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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 923 KB, 4096x2035, GFr6jEMWcAAvZ0r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68388101 No.68388101 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief with a laughter of Gold!
The diamond (play button) in our hearts! Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her Twitter
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>68377317

>> No.68388176


>> No.68388256

Ok good, just 2 breads at the time of me getting up

>> No.68388258
File: 84 KB, 320x293, nya[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl17dsl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68388322
Quoted by: >>68388502

>male hands

>> No.68388342

thanks for baking I was about to bake when it wouldn't let me

>> No.68388363
File: 30 KB, 152x112, ikumiBarkKnightHugy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68388444

>> No.68388364

She is FAT

>> No.68388377
Quoted by: >>68388471

290k and counting

>> No.68388444
File: 405 KB, 924x947, 1705557430149711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up Ikumi/pebble bro

>> No.68388471


>> No.68388502

yeah, mine

>> No.68388506

How much doki lewds are there?

>> No.68388570
Quoted by: >>68389639

+ wataamage's work if you go archive digging

>> No.68388953

More to love.

>> No.68389093
File: 91 KB, 320x320, Selen lick 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68389095

Beautiful Blonde Princess!

>> No.68389100

Not-Pomu did a Twitter Space. Did anyone catch it live?

>> No.68389174
Quoted by: >>68389338

apparently it was just her morning routine

>> No.68389205


>> No.68389217

I saw most of it. Nothing of relevance to here was said. The only tidbit was her mentioning a friend was coming to visit. Then she said kinda hesitantly "I.... don't.... think.... it is the person who you guys are probably thinking of"

>> No.68389299
File: 164 KB, 900x1273, 1707261942809102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise the Big Beautiful Doki Booba!

>> No.68389338


>> No.68389343

So doki isn't flat anymore?

>> No.68389377
Quoted by: >>68389524

No shit, she would have to fly across the entire continent

>> No.68389456
File: 1.52 MB, 1739x2250, 1707190727265072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68389515

>> No.68389515

Stop being australian, Luca.

>> No.68389524

But she's a bird! She could fly over there!

>> No.68389531

I wonder what it'll be like for a bunch of new fans to be exposed to the tomato.

>> No.68389565
File: 260 KB, 1343x1900, GFpUx9IX0AAOGFV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68389576


>> No.68389639
Quoted by: >>68389746


One more to add

>> No.68389654
File: 244 KB, 444x397, 1451914929275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68389856

I never liked tomato... the food, I took out tomato pieces from sandwiches

>> No.68389661


>> No.68389723
Quoted by: >>68390019

Bark Knight here. "Tomato" is what we call Dokibird's giant red cock.

>> No.68389746


>> No.68389766

I'm a little worried about her getting a new manager so fast. You'd think that would be like her last priority right now. Hope they're legit whoever they are

>> No.68389785
File: 196 KB, 1501x1080, VesperWow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomato deez nuts ha gottem

>> No.68389856

I don't like the taste of raw tomatos either

>> No.68389885

nah, having someone that knows the ropes on your side is based and growth-pilled
if it doesn't pan out, there'll be others lined up at the take the job

>> No.68389902

You're concernfagging for one of the dumbest reasons imaginable. Getting a manager to deal with affairs so she can focus on herself right now is one of the best moves she could make. And she said herself that it's a well-known manager in the industry and has a good reputation

>> No.68389954
Quoted by: >>68390039

Why do you think it's Luca?

>> No.68390019


>> No.68390039
Quoted by: >>68391506

I'm guessing because Luca is secretly banging every woman he has ever spoken to, and thus he is horny. Thus, anyone who is horny is Luca.

>> No.68390455

also for the tourists and general nincompoops that don't understand how indie things work, having a manager just means you have someone you can say "hey, I want to do this event/song/merch, I need this art/asset/hookup, and can you try to get me in with x company/game/org" and they do what they can to make that happen because that's usually the only way they're getting paid
the only heavy influence they can really try to exert is pushing talents to accept sponsorships, work on projects the mgmt's involved in, or maybe adjust their content to be more friendly, which isn't really a bad thing unless the chuuba's a complete pushover that can't say no
given what she's been through, can't imagine that last bit will be an issue for the free bird

>> No.68390537
File: 20 KB, 940x169, 20240207_101942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see how Anycolor said Selen's termination affecting their stocks

>> No.68390660

is there a kk card?

>> No.68390701
File: 3.82 MB, 852x720, jelly[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjxsuon.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68390785


>> No.68390721

Have you guys seen Doki's new Business Email address? "DokiCanRead" lol!

>> No.68390785
File: 146 KB, 1223x1000, Happy Ursalen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68390824
Quoted by: >>68390991

Yes! The Milkers need to be bigger, though.

>> No.68390898
Quoted by: >>68390991


>> No.68390940
Quoted by: >>68390978

Is anyone going to be archiving the stream just in case?

>> No.68390978


>> No.68390991


>> No.68391165
Quoted by: >>68391424

BarkingGoons! Good news!!!
I just shat my pants!!!!!

>> No.68391340
File: 21 KB, 112x112, ikumiSit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's super interesting seeing how much /lig/ blending with /HAHA/ happened almost instantly once birb became officially free, I keep seeing bugposters and liggermen, and I still haven't really seen a single negative thing about her over in /lig/, I even noticed the Live Now anon in here earlier today

>> No.68391373 [SPOILER] 
File: 708 KB, 727x634, creature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do NOT open this
do NOT look inside

>> No.68391419
File: 618 KB, 924x895, Selen Spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68391424
File: 225 KB, 1282x1533, 536fa3d6790eb73313247645aa5dc144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68392817


>> No.68391473

>Being hated by the west is a death sentence.
Tell that to Nintendo

>> No.68391506

Luca wishes, he's a virgin who wants a lot of the women he talks to but has no idea how to seal the deal

>> No.68391524
File: 1.92 MB, 350x350, 1693436023286663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68392075


>> No.68391546
Quoted by: >>68391723

>Nintendo is hated by the west
What are you smoking?

>> No.68391611

You're welcome here anytime! By the way, by Bug poster, do you mean for Beri? Cos that was me, lol! I watch her from time to time! I think she's cool and funny, and I like her design!

>> No.68391660

Ah yes, the company that's absolutely loathed by Westerners... Nintendo.

