I love Ina!
imagine the sweat smell
I love Mori!
Who are you rooting for?
My Ina!
All women should have hair as long as mooms
>>67709504The CPU.
Fubuki is my friend, pal
Lapsama my friend
>>67709504The shota, but I'm afraid he won't make it through the night
>>67709504which one has the biggest tits?
>>67709506LOVE & LUST
>>67709558Stinky friend
>>67709538>t. plumberI agree though
https://twitter.com/houshoumarine/status/1751654659217834030What was she filming?
Anal, furry sex with Mori
>>67709504me because I'm in the next room waiting for them to take their sexual urges out on me after the stream
>>67709652sex tapes
That's that one robot with the big hips that I've jerked off to before
so what do you think of nerissa relying on her family so much for content
>>67709503Where's the holo yuri, bluefield?I need to see Mori do gay stuff in his artstyle.
>>67709504i havent actually watched the streams with her sistersill go with the one on the right she seems like a cunning minx
>>67709711>relyingI think you are mad for no reason
>>67709711i dont really care
What happened between Mori and Kiara anyway?
>>67709711The family is cool so it's fine.She has the fortune of having family willing to join the streams and living with them, which is a rare combo.
>>67709530It was funny how she was gonna stream cutting her own hair, but was convinced to maybe do a Rissa off collab sometime instead. Nice job Novelites, you were great wingmen for my oshi, and saving your oshi's hair all at the same time.
>>67709504My dick and stamina
>>67709711>relyingIt's been what, 3/4 streams, plus the family lore stream?
>>67709504My dick
>>67709711I think you're a brown moron
Stop posting sexy Shion, my dick gets really hard when I see her
>>67709711post hands
>>67709775Lots and lots of sex with each other.
What do you call this group?https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1751660853743735257https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1751660853743735257
>>67710053Biboo and her Victims
>>67709775say gex
>>67710053A homewrecker trying to breakup a mother and daughter
>>67709844Family lore was a nice stream. Got the community involved, went full nerd on the details which are still being ironed out on whether we (the Jailbirds) were a part of her or just found. The family being super into acting put the icing on the multi layer cake.
>>67709775I have some forbidden RM knowledge and I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE.Mori had a bf when Kiara first visited her in Japan. Kiara was super pushy and shoved two fingers down Mori's funhole and it made Mori feel resentful towards Kiara. It also caused Mori's breakup with her, now ex, boyfriend. However, as months have passed, Mori realized that she simply cannot live without lucid lesbianism and ever since, her mind is constantly filled with Kiara's pussy.I made it up, but it's real to me.
Sexiest ENKiaraFunniest ENGuraMost Entertaining ENBiboo
Gura cute Gura cute!
Foobs sure has been playing a lot of Palworld lately, maybe it's time for a break
>>67710230>Mori had a bfFucking kill yourself, never happened, never gonna happen
>>67710187mori is the globetrotting father leaving her seed around the world and visiting different children every now and then
>>67709975Stop letting your dick get hard by child like looking women.
>>67710253>Sexiest ENKiara>Funniest ENKiara>Most Entertaining ENKiaraFTFY
>>67710230>her mind is constantly filled with Kiara's pussyit do be smooth and chonky
>>67710230>Mori had a bfYea, me
>>67710352based and true
>>67710253>Most Entertaining EN>BibooI think she's entertaining but I don't think many here would agree
I will now proceed to watch VODs.
>>67710352Need more gal themed Kiara. The concept suits her.
>>67710253>Most entertaining>BibooIf you like zoomer speak I guess
>>67710282Are you replying to an obviously joking rrat post seriously?that BF was me btw
>>67710053Kiara is Mori's EN wife and Kaela is her ID wife, who will be her JP wife?
>>67710477>that BF was me btwi wrote this post
>>67710253>sexiestFuwawa>funniestMococo>most entertainingFuwawa
>>67710352based and same
Do you guys hate the jp homos, en homos or both? I personally think the jp ones are ok...for now.
