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6691609 No.6691609 [Reply] [Original]

Debut royal rumble edition

Previous thread

>> No.6691791

Superchats from million subs milestones (updated)
Marine - $64,077
Rushia - $63,006
Pekora - $48,178
Watame - $45,045
Calliope - $44,817
Ayame - $43,970
Miko - $42,056
Kiara - $40,419
Subaru - $38,755
Coco - $32,575
Noel - $31,174
Suisei - $29,888
Okayu - $26,412
Aqua - $23,885
Gura (2m) - $23,411
Gura (1m) - $17,547
Korone - $17,359
Amelia - $15,976
Fubuki - $14,995
Ina - $13,105
Haato - $11,008
Matsuri - $8,578
Gura (3m) - $5,316

>> No.6692020
File: 98 KB, 683x317, tutorial boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6693146

1 hour before debut.
Looks like unless Petra gets a last minute surge of subs, no one will defeat the tutorial boss again.
Ame decided to do a guerilla apex stream so that might cut into the debut as well.

>> No.6692298

Number predictions for Nijisanji EN Wave 2 Debut?

>> No.6692353


>> No.6692408
Quoted by: >>6693659 >>6695616

Petra 20k
The other 2 probably around 16-18k

>> No.6692409

20k max
Sub-wise they pretty much got the same as wave 1 if Susan didn't cut their subs.
Petra being the outlier who seems popular off design.

>> No.6692478
File: 71 KB, 744x281, 46838746346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20k max

>> No.6692660
File: 541 KB, 720x523, IMG_20210718_065607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more interested in Rushia's 3D live. People are speculating Shion and Haachama are going to show up. Ayame, Pekora and Okayu are going to be there. Just those 3 already will bring numbers in but the possibility of cunny and the edgelord showing up, I can't predict it properly.

>> No.6692783
Quoted by: >>6692887

Their silhouette is right there. It's pre-recorded though, so it's not going to have that big of an impact for people who miss them. Still, I predict 90k+.

>> No.6692794

Unless it was pre-recorded way in advance, weird that Haachama shows up for Rushia's 3D live but not Matsuri's gen 1 collab.

>> No.6692887
Quoted by: >>6693096 >>6693464

Marine got 100k for her prercorded live. People still can't decide if it is really Haachama

>> No.6692894
Quoted by: >>6693095 >>6693282

Is this pre-recorded 3D event?

>> No.6693095
Quoted by: >>6693259

It doesn't say that it is pre-recorded but I am assuming that some are going to be.

>> No.6693096
File: 483 KB, 720x720, Akai_Haato_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6693157

People are dumb.

>> No.6693146
Quoted by: >>6693252

Petra has a hail mary shot chance to make it before her debut but Rosemi has to really REALLY hit it out of the park but with such a short debut I doubt that happens. I still don't get why NijiEN is still doing the whole 25 min debut schtick. The 1 hour debut has pretty much been standardized in the west thanks to Hololive. No reason not to copy it since they're pretty much trying to appeal to the Hololive audience anyway.

>> No.6693157
Quoted by: >>6693259

You can see prechat right now. Some are saying that the yellow one is Miko.

>> No.6693252
Quoted by: >>6693537

They're trying to skip the awkwardness that comes with a 1 hour debut but that also means that they're hoping you tune in tomorrow to really get to know them.

>> No.6693259

Rushia already confirmed it's 100% pre-recorded.
Like I said, people are dumb, I also thought it was Miko the moment I first saw it, but you just have to look at their models and compare. It's pretty obvious.

>> No.6693282
Quoted by: >>6693446 >>6693638

It was actually 139k. The most watched Hololive 3D concert (excluding Coco's graduation) since Miko's return.

>> No.6693446
Quoted by: >>6693464

I'm sorry, but what?

>> No.6693464

mb, it was meant for >>6692887

>> No.6693537
Quoted by: >>6693764

The thing is most casuals are not gonna stick around for the 2nd stream. If they did, then Elira and Pomu would have had a bigger audience on their 2nd stream and Finana would have hit around the same number as her other wavemates instead of the 9k the she got. This girls have 1 chance to make an impression. Yes, that initial impression isn't gonna stick but it at least helps them appeal to the masses. Not to mention, it lets us laugh when they inevitably look back at their debut and die inside due to embarassment.

>> No.6693638

Then hitting 100k for this one might be possible since she has Shion, Ayame, Pekora and Haachama. Okayu is great but her 3D live is always Towa levels which is great but not 100k. So far SC rainbows are just pouring in from her gachikois.

>> No.6693659

Their debuts are so short that most of the viewers will flock to the next one with increasing numbers on the way.

>> No.6693764
Quoted by: >>6694253

You got a point but it isn’t guaranteed that people might sit and watch debut streams for 3 hours straight. Depending on the time, the last (late) debut streams might suffer from lesser viewers than the other two. But 30-40 mins should be enough for me at least, to watch the three of them

>> No.6693844


Gura fans don’t spend much. Guess its true they tend to be younger?

>> No.6694124
Quoted by: >>6694360 >>6695111

Rushia -> 10k
Okayu (purple) -> 7k
Ayame (red) -> 15k
Pekora (bright blue) -> 25k
Unknown (dark blue) -> ?k
Unknown (yellow) -> ?k

57k + 40k box push + 20% tourist -> at least 110k

>> No.6694253
Quoted by: >>6694416

I still believe Holo EN debut schedule is the best. 1 hour debut then giving some hours for people to react and share until the next member, for a full day of debut madness.

>> No.6694348
Quoted by: >>6694754

She didn't do any celebration stream. The only one she did is 2m which is like when the hype dies down. Her birthday stream did pretty well, btw what's that chart ranking based off? Is it when they hit the milestone or when they celebrate it

>> No.6694360
Quoted by: >>6695111

Dark blue is Shion. The giveaway is the hat. Yellow is Haachama. The giveaway is her pony tail.

>> No.6694416
Quoted by: >>6694754

Hololive has literally built a loyal and huhe fandom on the west and would literally bite anything that hololive offers. On the other hand, these girls are literally who to them not know their background and the company they came from meaning that they wouldn’t be invested that much in the first place let alone watching them for hours

>> No.6694459

Gura didn't celebrate her 1M. She was streaming a collab with Calli when it happened. She never setup a celebration stream for it. She only did one for the 2M. Supposedly because of peer pressure from Kiara.

>> No.6694464

Gura never had a milestone stream of singing and what not until X subs.
The closest she had was a celebration karaoke some time after for the 2M.

>> No.6694642

Trailer: 1.24m
Twitter: 8.6k likes 142.7k views
Rosemi: 26.7k
Selen: 26.8k
Petra: 31.3k

>> No.6694712
Quoted by: >>6694973

She doesn't milk her fans. No monetized streams after unarchieved karaoke streams. SC turned off during SC readings. Most SCs are ignored. Doesn't do celebration streams unless pushed by her gen mates or corpo mandates. No marathon streams. "Accidentally" broke her chum jar. etc etc etc. Still make more than half a million within a year. How does she do it?

>> No.6694754
Quoted by: >>6695027

30 mins for each girl and then ending on a collab is a great setup.
One thing you missed is that Hololive don't release talents very often. There is big gap between gen 4 to gen 5. Id1 to Id2 and even EN1 to Vsinger. If we are assuming that the core audience for all three branches are somewhat different, you can assume that the anticipation is already at its peak by the time they release any info so having a day for 1 talent is doable. NiniEN has only been here for 2 months.

>> No.6694814
Quoted by: >>6695153

Mikochi is joining numberfags gang


>> No.6694872
Quoted by: >>6695311 >>6695684

Is this thread going to be Holowank thread from now on? Because there's no way people will be able to notice Niji's pathetic numbers without Vnuma

>> No.6694973

You can say the same for Ina, Polka, Suisei, Mio and Choco. You might be surprised but there's a number of them that don't do SC reading streams after a game. Miko for one plays a lot of games like gta that don't even have SCs allowed.

