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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68951272 No.68951272 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.68951429
File: 28 KB, 112x112, 1628363541930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate she's going to cancel the Arkham Asylum stream...

>> No.68951528
Quoted by: >>68952437

someone has that twitter image where Nijisanji say they are a family?

>> No.68951558
Quoted by: >>68953167

I still can't believe they were a black enough company to overlap her neopets stream so they could double down. Heinous.

>> No.68951817
Quoted by: >>68952020

wasn't that today? it's already all but cancelled.

>> No.68951844
File: 491 KB, 712x644, 1681000468636849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki was very cute when she was trying hard to cover her tears and desperate breathing with laughter during the neopets stream, she truly is an adorable menhera.

>> No.68951860
Quoted by: >>68952060

Well she shouldn't have failed at killing herself if she wasn't ready for this

>> No.68951946
File: 4 KB, 859x1002, 1707800461362840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stream + tweet was so fucking bad.
I unironically think if the CEO statement was the only thing we got yesterday, NijiEN might actually be salvageable

>> No.68951969

i'll never forgive them for taking away potential kino
that was a far graver crime than everything else they've done so far, fucking cunts

>> No.68952004

please no..

>> No.68952020
Quoted by: >>68952109

I think today is the new Apex season.

>> No.68952060
Quoted by: >>68952138

Good point anon, you should go ahead and show her how it's done!

>> No.68952109
Quoted by: >>68952190

and also batman a few hours later according to her schedule. I think it's a lost cause.

>> No.68952133
Quoted by: >>68953053

>A former employee is accusing us of malicious behavior akin to harassment that prevented her from performing her job in a manner in which she desired. How should we disprove her?
>I know, we should release a stream accusing her of lying, manipulation, and threatening to dox other people at the same time as her much anticipated first gaming stream, forcing her to cancel 27 minutes in

>> No.68952135

>block neopets perms for years
>former liver attempts to play neopets
>leak court documents to force her lawyer to call her and cut the stream

How deep does the nijisanji/neopets rabbithole go?

>> No.68952138
Quoted by: >>68957703

I don't talk to losers such as Selen I cant even kill myself Tatsuki

>> No.68952190
Quoted by: >>68952277

Shit. I thought that was later in the week. I fucking love Batman.

>> No.68952202
Quoted by: >>68952633

Does anyone still have the ss of the (alleged) Selen Discord leak of her message to dragoons in regards to the privating of her MV from before her termination was announced?

>> No.68952263

I will support Selen as long as it doesn't involve watching streams or paying money.

>> No.68952277

me too

>> No.68952293

>neopets stream was a passive-aggressive jab at nijisanji
>nijisanji took the bait hook line and sinker and behave exactly like their accusations
You'd think fuckers with an army of shitposters would recognize fucking bait

>> No.68952376

Give it time and it will turn into an IRL stream

>> No.68952437
Quoted by: >>68952549

Family can fight, family can have good relationships and very bad relationship's

>> No.68952540

Just do a fucking karaoke LMAO

>> No.68952549

Family can rape each other and gaslight the rapee into thinking it's normal to wake up in the middle of the night getting a meatstick painfully shoved into their orifices

>> No.68952573

It goes deeper than that anon. No vtuber affiliated with nijisanji has ever collabed with a neopets streamer.

>> No.68952633
Quoted by: >>68953897

No but that was to the artists involved in the project, not dragoons. She even asked them not to let the message go public.

>> No.68952674

wait why neopets specifically? what made it be blacklisted from nijisanji?

>> No.68952696

Genuinely can't imagine how furious he must be at making a video that must have been humiliating for him (a video that actually wasn't all that bad in a bland corporate way) only for EN management to make things even fucking worse. No fan of his of Anycolor at this point but holy shit they'd be better off just throwing the entire branch into the sea.

>> No.68953053

If it wasn't causing so much harm I'd be laughing just thinking of what this will look like to a judge. Ain't no way they have a chance at winning a case here.

>> No.68953084

Yes that as well

>> No.68953167
Quoted by: >>68953337

Watching her trying not to have a panic attack was difficult.
No matter who is right in the end, them doing that was such a mean cunt move.

>> No.68953180

If they didn't cut off EN management's access to socials after this they must be genuinely insane.

