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67896549 No.67896549 [Reply] [Original]

Prev thread:


Latest songs:

Bridal Dream MV

Loli Kami Cover


Bishoujo Muzai Pirates MV

SKDW Hibiki Radio

>> No.67896598
File: 1.10 MB, 1447x2047, GAG3jXqa0AATOQ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other MVs:

Marine Shukkou MV

Marine Shukkou Full version

Umisea MVs




I’m Your Treasure Box MV



Other Covers:




>> No.67896648
Quoted by: >>67897462

tonight stream

>> No.67897462
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This poor frail woman is sick again

>> No.67898557

I hope she will tell us where they went to. Wish she won't skip the topic entirely similar to same time last year

>> No.67900402
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>> No.67900692

Any guesses as to where the Sankisei travelled to?
I remember Pekora tweeting a few days ago that she wanted to tweet at a time that was convenient for her audience in Japan, my guess is that maybe they were on a completely different time zone so that disqualifies Korea and Taiwan and maybe Singapore, I know it's a lot of guessing but maybe they really came to America most likely to LA or NYC or maybe they went to Western Europe but given that Hololive treats yuros as if they don't exist it's unlikely although possible.
I could be wrong but for opsec reasons I doubt Senchou will talk about the location of the trip, at least these days.

>> No.67900703

Stream delayed until 22jst

>> No.67900846

*I doubt Senchou will talk about the EXACT location of the trip

>> No.67901647
Quoted by: >>67902001

Pekora just said that they went somewhere in Europe

>> No.67901837

Any able to tell what castle that is in the background?

>> No.67902001

The chicken really convinced them to visit her country...

>> No.67903815
Quoted by: >>67905064

surely she will talk about the trip since it's work related and the other sankisei will talk about it anyways

>> No.67905064

But I doubt they can talk too much about it since we’ll, it’s still company work

>> No.67906211
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>> No.67908233
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Every day I dream about it...

>> No.67908448


>> No.67908455


>> No.67908514

she will die after this stream

>> No.67908610
Quoted by: >>67908814

I didn't know European cold were so harsh

>> No.67908688

Pekora said Europe. No details yet though

>> No.67908723

Damn it Senchou, you shouldn't be streaming in this condition

>> No.67908795

>30 minutes stream
That's short but she is too sick right now

>> No.67908814

Current situtation really sucks and being in an airplane for long will infect you with something

>> No.67908943

Apparently it's not Austria, imagine if sankisei had to shill Paris Olympics...

>> No.67909020

Damn air attendant denying Senchou her Earl Grey.

>> No.67909060

I hope this experience will help her resume her English reps.

>> No.67909204

>Marine watched Ghostbusters without us

>> No.67909224

>She thought Ghostbusters was interesting
I hope its the classics...

>> No.67909230

It was for Business reasons apparently.
Also there is not a lot of reason to visit Austria currently.
We mostly are known for outdoor activites and it is a bit early for that.
And Kiara would've leaked it already.

>> No.67909385

Imagine that the Europeans have been ignored for so long that Cover drops the bombshell that they will have their own Sankisei concert.

>> No.67909479

0% chance
They probably went to Paris I can't think of anywhere else they'd all want to go.

>> No.67909546
Quoted by: >>67910862

For Business reasons really not a lot of options.
Paris and Cologne are probably the only cities with a lot of interest in Japan.

>> No.67909587

there's literally no reason whatsoever to hide the country they've been to, there are millions of tourists in europe every single day

>> No.67909598

An event in Europe is pratically impossible though and even if there was one I don't think I could go in Germany or UK

>> No.67909603


>> No.67909609

Short but fun stream. Hope she recovers soon

>> No.67909630

they want to keep it a secret until trailer release date

>> No.67909635

They were filming on location and if I heard right we'll find out sooner or later so it's not to wild to just wait for what ever video they threw together from their trip.

>> No.67909676

Travel sickness is totally a thing for middle aged women

>> No.67909732

No way all the new immigrants will allow that

>> No.67910036

rape her*

>> No.67910225

feel free to rape her when she's cheerful, but I would rape you instead if you dare to do so when she's being sick

>> No.67910236

Same, I would even kiss her while she's this sick.
NO, Senchou is for affectionate and consensual baby-making sex.

>> No.67910356

Keep your expectations in check, it will most likely be a video to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Sankisei, something like Pekora's video where she parachuted.

