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66949977 No.66949977 [Reply] [Original]

???? Edition
Previous Thread >>66931092

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>> No.66950087
File: 355 KB, 600x582, 1705508989467155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66950112

Sleep tight, Moco-chan

>> No.66950121

they said in fwmcmorning they'll provide a summary for the first half of kanon and that it's probably fine to watch but is that true?
doesn't seem right to me to not watch the first half then jump into the 2nd half, it's not an episodic anime

>> No.66950137

I realized something.

Patra's ESL Lifetime Showtime lyrics imply Fuwawa is fat.

"I'm so fluffy that even I could float away."

This implies that without her fluff, Fuwawa is particularly unlikely to float away, i.e. fat.

>> No.66950198

oi. not everything has to be a ritual post

>> No.66950223

first half is mainly one girl's route, just watch episode 12 and you'll be ready for the current girl's arc

>> No.66950241

I’m a fat ugly bastard but I prefer Mococo…

>> No.66950316

Tou say this as if the story will continue beyond today.

>> No.66950321
File: 82 KB, 952x1024, 1703880538067495m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Patra

>> No.66950346

You guys ever have so much hentai that you forget what you've downloaded or you even have things you downloaded but never read? Or thing's you've read but forgotten the name and artist of? Sometimes I'll see a panel or a page and ask for sauce, not because I want to download it but because I know I already have it somewhere and I need to know what to search for. Anyways I was downloading all the Akiko doujins because of the Kanon watchalong and it turns out I already have a bunch of works by the same artist. I need to organize my stuff.

>> No.66950400
File: 888 KB, 850x1202, 2cea90fc18212a5a90e325ce21d68285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my perfect bimbo Fuwawife.

>> No.66950490
File: 1.21 MB, 832x1216, 1704842278643932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66950519

basically nothing happens, it's a boring as fuck anime with cute visuals and BGM. I also spent two episodes entirely watching mococo sleeping and feel like I missed maybe 5% tops of the plot.

>> No.66950555

Good morning my princess

>> No.66950583


>> No.66950589

sleep, tight Moco-chan

>> No.66950622
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, 1705307596543890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moco-chan my EOP princess I love you!

>> No.66950648
File: 31 KB, 204x102, 1694049214846892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doko mitendayo

>> No.66950650

sleep tight Moco-chan

>> No.66950688
File: 327 KB, 576x520, 1705508822425967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66950718
Quoted by: >>66959410


>> No.66950734

Time to catch up.
If they try to be made at the MC over this...

>> No.66950759
File: 145 KB, 900x1200, 20240117_161010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fuzzy thread

>> No.66950765
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>> No.66950768

ah OK. ill still have to vod anyways since I have early morning stuff to do, can't watch but i guess I can stop to say hi

>> No.66950782
File: 939 KB, 1600x900, file (45).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66959410

AI shit, this isn't my Moco-chan

>> No.66950807


>> No.66950855

Sex witth luffians

>> No.66950913
File: 223 KB, 364x538, 1705458715547872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66950943

>> No.66950941

Super based, thank you, I'll add to mega in a bit

>> No.66950943


>> No.66950948

Hello Ruffians, how are things going? I've noticed that our chat has an insane ratio of member to none member compared to some other chats I visit.

>> No.66951031
Quoted by: >>66951114

Did that membership spammer ever stop? Was it revealed if the fag was actually using shitty currency?

>> No.66951062


>> No.66951077

we love our girls

>> No.66951104

I'm the most hated ruffian but I'm now letting that stop me because even the most hated ruffian is loved

I'll keep trying and dreaming of the day I'm noticed with a message read or submission . But if it never comes I still love them

>> No.66951114

LoDong? That guy moved on when they weren't giving him attention with his gift spam.

>> No.66951117


>> No.66951130

raping passed out mococo

>> No.66951215

please don't. Rape is bad, wuffian.

>> No.66951222

fuwawa please...

>> No.66951236


>> No.66951351

Today's a good day for the lewds harvest

>> No.66951382

rapinh mococo while she's fully aware and concision

>> No.66951380
Quoted by: >>66951402

I don't want spoilers but Makoto going into episode 8 is a complete hammerheaded retard. What the fuck do people see in her?

>> No.66951402
Quoted by: >>66951487

we like retards here

>> No.66951432


>> No.66951477
File: 64 KB, 256x349, 1702014520686612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fuwawa an anteater?

>> No.66951487

Moco-chan is a much sweeter and cuter retard, but she isn't on a 'needs a handler' level like Makoto.

>> No.66951545
Quoted by: >>66951718

>she isn't on a 'needs a handler' level
what do you think fuwawa's job is

>> No.66951553
File: 340 KB, 1435x1072, 1696187849173068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mocochan's not a retard

>> No.66951600

she does need a handler

>> No.66951635

Makoto got brain dead by the end, Mococo is pretty stupid, about pre brain dead Makoto level

>> No.66951670
File: 316 KB, 1530x2048, 20240117_182659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a powerful need

>> No.66951690
File: 218 KB, 672x641, 1705482679850536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you fall asleep is when you are in your most vulnerable state. You only sleep when you feel comfortable and you have a deep bond with the person close to you.
I'm glad we were able to share this moment with her, it felt very intimate and calm.
Fuwawa's turn when?

>> No.66951706

Is it too late already for mococo or fuwawa to have non retarded puppies? Assuming the seed is also ojisan made. What are the morales and science behind human demon dog breeding ?

>> No.66951718
File: 840 KB, 2894x4093, MocoCheekInPalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be...
Fuwawa is so protective of her sister because of her handicap that she does EVERYTHING with her. Fuwawa likes what Moco-chan likes too, but there's a sense of sisterly duty that keeps her pushing forward. She usually does her best to make Moco-chan feel better and make Moco-chan happy. It's all starting to make sense.
Fuwawa gets a little fun every once in a while by messing very lightly with Moco-chan and it's her way to destress from the constant monitoring of her sister.
I'm in love with a retard...

>> No.66951728
File: 483 KB, 2244x2952, @K63417638 GD-SqDrbMAAcoY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo is the smartest, cutest, prettiest girl in the world

>> No.66951755
Quoted by: >>66951805

Only two of these are true.

>> No.66951793

>with the person close to you.
You know thats fuwawa and not us right?

>> No.66951794
File: 17 KB, 581x368, 1698738269310488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 162: Today I've done just my anki reps, 10 new cards.

>> No.66951800
File: 477 KB, 720x900, 1694732662721049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all true

>> No.66951805
File: 693 KB, 1056x688, 1688201527964453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haeh? Are you saying I'm NOT the cutest?

>> No.66951812

but would she let me cum on her face though?

>> No.66951832
File: 961 KB, 1080x1080, 1699394572283.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66951842

>The Planetarium
Fuck, I knew I'd make that mistake at some point.

