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68499251 No.68499251 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone obviously hates Selen, that's why she is the one who has lost the most subscribers.

>> No.68499407
File: 1.00 MB, 946x2048, IMG_3697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well manipulating people using suicide is a one way ticket to fame and farm sympathy.

>believe me guys im saying the truth because i attempted suiseid

>> No.68501236

>JP unsub Selen
>EN unsub the rest

>> No.68502316
Quoted by: >>68505612

The channel is dead and all videos removed. I'd unsubscribe just to reduce clutter.

>> No.68503152
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>> No.68503545

i've never seen hate that was more obvious

>> No.68503693
Quoted by: >>68509659

Just like NijiEN, Selen is dead.
May they both RIP.

>> No.68503716
Quoted by: >>68504084

why unsub petra/rosemi though they're just cuties they seemed upset about the decision as well :/

>> No.68503749

Feel good story of the year.

>> No.68503951

This is weird. Normally a vtuber who was fired or graduated for a tragic reason and gets pity points from people gain subscribers after that.

>> No.68504084
Quoted by: >>68504806

Supporting ANY Niji livers is supporting a black company. I will continue to support them if they leave Nijisanji

>> No.68504806
Quoted by: >>68505312

yeah i get that retarded reasoning - it's retarded but i understand retards think its cool to virtue signal regardless of who the actual target is but why then are their unsub numbers higher than others as if they're implicated in it somehow.

>> No.68505000
File: 50 KB, 577x689, pd518jw5s8r91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rosemi watching as her HYTE PC case is taken away, her genmate is terminated, her close friend leaves her company, and her 500k sub milestone is taken away in the span of days

>> No.68505074

i like how enna and millie are next in line

>> No.68505097


>> No.68505156
Quoted by: >>68508100

She made her bed now she must lie in it
Should have quit in solidarity

>> No.68505179


>> No.68505218

collateral damage is one of the consequences of an all out war

>> No.68505312

You don't know what virtue signalling means

>> No.68505377
Quoted by: >>68511714

Do you think she'll blame Selen or the company?

>> No.68505426
Quoted by: >>68505541

its ok anon because twitter has decided that shes part of the problem for being employed so she should just suffer in fact she deserves to suffer because of this

>> No.68505539

I think it makes sense since not a single soul who’s following this doesn’t know her rm now, and also since she’s been gone for a month and it was obvious after all the other graduations there was no way she was coming back, so people have already said their goodbyes to Selen. Now since all her uploads are gone the channel just represents how niji held her back and beat her down. Selen truly did die that day, but Doki lived.

>> No.68505541
Quoted by: >>68505593

She could leave at any time. No one is faulting her personally, it's just the side effect of working for a shitty company

>> No.68505593

>bro just quit your job and lose your income
Ah yes very reasonable

>> No.68505612
Quoted by: >>68506116

This. Why would anyone want to still be subscribed to a dead channel and give Anycolor free money

>> No.68505679

This image is very nice to look at, except Rosemi's, that hurts a bit.

>> No.68505724
Quoted by: >>68505838

You're dense as fuck boy. She has plenty of other opportunities. Let me guess, you have no skills and work some dead end job just to survuve

>> No.68505748


>> No.68505838

So she‘s just supposed to hope that her fans will all follow when she goes indie or something?

>> No.68505867

>you have to give the abusive company your money or else their employees (that they're still abusing) will suffer!

>> No.68505887

>implying there was income in the first place

>> No.68505893
File: 87 KB, 314x230, 1707355108292006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68506121

What fucking income?

>> No.68505934

She'd probably be making more money if even a fraction of them stuck with her.

>> No.68505974

She could jump on the Nijisanji bad train right now and she would 10x her viewcount overnight. In fact, she could even be a 3view and make more money than she is right now with Niji's horrendous cuts

>> No.68506006
Quoted by: >>68506059

>selen works for niji after zaion was publicly eviscerated by them and also attempted suicide
>that‘s ok
>somehow it‘s not okay though for the rest of nijisanji to continue working after selen is terminated

>> No.68506016

its honestly fucking impressive that somehow these selen posts always have the similar retarded replies that probably is posted by one guy. If you are getting paided good for you, if you are not please seek help, by that I mean find a gun if you are burger or a rope outside burgerland.

>> No.68506059
Quoted by: >>68506615

nice strawman

>> No.68506106

Selen is already in a more profitable position outside Nijisanji than she was within it. Maybe Rosemi should try being more likeable or talented if you truly feel no one would care about her if she lost the brand name?

>> No.68506116
Quoted by: >>68508629

I'm still subbed to Zaion and Sana

>> No.68506121

Mysta bought a house, Nina toured Europe constantly, Vox bought several expensive cars and Selen herself had enough cash on hand to pay for all kinds of comissions, plus many of them flew to Japan and back every other week. Clearly their income isn‘t that low.

>> No.68506257
Quoted by: >>68508265

What if she's having a nasty case of PTSD from her old corpo right now and is very heavily considering leaving

>> No.68506309

I can't unsub from any Nijis, everyone I was subbed to is already gone.

