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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 258 KB, 1009x1393, Screenshot_20240214_064746_Pinterest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69045907 No.69045907 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming that Elira's clique is in power via monopolizing what is translated to high management, where do the other livers fluent in Japanese fall in the clique to where they wouldn't feel like threats?

My Theory:

Petra - Non confrontational, isn't high in power but doesn't fight against it, enabler

Shu - Elira nepohire, likely under or equal to Millie and Enna, that or an enabler

Ike - Mystery, perhaps blackmailed into silence (sexpest allegations), enabler

Sonny - Mystery, perhaps blackmailed into silence (PL shenanigans), enabler

Yugo - Terminated

Zaion - Terminated

Kotoka - Basically JP, likely removed from situation

Meloco - Basically JP, likely removed from situation

>> No.69045946
Quoted by: >>69045995

>High management
What does this mean.

>> No.69045995

The people that actually communicate with JP?

>> No.69046049
Quoted by: >>69071262

Isn't Maria also fluent in Japanese?

>> No.69047171

Too irrelevant to be part of anything be it good or bad

>> No.69047483
Quoted by: >>69047665

She probably just power trips on people who don't get along with her

>> No.69047665

Yeah no reason to believe they would be aware of her communications with other livers.

>> No.69048754

What if luca leaked those things every time Elira and her click(Luca doesn’t seem to be part of it) confronted him for the many fuck ups he had, can someone check if the events line up between Lucas mistakes and the “leaks”, because him being a sexpest and narcissist seems fitting that he would get triggered by something of the sort and lead him to do some stupid shit like that

>> No.69048830
Quoted by: >>69073231

They're not a threat because Elira came first and Seniority is everything to Japan

>> No.69049182
Quoted by: >>69050677

Doki just posted a huge ass Twitter post but I can’t post anything because 4chan doesn’t let me

>> No.69050677
Quoted by: >>69067261


>> No.69053929


>> No.69055216
File: 72 KB, 931x378, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bossman had to do a sustained bow on video
Investors were shitting on that too

>> No.69055383
File: 43 KB, 671x410, emojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man slacks

>> No.69055473

>nijijannies killed the /rrats/ general

>> No.69055619

And just when we were back to figuring out the name on screenshots. Without emojis and ending with 'e'.

>> No.69055631
Quoted by: >>69068069

I think we're missing the point here- there's a real opportunity through unending harassment to turn Niji Livers into lolcows. Think about it, they're already immature and mentally unstable idiots. Keeping up the pressure will cause fun things like mental breakdowns, infighting, and the crowning achievement- a suicide stream.

>> No.69055696
Quoted by: >>69055784

What's the cultural context for this? What's the 'proper' way to do an apology bow?

>> No.69055784
File: 55 KB, 800x600, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69055838

I don’t know how people think Elira is some fucking mastermind pulling strings to bully people. If you’ve ever listened to her for more than 5 minutes she’s way too fucking timid and retarded to do any of this shit. Compliance through lack of action I guess but there’s no way she’s spearheading this shit.

>> No.69055890

she's a great actress.

>> No.69055910

The investors DEMAND a dogeza! OTL

>> No.69055945

She has not been called the "two faced bitch" by everyone for the past years for no reason.

>> No.69055960
File: 11 KB, 1052x122, timeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.69056116

I sometimes question how much Riku actually knows. He's not exactly the most experienced.

>> No.69056202
File: 59 KB, 1279x425, 1676566875730950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69074880

Because the sponsorship thing I guess

>> No.69056750
File: 264 KB, 1757x301, 1707918875887877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody mentioned the cut off at the bottom is also part of manager's name. Slack can't use emojis in user names, but adds STATUS EMOJIS at the end. The beginning of the name looks like V. If if can fit some emoji to the end, it's fucking Vox.

>> No.69057016
Quoted by: >>69057156

Could also be an M

>> No.69057156
Quoted by: >>69057309

Font size too big for that I think.

>> No.69057309

Could also explain why he doesn't stream nowadays.

>> No.69057420
File: 87 KB, 265x439, 2024-02-14 à 16.35.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69057933
File: 78 KB, 542x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69058286

The one on top is literally the same, so I think its clear that it really is the managers name and judging by the distance of the timestamp with the 2 lines at the end of the name then they arent using any status emojis

>> No.69058286
Quoted by: >>69059658

No, I really think that's an emoji. It even looks thicker than the first letter.

>> No.69059329
File: 1.35 MB, 1176x1356, Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 18.15.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69059658
File: 77 KB, 592x190, its-rrats-dont-bother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried lining it up and I dont think the first letter is an M

also couldnt find any oshi marks that match (closest was Maria's rabbit)

>> No.69060399
Quoted by: >>69060606

You can upload custom images to be used as emojis in Slack. This one may be something as stupid as some kanji as part as corporate niji. Better use the rest of the word maybe and see what fits.

>> No.69060523

Dunno about that, but while I also thought of her as a pushover which is why she seemingly is always in management's good graces, Monday's stream was the biggest cunt move she has done, also the stupidest thing she has done, and I finally understood why Enna and Millie are her bffs off of that alone. Didn't make sense to me before.

>> No.69060606

Or something even more stupid, like letter M denoting his current "managing" status.

>> No.69062243
File: 1.11 MB, 750x1000, shhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69063582

>> No.69063582

oh wow

>> No.69063727

>/kuro/sanji general killed
>/rrats/ general killed
It's a massacre

>> No.69063780

Doki translated her announcement to JP

>> No.69063860
Quoted by: >>69071746

They are flooding the board to hide everything because that's all they can do.
I really hope they are paid for this because doing this out of desperation is just sad.
It is entertaining for me though.