>>67710477You're replying to a guy who got really mad that an avatarfag made fun of him, so he wears his skin and makes bad poststhat bf was me btw
>>67710478Yeah, Melfissa Anya.
make sure to wash your sheets and pillow cases today and also clean your ceiling fan if you want to do that too but thats optional
>>67708245Towa is the sexiest being in the omniverse
>>67710253>Sexiest ENPero>Funniest ENPero>Most Entertaining ENPero
>>67710253Sexiest ENMoriFunniest ENGuraMost Entertaining ENHaachama
>>67709692they make excellent workers, I have 3 in my main base to work assembly lines
>>67710606that too. and smartest
Whats puajang senin by kaela? Is it for seas only
>>67710521The most correct post I've seen today
>>67710623"assembly lines" means my hot tako dick btw
>>67710053My Autistic Moms sounds like a sitcom title
i believe in ika supremacy
>>67710575In the omegaverse, perhaps.KEK!
Life is one crazy roller coaster and I want off Mr. Bones wild ride because Shiori isn't streaming right now.
>>67710547I think Kiara is just as as valid as Miko and Polka. Homosexuality is in.
>>67710286Just like her real dad!
Can you fulfil all of Marine's requirements for a husband?
>>67710650Kaela's monday warrior. It's her morning show. Dedicated zatsu and life advice from ela.
>>67710693i dont get it
we hate kronii here
I love her giggles more than anything in the world bros
rate my rrat:watame wants to fuck fauna
>>67710253Sexiest ENthe ameFunniest ENbee ameMost Entertaining ENAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>67710816what about MOCOCO
Reminder that every holo unaccounted for this week is presumed pregnate unless proven otherwise.
we mate kronii here
>>67710756It's a fictional universe in which men impregnate each other and there are alphas, betas and omegas.Ame talked about it before...
>>67710859yeah i did it
>>67710879why is that supposed to be funny though
>>67710816I genuinely do not understand people who like Fuwawa more than Mococo. There's something profoundly wrong with you fuckers.
>>67710734>no imcome requirementSure, I'm already a retired NEET, might as well become a househusband
>>67710901Reality often is.
>>67710253Sexiest ENInaFunniest ENKiaraMost entertaining EN...I give you Biboo right now, but she's pretty new too.
>>67710253>Sexiest ENAlice>Funniest ENAlice>Most Entertaining ENAlice
>>67710923How do you retire from NEET-ing? Do you just go back to work?
>>67710901Towa is a man
>>67710053My wife, step daughter, and wife's boyfriend
>>67710230>her mind is constantly filled with Kiara's pussy.I'm sorry, KFP and others, I just cannot see the chicken as anything but a bratty sister, just can't. Cute, but not really rilin the jimmies if you get my drift.
>>67710053Miner Attracted People
It's actually crazy that the Final Yab was bubbling under the surface for years at Cover and they actually managed to avoid it before the whole shit storm broke. Cover really dodged an actual nuke.
>>67711011Towa is a boy
>>67710978>an alicekek>in our year of the lord 2024Grim.
>>67710980Meant that I'm retired and a neet, but probably yeah.
>>67711098that's just called being retired?
>>67710903Fuwawa's voice, how she says "wuffians", how she likes to tease Mococo and make fun of her while backseating. How sensual she is. How perverted she can be. Her giggle.
>>67710187>>67710224honestly, Mori being an accidental dick to Kobo is my favorite genre as of recent
>>67710734So I basically need to be Emiya Shirou.Sure, I can do it. Besides, a dude who wouldn't brush his gf's hair is just not with it.
>>67711057>He doesn't want to fuck his bratty sisterleave this place anon... you might still have a chance of a better life
Bae a cute.
>>67711186Nah, real retirees have money and travel and stuff.
>>67711057It's fine anon, we accept homosexuals here
>>67711246Mori will never be able to beat the deadbeat dad allegations.
>>67711274I love her
>>67711283show me her cute braphole
>>67711060Well now we know that likely most of the holo talents are married so at least the unicorns are dying in mass.
