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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.69137610
Quoted by: >>69146689

Any braps yet

>> No.69137627

oh wow it's almost as if she knew dramafags would make a huge deal about her "disappearance" and did it to boost views. this bitch is no different than the rest of her co-workers. snakey as shit.

>> No.69137628

the mystery deepens

>> No.69137650

>pre recorded ai voice

>> No.69137694


>> No.69137710

>not suspended
>not fired
Fuck you /vt/. You niggers are never right.

>> No.69137827
Quoted by: >>69142693

She seems happy. Hopefully Doki’s last statement will be the end of this shitshow

>> No.69137847

I honestly believe management refused to punish her for insubordination because they knew it would be pouring more gasoline on the fire.
You know JPs have finally stepped in.

>> No.69137870

She's fuckin wasted right? No way this is a normal stream?

>> No.69137922

unironically this is how she is 100% of the time

>> No.69137930

Stop watching Tazumi's robots

>> No.69137945
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x842, 1707505963592264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and she's as adorably dumb as usual.
Glad she's ok.

>> No.69137958

I'm not a regular Scarle viewer, but I gotta ask does she normally sound drunk?

>> No.69138016
File: 98 KB, 848x1200, 1707378301721682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh its normal.

>> No.69138047

Unironically yes.

>> No.69138053


>> No.69138070

She's a weird, strange person

>> No.69138116


>> No.69138118
File: 41 KB, 204x180, R.Ratman come to me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fw8boud.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a broken clock only ever is right twice a day... all those other times are rrats, never let them control (You)

>> No.69138136

She's too much of a chaotic mess, girl failure that there's no ai powerful enough to imitate her.

>> No.69138163

It is. You should watch her other food warcrime vods after. It's a wild time.

>> No.69138180

Damn, so she wasn't making a based stand against Nijisanji, and the entire thing was a nothingburger?
Welp, I guess we now know there's no one left in Nijisanji worth saving before torching the company.

>> No.69138200

the only thing she drinks is red bull

>> No.69138212

if she's actually suspended after the whole fiasco I will tell you that nijisanji have balls for daring to kill themselves for what they believes.

>> No.69138425
Quoted by: >>69138676

First time watching her, I have a throbbing hard on just from listening to her talk. What manner of succubus is this? I have never been so turned on before

>> No.69138434

>He believed them

>> No.69138448

nice,we win

>> No.69138489

Kinda based behavior. The dramafag in me is disappointed

>> No.69138591
Quoted by: >>69138887

Don't support any Nijisanji streamers. If she doesn't leave a known black company she's part of the problem

>> No.69138598
Quoted by: >>69138851

Current theory: the Japs finally came in to tardwrangle the branch and recognize that visible retaliation is the worst thing they could do right now.

>> No.69138603
Quoted by: >>69138870

holy shit sexo

>> No.69138629
Quoted by: >>69139057

I honestly hope the JPs did. Its one of the reasons why barely of the KRs left the company, because it ended up being so much better. Maybe EN could potentially be turned around if the JPs also step in.

>> No.69138630

Of course not, Niji cannot afford another drama of this type

>> No.69138667

Except for the rrats that were proven right with the Selen Ninji drama.

>> No.69138676

Well good news then, cause you have 5 more TB of vods you can watch after this.

>> No.69138733
Quoted by: >>69141084

You created a narrative in your head over how this chick who never interacted with either Selen or the clique was going to self-destruct to send a message to /vt/. I understand the threshold is higher because of the Aster thing, so take your meds but cut the dosage in half.

>> No.69138735
File: 36 KB, 720x550, 1678506416451724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She lives
The sex model lives another day, time to watch some comfy fail wife again.

>> No.69138782

We already know they're doing this because nothing has happened to Luca. Even if you don't believe he leaked Discord screencaps, his mod outed him for multiple violations.

>> No.69138844
Quoted by: >>69139045

So is it okay to like her? Because she's coming off as a dumb lewd bimbo and it's kind of attractive.

>> No.69138851
Quoted by: >>69139306

That doesn't explain why she's going along with it if she really was the rebel the rrats claimed. If it was me, I'd have put in my resignation already, and if they refused, then I'd be taking this stream as an opportunity to force the company to terminate me.

>> No.69138870
File: 671 KB, 3508x2168, 1707368930128490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scarle's as much of a 'mastermind' as Mr. Bean. Have you not been watching her? She too dumb be evil.

>> No.69138877
Quoted by: >>69141260

She's fucked up on enough sugar and caffeine to kill an elephant. Her kidneys probably look like swiss cheese.

>> No.69138887

*rapes and beheads you*

>> No.69138901

and so is my dick

>> No.69138947

we win

>> No.69138968

The current vtubers are so addicted to money they will support Nijisanji to the grave, even if it's a shitty black company. They don't care. Money money money money

>> No.69139036

ay mamiiiii

>> No.69139045

If you saw the threads earlier, the investors caught wind of the WhereIsScarle hashtag and they were already freaking out, first comment being "Again?" and asking for "insight on who is running the branch"

Honestly, that's exactly what she is.

>> No.69139057

Did KR have a clique running them too? Because heads are going to roll among Elria's clique if the JPs did step in due to both the damage they caused to Any Color's brand and chasing off their most popular female streamer.

>> No.69139105

How strange that she doesn't know how to speak Spanish, but she can speak some Japanese.

>> No.69139151

*rapes you but also intertwines our hands together during the rape*

>> No.69139150
Quoted by: >>69139290

What if I told you she's a smelly weeb?

>> No.69139155
File: 91 KB, 673x930, whatanight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait why do you fags says she sounds druk?? is she some drukkino?
gimme a qrd on her content and personality

>> No.69139168

Is anyone watching the live?

>> No.69139174

What are the chances that management knows they're completely powerless right now when it comes to how they usually punish their talents?

>> No.69139202

Lurk the fuck moar

>> No.69139235

no, she only sounds latina

>> No.69139238
Quoted by: >>69139372

>I'm a Mexi-cant and Philipi-Nope.
Her words, a few minutes ago

>> No.69139246

Watch the stream then go watch her other cooking vods.

>> No.69139290

all vtubers are that

>> No.69139306
Quoted by: >>69139958

If the insane people aren't in charge anymore, then now's the time to arrange for a normal, calm graduation. Or it's the perfect time for her to gaslight herself into thinking everything's just gonna go right back to normal.

>> No.69139310

/vt/ has to have the lowest combined IQ on the site.

>> No.69139325

Cool, so there's really no reason to feel bad for those that are left.

