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68567244 No.68567244 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if your oshi's merch was designed by their head moderator?
Their signature on the merch was made by the mod?
The voicepacks were written by the mod?

Is that a betrayal of their unicorn audience?

>> No.68567361

Said moderator gives him lapdances in VR chat is the important part

>> No.68567371
Quoted by: >>68573558

Yumejoshis BTFO

>> No.68567380

>What would you do if your oshi's merch was designed by their head moderator?
As opossed to being designed by anyone other than the liver?
>Their signature on the merch was made by the mod?
Who cares about signed merch I never get those
>The voicepacks were written by the mod?
As opossed to being written by a manager?

>> No.68567425

If I paid extra for a handwritten card and her boyfriend wrote it I’d sue them for false advertising

>> No.68567457
Quoted by: >>68567597

Oh nooo not the VRchat lap dances nooooo what a horror

>> No.68567500
Quoted by: >>68567700

Managers aren’t allowed to fuck the talents, mods are

>> No.68567521

I'd kill myself. Good thing is that I never bought vtuber merch nor ever will

>> No.68567597
Quoted by: >>68567700


>> No.68567700

That fat hag never even meet Luca though

>> No.68567709

I'd be pissed but niji fans are used to it

>> No.68567720
Quoted by: >>68567883

holy cope

>> No.68567883

Proof that they met?

>> No.68567944
File: 38 KB, 226x151, 1699881900269158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68568037

>That fat hag never even meet Luca though
How long until the anger phase?

>> No.68568037


>> No.68568041

Rent free

>> No.68568062
Quoted by: >>68568138

The google document? The signature.png? The dms? Like what else do you want girl www

>> No.68568135

he gave people lapdances in vrchat too

>> No.68568138

None of those prove that they met, they are discord messages

>> No.68568171

>What would you do if your oshi's merch was designed by their head moderator?
>Their signature on the merch was made by the mod?
>The voicepacks were written by the mod?
it was his GIRLFRIEND

>> No.68568349

If Mafumafu had come out admitting he was doing the scripts for Rushia's valentines merch, Cover would have been KyoAni'd. Sisters are pathetic cuckqueans.

>> No.68568439
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Quoted by: >>68568592


>> No.68568572
Quoted by: >>68568759

Ah, you mean physical contact? Fair enough, that ball is on Ike's field though

>> No.68568592
Quoted by: >>68569994

That literally means nothing

>> No.68568713
Quoted by: >>68568900

Watch it come out they met in person and you move the goalpoasts that Luca never penetrated her

>> No.68568759
Quoted by: >>68569276

>you mean physical contact
Well of course, why should I care about him using discord retards to do his job? Serves her right for being fat and ugly kek

>> No.68568900
Quoted by: >>68568968

Stop living in fantasies, retard

>> No.68568968
Quoted by: >>68569196

You are huffing pure copium

>> No.68569024
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>> No.68569196
Quoted by: >>68569424

You are huffing pure unfiltered retard powder

>> No.68569236

i haven't spent a cent on chuubas and don't intend to start
not my problem

>> No.68569262
File: 3.14 MB, 500x500, kroniich [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv6yzre.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68569405

Sisters thinking they can talk back to people like they have any rights lol

>> No.68569276
File: 25 KB, 591x249, lukek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof cuckqueen

>> No.68569405
Quoted by: >>68570531

>Laughing at a cuck
>Posting Kronii

>> No.68569424

Sister please stop being so fucking retarded

>> No.68569443

Sisters shold be mad at luca for keking them honestly.

>> No.68569458

Kek. Again, why should I care?

>> No.68569509

>the girls was the one making the minecraft proyects
no wonder luca magically made most of its wor offstream.

>> No.68569521

I'm not even surprised at the amount of cuckqueans on this board

>> No.68569534
Quoted by: >>68569919

>He used some fat ugly bitch like an object and then abandoned her when she was no longer useful
>P-please be mad
No lol, based Luca

>> No.68569552
Quoted by: >>68569708

About being a cuck? Nothing. You should never be that attached to vtubers. They will never care about you the way they care about their actual friends and lovers.

