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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 855 KB, 3200x2263, GGJLmZSbcAAa6gz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68893842 No.68893842 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Nothing can hold Her down Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>68881323

>The Selen Tatsuki Archives
>STREAM Fly High on Spotify

>> No.68894002

Doki might be cursed because all she want to do is move on and live a quiet life

>> No.68894021

Me flying right beside her!

>> No.68894031
File: 127 KB, 850x1190, __dokibird_and_dragoon_nijisanji_and_2_more_drawn_by_starlight_akari__sample-2e1250142fd013e5085232414a0db300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, fuck today my dudes. I made a big ass bowl of chili cheese fries and shit I really shouldn't be eating because I wanted to get loose with a comfy fuckin neopets stream from my oshi that has been gone for so long. Play some Infinite Wealth afterwards.

Now I'm just upset, sad, and tired. Hitting that bottle, gonna turn in early.

Fuck kurosanji and all the backstabbing motherfuckers that still ride with them.

>> No.68894153


>> No.68894158

All they had to do was let her graduate amicably.

>> No.68894169

Thoughts https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1757257329945497672?t=LJn3gte0PXoueShvs_7V9w&s=19

>> No.68894188
Quoted by: >>68895415

Try and get some rest bro we hope tomorrow is a better day.

>> No.68894225
File: 84 KB, 320x293, nya[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl17dsl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68894244

>We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing

>> No.68894256

Is this all they can come up with? LMAO

>> No.68894277

>rigorous legal check
>A measly few hours

>> No.68894309
Quoted by: >>68894599

this is their 4th. what retards

>> No.68894331

It's quadrupling down at this point

>> No.68894348

you think doki will give me some cash when she wins the court case

>> No.68894358

Beautiful Blonde Princess!

>> No.68894380

this is more like quadrupling down at this point

>> No.68894408

No, this is quadrupling/quintupling down at this point.

>> No.68894428

>We have investigated ourselves and found ourselves to have done nothing wrong.

>> No.68894493

Hopefuly the sheer happiness of Doki's lawyer at having such an easy and big prey overflows to her and helps her overcome this shit

>> No.68894514
File: 69 KB, 250x250, Selen Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are bots

>> No.68894520
File: 781 KB, 250x250, 1707794319300273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be ok. Believe. Doki will get through this and so will we.

>> No.68894599

that's why i said still, if it's 4 times then it's hexadexupling

>> No.68894606

do we have a law expert among us? what do you think?

>> No.68894663

What I want to know is, where did the RikuxGaston parody go?

>> No.68894668
File: 164 KB, 900x1273, 1707261942809102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68895055

Praise the Big Beautiful Doki Booba!

>> No.68894674
Quoted by: >>68894850

I have zero concern about Doki not getting through this on top.
I just know she's hurting right now and there's nothing I can do to help her
And I fucking hate that

>> No.68894682
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>> No.68894734
File: 41 KB, 203x226, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>among us?

>> No.68894738
Quoted by: >>68894870

I have watched several episodes of suits and better call saul and I can say with confidence Niji has fucked up

>> No.68894844


>> No.68894850
Quoted by: >>68894999

She has friends. REAL friends not this fake ass bullshit. Again. This is not December.

>> No.68894870
Quoted by: >>68899831


>> No.68894903


>> No.68894923
File: 1.52 MB, 1739x2250, 1707271739696161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68894943

I mean it's kinda not up to them to state whether or not they've made confidentiality violations, that's for the court to decide.

>> No.68894955

So making the livers do it was them trying to find a loophole? That's at least twice as bad. It's like they're making it worse on purpose...

>> No.68894980
Quoted by: >>68899098


>> No.68894999
Quoted by: >>68895454

Did you not read what I said lol?

>> No.68895055

cool art

>> No.68895196
File: 260 KB, 1343x1900, 1707622742105148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68895206

>hereby declares
Who writes this shit. They sound like a Bond villain

>> No.68895292
Quoted by: >>68895598

I'm starting to think a fucking liver is writing this shit

>> No.68895335

I hope that her parents are comforting her right now.

>> No.68895341

Genuinely it was probably an ESL imitating what they heard someone say in a courtroom drama.

>> No.68895356


>> No.68895364


>> No.68895384
Quoted by: >>68902771

>Now, if she knew they were on the edge, and had been engaged in pushing that person for months prior, and continued bullying them and that pushed them to suicide, if she knew they were on the edge, and had been engaged in pushing that person for months prior, and continued bullying them and that pushed them to suicide
according to this definition, niji doesn't seem to be at fault for her attempt here? selen has no past evidence of suicidal tendencies (and her streamer persona is one that can take a lot of abuse and banter). regardless of whether sandbagging her projects was due to incompetence or malice, a reasonable bully would at best assume she would quit, not take her life. selen wouldn't have survived in any typical american workplace where office politicking is basically necessary to get projects done.
basically the point i'm trying to make is that this isn't a systemic moral crisis we need to solve. it's not like it's some iphone factory where workers kill themselves daily and blood is on the company's hands. they just got unlucky where selen's ambition far exceeded the company's competence and selen doesn't handle failure well

>> No.68895415

Thanks bros, I believe. Times just be trying.

>> No.68895454

yeah I know that you personally can't do anything but she does have support and you can help by sending her dupportive comments and buying merch.

>> No.68895523
File: 156 KB, 1087x1087, IMG_1854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted a comfy Neopet stream...

>> No.68895583

if they are dumb enough to lie here, doki's gonna get a yacht

>> No.68895597

why do they keep doing shit? not only are they making things worse but they are also wasting resources and time.

>> No.68895598

>ver is a law student
poor guy...

>> No.68895659
Quoted by: >>68896082

>33 hours to review a music video
>3 hours to exonerate yourself of any wrongdoing

>> No.68895663
File: 54 KB, 526x581, GCW3wnGXIAAKbIs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And like that the war begins

>> No.68895670
File: 6 KB, 332x125, YATA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Private legal documents with Niji legal team and Doki's legal team
>Niji shares document info with Niji Livers, breaching the agreement
>Niji says that Liver's aren't part of the agreement so it doesn't count that they shared it with them.
Are they using a ESL Telelegal service? There is no way they are this stupid.

