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67719705 No.67719705 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>67719881

Last Thread >>67601885

Current stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqdLpkwKWqc
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.67719737
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>> No.67719748
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Quoted by: >>67720275

>> No.67719881

What took you so long?

>> No.67720275

This is a nice one! Surprised I haven’t seen it before

>> No.67720778
File: 1.09 MB, 888x1011, 1704041605743842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sunshine is makin' pals!

>> No.67720789
Quoted by: >>67722024

Sneak peak at a fauna WIP

>> No.67721737
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>> No.67722024

i kneel

>> No.67723394
Quoted by: >>67723480

I find cowkinis too goofy to jack off too

>> No.67723480
Quoted by: >>67723519

It's okay, we can't all be straight.

>> No.67723519

i'm gay for fauna

>> No.67723638

Are you really more needy of your godess than others?

>> No.67723831

love this punctual kirin

>> No.67723972
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>> No.67723989
Quoted by: >>67724032

pals are literally saplings

>> No.67724032

i don't work

>> No.67724115
File: 170 KB, 1300x1300, 1699506873868587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be the best pal

>> No.67724164
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>> No.67724201
Quoted by: >>67727038

I'm Fauna's top pal

>> No.67724262

5 minutes in and Fauna already read my chat message heh...

>> No.67724290

Mossbert is cute. CUTE!

>> No.67724682

When does the breeding start

>> No.67724736
Quoted by: >>67724985

Fauna is exceptionally quiet today

>> No.67724921

FUCKING huge bgm

>> No.67724983
Quoted by: >>67725147

Am I going crazy or is she talking like debut fauna today for some reason

>> No.67724985

Wonder if she changed something or if she's just farther away but she sounds a lot more muted

>> No.67725134

That was pretty accurate

>> No.67725147

It's her mic or something
Open the last Palworld stream, the energy is the same but you can hear a noticeable change

>> No.67725149
Quoted by: >>67725529

"CUM! good boy"
there's a soundpost in there for you coomers.

>> No.67725273 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67725529

"CUM! good boy"
phew. soundpost worthy

>> No.67725386

Now that the threads a little quieter I just want to say I'm happy we finally got the Dota2 streams, they were a lot of fun. I doubt it'll ever happen but a full 5 vs 5 holomems would be fun

>> No.67725477

he don't bite

what did she mean by this?

>> No.67725529
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Quoted by: >>67725708


>> No.67725708
Quoted by: >>67725773

waited 2 mins and it didn't show my post, blame 4chan for being dogshit

>> No.67725773
Quoted by: >>67725864

sure, buddy

>> No.67725864
File: 150 KB, 614x645, 1080114651921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard

>> No.67725891

Did she murder one of her pals? Just joined stream and saw meat

>> No.67726020

it was wild

>> No.67726053

she gave up on her vegan ways and is now butchering them all. it was cute, check the vod after

>> No.67726425
File: 57 KB, 188x166, waterfox_T104W1XvMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon slime enjoyers

>> No.67726470

What's up with the slimes?
Also cool, I like baking too, fauna.

>> No.67726471
File: 2.43 MB, 2170x2590, slimefauna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67726477
Quoted by: >>67726593

Fauna making sourdough? She is the perfect wife

>> No.67726593
Quoted by: >>67726651

She should invest in an oven thermometer too if she hasn't. It helps immensely.

>> No.67726611
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>> No.67726651

And a scale

>> No.67726714

What do non americans mean by american bread

>> No.67726751

The American bread meme is so retarded

>> No.67726830
Quoted by: >>67727078

Sugar content because all bread is subway bread or pre sliced apparently. You know completely overlooking that we have bakeries.

>> No.67726832

They mean the pre sliced shelf bread
As if every grocery store in America doesn't also have a dedicated bakery section

>> No.67726835

I assume they heard the meme about Subway bread being classified as cake in Ireland or something due to its sugar content and think all bread in the US is like that.

