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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1011 KB, 1200x1650, a11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68846407 No.68846407 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>68838717

>> No.68846428
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x720, a12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.68846445
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>> No.68846465

>i mean we had the dyke from idol, or filian as testament
The greatest testament would be Akemi

He's about to reach 2M subs and might even pass Kobo for the highest subscribed indonesian vtuber this year
>and yet, his livestreams are sub 1k and his VODs, sub 50k for the most part

>> No.68846467
File: 1.00 MB, 2406x3464, 1705125729122689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68846537
File: 16 KB, 176x176, doki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68846703

Almost time for the queen to teach the shitters another painful lesson.

>> No.68846567
File: 3.70 MB, 1094x1030, 170098498436.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68846609

i remember unsubscribing from Nekomikuri because of this, i felt bad at the time because i knew he is a good clipper (as he is good at putting context on Japanese humor and reference) but now that i think again I've never seen his channel again on my home tab and recommended ever since 2021

>> No.68846618

Move Fuwawa down

>> No.68846622
Quoted by: >>68846864

anon end of last year Youtube itself was passing around data/internal memos that all this short push to battle tik tok was hitting their base with adrev tanking because watch time on videos plummeted

>> No.68846631


>> No.68846648

The amazing thing about hololive is its ability to be both "wow this stream is so funny i will keep watching for entertainment" and "theyre trying so hard in their idol journey i want to see the succeed and be invested in their growth"

>> No.68846656
Quoted by: >>68848934

he still puts out fun JP clips, hasn't really changed much publicly for me

>> No.68846670
Quoted by: >>68846775


>> No.68846672
Quoted by: >>68846965

he pretty much went back to clipping holo after his niji vids failed

>> No.68846676

gatekeeping ain't bad, it's a good thing, you don't necessarily want a horde of retards
thing is, there's a difference between gatekeeping/curating and flat out leaving the gate shut and turning the lights off
though in the case of Hana, gatekeeping or ffxiv was the least of her problems

>> No.68846698

Damn erotic cunny

>> No.68846703 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1600x1067, SCARZ_rpr_at_the_ALGS_Raleigh_Championship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68846912

Yeah, all for me.

>> No.68846710
File: 670 KB, 1192x720, 1706272725546554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68847311


>> No.68846720

Its great, you get their attention with the firts one and then they hook you with the second one, beats me why cober has been trying to get rid of idols with proyects like HLZNTL

>> No.68846741
File: 3.31 MB, 1920x1080, Gura's BIG FAT TAIL【hololive Animation】[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjn4js5.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68846775
File: 2.27 MB, 2430x3460, 1684839330442033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68846788
File: 1.85 MB, 850x1204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851462

Please mr Jap give me a fiddler chuuba next wave
Preferably someone that learned the fiddle in Europe so we get something that sounds medieval
Extra points if she can play a guitar and sing at the same time

>> No.68846790

Fww is the MC

>> No.68846800

That second part is something other groups don’t have, an end goal. The end goal of a lot of a holos is to be stage performers, your average small corpo or indie is just gonna do the same thing until they quit streaming.

>> No.68846823

Another easy 30k for doki tonight

>> No.68846844

sex hair

>> No.68846852
Quoted by: >>68847001

>Marine not in marriage
Are you afraid?

>> No.68846862

I don’t care about idol/music shit at all but seeing the girls on stage always pulls on the heart strings a little

>> No.68846864

Anecdotal evidence, but this channel keeps showing up in the Shorts part of my feed: https://www.youtube.com/@Puzzleguy
Nearly 2.5m subs, but check the enormous VoD gap between the 16:9 and 9:16 videos.

>> No.68846877
Quoted by: >>68846969

Hearthstone announced the year of the Pegasus, which is just a flying unicorn.
Have we ever been more back than this?

>> No.68846879
Quoted by: >>68847292

Everyone forgets that "gatekeeping" and "isolating" are two entirely different concepts

>> No.68846889


>> No.68846909

seeing the debutants grow and integrate in the company, get the 3D and perform at FES it's the fucking best, man i love hololive.

>> No.68846912 [DELETED] 

Can't you nigga post Nocturnal instead, Rpr is saving his virginity for Towa

>> No.68846965

he still clips nijis when he thinks there's something funny, but as many JP clippers have said, Niji has just stopped being interesting

>> No.68846969

>year of the pegasus
>when the year of the dragon is right there
Fucking retards, no wonder their game died
You could have done cool dragon shit and instead you do faggy unicorn shit

>> No.68846980
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, 1682783192238733.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68847181

>> No.68847001

She's too old, I can't impregnate that

>> No.68847006

>i mean we had the dyke from idol
Rin? She actually actively filtered her audience because she hated the audienc the shorts managed to give her which is why she reclined

>> No.68847055
File: 1.01 MB, 756x946, rub rub rub tummy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68847063
File: 709 KB, 1250x1911, raspberry feb 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is for today's RASPBERRY REPORT; one with a FIERCE battle for raspberry gold with EVERY KINGDOM fielding their strongest available forces!
And today neither the full combo of the Centurion, Flayon, the bullet dude and Hakka with an IMPRESSIVE NEAR 400 STREAM were capable of even SNIFFING the raspberry podium because the stakes were too high and their prowess, too low!
Nijis had their whole raspberry ROYALTY present too with Scarle, a recently returned Kunai, King Aster and even the EMPRESS with her ultimate weapon
>Baldur's gate 3 part TWELVE(!)
but Phase was playing for keeps and dusted off their UNSTOPPABLE weapon
which with a barely over four hundred, secured another gold for Phase Conne-
WIth a barely over THREE HUNDRED she secured gold, dabbed on the Phase girls and dunked on the homos for one more raspberry gold for the NijiEN warriors!
>with the strong start of the month for Phase you guys didn't see that one coming, did you?

>> No.68847068

That's quitter talk

>> No.68847078

>needing to impregnate to marry a woman
Infertile women deserve love and cum, too

>> No.68847121
File: 2.36 MB, 1280x720, schizogenerator.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68848089

>> No.68847134

Niji still managing to win against phase of all things is so funny

>> No.68847162


>> No.68847165

phase btfo
raspberry belongs to nijiEN

>> No.68847167

people were worried that phase would dominate but it looks like to me that phase chuubas fucking suck at this
anyways I kneel Maria

>> No.68847181


>> No.68847183
File: 5 KB, 1273x83, 1697249775446032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i mean look at NijiID

>> No.68847200
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>> No.68847214

>ywn lick her belly button
why even live?

>> No.68847218

better off using an onahole to avoid dealing with the baggage

>> No.68847241

>for fear of what could happen
Do you think they prefer deprivation to normalfags liking their thing

>> No.68847253

Anon reminiscing about some Niji copystriking a clipper reminded me that there used to be channels doing those Most Viewed Vtuber Songs This Week videos, but several Nijis copystruck them and I think one switched to doing only Holos and another ended up dropping all Nijis and then quitting altogether because of college or something. They used to have comments both in Japanese and English from people who were happy to discover new vtubers. It'd be interesting if someone remembers who I am talking about to see if there was any kind of impact on popularity of various music vtubers. I remember KAF was up there with Mori and Suisei in those days, but looking at her channel right now, I'm not too sure she's kept up.

>> No.68847263

Set it to me straight people, is Nijisanji's handling of Selen the biggest ever VTuber story?

>> No.68847292

and again, gatekeeping or ffxiv was the least of Hana's problems
won't pretend to know much about the rest of nijiID though, didn't watch em

>> No.68847295

Nerissa unity queen

>> No.68847311

of africa

>> No.68847314

It's straight up the Montreal Screwjob of Vtubing

>> No.68847322
File: 65 KB, 1103x249, 1702609114549386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo this doing numbers

>> No.68847323
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>> No.68847342
Quoted by: >>68847490

he had a pure niji clipping channel that he shut down and went back to clipping holos
theres still a disclaimer in his channel about him never mixing niji and holo kek

>> No.68847351
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>> No.68847371
File: 496 KB, 835x628, plap gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plap chu plap chu
chu chu plap
plap chu
plap chu
plap chu plap plap!

>> No.68847381


>> No.68847389

The most EN-accessible for sure given that both parties made statements in English. All the add-ons whether it be artists/contractors/auditionees/former mods all being EN speakers really helps as well.

>> No.68847394

Unironically the most competitive tally in the thread

>> No.68847405

>"theyre trying so hard in their idol journey i want to see the succeed and be invested in their growth"
Idk about this one. It was cool two years ago but it doesn't come across that much recently. The instant gratification and boost holo offers to the any new recruit dilute this concept of growth within the company.

>> No.68847412
File: 1.08 MB, 1064x601, Gooba drums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68847550

Gura is my siren and i will be drowned by her lovely Karaoke soon......... (god i wanna stick my tongue in her cunny so fucking bad)

>> No.68847419

I'm sorry for doubting.

>> No.68847427
File: 153 KB, 1090x613, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> beggars now fighting against flips
the invisible war has provided some top class keks over the past few months

>> No.68847432
File: 141 KB, 320x320, flat fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. flat fuck still salty that her sister always gets the boobs

>> No.68847445
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, neigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68847541

>Mumei did the mating call!