>> No.68895740
Quoted by: >>68896901

And money, they kidnapped their remaining top earners to make this piece of shit video.

>> No.68895758
Quoted by: >>68896060

Reminder that she just wanted to be left alone but they had to go and do this to her.

>> No.68895775

Wait so why did she post the music video for permission review with less than 48 hours before the upload date
I feel like it's gotta be fucking obvious that no Japanese company is going to be able to turn that around in that time, especially if you post it on a weekend, especially if you post it on a holiday that'll delay responses for many of the westerners they need to verify permissions for (esp. ex-livers)
I've gotten to a point where I think Niji may have been basically right with the video, but it doesn't even fucking matter because of how badly they've missed up everything that came afterwards

>> No.68895772

you are actually insane if you think she is acting in a way that reflects this

>> No.68895816


>> No.68895891

>Niji says that Liver's aren't part of the agreement so it doesn't count that they shared it with them.
The thing is I could actually kind of fucking buy this IF THEY DIDN'T SAY THIS IS THEIR REASON WHY SELEN IS WRONG

>> No.68895923


>> No.68895931

>mister tazumi, a fourth iceberg has struck the yacht.

>> No.68895980
File: 67 KB, 640x630, 1692211377629912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68896742

>A Dragoon already typed up a note in 8min
I kneel

>> No.68896060

Yeah, it's amazing how little info there is if you isolate only what Selen has stated / wanted to say without Niji
It's fucking nothing

>> No.68896075

the branch can't be that big. it has to be just one incompetent nepo manager who peaked in high school

>> No.68896082

3 min to......? post your predictions

>> No.68896102


>> No.68896199
Quoted by: >>68897213

haven't watched yet but willing to bet niji screws themselves over for a 3rd time tonight

>> No.68896207
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, selen_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68896223

I am not giving Nijisanji a single view. Someone repost it with streamable or something.

>> No.68896244

Can someone post a tldr once they finish watching

>> No.68896309


>> No.68896332

Hey, this would have been WAY BETTER any time before today!

>> No.68896345
Quoted by: >>68900244

>I think Niji may have been basically right with the video
No, fuck you. They should be looking at projects before they're uploaded, there wasn't a deadline where it absolutely had to be posted. They fucked up and are shooting themselves in the foot repeatedly with this entire mess.

>> No.68896368

Don't worry, you'll be seeing a lot of it of course.

>> No.68896384
File: 290 KB, 1125x524, IMG_4666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some "We promised we wouldn't tell the public. But we never said Elira Pandora wouldn't" bullshit.
!" bullshit.

>> No.68896548
File: 102 KB, 1024x793, train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68897571


>> No.68896651
Quoted by: >>68896832

jesus fucking christ they just keep going
at this point i'm not even mad, it's like watching the british cavalry charge the lines in the crimean war
godspeed you fucking retard, into the valley of death

>> No.68896742

oh pipeda is an actual word kek. i thought you guys were making up sounds

>> No.68896832

What's incredible is that multiple people thought "yeah, this is where we win" with this shit

>> No.68896879

You guys notice the backdrop they used is black?

>> No.68896901

thats the worst part for sure because it makes the management look really bad.people dont want to join or support a company that puts such an iron grip on their talents when shit hits the fan while also offering fuck all in talent support.

>> No.68896906
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, drag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is war shall never stop until I see kurosanji die.

>> No.68896905

his message seems completely different from the shit elira ike and vox did

>> No.68896945
Quoted by: >>68897526

surprisingly, this has been the most level headed response. no more smearing.
some EN manager who hates selen was definitely responsible for all the previous responses

>> No.68897137

>deep bow instead of dogeza
i do not accept your apology

>> No.68897189

>There is no way they are this stupid.
I mean, they are corporate Japanese.

>> No.68897212

tl;dr "we are sorry for using the word negligible" and then more word vomit about how they are gonna treat their livers' mentally health better

>> No.68897213

I have finished watching and yeah, seems like it

>> No.68897317
Quoted by: >>68897481

What the fuck are these retards doing? Fire everyone responsible for these announcements

>> No.68897342
File: 88 KB, 1536x244, IMG_0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, hear me out.. i think this guy gets it, because the "bullying" part feels exaggerated for me..

>> No.68897344
Quoted by: >>68897753

Honestly this video by Riku himself should be enough without having the elira and the gang speak in the video statement.

>> No.68897369

Finally a professional response, too bad you were late and the Yacht is already on the Ocean floor.

>> No.68897366

>our livers are irreplaceable, each and every one of them

>> No.68897374
Quoted by: >>68897745

My thoughts exactly. Whether or not I think there's any sincerity, this is at least a good statement and not a complete PR disaster. Which makes me wonder who the hell wrote this that they couldn't get to write the other statements.

>> No.68897398
Quoted by: >>68900244

The point is, nobody actually cares whether or not they were right about the video. Nobody even cared BEFORE it got this bad. Frankly, it's the equivalent of a parking ticket, especially now that we know that the delay was due to something as stupid as "we need you to unperson those ex-livers, they can't be in the video". They've been so horrifyingly wrong about everything else and there's nothing they can do to stop this anymore. Nobody is going to say "oh, Selen uploaded the music video without explicit permission? I guess all the crimes they committed in the process of proving it are just water under the bridge now".

>> No.68897448

stock nosediving

>> No.68897481

Tazumi might as well fucking fire himself then given that absolute joke of a video that just went out.

>> No.68897505

deep bow
apologized for english wording (just for "negligible")
finally acknowledged selen for building the niji en brand
admit to not supporting EN before fall of this year
regrets letting the situation get this bad, vow to learn and do better
deep bow

>> No.68897524

It is. Like, it seriously would have been a pretty decent way to follow up the initial bullshit. Then just let the lawyers handle shit behind the scenes, let everyone move on with their lives.Now it's just falling on deaf ears.

