Big Bug Edition>What is /lig/?/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.>Why /lig/?Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.Numbers for 1/13:1: (6,139)2: (4,654)3: (4,335)4: (3,255)5: (2,941)6: (2,466) *Virtual Tie6: (2,458) *Virtual Tie8: (2,171)9: (2,137)10: (2,044)Non-English:1: (11,972) *Korean2: (7,501) *Korean3: (7,367) *Korean>Wait isn't that one a corpo?A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.>Twitch Clips Guide>VOD Archival Guide>/lig/ VOD Archive>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)>Tiermaker>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)>Upcoming BirthdaysJanuary 24th - YuzuJanuary 25th - /lig/>Official /lig/ booru>OC material for the OP>Ducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)Other useful threads:>>>/vt//wvt/>>>/vt//asp/>>>/vt//corpo/>>>/vt//indie/>>>/vt//vrt/>>>/vt//vsj+/>>>/vt//swarm/Previous Thread: >>66739445
Lucy should kill herself
I love my wife
filian is based
try not to be so gay this thread.
>>66744730too pink
>>66744685fuck you juni
>Kiki has KK on her desktop
I miss feemsh
I Love Lucy
>>66744762She's streamed it before
milking zuma's dragon cock
Grimmi is cute but this s o y propaganda is bullshit
>Grimmi thinks a burger costs 25 bucksWhat the actual fuck
>>66744130During the collab with Inis the moment she saw a black person on Geoguessr she would say 'this place is a shithole'
>>OP>Her contract expires on the 20th>Vshojo haven't started their usual teasersMaybe she really will break out of dead ligger storage...
>>66744798So you're telling me that Shondo's dream of a Koikatsu stream where she makes all her friends fight to the death is still possible?
collabing with yfu's tummy soon liggas look forward to itAlso she is live every day this week except thursday at 4 pm pst, tomorrow is karaoke so look forward to it
>>66744762On one of her Koikatsu streams, she accidentally went full naked for a couple of seconds
>>66744822>>66744823how does she not know?
>>66744762What's that goose
>>66744822Five Guys might as well be $25
>>66744822She lives in California and if it's not from a fastfood joint, that's probably not (too) far from reality. She is very out of touch about a lot of the things she speaks confidently on though.
>>66744895It's a goose
>>66744833standard conversion time from past corpo hires by them has been around 3 months from their graduation date
>>66744860Does her model have nip nops?
Forgot to eat or drink today. Liggers for this feel?
man there was that one time monhun was hosted on I think grep's channel where they did a VTS collab and just turned their models 90 degrees instead of doing this, I was hoping bat would copy that going forward but no she's gotta keep up her autismo routine
want to hug shondoAnd inisAnd all the other cute girlsAnd kiss themVtubers made me love women againI found out they can be based too
>>66744822She's Californian
>>66744833It took months for Henya and Matara and Kuro to join after graduating from Niji. So you guys might have her for a while if she does plan to continue vtubing immediately.
>>66744920what living in the soviet republics of america does to a waif
>>66744860Damnit well now I wanna see
>>66744822I went to five guys like 4 years ago and the burger with fries and drink was about $22 so that's not far off
>>66744874She probably doesn't even buy burgers herself and only sees the price for getting food via uber eats so her world view is all fucked up
>>66744902Five Guys is over priced and sucks
>>66744712Lucy should kill her self esteem and be my girlfriend
Saruei should kill herself
This stream is pretty unique because naiyo rarely malds.
>>66745044damn straight it is
womp womp
>>66744998>you guys
sex. sex with vtubers. sex.
I'm in charge now
>get into regular arguments with a random chatter >happens every stream>comes out they're a small 3view chuuba>didn't know>would it be possible to bag her?
>>66745145This image awoke me to my appreciation of sir isaac newton
>>66745148please smite that vshartjoian off the face of /lig/ goosegoose
I want to suck mint's nip nopsHow do i make this happen?