You know, even if the guy who bots views is a total fag, the fact that it pisses off numberfags and their retarded tally does make me smile.
any ongoing holoEN streams right now?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8cb8TYAdDA cute thumbnail
>>67710734That's actually extremely low standards unless she literally wants you to touch her 10 hours a day. I can cook and keep my house neat.
>>67711288if only that were the case
>>67710734I would do much more for a Marine wife., this is a piece of cake
>>67710734>ywn be a Germanic twink getting abducted by OL Marine and tied to her radiator to spend the rest of your days as her live-in sextoywhy live
>>67711246It makes it extra funny since Mori treats Kobo like her actual daughter off-stream, it was really sweet when Mori messaged her worried thinking she didn't have a place to stay at in japan.
>>67710734I used to do all of this for my sister so it'd be easy.
Lui should be sexy more often
What's Fauna streaming today?
>>6771141524-10=14; you're not always going to sleep 8 hours because I doubt she's going to sleep that much either, but lets say she gets 8 hours. So 6 hours to cook and clean every day and some freetime (to catch up on sleep) if she doesn't need to be rubbed for 10 hours.
>>67711562Rapelay 2 the fighting game
>>67711562Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden
>>67711415>>6771157610 hours of rubbing is a euphemism.
>>67710734I get to touch Marine's body for minimum 10 hours a day? I'm so in.
It's kinda sad to see a fennec, who only lives 10-14 years be friends with a half-elf, who lives up to 200 years
>>67711661I can handle that
>>67711694Haha thats so funny. Gura streaming
>>67711562rapelay in Escape simulator
>>67632763Reposting the 1st poll for the /vt/ League divegrass team. It'll stay open until Monday morning burger time.https://forms.gle/V3yXvmg2mfjyqvoe6
>>67711321Sorry anon, I like Kuroko, but as a dating prospect, Kiara feels like that to a T. Can't do it, I am more of a Shokuhou Misaki guy.>>67711205Now this anon, he knows what's up. A girl who is deep into sexy VNs, breathy voice, cultured taste, love of sexy fishnets, can jam with her at idol concerts. Thats perfect.
I wish the technology to anthropomorphize (I googled) voices were a thing. I'd take the voice of Kronii to a nice dinner, then fuck her raw and deepthroat her in a mirror. Imagine the gwak gwak gwak.Then a nice warm cup of tea to soothe the throat.
>>67711682half elfs live extremely short amounts of time because they are raped to death once they are of breeding age by any good human citizen.
>>67711682this is a understandable mistake by an amateur biologist. actually, of you look closely at the polpeller, you can tell that's actually a funny fennec that also lives up to 200 years
towa is my wife
>>67711682Rats don't live for more than 2.5-3 years in really good conditions... It's hard to say goodbye to such sweet little friends...
>>67709504It's kind of weird how often she puts her family on stream. Not sure if I like it.
>>67711682Lamy's gayness keeps her alive.
>>67711822We like girls who sing
>>67711822Why reminds you you have a terrible home life and a shattered relationship with your friends and family?
>>67711799i made this post
>>67711906no i definitely did
towa is my footstool
>>67711906>>67711924Neither of you made the post "Towa" is a fictional character owned by cover corp and cannot marry anyone and her entire existence is based on if they want to randomly delete her being one day.
Where's my cool cat at?
>>67712005nope towa is definitely my wife
>>67711399>WITH FRIENDSoh no no no, catalogchamas about to blow a gasket
Ruffians are cooming again...
>>677108183/10. Fauna doesn't show her pits enough.
>>67712005>He didn't believe in Towa and now he's dead.Don't be like anon
there is a small uptick in images with a focus on bae's assthis is good
>>67712005well yeah but if i say the other one is my wife i'll get banned
>>67711399>Minecraft Adventure collabdamn that's what Kiara always wanted to do...
