>Poppy Plaptimehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxiZfN3O6Z8>STREAM CHIKYUU SAIGO NO KOKUHAKU WOhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJcFVlawXAw>Connect the World MVhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bitH6NZ_e2Q>STREAM IDOLRyShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpbpwXAEJl4>STREAM MOMENT OF MY LIFE https://youtu.be/_4Rfg8R4lOUhttps://cover.lnk.to/momentofmylife>HoneyWorks Covershttps://youtu.be/HrT8Oon9Kxshttps://youtu.be/3pzh6AaXi9s>Story Timehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAO-w9stKAU>Snow Halation Coverhttps://youtu.be/FPzV-3vLRd8>SodaRyS Cover!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M5yHLKwdng>STREAM GRAVITYhttps://youtu.be/fevB6h3-kfEhttps://cover.lnk.to/Gravity>STREAM ONE STEP AT A TIMEhttps://youtu.be/HY6OVi3q9F8https://cover.lnk.to/OneStepataTime>STREAM QUARTER BRAVERYhttps://cover.lnk.to/QuarterBraveryhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nwlYvw84zCT0GqWr1pVku3bscruaiGlXA>Taipai Merch (There's a lot)https://www.hololivemeetxtaipei.com/>2024 Valentines merchhttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_valentine2024?variant=44476441952476>2.0 Plushiehttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololivefriends_irys>Connect the World Merch Rerunhttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_1stconcert_rerun>Promise Christmas Merchhttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_promise_christmas2023>3D Acrylic https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_3dacrylicstand?variant=44100998725852>KimonoRyS rerunhttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_nyacrylicstand?variant=43727412986076>Voicepackshttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/startingvoice_iryshttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/irys_bd2022https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/irys_an1st?variant=43119987720412https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_valentine2023?variant=43779072688348https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2023_trickortreat?variant=44079608168668>OMOCAT merchhttps://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)https://rentry.org/irysoundbits>Channel / Twitterhttps://youtube.com/channel/UC8rcEBzJSleTkf_-agPM20ghttps://twitter.com/irys_en>Originalshttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpBqtLy3mHw07nf_D8u-g6a3_MdLWVdIc>Covershttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpBqtLy3mHw2Wlox1cPU2-WGM5VmMYR8m>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCshttps://i.miss.irys.moe/>Previous Thread>>68529009Report all "irys" posters, Brazilians, and replyschizos, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs
*sip* Ah...
IRyS :(
HiRyS! It's MelonRyS!
>>68607020No thank you
Do you guys ever miss IRyS these days?
>>68607158Every day of my life
posting before cheebs arrives to say cheebs HATE
>>68607158I miss IRyS for every breath of my life.
Will irYs ever stream?
>>68608381For me, on Valentine's. The wait is so long, not even a tease :(
i miss IRyS uuuuuu
>>68608924IRyS is the only weakness I have. This woman I swear…
>>68588287Sorry I posted then went to bed. Outfits can be a combination of the regular clothing options in-game and accessories. This one uses the jacket as an accessory since there's no option for something like that with regular outfits. I'm sure there's a way to do uniform off, but I need to play around with it some more
>>68609017>>68609087uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuI MISS IRYSuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Is this how Saplings feel when Fuana was on a break?
Damn I'm constipated and just took that shit. A sense of relief is washing over me
I miss IRyS collabing with Flare
same minus the "collabing with Flare" part
What is even left of IRyStocrats without IRyS?
i wish IRyS would collab with my cock
>>68610726She's busy with mine right now
>>68609046Easier than I thought
getto's feet...
>Ethyria general is gone>The schizo is gone too
>All caught up on VodsNow what
>>68612041it's over
>>68612041post "I miss IRyS uuuuuuuuuuu" every time the thread reaches page 10
>>68612041Watch IRyS in your dreams(and daydreams). That's how I cope.>>68612089This too.
>>68612041play fortnite
>>68612041start again
>>68612041Rewatch all vods that are over five hours long at half speed.
