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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.39 MB, 1200x675, 1692535657893454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67678972 No.67678972 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

>> No.67679005

We hate Kawaiikute Gomen here

>> No.67679016
File: 954 KB, 1164x655, 1688568118854917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67679860


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.67679033


>> No.67679048

alright, I'll take the bait thread

>> No.67679054
File: 19 KB, 500x300, 1706406049846059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67679630

>> No.67679067

How do you pronounce /#/

>> No.67679066
File: 499 KB, 879x688, 1677912977093547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67679207


>> No.67679068

To newfags and retarded questions, the answer is always bots.
You can fuck off now.

>> No.67679070

I guess my real question is why are botted streams so tolerated now compared to before. Is it because it suddenly benefits HoloEN?

>> No.67679071
File: 1.56 MB, 847x1568, Ame IRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goobs back............ IRyS and Ame karaoke at the same time. Bros im glad i didnt give up last year, Im in heaven

>> No.67679073

Wait what happened to the Kobo general? I was trying to find that deleted tweet from earlier and noticed that the thread's dead and people just aren't making one.

>> No.67679080

you guys ever stop and think about how fucked up aquariums are as a concept?

>> No.67679091


>> No.67679130
Quoted by: >>67679567


>> No.67679135
Quoted by: >>67679223

bro smash that like button what are you doing!

>> No.67679138

banned for aggressively posting incredibly illegal content

>> No.67679141
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>「My Dearest」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover) *new*
>「DAYBREAK FRONTLINE」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)
>「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)

>> No.67679144
Quoted by: >>67679370

What does this mean

>> No.67679147

Cuh- knee

>> No.67679151
File: 200 KB, 1235x2048, 1705778931100759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The queen is back

>> No.67679158
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x675, 1680955855927182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67679418

So what did we learn from the last thread?

>> No.67679166


>> No.67679170

Kino is back on the menu believe in Japsama

>> No.67679182

How much did you enjoy Gura's stream Fauna?

>> No.67679181


>> No.67679192

>compared to before
there has never been a single elimination of a stream that was suspect in the history of this thread

>> No.67679198

>Vegil looking mf killed Biboo so hard her stream fucking died
Too much power...

>> No.67679207


>> No.67679212

Google "Tilikum" if you want to feel worse

>> No.67679213

too much cunny

>> No.67679219

Honestly guys I'm torn, on one hand I don't want to see Hololive X Homostar. I tried to like them but that's not what I want but at the same time I feel like it's not morally wrong to shit on them for collabing with Hololive.
I'm in this weird stance where I hate both unicorns and beggars and this indecisiveness is making Hololive less appealing then it used to be.

>> No.67679222

not really, either they get eaten or imprisoned. they are fed anyway

>> No.67679223

You are right! I FORGOT!

>> No.67679241
Quoted by: >>67679417

Zoos are worse in my experiences. I literally can't go anymore.

>> No.67679262


>> No.67679266
File: 282 KB, 1595x1193, 187573738292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67679494

Love these two so much.

>> No.67679270

No Luxiem stream was ever disqualified from the EN tally during their "peak". Bots were always accepted, but we make fun of it.

>> No.67679272
Quoted by: >>67679326

How long are chumbuds gonna be angry over a made up cope tally??

>> No.67679271
Quoted by: >>67679704

>announce a month+ collab
>merch out of stock 5 days in
restock fees will drain cover dry, they might have to sell few gens to brave group to repay the debt

>> No.67679275
Quoted by: >>67679311

it's not cheese pizza right? [/]

>> No.67679279

Where did Gura's viewers go to?

>> No.67679285

adapt or die bitch, should've evolved harder if you fishes didn't want to become our playthings

>> No.67679299

You are really running out of angles to push aren't you

>> No.67679302

We don't negotiate with terrorists

>> No.67679305
File: 95 KB, 1037x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67679705

I wonder if there's a limitation to the chat data, whether on YouTube side not sending through all chat posts or Vrabi not being able to capture everything because the chat is too fast. I don't understand why there are so much fewer chat posts contributed by members in the Palworld stream when the number of members that showed up in both chats is around the same. It's like their posts aren't being captured or sent through or something.

>> No.67679310

>See perks
The mythical TeaRyStocrat

>> No.67679311


>> No.67679318

>Said the anon who is only concerned about bot now because it hurt his favorite EN
Nijisanji been botting since 2021 and no one have a problem with it. We just laugh at it and move on

>> No.67679321
Quoted by: >>67679368


>> No.67679326

>Not sisters falseflagging

>> No.67679332

No one cares fuck off

>> No.67679340


>> No.67679345


>> No.67679357
Quoted by: >>67679410

Are they deleting the thread on sight now?

>> No.67679367

I do when it comes to the larger animals like seals and dolphins, but fish and smaller animals probably don't have the ability to give a shit about what they're living in. Just feed them and keep the tanks clean.

>> No.67679368
Quoted by: >>67679426


>> No.67679370

Everyone sick of palslop

>> No.67679394
File: 1.07 MB, 835x768, 1670226997111270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate both unicorns and beggars
It's time for you to learn about the magic of the faction known as "Cute Girls Doing Cute Things," anon.

>> No.67679398
Quoted by: >>67679483

we had kino up until this point at least, i dont watch homosleeves

>> No.67679400
File: 1.09 MB, 1123x1296, 1731076231257391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them gone.
>no more parasite eating up the girls budget and time
>no more homobegging
>no more stupid fanbase wars
Real simple.

>> No.67679402
Quoted by: >>67679702

>It took releasing only one gen for en to not only heal but incline
but they will still release more homo gens

>> No.67679401

To sleep?

>> No.67679403

They post CP on a daily basis.

>> No.67679406


>> No.67679410


>> No.67679416

I actually cant stand that song no matter who sings it

>> No.67679417

Zoos are conservation sites if done properly, not just them getting 'holed up' and imprisoned. The treatment that they get there is better than what they would get out in nature and 'saves' its members.


>> No.67679418
File: 61 KB, 1482x581, 1706419669378035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fax machines son

>> No.67679425
File: 197 KB, 1076x766, 1706420924527048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>publicly shaming your male coworker for being a creepy fuck in DM's

>> No.67679426
Quoted by: >>67679478

try seeing it where it links before you call someone a retard

>> No.67679452


>> No.67679455
File: 1.81 MB, 1680x1819, 1703898703416840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love CGDCT here

>> No.67679462

So i was out for a while and i just heard the recent news about a certain someone and all im curious about is.

How are the Holocure devs handle this one? Before i think it was fine to keep going as it was but right now its a bit...

>> No.67679468
File: 3.08 MB, 1280x1440, gura ita bag sendai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67679478

Thanks for the dolphin porn anon

>> No.67679483
Quoted by: >>67679559

Selamat pagi!

>> No.67679484


>> No.67679485

Give 3 archives

>> No.67679492
Quoted by: >>67679754

There's barely any collabs, like at all

>> No.67679494

the stench of vagina is strong with this one
I'm going to sleep soon after I get some stuff done but I've got IRyS as BGM

>> No.67679504
File: 239 KB, 1024x1024, 170346615654983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one correct path.

>> No.67679509
File: 41 KB, 525x517, 1702767891744490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67679514
Quoted by: >>67679708

Both are retards.

>> No.67679519
Quoted by: >>67679764

Can Ame beat IRyS with raids?

>> No.67679524

Rock staying steady at 12k for hours love to see it

>> No.67679528

Then fucking leave. The homos will forever stick out like a sore thumb and Cover has not been subtle regarding their attempts to push those failures so this invisible war will keep going until either side cave in and who knows when that will happen.

>> No.67679531

holy kobo posters in this board truly are the most based fanbase of all KEK
the collective consciousness to sex water kusogaki

>> No.67679536
File: 1.55 MB, 900x900, 1678789255830062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the name is Kotoka, but you can call me Kotoka the Vampire slayer. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?

>> No.67679539

I'm starting to believe /ehe/ is just a front for actual pedo pretending to be a lolicon. This has been happening too frequently now.

>> No.67679543

big +1

>> No.67679554
File: 42 KB, 600x608, 1679061980263189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67679558

How do people still call IRyS soulless is beyond me??
She made me feel something with that song.
She nailed irony

>> No.67679559

anon, the people that say that watch ame. she's the same color as them.
not a good look.

>> No.67679567
File: 3.51 MB, 2056x1162, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to believe fembuds are only 8% but they show up a lot in these irl events.

>> No.67679568

Its still fine. She didn't kill someone or smoke weed.

>> No.67679576

Man, that last song was amazing. IRyS' talent is unreal and I'm fully comfortable putting her at #1 on the Hololive singing tier list. Absolutely amazing.

>> No.67679578

I don’t think he care about adding Sankisei in the first place so nothing gonna change
Pretty sure it has been 1 year since HoloCure last update

>> No.67679580

Stop engaging with them.
They're acting ignorant about the botting to get people like you to talk with them.
Just ignore them.

>> No.67679584

>filling up a new bag with new Sendai buttons
That's why they're sold out.

>> No.67679585


>> No.67679596

>How are the Holocure devs handle this one?
How the fuck is anyone here supposed to know? Ask the Holocure devs.