>> No.68953226

Neopets was owned by Scientology and some people even accused it to be an indoctrination tool, Njii probably had it in their List of Controversial Games alongside the wizard game.

>> No.68953235
Quoted by: >>68953417

At this point it almost has to be personal, like Riku got curbstomped in the game by some kids and now goes scorched earth at the mere mention of it.

>> No.68953298
Quoted by: >>68953567

Her lawyer is mentally handicapped and sent a document naming several livers so now the whole company has to get legally involved.

>> No.68953337
Quoted by: >>68956636

Even if everything nijisanji ever said was true, it doesn't justify emotionally fucking with a woman who almost killed herself a few months prior. It's unprofessional and frankly monstrous behaviour. I have no idea how they can sleep at night knowing they did that.

>> No.68953379
File: 89 KB, 1796x1479, GBPA7m_W0AA6PzA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68953554

Okay everyone here is very close to the drama, surely.
Is there a full transcript of what Selen/Vox/Ike said?

>> No.68953417
File: 63 KB, 1200x800, Neopets-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 years of being fucking cursed.

>> No.68953502
Quoted by: >>68971163

This is gonna make some management heads roll for sure, but I wonder if this will be the final straw that makes talents start quiting, although Niji won't announce more terminations this month if they have some braincells left

>> No.68953554
Quoted by: >>68953638

You can just go watch the video. It's 15 minutes long.

>> No.68953567
Quoted by: >>68954715

Yeah, how dares her lawyer send a list of livers implicated in the bullying alongside screenshots of conversations said livers with Selen, he should have just send a paper saying "Selen is being bullied by some livers, trust me bro" instead.

>> No.68953619
Quoted by: >>68953931

>Neopets was owned by Scientology and some people even accused it to be an indoctrination tool
lmfao, what a fucking bizarro world we live in.

>> No.68953638

Having it written out is better if people want to dissect it.

>> No.68953682

no, you should listen to it so you can hear them chuckling every other sentence

>> No.68953751

You joke but I can't stand a woman talking a low weepy voice specially if they aren't actually sad.

>> No.68953786


>> No.68953805

>I FEARED FOR MY LIFE *holding back fake tears*
You really should listen to it, it is a experience.

>> No.68953879


>> No.68953897

Yeah it was to the artists involved but they're still dragoons involved in the creation of the MV. I was asking because at the time people were saying that the ss is fake, but considering that in the ss Selen says that the MV had to be privated because of livers that had exited the company appearing in it, which was kind of now confirmed by NijiEN to be true, the ss is most likely real, and might be useful in the light of Niji now releasing pictures of their conversation with Selen regarding it. I don't remember exactly what she said in the ss anymore though

>> No.68953931
Quoted by: >>68954708

deep dive on the scientology-neopets connection

>> No.68954589
Quoted by: >>68957178

That's the first thing I noticed when Vox was talking. I thought "...Is he fucking laughing?"

>> No.68954708

Cheers, never heard about this at all.

>> No.68954715

Glad we're on the same page, yeah.
>botching procedure on the actual first send by putting the full legal names of vtubers on a document that is meant to go public
>leaving in the part where you might threaten legal action vs the chuubas on the first send
>stapling it to medical documents and then thinking confidentiality extended to the non-medical documents
>publicly accusing your defendant of leaking documents because they did their job informing the talents they were being sued
I know mr man is xqc's former manager and he's supposed to be top tier but I'd like to know what kind of GMO vatgrown bonafide retard he hired as a lawyer. Doki gave her lawyer a document with her unfiltered personal thoughts on the matter and he sent it TO Nijisanji the company that bullied her into suicide.
I'd be fucking livid.

>> No.68954900
Quoted by: >>68955536

>on a document that is meant to go public

>> No.68954944
Quoted by: >>68955536

You're fucking retarded. It was a confidential document. It wasn't supposed to be shared openly.

>> No.68955079
Quoted by: >>68955536

Seems like a great strategy to me actually, it baited the company and the livers into an own goal.

>> No.68955113
File: 1.38 MB, 1608x1089, Screenshot 2024-02-13 210916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki Bird
-A former dragon denied her neopets stream-

*the siiiiiiiins never die~*

>> No.68955137
Quoted by: >>68955536

>a document that is meant to go public
Are you perhaps a nijisanji lawyer?