Hey mafumafu, come see my photo herehttps://files.catbox.moe/bhunzi.png
>>67712072I believe that Ollie and Bae are for anal
we dislike kronii here
>>67712074who is the other one
>>67712030This Towa looks like she kisses girls
>>67712087Please share more, I could really use it
>>67712084reminds me of how happy she was doing that one with ina and mori
why are we so slow?
>>67712084Kiara can’t even pretend to be still interested in minecraft nowadays.
>>67711777replace crying Fauna with Sueebreplace monkey with Cheebsreplace rratman with 9am moom
>>67712142my wife
>>67712005Was moom for real when she said that this thing was made specifically because of her?
>>67712140all towas kiss girls
>>67712140thats all towas
>>67712084no that's something else ya dingus
>>67712144cosplayer:https://twitter.com/sachiihappynsfw account:https://twitter.com/Eggplant_Dildo/with_replies
>>67711661That's too much sex, you need to be productive.
>>67712330sex is literally more productive than 10 hours masturbating
>>67712330Why be productive when you can be reproductive
spreading the rratcheeks
Did Fuwawa and Mococo put together that Plisken = Snake?
>>67711874Not knowing that having a family of good to great singers to harmonize with your whole life is the secret sauce to training a good voice is why any critique coming from a lot of people in these threads is not worth much.
>>67712163Maybe she would be if someone bothered to invite her to a collab for once.
>>67711777I suggested Kronii smoking a big doobieI would like to see her win
>>67712283I can work with this. Thanks!!!
>>67712364Forgot your image. Now that I think of it, how come nobody's made inarlos nsfw yet.
>>67712416Doubt it. It’s dead. Maybe some other game.
>>67712397ina please stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3yU6Rhfdb8&t=1543Fucking kek
>>67709504Rome will claim victory in this collab.
>All of a sudden palworld takes a shit watching Lui>FPS down to 10>Anything I place down in my base doesn't use up items and is duping everythingNot sure if it's Palworld being shit of Lui's stream, but I will thank Lui for it.
Takane "Fat Ass" Louis
Missin the Ina...
>>67710053I feel bad for Mori's blue neglected daughters.
does anyone happen to have that one really good picture of towa that i like a lot which i havent seen in a while
>>67712524>visual nover enjoyers when the humongous amount of text they have to read doesn't have a cute girl png on the side
I hope mr koro plays palworld 6 months from now
>>67712614>doesn't have a cute girl png on the side>Snake is on screenImplying
>>67711356It's like a serial killer that goes after pedophiles
>>67712614Cute girl lenticular bookmark where one of the images is her talking.
Bae'Nis my beloved
>>67712614To be fair, do you really want them to read 324 pages on stream, taking like 2.5 hours?
>>67712646why is she crying
>>67712524>won't even read the 324 pages of lorenow i know how nierfags felt...
>>67710053two gay dads and their daughter
>>67712416Yeah, scrolling from that google document with all her 2023 collabs, you can see that even in 2023 almost all her collabs (excluding the event ones like full myth) were organized by herIt's sad that even +2 years later she still has that problem, maybe in 2024 it will get better
>>67712707as you can see she spilled her pills all over the place
It is still so long until wawa returns....
>>67712787you have to stop posting giantess towa
>>67712787why are there so many pictures of giant towa
>>67712843one guy with a lot of time
>>67712084Is she still weirdly hung up on the EN server?
>>67712524now I understand how nierfags felt....
Yandere Ina
>>67712686It's not even 324 pages it skips by like 20-30 pages.So in reality it's like 12-15 pages it just says 300
>>67712084She can thirdwheel with Gura and Ame
>>67712900>limbsThis fat fuck.. he's evolving...
>>67712909What the heck? Why is Kojima like this?
>>67712909That's just Mococo scrolling through 10 at a time
Gyaru Ame
>>67712935Will Myth get their updated models soon now that Area 15 had their 3.0 reveals?
>>67712909kojima you fucking fraud
>>67713001Yes my Dark Dark Sauce!