>> No.67679625

why dont you to twitter and beg people there to watch your homos?

>> No.67679623

Me on the right

>> No.67679629

Can have it faxed to places like Kinkos. With proper cover page they'll hold until he picks up, signs, and faxes back.

>> No.67679630


>> No.67679644

You can say Mel or Rushia just fine. Welcome to 4chan
Also rip gamedev. The character remover he implements will be used on the homos

>> No.67679660
Quoted by: >>67679879

Well there's your problem, listening to shitposters that don't even want to have a discussion in good faith.

>> No.67679669
File: 993 KB, 1368x814, P4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67679871


>> No.67679675
Quoted by: >>67680047

Controversial take but all you have to do is ignore the mixed collabs nigga. I touch grass every time I see one.

>> No.67679691
Quoted by: >>67679802

Everything I see of her makes me think her model fits her personality.

>> No.67679693
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67679696

HoloEN branch is the best its been a long time, idk where you are coming from unless you are homo beggar honestly.

>> No.67679698

I still think AZKi #1.
IRyS #2

>> No.67679702

They released the audition video, and Jap himself said fixing past mistakes takes time.
Keep the faith EN4 will come in a timely manner

>> No.67679704

>>merch out of stock 5 days in
I blame the Susan cull

>> No.67679705

Youtube has a cap on how many messages that can come through. So in specific moments where there is extremely high chat engagement, many will just vanish into the ether.

>> No.67679708
Quoted by: >>67679786

I don't watch Ver, but that just reads like a guy spilling his spaghetti trying to ask a girl he likes out

>> No.67679717
File: 92 KB, 720x716, 1705056268990190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day in the entertainment facility.

>> No.67679739


>> No.67679738

That's just how the SEA fanbases behave, honestly

>> No.67679754

Yet this place acts as if there's one every day.

>> No.67679764

If biboo raids her possible

>> No.67679786

Thats his whole character

>> No.67679787
File: 77 KB, 1184x1080, 1706157941066339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were so cute today Gooba.
Tender Chu~

>> No.67679799
File: 981 KB, 1920x1080, 1676316003614374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67679802

>want a gyaru chuuba
>get a gyaru chuuba
I see no problems here.

>> No.67679809

when was there last a homocollab in EN not involving Bae?

>> No.67679815


>> No.67679816
File: 271 KB, 1242x818, 1E085A0F-7CC8-41AA-9EC6-CBBEEF33BFF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so kino anymore now huh?

>> No.67679818

Good. thats the mentally sane choice to do. also you let outside agendas affect too much your entertainment. be honest would you even care if you aren’t /here/

>> No.67679820

While I prefer Mooms, I will admit Irys probably is the best singer

>> No.67679825

Lots of chus for you today Gooba (all on her cunny with tongue)

>> No.67679835

8% of 4 million is still about 300,000

>> No.67679839
File: 499 KB, 790x910, superchats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura didn't do too bad, don't know if it will keep up but a good showing. You can see FWMC's dip after they stopped reading orange superchats, I feel like they'll go back to it at some point.

>> No.67679859

The soulless thing maybe had some legs right when she debuted. However anybody who still says it clearly hasn't heard her sing in almost 2 years, lol. She sounds so much better now.

>> No.67679860

You now, outfit reveals haven't been buff for like a year already, so I'm not expecting big numbers for this even with the verification uncull
I think the first EN reveals after the verification fix are the first Advent outfits and they only got 34k-59k
(Before the verification fix, Gura got 37k and IRyS 27k)

>> No.67679864


>> No.67679871

That reminds me, do they still do that open VC shit?

>> No.67679873

I thought the meidos were still trigger happy about the whole thing so i was trying to be careful.

>> No.67679879


>> No.67679882

>Fishman is making the EN girls raiding straight into JP debuts
How to kill PhaseJP day1 101

>> No.67679890
File: 792 KB, 1920x1080, 1688698345504988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67679902

Do they transfer to viewers? Or its your usual twittersanji vtuber?

>> No.67679904

Why can't you faggot just screenshot the comment already?

>> No.67679911

Maybe Sendai should have limited how many buttons one guy can buy

>> No.67679923
Quoted by: >>67683117

>Ririka 0
The fuck is this retard doing?

>> No.67679924

What's happening with Nerissa that Biboo is beating her in fucking SC?

>> No.67679928 [DELETED] 

>best singer
>14K CCV
>gets mogged by Nerissa, Gura, Mumei
>Crats still call her best
This is depressing now Indian keks

>> No.67679929

I'm going to take a shower

>> No.67679933


>> No.67679940
Quoted by: >>67680022

>11494 for Biboo
I thought it was way over 30K. What happened?

>> No.67679953
File: 216 KB, 892x838, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67679980


>> No.67679954
Quoted by: >>67679995


>> No.67679958

No. that shit died a long time ago

>> No.67679970

Limit was 7.

>> No.67679980

This nigga unironically glowing

>> No.67679985

there would be more if there wasn't constant pushback

>> No.67679995 [DELETED] 

I rather be a Enna fan than be a pajeet

>> No.67680003
Quoted by: >>67680377

Wait who is Ver Vermilion

>> No.67680014

we know ennacuck

>> No.67680022

this shows current CCV if the stream is still live, in blue.

>> No.67680034

Why would anyone need 7 buttons? 3 is more than enough

>> No.67680047

this. beggars can be easily ignored especially if you dont use X and ignore the hate wagon on homocollabers. just enjoy what you want to watch

>> No.67680050

I mean, outfit reveals are clearly still a pretty big buff. I get your point though. The days of Gura nearly hitting 200k and having the single largest vtuber stream ever at the time during an outfit reveal is long past us.

>> No.67680052
Quoted by: >>67680192

the worst part is youre both kek
nice feet btw

>> No.67680058

post a picture of your arm

>> No.67680059
File: 55 KB, 982x455, 1687672169458349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680060

they're there for the mascot Gura, not the streamer Gura

>> No.67680064
Quoted by: >>67680134

wasn't 7 the limits on the gacha keychains?

>> No.67680070

>outfit reveals haven't been buff
>Advent outfits and they only got 34k-59k
Holy numberrot

>> No.67680081
Quoted by: >>67680192

you are literally brown though LOL

>> No.67680098


>> No.67680110

IRyS wants to play Palworld (she doesn't know jack shit about it)

>> No.67680115

I think I got some radiation exposure from this post

>> No.67680121

IRyS wants the Palworld numbers. She doesn't know anything about it except that everyone is playing it

>> No.67680122

i believe they just have shitty server admins/managers. other dedicated servers work just fine or get fixed immediately

>> No.67680125

Both bags belonged to women, why do they do that though? lol

>> No.67680129

IRyS will be joining the Palkino

>> No.67680132


>> No.67680134

my bad. If they limited gacha, surely they'd limit badges lower.

>> No.67680135

Nice battle armor

>> No.67680140
File: 1.11 MB, 2731x4096, 12-412353w4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a teammate, but is it even possible to beat her cuteness?

>> No.67680146

Biboo said bussy!

>> No.67680156

Nijifamily is over. Funny how at one point Nijifans were complaining they were doing the open VC thing so much that solo streams become rare.

>> No.67680159
Quoted by: >>67680200

Her paypig gone after that member stream

>> No.67680163

An insider is trying to kill palworld...

>> No.67680165
Quoted by: >>67680223

I still like Nerissa’s voice more I dont really like the anime song voice

>> No.67680171

>Sending drama obsessed kiwifarms chuds to watch JP vtubers
>The chats will be flooded with english from the most obnoxious people on the internet
>Actual JP viewers will leave
Amazing, simply amazing. What a disaster.

>> No.67680178
Quoted by: >>67680300

That's not numberrot it's actually low compared to where outfits used to be a year+ ago. They just kinda stopped being a gigabuff at some point, even JP gets less than they used to.

>> No.67680180

I'm thinking based.

>> No.67680181
Quoted by: >>67680425

The owner of catbox says that certain Asian groups and Hispanics commonly upload CP just normally on a normal browser with their normal IP. They're just so brazen about it and don't give a fuck about hiding their activity. For Westerners, it's easy to block since he just blocks Tor. So it makes sense that /ehe/ posts that shit so often.

>> No.67680192

Learn geography pajeets. I am literally white

>> No.67680193

Has Gura already been to japanistan or what? She's making a lot of plans and seems to not be indicating travel there like, at all, but fes is coming up

>> No.67680200
Quoted by: >>67680704

the ASMR?

>> No.67680209

I want to see a Gura x Irys palworld collab, they the dumbest EN and them trying to brute force shit would be funny as hell

>> No.67680212

Fuck it only took 2 years for management to realize where the fucking money is at

>> No.67680213
Quoted by: >>67680321

how much of an own race hater can you be lmao, even if you hate your own skin color stop projecting it on everyone else

>> No.67680223
Quoted by: >>67680306

>I dont really like the anime song voice
Nigga that's a real-ass human woman's voice

>> No.67680232
Quoted by: >>67680295

they took down the sites selling stock images of pizzas recently and now the costumers are back here on 4chan

>> No.67680240


>> No.67680243
Quoted by: >>67680313

ngl Nerissa is pretty boring as a streamer
typical hot girl that has no personality

>> No.67680242

>Why is it always us?
Shut the fuck up, Iofi. You didn't see the entire shit EN had to deal with since the servers went up.