>> No.67910826
Quoted by: >>67911282

huh, they went to Europe?

>> No.67910862
Quoted by: >>67913350

could also be Italy.

>> No.67911056

This might be a hint

>> No.67911282 [DELETED] 


>> No.67911494

Croatia or Serbia then

>> No.67911591
Quoted by: >>67911700

Marine mention from Kanata a couple of days ago when she was still on trip
>Kanata was feeling a bit lonely since Marine was busy and they couldn't talk on LINE much
>They still chatted when they could and Marine kept sending her texts about how hard the work is and pictures and videos with Marine going "this looks so pretty"
>Kanata kept feeling like she was Marine's boyfriend when this was going on

>> No.67911618

really? they didn't understand "Earl Grey"?

>> No.67911700 [DELETED] 

>Kanata kept feeling like she was Marine's boyfriend when this was going on
Marine already has a boyfriend

>> No.67911820

I don't speak japanese

>> No.67912156
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>> No.67913080

Even though she sounds like shit, it was good to hear Senchou today

>> No.67913258

Stop ban evading schizo
Still pretending to be rushia on 5ch?

>> No.67913350

No, she said it was quite cold compared to Japan and what the fuck would you do in Italy?

>> No.67913398

Eating pasta and/or pizza?

>> No.67913520
Quoted by: >>67913656

It's the middle of winter
They could have been anywhere

>> No.67913656
Quoted by: >>67913795

Nah, for January it is fairly warm and Italy has like 14°C right now.
Either they visited more than one place or they certainly have been to England, France or Germany.

>> No.67913795
Quoted by: >>67914035

they probably visited several countries, it's what you pretty much do when you travel to Europe.

>> No.67913984 [DELETED] 
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They both look very cute together

>> No.67914035
Quoted by: >>67914460

They were there for 2 weeks. Sure Japs and Chinks can do that in that time frame but if it was indeed for business then I doubt it.
We'll see once they can talk more about it.

>> No.67914233 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67914741

When will she address the Rushia yab?

>> No.67914460

... anon they went there on the 25th I'm pretty sure, not even a week

>> No.67914741

Who the heck is Rushia

>> No.67915548


>> No.67916333

>she said it was quite cold compared to Japan
Could it be rural england, or north Britain

>> No.67917232
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>> No.67918855
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Cute feet

>> No.67920986
Quoted by: >>67922468

My guess is Slovenia or Croatia.
The fact that management forbid them to say where they went and how long the flight was makes me think it wasn't an obvious place like the UK or France.

>> No.67922468

Some people said Finland

>> No.67924102


>> No.67927447
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>> No.67928460

New mengen post at 6jst

>> No.67928789

Senchou is sick and horny, someone go sex her back to health.

>> No.67929347

M3GAN seems to be a shit movie, if only she didn't watch Ghostbuster during the flight

>> No.67930832

Probably no streams for some day according to today's post

>> No.67934029

Reading Peko's thread, I can assume that the Sankisei wasn't that enthusiastic about his trip abroad, and it makes sense for 2 reasons:
1.- half of the 3rd gen are in their late 20s and the other half in their 30s, when you spend your whole life in one place it's hard to feel comfortable experiencing other cultures especially if those people are from a country as isolated as Japan.
And 2.- being a work trip I don't think they could have fully enjoyed getting to know a foreign country as they must have had a very tight itinerary according to what they were doing there.
Or I could be wrong and it really was a life-changing experience, but I somehow doubt it.

>> No.67934085

*their trip

>> No.67934772
Quoted by: >>67935156

Honestly while I can't relate to the 1st point, the 2nd point makes a lot of sense; it's hard to get excited about a trip where they essentially tell them to pack for 5 days full of work related stuff in cold weather alongside long-ass flights.

>> No.67935156
Quoted by: >>67935494

I just hope that it has been an interesting enough experience for them that they have the intention to travel willingly to other countries and enjoy their trip.

>> No.67935494
Quoted by: >>67937387

If it gives any comfort, I think Marine was at least somewhat interested and found some part of the experience interesting or at least the locations they visited, considering Kanata mentioned the pictures and videos she got of Marine saying how pretty it is. But I'd guess the work stuff and sickness did drain her a lot.

>> No.67937387

Yes, being sick while travelling sucks a lot and it must be worse if it's for work.
I hope that what they have done there will be worthwhile for them and for us.

