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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 74 KB, 900x1041, 2dd097ab6055b5214cecf055d90ec631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68989799 No.68989799 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>68980881

>> No.68989822 [DELETED] 

fuck off, stop defending your pet pajeet, he's just another dramashit

>> No.68989876

Anya is not sexy

>> No.68989880
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>「My Dearest」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover) *new*
>「DAYBREAK FRONTLINE」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)
>「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)

>> No.68989886
File: 72 KB, 406x756, 13232123213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are genuinely shocked and surprised Selen only knew about her termination through twitter
I dont get it, Why are people surprised that Anycolor did this when they did the exact shit to a whole branch when they closed down yumenographia without telling the workers that they were laid off and they only found out about it through twitter. They were making so much noise that the director (who is still in niji btw) went on and told them to STFU

>> No.68989903
File: 28 KB, 392x400, 4py0jq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68989916
Quoted by: >>68990205

Good Smile is a vtuber company.
i don't know who their vtubers are but they must be doing fine.
desu is good Smile made a vtuber who just makes models of holos on stream, I'd watch it for at least a minute.

>> No.68989914
File: 84 KB, 1135x811, 1659667759578988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68989989


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.68989919
Quoted by: >>68989966

Nah, in like two months.

>> No.68989924


>> No.68989940
File: 2.14 MB, 1414x2000, c79404874585009c25b9b4acd99d3963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.68989950
Quoted by: >>68990250

>didn't even watch the dramafag video he linked.
He's blaming on idol culture just like asmonbald.

>> No.68989955


>> No.68989963
File: 3.30 MB, 1066x600, FuwaMoco Mocochan why are you screaming, she's just going into the house[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl7rk41.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive will never recover from this

>> No.68989966

no. Six months.

>> No.68989972
Quoted by: >>68990480

What is a mavia and why is she in my algorithm

>> No.68989976
Quoted by: >>68990172

Reminder that Anya copyright struck Anya

>> No.68989989
File: 36 KB, 960x574, 1692437027257881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68990019
Quoted by: >>68990490


>> No.68990021
File: 19 KB, 662x477, stockZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graph has a Z on it, doesn't count.

>> No.68990089



>> No.68990093


>> No.68990107
File: 31 KB, 723x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68990128

Everyone calling Niji organs idols and that idol culture is at work is so wrong. I blame Hololive.

>> No.68990133 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68990242

>Pomu still a leech
what a surprise

>> No.68990145


>> No.68990152


>> No.68990170

Twitter is kinda funny rn

>> No.68990172
Quoted by: >>68990259

Why is Anya bulling Anya?

>> No.68990183
File: 64 KB, 1175x391, 1690378872576576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna is catching up in the weekly stats! Elira is only slightly (1k) ahead in the daily stats.

>> No.68990191
Quoted by: >>68990293


>> No.68990205
File: 31 KB, 200x200, 1705014223916492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68990397

he might as well have said GSC is the owner of 4chan, at least he'd be partially correct

>> No.68990232
File: 191 KB, 630x454, You're gonna scream for me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftgd0rr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya OP located

>> No.68990234

holy kek

>> No.68990242 [DELETED] 

blame her faggy fans ho enable the leeching.
she wouldn't have brought up FWMC if her fans asked her about them.

>> No.68990243

Was there a Raspberry today?

>> No.68990250
Quoted by: >>68990417

>fuck I don’t know shit about vtubers but this drama is popping off
>Nux, what should I say?

>> No.68990253
File: 461 KB, 1125x927, B2D22DE2-4118-419F-8EC8-9E802CB098BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68990303

>Selen had a Blue Dorito in her MV months ago
>Friend with a certain Dorito owl
Yagoo will reward her handsomely with a seat in EN4 for her contribution. Our strongest Holo soldier is returning home. Please salute her

>> No.68990259
File: 448 KB, 1800x2000, 113219651_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya likes it

>> No.68990279

Massive Nijisanji En collab ongoing not impacted from the yabe this shit was a nothing burger

>> No.68990293

stockbrokers are the king of bots

>> No.68990300

1 post in we already have the worst opinion in the thread

>> No.68990303

>cover owns the concept of Triangles

>> No.68990306
Quoted by: >>68990414

>Pebbles asking Biboo if she can show them her chest scar
Bros calm down...

>> No.68990314

where can i grab a thai girl?

>> No.68990323

finally, the only numbers that matters

>> No.68990330
Quoted by: >>68990407

Batman: Arkham Asylum is a buff, right?
Feels like it should do good, and with yesterday's momentum going strong I'm betting on 35k.

>> No.68990354
Quoted by: >>68990495


>> No.68990377

This is correct!

>> No.68990395

>A BLUE Triangle

>> No.68990397

didn't they sell their shares?

>> No.68990400

>no niji or indie reference
??? he's learning?

>> No.68990407
Quoted by: >>68990653

It's a very old game. Slow. Not a big buff.

>> No.68990414
File: 17 KB, 144x159, 1705043064457013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68990503

I will lick her flat chest and you literally can't stop me.

>> No.68990417

It's almost like professional dramafags making videos about something you enjoy is never a good thing.

>> No.68990420

have you tried thailand

>> No.68990425

anyone got the rankings for most money raised by vtubers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjbIFlG0uiw
is ame #1?

>> No.68990441
File: 525 KB, 2000x2000, 113422123_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist knows how to make good stuffs

>> No.68990444

lel, I only know of that meme because of the politician guy

>> No.68990446


>> No.68990468

hard to not learn after all, well, this

>> No.68990480

She's a harpy who plays lots of retro games and JRPGs. This is her return stream after a month or so off.

>> No.68990487
Quoted by: >>68990541

Nah, way too long.
Someone will say "300k VOD from 30k viewers?" soon enough.

>> No.68990488

Damn had no idea Enna got that far ahead of Elira

>> No.68990490
File: 55 KB, 406x756, 22222222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68990813

Yeah shit was pretty sad to see since some of them were just hired a week or so before they closed the whole thing and they were crying on twitter on how they transferred homes just for this job.

>> No.68990495
Quoted by: >>68991013

She's still rising, probably going to beat Kiara's welcome back karaoke.

>> No.68990502
Quoted by: >>68990806

>is ame #1?
It's ironlungs and it's not even close

>> No.68990503
File: 1.13 MB, 1471x1048, 66u4cwwyr5xb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68990528
Quoted by: >>68990803

Not a /biz/bro, what is that pic from? It's so damn funny

>> No.68990541

it was a Deus Ex Recut shitpost...

>> No.68990555


>> No.68990579


>> No.68990607

>the more i read about this situation the more i think all these organizations are the think you all should stay away from, this ecosystem is successful and with this kind of success there is gonna be idol culture who is there to prey into these individuals
gatekeeping success?

>> No.68990609

he got btfo last time he posted a vid with other chuubas in leddit + inserting organs is not a good idea these days

>> No.68990620


>> No.68990622
Quoted by: >>68991735

Ame 250k? usd, 9h of begging.

>> No.68990628

wow cringe

>> No.68990640
Quoted by: >>68991056

Why do people keep pedaling that Selen learned through twitter
She literally posted a tweet the exact moment the termination came out. It was probably that she found out from them they were sending a termination on that day but I’ve seen that nonsense get mentioned and it’s just retarded. I’m pretty sure her tweet was sent like.. 25? 30 seconds? After the termination came out

>> No.68990646
File: 1.58 MB, 1416x1080, Where Did The Years Go [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foupzi5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday was great, everything is completely unexpected.