>> No.68569556
Quoted by: >>68569651

i like how people were saying pomudachis were cucks and then this happened and now luca and lucubs are the cucks

>> No.68569622
File: 23 KB, 824x746, 170733265849843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68570953

>Lukeks thinking a male sex pest could ever write in that flowery manner in the first place

>> No.68569651

Honestly if pomies were cucks the inverse would also be true anyway

>> No.68569708

How does some VRchat shit make me a cuck you absolute retard? He never fucked her, he never fucked Pomu, he never fucked any of the nijiengirls, you lost

>> No.68569764

You might not care but a lot of people care lol there's a reason why signed merchandise are sought out for even those that are limited

>> No.68569854
Quoted by: >>68570008

If you don't care why are you answering every post?

>> No.68569919

Sisters should be mad because the Valentine's Day merch they bought was designed by his girlfriend. I legit cannot think of any way things could be worse than that. Maybe he should do a sex tape watchalong in a members only stream...

>> No.68569994
Quoted by: >>68570075

>giving your corporate work minecraft account's login to your girlfriend is "nothing"
holy cope

>> No.68570008
Quoted by: >>68570329

>P-please don't call me out for being a retard

>> No.68570075

You are getting your rrats mixed up retard, holofags can't even agree on their shitposting angle

>> No.68570232

you can keep shouting "debunked!" over and over again but that's not going to change reality.

>> No.68570322
Quoted by: >>68570494

Sorry he chose hagussy and pomussy over you sister you need to let go of your unhealthy attachment.

>> No.68570329
Quoted by: >>68570494

You don't divorce your husband just to be a moderator in someone's chat. Anycolor might not pay mods, but they also don't require you to sign away your marriage. You can pretend all you want that they weren't fucking, but the writing is on the wall.

>> No.68570349

Did you dilate today?

>> No.68570352

have read the quote retweets? they are in pure denial
calling her a pedo and groomer while ignoring the vidence. i have never seen a more cucked fanbase except for fandeads

>> No.68570431
Quoted by: >>68570575

Idk if it's NDF working overtime or lucucks on denial but even if you exclude everything that might be fake (girlfriend, having sex, etc) Luca made someone else sign his merch. Signed merch is sought after because it's a very limited edition item that matters because the talent sign it. If he has been faking that then how can you even trust him on other stuff?

>> No.68570469

The natural end to BFE/GFE vtubers. Women aren't immune to it either.

>> No.68570494

He didn't choose shit, they were just tools to him and that was based, ugly bitches deserve it
She divorced because she's a schizo that thought he would give her a chance lmao. I am glad she's alone and sad now

>> No.68570531
File: 40 KB, 463x453, 1705696157544056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68570685

Then what makes Kronii a cuck? >>68569405

>> No.68570557

No problem
>Written by
Pushing it
>Signed by
Too far

>> No.68570566
Quoted by: >>68570700

A pedo and a groomer who also didn't have sex with their man. The contradiction there is totally lost on them. Nevermind that they met when he was 18. Or that the age of consent in his country is actually lower than 18...

>> No.68570575


>> No.68570598
Quoted by: >>68570770

cuck in denial is funny

>> No.68570672
Quoted by: >>68570770

You bought merch signed by her. Remember that every time you look at it.

>> No.68570685
File: 181 KB, 1080x496, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68570803

I don't know anon that's not me, I don't know shit about Hololive and this is not about them

>> No.68570700
Quoted by: >>68570801

You're just jealous, because it wasn't you

>> No.68570705

>he asked her for invoice for his taxes
can this man do anything alone?

>> No.68570707

But it is? It's basically the equivalent of a counterfeit autograph sign. Basically it loses all it's value

>> No.68570761

I'm sure all you buy are keychains with your limited budget.

>> No.68570770

>Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
Stop projecting your fantasies, cuck.

>> No.68570801

What? I don't want to groom an 18 year old Luca. The fuck is wrong with you anon?

>> No.68570803
Quoted by: >>68570955

You seem to know a lot to call someone holofag

>> No.68570831

Gonna pretend it's a generic hypothetical oshi instead of my oshi specifically, for the sake of argument.
Completely ok
>Written by
Fine with it, different people are skilled at different things.
>Signature written by mods
Depends. Hand-signed? I want it to be him/her, I'd be quite upset if it was a mod because that's the breaking of a promise. Printed? I'm okay with the signature design itself being something that a 3rd party comes up with, because if my oshi keeps on using that signature and hand-signs it in the future, it's essentially hers. It's like commissioning someone to create an emblem and family crest for you.

