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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.68707109

clock sex

>> No.68707199
File: 10 KB, 194x199, 1349253923064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68707233


>> No.68707288


>> No.68707306
File: 123 KB, 694x685, 1699189655838858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68707441
Quoted by: >>68707975

What is she burned out from?

>> No.68707587

I'll give a load alright

>> No.68707910

i'll give her another shot in her ovum alright

>> No.68707975
Quoted by: >>68708303

Follow-up jaw surgery

>> No.68708303
Quoted by: >>68708523

surgery from too much cock?

>> No.68708523

She does not have too much cock, her cock is just fine.
Stop being jealous.

>> No.68708693

Are you being ironic though?

>> No.68708824

She doesn't want me back...

>> No.68708838
File: 177 KB, 1024x1024, 1707421805093931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will literally never support Mori, Kronii, Baelz, or Ame in any way shape or form ever. I will always think of them as lesser, I will always hate them, and I will always avoid content that includes them in any way, shape, or form. The reason is simple. They are anathema to Hololive and the values of cute girls doing cute things. They have shown through their words and actions that they are not the right fit for Hololive and that they don't belong there. Moreover they have shown that instead of trying to fit in, they would rather take radical measures to try and change Hololive. Hololive should not have to suffer people who are just there to cynically funnel attention to their roommates, lazy ironic weebs, or spiteful bitches.

>Y-You should forgive her!

>S-She's changed, she's better now
No she hasn't and even if she has, I don't care, she will never be forgiven for her past sins.

>Y-Your information is months/years out of date
Possibly, because that's when I stopped watching them. As I said, I'm not going to forgive them.

>Don't you believe in second chances?
All these girls got multiple chances and at every opportunity, they fucked it up. They showed they would rather "own the haters" or rather get up on a soapbox and dispense their stupid uninformed opinions to the legions of people who support them. What a lot of people fail to recognize is that Hololive IS a second chance. These girls failed at being fucking waitresses. They couldn't even do a basic service job. Just by being in Hololive, they are given a wonderful opportunity to make the kind of money 99% of the world will never see and they should be grateful because none of them could hack it in the real world. But instead of being grateful, they got full of themselves and decided to try the "my way or the highway" approach.

>Y-You're just a schizo anti!
Actually I'm being hyper rational. I gave all these girls chances and they all chose to make bad decisions. I do not harass them on Twitter, I don't stalk them, I don't even leave negative comments on their videos. I just simply do not watch them, I do not buy their merch, and I tell everyone on this discussion forum that I do not like them and that others should not watch them either. I inform people who are new, who may not know why they are hated, of the things these girls did in the past and why people have a sour view of them now. Obviously I cannot make other people stop supporting them, everyone is free to do what they want. But I will warn others of the type of shit they've pulled in the past and consequently the type of person they've shown themselves to be.

These girls are not worth your time or money. There are plenty of other girls who are.

>> No.68708976

least mentally ill unicorn

>> No.68709022

I ain't reading that, but take your meds.

>> No.68709032

she's kinda boring desu

>> No.68709117 [DELETED] 
File: 623 KB, 2893x2532, cc04f6ec2a9d81316d8822e601d907c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never stopped fapping to Kronii's fat tits and sex voice.

>> No.68709256
File: 234 KB, 1170x563, IMG_7198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO !

>> No.68709335
File: 103 KB, 1200x686, kronii butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bump your bait thread, but Jannies need to geo-block you.

>> No.68709438

Bro... I can see her smelly butthole...

>> No.68709641
Quoted by: >>68709769

where can i get the full pic?

>> No.68709769
Quoted by: >>68709803


>> No.68709803


>> No.68710130
Quoted by: >>68710552

>They are anathema to Hololive and the values of cute girls doing cute things.
Cover, Yagoo, and the actual talents wouldn't agree with that. They know CGDCT content is part of the Hololive formula but most of them want to move the company away from coomerbait and GFE.

>> No.68710511

She'd still be riding homostar dick if management didn't ban male collabs. There's no way kronii, mori, and ame all just decided they didn't want to do male collabs anymore at the same time especially after all the cringy shit they said.

>> No.68710552
Quoted by: >>68716172

And all their efforts have been met with failure.

>> No.68710554
Quoted by: >>68710774

>if management didn't ban male collabs
They didn't.

>> No.68710617

It’s almost like mori kronii and ame were good friends with vesper and magni and collabed with them because they enjoyed their presence .

>> No.68710646
File: 342 KB, 1068x1080, 1681454724999892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anyone says. She'll always be the best HoloEN member to me.

