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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 816 KB, 1672x2952, gem girl microphone cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67111189 No.67111189 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOmmAkylFeo
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfvbHFzWoZU
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide


>> No.67111290
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, jan15~jan21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67111372
File: 133 KB, 786x778, BibooSmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo cute!

>> No.67111598
File: 802 KB, 2979x4096, GDodgY6bwAAxdXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the fire inside lit, pebbles.

>> No.67111606
File: 54 KB, 400x496, 1700531759738736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little gem is so special to me. I love her.

>> No.67111666
File: 391 KB, 667x1000, 20230918_061302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Biboo

>> No.67111805
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 1696706444243664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archive for today's Karaoke



>> No.67111950
Quoted by: >>67112199

I'm seeding! o7

>> No.67111987


>> No.67112066
File: 75 KB, 558x900, 1685796939486627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biboo erotic!

>> No.67112077
Quoted by: >>67112349

Seeding until a 1.0 ratio, thank you archivepebble.

>> No.67112163

Fire inside really made my day , we are really eating good today pebbles

>> No.67112199
Quoted by: >>67112349

>I'm seeding
you should seed m- my lawyer has advised me to not finish this statement

>> No.67112349
File: 30 KB, 1348x123, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on now.
Thank you lawyer-san, very cool.

>> No.67112442
File: 139 KB, 258x333, 1704845386212582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67112878

God damn I'm still riding the high from that 30 minutes. I love the gem wife.

>> No.67112473

I'm not okay after Biboo's Fire Inside cover, I need 40ccs of Bibooium.

>> No.67112668

Based and thank you

>> No.67112720
Quoted by: >>67113030


>> No.67112878

Why are you posting Viboo and not Biboo

>> No.67112938
Quoted by: >>67113058

There you go

>> No.67112972
File: 1.26 MB, 2816x4096, BiBoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67120887


>> No.67113030
Quoted by: >>67113750

Dikko is based because he did that biboo art with the correct chest size

>> No.67113031

Biboo isn't my oshi but I'll gladly follow her on her idol journey, she's got a bright future head of her. Can't wait to see her on the big stage some day

>> No.67113058

yep, and I'm losing it!
my high school playlist is complete

>> No.67113091

Hi Pebbles, I'm a lost pomudachi looking for a home after Pomu's graduation, I've been watching Biboo and she's really cute, I think I'll just become a pebble now.

How was her latest stream?

>> No.67113241
Quoted by: >>67113808

We're riding a high streak, you have no idea. Welcome and enjoy your stay, you'll lose your mind soon

>> No.67113326
Quoted by: >>67113808

Well I hope ya didn't miss the karaoke >>67111805
It's only 30 minutes, it's a joy

>> No.67113382
Quoted by: >>67113808

Hey we have resident shitposters and they're probably gonna shit on your ex-oshi so don't mention her here anymore
As for streams I recommend DMC3 and 5 to get started

>> No.67113390
Quoted by: >>67113808

In the off-chance this isn't bait:
Latest stream was an unarchived karaoke and you can get it here >>67111805
You can also refer to the Intro/starter newpebble guide rentry in the OP:
Have fun and enjoy the ride.

>> No.67113489
Quoted by: >>67113808

Welcome Brother. I've been here since Biboo debuted. You'll be in good hands, she's pretty good.

>> No.67113517
Quoted by: >>67113808

She was a gremlin in a collab with her genmates in the game Palworld. It's about 2 hours of mayhem. If you want a good intro to Biboo, try her Hotline Miami stream from 2 days ago. Feel free to ask for specific recs, because she plays a lot of action games but has some great streams in building games like Minecraft/Raft.

>> No.67113750
Quoted by: >>67113828

If only he's not an AIslop user

>> No.67113808
Quoted by: >>67114000


Thanks everyone, I've found my new home, I'll start watching right now.

>> No.67113813

luv biboo

>> No.67113828
Quoted by: >>67113946

It's not AI, it's 3D models + tracing. Get it right next time.

>> No.67113946

He started incorporating AI recently and you can spot it easily

>> No.67114000

We're starting a Sekiro challenge run tomorrow! Come watch our gemwife be cute and cool and funny.

>> No.67114008

The doggos already on it, nice

>> No.67114098

oh this is the meme karaoke. Go doggos.

>> No.67114313

>jp karaoke
>en karaoke
Now I see. I've been liking this event so far, I like the advent girls but outside of collabs I rarely have the time to watch them. I wish we can have something like this again in the future.

>> No.67114411
Quoted by: >>67115034

The dogs always make me smile

>> No.67114550
File: 2.99 MB, 3780x2834, BIBOO CUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67115034
Quoted by: >>67115300

and now they're singing the lesbian song, damn...

>> No.67115300


Whæt? This is just another one-hit wonder.

>> No.67115394
Quoted by: >>67115530

Mococo's voice is trying to seduce me...