>> No.68506615

this is literally your logic

you are strangers attacking your anime wife's friends for not helping her enough. you did literally nothing for her and any aid you gave her she only got 2% of - kill yourself

>> No.68506805

Theres nothing left on the channel why would i stay subbed
Besides really the only reason i unsubbed from the channel was because i was going through all niji channels and unsubbing

>> No.68506848

>any aid you gave her she only got 2% of

Good reason why I shouldn't bother giving money to any Niji until they inevitably graduate.

>> No.68507046

Seethe more. Me stopping my support for Niji livers while they continue working for a black company is not "an attack". They have every right to work for Niji if they want to, just like I have every right to stop supporting them/Nijisanji

>> No.68507262

You forgot that Rosemi is already a traitor who pumpea and dumped her last group before Niji. It's poetic if anything

>> No.68507376
Quoted by: >>68508419

You would be considered a retard by all ex-tsuns for saying that. The biggest of them literally called Tsunderia a massive pile of shit that deserved to die.

>> No.68507429
Quoted by: >>68508419

Tsunderia was a rotten house waiting to collapse. Anyone who fled was smart.

>> No.68508100
File: 40 KB, 1064x944, DISNIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Least retarded person on /vt/

>> No.68508265
Quoted by: >>68508621

I doubt she's considering. the next few months will be very interesting regarding who stays and who goes.
those who quit will be either fleeing the ship before their own brand can be tarnished or leaving because they cannot stomach what the corpo did.
the ones who remain will be the ones either complicit in recent events or so small and brow beaten they have nowhere to go.
it'll be fascinating to see what these two lists look like when it's all said and done. because who is browbeaten and who isn't will be incredibly obvious. the truth always comes out.

>> No.68508419
Quoted by: >>68508514

In retrospect, yeah, but no one knew that at the time even if the way things ended up playing out vindicates her NOW.

>> No.68508472
File: 315 KB, 536x684, Gojaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68508514

Slugma definitely knew, that's why she encouraged her to join Niji back in 2021

>> No.68508621

If Rosemi leaves she should honestly join Dizzy or at least collab with her sometime.

>> No.68508626

Yeah, all Nijinigger hate Selen.

>> No.68508629

Being subbed to Sana is an okay move since it is a way to say to cover corp that the content should stay but why the fuck are you subbed to an empty Zaion channel

>> No.68508660

This image is accurate btw, she can’t stop everyone around her wanting to kill themselves

>> No.68508742
Quoted by: >>68509337

Then it is decided, Rosemi if you are reading this, please leave after your contract ends in April

>> No.68508959

There was that one Maro someone sent to Dizzy which made her really emotional and was the reason why she came back to streaming after giving up everything due to her shitty time in Tsunderia and it very much looked like it was sent by Rosemi herself considering it checks a lot of boxes

>> No.68509239

Why would anyone intentionally continue being subbed to a dead channel?

>> No.68509337
Quoted by: >>68509431

Would be based, and if I'm not mistaken her CCV puts her in Phase Connects range doesn't it?

>> No.68509398


>> No.68509432

this rrat is blessed and I will choose to believe it

>> No.68509431
Quoted by: >>68510074

She has Pippa's numbers but in Phase she'd at least get 50% instead of 2%

>> No.68509539

Hows sucking vox dick, female chinks dramanigger?

>> No.68509659

I don't want Niji's rest to be peaceful.

>> No.68509854

Doesn’t Mysta owe massive amounts in tax because he’s a tard and tried to write off that house as a business expense?

>> No.68510074

50% at Pippa's numbers is quite a lot of fucking money. Jesus I didn't even know phase gave 50%.

>> No.68510593
File: 333 KB, 1052x744, ESL-opposite-words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to being a dead channel, Selen's mods TOLD people to unsub, and the thousands of folks that were their on that night of the renegade mods spread the word, so a whole lot of people did it as a sign of solidarity.

>> No.68511714
File: 2.54 MB, 1748x2480, Pekora-7080809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Selen drama give the worst people online a carta blanch to harass you (and the people you work with)
>continuously mocked at every tern for year, because while dramafags and saviorfags will leave soon for greener pastures, the cyberbullies will be on it for years
>no leaving / graduation boost because soon the drama and pity will end, you'll just be "lol another Niji left"
>Selen smartly never address any of this in public
>Selen quietly takes an out of court settlement
>no internal changes because Selen quietly took an out of court settlement
>mocking and shaming from outside people continues
If I were Selen I'd never feel safe around an ex-Niji.

>> No.68511741

Pomu my beloved...

>> No.68512161
File: 2.70 MB, 3913x5840, kaela_961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people, and we must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.
>We cannot change the hearts and minds of those fans of Nijisanji, but we can make war so terrible and make them so sick of war that generations would pass away before they would again appeal to it.

>> No.68512690

Can you stop harassing Selen by unsubscribing from her?

>> No.68514757
File: 50 KB, 799x448, tlab9vmzb3gc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68515400

>Vox bought several expensive cars
This is fucking retarded

>> No.68516364

Who's that?
