I love Ina!
i love towa!
towa smokes
Kaela COOL
>>66971670Super Bowl you mean. We know cover isn’t gonna hire any filthy yuros.
I love Towa
not the towa bot thread
>>66971529IRyS isn't /m/, she's a /y/ and /g/tuber
Well if you insist Bae
I am sexually attracted to the color purple
hey man
I love Mori!
Bae cute!
Shiori is my forever game.
pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat
>>66971402>a massive movie fan has probably seen most of the movies you'd want to watch with heryou can watch movies more than once you know
not the towa thread
>>66971836If you want an /m/ holo it'll be Ina
>>66971675Has she seen anything rare like a jester or ghost yet? I just remember a bunch of brackens.
>>66971832Stanley Cup more like
Biboo is a great assetgreat great asset
>>66971832I'm not even talking about EN only here, I was actually a little disappointed Pekora didn't do watchalongs of any of Japan's games (or the final) since she was talking about it during her streams a lot (Pessi etc).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jiEgLzqnxoMatuli's turn in Okayu's sex mine today.
>>66971529Has zeta done more dinosaur stuff recently?
good bye holochads.
I wish Bae would stop playing this kusoge.
I love (You)
Really squeaky rat squeak
My Ina!
Iroha nickname guide
Exit my cool lesbian wife, what will I do without her
Goodnight, global bros~Enjoy your evening streamsI love love love Roboco!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXuMSLOUhgshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETckHHfH7EIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz1CAkDctL4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A_RqpENxvghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8n-pGOrpzchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h514IzBDefM
I'd be cool with some movie autist who's theme was like a movie critic. It'd be kinda funny to see a Holo YMS who just reviewed movies and shit. I could get behind that. Bonus points if they are mega film autists who do drunken Shiori rants about bad movies
Damn, Shiori is bold
5 hours of lethal company, I kneel
Did Bae give up on trying to upgrade the katana?
I thought Kaela had a meeting?
>>66971999Suffer with the rest of us missing our oshis
>>66971899>>66971955Bijou has zero assFailure of a loli
>>66972045M-chan is probably already used to it
>>66971867I often rewatch movies I like desu. A lot of times movies I like I end up liking even more upon future rewatches.
>>66972035That’s just autistic. Kaela and Biboo need an intervention.
>Shiori just slipped past a laser gateThe "Non-gamer" of Advent, everyone
>>66972003Good night
>>66972006So like a Raden but for film?
>>66972062You might have the wrong idea about lolis anon
>>66972003Good sleepmode~
Sword not upgraded enough, needs more
>>66971911IRyS did a watch along in one of. her Twitter spaces.
>>66971867I've watched Toy Story 3 over 10 times
Is it me or have kaelas laughs gotten progressively more audible over the years
Okay but I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really love and miss my Ina...
>>66972098This ponbot is too smug
i love biboo so much
Fuck Shiori. Have sex with Shiori. Copulate with Shiori. Make love with Shiori. Procreate with Shiori. Fuck Shiori’s pussy. Fuck Shiori in the ass. Matepress Shiori. Make Shiori choke on your cock. Rub Shiori’s armpits with your dick. Shiori giving you a footjob. Shiori eating your cum. Have Shiori give you a rimjob. Make Shiori step on your face. Make Shiori step on your penis. Rimjob Shiori. Lick Shiori’s pussy. Lick Shiori’s feet. Reach orgasm with Shiori. Make Shiori reach orgasm.
>>66971867We should have a movie buff Holo who does zatsus on the technical details of movies and random trivia
Shiori disappeared...
>>66972191>yearsB-but kaela just debuted right
What is the lewdest hololive merch to ever be released?
>>66972236I already love when Ame starts talking about good sound design and whatever
>>66972223Based and Same.
>>66972288Kronii's daki
>>66972191Ela removed her noise suppression from her mic setup
just tuned into biboo, have they gone to hard moons yet?
kaela dies every single day now kek
moom opinion
>>66972055A missing oshi support group damn
Good job asshole, you messed up the first wish
>>66972347moom fact
>>66972277She has been in hololive for as long as coco was plus three months I think
>>66971999Don't do this to me
imagine watching lethal crapany instead of kanon kino with fwmc
>>66972334they're about to if they don't chokeThey got 2 mansion spanws
>>66972371anything that reminds me of towa makes me immediately have an acid reflux
>>66972347That's a controversial opinion, 2pm Moom.
>>669722772nd anniversary in 2 months
>>66972371Cock got hard
I hope Kiara sees that she got 2ManySnack'd soon
Is Shiori actually very intelligent?
I miss Ame a lot.This is my fault.
I've never watched a Bijou stream.
Zombies and puppets HATE each other
>>66972479and cute too!
>>66972496I miss her already...
>>66972006IHE then?