>> No.67115494

All the things she said was THE one hit wonder with lesbians.

>> No.67115530
Quoted by: >>67115608

Not Somebody I Used to Know, the previous one.
They're killing it, holy beep

>> No.67115569

Lesbians get a lot of hits, actually

>> No.67115608

Oh I see, yeah I thought it was about the Gotye song

>> No.67115622

I need Biboo to sing this song

>> No.67115686
File: 303 KB, 534x525, :o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67115690

let her enjoy the baubaus

>> No.67115891
File: 114 KB, 797x662, DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond Dogs, we can't stop winning can we?

>> No.67115915

I'd listen to Biboo sing Cupid.

>> No.67115956
File: 222 KB, 652x543, 3d74a52262a84f33f3389d43374e2a16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67116008
File: 188 KB, 1200x857, diamond dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67116403


>> No.67116022

Beeb must be enjoying herself so much

>> No.67116103
File: 15 KB, 340x216, 1694318460194577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only listened to Biboo's part of the karaoke and closed YouTube once she was done.

>> No.67116131
File: 413 KB, 1566x2058, 098cc73bf8d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67116652

Ever since they debuted I'm living happily every day. I love them so much

>> No.67116212

cool story

>> No.67116246

You're in good hands, she likes action games, she likes her some minecraft, she's a rising star so she's likely to stick around awhile also you get the rest of Advent free because they're a very close gen

>> No.67116310

Thanks anon, i missed the relay as i was dreaming of going around the world eith biboo

>> No.67116322

the dogs are defeating kendrick lamar live

>> No.67116403

You know I want to see what Biboo would look like as a third sister would her color be purple?

>> No.67116482
Quoted by: >>67117396

I can't believe it

>> No.67116607
File: 274 KB, 1200x1366, 1705002136534442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Biboo enjoyer.

>> No.67116652

Lol timing

can't stop winning

>> No.67117035


>> No.67117038

Fourth sister*
FuwaMoco Peko

>> No.67117177
File: 400 KB, 596x543, diamond dogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My headcanon is that Biboo is the missing third sister. No, I won't take my meds.

>> No.67117219

Why is FBK here holy shit

>> No.67117290

meme magic

>> No.67117303
Quoted by: >>67117494

Where's that pic from the Monty Python watchalong?

>> No.67117330

god damn it

>> No.67117396

i'm literally shaking im gonna expose myself and my friends right now but this is the exact same version me and my friends worked on as an AI cover down to the tee https://youtu.be/W8map-8ooZ0?si=L47lI8UhTo4pp6ny

>> No.67117397

Biboo and Mococo brat fights is still the most kino shit in Advent. I know this is sacrilegious to say but a Biboo and Mococo stream would be Kino as fuck.

>> No.67117494
File: 1.35 MB, 1004x1423, monty python.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67117622

Right here

>> No.67117589
File: 16 KB, 197x220, 1698710493168719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

each time i see this i thought we are joining forces with /bau/ to make divegrass team

>> No.67117622

Thanks bud

>> No.67117695

Push these bitches off me like, "BAU"

>> No.67117738
File: 809 KB, 3840x2160, advent cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67117841


>> No.67118121
Quoted by: >>67118248

I've got a headache from rocking out too hard ow

>> No.67118248
File: 382 KB, 2139x1232, advent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a good event. Biboo love, Advent love.
I had my volume maxed during the Biboo segment and after that my ojisan ears started to give out

>> No.67118286

Good relay, wish there was some way to finish with all of them together in a single karaoke

>> No.67118293

biboo karaoke 360p embed edition

>> No.67118315

Based, it was fun

>> No.67118379

Biboo had by far the most "safe" song selection so hopefully she can make it archived

>> No.67118418

Tech issues hort but gathering everyone for a live Rebellion would be KINO

>> No.67118451

Just wait for the offcollabs, anon. If this is the Kino we're getting NOW, then that shit is going to be a banger.

>> No.67118546

>sekiro tomorrow and the day after
>palworld yesterday
>karaoke relay today
>mindcraft in 22 hours
I just can't stop winning.

>> No.67119036 [DELETED] 

Archiver anon also posted a torrent for the whole relay. >>67118594

>> No.67119065
File: 249 KB, 906x636, 1683489126735050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Individual archives were posted on the respective splits and are the same files in this torrent so you can just rename and the files instead of redownloading them if you already got them

>> No.67119067

you know, opening with pomf pomf was the absolute last thing I expected that damn rock to do but I love her all the more for it.

>> No.67119099

I just want biboo to sit on my face is that so much to ask

>> No.67119132
Quoted by: >>67119587

Thanks and based as always

>> No.67119235 [DELETED] 
File: 852 KB, 1700x2200, 1703636478910499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think she knew what she was doing?

>> No.67119365
File: 256 KB, 931x667, 1683101872458729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67119795

You guys think she knew what she was doing?