>> No.68990653
Quoted by: >>68990814

But it is a very good game.
Both to play and to watch playthroughs of.

>> No.68990702

where the webm lol

>> No.68990706
Quoted by: >>68990800

you can bet your ass that hes going to be adding dokibird soon enough

>> No.68990705

i'll try visiting weekends next time

>> No.68990725


>> No.68990735
Quoted by: >>68990854

>idol culture
This baffles me. NijiEN are not idols, never describe themselves as such, and openly fought against the idea that all vtubers were idols.

>> No.68990745
File: 74 KB, 586x178, tick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68990780

She ticked

>> No.68990765

please please please soundpost this numberGODS

>> No.68990776
File: 136 KB, 2047x1202, 1707865179538822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68990841

>> No.68990780

up or down

>> No.68990784

With all the dramaposting everywhere all over the place these days, I ended up seeing an old post that talked about how Luna wasn't going to last too long since she's famous for constantly redebuting on her debut. Funny stuff.

>> No.68990800


>> No.68990803

>>68990528 me
yeah Im kinda retarded

>> No.68990806

wasnt ironlung charity drive only $100k?
the $300k one was organized by connor

>> No.68990813

kek they were saying the same fucking shit as selen!
>you posting about your feelings are having a negative impact on the company, stop them right now!!

>> No.68990814
Quoted by: >>68990885

If the world was just, and every good game was also a buff game, then I'd be sitting pretty watching Xenoblade streams every day of the year.
But no chuuba is ever going to be making a Xenoblade X series, because the world isn't just like that.

>> No.68990823
Quoted by: >>68990924

Sixty six minutes. 66 minutes is all I can spare to play with you.

>> No.68990832

dramaturds are know-it-all

>> No.68990841
File: 321 KB, 1426x2048, 1692500716378340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68990854

Yet, they took the label of Graduations.
The cultural victory was too strong.

>> No.68990861

Ame haven’t done a charity in years.

>> No.68990871
File: 1.89 MB, 1705x3274, 115718012_p1 逆さ吊り新衣装ラプちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68990884

I don't separate the cock holster from the cock

>> No.68990885

it almost killed pekora's 5views status...

>> No.68990888

he never said idol culture though?

>> No.68990887

Compilation of Selen’s menhera moments
Breakdown 1:
>playing Apex with bonbon, fun stream
>suddenly get messaged by Gorilla they’re looking for another team for their tournament
>she agrees out of pride, although you can see her suddenly get really nervous
>the tournament happens, she gets completely shit on
>starts getting more and more anxious, the laughing stopped
>getting angry and frustrated with BonBon because he’s a worse player than her, ordering him around and frustrated he doesn’t listen
>has something of a mental breakdown, the mood completely changed, people watching are genuinely worried about her.

Breakdown 2:
>enters another tournament, gets teamed up with BonBon because they get along well in the past
>this time BonBon promises to follow her instructions
>get completely shit on again, can barely even kill a single person and get wiped every time
>once again, the mood goes cold
>no more laughing, quiet angst and brooding anger
>Bonbon wants to switch characters to his main, she gets extremely angry and they fight on stream
>by the end, stress levels are at maximum
>BonBon has a crying breakdown on stream, openly sobbing (blames it on kidney stones)
>Selen and Bonbon’s relationship is permanently damaged

Breakdown 3:
>Challenges the other NijiEN girls to a “kill race”, expecting to win easily
>they turn out to be much better players than she anticipated
>start racking up kills while she is getting wiped out instantly
>slowly dawns on her she’s going to lose
>Finana sniping like a god, Elira proficiently wiping entire teams
>Selen suffers a complete mental breakdown, once again the laughing stops and she grows cold
>starts making excuses, Elira just chuckles a bit at her the whole time
>later Selen clipped the vod to remove the menhera rant, but it’s still in Elira’s vod

Breakdown 4:
>wants to play MGR to impress Pomu
>gamer girl can play on normal mode no problem right?
>she sucked, she sucked really bad
>couldn't even beat the tutorial miniboss
>chat is telling her she sucks, she goes menhera
>stops the game, plays every single tutorial while badmouthing chat
>viewers plummet and never bounce back
>somewhat recovers by the end of the stream, but still a painful experience
>says she won't play any more Metal Gear games cursing "backseaters"

Breakdown 5:
>collab with RPR and some other guy
>shitting the bed
>RPR and the other dude keep bantering about her choking
>Selen ends the collab early saying she doesn't feel well and can't perform

Breakdown 6:
>playing in Vsaikyo with Axel and Altare from Tempus after Axel invited her
>they do alright in practice/scrims
>on the day of the tournament they do well in game 1 but then they do poorly in the next 3 games
>Still top 10 overall despite everything that happened by the end of game 4
>Selen tilted off the face of the earth in game 4 and went for a walk
>comes back for start of game 5, still tilted, and proposed they should just play for fun instead of playing to win
>"i just want to shoot my guns"
>Axel still wants to play to win to at least secure a half decent placement
>the coach sides with Selen and suggests they just play for fun
>they try to 4fun it
>they're the first team to die in game 5
>it tanks their overall placement and they finish the tournament in a humiliating 17th place out of 20 teams
>Selen goes radio silent for several days before releasing a statement on twitter giving excuses for her poor performance and saying that all the coaches agreed that she was in the right

But I'm supposed to believe that she did nothing wrong this time?

>> No.68990889

I'm late on seeing this.
The timing is pretty funny though.

>> No.68990907

Did Doki reveal anything else today?

>> No.68990914
File: 573 KB, 1784x2048, Introverts on Valentine's Day GGPnYhjXkAAL0Al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68991062

holo for this feel

>> No.68990924

God, did anyone make a shitpost with that and the old Coco/Moona collab

>> No.68990973


>> No.68990982

shut up enna

>> No.68990988


>> No.68990992
File: 60 KB, 194x201, C337B9B6-5335-4694-946F-E57787282719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accuse me of being a nijifag all you want, but it doesn’t sit well with me that practically every one of Doki’s actions seems engineered to pitybait the public, but everybody is too caught up in the fervor of wanting to burn down Nijisanji to look at the situation objectively. Like I think Niji is shit, but normally people here would be more cynical when somebody publicly broadcasts they attempted suicide but weren’t successful. And then there’s just the fact that hardly anybody who actually worked alongside as a coworker wants to take her side even though it be incredibly popular in the public court of opinion right now. I think there’s more to this story than people are aware of.

>> No.68991008
File: 617 KB, 1280x720, TASUKETE YACHTMAN [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fv8c4st.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet someone's gonna beat me to it

>> No.68991013

Man that's just sad

>> No.68991035

post cunny

>> No.68991047

Compilation of Nijisanji being shit agency
>their entire existence

>> No.68991048

thank you anon

>> No.68991056
Quoted by: >>68991367

it was 15 minutes and she implied in one of her streams that she didnt know that they would terminate her that day

>> No.68991062

Top is Gura on stream
Bottom is Gura offcollab

>> No.68991065

She was millions in debt and she needs to make the money back now to satisfy the yakuza.