>> No.68847484
File: 310 KB, 386x399, raspberry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68848233

01) Rie (Phase) - 338 - Undernight In-Birth
02) Erina (Phase) - 342 - Spyro:Reignited Trilogy
03) Rie (Phase) - 239 - Granblue Fantasy:Relink
04) Aia (NijiEN) - 462 - Zatsudan
05) Petra (NijiEN) - 565 - Blazblue Entropy Effect
06) Erina (Phase) - 482 - Spyro:Reignited Trilogy
07) Rie (Phase) - 394 - A Date with Death
08) Erina (Phase) - 370 - Kalimba practice
09) Erina (Phase) - 322 - Spyro:Reignited Trilogy
10) Flayon (StarsEN) - 476 - Apex collab
11) Bandage (NijiEN) - 340 - Apex collab
12) Maria (NijiEN) - 307 - Watchalong

7x: Phase
4x: NijiEN
1x: StarsEN

4x: Erina
3x: Rie
1x: Aia, Petra, Flayon, Bandage, Maria

>> No.68847490
File: 34 KB, 555x258, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, I missed it

>> No.68847492

I think Nerissa should go away

>> No.68847514

Invisible council, how many months does she get in rehab? Heil hydra.

>> No.68847512

I hate unity

>> No.68847541
File: 104 KB, 1080x880, 20231124_074211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, they are married after all

>> No.68847549
Quoted by: >>68847599

Is it from r/hololive?

>> No.68847550

How did my computer get hijacked?

>> No.68847562

Never thought I'd find Nerissa as distasteful as I do now
Such a glow down from debut

>> No.68847570

Did Holoplus fail? I haven't seen anything about it recently.

>> No.68847588

would you rather
>have sex with Mumei once (but she will occasionally have short conversations with you over text messages afterwards that are basically just her sharing random shit she found funny or interesting)
>have sex with Nerissa whenever you want within reason (but you HAVE to be in a relationship with her, no casual sex)

>> No.68847599

from the regis 3d post yeah
they're still fighting under it

>> No.68847628


>> No.68847632

they won't translate the damn thing

>> No.68847648

Never seen this many non-vtubing adjacent people commenting on it, I'd say Anycolor fucked up pretty hard.

>> No.68847662

I’d bang nerissa like a fucking gong brehs

>> No.68847675

>despite some statements, I've never mixed the two
kek, he didn't need to, he did worse by making the statements

>> No.68847695


>> No.68847701
Quoted by: >>68847766

Shiori has grown me which I wouldn't have thought was possible
And nerissa has sent from likable to neutral

>> No.68847743
File: 703 KB, 2800x3000, 20230730_130218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a kanaluna thread

>> No.68847766


>> No.68847778

Okay but how is to doing in Japan? Feels like everyone still uses Twitter for Holo stuff

>> No.68847790

>Baldur's gate 3 part TWELVE(!)
This is why NijiEN will never be as good as their Japanese counterparts. The one and only Shizuka Rin has just finished her 26th twelve hour long BG3 stream. The only non BG3 stream she had done in the last 3 weeks was a watchalong of the Dungeons and Dragons movie.

>> No.68847820
File: 3.29 MB, 640x640, versen sheep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOW, for the grown up audience, here is a totally not GPT'd Haiku

>> No.68847837
File: 176 KB, 609x231, chuchuchu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68847866

damn you Rissa, now you need to do unarchive karaoke again for me to forgive you

>> No.68847871
Quoted by: >>68848163

Now that I look at it, what the fuck were they thinking putting the tail straight through Gura’s ass on this outfit

>> No.68847951

That my main worry with holoearth they need to have translations ready to go if they want eop to play the game.

>> No.68847966

the number of likes for an official post reaches 10k-30k and comments around 50-500 depending on the content, so people do use it

>> No.68847975


>> No.68847976
Quoted by: >>68848086

Who is Maria's target audience? Idol shit is not niji's thing

>> No.68847994
File: 938 KB, 954x534, 1679100866400474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68848127


>> No.68848026

It's for sure not a Twitter replacement.
But it seems to be a decent enough supplement.

>> No.68848033


>> No.68848038

I wonder how many nights she has spent crying so far over her choice

>> No.68848042

Not suitable for marriage:


>> No.68848050

Why did people shill this vulgur whore again

>> No.68848065
Quoted by: >>68848160

That's just sad.
Remember, bros, your oshi has to be commercially viable and popular if you want them to stick around. You can't just be like "I want my oshi to be a 2view forever so they'll love just me!" because that sort will fuck off and go work at McDonald's eventually

>> No.68848067

heh, never change anon, never change

>> No.68848071
File: 495 KB, 1920x1080, 1679216652199974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68848086

Every once in a while NijiEN accidentally drops a Hololite aspiring girl into their brand and chews them through the meat grinder
She was the Vivi of her time

>> No.68848089
Quoted by: >>68848178

Does HoloJP have any anti-EN schizos, or is that just a NijiJP thing?

>> No.68848120

She got corrupted by niji
It's over

>> No.68848127

I don't even watch her, but I want to protect that smile.

>> No.68848132
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1440, 1707758451827540.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68848160

If you want your 2view oshi to fuck around and be with you forever, you literally have two options:
>do everything in your power to become her manager and/or biggest helper to push her to success, be it as an indie or by getting her into a stable corpo
>grooming her hard enough to literally marry her and provide for her
There are no other options

>> No.68848163
File: 70 KB, 259x242, gurass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68848178
Quoted by: >>68848262

Just a NijiJP thing. /hlg/ are Nijiniggers

>> No.68848201

She was literally always like this

>> No.68848233

>Adds Phase Connect
>Still the only competitive tally
Raspberry Chads I kneel

>> No.68848262

no they're not

>> No.68848275
File: 523 KB, 2048x1448, 20240212_111417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68848283

decadent chuuba in a decadent branch, match in heaven

>> No.68848289

Yes they are.

>> No.68848291
File: 50 KB, 640x360, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68848754

Not even close

>> No.68848306
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, stops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68848578

If Kaela was quick on her feet, she would release a cover of this song RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
>Brain Implosion Energy
(not the original version but I found the 2hu MMD cuter)

>when the fuck Teto get this good?

>> No.68848325
Quoted by: >>68848498

Where did jp nijinigs migrate to then

>> No.68848364
Quoted by: >>68848584

rrat that she chose to join VERSEn over HoloX

>> No.68848384

Tell me about Gura
Why is she trying to overlap Koyori's news?

>> No.68848396
File: 379 KB, 1611x2048, 20240212_110441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68848402


>> No.68848412


>> No.68848416

That's just flips infighting

>> No.68848418

some people don't care about cursing. See jailbirds

>> No.68848425

different demographics

>> No.68848480
Quoted by: >>68848591

I feel Rushia drama was bigger but I mostly go around jp sites

>> No.68848487


>> No.68848497

5pm est is always memship

>> No.68848498

nta but unironically discord forgot if the most active one was project niji or nijiplanet

>> No.68848500

>Discuss dox
>Shits on en
>Tried to acts like 3rd rate nips
>Loves male Collab
>Loves niji Collab
>Shits on fauna especially hard
>Ignores jp yabs by deflecting to en
>Raids #
>Seeth about gura

>> No.68848510

Bae would be an excellent wife.

>> No.68848511


>> No.68848527

is it even the biggest in Anycolor? they killed multiple branches with drama already

>> No.68848554
File: 269 KB, 1401x2048, 20240212_105018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68848558

this is basically gamebu but in en
big but not the biggest

>> No.68848564

>dismiss any Nijiyab happening but go right back to spamming whore towards every Holo

>> No.68848578

>when the fuck Teto get this good

>> No.68848580

checks all the boxes

>> No.68848584

Care to elaborate more?

>> No.68848591

Anon, Anycolor stock dropped 10 full percent and they lost almost 200k subs (without factoring Selen 800k subs 100M VOD Views channel getting deleted without notice).
Rushia thing didn't even register in comparison, closest thing to it would be the chinkout (which was worse)

>> No.68848632
Quoted by: >>68848727

I forgot I was in /#/

>> No.68848643
File: 334 KB, 804x1358, hololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68848688

I am not reading all that

>> No.68848727

To compare both you would have to forget you are in the western hemisphere because, as mentioned, Selen stuff blew to the highest circles including costing Nijisanji sponsors and commercial partnerships

>> No.68848730
Quoted by: >>68848813

around holoX debuts yagoo released an interview and one of the question was around the protection of the aspirants against poaching "because being a holo possible pick is like a stamp of approval" or something along those lines and the sheep said to have declined another offer to be on versen

>> No.68848746
File: 2.12 MB, 840x1968, 13231232121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he kill himself yet?

>> No.68848758
File: 274 KB, 1260x2048, 20240212_110402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68848832

>> No.68848754

I didn't like the clones but Ai-chan had a nice last live and the company didn't mock afther she was gone either.

>> No.68848760

wtf i thought that homos reddit thread is already dead now but they still keep going

>> No.68848769
Quoted by: >>68848894

>1.4k waiting for doki already

>> No.68848781

redditors really think people care enough about their thoughts to read all that shit?