>> No.68955140
File: 11 KB, 172x294, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68955536

I'm impressed you managed to deduce so many facts from what we heard. Everything you described is surely exactly what happened!

>> No.68955356

>botching procedure on the actual first send by putting the full legal names of vtubers on a document that is meant to go public
That was just the complaint that Doki's lawyer filled against Anycolor, it was never meant to go public.

The absolute retards somehow convinced themselves that Doki was gonna fully dox them in her public statement because that's most definitely something they would do.

>> No.68955493

Goddamn I actually ACTUALLY felt sorry for him. Not that I believe his apologies, but the fact that he had to apologize for the branch's sorry state of affairs.

>> No.68955536
File: 89 KB, 650x931, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The medical records were confidential. The rest of the document was not.
Regardless, if someone is threatening legal action against an employee you have the legal right (and arguably legal duty) to inform them and to give them the necessary parts.
If they sue and this becomes part of a civil case it WILL go on public record unredacted, since Doki's side sent it unredacted.
Realistically speaking Doki wactored 3-5 of her coworkers and gave them grounds for a defamation case if theyre not retarded. Which they will be.
I'm impressed you havent considering we have maybe 20 different tweets from niji, selen and her manager, two doki streams, two apology videos and pic related explaining the whole situation.

>> No.68955568

Because petty, jealous bitches can't help themselves.

>> No.68955693
Quoted by: >>68955844

>after investigating ourselves we determined we didn't break the law

>> No.68955743
File: 111 KB, 352x320, 1666000129666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A many thanks to the worms that are still defending this shitty black company and its clique so I have drama to enjoy, generously funding and bank rolling these thread with (You)s
You all are truly wonderful
Have a good one

>> No.68955844

That's usually the first thing you need to do if you're in any sort of legal trouble yeah.

>> No.68955927

>If they sue and this becomes part of a civil case it WILL go on public record unredacted,
Oh so its

>Doki's fault that in order to contest this in the court of law she has to actually write down what happened
>Doki's fault that Nijisanji pushed the case so the document would need to become public, even though otherwise it'd stay private
>>>>Probably Doki's fault that she was being bullied in first place

>> No.68956084
Quoted by: >>68956164

none of this would have happened if she listened to manager

>> No.68956164


>> No.68956176
File: 616 KB, 1440x1495, Screenshot_20240213_101959_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IF she sues
Which she hasn't done. For anycolor doing an internal investigation, they didn't have to go "HEY READ THROUGH ALL THIS AND TELL US WHAT YOU THINK", they could just take logs and testamonies to gather their own documents. It's a colossal fuckup on their part.

>> No.68956249

because she's a manipulative bitch

>> No.68956323

>Niji release a classified document.
>This is Doki's fault because reasons...

>> No.68956332
Quoted by: >>68958193

I'm 90% sure the reason we're at this point is no one in anyblack HR speaks eigo. (despite them having almost 40 english employees)

>> No.68956336

> in order to contest this in the court of law she has to actually write down what happened
True and I hope she did and I hope she wins.
>Nijisanji pushed the case so the document would need to become public, even though otherwise it'd stay private
Retarded take.
"We put the names in the document so if you go public with this you'll doxx your talents so you BETTER settle out of court, bucko". Legal hostage taking is not uncommon but voluntarily pulling a wactor and thinking you're the good guy is something else.
>Doki's fault
It's her lawyer's fault they didnt censor the fucking names in the first place. I don't know if they're following your evil ass train of thought or if they hired someone that doesnt know what a vtuber is (as would be the case if mr man is xqc's manager) or why doxxing matters.
All you had to do was call Elira "Elira Pendora" and not by her actual name.
This isnt Doki's fault however as far as I know.

>> No.68956404

>We put the names in the document so if you go public with this you'll doxx your talents so you BETTER settle out of court,
1 Shekel has been deposited in your account.

>> No.68956636

faking a suicide attempt to shit on your friends workplace also isn't the nicest thing imaginable honestly
let's not kid ourselves and pretend women actually know how to fucking kill themselves

>> No.68956669

>spinning a tale of premeditated blackmail to make anycolor's actions seem anything other absolute retardation

>> No.68956695

>she didnt actually sue
Doesnt matter. If someone threatens legal action against you, by name, your employer has to let you know.
The problem here was her lawyer sending basically her diary to the defendant instead of building a separate document.
>"read through all this"
According to them they only shared the necessary information, which is all legal.
>they couldve not told the talents that Doki had threatened legal action
Iffy but realistically no, you have a reasonable duty to let them know.