>> No.69139360

pretty much, throw in scarle being scarle; She has the high ground

>> No.69139372

Yes, I'm watching the video.It was pretty funny

>> No.69139378
Quoted by: >>69140428

>It's the equivalent of wait until we get home but instead it's wait until after the quarterly report

>> No.69139385

/vt/ is a bunch of rubber-necking shitters who gossip like a bunch of women about things they know nothing about.

>> No.69139407
File: 2.81 MB, 390x293, 1707127620080761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69140479

>addicted to money
>staying with a company that takes all their money

>> No.69139440

yandere kino

>> No.69139470

That's /b/ since it's full of edgy kids and tards thinking they're cool for being stupid in /b/,

However I think /vt/ is a really close second with all the tourist thanks to this last Niji drama.

>> No.69139475

It means they might stop shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.69139477

Open the stream out of curiosity
>Wait, you want me to peg you?
ok that is something

>> No.69139519

Largest concentration of SEAniggers

>> No.69139523

It shows that you are a newfag, /v/ is worse

>> No.69139531

Situation Normal: All Fucked Up (in the good way)

Basically Scarle being Scarle

>> No.69139577


>> No.69139590

Hmm she might be too lewd for work.

>> No.69139642
Quoted by: >>69139737

>remains loyal to Kurosanjo after all

You idiots supported her for no reason

>> No.69139675
Quoted by: >>69139851

>betrays the clique
>lives another day
>consciousness is clean
>can stream in peace

>> No.69139674

I hope you are at work-Scarle Yonaguni

>> No.69139705
Quoted by: >>69139853

How about this one
>management sees the hearted message
>suspends her takes all her accounts
>whereisscsrle hashtag IMMEDIATELY starts, spooking investors
>contacts her, unsuspends her, threatens her to not mention this to anyone or else she's next
>streams as if nothing happens
So basically we don't know if they're just postponing it to a later time or not.

>> No.69139708

She regularly is.

>> No.69139737

tourist,we win.

>> No.69139780

Not gonna lie, but the only vtuber I've fapped to is Scarle and his art.

>> No.69139784
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, 1699397044304694m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ here you faggots make palword shills and tendies look intelligent

>> No.69139795

you dramafags are so fucking stupid. she hearted the comment by mistake. just about any youtuber hearts comments without even reading them since it's a piss easy way to encourage them to make comments on every video or stream and boost engagement

>> No.69139813

time to bust a nut

>> No.69139822

yes, because we won

>> No.69139851

she's too powerful for the clique and company. Scarle lives in her own little world, avoiding most people's drama that she can do just about whatever she wants, untouched.

Hence why she wasn't 'punished', she's the last bastion of light for the company. It's (un)fortunate for the rest of the company that the light is located in the red-light district.

>> No.69139853

It's a Mori lean yab moment. Someone realized it was better to let her stream so they reversed the stealth suspension.

>> No.69139864
Quoted by: >>69139941

>heads are going to roll
Just wait until JP does a thorough audit of EN and sees what happened to projects and how the money was spent.

>> No.69139941
Quoted by: >>69139982

I just saw the list of how Elira gets almost 5 times as much merch as the rest of lazulight.

>> No.69139958

yes, one of the first things they did after looking at the branch was fire the girl who had seized control.
if she does leave she would probably be welcome anywhere. you just have to give her a new model and let her sit in a corner with her chat. maybe hire a maid to clean for her too

>> No.69139968
Quoted by: >>69140101

stupid tourist, this is because we won. fucking moron, go back to r*ddit.

>> No.69139982

It's like she's popular or something. Crazy.

>> No.69139988
File: 2.73 MB, 768x432, 1637499482919.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69142993

You are not fooling anyone tendie.

>> No.69140012

>More popular than Pomu
Nice try Millie.

>> No.69140015
Quoted by: >>69140172

scarle's precious butthole

>> No.69140101
Quoted by: >>69140271

Shut the fuck up vtuber cuck KEK

>> No.69140102

watching this video, how good it feels to win.

>> No.69140117
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x1288, 1707900433231291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not that it was a clique, from my understanding there was only one bully in NijiKR called Chae Ara, that somehow got close to enough to their management to where she was able to enforce her will with no repercussions. She apparently was able to shut down projects if it involved a liver she didn't like, which eventually caused some people to leave the branch. I think she even got sued from one of the ex-KRs because people found out she was talking shit about other more popular talents like Yuya behind the scenes.
NijiEN is in a worse position overall because its not just one person that seemingly took over management, but multiple talents. Heads will still roll over regardless, but I think NijiJP will make more of an example out of them due to how much of a severe violation of trust this was. Like it or not, Riku gave them a ton of autonomy, and in the end they abused that authority to where it not resulted in 2 popular and financially successful talents leaving the company, but it genuinely damaged their brand so hard in the west. It could take upwards of a year or more for NijiEN to rebuild the levels of trust they lost due to the clique, this is what actual reputational damage looks like.

>> No.69140136
File: 27 KB, 518x538, 1691956587220240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets outsold every time by Pomu
>still gets 4 times more appearances in merch

>> No.69140137

She's less popular than fucking Shu. Shu is nearly twice as popular as she is...
Selen was more popular than Elira
Scarle earned more than Elira. The real popularity contest for gigachads.

>> No.69140166
Quoted by: >>69140350

This woman is strange.
I think I would not like her if I met her IRL, but through the distance of a screen, it's alright.

>> No.69140170
File: 85 KB, 443x836, doki3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have to doubt it was by accident

>> No.69140172
Quoted by: >>69140248

I will buy it

>> No.69140186

Stop huffing your own fart Elira

>> No.69140202
Quoted by: >>69140274

Don't need to check the # to know she was mid. Especially compared with Pomu, Selen and Nina.

>> No.69140248

ganbatte anon

>> No.69140259
Quoted by: >>69140426

>Still streams for shitshanji
Another shard of shit I can forget about then.

>> No.69140271
File: 682 KB, 584x924, 1700168264234555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69140274

>all 3 are ousted from the company
Really makes you think huh

>> No.69140277
Quoted by: >>69140493

>The city of Oregon
Women are cute when they're almost retarded, but this might be a little much...

>> No.69140310

My thought. She had a legit brainfart and liked the post not even realizing it was a dig at the company until they told her.

>> No.69140335

Consider the following
>Scarle and Kotoka were the only ones not retarded enough to retweet the hitjob of all the bullshit Elira was peddling
>Coincidentally pulls a Zaion right after Elira shoved her entire ass in her mouth
>Scarle had her weekly meeting, says everything's great and now she's streaming fine
Really feels like skinwalking deflection attempts in desperation by the clique.

