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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68709530 No.68709530 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>68704206

>> No.68709560
Quoted by: >>68710354


>> No.68709559
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.68709574

So this last week proves that she absorbed the power of the Mario Party curse right? I've never seen her casting high level spells with this frequency before.

>> No.68709596
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>> No.68709601
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>> No.68709616
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We love little girls here. Also, Laplus is going to fart on stream if she keeps it on while sleeping...

>> No.68709646

the sololive sent her reserves in overdrive, she has to chain cast spells to deplete the excess mana, nothing personal.

>> No.68709656
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>> No.68709672
File: 298 KB, 1049x2048, IMG_2559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Hololive/Cunny/Star Rail thread

>> No.68709677
Quoted by: >>68709800

The part that gives the "single person" aspect credence is the fact that they got into that situation where all perms requests are on hold. If they had more than one person doing it this wouldn't have happened.

>> No.68709679
File: 1.42 MB, 498x498, milliemage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the whole Selen thing was because Milliemage made a better with Watamage that the Niji mage could tank Selen sub count

>> No.68709686

Braplus Fartnesss...

>> No.68709689

Vtuber with more OPs than streams GO

>> No.68709732

An alliance of cunny lovers is the only solution

>> No.68709734

if it takes more than a couple of minutes then you're probably not going to find it even if you spend hours on it, but i can't imagine any holos are trying to play no one lives forever 2 or something equally retarded. realistically anything released in the past ~15 years at the very least should be trivial to get perms for if the company still exists. there's always a website or some form social media that takes less than a minute to google.

>> No.68709766
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>> No.68709779
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Quoted by: >>68709848

>> No.68709800

That was all a long time ago, though. Most of the complaints people point to Gura or whoever else making are from 2021 and 2022.

>> No.68709813
Quoted by: >>68709951

You keep saying that. Do you realize that every time you say something like that, Cover will double down on Homos? Now that you say it, expect HolostarsID soon.

>> No.68709819

I swear, ALL the preferential treatment they get, and they still complain constantly about problems that are quite literally non-existent. So many ways they've been helped and they're still completely irrelevant and a leech on everyone. Someone add this special treatment for perms to the image of all the wasted resources COVER continues to throw at this absolute failures. It's fucking asinine. In nearly any other company, they and the resources they waste by simply existing would've been cut off YEARS ago. Tanigo needs to go through a damn reality check and realize that his precious Homos will
But no, he just has to keep holding out for a dream that will never happen. The actual Homos themselves aren't any better at all. Time and time again they complain about things that they're lucky to even have in the first place. Their mostly generic merch? It should be 100% generic merch, because anything else is a waste on resources. Instead of ad-boosting content that would actually matter, like new gen debuts or concerts for Holos, they waste that spending to ad-boost garbage animations for HomoEN. Using resources to help out the girls with matters like their covers and orisongs? Nah, fuck that, let's make 3 (THREE) orisongs for da boyz instead? Why the fuck not? All this special treatment, and they still complain and complain. I have a little newsflash for all the Homos that keep complaining, and it's that in normal businesses such as these, if you fail at making money, you lose your job. Goodbye, lights off, sayonara. The fact that Tanigo keeps babying his "little pet project" like this is a fucking embarassment. Let's not forget completely shafting ID3 in favor of the most shilling a gen has ever gotten, bar HoloX. Hell, maybe even more than HoloX. At least the shilling there led to success. Uproar was one of the most shilled things Cover had ever done, and yet it's also the worst performing gen of all time. Let's also not forget the oh so popular announcement of forcing all Hololive girls to stop their streams so that Uproars 3D debuts can be the only active "HoloPro" streams while they were happening. And they still flopped HARD. Things like HomoEN getting 4 extra members only SIX MONTHS after the branch was launched. Hell, HomoEN as a WHOLE is an embarrassing thing. The fact that JP upper management was out of the loop on EN badly enough to where they let someone who knew NOTHING about what makes a vtuber successful make a branch of males, only because of NijiEN's SEAnigger audience and rampant botting made it seem like that could've been an okay idea. Then the absolute fallout of 2022 on EN, with barely ANYTHING fucking happening come the end of the year because the whole branch was depressed, stressed, and just fucking tired of it being like this. Even now, it's still bad. Making an entire Homo gen out of flips, safe for a literal spicfaggot, one of which being an
Hell, the rrats about a HomoID/SEA being in the works until it got canned, and the three members getting forcibly moved into an "EN" gen, then hiring a spic and calling the job done, they're probably true.

Things like HoloEN taking nearly 2 years for a new gen while the Homos got 2 within 6 months should never have even been on the table as a business. The Holostars brand is a fucking leech. The only way to right it is the finally put it down. For good. No more males, Tanigo. No more wasted resources. No more preferential treatment. No more FUCKING Homos. I could go on about the things COVER has done for this worthless brand, but it'd get to a point of ad nasuem. I'll just say that if Jap can make it up to the highest point one day, the future is going to be a damn good one.

>> No.68709823
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More bizarre chat activity coming from Phase Connect talent Muyu's stream today. After ~900 people were raided into her stream there was practically zero change in chat activity. I wonder why kind of viewers get raided onto a stream and then never say anything?

>> No.68709832
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sex with yotsuba

>> No.68709836

Here's the thing that Hololive SHOULD do, but HAVEN'T DONE:
>just send a fucker to California with the Company Expense Card and have him fucking get these perms contracts done in person

>> No.68709848

we haven't been able to unite the triforce in months

>> No.68709869

I still chuckle a bit when I realise that the things Luca did is a hundred times worse than what Zaion or Selen did yet he is going to get off scot free because he is managements darling
Imagine the seethe from Zaion

>> No.68709872

>I wonder why kind of viewers get raided onto a stream and then never say anything?
People who don't chat much in the first place, I assume, considering her chat was already low-key before then

>> No.68709879
Quoted by: >>68709975

Mucho texto.

>> No.68709883

I read all of this

>> No.68709888
Quoted by: >>68710129

I can't be bothered to find a timestamp but I'm pretty sure Gura mentioned running in to the perms guy (singular) at the studio when she was in Japan last year in one of her return streams.

>> No.68709893
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There was though. Its smaller relative to those peaks near the start and end of the stream, but a sudden burst of messages in a sea of silence is indicative of a redirect

>> No.68709903
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>> No.68709925
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So what is the future of male vtubers now?