>> No.68391714
Quoted by: >>68392075


>> No.68391723

They were sort of hated at some point, but that was back in like the Wii U era where their technology was behind the competition, they didnt understand that game streaming was free promotion yet, and they took down Pikmin 3 DLC vids IIRC. That era wasn't that bad in hindsight though, I still miss Iwata.

>> No.68391756
File: 401 KB, 512x512, 1697592028113987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the liggerman way. we look after our own, because at the end of the day we just want the cartoon women that make us happy, entertain, and titillate us to be happy
also have a vested interest in seeing the downfall of corpo scum

>> No.68392075 [SPOILER] 
File: 701 KB, 758x641, creature2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68392119
Quoted by: >>68392293

That’s because indiefags don’t have the weird tribalistic chip on their shoulders that corposhills do. They’re interested in the talents themselves, not in a brand.

>> No.68392184
File: 273 KB, 582x401, 166985035506672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68392234


>> No.68392293

>indiefags don’t have the weird tribalistic chip on their shoulders
uuuhhh sure

>> No.68392354

I was generalizing, anon. There’s always bad apples.

>> No.68392511
File: 178 KB, 1251x1080, VesperM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68392634

well as for me I was always around, just rarely posting. Proud debut pomudachi. Ex now... And debut dragoon, I guess bark knight at this point. Watched indies before NijiEN was a thing, Juni took my indie vcard, then 3 years of NijiEN and 2 years of /nijien/ fuck that place. Moved to lig last spring. It's all connected when you are not a tribalfag.

>> No.68392551

Don’t be, she’s not being forced to work with this person.

>> No.68392634

I think he meant me >>68392511
aka lig MSPaint OC maker. But all bugposters are bugposters so you are one as well.

>> No.68392654
File: 426 KB, 366x753, Winner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said bugposters since I also see people posting pictures of Vesper_AWOL too. NaiyoSpede and Lyra Calyptra are some more good buggas
Most liggermen at least don't outwardly act like they have any issue with corpo chuubas though of course there's always schizos. The issue is usually the corporations themselves that make life shit for their talents, or their fanbases being insufferable because of aforementioned shitflinging tribalism

>> No.68392817
Quoted by: >>68393309

I love her old art, did she get included in anything cool? Collabs with a game, a skin etc?

>> No.68392994

Pretty sure she's saying it's not Elira because Elira just went to Japan too

>> No.68393210
File: 966 KB, 1930x1037, 1707274605971386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68393228
File: 5 KB, 627x141, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow...we win

>> No.68393309

She made a game! It's called "Detective Pomu And The Tatsuki Manor Mystery"! She had plans to put it on steam, but that never came to fruition. She also got a NijiEN Minecraft texture pack made for OBSYDIA's 2nd anniversary! Selen is represented in it by turning the Polar Bears into Selenbear! You could also download a Selen themed HUD for Minecraft, too!

>> No.68393327


>> No.68393374

>Go to sleep
>Go to work
>Come back to the board
>Everyone flipping their shit saying Enna was the bully
What did I miss? What evidence surfaced?

>> No.68393395
Quoted by: >>68393503

What’s this from?

>> No.68393444
Quoted by: >>68395726

It is extremely hard to hate doki, unless you are ndf

>> No.68393503
File: 4 KB, 629x145, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68394314

Japs speculating what will happen to their stocks.

>> No.68393623

Doki has the power to tank niji stocks....

>> No.68393678
File: 283 KB, 1591x1080, VesperDepress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many projects dead. LOFI debut songs... the train and Obsydia crossing... I am so sad.

>> No.68393752

>even investors are afraid

>> No.68393770

Lets be honest: niji didn't deserve those projects. Especially not with how the m*les hijacked them.

>> No.68393803

a new day, a new dawn
sounds like she has a good eye for projects that liggers often lack, could be a driving force for a new wave of content

>> No.68394024
Quoted by: >>68394668

I remember that during one of Beri's Metal Gear streams she mentioned how she wanted to open a GTA RP server for Vtubers. I wonder if Doki would be interested in joining it?

>> No.68394031

Nothing concrete, just people drawing conclusions from Enna being the bitchy one and having very little rapport with her.

>> No.68394120

nothing, just opportunistic sperging

>> No.68394140


>> No.68394264

Oh and those animated shorts too. Looking back at it she had a lot of things.

>> No.68394286

Enna also had a members thread where she said Millie said "why would I leave?"

>> No.68394314

Pretty funny that Anycolor’s acting like there’s nothing wrong while people who’ve bought shares in them are quaking in their boots.
So it’s just rrats as usual. I really don’t like any of the cliquey NijiEN members but anons shouldn’t be out for blood just because Niji CLAIMED some of the bullying came from livers, it might be pure bullshit.

>> No.68394390

sisters gonna cyst

>> No.68394444
Quoted by: >>68395271

I think that was photoshopped anon. I wouldn't trust a bait catalog thread.

>> No.68394514
File: 133 KB, 500x500, 1669009753967778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even think about raptorlen. I feel like I just lost a part of myself.

>> No.68394668

I think Beri would be too scared to interact with Doki. She is just a small indie. They can fujobrain together but she would also vibe well with Pomu with her growing MGS brainrot. I have seen half the Pomu regulars in her chat.

>> No.68394870

Actually really cute, that game. Thanks for tipping me off to it, will have to download it before it gets taken down. Figure I'm shit out of luck for the minecraft stuff, though.
Feel worse almost since it's even more apparent how much effort she put into her work.

>> No.68394923
Quoted by: >>68395544

to be fair Doki said it comes from within so it might be livers, management, or both. My take is everyone is a sinner until the actual truth comes out, but yeah i'm not gonna shit up the thread with it

>> No.68395001

i thought the "financial results will be negligible" was fucking shitpost. jesus christ

>> No.68395011
File: 72 KB, 767x682, 1707269524254511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68395026
File: 3.74 MB, 600x338, Raptorlen cheek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP o7

>> No.68395091
Quoted by: >>68395212

Bark knight that wanted fat AI sloppa Selen with a cock it just dropped in /lig/ so enjoy. Only a matter of time until Doki one is made

>> No.68395189


>> No.68395212

give em the link baka

>> No.68395230

they essentially said that Selen means nothing to them

>> No.68395271

Here's a larger collection someone made: https://files.catbox.moe/l76awz.png
Context is important, the post is in the rightmost column while the topic is in the left. You can also see the overall sentiment is in strong support for Selen, great concern for the livers' well being, and no support for the company.