>> No.67119369

Same and also same

>> No.67119397
File: 643 KB, 740x923, 1705725961453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your oshi gets the recognition she needs and deserves in her next life

>> No.67119399

she knows about Nyanners and the famous cover, yes

>> No.67119483

Why was this deleted...?

>> No.67119487
File: 749 KB, 1220x1040, singing in the void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my rock wife. Isn't she the cutest?

>> No.67119546

he misquoted

>> No.67119562
File: 852 KB, 1700x2200, 1705725964145338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good art, it's going into my gaming folder

>> No.67119571

pebblechama probably picked the wrong image, see the post below

>> No.67119587
File: 893 KB, 1924x928, 1691460199734009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67119629

You guys think she knew what she was doing?

>> No.67119629

Anon please

>> No.67119795

Yeah she probably knows the meme

>> No.67119810
File: 71 KB, 221x220, distorted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67119875

You guys think?

>> No.67119875
File: 73 KB, 960x750, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67119888

You guys think she knew what she was doing having such a perfect butt for sitting on faces?

>> No.67119926
File: 59 KB, 352x448, 1502988562960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys meem queen knows meem??????????

>> No.67119975

We have her mama to thank for that, bless her

>> No.67120014
File: 102 KB, 297x283, red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ỳ̸̠̦̻̰̦͈͓̬̺̙̠̖͉̪̣̊̇́͒̚͝ớ̶͖̖͌̾̀̀̈̃̆͆̔̎u̷͖̮̱͖̭͚̰̝̙͙̓͆̄̂́̃͂̄͑̈́̇̂̈́̔̉ͅ ̵̨̛̩̤͈͕̑̔͋̎̀̉̇͌̆̈́̊͜g̶̢̢̦̩̥̠̠̽́̇͛̀̈́́͘͘ů̸͍̣̝̥̬͖̹̖̙͎͔̘̪̩̽̏̆̎̀ÿ̸̘̘͜s̷̗̤̓̕͠ͅ ̶̨̢͙͇̣̹̞̭̙̤̫̤̀̿̀̊͗̾̆̄͂͂̚͝t̸͈͖̭̫̞̬̞͙̹̺̫͕̺͐ḫ̴̢̀͌̃͋͂͂i̴͎̤͙̥̝̝̝̣̘͋̔̏̉̕̚͜͜͝͠͠ͅn̸̨͈̖̭̻̪̤͔̮̈̾̄k̴̨͉̪͙͍͖̙͔̓ ̴̧̳̥̦̦̩͍͈̖̜͓̀̀̊́̈͊̉͐̇͐̈́̊͘͜͠͠t̴̮̺̙̮̜͔͕̋̿͊̔̀̾͗̆͗̑͌̃̊͝͝h̵̪͎̙̮̱̺͎̝̜̜̠̤͔͓̑͆̒̊̓̈́̀͑̽̚̚a̵̛͓̩͆̍͑̃̈͌̑́̐̏̇͘͝t̵̠͈̭͎͍̰́ ̸͔̼͔̖̰̬̐̈́͛̊̈̆̈́͝s̵̰̭̦̣͚͑̕ḩ̵̹̖̠̪̗̫͔͐̄̊̐̾̄͘ȅ̴̖̥͖͇̀͆̀̈̎̌ ̷̧̧̜̺͔͓̯͚͓̦̈̈́͑̎̂̄͜͠ķ̴͈̳̩̝̙͌́̌̈́̊̔̎͝͠n̵̡͔̺̠̔͒̋̋͝ė̵̝͂͒̄͑̽͑̄̈́͊͘͘͝w̵̦̫͇̙͂̎̋?̷͎̺̬̖̝͕̳̩̪̭̬̄̈́̉̈́̂̆̐͆̆͘̚ͅͅ

>> No.67120198
File: 32 KB, 665x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67120248
File: 251 KB, 707x1149, GBrN4sBb0AAFXXp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67120627

I wanna see her play FFX since she seems to have fond memories of that game, but unfortunately Squeenix is very anal about giving perms to their games for the EN side for some reason...

>> No.67120299
File: 599 KB, 3000x3000, GEQhK_IaUAAYDJ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67120627
Quoted by: >>67120803

EN voice actor hort
just one more reason to look forward to AI

>> No.67120803


>> No.67120887


>> No.67120932

she can't play FFX because of the voice actor's union
she could get perms to play it in JP, or maybe in some other third world language, but EN is a no-go
AI voiced games wouldn't have that problem

>> No.67120972

James Arnold Taylor is still butthurt that people still made fun of the laughing scene from the 2000s until today lmao

>> No.67121030

Why are you guys so obsessed with Biboo sitting on your face? You know it would be hard to breathe

>> No.67121032
Quoted by: >>67121147

>voice actors union
wait, james a. taylor joined that garbage? what a fucking clown.
I remember him releasing a whole 40 minutes video explaining the laugh. All he needed to do is show the JP laugh which is hilariously even more awkward than his.