>> No.68956745

>If they sue and this becomes part of a civil case it WILL go on public record unredacted
Good thing it was only a workplace harrasment complain filled directly to Anycolor's HR and legal deparment and not a court case.

>> No.68956865

I'm sorry when the fuck did anyone knows whose name in what document?

>> No.68956875

>her lawyer sending basically her diary to the defendant instead of building a separate document.
[citation needed]
>According to them
I implore you to listen to the stream, where, according to organs, the organs studied the document in detail.

>> No.68956949
Quoted by: >>68957555

>The medical records were confidential. The rest of the document was not.
Doubt that's how the law works. The only difference between the rest of the doc vs medical records is that laws tend to be a little more prickly when it comes to someone's medical history.

>> No.68956984
File: 132 KB, 1192x670, jc_denton_by_kingcobra_7_dferct0-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neopets is a cryptocurrency

>> No.68957040
Quoted by: >>68957258

>the organs studied the document in detail.
This part is the best part. I literally need to pause the video and scream at the wall for how fucking stupid that statement was.

>> No.68957076

Because bullies always have to hurt their victim. They can’t resist it—they can’t stand seeing them happy.

>> No.68957142
Quoted by: >>68957497

the thing i found funny was that the implication was that vox was only used as an example of preferential treatment with the recording and not accused of bullying so sharing the information with him is really stretching. he could be an interested party but he might not be and it was probably wasn't necessary to include him since he wasn't accused of anything
he went from not really being directly involved to directly involving himself

>> No.68957178

the entire time he was either eating the mic or laughing to himself, it was surreal

>> No.68957231

>"it was never supposed to be shown to anyone other than me. It was a private document with my own personal information to help document my thoughts"
Your own post post, retard.
>they studied "the document" in detail"
They studied what they were given, as they said in the stream.

>"Doki's fault that Nijisanji pushed the case so the document would need to become public, even though otherwise it'd stay private"
You, dumbass. That was your train of thought.

What's with tourists saying something and then pretending they dont know who said it?

>> No.68957258

That was the best part
>Niji managenent: "We didn't leak the entire legal document to the talents, we only showed them the relevant parts to inform them of the situation"
>Le Retard de Vox Akuma: "So after studying the entire document in detail..."

>> No.68957280
File: 140 KB, 1000x660, 1591130402417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This needs an edit.

>> No.68957316


>> No.68957455

>after studying the entire document in detail
>we were afraid
>deeply shook
>WE are the victims here
>we thought she was a friend
>for YEARS
>but she was satanhitler all along

>> No.68957469

>What's with tourists saying something and then pretending they dont know who said it?
Let me explain,
You're delusional and keep imagining things.

>inb4 How? How???
Its literally how you entered this thread and its what you're doing right now. Stop begging me for a explanation, get a psychiatrist instead.

>> No.68957497

If you take his word for it, he was gonna graduate in solidarity with Selen, so management had to turn him against her and the absolute retard played the role of an useful idiot masterfully

>> No.68957555
File: 15 KB, 578x153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68959003

That's exactly how a confidentiality agreement works. You have to tell the other side "this part is confidential and you cant use it".
Even then, in the case where youre employees are being sued youd have to tell them and give them the necessary parts of the document.
Thats WHY you redact names and sensitive information. So it cannot be released no matter what. It's not there.
If they had their actual names and wanted to put them in the document they should've blacked them out before sending them. It being "confidential" doesn't matter.

>> No.68957672

If any legal gets to him can he just say he misspoke that part?
I'm not a westerner or a lawyer but in my country, the court have to look at the intension of the action too.

>> No.68957703

Nigger you are on 4chan, the fuck do you mean you don't talk to losers

>> No.68957740
Quoted by: >>68958223

>"We put the names in the document so if you go public with this you'll doxx your talents so you BETTER settle out of court, bucko".
We've had whole threads about this, anon. The court can redact sensitive info before making the docs public, IF they go public at all.
>It's her lawyer's fault they didnt censor the fucking names in the first place.
Censor them from who? The fucking courts? Niji's lawyers who already have that info? Legal proceedings don't operate on pseudonyms.