>> No.68991069

>Selen's Menhera moments
>(posts about her being a rager in video games)
I don't think "raging at video games" is equivalent to "menhera"

>> No.68991073

>Stopping stream for her cover with Nerissa

>> No.68991097

>oh how nice, seems like he finally stopped adding non-hololive mem-

>> No.68991105

>everybody is too caught up in the fervor of wanting to burn down Nijisanji
It's these and the absurd amount of tourists this thread is getting.
It will not normalize until the drama dies down

>> No.68991106
File: 333 KB, 1248x1824, 1705886440762537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68991104

nice good one anon

>> No.68991114

Sounds like collabing with males only leads to drama.

>> No.68991125
File: 318 KB, 1911x1200, FuwaMoco Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68991171

Compilation of bbc lovers:
>op's mom
>op's oshi

>> No.68991173
Quoted by: >>68993227

he did say it with other things too i just highlighting the idol culture part because this has nothing to do with idol culture. timestamp

>> No.68991213

Ok nijifag.
You forgetting that 99% of dirt on Nijisanji is coming from... Nijisanji itself

>> No.68991232
File: 1.15 MB, 1329x1329, vivi-madworld[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3efhgf.webm].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think it's going through her head right now?

>> No.68991233

Then Niji should work to disprove these claims privately and through the proper channels instead of going “he said and she said” that would definitely not go well.
Had Niji not jumped the gun and attempted to.. get ahead of Doki, I think it’d have been a more manageable situation rather than this messy divorce they’ve got themselves caught up in right now.

>> No.68991272
Quoted by: >>68993827

>Accuse me of being a nijifag all you want
I won't accuse you of that. I'll accuse you of being retarded.
Like, as much as you want to shit on Doki, here's the reality of the situation:
>She was fired/quit her job after making very little money on net profit terms
>has an extremely compelling situation
>needs to make money
NOT doing this is the retarded move. We're /#/. We can respect profitmaxxing when appropriate.

>> No.68991279

On the one hand sure, but on the other hand shitting on Niji is fun and the alternative is "menhera individual gets fired and everyone moves on" which is boring. Live a little, anon.

>> No.68991300
File: 778 KB, 764x1080, 20231217_040735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/#/ is a cunny general.

>> No.68991304

i dont think anybody is trying to deny that she was a menhera, anon

>> No.68991316
File: 2.16 MB, 320x180, mikolmao[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa7w5a7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fags bought

>> No.68991320

Sorry, but I'll almost always side against Nijisanji.
They made their bed when their fand harassed Aloe, reported streams and almosr got Mio banned, and isolated hololive after Coco and Haachama mentioned Taiwan.
Why should I support them now?

>> No.68991325
File: 398 KB, 1000x782, 8b1a754f9cb1d8dbaf9ce923e6312581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijifags can seethe about Selen in one of the dozen catalog threads unless kurosanji does something new. Numbers.

>> No.68991334
File: 268 KB, 2000x2000, 1689568793941472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68991396

Bros, get in here for the Nerissa x Biboo cover.

>> No.68991367
Quoted by: >>68992826

>15 minutes

It was 3 minutes. 3. At 6am in the morning. I don’t know where you got 15 minutes from and if she responded 3 fucking minutes into existence, and she probably spent at least 1-2 minutes writing out her tweet, she knew. Stop it you tard.

>> No.68991366

Watch with me

>> No.68991382


>> No.68991396


>> No.68991420

Mumei and Aqua are menheras too, and I love that part if them.

>> No.68991435

>Why didn't you speak up?
>Why didn't we know anything?
>Wtf keep your mouth shut you lying whore
>sapling drosspost
volumes, if your company drives you to rope you gain nothing by being silent and letting them take the wheel. literally cuck mentality that leads you to being better off having actually roped. luckily selen seems to have not retards around her giving her perspective.

>> No.68991444
Quoted by: >>68992216

Did Mutahar mention Hololive?

>> No.68991446
Quoted by: >>68991910


>> No.68991457

hopefully thoughts about cold quitting because if she isn't already involved in the legal shit behind the scenes its only going to be a question of when not if they are going to pull her into this shit and fuck her over including being radioactive if she decides to leave and go back to RM or a new identity
this applies to all livers that are currently not directly involved yet
management WILL drag them down to hell with them if they don't bail as soon as possible

>> No.68991480

>raging at videogames is being menhera now

>> No.68991485
File: 288 KB, 636x481, 1706811603713465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68991529

>cold quitting
I doubt she can.
They usually have contracts of at least a year

>> No.68991554


>> No.68991614

>if she isn't already involved in the legal shit behind the scenes
could you imagine if Vivi was somehow quick enough in the integration to be a huge bully against Selen with only two months of time to do it?
Would be wild

>> No.68991634
File: 78 KB, 185x231, smug77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sound basically describes this past few days for Riku

>> No.68991694
Quoted by: >>68991982

literally cut communications and don't open discord

>> No.68991699
File: 147 KB, 300x301, 1698526917636891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68991700

I love my sexual rock child

>> No.68991730
File: 601 KB, 2112x1914, 1705538214210357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68992806

I miss Fauna. Days pass by without joy when she's not around

>> No.68991735

she gave us a real version of Pop on Rocks
worth it

>> No.68991775
Quoted by: >>68992129

FlayGod retaking his throne

>> No.68991791

how am i supposed to enjoy more cunny vtubers if you niggas keep inviting drama normalfags

>> No.68991806

>starting with karaoke
does she want to scare the viewers away right at the start

>> No.68991886
File: 271 KB, 1440x1959, Screenshot_20240214-090314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68991901
Quoted by: >>68992019

See I told you, the stock will have no impact since JP bought into niji narrative

>> No.68991910
File: 3.66 MB, 320x180, TASUKETE YACHTMAN (Full ver.) [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fekhxxn.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also the full version.

>> No.68991908


>> No.68991912

Her trying to drag EN into her unityfaggotry will be her biggest sin

>> No.68991965
File: 820 KB, 662x758, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68991970
File: 137 KB, 1024x1280, 123132123312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68992229

>Riku is now a more mainstream meme than Yagoo
Its over holochads...
RIKUGOD has won the mindchair status...

>> No.68991974
File: 529 KB, 1111x835, 8f2a8a57f9291ac7446dd0127a6d0604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68991982
Quoted by: >>68992259

she's not just an employee, if she were to do that she wouldn't get fired she would get sued

>> No.68991987
File: 94 KB, 800x756, wivi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wireless internet

>> No.68991986
Quoted by: >>68992732

>be more cynical when somebody publicly broadcasts they attempted suicide but weren’t successful
Whilst I agree generally speaking, the sheer fact of the matter is when Niji was skinwalking her twitter, they made it sound like a suicide attempt themselves. The picture of her armband from the hospital(although she may not have been aware) is the one they slap on people who've attempted to an hero. I'm inclined to believe she really attempted to kill herself at very least. Meanwhile Nijisanji has had a few occasions now where they can't get their story straight and unintentionally admit to deceiving the public.
I doubt Selen is right about everything and Nijisanji did everything wrong, shit is rarely that black and white, but it sure as shit looks like the biggest fuck ups came from Nijisanji and not the other way around.

>> No.68991992


>> No.68992007

jewelbird gay
why'd you buff biboo, even though she liked it

>> No.68992019
Quoted by: >>68992325

w-wait until lunch time!

>> No.68992020

This version is shit

>> No.68992023
Quoted by: >>68992167

why are holos doing love songs for each other instead of for their fans? same with Kaela and Zeta

>> No.68992032
File: 142 KB, 1040x547, KORONE MIO ART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 they try to sue everybody making memes

>> No.68992046


>> No.68992054

Shiorissa is dead

>> No.68992063
Quoted by: >>68992150

Nijisanji seriously invited A LOT of normie reactors to vtubing content. Now I see lots of videos with them talking like they immediately know the in and outs.