>> No.66951867

haha look at her go

>> No.66951868

What this guy said >>66951793 Also, that only really applies to normal sleep and not when you're dead tired

>> No.66951873

Baused. It bothered me that it wasnt complete before

>> No.66951908
File: 167 KB, 680x797, 1684553938356111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66951950

Can't believe you're still going. What a chad.

>> No.66951950

he is Japan

>> No.66952018
Quoted by: >>66952082

Or even just not actively afraid/concerned about your surroundings

>> No.66952040

3 days and counting without the wall and even on that day she was only a fence... I'm starting to get worried for mococo's favorite ruffian

>> No.66952082
File: 205 KB, 496x524, 1683465932847401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can always count on /baubau/ to ruin it.

>> No.66952087
Quoted by: >>66952291

their birthdays are coming up soon

>> No.66952124

Probably just a bout of the winter blues

>> No.66952134
File: 214 KB, 1355x1882, GDZUgCNbYAAAXFN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66952150

i love fuwawa

>> No.66952150

ima say it again bro
prove it by posting cropped porn of her

>> No.66952157
Quoted by: >>66952325

God I wanna take the biggest whiff from Fuwawa's armpits

>> No.66952291
Quoted by: >>66952359

When are they exactly again?

>> No.66952324

JP timezone gets fucked. Keeping up with streams is impossible, even for the wall

>> No.66952325

Same, but Moco-chans butthole.

>> No.66952359
File: 603 KB, 1079x656, 1701645870448026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66954709

Feb1 and 2...

>> No.66952411
Quoted by: >>66952440

I hate this. I don't have enough time to hear their chatting between episodes if I want to catch up to episode 13 before the stream.

>> No.66952440

1.5x speed their chatting sections specifically

>> No.66952512
File: 441 KB, 2440x1434, GD4nHCLbMAAAlC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66952611
Quoted by: >>66952833

>basically nothing happens
something happens you faggot

>> No.66952640
File: 176 KB, 1290x2562, 20240107_040956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66952695
File: 1.02 MB, 1302x1842, Pleasepat....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, Moco-chan...
At the start of episode 9, collapsing.

>> No.66952755

Do you mean we have a lot of members, or a lot of grays? We usually have a lot of grays during JP/JST streams

>> No.66952830


>> No.66952833

and it can be summarized in a sentence or two with about the same impact as the shitty rushed way it was shown in the show. your point?

>> No.66952842
Quoted by: >>66953065

Haachama bau bau’d today?

>> No.66952860
File: 89 KB, 886x1024, 20240103_204540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously don't love them enough

>> No.66952859

I think I'm starting to understand the anons who are getting tired of all the breast envy art

>> No.66952883

Sleep tight Moco-Chan

>> No.66952906

Don’t photoshop Mocochan crying

>> No.66952963
Quoted by: >>66953018

The Mai route already seems far more interesting than Makoto's.

>> No.66952979
File: 179 KB, 979x2048, @rifu__GDm9joYbQAAFAb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll love them extra to make up for you then.

>> No.66953018
Quoted by: >>66953147

I liked Makoto's better so far because of how it handled her slow decline. We'll see how the Mei stuff ends.

>> No.66953063
File: 125 KB, 1026x720, NjChlvk5gZabqZkg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66953065


>> No.66953082

I think it would be best if the routes were done like in Yosuga no Sora where they just kind of rewind and the previous route becomes "non-canon". It was wild seeing him getting close to the other sick girl right after Makoto died like that, nigga's collecting bodies or something.

>> No.66953086

something still happens, so you're wrong.

>> No.66953092

why are you retarded

>> No.66953123
File: 676 KB, 500x600, Mococo What about Mococo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx9d63a.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66959597

Moco-chan getting all teary and huffy and crying...

>> No.66953147
Quoted by: >>66953241

Kamisama ni natta hi did it better

>> No.66953163
Quoted by: >>66953381

Why are you typing like a nigger?

>> No.66953176
Quoted by: >>66953381

It's ok if you think about it like he's the kind of man who's good at not being a sobbing trainwreck over what happened.

>> No.66953233
Quoted by: >>66953295

I'm assuming it'll tie into Ayu in some way with a theme. Maybe I'm giving it too much credit, but it just seems weird to have this mysticism stuff in what would otherwise be a pretty 'normal' world.

>> No.66953241

Last time I checked, we were talking about Kanon, not anime completely irrelevant to Kanon.

>> No.66953295

Key always shoehorns in mysticism

>> No.66953347


>> No.66953351
Quoted by: >>66953520

How in Clannad?

>> No.66953381
Quoted by: >>66953644

East coast baby philly where you at?

I guess, but at least go for one of the stable, healthy people, kek.

>> No.66953399

>nerissas 3dio mic arrived

>> No.66953450

They already have the mic, that part was covered since debut. Our issue is confidence hort.

>> No.66953486
Quoted by: >>66953583

people buy lots of gifts. i've been a member for 4 months only through gifts.

>> No.66953510

Valentines day, trust the plan.

>> No.66953512
Quoted by: >>66953636

FWMC's mic arrived, they're just keeping it a secret for Valentine's Day. They're gonna surprise us...

>> No.66953520
Quoted by: >>66953682

ending spoiler

>> No.66953525
File: 183 KB, 676x951, 1692653547878772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should watch Baka na Imouto with us instead.

>> No.66953546

dunno, never hear them talk about any aunts.

>> No.66953550
File: 8 KB, 576x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think this will apply to fuwamoco if they ever try to take a break?

>> No.66953583
Quoted by: >>66953714

I'm curious, why not buy at this point? You've been here long enough and seen enough to justify the purchase, no?

>> No.66953631
File: 549 KB, 647x857, 1705282777196108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66953636
Quoted by: >>66953696

They already had one way before debut. It's them not feeling confident enough or them wanting to practice a lot before doing a stream.

>> No.66953644
Quoted by: >>66953807

he didn't really "go" for Makoto, he was just being there for her after finding out what's happening to her. With no memories about her past, this whole time with him and Akiko and Nayuki would be the only time as a family she would ever know as Makoto.

>> No.66953653


>> No.66953682

I'm retarded I guess. For some reason I thought it was just a reverse of time where everything was just better and she gave birth and didn't die and they raised a happy family.

>> No.66953696 [DELETED] 

I don't care about rm vagueposting, anon.

>> No.66953714

i simply don't want to give youtube my money. i've bought all their merch and most of the voice packs, that's how i will support them monetarily.

>> No.66953723

they've taken short breaks before

>> No.66953736


>> No.66953749

they'll just stalk the ruffians all day and maybe go huff a cat

>> No.66953756

They literally said they had one as FWMC. Watch streams.

>> No.66953766

sex with wuffians!!

>> No.66953777

Fair. At this point, I don't care as long as FuwaMoco make some money from it.
At least you're not stealing

>> No.66953807
Quoted by: >>66953891

I mean after Makoto's death. He was immediately getting cozy with Shiori.

>> No.66953829
Quoted by: >>66954062

Youtube is such a shit platform.