>> No.68957798

salvageable might be stretching it but it wouldn't be doomed for sure (also taking 3 of their biggest talents with them even if they go indie) and might have bought it another half year or so as a C level corp

>> No.68957869

>>botching procedure on the actual first send by putting the full legal names of vtubers on a document that is meant to go public
you know it's not actually against the law for people to know who a voice actor is, right?
like this retarded subculture of pretending a voice actor isn't just a voice actor is not something that actually exists in the real world, and if you break the law or are involved in litigation the Complaint and court filings are going to use your legal name because the country you live in does not recognize Puff the Dragon as a legal entity

>> No.68957953
Quoted by: >>68958795

>Your own post post, retard.
Not only you are unable to count IPs, you also make leaps in judgement. It does not state that the document was, in fact, a diary, and even heavily implies that medical receipts were in a separate document. It does not even imply that that document was the main document and not any of the addendums.
>They studied what they were given, as they said in the stream.
I cannot phantom a situation where you can study "in detail" a short notice like "You, Vox Akuma, Name That Surname So-That, are potentially implicated into a lawsuit, that is not currently a lawsuit". The catch being that his details are not known to be present there at all.

>> No.68958175

Kinda, but the court is most certainly gonna demand to know exactly what Niji told the other livers and then it turn out that management just posted the entire legaldocument on discord and pinned it (because let's be honest, that's *exactly* what the clowns running that shitshow of a branch would do) then they are fucked.

>> No.68958193

>despite them having almost 40 english employees)
those are all Indians

>> No.68958223

>the court can redact
So can you. The issue with the document is that Selen is "threatening" (lol) to make it public, but it has the actual full names of the talents in it.
>refusing to censor doxxes because you're being sued anyway so what's the point
The Wactor Method always works out in the end.

>> No.68958302

he could but what he said was a bit much to just pull back. he said he was able to read it thoroughly and found falsehoods in what would normally be a fairly basic memo implicating that they could be involved in a lawsuit that hasn't started yet. the stuff vox talked about wasn't even talking about possible lawsuits and was just mentioning him being recorded and not accused of anything. it was retarded

>> No.68958367
Quoted by: >>68958620

>The issue with the document is that Selen is "threatening" (lol) to make it public, but it has the actual full names of the talents in it.
You're gonna need to source that one, buddy.

>> No.68958449

Yeah, no. You either lie or you don't, but he wasn't supposed know about the documents regardless so it doesn't matter. The Judge only need to know whether Nijisanji leak the document or not, that's all they need to know

>> No.68958456
Quoted by: >>68958620

>So can you. The issue with the document is that Selen is "threatening" (lol) to make it public, but it has the actual full names of the talents in it.
stop making shit up

>> No.68958620
Quoted by: >>68958801

The Selen stream, that's the source.

Unless you think
>"threatening" (lol)
Is a unironic comment and not a indirect rib on AnyColor, despite the quotation marks and (lol) next to it?

>> No.68958795
Quoted by: >>68960684

I wouldn't count IPs even if I cared about your posts, honestly.
>unfiltered unordered private document to help document thoughts cant be called a diary
A memoir then.
>cant Phantom pretentious faggot Vox reading three paragraphs and using "thoroughly examined the document" instead of "read what she sent"
Its a good car but I cant Phantom either. Soon tho.

>> No.68958801

Timestamp, please. I recall her saying she had a statement prepared in case something like this happened.

>> No.68959003
Quoted by: >>68959643

>Thats WHY you redact names and sensitive information. So it cannot be released no matter what. It's not there.
>If they had their actual names and wanted to put them in the document they should've blacked them out before sending them.
Anon you are so fucking retarded I cant even. Do you seriously believe that the accuser's lawyer is going to send the accused company's lawyer a letter that says
>my client is suing ___________ and _______________ for ________ so you better get their defenses ready bucko
And then the company's lawyer is supposed to psychically derive who they actually need to defendand why using their magic law powers?