>> No.68992069

i prefer raven rock

>> No.68992098
File: 399 KB, 960x720, [960x720] vtime=[ 00_00_59 ], take=[ 2024-02-14 02.05.33 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68992258

>Yellow hardsubs

>> No.68992103
File: 511 KB, 1093x829, e58e329148b3f1d879a1e3111fed410e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice illustrations

>> No.68992122

Scuffed stream. Why does Mori hate cats?

>> No.68992129
File: 279 KB, 829x430, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68992336

>567 ccv
that's not enough to be competitive in this meta

>> No.68992137


>> No.68992146

that new girls is doing it, knife something

>> No.68992150
Quoted by: >>68992319

Holokeks where's you mindchair? kekekekek

>> No.68992167

They should make love songs for Flayon and Goldbullet

>> No.68992175

Nuance is boring, just enjoy the current roller coaster of a menhera and a shitty company fighting to the death.

>> No.68992177
Quoted by: >>68992357

>Kaela x Zeta
>Nerissa x Bijou
Today is gay day

>> No.68992186

>that biboo chest buff
NOT LORE ACCURATE. My kayfabe senses disapprove, my penis is okay with it though.

>> No.68992192

I just hope it comes to light on how she tried to off herself. My money is on her taking a handful of pills cause that is the go to for woman just because it isn't as lethal while still being able to pity bait about attempted suicide. There's a reason why male suicide is higher than females and it's because males do it and don't broadcast that shit.

>> No.68992202

Thumbnail makes this look like Kaos-chan

>> No.68992216

He name dropped them once and it was when he listed GSC as a vtuber agency

>> No.68992229
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>> No.68992236
File: 1000 KB, 1119x827, 111100786e153fc18bc3d271483ee89d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68992258

They gave biboo biboobs....

>> No.68992259

>she's not just an employee, if she were to do that she wouldn't get fired she would get sued
Nah a sony chuuba actually did something like that and they didnt even sue him even though he was in japan

>> No.68992270
File: 751 KB, 920x619, kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68992278
File: 15 KB, 339x214, 1692080829293962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68992739


>> No.68992287

Bro like EVERYTHING IN THIS WHOLE SHITSHOW Anykara was the one that broadcast the suicide attempt. Everything's Anykara's fault and it's fucking hilarious watching you nijitrannies fail to comprehend just how badly you've fucked up. No amount of HURR FAT MENHERS CHINK CHINK CHIIIIIIIIINK GRIFTER is going to change that. You can't just outright lie your way out of it this time.

>> No.68992307
File: 178 KB, 709x1486, 1706846824582160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68992309


>> No.68992318
Quoted by: >>68992443


>> No.68992319

Eh, you can have it.

>> No.68992325

anon, they are at almost 0 % change.... nothing can suddenly drop that stock to panic state...

>> No.68992336

Didn't the NSO dev have a mental breakdown, why is there a new game?

>> No.68992341
File: 292 KB, 1109x831, 2988e0065605b912478a556e5394f91e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68992347


>> No.68992358 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68992529

>even our guy muta is dunking on niji
pajeets won

>> No.68992357
Quoted by: >>68992484

I mean, it's nice that they all want to fuck each other but shouldn't valentines day be love for the fans?

>> No.68992360

Sister you know even if you do somehow convince some anons in this thread it won't effect anything?

>> No.68992359

god my dick can only get so erect

>> No.68992380

>unironically numberfagging suicide rates

>> No.68992382
Quoted by: >>68992571

Every rrat is real and so is yours. But the outsider world is always late with realization.

>> No.68992399


>> No.68992433
Quoted by: >>68992562

>The first NijiEN chuuba
>The first HoloEN chuuba
>Raising money to look after cats

>> No.68992443
File: 895 KB, 977x669, 1705076517623696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbianism is allowed

>> No.68992461
Quoted by: >>68992997

>mental breakdown
He did? Why?

>> No.68992464

kek, imagine falling for that

>> No.68992477 [DELETED] 

Not interested in roberus sloppy seconds

>> No.68992478 [DELETED] 

After ton of homos interaction and cucking her fans... What did she mean by this

>> No.68992484

Why not both

>> No.68992494
Quoted by: >>68992997

mental breakdowns happen, but you can recover

>> No.68992500

>to impress Pomu
cute, sex when?

>> No.68992517
Quoted by: >>68992735

Yuribaiting MV is popular for Valentine release cover songs

>> No.68992529
Quoted by: >>68993253

>our guy
shut the fuck up
he isn't "our guy" and is just another drama fucker.

>> No.68992534
Quoted by: >>68992891

Bae is my GF now

>> No.68992535
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68992547
File: 16 KB, 480x355, e0138e0adf35e7c861f95aa634452b1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68992562
Quoted by: >>68992669

>The first NijiEN chuuba
Pomu didn't self-immolate... She got the fuck out of there with perfect timing

>> No.68992569

im good i have my wives tomorrow

>> No.68992571
File: 162 KB, 305x367, Really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rrats are more powerful than his, therefore his rrat isn't ogey and mine is.

>> No.68992575


>> No.68992588
File: 70 KB, 366x546, temptress (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rissa news stolen from baubau
>Nerissa says Biboo is maybe the cutest member of Hololive except for maybe Mococo. Someone said "What about Fuwawa?" Fuwawa and she said "Fuwawa is sexy. "

>> No.68992620 [DELETED] 


>> No.68992638

Just watched recent drama, and Hololive and other vtuber agencjes are being painted in a negative light again.

I knew these lazy fucks just couldn't invite one dramatuber who is actually knowledgeable of everything in the vtuber sphere to be in a call with them to clarify everything about the vtuber drama situation (Dont even invite Doxxfagi despite how much shit he says he is very dumb and knows nothing),

>> No.68992640
File: 56 KB, 622x641, 1686226675964483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68992647
File: 706 KB, 3638x2044, 1705889427096559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you Sapgod but this is just one of those things where we'll never really be able to come to a clear consensus until months have passed by and things have calmed down

It's super weird how not even the ex-livers or most of vshojo are willing to bat for her and just fence sit instead. Has Kson said anything? this kinda shit would be right up her alley

>> No.68992645

Fuwawafag cope
Mococo has the mindchair

>> No.68992659
File: 9 KB, 392x58, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68992891


>> No.68992669

Wait? Pomu was first? Why do Nijinigs call Elira daisenpai then?

>> No.68992670
File: 799 KB, 592x398, 1705921033690628.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68992706

>is ame #1?
she doesn't qualify until she actually finished those goals

>> No.68992711

It's true Marine said the same

>> No.68992719

why does bae do GFE once a year? she can be so much more powerful

>> No.68992726

Pretty sure someone who is off-topic said that they wish they had been there for her more

>> No.68992732
Quoted by: >>68993232

The thing is a suicide attempt is very different from a successful suicide attempt in terms of goals. women attempt suicide far more often than men, but males are way more successful at it because women attempting suicide is rarely done with sincerely and are usually just a cry for help/pity.

>> No.68992735
File: 1.14 MB, 1102x904, valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this one is the goal to beat?

