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68911108 No.68911108 [Reply] [Original]

Only a bit more until BIG 500K milestone

>> No.68911201

Leave her alone

>> No.68911306
Quoted by: >>68919033

wrong direction anon, we're shooting straight for 400k

>> No.68911318
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I feel bad for her to be honest, I enjoyed her devil may cry playthrough.

>> No.68911328


>> No.68911380

>fr*nch C*NADIAN
she's absurdly lucky she avoided the inquisitor's torch for this long, but the time has come

>> No.68911408 [DELETED] 
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She bend the knee, now heads must roll.

>> No.68911417
Quoted by: >>68911587


>> No.68911453

Let a horse fuck that bitch, she should do the same thing that Etika did and jump off a bridge and kill herself

>> No.68911456
File: 222 KB, 360x513, 1661571789138893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She didn't quote retweet the whore Elira's video
>She's remained entirely silent since the graduation
Rosemi is one of the good ones. She legitimately does not deserve the smoke.
we should be shitting on Enna's subs more

>> No.68911507
Quoted by: >>68911633

She's a bootlicker just like the rest of them.

>> No.68911562
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>> No.68911587

someone needs to use AI to make this video about Rosemi. who the fuck is britney

>> No.68911625

As soon as she does what she knows she should.

>> No.68911633
Quoted by: >>68911911

We will never know who's hand pressed the retweet button

>> No.68911646

ho nonononononoo hahahahahahhaha


>> No.68911684


>> No.68911701
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Quoted by: >>68914285


>> No.68911739

I know she's good, which is why we have to show our support for her decision to graduate by unsubscribing.

>> No.68911742

This would be the perfect chance for them to bail. Their careers aren't going to survive if they stick with Niji but if they escape they'll be seen as heroes who refused to bend over when Niji commanded them to. Too late now I guess, they've already fucked themselves.

>> No.68911841

Guilty by association

>> No.68911911
Quoted by: >>68912016

Meloco, Kotoka and Scarle didn't repost it, so she was the one who did it.

>> No.68912011

I really want to believe that most, or at least some portion, of these are managers hopping into the accounts to give the appearance of unity. They're crazy enough to do it.

>> No.68912016


Scarle might be terminated in the next hours BTW.

>> No.68912039
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>> No.68912075

sure is witch hunt in here
for all you know they puppeted every account except those in queue to graduate

>> No.68912150

Anyone who isn't in the queue yet should be getting in immediately.

>> No.68912192

I hope someone blows the whistle if that's true

>> No.68912209

This a rrat I can believe

>> No.68912400

If a liver isn't a Nijisanji bootlicker they can just graduate and reincarnate and bring their fan base with them. That's the new meta.

>> No.68912473
Quoted by: >>68912945

No one is above the law.

>> No.68912543
Quoted by: >>68912894

if you guys knew rosemi you'd know she's the exact opposite of what a bootlicker is. the ship is sinking and the rat knows the way out.

>> No.68912569
File: 1004 KB, 400x400, many Dizzy's.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi should graduate and Phase in honestly.

>> No.68912584

Rosemi Lovecock

>> No.68912887

Vivi and Kunai also, goddammit.

>> No.68912890

She retweeted it

>> No.68912888

A retweet is forgivable, its only paying lipservice.
A shade of doubt can linger but I'd err on the side of kindness. Just for Rosemi and Aia though.

>> No.68912894

Funny that Rosemi being a known rat is what's keeping her safe from all this

>> No.68912945
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>> No.68912976
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>> No.68913028

next time make him use an apostraphe

>> No.68913047
Quoted by: >>68913174

She loved Tekken… and her support is now lost…

>> No.68913072
Quoted by: >>68913207

Either way, I think whatever Rosemi ends up saying will be the truth. If she says Selen was the problem, I'll believe her. If she says Niji is the problem and she graduates, I'll believe her.

>> No.68913088
Quoted by: >>68913369

buy an ad

>> No.68913151

Are you seriously asking this?

>> No.68913174

I'm gonna @ harada and tell him this vtuber supports bullying

>> No.68913184

>Rosemi being a known rat

>> No.68913200

She plays tekken, she has to have some street smarts in her.