>> No.69140350

perfect to be the job she does

>> No.69140397
Quoted by: >>69140470

>all those black company memes and accusations
>Kuro means black
She knows basic nipponese anon, just stop

>> No.69140416
Quoted by: >>69140470

Kuro = black is first day weebshit. there's no way she doesn't know.

>> No.69140423

She's inclining hard

>> No.69140426


>> No.69140428

Even if Anycolor's financials are fine come March, they're going to get peppered with questions about the EN branch continued existence from investors and if they want to say everything is fine, they can't terminate anyone and only run the graduation queue where it's a mutual parting.
I don't even think that is going to save them because they need to debut more members to replace graduating ones and there were enough indies even one prominent one recently that dropped their offers where joining the company is now a career ender in the eyes of the public so I have no clue how the branch survives.

>> No.69140470

it's not about knowing definitions it's about being a cute idiot failure.

>Scarle's as much of a 'mastermind' as Mr. Bean
this is a great way of putting it

>> No.69140479

if the rrats are to be believed the clique is keeping more money than others.

>> No.69140493

Shut the fuck up Oregon, nobody cares about you

>> No.69140494

So who's next on the chopping block?
I doubt it would be the 3 snakes, maybe rosemi or petra?

>> No.69140572

This is getting pathetic anon, you don't to infantilize her THAT much

>> No.69140577

You guys are stupid. She just wanted to spend Valentines day with her boyfriend without anybody asking questions as to why she didn't stream so she used the easy drama bait as deflection.

>> No.69140620

They don't need to debut shit. They have four entire gens that are literally unironically physically starving because they're getting fuckall support

She has a STEM degree I forget for what and it was higher than a bachelors. It's mindfucking to try and rationalize it but isreal.

>> No.69140633
Quoted by: >>69140705

That boyfriend? sigh

>> No.69140646

naive rrat

>> No.69140668

She might not have known what kuro meant. She is so autistic and off in her own world I would believe she didn't know that this was a reply attacking Niji.

Just like with Luca's leaks from his turncoat mod, Niji is not going to take action right now. Based on Riku's statement, he's taking action to deal with the management and communications issues with the EN branch. Higher ups just got called in to take control away from Elira.

Not popular enough to get such favorable treatment, even compared to Luxium. Elira and her clique have monopolized merch and sponsorships so they have enriched themselves past what they would normally have.

>> No.69140677

Rip the bandaid off. 13 terminations let's go and move on to a brighter future.

>> No.69140705
File: 184 KB, 340x340, jijiji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69140708

i'm okay with it and i bet she is

oh word i wonder what it takes for a charismatic girl to get a STEM degree. I love her but Jesus Christ come on

>> No.69140717

Ironically, many of the issues would be mitigated if Nijisanji EN was managed by a separately incorporated Anycolor USA, with an American CEO.
>Elira's fucking around with management, because she speaks Japanese.
>Stupid Japanese permission autism.
>Incompetent Japanese 'no engurisu puriizu' lawyering.
>Reputational damage to Anycolor from this last week.
Solved, just sack the US CEO and hire a new one.
Anycolor simultaneously gave Nijisanji EN too much independence in its management (probably a requirement due to the language barrier); but failed to distance it enough to avoid being immediately held responsible when it failed.

>> No.69140734
Quoted by: >>69140814

She's a weeb and kuro is used in so fucking much shit there's no way she doesn't know.

>> No.69140789

Like I said, maybe a brainfart and it just didn't click at first.
Though she's done it twice now >>69140170
She might be dog whistling it.

>> No.69140791
Quoted by: >>69141070

Not much of a beachhead if it's joint company like VirtuaReal

>> No.69140814
Quoted by: >>69140888

For anyone but Scarle, I would believe this. She is in her own little world and something outside of it is off her radar.

>> No.69140865

When did she debut again? If it's not super far away there could just be no contract renewal then.

>> No.69140875
Quoted by: >>69141236

literally she said in this video that she went to Japan and she could communicate ok

>> No.69140888

I refuse to believe she's dumber than Millie "PagPag Eater" Parfait

>> No.69140905

100% korean behavior. Koreans are one of the most toxic races known to man, second only to chinese.
Oh wait isn't elira chi-
t. korean

>> No.69140934

Same time as Tempus, July 2022

>> No.69140958
Quoted by: >>69141029

scarle is really back! we won! nijisanji suspended the suspension!!

>> No.69140966

the debut video says it was a year ago.

>> No.69140968

selected from the March 2022 auditions.
On 20 July, NIJISANJI EN announced its sixth wave, ILUNA
ILUNA formally began their activities on 24 July with a special debut program hosted by Selen Tatsuki and Alban Knox, and an original song called "Let's Get It Started", produced by MATZ.

Somewhere in there I imagine

>> No.69141004

They can't really be terminating more people, but I would think if the queue is real, it would have to be someone that already saw the writing on the wall a long time ago and wanted to leave before the Selen thing even came up. The only likely one would be one of the other boys like Sonny possibly or Petra possibly. If anyone is queuing now, it should be someone like Rosemi.
Does the investment guarantee they would be able to thrive or would we see further stagnation because of how damaged the EN's branch reputation is? If you bring in new people after cleaning house, people don't have to second guess that they could've been part of the problem. The main issue though is unless the shareholders demand a change from the ACCELERATE model, I doubt Nijisanji themselves are going to deviate from it.

>> No.69141029


>> No.69141028
Quoted by: >>69141103

My brother in christ, just pick whatever handcam streams tickle your pickle and savor the flavor.

>> No.69141070
Quoted by: >>69141346

Doesn't have to be a joint company. Subsidiaries are a thing.

>> No.69141084

Every time you tell people to take meds a rrat come true. After Riku's naked dogeza Niji sure as hell won't be letting her go even she wanted to, as least not now.

>> No.69141103

I started replying but this

>> No.69141151
Quoted by: >>69141547

I wouldn't say guaranteed but actually getting perms, projects, collabs, and more advertisement they can get somewhere. Doppio, Maria, etc. are good they're just being starved by management. They were stuck under the shadow of the previous gens.

>> No.69141195
File: 113 KB, 1195x663, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira was decently popular, but she was never massively popular either. She benefitted from being part of the first wave and she definitely had more of a following than Finana, but compared to Pomu and Selen who both had more subs, more respect in the EN vtubing scene, who both earned a lot more money for the company, she was pushed more towards the middle ranks in NijiEN's "hierarchy". Hell, even fucking Scarle made more money than Elira ever did.
She only was able to assume the "queen" or "stacy" position when you compared her to others like Finana, Reimu, Enna, Millie, Petra, or Rosemi. Which probably explained how the clique ended up forming and how it ended up killing the branch, it was unironically due to jealous femcels that weren't happy with what they had. Its probably why that lot coincidentally got more sponsorships and shit, it was their petty response to talents like Selen who actually deserved it.