>> No.67121100

>Tidus is voiced by Johnny Test
AH HA HA HA HA HA didn't see that comin' *WHIP CRACK*

>> No.67121137

doesn't the remaster have an option to play JP dub with EN subtitles? it's probably a good workaround on that union bullshit.

>> No.67121147

Yeah at the very least James sounds like a maniac in that scene, Jap Tidus actually sounds like a crow...

>> No.67121510
Quoted by: >>67125189

This whole segment still lives rent free in my head.
>Biboo tries to catch the merchant
>he gets in the ball but it doesn't work, violence ensues
>Biboo explains to Advent that she tried putting the poor guy into a ball
>Fuwawa: "it means I can do that with Biboo..?"

>> No.67122500
File: 670 KB, 3582x1329, GEQg51oaQAA5Qoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67123145


>> No.67123934
Quoted by: >>67124147

I'm confused, what's it about the voice actor's union that makes it hard for perms, is it just another paper to get faxed?

>> No.67124147

they demand royalties

>> No.67125189
Quoted by: >>67137090

>Fuwawa wants a pet Biboo
She thirsts

>> No.67125364

jgbfw and
thank you so fucking much bro

>> No.67125713
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x2048, biboohuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i noticed a lot of you guys use this so I made a biboo one
lovingly made over 1 hour of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePLDO68lcA4

>> No.67125737
Quoted by: >>67125803

Fantastic meme edit, thank you!
great taste on early 00s buttrock too

>> No.67125803
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x2048, biboohuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use this one instead I had to fix something

>> No.67125823
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, 1692791195172911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67125827

Damn that's good thanks.

>> No.67125863

Good job friend

>> No.67126335
Quoted by: >>67126392


>> No.67126391

Biboo Delight mixed by Ludokano Premiere at 3 AM EST

>> No.67126392


>> No.67126416
Quoted by: >>67126436

BIboo is in chat btw

>> No.67126436

yeah thats why I linked lol

>> No.67126693
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x2048, biboohuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>67125713(me again)
the artist curse is never getting shit right the first time. the fix this time was the very obvious gem moles cutting into her eye.

>> No.67126798
Quoted by: >>67126898

jesas bro just accept the minor errors

>> No.67126898

this one was pretty glaring if you looked at it for like a second longer than usual.
the other one was actually a minor error (shading error that would've been indiscernible after a while anyway)

>> No.67126946
File: 7 KB, 402x51, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67137774

>> No.67127168
File: 5 KB, 349x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67127183
Quoted by: >>67127210

She won't do it.

>> No.67127199

Who needs sleep anyway

>> No.67127210
File: 5 KB, 362x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called it

>> No.67127284
Quoted by: >>67127334

I cant read chat because I imagine its cringe.
They better not be embarrassing my gemdaughter.

>> No.67127334
Quoted by: >>67127520

Your daughter is the cringiest one of them all, pebble...we're just made in her image.

>> No.67127520

>I'm cringe but I'm free.

>> No.67127703

where you pebbles at

>> No.67127725


>> No.67127732
Quoted by: >>67127787

In bed so it doesn't get stolen

>> No.67127752
Quoted by: >>67127814

Is it good now? Color saturation seems a bit weird to me

>> No.67127787
Quoted by: >>67127828

what bed?

>> No.67127814

if the colors seem off its because my fuckass drawing monitor doesn't have the color model that my other monitor has.

>> No.67127828

Not again...

>> No.67127890
Quoted by: >>67127954

I'll use it anyway until you post an improved version

>> No.67127954
Quoted by: >>67128072

pebblebro, why are you tormenting the poor artist pebble like this kek

the pink/magenta at the bottoms of the gems and at the top of the hair behind her shoulders ls exceptionally vibrant

>> No.67128057

You missed a pixel.

>> No.67128072

oh then thats me overshooting saturation as usual. often times the things I color can look washed out for certain colors, so I just go balls to the wall because I like vibrance anyway splatoon 1 came out when I was 10 and that influenced me i guess
ending it all

>> No.67128112
Quoted by: >>67128187

do NOT bully artpebbles
we have precious few of them
and Biboo memes are a valuable currency

>> No.67128187

no the funny thing is that >>67128057
is true.
the crown has some missing pixels because I did the gem coloring by locking transparent pixels on that layer

>> No.67128286

I can't fucking believe people spoil biboo not even on her channel or during a stream time.

>> No.67128314

I will spoil her 24/7 because I love her and I want her to get even brattier.

>> No.67128363

What did they spoil?

>> No.67128366
Quoted by: >>67128471

You always get the worst spoilers in unexpected places, though.

>> No.67128372
Quoted by: >>67128456

whatever Kaela is doing in minecraft

>> No.67128380
Quoted by: >>67128456

Kaela's side project.