>>66972479No, she's just (unironically) autistic, not rain man
I like it when Kaela does her Towa voice
>>66972475Imagine if she already did but she's holding herself back on commenting or posting about it
>>66972445>Mar 26, 2022 What in the ACTUAL FUCK
Shiori is extra autistic today
>>66972541Do NOT become a squeebeat.
sometimes I wonder if Shiori loses even herself when rambling
>>66971805https://twitter.com/rasec_asdjh/status/1747841294247047215oh shit thanks for making me check and see if there was an update to the KiaRissa Set
>>66972567You know I never once in my brain associated IHE with vtubers until just this exact moment and im now suffering immense whiplash
is that weird new sweater lingerie specifically a vtuber thing? do you guys specifically have terrible taste?
>>66972648cant be lost when you dont have a destination
What did she mean by this?https://twitter.com/momosuzunene/status/1747829345891295374https://twitter.com/momosuzunene/status/1747829345891295374
>>66972648She does. There’s plenty of instances where she doesn’t understand what the hell she was talking about just 3-5 seconds ago.
Is that Chaos?
They're going to Titan I feel it in my balls.
Welcome to decay hell Bae
Are these goop creatures the ancestors of Chaos???
Big tits win again
Do it for the quartz Bae
>>66972668Yeah where are all of my femboy cosplayers
This area looks like a blight town clone
Has Bae already given up on the katana?
>>66972816Those poison mist areas can be cleared easily if you kill the thing spawning the mist asap
>>66972844Damage too low, needs quartz to upgrade it before it's usable at this point in the game
Is she talking about crushing on her cousin?
>>66972668What’s it like to like dick in your mouth?
Which ENs do we know for a fact are /here/?
>>66972722Who is this creature
>>66972668I think it's fashionable
>>66972934Nino Ninner
>>66972934That's my wife. But some others may recognize her as the dandori master
>>66972964Yeah, on me
Hey, I don't recall that tree existing in the future. I hope nothing happens with it
>>66972513You actually have a better chance now than ever.
She got the quartz!
>>66972668this is bait right?
Justin Bieber is a whore...
>>66972986Dandori? What is that
>>66972668I don't like that version but I liked this version (look at the attached file)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FaFhOagaUAE6Zf1?format=jpg&name=large
Bae ending? No….
You know it really puts into perspective that vtubers are just our version of celebrities. And we're just as rabid as those beliebers.
>>66972792wearing the new sweater, of course
Big planet as a duo achieved
>>66972906>>66972951>>66973017this looks worse than real lingerie or fat tits in a tight sweater
>>66973045<----- Dandori
>>66972668It looks good and you’ll like it>>66973047That’s the virgin killer
was fauna mad
Honest thoughts on Ina?
>>66973100I thought the phrase was 'WAH' not 'WAD'
>>66973146She is the master of herself?
>there's levels?Bae.....
>>66972951Biboo thanking that artist who drew her in this was really cute
>>6697314612th place
Why does Bae have electricity saving autism?
>>66973208Wait, Ina is making custom GZDOOM campaigns?
>>66973247Agreed.Now she just needs more of it.
>>66973258That was smol Ina. And it was the tsuyo cup
>>66973134Have some fat tits in a sweater then
>>66973267idk but it had to have been because of mama or paparat
>>66973267She has to pay for it now
>>66973201i want to grow old with her.
Bae is NOT pissing
>>66973176the popularity of this outfit has lessened the value of the opinions of this entire board
>>66972668>>66973134You’ll see the light one day
>>66973225She perfected the skill of dandori, that the only next step in the evolution was becoming dandori itself. Thus becoming the dandori master
>>66973297more clothing right? to stay warm! ... ... right?
Bae’s distant ows
>Only looks at yaoi when her self insert stories run out
>>66973329i asked
Cute distant rat noises
What part of Ina is the sexiest
Hearing Kaela get crunched on from the distance while Biboo runs, fucking Kek.
>>66973383>she self inserts as the boy pegging
I will never not love how Bae never mutes when going to do something
Ruffians, aren't your oshi streaming too?
i am currently mapping out the shape of Bae's apartment from her ows
What is Bae doing? I only hear her going >ow ow ow ow ow
>>66973403you literally did when you replied to me
>>66973472i care
>>66973329That’s a fault of human psychology and not of the design as that’ll happen to anythingOf course I don’t think it was great enough for how much it trended but art stuffs is like that
>>66973450I am posting about it. Episode 20 is about to start.
>>66973468She's boiling the kettle for her water bottle.
Any of the girls figure out that the stun grenades counter the big tree fuckers yet?
She's got Strowbrees!
>Bae is unironically boiling water in a kettle before drinking itWhat the FUCK is wrong with her
>>66973408This part
>>66973477enough to reply immediately
>brings up point>forgets about it 5 seconds later
...Why does Bae need to boil water for a water bottle?