>> No.68709933

A JP Phase received a raid from EN and was sitting at over 1k people for a while, I checked it out and there was like 4 chatters participating.

>> No.68709941

Why are cunny chuuba so popular? Big titty cow girls >>>>
Are vtuber fags mostly pedophile?

>> No.68709951
Quoted by: >>68710242

I'm NTA but I've thought and said the same thing for a long time at this point and the Holostars seem to be getting less involved with Hololive and getting more and more (completely reasonable) resource restrictions. so IDK, your theory might be inaccurate.

>> No.68709971
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Please Im enjoying cunny right now

>> No.68709975

Fine then, let me simplify it for you. Fuck Homostars. May God see the day they're shut down for good.

>> No.68709984
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Quoted by: >>68710109


>> No.68709991
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>> No.68710003
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>> No.68710014

An anon in the mans thread said da bois have referred to having a perms guy singular before too, no proof though

>> No.68710039

Little girls don't collab with strange men.
That's pedophilia.

>> No.68710063
Quoted by: >>68710149

Sorry anon, too much seethe

>> No.68710087
Quoted by: >>68711306

Of course Hololive gives them the best. But it seems like there's little interest in them

>> No.68710098

Lazy bitch is going to cancel Minecraft tomorrow. Won't stream on Monday because she already has plans. Won't stream on Tuesday because it's her off day. Come back on Valentines to milk her paypigs.

>> No.68710108
File: 1.01 MB, 1063x2126, GF-BweIaMAAMYEk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68710317

>Hell, HomoEN as a WHOLE is an embarrassing thing
I still find it fun that homoen almost had the same number of talents as holoen (and it would still be close if dumb and dumber didnt leave)

>> No.68710109


>> No.68710112
Quoted by: >>68710267

Anon, only the second larger column is post-raid. The one 3 minutes before it was before the raid happened... meaning even the "spike" wasn't much of a change of activity.

>> No.68710125
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>> No.68710129
Quoted by: >>68711187

I vaguely recall that too
But I think that was back in early 2023 where shit was still absolutely grim, and things might have changed in the year since
Cover may be incompetent, but ignoring the homo boondoggle, they have slowly improved over time

>> No.68710142

Based, but way too long.

>> No.68710149

I've been holding it in for a long fucking while. When you're forced to deal with homobeggars on a daily basis, you can only go so far until you need to let off some steam.

>> No.68710167


cute. hope i could see other JP memebr play this game togheter

>> No.68710178
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>> No.68710195

Did star rail make a girl for (you)?

>> No.68710208
File: 19 KB, 102x106, 1683093070995104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.68710212
Quoted by: >>68710602

It seems to me that you don't like her very much. Why do you care if she streams or not? Go watch your suicide-baiting indie instead.

>> No.68710219
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Quoted by: >>68710258

>> No.68710222

I'm not nearly as angry about it as I was a year ago just because everything seems to be healing, but you're still right

>> No.68710231
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>「My Dearest」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover) *new*
>「DAYBREAK FRONTLINE」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)
>「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)

>> No.68710237
Quoted by: >>68710701

Would Hololive incline with Genshin and Star Rail buff? What games can’t Holo play because of China other then gachas?

>> No.68710242
File: 740 KB, 1200x675, ARMIS_banner_press_231109-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68710365

My theory is extremely accurate

>> No.68710245
File: 62 KB, 748x361, kawaii mcn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the type of thing that is a gold mine, you could become RICH by setting up the equivalent of a "forwarding agent office" but for perms.
Imagine the value added there
>anon can take a list of 100 games and get perms for all of them in a couple of minutes of research per game plus 10 seconds per email.
I am not kidding, if you are serious that it is that easy you could do the equivalent of what Mythic did for talent agents and become an intermediary for that.
Cover would pay a great deal of money for an office that could do that. I'll say when you say "a couple of minutes" you mean four minutes and fifty seconds, to make an even five minutes per perm.
Times 100 perms request from Shinri, it would only take your office
>500 minutes = a eight hours day
to request all of then.

Again, I am not kidding or being ironic, if you REALLY think it is possible you are sitting in a gold mine there, and not even exclusive to only Hololive.
Kawaii just signed with a MCN for that exact same reason, likely cutting them on a share of their revenue
If you really think you could do it then by all means, you're sitting in a gold mine

>> No.68710258

>shill art
>get the best fan art
it is that simple

>> No.68710267
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Probably easier to just use an image.

>> No.68710284
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>> No.68710285

The healing is good. But the fact this rot was ever present at all is still a problem.

>> No.68710304

That's a long way to say
Total Homo Death

>> No.68710317

Thats kind of depressing to think about

>> No.68710324

The only thing I can say is that things are improving
Little by little under jao leadership and control
Homos are being slowly strangled to death.

>> No.68710330

If they so much as touching a strand of hair on any of the boys, they'll immediately get the black company label

>> No.68710338
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>> No.68710354
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>> No.68710365

>A tiny literally who gen that got zero, zip HololiveEN interaction or clout
Meh, whatever. You don't know how bad things were 1.5 years ago if you think this is somehow worse. I barely even know anything about Armis because they're so uninvolved with Hololive.

>> No.68710390
File: 626 KB, 622x561, Cunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MULTIPLES. Star Rail also have Pippa but hot and Japanese

>> No.68710397
Quoted by: >>68710468

that's why you sell the homos to Brave Group and let them do the touching

>> No.68710399


>> No.68710421

It's quite telling how every financial report is the same story for Holostars.
>holostars exists
>please clap
Never anything noteworthy, nothing about their growth in the market, just that they exist. Even Yagoo has admitted that Marine's TikTok stuff has proven to be a more effective method of attracting a female audience. It's purely a passion project.

>> No.68710445

There's so many ways to force people out of the company where the company still looks in the right. There's ways to make the ones being forced out feel like they're to blame. It's not as hard as you probably think.

>> No.68710447

gayslop impact mogged

>> No.68710449
File: 2.31 MB, 1312x2754, 1900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so mindbroken by fucking homos kek

>> No.68710451

oh i saw this on twitter
she hates gypsies right?
honorary european just like IRyS

>> No.68710468

kek, you surely mean
>pays Brave Group seven mules and three tally golds

>> No.68710480
Quoted by: >>68710519

Why are you posting Lyrica?