>> No.67128390
File: 5 KB, 340x47, w1icjd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67128398

>> No.67128398


>> No.67128406
File: 9 KB, 351x62, GSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67128466

>> No.67128456

I hope all of their children die young

>> No.67128463


>> No.67128466

is she allowed to say that

>> No.67128471

She actually said "don't spoil me"

>> No.67128483


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>> No.67128495

ok it's fucked

>> No.67128517

Its time

>> No.67128526

Just enlarge your textbox you fuck

>> No.67128542

The sci-fi premier is 100000x better.

>> No.67128604

Okay this is kino.

>> No.67128606
File: 7 KB, 365x47, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill this guy and scrape out his geodes

>> No.67128705


>> No.67128743

I'm not a huge fan of these layered vocals, I'll have to watch it again after to see if it's Youtube messing up the premier or not.

>> No.67128752


>> No.67128784
Quoted by: >>67128927

no ludokano just mixes like that. it covers up some minor errors from when she sang live so I can see why they do it

>> No.67128782

It hurts my ears

>> No.67128799

Refrain from homobegging, cuck

>> No.67128857

>subtle screamo from biboo
ok now THIS is kino

>> No.67128876

Yeah I liked that middle part where you could hear her more clearly over the layered audio.
I still liked it a lot though. Very Kino.

>> No.67128890

Total Homobeggar Death

>> No.67128919

Nice ludokino pebblebros, I enjoyed

>> No.67128927
Quoted by: >>67134498

It worked decently well for Biboo trigger, it seems like he used the parts from when she sang sections of the lyrics rather than the full thing which might be the cause.

>> No.67128936

Mmm I'm gonna say... based.

>> No.67128949
File: 932 KB, 946x600, Mococo This is peak[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8h73q9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67129087
File: 113 KB, 1371x716, S-SHES FAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67129100

For a Meme song that the guy put together himself. 10 out of fucking 10.
The gem mindshare grows.

>> No.67129111

Got a good chuckle at the Pebbles with red eyes staying up late to watch Biboo in the MV

>> No.67129116
Quoted by: >>67129165

I wouldn't call it peak, I would call it the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.67129129

What MV?

>> No.67129139

Project denpa, defector?

>> No.67129145


>> No.67129161

The thing we just watched. Dunno if MV is the right word, but w/e.

>> No.67129165

I'm sure the guy will improve over time. looking forward to the future.

>> No.67129168
Quoted by: >>67129204

The biboo delight / bury the cringe video just premiered and biboo was there watching us
It was PEAK.

>> No.67129176

They're me frfr
On that note time to fucking die holy shit its so late

>> No.67129194

You can only improve by doing it over and over again. He's on the right track and he does good shit. We are blessed to have someone like that with the pebbles.

>> No.67129201

/.D interacting with biboo is worth getting in the YT chat, that was really fun. Great cover SOUL vid

>> No.67129204

Ah, that's what I get for sleeping

>> No.67129228

I took out a few defectors, all indians

>> No.67129264

Good job ludokano, proud of u buddy

>> No.67129285
Quoted by: >>67129540

okay I'm going to sleep, have a good night/morning/day pebblebros, I'm glad you appreciate the meme edit

>> No.67129294
Quoted by: >>67129333

Yeah thanks buddy, I'll protect her

>> No.67129308
File: 7 KB, 399x34, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late

>> No.67129333
File: 412 KB, 871x490, Screenshot 2023-11-03 202839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protect deez nuts

>> No.67129340

>>67128743 (me)
After watching it a second time it's only really the first and last verses that sound off, the middle part is really good. The way he layered the vocals in those two verses makes it sound like I accidently opened a second tab that's a half second behind. It's still pretty good though and I'm excited to see how he does in the future.

>> No.67129432

>will never get to see Biboo experience FFX for the first time cause she's already played it
>Ina hasn't played it but can't stream it anyway

watching Miko and Iroha play it was amazing though

>> No.67129540
Quoted by: >>67129572

Good night art pebble bro. Hope you fix it for real tomorrow

>> No.67129572 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 644x358, granstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67129582

Just got recommended that bury the cringe video, it was cute, give me the best vod to sell me on your rock girl while my normal streamers are all asleep

>> No.67129625

DMC5, any of them, all of them.
Lethal company. Any of them.

>> No.67129746

I would submit that FFX is actually better on a replay, but having seen Biboo's Madoka watchalong, uh... maybe that wouldn't be the best stream for people who haven't played it yet...

>> No.67129843
Quoted by: >>67129878


>> No.67129878

Biboo would make it great for those who HAVE played it, but the gem girl cannot restrain herself when it comes to spoiler-free chat about things she loves.

>> No.67129956

Oh this is hard. I say her first Hitman VOD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrcpANVhazE 2nd is a collab and my completitionist autism prevents me from recommending the 3rd in the series.

