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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 199 KB, 601x562, Screenshot 2024-01-19 214634 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67300555 No.67300555 [Reply] [Original]

We might have some updates on potential candidates that can make or break the company.

>Mira Pink: She streams like 2-3 times a year on CB but is like a 2 view on twitch. Because she is a 2 view she doesn't make much money and only does vtubing as a side job. Assuming she does not want to live in Silvervale's shadow forever VAllure can give her a decent income to do vtubing more before she starts slowly inclining and can quit if she wants once the contract is over.

>Serafi: I heard that there was a lot of sad tweet news from V&U members that made it look like V&U was going out of business and Serafi just followed VAllure like a week ago. she said on stream she saw someone do a cum tribute of her on 4chan so she seems like the type of person that would do lewd content while having a hot trashy blonde personality similiar to Silvervale.

>Kumbomb: She got fucked RTX style by a fat blad dude on fansly and claims his 3 inches was BBC on her post. I fucking hope she does not join.

Every twitch vtuber is known to constantly blueball their audience and leave them wanting more forever. But we all pray that VAllure finds the right talent to put these whores in their place and take their audience.

>> No.67300767

This corpo will saving EN vtubing. The only company that actually gives something back to the men giving the girls money. I respect that.

>> No.67301075

>ethot company
>worse yet, an openly ethot company
>run by a schizo menhera woman with zero experience at managing
>all streamers are literal whores
>already hearing that they tried to recruit underage girls to do adult content
This dumpsterfire is primed for ignition. I can't wait for the leaks to start when one of the girls gets mad she isn't the bottom bitch.

>> No.67301194

From the looks of it they'll only be doing lewd voice packs and some asmr's on Youtube. The latter of which is risky because this corp will receive lots of antis from the twitter crowd who will probably flag them to death. I hope they eventually migrate to other platforms for lewd content like Chaturbate or Fansly.

>> No.67301281
File: 187 KB, 591x487, 1694748017112688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say your a sister without saying your a sister
go back cow

>> No.67301287

>ethot company
>worse yet, an openly ethot company
Japan has a lot of them and the concept works for them. I can't imagine it working in the west though, and it goes without saying that it won't work with a complete retard at the helm.

>> No.67301312


>> No.67301361

lol Vailure

>> No.67301459

Add Silvervale and get her to do CB and you'll have numbers.

>> No.67301510

>already hearing that they tried to recruit underage girls to do adult content
These days such accusations are meaningless without evidence, zoomers lie about this shit all the damn time because sex is le bad.

>> No.67301582

>actually whores are le based and I love it when they fuck other men!
so true, chad
sex work is real work
protect black trans children!

>> No.67301721
Quoted by: >>67302301

what's up with zoomers and their aversion of sex? that's so weird

>> No.67301828

never let them take your wizard powers away

>> No.67301884
File: 1.41 MB, 852x480, sheepcheek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67302321

None of >>67301281 implied any of these opinions.
Try not to be so retarded retardchama

>> No.67301957
Quoted by: >>67302409

Mira Pink is like one of the first english vtubers and she deserves to make it. I don't know if this company will do it though.

>> No.67302003
Quoted by: >>67326809

>they tried to recruit underage girls to do adult content
based Riifu???

>> No.67302044
Quoted by: >>67343061

How is an honest whore company worse than a closet whore company? Why are women like this?

>> No.67302097

I hope they're hot. That is all. Resume your shit-flinging.

>> No.67302122

this but unironically

>> No.67302301
Quoted by: >>67340068

Zoomers were taught that all sex (involving a male) is rape.
Another contributing factor is that overcrowding is known to fuck creatures up sexually, causing deviance and eventually asexuality and seclusion (see: rat utopia).
Schools are overcrowded, hence zoomers are asexual shut-ins.

>> No.67302321
Quoted by: >>67303009

>whore bad
<heh, say your a sister without saying your a sister
so you don't like the whore that runs this company or the whores she is going to hire?

>> No.67302409

I thought I'd heard that name before.

>> No.67302414

Sex is bad but porn is good. Thank you for reading my post, have a good night

>> No.67302538

I am genuinely scared that Pippa will recruit Serafi to phase connect.

>> No.67302615

>already hearing that they tried to recruit underage girls to do adult content
retarded anti shitters literally never miss a beat, it's amazing
I know exactly why you're "hearing" this, and I also know exactly how it's wrong.
Vallure's investor collaborated with several former AkioAir members on her own youtube channel where she does asmr roleplay, this did include the underage AkioAir chuuba. All earnings from those videos went to the respective ex AkioAir chuubas. She did it to help them and that's all there is to it. At no point in time did anyone allude to them joining Vallure, and she was later called the only person earnestly offering help without also wanting to take advantage by one of the ex akioairs.

