416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, my day is now much better

>> No.7013835

Miko is a treasure

>> No.7014737


>> No.7016050

miko always heal my soul

>> No.7016411
File: 245 KB, 571x781, 1625966361741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good.

>> No.7018829
Quoted by: >>7021730

How was Miko watchalong?

>> No.7019181 [DELETED] 

someone clip the part where the zhangs call them nigga and then everyone in the chat started spamming nigga

>> No.7020219
Quoted by: >>7020347

What was she laughing at? I haven't seen the movie in years, so I don't remember.

>> No.7020347
Quoted by: >>7111811

nsfw stu wakes up with tits

>> No.7020394
File: 3.87 MB, 400x381, vibing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7057777


>> No.7021394

i made it a soundpost

>> No.7021673

Miko is my number one

>> No.7021730

It's hilarious, the movie is better than the 2nd one imo

>> No.7022911
Quoted by: >>7024538

Miko... stream onegai

>> No.7024538


>> No.7027308

please miko... play a western game or a japanese game that is not on the phone...

>> No.7031652


>> No.7034428

Hey mon

>> No.7036366


>> No.7040344

Miko bebi

>> No.7041763

No stream today?

>> No.7042640
Quoted by: >>7042791


>> No.7042791
Quoted by: >>7043102

Fuck off

>> No.7043102

Rude :(

>> No.7044096
File: 260 KB, 1490x2048, 1627180601351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044934
Quoted by: >>7046593 >>7047247

I want a Miko girlfriend

>> No.7046593

Me too....

>> No.7047247


>> No.7049451
Quoted by: >>7050621

Miko Minecraft https://youtu.be/YAA7kt8GQc8

>> No.7050621
File: 1009 KB, 480x498, 1627200112496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah!

>> No.7050677
File: 246 KB, 1314x2047, 1627127310057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050724

Miko's room review https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1419256787480440837

>> No.7051990


>> No.7053396

Oh yeah

>> No.7053465

Miko is being very cute right now

>> No.7055263

Mik please don't play zelda

>> No.7057486


>> No.7057777
File: 491 KB, 700x1000, Mi-go2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mi-Go chi so cute!

>> No.7057832

why is miko inclining so hard?

>> No.7057927
Quoted by: >>7058059

I'd choose Miko over 1M yen

>> No.7058059

Of course you would, she probably makes much more than 1M yen anyways so youd get the money and Miko both

>> No.7058125
Quoted by: >>7058137 >>7058212

Anyone else hearing this hissing in the background on Miko's stream?

>> No.7058137
Quoted by: >>7058158

She's pissing on the floor

>> No.7058158

I want to sex the Miko so bad..

>> No.7058212
Quoted by: >>7058277

Oh I realize now, it's cicadas. Silly Miko it's 2am in Tokyo.

>> No.7058277
Quoted by: >>7058565 >>7090283

Is cicada common in Tokyo?

>> No.7058565

I'm not sure, but all of Japan is the same timezone and my clock labels JST as Tokyo so understand onegai.

>> No.7058661

So, this is the site where hololive became the giant we know today?

>> No.7059896

Cute Miko

>> No.7060124
Quoted by: >>7061902

Because Miko has always been the best entertainer in all of vtubing and due to all the collabs she has done lately, other fanbases are figuring that out.

>> No.7061703

The school's looking good

>> No.7061902

Every single Miko collab is always nonstop laughter and insanity. I'm glad people are catching on to how funny she is

>> No.7063798


>> No.7063875

I want to kiss Miko in the

>> No.7063889
Quoted by: >>7063988 >>7111948

fuck bros, I had to start a new job recently and haven't been able to watch miko at all and when I'm not working I'm too tired to watch her

>> No.7063988

Time to do some Miko ASMR reps while getting some rest after work.

>> No.7064394

I love miko

>> No.7064853

I'm not a numberfag. In what way is she inclining?