>> No.6695027
Quoted by: >>6695281

I think Hololive did hype build up better this time.
The countdown stream without any information made the hololive fanbase go crazy for a whole day.

>> No.6695111

>Dark blue is Shion. Yellow is Haachama.

Shion -> 10k
Haachama -> 10k
110k + 20k -> 130k, this number is equivalent to Marine's 1M event. But Shion and Haachama haven't streamed in awhile, so they'll get higher than 130k, but idk what the peak would be. Return streams for holo are outliers.

>> No.6695153

Elite weekly song ranking

>> No.6695281

No ads though and the MV for her first single is cut in half because they overproduced it. Sad because the good part was the second half of the song. She also was locked in Twitter jail for the whole duration. Clips of holos getting hyped about the new talent and the memes about her being Kanata and Towa's kid salvaged it.

>> No.6695311
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, the toya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a nijifag who is in these threads even i don't care enough to keep an eye on all the streams and post about who randomly gets 2k USD in superchat for the day because he mentioned his roof is leaking, you friends are on your own now!

>> No.6695393
Quoted by: >>6695753 >>6695792

Not like Hololive needs ads to get people to know about their upcoming gen.

>> No.6695564

The power of memes and clips that holos have is strong and helped IRyS growth.
But I doubt her debut would had terrible numbers without them.

>> No.6695616
Quoted by: >>6695755

Rosemi is at 8.8k right now. 15mins in.

>> No.6695684

There has to be some other autist that will make a site right?

>> No.6695753
Quoted by: >>6696242

If Holo were to put ads for debuts or concerts, which audience should they target?
Vtuber tag is out of question since that would be a waste money.
I'm thinking of anime and JRPG, but holo gets shilled pretty often in those fandoms. idk what else.

>> No.6695755
Quoted by: >>6696333 >>6696365

Amelia unironically has more viewers playing fucking Apex. Holy shit NijiEN is even deader than I thought.

>> No.6695792

They needs ads on non-vtuber but JP-adjacent crowd to expand their market though. I think the well has dried out on the audience that is attracted from clips.
But I dunno I'm just speculating maybe the numbers post-coco grad can tell us if the incline is getting bigger.

>> No.6696242

I honestly don't know where. Just the fact that her senpais discussed about her is already enough promotion already for me. They all have a big audience. It also helps that clippers took those moments and shared it which spread it even more. Hololive is good with hyping up each other

>> No.6696261
Quoted by: >>6696412

Debut numbers seem to be just about the same as the last wave. It's good that they kept the audience but I don't think they were able to grow them at all

>> No.6696333

She bas 12k now but stream is about to end

>> No.6696365

She's at 11k now, so not anymore. For some reason, Niji is doing that commentator thing again and Pomu is stealing 5k views from Rose girl's debut.

>> No.6696412
Quoted by: >>6696984

Their audience are mostly holofags who pretend they know nijisanji so yeah, the numbers arent that great

>> No.6696565

Wait, they're doing the commentary shit again?! FUUCKING DUMBAASSSES!

>> No.6696644
Quoted by: >>6696984

Most of those 5k are repeat viewers on both streams anyway.

>> No.6696770

>11k on a hyped up debut
>Ame has 10k on a fucking run of the mill Apex stream
What an absolute travesty. Just close the fucking branch Nijisanji. Dead on Arrival.

>> No.6696817
Quoted by: >>6697343

Rosemi peaked at 12,354 viewers. Less than Pomu.

>> No.6696832
Quoted by: >>6697513

Rose confirmed miki



>> No.6696984
Quoted by: >>6697157

Yeah I'm believing this rrat. NijiEN audience are contrarian HoloFags.

Youtube doesn't work that way. Tabbed out theory is the prevailing theory on how viewers are not counted.

>> No.6697157
Quoted by: >>6700288

It feels like the old counting method is in effect for the "waiting" and then the new method is applied when it's switched to "live viewers".

>> No.6697182

The numbers are actually on the lower side, 12.5k for Rose. huh? Petra could get higher than Elira at least seeing she's the most hype being HER and all to compete with Gura

>> No.6697213

Penguin already beat Elira's numbers. I kneel.

>> No.6697343

Damn I didn't expect that, even if it was by such a little difference.
If Petra doesn't surpass Elira's numbers I will be disappointed.

>> No.6697411

These NijiEN numbers are really bad. Hopefully they scrap the idea for more waves after this disaster.

>> No.6697513

She sounds like her

>> No.6697534

no one can beat this intro

>> No.6697549

Petra is winning through the power of cunny and penguin alone.

>> No.6697888

What's the numbers so far? I ain't giving views to these low view streams just to check numbers, when that's going to affect their viewer numbers.

>> No.6697973


>> No.6697989
Quoted by: >>6698184 >>6698762

The numbers are bad, that is all you need to know. Amelia playing Apex has more numbers.

>> No.6698101

Based double-slit poster.

>> No.6698184

I'm actually watching ame. She makes this game bearable.

>> No.6698421

see >>6692478
rose same view as pomu and penguin same as elira. idk bout the next one yet.

>> No.6698535

Well that definitely isn't going to beat gura. The voice feels fake like anime dubs

>> No.6698548
Quoted by: >>6698783

You can still somewhat check using Nijidex section in Holodex, that is what I do to peek at their numbers without giving one.

>> No.6698666

They are overlapping with LazuLight this time. It's obviously much worse than overlapping with random Indogs. Why is Nijisanji so fucking retarded?

>> No.6698717
Quoted by: >>6698819

Seems she ahrdcapped at 15k
to be honest the fake voice is a debuff.
And her snow halation was weak.

>> No.6698762
Quoted by: >>6700854

Stop lying. I'm watching Ame over Petra rn too, but come on.
Petra: 15k
Ame: 9k

>> No.6698783
Quoted by: >>6699134

those numbers are always delayed.

>> No.6698819

She was being hyped up as the next Gura so that was a let down.
Then again, never compare anyone to Gura.

>> No.6699039

Petra peaked at 15,312 viewers. 500 more than Elira.
Also why is everyone obligated to say they love Nijisanji?

>> No.6699078
File: 324 KB, 796x549, Petragurin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6699296


>> No.6699094

was that in the first batch goals? i dont rememeber it.

>> No.6699134

Better than nothing and easy to use.

>> No.6699296

Boomer corporate marketing skills, think brand loyalty and virality can be induced through catchphrase.

Thanks anon

>> No.6699429

At least Selen will beat Finana (0) that's for sure.

>> No.6699523
Quoted by: >>6700126

>14k waiting down to 8k live viewers
What the fuck Youtube

>> No.6699580

so did Fishtank/Meme review not really debuff NijiEN gen 1 as much as expected, or is this second batch weaker? They're pulling about the same numbers when they've got everything wide open for them right now

>> No.6699811
Quoted by: >>6700812

Everyone's watching Apex

>> No.6699991

First wave had that "New shiny toy" buff. I really do think they would've gotten at least 20k if the timeslot was wide open.

>> No.6700126

Numbers fucked somehow? Been 5 minutes and her live viewers still aren't as high as waiting numbers

>> No.6700200
Quoted by: >>6701295

Are you new?
This has been the case since December of last year.

>> No.6700288
Quoted by: >>6700958

If you're watching numbers for a long time you will notice that there is barely overlap for the live audience of NijiJP and HoloJP.

We can't conclude anything on the EN audience because the time zones vary a lot and barely overlap.

This rrat is looking true
>Their audience are mostly holofags who pretend they know nijisanji so yeah, the numbers arent that great

See this >>6697157

>> No.6700329

Evenyone drops numbers when streams start
Stop finding excuses

>> No.6700543

I think gen1 debuff hour rrat is dead now. Their audience is simply different, Nijis debut all the time and west viewers hardly notice it, but a Holo debuts in any branch and west viewers will attend.