>> No.67302729
Quoted by: >>67302942

Unless they're getting their cunts reamed by a fuck machine on maximum speed on chaturbate I'm gonna pass. Plenty of free shit to whack it to. Might check when their "premium content" inevitably gets leaked lol

>> No.67302942
Quoted by: >>67303163

>Might check when their "premium content" inevitably gets leaked lol
this is already true of all EN vtubers that did adult content on the side and its not exclusive to just them

>> No.67302995

looks like some cheap porno

>> No.67303009
File: 137 KB, 1236x960, FrK3X1AaEAAgG8q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67303212

We love whores here so long as they haven't acquired whore status. Especially if they choose to make to make me diamonds of their own free will while still not branding the whore badge. They're not considered whores unless male involvement occurs. Should such a thing occur, she's immediately branded a whore. If it does not occur and nothing comes to light about such a travesty, she is still in chuuba/oshi status. Is this that hard to understand? I don't get it

>> No.67303163

I know. I've blown plenty of loads to Noel's titfuck video.

>> No.67303212
Quoted by: >>67303649

>They're not considered whores unless male involvement occurs

>> No.67303339

Serafi liked and replied to a guy who shows off his dick and does tributes on Twitter. She is trashy(complement) and she has the kind of voice I'd like to hear masturbating.

>> No.67303481
File: 611 KB, 800x800, 1646022694551.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We love whores here so long as they haven't acquired whore status
wouldn't expect a sister to think like a male so cant really blame you. It's quite alright, do your thang sis

>> No.67303546

Did you reply to the wrong post retard-kun-chan-sama-dono?

>> No.67303571
Quoted by: >>67303763

>if you don't like crazy whores you're a sister
So true, sister. You gobble that knob it's like, so totally empowering and stuff!

>> No.67303649
File: 227 KB, 510x508, 1656893545205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67304108

sure did, hope you enjoyed the free (you) :D

>> No.67303763

oof. sorry your pp doesnt work femanon

>> No.67303827

shill harder e-thot

>> No.67303850

If you are doing straight up hentai vtubing you gotta at least be aware that 98% of your audience is gonna hate BBC shit even as a joke.

>> No.67304064

What's to stop some grifting fake whore from stirring macaroni into a mic?

>> No.67304108
Quoted by: >>67304514

you are just baiting to get me banned now
anyone that knows riifu knows what she did

>> No.67304399

Considering the controversy with that talent, that seems like an extremely stupid thing to do, especially considering DTL IS primarily a lewd content creator.
Besides, I'm not finding anything, so it's certainly bullshit.

>> No.67304514
File: 3.70 MB, 234x343, 1693328439517232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67304962

Honestly I'm not really baiting anything. If you took it that way, then I suppose I apologize? Quite literally just giving my viewpoint. Not trying to be a dick but suppose I can see how it may come across that way. Opinions are subjective so to each his own. I'm not opposed to civility so sorry if you felt some type of way

>> No.67304543

open your mouth, say aaah~~~

>> No.67304962
File: 16 KB, 176x176, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opinions are subjective
and under your subjective viewpoint a woman becomes a whore when she films porn with a man?

>> No.67305292

Man, this thread screams "tumblr landwhale" whining because they are ugly fucks.

>> No.67305379
File: 1.69 MB, 1286x814, a&#039;dfkmpssdfkp&#039;alom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Riifu have idolcorp-tier money to moneybomb Youtube with ads?
She succeeds
She fails

Does she have the deep phase pockets to plaster Shibuya in downtown big screen ads for a week?
She succeeds
She fails

Retards argue about whore good or whore bad but the actual important factor is money.

>> No.67305401

i will pick them

>> No.67305513
Quoted by: >>67306115

I dont think anyone needs to tell you how much the onlyfans thots make. Money is guaranteed since its a untapped market in the west

>> No.67305709

If they are cute, i dont care. Problem with western e-thots is that they are beyond raunchy, rude and entitled.

>> No.67305931

based ugly bastard enjoyer

>> No.67305986
Quoted by: >>67306796

i couldn't care less whether these whores are any good or not when the silhouettes are enough to tell the designs are absolute dogshit

>> No.67306001
File: 1.79 MB, 360x343, 1702455159847320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67334717

if someone from this avtuber agency has filmed porn with a male then i am unaware. If that's to case then sure I concede cause I don't really care enough to keep shitting up the thread. if your interested in continuing than all your doing is bringing more attention to the whores you hate so much. do what you will

>> No.67306060
Quoted by: >>67306349

To be honest I get into Vshojo along with sodapoppin and asmongold through watching Projekt Melody 1st and Vshojo turned out to be pretty big. I dont see a problem that VAllure can be the same way.