>> No.67680246
Quoted by: >>67680506

Biboo is going to explode on Valentine's day and gather gachis like crazy. Just watch, she's playing the long game.

>> No.67680248
Quoted by: >>67680298

She had to go there to build the Gurarium.

>> No.67680263

Her only plan was revealed in early feb, they don't leave till march

>> No.67680274
File: 85 KB, 279x306, 1697254918941532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am literally white
can you at least let me know you cringed when you typed this obvious lie? we've already seen your toes

>> No.67680280

>compared to before
Elaborate on this vague statement.
Has a stream ever been deleted from the tally for botting?

>> No.67680281
Quoted by: >>67680400

>JP Palworld server at max capacity
>EN and ID server barely have enough people to fill 10 slots

>> No.67680290

Anon? She is currently in Sendai performing shows for the Aquarium inbetween streams.........

>> No.67680293

she's going to play with Flare isn't she

>> No.67680295

thank you for the update Glowie, I hope you keep using my tax dollars responsibly and taking them out

>> No.67680298

She trained the dolphins to do new tricks too

>> No.67680300
Quoted by: >>67680455

There aren't that many outfit reveals 60k+ even a year back. need to go a few years to pre-algo change days for that

>> No.67680306

you know what i fucking meant shut the fuck up

>> No.67680308

Irys won't raid anyone

>> No.67680313

her talking voice where she tries to seduce her viewers sound very forced, it would be better if she talked more normally.

>> No.67680321
Quoted by: >>67680444

May Allah strike your house with lightning.
Don't compare me with those savages

>> No.67680325

Gura doesn't speak a lick of Japanese but somehow she managed to charm many Japanese. It's absurd.

>> No.67680334

Gura and Irys Rust was one of the most awkward and fun Rust collab we had.

>> No.67680341
Quoted by: >>67680424

too much yuri might have scared whales

>> No.67680355
Quoted by: >>67680450

>using UberEats for fucking conbinis

>> No.67680359

I hope not last character in the server is already reserved.

>> No.67680361

Gura always has decent SCs when she’s actually streaming, especially when she reads chat after

>> No.67680367
Quoted by: >>67680431

She would have to break rules to get into the JP server. Unless Flare comes to the EN server which would be kino

>> No.67680377

Some red guy

>> No.67680400

Max EN and ID would be 22

>> No.67680404

Not even 14k from shitrys with megbuff content
Kek the absolute state of this shitter

>> No.67680411

I think Fes stuff is already recorded.

>> No.67680421

They were funny in Rust, it would be awesome to see them being retards together again.

>> No.67680425
Quoted by: >>67681222

>upload CP just normally on a normal browser with their normal IP.
jesus fuck.

>> No.67680424

>too much yuri
lol, lmao

>> No.67680431

Is there even any space left in JP server? Last week I heard there’s only 5 slots left

>> No.67680444
Quoted by: >>67680595


>> No.67680450
Quoted by: >>67680529

she hates going outside

>> No.67680453

hey you didn't respond to me, why did you run away ennakek?

>> No.67680455
Quoted by: >>67680571

I don't no what this nigga is on about Even Chinaman only got 41k on hist most recent one

>> No.67680457 [DELETED] 

That was not me. I am whiter than you pajeet kek. And don't compare me with your kind. I cam literally mogg your kind with my hands

>> No.67680465

I honestly don't give a shit about male collabs but if it keeps you "ebil unicorns" faggots away than I'll happily ban them.

>> No.67680471

None of you seem to understand that Phase is two companies. The EN branch is a vtuber corporation with a coffee side hustle. The JP branch is a coffee corporation with a vtuber side hustle. The metrics of success are not VOD views, ccv, superchats. Purely coffee sales. Got it memorized?

>> No.67680484
File: 62 KB, 686x763, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67680567

>Missing out on suika buff
>Now missing out on Palkino buff
why is she like this?

>> No.67680490

The power of the internet *chu*

>> No.67680487

They're buff but they're a far cry from outfit reveals up until about 2022
Advent had all the possible buffs stacked: first outfit reveal, a full relay, no EN overlap, all to culminate to a max of 59k
Reminder that even niji EN shitters got 40k or so back then

>> No.67680500

I thank god that omegay's nijification of holoEN failed.

>> No.67680506

I’m not sure if it’s just one guy or if there’s several of you that keep thinking Biboo is going to explosively incline randomly even though literally no one in EN does that

>> No.67680512
File: 722 KB, 1156x801, 1689313748666498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680519

Yeah, there has been a dip for FWMC, but it’s still respectable (specially vs Advent), and with their birthday and more merch in less than a week, I think they just might end up alright

>> No.67680529
Quoted by: >>67680863

They're literally called Convenience Stores
They were invented to specifically be for people who are willing to pay more expensive prices if it means that they don't have to go very far to get things
Somehow this level of absurd convenience is not enough for my ojourys-sama...

>> No.67680528

Teammates save your oshi, she's too autistic/cute to be forgotten.

>> No.67680532
File: 287 KB, 800x450, Who[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4qxjrs.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680536
File: 249 KB, 2048x1368, Kawaikute Gomen[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi9xi6l.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680535
File: 112 KB, 762x762, 7D94CCDA-77EB-4B18-ACFD-905B917342A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP is now the sidebranch again

>> No.67680537
Quoted by: >>67680622

classic pajeetfeet, always outing himself in a single sentence

>> No.67680541

>Retards here hating Pakistanis for no reason
I am having beef with pajeets. Kindly mind your own businness you white cucks

>> No.67680545
File: 236 KB, 1144x637, 1703208124829092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680548

Teamate, stop this convoluted rambling. Homocollabs are unacceptable

>> No.67680567

dont blame her! its her management’s fault they told her to be lazy trust me!

>> No.67680571

Yeah the only one's above that are the Luxiem one's last year. Which no one here belives were real numbers

>> No.67680576


>> No.67680578
Quoted by: >>67680804

>character remover
What is this?

>> No.67680579
File: 252 KB, 412x1603, 1686894226178726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680580

No actual, self-respecting white person messes up their written English. Try again, thirdie.

>> No.67680595

3,000 Palworld Streams of HoloEN, more like

>> No.67680600
Quoted by: >>67680955

I heard people order the coffee and don't get it for 6 months or don't even get it ever.

>> No.67680606


>> No.67680622
Quoted by: >>67680694

As I mentioned, may Allah Blast your house for calling me a pajeet. And that was not me, I am literally a sapling/hooman

>> No.67680625


>> No.67680629

During her superchat readings she makes an effort to pronounce names, and do token readings in her cutesy tone. These get clipped, or at least they did early on she had a shit ton of foreign language clips.

>> No.67680628
File: 243 KB, 412x1549, 1701598672982435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680632
File: 40 KB, 463x453, 1705696157544056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680640

Give me one of your women and I will leave you alone

>> No.67680641


>> No.67680647
File: 56 KB, 1924x270, chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty active chat

>> No.67680655

Listen you fucking phase poster, I will only take this seriously if you manage to start actually posting coffee sales data

>> No.67680658

So, what is happening to Phase?
Ngl, Pippa's stream # today was disappointing

>> No.67680663
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1704090977066688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is the future of holoEN if omegatroon is still steering the ship

>> No.67680668
Quoted by: >>67680725


>> No.67680673
File: 97 KB, 415x1003, 1683736476864676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680693

yeah, that's a sure fire way for Cover to never use your mod

>> No.67680694
Quoted by: >>67680913

you didn't explain your ESL at all, pajeetfeet.
don't run away now

>> No.67680704

No, it's the members stream when she basically just reading some rainbow sc. Her paypig send an sc tell her to stop or read it in the end of the stream. That dude always send her an akasupa, don't know where he goes now

>> No.67680714

they are debuting a full JP gen

>> No.67680725
File: 401 KB, 1024x844, Ameryspower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680727
Quoted by: >>67680777

explain the difference between the two

>> No.67680729
Quoted by: >>67680836


>> No.67680735
Quoted by: >>67680836

Ame 14.7k kek

>> No.67680747
Quoted by: >>67680799

Does nobody here noticed this is from 5 months ago wtf? This is old news

>> No.67680750
Quoted by: >>67680836


>> No.67680771
File: 2.08 MB, 1820x1810, 1676771970616008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67680950


>> No.67680776

>I am having beef with pajeets.
You know how some people pretend that they don't care about Israel vs. Palestine when almost everyone on the planet would like Israel gone? That is actually the case for real with India vs. Pakistan, as long as you don't nuke the planet you can kill each other and nobody would actually give a shit.

>> No.67680778

eat my shit

>> No.67680777

Yellow Filter at the top = Member of the other person, but not member to Gura
Red Filter at the top = Member of both Gura and the other person

>> No.67680787
Quoted by: >>67681163

There will be a change soon, hopefully your whores can survive that change.