>> No.6700584

Currently at 13K. Finana I think was at 16k+ or something when she was having tech issues. This may actually support my theory that the audience for NijiEN barely grew (if it even did) at all. There's a real high chance that they're gonna cannabalize each others viewers assuming none of them give a fuck about overlapping with each other

>> No.6700616

To be fair maybe half of the recent hololive debuts will also talk about liking hololive, though I don't recall any of them actually putting it up in their likes, on-screen.

>> No.6700773

>This may actually support my theory
is a fact
will only be more obcious when they overlap

>> No.6700812

that's me. i'm watching elu play apex instead. almost diamond.

>> No.6700854
Quoted by: >>6701352

NTA but how long did she retain the 15K?
When people here said she got more than Eliria's I went to see myself but at that point it was at 12.8K

>> No.6700885
Quoted by: >>6701046 >>6701117

On the other hand having 6 people might help them grow faster since they have more members to play off now. But for that I reckon they need to pray Cover doesn't drop the holoEN2 bomb this month. Give them a few more months to grow and they should be fine.

>> No.6700947
Quoted by: >>6701168 >>6701265

For fairness, would you think it's weird that future gens of Hololive debuts say they love Hololive? If that's not weird, then Niji debuts saying they love Nijisanji isn't weird either.

>> No.6700958

Gura got 17k playing MC in JP primetime and then got 22k on her regular timeslot. We can conclude from that the audience for her at least are in NA primetime. This cannot be said for some JP talents like Marine who got 22k playing MC NA primetime. Fubuki also still maintains her range of 8-13k when streaming NA primetime.

>> No.6701046
Quoted by: >>6701393

August and September are both really busy for Holo, Its almost guaranteed that they will debut later this month.

>> No.6701117
Quoted by: >>6701485 >>6701740

If i am cover's executive, i will drop the announcement next week, be fucking ruthless.

>> No.6701168

I mean a lot of people had issues with Kiara fangirling Peko so much on her debut... so maybe? Also, that neck... I can't fucking unsee it.

>> No.6701173

Selen peaked at 14,230 viewers

>> No.6701265

Some of them already mention it on their debuts. Not all of them put it up on a slide as a bullet point and talk about wanting to spread hololive love to more people. If any future hololive gen all have "Likes: Hololive" in their debut presentations then I can see it being the same.

>> No.6701275
Quoted by: >>6701448

Rosemi: 26.7k
Selen: 26.8k
Petra: 31.3k

Rosemi: 33.4k
Selen: 33.5k
Petra: 39.5k

>> No.6701287
File: 582 KB, 778x543, Selentatsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6713141

14k+ views. I didn't catch the rose girl, what's her number?

>> No.6701295

I've watched HoloEN on and off since their debut, basically just watching when I see them in my subs tab so I've never noticed waiting vs live viewers

>> No.6701348
Quoted by: >>6701567 >>6701615

They had ads and streamlabs on for debut. Can't they just hide a bit better to not show that they're milking as much money from livers? I realized they're also streaming 7 times a week without a salary.

>> No.6701352

barely she was going 14.8k most of the time.

>> No.6701393
Quoted by: >>6701463 >>6701485

Hey, I could see Cover just debuting EN gen 2 over gen 5's anniversaries and fucking them over again.

>> No.6701448
Quoted by: >>6701832 >>6705307

Ankimo killed 2

>> No.6701463

same day? not gonna happen

>> No.6701485
Quoted by: >>6701933

Or maybe there was a leak that Cover will release Gen2 on July so companies scrambled to release them before Cover does.
And before anyone tells me 2 months for NijiEN was planned, 2 is just arbitrary and could have been 3 or 4.

This could happen and Cover will just say its Hololive Month.

>> No.6701547

So looking at their stream times.
They will all overlap (they all stream in the same 6 hour window)
A+ for scheduling.

>> No.6701567
Quoted by: >>6701744

youtube runs ads on non-monetized videos too now

>> No.6701615
Quoted by: >>6701972

Main english channel is also monetized kek

>> No.6701656 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6701762

NijiEN's future.

>> No.6701740

I don't believe HoloEN2 debuts before IRyS has her collabs with the rest of HoloEN. That would be around 1 month after her debut, unless something changes.

>> No.6701744

yeah, w/c is kinda annoying that my playlist of music have 2 ads on each of them even tho they are anime/nightcore music

>> No.6701762

Their male wing should see significant audience growth. It would be better for NijiEN as a whole but the Lazulight/Obsydia girls would have to hope they don't end up going the way of the NijiJP girls.

>> No.6701832

I kneel Ankimo, sasuga tutorial boss

>> No.6701852
File: 713 KB, 1941x2117, 3467346346346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their future. 4 more later this year then another gen (nijimale).

>> No.6701875

Good morning manjisanji schizo

>> No.6701933

I get the smaller agencies rushing, but wouldn't it be smarter for NijiEN to release wave 2 later? Doing it too early is like putting all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.6701972

that ok, as long as they dont do memberships becasue that is just fucking reatrded

>> No.6702180

One gen every 2-3 months just like EN is starting to project.

>> No.6702182
Quoted by: >>6702449 >>6702512

I heard they have another batch(mixed boys and girls) on the way already, maybe that's why?

>> No.6702236
Quoted by: >>6705438

I don't see any problem with gen 2 debuting next month with other anniversaries, just don't put them on same days. It will make the whole month a holo festival, non stop hololive. Remember the month when cover did the multiple outfit reveals and those build hype around each other and buff each other.

>> No.6702287
Quoted by: >>6702526

Boomer Company pls understand.
They think first mover advantage means to saturate the market first.

>> No.6702408
Quoted by: >>6702512 >>6702689

HoloEN 2 is going to mog these Niji debuts so bad. As a number fag the numbers on these debuts offends me. Truly pathetic.

>> No.6702449
Quoted by: >>6702764 >>6702941

Wave 1: Lazulight & Obsydia
Wave 2: The 4 silhouette girls
Wave 3: Males
This is how Nijisanji has always operated.

>> No.6702512

Honestly I think this will just sour NijiEN fans opinions. Especially if Nijisanji starts showing its way of just not supporting the low earners.
Really goes to show how much of those ad paid million views on the trailer really mattered.

>> No.6702526
Quoted by: >>6702722

>first mover advantage
>july 2021
they're a good 10 months too late for that or over a year if you count the beginning of the en vtuber boom which was sometime in march

>> No.6702689
Quoted by: >>6702897

It's worrying that there's no growth since the first gen. All of lazulight is over 100k subs now yet the same amount of people showed up for the new debuts.

>> No.6702722

Which is why its boomer thinking, timescales of months are nothing for top management, when in reality content creators live and die by the day.

>> No.6702724

this retards never learn, repeating the same mistakes over and over

>> No.6702764

>4 silhouette
I thought there were only 3 of them?
>wave 3: male
So it isn't a mix wave like in the other branches?

>> No.6702800

Fuck this shit, also why i dislike niji, feels like throwing out multiple tools and see which one sticks and grow your company name only. At least yagoo didn't debut a new gen of holostars because they are struggling and now they are inclining. Niji should put some fucking faith on their own talents.

>> No.6702846
Quoted by: >>6703026

They're kinda stuck in a shit situation. Debut before and get mogged by Hololive a couple weeks later or debut later and lose all interest in your debuts cause Hololive.
The collab ban actually helps Hololive because it gives them the second wave of hype when/if the new wave starts collabing with other girls and branches.

>> No.6702876
Quoted by: >>6702963

6 is still manageable and even good for collabs but if they do debut another 3 EN girls this year it's fucking over

>> No.6702885
Quoted by: >>6703026 >>6703349

Okay, so what's the point of getting an Apex pred for the gen? It's popular for JOPs yeah, but they're not gonna watch her play it. She doesn't speak that much JP. The game does not appeal to the global audience too. It didn't get into the top ranked game to stream a while ago

>> No.6702897

Let's be fair here, this strategy worked in Japan, and they haven't debuted new Japanese livers in a long time now after seeing Serene fail to capture any new fans.