>> No.7066642

inclining? today she had 20k views live

>> No.7068347
Quoted by: >>7074963


>> No.7070449
Quoted by: >>7070846 >>7073298

What does the average Miko viewer room looks like?

>> No.7070846
File: 437 KB, 1500x1000, 35roomtour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7073298
File: 635 KB, 654x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7078133


>> No.7074963


>> No.7076541
Quoted by: >>7078629

I downlaoded the app but I can't download migochi. The app just crashes

>> No.7078041
Quoted by: >>7078128

maybe you need a better phone

>> No.7078128

I bought a new phone 3 months ago after my S6's battery killed itself

>> No.7078133

lol shit my photo has the same energy as this one
AK included

>> No.7078577
Quoted by: >>7080129 >>7112019


>Miko cried in this stream and thought she is a burden, fans suggested her to play GTA which completely change her life.


>There are a lot of stories about her pre-hololive, like she was bullied and her only friend was Pekora. Find it yourself if you interest.

Didn't Pekora pretty much admitted the same thing as well? How she was bullied (and had crippling social anxiety, which Miko did not have) and her only friend was Miko since junior high or something insane like that?

>> No.7078629

I was able to download one version of Miko, then I tried to download the other one and it forced my phone to restart.

>> No.7079704
Quoted by: >>7080039


>> No.7080039

>The video is private

Its a shame that so many people will never get to see Miko's pre-hololive content. It really is interesting to watch especially compared to how she is doing these days.

>> No.7080129
File: 156 KB, 1032x729, EQ64b0lUwAE79HB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7080514

GTA wasn't until 2 months after that March 2019 stream. Some key points of that march stream are that she'd only been in hololive for 4 months by then, was 3D by default when the other girls had to earn it through subs which she was nowhere close to and felt bad, and had just come from a handshake event where nobody attended to visit her. That all came together in that March stream. And that stream is why 35P are the most outgoing fans now. Especially true when you look at every single fan project for other livers and realize they're all copying something the 35p did for Miko before

>> No.7080514
Quoted by: >>7080758


So we don't have the stream where a random fan suggested her to play GTA 5? Man, what a shame.

>> No.7080758

Miko's missing almost everything before 2020 besides minecraft, gta and a few things that were important to her.

>> No.7081704
Quoted by: >>7082096

i was watching old tweets... to bad MW3 didn't had japanese subtitles...

>> No.7082096

My reply to the tweet is still there lol

>> No.7084859
Quoted by: >>7085654

i love Miko

>> No.7085654

Me too!

>> No.7086986

Post your room's faggots it's all japs

>> No.7087816

I will soon

>> No.7087824

Posted mine

>> No.7088499
File: 122 KB, 214x263, jpb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't clean my room

>> No.7089316

Nice hips!

>> No.7090003
Quoted by: >>7103800

wait, aren't they fucking sponsored by M$ to shill their gamepass? Is M$ actually retarded enough to not let them play their fucking flagship game?

>> No.7090118
File: 519 KB, 1459x810, 2021-05-27_16h09_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I love it when she just completely unhinges laughing, seems so natural

>> No.7090173
File: 106 KB, 900x692, E4gOBowVgAEcDO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7091058

>fucking hololi required
>durr vpn
>hurr old apks
>works like shit
you think I could just submit and photoshop her greensc- bluescreen in? I have not a single item of her merch but shittons of Manga at least...

>> No.7090283

- works hard
- is /ourgirl/ in game and vn tastes so she's the otaku's obvious choice
- some of the most genuine viewer interactions in hololive
- can easily laugh about herself
- routinely checks feedback and talks through criticism in mengens to improve
- bountyful collabs
- gen5 enabling impromptu minecraft was a blessing
- tons of new viewers from Tatsunokos as well because similar energy

watch any summer anime, cicadas are all over the fucking place. Can confirm Tokyo is no exception

>> No.7091058

Hololy is not required

>> No.7091111

Stream https://youtu.be/E9fhQG0zrc4

>> No.7091237
Quoted by: >>7091514 >>7091530

She might appear somewhere at 19JST (so right now), Kanata's stream? She's doing stream for MC school festival.