>> No.67680789

>Ame 14.7k
floprys mogged
Not even podium roru

>> No.67680791
Quoted by: >>67680852

>So, what is happening to Phase?
Inclining non stop? Overtaking Nijisanji slot in Top 3 corpo in the next 6 months?

>> No.67680796

Coulda sworm you were from Pakistan or somewhere around Persia.

>> No.67680797
File: 1.30 MB, 1092x614, 1687538540111185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67680799

Yeah, been posted here a few times, remembered seeing it when it was new. Still relevant though.

>> No.67680802

>unironic teakeks posting about their homoaccessory
/#/ has fallen

>> No.67680804

Don't worry not even real gachas have this

>> No.67680811
Quoted by: >>67681304

they should strike more of her YT streams, perhaps then she would fuck off to twitch permanently

>> No.67680826
Quoted by: >>67680922

I wonder if botting affects the algorithm

>> No.67680836

Thank IRyS, teamates

>> No.67680843

Ame queen of karaoke confirmed

>> No.67680851
File: 280 KB, 529x481, 1706004306737560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67680935

No idea about the rest of phase, but Jelly is making a nuke in minecraft or something

>> No.67680852
File: 130 KB, 320x320, 170573216584982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680857


>> No.67680862

Ok Biboo raid Ame already please

>> No.67680863

but its like a 5 minute walk...

>> No.67680868

Make VTubers were a mistake, holy fuck.

>> No.67680871

Blueballed out of 15k

>> No.67680872
File: 271 KB, 1920x1080, 1696366402333148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67680939

We like Gura's wife here.

>> No.67680878

shut up, she's not harming anyone doing a solo karaoke stream

>> No.67680886 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67680926

>shitrystocrat being salty
Always a nice sight to see

>> No.67680890

Yep, it's ded Jim. Fishman basically wasted all that money advertising in Japan just to end up running back to his yab covered security blankie Pippa.

>> No.67680905

gyattdamn going from irys to this. wuh psssh!

>> No.67680911
File: 553 KB, 1920x1080, 170049815698321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The box heals all.

>> No.67680913 [DELETED] 

>muh Pajeet
You know, I would be an Irys cuck who supports their oshi cucking me if I were a cow piss drinking pajeet who eats cowshit
I am a Hooman/Sapling. Also an avg pajeet is 5 inch tall. I am 6'2

>> No.67680917

Fuck off faggot we Love all Holo girls go rope yourself

>> No.67680921
Quoted by: >>67681000

Do we know what happened to Omega?

>> No.67680922

It doesn't do anything. At best it could "trick" someone to click on a stream and that would add it to their account's algo

>> No.67680926

Stop samefagging parasite

>> No.67680934

Kill yourself beggar

>> No.67680937
Quoted by: >>67681290

Just ignore them, they get one stream a month let them enjoy it

>> No.67680935

>jelly making a nuke
>israel vs palestine
>texas conflict

>> No.67680939

There you go, just hide Ame behind Gura like always.

>> No.67680944

>CHEEKI BREEKI in the top left
russians still watch? lmfao

>> No.67680950
File: 133 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680955

I'm guessing the girls are hand roasting the coffee. Takes time

>> No.67680959

>Ame singing about numbers

>> No.67680966
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1682170335540033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67680988

What do the top steams look like for EN? Its been a weird night

>> No.67680989
File: 745 KB, 1485x1413, 1679539263087492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15k+ part C even under heavy overlap

>> No.67680993

By that logic, this fucking thread should be nuked 10 times over

>> No.67680995

I'm having fun.
STFU Phasenigger.

>> No.67681000

I fucked him in the ass to death. Giving him back his faggotry tenfold

>> No.67681014


>> No.67681015

still haven't explained your ESL, stop running bitch.

>> No.67681028
Quoted by: >>67681275

everytime you try to insult someone, you just reveal more info about yourself since you project more than Shiro. Now we know you are short and brown.

>> No.67681029
Quoted by: >>67681154


>> No.67681041

I'm talking about actual red board cunny

>> No.67681050

It was the extremely illegal kind of cunny

>> No.67681054 [DELETED] 

I can literally mogg all of you here. Kill yourself pajeets. I am gonna have tasty beef for my lunch

>> No.67681056

She exceeded my expectation today again.

>> No.67681062

Don't be racist please

>> No.67681065


>> No.67681070

>teakeks beg for raids
>proceeds to shit on IRyS after she raids their dumb oshi
Peak subhuman behaviour.

>> No.67681069
File: 1.09 MB, 2153x3624, MumeIRyS love[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F71rsgt.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67681160

We love IRyS here

>> No.67681071

Anon, read the other replies. They post actual cp

>> No.67681076

We post cunny, they post crab

>> No.67681084
File: 1.35 MB, 1275x717, 1692925345450150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67681088
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1525, Screenshot_20240128_012001_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't NijiEN have days like this? Not even one stream made it into the tally. Hell not even into the cripple tally

>> No.67681136

Why do Saplings hate Ame so much?

>> No.67681139
Quoted by: >>67681277

Anon, the EN girls are typing in moon runes, why are you leaving out that crucial information?

>> No.67681142

>gurame on top of each other
They are!

>> No.67681153
Quoted by: >>67681727

The Niji is afraid....there are multiple phase girls that literally have almost double "top"niji views, and Fishman contract and management is far superior than the rotten shit Riku offers so not only have more viewers but they make more money and aren't abused by management like Nijishit are

>> No.67681154


>> No.67681160

Cute, I love these girls.

>> No.67681163
Quoted by: >>67681319

They are killing of Pippa?
Won't happen, realistically, since Phase is basically still Pippa, Phase will be nothing without her

>> No.67681168
File: 1.74 MB, 1275x717, 1700497970083631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67681188

Are we back in 2021 bros. Also Ame doesn't sound that bad actual sovl

>> No.67681209

the forbidden cunny

>> No.67681222

I doubt that kind of shit is something brazillian cops dont care too much about considering all the cartels is my guess

>> No.67681223

This posts glows

>> No.67681226

Do you think Selen could sue Anycolor?

>> No.67681231
Quoted by: >>67681330

Ame's debuffson title has been revoked. She has fished for raids too many times with karaokes

>> No.67681238

they got a taste of this in prime luxiem days and got too cocky.

>> No.67681246
File: 65 KB, 1079x1080, 22119151698452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame doesn't sound that bad

>> No.67681273
File: 530 KB, 1212x680, 1704912812593543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67681383

>> No.67681275 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67681386

>muh short
I can mogg you and fuck your women in the family pajeet. Infact your women crave for my cock

>> No.67681277
Quoted by: >>67681377

I too can use google translate to write in JP.
Only a couple of PhaseEN can hold some basic conversation in JP

>> No.67681278
Quoted by: >>67681680

What does Biboo's graph look like? The waves must be huge.

>> No.67681281
File: 111 KB, 1080x332, Screenshot_2024-01-28-14-23-08-097-edit_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67681290

This is Ame's 8th stream this month though

>> No.67681294
File: 252 KB, 2048x1082, 11C312D2-698D-443C-9B63-1B6B3ABAF2A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare delicious brown legs

>> No.67681304
Quoted by: >>67681354

She'll spend the whole day reacting to Destiny and Hassan shit

>> No.67681306

Why do teamates sound just like deadbeats

>> No.67681310
Quoted by: >>67681592

Pretty weak numbers across the entire company today.
I think it had something to do with the debuts last night. Or maybe Hololive just had the content advantage today.

>> No.67681318
Quoted by: >>67682500

It’s a shame Biboo was botted because there was a chance that Ame would’ve peaked higher than her which would just be funny and unexpected

>> No.67681319
Quoted by: >>67681896

They're pulling 4view streams with an audience that is independent from the menhera rabbit now, anon
It's not NijiEN levels of success, nor is it even CLOSE to HoloEN levels of success, but they can be at least HomoEN levels (without the absurd amount of budget overflow that sends the homos into the red) which is enough for a corpo to survive on, if they kill her now.

>> No.67681330

2024 Ame it's a mastermind herding viewers better than a NZ sheepfucker, i kneel Jap

>> No.67681341

>These japanese bastards did it! They trained the sardines... to dance to a vtuber music!
My side!

>> No.67681346


>> No.67681347

>and IRySk it all

>> No.67681350

I havent watched a Ame karaoke since very early 2021, she does sound better

>> No.67681354

I just puked.

>> No.67681357
File: 2.51 MB, 1275x717, 1699634366198139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67681358

Ame is HoloEN therefore she is CGDCT, official branch policy, and our ally.
That's just how it is in these invisible war times

>> No.67681377
Quoted by: >>67681526

>I too can use google translate to write in JP.
Yes, you are still missing the point: they are setting the expectation for their audience to use machine translation in the JP girls' chat so as not to spook the delicate sensibilites of the JP bros.

>> No.67681379 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67681407

Why are cowpiss drinkers defending irys so much??

>> No.67681378

They rather holo vs holo itt, that how boring their organ stream 99% of the time.

>> No.67681384

Bros... the all out war has been lost...