>> No.67726844
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, waterfox_PmAx0gdy2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that screenshot was a fraction too early

>> No.67726887
Quoted by: >>67727069

Will the palworld arc ever end... every 2nd video I see in my youtube feed is someone playing this

>> No.67726894
Quoted by: >>67727174

What's worse, the American bread isn't bread argument or American cheese isn't cheese?

>> No.67727021

>pal fluid
yeah, mine

>> No.67727035
File: 127 KB, 225x284, waterfox_DEVA1CKOnX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does fauna see the most buggy parts of palworld or am i imagining things

>> No.67727038

>What am I gonna do? Ceres Fauna chose ME to lead the revolution! Ah, Ceres Fauna needs me? Ok, I'll do it. I'm going to bat for you Fauna! I've got you're back Fauna!

>> No.67727069
Quoted by: >>67727125

Yes just wait for Nintendo to take it down

>> No.67727078
Quoted by: >>67727477

look man, you gotta take this and just accept it. all country stereotypes are a meme, defending it is just embarrassing

>> No.67727125


>> No.67727145

She might do, I never had first boss bug like she did and I've fought this penguin 3 times and never had it bug out

>> No.67727168
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Quoted by: >>67727278

>get some help

>> No.67727174
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Quoted by: >>67727419

Both are equally retarded because a middle of nowhere grocery store in America will completely blow the fuck of any store in Europe with the available choices for both "fake" and real options

>> No.67727178
Quoted by: >>67727242

That penguin has yeeted himself out of the arena almost every time I've fought him. The big beetle guy does too.

>> No.67727242

I thought this game was supposed to be THE pokemon killer, why do these bugs exist

>> No.67727278


>> No.67727407

only retards compare this game to pokemon

>> No.67727419
Quoted by: >>67728004

you're gonna need to source that insane claim, french/italian bread shits on anything in the US.

>> No.67727427

that's just sensationalism anon, it's just a surprisingly fun game that is very popular right now, it's not a pokemon killer nor is it trying to be

>> No.67727430

Still has less bugs than pokemon

>> No.67727429

>bug ridden slop is a pokemon competitor
says a lot about pokemon

>> No.67727477
Quoted by: >>67727740

? Not when people genuinely believe it.

>> No.67727652
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, FQVgWXvy9AQZgnSkrURGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger have you played the newest pokemon game?

>> No.67727695
File: 302 KB, 587x584, 1636609452646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67727834

Fauna ain't gaming today.

>> No.67727740

you've probably spammed hundreds of comments you "genuinely believe" about other countries, too. its just a joke bro, we all do it.

>> No.67727834

She just wants to be a DOTA gamer...

>> No.67728004
Quoted by: >>67728435

That's a meme as well, you'd have an argument if you were talking about wine

>> No.67728014

If you got to choose who joins Fauna's dota collab next time, who and why?

>> No.67728096

Ame because she has experience with MOBAs. Downside is she is sometimes a jobber.

>> No.67728253

I wonder if it's a server latency issue, not seen that myself

>> No.67728296

Nerissa. I want them to have a one on one collab, though I'd prefer if it wasn't Dota so they could focus on talking more.

>> No.67728435

I've had enough of each of their bread to make a comparrison, I'm basing it on my own experiences anon

>> No.67728932

ame nerissa irys biboo(with lower volume)

>> No.67729465


>> No.67729491

Why is UUU dead today? What’s going on? We have like 14k viewers lol

>> No.67729545

Full Hololive inhouse Dota tournament, just be funny to see

>> No.67729607
Quoted by: >>67729643

Nfl championship game day, most likely

>> No.67729623


>> No.67729627


>> No.67729643

Saplings don't watch sports they're all fat and round

>> No.67729682

They're cheering for the ball.

>> No.67729741
Quoted by: >>67730050


Didnt Ina have dota experience?

>> No.67729771

isn't that literally football watcher demographic?