>> No.6702938
Quoted by: >>6703075

ding ding ding. Nijisanji has always been trash. They are going to flood the market with shitty EN vtubers and its going to burn everybody out on the entire thing. Makes me appreciate Hololive ever more.

>> No.6702941
Quoted by: >>6703082

>Wave 1: Lazulight & Obsydia
Obsydia is wave 2

>> No.6702963
Quoted by: >>6703236

Well Yagoo even told us his philosophy on this.
He doesn't believe he should release another gen until there is market demand for one.
They're doing the 4 pre-made ones and the male wave this year.
Because Nijisanji was the only big player at the time. Hololive was a nobody and .LIVE and upd8 imploded.

>> No.6703005

Strategy only worked since they're the only top agency at the time. Now 2020 happened, and vtubers inclined as a whole and now everyone's getting on it.

>> No.6703025

Well, the strategy was working in Japan because they are the first mover. Obviously, it isn't working in EN because they aren't the first mover

>> No.6703026
Quoted by: >>6703156 >>6704750

If they debut later they have the option of adjusting their streaming styles to play up what holoEN gen 2 might theoretically lack, put some of that Nijisanji creative freedom to use. That'd help their debuts catch more attention.
The JOPs will watch her play if she's as good as people say, expect her to be the most in-demand NijiEN for JP collabs very soon.

>> No.6703075

Given who they're hiring, they're not flooding the market with anything new. They're just repackaging the existing scene.

>> No.6703082

No, Pomu literally said it's a staggered release of Wave 1.

>> No.6703132


Why does everyone have a massive dip right around the same time? Did youtube purge subs en mass?

>> No.6703156
Quoted by: >>6703339

She doesn't speak Japanese.
Bura is popular because of two reason:
1. She did VERY well in the Hal's Apex tournament.
2. She only speaks Japanese in her streams now.

>> No.6703185

Go change the wiki then

>> No.6703236

Yagoo has this believe about debuting a new gen every 4-6 months it gives the previous girls enough time to grew a solid fanbase and makes every debut a special occasion

>> No.6703243

Their official reddit says it's a second wave

>> No.6703294
Quoted by: >>6703772

Apex numbers for western scene ain't that big, only shiv, timmyz, aceu and hal have good numbers. Euriece numbers are high because he has a jp audience lol.

>> No.6703301
File: 73 KB, 284x485, wave 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6703339

Huh, guess she better start learning the language then, at least enough of it so she can communicate simple locations and directions in APEX.

>> No.6703348

It's the same shit with costumes.
You notice how Coco got her addidas costume and a month or two later got her fully rigged dragon pajama costume due to graduation?
They're spread apart intentionally so there's always hype about a costume.

>> No.6703349

It's a misconception to think that the JP audience won't watch an EN chuuba unless they speak jap, if anything it is the opposite. if they wanted to listen to people speaking jap they have a whole bunch of chuubas to choose from. the type of japanese fan that would watch an EN branch to begin with probably doesn't care or even wants them to speak english

>> No.6703388

at this point the more "real" personality streamer type vtuber is getting saturated. Vtubers are going to have to adapt with new technology or something special to stand out.

>> No.6703432
Quoted by: >>6704708

Any bets the song is gonna have ads too and gets boosted by numbers?

>> No.6703469
Quoted by: >>6704747 >>6705839

Both HoloJP and NijiJP have not debuted any new additions for a year now, I bet any new appearances would be a special occasion for both agencies and draw pretty big numbers.

>> No.6703739

And he would be right. No wonder Hololive has been mogging Nijisanji since mid-2020 at least. They aren't run by a zoomer schizo who needs to see new toys every other month.

>> No.6703772
Quoted by: >>6703976

Yeah , if apex girl wants to succeed in a big way she needs the jp audience and nijisanji's jp audience is a bunch of disloyal bitches.

>> No.6703976

anon if apex girl wants to succeed she needs to go esports or be a twitch streamer.
But since she isn't then she already washed out.
There is a reason e-sports players tend to fade into obscurity.

>> No.6704138

They auditioned at the same time, but it's wave 2. The kemonomimi chicks are going to be wave 3 as seen from the name of the audition image. The boys will be slotted in after them in a probably wave 3.5 sort of deal.

>> No.6704594

How nice of Irys to drop her cover on the same day as NijiEN gen2's debut. We can actually numberfag the views of both songs since they're released on the same day.

>> No.6704648

Niji's is gonna get boosted by ads. same way the Lazulight one got boosted.

>> No.6704708

That is not even a bet, just a company standard at this point.
The song views will get a hard stop anyways once the adds are removed, just like it happened with the first song.

>> No.6704747

I bet they were trying to debut JP6 after EN but after seeing the huge succes of EN they decided to put EN2 before and JP6 to the end of this year

>> No.6704750
Quoted by: >>6705051

> creative freedom
I find it more interesting when the talents try to work with the restriction and pull ahead like what Ame does once a week. It gives off the illusion that they could perform better than performers with trashy taste.

>> No.6704814

Who made the announcement first?

>> No.6704919

nijianji is really good at pushing their songs on youtube, they must have learned all the sony tricks.

>> No.6704970

>really good
they just buy ads, at least for en

>> No.6704978

Obsydia will get the advantage and reach 1M first and then stop, IRyS cover will surpass it in a week or so and continue growing.

>> No.6705051
Quoted by: >>6705159 >>6705276

There's the concept in art circles that "restrictions breed creativity".

Given the budget to do anything? You end up getting the best tools and paints.

Forced to scrounge from a dollar store for your supplies?

You can end up.with some really out-there solutions because you have no other choice.

Now, given how heavy-handed management has been from the stories, they could lighten up a bit, but it definitely shouldn't be viewed as "all restrictions BAD".

>> No.6705109
File: 1.58 MB, 904x863, buildings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6705180 >>6706165

They're extremely well-connected with major record labels, I don't think people actually understand just how much bigger they are. Pic related, left is the building where Cover's office is, right is where you can find AnyColor.

>> No.6705123
Quoted by: >>6705219

They have great starts but have lower legs than holo songs

>> No.6705159
Quoted by: >>6706063

A lot of the restrictions sound more like bureaucratic paperwork than actual rejections: see Kanata dropping DolUta because it was too much work to file reports every week. They definitely need to cut down on the red tape so that the streamers can be more responsive.

>> No.6705180
Quoted by: >>6705226 >>6705265

I don't know that an office room in a big building filled with other offices really means anything.

>> No.6705213
File: 25 KB, 658x223, 438638468346346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6708877

the jp boomer buying ads vs the kpop number pushing views

>> No.6705219
Quoted by: >>6705265

Never saw a source, but Niji fans always said their discs sold better than holos.

>> No.6705226

Prices are far higher in Tokyo Midtown whether you're renting or purchasing.

>> No.6705245

what's wrong with cuckbeats?

>> No.6705265

Higher rent I guess.
It’s like tech firms who build a giant campus to show off.
Only palette does iirc.

>> No.6705276
Quoted by: >>6705410 >>6708969

Yeah, I kinda see it. Niji's have all the creative freedom but only the actual creative people can use it like Mayazumi and Mito. While someone like Ame and Haachama can work around restrictions because a truly creative person can always work around it.

>> No.6705307

My nigga ankimo is ruthless

>> No.6705410

An artist can make great innovations upon limitations.

>> No.6705438
Quoted by: >>6705557

Yeah. Idk why anons said they wouldnt do it cause anniversaries. In fact i could totally see them drop the EN2 right after EN1 anniv week

>> No.6705557

EN2 to drop on EN1 anniversary is too late imo.