>> No.68710773

It's almost like idgaf I'm not watching them

>> No.68710774

Then why did they all stop after making such a big deal about it?
What about ame and the blue haired dude? She doesn't like him anymore? Did they break up?

>> No.68710781
Quoted by: >>68711099

>he doesn't know
Kronii hates them, she's the main reason why male collabs have stopped and why Vesper and Magni left. Mori is just supporting her decision.

>> No.68710818

I ain't reading this, just gonna tell you to get off the fucking internet and touch some grass, get a job, go to church, meet a girl, heavily vet her until you can be sure she's not a roastie, get married, have kids. Shit's hard but it's better than screaming at people on the internet about how much anime cock lives rent free in your head, just the audacity of it existing sends you into an autistic tizzy.

>> No.68710884

I ain't reading all that. Sucks to have a micropenis though, my condolences

>> No.68710902
File: 139 KB, 850x1202, IMG_3585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh you think I have the storage space and care in my brain to remember more than 2 homos at once?

>> No.68711064
Quoted by: >>68711308

I don't even get why people would care about Kronii with guys when she's a dyke. Like don't go trying to meme into not being one cause she is massive one unless it's just guy collabs are bad in general since they're shit

>> No.68711099

Then why did she continue collabing with homos after her boytoy left?
The collabs only stopped on the girls channels they're still going on the boys side

>> No.68711172
Quoted by: >>68711661

? The last collab was in May they were fired in July.

>> No.68711184
File: 129 KB, 1080x1080, 1667336232614911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like people such as this just want to be bitter and miserable, and will look for any reason to continue being so.

>> No.68711193
Quoted by: >>68721399

>Then why did they all stop after making such a big deal about it?
Because they're /here/ and are trying to avoid drama.

>> No.68711269
File: 203 KB, 372x500, IMG_3583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m glad you think I care. I don’t see the issue with homo collabs as long as they’re not sexpests bc it means that the streamer is honest about who they like and collab with. Do you think the girls who don’t collab with men completely ignore them outside of streaming? Ofc they don’t, they just lie to you so they can get retarded unicorns easily

>> No.68711297
Quoted by: >>68711439

Complete homobeggar headcanon. Mori didn't give a single fuck when they left, Kronii only cared about Vesper but she dropped him and banned his name from her channel so clearly something went very wrong there, and Ame had no substantial interactions with either of them. Your fantasy that the girls are "good friends" with the Homos is complete bullshit.

>> No.68711308
Quoted by: >>68716435

>unless it's just guy collabs are bad in general since they're shit
That's a big part of it honestly, I don't know how holostars hired someone cringe enough to brag about being called "the cucker" because he got pity hugs from girls in high school. If dudes have to rely on a vtuber model that means they weren't entertaining enough to cut it as a flesh streamer, and most flesh streamers already have dog shit content not worth watching.

>> No.68711312

yeah mine (all 20,000)

>> No.68711399

Seethe more lmao

>> No.68711439
File: 387 KB, 850x1395, IMG_3582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68712164

For someone who isn’t a homobeggar, you sure know a lot about them~ either way does the situation change whether the girls are friends with the guys? I don’t think it does as long as there’s no cringe sexpest stuff going on

>> No.68711641

ok *cums*

>> No.68711661
Quoted by: >>68711726

Kronii's last homo collab was in October

>> No.68711726
Quoted by: >>68711842


>> No.68711724

Fuck off

>> No.68711842
Quoted by: >>68711964

Don't question mark me you know what I said

>> No.68711857
File: 121 KB, 1800x2250, IMG_3594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are only mad at her because they know they couldn’t take her in bed

>> No.68711917
Quoted by: >>68711957

Short hair Kronii > Long hair Kronii

>> No.68711939

stop samefagging you retarded phone posting mongoloid

>> No.68711957
File: 490 KB, 850x1275, IMG_3596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both are great

>> No.68711964

Post the fucking collab in october then

>> No.68711976

Could you be more specific? Gonna need more than huge tits built for paizuri

>> No.68711984


>> No.68711990
Quoted by: >>68712024

don't talk about yourself like that

>> No.68711993


>> No.68712012

Why tho? What has she done? Haven't watched her in a year and a half.

>> No.68712024
Quoted by: >>68712072

buy a shotgun and blow your brains out

>> No.68712043

People get mad when you call these whores niji rejects but all the posts about them here read exactly like nijisister posts about their fuckboys

>> No.68712044
File: 289 KB, 850x1527, IMG_3274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me

>> No.68712072
Quoted by: >>68712107

I love you seabro

>> No.68712080


>> No.68712096
File: 19 KB, 573x411, 1671843604957024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dropped this

>> No.68712107
Quoted by: >>68716451

don't respond to me brownoid

>> No.68712164
Quoted by: >>68712342

I know more about the Homos than I ever wanted to thanks to that time they almost destroyed the EN branch. Every day I'm grateful that Omega was shitcanned and replaced with Jap-sama.