I have IRyS playing in my head involuntarily I am selfsufficientRyS
>>68612041Don't let the existential dread set in.
I miss IRyS.UuuuuuuuuuuUhttps://twitter.com/DioZDioC/status/1756008086790107422
i miss IRyS uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>>68615041Too long, shorten it to twats
>>68612955nice pair of tits
>>68615379Yes, I do.
>>68615648You can't even see them with that jacket
>>68611109Hooray!Thanks, that looks so good.
cheeb cheeb
>>68607681I always miss IRyS by her taco.
IRyS the hallucinations are back again
>>68612041do your game dev reps and make irys an AAA girly game
>>68621136That's a good way to force her to upgrade her PC. The whole thing needs to be ray traced and require a 4090 as the minimum spec.
>>68622954Cute. She looks so much more durable now.
Help, I am consumed with lust.
>>68621893Mumei should lick IRyS' butthole with me
>>68623243Lusting for IRyS is wrong.
>>68624886Maybe if you're a homosexual
I miss Nword
I want SexRyShttps://litter.catbox.moe/vhh1ra.jpg
>>68624886OK faggot
I would be ok with IRyS being my daughter or my wife.
>next IRyS stream in 5 daysHow are you holding out?
>>68626099I'm not
>>68626099I'm halfway there. Ooooohhh~, livin' on a prayer.
>>68626099>5 days of edgingDoable.
>>68626246when was the last jon bovi song in karaoke...
>>68626099already kys'ed myselfI told cheebs to revive me when IRyS returns
>>68626099not very well
>>68626935Almost fools me, the bot is getting good.
>>68626941Don't squeeb, this is the last warning!
>go to bed>wakeup and no tweetHidoiRyS... It's been 3 days of just RT's
>>68627025*cumRyS on u*
>>68627505I'd love to see a Splatoon handcam stream, so I can learn to copy her movements and be better at the game.
>>68627381IRyS has forgotten about us
>>68628404>Got drunk and painted with Mori and the rat>Didn't show us the paintingSHE HATES US
>>68628517Where did you get this info? Did Mori talk about this today in her drawing stream?
>>68629686nta but I heard global talk about it briefly and just assumed it was real.
>>68628300I only really got into the first one on WiiU and the gyro aiming was surprisingly good. I should pick up 3 one of these days but I don't have the time to get good anymore.
>>68630578Late and smelly fatass
>>68630784Bratty topless wiggleRyS…
>>OPI just really like braids guys
I like IRyS. I like her a lot.<3
I know I am late to the party, but her new outfit is amazing. I honestly think it is the best EN outfit.
>>68633260Way too smug!! Needs a spank!!!
IRyS...please..tweet.. something.
IRyS, keep not tweeting anything. I'm getting closer to being the last IRyStocrat.
Thinking about IRyS again...
board fast again
>>68639318Another day, another shitty drama.
What will you do for IRyS to welcome her back after her moving break?
>>68639604Anything she wants
>>68639604make soup
>>68639604Welcome back sex.
I'm going to wrench out my teeth and build a figure of IRyS with them.
>>68646109You don't have other hobby than watching IRyS?
>>68646109Wonfes is this weekend, wait and see if anything is announced first
The one week Cheeb could make herself useful and keep the thread alive she’s sleeping
>>68650122I just noticed this cheeb has cleavage
>>68650122Cheebs paizuri art when?
>>68649939She needs her beauty sleep, how do you think she gets those rosy cheeks?
>>68653295Those are from me repeatedly kissing her on the cheeks
How many times do you fap to IRyS?
I wish IRyS had gotten loafers instead of sweet kicksLoafers are such a sexy footwear, I would fuck a loafer I don't even need the girl
>>68655312ngl +1
>>68655312I like to alternate between both, but I think I prefer loafers with the school outfit more
>>68658523Cute MoomRyS
>>68655312Imagine the smell.
What is her face looked like? I can't remember anymore.
>>68659160Look at the post above yours
>>68659237That's a goblina you doofus
Yeah, MyRyS.
https://youtu.be/M1rEe7UR4Noalmost 300k
>>68659517I made this post
we promise
>>68662978Promise is the best gen of all time (before that, CouncilRyS was the best, and before that, Project Hope was the best)
So after all it happened, what is the point of project Hope?