>> No.67306115
Quoted by: >>67306521

4view thots make bank
2view and 1view thots could make more money at McDonalds.
There are top performers in every industry and ewhores are no different or did you think the fifty-thousand 1views make the same quarterly amount as Gura?
They are literally whos and need recognition in order for the people who would pay for it, to know they even exist.
Aviel had to get a lot of loans (VC incubator and gov investment money) to push Idol ahead of the pack. Plus banks and other investors are reluctant to fund endeavors that are too close to porn.
These people might seem naive and shallow, and so it's easy for you to make naive and shallow judgements but the industry itself is deep.

>> No.67306349

Gunrun had money BEFORE Vshojo and Gunrun had clout with Twitch HQ from WORKING WITH THEM in the past. Massive advantages.
Riifu is broke and has no clout.
I'd go so far as to say every single Vtuber CEO was a millionaire BEFORE they started their (respective) vtuber agencies. Riifu is not.
You got into Vshojo because they had connections with sodapoppin and asmongold. Without connections and without money they are nothing. Vtubing is a hard-relationships business.

>> No.67306521

Aviel is a fucking retard that fucked his own growth up by giving 6.8 million tweet views that management fucks their talents. Find atleast a better corpo to compare than fucking idol.
The reason Vshojo got big was through Projekt Melody before the rest of the members started skyrocketing on views.

>> No.67306643
Quoted by: >>67308733

No the members got big because nyanners and mel were the 1st founding members and they have gained a shit load of popularity before Vshojo was even formed. 2020 was when the other members started sky rocketing on views with twitch statistics telling you the same thing.

>> No.67306704

>Find atleast a better corpo to compare than fucking idol
nta but how about idol 2 months ago?
time is linear, fuckups aren't retroactive

>> No.67306796

this >>67305986 those silhouettes don't look appealing in the slightest,

>> No.67306864

Reminder that Idol and EIEN shills are the ones who are doomposting in these threads.

>> No.67307007
Quoted by: >>67351393

Why do you not want children to be safe?

>> No.67307209

>Riifu is broke
What the fuck are you even doing here?

>> No.67307327
File: 97 KB, 870x856, Screenshot 2024-01-22 193430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67308849

daily reminder that Porn made Vshojo grow big. Dont fucking tell me VAllure doesnt have that same chance happening.

>> No.67307362
File: 348 KB, 3840x2160, GEEmBd2agAA0mQM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Updates since last thread.
The actual model silhouettes have been shown now.
Mum will be in a stream collab on the 27th.
The numbers they've gotten from their soft launch so far: https://twitter.com/VAllureOfficial/status/1747719868315799842 Mum is surprised and impressed.

>> No.67307404

Why Idol?

>> No.67307606

Do your archive reps and check the early /eien/ threads, specifically when Riifu's membership openings happen and them having a meltdown over breaking records on how many memberships she got on the opening

>> No.67307731
Quoted by: >>67309100

Personally I've seen a huge amount from phase viewers. I don't even know why, on twitter and here.

>> No.67308414

Which one is the elf?

>> No.67308470
Quoted by: >>67308986

>"We might have some updates on potential candidates"
>Its all schizo fantasies with zero fucking proof any of them expressed interest in that new group
>In fact, ever since the announcement which had literally nothing of substance besides "Oh yeah, it will happen in half a year", you fucks made thread after thread containing nothing but baseless rrats
>"/AV/ Vtuber thread"
>Literally zero fucking discussion about avtubers, can't even get the name right
Why are you like this Riitards?

>> No.67308500 [DELETED] 

2nd to the right. A cuttlefish.

>> No.67308580

2nd from the right. A cuttlefish.

>> No.67308733

Idol fucked up at the end but they had a good start and they were proof-of-concept to other small corpos that youtube ads work if you run them for long intervals, not only for debut but in batches all year-long.
Melody and Nyanners were important for Vshojo, V-allure on the other hand can't afford someone of their caliber and I mean caliber in a brand-way not their moral qualities

>> No.67308845
Quoted by: >>67309421

Riifu has a lot of brand power on her own plus their cut is insanely generous towards the talent 80%, rising to a 90% after a year and 100% of merch from the vendor that was already doing Riifu's merch so they got a deal.

>> No.67308849
Quoted by: >>67309762

nyanners and mouses existence would have been nothing without Mel>>67307327 along with her connections to Nux taku giving them millions of views before they threw his ass under the bus and got Connor to use instead.

>> No.67308986
File: 232 KB, 480x480, 1696200052145579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care if the thread op is shit, I get to talk with my Riiflings again.
Are you the one that was crying about the threads being made before? I still don't get why this is such a big issue to you.