>> No.68710495

You definitely aren't wrong, but it's a moot point to bring up here.

>> No.68710513

Giga baused

>> No.68710519

she has big tits and her eigo streams are cute

>> No.68710518
Quoted by: >>68710670

Hey! Their number grew to 10. 10!

>> No.68710531
Quoted by: >>68710703

(・ω・ )

>> No.68710532

>hate gypsies
ok not every gachaslop is made the same i guess

>> No.68710541
Quoted by: >>68710725

Can you really say you love your oshi if you wouldn't kill every poster in her split with no remorse?

>> No.68710551
Quoted by: >>68710597

That's black company tactic

>> No.68710574
File: 196 KB, 761x2171, mu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sorry state of /mu/
What happened, did all other styles got the boot from the board?

>> No.68710585
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>> No.68710597

Literally every company does that in some way

>> No.68710602
Quoted by: >>68710660

I don't like present Fauna, I loved past Fauna.

>> No.68710619
Quoted by: >>68710873

People only call you a black company if they care about you.
Nobody stood up for Zaion because she had few fans. Selen was different because she had fans.
Relatively few people care about Holostars.
It'll still never happen because Cover has that pesky culture of taking care of all of their talents, a generally good thing with this one downside.

>> No.68710660
File: 145 KB, 869x1200, 1683501114596075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disliking any Fauna
Anon Hate!

>> No.68710670

This is true. HolostarsEN outnumbers HoloID, despite existing as a branch for half of the time.

>> No.68710671

unironically all hololive originals are better than kpop except for that fifty fifty cupid song

>> No.68710680

Kpop fags make a new thread after 300 posts

>> No.68710689
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>> No.68710701

When has hoyoslop even been a buff anymore? The only thing Hololive is missing is a good mahjong game.

>> No.68710703


>> No.68710711
Quoted by: >>68710743

It was never a good board no one over the age of twenty cares about arguing over music taste

>> No.68710716

I need more JP LC collabs. I wonder if any of them know about the JP translation mod.

>> No.68710723
File: 209 KB, 1232x1848, ABBFC26F-787B-48B8-B57F-D9FFFFF05B9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68710725

No you dumb fuck. True love is when you falseflag as sisters and shit on your oshi in an extremely retarded way to destroy the opposite image.

>> No.68710728
Quoted by: >>68710860

Kpop fags spamming their general like that is seriously shitty behavior, the rest of the boards should learn from /hlgg/'s example and use them up to completion or expiration

>> No.68710743

even before kpoop they liked the gayest shit

>> No.68710759 [DELETED] 


>> No.68710765
File: 3.10 MB, 1344x1998, 0755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68710777
File: 359 KB, 2029x1279, IMG_2557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and she might be the most popular gacha character in the entire world right now at this exact point time
She’s fucking EVERYWHERE, twitter is 98% Firefly art, one of the OST uploads by a fan of their moment together has almost 800k views in just a couple of days (along with millions of views across others), she’s topping a bunch of polls in JP and CN for favorite character

There’s a hoard of 2-3view JP vtuber girls who bawled their eyes out watching their moment and are obsessed with her.

>> No.68710785

So out of en 4 homo collabers who do you think was most likely "coerced" into collabing with faggots

>> No.68710805
File: 45 KB, 1177x135, bandage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68711000

No way they're ganking the bandage dude!

>> No.68710811
Quoted by: >>68712381

Well it's healing but Cover still keeps making strategic blunders that end up impacting the girls
Like Advent was pretty successful, but Cover bombed the marketing for Blue Journey and more importantly reGloss, and HLZNTL was an utter disaster
And meanwhile, staff and 3D studio time is a precious resource that's being wasted on homos
I wouldn't mind if Cover wasted money on the homos since clearly Cover is awash with profits, but history has shown that all their efforts trying to prop up the homos negatively affected the holos

>> No.68710825
Quoted by: >>68711813

>Not overlapping Homo 3D
Moom and Beebs are nice people unlike FWMC, Gura and IRyS

>> No.68710827


>> No.68710831
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>> No.68710842

>4k waiting for doki

>> No.68710850
File: 1.52 MB, 2894x4093, 9781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68710860


>> No.68710873

>It'll still never happen because Cover has that pesky culture of taking care of all of their talents, a generally good thing with this one downside.
The bad part is that Cover is way too fucking obsessed with throwing the girls to the wolves just for a 100ccv increase for their homos or prioritize their needs. Had they properly segregated them instead of forcing them into Holo events or told the homos "sorry but if our most popular girls can't get studio time, you can't either" then there wouldn't be as many issues.

>> No.68710880

Vivi, easily

>> No.68710920
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>> No.68710922

if Cover does anything bad to Holostars it will turn away all the female viewers which the company spent so much effort to acquire
So no, Holostars is a loss leader, if you dont know that term go google

>> No.68710939

Nice delusion. Sparkle is WAY more popular than that bitch. 2-3view vtubers opinions don’t matter.

>> No.68710983
Quoted by: >>68711159

Is Doki on good terms with Altare? Would be interesting if she raided his 3D debut.

>> No.68710993
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Quoted by: >>68711035

>> No.68710994
Quoted by: >>68711364

fucking lmao
Gura alone probably has more female viewers than the entire Homo box.

>> No.68711000

Wasn't yesterdays raspberry gold lower than that? Empress Erina and her princess, Rie, are very worthy Raspberry contenders. I wouldn't be so sure that the Niji kingdom can ensure victory on the battlefield today.

>> No.68711007
Quoted by: >>68711364

>it will turn away all the female viewers
Anon, they don't have any female viewers. Their live viewership is in the low hundreds. Marine waiting room has more female viewers

>> No.68711012

>incorrect usage of a business/marketing term
Excellent bait, you almost had me winding up to write a way-too-long post about this

>> No.68711026
Quoted by: >>68711364

>*Female audiences*
>Marine female audiences BTFO both HomoJP/EN entire box
Fucking YAWN

>> No.68711035


>> No.68711054
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>> No.68711061

I suspect the driving force behind homo en 3 was for that blurb. Otherwise they'd have nothing and 2 graduations. The new guys didn't even make up the sub deficit

>> No.68711066

Marine being denied a song would have far worse repercussions with the female audience that the faggots getting the boot

>> No.68711071
File: 142 KB, 606x400, Screenshot 2024-02-10 180241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68711266

For some reason, this is a red flag for me.