>> No.68395498
File: 9 KB, 300x225, The financial results will be negligible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68395605


>> No.68395544
Quoted by: >>68395660

I think management is definitely included. I'd be willing to wager that's where the infamous "nothing special" quote came from. The other livers being involved is actually alluded moreso by the company itself in the termination statement than Doki.

>> No.68395556
File: 125 KB, 400x400, ecto clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fuck that's a lot of text

>> No.68395573

What Gumi said kinda backs up the claim about the livers being bullies, though. She said something along the lines of "The ones that present themselves as being super friendly, are anything but friendly behind the scenes".

>> No.68395605
File: 410 KB, 800x448, 1685313702464965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68395931


>> No.68395660

She absolutely was told nothing special from management given that we now see she's considered negligible. (A notion that probably extends to the whole of EN in Niji's eyes, frankly.)

>> No.68395726
Quoted by: >>68402927

Or if you are an unicorn, i have seen cases

>> No.68395746

I noticed that too, the other day. I recognised so many names in her chat, when she played MGS2.

>> No.68395878

will she at least be happy again, or will it just be more 2023 menhelen?

>> No.68395931

big kek

>> No.68396035

kurosanji was the reason she was feeling miserable in the first place so now that she's free she'll probably be happy again

>> No.68396192

All of them are disposable no matter the branch, that's the nature of these corporations.

>> No.68396323

She seems pretty happy so far.

>> No.68396482

almost every Liver. EN or JP. Is happier after they are out.

>> No.68396520
Quoted by: >>68397387

Like asian fat or walmart fat?

>> No.68396537

She'll probably be under less pressure in any case. It's hard to imagine things getting worse.

>> No.68396669
Quoted by: >>68397624

that's the funny part. All those Niji defenders and Doki slanderers don't realize. Every Liver can be Selened. They proved nothing they did before matters. You dare do something they don't like and they will do the same thing to their favorite Liver.

>> No.68396716

If Riku throws the book at Doki I SWEAR TO GOD I will commandeer a literal pirate ship and sink his yacht with cannonballs

>> No.68396746
Quoted by: >>68397082

In a corporation's eyes, everyone would definitely be disposable. But if you're trying to expand overseas, you don't want to alienate your audience. And whether people like Selen or not, everyone can see that this couldn't have been handled worse or pissed off more people. Plus people have been leaving at a steady rate, which should have warned them already that people were uneasy.

>> No.68396778
Quoted by: >>68397279

She seems genuinely excited, if she actually has a manager that can get her proper support, coupled with having little to no restrictions, I think she'll be fine.

>> No.68396838

I'd never really seen pics of the Niji guy until all the Selen stuff happened. Guy's got a real punchable face.

>> No.68397082
Quoted by: >>68403141

in a *bad/black corp's eyes
in a good corporation's eyes, they'd understand the concept of a human resource being something you invest heavily in as it's your most important asset
stupid fucks only exist because they were early to market and now they're clinging to a sinking ship

>> No.68397145
Quoted by: >>68397344

Kinda figured as much for someone commonly referred to as Japans youngest billionaire.

>> No.68397167

He’s living proof that physiognomy is real.

>> No.68397258

Cuts both ways though, vtubing has plenty of dead corps that fucked over talents, being publicly traded won't save them.

>> No.68397279
File: 951 KB, 1166x1656, 1703077812516000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget, she has a whole new crew at her back (in a way that actually matters)
sometimes the grass really is greener... or bluer

>> No.68397344

Well, that outs you as someone who didn't watch Selen to begin with and only decided to start supporting her when the drama happened, because Tazumi's face is memed in Nijisanji the same way Yagoo's is in Hololive. So on one hand, thank you for your support, but on the other hand, fuck you for being so tribal that you only decided to support her when it gave you a good opportunity to shit on Nijisanji, because she's been a great person for years.

>> No.68397387

Asian fat, where she's still pretty cute and is still skinnier than most Western women. Not the type where she's covered in pizza stains and needs a mobility scooter to get around.

>> No.68397539
File: 165 KB, 926x926, 1680421651514312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68397561

Kinda weird to get mad at those dudes for not watching someone. I don't watch tons of people who are probably good content creators.

>> No.68397624
Quoted by: >>68398212

Anecdotally, I've mostly seen people supporting the livers while saying the company did wrong to Selen, and there's far less fear about shitting on management than last time somebody was let go like this. I honestly think English vtubing culture actually changed overnight. Hopefully for the better.

>> No.68397632
File: 942 KB, 1189x669, Selen Tatsuki 【NIJISANJI EN】 - 【3.0 BRUSH UP】look at those EXPRESSIONS【NIJISANJI EN Selen Tatsuki】 [aL6rGRqzBPc - 1189x669 - 19m26s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's exactly the same. In Tazumi's case he took some extremely bad looking photos that they keep using in things. Yagoo is more like a mascot to them.

>> No.68397692

is this a weird posi false flag bait

>> No.68397741

Riku is in no way a meme like Yagoo. Yagoo is beloved by all of his employees while Riku just has a weird face.

>> No.68397824

Easy, friend, I'd seen Selen quite a few times before now, but I just never happened across those sort of memes. Not everyone can indulge in every facet of a company/liver/fandom.

>> No.68398212
Quoted by: >>68398466

Well, this is the kind of thing that needed to happen. There's little to no proof Selen did wrong by anyone, and in fact creators are coming out of the woodwork to say that she was a joy to work with. They literally tried to Zaion her and the community had no reason to believe any of it.

>> No.68398372

Tazumi looks like he was dropped as a baby

>> No.68398446

When did she post that, btw? Was it before or after the "japanese apostrophe?"

>> No.68398466
Quoted by: >>68399112

this is why you build strong community ties

>> No.68398831
File: 552 KB, 919x1186, IMG_5511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riku tried to be a meme ala Yagoo, Gunrun, and Fishman and it blew up in his face. He has no charisma, humility, or wit, he just comes across as a spoiled cunt.

>> No.68398837
Quoted by: >>68398948

Kino soon

>> No.68398906
Quoted by: >>68399302

Why does this feel like management forced her to post this to gain insight?

>> No.68398916
File: 987 KB, 1076x1076, dokidoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68398948

moose in da /haha/ dayo!

>> No.68399002
Quoted by: >>68399125

well he IS a meme now but for different reasons kek

>> No.68399023
Quoted by: >>68399095

You are fucking retarded and know fucking jackshit about niji, you SEAnig turrist. Riku never tried this. Nijisanji made a half assed attempt to make him Yagoo 2. Riku was always only a 18 yo millionaire tech grifter and you would know it if you ever took interest.