>> No.67309100

All the early small corpo fans eventually drifted into Phase or Idol. See: half of /tsunx/ and small corpo fans are still interested in small corpo news

>> No.67309262

Riifu and the one on the right for me.

>> No.67309421
Quoted by: >>67309590

>80%, rising to a 90% after a year
The corpo is supposed to promote their talents. How can they promote anything if they have no investors and they don't make any money?
No. Paypigs are not investors, those are customers. You might as well be a non-corpo streamer group or go indie at that point. Management and the supporters of an 80%+ cut are naive. It feels more like a reactionary little girl is trying to get back at her old boss by making "conscientious" decisions that in reality are self-sabotaging.

>> No.67309501

Does anybody here who plans to support Riifu or any of the other girls have an oshi that stalks your socials and/or notices when you chat in other girls' chat? I'm considering creating separate accounts for this corpo.

>> No.67309590
File: 332 KB, 600x600, delet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommeh is a talent herself taking 100% and she is already planning to sink 20K+ into ads at debut. STFU.

>> No.67309754

>an oshi that stalks your socials and/or notices when you chat in other girls' chat
This can't be real, I refuse

>> No.67309762

If you know anything about Riifu, you know she has connections with everyone.

>> No.67309775

FalsEyeD made fun of this corpo which means it's already over
(mirror so you don't have to give him views)

>> No.67309777

Nah. Though I don't watch any GFE chuubas.

>> No.67309929


>> No.67309947


>> No.67309956
Quoted by: >>67310403

hm not really sure about the feet of the one with horns, they seem a bit too chubby.

>> No.67310011
Quoted by: >>67310216

I only felt safe asking because I know of two

>> No.67310014
File: 1.08 MB, 2867x1206, 1678485928990168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Riifu's corpo?

>> No.67310082

Rise from your grave.

>> No.67310216

Make that three, but she isn't GFE. She just curious about what we get up to.

>> No.67310226

My oshi does this
I'm in a weird spot because I was a hardcore Riifling but I've actually committed to another chuuba in the interim and I'd feel really guilt chatting over there now. Those two recent streams hit me hard though so the Scottish magic still works on my heart and stem. I'll try to be a good, silent inkling from a distance I think. I can't be bothered signing into alts and it'd feel weird since I know Riifu would recognize me since I've been a fan for a long time.

>> No.67310302
File: 350 KB, 512x512, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are SO back raddish boys

>> No.67310403

She's been described as a milf, hag, having giant tits, and is lactating. Not Rif has also said before she's intentionally made them all to fit different tastes. So I wouldn't be surprised if she's a little chuuby since the rest aren't.

>> No.67310471
File: 768 KB, 1042x1207, 1657972347589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67326842

I can't fucking wait. I miss her so much!

>> No.67310595

Why the fuck there's always seething trannies in these threads??

>> No.67311152
Quoted by: >>67352842

She made the mistake of specifying the one gender that is eligible for hire.

>> No.67311455

Plot twist: Pomu and Selen redebut there

>> No.67311608
File: 699 KB, 800x1192, are you cumming[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhcve7s.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu lewd asmr would be sex. It would be a dream.

>> No.67311910

Selen? I dunno about that one working out anon

>> No.67312013

you forgot your reddit spacing

>> No.67312233

I have oshis but I honestly do not care. I have been a slut that watch and flirt with multiple vtubers but they all still read my comments so it's fine. The only vtuber I know that consistently calls out viewers about this is Miori.

>> No.67312238

I don’t know what to call the CEO, bitch has like 5 names

>> No.67312264
Quoted by: >>67352842

Because trannys are strictly not allowed in the corpo. Also there's gonna be loli chuubas which makes them seethe even more.

>> No.67312387
Quoted by: >>67312771

watch it get even weirder if she separates her persona as a talent here and as the boss. This is enhanced schizophrenia

>> No.67312657

Riifu, until she debuts

>> No.67312771
File: 468 KB, 1669x977, vallure-agency.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't end there

>> No.67313057
Quoted by: >>67313198

How much does this whore actually make?

>> No.67313198

70K+ spent on this project so far. Her hub channel is huge + tons of other platforms

>> No.67314167

Riifu is loaded, and this is a vanity/revenge project for her. She's going to throw a ton of cash at it until it sticks. The coomers are going to dump all the teasing sluts and actually get their moneys worth for a change

>> No.67314427
Quoted by: >>67317031

I love Pomu, but I wouldn't want her to be that lewd all the time. I want her to play stuff like MGQ and Dohna Dohna on stream but it feels weird to think about her licking ears and doing lewd audio.