>> No.66953840
File: 1.37 MB, 4096x3199, Bedtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66953945

Ahh, my cute twins are so emotional and vulnerable!

>> No.66953839

Watch streams. Now.

>> No.66953865

watch streams, threadshitting nigger

>> No.66953891

That's fine. It would be worse if he was being some kind of depressed edgelord or abloobloobloo while talking to Shiori

>> No.66953893
File: 694 KB, 841x594, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, these hoodies restocked
you gonna get one?

>> No.66953900

post the timestamp kudasai...?

>> No.66953924

buy an ad

>> No.66953945
Quoted by: >>66954133

uhhhh, excuse me?? twins??? could you stop rm vagueposting?????

>> No.66953947

Some people would rather spew their ignorant claims than watch the vtuber they're in the general of.

>> No.66953964

important announcement

>> No.66953967
Quoted by: >>66953998


>> No.66953998

Than stop vagueposting, you stupid doxxnigger

>> No.66954060
Quoted by: >>66954123

I would if I could but it's in one of the SC readings in the first three months
but they have said it

>> No.66954062

Unfortunately it's the one they use. It's sort of like superchatting. I'll do it through YT because there's no other way of doing it. If they had the alternatives, I'd SC there instead.

>> No.66954116
Quoted by: >>66954192


>> No.66954123
Quoted by: >>66954612

I'll simply take your word for it, then.

>> No.66954133

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot and just post cute shit if you're going to be a raging retard.

If they got this sad over the implications, I'm excited for episode 10 for them to truly fall apart. Interesting that the story took that spin. This MC is still pretty great. We'll see how the second act goes once his pet passes.

>> No.66954146

>spoonfeed me or i'll throw a shitfit
Nah. Just go back.

>> No.66954151

stop replying and watch biboo

>> No.66954192

>Just go back.
You first, tourist
no u

>> No.66954204

I don't like how it uses the Advent symbol or crest but it's only FuwaMoco on the back. If you're gonna use the Advent stamp, it should feature all of them.

>> No.66954271

Fuck off back to the clique goddammit doxxposting retards. Thread was fine all day

Bau Bau

>> No.66954318

Burden of proof is on you. Kill yourself, doxxshitter

>> No.66954404

You can find people reacting to the information by spending literally 20 seconds searching the archive, and then cross reference the date and time with their stream archives. It won't take more than 2 minutes. I can't believe I have to explain this to someone calling others "tourists". Lurk 200 years.

>> No.66954417

>he actually expects someone to spoonfeed him
you wouldnt go through all the trouble for the faggot, right guys?

>> No.66954461

God damnit, their crying finally broke through to me. I'm just imagining my first dog. It was a family pet but it was more mine than anyone else's and now I'm tearing up at remembering holding her when she was put down after 19 years of happy living.

>> No.66954544

The anime itself didn't affect me that much, I thought the writing was not convincing, but their reaction to it definitely got me too, in a "appreciate what you have" way. Seeing MC-kun staying by the retard's side till the end while hearing wives crying emboldened my resolve to stay by their side. It ended up being an emotional moment to me, even if not for the intended reason.

>> No.66954612
Quoted by: >>66954809

i dont have any recollection of them saying it in a supachat reading but they talked about it in JP

>> No.66954709
File: 7 KB, 360x200, 1628119228915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66954840

>Feb1 and 2...
Feb 2 my bestfriends bday and also my ex's bday as well.
I don't know how to feel about this one.

>> No.66954747

For me it was when she met with Amano and she managed to make her remember her name and Yuuichi's and it sort of made me hope a little that they would subvert things and she'd end up fine in the end.

>> No.66954770

Just a simple tale of dealing with the trauma/feelings of losing your first pet. I'm glad there was some semi-explainable reason as to why she was so stupid and weird and it fits a lot better. I didn't love the story, but it's at least somewhat relatable.

>> No.66954809
Quoted by: >>66954898

they've said it in english at least once as well

>> No.66954840
Quoted by: >>66955081

>forgot FWMC's birthday
>but not his ex's

>> No.66954877
File: 793 KB, 1108x1477, GEDk_erbMAAvDXI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66954898
Quoted by: >>66955036

dont doubt that but i have completely 0 recollection of them ever saying it english
only really remember them just talking about how they don't feel prepared, would want to do their best and learn from fauna or patra in english

>> No.66954935
File: 1.13 MB, 2480x3591, GEEDAd5bYAEGmr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66955095

>> No.66954979

Ah fuck, all I know about this anime is it's feelsbad all day long. If this is how they get during this arc/story, I wonder how bad it'll be by the end of the series.

>> No.66954980
File: 2.01 MB, 850x850, 1705460602962038.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same vibes
god i wish that were me

>> No.66954988

imagine the threesome

>> No.66955036

i only vaguely remember the one near debut so that one i'm not as sure about
the other one was around christmas, maybe it was the mocosanta sc reading?

>> No.66955053

The part where Makoto was reacting negatively to Yuuichi naming Piro with silly human names first before ending up with "Piro" flew over a lot of anons' heads and they didn't connect it to Makoto having a weird name for a girl.

>> No.66955081

Yep Im fucked, but I accept it.

>> No.66955095

I don't like this kind of armpit pussy thing, but teh sideboob is fantastic.

>> No.66955116
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1669899801915838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66955227

>Makoto having a weird name for a girl.

>> No.66955136
Quoted by: >>66956239

Went right over my head, that's for sure. Thanks Anon, I would have missed it.
I wonder how much they remember based on their reaction to the line about animals that she gives before dropping the cat.

>> No.66955227

It is a pretty weird name for a girl, to beeee fair

>> No.66955266
Quoted by: >>66955502

Her name isn't weird for a girl at all.

>> No.66955274
Quoted by: >>66955497

Is it really that crazy? It's not like this route had any actual romance in it in the end. It's him dealing with the loss of his pet in a more real, physical way.

>> No.66955309
File: 933 KB, 2480x3508, @satou_rin_GD0_76UaMAA5O1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they so sexy ?

>> No.66955348
File: 1.33 MB, 1772x2541, BigHug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold Moco-chan and tell her 'deep breaths' while she berates me through sobbing over a sad story.

>> No.66955372

I disagree. Him getting more affectionate with Makoto seemed more like he was trying to comfort her and make her last moments happy, as opposed to him genuinely being "in love."

>> No.66955432

Are pigs in hibernation for the birthday streams or gone from the orange death?

>> No.66955472
File: 249 KB, 850x1202, BauBau....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teary-eyed Moco-lump...

>> No.66955487
Quoted by: >>66955527

Hang in there for the superchat reading tonight ESTchads.

>> No.66955497
Quoted by: >>66955630

I don't know, pets don't just get dumb and then disappear, I have one that's nearing his end right now and he can't even stand up on his own anymore. Not sure how realistic a pet behaving like a pet and then dying is. Seems much closer to dementia to me. She was a normal person until she was barely recognizeable as that person anymore.