>> No.68711095
Quoted by: >>68711364

Why would they give a shit about Holostars when, despite knowing about them, they never watch?

>> No.68711111

Make it a subsidiary?

>> No.68711118
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, my thing is rising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By "thing" she meant her "oil temperature gauge"

>> No.68711127

Give me the quick ruffdown on firefly

>> No.68711136
File: 382 KB, 1881x2660, 7303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68711139

Imagine calling for the termination of an entire branch just because they have cock. You will not harm any of them if you still want to keep your reputation

>> No.68711159

Don't think they have outside raids turned on

>> No.68711177

IRyS has more female viewers than homos, lmao

>> No.68711187

Pretty sure Kiara complained about perms requests being on hold toward the end of the year because the guy was on vacation.

>> No.68711190

>the fuck is a permission? The ducks a Cover Corp
>move to rubbish bin

>> No.68711205
File: 153 KB, 628x1200, 6888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711207
Quoted by: >>68711302

Do femoids even pay for this stuff? The trust fund/crypto rich whale sending akas every streams seems like it would be a male phenomenon.

>> No.68711219

So what is the actual solution to the homos? Obviously Cover would never just outright dissolve so wtf do you actually do about them

>> No.68711260

This fag is very obsessed with spamming homocollaber lewds, must be a cuck.

>> No.68711262

The fact that they "have cock" is immaterial. People long enough called for the termination of another entire branch
and they all had clams. It was for the same reason too
>the whole branch was more of a liability than an asset

>> No.68711266

That's an AliceSoft fan, you know they have that for Fuwamoco.

>> No.68711270
File: 602 KB, 2894x4093, 9717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711272
Quoted by: >>68711707

I'm calling for their termination because they're insolent resource gobblers that choose to be problems for the girls and invite the worst human beings on the planet into this sphere.

>> No.68711274

Just ignore them

>> No.68711283
Quoted by: >>68711344

Anons ITT really never heard of diversifications before. As long as the homos isn’t net negative (They’re not), investors have no reason to ax them.

>> No.68711302

there's that one oil barons daughter that has probably propped up the entire jp homo branch by herself

>> No.68711306
Quoted by: >>68711670

i don't have the monkey img sorry

>> No.68711315

The only thing they can say is that their subs got bigger. Like for the reports they put like 40% sub gain in a year compared to the girls 5% or something. But they left out that it's 5% of like a million compared to 40% because of new members and their actual subs barely moved.

>> No.68711319


>> No.68711322

You will support them just like how you support any other branches

>> No.68711323

roboji's head is dahty room

>> No.68711326

>Just because they have cock
Also because
>They don't benefit the company
>They drain resources that could be used for the girls
>They cause drama intentionally and often
>They attempt to damage the hololive brand for their own benefit by leeching the hololive girls.
>Also they're just plain gross to anyone who is straight, male or female.

>> No.68711328

Make holo stars a different company under cover

>> No.68711338
Quoted by: >>68711808

what they're doing. Slowly wind down their privileges and get them to something more justifiable/sustainable with their own revenues.
>Few custom merch opportunities, and tied to milestones
>Reduce 3D studio allocation ("Astel, cut it the fuck out, dude")
>No longer featured in Hololive concerts like NYE
>"Hey retard, stop spamming the perms guy"

>> No.68711344

That could easily be proven, one report with revenue per branch and the whole mystery would be unfolded

>> No.68711352
File: 1.26 MB, 1801x1273, 6599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711351
File: 158 KB, 587x595, 1693228812664874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711353


>> No.68711364

not taling about stars female fans, talking about how the brand name will take a hit and it will become impossible to acquire new female viewer as Cover will be regarded as a sexist company

>> No.68711374

>She's fucking EVERYWHERE
You're exaggerating anon. I hadn't seen her.

>> No.68711400
Quoted by: >>68711470

60k for doki tonight

>> No.68711406
File: 197 KB, 1174x2048, 0637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711412
Quoted by: >>68711518

>The only thing they can say is that their subs got bigger.
It didn't. It walked backwards. Dumb and dumber had more subs than all of their newest gen put together meaning the number of subs on their active channels it actually WENT FUCKING BACKWARDS

>> No.68711453
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x900, 1679277401761200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711456
File: 210 KB, 941x941, IMG_0790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of males is female

>> No.68711460

Proper separation. Homos get their own twitter account, their subreddit becomes their only place to talk about the homos while the holo subreddit becomes holo only. Holopro will only refer to the Hololive branches, make a Stars production to house the homos.

>> No.68711470

she only needs like 20k for a cripple gold.

>> No.68711472
File: 129 KB, 850x1133, 2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68711567

>> No.68711474
Quoted by: >>68711627

>talking about how the brand name will take a hit
Anon, women that don't care about Hololive today won't start caring LESS because of anything.

>> No.68711476
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711481

>Pilot a cool mecha
>Part of a space terrorist group
>Want to live a normal live
>Limited lifespan
Also, my 3view oshi called her cute

>> No.68711494
Quoted by: >>68711627

Nigger no one will give a shit

>> No.68711502

Wait, what'd miss?
Why are we talking about Homos again?

>> No.68711518


>> No.68711523

Those fags are still negative YoY because of dumb and dumber

>> No.68711524

Found out why the perms requests got limited

>> No.68711528 [DELETED] 

>Dokibird pressing stream start 100k+
>Shitrys's last two outfit reveals with advent raids+ stalling sub 27k kek

>> No.68711533
File: 249 KB, 1204x2048, 4471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68711542

>it will turn away all the female viewers
The popular girls like Suisei and Marine attract 100% more girls

>> No.68711546

The one industry that women are at the top of we just HAVE to spend all our money bringing up men. Real sexist here

>> No.68711558

3D debut in a few hours

>> No.68711567

You were doing so well up until this point

>> No.68711582
File: 3.78 MB, 1800x1626, 1692793526998776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68711584
File: 304 KB, 678x618, GFobcxtaoAAA9Nm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, he wants the quick ruffdown huh
I don't have the copypasta on me
>Has incredible VNs on every language, especially EN who hit it out of the park
>Has cute fairy panties
>Gives you her savings to indulge in food
>Takes you on a date across the city and shows you her secret hideout
>Bawls her eyes out talking about her condition and how moments (like with you) are precious to her
>Wants to experience actual living and not die from space aids
>Takes a selfie with (you) to remember the moment together forever
Also just listen to the OST, it's peak

>> No.68711606
Quoted by: >>68711718

All it would take is one Holo going to management claiming sexual harassment to get the snowball rolling.