>> No.68848785
Quoted by: >>68848840

unironical mindbroken faggot

>> No.68848804
File: 153 KB, 640x640, 1691205106307454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo white girls are now the most popular vtubers.
Must be rough being a NijiJPweeb.

>> No.68848813
Quoted by: >>68848924

you should make a copy-pasta about versen for newfags

>> No.68848818

Anon Cover's stock dropped 10% too. Quit talking out your ass. They both dropped

>> No.68848823
Quoted by: >>68849133

He writes so much to say so little.

>> No.68848833

doki mogs every single holoEN member, even the shark

>> No.68848832
Quoted by: >>68848890

Off topic

>> No.68848836
Quoted by: >>68848926

Your GPT doesn't understand haiku rules. 3rd line has 8 syllables.

>> No.68848840

If you read all this
Can you give me tldr

>> No.68848859
File: 176 KB, 956x2048, Imagine [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx2pmo6.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68848869
File: 317 KB, 1279x1390, versen sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Care to elaborate more?
Well, here is a reenactment

>> No.68848874

different reason, check the timing

>> No.68848883

You still see it here when they lash out and start going
>I fucking hate these fans, don't they realize all white women are bitches and whores? There are no good ones, Cover better not hire any more or else they'll be inviting ruin for SURE
Absolute fucking insanity

>> No.68848889

> Watamate prime replied
> He got blocked and the bitch nuked the entire thread
How are Watamates so strong...

>> No.68848890
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, 1706688173927362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68848894

We have a new EN queen. Shart is hiding behind membership today according to chumkeks

>> No.68848901

fuck off

>> No.68848904

Ignore all the other points

>> No.68848924

yeah i wrote down different iterations of the same spoonfeed more times than i'm willing to admit, but i'm just doing vod reps until gura

>> No.68848926

I forced it end with that line taking artistic liberties to make it fit the intended humor

>> No.68848933
Quoted by: >>68849206

>Selen's fate at Hololive would be akin to Vesper. Or she might jump too far and might have left like Rushia, or more likely Mel
This faggot isn't even a clipwatcher, he just invented an entire world inside his head.

>> No.68848934

is it really that hard for these niggas to understand that hololive has created a massive fostering of encouragement for fan-made works and that's what propped it up past nijisanjer?
I actually enjoy ange, ars, nui, and kizuku; but ange is one of very few in that has an active fan community doing things and making stuff.

Like you can make anything hololive-related and someone will pop out and tell you 'hey that's pretty cool' and that's awesome. Even if it's just a duck soundboard or some crap.

>> No.68848937

Watamates are blessed by watamage.

>> No.68848941
File: 49 KB, 916x840, 132132123312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68848953

huh, actually pretty good banter if she came up with that on the spot

>> No.68848964

das a lotta words for nijicope

>> No.68848978

Anon, it dropped because of the investor report and the missed (moonshot) estimate by the market on where Cover revenue should be.
Anycolor dropped because of Selen situation

>> No.68849005
File: 318 KB, 1448x2048, 20240212_110205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68849269

>> No.68849010

tldr magical thinking is a beautiful cope mechanism and cover is as bad as anycolor if i use enough words to stretch the sentences.

>> No.68849034
File: 300 KB, 1443x2048, 1690301840192831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68849243

it's not fucking fair bros

>> No.68849040

wall of nijicope, lets pretend the termination notice wasn't full of 3 pages management spiteful seethe and contradictions

>> No.68849060

gets me everytime

>> No.68849061
Quoted by: >>68849108

Is this the person that has the note.com shit predicting Hololive's immediate demise every few months?

>> No.68849089

punished watamate

>> No.68849091

Imagine being so spiritually crushed and mentally shaken by Hololive simply doing a good deed to make up for a mistake.

>> No.68849108

I think he killed himself

>> No.68849110
File: 20 KB, 856x240, 32113221332132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is my favorite cope
>Anycolor is so generous that they didnt help mysta with his tax problems but instead allowed mysta to seek help from the competitor. Nijisanji really does have a big heart.

>> No.68849133

>this autism
Man's basically a bad ChatGPT in human form
>formerly taught physics as a grad student

>> No.68849141


>> No.68849147
File: 180 KB, 1080x1440, 1688836379846492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68849152
Quoted by: >>68849396

Sheep is very entertaining and cute. Should definitely be watched by more people. There aren't many JP VTubers that can banter in English with their chat well.

>> No.68849199
Quoted by: >>68849239

Is this the guy who said he was literally mind broken by Hololive? Anyone have the image or link?

>> No.68849206

>>68848933 is the only relevant seciton of his wordvomit.
>'niji bad holo good', I totally agree, BUT
>btw I was a physics teacher
>bro, science is, like, relative, that's fucking mindblowing
>I'm sorry for saying Selen was a dramaqueen yesterday, I couldn't have predicted that she would confess to attempting suicide over niji, everyone makes mistakes

>> No.68849239


>> No.68849243

This is why I self-insert as Mococo.

>> No.68849255
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, waterboarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68850083


Boy, if Mumei wasn't a GREAT addition to that stream and cute as fuck!

>> No.68849262
File: 9 KB, 488x274, 1710654897634567519010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68849263
File: 70 KB, 832x497, 1671588264944462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weakest watamate does it again, he fears no devil as he is blessed by watajesus herself.

>> No.68849269
File: 376 KB, 739x699, 1702023814438674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold her hand and go on dumb little dates with her so bad..

>> No.68849271
Quoted by: >>68849362

Why is this worthless piece of shit dragging Sana into this when she left amicably and in high regards?

>> No.68849302
File: 91 KB, 481x481, shirakami fuburaep #100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68849329

Do people not realize Haachama had the exact same kind of psych hold (minus needing to pay for rent immediately) and holo handled the whole thing privately and very professionally and let her come back after almost an 8 month hiatus?

Without management outing her in a document or anything.

>> No.68849335

Punch yourself in the balls already.

>> No.68849362

sana got full dough from the last merch run (council mascots) that went live AFTER her graduation

>> No.68849363
File: 2.64 MB, 498x498, maru-nanamona-maru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68850247

>Care to elaborate more?
Alongside >>68848869, here is another take on the same subject

>Cover studio, meeting room
>Some undisclosed day, February 2024
>Tanigo meeting with HoloX
>Tanigo, A-Chan, all of the HoloX girls

>I called all of you girls here to congratulate you for another impressive year!
>The third year is starting and your KPIs are among the best of the compa-
(Tanigo gets interrupted by the ringtone of a Android phone)

>...c-company! Koyori, in particular, she had a great year!
>Hitsuji-san, aren't you glad you took the call back in 2021?
>Have you chose your one million subs wish yet?
>Remember, it can be ANYTHING!

>Y-Yeah, best decision of my lif-
(again the same Android ringtone)

>Girls, as a reminder, if you bring your personal phones to a meeting please put it in silence!
>Your work phones are all iPhones, and that's clearly an Android ringtone

>I wonder which one of the girls screwed up, I bet it was Iroha, she's air heade-
(phone rings again, and vibrates right inside Koyori's purse)

>MASAKA! This can only be a prank, someone slip a phone in my purse.
>Hahaha, Laplus, you bitch!
>I'll get you next tim-

>All eyes are on Hitsuji-Koyori now.
>Tanigo expression went from happy to discontented
>The other girls are holding their laughter and so is A-Chan


>Hitsuji-Koyori fiddles with her purse, opens it
>The visor shows a single name


>All faces are fuzzy now, the room is fading out slowly

HITSUJI-KOYORI (screaming mutely)

(Hitsuji-san eyes slowly open)
>She looks at her bedsite table, it's a quarter past nine
>She takes her VERSEn issued Sony Xperia Android phone and takes the call


Written by Junji Ito
Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Executive Producer: Larry David

>> No.68849383
File: 1.91 MB, 1235x2168, 179906548976345675196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68849389

They are not announcing ID4 when Indos are sleeping

>> No.68849396

Honestly sheep is the perfect watame alternative for me especially when watame goes on breaks or does her holofes reps
i just hope she doesnt do that coffee game or melatonin anymore

>> No.68849402 [DELETED] 

h3h3 might talk about Matsuri porn today they're doing deep dive into Vaush loli folder today

>> No.68849416

Meanwhile with Selen
>yeah we know she suffered from bullying and was on the verge of taking her own life... BUT...
It's like if a Redditor were in charge of this

>> No.68849425

You're confusing Haachama situation
>a regular medical issue, not a mental one
with what likely happened with Shion a couple of years ago.

>> No.68849429
Quoted by: >>68849508

Sexual child rock

>> No.68849447

EN4 is currently lurking these very threads. Act natural.

>> No.68849486
File: 358 KB, 1411x741, 1677611274792277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just is

>> No.68849488

Same energy as
>But I am merely pretending to be a retard

>> No.68849494

Retard, you are mixing up the China case to her own mental state during college which she was failing and resulted to long-term hiatus.

>> No.68849508
Quoted by: >>68849592

She unironically doesn't look sexual there, just cool.

>> No.68849520
File: 244 KB, 1117x2048, 20240212_073305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68849641

/#/ is a cunny general.