>> No.66955502
Quoted by: >>66955612

ok Yuuichi

>> No.66955516

Hibernation, obviously. Before orange-death, there were countless posts saying that Jan will be slower for the pigs due to Feb.

>> No.66955527
Quoted by: >>66955573

i didnt watch last stream, did they plan to read both part 1 and part 2 supachats today?

>> No.66955573

Fuwawa wanted to read the ones for last night but, you know, they didn’t for obvious reasons. They’ll probably do both tonight.

>> No.66955591

We'll just have to find out on their BirthdayS
but honestly, it's no big loss, if it turns out they're really gone, because that just means those ones were really only in it for attention instead of actual interaction.

>> No.66955612
File: 7 KB, 404x122, macoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66955998


>> No.66955630

But he knows her as his first pet, she has some level of cognition, but her general mental state is nothing more than a child at any given time. Sure, if you take the first half of the story at face value it's that, but the entire plot is that it's his first pet that he felt bad having to leave coming back to say goodbye.

>> No.66955739
Quoted by: >>66956143


>> No.66955814
File: 22 KB, 421x219, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop the count

>> No.66955817

>Measuring in nendoroids
Ah I love my cute Moco-chan.

>> No.66955830

Sleep tight Moco-Chan

>> No.66955898

Even if I don’t choose with my cock, Fuwawa is gonna have to be my choice.

>> No.66955916
Quoted by: >>66955950

If the rest of the story isn't all Ayu, I'm gonna be PISSED

>> No.66955950

It better be all Nayuki, cause she's the best girl by FAR

>> No.66955998
File: 209 KB, 772x652, Makoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66956162

If you wanted to be called a retard, you should have just said so.

>> No.66956018
Quoted by: >>66956061

I like Mai.

>> No.66956061

your what

>> No.66956143

Hmmm I wonder who this is gonna top out at?

>> No.66956162
Quoted by: >>66957770

Her name isn't written in romaji. Her name, as is written, is a female given name.

>> No.66956239

If you mean FuwaMoco, then maybe they didn't notice it too.

>> No.66956345

i missed the watchalong yesterday, should i just watch today with 0 context of the first 12 eps?

>> No.66956348
Quoted by: >>66956397

Caught up with Kanon. How did an anime go from heartbreaking to hilarity with Mai. Moco-chan was cute, hope she falls asleep again.

>> No.66956350

when is Icomama going to give them glasses

>> No.66956351

fuwawa open the prechat im almost there...

>> No.66956397

Fuwawa didn't let her bring the pillow... it would be so cute...

>> No.66956407

the watchalong was kino. i'd skip and watch it from the start imo but you can probably just start here since the last route/arc just finished

>> No.66956411

just watch episode 12 it's a cliffhanger for episode 13

>> No.66956694

prechat open (true)

>> No.66956722
Quoted by: >>66956778

Aunt Akiko's Wayward Home For Retarded Girls.

>> No.66956734

precum is out

>> No.66956778


>> No.66956840

i need to rub one out before the stream or i'm going to be too distracted by fuwawa's tits

>> No.66956896

Today was a good day for new lewds, lots of material.

>> No.66956905
File: 69 KB, 294x221, Fuwawa Thank you for your support[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc4yg3a.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66956969

11 and 12 are mostly disconnected from the first 10 so you can just watch that

>> No.66957068

you've got an hour. Watch at 2x speed and then listen to Fuwawa's summary today.
Watch the first ten later.

>> No.66957209

Also, I'm gonna make it in time!

>> No.66957387
Quoted by: >>66957471

what is this mococo sound

>> No.66957471


>> No.66957497
File: 3.31 MB, 334x449, Mococo stretch[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv2fegr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66957591
Quoted by: >>66957672

will Mococo be tired as fuck after 3 episodes again today

>> No.66957611

i understand why fuwawa is obsessed with nerissa.

>> No.66957661
Quoted by: >>66957711

did not ask

>> No.66957672

she'll get extra rest to prevent Fuwawa from getting them a copyright strike

>> No.66957711

*has my porker in your butt*

>> No.66957727

She's probably the first person she's had to talk about girl stuff with for a long time

>> No.66957770

>Her name, as is written, is a female given name.
Not part of the story. It's the same shit as Rowling saying Dumbledore is actually gay.
And it doesn't change the fact that Makoto is a weird name for a girl.
Even Yuuichi comments that it's a guy's name.
So thanks for doubling down on your retardation.

>> No.66958027

newissa is cool

>> No.66958030

It's a real name that Yuuichi said
do you people even pay attention

>> No.66958104
File: 368 KB, 1890x2048, GEFjOGubsAAWpgT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66958156

Not him but Makoto (the real one) is Yuuichi's crush from 7 years prior

>> No.66958268
Quoted by: >>66959248

The other anon is right, Makoto is common enough on girls to not be considered a man name. More so considering that it is written as 真琴 and not 誠 or 真

>> No.66958306
Quoted by: >>66959248

Jesus, you're dumb.

>> No.66958330

you people argue over the most stupidest shit.

>> No.66958366

So would you count the tail end of yesterday's watchalong as a Fuwawa solo stream?

>> No.66958393


>> No.66958456


>> No.66958549

Chat was like 90% Mococo headpats so not really

>> No.66958708
File: 219 KB, 1031x1348, ChristmasDateMoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't handle Moco-chan crying for 40 minutes straight and just collapsing asleep on stream.

>> No.66958786

makoto is normally a boy's name, SC fuwawa asking her if you disagree

>> No.66958907

Oh, just now noticed the tears on their faces in the thumbnail.

>> No.66958997


>> No.66959033


>> No.66959132
File: 525 KB, 684x484, FUWAMOCO All I Want for Christmas is (You) [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fit40nq.aac].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66959531

woke up with this song in my head

>> No.66959144

No we don't!

>> No.66959234

its one of those things where they put feminine name on the male protag like sakura in dokurochan
they do it a lot so now you fuck are all confused

>> No.66959248
File: 309 KB, 1920x1080, Kanon Makoto name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66959674

>Makoto is common enough on girls to not be considered a man name.
Nice proof you have there, would be a shame if it were contradicted right in the fucking show.
>More so considering that it is written as 真琴 and not 誠 or 真
Just because there's a female form, does not make it not a "man name" as you call it.
And her having a written name is a formality by the writer to give her a proper name, but nowhere in the story is she ever given a written form at all.

>No argument
I accept your concession

>> No.66959262
File: 25 KB, 708x398, Sunshine[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8x15tq.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66959329

sleep tight Moco-chan

>> No.66959349

I just want to be held and loved and told I am enough and that everything is going to be okay.

But I'll settle for the occasional read by Fuwamoco I guess.