>> No.68712202

She's become so feminized.

>> No.68712259
Quoted by: >>68712298

The only thing more obnoxious than this lying stoner whore is her dogshit cucked fanbase.

>> No.68712298

It’s 2024 anon, you don’t eat edibles?

>> No.68712342
Quoted by: >>68712432

That anon still butthurt about the fact that the only thing he received from holoEN when his 2 fags got the boot was Kiara "bummer, i guess".

>> No.68712432
Quoted by: >>68712623

kronies are the only ones butthurt nobody will forgive their whore for betraying her fans for 2 grifters

>> No.68712455

Another based Kronii anti thread will reach bump limit
Never forget, never forgive

>> No.68712504
Quoted by: >>68712561

Not watching them is one thing, but not watching anything that includes them in any way, shape or form is just retarded since that includes all the big events.
For example, are you seriously telling me that you skipped the 3D swimsuit stream just because it had Kronii in it?

>> No.68712561

Anon what anon was saying is that he doesn't watch streams

>> No.68712623

Bummer i guess

>> No.68713109 [DELETED] 

every single time I tried to give her another chance she just collabed with homos again, even after they were fired she voiced kuro's lore video in vshojo lmao

>> No.68713203

based, fuck the faggots with their twitter tier replies

>> No.68713381
File: 321 KB, 435x505, 1682831301132512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68715457

Gee I wonder why I see a bunch for Hololvie threads trying to shit on the girls or call them lazy after one of biggest Niji's on EN got caught having his mod GF play all of his games for him, sign his merch, do his twitter and write everything for him?

>> No.68715388


>> No.68715457

now that nijiEN is gone we can focus on cleaning house

>> No.68715648


>> No.68716172

only if the execution is subpar

>> No.68716435
Quoted by: >>68716575

>holostars hired someone cringe enough to brag about being called "the cucker" because he got pity hugs from girls in high school
Though I’m a platonic CGDCT who doesn’t care either way if it’s a mixed collab or not, given what I know about the fan community, even I think that hire was a dumb idea

>> No.68716451

I wonder if you’re related to the shit i took this morning, your skin color matches after all.

>> No.68716539

I kneel.

>> No.68716575

making an EN homo branch was a bad idea from the get go

>> No.68716702

Aliaga Ayin the Aliacuck Cuckin does not approve these message

>> No.68716716

Putting aside the Homocollabs and the way she treated her fans like shit, she's just not a good streamer. She cannot entertain to save her life, she's permanently depressed and irony poisoned, and if it wasn't for her model by one of the biggest Fate artists, nobody would fucking watch her. She's just fucking boring, buy Wada's artbook and look at that instead.

>> No.68716725

so do people not recognize the copypasta or what

also captcha: 8xj WAR

>> No.68716988

in a row?

>> No.68717166

unicorns fuck off

>> No.68717421
Quoted by: >>68721414

I'll give her a shot alright.

>> No.68717549


>> No.68717675
Quoted by: >>68719356

She will never be good in my book. Even if her acting is top notch what she said can't be undone. The only good thing is her voice and there are other vtubers that don't go all cutsie voice.

>> No.68717799

Stop spamming threads you phone posting faggot

>> No.68718904

Fucking based

>> No.68719356

I remember when she covered her screen in Minecraft just so her fans couldn’t tattletale on where the goods are. She really thought her genmates were going to rob her. I hate her so much.

>> No.68720560

blue haired dude was burned after the dbd collab. said he'd rather not collab with anyone if their fans are going to go after him.
kobo fans are okay with the dude so he just settled as her caretaker.

>> No.68720946

>What about ame and the blue haired dude? She doesn't like him anymore? Did they break up?
when did these two ever talk to each other

>> No.68720999

>Faggot homobeggar sisters actually biting the bait from this pasta

>> No.68721399

what happened to owning le haters? are they scared now?

>> No.68721414

wow anon, is that you? i kinda blushed...

>> No.68721599

>newfag sister falls for old bait

>> No.68721771

>year old copypasta getting (You)s

>> No.68723133
Quoted by: >>68727691

I wish AI art could make more like this, then animate it. God damn.

>> No.68727691

It can make more, just not animate it

>> No.68728333

You're a faggot and don't even deserve the (You)

>> No.68729076

>She’s good now
She always was good at peroing my pp