>> No.67681383

>IRyStocrats actually fucking stayed for this
I'm baffled, shocked, fucking amazed, flabbergasted, even

>> No.67681386

>ennakek snapped
nobody is going near someone of your melanin count with a 10 foot pole, shorty

>> No.67681391

What happened to Rosemi's tekken 8 buff

>> No.67681407


>> No.67681433
File: 532 KB, 1203x684, 1687679094931043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll slowly go down, but its not a nose dive

>> No.67681440

Fuck off nigger go watch your dying branch

>> No.67681446

gone, reduced to ashes

>> No.67681451

ngl it was kind of a wild switch but since IRyS raided, I stay.

>> No.67681454
File: 753 KB, 1000x1288, Yugo_Asuma_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67681616

So what was Niji thinking when they hired a japanese ESL troon for their hyped second male wave?

>> No.67681471

real talk this artist can't fucking draw correct proportion tits even if his life depended on it, look how he massacred sankisei

>> No.67681482
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67681488

Guys I am confused. Is the IRyS anti from India or Pakistan??
And is he the same guy who hates Fauna??

>> No.67681492

Is Biboo going to fucking outlast everyone streaming again?

>> No.67681510

pakistan, and yes its the same retard

>> No.67681522

they can only get twitter interactions now

>> No.67681526
Quoted by: >>67681688

yeah because actual japanese people won't notice it, and you aren't going to livechat interact with google
Also you really expect the average Phase SEAnoid to just not default to English?

>> No.67681539

>And is he the same guy who hates Fauna??
No. But anyone who hates Fauna or IRyS should terminate their existence

>> No.67681551

I wonder if they will get 1 million YEN sc

>> No.67681552

Noel's legs look the best here.

>> No.67681561


>> No.67681562

oh shit, already?

>> No.67681571
Quoted by: >>67681605

Ame Karaoke has more viewers than IRyS?

>> No.67681591

aren’t most of IRyS fans mexicans?

>> No.67681592

maybe it's just gura being a blackhole today? I still remember after one of her karaoke, some NijiENs got a funnel.

>> No.67681605
Quoted by: >>67681732

IRyS redirected to Ame, so of course

>> No.67681616

ANon, a woman who says she doesn't have a gender isn't really a troon, she is merely a temporarily confused woman. Saying otherwise also cuts against a HoloEN talent too so better to avoid it.

>> No.67681620
Quoted by: >>67681793

>Is the IRyS anti from India or Pakistan??
Like there is a difference between the two

>> No.67681629

EN was fucking dying on this day a year ago and now look at it. Is this the start of EN new golden era?

>> No.67681637

Yup he hates both but he only has the balls to say he hates 1 at the same time because he also wants to use the hooman/sapling/crat card to deflect.

>> No.67681641

>bitching about a streamer that actually streams

>> No.67681640

Going from irys karaoke to ame karaoke is giving me whiplash

>> No.67681644

Pffft ame mogged shitrys

>> No.67681651


>> No.67681652
File: 174 KB, 1244x1244, 1692801413157985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67681814

I'm from New England, actually!

>> No.67681662
File: 210 KB, 726x344, Screenshot_20240128_012743_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Tekken 8 streams are buffed indeed. But not enough to get 5k.
>Shilled by Harada herself
Yeah I know, it's laughable that not even he can make her incline

>> No.67681665

we don't talk about january 2023

>> No.67681673

> Kiara gone
> EN is healing

>> No.67681680
File: 358 KB, 923x537, 1696608219911477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67681688

>yeah because actual japanese people won't notice it
They notice but they appreciate the effort and it still blends in better.

>> No.67681693

>he thinks Nijisanji is still above Phase in the food chain

>> No.67681704
Quoted by: >>67681891

Incredible schedule and a great time for the dogs
I imagine their split will focus on there being a homework day instead, though, because they're fucking crazy over there

>> No.67681706
Quoted by: >>67681769

>three day long birthday
why are they like this

>> No.67681718
Quoted by: >>67681814

Im Texan

>> No.67681721

Yes. She has no time to play Palworld next week so she plays long now.

>> No.67681727
Quoted by: >>67681847

>multiple phase girls that literally have almost double "top"niji views
Wasn't Pippa the only one that can get pass 2k without raid and the others struggle to even pass 1K?

>> No.67681732

She had more viewers before the redirect, nice try though.

>> No.67681738
File: 130 KB, 1638x1199, 1706343943379966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67681739
File: 347 KB, 1013x500, 1696042552794856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Fauna

>> No.67681762
Quoted by: >>67681778

>Ame doesn't know if it's friday or saturday
just like me fr

>> No.67681766

>10k wide waves
The seethe coefficient here is off the charts

>> No.67681769

wym it's countdown+1 karaoke per sister

>> No.67681779
File: 148 KB, 939x663, 1689833798939584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67681824

Stop lying vermin

>> No.67681778

but it's sunday...

>> No.67681783

Could clean my teeth with that graph

>> No.67681793

Pakistan is a Muslim country
India is a Hindu country.
Pakistanis hates us Indians as they want Kashmir and are salty that more than 50% of all Islamophobic posts are made in India.
Also I don't understand why they hate us, because they literally look like us lmao.

>> No.67681795
Quoted by: >>67681957

>separate birthdays
>solo karaokes birthdays
Mococo will finally be able show who is the strongest twin

>> No.67681805
Quoted by: >>67681947

Never forget July 2022

>> No.67681811

You can just check...it was hovering at around 8k...

>> No.67681814

Low IQ republican
get shanked dumbass

>> No.67681820
Quoted by: >>67681937


>> No.67681824

teakeks dont look

>> No.67681828

FWMC had this pattern last time too right? I'll call it the bot comb.

>> No.67681847

There's 5 girls can average over 1k.
Pippa is a monster over 3k

Most of the girls are mid-3view and there's a few shitters at the bottom

>> No.67681854
File: 255 KB, 549x560, 1692377880709809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67681925

Do they think we care about this Paki and Pajeet thing?
For me all of them are same brownskin.

>> No.67681855

Maybe for EN, JP was full of events on January 2023

>> No.67681868

Has this been the best night since Advents debuts. What a fucking showing I'm grinning from ear to ear I love Hololive and death to any who tries to assail her

>> No.67681866
Quoted by: >>67682212


>> No.67681871

Isn't it kind of bullshit fuwawa's karaoke gets a full bar length and mococo only gets half?

>> No.67681872


>> No.67681874
File: 169 KB, 335x339, 1689043476277845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67681878
File: 508 KB, 609x530, IRySosmug (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683116

seething 3rd worlder

>> No.67681882

Gyatt status?

>> No.67681885
Quoted by: >>67681938

>Also I don't understand why they hate us, because they literally look like us lmao.
You guys are brown.

>> No.67681890

ngl got reco'd ame karaoke and saw 13k. Been a very long time since i paid much attention to holoen numbers and she used to struggle to break 10k last time i did. Did advent help that much or whats up these days.

>> No.67681891

Sister, you need to wait for you discord to start raiding /baubau/ first. Otherwise people will look and just see normal excited people.

>> No.67681896
Quoted by: >>67682050

Could be, but like I said, realistically, they won't even think of doing that right now since if you asked anyone about Phase, the first thing they'll think of is Pippa and killing her now will just be a big blow to the growth of the group

>> No.67681912
File: 1.49 MB, 1561x2603, 鈴牛_フワワイラスト_20240122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alpha dog

>> No.67681923
File: 294 KB, 1564x554, 1676975700531983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesas graduate these failures already

>> No.67681925

They are more or less the same people having a religious war. You need to care about their religions to even begin to care about their conflict.

>> No.67681928
Quoted by: >>67681967

just read thread, was 8k then IRyS raided

>> No.67681930

Because fuwawa is the superior doggo?

>> No.67681937

lies i saw the fan meetups its like a home depot recruitment meet

>> No.67681938

My middle finger is white though

>> No.67681940
Quoted by: >>67682649

Go to bed, Scott.

>> No.67681947

Always celebrate August 2023

>> No.67681953
Quoted by: >>67682117

its symbolism for your dick, retard
fuwawa gets the full shaft, mococo gets the tip

>> No.67681954

No, they mostly from luxemberg

>> No.67681957

more like she will get exposed as the complete inferior sister
fuwawa will be sexier than her
fuwawa will be cuter than her
fuwawa will sing better than her

>> No.67681963
Quoted by: >>67682020

Not sure, they’ll get a good amount, but a lot of people are going to go all out for their birthday merch

>> No.67681970

I believe that IRyS's fanbase is a big mix, with USD being the primary, followed by all sorts, like HK, etc. It's likely due to when she streams, being the late time NA slot that bleeds into noon-time/early afternoon asia times.

>> No.67681967

Oh it was a raid sorry i dont read numbers much anymore back to ignoring holoen numbers

>> No.67681986
Quoted by: >>67682035

Damn they are as strong as Salome

>> No.67682020

>Going all out on merch
>Most holo merch sold out in 1 min

>> No.67682033

Wait they might overlap the irys outfit unless they cut the advent collab short. Awkward

>> No.67682035


>> No.67682050

It's a conflict they'll have to face at once point or another.
Is it better to cut off the limb now to try and save the cultivation you've been doing for the rest of the body, or hope that your body can get even stronger to make cutting the bad limb off easier down the line? But if you take too long, who's to say the infection won't take a deeper root inside you?
They're in a tricky spot and I think they're just kind of hoping she quits at this point. Since she's already actively avoiding interacting with people in the company, it may work, but it's a bet.