>>66973201She will never be dandori
they both drowned kek
>I'm forced to live in a cold ass house with shitty electricity.>Bae lives like that because she's cheap and don't want to pay her electricity bill. I hate people who limit themselves when they don't have to.
>>66973488Next art trend should be tacticool armor
>>66973408I like her pits and butthole
>>66973605That's her heater
>>66973605She's currently streaming from the Alaskan tundra and has to boil snow for water.
Bae… wtf
>>66973408>>66973553(me)But if I had to pick
Look at this weird Mumei
Hololive is burack companyburack company is no
Brrats . . . your oshi . . .
So, who’s the smartest Holo?
Bae are you fucking serious? YOU RETARD!
>>66973693Not Bae...
>>66973615Why spend money on electricity when you can save it for songs, projects, barbie dolls and toy guns?Yeah thought so
>>66973539It removes the chlorine taste, if nothing else
90% of the comments should be telling Bae she's fucking stupid
Bae is retarded
>>66973615>spending money on a house and heat when you could buy more Hololive merch
>>66973689I read this in her voice
I'm so sorry brats
What about your dead wife, your schizo girlfriend and your dying girlfriend...
>>66973615hey same with me......
Reminder to all the vaginas in here that strawberries do not replace actual meals.
>>66973658I assume this is averaging each of their total “intellect” and “stupidity” since you can be high in both
>>66973719>food: $100>electricity: $50>Real life Dominator: $1300tasukete
Why don't you guys watch bae? Even shiori mogs her now
Can someone explain why Bae is a retard?
Biboo is every person watching a horror movie>NO WAIT BEHIND YOUkek
>Rooster was running like shit because Bae was on battery this whole timeAn actual retard
>>66973767sasuga best merch saleswoman
>>66973383She's brought this up before.
>>66972003goodnight and sleep tight, robosa!
>>66973273She can map, you know!
>>66973867I'm impressed rooster survived that long running her model, obs, and the game
>>66973857She's all hard work, zero intelligence
Rooster did nothing wrong
>>66973914Rooster is a fucking beast
Is Bae actually a bimbo to rival IRyS?
kaela was gaming a bit there
>>66973837Take your pick anon:A) I'm not watching Lies of P Part 8B) Fuck of back to #
Ela got moves.
>>66973658I'm starting to think you don't even have these shitty opinions or carefully craft these to annoy people, you just drop and drag them blindly into the tiers and see how people react.
>>66973914More than 4 hours yeah BAE 2 MY BELOVED
>>66973408I don't know if this counts but Ina's smell is addictive.
>>66973954That's why they get along
The duck is up with that duck
I'm watching multiple streams at once and I heard someone farting. Who was it?
>>66973857>Spent half the stream trying to troubleshoot why her laptop was shitting itself trying to run the game at medium settings>The gameplay ends and she realizes her laptop wasn't plugged in this whole time so it was trying to survive on battery saver mode the entire stream
*Eats all your garden rhubarbs and blames it on deer*
>>66973954I feel like she's at the bottom with IRyS in most retarded ENs
>>66974009It was Ela
holy kek biboo
>>66974010what is wrong with his face?
>>669740481000 filters
>>66974027Bae has her moments of retardation but she’s usually okayToday was particularly bad though kek
>>66974010Doesn't even look human anymore
>>66974009Me, sorry about that my dawg.
>>66972496I think Mori might be non-meme autistic.
>>66974108Fuwawa isn't even streaming?!
>Towa thread
>>66974135It's not nice it's fucking rude. I was going to make rhubarb pies with those.
Bae's squeaks used to sound like dog barks but now they actually sound like rat squeaks
>>66972513See this is why you don’t. Instead of going out and looking you just hope God drops one in your lap
>>66974134>might be
>Pre marital stretching
Listen to Risu sing Stay With Me
>>66973322electricity is not THAT expensive, considering how much money she makes
>>66974019I'm gonna eat her then
>>66974134Anon a good chuck of the girl in Hololive are as much as people might say they are merely pretending
Atashi mentioned
>>66973322Yes anon, we all pay for electricity. It's something you need stay alive in most places.
Now she can't even blame Australia when something like this happens
you guys, i need your best dance moves
Did she kill it?
Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina
kaela's great great ass set
What would dating Kaela be like?
>>66974300>balls touchingGaaaaaaaay
>>66974019Almost doesn’t feel like one of their pieces without the noticeable watermark
>Thanks for the gifted memberships!More like>Thanks for leaking my members posts and wallpapers!
>>66974300Why do Korean artists only draw black guys, did our Marines mess them up that much?
I miss Ina...
>>66974300Me in the middle
>>66974319Do not post
>>66974242She mentioned that Cover covered the electricity during her previous trips so she didn’t get a shit about wasting their moneyNow that it’s her money, the rat is penny pinching kek
I miss biboo
>>66974392omae wa...