>>68663796Reminding us how awful cover management is. My IRyS deserved better.
If there's no space tonight cheebs is getting cum inflated
My thread
>>68666247Gyate, I love you.
IRyS is claimed. By ME. As in, the one writing this post and none of the assholes responding to this. She is MINE.
>>68666247Gyate, please be my wife
>>68666607That's Cheebs you claimed you doofus.
>>68666683No, and I can tell because cheebs has a gravitational pull from how much of a fat fuck she is. My IRyS is skinnyfat from her hikki lifestyle.
Hi, fellow gyates.
>>68667095>>68667574DIE KRONIE SPAWN
>>68667612What if a kronie made that soundpost?
>>68667612We are Legion. You can't stop us, Cheebs.
Do you think she shaves?
>>68668496Bushy, all natural.
>>68668496ask her
>>68668496Too lazy
>>68668496too lazy, extra work, it serves no purpose in her current lifestyle
Does anyone have a webm or/and GIF of 3DRyS doing the "fucking" gesture (one hand in ok sign and the other just the index, slowly "inserting" into the "ok" hole)? Can't remember if it was normal or members stream.
>>68644187I've been working on the power of my imagination.HNNNNNGGGGGGGMy imagination is becoming stronger and I am almost there!
>>68654857More when I miss her
which IRyS vod should I watch? I started her minecraft one and she fell down a hole in a very funny way
>>68672350that Minecraft VOD where she got molested by Miko, hung out with Polka and bullied Aqua in one stream
I love IRyS.
>>68672350Watch the Stream Before Stream
>>68673898Looks like a piece of gum stored for later.
its been six days since IRyS last took a bath
I'm gonna RyS all over.
>>68668694Unhand the pure one right this instant, gyatmigrants.
she should watch Snatch and Rock n Rolla
IRyS chu?
Don't look at IRyS' Twitter in incognito mode
5th day down. Just a few more.
>>68677233CHaD rises
What is your expectation from IRyS this Valentine's day?
>>68677680cute scuffed dorky comedykino. serious gfe valentines stream is peak soulless
>>68677680She will be perfect as usual.
Do you think a collab with Ayame is good idea for IRyS?
>>68679064I can't see how it'd be a bad idea. I won't be able to understand them though.
>>68679064Ayame is borderline normalfag tier it would be awkward I'd rather have a Polka collab
>makes IRyS cum the most
I mean lets be real she should collab with kronii.
>>68679278Oh my!
How do we know that IRyS really does exist and not just us hallucinating at this point? She is absent for too long now.
>>68682957I just know
>>68681964I tickled her tummy too much
>>68682957IRyS is actually hallucinating us.
https://twitter.com/chrone_co/status/1756328205689229543 I hate this nigga frfr
>>68683518He is so obsessed with pokésex.
What should this gen's name be?Holo youth?
>>68684492Holo Cunny
>>68684492Pinky Promise
>>68672350(IRyS Archive 14.02.22)【UNARCHIVED CARaoke】Valentine's Drive Date
>>68684492Holo uoooooooh
>>68684492The loli Sana not having her toes out did irreparable damage to me...
>>68683408More IRyS in other girls' gear plz.
so how far into the entire run of HxH has everyone gotten
>>68687149Sex with OfficeRyShttps://litter.catbox.moe/0zy7u1.jpg
>>68686637I watched the original back in the early 2000s but didn't like it, gave it more than a fair chance too, made it to the part where the kid was fighting the pedo clown in some tower.
IRyS play Virtual On.
I still love 1.0 RyS
>>68691018Oh hey, it's IRyS cosplaying ad Lun-Chi.
does youtube block you if you try do download an entire playlist with yt-dlp
>>68689327her tights covered feet belong in my mouth
Only autistic people find it difficult to shower...
When will irys stream in EST I need to know in order to take time off work, is it going to be Tuesday or Wednesday. I wish she just put up the frame early.