>> No.67682054

You got brainwashed by SJW shit

>> No.67682057

EN tally is going to look pretty beefy today

>> No.67682068

has fuwamoco shown good numbers without bots? seems like you overhype them too much on this board

>> No.67682071

Nobody cares about NijiEN. We only care about Holo v.Holo.

>> No.67682084

They're going to spiritbomb her anon

>> No.67682096
Quoted by: >>67682393

rumao no fucking way
their SCs are on a downwards trend for a while now
they got 3k yen last FWMC morning

>> No.67682099

Where do you autists come from, there's no overlap rule for outfits

>> No.67682100

Teammates have always been the most pathetic annoying fanbase even if saplings give them a run for their money

>> No.67682102

eh they did the last one too

>> No.67682117

>mococo gets the tip

>> No.67682116

>dogs not respecting their senpai
where the fuck do you retards even come from

>> No.67682120

>SJW shit
SJWs didn't create Seaworld, anon

>> No.67682123
Quoted by: >>67682218

yes, but also they clearly don't care about numbers for stuff like this and watchalongs

>> No.67682133

I mean she sounds awful and it's kino as fuck.

>> No.67682134

The dogs will charge her genki dama

>> No.67682185

The Tempus Boyz are their senpais too tho, where are their respect for them?

>> No.67682184

Your samefagging is working you dirty brown nigger now fuck off back to your mudhut shiteater

>> No.67682193
Quoted by: >>67682288

I think there were organic karaokes above 20k.

>> No.67682200

>Pakistanis hates us Indians
Blame Gandhi, didn't he have the genuis idea to create two countries?

>> No.67682212

Like 90-99% gone. Probably in a month or so if at all, might never

>> No.67682218

>has fuwamoco shown good numbers without bots?
Not since august no.
Even their karaoke numbers are shit nowadays

ruffian huffing that copium hard

>> No.67682222

Oh, it's botnigger's work?
Did we shit on him too hard the last time Gura beat his botting so he is lashing out?

>> No.67682240
Quoted by: >>67682829

>from India or Pakistan
Does it matters? They are the same shit

>> No.67682243

And homobeggar just reveal himself

>> No.67682246
File: 2.14 MB, 1079x3272, Screenshot_20240128_013715_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67682247
Quoted by: >>67682339

Yes, they still have the strongest ceiling, but this was never going to do well and their floor is horrible. It’s ok, they’ll sell more merchandise than the rest of advent combined and then some

>> No.67682248
File: 56 KB, 274x174, 1698246463964127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67682253

They are usually second in collabs, and there karaoke was quite high, debuff games are much more obviously debuff for them is their biggest weakness. Their visual novel love filtered a lot of people.

>> No.67682255
Quoted by: >>67682614

>I believe that IRyS's fanbase is a big mix, with USD being the primary
holy esl

>> No.67682257 [DELETED] 


>> No.67682258
File: 13 KB, 302x202, 1706072137659946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67682259

>so he is lashing out?
it's always lashing out

>> No.67682260 [SPOILER] 
File: 360 KB, 680x453, 1689373525969102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67682614

IRyStocrats are literally money?

>> No.67682279

The IRyS anti is from Pakistan and he is also all over the IRyS thread on the sisters doxx site. I have reason to believe he is a Hooman as well. Hoomans seem to have something against IRyStocrats and IRyS for some reason.

>> No.67682278
Quoted by: >>67682677

>where are their respect
why is ever beggar ESL
it's mindblowing how it happens every time

>> No.67682288

and how many months ago was that?

>> No.67682300
Quoted by: >>67682450

Seems like he bought 20k bots this time to make sure and even then Gura almost caught her

>> No.67682304

Asi es, en Mexico todos vemos a Irys despues del episodio de Dragon Ball

>> No.67682310
File: 143 KB, 1486x1486, 1683591227473093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna cry?

>> No.67682316
Quoted by: >>67682417

You’re a lying faggot

>> No.67682329

>goes on dox sites
>starts inter-HoloEN fanbase rrats
Yeah you ain't slick either

>> No.67682331

Damn. Is that a member from every branch?

>> No.67682339

>strongest ceiling
That has been biboo for a half a month now.

>> No.67682346

stop speaking in third person you schizoid freak

>> No.67682366

Huh, Ame used to be completely tone deaf, but now she's actually trying to stay on tune, and is able to tell if she's going off tune or not. Of course she's still not that great, but she's miles better than she was when she first debuted.

>> No.67682375
Quoted by: >>67682485

no, fortunately im not watching the sleeve so i dont need to cry from pain listening to whatever that excuse for singing is

>> No.67682388

>Hoomans seem to have something against IRyStocrats and IRyS
Try that somewhere else faggot. This is /SNORyS/

>> No.67682393
Quoted by: >>67683406

grudgeposting this later

>> No.67682392

t. botter

>> No.67682403
Quoted by: >>67682480

They’re ceiling is just someone else’s floor anyway

>> No.67682408

They somehow both have the highest non-Gura ceiling and share a floor with the EN runts

>> No.67682414 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67682493

Discuss here.

>> No.67682417

go cry somewhere else, ruffian

>> No.67682424
Quoted by: >>67682480

They had >20k karaoke twice in January, watch stream

>> No.67682429

Anon, Advent and the JPs are in fact creating a culture of overlap that applies to everyone, not just the homos getting overlapped as you desperately wish were the case. Management has opened the floodgates on this behavior too with their relaxing of the rules. Only girls with any moral fiber will respect an outfit reveal.

>> No.67682439
Quoted by: >>67682541

Ceiling is peak possible for the channel, not just who wins collab showdowns. I don't think biboo has nearly strong enough karaoke to claim a bigger ceiling over FWMC.

>> No.67682445
Quoted by: >>67682639

Nah, animal issues isn't SJWfuckery, though some fags from PETA probably are.
For bigger animals like Dolphins, orcas etc that have enough intelligence? it's a well-documented issue that it's hard for me to argue in favor of anything more than treat+release. For smaller stuff? They're too dumb to care.

>> No.67682450

Gura public karaoke soon. He is going to go broke trying to beat that

>> No.67682465

She's had over three years to improve, I'd fucking hope she showed some progress

>> No.67682480
Quoted by: >>67682651

>They’re ceiling
ESL retard

>karaoke relay
fucking retard

>> No.67682485
File: 471 KB, 1036x1202, 1684083901254323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already crying
Yeah, that's what I thought

>> No.67682493

>makes a thread to jerk himself off

>> No.67682494

>Mumei out of nowhere
You're just as pathetic as that anon, living rent free in your head.

>> No.67682500

Gura and Ame are on the top in my heart for today

>> No.67682508

>Been a very long time since i paid much attention to holoen numbers
Oh boy are you in for a surprise. Advent plus an algo tweak in mid November. With Gura streaming they are as strong if not stonger then Nij at the moment, and I don't mean the NijiEN branch

>> No.67682537

Post Ame lewds in response please

>> No.67682541
Quoted by: >>67682610

Meanwhile biboo getting natty 15k every day playing regular games while they can't even get a 10k stream

>> No.67682544

They beat bijou just yesterday on the collab, and their karaoke and event ceiling is much, much higher. Not even debatable

>> No.67682543

100% natty. Cope and seethe Phasecucks.

>> No.67682571
File: 119 KB, 335x335, 137103117422084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67682708

ame will never be anything but a joke to us
pay up for altare, teakek

>> No.67682581
Quoted by: >>67682695

Haaaaaaahhhhhhh... HOOOOORKKKKKKK... This Nijisissypussy is EXTRA RANK and RIPE judging by all these (You)s... Don't worry, kitten, daddy's SMEGMA-LADEN HOLOBVLLCOCK is RIPE too! I can hear your eggs SQUEALING to be bred from my computer monitor... Time to get KNOCKED UP and OUT like the BITCH you are!

>> No.67682604
Quoted by: >>67682671

>They beat bijou just yesterday on the collab
We're counting bots as wins now?
Guess Biboo beat Gura then, retard

>> No.67682610
Quoted by: >>67682665

Ah, ok, trolling is against the rules btw

>> No.67682611
Quoted by: >>67682671

It was botted retard

>> No.67682614

Shush, I just woke up from a headache nap, I'm not all there yet.

>> No.67682627
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, 1705984126262626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advent vs myth failed
>Diamond vs Dogs
Let's gooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.67682639

Weird thing is that so-called envionmentalists these days are pro wind farms that barely generate any power and also kill endangered whales, cut down tons of forests where animals live and also kill other wildlife like birds.

>> No.67682641


>> No.67682649

wrong schizo
I'm pretty sure that guy is one of the cgdct schizos that antis the holo JPs that have male JP celebrity collabs, like Korone

>> No.67682651
Quoted by: >>67682727

>and how many months ago was that?
Forgot the New Year countdown? They went from 15k to 20k and then peaked at about 26k. Who is retarding now, I just answered your question

>> No.67682653

Organic ones? Don't really remember, in their last 3~4 months that stupid nigger will not miss the opportunity of botting any of their buff content, it will probably happen again during their anniversary streams btw.