>> No.67938947

Houshou Papa...

>> No.67941476

my beloved senchou
I entrust the duty to you lui

>> No.67941488
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Very cute

>> No.67943307
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>> No.67947392

I searched fanbox and discovered weirdest marine and ichimi vore
never again

>> No.67949702
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>> No.67952945
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>> No.67955157
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>> No.67956863

Well Flare and Marine being sick was unexpected for them, but to say they hate it is a bit too much

>> No.67959780
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>> No.67963219

hope she recover soon

>> No.67963739
Quoted by: >>67964871

>2.- being a work trip I don't think they could have fully enjoyed getting to know a foreign country
I think it's mostly this because Miko and other holomems enjoyed their own trip in Los Angeles

>> No.67964871

Of course, Miko and her group often do trips like these for contents, out of their own pocket. It’s not really for work

>> No.67966957
Quoted by: >>67967534

lui is cooking okayu for senchou at the moment

>> No.67967534

She's cooking what?

>> No.67968433
File: 226 KB, 1720x1218, __houshou_marine_and_houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_kitasaya_ai__0f0a5f804bd861622577bf7362170432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67969117

I would have got that anniversary rubber mat but shipping costs would fuck my yurop ass so instead im gonna get a custom playmat from the gameshop i frequent, got any Marine art that would go well for that sort of thing? Hardmode: Not lewds.

>> No.67969117
File: 285 KB, 2048x1223, 20231215_072020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67971397

Use this

>> No.67970910
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>> No.67971082
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She's recovering

>> No.67971397
Quoted by: >>67973212

Not bad, got any more in this sort of casual-ish style?

>> No.67973212
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>> No.67973298

She probably can't until w/e business they were doing there is public.

>> No.67973499

She didn't deserve it

>> No.67974469

she probably can't even pronounce the name of the country

>> No.67974894

I think I'm gonna save some clips from their euro trip to use every time someone push ideas like "japanese people speak more english than japanese" or "they have had english since they were children and end up learning it before japanese".

>> No.67975430

I'm pretty sure everyone who spends 1 hour researching English lessons in Japan can tell you why Japan's English teaching is fucking garbage.

>> No.67976562

a mengen to refill delusion

>> No.67978758

I hope her cough will stop now

>> No.67979443
Quoted by: >>67979919

maybe it's because the Japanese combine the last two consonants in "Earl" into one.

>> No.67979558
Quoted by: >>67979839

what happened last year?

>> No.67979839

took a sneak trip during Jan to somewhere in japan, did a return stream where she skipped about her trip almost completely and we still don't know where the fuck did she go until this day.

>> No.67979919

NTA but can you elaborate?

>> No.67980094


>> No.67980638

Do they even serve Earl Grey on planes? I've never flown before so I just assume they have varying levels of pre packaged stuff unless it's a top class airline or private jet

>> No.67980761

>it's the flight attendant fault!!!
>from the person who couldn't understand "water"
>who couldn't understand water given the fucking context
Yes, anon. I'm sure her earl grey pronunciation was extremely on point.

>> No.67980766
Quoted by: >>67980909

They flew first class, if they don't even have Earl Grey it must be an extremely shit airline.

>> No.67980909

I mean in this day and age being shitty is more the norm if anything

>> No.67981736
File: 193 KB, 790x777, F_mXPPmbUAAMC2K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last post before I put this thread to sleep until senchou is back again

>> No.67981880

Who could be retarded enough to believe that? Not even the most ignorant people about Japan thinks that
that makes me remember that anon who claimed that Marine knew more english than she showed in streams and only pretended to be bad at it to look cute. I don't doubt that Marine in late 2020 and early 2021 understood some things a little more in English mostly because of the interactions she had with EOPs during the holoboom but now nah, it seems like she has already forgotten almost everything.

>> No.67983513

A lot of planes have tea/coffee/juice as an option but like you said it's pre-packaged stuff most of the time. So you can get tea bags and hot water. I guess what flavors they have comes down to the airlines but earl grey is pretty common from what I understand. Maybe it being an international flight the airline stuck to more generic flavors since IIRC earl grey is more popular in England than anywhere else.

>> No.67983786

Overseas sexy bros, we lost…

>> No.67984360

Apparently she remembers just enough to get past customs unlike Pekora, Noel and Furaru

>> No.67985046
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>> No.67985220

I've never heard anyone say something this retarded.