>> No.68849525
File: 377 KB, 726x756, 171065489763456751903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife.

>> No.68849566
File: 21 KB, 257x265, 1656443176927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't watched more than 50 secs of Advent content in total so my opinion of them is entirely based on /#/

>> No.68849582
File: 1.34 MB, 578x600, Mococo I feel like 3 at once is really pushing it, Ruffians.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhl2uw0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68849586

Blue Archive is shit

>> No.68849592

we can still make it sexual

>> No.68849597

Dear EN4, please avenge Noel and do a complete Dark Souls II playthrough.

>> No.68849601

Would be funny if an actual /#/'s autist ever made it into holo

>> No.68849610

Remember that you can't have your cake and eat it too. But try to be yourself as much as circumstances allow it, because you'll be a semi-"public" figure.

>> No.68849626
File: 1.54 MB, 1941x1000, 154083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68849641
File: 2.59 MB, 1500x2337, 1691212939892192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68849667


Hagkek seethe.

>> No.68849651
Quoted by: >>68849711

theres no way, i refuse to believe someone on earth is retarded enough to choose snoy over hololive

>> No.68849663
Quoted by: >>68849708

This but unironically

>> No.68849667

But BA has hags too.

>> No.68849689
Quoted by: >>68850067

Hachaama wasn't publicly fighting with management, if she had told people to upload a song via Twitter that management said she couldn't she would have gotten in much more trouble. That sort of behavior won't fly in a JP corpo, Niji, Cover, or otherwise.

>> No.68849690


>> No.68849695
File: 99 KB, 1365x2048, 1549039345281100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I give my oshi daily hourlong smooches through the monitor of my screen

>> No.68849705

Hey girl here's the only pieces of advice you need:
>be sexually attractive on stream (don't have to cumbait just act a little retarded about extremely benign things and get flustered sometimes while still generally being confident)
>do numberbait streams but don't be blatant about it (examples: do shorts streams but rarely)
>the usual "stay in the Holobox as much as physically possible" advice
And optional but selfish advice: hit me up for backshots

>> No.68849708
Quoted by: >>68849821

It's your average gacha, it's not as bad as it can get, which means it's good enough.

>> No.68849711

to be fair, IT IS sony

>> No.68849723
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, GGEdzQCa8AA6m81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys missed it a news sex cover with AZKi, Lamu, Ayame and Kanata dropped

>> No.68849761

Just stay in the box and appreciate what you have, love and adoration will come to you as long as you observe ollie and do the opposite.

>> No.68849767

Shilling this JP 2view ASMR.

>> No.68849774

Lamu my beloved

>> No.68849788

yeah, stars en4.

>> No.68849803
Quoted by: >>68849983

Haachama had a physical illness. Shion is the menhera that keeps taking breaks for mental health.

>> No.68849821

And has absorbed all of the ironic weebs in recent years

>> No.68849850


>> No.68849859
Quoted by: >>68850712

More like disastrous, they would avoid overlapping Fauna and constantly retweet loli art of themselves

>> No.68849864
File: 1.07 MB, 844x881, FuckYouPomuSchizoYouFuckingN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68849947


>> No.68849894
File: 278 KB, 543x890, SEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My twitter feed is complete holo sex
Why do people say twitter is bad again?

>> No.68849927

I'm part of the Blue archive fandom. I only save coomer art but I will never play the game or buy official merch. Does that make me a Blue Archive Fan?

>> No.68849947

She's all but confirmed for vshojo

>> No.68849957


>> No.68849982
Quoted by: >>68850506

How asian do you think the hafu holoEN parents are?

>> No.68849983

Haachama is the illest, she's got sick rhymes and beats.

>> No.68849985
File: 88 KB, 706x781, superchat comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Selen was deleted from Playboard, I got her superchat totals from hololyzer.
Here's how they compare to Luca.

Notice that Luca used to earn way more money, but no longer does since the Luxiem collapse.
In fact, when it comes to superchats at least, both Pomu and Selen overperformed Luca. They also matched Luca on a per-stream basis, December was an anomaly because of the Luxiem anniversary and his cover releasing.

In other words, for financial reasons, there's no clear reason why Luca should be preferred over Selen or Pomu.

>> No.68849994

Literally Mori kek, guaranteed she knows this thread exists even if she prefers her general

>> No.68850014

>1.5k waiting for doki

>> No.68850029

Hololive is good, Nijisanji is evil. When will they stop coping?

>> No.68850041 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 367x65, 3936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68850102

It is real.
I kneel.

>> No.68850067
File: 232 KB, 1440x1800, haachama cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if she had told people to upload a song via Twitter that management said she couldn't she would have gotten in much more trouble
HOLY FUCK, are you some sort of retarded and completely unaware of Haachama history?

Here is a short recap of her "rap battle" arc
>Haachama accidentally shows her face on a reflection on stream
>didn’t even delete the VOD, said essentially “the Cover jannies can clean it up”
>an anti latched and called her ugly, spammed her mentions
>Haachama puts a “diss rap contest” and promises to make a reply rap to the best entries
>anti makes a rap INCLUDING HER DOX AND FACE, with her doxx information in it, including her real name and pictures of her family
>everyone thought she would ignore and report to Cover to take it down
>management advised her to let it go, she didn’t
>Haachama instead ACTUALLY SHOW THE DOXX RAP VIDEO IN ITS ENTIRETY on stream (blurring only her face) and actually sing a MEAN diss rap at her doxxer
>doesn't delete the VOD either, and says unironically "if management wants it gone they have the access to delete it"

In the end management actually deleted it (about a full day later), and her doxxer .... he got so flustered about the whole situation he FUCKING APOLOGIZED, posted his very own doxx of himself for all of the world to see
>which Haaton dug deep and found a video of he himself sticking a cucumber in his butt for shits and giggles

Even after the chinkout ... no, SPECIALLY after the chinkout Haachama did nothing but to explicitly defy management AND tell the Cover jannies to "clean it up".

There is nothing about "japanese company" to justify how Nijisanji treated Selen. Haachama got away with MUCH WORSE

>> No.68850083
File: 1.08 MB, 1540x1785, 1699401624523308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was enjoying the comfy zatsu and actually almost fell asleep around the time Mumei appeared, it was the sudden weird noises that woke me up like "the hell is going on". Glad I didn't miss out on those two talking, even watching this clip put a smile on my face, they are so cute. Fauna joining the chat for a bit during Mumei stream was already a treat, but this was on a whole new level.

>> No.68850090

Fujo/Flip management is the reason

>> No.68850102 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 960x705, 1707615546046134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwamoco, kiara, do your thing

>> No.68850132
File: 116 KB, 640x640, 2133123122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is an alternate timeline where koyori is still grinding in 2view hell
>where nobuhime never reincarnated
>where pekora stayed in nnd
>where miko never played gta
>where suisei and azki debuted in upd8
>where ayamina games stayed in upd8
>where luna was given the tsumugu treatment by nijisanji
>where gura opened an onlyfans and did content there
>where kiara did jav after failing to become an idol
>where mori died of an overdose living a rockstars life without the glamor
>where ina was born in north korea
>where fauna was that 1view book reviewer that interacted with /lit/ and disappeared forever
>where mumei studied womens studies and joined feminist frequency
>where bae died of starvation in her rat shed
>where risu was sold of to a wealthy indo sheik as a sex slave to pay her familys debt
>where ollie was entertaining
>where reine interned under george soros
>where kaela is still stuck in her office work

>> No.68850161
Quoted by: >>68850219

Predictable development: Doki now has Zaion status among the doxxsisters

>> No.68850180

im not a watamate but i would take up naval piracy again if watame says so

>> No.68850181

>where ollie was entertaining
nah this is where i draw the line

>> No.68850186

Luxiem didn't do as good as expected...

>> No.68850188

>where ollie was entertaining
Okay you got me you fucker.

>> No.68850219
Quoted by: >>68850332

Worse it's the Anitwt tourists from 2020 that carried and then dumped HoloEN 2 years later.

>> No.68850222
File: 210 KB, 1414x610, homofag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thoughts of the average homofags
>I see it as a way bigger issue that unfortunately I can't tackle nor solve. overall this is just me ranting. again, Nijisanji has a lot of issues, but at some point, their fanbase and community had been what hoped HoloEN's fanbase to be like

>> No.68850226 [DELETED] 

This but JP only because EN whores can't be idols

>> No.68850239
Quoted by: >>68850639

He keeps bringing up analogies to explain himself, but he's not saying anything of substance. It's like he's constantly projecting "I know what I'm talking about because A=B and B=C" but what is he really saying? That Selen "probably would end up like Vesper" but where does that opinion really come from?
Instead of getting an opinion from some guy who has no knowledge of the inside baseball, you can just look at the behavior of the talents themselves. They're sticking to Hololive like glue, and fleeing Nijisanji like rats from a ship.

>> No.68850247
Quoted by: >>68850325

i can`t remember, is it the same girl ranting on xitter how everyone betrayed her including a friend inside hololive?

>> No.68850270

anon you are mixing up haachamas physical illness with shions mental one (which can be easily cured by gura cunny but cover keeps denying it)

>> No.68850276

Sea audience can't send supas

>> No.68850291

This guy's a schizo but he defends his oshi well and always shows up with receipts. I guess being mentally ill isn't so bad sometimes.