>> No.68897526

i'm sure if they used this video rather than the tweets statements and elira's stream everything would have died down

>> No.68897571

niji did this to themselves so the image isnt accurate.they pulled the lever and they willingly jumped on the train tracks.

>> No.68897570

Niji can you please stop being so retarded I want to go to bed?

>> No.68897630
File: 350 KB, 951x491, pomlen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68898688

If this causes Doki to postpone the Arkham Asylum stream I'm going to allahu ackbar in my single player Minecraft world.

>> No.68897639
File: 775 KB, 1986x1125, IMG_4668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are sorry we got caught

>> No.68897703
Quoted by: >>68898471

If they'd just put this out instead of whatever the fuck that was on Elira's channel they would have been fine. Is EN management going rogue with a hateboner or did the talents themselves put that together? Heads should roll if they don't want to dig themselves deeper.

>> No.68897745

Its a good PR statement that basically only confirms there's blood in the water, though. This will not stop the bleeding

>> No.68897753
Quoted by: >>68899399

the messaging is so conflicting that i'm 100% sure they didn't coordinate. the ceo is about to fire someone.

>> No.68897765

Pathetic, naked dogeza doko.

>> No.68897986
File: 86 KB, 698x549, Despair Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68898065

He wasn't even naked

>> No.68898121

Weren't they negligible? Fuck Niji

>> No.68898283

Total Niji Death

>> No.68898331
Quoted by: >>68898606

That or the only reason it's gotten this level of response is because they realize legal repercussions are an actual possibility after their little stunt in the previous hours. You know, that whole complying with the law of the country you wish to operate in thing.

>> No.68898451

At least they finally addressed the issue instead of trying to slander doki some more and playing blame game

>> No.68898471

My mind thinks they're running off of Japanese business sense and lawfare trying to crush dissent under brand loyalty but that shit doesn't fly in the west.

>> No.68898557

DOKI i kneel you re the SRONGEST idol for making this black company shit themself

>> No.68898564
File: 719 KB, 1911x1002, 1707799500261826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68898982


>> No.68898606
Quoted by: >>68899003

according to timezones, there's no way riku signed off on the elira video

>> No.68898632

Has anyone talked about the fact that the first ones they addressed the apology were the fucking investors

>> No.68898688
File: 2.69 MB, 434x498, painpeko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>postpone the Arkham Asylum stream

>> No.68898909

What type of god did they piss off for all this to be taking place

>> No.68898929
Quoted by: >>68899029

Too bad we won't ever see the chaos going on internally. What we're seeing on the surface is surely just a fraction going on behind the scenes at this very moment.

>> No.68898982

Me when I lie

>> No.68899003

miscommunication off the roof... time to fire a lot of people

>> No.68899029
Quoted by: >>68899257

I'm just waiting to pop the cork on the day the branch dissolution is announced

>> No.68899080

omg a sleepyhead

>> No.68899098

She wasn't suing anyone, she wanted to move on with her life. Lawsuits aren't the only reason you have a lawyer involved in official communication, especially between parties where the trust has been broken down.

I guarantee that NijiEN's retarded management just saw the word "legal document" and went "aaaaaiiiiiieh! LEGAL? LAWYER!? AAAAAH WE'RE BEING SUED THIS WILL PROBABLY GO PUBLIC TOMORROW SOMEBODY STOP HER NOW!!!"

>> No.68899160

So when do we get the full video of management committing seppuku?

>> No.68899166

I hate Niji so much it's unreal. I feel exactly the way I did when Selen was missing, that she's dealing with an unfair situation and there's nothing more we can do to help.

>> No.68899257

Or Niji itself dissolution is announced

>> No.68899363

>and there's nothing more we can do to help.
you could always send pipe bombs and hazardous chemicals to nijis offices
in minecraft

>> No.68899373
File: 859 KB, 1089x613, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's getting the last laugh.

>> No.68899393

Will never happen. JP is stable enough without EN

>> No.68899399
File: 209 KB, 1080x606, Screenshot_20240213_045636_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riku apologized that he was negligent by letting EN to operate on their own devices. It kinda confirms the rrat of poor coordination between the Niji HQ in Japan and Niji EN management.

Riku also made promise that things will change for the future, which means that someone from NijiEN management is going to walk the plank off Riku's yacht tomorrow.

>> No.68899470
Quoted by: >>68900110

It wasn't a dogeza, but I kneel for her managing to get a 45 degree apology from fucking Tazumi.

>> No.68899500
File: 139 KB, 266x265, 1530937158556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68899561

I just wanted for this to end or at least be revolved behind scenes...

>> No.68899561
Quoted by: >>68900217

So did doki
She was done with it
She just wanted to play fucking neopets, man

>> No.68899617
Quoted by: >>68899717

JP's gonna be fine. And I don't mind. I just want them pushed out of the international market for good. And I just want Doki to stream Neopets. And I don't want her to have to cry anymore.

>> No.68899717

>And I don't want her to have to cry anymore.
same, but I don't see that happening for a while now

>> No.68899723
Quoted by: >>68899946

It's actually fucking nothing

>> No.68899831

She should have done it in my mouth instead!

>> No.68899908

Can I get a tl;dr? I'm too busy winding down with moom karaoke to listen to more liars

>> No.68899910

it is because they are basically cannon fodder at this point

>> No.68899933

i would expect JP force all of NijiEN management to commit sudoku given how bad they shit the bed

>> No.68899946

he took back the "negligible" comment so everything is ok now :)

>> No.68900009
Quoted by: >>68900118

i just wanted to watch some fuckin neopets, why did they have to go and decide to be even more retarded.

>> No.68900039
Quoted by: >>68901934

Great, it's too fucking late. You let this bullshit pass on Elira's channel and ripped those barely healing wounds wide open again.