>> No.67682665
Quoted by: >>67683148

Go look at biboo numbers then if you don't believe me

>> No.67682671
Quoted by: >>67682795

Yo look at the VOD count, and the initial count was also higher. As was their CCV the moment the bots stopped, but you don’t watch streams or charts

>> No.67682677
File: 33 KB, 480x240, archaon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ever beggar
>The Everbeggar
Fear me unicorns, for I am the Anointed, the favoured Son of Yagoo, the Scourge of vtubers. The armies of the beggars rally behind me, and it is by my tweets and by my updoots that your weakling CGDCT shall fall.

>> No.67682695
Quoted by: >>67682873

Seems >>67682100 was right

>> No.67682700

Go Ame Go break the shitskin shiteating subhuman mudhut dweller

>> No.67682708
File: 55 KB, 371x371, 1682636224154119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67682758

>Posting with Kiara
Lmao you are a parody at this point

>> No.67682724

bro............ HOLY

>> No.67682727

So you just don't understand what organic means?

>> No.67682736
Quoted by: >>67682863


>> No.67682737
File: 6 KB, 250x160, 1680405219906800s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683451

IRyS fought through a literal overlap hell to deliver ame 6k viewers

>> No.67682757

>Watari Hibari 982
Reminder that he had a 110k 3D debut less then a year ago

>> No.67682758
Quoted by: >>67682866

but enough about ame

>> No.67682785


>> No.67682792

Ame singing about her love of men, again.
>sisters lost again

>> No.67682795
File: 1.02 MB, 1542x870, 1691700933289299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683008

>the moment the bots stopped
Quit lying ruffian
It was botted all the way

>> No.67682797
Quoted by: >>67683007


>> No.67682829

One is radical Islamic state responsible for bombing all around the world, the other isn't.
Huge difference

>> No.67682857

this needs AIVoiceRyS

>> No.67682860

That's where you don't understand, anon
We're not dodging the jabs
We're fucking vaxmaxxing over here

>> No.67682863

what do you think? I've already unfollowed that shit since it's just a homo account now. IRyS said the twitter announcement will be posted tomorrow

>> No.67682866
File: 589 KB, 421x426, 1676243712728452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67682905

That doesn't even make sense ESLfriend

>> No.67682870

This is great, do you have an archive of these?

>> No.67682873

Quiet down, Nijisissy, your ANAL WINKS are so loud that it's making my HOLOBVLLCOCK RUMBLE again!

>> No.67682891

Its from /hirys/

>> No.67682892

You know it's been a good day in # when Ame of all people has broken the sisters

>> No.67682905

>his ESL mind can't comprehend it
grim concession. pay up for altare!

>> No.67682917
File: 79 KB, 288x288, 1703990513002692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2022 is already full of jabs and it was an inside job

>> No.67682919

whoah momma

>> No.67682955

no there isn't, you fucking retard

>> No.67682954

I thought he was from Scotland or France or am I getting them confused

>> No.67682981

Mel literally got fired this week.

>> No.67682987

how about you read the post you're replying to next time, retarded fuck?

>> No.67682991
File: 57 KB, 222x222, 1655780192694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I took all the jabs. I love vaccines.

>> No.67683002
File: 98 KB, 957x576, totally a real wuffian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that botter is a adventfags

>> No.67683003

>there's no overlap rule for outfits
>no there isn't, you fucking retard
That's literally what he said, retard

>> No.67683007

Is /vt/ the ordertide?

>> No.67683008

Yeah, go look at the VOD views now

>> No.67683009

All the Sovl members have improved significantly in singing. It's just too easy an angle for shitposting if anyone tries to talk about it
Even Shiori was actual singing in her last karaoke and showed potential if she does her reps

>> No.67683021


>> No.67683038

The Fancuck cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.67683040
File: 800 KB, 1242x1262, C6EE4CA6-8059-46D8-A011-011EF7AF2292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the Holo badges?

>> No.67683062

the guy just started on her since her casual outfit 3D model fan project thing was recently released. This the twitter. https://twitter.com/Faucet_Face.. The video is hidden behind fanbox (I think).

>> No.67683063

>sudden spike of esl holo vs holo
so what triggered them now, they should be happy luca managed to beat plappa for once

>> No.67683064
File: 237 KB, 619x527, 1686357540261888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683187

>Traumatized by something that wasn't even a real duet

>> No.67683068

Line Rider...

>> No.67683099
File: 194 KB, 463x453, 1704090102594125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you repeating that support the tranny cause blue homo non stop like a broken record, are you a beggar that loves his cock?

>> No.67683105

>FWMC just said they are taking a break in February
>nobody even posted here about it

>> No.67683106
Quoted by: >>67683164

wich as far as terminations go, it was a completely harmless event

>> No.67683111
Quoted by: >>67683202

worst part about teamates on this godforsaken board:
They forgot that Ame has lots of actual sexy fanart after years of bullshit

>> No.67683116

Sub 6k shitter kek

>> No.67683117
File: 9 KB, 306x77, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683291

Literally watch streams or be doomed to ask dumb questions.

>> No.67683122

it's honestly really pathetic that you're still hung up on that

>> No.67683120

reminder that the botter (you) is a schizo that only cares about what /#/ thinks about him and will even bot random nijiJPs

>> No.67683140

>biboo's ending
Ame 17k incoming

>> No.67683148
Quoted by: >>67683219

Her only gaming streams that hit 15k this year were the mario kart tournament and one DMC5 stream which was a raid

>> No.67683156

It's for their 3D debut recording. That's the announcement the have for their 6 month anniversary

>> No.67683157
File: 302 KB, 423x527, 1705797715492213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683474

[Biboo news]
She's eepy and about to end stream.

>> No.67683164

No termination is harmless.

>> No.67683166

Niji wasn't doing so hot
Phase just got disappointing # day

>> No.67683173
Quoted by: >>67683195

It's been six months of nonstop throwing out streams, they've more than earned it
Girls fucking did more than Ame's initial schedule style

>> No.67683181

/#/ loves Ame. Haters have no taste.

>> No.67683187
File: 96 KB, 269x312, 13849609626407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes actually paying up for altare
you cant make this shit up

>> No.67683195

I was lying you retards.

>> No.67683202
File: 795 KB, 2500x3500, GDt-Zh4a0AA-qww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here you go you big baby, is this sexy enough?

>> No.67683203

Why the chubbiest girl uses some shorts here??

>> No.67683216

Tempus and fwmc together in the studio...

>> No.67683219

It's going to get counted as a global gold anyways. The meta has changed.

>> No.67683231
Quoted by: >>67683302

I still stand by what I said, they deserve a break if they want one

>> No.67683233
Quoted by: >>67683398

IRyS have some exclusive "meeting" is her vsinger project dead or not? I'm confused what she's so busy with constantly when it doesn't seem to translate into much of anything.

>> No.67683244

nigger are angry they can't use cgdct to shit on holos anymore

>> No.67683254

Its a great day when shitrys karaoke gets btfo by ame

>> No.67683271

/baubau/ isn’t melting down, this is a lie

>> No.67683276

it was mentioned

>> No.67683289
Quoted by: >>67683420

post Ame rape fanart instead

>> No.67683291
Quoted by: >>67683342

I don't watch Ririka, but thanks for the almost 1-hour late answer.

>> No.67683295

gets btfo by literally who?

>> No.67683299
File: 154 KB, 850x1276, JELLYASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683414

Jelly is making a nuke and I think that's precious.

>> No.67683302

>most important thing for streamers is consistency
>"they should totally take a break"
no, it's dumb
let them start streaming 5 times per week instead of 7+ instead and it's a much better move

>> No.67683309
Quoted by: >>67683374

Go to bed already, Scott

>> No.67683323
Quoted by: >>67683384

holo vs holo

>> No.67683342

whenever she has 0 you can be sure they are turned off since even with all her faults there are still some that give her lunch money

>> No.67683369
File: 126 KB, 800x1079, 1614186685772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683459

I can't believe I have to do this for you fucking teamates, DO NOT CITE HORNY AT ME

>> No.67683374

Thats Ennacuck

>> No.67683377
File: 263 KB, 375x392, ber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have 0 jp mindshare, this was such a dumb idea
what's more tragic is that they put her in this

>> No.67683380

Sora no

>> No.67683384
Quoted by: >>67683452

2 years in holo and she still has no video or cover with 3mil views

>> No.67683398

she's busy playing "games" with Flare

>> No.67683406

of course they are going to get fuckin 1M yen, that's less than 10k and even Nerissa got that for her birthday

>> No.67683414

evil woman called your oshi smart, anon, that was nice I think

>> No.67683420

Here's ame reverse rape

>> No.67683423

xhe does it for free and by it i mean throating the blue homo cock deep down xher throat lmao

>> No.67683425

They were going crazy all day, it was just relatively peaceful while Gura was streaming. Or they were getting drowned out

>> No.67683439
File: 61 KB, 850x1046, 11de6c54a612c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame do you remember me???