>> No.69141236
Quoted by: >>69141364

What fucking post did you read? I never said anything about anyone not being able to communicate in Japanese except lawyers.

>> No.69141254

Scarle is unironically asexual

>> No.69141260

I keked, its true

>> No.69141330
File: 168 KB, 400x400, 1672738711482914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks are already recovering. It's so over.

Dokibird overplayed her hand with the 6 million suicide attempts, and now cooler heads are prevailing at nijiEN management. Voxsisters and Ennaschizos held the fort and now the tide is turning.

>> No.69141346

This. More profits, less bureaucracy, and less accountability. There's really no reason not to establish a US-based subsidiary to handle your EN talent.

>> No.69141353
Quoted by: >>69141423

>>not suspended
>>not fired
not yet. As other anons said, they have their whole house on fire. Why would they start another fire.

>> No.69141364
Quoted by: >>69141475

I don't understand what you're talking about, but I was referring to the op's video.

>> No.69141393

no she isn't
i don't care if she's said that. i don't believe and i know she doesn't believe it herself
there's no way a functioning human will lose their sex drive unless they are old; reproduction is a biological imperative endemic to us as it is our instrument of immortality.

>> No.69141423

Well it is Nijisanji, it would be par for the course. But perhaps they're finally learning

>> No.69141443
File: 31 KB, 679x498, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69141487

If I were a stock holder I'd wish it were recoovering. It's just slowly doomping and crabbing.

>> No.69141455

I don't believe you, she sounds like a porn addict

>> No.69141475
Quoted by: >>69141603

Why did you respond to my post if you didn't understand it? Actual SEA mentality.

>> No.69141487
Quoted by: >>69141799

buy the dip

>> No.69141523

scarle's hot steamy piss

>> No.69141547

I agree that this can be the case if they clean enough house they use their remaining talents and rebuild. But the model of ACCELERATE is still in the background and it won't guarantee that the split will serve the existing talents any better. They need to either use the Hololive model of cultivating talent or some other means of distributing investment via popularity fairly in order for it to be successful. We just don't have that assurance it will be the case.

>> No.69141552

enjoying the music while I see the feet

>> No.69141603
Quoted by: >>69141876

so you can explain yourself better
> Actual SEA mentality.
rent free

>> No.69141651

Worse, she is also Maple too.

>> No.69141663

esta buena la musica

>> No.69141715

>no we weren't being schizo, the management changed their mind because of our chimpout

>> No.69141744
Quoted by: >>69141841

So possibility: NijiEn tried to pull their usual bullshit but JP is paying more attention so when the Where is Scarle thing hit they asked EN what's going on and they were forced to back down.

>> No.69141758
Quoted by: >>69141864

>Oh wait isn't elira chi-
I hate to break it to you anon but I think Elira is just half japanese

>> No.69141799

I don't think Riku would do a second buyback

>> No.69141810

are you dumb? they can't afford any punishment right now.

>> No.69141830
File: 75 KB, 312x312, 1639100743631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people enjoy this and why?

>> No.69141841

Investers already commented when they saw Scarle trending

>> No.69141864

You mean half burakumin a.k.a gooks and chinks

>> No.69141868

It's not recovering there's retards that don't know it's getting worse thinking it's time to buy when it's going to get raped then declared dead after the quarterly reports leaves nips with nothing but salty bagholders and no recovery for years. If you want to go long that's the time to buy in as well

>> No.69141876
Quoted by: >>69142039

Sorry, I didn't realize that I was wrong and I responded to the post that it wasn't

>> No.69141888

wait, is that considered high numbers in niji?

>> No.69141902
File: 5 KB, 400x44, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69141913
File: 195 KB, 661x341, 1659101194622143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69143282

So the Scarle/Aster rrat is dead?

>> No.69141923
Quoted by: >>69141991

>Aster in chat
but /vt/ told me Scarle and Aster hated each other

>> No.69141925


>> No.69141944

yes,That's literally what happened.

>> No.69141962

They would have more stuff like this if they just tried. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY7FwAp0RMY

>> No.69141963

Oh fuck

>> No.69141977
Quoted by: >>69142668

>you are just a schizo!
a rrat came true
>take your meds!
another rrat came true

Nijikek you are just giving schizos more credibility.

>> No.69141983

Ew do nijis really talk like this?
I thought vshojo was the trashy one.

>> No.69141991

Scarle is deathly afraid of Aster

>> No.69141992


>> No.69141997

WTF is wrong with this guy?

>> No.69142007

yes and don't know.

>> No.69142008

She pulled out a fucking drill

>> No.69142038

he is her handler.

>> No.69142039
Quoted by: >>69142123

Oh shit, well now I feel a bit bad about being so mean. Sorry about that. Have a good day.

>> No.69142043

She doesn't have to 'interact' with him, so she's able to deal with him.

>> No.69142048

>The disaster has only just begun
You've been edged for 80 minutes, you're about to learn.

>> No.69142063

I was furious when I saw this comment

>> No.69142090
Quoted by: >>69142644

He's probably hoping that he buckbroke her into complying, but doesn't realize yet that JP management will step in and change things up soon.

>> No.69142116
Quoted by: >>69142166

Because the people who are always banging on the gura are in a panic.

>> No.69142123

Don't feel bad, it was 100% my fault.

>> No.69142134

/v/ and /d/ will always be the dumbest boards.

>> No.69142166


>> No.69142186
Quoted by: >>69142295

That's /pol/ because they're useful idiots for whatever psyop the Russians are running and will defend and deflect like a Niji when called out.

>> No.69142226
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, FwXu6KuaEAIA81g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scarle likes all her comments without reading them
>Likes Kurosanji unconsciously
>At the same time, she's feeling down because of all the shit going on and decides to take a break
>Gets massive boost
That's the most Scarle thing ever.

>> No.69142230

Cope, pleb. They are the only patrician boards left in this goddamn shithole.

>> No.69142237
Quoted by: >>69142570

there is literally nothing harder to get than STEM degree, while being a woman in a current year in the MAGA country

>> No.69142282

>likes all her comment
that's horse shit, she's signaling her discontent towards the clique

>> No.69142280

hyte must have been very suspicious due to how fast they pulled out. selen not being involved must have set off alarms

>> No.69142293



>> No.69142295
Quoted by: >>69142358

Yes, but replace the Russians with the CIA.

>> No.69142303


>> No.69142325
Quoted by: >>69142420

/pol/ believes in qanon, our ratts are nothing compared to that.