>> No.68850300

>where fauna was that 1view book reviewer that interacted with /lit/ and disappeared forever
She only disappeared for a while, I think she came back a few years ago to her regular 1view status.

>> No.68850315
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, 1694921863121261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a numberling getting into Holo, setting her streams to start at like FST-3 (yeah EU time), and raiding Fauna every single time, only streaming longer on the days she isn't on. All in the name of oshi numbers.

>> No.68850325

thats shondo

>> No.68850332
File: 440 KB, 925x841, 1707332315066704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68850694

wait anitwt as in "ironic weebs with Lain/Asuka profile pics who are one bad day away from transitioning"?

>> No.68850343
Quoted by: >>68850713

Truly the strongest idol

>> No.68850354

beggars needs to do their matome reps because all this talk about united fandom is fucking hilarious
>or he knows and just want the girls communities immolated to the altar of the shitters

>> No.68850409

The comedians not idols joke and its consequences have been a disaster for hololive

>> No.68850458
Quoted by: >>68850713

this girl is crazy, imagine being the manager in this situation. The adults have left the room.

>> No.68850476
Quoted by: >>68850862

>call it idol culture all you want but I disagree that's the case because how true are these talents idol in holopro? The running joke is how unidollilke these talents are.
ESLisms aside this unironically makes me more upset than the usual shitpost, the dismissal is worse than the acceptance of it but calling it a problem

>> No.68850480

>menhera cover
Why is AZKi leaning on the yandere gf shtick? I am not complaining it's just really weird coming from her

>> No.68850493

>>where kiara did jav after failing to become an idol
i feel bad for her but damn everything bad that happened to kiara i want to re enact

>> No.68850491

How many for doki today?

>> No.68850495


>> No.68850500
File: 590 KB, 716x869, IMG_5643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what did Mel do after all? Did she feed the Nijikeks organs her contract info and Anycolor pinpointed it to her and told Cover? I still don’t get it

>> No.68850506
Quoted by: >>68850589

Ina's fit the standard asian parent mold. IRyS's parents seem more... western?

>> No.68850512

RPG game making stream when

>> No.68850565 [DELETED] 
File: 738 KB, 1182x656, 1702498285736919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off JPcuck

>> No.68850567

>RPG Maker XP

>> No.68850570

It makes perfect sense. Luca had a dick. Why do you think they were willing to make Scarle uncomfortable for the sake of some Aster rrats despite earning more superchats than him?

>> No.68850574
File: 194 KB, 730x1666, 1707725563511256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so prevalent among nijifags?

>> No.68850589

IRyS' mother was a fucking biker girl, anon, that family's Yamato roots ended with the grandparents

>> No.68850595
File: 645 KB, 2172x3284, GGGUTrcXgAAKyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68850693

Why is gura even sexier like this?

>> No.68850634
File: 577 KB, 1280x720, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western vtuber
>Is into mpreg
Why are they like this

>> No.68850635
File: 170 KB, 585x564, 1690947828179581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop trying to turn hololive into nijisanji, that faggot tranny piece of shit omega almost killed holoEN because of that

>> No.68850639
Quoted by: >>68851209

If that part about being a physics teaching grad student is true, he's is or was one of those frauds that infest academia that spam empty words because they don't have enough substance.

>> No.68850644


>> No.68850658
Quoted by: >>68850772

funny how i dont see these long-form autism from holofags. anyway, stay away from nijikeks for your sanity.

>> No.68850669
Quoted by: >>68851083

Then the weakest watamate came and managed to make zhey/zhem seethe so hard they nuked the thread

>> No.68850676

I really don't care.

>> No.68850694


>> No.68850693
Quoted by: >>68850911

I'm tired of pretending gura is sexually attractive, bros
At most she's an onahole

>> No.68850700

Might need to use google for help, it's still there, just can't search directly in playboard

>> No.68850712


>> No.68850713
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1878, haachama after rap battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a clip of her "aftermath" of the last rap, and a slighly less ESL JSL translation of what she said at the start

(Paraphrased and liberally translated from the meaning)
>Ooof, I'm tired!
>This was fun, wasn't it?
>Now THAT is what I call "Haachama's channel"!
>Now, the archives might be deleted and the company might get pissed about this stream
>But yeah, if I can't do what I want anymore maybe it's time for me to go out with a bang!
This is not a translation but a paraphrasing keeping the tone and the meaning of what she said.
Then she goes at length about how she felt about the criticism, and how she felt the need to express herself creatively to fight the hate and malice of the haters and smothered the haters with her positivity and love

>> No.68850717

she got an amazing voice too

>> No.68850721

Thinking about all the JPs on dlsite and wishing they put out more stuff
Miko sex

>> No.68850722
File: 159 KB, 962x464, oopsies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68850854

I think this is a steam mistake, but I got it for free

>> No.68850772
Quoted by: >>68851833

>i dont see these long-form autism from holofags.

>> No.68850812
Quoted by: >>68850906

I dont know what the fuck is that supposed to do but im never denying free stuff

>> No.68850818
Quoted by: >>68851284

>the nijiEN boys were more popular than the girls and that’s the risk I’m willing to take to make Hololive like them
God I hate these faggots.

>> No.68850820
File: 1.37 MB, 800x1280, 00019-2833478344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/news/ anchor
Reply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!

Somewhat stale news:
>Mori hosting charity for cats
>Shibuya Hal’s 3D announced for 16th February
>774 inc x Sanrio characters collab
>hololive song in Google phone ad
>Pekora voice in PUBG Mobile is out
>Linglan Lily sololive

Significantly stale news:
>Ina figma
>Niji statuettes
>Ui nendo
>Pekora x FGO figure prototype
>NijiEN Mario Kart canceled to ensure well being of it's members
>Pekora's live at karaokes
>Moe Chitose graduation
>TaMaRiBa on using vtuberes to revitalize regions
>Vtuber Fairy Rhyme holds “Otogi Meeting vol 1” ft. Ci, ChumuNote and many other artists
>Salome and Sango x SpainMura collab, promoted by the Mayor
>First Stage Production 1st Gen 3D debut
>Karubi x Grpaht
>Natori Sana x La Cittadella
>V_Reak announced for March ft. Enogu, Epeler and many other artists
>Tamaki figures and plushie
>Gura x Sushiro
https://www.facebook com/ipass.card/posts/pfbid02GkQhWZcSrJEsFxMDnTb9hgB6o3EJs2ystfwbpRgTy16M6GJZS5LpoXwoafVqUcmil
>>First Stage Production 1st Gen 3D debut
>Diana Garnet debuted as a Vtuber

>> No.68850825
Quoted by: >>68850941

What echo chamber created all these homo/nijibeggar drones? Their community has no virtue, they just sit around watching no streams, making no fan content, and bitching about Hololive.

>> No.68850847

loud minority cooked too much in their echo chamber and completely lost touch with reality and don't know how to cope, that's the power of social networks algorithm at play

>> No.68850854

How many RPG Makers have come out since that one released?

>> No.68850862

I'm not offended by the dumb ideas of some retarded Holostars clipwatcher.
Screaming about how Holos aren't idols on the month before Holofes, where 16k *4 fans will be cheering them on in person while they sing a shitload of idol songs, is basically just a man sitting in a house fire denying it's warm

>> No.68850874
File: 336 KB, 849x443, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

supposed to be free

>> No.68850884
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x610, Cheese Stick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goober Karaoke in 5 mins


>> No.68850906

Outdated RPG Maker, you can make RPG and adventure games in it, you probably can recognize it from all the Japanese porn games
XP sadly doesn't support web browsers and mobile phones but it's still pretty good

>> No.68850911

I'm getting hard just by looking at her thumbnail

>> No.68850913

and then she wonders why people shit on her everytime she egosurf

>> No.68850940
File: 59 KB, 1061x861, 1706367803804758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you come here put cold steel in your likes

>> No.68850942
Quoted by: >>68851039

you think he was baiting but then you realize he posted this in Holostars reddit, they were posting this among themselves. How come one single branch invites so many antis for the girls, this is why /stars/ refuse to merge with /mans/

>> No.68850941
Quoted by: >>68851069

Do you not remember the 20k SQUAD collabs? They're probably just reminiscing about shit like that.

>> No.68850951
Quoted by: >>68851405

>but at some point, their fanbase and community had been what hoped HoloEN's fanbase to be like
Bootlicking Cover at every opportunity, doxxing and sending death threats to talents that left?

>> No.68850966

Shark-girl Idol of Hololive EN!

>> No.68851021

>In other words, for financial reasons, there's no clear reason why Luca should be preferred over Selen or Pomu.
you know how ennafag keeps posting dumb doki bait? dorya she will never fall off, 30k floor, etc? that's niji management but without any irony
reality doesn't actually matter, luca is 'valuable' because he was, at one point during a flash in the pan, worth more. very briefly. they would throw everyone else in nijiEN into the shredder for the sake of luxiem even if luxiem was bringing in a total of $3.50, just because they used to be big.