>> No.7091514
Quoted by: >>7091530

Most likely

>> No.7091530

She's already there. probably helping behind the scenes.

>> No.7091678
Quoted by: >>7092143

Can someone superchat Miko to play GTA4?

>> No.7092143
Quoted by: >>7093129

No jap subtitles

>> No.7092801
Quoted by: >>7092881

Miko in Kanata's stream with Botan/Marine right now

>> No.7092881

I'll watch

>> No.7093129

Actually there is https://support.rockstargames.com/articles/360045297353/Japanese-language-support-in-Grand-Theft-Auto-IV-Complete-Edition

>> No.7094026

Miko love!

>> No.7094039
Quoted by: >>7094340

Miko in Haachama cooking now! get in here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgkBimQ0Jlc

>> No.7094152 [DELETED] 

full image where?

>> No.7094340

That was funny lol

>> No.7095667

miko guruguru

>> No.7096070


>> No.7096770

Miko’s and Watame’s MC background bgm sounds pretty similar. Like a remix of of the two. Just noticed it now

>> No.7097245

She won janken!

>> No.7097276


>> No.7098196

Miko Alele???

>> No.7098543

So many Miko???

>> No.7099127

Miko is a genius

>> No.7099162
Quoted by: >>7099229

So shes building school and each classroom will be assigned for each gen/branch?

>> No.7099229

I think each classroom will be assigned for school clubs like drama club/music club/tea club/sports clubs etc

>> No.7100610

Kek miko

>> No.7100690
File: 914 KB, 1600x1200, lmmwsglrl4f51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss them already :(

>> No.7100837


>> No.7101545


>> No.7101909

Haunted school lol

>> No.7103265

Miko tentai~!

>> No.7103800

none of the Jp own a xbox (well maybe botan) i think Microsoft permission are only available if you ´play them on xbox

>> No.7103999

We can hope for Christmas boys. Although I'm hoping with this school building Peko sees Mikochi putting in the minecraft work and they talk again.

>> No.7104041
Quoted by: >>7112619

this melody is stuck in my head and I cant remember which song it was, pretty sure miko and some other holos sang it during their karaoke streams, it was during the pre chorus I think. help an anon out!

>> No.7104252

Martin Odonnell DCMA'ed the music when cali and ame streamed the game.

>> No.7105503

I've moved on, and am glad Miko has too.
But I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a small part of me that misses it sometimes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwNBXNxTcPw

>> No.7105629
File: 2.53 MB, 1846x1630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7105714

What? I thought he was chill about that. Why the fuck?

>> No.7105746
Quoted by: >>7106942

How can you even stand that retard unironically, it's even worse than luna

>> No.7106942

What are you talking about?

>> No.7107013

God I want to eat her ass just imagine.....

>> No.7107424
Quoted by: >>7113399

Does anyone have the video of wrestler Miko who's just doing her face masks? I can't seem to find it on Youtube.

>> No.7107640

for what possible purpose

>> No.7110391
Quoted by: >>7111979 >>7112063

is Miko going to force Ame join her school?

>> No.7111811

Fuck, I just remembered how awful this movie was. Glad Mikochi liked it at least.

>> No.7111948

Watch her, anon, or at least listen to her, Just hearing her voice will be enough to soothe you after a long day of work.

>> No.7111979
Quoted by: >>7112007

Of course. How else can she have her all blondes + Miko and Sora class?

>> No.7112007

i find funny how Miko loves blondes and if you put all of her favorite members in Hololive it's all the blondes and Sora

>> No.7112019

I watched the stream a couple days ago and she pretty much speaks in a teary voice throughout the whole hour and a half. It does kinda peak halfway through but there's no real time where it "starts" and "ends".

>> No.7112063

She's going to take Suisei to math class and teach her how to count blocks.