>> No.68399095

>Riku never tried this
Yes he did.

>> No.68399112
File: 51 KB, 590x594, 161415449492004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if you don't...

>> No.68399125
Quoted by: >>68399292

Riku yacht is like the 5th or 6th google search suggestion after typing in tazumi riku

>> No.68399292
File: 16 KB, 488x371, 1706738740598096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68399394

holy kek

>> No.68399302

That would unironically be a step up because it means they're actually looking to take in feedback and try to improve.
So probably not.

>> No.68399343

Doki opinion reading

>> No.68399394
File: 13 KB, 268x367, 160131497213862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68399434

Will we hear Doki singing MLP songs again?

>> No.68399462

Those screams!

>> No.68399491
Quoted by: >>68399684

The solution to this is honestly to go full 4chan shitposter it opens up a small but permanent community that pushes back against people trying to wipe you constantly. Pandering to them and constantly being on the backfoot doesn't work.

>> No.68399593
Quoted by: >>68399688

I'll convert these into soundposts if you want to catbox them

>> No.68399684
Quoted by: >>68399895

that or just not being a shitty person, but I guess that's beyond her grasp, bless her heart

>> No.68399688

Not that anon, but I prefer catbox.

>> No.68399752
Quoted by: >>68399809

I do kinda feel a little bit bad for her. I also don't like how Matara treated her because it was a hypocritical reason but I never liked Matara to begin with though she is friends with Pomu so I won't badmouth her out of respect for the fairy.

>> No.68399809
Quoted by: >>68399877

you sound like a weirdo

>> No.68399855
File: 147 KB, 633x405, 1676142694408248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's awake and retweeting some art

>> No.68399877
Quoted by: >>68400385

Where do you think you are?

>> No.68399888

You're probably right. It would be nice to see them stream together, but Beri would probably be too afraid to reach out to Doki.

>> No.68399895

She's not shitty at all. She genuinely sounds like an honest person. The problem is sayu is politically schizophrenic.
She makes rape jokes (funny) but then cancels people because they make racism jokes (also funny) so you end up upsetting people on both sides of the spectrum. Which is awful for buisness.

>> No.68400015
File: 548 KB, 587x467, 4f4599b85e55cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like the good old days!

>> No.68400071

The amount of doki art has been explosive. Its actually insane how much support she's getting. Maybe the yacht might actually sink...

>> No.68400092

so she*
from multiple sides*
, which*
you can go. she's just kind of a shitty person by virtue of being shit at being a person

>> No.68400094
Quoted by: >>68400579

I don't think it's entirely contradictory
I can see her not minding rape jokes if she's one of those porn addicted chicks so desensitized that rape evokes porn rather than crime.
I can see her being critical of racism at the same time if she's of a minority ethnic group in her country and has been marginalized as a result.

>> No.68400186
File: 3 KB, 202x80, 169982781010171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>congrats on 200k

>> No.68400233

The yacht won’t sink (yet, this might be the beginning of a domino effect, who knows) but there will be a permanent stain on Niji’s reputation in the west.

>> No.68400321
File: 45 KB, 850x850, __dokibird_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_shachi_artist__sample-3bea8b006b5894eb92fc9f7894e9f95f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentleman, I think Dokibird has given me a cute girls wearing newsboy caps fetish.

>> No.68400345

It won't. The worst that could possibly happen is the dissolution of the EN branch but I doubt that will happen. Not any faster than it was already, anyway.

>> No.68400385

in the doki general where we talk about my wife doki

>> No.68400394


>> No.68400436

Posting Vore.

>> No.68400497
File: 722 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this guy's wife

>> No.68400501

T minus 20 hours, bros.

>> No.68400502

Not happening. The EN branch is in dire straits and their reputation in the west is permanently tarnished, but the company will be fine because of corpowhipped japs.

>> No.68400516

Yeah. My brief dalliance supporting her ended when I got perma-banned without comment off her server for stepping in when a janny was bullying another member over not 'respecting' tranny pronouns. No actual insults were made by the guy btw.

I do think she's a good girl, with good intentions, I just think she has both an itchy trigger finger and a deep need to be 'nice' to people, which is just a poison combination in this social media climate.

>> No.68400527

Oh no...

>> No.68400579

>one of those porn addicted chicks so desensitized that rape evokes porn rather than crime.
where do I get me one of those

>> No.68400648


>> No.68400666

oh fuck off man if circumstances were slightly different Doki would have been in the same situation. I am allowed a bit of empathy.

>> No.68400728
File: 123 KB, 320x320, 1702262003527274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her routine reposts... We're so back...

>> No.68400900

some Holo girls make obvious their approval of rape

>> No.68400926

can't see shit because Twitter ratioed me I guess...

>> No.68401026 [DELETED] 

Since it doesn't matter anymore, where's the past life selfcest?

>> No.68401035

Oh.. that tomato..

>> No.68401055
File: 488 KB, 2048x2048, FxZSk-PaAAAq19d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68401078
Quoted by: >>68402521

The thing I still don't get is why Nijisanji has to be so vindictive with the way they suspend people before terminations. When Hololive terminated Mel, it was instant. She had been streaming recently, they decided to terminate her, and they got it over with. But Yugo, Zaion, Selen, even Gundou apparently so it's not just an EN thing, all of them were suspended for an entire month before the actual termination announcement. It seems that at the time they suspend them they've already made up their mind about terminating them, so as far as I can tell, it serves no purpose other than making them suffer. Meanwhile the fans are completely confused as to what is happening because of the way they silently suspend them and pretend as if nothing is wrong, so it's a dick move to the fans too who get to worry for an entire month, not just to the livers.

I can't think of any real company that would, or could, do something like this, just holding you at your job for a month without paying you before they finally decide to announce that you've been fired. And that's on top of the fact that real companies have to give severance. Nijisanji seems to like taking advantage of the fact that they don't have to play by the same rules as those companies, in the scummiest way possible. If anyone ever tries to tell you regulations aren't important, remember this situation, because this is what a company can do when they aren't regulated.

>> No.68401117
File: 1.21 MB, 609x2396, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68401308


>> No.68401119
File: 564 KB, 642x868, 1691281871475808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reposted pic rel and these 2

>> No.68401220
File: 1 KB, 210x47, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68401701

let me introduce you to a technology

>> No.68401226

I might be wrong about this, but I think she recently followed Fillian, Shylily, and AmaLee on Twitter!