Koseki Bijou!
>>66974300This is such a fucking hot picture.
My wife and her mother are fucking gone...What do I do now...
>>66974448I feel like people who penny pitch do in the dumbest places, I bet if you look into a few months she will pitch pennies on on things you need well buying a bubble tea 4 times a days.
>>66974319Post what?
>Bee eye oh ess.IRyS is to blame for this somehow.
Grindstone (+Mori) will return next week for Minecraft
Can't tell if new meme or ultra tourist newfag>>66974382
Wait, did Biboo raid into Shiori or Bae?
>>66974549>you don't need cheese
>>66974549Bubble tea is necessary for steamy rat piss
Based on actual eventshttps://twitter.com/Seblueka/status/1747610431542444197
>>66974584Fr fr? are you trolling me?
>>66974549Bae hates sweet things that aren’t strawbrees
So why Phase collabs are ok now? Because they are bigger than Nijisanji now?
>>66974634Ela talked about it during her MC stream so it’s believable
[Bae news]She's gonna do a members only watchalong of the last 3 episodes of Jojo phantom blood and then Hakos Baelzu and Koseki Bijou will do a watchalong of battle tendency
Speedwagon withdraws cooly...
Bae’s favourite jojo character is speedwagon
>>66974602Rock into Rrat.
>>66974602im pretty sure she raided into shiorin, the people spamming ROCK ROCK in bae's chat probably went there after her stream of their own volition???
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGJXKJ0BwYQ&t=9658I've played LC for 50+ hours and have never seen something like this
>Shiori rapMORI MOGGED
>>66974710Are you sure? Why did I end up in Shiori's stream? I saw a bunch of chatters spamming "ROCK ROCK" in both streams.
Well you guys are getting crossbreed with each other if your a member of shiorin. So she will fuck you fuck each other.
>>66974727Kino moment
>>66974634Fr, Biboo wants a tour to what Kaela previously built
God bless Bae for streaming while being so busy with house hunting
Ina please crash Bae's after party!
>>66974727that's called a bug
>>66974478>>66974495Apparently it wasn't just me? Is this a YouTube feature?
>>66974727Okay, now how about thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ih2fa2Z2PI
Shiori is going to vore me!
>>66974634It was originally just Grindstone but Biboo invited Mori. We'll see if she'll be available though
>>66974549Bae doesn't pitch penny regarding groceries, she prefers to cook for herself so she buys large hulking portions of groceries at a time and she's not a fan of bubble tea
>>66974875Thats not a bug, its part of the structure, its more of a backroom that you'd have to be very lucky to fall into
Why is Shiori saying she's going to eat her members?
Bae just hinted her after-party for MINDCRAFT will be a Collab but we don't know who
Did someone say Strawbrees?
>>66974979She's also going to eat ALL the eggs!
>>66974979I wanna be digested by Shiori
Why are we shitting in front of Shiori?
I just got called a pedo for having a pic of Nerissa
>>66975000Stream, you bitch
>>66975006IRyS, Ina and whatever other ENs are in Japan
What is Shiori talking about? publicly shitting Novelites?
>>66975000strange dog
What yab names is Shiori reading
>>66975066Well, are you?
>>66975006Is it too early for Ina?
>>66975066post the pic or ill call you a pedo too
>>66975107Does hentai count
>>66975127No, and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard.
>do i have a gun emote
>what happened to Shiori?
>>66975102AND SEXY
>>66975000Hey that's me
>>66975160FAT FUCK
>we are all the NPCs to Shiori's storyuh is this correct?
Changing the gun emote to a water gun was one of the gayest things ever done
>>66975148Then no I am not a pedo
>>66975176i was expecting something spicier or with biboo involved somehow
>>66975066Need loli Nerissa now...
Shiori will moan for you if you send gifted subs apparently
>>66975066What was the pic?
My Shiorin is broken...
>>66975224You don't understand! Children were bullying each other ON WHATSAPP!
>>66975108The afterparty is on the 20th so maybe not
thanks for the gift.......
npc shiori love
Is Shiori ogey?
Does this mean they're gonna fuck now?
Why is Shiori like this?
Uhh is Shiori's SC readings always like this?
Did somebody find her vibrator switch? WTF
I'm normally not awake for Shiori but I want to ravage her.
>>66974727What exactly?
Just tuned in, why is Shiori orgasming?
How many gifts were handed out in this stream?
>>66975011Dibs on raspberry
I feel like I should watch Shiori's SC readings from now on
Both Kiara and Shiori made me hard during superchats today
>GlizzyYeah, mine.
>>66975414Not to that extent, I think too much exposure to Sonic turned up the autism
>>66975383There is nothing wrong with marrying your cousin
Next time Shiori ends a stream early because her voice hurts, or takes another day off because she talked too much last stream, remember that she's doing THIS BIT.
>>66975540Is autism a bit?