>> No.68992739


>> No.68992740

after Fuwamoco's christmas pseudo VN, I don't think I can go for other routes anymore
Sorry brrat

>> No.68992756
Quoted by: >>68995412

>Has Kson said anything?
The fuck does she have to do with this? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.68992775

I think the only thing that could make me care even less is if she did the boy version again. I don't respect anyone who spends time doing this but then going >HAHAHA CRINGE XD
Like I don't give a fuck if that's her being tsundere or whatever it's fucking patronizing

>> No.68992789

My cure rrat wife...

>> No.68992806

Why cant Saplings regulate the thread even when she doesnt stream. Lazy couch crashing bums

>> No.68992814

really nijijanny?

>> No.68992817


>> No.68992820

Uhh, why are you replying to yourself and showing you don't know shit?

>> No.68992823

GFE with male "friends"

>> No.68992826

doki is so prepared for niji bs she had a response ready to be copy pasted in notepad

>> No.68992827


>> No.68992830
File: 3.47 MB, 224x224, 1707600583559446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993213

Stop using Fauna for your deflection posts.
You realise even if Selen did some things wrong it will still be completely offset by how shitty Niji has been in this situation

>> No.68992848

Because Sora is hololive's daisenpai and they somehow think Elira is as important as her.

>> No.68992861

Anon, vtubing is a multibillion dollar industry, they will shit on it regardless for content.

>> No.68992862
File: 176 KB, 870x1142, nijien implosion_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993700



>> No.68992876

>look at mori milestones
>calvin writes cat rap
...im sorry

>> No.68992882

Everybody who isn't a retard saw this coming a mile away

>> No.68992891 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 680x486, latenightbae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first one wasn't bad but baited so many people

>> No.68992920
Quoted by: >>68993119


>> No.68992938

Why was this post deleted? It's very much on topic.

>> No.68992950

uh sir

>> No.68992952

Ame is still number 1 for that

>> No.68992966
Quoted by: >>68993119


>> No.68992978


>> No.68992982

Fuck off. Go to your designated street and smear your shit there.

>> No.68992992

Thailand, not joking

>> No.68992994
Quoted by: >>68993119

Where do you newfags come from? just leave

>> No.68992997

No wait, I was thinking of that dude who worked on Omori and was attacking the main dev because he got shit canned for not doing his work.

>> No.68992998

fleshie dramatubers are not welcome

>> No.68993021

>My money is on her taking a handful of pills cause that is the go to for woman just because it isn't as lethal while still being able to pity bait about attempted suicide.
Nah if this was pills or anything chemical related she would have been in the hospital a lot longer even if it was a minor failed attempt
My money is on her attemtpting to jump off a roof or trying to get run over by a car since her situation sounds more like a anomic type of suicide rather than fatalistic

>> No.68993019

Don't post my GFs nipple.

>> No.68993025

She looks like Enna in this one

>> No.68993032

I fucking hope nijien puts put a valentines day goods tweet
I fucking hope

>> No.68993053
File: 1.29 MB, 1416x2000, EwSDOb3UcAYbZP7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993224

Thoughts on Anya's song?

>> No.68993073

>complaining about moderation

>> No.68993087
File: 69 KB, 581x280, 1707839566144325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993745

Because she controls the branch

>> No.68993107

abayo complainer

>> No.68993119

the male version of herself
right right
fuck off fag.
i remember him as C-Man not fucking calvin

>> No.68993124


>> No.68993149
File: 78 KB, 693x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993381

It should've unironically been a warning sign that
>"The Elira Clique"
has been real and present this entire time.
Look at this.
Pomu was the first.
She was always the first.
But she wasn't headstrong. She wasn't a "clique leader" type of girl.
Who took the title from her?

>> No.68993158


>> No.68993165

She's being cute right now ngl

>> No.68993188

There's literally no rule that states that vtuber discussion isn't allowed on the vtuber discussion board, but go off. Surely if bend your interpretations hard enough everyone will like Nijisanji again. Surely this time it will work.

>> No.68993193

MythicTalent smells blood in the air. He's getting his whole clique to smear mud onto JP corpos.

>> No.68993213
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x1856, 1705465943739959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTS but hoping for the downfall of both is the only reasonable conclusion here

>> No.68993212 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 1009x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a 4channer

>> No.68993224

I think Anya should copyright strike it. How dear Anya steal from Anya

>> No.68993227
Quoted by: >>68993353

if you niggers really want to talk about it maybe try to post his talking point like this anon >>68991173 instead of just shilling your eceleb pajeet video in this thread

>> No.68993225

It doesn't matter. Tourists will move on eventually. In 2 weeks they won't even remember what happened.

>> No.68993230
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>> No.68993232
Quoted by: >>68993883

I can't tell if you're numberfagging suicide rates or if you're being misogynist on purpose

>> No.68993253 [DELETED] 

he is a 4chan oldfag

>> No.68993260
File: 782 KB, 1683x948, 1707793583337955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true

>> No.68993263
Quoted by: >>68994524

she finds it really unironically cringe and only does it for money

>> No.68993273

i didn't delete it, you dumbfuck

>> No.68993278
File: 123 KB, 337x309, dff769f2a53e8a868e0089a2e7f72799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993527

>> No.68993306

Do you think Anycolor likes the mindshare they have in the West?

>> No.68993307

>holofans laughs at nijisanji
>nijifags blames hololive
see, this is why they are losing, they always had a toxic mentality

>> No.68993334
Quoted by: >>68993408

That unity/niji shill kanauru is coping real hard right now lol.

>> No.68993346
File: 604 KB, 2160x3840, FEgEjCfaIAAfPJz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baelz is in love with me.

>> No.68993352

hes a /vt/ giganewfag, not even human

>> No.68993353
Quoted by: >>68993581

>no don't notice a pocket nijijanny deleting upsetting posts instantly

>> No.68993357

>still complaining about moderation

>> No.68993363
File: 511 KB, 1093x635, BANDAI & USAKEN HQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bets have been placed and the results will be announced in exactly 30 days. Good luck.

Thank you for your participation,
Usaken Inc.

>> No.68993367

Fuck off, ESL shill. No matter how much you post your pajeet dramashit, it's not going to be on topic. Also, Niji lost, Holo absolutely won, so keep seething.

>> No.68993375

why no holoid stream today

>> No.68993381

There were enough hints of an Elira clique existing that >we had rrats about it to begin with. This is just another warning sign in a list of warning signs people were rrating with. Crazy they decided the best idea was to validate that rrat.

>> No.68993408
Quoted by: >>68993484

Cause his favorite Niji got outed as a bully (Millie)

>> No.68993427
Quoted by: >>68994490

Funny watching Holofags trying to kill Niji
But instead getting mogged by Doki and destroying themselves in the process

>> No.68993431

>actually keeping track of bets

>> No.68993446

If you love sucking off dramatubers so much, youre free to make a thread crybaby

>> No.68993448
File: 36 KB, 597x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempus 2 3D coming soon

>> No.68993471
Quoted by: >>68993708

>hu hu h-he is oldfag
yeah, and the faggot's research was subpar and retarded.
go shill your faggot elsewhere

>> No.68993477
Quoted by: >>68993715

I mean, I am always skeptical of any completely one-sided scenario, but every yab here has been Niji shooting themselves repeatedly. Doki has mostly just been "yeah what they're doing is kinda fucked up, right?". They tried to Zaion her but Selen wasn't edgy so its much harder for them to paint her as the villain. Also the twitter trannies don't hate Selen like they hated Zaion, so that counts for a lot in the wider fandom, sadly.

I'm vaguely interested in if any Vox sisters are left to push the "she recorded conversations we had without my consent" bit. Other than that I can't see public opinion shifting the other way.