>> No.68401308

Nice! That moogle mocks me I don't like it's smug aura

>> No.68401378

Do you find Doki or Selen sexier?

>> No.68401447


>> No.68401464
Quoted by: >>68401618

torrent... doko...

>> No.68401474

Doki ain't got no tail sadly

>> No.68401495
Quoted by: >>68401592

I am not really attracted to any vtuber (crazy I know) but I like Selen more because the marbled tail is very cool and does look sexy.

>> No.68401518
File: 625 KB, 745x784, DANGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki I find sexo for being smol and easily manhandled
Selen I find sexo cause her chub and sleeper milkers remind me of my ex

Issa tie for me

>> No.68401536

I got a thing for blonde hair and green eyes so Doki but Selen is sexy too.

>> No.68401592
File: 150 KB, 517x454, 1699317265910008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One shared braincell

>> No.68401615
File: 51 KB, 687x208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68401618


>> No.68401679

This is why I want to see Kamameshi Gogomaru update Doki.

>> No.68401701
Quoted by: >>68401797

I have no idea how to take the skinny screenshots, and I can't be bothered to learn when I can just do what I did

>> No.68401758

post her best tail

>> No.68401797

firefox,context menu -> take screenshot -> full page option up top -> to clipboard and paste into your cropping tool of choice
it's really useful for shit like twitter

>> No.68401869
Quoted by: >>68401920

I already failed on the first step

>> No.68401880
Quoted by: >>68401920

isn't it easier to use the windows snipping tool?

>> No.68401919
File: 325 KB, 2048x2048, GFpeR5vbEAAdNgZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hina made a new Twitter icon Dokibird decoration for everyone to use!


>> No.68401920

ngmi, get with the times grandpa
you got a x2396 tall monitor?

>> No.68401928
Quoted by: >>68402023

windows key + shift + s

>> No.68401989

>I hope I can repay all of you in the future 10 times more
Go Doki go!
You've already repaid us by being back.

>> No.68402021

Do I have to choose? I think that both are Sexy!

>> No.68402023

see >>68401920
the fuck are you getting these monitors from

>> No.68402032

To me there’s an innocence to the Selen model that makes me think of her as a friend for whatever reason.
Doki’s Goslingable.

>> No.68402082

I have programmable dpi buttons on my mouse, so I don't struggle zooming across the desktop

>> No.68402094

Didn't think I'd see Musashi's grin here

>> No.68402176

What does dpi have to do with taking screenshots

>> No.68402211

I really like Doki's love and respect for other artists

>> No.68402226
File: 330 KB, 512x512, 1697590391229211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68402291

t. newfag

>> No.68402434
Quoted by: >>68402577

Was the blocking Niji fans on twitter thing just a rrat

>> No.68402458
File: 32 KB, 641x236, 1689474436677390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow up to the previous tweet

>> No.68402521

In Selen's case, it sounds like there was some amount of negotiation happening over the course of January and the actual outcome was genuinely unclear. Selen said that she requested a graduation on neutral terms on January 26th, so around then was probably when she decided for sure that there was no point trying anymore.
It started as a stealth suspension but ended up being a Magni/Vesper situation where they couldn't let her return to the public eye because her status with the company was under renegotiation, with the added complication that the situation between the company and Selen was actively hostile.

>> No.68402577

You shouldn’t believe anything you see or hear about on the catalog unless there’s actual evidence being posted.

>> No.68402678

Is she gonna namedrop on her return stream?

>> No.68402680
Quoted by: >>68403056

I actually understood it as Selen graduation being set on 26th before that. But then cover shit happened and all the other stuff so they denied her the set graduation and terminated her. But I may be ESLing.

>> No.68402698

yeah, me

>> No.68402774

Pah, all a smokescreen so that top brass dont carry the blame

>> No.68402855

Glad she is back bros!.

>> No.68402924
File: 1.74 MB, 2246x3879, 8e84c7e03d199b780214e42348ed0505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a biiit longer and she's hitting 300K
I'm so proud

>> No.68402927
Quoted by: >>68403745

Rising Sun mfs

This. Beware the people using her to shame Nijisanji for "promoting impurity". They're fairweathers at best. They'll show their colors once the kerfuffle dies down

>> No.68403044
Quoted by: >>68403375

Yeah, the shitty management. Nothing implicated the other streamers besides a badly translated termination notice by the very company they work for.

>> No.68403056
Quoted by: >>68403179

>I requested to leave first but on more neutral terms on 26th Jan.
Her phrasing was weird, granted. I parse it as:
>I requested to leave on neutral terms on Jan. 26th, before they terminated me on bad terms later

>> No.68403141

I hate how imo this incident is being used to sourgrape corpos by salty rejectees. Be more like wife Nene!

>> No.68403179
Quoted by: >>68403320

Do all Canadians write Jan. 26th as 26th Jan. or is it just a Doki thing?

>> No.68403183
Quoted by: >>68403493

No retard and everyone who think she will is retarded.
But there will be a clarification along the lines of

>"And I'm glad I don't need to deal with anymore bully from managers *and other talents*"

Which will undoubtedly start a firestorm

>> No.68403249
Quoted by: >>68403492

>be nice person
>act professional to everyone you work with
>They all vouch for her and support her over shitty faceless corpos
Corpos are BAFFLED how this could happen!

>> No.68403320

If Canada is like Australia and the UK, then they would write the date as day/month/year.

>> No.68403375

If the other streamers did nothing wrong I hope she says something like "Please don't attack other streamers over this" because even a small statement like that would do a lot to mitigate the witch hunting that's been going on.

>> No.68403459

I think she'll do that if the other livers didn't bully her, but if they did I don't think she'll name drop any of them.

>> No.68403492

the one thing that a corpo is supposed to be compared to someone they terminate, more professional, is not true. so yeah

>> No.68403493

"People" are already assuming the *and other talents* part and acting accordingly.

>> No.68403577
File: 41 KB, 175x188, 16723738480930978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy jesas


>I think even if I killed someone, you guys would still support me, which you know I appreciate.