A l i t t l e b i t c l o s e r t o h e a v e n
Kiki licking my balls
>>66744920How do Californians tolerate the conditions they live in? I never hear anything good about living there, except maybe access to the coast.
>>66744824pink thing is from a shithole with a lot of black people i think she would know what those places look like. simple as
>>66745115Surprisingly so. A hacker invaded her a while back and dropped some zogged item that instantly crashed the game whenever she opened her inventory and she stayed calm nonetheless
>>66745260too expensive to leave, oli's in that situation iirc
>>66744998We'll just have to wait and see. It's pretty fucking wild to think we could have Nyan and (not)Pomu soon. Imagine going back a year ago and making that prediction, you'd have been called a schizo of the highest order
>>66745303what would grimmi do if i dropped a pozzed item while she's playing
>>66745145I'm going to MASTURBATE to SHYLILY
>>66745145I'm ALSO going to MASTURBATE to SHYLILY
Someone tell Grimmi that the bugs are more economically viable than basedmeat
>>66744853I'm so happy she's back.
>chewing the meat off of a white boy what did Lyra mean by this
There's a place near me that does $5 burgers on wednesday, and that's not even fast food
>>66745148/lig/ has been extra ass lately so I feel more of connection to /vsj+/, love me some indies though
>>66744824did they even see any black people? it was mostly south america from what i recall. why do you want her to be racist anon...
>I'm not a homophone
>>66745418Grimmi is on record saying she's NEVER eat bugs
>>66745447what is it with these fucking canadian chinese girls and white men
>>66745145>Breasts wider than her torsoMen should be banned from drawing women.
>>66745412I'm going to think about Shylily's fat fucking tits while installing daggerfall mods
>>66745463I'm not even joking. Go watch the Inis vod if you don't believe me
>>66745412I gobbed to this earlier
>>66745461>mousefagoh, then feel free to not come back
>>66745487Drawn by a woman. This attitude fucking sucks and is retarded
>>66745486They love us.
>>66745480But theyre cheaper and more nutritionaly dense than plantbased food :^)
>>66745422she's got me fucking hooked and not letting go it's fucked up
>>66745487and women shouldn't be allowed to post on 4chan but here we are, we can't always get what we want
>>66745303The interesting part about that is I didn't know it was possible to fix the hacked dagger grief without using cheatengine. It was actually really useful info. And yeah, she's very composed usually, though you can tell if something still upsets her.
>>66745447i love how all chinese women want me specifically
Should we get ally into Hideo Kojima games?
>>66745568i was saving those spaghetti sauce splashes for later BITCH
>>66745412BRO SAME!! Im jerking off to the JADF images.
>>66745526Love you too
gay for the french funny bnuny
The rigged gun asset Yuy has makes me laugh
>>66745461Sorry, I've been posting a lot more often on /pol/ and /x/ after the whole tunnel thing and grown kind of disillusioned with vtubing in general.
>>66745704Ok Essie
>>66745559IM GONNA BUHHST!!!
hate whoresverification not required
>>66745692I'm watching Matara lmao fuck these niggas
>>66745323>too expensive to live>too expensive to leaveThat doesn't make sense. Just sell your house and move
>>66745567Be that as it may I don't think her fragile tummy could handle them anyway
Meiya is live but that lazy piece of shit didn’t say anything
>>66745882ehehe~ <3
>>66744747Yes sir!
Really wanted Yuy to play RDR2 some more so this could be fitting
>>66745905Handle what? It's just pure protein
>>66745706I like sharp the movement is, it's like she's a robotic killer
>>66745520I watched it live but she didn't say anything to give me any indication of her being actually racist, they were both pretty ignorant in a cute way and clearly joking around at times. Inis gaslighting her was fun.
>>66745303imagine this happens to Juni before she finishes the game
>>66745963stop eyeing up my crotch as you say that, pinkcat poster.