>>67712963Watch the timestamp you can't do that anon
Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN died last night
I think
https://files.catbox.moe/i9c2gy.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/8joi4w.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/135r7q.pngGlad this artist knows what the girls actually like
It's been like a year since the last Gura karaokeI miss those so much
we should go take a nap
>>67712767It's why I was saying how much of a Godsend Nerissa is, because without her nothing has really changed
>>67713143And cuddle?
>>67712848Yeah, I'll never get that mentality. Tooltips ain't just for nerds, its helping you get better, and if you don't have the patience to fail and try again multiple times, you shouldn't adopt a learn as you go method. The girl is somewhat of a polygot, how can she somehow hate reading more than three sentences in games? And likes RPGs? It makes no sense!
>>67713143It's a great day for a nap!
>>67710230>her mind is constantly filled with Kiara's pussyShe's just like me frfr
>>67712971Based Poru
>>67713109hey that's not on the patreon
>>67711777Wrote down my suggestion in the poll
>>67713206Sorry I meant to say *Pero
>>67713179>Tooltips ain't just for nerdsSounds like something a nerd would say
>>67713167I agree, god bless Nerissa. She seems to be the only one in EN to go to the extra mile for Kiara (aka waking up and streaming at 1 or 2pm)
>>67713261I could bash some nerds.
>>67710053Mine cavein
>>67713179She wanted Fauna to stop talking so she could kiss her
>>67710650Overthinking Monday, she prepares a few philosophical topics to discuss together with chat
rate your sleep schedule
>>67713179See this is the issue if you don't actually watch streams. Kiara has no issues reading, she does like jrpg's after all. Her issue is absorbing the information she has just read, a lot of the times instructions like this completely glaze over it. She probably thought she wouldn't understand anything being told to her anyway. Because that's often what happens.
So how we feeling about this Lui stream?
Reminder, Suisei is a siscon
>>67712872looks familiar
Cute TowaNene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZxhbdSeR9I
>>67713316based desu
>>67713335used to be functional but hanoi 2 weeks before tet makes you stop taking life seriously lest you murder someone/10
>>67713335Pretty fucked next week, I'll have to get up at like 2am three nights in a row to watch fuwamoco, fuwawa and mococo
>>67713399It's okay, her sister can join in on our debauchery.
>>67713109hate this nigga ever since he pussied out of giving Mori proper beastiality art
>>67713179You are a complete retard>>67713369That was not even the reason why she didn't want to read. She just a severe case of streamer brain and thought that stopping the flow of the collab to just read the skills out loud would have made for bad content and the viewers would have been unhappyIn fact, after reading them, literally nothing changed because she kept pressing the buttons on cooldown (like everyone else on the Unite team), but that made Fauna happy I guess
>>67713461Give in to the vod life, anon.
>>677133356/9, not bad
>>67713335normal 10 months out of the year and turns into 11pm-10am during holofes
>>67713399Is there any holo with siblings that doesn't want to fuck them?
>>67713335gone because I watch Bae
>>67711356Kill Yourself my dude.Oh actually it’s good some dude is fucking with Holos channels because it is mildly annoying to a couple people in another thread on 4Chan get off the internet go outside and then walk into the nearest body of water.
>>67713518Nah they are my oshi, I go out of my way to be there live for the more important streams such as unarchived karaoke, anniversary/bday stuff, outfit reveals and things like that. Took two days off work for it.
>>67713502Yeah but that goes into the thing I was saying, Kiara really doesn't absorb things like that regardless.
When did ponytail became gyaru?
https://youtu.be/jf5uWjhfDAUDo you have what it take sot marry Marine?
>>67712084She already did with Kaela, Mumei and Ollie?
>>67713563Not him but it doesn't seem to actually harm the channels or the algo. It would have long since done some kind of damage to FuwaMoco if he was any successful with hoping for that to fuck their youtube algo.
>literally the first "Aloha" of that characterI MISS THIS BITCH
>>67713530Mori, Kiara, Gura, Ame, Bae, Ollie
>>67713557I wish I was Noel's brother. He set expectations too high for other man.