>> No.68959487

It wasn't made by scientologists. Iwas bought by Scientology and sold again to Viacom in the span of like 4-5 yearsnin the early 2000s, the original site creators (who again, weren't Scientologists) refused to let the suits put any Scientology content on it for the brief window it was owned by them, and it hasnt been involved with Scientology in any capacity for literally 20 years

>> No.68959643

Are you retarded?
The point is that the document goes "Stacy Joanne Bluedragon, known online as Elira Pendora, resident of Bumfuck, AZ" instead of redacting the actual real name of kurosanji chuubas.
Do you legitimately not know what part of the debate we're talking about or are you being obtuse on purpose? I couldn't even either if I were you.
>inb4 "you need to pull a wactor and use their real names otherwise the court wouldnt know"
If it comes to that theyd use their magic law powers to glean their actual names from the dark abyss of Discovery.

>> No.68959749

Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

>> No.68959757

Whether he had a hand on turning nijisanji to kurosanji or not, at least this should start a big review to his managers doing fuck all anyways

>> No.68959802

let's be honest. selen was never a high value streamer. a real high value streamer would be someone like enna

>> No.68959929
Quoted by: >>68960906

>The point is that the document goes "Stacy Joanne Bluedragon, known online as Elira Pendora, resident of Bumfuck, AZ" instead of redacting the actual real name of kurosanji chuubas.
Yes, and what's the problem with that?

Actually, here, let me explain your argument back to you.
You seem to have formed this image that this means that Doki is doxxing people. The logic is roughly "because writing down people's names means they would be doxxed, since the documents would go public if the case happened. Also, you don't need to put people's real names in court proceedings".
And what I want you is to give a S O U R C E to all that bullshit.

>> No.68959980
Quoted by: >>68960178

You know what anon, youre totally right. I dont know why im arguing with you. You should start a company and operate in canada and hire employees. I bet youll do great. Go get 'em, tiger.

>> No.68960095
Quoted by: >>68960443

Kinda based to attack her when she is streaming to get a live reaction from her, I hope they attack her again on her next stream.

More drama, more fun.

Simple as.

>> No.68960178

he (the one u were arguing to) probably expects a stream during the trial and the people there using avatars lmaoooo

>> No.68960443

holy BASTE

>> No.68960456

has she threatened legal action against specific people (Elira and co) or against ANYCOLOR? honest question

>> No.68960550

She's said that her and her lawyer will be taking the company to court with 'reciepts and names' after they continued to fuck with her.

>> No.68960684

Ah, I see you are just shitposting then, Carry on.

>> No.68960906

The logic is very straightforward if you're not intentionally obtuse about it. Selen made a document she plans to make public that doxxes several people. Her lawyer sent this document, a personal diary of her thoughts that wasnt really supposed to be sent to anyone, to Nijisanji, who informed several people that Doki was threatening to sue them, and released the necessary parts that contained their real name and probably address.
>writing down peoples names with the intention to make the document public is not doxxing
It is tho
>if you got sued theyd use your real name so whats the point on censoring anything
Honestly good take. EN should've legally publicly terminated NotSelen Realperson with address on Canadia, ON and Doki should start talking to everyone by their full legal name.

>> No.68960948

If she were suing luca how would anyone know if she were suing the boy who says POG or the girl who runs the account?

>> No.68961016

>Selen made a document she plans to make public
>a personal diary of her thoughts that wasnt really supposed to be sent to anyone

>> No.68961017

Both, that's the point. If you name someone specific the company has to let you see the necessary parts of the document.
I dont know why people are struggling with this part at all.

>> No.68961151

First return stream.
>diary not to be released

Just scroll up.

>> No.68961206

You're literally making shit up while contradicting yourself. Did you come from the Anycolor school of management?

>> No.68961412
Quoted by: >>68962109

>The point is that the document goes "Stacy Joanne Bluedragon, known online as Elira Pendora, resident of Bumfuck, AZ" instead of redacting the actual real name of kurosanji chuubas.
What part of your fucking monkey brain can't process that? Anyone involved in the company's back-end can leak those details at any time. Do you know why we don't worry about that? It's because they all signed legally-binding agreements not to disclose that information. Do you see the connection here? Do you see how this changes fucking nothing? The only new people she gave access to this information are the lawyers who would both suffer the consequences of breaking that agreement and be barred from ever working in the field again. Nobody was doxxed. Nobody threatened doxxing. The best defense you have for Niji throwing their own talents under the bus in an attempt to smear their victim is your fucking fantasy that the Canadian legal system will randomly decided to make these documents public without consulting the parties involved, or suggesting that Selen should have used their fucking anime role play names in legal proceedings. You're retarded. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.68961744

>Look at tweet
>It says it should've been sent to AnyColor's legal team, not "Kept to themselves"
>Also pretty blatant that you're saying diary to muddle the situation
Okay debunked.
Anything else?