>> No.6705572
Quoted by: >>6705688

Welcome to nijisanji. Their brand name matter most and their talents are just another part timers. And nijiniggers will still defend them. Talking about corporate bootlicker

>> No.6705688
Quoted by: >>6705925

The worst thing is that the new EOPs that came for nijiEN actually believe it's a small indie company or something because they are not as big as hololive in the west

>> No.6705839

There's a reason for it. For cover it's probably to stabilize their inner management first and build a solid office team. As for anykara, they seem to saw there's no point in hiring any rando with half of interest in vtubing and go with that academy thingy to filter them en masse.

>> No.6705895

Rushia anniversary SC prediction?

>> No.6705925

>small indie company
You got any sources/screens of this? Might be worth a laugh.

>> No.6705990
Quoted by: >>6709515

Is it a cover if it's a original by other holo?
>Hololive: Can You Do the hololive?
>Kanata: Ahoy!
Are those covers too?

>> No.6706063

Cover doesnt have the massive connection anycara have. Please understand, like for real. They are only small time agencies that got lucky to struck gold

>> No.6706165
Quoted by: >>6706198

Makes it that much more amazing that Hololive routinely mogs them on a consistent basis with much less resources. Even Hololive music performs a lot better on youtube than Nijisanji music does.

>> No.6706198

Is it the same on Oricon?
I notice a lot of Hololive music charts on Oricon as well.

>> No.6706246
Quoted by: >>6706795 >>6707038

Do you watch those weekly song rankings? The top 10 is always dominated by Hololive while the highest ranking Niji song is in the 30's. Nijisanji music doesn't even do better than whatever group Kaf and Rim are a part of. Hololive music does MUCH better than Niji music.

>> No.6706795
Quoted by: >>6707063 >>6707134

Never seen a mixed ranking of Holo and Niji in the same video, only on separate videos of different channels, much like week/month subs count comparison or ranking videos.

>> No.6707038

Kaf and Rim are part of Kamisubaki Studio, the all stars of Vsinger

>> No.6707063

There's one that gets posted weekly that does a comparison of Youtube V-tuber originals by Views Per Week.

Guess what song has been sitting as king for the past few weeks?

>> No.6707134


The most recent one

>> No.6707224

Not that one this one:

>> No.6707479
File: 13 KB, 475x152, 43683847634636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6707638 >>6710146

baseball love!

>> No.6707532
Quoted by: >>6707840

I’ll never understand the Japanese autistic love for baseball.

>> No.6707638
Quoted by: >>6709846

This is NijiJP territory until the big Finals pretty much. Not entirely unexpected, and expecting +30k at least on the finals compared to last year.

>> No.6707717

Damn you KFPfags almost made me give her one view

>> No.6707816

>The flower peaked 3k faster than her senpais

>> No.6707840

I could say the same about American football

>> No.6708025
Quoted by: >>6708225 >>6708701

Interesting how the channel has such few views compared to dedicated Holo or Niji channels with the same idea and less effort, having as the description says 2,563 tracked songs including indies.

>> No.6708134

Where is my football chuubas at? Cover please? Football watchalong, football games and fantasy football chuuba.

>> No.6708225

This appears to be someone's personal channel, that isn't SEO optimized (channel name, meta tags) and is more of a nice little thing to share amongst the numbers thread unlike say.....

>> No.6708701
Quoted by: >>6708856

I wouldn't say the dedicated channels have less effort, if anything they have more and that is why they are a lot more popular. The one I linked is great because it tracks all vtubers and not just Holo/Niji but its pretty bare bones. The dedicated ones have all the fancy editing/transitions that draw people in.

>> No.6708724

I always wonder how the hell the Hololive intro song always gets near top 10.

>> No.6708766

Do we have a ratio of which holo is lewded the most in art?
Also, do we have a way to pull up all lewd art of a holo on twitter?

>> No.6708856

Well I see more effort tracking 2,563 songs from holos/nijis/other/indies at the same time.
And the fact that he has to edit a top 100 instead of top 30/50 to display his numbers widely.

>> No.6708877
Quoted by: >>6709042

This has really slowed down in pace hasn't it? It had a fast sprint but now I'm not sure it'll be able to catch up to RIP.

>> No.6708969
Quoted by: >>6709626 >>6709700

Ame has been doing animal review streams and subaru is currently looking at things under a microscope. Does that count?

>> No.6709042

It will eventually, though it will probably take a few months to get there. It's still gaining 200k views a week which is more than most Holo originals

>> No.6709257
Quoted by: >>6709788

RIP is gaining ~400k views a week after ~9 months
Reflect is gaining 750k views 3 weeks.

We'll see how it looks in a few months when (hopefully) Gura has released more songs on her channel.

>> No.6709262
Quoted by: >>6709788

This week still had 750k

>> No.6709463
Quoted by: >>6709788

>200k a week? >>6707224 shows that it's gaining nearly double RIP's views weekly.

>> No.6709515
Quoted by: >>6709656 >>6710121

Yes, they are. Do you have a different term in mind?

>> No.6709626

That's cute but no

>> No.6709656

Yep, they're still covers. You can put them under "Hololive Originals" though since they're different in that they still originate from Hololive.

>> No.6709700

Not that anon, but yes, i am glad ame is trying different things too. No offence to coco, but i think she just ran out of ideas on what to do.

>> No.6709788

That'll teach me to recite numbers from memory

>> No.6709846

August and September are packed with Holo events, too. Sport festival will begin in October.

>> No.6709913

Nice move kfpfag kekek

>> No.6710064
Quoted by: >>6710114 >>6710593

>she just ran out of ideas on what to do
Nah. I feel she got demoralized from being isolated by the whole anti situation plus being cucked by the management on top of that.

>> No.6710114
Quoted by: >>6710593

>isolated by the whole anti situation

>> No.6710121
Quoted by: >>6710621

Most of the weekly song rankings don't even track this type of songs, not in covers and not in originals.
Can You Do the hololive? beyond the stage isn't listed by these channels and yet it has more than 12M views.

>> No.6710146
File: 22 KB, 408x197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6710314

31k now

>> No.6710211
Quoted by: >>6710578

Today is Rushia´s anniversary so I guess despite not having vnuma available she will take the top 1

>> No.6710312
File: 439 KB, 1193x2260, E6ik5saVgAcVywb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6710314

I'm still surprised they're doing PowaPro and not the brand new Konami baseball game that just came out, since that also has a Koshien mode.

>> No.6710359
Quoted by: >>6711452

maybe permissions

>> No.6710407
Quoted by: >>6710447 >>6710596

They're being sponsored for the one they're doing aren't they?

>> No.6710436

I think Coco's creativity is more applicable for the Management/business side of things. Asacoco, meme review, pitching for HoloEn and HoloES are things that someone in a suit would be endorsing in a board meeting so no wonder she applied for a managerial position initially when she went to Cover. Ame and Haachama's creativity are more applicable for the streaming/entertainment side.

>> No.6710447

No idea, if I was Konami I would want them to shill the brand new game instead of one that can be picked up used for 2000 yen.

>> No.6710538

They're specifically being sponsored for PowaPro.

>> No.6710546

Normally I would applaud Luna for taking the imitative and streaming at these hours but she is against some big numbers today. At least the electone is getting good numbers.

>> No.6710578
Quoted by: >>6710707

Pekora only had 40k for her ani, so no.