I like ReGLOSS.
>>67713584That's based but look after yourself anon. I'm a koronesuki and I'm glad I live in Asia even if evening shifts mean I miss quite a lot of her shorter talking streams etc.
>>67713673damn brat, making fun of adults...
>>67713530Jackie chan
>>67713599When the first Japanese girl decided to die one blonde in like 1969
>>67713668Just become a autistic brown elf woman then anon
>>67712767To be fair, nobody is really doing that well with syching scheduling properly in EN, its kinda seat of their pants ish. And Kiara herself starts late even when planning or doling out things. I wouldn't think of it like some conspiracy against her and more like everyone is just kinda bad at being punctual or making contingency plans. Which can take years to sort out and should be the type of thing that management themselves take care of, but they too are "growing" with the company.>>67713282I mean, thats her oshi, she would go to exhaustion for her, or Fauna, or Marine, all her other top oshis. Using an idol stan of all stans as an example who'd do anything for her favs is not good. Plus, think logically, if you had that golden opportunity would you fuck it up for your literal idol? Nah, you'd bend your fused back til it broke to make sure things worked out.
https://twitter.com/ArtRojen/status/1751465647643718041>two boots
pixeldrain u/sXbojF8rEnjoy.
>>67713673I bet Shion has a puny laughable dick
>>67713850nice dolphin porn
>>67713850ah fuck yeah dolphin porn
>>67713673Shion laughs now, but she will learn to respect me when I teach her insolent pussy some manners
>>67713109>Still hasn't done one where Gura is visibly fuckedIt's on purpose at this point......
>>67713850Please... No more dolphin porn...
>>67713878Same, Marine. Same.
>>67713109wanting to see some bruthas fuck the girls is one thing, but this tattoo/body marking stuff is so incredibly cringe.
What is this suggestion bias based on anyway?
>>67713639Wow, it's literally just her
>>67713109This is just bestiality. Gross stuff, dude.
>>67713975Not the same artist but I appreciate it.
Sana may've left but she will never be forgottenSana love!Day 509
>>67713841>lives in the least compatible timezone from everyone else>people not bending over for her is their fault
>>67713109The spade is still a cool design.
>>67714012>bestiality is gross nowWhaet?
https://youtu.be/kBLIJlrVP_kWhy does Koyo not care about handsome men at all?
>>67713487He got bored of the meme. However Mori still gets the best beast porn.She is built to take animal cock
alright, give me art of fauna and horses
Just got the leak about the upcoming ID4 gen. They'll contain:An IndonesianAn IndonesianAn Indonesian who is ethnically Chinese
>>67713999That was the whole point yeah
I just got home from church and I'm sleepy and cold and I really really miss gozaru de gozaru.
kek, Shiori friendzoned the Novelites
>>67713637It made Nerissa sad so he should kill himself
>>67714038No one is asking these girls to "bend over" for her, retardGODIt would be cool if someone could sometimes invite her to a collab, nothing crazy
Animalfuckers burn in hell
>>67713999It would have been funnier if Coco Kaine had been a side story, but I don't think it was possible.
>>67714111Wha? She commented on it?
>>67712607Hey Mori called her Gooby yesterday!
>>67714108Go make 20 bajillion catalog threads about, retard.
>>67714022Oh sorry, somehow I thought you had replied to >>67713392 despite that post not even having any replies.I don't know what happened there.
>>67714157She mentioned she was pretty sure she was botted during the advent relay in mengen, but I wouldn't say she seemed super upset over it.
>>67714108A good christian girl would never lead on her fans while knowing that she's already married to her biggest supporter(me)
>>67713850Am I supposed to get aroused by this very loud beats?
>>67710053Two people who can actually make Mori do shit in Minecraft for a bit, and Mori.
>>67714108Some good news, I wasn't friendzoned by your mom.
middling quality thread
>>67714056She's a carpet bagger
I'm gonna bot the guy underneath. He's finnally gonna become a 2view.