>> No.66959410
File: 399 KB, 562x585, mococo burger king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe, sisters

>> No.66959414

I was feeling happy yesterday but today Im a bit depressed. I hope today's stream is even even if the show is a bit sad

>> No.66959497

ready for keyno

>> No.66959531

Looping this now, genuinely love the song and their singing is so cute

>> No.66959581

I slept all day! Ready for Kanon! BAU BAU!

>> No.66959597
File: 35 KB, 492x427, 1701799726289312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is gonna hold crying Fuwawa then?

>> No.66959674
Quoted by: >>66960435

Even your own "proof" says it's a unisex name more common in men, not "a male name". Uncommon and "weird" and entirely different things. Written names are NOT a formality, what the fuck are you talking about, uncommon choice of kanji is even a big part of song lyrics, despite being a nonfactor when listening to it.
Funny how you ignored the reply talking about the original Makoto in the story being the older girl he was fond of. Doesn't fit your fanfiction, right? Best to pretend it's not there.

>> No.66959690

rrat Pero was like an unrelated uncle when FWMC were growing up, so he acted creepy towards them often enough that they don't like him

>> No.66959694
File: 169 KB, 1000x1200, 1674811839452893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66959743

Had a dream I went deaf and wasn't able to hear them sing anymore so I thought about killing myself while I cried watching them

>> No.66959743


>> No.66959766
Quoted by: >>66959824


>> No.66959795

Cringe SC

>> No.66959824
File: 425 KB, 2304x1296, It's Christmas, wake up![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frfpv0v.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66959897
File: 1.43 MB, 832x1352, you will become fuwawa one day [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1axf7k.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66959984

>> No.66959906
Quoted by: >>66960071

you should go tell twitter

>> No.66959944

Cringe website

>> No.66959984
File: 895 KB, 508x600, Fuwawa Now, excuse me as I devolve into incoherency.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1efl5p.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66960071

Twitter are the ones egging him on.

>> No.66960162

Horrible SC , I thought they were reformed also are they intentionally spoiling the anime or just retarded

>> No.66960198

The joke is that mococo fell asleep

>> No.66960229

He was always a cringe faggot whose only personality trait is "I'm from Texas y'all!"

>> No.66960241
Quoted by: >>66960287

I will not ruin my sleep schedule tonight. I will go to bed after 3 hours like a responsible adult. Maybe if I post it I'll actually do it tonight...

>> No.66960260

Seems fine to me. Your average flirt SC

>> No.66960270
File: 37 KB, 787x129, Screenshot 2024-01-17 205355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66960287
File: 804 KB, 862x1080, 1692547890951142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66960302

kanon is shit
when will we watch dog films like plague dogs

>> No.66960324
Quoted by: >>66960411

kek they intentionally avoided pinning HIM

>> No.66960338
File: 328 KB, 302x467, 1676392839247600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66960351
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, kanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now I understand why that akiko dude picked her of all people

>> No.66960374
File: 3.80 MB, 2500x4093, GDzR7ypbQAAZoiC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt finish the first part
I'm going to sleep
Fuwawa sex

>> No.66960373

wait what happened? did someone spoil something?

>> No.66960375

>a Ruffians
eigo jouzu, FWMC

>> No.66960386

they probably don't know

>> No.66960396


>> No.66960411


>> No.66960417

fuck I wish I was pinned

>> No.66960426
Quoted by: >>66960523

i stayed strong ojisans but i really cant with my bladders

>> No.66960428
File: 1.26 MB, 545x280, loading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66960435

>Funny how you ignored the reply talking about the original Makoto in the story being the older girl he was fond of.
Because it's irrelevant to whether Makoto is weird name for a girl or not.
You're basically trying to say something like so and so female person or character is named Snipertoilet so that means it's a perfectly normal female name. That's fucking stupid.
I do not need to bother humoring that with a reply.
Now fuck off, you're wrong, and I am going to watch my wives' stream.

>> No.66960437


>> No.66960448
Quoted by: >>66960508

Spoiler: Fuwamoco will both marry me and live long happy lives together.

>> No.66960469


>> No.66960473
File: 422 KB, 1500x2104, 1686648050390283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66960519


>> No.66960497

vintagecheese hate

>> No.66960508

I made this post if only...

>> No.66960519
File: 89 KB, 261x241, 1705465073815734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66960523
File: 173 KB, 500x500, DW00ZaGFC4KG8wSN8aOgDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many bladders do you need to empty!?

>> No.66960525

I'm so hype you fags wouldn't believe

>> No.66960532

>almost at 720k subs already
damn, they are zooming. almost 3/4ths of the way to 1 million.

>> No.66960535
File: 2.52 MB, 3840x2160, 1703946924160775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66960545
File: 690 KB, 504x400, wake up[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzo4avt.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66960552
Quoted by: >>66960759

>that means it's a perfectly normal female name
that means it's a perfectly normal female name in-universe

>> No.66960567
Quoted by: >>66960853

Nice dodge, I will accept your concession. But try doing your reps in the future.

>> No.66960602

did someone post about being able to turn off the sc bar at the top? how do yo do it?

>> No.66960615

Who the fuck is VintageCheese?

>> No.66960620

It's fucking cold I wish I could use Mococo's armpits as hand warmers

>> No.66960622

Don't be afraid to go to bed, ojisans.

>> No.66960627

you hide the chat

>> No.66960653

the most loved ruffian

>> No.66960679

with hyperchat click the gear icon and it's at the very top

>> No.66960680

Not counting yesterday's watchalong or School Days, when was the last time you watched 12 episodes of anime in one sitting? For me it had been a few years.

>> No.66960714

Their husband

>> No.66960718

i always have tissues for a fuwamoco stream

>> No.66960724

Not since I got into vtubers in 2020

>> No.66960728

does katanagatari counts

>> No.66960737

I'm more of a manga person, so maybe in 2011.

>> No.66960751

Mococo is going to fall asleep again...

>> No.66960759
File: 108 KB, 574x930, Kanon Makoto Guy Name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66960855

>that means it's a perfectly normal female name in-universe

>> No.66960762

konosuba is 10 episodes but that one i guess. the oji-san in me doesn't have the stamina to tolerate more than 3 episodes of anime at a time now.

>> No.66960781

Yeah it's been a while, most I watched in one day I think in the last 3-5 years was 8 episodes, maybe 9/10.

>> No.66960783

not (you) that's for sure

>> No.66960796

I probably did it once or twice over the last year but I don't remember what.

>> No.66960805

Ojisans, it's alright you can rest your bones, I will take it from here.

>> No.66960807

>i cant remember anything but it was really good
does fuwawa really?

>> No.66960817

Probably 2010 or so with Reborn!

>> No.66960821

When I watched Hunter x Hunter in 2018 was the last time I focused so much on just 1 show in 1 day.

>> No.66960819

shut the fuck up about the name you fags

>> No.66960831

like a week ago. I prefer to watch anime in one sitting

>> No.66960838

the ruffian who won the pin gacha

>> No.66960839

i binged the first season of to your infinity a couple of months ago

>> No.66960849

I marathoned 16bit Sensation when the dogs mentioned it.