>> No.6710593

Quick rundown based off what COCO has said and what's been observed.
>Management was getting antsy with how Coco would always skirt the line and find Loopholes. Coco herself said she would often find loopholes, exploit them, and management would say "Okay you got us, but please don't do that again".
>Then the Taiwan Yab happened
>Management, the cowards they were, feared the risks of antis spreading to the rest of Holomembers. Instead of working with Youtube to fast-track some sort of anti-spam measures for livestreams, they isolated her from many of the official programs and restricted her ability to collab (see, no Hologra appearances until graduation week)
>EN managers being massive cucks, ghosted Coco instead of being honest and saying "We're concerned at the moment about what Chinese Antis would do to the EN Branch". Fucking bastards. EN MANAGERS HATE
>Coco begins comparing herself to her coworkers and friends since she no longer had the freedom to try things out that she did previously. Rather than devolve into a number-fagging jealous whore, she decides that she'd sooner graduate. Anti-pressure and spam amplify ongoing conflicts over restrictions (That are in place due to management being overtly risk-averse after YT shadowbans and Capcom+Nintendo Copyright holocaust in 2020)

Ultimately, it was incompetent management that felt safety > risk and innovation, and Coco understood it, as Cover started getting approached for sponsored content after the success of the Currey Meshi ads. This, combined with the fact that she DOES care for those still in Hololive means she would never, ever, EVER burn her bridges with Cover, even if she definitely sounds like she had some grounds to despise the middle management that fucked her over.

>> No.6710596
Quoted by: >>6710843

I dont see the "includes paid promotion" thing

>> No.6710621
Quoted by: >>6710698

This ranking is one of the most recent and popular about all time viewed hololive songs, it includes originals and covers.

Can You Do the hololive? Beyond the Stage has 12M views a cover of an original is not present.

>> No.6710675
Quoted by: >>6710798 >>6711082

Can someone fill me in jun channel live viewers avg. He's literally beating some of the world most popular twitch streamer in numbers while being a japanese in youtube.

>> No.6710698
Quoted by: >>6711190

Well the same channel placed Kanata's Ahoy in originals.

>> No.6710707
Quoted by: >>6710811 >>6710908

Rushia´s 2nd anniversary is a 3D live with guests


So yes, she´s going to take top 1 today unless something bigger shows up

>> No.6710752
Quoted by: >>6710897

Yeah, the company is a numberfag at heart and chose to optimize to the most relevant number for them
Makes sense too considering that’s what actually pays the wages.

>> No.6710798
Quoted by: >>6710938

Isn’t he their Pewds?

>> No.6710811

Blue = Shion
Red = Ayame
Purple = Okayu
Light blue = Pekora
Yellow = Haachama

>> No.6710843
Quoted by: >>6710970 >>6711045

>I dont see the "includes paid promotion" thing
Draft's stream had it, last year the winners were added in the game as DLC characters, and they're also in the mobile game. Konami loves them.


>> No.6710897

True. I can see why coco cant help but still helping them despite all that. This past year was their one and only chance to get more sponsors. If coco was a bitch she could ruin them all like that Sio bitch from .LIVE. Thank god she cares a lot about the girls and seeing them as friends instead of just passing coworker

>> No.6710902

at least post kson's membership post to prove your dead rrat

>> No.6710908
Quoted by: >>6711106

The first place will be Jun or a news channel.

>> No.6710938

That swedoid livestream numbers isn't something noteworthy compared to his sub numbers

>> No.6710968
Quoted by: >>6711496

>ever, EVER burn her bridges with Cover
She did literally that when she decided to leave, retard.

>> No.6710970
Quoted by: >>6711134 >>6711153

Konami the pachinko game maker?
>niji plays pachinko
Konami the one who forced graduated their top talent
>niji graduated lulu
Konami who by rumors are run by yakuza
>niji rumored to be a black company

Wow so rrats are true sometimes.

>> No.6711045
Quoted by: >>6711111

then only the streams on niji ch are sponsored

>> No.6711053


>> No.6711082
File: 444 KB, 1193x2260, E5-oovdVcAIKHeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6716237

Korekore got this number a week before for the reference

>> No.6711099

Is that the real Shohei Ohtani? Probably not since he would probably be much higher considering he is the biggest celebrity in Japan right now.

>> No.6711106

this is a vtuber board anon, we only care about chuubas numbers

>> No.6711111
Quoted by: >>6711614

They're all sponsered, they have a deal with the agency.

>> No.6711134
Quoted by: >>6711241

Sort your "facts" already, is that Konami cotrolling them or Sony?

>> No.6711153

Kill yourself, you subhuman faggot.

>> No.6711160

Feels like Nijisanji only charts when its baseball, 3D streams or company wide collabs on the main channel.
They did get a pachinko buff last week though.

>> No.6711190

Weird, guess that means IRyS' cover of AZKi's song will be under originals as well?

>> No.6711214

And water is wet.

>> No.6711231

Top 2-3 of Manjisanji usually can make the charts as well, playing Apex.

>> No.6711237
Quoted by: >>6711902 >>6712426

Hololive only charts when it's costume streams, 3D streams or collabs, same shit, retard.

>> No.6711241

At this point should we really care who controls who? They're already deep in chink money and are currently losing money/popularity to their competitor. I just don't know how their company could improve the popularity of their bottom barrel livers. Sure, their business model on debuting livers is cheap, but when you look at nijiEN's schedules, they're doing one stream a day without any salary.

>> No.6711300
Quoted by: >>6711366

You don't watch them, know the names of any of them, and you're not even N5. Stick with talking about hololive.

>> No.6711332
Quoted by: >>6711456 >>6712506

rename the thread to nijianti thread already. you fags don't even have hiyoko anymore.

>> No.6711366
Quoted by: >>6711438

kek what are you so mad about? I'm just saying their company can't do shit to improve their livers.

>> No.6711438
Quoted by: >>6711793

I'm not mad, I'm just telling you to talk about people you know about, not to speculate and shitpost about a group you clearly don't like or have any knowledge, you just look stupid.

>> No.6711452

Aren't they partnered with Konami?

>> No.6711456

They can't talk about Nijisanji outside of narrative posting now since they don't know stream numbers anymore, no numbers no facts, rename the thread into Nijisanji anti and delusion general

>> No.6711496

cover didn't get any hate from graduating coco, at least not the huge amount that they deserve. and if anything cover burn it first by not helping and actually help anti by give them mod power.

>> No.6711525

Doesn't help that the day isn't done yet. Someone will go grab the Playboard numbers later. Until then we're just gonna be timelooping and spreading rrats.

>> No.6711609

there is no reason to make this thread anymore without hiyoko, the weekly thing that anon posts is garbage because of the real life streamers and youtubers. just nuke them, or make an anti thread already.

>> No.6711614

technically no, only the main channel is, but at the end of the day they will use the money to pay or invest in their chuuba so is the same.
To be honest all money from a sponsor streams goes to the company, maybe the chuubas get a better cut if the stream it on their channel, but the company decides what to do with it

>> No.6711788

If some of you get butthurt cause you can´t help but read the tribalshit comments then thats your problem, there are people here who wants to talk about chuubas numbers

>> No.6711793
Quoted by: >>6711901

>not to speculate and shitpost about a group
Do you even know which thread you're in right now? There's really no proof of numbers to show at the moment, but I've been observing numbers from both Holos and Nijis lately. I dont watch their streams, but only see the number of views in Holodex. They aren't as accurate per se, but some livers get below <200 views, JP ones are around 2-5k views. Higher compared to most indies yes, but I don't see them replacing niji's old guards if they ever graduate.

>> No.6711812

>I just don't know how their company could improve the popularity of their bottom barrel livers.
Maybe they should start by not recruiting so many in the first place, and let their chuubas cycle out first before adding more.

>> No.6711901

>I dont watch their streams
Yeah, I can tell. The issue is not the numberfagging, is your retarded rrat post early. Don't try to backpedal with >that's not me. Last (you).

>> No.6711902
Quoted by: >>6711997

We're on the numbers thread, don't take it personally. If you wanna tribal fag, go somewhere else.

>> No.6711965
File: 43 KB, 500x332, AF461E75-1931-44AB-89EB-ECF951DE60C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're doing one stream a day without any salary.
This will NEVER cease to be funny

>> No.6711997
Quoted by: >>6712426

>Feels like niji only charsts when it's x, y and z
>Well hololive is the same
>"Don't tribal fag!"