>> No.68993484

flip pride in shambles

>> No.68993514

Does the Mario Party collab mean that Fuwamoco are going to graduate?

>> No.68993527
Quoted by: >>68993866

>dramafag makes things worse for Selen
This shit is reminding me of the Rushia initial fallout

>> No.68993529

Ollie graduation announcement prep

>> No.68993532
File: 37 KB, 360x360, 1691812762435260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo is straigtening up the branch after the clique yabs in ther companies

>> No.68993546

no it means Milky will graduate and come to holo

>> No.68993564
Quoted by: >>68993937

How do retards still not know how the curse worked?

>> No.68993578


>> No.68993580
File: 1.08 MB, 1184x1054, sametori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993765

We need more Sametori

>> No.68993582

Warosu keep fucking dead WTF
Does anyone have the latest update of Dokibird merch sales?

>> No.68993581

>derailing people from how shit nijisanji is to janny moderation instead
nice try

>> No.68993583

Just a faggot melting down from management telling him and the 100+ perm requests to fuck off

>> No.68993606


>> No.68993637

Because all of ID is celebrating here in my house because my treerat wife is pregnant with my kid

>> No.68993664


>> No.68993696
Quoted by: >>68993776

Don't they have election today?

>> No.68993700

Why did Elira mention Millie and Enna? She didn't need to name drop them. Hoping for more internal schisms.

>> No.68993708 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68993785


>> No.68993715

Vox sisters are too ESL and divided to make a difference.

>> No.68993738
Quoted by: >>68994379

Anon, that's a shitpost.

>> No.68993745

I guess we really should have seen all the self reporting from Niji coming, they've always done it

>> No.68993754

honestly there's a non-zero chance he's going to doki atm, man is a professional

>> No.68993757

valentines haram

>> No.68993761

>Tempus 2 3D coming soon
nah he is doing shit with his other account since he has some stuff planned there on those days

>> No.68993765
Quoted by: >>68994007

What is it? Just Gura laughing at farts like the child she is?

>> No.68993776

Yeah and the extremely pro-china guy is gonna win so say goodbye to HoloID

>> No.68993778

...the archive site?

>> No.68993781

Do I watch Mori or Bae?

>> No.68993785

Stop using nijiseethe to defend your dramashitters and not against Holo v Holo. Fucking retarded newfags

>> No.68993827
Quoted by: >>68993976

Reminder: she made at least 200K in the last year but she wasted it at every opportunity. I can not feel sorry for anyone making 6 figures who instantly has to beg after losing their job. That tells me they are a genuine retard with money and probably most other ways as well.

>> No.68993849 [DELETED] 

keep spamming reports newfag

>> No.68993866
File: 103 KB, 1330x986, 885c39b060cb56d875b0e776198956bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993970

>worse for SELEN
You mean niji? I even see a lucub here kek.

>> No.68993872

I fucking wish but HoloID would continue regardless

>> No.68993875

Bae's GFE stream is not doing as well as expected.

>> No.68993883


>> No.68993884

>South-East Asian pro-china candidate
I've seen this happen multiple times before, China has managed to make even the most pro-China candidates end up going to the US after interacting with them

>> No.68993928
File: 42 KB, 1280x351, 1706385618924584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68993933

I'll never understand why the MagFag didn't just so this aswell

>> No.68993939
File: 906 KB, 2768x4096, mom seki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you?

>> No.68993937

Do we know if Milky is good at Mario Party? Mori actually tries to win and as a ruffian I have no confidence in Fuwawa or Mococo being good.

>> No.68993938


>> No.68993946

better to just speedrun them out so they can do advent without the beggars throwing another twitter tantrum

>> No.68993949 [DELETED] 


>> No.68993966

Mumei was always the GFE Promise

>> No.68993970

Jesus I meant to type Scarle. I've been awake for far too long.

>> No.68993976

That's a you issue

>> No.68993980
File: 77 KB, 1136x640, 58e7a3b47242472c062f6c60624080e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68993983
Quoted by: >>68994188

>SEA/Polynesia is massively pro-china
And in other news, water is wet

>> No.68994007
Quoted by: >>68994164

Gura wants to see Kiara streaming Palworld with KFP mod on.

>> No.68994021


>> No.68994026

Daily, Nightly and ever so rightly

>> No.68994069
File: 686 KB, 2090x3049, 1705126078797126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is my wife though

>> No.68994092
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>> No.68994094

>Yeah and the extremely pro-china guy is gonna win
>unironically falling for ganjars grift
oh anon

>> No.68994102
Quoted by: >>68994298

GFE streams have never done CCV numbers, kinda like ASMR. Check the VOD growth in a few weeks.

>> No.68994115 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68994242

Nijigods we lost

>> No.68994117

Only yuribait

>> No.68994121
Quoted by: >>68994617

Some Elira fans are huffing copium that she only did it to keep her work Visa because she'd get deported otherwise and that she essentially had a gun to her head. Some Elira fans thinks she should've still said no even if that was the case. And some are just disappointed with her and believe she was being a fake bitch all this time.

The only way she would've gotten out of this properly is if she actually did tell them to fuck off, because at least people would say "wow she wasn't a bad person" and would probably still support her next move; look at how people INSTANTLY paid off Doki's rent. Instead she took the dumbest option and now even if she does end up leaving she won't have nearly as many supporters.

>> No.68994164

I know about that. I meant the clip she was linked. Kek. Ill just look for it in her replies

>> No.68994188
Quoted by: >>68994410

What the fuck are you talking about, everyone here hates China becuase they cannot stop fucking around in the south China sea

>> No.68994196 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.58 MB, 476x472, nunrys-with-censor-fixed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68994492


>> No.68994204
File: 40 KB, 907x492, S1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68994238

I greatly enjoy oyakodon

>> No.68994242
Quoted by: >>68994382


>> No.68994253
File: 21 KB, 673x482, Anycolorstock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not losing as hard as before!

>> No.68994257

Hololive will pandering to chinese market again through HoloID

>> No.68994264

in Bae's defense she's getting giga overlapped right now

>> No.68994273
File: 1.25 MB, 1199x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68994286
File: 77 KB, 643x185, enna again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna ticked again! Going to the moon, in reverse!


>> No.68994289
File: 104 KB, 826x945, GGQWh1Za0AAp6Yf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68994729


>> No.68994298
Quoted by: >>68994561

>kinda like ASMR
Don't look at Fauna nonRP ASMR numbers even before the verification fix.

>> No.68994305

Too early to tell, need another hour or two.

>> No.68994320

Why are HoloEN numbers so grim looking? Does every move to NijiEN or something?

>> No.68994321 [DELETED] 

Nijgods we lost

>> No.68994323


>> No.68994329

Rape, yes.

>> No.68994347
File: 136 KB, 572x563, 1705445249479307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68994364

Reminder that Kronii was unironically the GFE Promise until she pivoted away from that

>> No.68994379

Already saw containment breakers spreading it. Thye are giving this thread too much power

>> No.68994382

>keeps trying to promote the guy that blamed it on "idol culture" just like asmonbald
just go post that shit on other boards where mods don't care

>> No.68994404

Why is Bae pissing on me?

>> No.68994408 [DELETED] 


>> No.68994407
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>> No.68994409
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>> No.68994410

Literally the only SEA country I've lived in where I couldn't find a single person that had something nice to say about China and their money was Vietnam. Flips, Indos, Malays, Sings, Thais, Coconuts? All of them have substantial sinophile groups in my experience.