>> No.67315338
Quoted by: >>67319600

and she likes to keep prices extremely reasonable too. Her content has been $7 for years which is nuts. Aren't the patreons for this supposed to be like $10?

>> No.67315695

Selen couldn't even say "hello" suggestively in an offcollab full of only girls. . .

>> No.67316816
Quoted by: >>67319659

any discord that will give me joi from this bitches?

>> No.67317031

The only lewd requirement is 4 audios a month and a video game VA. So someone could join and be completely normal on stream while doing the minimum lewds. Not that I think Pomu would even think about joining anyways.

>> No.67317132

I just call her Mum or the creator.

>> No.67317523
Quoted by: >>67319727

I'll call her Riifu forever.

>> No.67318846

I'm excited to see Mummeh again

>> No.67319183
Quoted by: >>67319503

No one knows how fucking tired I am of so many vtubers just coombaiting enough to get a decent audience before fucking off from coombaiting ever again. I got too many examples man.

>> No.67319503

I'm sick of chuubas having SEX models and making lewd jokes all the time but never delivering on nsfw content. Like if you're going to have your tits flopping in my face all the time at least open up a Fansly.

>> No.67319600

worth every penny too, she's a true pro. knows what guys want and gives it to them

>> No.67319659
Quoted by: >>67323414

you're in luck anon, all these girls will do joi for free when they debut most likely!

>> No.67319727

same, it's a great, catchy name. I really hope she just says fuck you to the corpo and makes her new one Rifu with one i.

>> No.67320065

Imagine the seethe

>> No.67320168

2nd one has doll joints.

>> No.67323414

Sounds lovely

>> No.67323681

All the "good content" will be on patreon so be ready to double dip memebership for tje discord access to get into the patreon

>> No.67323830

This will not work.
Shit they claim to give streamer is way too good for small corpo with only some ex-Eien member backing it up + lol Youtube and Patreon as their main platforms + obviously at least two of these models will piss off Tweeter mob.
They gonna debut, shit will explode and week later they all gonna graduate.

>> No.67324162

>only some ex-Eien member backing it up

>> No.67324477

Have you never heard of emoeechi. They do the same shit and they're insanely successful

>> No.67324742
Quoted by: >>67324771

I do not give a fucking shit about any of these bitches as streamers, for good or ill. They can have whatever stupid dramaniggery you want to bitch about. If their coom content is solid, like with Melody, I will masturbate to them. That is all.

>> No.67324771
Quoted by: >>67324884

Mel is a really low bar for solid cooming

>> No.67324884
Quoted by: >>67329902

Lots of her stuff is mediocre to subpar, but she has a few streams that are just fucking aces. Particularly any time she does butt stuff, she gets really into it.

>> No.67324958

>membership for the discord access
retard tourist...

>> No.67325245
File: 613 KB, 985x991, Screenshot (498).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may have hoodwinked everyone else in this backwater site, but you can't fool me! I watch FalseEyeD

>> No.67326111

You really that afraid of Mio?

>> No.67326190
Quoted by: >>67342798

But that would make it hot, constantly embarrassed girl has to put up with corpo demand of being alluring.

>> No.67326713
Quoted by: >>67334941

If Riifu has the warchest you say she does then this might work. Maybe it will die in a year or two or maybe it will last longer but as long as money goes into ads, everything else is small potatoes.

>> No.67326789

but they don't do male collabs, it's fine if they are sluts, so long as they are sluts for their viewers, not for random male vtubers

>> No.67326809

lolicon chama, you're supposed to pretend you aren't an outright pedophile, remember?

>> No.67326842
Quoted by: >>67327437

i'm really excited, i showed up for the coom but stayed because she has a great personality (and also for the coom, she struck a nice balance between being a good streamer and making me cum uncontrollably)

>> No.67327437
File: 77 KB, 216x215, riifu_love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling her a whore like that word has any power over her
It's like 'Yes, and?"
I Gosling'd so hard when she told the story of using her coombux to save her parents house from being taken by the bank.

>> No.67328834

>Phase deep pockets
They started off like $50-100k and just kept re-investing. Even if that's all Riifu had (it isn't, not even close), it's doable as long as you don't fuck it up

>> No.67329055
File: 21 KB, 232x227, 1623031242740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she calls herself "Ruufi"

>> No.67329139

>Selen struggling to do or say lewd things and fill her audio quota
I would cum rivers

>> No.67329178
Quoted by: >>67329492

I don't care as long as they can moan, be girly and talk dirty without being cringe.

>> No.67329492

You'll get more than that.