>> No.66960853

>No argument
I accept your concession.

>> No.66960855
Quoted by: >>66960971

I'm talking about Snipertoilet
But if you want to go that way, that's just Yuuichi saying bullshit to teases her, and it IS a perfectly normal female name in-universe too considering it's actually used as female

>> No.66960857
Quoted by: >>66961514

the most special ruffian, we've lost . they made their final decision. I am not going to take this rationally and will be losing my mind tonight seeing their name but at least it wasn't HIM (he posted first and I was about to meltdown)

>> No.66960860

I watched the last 10 episodes of Chainsaw Man in one sitting about a week ago.

>> No.66960896
File: 22 KB, 326x194, Screenshot 2024-01-17 210319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they being botted? Why are the numbers so high today?

>> No.66960901

rip makoto

>> No.66960906

I know talks about the botter are retarded but wtf dude

>> No.66960905

Your message WILL be read tonight, Ruffian.

>> No.66960928

before season 4 of attack on titan started I watched the first 3 seasons in 1 sitting

>> No.66960939

Can't remember if it was in one sitting, but I remember watching ~15 episodes in a day a few weeks ago.

>> No.66960946

every 2bearshavinggaysex superchat is actually awful
how do you guys tolerate that fedora tipping fat faggot

>> No.66960951

fuck off

>> No.66960952

oh no, mocoto is losing her memories

>> No.66960957

>cried for two episodes over makoto
>doesn't even remember who she is

>> No.66960965

I marathoned seven nanas if that counts

>> No.66960971

Just because a few people call something or someone X, does not make it normal.

>> No.66960999
File: 182 KB, 439x442, 1705270455814069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you talking about fuwawa
>what anime is this?

>> No.66961000

fuck off

>> No.66961003

cause they used to be so much worse. this is nothing.

>> No.66961004
Quoted by: >>66961041

Is Mococo... You know...

>> No.66961016
File: 21 KB, 322x348, 1691457637436385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo's condition has progressed... She no longer remembers those who were once close to her... All the Ruffians forgotten.

>> No.66961015

Went through Shin Getter Robo recently.

>> No.66961021

I dont read superchats i watch fuwamoco

>> No.66961031

/#/ sister just give it up already, no one cares

>> No.66961035

probably gto or zetsubou sensei

>> No.66961040
Quoted by: >>66961372

it make it normal in-universe

>> No.66961041


>> No.66961061

it won't be long until the only thing mocochan can say is a weak "bau bau..."

>> No.66961072

with me

>> No.66961083

FuwaMoco HATE gorillas.

>> No.66961086

Gorillas: the source of all problems

>> No.66961096


>> No.66961098

He's still only 70% of the way to his next apology SC. It's like a very embarassing weather event. you just stay inside and endure it

>> No.66961108

fuwamoco are talking about balls...

>> No.66961109

Wait, was she the injured demon dog puppy I helped when I was a kid?

>> No.66961110

she should be... unfortunately her genes will die with her...

>> No.66961118

ojisansbros i am not ready...

>> No.66961123

The answer is yes. Obviously

>> No.66961125

funny you say that because that's exactly how things got it's name even in real life

>> No.66961143

Except fat floats

>> No.66961155

i think ID invaded is a good watch

>> No.66961172
File: 73 KB, 227x260, 1691354108457620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorillas go home

>> No.66961182
File: 601 KB, 640x480, 1703729757916838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66961269

Ready to stay up to 8 AM again bros. Hope Ayu and Shiori routes are well adapted.

>> No.66961218

I've been read by Mococo. I'm good for the night.

>> No.66961232

Moco-chan is Makoto'ing...

>> No.66961260

Why do they bot viewers for a watchalong?

>> No.66961268

>Mocochan are you paying attention? Did any of that get through all the earwax to your tiny little brain? Mocochan you better not fall asleep today you fucking infantile simpleton. PAY ATTENTION MOCOCHAN FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!
why is fuwawa like this

>> No.66961269

does nayuki even have a route

>> No.66961270

Please keep stalling for time, girls. There is a guy speedruning SM64 on a drumset and I'm not messing that live.

>> No.66961294
File: 1.95 MB, 1630x1180, the shining ruffians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys eating any good snacks tonight?

>> No.66961299

My rrat is that the botter is a luxiem fan who hates fuwamoco because they get good superchats and no one is superchatting her boys anymore

>> No.66961306
Quoted by: >>66961401

fuck off

>> No.66961338

>pinned message by a ruffian that isnt me
>my messages aren't getting read
i will not go menhera, whos with me

>> No.66961348


>> No.66961349

I disabled my adblocker and youtube is still fucking me raw...

>> No.66961358

Yes, it's not great even though she's best girl. At least not as ridiculous as Makoto's fox thing.

>> No.66961372
Quoted by: >>66961420

You're missing out on how Yuuichi thought the fox was a dude fox which is why he named it that and why it's ironic that the fox's human form is a girl.

>> No.66961377

>missed the stream last night
>vaguely remember the anime
>look up a summary to get caught up
>now I remember the depressing as fuck Makoto arc
I think I blocked this one from memory on purpose

>> No.66961390

I just want to spend time with my wives I don't want to watch some shitty animu

>> No.66961401

2x the normal viewership for audio commentary and a timer on the screen. Seems legit

>> No.66961420
Quoted by: >>66961465

you forgot that yuuichi named it based on his crush from 7 years ago, the one with sunhat

>> No.66961421

I just had a fat fucking burger I'm good

>> No.66961434

boy did you pick the wrong wives then

>> No.66961450

This OP is so damn good. See you fags at the break

>> No.66961453

Is Nayuki related to the MC? Cousin?

>> No.66961452

>all windows inexplicably explode
>it must have been that girl who swung a sword for 2 minutes long after the windows broke

>> No.66961454

I want to spend time with my wives and I want to watch some shitty animu with them

>> No.66961457

so skip the anime?

>> No.66961459

fuck off

>> No.66961465
Quoted by: >>66961594

he didn't even name it, he just talked a lot about her crush to it so it was the name it remembered

>> No.66961464

28k in the watchalong?!?!

>> No.66961486

fuck yeah bro im eating hella sour cream and onion chips (that's crisps for you bong ruffians)

>> No.66961502
File: 1.99 MB, 1914x1037, 1702701670343425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ojisan viewing experience

>> No.66961503

Is ayu the "main" girl?

>> No.66961514
Quoted by: >>66961949

him who? why it matters if fuwamoco pin "him"?

>> No.66961529

Designating a scapegoat is a key function of leadership

>> No.66961531

Nayuki is the main girl

>> No.66961535

Gotta blame someone. Can't just tell the school the room destroyed itself.