>> No.68711622
File: 217 KB, 892x2048, 0458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711627
Quoted by: >>68711695

which era are you living retards, dont you know perception is everything nowadays?

>> No.68711638
Quoted by: >>68711733

So EN Ririka good and JP Ririka bad? Did I get this right

>> No.68711639

Hey lewdposter, if you're not a cuck, post Okayu next thread.

>> No.68711670 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 302x202, 1705979407340314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you, anon.

>> No.68711689

Do we seriously have unironic gachaniggers here

>> No.68711695

What from a few hundred twitter trannies that you are apart of?

>> No.68711704

>not die from space aids
Did Jun Maeda write her scenario?

>> No.68711707

holocel seethe

>> No.68711713
File: 200 KB, 1086x2048, 2449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711718

Imagine letting sexual harrasment happened in your company. Peak black company stuff right there

>> No.68711733

both bad until either does an ear licking ASMR stream

>> No.68711766

i used that line once
It isnt THAT disgusting isnt it?

>> No.68711785

You can just say you miss her like the rest of us anon, it's ok to be vulnerable

>> No.68711792

AI is pretty good at stealing now

>> No.68711797
File: 176 KB, 850x1394, 0310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711800
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, LazyShark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love lazy bitches here

>> No.68711808
Quoted by: >>68711894

Black company
reminder that Axel said even anyblack had better management. Holocels gonna deflect

>> No.68711809

I agree with this anon.

>> No.68711813

Mumei would be in that timeslot even if the homo started his stream an hour later.

>> No.68711816
File: 1.14 MB, 999x561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68711848


>> No.68711818

An outright termination of the branch would probably would do some reputational damage (keeping them around causes damage too).
A more likely scenario is a sort of white peace, where they're kicked out of the company but get to keep their channel/model/ect.

>> No.68711848
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>> No.68711855
File: 146 KB, 850x1275, 4527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711863
Quoted by: >>68711986

4.8k waiting for doki

>> No.68711865
Quoted by: >>68711951

I guess it's something for micro corpos.
Is anything tracking Luxiem.. um, 5.0?
First stage pro

>> No.68711866
File: 174 KB, 500x329, 1696968409753214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68712239

I just bought a new android phone.
The first thing I did was deleting pre-installed Genshin and Star Rail.
Feels good!

>> No.68711881
Quoted by: >>68712296

Can holofags stop begging? Gura need to stop leeching from Altare. She couldn’t even get 300 CCV for a Karaoke lmao. Altare got 120k CCV from just Minecraft.

>> No.68711887
Quoted by: >>68712008

Maybe a little off topic but how much of mooms situation could be blamed on old management

>> No.68711894

The Holostars should graduate en masse and go form their own company. God that would epically own the holocels, just imagine. If they all quit at once and then proved how successful they'd be outside of the stifling atmosphere of Cover corp?
Truly an epic win. They shit-eating unicorn cabal would never live it down.

>> No.68711914
File: 339 KB, 1188x1156, aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really like to bring up Aloe as an example huh. Something so long ago these people never even experienced it first hand

>> No.68711927
File: 3.82 MB, 2894x4093, 3195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68711951
File: 280 KB, 693x725, 1688732898015979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68711967
Quoted by: >>68712319

Manipulative whore

>> No.68711986

eh? seems the same as yesterday stream. probably 30k+ but that would be a dissapointment since this is a bigger content than yerday advertising stream

>> No.68711988
File: 707 KB, 2535x3800, F3cYk123p1231544n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of fembuds alone represents a big chunk of the Stars' entire fanbase.

>> No.68711994
Quoted by: >>68712038

I've noticed Lyrica has a lot more images by kaigai artist than the rest of Regloss, probably more than HoloX too.
She has more pics in general, but still.

>> No.68711996
File: 201 KB, 808x2048, 7568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712007
Quoted by: >>68712160

This new and got a link?

>> No.68712008
Quoted by: >>68712453

Mumei is never off topic here. Her troubles probably weren't helped by the complete lack of competence from EN management pre-Jap. I think management is doing the best it can do to support her now

>> No.68712014

I'm gachi for fauna, but I think her streaming less is gonna be better for my mental health. This has turned into an obsession and I can't control it

>> No.68712038
Quoted by: >>68712271

i wihs more people find Ao sexy
is not fair people find kanata sexy and not Ao

>> No.68712056
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>> No.68712065
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>> No.68712075

How long until Doki fucks her career up again because she's a menhera with suicidal tendencies?

>> No.68712081

I'm convinced that everyone bringing up Aloe's situation is a nijinigger who knows it was other nijiniggers who harassed her but is omitting the full truth to make Cover look worse.

>> No.68712084
File: 156 KB, 884x616, chu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68712097

How would you save your Oshi? Why isn’t she a 100k+ streamer?

>> No.68712099

thats a weird looking mococo

>> No.68712114

Sexiest Regloss list
Raden = Ririka > Ao > Hajime >>> Kanade

>> No.68712124
File: 117 KB, 850x1172, 3323 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712151
File: 351 KB, 1029x2048, 1706869122052825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even females don't care about the homos.

>> No.68712153
File: 1.32 MB, 1045x1577, 1697476496855842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68712238

It helps if you can unironically appreciate past Fauna as much as present and future Fauna.

>> No.68712160

Just go search Watame's mighty warrior Helmir, you can find it easily

>> No.68712163

next apex tournament or next time she gets carried to masters.

>> No.68712178


>> No.68712196
File: 360 KB, 2026x2865, 1276 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712219

>Holo vs Hol-

>> No.68712238
Quoted by: >>68712605

It's not the same at all. Chat interaction is like, half the experience. In love with the person behind the avatar, not the model. I'm too far gone lol

>> No.68712239

>pre-installed Genshin and Star Rail.
anon don't buy huawei or xiaomi phones, winnie the pooh can hear you directly through those

>> No.68712250

Well, I can understand that, since I'm too emotionally dependant on that woman myself. Still, I want her to stream as much as possible. I'm too far gone.