>> No.68851025
File: 206 KB, 1460x1866, 1946663934528100.jpeg15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I speak for EVERY numberfag /here/ when I say that we absolutely LOVE flavour of the month slop in THIS thread. Buff content, Buff games, Buff lifestyle, with a dash of debuff kusoge to spice things up of course. Always hop on the hype train, never be late to any of it. or if you're daring enough try to create your own bandwagons by being a dumpster diver buff content hunter.
Lore Lore Lore Lore. We love lore here ACKSHUALLY. Take a bird's eye view and become your own biggest fan. You are your lore so always present an exaggerated version of yourself and your personality. You are your own brand so ceate something that makes (You) happy. But never forget that your fans are also a big part of your brand identity so work towards making them happy as well and through their support maybe you'll build something great. And lasty but definitely not the least Leech Fubuki.

>> No.68851031

im horny and i need some good rpgmaker eroge

>> No.68851039

>antis for the girls
not incel btw

>> No.68851041

Members only stream to dodge getting mogged by Doki again?
Would be pretty funny to watch Gura karaoke get beaten by Doki neopets but I understand not wanting to get embarrased like that, smart move from the shark.

>> No.68851053

Play hard into the kayfabe only on your twitter period. After that, on your actual debut stream and after, bee urslf.

>> No.68851069
Quoted by: >>68851135

Weren't all of those just Kronii's fans? I don't think homobeggars even show up for the homocollabs.

>> No.68851075

Luca confirmed financially negligible

>> No.68851083

Seriously? Do you got a screenshot of them arguing?

>> No.68851100


>> No.68851114

If you search that username you can still see the strongest watamate's replies

>> No.68851120

thanks king, i downloaded it
in the search columns it says 90% off, but in the store page it is 100%

>> No.68851135
Quoted by: >>68851352

No, those were the only times homobeggars actually did watch streams
Kronii's fans rapidly stopped being Kronii's fans after that

>> No.68851151

Summing it up.

>> No.68851163
File: 776 KB, 850x1202, 1706209037518889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68851172 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 850x478, maru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HERE ANONS; the ultimate "would you rather"

would you rather
>have sex with your oshi at will
>give the VERSEn sheep a chance to go back and pick up the VR Ping Pong option instead of Sony

>> No.68851201

Sex with oshi

>> No.68851209

anon, there is a reason why he has time to post shit about vtubers on reddit. He is a failure in academia.

>> No.68851224
File: 18 KB, 625x203, 1707771871517179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the rice fields motherfucker

>> No.68851232
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x1978, Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 23.02.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they flirting on main

>> No.68851236
File: 925 KB, 1226x687, 0125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851479

>> No.68851248

Phase BTFO, NijiEN is too strong.

>> No.68851255


>> No.68851270
Quoted by: >>68851583


>> No.68851273
File: 197 KB, 1152x254, dokishark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851626

>running away from another doki mogging

>> No.68851284
Quoted by: >>68851563

>the nijiEN boys were more popular than the girls
Motherfucker, Luxiem's trendline is bordering on becoming less popular and revenue-generating than current-year Tempus. If I was coming from the perspective of wanting a Stars-oshi to succeed, NijiEN's a perfect example of how to completely fuck things up so badly that they've managed to make Omega seem competent by comparison. And I'm comparing Luxiem here! For any other wave, even Flay and Axel can't beat NijiEN in the raspberry tally anymore. The only reason you'd want your boytoy to debut in NijiEN is so that the company tortures him so hard that you actually stand a chance of grooming your corpo of choice.

>> No.68851283


>> No.68851287

Sorry Mona, I'm probably the only one here that has your membership, but fucking my oshi whenever I'd like takes precedence.

>> No.68851310
File: 210 KB, 850x1403, 1707361607418189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851402


>> No.68851325
Quoted by: >>68851457

I am willing to pay you up to $50,000 to have Ceres Fauna graduate from hololive

>> No.68851343
File: 932 KB, 1668x696, 2282B249-5E0A-40F8-89D4-4AF2E5515DE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851379


>> No.68851352

Well 20k is not that much, just a normal Holo collab could get that much.

>> No.68851358

I'm glad these people are utterly defeated. NijiEN still exists and you can go there.

>> No.68851371


>> No.68851379

>a nigga from iceland is a chumbud

>> No.68851381
File: 1.12 MB, 2250x3222, 1706204877084530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68851396
Quoted by: >>68851689

because that's what that dude came to Holostars to do?
He's about as close to a worst case scenario as you can get, the closest thing to Luca that Holo(((pro))) will allow.

>> No.68851398

jokes on you im picking the second option since im one of the few anons who doesnt want sex with my oshi

>> No.68851397


>> No.68851402
Quoted by: >>68851546

NO ANON, dont post sexy gooba pics!! im saving my goom for Valentines day!!!

>> No.68851405

I find it funny that he claims nijiEN fanbases are open to each other. Fags cant even stay for 15mins when raided into another channel whereas holoEN fans can sometimes stay for the whole SC reading.

>> No.68851420

I almost feel bad for them man, everybody ignores them except ollie and iofi, if even bae acts like you dont exists you know you fucked up

>> No.68851439
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_03_46 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.05.36 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Koyori naked

>> No.68851444

Iofi always lets Holostars post the worst images of her on twitter. She gives fewer than zero fucks about her personal brand.

>> No.68851457

That's like giving someone 100$ to leave their day job. Try couple millions to make it worth retiring any holomem.

>> No.68851462


>> No.68851469
Quoted by: >>68851755

>only 14 vtubers live
Twitch has more vtubers than youtube. Like it or not this is the truth.

>> No.68851479
File: 10 KB, 523x230, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68851480

>slutting it up yet again
As expected of the rag known as Koyori's Hot News

>> No.68851483

Koyori's hot nudes is not a meme

>> No.68851487

What did you expect from Koyori Naked News?

>> No.68851494

She sounds so lovely, her mic settings are so nice today

>> No.68851522
Quoted by: >>68851565

Kuzuha gold when?

>> No.68851546
File: 17 KB, 708x90, 1707648798654948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make more goom

>> No.68851548
File: 57 KB, 583x813, 247df1128e2ebb2d88cfb138223c920d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68851549
File: 545 KB, 2757x4096, 1678880373890859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851774

I'm back Chumbies. I strayed away from Gura for another girl, but I'm back now.

>> No.68851563

I don’t know, HomoEN have numbers have been plummeting since the Armis ‘boost’ withered. They’re starting to get closer and closer to their pre-armis numbers.

>> No.68851565

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a Kuzuha Gold today

>> No.68851583
Quoted by: >>68851618

>listening to the CNN of hololive

>> No.68851590
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x720, cast a spell[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8f4tqf.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just shit myself

>> No.68851594

Getting ready for her off collab with the other koshien managers I see

>> No.68851597
File: 208 KB, 598x535, 1691201980077991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851655

it's a rite of passage to become full fledged homo anon

>> No.68851605
Quoted by: >>68852024

this is why we dont need more ID gens, also they have the monopoly there why keep investing?

>> No.68851614
File: 924 KB, 1324x794, MY BELOVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68851618

Nothing wrong with them

>> No.68851622
File: 1.10 MB, 1077x607, Love shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...... Im falling more and more in love with her again............. help bros...........

>> No.68851626

Dude what is your fucking mental issue? It takes real dedication to just camp the thread and be this obnoxious

>> No.68851630

abayo fags I'm having a karaoke offpako with my daughterwife

>> No.68851635

It's not fair! Heimir is protected by Watamage and can just spam his SPECIAL MOVE because she replenishes his MP!

>> No.68851652
File: 391 KB, 1016x582, BAE8B7B4-6025-4D33-9A4F-3064C15D23E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851674


>> No.68851655
Quoted by: >>68851721

Damn man this is some freaky jap ntr doujin shit

>> No.68851659
File: 1.46 MB, 1620x731, subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check my subs
>Bunch of chuubas that aren't on the list

>> No.68851665

Now that Gura is back, the irrelevant dramatubers can just fade away...

>> No.68851674

Yeah mine

>> No.68851684

lemon shark

>> No.68851689
Quoted by: >>68851768

>closest thing to Luca that Holo(((pro))) will allow.
Until management gets even more desperate for a ‘hit’.

>> No.68851688

Half of his personality is that he wants to interact with Hololive. The other day he made a joke about how he was going to steal the Pekora FGO figure. And no one really cares about Iofi so for her any attention is good.

>> No.68851703

Watamate Thanathos

>> No.68851715

>7 watching
>13 watching

>> No.68851721

Oga is too much of a whiny woman to ever play an NTR villain.

>> No.68851731
File: 98 KB, 240x240, 213231312231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheep would never be this slutty

>> No.68851733
File: 846 KB, 805x596, She hates it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hates it when her mouth has this shape.........(i think its cute)

>> No.68851755
Quoted by: >>68851816

That's 14 Vtubers belonging to the largest VTuber organizations around (and a few shitters/indies as well). But yeah, Twitch has like 200 1view chuubas streaming pretty much whenever so no question Twtich overall has more.