>> No.69142342

redditor and possibly a furry

>> No.69142346
Quoted by: >>69143576

Like who in their right mind would give gaming case collab to
I get Rosemi but still.

>> No.69142358
Quoted by: >>69142493

I rest my case.

>> No.69142361
File: 815 KB, 1280x1810, 3b03873981717666123cbfbd5fc63523465c3cbe2b4347c6adf6091e5367362d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to have a high IQ to understand /d/'s fetishes

>> No.69142385
Quoted by: >>69142433


>> No.69142420

Yes, but only "qanon" told them everything they wanted.

>> No.69142430

Brain chemistry is weird. Sometimes a switch just isn't flipped.

>> No.69142433
Quoted by: >>69142891

Me, motherfucker

>> No.69142490
Quoted by: >>69142571

>You know JPs have finally stepped in.
The Riku video was clearly a crisis response PR thing, it was also delayed a few hours because of Elira's retarded video prior and they probably went over it with a fine tooth comb. Then Riku probably punched a hole in the wall and absolutely grilled whoever the head of EN is

>> No.69142493

I never use /pol/, but I'm not going to continue this conversation.

>> No.69142570

I'm not saying it's easy to get. I'm saying it's a mindfuck to know she's done it then commits unforgivable culinary crimes.

>> No.69142571

>Harry getting grilled by Riku
Should've get the clique under control sooner Harry

>> No.69142593


>> No.69142644
File: 323 KB, 1536x2048, 1703553389736791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish he was buck broken and made into sex for the JP office

>> No.69142668
Quoted by: >>69142776

oh so she got fired then? no? she quit in solidarity with selen? no? oh none of those things happened but were totes gonna happen, they just didn't because... they just didn't ok???

>> No.69142675

He's that one kid in middle school that got hyper-bullied.

>> No.69142693

of course she's happy. she took a page out of the Doki playbook and is getting pity views. cha-ching!

>> No.69142712

After all night correction from Aster, she realize she was in wrong

>> No.69142776
Quoted by: >>69143302

he is talking about selen, tourist

>> No.69142812
Quoted by: >>69142904

based latina

>> No.69142833

This is actually an exciting position to put the clique in
>They can't bully Scarle or she'll refuse to stream
>They can't terminate her or suspend her because it'll cause the company harm
They can't touch her. This is exciting. I hope Scarle is opportunistic enough to take advantage of her situation.

>> No.69142848
Quoted by: >>69142984

She didn't need views when she was already out-earning nearly all of EN

>> No.69142858


>> No.69142891


>> No.69142904

Scarle is not latina
habla mas español una china que ella, weon

>> No.69142928


>> No.69142984

holy shit no way

>> No.69142993

What's wrong with steamdecks... I can run Yuzu just fine.

>> No.69143051

Tenes razón ,ella una asiática mutt.

>> No.69143075


>scarle like kurosanji comment
>blows up
>scarle chats all nuked
>ghosts stream, no announcement for hours
>members only announcement and some fucking stupid twitter release from Aster PL about how she is taking a break from the internet and staying with her family
>standard ass niji shadow suspension shit
>starts blowing up big time
>investors on yahoo jp shitting bricks
>suddenly everything is back to normal like nothing ever happened

Obviously EN tranny clique tried to fuck with her before JP branch and maybe even Riku himself laid down the law and told them to stop being fuckwits.

>> No.69143097
Quoted by: >>69143221

Scarle and Aia make pretty good money from their regulars, yes.

>> No.69143221


>> No.69143263


>> No.69143266
File: 127 KB, 769x527, 1707901894727761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69143358

Scarle is a juggernaut.

>> No.69143282
Quoted by: >>69143347

Honestly I think she forgave the little rat. A big mistake since that kind of textbook narcissist will always, always return to his usual habits sooner or later.

>> No.69143284
Quoted by: >>69143342

>Aster PL
Stopped reading there.

>> No.69143302
Quoted by: >>69143426

no he was talking about scarle, dramafaggot

>> No.69143342

The receipts are in the archive NDF tranny

>> No.69143347
Quoted by: >>69143412

There was never hate, but the guy is super toxic.

>> No.69143358

>Putting Scarle beneath The Clique
I see what you did there

>> No.69143371

Luca must be pissed about sharing a cocksleeve

>> No.69143389
File: 287 KB, 1152x2048, 1658290673422071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69145676

This is kinda fucked for management, desu. The whole clique narrative hasn't reached normie-level awareness yet, so if they try to terminate Enna, or Millie, or (god forbid) Elira to end the clique, the public will NOT see it as them "getting rid of the bullies". Instead, those bullies will be given the same level of sympathy as Selen, and management will get into even MORE shit for it. The public NEEDS to know, with at least 90% certainty, that the clique exists, and be okay with the firing of the main members of said clique, in order to actually fix the branch in any meaningful capacity.

>> No.69143391

It wasn't Aster retard. How can you confuse Aster with him?

>> No.69143412
Quoted by: >>69143525

hate is the wrong word, more like deference.

>> No.69143420
File: 118 KB, 1136x658, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has a STEM degree I forget for what and it was higher than a bachelors.
Holochad here, from everything I've learned about Scarle from a google search and this thread, she sounds like one of the most well-adjusted people in the industry.
>auditioned to be an NFL cheerleader, so she's at least an athletic 8/10 IRL
>in grad school for a STEM degree
>has a nursing credential maybe?
The girlfailure reputation is ironic? Compared to her, most normies look like failures, let alone most chuubas and their fans.

>> No.69143426
Quoted by: >>69143548

cope, we win.
we save Scarlet

>> No.69143480
Quoted by: >>69143643

nta but who was?

>> No.69143498

It's fungus covid PL retard.

>> No.69143524
Quoted by: >>69143793

She ain't an 8/10 m8
I'd very honestly give her a 5/10 on looks alone, personality bumps that to 6.5/10

>> No.69143525


>> No.69143545

The fact he's screaming tranny shows he's just a shit stirrer from reddit. Or the sisters are changing tactics.

>> No.69143548
Quoted by: >>69143657

>we save Scarlet
save her from what? your paranoid delusions?

>> No.69143553

Biomed engineering iirc

>> No.69143576
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x1812, 1698117296227863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira was de facto managment and was probably their poiint of contact. Different outside businesses pulling out at once hints that someone tipped them off and talked to them all at the same time. The PC case people had been doing business with Elira directly, about the time management is blamed for the harassment they realized they are dealing with inmates running the asylum and pulled out.

The free clout always helps. For every one Niji customer lost, 5 others showed up. Who knew about these PC cases until they publicly pulled out of the Niji deal?