>> No.66961547

It’s a long story but basically it’s a schizo from the #s thread that got mad

>> No.66961572

if all the windows suddenly blew up and a girl started swinging a sword at nothing like a schizo right after you would be suspicious too

>> No.66961584


>> No.66961590

does the student council president's seiyuu ever voice characters that aren't annoying fags?

>> No.66961594

damn, finally someone with the actual facts

>> No.66961605

wtf kitagawa is actually based?

>> No.66961622

>33k watching

>> No.66961632

holy based kitagawa

>> No.66961643

Anon 5chan, 4 chan and 2chan knows thats there is a crazy schizo hater booting fuwamoco and droppings the bots mid stream, the retard put more bots now because watchalongs get less views so ppl can notice it faster.

>> No.66961676

at this point its useless to talk about it because it happens every stream

>> No.66961691

so when does kitagawa rape the main girl?

>> No.66961693

he's that guy botting it to see our reaction

>> No.66961705

I don't mind his msg being pinned but his name being always shown in the chat on screen is making me feel like i"m getting cucked

>> No.66961710


>> No.66961743


>> No.66961745
File: 163 KB, 480x480, 1677671699010795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit there is a yuri sex scene in the vn

>> No.66961771
Quoted by: >>66961820

press the x to dismiss it?
use your brain

>> No.66961777

I see 26/27k but yeah bots
Yesterday it was around 18k so I don't know why they decided to amp it up today

>> No.66961779

trying to get the channel banned
getting more attention
why would you even want to understand retards anon

>> No.66961778
Quoted by: >>66961820

did you know there is a "x" dismiss button which closes the pinned message? have you tried that, sister?

>> No.66961795
Quoted by: >>66961968

Man, anime artstyle has come a long way since the 00s

>> No.66961804

The weird part is that absolutely nobody cares. This is probably the most discussion it's gotten. So who knows. Just some schizo doing a schizo thing.

>> No.66961820
File: 16 KB, 166x83, 9uugKwuG18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on screen retards
use your eyes niggas

>> No.66961841

Fuwawa letting Mococo sleep yesterday on-stream was a carefully calculated move to get her clipped to attract more people to watch today's stream to hopefully catch Moco-chan sleeping again.

>> No.66961865
Quoted by: >>66961890

have you tried clicking the three dots

>> No.66961885

if that bothers you then I'm afraid you are just autistic. nothing you can do about it, get fucked

>> No.66961890

based and correct

>> No.66961892

is shiori kaori's split personality given form due to her wish

>> No.66961895

time to turn on the waterworks again

>> No.66961907

this is the ultimate test of /here/. if they shift the chat up in the overlay they are 100% undeniably here

>> No.66961949
Quoted by: >>66962099

just being menhera about the ruffian that gets chosen for FWMC morning constantly (even 3x in the same episode + ESR) and is read routinely. It doesn't matter I"m shitposting but some people probably actually are going crazy about it

>> No.66961968

Mococo disagrees.

>> No.66961981

kuuderes are shit

>> No.66961996

how the hell'd he do that

>> No.66962017
Quoted by: >>66962113

holy fuck he just destroyed that fire extinguisher
that shit's made of metal

>> No.66962048
File: 879 KB, 1197x1197, 1705468266212471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66962108

>> No.66962057
File: 79 KB, 1018x422, dismiss_pinned_message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are some people really having difficulties finding this?

>> No.66962099

hey man stop keeping track of it and you will feel better

>> No.66962104

>foxes becoming human?
>girl fighting demons?
>breaking a fire extinguisher with a wooden sword
my suspension of disbelief has been shattered. terrible show. i will be rating it 1/10 on mal.

>> No.66962106

merely pretending?

>> No.66962108

This just looks cute. It doesn't feel like the same art style though.

>> No.66962113

you have a literal fox turning into a girl and this is your problem?

>> No.66962133


>> No.66962135

A)nijisanji its getting less and less views so he can say that all the views of hololive are bots
B) she hate fuwamoco because all the en niji guys dropped superchats on 2023 like crazy and fuwamoco is getting more and more
C) he is a iron mouse fan and want her on the general tally on numbers so he is destroying the tally with thw bots attacks
D) he is a fauna hater and want to make sure she lost the anual tally
E)she or he is the most retarded guy or girl(if you can call that a girl) in vt

>> No.66962151

vintagecheese is the most beloved ruffian
he's part of the twitter group too (means he's cooler than you)

>> No.66962169

God I want to stuff Ayu’s mouth with my cock

>> No.66962260


>> No.66962320
File: 12 KB, 247x129, kanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are they pulling these numbers??? It's just a watchalong!

>> No.66962331

dem hips and legs

>> No.66962338


>> No.66962337

OK, but forget the fact that she stuck out like a sore thumb while stuff broke. She still had a weapon at a school event. I don't think non-Japanese style swords are even legal in Japan.

>> No.66962344

wtf is yuichi becoming retarded too

>> No.66962347

MC is mad that a girl isn't completely dependent on him for once

>> No.66962353

post it again, I didn't hear you the first 10 times

>> No.66962364

>confesses to mai
>like a week after makoto died

>> No.66962384

having nayuki to contrast with all this bullshit really is the best

>> No.66962394

Nayuki is literally the cutest girl in this anime

>> No.66962407
Quoted by: >>66962492

i think that's the first time the whole series where the MC has just been out right retarded for no reason

>> No.66962431
File: 142 KB, 375x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66962455
File: 616 KB, 1408x616, nosemouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell whether the art style is peak or weird. I thought the mouth was a nose when I first saw this lol

>> No.66962492

he just got his pet died and now his friend gonna be expelled, cut him some slack

>> No.66962498


>> No.66962506


>> No.66962511

shovel dog...

>> No.66962518

>smacked the fucking feral ruffian with a shovel

>> No.66962523

Mai sends her regards, FuwaMoco

>> No.66962530

They could be legit, FuwaMoco are just that good

>> No.66962536
Quoted by: >>66962567

>when i saw her beat a dog over the head with a shovel, that's when i knew we could be good friends

>> No.66962537


>> No.66962548


>> No.66962567

sayuri HATES ruffians

>> No.66962581

ok whats up with the writer why does he hates animals...

>> No.66962605

Reminds me of the gif

>> No.66962610

can somebody post a screenshot of mai hitting that dog?

>> No.66962614

>Tough love!?
>Dont hit us with a shovel wuffians!
They know we love them…

>> No.66962629


>> No.66962631
Quoted by: >>66962682

>makoto route started with her THROWING FUCKING CAT FROM THE TOP OF A BRIDGE
>mai route got her bonking dog with a shovel
are the other routes gonna have animal abuse too

>> No.66962639

I want to ride Moco-chan!

>> No.66962669

mococo wants to ride it

>> No.66962674

if the doujins are to be believed, yuuichi is a pretty great aunt eater himself.

>> No.66962682

I hope so

>> No.66962742

This girl just has schizophrenia, right?

>> No.66962787

Yuuichi the jobber

>> No.66962795


>> No.66962808

all the budget went there btw

>> No.66962833
Quoted by: >>66962950


Who are you?