>> No.67329657


>> No.67329711

I forgot how sexy Riifu was

>> No.67329806
Quoted by: >>67329843

Sign in. If not that then it might be only visible to followers(account locked). Anyways, she was masturbating and you could hear her pussy sloshing.

>> No.67329843

I'm signed in and I ain't following shit. You do a poor job advertising to people who don't know her.

>> No.67329902


My favorite part about Melody is that she is a person who has dedicated their personality to being a coomer slut, and yet they're fucking awful at it.

When I heard that she tried fisting herself using coconut oil as a lube, I literally lost all interest in her, because either she is faking it all or she is actually a fucking retard.

>> No.67329915

I just told you you can't follow her.

>> No.67330034

can i get a source for posterity

>> No.67330108
File: 118 KB, 1000x286, cropped-Weiic_NewOC1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67343714

would be a perfect pickup

>> No.67330210
Quoted by: >>67330328

Its a video of her masturbating after she was edging herself and chat for a week

>> No.67330324

Not even coom-wise, if girls are interesting I'll watch them. I'll cheer for them regardless because of
>All earnings from those videos went to the respective ex AkioAir chuubas. She did it to help them and that's all there is to it. At no point in time did anyone allude to them joining Vallure, and she was later called the only person earnestly offering help without also wanting to take advantage by one of the ex akioairs.

>> No.67330328

>after she was edging herself

Sure she was.

>> No.67330777
Quoted by: >>67331109

>based in Australia
their retarded laws are gonna fuck them up/

>> No.67331109
Quoted by: >>67331215

She's moving, probably back to the UK. Possibly incorporating in Ireland for the tax breaks.

>> No.67331215
Quoted by: >>67350398

>back to UK
even bigger nanny state

>> No.67331420

>to save her parents house from being taken by the bank
Would that make me an ugly bastard who ntr'd her parents?...

>> No.67334317

What I dislike about these people you listed is that they are constantly collabing and flirting with dudes and treat them like they have known each other since high school. One even has videos fucking with some nasty ass fat slob. Dude is so fat you see more of him on the videos than the girl. It's disgusting.

But go watch any real e-thot like Amouranth or many of the other hundreds of e-thots on Twitch. They very rarely collab with dudes and when they do it is like something specific and more professional even though these are literally e-thots we are talking about here. Amouranth even on her porn videos make the dudes use fake dicks or strap-ons and tries to keep him out of focus as much as possible. This is why she's the only e-thot making the big bucks. She's hyper aware. She understands the male psyche and is a master manipulator. Lewd Vtubers on the other hand just make you feel cucked.

>> No.67334717

see >>67306001
people (cucks don't count as people) don't like whores
you can only get people to watch your whore by deceit

>> No.67334941
Quoted by: >>67334972

she's rich as fuck, she's been doing adult content for years. you've probably walked to stuff she made and didn't even realize it. the vtuber gig was just for fun, which is why she noped out when she couldn't get what she wanted. didn't need it. So I'm optimistic she has what it takes to make this work, out of pure spite if nothing else.

>> No.67334972

*wanked, lul

>> No.67335916

This is either going to make a billion dollars or drive the whore into bankruptcy

>> No.67336559

I like mira, her personality would mesh well with the corpo and shes really understanding of poor bros but i dont know if she wants to give up her persona for the corpo.
Serafi also admitted she renewed her contract so shes out for at least another year or two but she had the perfect personality for this
No idea who kumbomb is, maybe we can get one of the pomf girls though

>> No.67336923

>company trying to rival the whorehouse
At best I give them a month before the first scandal hits. The green whore should try to poach the purple whore from muh freedom llc

>> No.67337203
Quoted by: >>67337451

anyone who has the video, do us a favor and post it

>> No.67337451
Quoted by: >>67361316

nvm, found it

>> No.67337572

>Open thread talking about possible picks for an av en company
>it’s just a bunch of anons bitching about a company made for porn having possible porn stars
You guys all sound like women.

>> No.67338255

Did they show anything more than the silhouettes yet? And whos the artist?

>> No.67339333

Anon, after /cgl/, /vt/ has the highest ratio of women

>> No.67340068

>overcrowding is known to fuck creatures up sexually
It doesn't seem to stop Bangladeshis.

>> No.67340920

Women and SEA muslims.

>> No.67342798

"Humiliated vtuber must subject herself to being a coom object" sounds like really hot kayfabe for this kind of content. The Kronii of coom if you will. But that still requires someone fundamentally comfortable with this type of stuff so she can properly play the role, not a Selen-type.
Also, even with someone pulling the embarrassed-act off perfectly, there would be twitter trannies and low iq dogs who couldn't tell it's kayfabe and clutch their pearls.

>> No.67342904

Nope. And we don't know. I doubt the artist or models will be revealed until it's around the debuts.