>> No.67129960
Quoted by: >>67130089

No KH perms makes me even more mad. That game has the perfect amount of cringe/ludo edgy kino.

>> No.67129990

i like biboo is it ok to hang around here? you guys aren't like the kobo general right?

>> No.67130040

>people who haven't played it yet

>> No.67130051
Quoted by: >>67130130


>> No.67130073
Quoted by: >>67130085

Depend on the time, around this hours is usually fine, then the coomers eventually come out from their dens

>> No.67130085

fuck I can't write in proper English for shit

>> No.67130086
File: 29 KB, 193x104, 1705542419442875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We like em young here. We keep it 2D, don't worry.

>> No.67130089
Quoted by: >>67130290

The organization 13 stuff filtered me hard but Biboo would've made it fun

>> No.67130130 [DELETED] 

i was minding my business on /hlgg/ until someone crossposted /ehe/ and i got flashbanged by something i wish i could scrub from my memory

>> No.67130144

No we aren't. We hate homobeggars and collabers here.

>> No.67130146

I don't disagree. You don't really have an excuse any more, what with it having quite a good HD remaster on PC. But still, zoomers exist and are a not insignificant part of the fanbase.

>> No.67130155
Quoted by: >>67130179

FFX is for chicks

>> No.67130160 [DELETED] 

If it's cunny and also homo-free, I wanna see it.

>> No.67130179
Quoted by: >>67130212

Says the homo who's only ever taken dick

>> No.67130201 [DELETED] 

it was cunny that had 1 more dimension than the usual

>> No.67130212

Awfully defensive about your FF for Girls there buddy

>> No.67130223
File: 34 KB, 165x175, 1693884004488956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesas never mind, burn it all

>> No.67130226
Quoted by: >>67130275

It's ok, Beeb can play FFVIII

>> No.67130231 [DELETED] 

He's talking about cp. It's been posted over there quite a few times.

>> No.67130235
Quoted by: >>67130329

Fuck off and go the fuck back

>> No.67130263

re2 was pretty fun.

>> No.67130275

8 is trash

>> No.67130290

The org13 stuff is the funniest shit. You should not take it seriously, just imagine they're the most tryhard kids in the school and it never stops being funny.
yeah nah we don't have those subhumans here.

>> No.67130305
File: 136 KB, 998x939, 1692765360423311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faq u bitch, 8 is kino

>> No.67130315

This is false

>> No.67130329

chill on them, they came this way to escape it

>> No.67130340

I literally cannot stop listening to Biboo singing the pomf song
I need help..

>> No.67130360

I know 8 is objectively bad but it has a special place in my heart because I played it in my childhood
Also the OST brings a good feeling for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iejFpMuLxqk

>> No.67130370
Quoted by: >>67130403

If FFX is for girls, then explain why I want to tie Rikku to a bed and ravish her for weeks. Checkmate.

>> No.67130374
Quoted by: >>67130450

It's even better when you know that she knows.

>> No.67130394

>the pomf song
it fucking hurts.

>> No.67130403

Lesbian. Although, every girl in FFX is extremely fuckable, especially Lulu.

>> No.67130444

The only bad part of 8 was the Laguna nonsense

>> No.67130450

She absolutely knows.
I also think she likes it because the song is cute but

>> No.67130453

Nobody cares about the original

>> No.67130474
File: 186 KB, 486x564, projbably.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67130503

i do

>> No.67130514

The only good part of 8 was Quistis

>> No.67130515

I mean the memory loss was also pretty bad
I have so many memories from that game though, I just can't hate it
Especially balamb garden and Disc 3 Esthar / space station.. Dang it I'm feeling nostalgic now

>> No.67130517

Pebbles are pon
Like Oshi.

>> No.67130518
Quoted by: >>67130585

I was just listening to Kyary on a 2 hour drive last month and had honestly forgotten about ny*nners version

>> No.67130568

>Faceless Squall fucking me up when I was younger

>> No.67130585

The ny*nners pomf version is quite literally what cute and funny is today to lolicons. I still remember the /a/ meltdown when people started showing up to anime cons with pomf signs. 2011 was 30 years ago...

>> No.67130706
Quoted by: >>67130754

Biboo is a SOUL singer but she makes up for it in a lot of other ways. She'll probably be a great dancer once they get 3D.
The karaoke was still very fun though.

>> No.67130754
File: 576 KB, 2480x3508, GERg95oXsAADAzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67130844

Elden Ring playthrough is kino. Earlier on so you can see her getting used to being in holo.
Portal 2 w/ Mumei was a great stream (one of biboo's best collab partners imo)
Armored Core 6 1 for rock gaming
Lethal Company w/ Bae, Calli and IRyS (mostly for baebi)
I'm not a DMC fan but if you are then those are good too.

>> No.67130870


>> No.67130993

Bury the Cringe grew on me
I now have it on repeat.