>> No.68403610

kill them all doki

>> No.68403652

Absolute fucking scum

>> No.68403698
Quoted by: >>68403990

>Selen said that she requested a graduation on neutral terms on January 26th, so around then was probably when she decided for sure that there was no point trying anymore.
It's my belief that Niji wanted Selen to apologize for her wrongdoings to save face and held her graduation hostage until she did it. Selen refused to apologize because in her view she had done nothing wrong (and that they didn't deserve an apology after their refusal to do anything about the behind the scenes bullying), so Niji cracked the shits and unceremoniously fired her. They seem like the kind to go on power trips and throw tantrums, hence them wanting to Zaion her in the termination announcement, only this time it backfired.

>> No.68403718

>this is coming from someone who is angry
You don’t sound angry…

>> No.68403737
Quoted by: >>68404071

help a clueless ligga out, who?

>> No.68403745

Similarly, I've noticed people from other corpos using this thread as their temporary battle ground to shit on Niji. That's not to say Niji doesn't deserve hate, but ultimately they spread hate only to beg and promote their own corpos.

>> No.68403776

Most of you bandwagoning niggas didn't even care about her until now

>> No.68403787

This is a statement by someone with MASSIVE skeletons in the closet

>> No.68403791
File: 64 KB, 464x479, 1674139724006431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I think I'm actually falling for earnest and sincere voiced doki. The past Twitter voicenote made my heart kinda flutter.

>> No.68403805


>> No.68403827

Someone does have to say something eventually, since the suspicion falls on everyone after Anycolor made that ill-advised statement. The uncertainty means people can attack whoever they already antis of.

>> No.68403857

I hope she's happy now, she's the most subscribed to NijiEN girl now, but at what cost Enna, at what cost.

>> No.68403990

Comparing Selen to Zaion and her whole ordeal is really disrespectful. No one took her side for a reason.

>> No.68404023

0:17 - 0:40 Pure dissemination. "Dont dig for the truth, dont try to defend the truth"

>> No.68404071

One of the alleged 3 Livers who're the "bullies" of Selen, and she's the worst one arguably
Again no proof of anything is shown obviously, but if there were proof she would definitely be the biggest name mentioned

>> No.68404112
Quoted by: >>68404245

This is the first time I actually listened to Enna speak, instead of tuning her out. Holy shit did she always sound like female Kyo?

>> No.68404138
File: 51 KB, 476x702, 1707245738572324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68404236

>> No.68404151
Quoted by: >>68404627

Yeah, it helps that in three years of being a part of Nijisanji, Selen never said anything about wanting to molest little boys, while Zaion said that multiple times over the span of three months.

>> No.68404160

She couldn't have picked a worse thing to say if she wants to look innocent

>> No.68404230

>just sweep it under the rug and kiss black company ass!!!
holy shit this bootlicker cunt

>> No.68404235
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, 1702354120114468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the name drop, that's fucking hilarious from this perspective seeing a 2view model with 2view tracking and a 2view voice throwing 2view shade. I never knew how silly this gets and I'm both thankful and appalled

>> No.68404238

I humble ask for the entire collection of selen's voicepacks, may someone have mercy for this poor anon
Fuck kurosanji

>> No.68404236

MILKERS!!! That artist retweeted that artwork again, recently!

>> No.68404245
Quoted by: >>68405235

No, a lot of people noticed that she started imitating his style of speaking after she became friends with him. It's kinda creepy, like she's a sociopathic robot that doesn't have her own personality and can only base it off others.

>> No.68404327
Quoted by: >>68404810

She also has an ultra dedicated schizo anti on this board who's been using this entire bullying thing to sic everybody on her.

>> No.68404458
File: 343 KB, 638x330, fffffffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68404558


>> No.68404493
Quoted by: >>68404665

nta but get your head out of your ass barkknight. It didn't work because Doki was with the company for much longer and had more established connections. And also did not have a very targeted cancelation campaign ran on her for a month. Niji's pisition as a corpo was also much stronger we only had Yugo happen. If Doki was in the same position in the same timeframe things would have been just as bad for her. And Livers would have thrown her under the bus just as hard. In fact they did in that statement with bullying. You may dislike Sayu I am not a fan either but this is a systemic issue that you can see in Nijisanji.

>> No.68404558

100 more, lets fucking go!

>> No.68404627

that's fucking based, however

>> No.68404642

>Niji attempts to publicly execute Selen and tarnish her image
>people are pissed
>why you heff to be mad??? just stop being mad and chill and touch grass

>> No.68404665
Quoted by: >>68404958

Not a single person came out to defend her, and even she admitted guilt for most of that shit later. Comparing the two is insulting.

>> No.68404719

If it's so based then Selen would say it too. Selen did not say it so it's not based.

>> No.68404741

>Big companies still believing in me and offering to sponsor me.
lol, you know the other agencies are knocking on her door. An incredible fuckup by Nijisanji.

>> No.68404793


>> No.68404810

I've seen his long list of evidence supporting why she's pure evil. Ngl, it made me really angry when I read that she didn't include Selen in her opening animation (I think it was an animation for her streams, but it could've been something else), when she included everyone else in the branch besides her, and of course being reminded of the whole Wrestlesanji debacle wasn't pleasant either. After reading everything on there my opinion on Enna was less positive, to put it lightly.

>> No.68404828
File: 24 KB, 322x431, penis00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, I love evil women so fucking much.

>> No.68404830
Quoted by: >>68404909

>2view model with 2view tracking
Hey, Niji Live2D was cutting-edge 6 years ago!

>> No.68404889
Quoted by: >>68405451

what happened during wrestlesanji

>> No.68404909

really sticking it to /trash/-era /wvt/

>> No.68404919
File: 433 KB, 1774x2048, GFrAimDXAAAP8Rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68405017

planning on using this for next bread.
so long as it let's me this time

>> No.68404958

Actually a decent amount of people defended her. Stop being a retard.

>> No.68404993

will she be able to mention selen or will she get sued

>> No.68405001
Quoted by: >>68405114

>2view tracking
Genuine insult to 2views. Most 2views I see these days have good rigging. Even small corpos these days have great rigging

>> No.68405009
Quoted by: >>68405410

This is an interesting observation, it always felt like Ethyria had a chip on their shoulder about being seen as "weaker" than Lazulight and Obsydia. And now the only girls in NijiEN with more subs than Enna are both out of the company, which puts Enna on top.

>> No.68405017
Quoted by: >>68405199

take the bake, I'm drinking and shouldn't be awake

>> No.68405084

>Letting shitposters and tribalfags control the narrative before Doki even says anything herself

>> No.68405114

you know what, gomen ne, you're absolutely right, but I didn't want to break the 2view refrain

>> No.68405140
Quoted by: >>68405242

everyone so focused on Enna that people are missing the big ghost sized Apex player Nijisanji fangirl elephant in the room.