>>66745826sex with whore sisters
>>66745903The cost of living makes saving up to leave tough, that's what people mean by that. I get what you mean though, it's just that they exaggerate "too expensive to live" when what it means is "too expensive to live comfortably while saving".
>>66745963Saluting dummies turn me on so much
>>66746075The problem is that young vtubers don’t want to work anymore
>>66745905Probably, i just want to be a little shot and see her reaction to having her talking points flipped on her
>>66746065at least use the current model
>>66745704I wonder how many lesbians are here.
>>66746137vtubers are the last people that should complain about this shit, they can work from anywhere
>>66746065>vanilla flavor>chocolate flavorFUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK
>>66745260I live in the bay area, have lived here my whole life and I'm relatively happy. Good weather, good food, some decent people overall it's the same as anywhere else. As far as cost of living, yeah it's fucked but you can live as long as you're not trying to live above your means. And for the $25 burgers, you could always find those in random "restaurants" or you can go to some fats ford place and get a combo for like $15
>>66745738Roflgator won...
> lady is randomly debuting her new model
>>66746108I want to serve in the pink army
>>66745190why does it look like that
>>66746137Amen, brother.I'm not blaming them, I shouldn't have said comfortably as if it's their fault for wanting the basics
>>66746065melly riding my face while yfu rides my cock
>>66745903Bold of you to assume they actualy own the house they live in
>>66746199Amen brother. Fighting to keep lig safe.
>>66745738>/pol/ and /x/Why would you do that to yourself?
i just plap'd callie
>>66746199You do know you'll be serving cock day in day out right??
>>66746075I dunno that doesn't make sense to meFor example I spent a year saving a measly $2000 to move, just barely enough for 2 months of rent and I used a credit card for everything else. Fast forward six years, I'm about to pay off my mortgage. 3rd world advantage I guess.
>>66746449you're allowed to own houses in 3rd world countries?
>>66746500I'm assuming that sounded funnier in your head
>>66746306im so mad we're not in the timeline where they do cb streams together
>>66746449I mean yeah, the housing market is fucked in the US, particularly in places these types would like to move to. Californians are (in)famous for only moving to a few places, completely ignoring the heartlands/midwest/south. When you limit your options like that, it'll definitely seem impossible to move out. >>66746197Oh no, it's retarded.
>>66746154couldn't find a new model screenshot quickly enough
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Does Snuffy play MH on PC or switch?
Orcat <3 good morning
>>66746767PC from what it sounded like when she set it up, they're playing some mod.
>>66746716>>66746606stop reminding me how badly I wanna hear yfu cum
>>66746344N oway
Mint is so fucking nerdy
thinking about butts
>>66746925is she talking about star trek
>>66746999No but her nerdiness bleeds through into everything she says, its super cute
Lyra starting Killer7 tommorow
>>66746327Because my formative years were marked by extraordinary and extreme experiences that helped shape my mindset as firmly outside of convention. I can handle strong opinions, observe and process information that others reject and synthesize what is of actual value. When you approach those topics with discernment you can find what is a sound perspective from true outsiders who are troubled but have gained rare insights from what they have endured and their own capacity to not shun knowledge and logic just because it has negative associations.
>>66746897Drop and give me twenty sucks
>>66746926she takes her job very seriously
>>66747112I don't trust the results of any of these tests she takes she's too much of a pussy to show her hcat how she really is
>>66747112why are they like this
>>66747112>97% submissive>70% dominantThis doesn't add up
>>66747089shes been edging us on it buhh
>>66747128holy FUCK
>>66747089Nice! I loved that game. Nit sure if it aged well.
>>66747257>>66747290now imagine them both doing it at the same time
Why does hina sound like she hates her chat and having to stream? She reminds me of the loud fat girls in college that would always bring up some political shit
Grimmi is starting Alan Wake now, unless she gets sidetracked by Metal Gear or something again
>>66747128Meat is sexier
>>66747090Life doesn't have to be that serious, Anon.Watch vtubers, jack off and watch the world burn with the rest of us.