>> No.68851758
File: 447 KB, 577x838, 1686673111604093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love that guy

>> No.68851766
File: 1.19 MB, 1313x743, GURA TONGUE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68851768
Quoted by: >>68852002

Yeah I fully expect the next Armis gen (probably coming in about 2-3 months) to have at least one full on sex pest towards EN girls
The talent pool is dwindling and their desperation to find someone that can even approach what Vesper and Magni was is growing.

>> No.68851774


>> No.68851776

And yet you put sora azki fubuki aki and mio who are older in marriage

>> No.68851783
Quoted by: >>68851838

They replied with “Sorry, I don’t care”. Then why fucking make that stupid fucking novelization in the first place?

>> No.68851790
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_08_49 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.10.39 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing sushi related paraphernalia with holos on it!
Ultra rare collaboration merchandise and LINE stamps with most popular Japanese site!
Sexy Roboco outfit stuffs!
Truly out of this world, things we just can't make do without!
So come on everyone, let's purchase some of these!

>> No.68851807

>lolikami hit the submission limit

>> No.68851806
File: 2 KB, 123x93, 1687436580741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's too many fucking chumbuds for this boat

>> No.68851816
Quoted by: >>68852041

More like two thousand.

>> No.68851821

Helmite take a deep breath your sanity gauge is lowering

>> No.68851829

>no shark membership
>listen to holoEN songs for now

>> No.68851833

>The recent issues which have cropped up regarding Anycolor, also known as “NIJISANJI,”
Damn it, if you're going to write a serious paper you can't fuck up in the very first sentence. Anycolor is not equivalent to Nijisanji. Anycolor Inc. is an entertainment company, and Nijisanji is vtuber agency/project under Anycolor. At least do the bare minimum research of looking at their homepage or wikipedia page to see how to talk about your topic.

>> No.68851838

The (literal) tranny is just coping.

>> No.68851846

Number news: Apparently google form hit the limit that’s why it automatically closed

>> No.68851863

woah I saw her back teeth

>> No.68851869
File: 47 KB, 680x680, Gooba and Shrimp helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can jump off the boat then

>> No.68851887

We can swim

>> No.68851897
Quoted by: >>68851922

So what was the limit?

>> No.68851903

>watame has another offpako and sexpako collab with ina again
>she will probably have one with fauna when she goes to japan also
Watame and her hiring has been a disaster for hololive
Its time for cover to address the sheep menace

>> No.68851914
File: 144 KB, 1280x1280, 30 hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68851973

>lolikami form got too many responses and hit a softcap

how many chumbies got caught by the honeypot...

>> No.68851922

she didn't ask

>> No.68851939
File: 1.14 MB, 1286x730, sexy shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68852028

Every screenshot makes her look hotter to me, wtf

>> No.68851941
File: 3.73 MB, 1134x5240, en corpo race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maria clutched the raspberry yesterday in a miraculous victory

>> No.68851949

Sorry ..... i leak it in NijiEN discrod

>> No.68851962
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_11_24 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.13.13 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys don't live in Japan the next step on World-wide Hololive Domination Plan has been finished!
Now hololive merchandise is on permanent sale across multiple stores of Japan with more stores joining in soon!
Please await warmly the day when the same will happen to Tawiwan, and then more!

>> No.68851973

what is this about

>> No.68851979

Fauna became a puddle the last time... keep watame away from her...

>> No.68851993
Quoted by: >>68852062

Aqua mention

>> No.68851997
Quoted by: >>68852121

Will add this person watches tempiss while being an aggressive hololive anti lol

>> No.68852002
Quoted by: >>68852169

My greatest fear if NijiEN ends up merging with the main branch is that the exodus of talents will lead to HomoEN management willing to recruit some of those faggots. Hopefully Nijisanji’s gaff of implying there was “liver on liver” bullying among the group that it’ll spook them. But my opinion of Homo management worsens by the day as they continuously drop to new lows.

>> No.68852020

>got an Aqua artist to make her a chatting screen

>> No.68852024

but we need more Moona, Anya, Zeta, Reine and Kaela

>> No.68852028
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1689554631020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right click -> copy video frame

>> No.68852036

Nice, I'll go look when I'm over there next month

>> No.68852041

2000 GFs all mine

>> No.68852050
Quoted by: >>68852422

This day did a really good job of showing the general "tier list" of EN by corpo

>> No.68852062
Quoted by: >>68852112

She loves her Senpais! (Fauna and Aqua get mentioned on 90% of members streams)

>> No.68852094

oh neat hopefully i can get some when i go to holofes

>> No.68852099
File: 101 KB, 320x426, 1690775003903108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68852109

Gura is so beautiful...

>> No.68852112

anon Fauna is her kouhai (even if she calls her mommy)

>> No.68852122
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_12_34 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.14.24 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time everyone! Time to grab your hololive Friends plushies, go out with your holoro loaded phone and and take some top-tier awe-worthy photos and post them straight on holoplus in order to win acknowledgement and more!

>> No.68852121

pretty much default

>> No.68852126
Quoted by: >>68852351

You should specify double right click

>> No.68852169
Quoted by: >>68852606

>implying any of the male nijien livers will want to downgrade to homostars when vshojo and mythic is having a bidding war over fucking Kyo of all people

>> No.68852175

I use this, it's faster

>> No.68852179

now we need FUWAMOCO to bring this news to EN side

>> No.68852214

naruhodo thanks

>> No.68852236
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat trick

>> No.68852249

It's odd seeing HMV still alive in Japan when it basically died in the UK even before the pandemic.

>> No.68852252
File: 632 KB, 761x740, 1694376565498431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alone with this in a karaoke room

>> No.68852256
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_13_52 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.15.41 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68852314

Behold the HoloHoney news! Namely news about ongoing fanart contest!

>> No.68852282
File: 265 KB, 720x720, 1701315235673917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna bust!

>> No.68852286


>> No.68852290
File: 100 KB, 594x829, 1549039345281016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Oshi is OBSESSED with me. So obsessed in fact she has willingly decided that she'd become a /here/ chuuba just to quench her undying addiction of me. She's so obssessed she's has memorised my typing patterns to the point she can even pinpoint which schizo I am amongst the other irrelevant schizos that harbor these threads. I KNOW because of of my very real but ultimately deluded fantasies of me being THE CHOSEN ONE. The chosen Anon who gets to interact with their oshi while being FULLY aware that it is them. Whenever I sense her presence I NEVER forget to shower her with all the praises my brain can muster up, or write down lists of Karaoke song suggestions for hey, or never forgetting to shill all of her streams, or paint the threads with the countless array of her lewd content. Lord have I won the Gachikoi lottery. I feel like a blessed person right now.

>> No.68852304

Fuck she already ask for us to start BUSTIN

>> No.68852311

Thoughts on this strat?

>> No.68852314

>hi honey

>> No.68852341


>> No.68852351

oh right, forgot I have right click modded to show all options

>> No.68852362
File: 297 KB, 2552x718, df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68852412

Altare hinted at Omega returning in his 3D collab

>> No.68852378
File: 160 KB, 436x451, 1676954793295772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bratty shark..

>> No.68852395

Where are homos?

>> No.68852412

gura cute

>> No.68852422

Well not really since Phase had the karaoke relay and NijiEN had a ton of unusual buffs
>fulgur return stream, Kyo graduation buff, Kotoka handcam bullshit, Vanta birthday, Reimu holo collab

>> No.68852426

Anime titties aren't rare. I can look at thousands of high quality anime titties all day and night and never see the same one twice.
When it comes to vtubers, you have to make my heart cum first.

>> No.68852448
File: 2.99 MB, 480x720, 1707773585319029.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68852450
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_17_06 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.18.55 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora and Subaru did the thing, they have brazenly charged into Yu-Gi-Oh factories and performed hostile takeovers of them through corporate and police corruption allowing them to obtain perms for the series and even create a official celebratory message!

>> No.68852452


>> No.68852492

She is back for good, isn't she? Is 2024 gonna be the golden year? The revival?

>> No.68852503
File: 304 KB, 1207x1600, 1698857015791211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68853059

Good god im gonna fucking goom

>> No.68852506

>Google form reached its cap...

You anons did not submit your own cover for Gura's project right? You're too old to still be doing this kind of shit

>> No.68852527

I can do this with AI.

>> No.68852537

show her burning down a gypsy caravan onegai

>> No.68852539
Quoted by: >>68852639

I don't feel like being on a "list"

>> No.68852560

Did Koyo talk about the Foamstars thing that's happening soon?

>> No.68852562

I did...

>> No.68852568

i sent an autotuned version

>> No.68852571
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_18_32 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.20.21 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68852645

Sakamata does it once again! By performing amazing feats of diplomacy and sex appeal she has convinced yet another company to let her mark their products with her smell and image in order to sell even more of them!

>> No.68852578

>too old
you mean the appropriate age for being a kimo-ota

>> No.68852606
Quoted by: >>68852771

Someone delusional enough to think they could get access to the girls. Someone like Luca would totally risk the irrelevance and he’s definitely stupid and arrogant enough to believe the girls wouldn’t ignore him like the other faggots.

>> No.68852625
File: 832 KB, 1400x1600, 1706546549865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bustin makes me feel good~

>> No.68852633
File: 163 KB, 933x1200, IMG_5642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68852675

Bustin in her cute little tight cunny ToT

>> No.68852634

Yes anon, this time she's totally not milking chumbuds for Valentines Day. Totally.