>> No.67131036

Congratulations. You have been mindbroken one step further. Your madness grows.

>> No.67131098

Man its so fucking good

>> No.67131225
File: 5 KB, 399x34, 1696827147740912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67131277

>> No.67131277
File: 951 KB, 2894x4093, 1704846648180878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally could not stop me.

>> No.67132142
File: 1.00 MB, 1024x1248, 1699252377927370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biboo when she plays Palworld

>> No.67132234

Does your Biboo heal or destroy?

>> No.67132320
File: 310 KB, 640x400, 1691306173938690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67132588
Quoted by: >>67137264

Heals (my heart)
Destroys (my sides (and my penis))

>> No.67133315

Guys... The cringe...
I'm melting...

>> No.67133944
Quoted by: >>67134169

At least we don't need to gatekeep spoilers for the stream later

>> No.67134169
Quoted by: >>67135076

We kinda do since she only saw 1 ending

>> No.67134498

Actually think he might have used both I think the overlap back up vocals are from the other time

>> No.67135076

Pretty sure she got the best ending

>> No.67135238
File: 389 KB, 451x619, 1686981079257866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sleep is really fucked up
>fall asleep 2 hours into Kaela x Biboo LC collab
>can't watch Palworld or Karaoke
>get some pills last night
>dream about owning government $200K and Biboo staying with my family as exchange student
It seems that I have a Bibbium deficit.

>> No.67135976

Best biboo vod for someone kinda sleepy while on a 2 hour layover? Nothing too loud pls

>> No.67136106
Quoted by: >>67136178

Cooking simulator is good. She is a bit loud generally though...

>> No.67136115

one of her early minecraft streams

>> No.67136178

I got volume leveling specifically for Biboo

>> No.67136187

Rock simulator or superchat reading/zatsu stream

>> No.67136342
File: 403 KB, 549x698, biboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67136502

Refind Self is a certified sleeper stream to make you sleep

>> No.67136502
Quoted by: >>67137076

>dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig

>> No.67137048
File: 572 KB, 4093x2894, GERlO_HbgAAEnGh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67137076

It was a completely legitimate starting meta strat...

>> No.67137077
File: 1.06 MB, 3432x3432, GERhs94bsAACyph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67137090

She's just like me fr fr

>> No.67137264


>> No.67137767

Another banger. I kinda wish Ludokano would have offered to release some of these on Biboo's channel for a commission fee instead though. They're popular because of her after all. Still getting good mindshare from these but the millions of views on her own channel could really help it grow and boost her algorithm. Hopefully managers kinda get the hint these are really popular and help her out with perms and push her to save some of these meme songs for her own channel in the future.

>> No.67137774

Well fuck that was good

still acting like a 2 view so cute

>> No.67137809
Quoted by: >>67137861

Gem status?

>> No.67137861

Shining as bright as one possibly can

>> No.67138016


>> No.67138161
Quoted by: >>67138252

Just like Bury the Light was meant to be a farewell song to the DMC series.

Bury the Cringe gives almost poetic ending to her DMC arc,,,

Also sticking that beautiful art of shiny biboo blowing into the wind for the Guitar Solo was pure fucking kino

>> No.67138252
Quoted by: >>67138511

The whole "MV" was nicely done with good references here and there. The "does your Biboo heal or destroy" part was KINO

>> No.67138511

yeah that was brilliant as well, really almost all of it was great on the MV side.

Well I would have replaced the ast Earbuds Biboo with something different, but it still works.

>> No.67138650

Good morning, I love biboo.

>> No.67138681

Do you think Biboo will have a collab with members like this later on?

>> No.67138793
File: 428 KB, 2164x1370, wizard biboo pondering her pebble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After pondering my orb, I can safely say: no.

>> No.67138821

That orb? Me.

>> No.67139067

That no? Me

>> No.67139170

That pondering? Me

>> No.67139273
File: 217 KB, 468x452, biBOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67139319
Quoted by: >>67139342

That Biboo? Me

>> No.67139342

Go to sleep already Biboo you got a long stream today

>> No.67139458

I really love Biboo, I hope we get great merch from her.

>> No.67139504

You know what? I've never seen Biboo upset or get mad, I think aside from Fuwamoco, those are the only three that never raged or lost their cool

>> No.67139541
Quoted by: >>67139609

lets keep it that way
dogs were said when their favoritism was called out

>> No.67139570

>He doesn't know

>> No.67139572

Whenever I'm about to rage or get upset at anything I remind myself that there's a shining gem of positivity out there and it helps me keep my cool

>> No.67139609

I wonder if Biboo has any favorites since she keeps saying she recognizes names from her chat

>> No.67139643

I'm her favorite pebble.

>> No.67139651

yeah, me

>> No.67139707

I don't think so.