>>66747229Rape with lust.
>>66747416I wish you could still link to the thread that would make your entire tab play this in the back
>>66747391Hopefully no one mentions MREs.
Grimmi blew her nose without muting, she is getting more comfortable.
>>66747367Because she's exactly what you described, especially the strong political opinions on things she can't articulate or even understand. She's a decent entertainer though, loud personalities like that tend to fit that role well.
>>66747455That was fun day on vt.
>>66747367because that's exactly what she is but will instead bring up something about jews if that's what you mean by 'political'
>>66747391I wonder if she knows about the DLC since it's probably baked into the remaster.
>>66746341I haven't laughed so hard as when her chat 'pulled' her into the pit and she started freaking out. She can do pretty good little improv bits.
i want to be friends with these women
>>66747771Join their discord channels and start talking with them
>>66747802lubbuh kiss kiss
>>66747771I don't, all of them are just playing characters specifically catered to me
>>66747771Pervert, Hentai!
>>66744942>>66745008If you're curious
>>66747821this is how you get banned
>>66747901Just don't be a sped or message them directly for no reason.
>>66747707yeah i always love her bits at the start of nearly every stream it seems. some a little more involved than others but they're all really unique and amusing to say the least. more chuubas should do that but i think that's what helps Callie stand out a lot in this space.
>>66747940why is an albino fucking a rabbit?
if I were a girl I would be a vtuber just for the chance to be friends with these women
>>66747852i like it better when they don't do that
>>66748035All of Kiki's fans get their skin burnt off by the Aussie heat
>>66747952>Just don't be a sped
>>66748045thats why i became a vtuber desu. feel a little sorry for the not creepy males that try
>>66748035albinism is common in domestic rabbits
dang Naiyo is really struggling at Ivory king huh
>>66748106are you a ligger
>>66747821NTA but there are a lot of vtuber discords where the streamer themself never talks in non-paywalled channels.
liggers for feeling feels?
>>66748106>not creepy males that tryNot creepy males should just go Vedal or Uwu route. Heck, not going that route makes you creepy by itself.
I want to have sex with FallenShadow
>>66748106>not creepy males that tryThey don't exist.
>>66748241Me too, even more so after she asked us about what we masturbate to and letting us know she doesn't think us jacking off counts as cheating
>>66748135Ivory king is weird. Juni got extremely lucky with his ai, but the beginning knights' targeting decides a lot about the fight later. Also she's still at the fucking 6 estus +3.
>>66748187That's why you have to join ones that are not like that
For any spreadsheet bros Grape implied she's in her lady time by saying she wished she had some bleed cure from monhun right now
>>66748292holo general is two blocks down tourist
>>66747940Wrong thread for this.
>>66747854Kek. Come to think of it that makes 3 KK models that have confirmed canonical nip nops, her's, Mimi's and Shondo's
>>66748330Kiki is /lig/
oyakodon with callie and her mother
>>66748330>>66747996One guy samefag
>>66748106shut up jowol
>>66748388at least learn what samefag means before regurgitating it
>>66748315there should be a worm vtuber
>>66748325You faggot should kill yourself. Male vtubers shouldn't exist.
>>66748430>caught and triggeredlol
>>66748292Haha Krimbo's gonna be canceled soon hahaAny day now haha
>>66748317>fucking 6 estus +3.fucking how. even juni did better than that >>66748321I thought she got her uterus taken out
>>66748396you're just jealous of how funny, handsome and well dressed I am
>>66748470sorry man, this isn't the hololive general
Callie's mom approves of our relationship
>>66748506NTA but I hate that guys voice, he's one of the few vtubers I could understand only using TTS
Grape is ugly.
>>66748241Me too. And make it hardcore rape
>>66748504it's hilarious seeing this retard try to pander to this thread without doing research on what kind of posters we have first kek
>>66748606Ah yes, /lig/, renowned for our love of male vtubers
>>66748347Where's her twitch verified checkmark?