>> No.68405152

Was she really the one who did it, or is her emotions being a wreck making her say heinous shit. Either way, this is fucked up.

>> No.68405154
Quoted by: >>68405888

So it's possible she's actually had a beef with Selen for a long time, and we didn't fully realize it till now when the allegations of bullying came out?

>> No.68405198

welcome to mob mentality

>> No.68405199
Quoted by: >>68405318

This nigga a lyricist. Dr. Seuss type of knightgoon

>> No.68405235

>after she became friends with him

>> No.68405242

Because I have never seen anything to indicate that there is bad blood between Selen and Reimu. They've always gotten along really well.

>> No.68405248
Quoted by: >>68405424

>4300 waiting
Has Doki's waiting room chat been this active the whole time it's been up? Because if so, that's hilarious. Almost makes me nostalgic for IRC a little bit.

>> No.68405270

Alright let's not derail this with rrat speculation we're at bump limit so at least let the next bread be free of it

>> No.68405310

I really hope you all don't just blindly believe some fucking clip being taken out of context like every other fucking clip that gets posted here

>> No.68405318
File: 3.87 MB, 1336x1080, ligma[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fw6zy26.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ligga, Dr. Manhattan type of barkknight

>> No.68405349
File: 104 KB, 800x800, 20230430_041752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discuss every schizoshit now and lets have a comfy next thread
Stream TODAY

>> No.68405378

How will they find a convenient scapegoat to blindly hate so they can feel vindicated, though?

>> No.68405381

I like Selen's design more, but that's easily fixed by getting kamesigogomama as mama again for her "blond pigtails" design

>> No.68405389

this is the most blatant admission I have ever hear, yes I'm a bully yes I almost kill somebody with my harassment, so what? move on with life.

>> No.68405410
Quoted by: >>68405495

Elira is not more popular than Enna, wtf?

>> No.68405421

There's not really anything you can do to stop it on a place like this, you just have to wait for them to run out of energy and go away. It will take a while, but they will, as long as Doki doesn't do anything to throw fuel on the fire.

>> No.68405424

I haven't seen it below 4k in the past 2 days or so, they seem like they're having a good time whenever I tab over.

>> No.68405440

I heard Doki's new model will have fat tits, is it true?

>> No.68405451

She acted like she was tired, and "didn't want to be there", and when she won the whole tournament she couldn't even be bothered to say thank you to Selen or anyone else there because she wanted to go to bed. Selen spent $200+ to get a custom trophy made for the winner too. Enna didn't even say thank you for that. Compare it to when Lain Patterson won the Puyo Puyo Tetris tournament, and won a physical trophy for that, that Selen also paid a lot of money for, and it's night and day compared to how Enna reacted. Lain was so happy to win, and then she found out about the trophy and got even more excited about winning, and she actually thanked Selen, too!

>> No.68405495

There was definitely a time where she once was, but Enna really popped off and became the queen of Nijisanji at some point.

>> No.68405526
File: 156 KB, 775x1096, GAFErHhawAAwxVg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68406205

God I hope she gets a model of her previous mama for FAT tits

>> No.68405536
Quoted by: >>68405726

Let me be angry and schizopost the thread is almost dead anyway.

>> No.68405652

No clue if she will have a new model or when, maybe

>> No.68405660

They also reacted to a job posting from months ago like it had just been posted. People really will blindly believe any random 4chan post as long as it supports the narrative they want to push. The kind of people who say "Hold on a second, I'm going to need to look for context, and proof" before making a judgment are few and far between.

>> No.68405708

Enna is so cartoonically evil that I almost want to call her based. Almost

>> No.68405726
Quoted by: >>68406003

>almost dead
45m+ this time of night before kill, where did you come from, /#/?

>> No.68405747

is there a reference sheet for the latest live2d model she used?

>> No.68405758

There's a pretty big gap between being self-centered and dumb, not liking someone, and actually bullying them, though. I don't think even Enna's fans would say she is mostly a good person, but was she doing things that drove someone to try to kill themselves after having a conflict with management? I'd have to hear something more definitive from one of the people involved.

>> No.68405842

It was posted a few breads ago but only shows back and front of the model nothing like the Selen one which gives side few Let me see if I can find it. If i can't will post in next bread

>> No.68405846

I hope Lain got that trophy and it's not in some office at Anycolor...

>> No.68405847

It probably was not a great idea to give out a physical trophy for a tournament that is completely decided by RNG, of course that would mean someone unappreciative might end up winning it. She should have made Wrestlesanji a tournament where you actually have to play the game.

>> No.68405858

do Doki have a canon panties? like what color and type her model actually have or will have if she got 3D? this is important for my experience

>> No.68405888
Quoted by: >>68406166

I suspected it for a long time, since last year. Same with Elira. She always spoke so coldly towards Selen, compared to how she spoke to everyone else in NijiEN. Reimu is another one. She called Selen a "Menhera" before, after collabing with her in an Apex tournament.

>> No.68405894

I kinda prefer doki's design. Is that weird? Like if you get a better artist to do a top tier spin on it--blonde twin tails, thief, with dog mascot....it does it for me

>> No.68406003
Quoted by: >>68406306

Lig actually but haha threads been going pretty fast right now but I guess it slowed down.

>> No.68406018
File: 501 KB, 1076x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68406056
File: 747 KB, 4096x4096, F3SUU2cbEAAd0sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no information about it at the moment, the only thing I know is that Selen Bear is canon nopan

>> No.68406149

Anon she learned her lesson from being Selen and diapers. She is nopan now. Someone needs to make a Doki edit of that Currently Shitting picture

>> No.68406166

Elira probably always hated her because of their shared dragon theme

>> No.68406183
File: 370 KB, 2048x1792, Eg22OtqVoAAZBgI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it here

>> No.68406205
File: 338 KB, 1205x2048, 1707158293935454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68406243

Please keep the small chest PLEASE

>> No.68406276

Nothing canon I can find just a dakimakura that shows her with spats

>> No.68406306
Quoted by: >>68406559

you have cast shame upon our kind, naked dogeza immediately

>> No.68406358

Indies can have toggles you know. Big boobs no boobs. It's one click. We are not corpo slaving gor png expression anymore.