>> No.67139719

I don't mind if I'm not a favorite
I'm just happy to be a pebble

>> No.67139733
Quoted by: >>67139852

I'm her favorite for sure.
Sometimes I wonder if Biboo recognizes my name since I don't hang out in pre-chat and only spams emotes, I also don't SC unless special occasions.

>> No.67139772

I'm gonna say something weird but I don't mean it with any disrespect towards Biboo

I think Biboo herself came from a messed up childhood/background and used humor or laughing as a coping mechanism to hide from the pain and just enjoys seeing the positivity with life

I do that a lot too

>> No.67139789
File: 504 KB, 2480x3508, chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67139822

you took berry delight too seriously

>> No.67139852
Quoted by: >>67139984

She probably doesn't if your name is very plain and unforgettable.
That's why you use a distinct or catchy name.

>> No.67139901
Quoted by: >>67139943

>berry delight


>It's a meme

Oh, well I hope you have a berry delight full day

Haha get it?

>> No.67139903
Quoted by: >>67139930

I don't like to think much about this stuff but I feel the same because I did that as well, we both could be projecting though
NTA but you can pick up the same thing if you watch carefully whenever she talks about her personal life, even more so her childhood. Staying on the window waiting for momseki to come back from work, etc.

>> No.67139930

>Staying on the window waiting for momseki to come back from work, etc.
that's every single mom child

>> No.67139943

>on /gem/
>doesn't know what berry delight is
Actual tourist.

>> No.67139984
Quoted by: >>67140066

I want to do that but I always make turn the names as too lewd to say

I was originally going to be Biboo's BubbleButt, yet I don't know..

>> No.67140024
Quoted by: >>67140053

I've been so busy with college that I rarely have time to watch my Biboo anymore :(
I'm VOD gang but I have a huge backlog now

>> No.67140032
Quoted by: >>67140098

look at the way he types or post

>> No.67140053
File: 237 KB, 1662x1079, 35f25d7af1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67140098

Get the beep out of /gem/ and go do your VOD reps, then.

>> No.67140066

That is indeed lewd. How about Biboo's BubbleBath

>> No.67140098

What's wrong with my typing or posting? Excuse me, buddy. I thought pebbles were about love, this is bullying
Oh god the flashbacks

>> No.67140118
Quoted by: >>67140206

Unironically lurk at least 2 more years before posting.

>> No.67140146
File: 834 KB, 1687x949, 1696849867843673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67140206

ew, an uppity newfag

>> No.67140206

If you say redditposting, so help me god.

This is just proper spacing, this is how you should write sometimes!

I'm gonna tell Biboo that you guys are bullying me and she'll get upset!

>> No.67140224
Quoted by: >>67140252

>taking chuuba hostage
Just fuck off.

>> No.67140252


>> No.67140267
File: 345 KB, 771x804, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67140283
Quoted by: >>67140367

Stop trying to be a special snowflake. Lurk more, understand how this place works and the culture, don't try to have your unique posting style and just fit in. Stop being a retard. It's quite simple.

>> No.67140361

You’re all retards and I love you. Now let’s do the group plapping and move on .

>> No.67140367
Quoted by: >>67140421

>Just follow like a weakling and stop being yourself

>unique posting style

I-...You know what, i'm gonna just watch more Biboo, i'm too cool for this

>> No.67140369
File: 885 KB, 1000x1000, 1701942970945740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67140386
File: 23 KB, 211x158, 144p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67140421


>> No.67140402

It's like watching babies fight over toys.

>> No.67140421 [DELETED] 

*plaps and cooms hot magma inside u*

>> No.67140476
File: 203 KB, 600x600, what could this mean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67140638

Do you guys think Biboo farts?

>> No.67140657
Quoted by: >>67140755

she would if she was eating anything

>> No.67140664
File: 45 KB, 182x248, 144p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekends are something else.

>> No.67140680

do you think biboo can shit out crystals that could be worth millions?

>> No.67140711
Quoted by: >>67140755

That's an interesting question
Do you think she poops out pebbles?

>> No.67140755
Quoted by: >>67140801


If Biboo saw these posts, she would be very sad

>> No.67140801
Quoted by: >>67140856

you said you're watching more Biboo and left, so why are you still here faggot?

>> No.67140826
File: 662 KB, 1440x2560, Hololive.full.3703320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Gura and Moom...
they would be great collab partners for our gem daughter

>> No.67140856

I'm not even that person, BITCH

>> No.67140876
Quoted by: >>67140979

who else double-spaces like a reddit faggot? in one-sentence post no less
just fuck off

>> No.67140979

>Watching Biboo
>Decide to check stream
>Butthurt haters still talking about me



There's nothing wrong with double spacing

It's how civilized people type

I am sorry that you hate seeing this

Maybe you should've went to school and not be schooled like this

Okay i'm going back with watching Biboo again

Bye bye

>> No.67140993

New bread:

>> No.67141031
File: 27 KB, 263x263, sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