>>66975524Wow, it's somehow kept getting worst
The one male manager must have a stick up his ass, bonking Shiori off everything
>>66974719Did they add a multi stream raiding feature? Otherwise this graph makes no sense.
>>66975622probably, half of the viewers went to shiori, half to Bae
Shiori has somehow mastered being a lovable goofball in a company where everyone is a lovable goofball
>>66975619It's either a bit or necessary measurements because she does fly dangerously close to the sun at times.
It's shiover...
>get sent to fwmc stream>un>keep stream open
free at last...she kissed me too
https://twitter.com/oozorasubaru/status/1747861600894398947https://twitter.com/oozorasubaru/status/1747861600894398947https://twitter.com/oozorasubaru/status/1747861600894398947https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMggtlWPCqMYAB YAB YAB
Lads question is there even a point why streamers put "spoilers" in the stream title isn't pointless for a fucking stream
Luv the dogs but it's a pointless stream to stay in right now.
>>66975767Sometimes the perms require it.
>>66975734ITS OVER
>>66975767For Hololive it's a requirement as part of the perms
>>66975734>>66975796Free trail goes to level 70 now, it's fucking long.
last time I played sekiro I gave up when I couldnt beat the guy with the spear/genchiro on the roof/the other boss near themwill I be able to finish the game beofre bijou if I try again right now?
>>66975222No, her mods are. Novelites are fellow protagonists.
>>66975783>>66975801Cheers should of figured it be something like that
>>66975734That reminds me why did Biboo stop playing FF14?
>>66975823She's doing it as uploads with Iroha talking her through it, so it'll be like 3 streams at most and dropped like Pekora, Nene, and IRyS.
>>66975734was that a #ad ?
>>66975837Probably not unless you're going to go nonstop from right now
>>66975887>so it'll be like 3 streams at most and droppedTh duck will 100% not do that since she has JRPG autism
>>66975837No you suck
>>66975927ff14 story streams could be her weekend jrpg autism stream
Do you have pics like this from other holos? Please share
hey /gig/ is raiden overrated or is navia busted i can't tell. i just hit nukes at c0 navia
Half a day lefthttps://www.makeship.com/shop/hololivehttps://www.makeship.com/shop/hololivehttps://www.makeship.com/shop/hololivehttps://www.makeship.com/shop/hololivehttps://www.makeship.com/shop/hololivehttps://www.makeship.com/shop/hololive
>>66976002wrong tab?
>>66975734>needing a teacher for ff14why do ff14fags think their game is hard? the boss growls and a giant yellow zone appears for 30 seconds before turning into fire then they act like walking out of the zone is some high iq play that only they could think up
how is there no bait thread in the catalog about kiara fucking off for several weeks
>>66976010I already own too many Myth plushies
>>66976002Wrong thread anon and navia isn't really busted unless you have the team to support her. She is hot though.
>>66976063stop that
>>66976002Gay IRyStocrats General?
>>66976035The duck always does this, nothing to do with FF14 anon. Are you ok?
>>66976035starting an mmo when you have never played one might be a bit overwhelming/scary for some
>>66976002Raden? she is quite underrated in my opinion
She got Yusuke Urameshi'd?
>>66976129>>66976136She should play a good game like wow instead
>>66976035You severely underestimate the average MMO player, most don't know what a prime number is
huwawa is crying...
>>66976035Please take your autism elsewhere.
>>66976252but shes outacar
>>66976220i would say the duck wants to play ff for the story not for hardcore raiding and gameplay and the story in wow is...
Subaru should play The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero instead
>>66976038Kiara's remaining schizos are lazy and would rather samefag/falseflag here than put any effort.
>>66976313Have Ririka shill it then, she played the whole Trails series
>>66976078idk i feel like navia is really good at c0 + she just got a great weapon for free
>Iroha isn't telling Subaru about smallclothes or class attire previews.USELESS TEACHER
>>66975867number poison
she's been crying for awhile now what is going on
>>66974355satly coins and milk
foowawa is styll crying bros i want to hug her
>>66976442She just needs crystalize and different elements to work with her passive and a healer. She also pretty much needs Benny, but that's fine.
Why is it on Bae's channel
>>66975958>>66975927FBK has been playing XIV for almost 2 years, and despite playing most of it previously and knowing where to go for everything, she's still not caught up to 6.55
>>66976531and have the sex afterwards
>>66976566She paid for it
>>66975867most ff14 fags want to watch people play the story and want to see their reactions not savage raiding
>>66976566It was funded by her so of course it’s on her channel
>>66975734I swear, is IRyS the only one who played this and didn't pick a Lalafell?
>>66976400Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure she talked about playing the whole Tales of series
when I play ff14 I just skip all the text and have fun doing the boss battles and dungeons with other people
It's already that time
Is Nerissa going to be there or not
>>66976546tru trui feel like raiden requires so much investment to be good but it is a gacha
>>66976343I miss Stormblood.