>> No.68712262
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>> No.68712266

As a catalogGOD I've never seen any major yabs from her.

>> No.68712271

both look like fucking boys neither ao or kanata are sexy

>> No.68712275
File: 1.28 MB, 2144x4093, 2050 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712282
Quoted by: >>68712379


>> No.68712296

this isn't the parallel universe where everything is opposite thread anon.

>> No.68712308

Imagine we were still on /jp/ and every time global which would have the combined posts of every split hit 300 it made a new thread

>> No.68712319

Ichika was the worst andbelow even fucking Itsuki as a candidate

>> No.68712341
File: 338 KB, 1080x1920, 7110 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712349
Quoted by: >>68712395

Why can't holoEN consistently hit 30k+ like doki can?

>> No.68712379

I really hope they let Advent have smols even if they give them 3D fast. I wish they'd let everyone in Hololive have them. They're cute and a great merch item.

>> No.68712381

Blue Journey sold well.

>> No.68712383

It's cause nijifags muddied the water back in 2020 to make retarded clipfags think that Aloe got harassed for maybe having a boyfriend.

>> No.68712388

Bump Hajime up and you're golden, chief

>> No.68712395

None of them attempt suicide yet.

>> No.68712396
Quoted by: >>68712565

i will never undertsand why other boards keep making new threads when they reach 300 posts.
inda glad we avoided that culture.

>> No.68712406
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>> No.68712430
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Quoted by: >>68712539

going through that dudes replies is always a trip

>> No.68712453

Come to think of it, it did seem like Omega had it in for her at times. That time she did a members stream brainstorming which songs she could commission backing tracks for karaoke, only to be told afterwards that they were no longer allowed to do that, for example.
They always do that.

>> No.68712459
File: 122 KB, 600x853, GFyWn0aaUAAyO28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina figma

>> No.68712477
File: 110 KB, 850x1200, 5719 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712503
Quoted by: >>68712613

The only thing they do for the company is bring in an awful fanbase.

>> No.68712522
File: 179 KB, 828x1169, 1688895540249559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-promise doko?

>> No.68712537
File: 105 KB, 850x1511, 0260 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712539
Quoted by: >>68712754

I mean, Matsuri is a pedo

>> No.68712544

Sorry Biboo, Moom is streaming at this time.

>> No.68712545
File: 137 KB, 600x900, GFyW_DkakAAVxgB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68712578


>> No.68712546

Loli is always superior
Everything can be made better by transforming it into a loli

>> No.68712557

The face looks off. Otherwise, looks good

>> No.68712562
Quoted by: >>68712604

we getting wonfes announcements?

>> No.68712565
Quoted by: >>68712656

>inda glad we avoided that culture.
Phasefags infest the catalog with a constant unflux of new generals even for their splits anon, and this has been the case for a long time.

>> No.68712578

Aren't Kanata's thighs TOO erotic?

>> No.68712599

I hate figmas

>> No.68712603
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>> No.68712604
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>> No.68712605
File: 1.16 MB, 2075x2544, 1685687942020525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go listen to some ASMR and have a nap

>> No.68712613

Can they be called a fanbase? They don't watch streams, They don't buy merch, They don't even play the shit VN. What would you say it is, they do here?

>> No.68712637 [DELETED] 

>no council figures
oof. fulgur was right after all.

>> No.68712656

No idea why those vermin are allowed to do it.

>> No.68712664
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>> No.68712667
File: 838 KB, 748x1017, 4311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712668
Quoted by: >>68712833

ange and toko nendos announced by good smile

>> No.68712674

>uses card to hide her face to protect her identity
>card has all her personal identification information
Sasuga kawaii positive genius girl

>> No.68712692
File: 820 KB, 1911x1408, GFvmWWmb0AE72FZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68712730

Fuck you.

>> No.68712727
File: 1.03 MB, 844x1500, 5505 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712730

Ive never wanted an image of Mumei spanking Biboo with a dummy in her mouth more than now

>> No.68712754

Even if she was never let them have that unless you want Twitter psychos trying to cancel Hololive again.

>> No.68712771

and so another wonfes goes by with absolutely nothing from GSC for Promise.

>> No.68712779

anon pretends to be a based statue and bimbo enjoyer so he can hang around and molest your son
the list

>> No.68712789
File: 59 KB, 680x960, 9698 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712790
Quoted by: >>68712847

>Enter thread
>Anons crying about homoshitters again
> zero nijinigs in sight

>> No.68712802
File: 100 KB, 720x545, 1707611491571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move them all to indonesia

>> No.68712815
Quoted by: >>68712857

the eternal shitter gen

>> No.68712833

Lize already has one right? Sanbaka trio will be nice to own.

>> No.68712847 [DELETED] 


Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.68712848

They're "fans" of Holostars and exist on social media talking about how they're fans and how other people aren't as good as them or their boiz.

>> No.68712857
File: 1.49 MB, 2894x4093, 1682435062100195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68712959

Funny way of saying the Golden Gen

>> No.68712873
File: 159 KB, 850x1488, 3445 🐴.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68712883

Moom will bend the knee and raid Biboo when she's done.

>> No.68712898
File: 30 KB, 392x239, 1706145570902672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ririka when applying for VCR orgy participation

>> No.68712904
File: 87 KB, 286x264, 1693224985197277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but for real though, why don't they get cool figures like Myth does?

>> No.68712948
File: 2.67 MB, 1200x1600, 9603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68713161

>> No.68712959
Quoted by: >>68713061

>golden gen
>can't even beat a single indie

>> No.68712972

They're fans of the 'concept' of being Holostar fans.

>> No.68712977
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>> No.68712979

Jesas just went through some of Helmite replies and while he is fighting the good fight I think he might need to take a break it cant be good for ones health going against sisters all day

>> No.68713007
Quoted by: >>68713073


>> No.68713010
File: 2.17 MB, 1412x2000, 1795 🦓.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68713379

>> No.68713014
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>> No.68713021

imagine wasting resources on this

>> No.68713026

They're all bottom of the barrel shitters.

>> No.68713032

You never know. He might be replying to all this shit while watching VODs and streams.

>> No.68713038

Nobody cosplays Promise mems at Comiket.

