This is a thread for our cutest, coolest, autistic and earnest yet a little bit schizophrenic IDOL of HoloID Gen 31st original song BACKSEAT>Listen now>Watch the MV thread: >>67394041>Channel>X>Last stream>Dekat di Hati>Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?>365nichi no Kamihikouki / 365日の紙飛行機 >Phoenix>Angelic Angel /w HoloID>Bebas /w HoloID>id:entity voices /w HoloH3ro>Terhebat /w HoloID>Kaenglish dictionary>Kaela 101>Space Archive>Debut stream>Lore >Merch>Donation>Fanartsカエラ・コヴァルスキア
>>OPshe's so cute..
I changed OP a little just this once
>>OPshe’s so cool..
>>67636902Nice, lah
>>OPI love her legs. I want to use it as a body pillow
I'm glad she likes her idol outfit so much. I hope she gets to use it a lot.
>>67637229Will be in holocure
Do any of you have experience with forward packaging from Asia? the merch from't be sent directly to my country
>>67639666A.I.: look at her left pinky suddenly being cut in half by the plate
>>67639845 (me)in half may be an exaggeration but there also appears to be something even more fucked with that specific digit
>>67638763>>67639845Definitely AI, still beautiful though.
>>67640201have you also noticed the right not actually holding up the plate with omurice?
>>67640310Oh shit you right, I didn't even notice that until you pointed that out lmao. AI still has a long ways to go.
>>67640507>>67640310I requested it in ai thread some months ago
>>67640591>"anon, u gud? Seemed like you had a bad dream. It's ok, don't worry"
is the end coming?
3 LC collabs next week, sweaty group, Anya/Kronii and the one that shall not be named
>>67648886damn, that's next week already? i was hoping she meant further in February
>>67648886I guess 2 out 3 isn't bad.
Bijou is actually addicted to Kaelajust like me fr fr
I don't know why I'm surprised to see so many people from Kaela as Bijou members, it makes sense. I just never watch her so it was kinda weird seeing her chat now
>>67651136yeh, day 1 member myself, that instant compatibility was an easy sell for me
>>67651496Damn has it been that long already?
>>67648886So when is she coming to Japan for the recording?
>>67652359Yea time is fucking flying
>>67661001This triggers my monkey brain something fierce.
>>67661001Three in one package
Did Bijou get back on the EN server or is she still on the ID one?
No, she's back on the EN server
>>67667131No, she's back on the EN server
There will be no streams today, right? Might as well let this thread archived until tomorrow
>>67677829But I like having the thread up
>>67677829no, it's only 16 hours till next stream
Holy shit, corvus' clips have all been nuked...
>>67684516Wtf did he sell his account, the channel belongs to this guy now
From global
>>67685002read the community post, apparently his clips got multiple copyright strikes.
>>67690583Man he can't catch a break
>>67693361Random reflections of light that are not possible so most likely
>>67694037I always look at the hands; her left thumb is all kinds of fucked up so that made me suspicious
Depresso is best thing that came out of this game
>>67695141>>67695472I just wanna see with a chud face, thats all I can think of when I look at him
>>67695472That pokemon hes the face of begin so done with her...
I love Kaela
>>67686740I love Kaela in every universe and iteration
Man I Love Kaela
She is being randomly cryptid in twitter again
>>67703835>hate touching the grass>pain and suffering>will not slebseems clear enough
>>67684516777 Kaela clips destroyed. Why is youtube copyright so shit... that last stuff from varniskarnis was leaked if you know where to look
>>67705940>black futawhy?
>>67706069He draws that same thing lots, maybe somesort selfinsert?
>>67705940Too rapey. Kaela is for tender loving care
She do little trolling
>>67648886I haven't even watched the Grindstone collab yet
>>67715736What are you doing, slebing?
>>67715850I've barely got time for that as well
I wish I could have a fraction of her endurance and can choose to not sleep without worry
Calli thinking mincraft will be over under 3h as she has palworld afterwards
>>67716728wondering if they'll join her in Palworld right after?
Pejuang Senin at the usual time btw
>>67716827Nah, Kaela won't play on the EN server
>>67717991>Kaela won't play on the EN serverBased.
>>67722164why would anyone cry there?
>>67723175Because her fat ass is crushing your spine and Mumei won't share the wheelchair.
>>67723226that is no reason to cry unless ot is tears of joy
>>67723226it's not THAT fat
>>67724126Oh my sweet halu heart.