Exactly. Have to keep in mind that Rosemi is an early hire that speaks Japanese. She might not be a babe in the woods in this. At a minimum Rosemi went along with what was happening while knowing lots of dirty secrets.

>> No.69143579

I think it's his character

>> No.69143596

It's not ironic. Watch any handcam stream. Even the stream right now is a massive JESUS CHRIST.
It's why it's such a mindfuck.

>> No.69143611
Quoted by: >>69143692

>The girlfailure reputation is ironic?
Scarle equally has her shit together and is a mess of a person at the same time.

Those cans you hear rattling in the background aren't an elaborate joke.

>> No.69143632
Quoted by: >>69143783

Riku's assassins failed.
This is what happen when you hire part time university students.

>> No.69143643
Quoted by: >>69143728

Not going to get myself yeeted for it. It doesn't take long to search.

>> No.69143657

I don't care what you say, it feels good to beat a corpo.
now enjoying the live,fag

>> No.69143692

...so you're telling me she's a method actor? you all told me she wasn't drukkino!

>> No.69143713
Quoted by: >>69143813

you not only got the timeline in the wrong order, you also didn't even get the events themselves right. i would gladly kill myself if it meant all you stupid dramaniggers died at the same time

>> No.69143728

It doesn't matter, another anon already answered.

>> No.69143783

Thats what happens when you only pay 2%

>> No.69143793

Ah, yeah, I see what you mean.

>> No.69143813

You are right but edgy

>> No.69143832

>it feels good to beat a corpo

>> No.69143896

>/vt/ dramafags have actually convinced themselves they have power over anything

>> No.69143912

Oh no schizobros she was supposed to be stealth suspended, maybe I'll have to take my meds now...

>> No.69143940


but still no one is watching her lol

>> No.69144027
Quoted by: >>69144060

cope and seethe

>> No.69144052
File: 953 KB, 498x489, ogey-rrat-usada-pekora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The psychic powers of the rrat were exhausted after Selen's situation. But don't worry, in time they'll recharge and then everything said about Scarle will become true

>> No.69144060
Quoted by: >>69144153

...and other npc responses for when you run out of arguments

>> No.69144153
Quoted by: >>69144310

the NDF woke up

>> No.69144188
File: 294 KB, 561x680, 1707432711332967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been bouncing back and forth.
Folks were looking for drama and they discovered the 'scarle experience'

>> No.69144262
Quoted by: >>69144398

>he thinks Scarle drama is important
Fool! This is but of a fragment of the bigger unfolding Selen/Black Company drama, and AnyColor will before long fuck up again, and we'll have at least a graduation/termination annoucement in another few weeks.
The rrats hunger...the final yab is upon us...

>> No.69144303

This woman can imitate voices quite well.

>> No.69144310

>s-s-s-stop pointing out I was wrong >:(((

>> No.69144332
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x900, 60068ey1gwj61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm saying she's Misato.

>> No.69144384
Quoted by: >>69144462

You can stop trying now nenmen whore

>> No.69144394

She's one of those characters you see in manga that do a thousand things during the day and is a high achiever and is a model example. And then unironically getting back home at night, she has no energy and you see her living place trashed with clothes, leftover food containers, and etc. strewn all over the place and she doesn't mind living like that. She is an IRL version of that.

>> No.69144398

My rrat is that it is about to happen but the drama that we did prevented it.

>> No.69144428
File: 30 KB, 640x531, 12ae50621d1f27a37d28ac2798c19345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69144634

scarles big choccy boobs as a hs school nurse

>> No.69144446
File: 48 KB, 720x720, 1707891529288204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69144462

gonna cry?

>> No.69144497

How the fuck do you manage to be so dirty?

>> No.69144542
Quoted by: >>69144653

Es mita filipina y mexicana idiota, además de que a hablado español en el pasado

>> No.69144586

It's funny how you accuse people of being redditors and then respond like a fucking tourist.

>> No.69144634
File: 102 KB, 999x1200, FYvln7DVQAE1PoX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine her reaching over you to check your vitals.

>> No.69144654
Quoted by: >>69144759

>She managed to make a visual novel with Ren'py and is planning a game jam herself
WTF, she is actually smart if she isn't acting up. How can people reconcile how unbalanced her skills are?

>> No.69144653
Quoted by: >>69144718

los saltamuros no son verdaderos latinos

>> No.69144697
File: 327 KB, 763x604, 1707956276264379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum rrat:

>Scarle in with clique
>Clique is about to get axed by Niji prime for the great dishonoru
>Scarle and the other clique members are now also Niji doom posters hoping for the company's downfall
>Scarle was never suspended or even disciplined. At most it was a cursory performative action taken to appease some other EN manager


>Scarle is not with clique
>Clique is ALREADY being axed by Niji prime for the great dishonoru
>Clique had been stealth suspended Scarle for threatening their pyramid scheme
>Scarle's stealth suspension is lifted by some temp manager while EN is restructured/absorbed

>> No.69144718

Ahora dilo sin llorar

>> No.69144759
Quoted by: >>69145041

Wasn't ren.py the RPGmaker or warcraft 3 custom map editor of VNs?

>> No.69144765

>had been stealth suspended
Had been stealth suspending*

>> No.69144781
Quoted by: >>69144942

the saddest part is that there are people on this board that really actually believe one of those two things is true

>> No.69144816
Quoted by: >>69144942

>this mad
you're still wrong about scarle being fired/quitting sis

>> No.69144825

After that retarded video I would be very concerned that Tazumi is coming with a fire axe in each hand. They cost him billions of dollars with this retarded shit.

>> No.69144834

You stayed in the past, the new narrative is that Elira Pendora was an assistant manager.

>> No.69144860

Well that explains everything.

>> No.69144874
Quoted by: >>69144930

>here's how we're still right dramasisters, MATCH ME

>> No.69144898
Quoted by: >>69144991

silencio yanki

>> No.69144930
File: 90 KB, 878x432, Screenshot 2024-02-07 143437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69145022

We've always been an accuracy-by-volume society

Don't act shocked now, Enna

>> No.69144932

Wrong. She only liked a few comments, anon.

>> No.69144942
Quoted by: >>69145008

keep crying

>> No.69144991

No creo que sepas lo que significa la palabra Yanki, ándale Ramón vete a dormir ya, que el plantío no se cultiva solo y tus hermanos necesitan la comida

>> No.69145008
Quoted by: >>69145185

>n-n-n-no you!!!

>> No.69145018

This woman is a genius, talking about creating games like it's nothing.