>> No.68713055

Cover doesn't promote them. holoX gets everything instead

>> No.68713056
File: 119 KB, 624x371, 1684204950116437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another cancelled stream
Alright then

>> No.68713061

Maybe if Kronii stopped suicide baiting and actually did it Promise would be more popular.

>> No.68713066


>> No.68713069

wonder if that hagfriend will sign it too

>> No.68713073 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>68713140

Mori makes you seethe and that's all that matters. Can't wait for fes and collabs as she make your entertainment worse

>> No.68713082
File: 2.21 MB, 2050x2650, 1294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68713106

Forgot your image.

>> No.68713115

Im curious as to what he does for a living to be able to do that on the daily and support his oshi. Is he already loaded?

>> No.68713118
File: 152 KB, 644x365, 1684428992768699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloX has amazing designs for merch, I don't blame Cover for pushing them so much (mainly Laplus).

>> No.68713124

HoloX needs all the help it can get after that travesty of a hot dog.

>> No.68713125
File: 347 KB, 441x691, 1687155496389958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a watchalong, so its not the worst

>> No.68713140

>gigamogged by doki
Why would a shitter like mori make me seethe?

>> No.68713161
Quoted by: >>68713191

what was the holster for again?

>> No.68713174
File: 591 KB, 2019x3267, 1226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68713180
Quoted by: >>68713290

They're doing things. Gura has been saying she's been in a lot of important meetings lately.

>> No.68713192
File: 59 KB, 680x383, 1707611922774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to watch

>> No.68713191

My cock

>> No.68713220

Only if Ado shows up

>> No.68713248
File: 160 KB, 850x1371, 2142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68713262

almost 6k waiting for doki

>> No.68713286
File: 15 KB, 633x137, 1692482443291295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to NijiEN family? Why only friends?

>> No.68713290

Probably fes related, it cant be helped I guess

>> No.68713295

I do blame Cover for letting the troon have full Control over the EN branch.

>> No.68713309
Quoted by: >>68713468

anyone streaming over this?

>> No.68713318
Quoted by: >>68713406

Im sad that my oshi is missing a fingernail....

>> No.68713341
File: 234 KB, 1446x1600, 0844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68713382

>> No.68713372
File: 71 KB, 975x975, 154903934528100618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething about Promise
>Inciting holovholo
>Pissing all over the threads
>Seething that tempiss shitters are getting 3D before Cuxiem
What mindbroke the nijinig now. Thread quality status? Bargain bin because no one here is doing their reporting reps. It's over. /#/ is dying? No, numbers is dead.

>> No.68713379

So, what's the lore of her dog?

>> No.68713380
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, 2more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68713382
Quoted by: >>68713477

She shoudlve won the competition

>> No.68713388
File: 158 KB, 644x365, 1706824972830270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laplus has like 4 figures now, how many do the other HoloX members have? I never see them get posted.

>> No.68713392

I'll tweet about it and try to catch a clip later. I'm pretty busy with napping and shilling them on reddit and twitter. I don't really have time for streams. Maybe if he's still on after. Bae Karaoke, Fuwamoco Rockin Rawr Party, Mumei, Biboo, and I finish living a happy life.

>> No.68713406

She's missing a whole finger segment on the other hand. That's what you get with AI slop.

>> No.68713408

Moom has almost as many people in waiting room as FWMC. Pretty funny

>> No.68713415

>valentines day special
Good girl

>> No.68713418
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>> No.68713420

Immolating myself is a better use of my time than watching this utter faggot.

>> No.68713422
File: 596 KB, 962x1309, 1707612088579994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68713920

Is Phase absorbing Niji fans?

>> No.68713429
Quoted by: >>68713525

Was he even actually part of the family? Selen wasn’t, and we all know how that turned out.

>> No.68713434

Nice work agents. Nijisanji took the fall as expected

>> No.68713445

Okay, enough holoENshitter talk. Doki is going to start in 20 minutes. Take it to the small corpo thread.

>> No.68713447

>selling black company goods

>> No.68713462
Quoted by: >>68713667

Unofficial 3D? Whats that about?

>> No.68713468

Fuwamoco probably. If they go over an hour.

>> No.68713470

I'll be taking a nap until Mumei starts

>> No.68713477
Quoted by: >>68713505

what competition? Mori's RIP remix?

>> No.68713479

>public watchalongs

>> No.68713487
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>> No.68713497
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>> No.68713505
Quoted by: >>68713702


>> No.68713511

I mean, I did buy this one and her nendroid and I don't even watch her
But I would also buy a 1/7 of Kronii if it ever comes out, bless wada

>> No.68713523

off topic

>> No.68713525

who? the skinwalker manager-san tweeting on his account?

>> No.68713544
Quoted by: >>68713623

Is it me or has Advent kept the weekly full gen collabs going a lot, lot longer than any prior EN gen?

>> No.68713564 [SPOILER] 
File: 657 KB, 748x854, 1021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68713572
File: 317 KB, 1279x1390, versen sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover studio, meeting room
>Some undisclosed day, February 2024
>Tanigo meeting with HoloX
>Tanigo, A-Chan, all of the HoloX girls

>I called all of you girls here to congratulate you for another impressive year!
>The third year is starting and your KPIs are among the best of the compa-
(Tanigo gets interrupted by the ringtone of a Android phone)

>...c-company! Koyori, in particular, she had a great year!
>Hitsuji-san, aren't you glad you took the call back in 2021?
>Have you chose your one million subs wish yet?
>Remember, it can be ANYTHING!

>Y-Yeah, best decision of my lif-
(again the same Android ringtone)

>Girls, as a reminder, if you bring your personal phones to a meeting please put it in silence!
>Your work phones are all iPhones, and that's clearly an Android ringtone

>I wonder which one of the girls screwed up, I bet it was Iroha, she's air heade-
(phone rings again, and vibrates right inside Koyori's purse)

>MASAKA! This can only be a prank, someone slip a phone in my purse.
>Hahaha, Laplus, you bitch!
>I'll get you next tim-

>All eyes are on Hitsuji-Koyori now.
>Tanigo expression went from happy to discontented
>The other girls are holding their laughter and so is A-Chan


>Hitsuji-Koyori fiddles with her purse, opens it
>The visor shows a single name


>All faces are fuzzy now, the room is fading out slowly

HITSUJI-KOYORI (screaming mutely)

(Hitsuji-san eyes slowly open)
>She looks at her bedsite table, it's a quarter past nine
>She takes her VERSEn issued Sony Xperia Android phone and takes the call


Written by Junji Ito
Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Executive Producer: Larry David

>> No.68713590

Elira doko? Rosemi doko? Petra doko?