>>66976035FFXIV bombards you with shit as soon as you start the game. And I doubt even Subaru is smart enough to figure it all out.
>>66974355Kaela has a slew of health issues
>>66976530IRyS too dark
>>66976656She talked about both actually and shadow hearts and Suikoden
>>66976566I feel like someone always asks this when a song comes outBae paid for it/organised it
>>66976569EN minecraft arc when? Why does Advent hate block game?
>>66976681Unless her PC is too shit to run it I don't see why she wouldn't be in it, she's already home.
How many of you would be comfortable with your oshi talking about her period in excruciating detail? Down to the color, amount, and smell.
>>66976687Raiden need someone with dendro, that's it.
FWMC are crying and you're doing nothing.
>>66975867She had a semi-complex idea of doing raids with viewers, that was more work than what it's worth Then she got addicted to AC6, hanging with Ela, and DMC
>>66975290with an obligatory orange 2 hatted woman
>>66976807I would type "AYO" or "WTF" with a flat expression
>>66976815bottom right is not
>>66976406If Kiara got into the XIV story, she would fall in-love with it. Shame ARR is still such a slog.
>>66976807Wouldn't really affect me but it also wouldn't be an interesting topic
>Cover retweeting HoneyWorks stuff>Mel still there>Any 5th Fes merch they can't remove her from will still be sold>Some Holos will once again have only 1 song due to a group song getting cutSo fucking stupid, they should have just suspended her.
>>66976807I would unironically be fine with Ina talking in detail about all her bodily functions.
>>66976807I have two sisters so I would be unfazed.
Don't open.
>>66976615>not savage raidingShe got around that by doing it with viewers.
>>66976867A lot of Holos would cry their eyes out. It's just a very long road that's more suited to mmo streamers.
>>66976836uooooh newissssa
missing the wawa
>>66976807That's disgusting and nobody needs to know. Hinting they're on their period is fine though and normal.
>>66976760Nice, was it during her debut or in some random stream?
>>66976949Yeah, for sure. Shadowbringers and Endwalker would kill them for sure.
Speaking of XIV, who in Holo would speedrun wifing the tomboy pon Ronso?Hard Mode: Not Ina
>>66976681Biboo said Nerizzler was a maybeFwmc didn't mention her when they talked about it this morninghttps://x.com/nerissa_en/status/1747718169601462615 sounds like she'll do a short stream on her own
They're uh..still crying
>>66977083Truely the Roe killer. They look so much better than Roe it's insane. I wonder if they can wear hats.
You know, recent months made me realize that women with autism are just really annoying and weird instead of being cute and cool like I previously thought
i never understood anons who said girls crying is hot until i heard fuwawa abyssgard cry
>>66977106i hope she joins
>>66976807define excruciating, I've lived with women most of my life so I've already seen, heard, and smelled the worst of it.
This nigga is like a magnet for other people's misery
>>66977151people think that about autistic boys (You) too anon
>>66977151The only ones who actually have autism in EN are Ina, Mori, Mumei, Sana, Shiori, and Mococo (only). Everybody else ranges from normal to "just weird".
>>66976867Maybe its because I skipped through a bunch of cutscenes and i had a friend tell me the gist but ARR didn't feel that long to me, heavensward felt longer since i did actually watch cutscenes for that
>>66976807This would imply they're not pregnant (by me), which would ruin my immersion
>>66976867i thought ARR was good just the patches were shit
>>66977145hey anon if you look at the watermark on the bottom left it clearly says not to share outside the patreon
>>66976778Fauna didn't push enough. And if you want the real answer besides the fact that practically nobody connects to the server>FWMC have a stroke if they play something with k+m, their brains can barely understand in games "this button = jump, this button = run">Nerissa doesn't have the mentality to play almost any game, according to what I read from some jailbirds, even in BG3 after more than 100 hours she was still failing in the most basic things and she was just playing for her vampire husbando>Shiori is a kusoge gamer>Bijou tried, but she already had everything on the second day of playing thanks to KaelaIf they ever go for the dragon it's gonna be Bijou and the dead weight vs. the dragon
>>66977045I think it was her steam buying stream?
>>66976358One day ai will allow me to automatically filter any tietlist post
>>66976908Can you add the Okayu one?
>>66976867Kronii and Kiara would get wet for Yotsuyu
>>66977199>smellwhat do periods smell like?
Crazy realization.HoloMyth and HoloID1 have now been Holos for longer than Sora had been when HoloEN/HoloID first debuted.
[fwmc news]they are running out of tissues
>>66977466NTA but my big sis left her period panties everywhere and it'd basically end up fermenting and creating a scent that's a mix of iron, swamp balls, dirty butthole, sweat, and papaya.