>> No.69145022

Note: We have moved onto "Maybe Selen was bullying her back?" thanks to "My fwiend wecoded me :("

>> No.69145041
File: 54 KB, 974x494, 1698022459393535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but even those things aren't walks in the park to use, it still takes a bit of finessing to do and manual typing out of scripts which does require at least more than average IQ.

>> No.69145065

Sorry, I don't watch kurosanji

>> No.69145074
Quoted by: >>69145147

chupame la pija

>> No.69145147

Aww que pasa Anon le di a un nervio, ándale ya que si no el alcohólico de tu padre te va a volver a partir la cara

>> No.69145154

Godspeed anon

>> No.69145185
Quoted by: >>69145257

thanks for the (You), newfag.

>> No.69145204

God this shit show was so dumb when the simple reality that she was just a ditz accidently liking something then being too depressed to stream after her coworkers took a massive shit on stream being the obvious answer to anyone who actually watches her regularly and knows how she is.

>As usual, she rapid fire likes a bunch of comments
>Accidentally likes a kurosanji comment
>/vt/ shits their depends like grandma hitting bingo
>Meanwhile scarle spending time with her mom because the general fuckery happening has her down.
>Doesn't show up to that nights streams as a result
>/vt/ cumming uncontrollably. Nobody has ever been more stealth suspended in the history of vtubing. This is finally it for sure.

>Fulger's PL shows up and says she's OK.
>Makes remark about how he used that account so people wouldn't think someone is filtering his speech
>The man basically is calling the sock-puppet rrat bullshit
>/vt/ unsure what the fuck to make of this. This random vtweeter indie has a screenshot of a 15 minute discord call with Scarle's Niji account. If this is true, she hasn't been locked out by management.
>Generally useless back and forth for a while because nobody fucking knows what they're confidently asserting is the case.

>Scarle finally shows up in the form of a membership post saying she's fine.
>/vt/ questions the legitness of a screenshot of the post because they are following the drama, but don't actually watch the woman enough to justify throwing her $5 for her unusually frequent member streams. (seriously its like near daily some weeks)
>Dawn of the next day
>Scarle already over 5 hours into streaming today, still live now
>Hours of posting in piles of threads about how fucking over it is
>They all said she was revolting when she's one of the first back to work

Never change you beautiful retards, and bless the mexican's giant booba

>> No.69145228

Even below average IQ can handle it. There's a million youtube walkthroughs. There's a test sample. You very quickly begin to parse it as a simple easy to use format.

>> No.69145243
Quoted by: >>69145297

por que hablas como un usuario de x?

>> No.69145257
Quoted by: >>69145352

you can use it to dry your tears. still wrong about scarle being fired/quitting btw

>> No.69145297

Por qué hablas como retrasado?

>> No.69145296
File: 151 KB, 850x546, 1693368346159122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that text and cope

>> No.69145299
Quoted by: >>69145465

>I've spoken to and met this guy multiple times before he joined niji
Only ever realized this because of the current drama, forgot he even existed

>> No.69145352
File: 15 KB, 660x352, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69145439


>> No.69145407
Quoted by: >>69145519

te dolió esta simple pregunta, turista?

>> No.69145439
Quoted by: >>69145503

>n-n-n-no you but picture form

>> No.69145465


>> No.69145496
Quoted by: >>69145556

He said your shit's retarded and you talk like a fag

>> No.69145503
Quoted by: >>69145559

you kept crying

>> No.69145519

Este pobre pendejo apenas tuvo internet en su cerro y cree que puede llamar a otros turistas

>> No.69145556
Quoted by: >>69145581


>> No.69145559
Quoted by: >>69145696

I'm not the one downloading and renaming pictures because I'm upset sis. you're still wrong btw :)

>> No.69145581

Good one

>> No.69145605
Quoted by: >>69145737

> Malding in spanish

>> No.69145676

That'll never happen. If Scarle is streaming it's fairly obvious JP management took the thing in their hands and did pretty much what Riku actually said in his PR speech, take care of the situation and ensuring no more problems.
Either they'll shadow fire EN management or they'll simply reorganize the thing.
No terminations because they'll simply do what they should have done from the start, stop the fire and drop water on it instead of gasoline.
No more drama.

>> No.69145696
File: 374 KB, 1381x775, 1707799722243760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69145780

>btw :)

>> No.69145737

>Calls others yanki
>Loses miserably
>Go backs to english because doesnt know how to respond anymore
Ramon go to sleep already, you are going to be late for the plantation tomorrow

>> No.69145775

>anon makes list of things that actually happened when vt freaked out over literally nothing
>"this is cope"

>> No.69145780
Quoted by: >>69145923

I accept your apology-bow, anon. Try not to get too excited next time.

>> No.69145825
Quoted by: >>69145973

Cope loser.
The TRUTHS are Elira assumed direct control and skinwalked on Scarle's twitter to like the comment which coincided with it being spammed in literally every single thread to deflect Elira outing herself as the abusive ringleader to over 1 million people.
Scarle has to SHUT IT DOWN! She can't talk about it to the public without violating her contract so everything is iced to preserve evidence. She has her weekly meeting today and comes out bubbly as a brook.
Then for no reason at all minutes later Riku "John Nijisanji" Tazumi has boarded a private jet to Canada in the middle of the workday.

>> No.69145832
Quoted by: >>69145877

>>Loses miserably

>> No.69145877

And back to spanish, Jesus Christ man you are boring

>> No.69145923
Quoted by: >>69146077

Do you realize that I didn't read?
you kept crying while your company is dying

>> No.69145973

Its true, I was the jet

>> No.69145977

Occam's razor, Riku very simply did exactly what he said in his PR corpo apology video, taking measures to fix the shit.
EN managers probably shadow fired or factually demoted, EN branch now under direct control of main JP branch, no more drama, no firing, no more talents acting like managers and doing the fuck they want without any sort of regulation, no bullying, strict control over internal communication channels like their private Discord.

>> No.69145995

this is one of the only sane posts i've seen, thanks

>> No.69146077
Quoted by: >>69146131

wow you really never got over >>69144462 huh? it hurt you so much you can't think of any other insult.

>> No.69146090

At least two managers have actually been fired since Nijisanji put up two job listings for new managers for the EN branch.

>> No.69146095
Quoted by: >>69146173

lo dice el tarado que tuvo un ataque histérico por una simple pregunta.me alegro que esta discusión te aburrido, vos seguí dándome (You).

>> No.69146120

I am praying to KEK and any deity that will listen that Riku does a full audit of the last 3 years of the branch. I want him to go nuclear on her for ruining his stock value.

>> No.69146131
Quoted by: >>69146393

lmao the moron thinks he's on reddit.

>> No.69146137
Quoted by: >>69146227

Anon, he's a dramafag. He's illiterate.