>>68692253A common phenomenon.
>>68692451Retarded faggot
>>68691152I want to see IRyS cosplay all of the female characters from Guilty Gear. (I'll bet her favorite would be Justice.)
>>68692504Go easy on him. Some people can't take a number and add three.
>>68692637>female characters of GG>posts the boyroru. rumao even.
>>68692153I volunteer to scrub you down iwys
>>68692253To be fair, my shower is out of service right now. I couldn't even if I wanted to.I always make sure to use plenty of deodorant and aftershave if I have to go out anywhere though.
>>68692153>3am jstIRyS' day just started
>>68693434>>68693342If she's showering, it just ended.
>>68693579>endedlook at this retard thinking IRyS is gonna go to bed
>>68693671She's going to get hot and sweaty again? I don't think so.(I can imagine though)
>>68692153She got my message:>>68443485
>>68693731I can guarantee you that she never washed her uggs once
>>68693796Most people never wash shoes
>>68693850That's disgusting! You mean you people don't wear your shoes in the shower?!
>>68694087of course i do don't want to catch athletes foot
>>68692153what does this even mean how is it a pain to shower just stand thereIRyS just stand there
>>68694087burgerchama please
>>68694256they're women anon. they do 1000+ selfcare shit also its 3am on top of being deathly tired
>>68694349IRyS does less self care routines than most modern men anon do you even watch her. She didn't even have a skincare routine until late last year
cant wait for the next plapworld stream
Skincare is all plastics get that shit away from me my pores will be huge but my colon still works.Catchall YMD
>>68693337You must stink to high hell.
>>68693337smelling like shit+deodorant is way worse than just smelling like shit
>>68694968>but my colon still works.What, did he mean by this? certainly nothing good.
>>68695003That's just life. It will get fixed at some point, I'm waiting on money (which will definitely be coming).
>>68695034This is why Gyate is superior. Gyate helps people in need whereas this fatass laughs at other peoples misery.Gyate Love <3
>>68695082I buy strong fragrances. Who's smelling me anyway, though? I mostly do the deodrant and aftershave stuff for myself, I at least want to try to appear presentable.
>>68695089Everyone in the world has butt cancer sorry you found out this way.
>>68694968Your skin sucks and I'm hydrated and thriving you oily/ashy bitch. I use real soap and conditioners too
>>68695096Oh i feel you, i gotta buy a new mattress because i take a half moon shape when sleeping but spending and unemployment are a bad combo..
>>68694087I don't wear shoes at all if I can avoid it. Same goes for every other article of clothing but my glasses,
I bet you retards still buy laundry detergents and fabric softeners
>>68695311That I don't. Oddly, my brother does though, I have no idea why. That shits not going to add anything.
>>68695176Would you like to articulate this point further?
>>68695311What kind of peasant washes their own clothes?
>>68695311what's wrong with hygiene??
>>68695369Cool it, IRyS. Not everyone has a GuyRyS (Me) at their beck and call.
>>68695393Seems like Diogenes' ghost is manifesting in that anon over there.
>>68695393>hygiene Laundry detergent is a scam and detrimental to your health, you can make your own soap for laundry for basically nothing. Fabric softener just coats your clothes in a film that your skin absorbs, it fucks up your towels, and makes odors linger.
>>68695201My skin is beautifully moisturized all on its own I haven't used shampoo in my shower for a decade.
>>68695878Ayyy Tony, get a me a pepperoni pizza.
So has IRyS moved onto a new stream overlay now?What about the hitmarker ?
>>68696180Maybe you should watch streams retard, fucking idiot, absolute buffoon.
I never actually watched any caraoke.
I own the deed to her crooked toe
>>68697117Cheebs lookin' down on you from the penthouse.
>>68697212I'm going to feed IRyS some fibre and evict that little fucker
>>68697506How cute to think this is Cheebs's first diarrheodeo.
I love IRyS! She's a cute dork.
HiRyS It's HarpyRyS
Today I think I will horny post
i think i miss iwys...
>>68699852That expression tells me she's contemplating the size and shape of those bananas very seriously.