>> No.68570953

> Sex pests can't write that flowery!
That's just not true. They are sex pests because their advances are unwanted, not because they aren't good writers. The exact same message could be taken differently depending on the attractiveness of the sender.

>> No.68570955

Who else but holofags would try to push this retarded rrat about Luca fucking some stupid hag whore?

>> No.68571189
Quoted by: >>68571326

Don't worry about it anon. They were just very good friends for many years. Historians will agree.

>> No.68571292

so true sister
I'm sure she didn't make him cum that hard

>> No.68571326

I find it funny how you are so stupid you don't notice when a guy is just using a woman like a tool
>Many years

>> No.68571348

lucubs really are cucked

>> No.68571723

>merch designed by-
who cares
>Voicepacks written by-
who cares
>Signature was done by-
Forged signature, should be taken to court and sued for impersonation.

>> No.68571791
Quoted by: >>68572055

Are you genuinely unaware or just trying to bait a ban out of people or something? She's been with him since before he joined Nijisanji. They used to publicly hang out all the time. She even made his VRChat avatar. You know, the one he used to pretend to be a woman with. Are you sure you know your man as well as you think you do?

>> No.68571916

>everything that doesn't praise the pacman is a holofag
sis we are already at 2024 this is just depressing

>> No.68572055
Quoted by: >>68572443

>She's been with him since before he joined Nijisanji. They used to publicly hang out all the time. She even made his VRChat avatar. You know, the one he used to pretend to be a woman with.
>No proof

>> No.68572123

I wonder if this whole thing has helped Pomu come to terms with her homosexuality? It makes sense she would attracted to overworked office ladies.

>> No.68572443

Anon, I gave you more than enough info to figure it out with a simple google search. Now I'm forced to believe you are being intentionally obtuse. You can literally just search her twitter handle and the vrchat wiki is right at the top. I assume you at least know the PL name of your husband.

>> No.68572591
Quoted by: >>68573716

jesus lucubs are blind

>> No.68572853

Most of them are Niji trannies larping as holo btw

>> No.68573558
Quoted by: >>68577382

This is why as a yume I watch female vtubers and get my yumejoshi fill from fictional husbandos only. Expecting BFE or GFE from real people is a terrible idea. Any real person manipulative enough to lie to lonely people for money can't be a good person anyway, you'll be betrayed by them eventually. It's inevitable.

>> No.68573716

they aren't blind this is just what happens everytime when the clueless cuck finds out they are a cuck

>> No.68573947
File: 569 KB, 600x580, IMG_6865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68574361

watching women go through the unicorn cope cycle is just fascinating

>> No.68574083

any clips of this raziel hag lapdance for a haglover

>> No.68574362
Quoted by: >>68574557

even better, she does vrc porn actively, just go to her second account

>> No.68574361

There are plenty of male unicorns who wouldn't tolerate their oshi leading on some woman but some of these sisters seem almost proud Luca did it.

>> No.68574557

thanks bro

>> No.68575774
Quoted by: >>68575867

Dude.... You DO know what kind of hobgoblin you're cranking it to, right? Look for pictures of it.

>> No.68575867
Quoted by: >>68576160

She's more attractive than Luca or most of his fanbase.

>> No.68576160

kek, couldn’t be any more true

>> No.68576306
Quoted by: >>68577353

>Niji EN
>unicorn audience

>> No.68576720
File: 67 KB, 800x857, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.68577008
Quoted by: >>68577080

Yumejos were lusting after a woman this entire time. Yurichads always win.

>> No.68577080


>> No.68577353

Well their male talents have female unicorns. So yeah there's some truth to that.

>> No.68577382

I can fix you. Ill give all the attention you ever need baby

>> No.68577657

Sisters, ask any man here.
If any of us had a woman thirsting, even if she was extremely mid, we would use her to cum.
Even really good looking men will use uggos sometimes in dry spells, they just won't advertise it.

An 18 year old with an older woman wanting his cock, oh yeah he fucked her at least once.
Its time to stop coping.