>> No.68900110

it's 90 degrees
go back to grade school

>> No.68900118
Quoted by: >>68900219

its just gonna bring her even more attention and subs in the long run

>> No.68900162

>sorry we got caught

>> No.68900217

I wanted to see if she had something else that I didn't know, like the scientology or well, neopets still being alive. Not her almost breaking down live.
Now I want blood

>> No.68900219
Quoted by: >>68900418

I saw a rrat that their EN PR guy is a dragoon and internally sabotaging

>> No.68900225


>> No.68900244

>there wasn't a deadline where it absolutely had to be posted
There was a deadline, but it was one that Selen created when she to post the video before review was finished. Essentially, SHE was the one creating the rush by saying "do this within 2 days or I post this video without permissions." It's fine to create deadlines for collaborators on a project, but you can't do so in a way that doesn't leave them time to do their part and then get upset when they don't meet your unreasonable timeframe.
I mean, I care if all the "bullying" that emerges is livers messaging Selen asking her why she chose to post that dramatic tweet implying the vid wouldn't come back and asking dragoons to reupload the vid. Niji's initial statement said that Selen claimed she "was being harassed by other affiliated livers due to mismanagement, etc.," so it does seem like the behavior she labeled as abuse came in response to management's behavior here. If that's the case, I'm not sure that the livers or any of the rrats about "le clique" have any validity-- it's just a story of an already-stressed, already-mentally-ill employee violating company policy and then trying to commit suicide when she was called on it, putting the company in a huge PR hole way out of proportion with what they did and freaking them the fuck out into an incoherent response. If that's the case, I'd continue to support Doki but I'd also continue to support specific livers in EN. Obviously waiting until we hear Doki's statement and response before I make any decisions

>> No.68900252


>> No.68900279
Quoted by: >>68900837

letting everyone know who is really important in their eyes

>> No.68900305
Quoted by: >>68900451

bros I thought we were done I thought we were going to watch Doki just play some Neopets and I was going to fap to her lewds tonight but I did not expect it to go this far

>> No.68900418
Quoted by: >>68900602

if selen had allies in company staff, it would've never got so bad

>> No.68900451

We all did
Make sure you fap to her lewds still in solidarity

>> No.68900488
File: 249 KB, 1125x763, IMG_4669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The video has more likes than views...

>> No.68900542
Quoted by: >>68901043

Chumbud here, you have my trident.

>> No.68900600
Quoted by: >>68901043

Takodachi here, you have my cookie.

>> No.68900602

The PR thing is a rrat but I firmly believe she has someone on the inside feeding her info. Probably a liver who is her friend like Rosemi

>> No.68900615

Views get staggered on newly uploaded videos, that part's normal.

>> No.68900644
File: 196 KB, 350x237, 5bc766c71a0de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68900751

Neopet stream...

>> No.68900696

mooms karaoke is getting me thru the evening after doki had to end stream early

>> No.68900735

from how she acted in the off collab, i don't think she's actually close with anyone.

>> No.68900748

youtube bug, doesn't necessarily mean botting, yt is just a doggshit website

>> No.68900751
Quoted by: >>68900953

she was so excited...

>> No.68900837
Quoted by: >>68901717

Investors literally are the most important thing from a publicly traded corporation's perspective. This isn't even a Niji thing, all of the other corpos are the same way.

>> No.68900933

Who do you think the apology is for?

>> No.68900953

they did her a favor. neopets sucks. even apex streams would be better.

>> No.68901043

Thanks, Bros!

>> No.68901101

>"Why did you force me to do this? I just wanted to play video games"
>Dokibird standing in front of nijisanji en's elira pendora, knife in hand.

>> No.68901123
Quoted by: >>68901566

The fact that they basically put out three written statements back to back should say enough about just how divided they are internally.

>> No.68901173
File: 639 KB, 1785x1806, 1707685958595085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I think things will be fine (because Kurosanji is burning themselves more than doing anything effective), I still worry a lot about my oshi's mental state
Please don't let the stress get to you. Also, please stay with us.. we love you.

>> No.68901177
Quoted by: >>68901383

I think that that could be true, too. It's either Rosemi, Vivi, or Finana. It might even be all three of them.

>> No.68901181

Fuck off, Elira

>> No.68901246
File: 133 KB, 350x350, 127_Thumbsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68901289

she'll be fine
as long as she has family and support by her side, she'll keep moving forward

>> No.68901296

I wish everyone that simps for corpos a huge retrograde ejaculation that bruises their bladder and that it takes the next three months for it to heal

>> No.68901315
Quoted by: >>68901457

SURELY they're not retarded enough to escalate this into an international labor dispute

>> No.68901312


>> No.68901322

She has tons of friends who know she's suffering now and won't let her fall again
But yes, she's in pain right now
Fuck niji

>> No.68901345
Quoted by: >>68903868

>I still worry a lot about my oshi's mental state
same, I cope by telling myself she'll probably earn lots but it's quite possible the money won't help her feel better
she certainly wasn't poor at niji and that didn't stop her from making an attempt

>> No.68901372

Go away!

>> No.68901383
Quoted by: >>68901512

She just has a good lawyer. Those can smell blood like a shark, and lay their traps. Niji's retardation did the rest

>> No.68901414

Imagine if they released something like this way earlier and never let whoever is handling the announcements and twitter account talk out of their asses

>> No.68901420
File: 39 KB, 720x731, FvMC3ocWwAAwjxS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68901593

>second one

>> No.68901422
Quoted by: >>68901770

i dont know how many of you actually played neopets back in the day. i did. it sucks. any time i spent money on the neopet stock market, i like money just like Anycolor investors today.

>> No.68901457

If it get on the news it might become one

>> No.68901490

anyone excited that when this goes to court, an entire jury will need to learn what vtubers are and what petty drama we deal with all day long?

>> No.68901512
Quoted by: >>68902734

who will win? one gamer girl with an out-of-pocket lawyer or a miltimillion dollar international corporation

>> No.68901508


>> No.68901566

one of them with the triple contradiction

>> No.68901593


>> No.68901634

she has friends and a good team

>> No.68901639

Imagine if this incident gets big enough that corpos just started phasing out hiring western talent all together. Not saying they'd fire all their western talent, but they could just start hiring Japanese vtubers that speak in cute broken English. Eventually after all the current crop of western vtubers graduate, there will only be cute Japanese vtubers left that are loyal to Japanese corporate culture.