>> No.68852635

I went full sovl

>> No.68852639

anon first time you replied to a post on 4chan you are already in a list

>> No.68852645

i never understood why she gets so many sponsorships
i understand the cleaning products though, very funny imho

>> No.68852675
File: 193 KB, 1024x757, smol uoh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fprh88a.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68852679
File: 580 KB, 384x450, EB43D1F5-5FD7-4DFD-ACEF-A477595F84B3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68852689
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_20_15 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.22.05 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori once again does it everyone! She managed to hack into every tetoteconnect arcade machine in Japan in order to add her own music into them! Truly she's beyond reproach of mere mortals like us!

>> No.68852691

>my oshi ordered me to put a cute icon
yes my goobers...

>> No.68852697

How about just enjoy each stream as it comes rather than thinking in absolutes.

>> No.68852699
Quoted by: >>68852829

>shark running in fear from dokibird

>> No.68852711
Quoted by: >>68852805

>I'm going to do a public karaoke

>> No.68852718

>Potential love song public karaoke on Valentine's
The black hole returns

>> No.68852732
Quoted by: >>68852905

Fillian just announced she's doing a Hot Ones style stream with Doki on the 19th

>> No.68852736
Quoted by: >>68852875

Isn't that similar to artists that do all those "strip games"?

>> No.68852738
Quoted by: >>68852880

not allowed, Gura will ignore your submission

>> No.68852771

Why would they go to homostars for that anon when they have all the access to groom all the 2views they want in mythic or vshojo
hell if anything they have a bigger chance of interacting with them there if ironmouse somehow manages to invite mori to an event

>> No.68852798

Fauna made an mpreg joke once, no one seemed to pick up on it

>> No.68852805
Quoted by: >>68852916

would that be enough to beat doki?

>> No.68852806

>shitposts in hlg
>look how terrible they are
It's like you are the schizo with an agenda

>> No.68852829

do you ever sleep?

>> No.68852842
File: 1.24 MB, 1062x2168, 1799065489763456753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68852854

Im happy for tht but well never get another valentines ASMR right? That shit was good

>> No.68852862
File: 919 KB, 1700x2400, 1706204812998060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68852914


>> No.68852867

Gura la creatura soundpost.

>> No.68852875

Those are usually fun if the artist is good.

>> No.68852878

>public love song karaoke on valentines

>> No.68852880
Quoted by: >>68852992

>implying she'll know the difference
autotune doesnt mean i went full daft punk anon i just tweaked my voice a little

>> No.68852881

la sirena...

>> No.68852900
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_24_13 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.26.03 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68853163

Imagine this amazing cast of proud women willing to cover themselves in foam and perform strenuous physical activities with each other while in close contact!
Does it sound like something you would want watch? Good news then, it's happening in few hours so better clean up that schedule and watch their Foamstars party!

>> No.68852905
Quoted by: >>68853089

doki really is the queen of EN. even filian was desperate for a collab with her. filian never acted like this with any of the holos.

>> No.68852909
File: 15 KB, 175x65, 1616812503447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this song...

>> No.68852915

doki x filian collab do u rike?

>> No.68852914

Wonderful World

>> No.68852916

Doki last 2 streams barely higher than 30k so yeah(unless it’s archived)

>> No.68852923

I suppose it depends on what you consider back. If you think that means like five streams a week, probably not. If you're fine with one or two plus a members once or twice a month, then yes. I'm fine with that personally, but I'm just a Gura appreciator, not a true chumbud.

>> No.68852950
File: 575 KB, 1024x1145, 171065489763456751901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68852963
File: 364 KB, 1260x1260, 1704557346391554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crying

>> No.68852992

Reminder that T-Pain sounds 1000x better without his signature autotune.

>> No.68853005
File: 108 KB, 256x256, 1707417003954467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68853108

Dokibird will beat Rosemi to 500k, even though Rosemi started the race ahead of 500k.

>> No.68853008
File: 472 KB, 900x900, 16913534565764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68853038

Gura's voice is the sweetest, most angelic sound in the universe.

>> No.68853040

Holo collab doko?
I guess Doki really is the new hot thing
There's a really good chance she even beats Gura's Valentine's karaoke

>> No.68853042
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_25_02 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.26.52 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68853079

Waoh! The mystical koyote of good luck has appeared once again on the camera!
Quickly, better open up the latest hologra to witness her role in the sexual scandal between two hololive members!

>> No.68853055 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 602x589, 20220420_224135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68853192


>> No.68853059

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.68853079


>> No.68853089
Quoted by: >>68853141

lol, this is the same sort of thing that fleshstreamers tried to do with Myth in 2020, they'll all just pump and dump her for easy clout.

>> No.68853108

Gonna be honest, it's kinda funny

>> No.68853112
File: 40 KB, 824x746, 1658771489533500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my children
d-does she know?

>> No.68853116

You know, what is funny about Selen thing is NijiEN fucked up by deleting her content. Now casual NijiJP fans think she is Kuzuha tier CCV because they can only check Doki current performance without knowing the fact she was borderline 2k shitter before termination

>> No.68853125
Quoted by: >>68853176

Minato Aqua

>> No.68853136
File: 1.41 MB, 3072x4096, 1706204591886032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68853141
Quoted by: >>68853202

So, you're saying doki is relevant and the shark is not?

>> No.68853159

Ayame Nakiri

>> No.68853161

I want to consume Gura's piss directly from the tap

>> No.68853163

We love sex women shilling soulless products!

>> No.68853166
Quoted by: >>68853407

/gem/ is melting down and ex-Chumbies are being swayed by Gura to come back

>> No.68853176

I knew it was the heckin bocchi

>> No.68853192 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 352x351, 20231130_191853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GFE and CGDCT is the white man's entretainment

>> No.68853202
Quoted by: >>68853533

what that anon is saying is that doki is an easy mark will be the 2nd coming of ollie

>> No.68853212

>every time Gura gushes over Marine it's in a goddamn membership stream
Marine will never know...

>> No.68853224
Quoted by: >>68853308

Yes cover is also making fucking mistakes but thats because they have nijiniggers among staff members.
It's like saying /hlg/ is bad but ignoring the obvious fact that it's the schizo antis that make it bad.

>> No.68853227
Quoted by: >>68853367

Marine mention

>> No.68853236
Quoted by: >>68853304

And thats the Marine mention to go with the Aqua one. Now we missing the Fauna one.

>> No.68853282
File: 16 KB, 389x215, 1707631707030060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68853298
File: 55 KB, 472x650, 17074029985393922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient numberfag data

>> No.68853302
Quoted by: >>68853456

So botted?

>> No.68853304
Quoted by: >>68853418

>then EN

>> No.68853308

Nice false equivalency faggot. /hlg/ hasn't been a real Holoboard in 2 years.

>> No.68853320
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_29_43 ], take=[ 2024-02-12 23.31.32 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can everyone believe it!? Botan has broke the terrible curse placed on her and managed to win a whole Street Fight against actual pro Street Fighter!
It only proves than not only is Botan amazing but that you can always rise above your station, so better get into more street fights everyone and acquire more power in order to shout out your oshi's name after winning!

>> No.68853340

She wasn’t in a fucking psych ward you piece of shit, from all the details we have it’s extremely clear it’s a physical medical issue
There’s a reason why she’s not as comfortable going back to dancing in 3D but she’s fine with tons of collab streams

>> No.68853342


We're gonna watch this, right?

>> No.68853350

SAMEBABA new ship name

>> No.68853355

She'll gush again when she sings Shinkiro in a public karaoke.

>> No.68853367
File: 300 KB, 2048x1152, 1679815334057372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these mentions always locked behind members

>> No.68853403

based leech, as expected from twitch chuubas

>> No.68853407
File: 1.05 MB, 1730x1091, 1704459222037234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is the greatest loli in vtubing ever. I feel bad for anyone who's got her as competition.

>> No.68853417

The SOMA stream...
I remember how it was live on holostats for like, three years straight

>> No.68853418

she sometimes talks about her but Aqua and Marine never fail. if she talks about EN its Fauna

>> No.68853425

>Go to Japan
>Don't get a sexpako with Watame
I understand why Fauna became a puddle now

>> No.68853429

does this explain why flips are always sexpests? because they grew up listening to stuff like this?

>> No.68853451



>> No.68853456

>botted singing submissions

>> No.68853469
File: 289 KB, 1423x2048, 20230414_124507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68853489

What makes this better is that the anti is a… kind of but not really well known underground tuber who was also involved with that whole Splatoon porn mess that got them in trouble with Nintendo.

>> No.68853521

>Gura doing karaoke twice in a day
Gura don't destroy your voice you retard

>> No.68853527

Vertical moom? Does the frame change when she starts?

>> No.68853533

Bingo. All the sharks (lol) are circling for a piece of the new meat while it's hot. They'll get in on the drama before fucking off to the next thing. I'd expect Ironmouse to have her on her talkshow too except that Ironmouse has seemed strangely quiet about all this.

>> No.68853541

moom why do you always do this to me when I have to sleep