>>67725930Would happily suffocate and die under there desu
is she ok?
I wish Ela would play more phasmo alone or with other Holos…
she's been talking about cats again for the past 30 minutes
>>67729736I'm working on it but you fuckers have to be ok with her not streaming for a while
Fuhrer = fur?Dictionary?
idk if any of you fuckers doing it rn are in /here/ or not but stop typing Führer in her chat you maniacs
Zeta is a needy gf..
No night stream, she wants to play Palworld off stream..
>>67734117it already hurts
The Kaela Anya Kronii LC collab is on Saturday morning (Friday afternoon for US)
>>67737293 it's Friday morning for Ela and Thursday evening for US
>>67738237Again I cannot read dates, nicet
>>67747503I can't tell if Gachan is really horny or trying to hold in a very large fart.
>>67748954always thought it was the former
>>67751662>Harem suit Blacksmithkek
That was fun but I really don't like what Bijou did to that shulker monument, kinda dick move, no one is gonna use it now
No ela...
She did it off stream...
>>67761169>she did it off stream
>>67761169maybe we get see it when she goes to conquer en server
How to kill my interest in any more Palworld streams in two tweets
>>67762189pemaloes jumping off cliff
>>67762479me 2nd from the left
Zetas palworld in less than 2h, maybe smugela there?
>>67762189>has an audience that enjoys watching her grind>grinds offstream, leaving no content in the game to do onstreamwhy
>>67763277dw she'll still have content for stream, like starting from zero on EN server, that's the good shit.. who wants to see her beating hardest bosses in game
>>67762189This woman can't fucking control herself whatsoever, not addicted my ass
>>67763277You know how autistic Ela is about choosing what game to stream. She would rather play offstream than stream the same game too many times in a short period of time. That impromptu Grindstone collab was never supposed to happen in the first place.
>>67764430what would happen if she get's addicted to dick?
>>67764455yeah that's ok, I'm fine with her playing off stream, problem is she did one thing that's actually fun to watch and what she said she'll do it next time she'll stream
>>67764947Wait are those the last two bosses? If so that is pretty shitty of her to do offstream
>>67765377there are 4 legendary world bosses, those were 2 of them, so she still has 2 more left but still
>>67765716Frostallion Noct, Paladius, Necromus??
>>67765716Oh. Well I don't really care then as long as she completes it onstream
Ckia always brightens my day
>>67767139Ckia always brightens my day
She is bullying zeta
>>67768748love to see it
>>67768748I like Taela but I never watched a single solo zeta stream
Speaking of Taela
>>67771987Zeta tried to downplay what Kaela said on stream, but ultimately admited it all being true
>>67776901Jeez, my dude is cracked
>>67776901I can't imagine doing this shit on a =n android. fucking madlad
>>67776901How does he make sfw art look so sexy.Mommy...
>>67776901This Kaela looks too good
Kaela CUTE!!!
She didn't say anything about today's schedule right? Where is she...
>>67813996Provoking Biboo as usual
im catching up on the Minecraft VOD and oh man i would fuck this portalBiboo's sense of design is really good
"kaela on EN palworld, maybe if ping isn't too bad" -biboojk she might already be on EN server?
Biboo says Kaela in EN Pal server!!
>>67820733she's in biboo's walls
Gura's been watching Kaela again
>>67827284Good to see some habits haven't changed :)
miss Kaela...
>>67831335But now, the big question is Atlantis doko?
We fucking did it!
>>67835709Membership post
>>67835758FUCKING KEKBarbie/bimbo Kaela art when?
>>67835593care to explain?
>>67835758Genuinely curious as to how she'll react
>>67836875>how she'll react
EN server conquest begins
>>67838098I hate this
>>67838098I like this
>>67838175Only thing pemaloes get cucked on is game content by her addiction/autism
>>67838175>ID server already doneI hardly knew it...
>>67835758Nice I sent her this right as she ended Pejuang Senin
>200+ pinggreat start
>>67835758Fuck yeah>>67838175Fuck
why is she up to date on Chinese internet lingo?
>>67840210She knows Mandarin. Also it's SKKD, she's halu as fuck
>>67840351I knew about Kaela having learned Chinese but still, it went a little deeper then i thought>inb4 thats what she said
>>67840457She studied it for 10 years anon
Time to watch Biboo's vod while watching Ela's stream
I bet kaela farts like a wild hog submerged in mud
>>67841492>i dont even believe in myselfEla....>>67842848Based fartposter
>>67761235>>67762189>>67763277Well she knows, so at least there's that
>>67847353of course she knows, just at replies to those 2 tweets, majority are about that
>Slave c*umbud stuck ontop of roof>Starvingkek
>>67850512>her reactionwas it just the obvious joke or...?