>>66977439My chubby Korean daughter
>>66976778vanilla minecraft post scarcity fucking sucks
>>66977466wet rust
>>66977342It's not even their fault either. Minecraft just gets incredibly boring once you reach the point where grinding for items isn't a thing anymore and don't have a mega build to make in the game
>>66977342That's why they should have prioritized the EN server, starting off in the joint server where everything is made for them was bad from the start
>>669772322.0 used to have like 190 quests, 2.1 - 2.5 had 100, 3.0 has 94, and 3.1 - 3.5 only has 44.
>>66977466Like bags of sand
>>66977342>Bijou tried, but she already had everything on the second day of playing thanks to KaelaMaybe an unpopular opinion, but Kaela ruined minecraft in a way, for everyone. That's too strong of a word perhaps but still, when there exists one godlike entity that can (and does) do or give you anything you can think of, any desire to progress or achieve anything in the game just vanishes. Not that there's much to do in the first place...
>>66977232The main part is good and not that long and properly paced because of you also leveling a new character, the patches are like just as long if not longer and the worst content in the game.
>>66977540Don't worry Mojang is currently trying to fix that issue
>>66977354Thanks, my japanese is pretty bad, but I can understand the main point of a conversation, I'll check it out
>>66977592Minecraft was ruined well before Kaela with the """resource serve""" shit.
>>66977342>Bijou and the dead weight vs. the dragonTo be fair, CouncilRyS was Fauna+deadweight with a dash of Bae.
>>66977592???? it took weeks for biboo to be able to get an elytra
it's nice that a 4 player game like Palworld is fotm now, that means we can get full-gen collabs for Gen 1, 3, 4, 5 and Council.
>>66977070God, Bae would die from crying so fucking much.
>>66977592MC story arcs have never been about building shit. So having supplies doesn't matter.Did you not see the JP mafia breaking knees for gold bars? That's minecraft
>>66977548>>66977499what if this is actually the real kronii
>>66976807I've had sex with a girl while she was on her period, did it like three times. It doesn't bother me at all.
>>66977609Post the croc hypno
>>66977698Minecraft is doing cahtent server scripted TV show stuff? Grim.
>>66977670>it's nice that a 4 player gameAt least look the game up...
>>66971849hey girl
>>66977466my sisters and singular GF smelled like a mix of old milk and blood, it's not a good odor at all. when they forgot to throw that shit out for anything longer than 24 hours it would make you gag when you stepped in the room.
>>66977224Ame is the only actually autistic one, the rest range from kayfabe to weird
got roped back into warframe and missed strems tonighthow was the Rocksmith collab and how was Rrat?
>>66971866based patposter
>>66977684The collab looked pretty cute and wholesome from the couple of clips that I've seen from it.
>>66977884Its grindstoneAnd it was great, plenty of hilarious moments
>>66977658Didn’t Kaela literally offer to just give her one if she wanted?
>>66977884Who fucking plays Warframe without background noise? You don't have a second screen?
>>66977817Her habitual funny screeching can actually be a sign of autism...
>>66977777Who got
>>66977884Bae managed to beat Swamp monster in between Rooster dying on power saver mode because she didn't properly plug him into the wall.
>>66977946nah it was ela that said she needs to earn it
>>66977884It was Kino as fuck actually. Biboo going full schizo was probably the highlight
>We all suddenly know what periods smell like and are sexually excited by it
>>66977884The Rat took 3 hours to beat a boss, got a cool ass weapon and had Rooster (her streaming laptop) fighting for its life
>>66977946In the very start once they had their usual dynamic we had a whole stream of her whipping Biboo through The End till she got one herself.
>>66977946She told her to earn it then literally took Biboo to The End for her to find one
>>66977884>got roped back into warframeSorry for your loss
We need an Uguu girl in hololive
>>66976807You mean like Veibei?I'd consider oshien. It'd only be downhill from there.
>>66978039She should sit on my face and jerk me off with her feet (as a prank)
>>66977946Biboo begged for it but Kaela told her to get one herself
>>66978137Why did she do it?
i dont get what im supposed to do during dead hours
What? Did Yuuichi gone full schizo or is he dead in the snow?
>>66977947the background noise was verbal shitposting with guys I don't talk to much anymore>>66977981>>66978018>roosterbeen a while since I could catch rat, is Goose still with us?>>66978003i'll have to set some time aside for it for sure then>>66978059me too.have some yopi and mooner as thanks for the recapshttps://litter.catbox.moe/71n1g8.jpghttps://litter.catbox.moe/71n1g8.jpg
Did she just Naruto run?
>>66978137Fauna still shows up in images when you search for WHS
>>66978186Want to come over and make cookies together?
>>66978207even White Hole is enough if you scroll a bit kek.
>>66978195>is Goose still with us?Yeah, but he's going to be the Aus shed computer for whenever Bae travels back to Aus.