>> No.68901645

i kneel

>> No.68901688

Regardless of anything else that comes out, timing the statements to come out the exact minute her first content stream back as Doki started already proves an absolutely unforgivably unprofessional level of spite as far as I'm concerned.

And even if you really needed to get other livers involved, it would have been so easy to just release a noncommittal "we think some of what Selen said was wrong as well, let's just move on", anyone who needs to can quietly unfollow PLs and dramatards can spend a week speculating on why before dying of hunger, everything gets taken care of in private. Just look at the difference with how Rushia's termination was handled. Japanese companies surely have certain common structural issues with how management works, but this loud and unprofessional public airing of dirty laundry isn't some JP versus EN thing, it's a Niji specific thing.

>> No.68901699

Mr. Man I kneel

>> No.68901717
Quoted by: >>68902066

That almost makes sense if you're a retard. Investors don't give a fuck about your babbling apology, they want their fucking money, and if you're bleeding money because you picked a fight with one of your talents you go fucking apologise to that talent and mend that fucking bridge and get that fucking money.

It's incomprehensibly stupid to not start with just a simple acknowledgement that you, the CEO, didn't want things to turn out this way and are hoping for a more positive path forward (you know, putting out the fucking fire burning your house down before apologising to the tenants for setting it on fire in the first place?!)

I have no fucking clue why clowns are acting like this was somehow professional or anything of the sort, it was a shambolic mess that shows the kid has no fucking clue what he's doing or where to even find the people who can actually tell him.

>> No.68901734


>> No.68901768

>that corpos
That'll never happen.

>> No.68901770

i liked that stock market one as well
also one that was in a dungeon, i think? and kinda played like dangerous dave

>> No.68901780
Quoted by: >>68902109

Is this what a manager who isn't a complete fucking retard looks like?

>> No.68901820

Pure exSELENce

>> No.68901831

Mr. Man stumbled at the beginning but he's becoming based

>> No.68901849

Get 'em Mr Man

>> No.68901848

Hololive will never do that. And if niji did, it would just open up the field for others to employ them instead and take share.

>> No.68901927
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>> No.68901924


>> No.68901934
Quoted by: >>68902160

>let this bullshit pass on Elira's channel
About that, don't they have an official company channel for shit like this? Why the fuck is it attached to any one streamer's channel? Now it's a permanent stain on her vods.

>> No.68901948

On a positive note, the fact that she was prepared for this will help, she and her lawyer had clearly talked about it before hand and were ready, but it's still atrocious to do this right when she was streaming. There's no way that's an accident, they knew.

>> No.68901970

Dokidudes, I have come from the catalog to say that I am tremendously impressed with the professionalism exhibited by someone who has been undergoing such horseshit. Her mental resilience is incredible. You've got quite the oshi, and she's gonna have the last /HAHA/ by the end. Stay strong, stay based.
t. Holofag

>> No.68902005


>> No.68902024

Her parents are living with her again. They won't let anything bad happen to her again. Her parents are probably comforting her right now.

>> No.68902051

hoping she'll be fine now that she can freely tell other people shit she wasn't allowed to before. doesn't have to bottle it up anymore. she also looks prepared, goes to show how awful niji actually is.

>> No.68902066
Quoted by: >>68902285

>That almost makes sense if you're a retard.
So, what, 99.999% of people watching or involved in this clusterfuck?

>> No.68902068
Quoted by: >>68902674

Yes. They probably did it as tactics, to destabilize her and cause her to slip and say shit on stream. Dirty

>> No.68902075
File: 26 KB, 112x112, Selen Panic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> and she's gonna have the last /HAHA/ by the end.
I really hope, I'm getting really anxious

>> No.68902099

giga chad energy

>> No.68902096

Talk about crashing the plane, ehy?

>> No.68902109
Quoted by: >>68902430

no this is what a manager who had to deal with XQC already has learned

>> No.68902116

>timing the statements to come out the exact minute her first content stream back as Doki started
That was such vicious harassment that I am not sure anyone, not even the most desperate newcomers, will be willing to join them anymore. They just killed their future regardless of any legal issue

>> No.68902113

Someone in that company is out to ruin Doki's image, I can't think of any other plausible reason to run the smear campaign like that when there's literally the Rushia precedent to save your company face despite losing a big talent.

>> No.68902118
File: 1.27 MB, 2544x2012, 1411523389641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68902160

because they are precisely throwing the organs under the bus

>> No.68902162

Holofags used to laugh at us, but now nobody's laughing....

>> No.68902208
Quoted by: >>68902644

Genuinely baffled that they released 2-3 different statements that all said different things somehow, EN management needs to be fired if they're responsible or even some of the streamers involved in whatever the fuck that was on Elira's channel.

>> No.68902238

almost 500k followers on youtube already.

shes gonna be fine.

>> No.68902259

>I'm getting really anxious
Why? If they had anything more than 'she didn't have permission to upload her cover' they'd have shot her with it by now.

>> No.68902284
Quoted by: >>68903345

I like the JP response. Truly makes me wonder if the EN management is totally off-sync from its JP parent.

>> No.68902285

on niji's side, yeah

>> No.68902303

Thanks for the support, we will need it.

>> No.68902344 [SPOILER] 
File: 117 KB, 1000x1200, seloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holofag here, I've always liked you guys

>> No.68902364

We'll be laughing WITH you when this is over. Your bird has proven herself to be wonderful. and I really liked her streams with my owlshi, even if I think FPS fucking suck

>> No.68902393

Nah we're definitely laughing
>at nijisanji

>> No.68902395
File: 548 KB, 640x640, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68902648

Updated schedule

>> No.68902405
Quoted by: >>68902732

The thing to take comfort in is that Doki has her fucking shit together. I was extremely worried about her, but having only been a clip watcher I didn't expect she would come back swinging so hard. Every single statement she has made is lawyer reviewed, every single time that Niji has escalated she has already had a pre-written statement JUST IN CASE IT HAPPENED. Niji is gonna fucking burn

>> No.68902424

Why couldn't they just shut up and leave her alone?