>> No.66962872

i skip the endings

>> No.66962905

How about I skip you

>> No.66962932

I was convinced that was the case for 90% of her route but the anime straight up shows the demons you have no excuse.

>> No.66962936


>> No.66962945

How dare you

>> No.66962952

my sleepy princess Moco-hime

>> No.66962950
File: 28 KB, 640x480, IMG_7168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66963048


>> No.66962988

Waste of time on most anime now since they don't progressively add small changes to them anymore and tv size songs are bad.

>> No.66962993

It's like a poltergeist phenomenon. They often happen to girls around early teens, and are suspected to be an expression of latent psychic powers

>> No.66963006

Odds and Mococo survives the night without falling sleeping
Evens and she doesn’t

>> No.66963044

sleep tight mocochan

>> No.66963047

>Ruffians, you faggots

>> No.66963048

i should read this someday...

>> No.66963074
File: 303 KB, 515x558, 1705275344991804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66963094

Thanks, King. Fuwawa finale IKZ

>> No.66963100
File: 17 KB, 239x326, 3659b201f53436fe8eefbef37f17c9e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66963115

i hope some drawfags are watching. i need art of that.

>> No.66963119
Quoted by: >>66963354

You are strong enough to carry Anteater, Mococo and Fuwawa at the same time, right?

>> No.66963122

>open stream
>see pinned ruffian
Not much menhera posting, I'm proud of you guys

>> No.66963128

Huh, you cant see the demons right in front of you? They're right there! You must be crazy.

>> No.66963136
Quoted by: >>66963220

I'm the Anteater btw

>> No.66963142

i give it till episode 18 at the latest

>> No.66963160
Quoted by: >>66963229

aaaaaa HE got read 2x in a row

>> No.66963162


>> No.66963165

I hope she talks in her sleep and is very cute again and Fuwawa surprise molests her awake

>> No.66963171

I missed the beginning... is mococo high or just silly today?

>> No.66963178


>> No.66963183

>the anteater

>> No.66963191

shitposters haven't woken up yet. please wait about an hour then a few fags will be screeching about it on cooldown.

>> No.66963209

fuwawa has really jiggly titties

>> No.66963216

if it was a paypig there would be

>> No.66963220

blowjob faced fuck

>> No.66963229

I only got read once

>> No.66963290


>> No.66963292


>> No.66963299

Extra special jam for extra special ruffians

>> No.66963302
Quoted by: >>66963326

akiko's special jam is made from her pussy juice by the way

>> No.66963303

they intentionally avoided picking the one that would have caused an actual meltdown. mercifully

>> No.66963320
Quoted by: >>66963370

>makoto are the jam
>ayu about to eat jam
she gonna die

>> No.66963326

special yeast

>> No.66963333
Quoted by: >>66963379

coulda sworn the demons woulda been after sayuri

>> No.66963354

Of course, I'm not a woman

>> No.66963370
File: 582 KB, 534x616, Fuwawa AIEEEEE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F84nk4t.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66963379

the demon increased from 1 to 5 after yuuichi appeared, so...

>> No.66963411
Quoted by: >>66963469

>diet of natto and bread
imagine the smell of her braps...

>> No.66963456
Quoted by: >>66963504

seriously though, how do nips have such a fundamental misunderstanding of bread?

>> No.66963469


>> No.66963504
Quoted by: >>66963583

all their bread is cake

>> No.66963583

Is that why bread always looks so wrong in anime?

>> No.66963647

>Yuichi is the cause of all of this
Just like Umineko

>> No.66963706

yuuichi you lucky fuck. i want a cute girl to beat my ass raw with a kendo sword.

>> No.66963762

is sayuri... you know?

>> No.66963799

cute? yeah

>> No.66963813

Is this how Gintoki became a samurai?

>> No.66963830

cute and retarded, just like my wives? yes

>> No.66963850

I'm not one to hate things, except this trope. Fuck this trope.

>> No.66963856

I wish a girl would confess to me…

>> No.66963899

this route sucks

>> No.66963914

Oh man they fit Sayuri's backstory from her optional route in the anime, I'm surprised.

>> No.66963927

when fuwamoco get 3d models i want fuwawa to do the little hitting herslef on the head thing

>> No.66963932

We speedrunning all the girls now.

>> No.66963987

>everyone in this town is retarded

>> No.66963992

lol he looks like even more of a retard than the other characters

>> No.66964009

>kazuya was slow to develop
oh no... it's retarded...

>> No.66964020

Maybe he is slow to learn because he's turning back into a fox

>> No.66964031
Quoted by: >>66964085

Do you guys think Fuwamoco are a safe emotional investment?

>> No.66964038

will they cry here?

>> No.66964060


>> No.66964085


>> No.66964123


>> No.66964148

they cry so easily...

>> No.66964164
File: 493 KB, 809x559, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66964291


>> No.66964192
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, daru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play VNs and eroge

>> No.66964201
Quoted by: >>66964285

how do I filter the crying emojis

>> No.66964205

I mean, every side character has a tragic backstory that's kind of hamfisted in there. Are they gonna cry at each one of them?

>> No.66964209

I'm going to cry this is so saaad boooo hooooo

>> No.66964211

wtf she shot him

>> No.66964213

This shit ain't fair. The huge faces make them look like they are always about to cry. And then they cry and it's somehow worse.

>> No.66964212

They're so cute when they cry

>> No.66964225


>> No.66964226
Quoted by: >>66964369

I wish my older brother and sister would treat me better...

>> No.66964236


>> No.66964252

they're women

>> No.66964270


>> No.66964280


>> No.66964283

maybe the real kanon was the memories we made along the way

>> No.66964285

how do I filter "It's a terrible day for rain..."

>> No.66964291

>Truth is
the game was rigged from the start

>> No.66964298

This truly is Kanon (2006)...

>> No.66964305


>> No.66964304

>we're some kinda Kanon

>> No.66964319

i don't like this show anymore. i miss my little sister so much bros.

>> No.66964344
File: 196 KB, 448x643, 1699467524158982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, that's kino

>> No.66964353

i'm sorry anon

>> No.66964369


>> No.66964410


>> No.66964413

send a sc about it

>> No.66964437

i'm sorry for your loss anon

>> No.66964466

It's comically easy to make them cry

>> No.66964479

Wuffian I love you

>> No.66964518
File: 130 KB, 312x312, 1684732990473698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66964558

WAIT. Fuwamoco are TWO different people

>> No.66964544


>> No.66964558

they said no spoilers please

>> No.66964560

you know if he'd run to the school instead of fucking around with a payphone he might have beat her there

>> No.66964564


>> No.66964582

this show isn't going to devolve into misery porn, is it?

>> No.66964599

Dumb bitch should have stayed home

>> No.66964602


>> No.66964619


>> No.66964631

What the fuck?
What is happening in this route, I have no fucking clue.