>> No.68962109

>"Im building a document that I'll make public at some point in the future"
>lawyer sends the document to nijisanji
>it has full wactor-tier doxx of several people in it
>it threatens to use several people
>lawyers involve concerned parties
>they do PR stream
>doki says they cant show that to people
>this thread happens
Are you dumb or do you legitimately not know what you're talking about?
I recomment watching the return stream, reading the tweets, then watching Elira+Vox's PR stream, then coming back. In that order preferably but It doesnt really matter.
See you in a couple of hours.

>> No.68962113


>> No.68962154

Selen said that she didn't plan to make her STATEMENT public until Niji smeared her in the termination notice. >>68961151 This retard is performing mental gymnastics to suggest that she meant she would go public with the legal documents that she is legally bound not to go public with. This is the highest cognitive level NDF is capable of operating at.

>> No.68962231
Quoted by: >>68962321

Do you have an emotional reaction to the word diary, to think using the word muddles the situation? Actual honest non judgemental question. We can use journal or whatever if it makes you feel safer.

>> No.68962321

Already explained in >>68962154 but keep working for those shekels.

>> No.68962350
Quoted by: >>68962966

insane beyond comprehension how they thought it would be a good idea to publicise the info lmfao

>> No.68962521
Quoted by: >>68963389

>"Im building a document that I'll make public at some point in the future"
I bet you can't show a timestamp or tweet that says anything close to this, much less it being the same legal documents sent to anycolor that was leaked to the livers that Doki herself said was confidential. >>68956176

>> No.68962601

shut your fucking mouth enna

>> No.68962937
Quoted by: >>68963045

Anon she makes it public it would be redacted are you that retarded

>> No.68962966
Quoted by: >>68963303

The only way their actions make sense is if they genuinely thought they were untouchable legally (ie received some bad advice or just misunderstood the laws at play) and have plotted this whole course not to save face but purely to continue bullying Selen once she left their direct reach, believing they could do so and get away with it.

>> No.68963045

*when she

>> No.68963081
Quoted by: >>68963552

That isn’t wactor level doxing at all. That’s just typical information gathering/sharing that’s kept confidential between parties.

The reasoning is also bonkers — “oh no they’re gonna dox us if it goes to court! Let’s talk about it even though talking about it would change literally nothing”

>> No.68963164

Struggling on the palm of the DokiBuddha.

>> No.68963219
File: 4 KB, 704x90, IMG_0380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we know who the real manipulator is

>> No.68963303

also just insanely bad PR for people who doesnt like being fleshlights for corpos

>> No.68963389

The termination notice was three days before she streamed and said she was making the document and was in touch with lawyers Mr Man found for her, dumbass.
The document in question didnt even exist yet, you dont know what youre talking about.
> she would go public with the legal documents
There's The Document, and there's medical documents. There's no legal documents yet because there's no legal case yet.
You don't know what you're talking about.
>that she is legally bound not to go public with
She's not legally bound by shit, she clearly doesnt have an NDA preventing her from doxxing the entire company if shes free to give personal details to her lawyer.
I dont follow dramatubers you'll have to ask him yourself

You wouldnt need a timestamp to pilpul if youd seen the stream, touristchama.
>legal documents
>leaked to livers
Only lawful thing to do since she was threatening legal action. We've been through this extensively. If someone sues your employees you have to tell them. It doesnt matter if its confidential, you need to give them the necessary parts, read >>68955536
Also the other post you quoted is also me. Apparently I'm the only one ITT that read the tweets and isnt a neurotic retard.

>> No.68963552

>nijisanji is retarded, cant run their company, and will continue to sink themselves deeper.
I agree and this was never a point of contention.

>> No.68963669
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>There's no legal documents yet because there's no legal case yet.

>> No.68963794
File: 304 KB, 1440x472, Screenshot_20240213_115059_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68964368

>Also the other post you quoted is also me. Apparently I'm the only one ITT that read the tweets and isnt a neurotic retard.
Oh is it now?