>gets wolf cut>wants to hit the gymoh yeah, she's going full gay
What's is the current status of ProMyth?
Ayu... that wish...
>>66978288As opposed to before when she was what 80% gay?
>>66978288Kronii chose to be the abusive girlfriend in her future lesbian relationship
>>66978340yeah lol
>>66978288>gets wolf cutWhen did this happen? Does Kiara know this?
>>66978288>Wtf is a wolf cut?>Oh >*doing*That's gay? Please say it aint so, I want a wolf cut GF now.
>>66978288i need a wolf cut gf so bad
>>66978288>>gets wolf cutwhen was that? sex tho
>>66978297Ame: MIAGura: AWOLMori: activeKiara: breakIna: travelingBae: moving outFauna: MIAMumei: MIAIRyS: recording hellKronii: surgery recovery
>>66978515>>66978544Kronii tweeted about it yesterday, and I don't think that Wawa has heard yet, nohttps://twitter.com/ourokronii/status/1747575639962705922
>>66978554>Mori: ActiveNot for another week (other than pre-recorded stuff).
They skipped it...
https://twitter.com/ruuna_070/status/1747877619478286418Here's your Post jaw surgery 2024 Kronii
>>66978583I think you didn't know what wolf cut is either
>>66978525Sorry, wolf cut is claimed by the lesbians
https://twitter.com/shiorinovella/status/1747864684890615844i guess Nerissa will also join the Palworld collab
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>66978685that's not what this is?
>>66978554In short, ProMyth bros in agony
>>66978753Going back to the states for surgery consultation. And if you're going to ask why she doesn't just go to a Japanese doctor, go and listen to any JP girl talk about their experiences with doctors in that country (Lamy is a good recent example).
bok bok, I love Kiara.
>>66978770google it, it's basically sex hair the cut
>>66978554How did the EN management allow such a large number of talents to take a break from their work at the same time? What the fuck?
Shiori is alive
https://twitter.com/kosekibijou/status/1747878990617141696HAKOS BAELZ
>>66978288She wasn't full gay before? Why the fuck does it feel like Kronii suddenly got a girlfriend or something?
>>66978770I just realized that this is basically a woman's mullet
>>66978860idk it's a complete mystery
Who is the greatest threat to Hololive right now? Biboo spreading her zoomer mindrot or Iroha spreading her XIV mindrot?
>>66978860The only ones in a break for no reason are Kiara and fauna
My Ina drew more holo merch!https://twitter.com/MOLLYONLINE_of/status/1747786063391887660https://twitter.com/MOLLYONLINE_of/status/1747786063391887660https://twitter.com/MOLLYONLINE_of/status/1747786063391887660
>>66978770No but I'm sure Kiara would be horny for this too
>>66978882Yeah, me
>>66978983what the fuck, I didn't know Ina can draw
>>66978983Ina will fuck Marine
>>66978583Wolf cut is more what Kiara actually has on her alter outfit
>>66978926They earn the most from superchats and merch
>>66978860It's like a mixture of bad timing + preexisting hiatuses + management cohesively checking with each other and forcing them to stream
>>66978889But a sexy mullet
>>66978554Fauna is missing, but should be back soon when she recovers. Kronii the same. IRyS said that she is confirmed to be recording and practicing until January 25, after that she has a few weeks with less work, but in the 2nd week of February she will start the moving to her renovated home, she said she will go to hololive's HQ to do a stream on valentine's day if necessary. Bae will be active all February. So things are looking good for next monthI'm not jinxing it
>>66978986Usually a safe bet for her when women are involved lol
>>66978288Yeah, for Miku
>>66979099doesn't mean that it doesn't makes sense to take a break during the month when making content gives the least returns
Why do Fuwawa and Mococo keep moaning?
>>66978860If I were management I'd be more than happy to let them take breaks now (in the worst month of the year to stream) to square things away before Fes months.
>>66978983I remember when Cover hired her to do merch and then dropped the idea, Ina was so frustrated, I am happy she's finally doing it
>>66979170You are jinxing it, in fact it's already done
>>66979212Understandable, Miku is pretty awesome.I forget sometimes that she's almost as big of a vocaloid boomer as IRyS
>>66979205She has a form for each kink
>>66978288KRONIIS GAY?
>>66978685>>66979071She also said herself that she wanted to get a wolf cut. It's not like the drawing is an actual picture of her
>>66979346>It's not like the drawing is an actual picture of herwait wtf
Pekora, Marine and Noel will NOT play the Palworld kusoge.
How did it survive for 8+ years
>>66978288>like wolf cut>it's for dykesdamn I just keep losing...
Ina should stab Ame to death (romantically)
>>66979346B-but kronii is a drawing
>>66979327Gay for Towa yea
>>66979475>kronies are in love with a drawing
Just randomly though of this again and it made me laugh
>>66979346Close enough
>>66979519silly clocks, when will they learn?