>> No.6712122

Can't believe that the only actually talented member of Hololive left them and the remaining are worse than Korekore and Jun

>> No.6712144
Quoted by: >>6712327

Jesas don't take NijEN's lackluster numbers to heart, I'm sure they'll do better when there's 12 of them by the end of the year.

>> No.6712252
File: 954 KB, 1461x828, E232D583-0C59-485D-BCD3-CF5166AE9C1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6712573

>Subaru gambled and made mad bucks on subaduck merch
So much management got amazed by it

>> No.6712278
Quoted by: >>6712465

But what will number obsessed schizos do with their life then? They need to post their schizo statistics and do their schizo calculations so people could thank them and make them feel needed. Are you telling them to kill themselves or something?

>> No.6712327
Quoted by: >>6712506 >>6712610

yeah, we know you hate nijiniggers.

>> No.6712426
Quoted by: >>6712512

>tell obvious lies
>cry when called out
Is this the legendary nijicope?

>> No.6712465
File: 592 KB, 825x1228, 1172159B-70EB-4CFD-8F54-B83E8D15D75A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6712562

Are you ok mate? You seem upset.

Here, have a cute cats hark to brighten your day with cuteness and big numbers

>> No.6712506
Quoted by: >>6712556 >>6712851

>come into numbers thread
>get offended when niggersanji gets btfo

>> No.6712512
Quoted by: >>6712551

>niji does ok numbers
>well hololive is better
Is this the legendary holofag mount complex?

>> No.6712551
Quoted by: >>6712594

>hololive charts 90% of the time
>nijisanji only charts during big events and Kuzuha/kanae apex
>somehow pointing this out offends you

>> No.6712556
Quoted by: >>6712614 >>6712684

nijianti thread...

>> No.6712562
Quoted by: >>6712774 >>6712939

Nope I just was the same worthless being as them several years ago. But then I've learnt to enjoy stuff without obsessing over numbers and pretending to be vtuber's manager and life got much better.

>> No.6712573

Now I really want a nousagi version

>> No.6712594
Quoted by: >>6715125

Hololive is not going to chart 90% of the time anymore with this current ranking, I don't see any of the holos being in the first place when they're against real life youtubers and streamers.

>> No.6712603
File: 53 KB, 1208x828, kore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6712660 >>6712673

Since we share this thread with regular streamers now, let's talk about Kore's numbers. He makes nijishits and holobronies seem like insignificant ants. Imagine having 100% of your subs watching your streams. Gura and her dead subs btfo out of the stratosphere.

>> No.6712610
Quoted by: >>6712644

Nijisanji doesn't pay their employees

>> No.6712614

You wanna cry about it?

>> No.6712644
Quoted by: >>6712731

sc and merch is their salary.

>> No.6712660
Quoted by: >>6712716 >>6712787

Literally who?

>> No.6712673

What does this guy do?

>> No.6712684

If you don't like it you're free to fuck off, or better yet rage and seethe in this thread because I can never get enough of nijiseethe in the morning

>> No.6712716
Quoted by: >>6712816

Dramatuber. Basically narukamishit but the real life version and actually successiful.

>> No.6712731
Quoted by: >>6712782 >>6712886

Hololive members also have those AND they actually get paid by their employer.

>> No.6712774
File: 25 KB, 500x460, i-deliberatley-entered-a-thread-full-of-things-that-i-28308860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6712850


>> No.6712782

Ssshhh dont tell them or cover wouldnt be a black company anymore

>> No.6712787

The Japanese Ethan Ralph

>> No.6712792
Quoted by: >>6712820

Is Vnuma fucking dead for good?

>> No.6712816

Damn. Nips love 'em drama huh

>> No.6712820

seems so

>> No.6712850

Kinda weird that your pic also have text when you're not able to read it properly.

>> No.6712851
Quoted by: >>6712906

>come into numbers thread
>see rratposting and offtopic screeching instead of fucking numbers

>> No.6712886

They get a minimun wage, don't they? It was just a small amount just for the sake of being actually hired as an "employee". I don't know why you newfags think that they're earning a lot from that, when all the holos said already that what makes them money is the sc.

>> No.6712906
Quoted by: >>6713117

The numbers are gone and they aren't coming back!!!!

We could use Holostats but half the fun of these threads is dunking on ass blasted Nijiniggers.

>> No.6712939
File: 447 KB, 626x885, CC5B3D05-80F6-45C3-9423-9F680FBDCDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6717548

>then I've learnt to enjoy stuff without obsessing over numbers
You surely seem to have replaced with
>obsessing about obsessing over numbers
Ironically that just increased your presence in this thread.

>> No.6712966
Quoted by: >>6713085 >>6713089

So? Even paying them 10 yen a year would be more than NOTHING which is what Niji pays their employees.

>> No.6713061
Quoted by: >>6713143

show me the stream where they say most of their income comes from SC

>> No.6713085

Isn't that's the point? Holos get a salary because they're actually employees, niji doesn't get a salary because they're just contract bound.

>> No.6713089
File: 46 KB, 600x603, 771DB5A4-06BF-41D4-8573-85690519B09D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about it: they could DOUBLE their salary working as maidos in this very board

>> No.6713117
Quoted by: >>6713284

How will holobronies survive without their falseflagging and rent free now? Will the itoddler ITT continue to ban evade and make more tribal threads?

>> No.6713132
Quoted by: >>6713245

Even if so, are you aware how much is minimum wage in Japan? It is enough for living a decent life, which some of nijis can't even afford without working an actual job.

>> No.6713141

Is that real? Apex for the entire week? Can't be...

>> No.6713143
Quoted by: >>6713215

Just pick any old Coco vod.

>> No.6713215
Quoted by: >>6713348

so only Coco and Rushia, good to know you were just cherry picking

>> No.6713245
Quoted by: >>6713271

Kanata said she was earning 20000 yen (200 bucks) before being monetized, so it's obviously a lot less than the minimun wage.

>> No.6713271
Quoted by: >>6713378


>> No.6713284

You seem buttblasted, are those nijichinkji accusations growing too much to bear?

>> No.6713348
Quoted by: >>6713378 >>6714202


>> No.6713378
Quoted by: >>6714202

meant for >>6713348

>> No.6713380
Quoted by: >>6713646

Welp, we needed a new thread anyway, tribalfags do your work

>> No.6713646

This thread will last for some 5 more hours

>> No.6713895

Damn, it's always super funny when Nijiniggers get assblasted in /numbers/ of all places.

>> No.6714202

Just saw it. Considering she’s selling merch in that stream and the cost comes out of their paychecks the 200 bucks must be the salary minus merch cost.

Happened to Lamy too, except in her case she went all in and her wage that month would be negative

>> No.6714818
File: 276 KB, 1086x688, 1B5DEB1F-B59B-42B5-A7EE-9C2BB1D856D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS: 500k before the end of the day?

>> No.6714880
Quoted by: >>6714976 >>6715178

Wait niji don't get paid for streaming? Jesus, i feel even more sad for nijiid.

>> No.6714976
Quoted by: >>6715043 >>6715178

>It's just parttime jobs, streaming is for fun
Is what nijiniggers would say. Idk about how much money they make under niji but even Mito, one of their top livers, was still worried about her income to do it full time. So yeah..

>> No.6715043

At least (I assume) Nijisanji pays a good health insurance for them, in case they fall to some sudden medical need

>> No.6715077


>> No.6715125

Holy cope. We're talking about vtuber numbers here faggot. Do we need to remind you the 491k to humble you down?

>> No.6715178
Quoted by: >>6715264 >>6715383

Stop acting like 200 bucks is any money at all. Hololive is pretty much doing it for free as well. It's not a real job, so they don't even get minimum wage.