>> No.68994422

unironically because the rrat that magni wanted a bigger cut than what the girls are getting because he earn less might be true and he was hoping cover would bend the knee

>> No.68994421

Have you seen it? She's so bad at GFE.

>> No.68994423

Going to the mole people!

>> No.68994466

>newfags dramatards getting deleted
holochads rule this thread, keep your dramaturdworlders on catalog or out of this board

>> No.68994469

I must say personally I'm not into her stream, but her twitter space gives me boners every time.

>> No.68994473
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1704092874763965.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want that cat rap...

>> No.68994490 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68994600

WokeSanji is dead
Enjoy your 3views Homo troon

>> No.68994489
Quoted by: >>68995136

I don't know if "Event Expenses," and as such, event revenues, should be on the talent side of this equation. Too many events could be company-backed and company sponsored. Like, for instance, I imagine Connect the World was mainly giving Cover the money, outside of obvious bonuses the girls were getting as a cut OF that.

>> No.68994492

Also correct answers

>> No.68994518 [DELETED] 

Stop it anon, it makes the nijikek upset

>> No.68994524

She plays and enjoys Otome games, she's just being shy and tsun.

>> No.68994534

ask for her daughter's hand in marriage

>> No.68994546
File: 317 KB, 1125x870, 1903D4B1-BAE8-4D1B-AEA2-A78A6E19713D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995840

Nijisanji mindchair just keep expanding in the west. Most big e-celeb ignore Hololive like a plague

>> No.68994547

I haven't checked in on that guy in a while, I wonder how the Enna porn dude is taking all this

>> No.68994561

That was only near the end though, for a long time they did worse in CCV than her gaming streams. So basically you need to build up a dedicated audience for these if you want people to time in live.

>> No.68994567

Who's the GFE Myth? after Gura

>> No.68994575

your posting a dude idk what to tell you

>> No.68994582


>> No.68994595


>> No.68994600
Quoted by: >>68995427

>Enjoy your 3views
but enough about the future of hololiveEN

>> No.68994607

This is the average fagoon. Look upon him and despair.

>> No.68994617
Quoted by: >>68994937

i'm of the opinion that she was 100% behind the message, but whatever, she should have insisted it be done on the official channel and not her personal one. massive fuck-up that have left her channel way more radioactive than it could be

>> No.68994626

>literally destroyed by giftcard redeemer

>> No.68994629

Kiara EZ

>> No.68994639


>> No.68994659

Ame, Kiara, Mori

>> No.68994672

Gura is the only gfe in myth

>> No.68994687
Quoted by: >>68995298

I Honestly shouldn't be surprised about that considering who his twitch "friends" are.

>> No.68994692

>Would you?
Do you even need to ask?

>> No.68994717


>> No.68994727

bae just kissed me
goodbye virgins

>> No.68994729

what a cutie

>> No.68994732

Okay, so, we saw the one un-graduation already, but not any others.

What are the chances that NijiEN somehow still has 2-3 chuubas still somehow on board with moving forward with a new wave launch?

>> No.68994760

ez ame with her goslings

>> No.68994790
File: 761 KB, 2560x3712, 1704549150782432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyakodon yes, otherwise no, I want her cute pristine daughter, not used goods.

>> No.68994793
Quoted by: >>68995332

Kiara. Used to be Ame too. Gura...kinda counts kinda doesn't.

>> No.68994867

don't care we're watching mori

>> No.68994885

>earns less
>wants a higher cut
Delusional as fuck. Male vtubers, not even once.

>> No.68994919
File: 3 KB, 392x47, nijien loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN's channels have lost 190,000 subscribers in a single day

>> No.68994924
Quoted by: >>68995078

This drama might have burned a lot of people from watching corpo vtubers altogether

>> No.68994937

A point from that fag asmon that I actually found interesting is that he thinks they did it through her channel because Niji feels like it doesn’t violate NDA if it’s not on their official channel (on the announcement they said that their organs aren’t bound by the legal document NDA so they’re free to spill the details).

>> No.68994947 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkhnbf6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're involved with her medical recors?
>are they doctors?
>so the other livers are doctors

>> No.68994963

Is it normal to dislike yuri as a unicorn?

>> No.68995001

Aren't you forgetting something...

>> No.68995008

would you rather
>have sex with Bijou (but she pisses herself whenever she cums)
>have sex with Momseki (but Bijou has to watch every time[she cannot participate])

>> No.68995012


>> No.68995030
Quoted by: >>68995298

and he was also probably getting "false data" from his notmagni escapades, boosted by still being in homos

>> No.68995052
Quoted by: >>68995463

no? explain why

>> No.68995053


>> No.68995067

>more offtopic fleshtubers

>> No.68995079

Give me the timestamp, I'm at work

>> No.68995078

Good. I don't want refugees. The homobeggar refugees are already annoying.

>> No.68995098

Biboo obviously

>> No.68995109

Biboo, while Momseki would be great she got nothing on Biboo without bladder control

>> No.68995123

Is there an option for both?

>> No.68995136
File: 7 KB, 163x399, 3447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a simplified outlook they do 50-50, based off entirely on their profit margin.

>> No.68995140
File: 486 KB, 1280x720, 1690441884714365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao are you stuck in 2022 or something

>> No.68995142

Code Geass x NijiEN?

>> No.68995163
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 1690190301803875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kissed Baelz, she is now my girlfriend and we're going to have sex all night.

>> No.68995174

Water sports Biboo ez

>> No.68995195
File: 128 KB, 720x1029, 1680408007563979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995294

>> No.68995200
Quoted by: >>68995434

It depends on how gay she's being
if a girl is doing hardcore gfe and than leans into yuri hard
not good...

>> No.68995220
File: 71 KB, 219x242, 1705457757730682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995285

>big ups my d00d! Let me mog on that dick!

>> No.68995224
File: 12 KB, 724x70, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's GFE is subtle and highly effective
It's little things like calling her members "you" instead of referring to the group as a whole
She will NEVER say she's your girlfriend, but she won't deny it either, and she will be very personal while addressing her members

>> No.68995227

>holostars post here

>> No.68995235
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68995243

CAN WE REACH -200K??????????

>> No.68995273

Shit is offtopic but it's insane how this retard is smarter than Anycolor's legal team.

>> No.68995285

hey man, say what you will, but Gho Strider streams weren't bad

>> No.68995286

ok fag have fun

>> No.68995294
File: 984 KB, 850x1234, 1690762738956790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995425


>> No.68995298

Ladies, you don’t have to use spoilers to express opinions.

>> No.68995301
File: 611 KB, 1382x623, be9b7dea44026338142e7adf756a6ff5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995778

Sugoi. Is this Ike's greatest relevance since debut?

>> No.68995314

Mori update:
£32,718 / £50,000

>> No.68995332

Meant for >>68994793

>> No.68995367

When does the stream begin?

>> No.68995375

>smarter than Anycolor
hardly an achievement

>> No.68995376

$249k on average per talent
Assuming top 20 get 60% of that:
$643k per talent on average for the top 20 members

>> No.68995397

She will get it

>> No.68995412
Quoted by: >>68995613

nijizhang thinks she's a dramafag for watching the 2% crap on yahoonewsJP and commenting on it.
they hate her because she said the company should respect the talents, a sin for the dickraiders of black companies.