>> No.69146173

Nice projection bro, maybe one day mental health will be available in your shithole country, and you can get the help that you need

>> No.69146181

Is that what yesterday's thread was about?

>> No.69146227

No, I just didn't read your stupid paragraph.newfag

>> No.69146242

LOL, no chance in hell she liked that accidentally.
But I'm sure that's what she said to management when they questioned her about it and she realized she fucked up.
The rest seems pretty logical and agreeable.

>> No.69146270

Scarle hearted a comment from a day old stream and the last Hearted Comment was 15 Hours ago before she hearted the "Kurosanji" comment

>> No.69146274

>mental health
thanks for showing that you are a tourist

>> No.69146328
Quoted by: >>69146575

anon she's liked comments from spambots. Im sorry but shes literally just like this

>> No.69146393
Quoted by: >>69146522

>I'm not mad about crying, I'm mad about being called reddit, that's why I can't forget about it

>> No.69146415

Thanks, anon. Didn't know that.
Further confirms what I thought.

>> No.69146433

>LOL, no chance in hell she liked that accidentally.
Every youtuber does this. If you have ever gotten a heart on a comment you made, there is a 90% chance they didn't read it at all. You can very easily test this as well, ask a question entirely unrelated to a video within the first 10 or so minutes of it being posted and watch as you get a heart despite your post making no sense at all. Youtubers are incentivized to give hearts to as many people as they can because that in turn encourages you to keep leaving more comments and drives their engagement up for free. Scarle isn't some black company defying mastermind, she's just a youtuber.

>> No.69146484
File: 26 KB, 615x80, 1690934382979569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check scarle's rm
>found this
Who will this be the prophecy for?

>> No.69146522
Quoted by: >>69146731

>the moron looked for the original comment
Did it really hurt you that much?lmao

>> No.69146575

That was a mistake. Doesn't mean she makes them every time she puts a like.
I mean, not saying it's impossible, just saying I still think she did it on purpose and then backtracked on it because she realized she would be bonked.

>> No.69146603
Quoted by: >>69146669

>it's a coincidence

>> No.69146609
File: 187 KB, 1000x659, IMG_6908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER be a Mexican. You don't have two last names, you aren't baptized Catholic, your abuelito never owned citrus groves off Cuatro Ciénegas. You are an American illegal immigrant spawn twisted by lax citizenship laws into a crude mockery of national identity.

All the 'validation' you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back, people mock you. Your parents aren't there because they're serving prison time for stealing paint thinner. Your 'friends' laugh at your 'ethnic references' behind closed doors.

Mexicans are utterly repulsed by you. Hundreds of years of evolution have allowed Mexicans to sniff out wetbacks with incredible precision. Even wetbacks who 'pass' look uncanny and unnatural to a Mexican. Your Honduran bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk Mexican to approach you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second you're served baby goat with fresh tortillas and go 'NO I WANT CHICKEN NUGGETS' in your gravelly mutt voice.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. The Border Patrol will find you, relieved that they no longer have to catch and release your massive Little Debbies' powered ass. They'll bury you with a headstone marked with some horrific wannabe anglo name like 'BRAYAN REGERDSON', and every passerby for the rest of eternity will known an illegal is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Central American.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.69146638

I have my own small channel, anon, I know that much.
I'm saying that simply because she didn't mass like comments on that video, but only a few ones.

>> No.69146669
Quoted by: >>69146777

Cope of what exactly?

>> No.69146689


>> No.69146731
Quoted by: >>69146866

I had to look it up because it's not burned into my brain and making me sad like it is you.

>> No.69146777

I don't know, but that's the classic cope.

>> No.69146866
Quoted by: >>69146933

>he admits he looked for the comment.
thanks for proving me right

>> No.69146933
Quoted by: >>69147173

>doesn't deny it being burned into his brain and making him sad
poor baby :(((

>> No.69146952
Quoted by: >>69147024

girls girls, you both... just terible

>> No.69147024
Quoted by: >>69147086

let me troll the redditor

>> No.69147086
Quoted by: >>69147252

>still this mad about being called reddit for wanting to defeat LE EVIL CORPO!!!!

>> No.69147173

>the moron doesn't understand how to deal with trolls
I seriously forgot how it started, but thanks for the (You).you kept crying

>> No.69147215
Quoted by: >>69147296

>>69144462 really stuck with you, huh? sleep tight sis

>> No.69147252

you kept crying,NDF.

>> No.69147276
Quoted by: >>69147360

>it feels good to beat a corpo.

>> No.69147296
Quoted by: >>69147345

thanks for the (You)

>> No.69147345
Quoted by: >>69147399

thanks for the tears, they sustain me

>> No.69147360

Yes, much better to defend a black company.

>> No.69147399
Quoted by: >>69147449

I love how you are a parrot who only knows how to say his reddit memes

>> No.69147411
Quoted by: >>69147531

I'm not defending anyone, niji sucks, you were wrong about scarle being suspended/fired/quitting in support of doki though lol. You thought it was like a marvel movie and got ahead of yourself and now you just look retarded.

>> No.69147449
Quoted by: >>69147498

I'm bored, I'm going to sleep well knowing that I defeated the corporation.

>> No.69147457
Quoted by: >>69147596

>you kept crying
>you kept crying
yeah, if only I had THIS level of originality.
funny to see you're still upset about being called reddit though :)

>> No.69147498
Quoted by: >>69147596

whatever helps you sleep at night buddy

>> No.69147531
Quoted by: >>69147585

>now you just look retarded.
This moron doesn't know how this site works

>> No.69147585
Quoted by: >>69147651

>can't follow a reply chain
zoomer attention-span

>> No.69147596
Quoted by: >>69147653

> You)
I already won

>> No.69147651
Quoted by: >>69147707

thank you senpai

>> No.69147653
Quoted by: >>69147888

I thought you went to bed because you already won? Can't sleep? Too mad to fall asleep?

>> No.69147680

Mr. Bean is smarter, have you not seen the movie?

>> No.69147707
Quoted by: >>69147888

>still gets word filtered
couldn't be me, newfriend

>> No.69147745
Quoted by: >>69147803

>derailing threads
Typical NDF tactic

>> No.69147803

>noooooo my schizophrenic delusions are being laughed at
>it MUST be some other imaginary boogieman

>> No.69147888
Quoted by: >>69147913

kek bye,I already won.

>> No.69147913
Quoted by: >>69147996

Don't seethe too much that you can't fall asleep sis :)

>> No.69147996
Quoted by: >>69148027


>> No.69148027

>I definitely won that's why I'm still replying even though I said I was going to bed 5 times already