>> No.68913207

wosemi-sama admits to being the bully and tearfully apologizes...

>> No.68913296

who cares

>actual replies
those are the chosen to die huh

>> No.68913369
Quoted by: >>68913959

She has a CCV consistent with Phase's top chuuba's AND there's already quite a few ex-tsunderia talents for her to reconnect with.

>> No.68913744

>Rosemi was the mastermind pulling every single string all along
Would be kino desu

>> No.68913889

she has been part of the gang for like 4 years at this point there is no excuse.

>> No.68913959

oh you mean those she betrayed and probably hate her

>> No.68914011
Quoted by: >>68914144

We'll find out soon enough I'm guessing.

Anyone worth paying any attention to will quit within the month. There is no reason not to. It's not like they will lose their following, people will follow.

>> No.68914111

Im sorry but Scarlet raised the bar.

>> No.68914144

Rosemi's model and intro are too good to abandon. Only if she decides to commission her same mama for a model and ikoany remixes the intro.

>> No.68914178

You're going da wrong way Wose

>> No.68914208
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>> No.68914285

They didn't even respect this and reposted their shit from her account lmfao

>> No.68914294

She did quote retweet my dude

>> No.68914351
File: 328 KB, 1125x752, Homestuck Pippa fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, we're full.

>> No.68914361
Quoted by: >>68914475

Harada-sama please do something....

>> No.68914381

Management did

>> No.68914389

>retweeted Elira's video

>> No.68914430

>wosemi naked dogeza

>> No.68914475

harada has nothing to do with this
chances are they'll (Harada/Bamco) withdraw the avatar offer
worst case scenario? losing tekken perms

>> No.68914640
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>> No.68914686
Quoted by: >>68916733

Hello, I was the anon with the terrible gut feeling and I was right. It wasn't over... Is this actually gonna lead to the collapse of the English branch?

>> No.68914971

Don't worry rosebuds, I just unsubscribed from that dookiebird. If her fans think it's fun to shit all you then I have no reason to support Selen's mental ass anymore.

>> No.68915195

What's she doing for her 500k stream?

>> No.68915686

I will now subscribe to your wose.

>> No.68916502

Da Wose.

>> No.68916733

it takes a lot of bravery and foresight to think bad things might be happening in this environment

>> No.68917081

anti BTFO

>> No.68917170
Quoted by: >>68917523

Please save her Harada-san!

>> No.68917188

i really appreciate you guys giving Rosemi back her 500K

>> No.68917343

I feel like even after all these years etika’s suicide didn’t truly hit me until the moment I saw this reply. Fuck you anon.

>> No.68917523

he has no power over this neither is bamco
this is her problem to deal with

>> No.68918410

No, total Nijinigger death. She burns with the rest

>> No.68918701
File: 63 KB, 1080x356, Birb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68923867

you posted the wrong pic anon, let me fix it for you

>> No.68918776

The retweet is a dealbreaker. I think blaming management is cope since not everyone ended up retweeting.

>> No.68918892

Thanks for the head's up.
I almost forgot to unsubscribe from her.

>> No.68919033
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captcha: XXX MD

>> No.68919254
File: 198 KB, 1076x1029, Screenshot_20240213_031646_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a chance

>> No.68921147


>> No.68922278

It's time to pay your due

>> No.68922421
Quoted by: >>68922679

She's probably out there, crying because all her life's work is crumbling over things she absolutely has no control over. Sad really...

>> No.68922543

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.68922555

I feel so sad for her she's so sweet

>> No.68922679

She cooperated. Some others didn't. She had a choice and made the wrong one.

>> No.68922820
Quoted by: >>68922988

>Let a horse fuck that bitch
okay Vaush calm the fuck down and go watch some more Matsuri streams

>> No.68922988

I believe that he didn't know who Matsuri was, just because if he did he would've had a treasure trove of Mori x Horse

>> No.68923127

>Luca cocksleeve

>> No.68923226

there was no quote, just a regular RT and management hands did it after her not using the account for over a week

>> No.68923867
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>> No.68924354
File: 18 KB, 859x170, Screenshot 2024-02-13 044340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The penguin is hitting 500k soon! Can't wait for the celebration stream!