>> No.68995425
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>> No.68995427 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68995622

3views is your mom body count (in niggers).
Say goodbye to your Chink Chank Chonk livers Shitskin Commie.

>> No.68995431


>> No.68995434
Quoted by: >>68995919

cuckposterchama, looks like you are still stuck in 2022 too
if your oshi is lesbian then you are just coping

>> No.68995444
File: 370 KB, 341x451, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already started.
She really should've had better milestone goals though

>> No.68995463

I think twincest and selfcest are very hot but not yuri much. Some chuuba yuri baiting feel forced.

>> No.68995473

I don't think shes subtle she's very affectionate

>> No.68995478

40 minutes ago

>> No.68995484

It's NOT IN THEIR INTEREST to paint Hololive in a good light, even if they weren't braindead retards who can't do proper research (NIJISANJI ISN'T AN IDOL-CENTRIC AGENCY GODDAMNIT). This is like asking
Okay anyways before I get myself banned, point is that these dramatards have zero incentive to get the details outside of "nijisanji bad" right, so they aren't going to. NEVER expect these kinds to do due diligence unless their necks are on the line.

>> No.68995499
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>> No.68995514
File: 142 KB, 850x1348, 1704873051874096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995612


>> No.68995524
Quoted by: >>68995876

Has to be Mori. Kiara doesn't really do anything to jerk you off.

>> No.68995528

Hololive could never

>> No.68995531

You have mental illness to always that saved ready to go. Hope you get better

>> No.68995550

There was a twitter thread about Nijis overseas job openings and those jobs are literally a minimum wage job that doesn’t even require conversational English. EN is ran by people who don’t fucking know English at a native level

>> No.68995575

I'm still catching up with the archive but I wanted to praise the nijisanji talents for a second.
They're just so incredibly versatile.
Sole proprietor or corporate vtuber, whichever is more convenient for the company.
Idol or unoppressed streamer, whichever is more convenient for drama vermin.
I've never met a more accommodating bunch.

>> No.68995579

IRyS go prepare for your stream

>> No.68995594
File: 51 KB, 220x220, Uooooohhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this damned BRAT

>> No.68995613
Quoted by: >>68995986

nips have a point, the retards complain after signing with the company, after already benefiting from their clout they start the whining, if it's so bad why accept it in the first place.

>> No.68995612
File: 356 KB, 2018x2832, 1679326112760056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995706


>> No.68995618

Sure, but I'm talking about their legal team. Are they also hiring lawyers who don't know English?

>> No.68995622

why so angry holokek?

>> No.68995626

Does that mean she's doing a cat rap?

>> No.68995641

Irony poisoned, can't embrace the cringe and so has to keep it at arm's length.

>> No.68995649

FuwaMoco is counted as 1 in these reports right?

>> No.68995651
File: 30 KB, 885x390, enna sub decline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmaaoooo this shit is hilarious

>> No.68995654
File: 175 KB, 480x401, 1619826977453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cat rap huh?

>> No.68995683

>Some chuuba yuri baiting feel forced.
that's because yuribaiting is often used to cover for mishaps and "misunderstandings" and thus employed to help rehabilitate the image of a talent. some of it has a more natural feel and is just girls acting gay

>> No.68995700

It's a lot better when you realize most women are like this when it comes to other women:
>actual sex with another woman: disgusting, ew, would not want that
>kissing other women fr fr and fondling the shit out of each other: totally normal and acceptable behavior between the girlies~
So you realize "yuribaiting" is, a lot of the time, just girls fucking around in ways we find hot

>> No.68995706
File: 850 KB, 3507x2480, 1688673409309506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995805


>> No.68995713

>EN is ran by people who don’t fucking know English at a native level
>This thread is ran by people who don’t fucking know English at a native level

>> No.68995714

Mogged by IdolEN chuubas...oof. Hololive fell off hard

>> No.68995743

ideal female body

>> No.68995749
File: 209 KB, 220x204, joker ogey .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly I hoped for a free fall of niji stock and a wave of melting wojacks, shit's disappointing desu

>> No.68995750
Quoted by: >>68995894

oh no ruru, rip mococo

>> No.68995751
Quoted by: >>68995841

>60k Pounds: Unarchived Karaoke
Is that not something she just usually does anyways

>> No.68995766

Not even entry level; literal student, minimum-wage positions for EN content compliance/screening that require only basic English skills.

>> No.68995768

Why did Elira confirm the clique by confirming the people involved in Selen's court document I legitimately do not get it. What's the big brained plan here? I'm losing sleep over this.

>> No.68995778

Insane how much those two karaokes got viewfarmed

>> No.68995783
Quoted by: >>68995839

The Fuck is the 50k one?

>> No.68995793

They're a very flexible bunch, it's true!

>> No.68995795

Ennacuck status?

>> No.68995805
File: 839 KB, 1941x4096, 1704804806525526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68995942


>> No.68995810

>Peanut butter in my bathroom
I didn't know Mori had dogs

>> No.68995839


>> No.68995840

Investor bros our promised oversea expansions...

>> No.68995841

I think she means she'll do it as part of these charity streams? I dunno

>> No.68995855

Maybe she's just fucking retarded.

>> No.68995870
Quoted by: >>68996038

The same legal team that got smacked in the face by Narukami of all people? I doubt they even thought about hiring a lawyer fluent in English.
They just have their ESL translator translate all the legal statements.

>> No.68995876

When Mori does GFE it feels like your bro is trying to have sex with you. It's just wrong. I can't find Mori sexual at all.

>> No.68995878

Yeah they are
Actually numbers are a little screwed because they added more talents during the year, forgot that

>> No.68995880

She believes Selen is lying, simple as.

>> No.68995881

FUCKING THIS, a vtuber saying "You" instead of "You guys/chat/My fans" goes a long way

>> No.68995894

Fuwawa limited birthday merch alone made $120k in 90 seconds
I think the will be fine

>> No.68995913
File: 46 KB, 1080x548, 1707792325426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping the kayfabe real

>> No.68995919

>It doesn't matter because uhh [time]
Have some self respect, anon

>> No.68995936

i love sexy female brats

>> No.68995941

reality on the stock market is rarely so wild.
Especially the Tokyo Stock index, they're not dramatic over there

>> No.68995942
File: 122 KB, 832x1216, 1678568233698689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68996026


>> No.68995981

It's not just their legal team, going by ex-Mysta's comments about how Anycolor's tax guidance and advice put him massively in tax debt.

>> No.68995985
File: 223 KB, 581x698, 17069053455840921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also anti parasocial while doing this

>> No.68995986

>nips have a point
we are talking about the country where people are dying to work (in office work) too much because the company IS GOD

>> No.68995988

There's little reason to buy/sell right now unless you're trying to daytrade profit. The real moves will happen when reports come out, though the effects won't be felt on the bottom line until a few months down the line.

>> No.68995987

Those goals suck

>> No.68995991
File: 51 KB, 832x1000, 1681673933482692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks to be you, she said I'm her valentine

>> No.68996023

The inability to recognize the overlap between NijiEN fans and Dokibird subscribers before the Elira, Vox, and Ike video is fucking stupid. People are usually pretty good at separating management from its contractors/employees. Good job showing everyone that at NijiEN, they are one and the same.

>> No.68996026
File: 561 KB, 1040x1477, 1701050936946129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68996038

So what the fuck they do with the money they get? They have a bigger revenue/gross profit (I forgot which one was it) than Cover but somehow can't fucking hire a legal team good enough to not embarrass them?