>>67850512>c*umbudGo back to twitter
>>67850512Some jokes really just write themselves
(you) agree?>>67849757
>>67850616idk how you would interpret it any other way
>>67850782some questionable choices but if Kaela only, then yes
>>67850782I will approach the festival, and no one can stop me.Risu should be higher, and I'd like to say Ela should be in low at least, but that's just me coping.
>>67850782Why sex when you can grind?
>>67851070She can grind sex too, maybe
>>67850782Ina is totally off, Kaela ok
>>67850782Yeah, I think she never cared about romance and sexual stuff since the start, like that Facebook thing that she did. She just wants to enjoy the company from her family and friends and have a peace of mind by gaming all day, especially in her current age.
>>67852204Facebook thing?
>>67852479she put "in relationship with her PC" there
>>67852660how can I compete?
>>67852703It bothers me that she drew PC-chan as a man
>>67852703>>67852807me on the right btw
>>67852807Could be a flat-chested girl, ya never know
>>67853998Kaela should be the one in the suit
under the assumption you'd get her this far; who's right?
>>67854135Keep that discussion in global man
>>67854135The first gradually evolving into the latter
>>67860871Tender lovemaking with each Holoh3ro member
>>67854135second for sure, ela is shy
>>67854264 (Me)idk wtf I was thinking when I typed this but I meant the bottom post becoming the first post
Kaela read two of my last chats, I'm so over the moon, I love her so much.
ESL chama...
>>67877144His expression is fucking perfect.
>>67878222Whæt he is a boy??
>>67880769No, that anon has been watching too much femboy porn
>>67880769>>67883294I just automatically assume any cosplayers are guys.
She made some nice progress last stream
>>67883294>>67888126lol but if if becomes futa Ela then it gud
I’m currently awake and Kaela isn’t streaming, how do I go on?
>>67896874Cope with vods and endure the pain until she comes back
>>67896874Create your Kaela tulpa
>>67888126Dicks on your mindOnly a few steps away from dicks in your holesGrim
Stream after family dinner?
>>67900893she'll do a membership stream tonight
Chances of Kaela falling asleep midstream tonight?I haven't watched the movie myself. God do I really have to?
>>67901064she said she almost did last time, so it's very likely. I have it torrented and only because of today
>>67901064it is nice movie if you ignore what Barbie is doing and focus on Ken
>>67902583compared to say Blade runner 2049, how big of a "gosling movie" would you say this is?picrel as an example of what I mean
>>67903106It is must watch for his fans as he just dominates this movie. Without him movie would have fallen flat
Sitting down and watching a movie for 2 hours... I wonder if I can do that
>>67904304Kaela, go back to preparing for the stream.
>>67904366Would be funny is she really was here lurking and posting
>>67905033what would be the *worst* (offensive, disgusting etc) thing you've posted /here/ and how do you think she responded to it? Mine are picrel and when I actually considered buying 2 plushies to make an onahole out of the second one
>>67905135 (me)I dont think she'd happy.
>>67905135only tame halu stuff like she siting on my face
>>67905135Elapiss aromatherapy
>>67901064Very possibleThere's a lot of stuff that might fly over her head I think the commentary on guys like Ken is really good. A little too heavyhanded regarding Barbie though
>>67907224 (me)Oh and what's the usual site for streaming? Don't wanna rent it
>>67907309>streamingjust torrent, it's not that dangerous or difficult, unless your government is in the pockets of the producers)
>>67907309I use stremio to stream torrents.
I don't even remember when was the last time I used torrent
>>67907368Guilty as charged>>67907697Thx
>>67907697Thank you brother
I'll bake new thread in an hour
se better announce it soon, I wanna know when to get the popcorn ready
>>67908673She said midnight on Twitter
>>67908673Midnight>popcornOh yeah I should do that too
>>67908848>>67908860so thats 18:00 in Western Europe?
>>67908903If you use UTC+1 then yes
Where bread
>>67910275read >>67908614
Frame is up, starting in 1 hour
>>67910309oh shieeet lets goo
what did she mean by this?
also the stream thumbnail
>>67910481She really likes pink
>>67910481She's actually very excited to see pink
new bread>>67910869>>67910869>>67910869