>> No.68406375

terrible time to say something like this

>> No.68406402
File: 826 KB, 1953x2048, GFmeJ9OW4AAHlCQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! She needs Big Milkers!

>> No.68406476
Quoted by: >>68406499

Oddly enough apparently there's a commission lewd with big tits

>> No.68406499

post it

>> No.68406559
Quoted by: >>68406976

You ain't tricking me pinkposter not a second time
I just want to say how much I hate Niji. They killed the light that was Pomu and now Selen.

>> No.68406683

If i can confirm it's real I will

>> No.68406688

Not that anon, but it was this one >>68389299! She commissioned it herself years ago!

>> No.68406720


>> No.68406789
Quoted by: >>68407201

Wait if that's true has she might get one with big tits since Selen had pretty big ones

>> No.68406847

How are you fellas doing this evening? Hope all you refined gentlemen are having a good one!
t. Hooman

>> No.68406864
Quoted by: >>68406904

Big tits that small tits this. I want Doki to have a fat badumpy.

>> No.68406892
File: 6 KB, 394x180, NumbersGoBrrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to next Birdbrains? We aim for 350k?

>> No.68406904

This is non negotiable she WILL have that even if the fanarts have to give her one

>> No.68406976
Quoted by: >>68407289

I have never once posted pink though did watch her now and then and wish her the best in her married life
You should still apologize for your disgraceful comprehension of board dynamics, we run this indie scene and it behooves us to know our shit

>> No.68406981
File: 243 KB, 1343x1900, 1706592705386770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68406985

300k is decent enough. she had shorts as selen and those boost subs quite a lot. just look at rin from idol.

>> No.68407013



>> No.68407067
File: 731 KB, 2894x4093, 20240206_032228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As high as we can go!

>> No.68407142

the hyte website doesn't even have any of the niji collab products listed on their website anymore lmao

>> No.68407201

I always laughed whenever someone in this Bread would say "Selen doesn't like her Big Boobs" when I knew that she commissioned this back when she was Doki! The real reason why Selen hid her Milkers so much is because Scarle was getting flagged for "sexual content" by Youtube for her cleavage. Selen didn't want to risk the same thing happening to her by having her Big Beautiful Dragon Milkers be on screen for too long. People twisted it into, "she doesn't like boobs" because of it. Anyway, I think she'll have Milkers that are the same size as Selen's or maybe even bigger, for her next model!

>> No.68407282
Quoted by: >>68407440

I feel bad for Rosemi tho

>> No.68407289
File: 98 KB, 850x1202, Qr1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68407312
Quoted by: >>68407603

huh? link?

>> No.68407335

Didn't she say she wanted a PC case sponsorship? Just fucking imagine if they replace the Niji stuff with a dokibird case.

>> No.68407353

Funnily enough this artist made a lewd tag for doki since there isn't one currently

>> No.68407440

Yeah I don't really feel good about Elira getting screwed, either.

>> No.68407460


>> No.68407477

based mythic, shit at faces, but a good man, and thorough

>> No.68407476

Works fine on my machine. I still see Enna, Elira, Rosemi's PC cases for example.

>> No.68407520
Quoted by: >>68407589

When it comes to Bao, I would say "would," but at the same time I don't think I stand a chance against a literal clinical nymphomaniac.


>> No.68407585

She commissioned some lewd art of herself in the past

>> No.68407589

Just put on a werewolf fursuit and you are golden

>> No.68407592
Quoted by: >>68407764

What is it?

>> No.68407603
Quoted by: >>68407815

They have holo and p3 collections still up but ...

>> No.68407642

Please tell me he will make doki/shachi lewds

>> No.68407725


>> No.68407764

nothing there atm but it's something

>> No.68407815

huh, it's true, holo and persona are still there, at much they say sold out but niji was straight up removed from there.

>> No.68407843

I seriously can't find it anywhere. Under any of the tabs. Can any other anons c/d if it's missing for them too?

>> No.68407853


>> No.68407874


>> No.68407972

Okay this just strengthens my head canon that she browses her lewd tag in her off time

>> No.68408029

Jfc that daki one... *unzips dick*

>> No.68408059


>> No.68408098

i can't stop looking at her YT pfp
it just looks so... triumphant next to her sub count

>> No.68408104

The page is still there but the descriptions are for Persona 3 instead. It also says sold out and they were apparently limited edition so they were probably just hidden because it's over.

>> No.68408126 [DELETED] 

Nice! #Dokibadonkers is a pretty good one, too!


>> No.68408160
Quoted by: >>68408773

Can't see them either only Holos and Persona 3 and some generic cases

>> No.68408236

She probably used to look at it all the time!

>> No.68408248
Quoted by: >>68408414

you think she just gave him creative control or do you think she uh... actually say there and told the guy she wanted copious amounts of semen oozing from her holes?

>> No.68408294

I feel like a lot of livers would look up their lewds even if out of morbid curiosity over anything else. Who's the most seemingly anti-lewd of the bunches anyway?

>> No.68408315

Nice! #dokibadonkas is a pretty good one, too!


>> No.68408375

only one I know was anti lewds is probably Vivi from EN.
Poor girl.... she was one of us too

>> No.68408414

A lot of his art has tons of dicks cumming on girls, so I'm thinking he was given liberty. This may actually confirm that Doki loves bukkake though.

>> No.68408456

Vivi said that she wasn't going to look in her lewd tag, after she created it.

>> No.68408471

sticky sweaty sex with a plump dokibird

>> No.68408506


>> No.68408529
Quoted by: >>68408706

My favorite is Maria, who doesn't even swear and doesn't retweet her lewds but has mentioned going in the tag and looking at them and being like "Ooh, that's spicy!" in her cute Australian accent.

>> No.68408584
File: 133 KB, 350x350, 127_Thumbsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68408629

Hi, Hooman Bro!

>> No.68408634
File: 126 KB, 600x600, EEZquUuUwAENaE-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68408717

Here you go bros fresh bread!

>> No.68408642

Not commissioned by her but since we are in the topic

>> No.68408657

What is this outfit people keep drawing her in, I've never seen it before?

>> No.68408706

That's cute!

>> No.68408717
File: 317 KB, 1121x2048, F4EpnWoaAAA0NpW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good!
Her stream will be soon...
Thanks bread maker!

>> No.68408773

I can't remember if I'm allowed to post links on this board, but if these fail for you then I don't know what to say. Maybe they took them down for some countries but not mine?