>> No.7112082

I'm a minimalist retard so I have practically nothing in my room. Gomen, 35p

>> No.7112439

Fucking O'Donnell piece of shit. MS has been autistically obsessed with marketing to Japan since the original Xbox era. I can't believe the only thing stopping MS from slapping vtubers' faces on Halo is that fucking washed out asshole O'Donnell. Hopefully MS will put their foot down when Halo Infinite comes out. I'm in desperate need of watching Mikochi play the Halo trilogy

>> No.7112619
Quoted by: >>7112684 >>7114643

Miko will probably play Outlast tomorrow, with a heart rate monitor

Pretty sure it's this one https://youtu.be/9kQ2GtvDV3s

>> No.7112684
Quoted by: >>7112720


>> No.7112720
Quoted by: >>7113142

She already finished both Outlast but wants to replay it with heart rate monitor

>> No.7113142

it's going to be scary but not that scary if she play it before

>> No.7113399
Quoted by: >>7127123

Found it, it's unlisted https://youtu.be/x4TzG0YDO4I

>> No.7113907 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7113937 >>7114067

Friendly reminder that Pekora is the turbo whore of hololive.

>> No.7113937

Wrong thread schizo

>> No.7114067

go back, wrong thread

>> No.7114643
Quoted by: >>7123627

>Pretty sure it's this one https://youtu.be/9kQ2GtvDV3s
ain't that, the melody is similar(both have those three semitones) but it's not the same

>> No.7115843


>> No.7116549

Stay home!

>> No.7118269
Quoted by: >>7119418

did Miko finish the school on minecraft?

>> No.7119418


>> No.7121224

Miko is a treasure

>> No.7122228

I love Miko!

>> No.7122756

Sakura Miko!

>> No.7123627
Quoted by: >>7134443

0:30 for the part you are thinking of

>> No.7123858

What was the point of this thread?

>> No.7124417

What was the point of this board?
What was the point of this site?

>> No.7124630
Quoted by: >>7125337

a game i know Miko will never play but i'm pretty sure she would enjoy it's Sunset Overdrive

>> No.7124949


>> No.7125337
Quoted by: >>7134188

Never played that one, how was it?

>> No.7125379

What's the point of you?

>> No.7125473
Quoted by: >>7126702


>> No.7125862

Sex the Miko

>> No.7126265

Lewd the Miko

>> No.7126531

Can someone redpill me on Miko raping Korone?

>> No.7126702
File: 2.28 MB, 281x364, 1620620918545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7127123

Jesus, thank you. Wonder why it went unlisted I thought it was hilarious. cute migo

>> No.7127661
Quoted by: >>7128638

anyone have the soundboard "buttons" Miko was using on stream? or are they not public?

>> No.7128638

I have

>> No.7128730
Quoted by: >>7129457 >>7131277

Outlast https://youtu.be/2QP4qyUs8EU

>> No.7129457

Fuck yeah!

>> No.7129741


>> No.7131277

Uh oh

>> No.7131480


>> No.7132662


>> No.7133297

Fuck YouTube...

>> No.7133942

next threads on me

>> No.7133989
Quoted by: >>7134155

What happened?

>> No.7134155

Miko your heart rate...
She had to restart her stream because youtube being shitty

>> No.7134182
Quoted by: >>7134195

What is that emoji representing

>> No.7134188

I played it 2 months ago, it was pretty fun

>> No.7134195
Quoted by: >>7134230


>> No.7134230
Quoted by: >>7134250

How's that measured

>> No.7134250
Quoted by: >>7134290

No it's heart rate and stress level

>> No.7134290


>> No.7134375

Miko is dying

>> No.7134426
Quoted by: >>7134792

How is she so funny without even trying

>> No.7134443

yes! that's it, thank you!

>> No.7134792

its miko, she's always funny

>> No.7135456


>> No.7135637


>> No.7135998
Quoted by: >>7136863


someone bake a new thread please

>> No.7136863


>> No.7136912
Quoted by: >>7137017


>> No.7137017


>> No.7138500

Miko is so scared that she just quit the game xd

>> No.7139738