>>67714108Saplings, I'm sorry
>>67713959Based on all you containment breaking fags spamming your super funny single joke
>>67714289Koyori is a northerner who travelled to the south post civil war to get a government position and probably involved herself in corruption?
>>67714056Koyori is as straight as Kanata
>>67714244fuck off nijifag
Do you guys really have a discord server?
>>67714239Mori is the Minecrafter of EN now
I have begun thinking
>>67713841>I mean, thats her oshi, she would go to exhaustion for heryeah but that doesn't matter. I'm just happy to finally have someone in EN to be there for Kiara whenever
>>67714357uh no she just hangs around bed bath and beyond asking for change
>>67712524Woah, is this the first time a chuuba has used NLO's art besides Sora for a thumbnail?
Are there laws against loving the pals?
>>67714033Sana love!
>>67714278Koyori stay away from her, she fucks every woman she comes into contact with.
>>67714056She's one of the few actual lesbians
>>67714460we said that about rushia too
>>67714389Stop that
>>67714473Not a single fucking person said this about Rushia
>>67714278I miss
>>67714473newfag come on
>>67714473No one said that
I think I will post a rrat
>>67714424Why is she like this?
>>67713963>>67713644Gura's brother sends cock pics and she loves them
>>67714556Shion has shitaste. Trap Gardevoir is peak
>>67714161I was mostly referencing the LC collabs where Mori has accidentally abandoned both Kobo and Gura
Where the FUCK is Kiara
>>67714591with me
>>67714443After seeing how Kson acts, Kanata 100% got laid when they were living together right?
>>67714591In Austria probably
>>67714556She's a deviant and knows she can get away with flaunting it.
>>67714580Hey anon if you can be a huge faggot, Shion is allowed to also be a huge faggot too.
>>67714591With her wife me
I miss Ina
Shion is a pervert and rapist that fucks defenceless older women and dates fat cats
>>67711799Divorce Towa so I can have sex with you
It's a slow day...
>>67714473oh so we're just saying anything at this point
>>67714727We have a few of those.
>This doujin became canonWHAT THE FUCK WAS COVER THINKING?!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCsb-APHanc
What would you do with a perfect magic clone of your oshi?
>>67714831buy an ad
>>67714786I will breed you, slut
What should I get for dinner anons
>>67714460That number has been increasing a lot with the newer gens for some reason.
Isn't it weird how these guys look a lot like Pero...
>>67714887That's racist against fat fucks
What are we watching?
>>67714460we said that about Bae too
>>67714852I really want someone to ask Chloe this question on stream now
>>67714871dont be weird
>>67714143cum in towa
The danish was really good so I ordered three (3) of them today with a macchiato
>>67710734I have the solution, and it is rape.There. Now im qualified.
>>67713841It's that open vc open group culture. Kiara and Mori are really the only two with specific collab organizing
the 2 sexiest of each en genmori and gurakronii and faunafuwawa and pero
>>67714948There's nothing weird about me getting you pregnant
>>67712607At least she left the family pet for them.
>>67715018Stop harassing my gfhusband
>>67715018>>67715052both of you are weird
>>67715053Stop being a whore you slut
>>67714947Why whenever someone asks something about Shion to Chloe her answer is always unhinged as fuck?
>>67714947She really misses the ball by not filing for a marriage with Shion and signing away voluntary POA to Shion.
>>67714984>Kiara and Mori are really the only two with specific collab organizingCan you blame Kiara? It's not like she has a chance with open VC
>>67715086Please don't lump me in with him. I didn't do anything
Miss Takane...
>>67715086I may be weird but you will have my children slut
>>67715109She seems to be in the camp of wanting Shion to really love her and not want to force her into it I think
>>67714818Towa is my wife (real)
>>67714591In Nerissa's sex dungeon, her kikkericock is being milked everyday to produce strong phoenix/demon hybrid spawns
>>67715173i cant have children nor am i slut
Do you want your oshi to get married and pregnant or to become a crazy cat lady?