>> No.6715264
File: 79 KB, 613x606, F19C058E-5C2A-4FA2-AEE1-41F3AF9CB59E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6715369

>pretty much doing it for free
That’s not what “for free” means

>> No.6715350


>> No.6715369

Indeed, doing it for free like a janny would mean that they wouldn't even get sc, merch or sponsorships deals, so fuck off with your meme stupid itoddler.

>> No.6715383
Quoted by: >>6715450

It's nothing if you're already huge but if you're someone like on the level of black shiba, every little bit helps. And you don't have to beg from your viewers for your pay rent cause that'd be embarrassing.

>> No.6715450
Quoted by: >>6715788

$200 isn't enough to pay anyone's rent.

>> No.6715499

You can't be this naïve

>> No.6715588

If the 20k yen salary is true, that salary + youtube revenue discounting membership, scs and merch is enough for the ids to survive without other work.

I pay almost the same amount to my labours too.

>> No.6715634

I really doubt they'd have so many livers if this were the case.

>> No.6715788
Quoted by: >>6715896

>$200 is still better than $0
>$200+SC is still better than $0+SC
What they're trying to say is as a big corpo, the least they could do is to pay a salary per hour or any monthly salary for their time & performance than pay none at all. Sure, it's better than being an indie and you're provided with a free model and opportunities that you don't get as an indie like 3D debuts or MVs but it's still gonna be a long way till that. The money helps. Look at how much streams NijiEN is doing in a week, and how they all had to rely on superchats and streamlabs as their main source of revenue.

>> No.6715896
Quoted by: >>6715939 >>6716153

You don't even watch Niji, the Nijisanji culture is to turn off superchats and usually only have it on for special occasions. They're really doing it for the love of vtubing and aren't in it for the money, compared to holos who monetize every single stream they can.

>> No.6715939
Quoted by: >>6716291

>they do it for free
>for the love of vtubing
That made it even sadder. Please stop “defending” it, you are making it look even worse

>> No.6716153
Quoted by: >>6716291

>they work for the enikara without compensation because they love doing it!
Black company? Black company

>> No.6716237
Quoted by: >>6716789


I didn't know YOASOBI did live streams.

>> No.6716291

Stop strawmanning, Nijisanji even gives them the option to Yell so they get extra money from voice packs that the company doesn't see a cent of. Not everything is about money and not every company is as greedy as Hololive.

>> No.6716330
Quoted by: >>6716388

Seriously people are defending niji for not paying their livers salary? Stop being a corporate shill and defend shitty greedy corporate practices. I shit on cover because some of them are clearly overwork like marine and aqua now.

>> No.6716388
Quoted by: >>6716532 >>6716681

>I shit on cover because some of them are clearly overwork like marine and aqua now.
Thing is, their managers tell them not to overwork themselves, but these girls are almost retarded, which is cute, so they get away with it.

>> No.6716443
Quoted by: >>6716544

Nijisanji may not pay a salary but at least (I assume) they don't give any preferential treatment for merch and sponsorship.
Even the smallest ones get the same access to them and the same level of highlight in the main channel

>> No.6716484
Quoted by: >>6716682 >>6717847

Nijisanji EN will never be successful, Sorry if people don't want to hear this but the market is completely owned by Holo, The IRyS sub/debut difference should be enough.
They should just focus on the JP branch or China where most of the success comes from because they have no chance of doing what Holo has done.

>> No.6716532
File: 64 KB, 834x476, 1611069427826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this, huh

>> No.6716544

You are talking about hololive there buddy. They have well balanced distributions of sponsors and events. Even low tier like Aki participate and got quite a few of product collabs. Unless the sponsors specified which talent they want to use (example Red Bull), cover will ask the talents if they wants to take it or nah. Niji might provide their talents with a booth but everything else is the same as other chuuba including holo

>> No.6716681

This is the problem with chuubas, they let corporation get advantages of them, same goes to nijiliver. They are pretty much celebs and they should have lawyers to negotiate better contract once their original contract expires. This is the internet age, it is not hard to find someone's roommate, just look at coco lol.

>> No.6716682
Quoted by: >>6716712

Given how many missteps hololive has made in the past year they won't own it for long. Especially if they keep scaring away talented indies with creative restrictions.

>> No.6716712

"creative restrictions"
not this fucking meme again.

>> No.6716779
File: 1.29 MB, 1216x814, schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6717938

She doesn't really think strategically at all, does she?

>> No.6716789

It was a one off, free youtube concert.

>> No.6717018

> Theatre by obvious falseflagger and holobronies

>> No.6717486
File: 404 KB, 920x829, 36383538393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad day for holokeks

>> No.6717517
Quoted by: >>6717541

You really feel like doing this on a day where Rushia is having a 3d live? Really nijikek?

>> No.6717541

>all me btw

>> No.6717548
Quoted by: >>6717631 >>6718241

Except I only visit these threads like several times a week to take pity of you guys.

>> No.6717556

arent holoshit "lives" just premieres now?

>> No.6717631
File: 276 KB, 498x399, laughing-chama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>several times a week

>> No.6717788
File: 21 KB, 345x188, firefox_uwZoEnycjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6717830

does this not have the Deron stream? I recorded a peal of 35k for that

>> No.6717830

It's just currently live numbers, an absolutely retarded metric which is why nobody uses them except for tribalniggers looking to start shit

>> No.6717847

I don't know about their Chinese branch but Nijisanji JP doesn't do well either. They're literally nothing without Kuzuha, that's not how the company should be, when Holo has like 20 people who are actually above Kuzuha, Cover can lose 10 of them and the company will still be doing fine while it'll be over for Nijisanji if they lose that one top guy.

>> No.6717938

Huh, so Towa kicked that Niji out of her team and replaced her with Met? Guess 774 being above Niji is real after all, the numbers don't show it but there must be something going on behind the scene.

>> No.6718022
File: 104 KB, 619x505, 204050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6718092 >>6718298


>> No.6718092
Quoted by: >>6718368

Post it again in 15 minutes, I dare you

>> No.6718241


>> No.6718298

Rushia will mogged them for sure, including yesterday's baseball stream

>> No.6718338

Whatever happened to the list of biggest streams for the day? Superchats is....not particularly interesting.

>> No.6718368
File: 308 KB, 627x932, 555s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6718534 >>6718558


>> No.6718422

Matsuri should just stop apex already.

>> No.6718534
File: 1.30 MB, 1164x763, Russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6718673


>> No.6718552
Quoted by: >>6718669

who are these tribalist nigger that's shitting up the thread?

>> No.6718558
File: 18 KB, 394x148, K1M0YUpmrB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6718578 >>6718673

Oh no no no nijikek?

>> No.6718578

Oh no nijibros not looking good

>> No.6718669
Quoted by: >>6718700 >>6718735

This is what happened when Vnuma died and chartanon isnt present

>> No.6718673

Nijishit, destroyed in less than a minute

>> No.6718674


>> No.6718690

63k and counting holy shit

>> No.6718700

chartanon maybe got sick of thse niggers shitting up the thread. It was so comfy few threads ago.

>> No.6718732
Quoted by: >>6718760

Nah Vnuma killed itself and all discussion of numbers.

>> No.6718735

Nah, thread is at page 10, posting anything now would be a waste.

>> No.6718760

Sigh... vnuma doko??????

>> No.6718767
File: 3 KB, 109x125, marikneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-shioncha too?!

>> No.6718788

>secret base
Shion is retiring...

>> No.6718794
Quoted by: >>6718875

When is Cover's financial report going to be released? I wanna see them.

>> No.6718819
File: 507 KB, 1125x2063, jNIlYge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6718871

When 130k?

>> No.6718862
File: 539 KB, 1211x856, Screenshot - 2021-07-18 , 13_13_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

75k and rising

>> No.6718871

They already reached 139k during Marine's live

>> No.6718875

It's a privately held company. They might release some stuff but it's going to be light on details.

>> No.6718885

>almost 80k
Rushia is powerful

>> No.6718893

>nijikeks had to move goalpost already
