>> | No.69140117 File: 1.55 MB, 1000x1288, 1707900433231291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>69139057 Its not that it was a clique, from my understanding there was only one bully in NijiKR called Chae Ara, that somehow got close to enough to their management to where she was able to enforce her will with no repercussions. She apparently was able to shut down projects if it involved a liver she didn't like, which eventually caused some people to leave the branch. I think she even got sued from one of the ex-KRs because people found out she was talking shit about other more popular talents like Yuya behind the scenes. NijiEN is in a worse position overall because its not just one person that seemingly took over management, but multiple talents. Heads will still roll over regardless, but I think NijiJP will make more of an example out of them due to how much of a severe violation of trust this was. Like it or not, Riku gave them a ton of autonomy, and in the end they abused that authority to where it not resulted in 2 popular and financially successful talents leaving the company, but it genuinely damaged their brand so hard in the west. It could take upwards of a year or more for NijiEN to rebuild the levels of trust they lost due to the clique, this is what actual reputational damage looks like.