>> No.68713623

Will probably stop being a frequent thing after their debut anniversaries.

>> No.68713635

>only 2.4k

>> No.68713637
File: 175 KB, 1200x900, 7674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68714457

>> No.68713664

Any doki LNY numbers predictions?

>> No.68713667
Quoted by: >>68713978

I think she made another 3D background like what she did for the Shrine stream

>> No.68713686


>> No.68713702

Well, she won since that contest got her a bunch of EOP fans which kept supporting her and eventually crowdfunded a 3D model for her (which is fantastic). Riri also won by getting contracted by Cover to write some songs for Blue Journey and Yamato Fantasia.

>> No.68713713
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>> No.68713721

Oscar worthy. Brought a tear to my eye. 10/10 Must watch flick of the season

>> No.68713757

>no yabs today
is it finally over?

>> No.68713780
Quoted by: >>68713862

we're in the eye of the yabicane

>> No.68713781
File: 1.51 MB, 2508x3541, 0117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68713783

>Super buff stream
I don’t know who she is but she need to be terminated

>> No.68713800

30k or less

>> No.68713812
Quoted by: >>68713862

Does the homo thing count? Mini-yab?

>> No.68713846


>> No.68713863
File: 769 KB, 1551x1239, 1672938925594451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68713862

Kek. We’ll probably have a second suicide tomorrow


>> No.68713920

No they just raid very aggressively now.

>> No.68713933
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1707240697056243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Junji Ito
>Sony Xperia

>> No.68713971
Quoted by: >>68714128

>Written by Junji Ito
>Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
>Executive Producer: Larry David
Add Hideo Kojima and that would produce such raw solid and unfiltered Kino that no man could even consume it without their minds just exploding before the first 15 minutes of the movie

>> No.68713978

Ohh. More unity stuff? She really likes doing that stuff

>> No.68714011

So how much of a meltdown is the fag going to have when no one acknowledges his shit post in 10 minutes?

>> No.68714026
File: 78 KB, 1200x600, rendercombined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68714104

toko and ange nendoroids announcement, now all sanbaka have it

>> No.68714058
File: 183 KB, 2048x1603, 1626542395886717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are Schizos in this thread who type their schizo posts in advance, stockpile them in some note pastebin, and then flood the threads with walls of text mentally ill autism fuelled posts
It's over. Graphs doko... data doko... /#/ truly is a dying thread huh? Owari Da. Numbers is dead.

>> No.68714063

6.7k waiting for doki

>> No.68714069
File: 1.79 MB, 854x1080, 1698191602332319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant anymore.

>> No.68714095
File: 1.00 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holokeks once again missing out. HoloEN losing mindchair.

>> No.68714104
Quoted by: >>68714296

How long ago did Lize get hers?

>> No.68714128

seinfeld sucks but curb your enthusiasm is great

>> No.68714193

>1000 bucks
That's 5 hours of work for me

>> No.68714215 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 720x900, 1549039345281060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68714238
File: 640 KB, 1009x807, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, look at this betrayal for raspberry gold. Also, Phasefags, this is normally what a chat graph looks like after a raid. This is what actual human people do after they raid. Not your fucking viewfarmed potemkin audience.

>> No.68714246

Just wait till June to August. Buff stream everyday to keep the hype going. # alway heal afterward

>> No.68714245

>not a single Niji, Phase or Vshojo there
>still makes it about Hololive
You need to be studied.

>> No.68714258
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>> No.68714268

It's boring when Dokibird gets serious.

>> No.68714296

maybe 4-5 months or so ago? it was relatively recent

>> No.68714302
File: 66 KB, 768x768, 1660475179077614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slow day?

>> No.68714344
File: 1.83 MB, 2315x1637, 1688367012816470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68714506

I can't name a single one of those vtubers.

>> No.68714347
Quoted by: >>68714494

>7k waiting for doki
uh, less than yesterday. could reach 30k still but obviously a downtrend given the content

>> No.68714353

>A bunch of literal whos
>missing out

>> No.68714376

yawn its boring when doki gets serious

>> No.68714378

Who? lol.

>> No.68714403

Female viewers watch the girls, only gay men watch the homos

>> No.68714423
Quoted by: >>68714507

>game supss
till this day i still think that product is a scam.

>> No.68714450

>text files
weak ass and unispired schizos
I make my schizoposts on the fly

>> No.68714453


>> No.68714457
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>> No.68714494

she delayed for 30min.
probably to let more people get in, i do wonder if the channel is still on the shadow realm

>> No.68714496
Quoted by: >>68714615

Why can’t I member to Doki? is this an IOS problem?

>> No.68714506

The only ones i recognize are the porky jew and the big one on the left. One of the ones that left as a group from Kawaii

>> No.68714507

It's just overpriced drink mix

>> No.68714528
File: 291 KB, 591x503, 1681072719014042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68714659

>Traitorous whores
hope this event crashes and burns.

>> No.68714548

her numberfag brain is going to snap once the drama tourists are gone

>> No.68714571
Quoted by: >>68714652

># actually doing a good job ignoring the retard
Are we learning?

>> No.68714593
Quoted by: >>68714655

which one is the gurakiller

>> No.68714615

You should never member or superchat through iOS since you pay more due to the Apple surcharge.

>> No.68714652
Quoted by: >>68714786

I think it's just that our usual gluttonous baitbiters are busy celebrating lny

>> No.68714655

you should use "doki killer" now. the shark isn't the top EN vtuber any more.

>> No.68714659

KEK. Ohh. I remember this

>> No.68714676

just for people to be aware waiting room was sub 8k before the initial time was moved.
less than gurame yesterday.

>> No.68714695

Amazing, i dont know anyone from this.

>> No.68714730

>Drag Holo in unprompted

>> No.68714757

The only person I recognize out of this entire line up is one of the idol girls.

>> No.68714786

Is everyone out celebrating? Thread is pretty dead for these hours

>> No.68714834

they are going to steal that reward monwy.

>> No.68714854

Probably, we've been kinda dead since late last night

>> No.68714876

Thats a good thing