>> No.67343061

>nooooo you gotta have 'standards' and not be open about it. You'll make wahmen look bad
something to that effect. I'll support actual prostitution if it means low effort bitches like this get their panties in a twist

>> No.67343714

listened to a few of her JOIs and I don't know how to feel about myself no
yes it were /ss/ omnes

>> No.67343745

there are a lot of seething femanons whenever Riifu gets brought up

>> No.67343756
File: 1.78 MB, 1689x1096, what am I reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait actually?

>> No.67344738

hmmmm interesting

>> No.67344896
Quoted by: >>67346147

>she isn't /here/
Is /vt/'s largest cope

>> No.67346147
Quoted by: >>67346524

I wish this was a joke, i was called out seconds later in the middle of a karaoke by a corpo vtuber because i said her acapella timing was off in the thread

>> No.67346524
Quoted by: >>67347109

It can get really surreal too. In /VRe/ we just treat them as always present and reading every single post. Occasionally a post will come through that sounds like one of them wrote it and it will be swarmed by declarations of love in response and I swear we even guess correctly sometimes

>> No.67346565

I'm sure a Jabba the Hutt AVtuber would not be welcomed by Disney

>> No.67347026

Mel Nekomata, Hana Macchia, please notice and consider.

>> No.67347109

Thats cute as heck, we caught snuffy a few times when she was new and she used to complain to her friends about it. As long as the girls arent flinging shit at eachother theyre super fun to have around the vocaroos have milked me more than any single piece of media in my life

>> No.67347273

>General about Vallure
>Its called /av/ instead of /vag/

>> No.67347351

The OP is a schizophrenic and didn't know whether to make a thread about Vallure or Adult Vtubers in general, so now it's "Vallure /AV/ Vtuber thread." (mind the period at the end)
I think threads will continue to be shit like this until we approach the debut and make an actual general.

>> No.67347406

Still saying SaikoSounds is going to join this

>> No.67347760
Quoted by: >>67392566

/vag/ has already been used.

>> No.67348244
Quoted by: >>67348921

Jafarero is the artist

>> No.67348734

unappealing word

>> No.67348921
Quoted by: >>67369933

Pretty sure anon is asking for the model artist. Jafarero has not been credited for the models. He is most likely working on promotional/thumbnail art.

>> No.67349999

Sounds pretty good Vshojo is full of slutty bitches but only one actual whore so the market is poorly developed.

>> No.67350398

Do your reps retard. Nobody gets done in the UK for adult content unless it's related to CP. I can't even remember the last time I saw a headline about hentai.

>> No.67350493

from that we can assume we have the largest amounts of groomers. just a horrible board really

>> No.67350505

You don't need to convince me, I'm already going to watch them.

>> No.67350606

All catalog posters are actually women and trannies

>> No.67350650
File: 32 KB, 900x520, man of logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67351393

"Trans children" aren't children, they're subhuman abominations.

>> No.67351589

They should love this company

>> No.67352024

why did she chose a name so similar to failure tho?

>> No.67352842

She already said femboys are allowed.

>> No.67353165

No, she didn't. She said no men, no trans, only biological women allowed.

>> No.67353956

Blackjack when the FUCK did you start making threads?

>> No.67353961
Quoted by: >>67354825

The opposite is true (and the way the boss rejected trannies on stream was funny as fuck too)

>> No.67354017

Can you niggers stop lying at every turn in your life?

>> No.67354254
File: 99 KB, 329x329, ryan gosling riifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Riifu!!!!

>> No.67354825

She collabs with trannies and femboys all the time though. It's more like she's tolerant of them at the same time as understanding her market and wanting the best chance of getting her money back off this and to help some girls (female) at the same time.

>> No.67355215
Quoted by: >>67355498

her reasoning amounted to:
>You're too unstable for us to know how to work with you
>We have no confidence to succeed

>> No.67355498

This, it was worded politely, but this is what it means

>> No.67355704

She very politely said "we won't know how to deal with the backlash, so no"

>> No.67357677
Quoted by: >>67366140

When she has her stream this weekend, what thread should we use? /corpo/? /asmr/? Make another one of these?

>> No.67359805

Stop lying filthy subhuman.

>> No.67360877
Quoted by: >>67363034

I just wanna know what kind of content are they going to be making because if they are good and make content like Emoechi then I'm sold.