>> No.67729808
Quoted by: >>67729861

I thought you all were being crazy but she does actually sound a bit different today, must be something with the microphone I kinda like it

>> No.67729830
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>> No.67729861
Quoted by: >>67729950

it's actually because she's an imposter

>> No.67729886
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, 1705129042042014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss missing Fauna

>> No.67729950 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.67730050
File: 1.15 MB, 2258x1443, 1706489738249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67730115

Ina has talked about playing Dota before, yeah

>> No.67730115

Ina played league

>> No.67730480
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>> No.67730558

I don't know how I feel about more moba content. I've escaped from that lifestyle years ago.

>> No.67730645
Quoted by: >>67730724

Boarbert can mine in the field?!

>> No.67730724

she picked up ore after charging so yea?

>> No.67730911

Does anything interesting ever happen in this game...?

>> No.67730923

faunabert will be saved...

>> No.67731029

My wife has been on screen the entire time, that's pretty interesting to me.

>> No.67731207

that was like a goblin raid vs fully armored dwarves in dwarf fortress

>> No.67731214

I miss green beans.

>> No.67731237

Like every early access game no

>> No.67731270
Quoted by: >>67731371

>fauna hates monkeys

>> No.67731302

Jesus christ why does it take a million years to craft a crossbow

>> No.67731371

faunaschizo dont look

>> No.67731424
Quoted by: >>67731785

This is why I can't stand these games. They're just glorified inventory management simulators.

>> No.67731759

that was a warbly uuuUuuu

>> No.67731785

God when will the Palworld arc end

>> No.67731847

cause she has literally 0 pals with handiwork helping her craft it

>> No.67731954
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>> No.67731963
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>> No.67732225
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>> No.67732580
Quoted by: >>67732691

How rare are those? I've not seen a legendary schematic

>> No.67732691
Quoted by: >>67732794

It's very rare especially in a low level dungeon. The Uncommon Crossbow already outdamages the Handgun so Legendary is gonna be even more powerful. She's not gonna craft it tho it takes like 100+ ingots

>> No.67732786

dodge fauner dodge

>> No.67732794
Quoted by: >>67732835

>it takes like 100+ ingots
sounds like a short time in an ore base

>> No.67732835

>implying Fauna will build one

>> No.67733007


>> No.67733280
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, waterfox_7IddvgeGl9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67733620


>> No.67733620

it's me...

>> No.67733846

stuffs mentions are rising exponentially

>> No.67734011

Fauna's read my comment so many times this stream

>> No.67734159

this dumb penguin is doing this on purpose...

>> No.67734306
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, waterfox_WSffrBOY78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh good

>> No.67735146
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>> No.67735170

Fauna urine

>> No.67735354
Quoted by: >>67735451

Fauna still hasn't even gotten to her return stream SCs, forever dodging Jeffrey roasting her

>> No.67735413

Minecraft Monday tomorrow (probably)

>> No.67735437
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>> No.67735451

She's going to avoid them like the WHS.

>> No.67735692
File: 1.30 MB, 769x832, waterfox_YE9nUlWplA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67735775

Ceres "look at my fat tits" Fauna

>> No.67736050

the carbs...

>> No.67736226
File: 281 KB, 304x392, 1687450489014673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fail to see the issue.

>> No.67736245

carbs to fat to tits.
dont complain

>> No.67736361

dont you ever think about the history of baking when you bite into a fresh warm bread with just butter on it and its godlike

>> No.67736415

I see all these people get Happy Birthday sung to them and it makes me want it too. Why. I always thought that it was faggy to ask for it. Dammit.

>> No.67736417
File: 627 KB, 1668x1792, 1706495879227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67736597
Quoted by: >>67736886

i plan to sc her on my birthday this year sappo, there's nothing cringe about loving your oshi and being loved in return

>> No.67736656
Quoted by: >>67736886

>I always thought that it was faggy to ask for it.
It can be, but if you're not obnoxious about it then it's generally fine.