>> No.67683451

amerys supremacy makes schizos seethe

>> No.67683452

>2 years in holo and she still has no video or cover with 3mil views
wait really? even advent got that

>> No.67683453
File: 123 KB, 312x522, 1667270655249633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this IRyS seethe
What prompted this schizo to attach himself to her? Did he just selected a random holomem to get mad at?

>> No.67683459
File: 1.44 MB, 1523x2200, 1603408608901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67683466
File: 2.91 MB, 384x540, miko-full-belly-laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fb514ks.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relatively peaceful while Gura was streaming

>> No.67683465
File: 256 KB, 995x719, IMG_2863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67683467
Quoted by: >>67683519

Patiently waiting for the streamable of the anon eating his own shit

>> No.67683471

I wish I wasn’t filtered by Biboo’s voice

>> No.67683474

>She's eepy
>I'm eepy

>> No.67683486
Quoted by: >>67683860

It's her own fault. Don't blame the fishman.

>> No.67683490

This was probably her choice...

>> No.67683504
File: 36 KB, 1095x390, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the new normal

>> No.67683511
Quoted by: >>67683573

>fuwamoco taking a break in february
wtf no dont leave me...

>> No.67683514
Quoted by: >>67683550

>it was just relatively peaceful while Gura was streaming
so shitposters are just frustrated chumbuds?

>> No.67683515
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1606594805222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this amekino is worth it.

>> No.67683516

kinda weird that she didn't talk about her actually unless i missed it

>> No.67683517
File: 218 KB, 848x1200, 1613861241170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the outfit, but there's no more room in Holoblondes

>> No.67683519

he chickened out

>> No.67683521
File: 1.85 MB, 1080x1782, Screenshot_20240128-135905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67683522


>> No.67683529
Quoted by: >>67683733


>> No.67683534

You already said this

>> No.67683540

Something something, Pajeet Paki race war or some shit

>> No.67683550

No, we had schizos attacking Gura and trying to do Biboo vs Gura

>> No.67683561
Quoted by: >>67683679

if it's the same guy as usual then he's mad because she
>took Enna Alouette's spot
which was never true but yet

>> No.67683571

Move out of the way your big fat ass is making me lose.

>> No.67683573

see >>67683195

>> No.67683579

Of course he did.

>> No.67683581

>using Traditional and not Simplified Chinese

>> No.67683589
Quoted by: >>67683763

>it was just relatively peaceful while Gura was streaming
Were you fucking reading the holo v holo during gura's stream the whole time?

>> No.67683592

why is that retard reporting in global?

>> No.67683593
Quoted by: >>67683761


>> No.67683607

He thinks his literal who oshi should have been HoloEN's vsinger instead

>> No.67683614

he always does that, and yes it is retarded for him to do that

>> No.67683619

this explains everything, i missed this
no wonder hes so upset today

>> No.67683621
File: 2.64 MB, 1948x3378, amelia watson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683761


>> No.67683639
Quoted by: >>67683761

haha it's...

>> No.67683660

Leech going after the goddess Enna

>> No.67683674

Dental hygiene Chads can't stop winning, won't stop winning

>> No.67683677

Who does Ennacuck exist?
Why does Faunaschizo exist?
Why does any schizo exist?

>> No.67683679

Or maybe because of this
He is getting cucked again lmao

>> No.67683686
File: 731 KB, 922x1080, 1705721051848966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Biboo news]
She just denied a SC'er wanting to have a Pal named after him

>> No.67683689

NijiEN really cornered that NTR market hard.

>> No.67683710


>> No.67683716


>> No.67683729

Holospy peaked in Fes 4, it hasn't been the same since then

>> No.67683728

>Biboo's talking about Darkest Dungeon
is it # poison?

>> No.67683730


>> No.67683733
Quoted by: >>67683869

cocklust among numberfellow in denial
many such cases actually manifests as projection quite often

>> No.67683734

Hololive members are rude to their fans confirmed

>> No.67683736


>> No.67683741

Huge nousagi, btw.

>> No.67683746

Good shit, gem wife. Fuck those faggots. If you want to be an attention seeker, go bug Shiori.

>> No.67683751
Quoted by: >>67683818

what the fuck did the retard thought it was going to happen?
if she accepted a ton of people would do the same exact thing

>> No.67683761
File: 61 KB, 995x323, 1604032418432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I was around people who I shared a thread with three years ago, we simply changed with the times

>> No.67683763

Alright you clearly didn't see the shear levels of mental illness and schizo posting on display earlier

>> No.67683769

>overated saviorfagwetdream that just spent the last couple of years constantly changing persona on her own doing
she fit perfectly in a DoA setting

>> No.67683778


>> No.67683788

Is Biboo’s mouth tracking fucked up?

>> No.67683797
File: 290 KB, 1152x2048, GE5Upm-akAAPo5o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683919

>> No.67683798
Quoted by: >>67683890

No one in hololive has played it, you can guess why

>> No.67683800
File: 14 KB, 2033x70, 1706425408228269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a faggot

>> No.67683803


>> No.67683805

The first one might be neutral? It's hard to say, if any audience is willing to watch DD though, it's hers. And Fauna's

>> No.67683810
Quoted by: >>67683945

I wished FuwaMoco were more like this instead of giving their piggies preferential treatment

>> No.67683818
Quoted by: >>67683929


>> No.67683824

I think the first stream could be a slight buff, but it's still a RPG and as we all know, EN viewers can't watch more than one stream of the same game without imploding

>> No.67683832

Max poison

>> No.67683837

>turn-based combat
try to guess

>> No.67683849
File: 10 KB, 260x194, 1606277213955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so many people sc Biboo today?

>> No.67683852
File: 217 KB, 554x392, Quick Reandown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants the quick Reandown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a tachi and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
>awakens a new inner power to combat this alternate self, giving him heterochromia in the process
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

>> No.67683856
File: 1.61 MB, 1168x980, 1706425314079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants the quick ruff down
Haha, guess it's time to not hold my bark back...
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble demon dog litter
>final students of a legendary guard dogs
>secret daughters of the mysterious big BAUd who's actually good
>such stacies that they not only add every Holo to their ever-expanding harem but also the Nijis
>her genmates and her friend (who is a literal rock)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer sound of their BAU BAUs
>chosen to become the new oshi of the holofan-refugees
>masters and can fully control their *psh nothin personell kid" demonic guard dog powers
>wields shredder's steel claws (an anime-like and cooler Wolverine claws) and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful fairies in history that's hyped up by all the Nijisisters
>grows up to become full grown puppies, can make all the ruffians, rufferans, wuffians parasocial
>just saying "BAU BAU" makes everybody drop their pants for them
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional yab that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, their biological father is the reincarnation of the founder of the Northwest Passage
>breaks up budding romances between other Holos that were developing before Advent because everybody sucks thei dicks in the 4th gen onward
>even the protagonists of previous gens hype them up
>can get with and utterly dick down any Holo of their choosing
>Mococo kills herself in a noble self sacrifice with her fujobait sister to commit the final yab but not really because the even bigger bigger yab comes along to get the true Fuwamoco ending
>becomes some of the strongest chuubas on the continent
>has the option to cuck Nerissa away from Kiara, Biboo away from Kaela, Pekora away from Miko, etc.
>now a future 3D version of theirselves from an alternate timeline is trying to kill them because they're too stacy
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought their franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's clips are about them
>is Yagoo's favorite Hololive chuuba, he even goes on to call the previous generations embarrassing

>> No.67683860

To be fair, fishman had been grooming her since she was in that JP corpo.

>> No.67683869
Quoted by: >>67683952

english next time, wallet-kun

>> No.67683872

>if you do this I will give you more money later
>gave 30% of his $100 to Tim Apple

>> No.67683874

first stream it'll probably do as well as Hotline Miami did for her. beyond that is grim

>> No.67683880
Quoted by: >>67683941

this place is not called /hlgg/ rejects for a reason anon

>> No.67683890

Begins with a P and ends in erms?

>> No.67683892

This is what Kiara would do, unironically, name for an aka

>> No.67683907
Quoted by: >>67683939

Is it fair to say that we’re currently experiencing the peak of HoloEN?

>> No.67683909


>> No.67683912

Ok, this is new, I'll welcome it(for now)

>> No.67683911



>> No.67683916


>> No.67683919

I wish this guy would release the costumes but he likes keeping em private

>> No.67683929


>> No.67683930

The first stream will probably be neutral, and if she turns up the chuuni should be good for clip farming

>> No.67683931
File: 139 KB, 343x1177, 1682569821784941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67683975

I used to be a dedicated Teamate back in 2020/21, moved on though

>> No.67683939

Not until Moom's back online.
Bau bau...

>> No.67683941

Less rejects, more "alternative evolution"

>> No.67683945

Stfu faggot, that didn’t name them after any ruffian, Kys

>> No.67683952

inverted sentence esl-(troonpronounce)

>> No.67683953

I stopped going to global when they turned into a pseudo discord and were grooming a woman into becoming a vtuber you know who

>> No.67683956
File: 3 KB, 434x77, 1696900893661345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do all of these have in common?

>> No.67683957
File: 198 KB, 512x512, 1678159291386380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teammates your oshi is unbelievably cute tonight.
I'm happy for you bros.

>> No.67683975

Based, you improved yourself