>> No.67361316
Quoted by: >>67363034

>part 1
I need the rest

>> No.67363034

That's the whole thing this file is just spliced together into one.
The next and final audio is one where she pretends to have a cock (futa) and fuck kiki and kiki pretends to get fucked by her.
Normal chuuba content like gaming streams and whatever the fuck else chuubas do on youtube, riifu will let their creativity flow.
The r18 content will r18 audios on patreon, maybe some art.
Other stuff will be allowed but will OPTIONAL so really it depends on how much they want to do things like show their pussy or similar.
She will not force them to show their irl bodies in any way.
But if they really want to, they will be able to.

>> No.67366078

I really hope Mel gets in

>> No.67366140

I think it's her flesh persona so off-topic. I might Gosling post about it a bit in /eien/ anyway

>> No.67369357


>> No.67369379

An actual good thread on vt...

>> No.67369933

>He is most likely working on promotional/thumbnail art
Hope not or else it's gonna be dead on arrival.

>> No.67372844
File: 3.12 MB, 2400x2700, FpSBNl9aMAElsXj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67375476

She'll be back

>> No.67374237

She's openly DTL now so that means everything she's done is on topic now, right? I'm sure her cuck fans are still going to try to ban people who mention her sextape.

>> No.67374626
Quoted by: >>67375248

go back to /jidf/ with your cuck fantasies

>> No.67374865
Quoted by: >>67375248

Try it. You don't understand the rules and I'd like to see you find out. Also, how new are you that you think you dropped a bombshell?

>> No.67375248
Quoted by: >>67375729

wipe the tears from your eyes

>> No.67375476

Honestly, I think Riro is exactly what DTL does not want to deal with in her corpo.

>> No.67375729

Post it.

>> No.67378997

Sex with the loli

>> No.67379199
Quoted by: >>67380746

DTL is a PNGtuber and was always on topic anyway. Her Vtuber corpo CEO personage should be on topic. The account you're talking about is not.
Think about it like if Yagoo decided to do porn on the side. We wouldn't be allowed to post about his activities there.

>> No.67379269

I'm actually impressed with Rifu's perseverance after getting fired, to make her own vtuber adult oriented company

>> No.67379678


>> No.67380026

which one is her rumored husband?

>> No.67380192

Number 8

>> No.67380746

Those are the most extreme mental gymnastics I have ever seen lmao.

>> No.67381804

DTL herself won't be a talent so it's still PL talk. That simple enough for you retard.

>> No.67381822
Quoted by: >>67398360

Japan has a bunch of AVtuber companies and they do fine. Why is it any different in the west?

>> No.67382016
Quoted by: >>67382898


>> No.67382077

Het Dudethatswholesome YT channel is SFW tho. it's on youtube and monetizable so it can't be that bad.

>> No.67382396
Quoted by: >>67382898

This is wrong for three different reasons. Impressive.

>> No.67382890

LMFAO, Riifu is broke? that bitch is fucking loaded. She's been doing adult content for fucking years and has massive amounts of followers. Her patreon is like 6 bucks a month and last available data she was over 3k patrons there, this was ages ago and she as grown a lot since then. She has over 150k followers on fansly if only 3% sub that already a 5 figures per month, it's probably a lot more. Add on top of this a big youtube channel and a massive PH creator account, merch and customs. She makes insane amounts of money.

>> No.67382898
Quoted by: >>67383174

She has not openly said, as DTL, that she is a talent. how is that so hard to understand.

>> No.67382924
File: 75 KB, 500x813, Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67382964

she has literally said she will be one of them.

>> No.67383155

She said the exact opposite. Women only.

>> No.67383174

She has and even if she hadn't dtl is already on topic. She literally links to her porn on her dtl accounts.

>> No.67383494
Quoted by: >>67386539

"just an ex-Eien member" lmfao, maybe do your research before making yourself look stupid.

>> No.67386539

kwab. That's like saying "Dwayne Johnson? his new movie will bomb, he's just some ex-wrestler"

>> No.67389454

Will they hire a girl willing to do footcam streams?

>> No.67389911

Riifu likes feet, they have talent freedom. Do the math.

>> No.67390226

Post feet

>> No.67392566

Not by anything that matters

>> No.67394165

Will the girls hire an artist who's known for drawing cute feet to draw their vtuber model?

>> No.67394559
Quoted by: >>67396046

Can't wait for the lolis

>> No.67396046

Color me intrigued

>> No.67398360
Quoted by: >>67403985

>b-but japan does it too!
I don't give a fuck, anon
whores should be ashamed and chastised by society

>> No.67401207
Quoted by: >>67402868

more like vfailure

>> No.67402868

Vtubing will never catch a break if all vtubers do is blog about their IRL.

>> No.67403211

Riifu will do footjob asmr's

>> No.67403919

The women in /vt/ dont make me cum when they insult me. /cgl/ women are femdom queens.

>> No.67403985

Retarded Muslim

>> No.67405933


>> No.67409922