>> No.69065932
Quoted by: >>69066026

the rrat threads have been by far the best discussion of this, better than the wright thread diving into canadian law
dont let the rrats die

>> No.69066026

the rrat is currently here btw >>69028861

>> No.69067261

holy shit

>> No.69068069

You missed that boat by over a decade. Even the most vile horrorcows chug on these days.

>> No.69068509
File: 51 KB, 450x600, 1675004043238626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69072043

Grudgeposters from /wvt/ have receipts from 3 years ago regarding Elira being a bitch.

>> No.69069940

>she’s way too fucking timid and retarded to do any of this shit.
Dumb fuck, she talks about doing stacy shit at parties. She wanted Millie to do shots off her cooch.
You fell for the facade.

>> No.69070213
File: 41 KB, 512x512, 1694805866965785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69070484

>Kyo had been working to break up the Clique for a long time although he did drag Enna away she is still a bitch by her own admissions. Kyo's graduation is a direct response to the news about Selen and how management was treating her

>Luca was working to break Pomu away from the Clique's control and was successful with help from Pomu playing MGS which made her realize she was being played like a damn fiddle

>Rosemi successful infiltration of the Clique the right hand of Slugma sent to end the borrowed time they've all been living under, El Presidente

My own Rrats.
Obsydia was always treated like shit we know that when Ethyria debuted Enna was spamming Petra's inbox with pictures of dead or dying penguins just Petra is a hard ass and openly tells Enna on stream to go fuck herself. Petra also speaks Japanese so they are forced to be nice with her because she has direct lines with JP and many JP talents. Reimu gets favorable treatment because of Petra not the Clique.

iluna has been treated like dog piss since day 1. iluna very early on stayed away from the clique and were there own thing.

Pretty much every wave since Noctyx has been the Cliques whipping boy and treated like second class members.

There are several talents who are actually very upset with Selen/Doki's treatment and have messaged her behind the scenes voicing support for her a few more talents have openly threatened to graduate if there isn't a change.

>> No.69070327

Bro she has done that shit infront of our faces the entire time. Shit we know they come here do you know how easy it is for one person to create a rrat and influence this boards opinion given enough time and energy. I've done it and you yards haven't even realized I've done it for more noble things seriously fuck Nijisanji.

>> No.69070484

>Obsydia was always treated like shit we know that when Ethyria debuted Enna was spamming Petra's inbox with pictures of dead or dying penguins just Petra is a hard ass and openly tells Enna on stream to go fuck herself. Petra also speaks Japanese so they are forced to be nice with her because she has direct lines with JP and many JP talents. Reimu gets favorable treatment because of Petra not the Clique.
Out of all these rrats, this one seems extremely likely

>> No.69070624

First letter could be a H

>> No.69071211
File: 9 KB, 235x214, oogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69071262

We have not made the connection yet. Wait a bit.

>> No.69071458
Quoted by: >>69073232

>investors doubting who the apology is for
the stock will continue to fall

>> No.69071634
File: 2.09 MB, 2848x2536, 1707935429258110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming the iketog post in the bottom right is real...
it sounds like
A. Elira is actually in charge to some degree, but was just disappointed until the suicide call
B. a LOT of shit got thrown back between the livers in discord from the 24th-27th
C. niji is a house of cards where no one is actually any good at translating english/japanese

>> No.69071746

Of course they are being paid, which means jannies are being paid, which I find insulting.

>> No.69071827

does anyone have the sayu discord complaint that's in semi-transparent red?
you could try and filter that with light either on pc or irl I guess

>> No.69072043

Justice for Mocca.

>> No.69072158
Quoted by: >>69074462

crossing from the other dead rrat thread to here

>was written in a rush under great strain and stress
this explains how it was a goddamn 3 PAGE LETTER
when would a japanese company ever do a 3 page long termination with needless information, even Zaoin's information which gave an extensive list of crimes was concise as fuck

>> No.69073231

Not really? This isn't Korea.

>> No.69073232

Even harder desu.

>> No.69074349

So it's basically the same thing as NijiKR except it's EN indies instead of KR small corpo?

>> No.69074462

What happened to the other rrat thread?

>> No.69074542

Jannies purge them for "some" reason.

>> No.69074693

I think the bakers are just asleep. They've been up all night for the past 24 hours assembling the GURRAT

>> No.69074880

It's not just that, half of the talents are her nepo hires

>> No.69074947
Quoted by: >>69075198

The one that mentioned her interactions with management was Vox.
Vox fits in, I think he was her manager or one of the quasi-manager talents

>> No.69075198
Quoted by: >>69075360

Vox doesn't fit in the image, Kyo fits and the first letter is almost certainly K. The last can be either emoji or letter, hard to tell right now.


>> No.69075360

What if it's Koto from Kotoka? She's ESL.

>> No.69075623

Here's something
IPN, one of Selen's closest friends, when out for lunch with Petra, Kotoka, Kuro, Onigiri, and a based photographer and I don't know who the fuck that's supposed to be.
Luca's old mod who is friends with IPN endorsed the trip.
What we do know is that Petra has been disappeared since the beginning of the month(along with Rosemi) and Kotoka was one of the few who's account did not retweet Elira's vid

>> No.69075844
File: 634 KB, 916x1052, 1707907516415202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69076365

I don't think anything can convince me it wasn't Millie. The ESL fits, the length of the name is almost perfect, and it would explain her super passive aggressive comment under Selen's tweet about her MV being privated.

>> No.69076365