>> No.68902430

jesus christ that guy must be a buddha

>> No.68902451
File: 53 KB, 680x680, 1684293685438916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68902544

How is he going to win?

>> No.68902525

Yeah that's what I was saying. IF the documents were forced to become public by some sort of legal precedent that does NOT mean that you can't redact information to protect those involved. The only people that should and/or need to see the documents in their entirety are legal counsel.

>> No.68902543
File: 3.00 MB, 372x528, Humming Tako [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9no9g4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate Nijisanji and these recent events have only solidified my stance even more.

>> No.68902544

by managing what will be the biggest vtuber of 2024

>> No.68902594
Quoted by: >>68903092

It was only the faggot faggots, which unfortunately corpo fanbases have a high densiity of with tribalism shit

>> No.68902644
File: 58 KB, 1500x1500, F_L7CEVWcAAepVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68902799

The only thing that rubs me in the wrong way was the Elira stream... its like, why?
The retard who authorized that should be fired for exposing other Nijis to the hatemob even if they just slandered Selen
Every week, the EN management proves me wrong about their level of mediocrity

>> No.68902648

I can't wait for the next six black screen announcement videos!

>> No.68902654

This got me thinking. Doesn't it just make the idiots that were crying in the stunt video about getting doxxed look even worse for sharing NDA information among themselves.
Crying about potential confidential information, while sharing the same subject matter belonging to someone else among themselves. It just comes across as projecting what they were planning to do, or were in the act of doing.

>> No.68902662 [SPOILER] 
File: 630 KB, 764x590, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68903008

Thank you holobro, the baubaus are cute and comforting me some during this shit...

>> No.68902674

seems like bullying from nijisanji en management and a handful of livers. crazy to do exactly what you're accused of doing to defend yourself

>> No.68902702

They had only one job. All they had to say was
>professional differences
that's it. That's all it ever was. This shit show is all their making.

>> No.68902732

A good lawyer helps in that regard. It's why professionals say that EVERYONE should have a lawyer if you can afford it for a "just in case" scenario.

>> No.68902734

Whichever one shoots themself the least.

>> No.68902747

She's fighting harder than anyone. She didn't cry a single tear on stream, while I, a person with no real stake at all, think I goddamn near had a panic attack when I found out what was going on. I have to imagine that she must feel invigorated in some way.

>> No.68902771

I wasn't specifically saying the latter was what Niji did to her, but that is the degree to which I could consider someone culpable to a high degree for a suicide based on a single bad encounter. Kind of like the difference between 1st and 2nd degree murder.
It's also a manner in which I would diminish the fault that I feel many other individual within the company hold - most likely it was a lot of small things over time that led to her attempting to take her own life, the culmination of which was a passion project being shot dead the moment it was released. There doesn't have to be a singular bad actor that was out to destroy her life to generate a miserable, hostile work environment.

>> No.68902793

Will they finally fix whole NijiEN's management thanks to Selen?

>> No.68902799
Quoted by: >>68903369

mediocre doesn't shit the bed this hard
you have to be amazingly incompetent to cause this much damage

>> No.68902902
File: 96 KB, 767x978, 143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I just want to say that I'm literally kneeling for your oshi rn

Godspeed you magnificent bastards

>> No.68902920

If by fix you mean fire and absorb the branch, yeah probably

>> No.68902925
File: 147 KB, 344x240, Captura de pantalla 2024-02-13 022114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sad, kuro bastards

>> No.68902948

What does it matter? The branch is dead in the West.

>> No.68902990
Quoted by: >>68903174

knowing sovereign is on the team is a big relief... this isn't his first rodeo

>> No.68903007

Join us

>> No.68903008

Good choice, I also recommend the gem princess (my own oshi) if you like solid gameplay and cute laughs.

>> No.68903019

Thanks, Holobro!

>> No.68903050

>couldn't even play for 10 minutes before the news dropped and she had to stop
Fucking sad

>> No.68903058

. . .

>> No.68903092
Quoted by: >>68903216

Most people who hate on Nijisanji content in general simply have issues with the company, rarely individual talents. I will never forgive them for failing so many people long before they failed EN. Practically banning EN from interacting with JP was the last straw.
t. knower

>> No.68903158
File: 356 KB, 1246x708, 1707799045863822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even watch Nijisanji and I'm sorry for your oshi but this is the funniest shit I've ever seen

>> No.68903174

I'm hearing he managed xqc? How tf did she get someone like him on board?

>> No.68903205
Quoted by: >>68903330

Well now that they shot themselves and Doki won...
Where can I find her schedule? I wish the Neopets stream didn't have to end like that. I was looking forward to it, I even dreamed of watching one of her streams before I woke up.

>> No.68903216

I don't like Nijisanjji because of the people they hired, the shit management is secondary

>> No.68903221

It's entirely possible they didn't know they weren't supposed to be seeing the info.
It's also worth mentioning that the statement that the livers were only shown parts of it means they don't know the full scope of the document. They saw what management wanted them to see.
I'm not saying that excuses them, just that we don't know what's going on on their end either.

>> No.68903248

didn't he work for niji for a bit and she kept in contact with him after he left?

>> No.68903256

Man this is some Persona 5 shit. A girl LARPing as a thief mind breaking a CEO of a massive corporation into making a public apology.

>> No.68903272
File: 2.29 MB, 2480x3508, 1707427834436833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of my owlshi is a friend in my eyes.
To all dragoons, good luck.

>> No.68903330

on her twitter here https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1756948500728676618

>> No.68903337

He managed xqc and another manager he brought in currently manages ludwig

>> No.68903345

It is. Tazumi kinda confirmed that in his statement, in a roundabout way.

>> No.68903369

The fact that the fucking mongoloid EN managers decided to take the initiative to make the situation worse than we thought it could possibly get, creating a massive legal problem for the Japanese corporation as a whole, makes me believe that branch graduation is inevitable if not imminent. Being regularly shitty is one thing, they would have been allowed to keep limping on for a while if they hadn't posted that, but this is to make themselves a cancerous tumor on the corporation as a whole.