>> No.68964140

>is meant to go public
Reallt, anon?

>> No.68964368
File: 286 KB, 302x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I actually looked at the wrong post and posted that image in the last 2-3 threads.
I watch Watame if it helps you understand my mental retardation.

>> No.68966389
Quoted by: >>68967106

What happened? Some more stupid drama?

>> No.68967106
Quoted by: >>68967351

Elira scheduled a guerilla stream to overlap Doki's first gaming stream in which she, Vox and Ike not only quadrupled down on the fucking termination statement and did the usual throwing under the bus, but admitted being shown court documents regarding Doki's case by management.

>> No.68967351

Am I to understand that these documents were confidential and them being shown them constitutes some breach of something or other?

>> No.68967674
Quoted by: >>68967812

Doki confirmed that at least some of her medical stuff was shown, as well as other elements that were only supposed to be for lawyers' eyes.

>> No.68967686
Quoted by: >>68967812


>> No.68967812

Are Elira, Vox, and Uki trying to tank the company? Or were they forced to do it by management who don't have a clue what they're doing?

>> No.68967883

Yeah, it was just a legal document meant for Niji's HR and legal department that included among other things Doki's full legal name and place of residence and her medical records.

Management in their infinite wisdom decided it would be a good idea to share the document to the clique members and say "See, she was gonna sue us and you would have been forced to selfdoxx on court, now go on stream and tell everyone how much of an evil bitch Selen was for this"

>> No.68967950

Even the 5head psyop theory would be easier to justify than this fucking shitstorm of a PR statement

>> No.68968019
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>> No.68968210
Quoted by: >>68968595

They were probably told to do the usual talking shit and under-the-bus throwing, they decided to go above and beyond and accused Selen of trying to use the legal system to doxx them... revealing that management had leaked the lawsuit to them in the process

>> No.68968595

So they're completely fucked in Canadian court? Nice. Can't wait to see how big the out of court settlement is.

>> No.68969011

birb in 9 minutes
wish it wasn't apex

>> No.68969781
File: 15 KB, 572x153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68970473

They were confidential but since Millie, Elira, Vox and some others were shown in them they needed to be shown. Suicide attempt was already disclosed by her in the return stream.
This is legitimately her lawyer's fault for sending the document raw with no pruning or censoring.

>> No.68970473
Quoted by: >>68970868

>This is legitimately her lawyer's fault for sending the document raw with no pruning or censoring.
Neither side claims or even hints at this. You made it up.

>> No.68970868

What do you get from "it was a private document that was used to help my lawyer and document my thoughts"?
Either her lawyer fucked up because he's new to vtubers (hire by mr man, not selen) and didnt understand the social convention behind rmts and PLs so having doxxy information there was fine; or her lawyer fucked up because he's legitimately a bad lawyer.
Realstically you'd never leave "I'm going to sue Millie Parfait" in a document like this, because best case scenario this exact thing happens.

>> No.68971103

>What do you get from "it was a private document that was used to help my lawyer and document my thoughts"?
Literally nobody read her tweet that way. Not NijiEN's counter tweet, not Doki fans, not Niji fans.

>> No.68971163

It honestly doesn't make a difference at this point. Even if they stall the other members' terminations, they'll be shit on all the same

>> No.68971282
File: 241 KB, 512x512, 1703783678232781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27k for a fucking Apex stream that's not even monetized

>> No.68971334
Quoted by: >>68971639

>social convention behind rmts and PLs so having doxxy information there was fine
This is totally irrelevant in a court of law. Do you think some actor would be permitted to hide behind a stage name? Of course not. The legal system gives no fucks about your kayfabe.

>> No.68971639

>le court of law
Doki doesnt have a case here but if her lawyers make her doxx herself and the entire company its going to be funny as shit.
Imagine being so menhera you get all of nijiEN wactored.

>> No.68971732
File: 378 KB, 800x699, 1693777724519109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They killed her Neopets stream
She killed their branch

>> No.68972213

>Durr, Goldman Sachs said it'll be negligible.

>> No.68972234
File: 591 KB, 1070x1070, nah id win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Who is stronger the billion dollar black company or you?

-Well if they kicked me out of my account, spread misinformation and bullied me I might have to go to the hospital

-But would you lose?

-Nah, I'd win.