>> No.67736709
File: 67 KB, 252x146, waterfox_sZMG6PJyY5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67736886

Fair enough. Imma mention it this year too. Thanks guys. Will definetely be an extra great day. Hopefully she reads SCs that day. Lol

>> No.67737008

no, fauna... there's no more frogbert...

>> No.67737067

>Hopefully she reads SCs that day. Lol
I wish you luck, mine last year was like 3-4 weeks late

>> No.67737131

Just don't make Fauna cry again

>> No.67737140

After Fauna mentioned it. I looked it up and I never knew this instrument ever existed
It kind of sounds like a violin that's...muted? It's very obscure looking. I don't understand how it works

>> No.67737252
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>> No.67737265
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Quoted by: >>67737354

cute fauna
good night /uuu/

>> No.67737322
Quoted by: >>67737655

good luck man. my birthday was over the outer wilds arc, had no chance this year

>> No.67737354

Night SapBro. Looking forward to Minecraft Monday o7

>> No.67737422

no heart, no reason to live

>> No.67737565

Good night everyone, sleep well

>> No.67737578

My comment didn't even show because apparently you aren't allowed to type "The game really does suck you in". Oh well, she read my chat messages a bunch this stream which is better

>> No.67737655
Quoted by: >>67737810

Fuuuck. That sucks man. Luckily my bday is in the summer so there shouldnt be a problem.

>> No.67737810

Summer=con season so...

>> No.67737891
File: 2 KB, 168x80, wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67737958


>> No.67737958
Quoted by: >>67738239

dude ive had comments murdered for the dumbest reasons. like, i couldnt even tell you what was wrong with them
>luke fagis, known homobeggar and nijifag, gets a heart with that
yeah take solace in the fact she didnt read them today at least

>> No.67738076

I actually think saplings are the most fit fan base. I lift, all the saplings I’ve met at cons are either slim or also lift.

I get that’s not how stats work and all that fancy small sample size bs, but it’s enough for me to say all saplings are based and can join fauna’s harem of ikemen (and hot ladies)

>> No.67738233
Quoted by: >>67738414

something similar happened to me, the strange thing is that the same word was not omitted in the chat.
i like 99% of all Fauna collabs but the last one with all the screaming and the smurfs was pretty disgusting. if it's 5v5 holos it might be ok.

>> No.67738239

yeah YT is fucking retarded, no surprise there

>> No.67738414

The first half was meh because she barely talked but it did get better. It was definetely inferior to Party Animals and Plateup though. I wont argue

>> No.67740125
Quoted by: >>67743771

The saplings I met at CTW definitely weren't fit, not a lot of fat fucks but no fit ones.

>> No.67742035

I like that!

>> No.67743288
Quoted by: >>67743372

nice projection, fatty
box, f1 and footy mustardrace

>> No.67743372
Quoted by: >>67743457

Soccer is incredibly gay, european nascar might be even more gay

>> No.67743457
Quoted by: >>67743501

nothing to say about box, mr gay expert?

>> No.67743501
Quoted by: >>67743683

Do you mean boxing? Because that's just incredibly lame these days but not particularly gay

>> No.67743683

gay expert, please enlighten us , which sports arent gay?

>> No.67743771
Quoted by: >>67744313

I don't lift but I run for at least 30 minutes a day listening to Fauna or other holo's stream/music. The funny thing is, I started being consistent after I started watching Fauna more than a year and a half ago. Probably because she streams at the perfect time and is like a reminder for me

>> No.67744313

/fit/ saplings is a real thing, I’m telling you. And good stuff anon, keep it up

>> No.67744480 [DELETED] 

Alright I’ll bite the bullet and risk the ban: does anyone have LL’s old horror based asmrs that she only showed off on her discord? I’ve seen it mentioned in YT comments, but I didn’t follow her back then and really love her stuff