>> No.68903370


>> No.68903376

While the corporation is burning down

>> No.68903408

he's the xset manager. got fired from xqc job

>> No.68903438

As if more confirmation was needed

>> No.68903434

hoomins are on your team
anyone who's a friend of mumei is a friend to us

>> No.68903439

I will miss the Doki threads. It's a lot of meme fun and the solidarity is always great to see, but when all the lies, mistakes, and frauds that Doki has perpetrated come to light it will all collapse.

>> No.68903470

Hero's journey.

>> No.68903474
File: 44 KB, 1051x288, doki1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro.

>> No.68903475

I have been drinking for three hours now. I pray i will not wake up tomorrow. Ha hah, like chuuba, like fan...

>> No.68903492

Idk if even Joker could change this company

>> No.68903523

This is ABSOLUTE confirmation that livers did it. Use this to shut up anyone who still claims it was a "mistake" because somehow a lot of people say so

>> No.68903547

gumi needs to stfu though

>> No.68903550

This dude is a Japanese soldier fighting on in 1972

>> No.68903566
Quoted by: >>68903908


>> No.68903606
Quoted by: >>68905237

In an ideal world you're either getting JP corporate doing some internal cleaning and rectifying whatever the fuck allowed this mess to happen, or a scorched earth campaign over the next week.
Assuming JP is actually just incompetent and not so much malicious, and somehow let their EN dog off leash and expect it to self govern. Which it failed to do.
Or it's all just damage control, take your pick.

>> No.68903706


>> No.68903771
Quoted by: >>68903992

They should have led with that and shut the fuck up for a bit, but no...

>> No.68903863

I never had an oshi per se, though I watched Selen. But I think this shit seals the deal for me. I'll even watch the APEX streams now.

>> No.68903868

>same, I cope by telling myself she'll probably earn lots but it's quite possible the money won't help her feel better
These happenings have kind of given me the sense that she doesn't have a healthy relationship with the success she's earned. Spending literally all of her profit last year on projects seems like she feels indebted to her audience / collaborators to an unreasonable degree. It makes me worry what she's going to do with what she's earning now. Hopefully that's just a bad read.

>> No.68903908

OG doki friend. collabed with selen a few times

>> No.68903919
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>> No.68903992

it is better this way

>> No.68904005

who decides to put up these notes?

>> No.68904018

absolute shit reason to pick an oshi

>> No.68904102
Quoted by: >>68904276

The community.

>> No.68904103

Become Unnegligible.

>> No.68904162

great reason to pick and oshi

let the fire of vengeance and justice run through your veins, you're a Dragoon now.

>> No.68904177
File: 25 KB, 828x267, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you ready for her to be fired because she liked something she shouldn't've

>> No.68904190

they're community notes anon, clue is in the name

>> No.68904193 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68904617

mooms need to sing more soulful songs. like actual SOUL, not SOVL

>> No.68904258

She's praying for it

>> No.68904262

Dragoons, not ever have I been so proud to be one of you till' this very day. Bismillah, we will win.

>> No.68904267


>> No.68904276

Who is "the community" and how does a community note appear? Is it democratic?

>> No.68904286
File: 28 KB, 386x486, WOAH NELLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.68904291
Quoted by: >>68904625

the statement alone was so bad it wouldn't even matter at this point

>> No.68904292

Get cum noted you filthy fucking backstabbing rat, and may you never find success again.

>> No.68904404
Quoted by: >>68904514

that tiny icon is scarle right?

>> No.68904494
Quoted by: >>68904785

IF real she probably wants out as soon as possible

>> No.68904497

I don't actually have a twitter. I assume there's a tab when you open a tweet.

>> No.68904514


>> No.68904593

That HAS to be fake. Or an accident. Surely she meant to click the thumbs down?

>> No.68904617


>> No.68904625

This. The most they could do at this point is drag her down with them, no way can they turn it around.

>> No.68904667
Quoted by: >>68905454


>> No.68904733

If your note gets enough "likes" it becomes public

>> No.68904768

What is Doki's favorite diaper

>> No.68904785
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>> No.68904812
File: 9 KB, 398x108, 1677536780723054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By god... its real

>> No.68904828
File: 251 KB, 1080x1440, @OgumaShiro-1749559986651324458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68904905


>> No.68904939

>selen's room
>keep out!
>especially elira

>> No.68904967

even better/worse is that vox said he read through the documents thoroughly

>> No.68904991

Nice! Her solo Apex streams are actually really comfy and chill! It's basically like watching a zatsudan with Apex gameplay running in the background!

>> No.68905016

Scarle... no seas pelotuda...

>> No.68905014
Quoted by: >>68905681

wasn't this one of the reasons why zaion was fired? liking slandering comments? is scarle in danger?

>> No.68905025

Nijishills on suicide watch.

>> No.68905047
File: 301 KB, 1080x1920, GFr1O2yW8AAMsw-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68905091

Not surprised, but when Sayu made her first or second yt stream after she got fucked, Scarle's PL posted her chat and Sayu directly acknowledged it, saying she's a wonderful person.

>> No.68905101

Another holofag here. I wish the best for Doki and all of you. I remember tuning into Selen a bit and always found her entertaining. I wish she was in the Lethal Company collab with my oshi; it would've been a lot of fun.
Based Scarle "Pancho Villa" Yonaguni.

>> No.68905133
Quoted by: >>68905269

what VOD of this is hers?

>> No.68905183

Good luck, Scarle!

>> No.68905200

>especially Elira
This aged VERY well.

>> No.68905237

>Assuming JP is actually just incompetent and not so much malicious, and somehow let their EN dog off leash and expect it to self govern.
Even if it's just damage control, this is probably the best path forward for Niji as a brand. Throw the EN Management under the bus as hard as fucking possible publicly while giving them generous severance packages tied to strict NDAs, apologize to shareholders, settle with Doki for a relatively extravagant sum to keep it quiet, make a big stink about how the new management structure is different. No liver ever mentions this again.