>>67715206you mean wife (male)
>>67715184She's a good ethical girl at heart. I really just want Shion to berate and step on me, so I suppose I can push the line a bit.
>>67715276Mori is one foot in the grave as far as becoming a crazy cat lady goes.
>>67715118Well ya but that's how she did collabs even before Council, but there were more Myth collabs in general back then too
>>67715276why not both?
>>67715224You will give birth to my children after I get you pregnant no matter what you say
laplus butthole
Lui-nee! Something wrong with my pp
biboo feet
>>67715275>>67715306Just like that. That there.
>>67715366I hate this
>>67715280Towa is female and has no penis and isn't a transexual that has had post op surgery and is a real natural female (sexy)
>>67715306To be fair I think Chloe wants that too and would live under her floorboards if given the chance, but also wants love from her too I guess
>>67713369I do though. This was something with FFXVI but happened with a lot of streamers btw so not just singling her out much, even with all the tools to learn by doing and using tooltips available in that game they got skipped over what things did and how they improved the skills when leveling up, which is why people were thinking some Eikons were useless.
>>67715466Post your ass slut
Why is Holo X so fucking gay?
>>67713109Gura’s the obvious shitpost hereBut Ina is a bit of a sleeper pick, would not surprise me at all if the quiet artist girl is a black-only BNWO advocate
Stop sexually harassing JP fans, especially the kenzies!
>>67715497im not a heimin
>>67715530kill yourself
>>67715312kissable shiorin
>>67715505All the best holos are
>>67715555yeah you're the tummy slut instead
>>67715547Ok, Aquacrew will get it next time Aqua streams.
>>67715505Isn't it great?
Why not sexualize girls who are fans too instead of JPtomos?
>>67715555Post it bitch I want to taste your asshole
>>67715555Don't worry about these horny freaks, you should post more cosplay this year though (if you feel like it)
I'm gonna post my Ina
>>67715505This is because Hololive became popular. As it get's more popular the chances of hiring actual gay people who want to join to fuck their oshi becomes higher as you can see with Holo X
>>67715582im not that either>>67715639get some help>>67715656maybe
>>67715628Kawaii de gozaru!!!!!!!!!!!+!!!
I bought Tekken 8 so I'm ready to beat up any holo that plays it eventually
>>67715630Like who, Lamy?
Jenma'd better release a banger short tomorrow to make up for today
>>67715687>hiring actual gay people who want to join to fuck their oshiName 5 instances of this happening
>>67715555why am I catching strays
bzz bzz
>>67715729Can you do a PEWGF yet?
>>67715818It all started with macarons
>>67715818you know what youve done
>>67715276It's lose lose because their eggs will either dry up, or they'll be so old and menhera that the guy they end up with will suffer.
Fauna frame any minute now
>>67715818Post your butt already you fuck
How do I get a mocowife?
Where is Fauna??????????????? I'm suffering separation anxiety...
>>67715505>the evil guys are faggots
>>67715704Post your Twitter so I can watch the vids of you getting fucked in Towa's outfit that I know you recorded
>>67715879She will play Escape Simulator
>>67715924nothing like that exists weirdo
>>67715950The autism needed to make these sure is something.
Gura doko
>>67715963You don't dress up for your boyfriend and fuck him multiple times a week? I don't believe you slut
>>67715963Maybe minus the fucking part, but you should make a twitter to post your cosplays.
>>67716062wait, this is gay porn
>>67715814>Lamy>Koyori>Laplus>Chloe>Iroha (in denial)>Nerissa
>>67716025i dont have a boyfriend i only have my wife towa>>67716038i dont care enough to do so
>>67716062Don't open this, it's kenzie porn
>>67716062why do Kenzies
>>67715814NTA but best I can do
It's not Bijou herself that's going to make me drop her.It's the fact that the only people she seems to collab with are Mori and KaelaI'd rather cut my own eyes out than watch that
>>67716104You should get a boyfriend