>> No.68905269
File: 48 KB, 254x655, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still there

>> No.68905275

The only thing it's missing is
>Exhibit A

>> No.68905350
Quoted by: >>68905513

Elira... you didn't have to go this far for the sake of the kayfabe...

>> No.68905454


>> No.68905508

It's basically mob rule desu

>> No.68905512 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68905745

So do you think she going to talk once she is out or is did she already telling Doki about what she know

>> No.68905513

it's possible her visa depends on remaining employed by niji
it's also possible they've straight up taken her passport

>> No.68905594

Thanks, Bro!

>> No.68905643

>it's also possible they've straight up taken her passport
I can't believe they'd... okay, but... yeah they totally would. Fucking Hell.

>> No.68905657
Quoted by: >>68905745

So do you think she going to talk once she is out or did she already tell Doki about what she know

>> No.68905681

termination at least lets her through the graduation line

>> No.68905730

worst case scenario is this case goes to a public court, and not only doki but all the involved niji livers end up essentially getting doxed

>> No.68905745

shut the fuck up retard we heard you the first time

>> No.68905772

>inb4 Elira, Vox and Ike are missing fingers.

>> No.68905783

fuck isreal

>> No.68905804

>doki tries to avoid it in every way possible

>> No.68905853

That's like ridiculously evil but I don't even put it past them

>> No.68905868

Should I subscribe to her now?

>> No.68905907

it keeps going...
i wonder when i'll finally have some breathing room to sleep

>> No.68905910

mate this is human trafficking ring tier

>> No.68905911

I mean Doki already posted her face and first name on twitter before

>> No.68905951
File: 353 KB, 778x437, 1697331716211242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love from /doog/. Fuck Anycolor.

>> No.68905979
Quoted by: >>68906256

Decent point, simply being out a job is one thing but losing your visa is another. Elira is on thin ice, but Vox and Ike don't live abroad, do they?

>> No.68905993
Quoted by: >>68906146

This reminds me of the multiple times I called out Selen leaving discord calls or games like Minecraft the second Elira logged in.
And you called me a schizo

>> No.68906024
File: 825 KB, 697x815, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68906053
File: 92 KB, 214x255, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68906129

thank you doog very cool

>> No.68906146
Quoted by: >>68906349

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. ALL RRATS ARE CURRENTLY REAL. DO NOT DISMISS RRATS. Immediately dig up all your old rrats, they are more likely to be real today than any other day. REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL. ALL RRATS ARE CURRENTLY REAL. DO NOT DISMISS RRATS.

>> No.68906148
File: 121 KB, 412x613, 1615516851915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68906279


>> No.68906222

Thanks, Dogo Bro!

>> No.68906236

How far is Kusocolor's HQ from the Canadian embassy?

>> No.68906256

Having a work visa attached to a job is pretty normal. US companies exploit it to abuse their employees as well. Actually going on a public suicide assistance campaign is strictly a Japanese thing.

>> No.68906265

sending love from /gem/, wishing the best for your oshi

>> No.68906279
File: 190 KB, 297x577, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68906648


>> No.68906291
File: 1.23 MB, 1075x1200, 1582166957144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68906319

Go to sleep you fucking cute god damn good doggy

>> No.68906349
File: 700 KB, 983x1024, 1707788392844527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have been.

>> No.68906372
File: 1.58 MB, 1416x1080, Where Did The Years Go [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foupzi5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68906442

Thanks, Pebble Bro!

>> No.68906452


>> No.68906457
File: 1.40 MB, 2560x1440, 1674721051441265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved your oshi Elden Ring and DMC streams!

>> No.68906464

I mean at that point if Elira could prove she had her passport taken couldn't she literally sink the companies reputation and just relay on her fans to fund her trip back home?

>> No.68906466

Elira is a H1-Bjeet?

>> No.68906560


>> No.68906648


>> No.68906652
File: 248 KB, 480x480, 1688165811144671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sending love from /uuu/ and /vrex/

>> No.68906697
Quoted by: >>68906843

bros I can't believe this stupid shit took up my whole night but I'll admit I've been having the time of my life the last few hours laughing at Niji shooting itself in the foot again and again

>> No.68906699
Quoted by: >>68906795

if she becomes indie again for this i'll watch and sub to her

>> No.68906711
File: 24 KB, 512x171, Screenshot_20240213-134910~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to reiterate

>> No.68906743
Quoted by: >>68906949

Holy shit it is real... This stream ended what, 18ish hours ago? Dude rolls up and hits the Kurosanji an hour ago and of all comments on the video THAT'S the one she hearts?

Maybe those DMs weren't all faked after all?

>> No.68906777

A passport is the property of your country, not you - withholding someone's passport is something you take to your fucking embassy, not just your fans.

>> No.68906795

I think she only made themed drinks before getting into Niji

>> No.68906830

anon if you lose your visa you don't fund a trip back home, you get thrown in the back of the first available plane and if they're feeling extra nice they'll even let you take a change of clothes

>> No.68906835

bake will be as it has been, no idea if we're still under the tack from the other day

>> No.68906843

I can't sleep cause I know something else that's stupid as fuck is coming

>> No.68906850
File: 24 KB, 112x112, Selen Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68906888
Quoted by: >>68906993

so what anyways is the clique and why was it suspected in the first place that they were bullies, i'm honestly an outsider and only really gave doki a chance after all this

>> No.68906949
Quoted by: >>68907028

every liver is trying to figure out how to get out of this sinking ship alive. subtle signaling that she's one of the good ones?

>> No.68906993
Quoted by: >>68907125

Some of the most hated livers on this board were all nepo hires from Elira. It's known as "the clique"

>> No.68907028


>> No.68907054

Didn't you go to sleep, or are there 2 sapknights

>> No.68907087

that's straight up visa slavery, and for as fucking retarded as all of this shit is, i really don't think they could possibly be that psychopathic.

>> No.68907114


>> No.68907125

is that true or is it all rrats?