>>66748436pink thing is a worm sometimes
>>66748655She has the Youtube equivalent
She's eating the boss souls again.
>>66748649lurk before posting
>>66748325>>66748518Everyone hates males, sorry 1 view schizo from /wvt/
>>66748649I love Appleman.
a tack?
>>66748707Be honest, what was the last male vtuber you watched?
>>66748035What did you think Kiki means when she said she liked white boys?
>>66748707You will never be wanted.
>>66748676That's very strange.
>>66747408I can't live on that alone, I need a sense of hope and one finds that in the wonders of forbidden truth and expansion of aspects and potential outcomes of reality. For that matter, who can really live without some form of that type of stimulation?
>>66748720ironic post
>>66748732nta but aethel, uwu and of course heavenlyfather
That weird tentacle monster? Me.
>>66748760if you're going to talk to yourself why bother quoting my post
>>66748858That's because I am talking to you :)
>>66748689>>66748856>or the YouTube equivalent in numbersFair enough; but you have /pyon/ to post there, why leave that thread?
>>66748748this is probably what she meant by getting laid out by a big white cock in yesterday's collab
>>66748704Chad behaviour
>>66747408no, please let him leave it'll honestly improve the thread
>>66748704not like she is going to use them
>>66748886I'm not a Champy, I just think Kiki is cute
>>66748888learn english
>>66747408>Wanting that guy to stay
>>66748802I never beat absolute juni. I have never smashed my keyboard before except fighting and dying to ascended markoth every single time on like the 45th boss of the run
>>66748606i don't think she's pandering to the thread i think she just likes girls and is parasocial for girls>>66748649this thread is owned and dominated by fujos and gay men
>>66748802>I need a sense of hopeThat's why I smoke weed and take edibles.
>>66748931grape is sex but i wish she moved her body like like that succubus moriko
>>66748909>>66748918It gives me mental damage because of the time I attempted 100%-ing the game.
>>66749019Winged creatures love!
>>66749019Why is bat so cute? Did she practice this dance? Doesn't she hate being seen that way?
>>66748963>absolute juni
Saru fueling the artist bf rrat again
Buhh I love Lyra she had a funny stream today
>>66748988We must up the gay posting once again to scare the femanons away.
>>66749085you should've seen how often she'd bow when talking to chat in VR
>>66748886They have their own clique there and they're too esoteric for me. I'm just a casual watcher and I enjoy Kiki my own way. We don't dictate what Kiki should like and dislike unlike the groomers there.
>>66749137You'll just attract the fujos then.
Im not gay I am a bastion
>>66749137I don't think you understand how fujos work?
>>66749137we haven't had any good page 10 ERP in awhile
>>66749100I don't know where to kiss her I guess I will have to kiss her everywhere>>66749052>100%-ing Souls gamesOh mothposter...
>>66749194You know what? that's actually the best explanation I've seen so far
I miss Vesper
>>66749239*cocks your cum, sexualy*
surprise bodega mahjong collab with birthdaygirl
>>66749154>Nationality: AmericanI thought she was Albanian...i feel so lied to...
Need Kiki thighjob
>>66749199>>66749233post a lesbian couple and the fujo hags will run
>>66749298I'm still manifesting, we can do this
>>66749298Me too anon me too
>>66749154>Weight (lol)Mint...
>>66749200Don't worry I'm not either. I'm just pretending.
>>66749425Wanna pretend with me?
>>66749154That's one of the cutest Bat images I've ever seen
>>66749483I love women
>>66749369I love her kisses
>>66748606I don’t really get /here/ vibes from her despite the edginess, she didn’t even know what /b/ or 2view meant when reading the chat a few days ago
>>66749194I see, hope you have fun here, don't cause any trouble and enjoy stay.
I like listening to Hina because she talks like a real woman.
>>66749581she literally is here
>>66749484they are clearly friends and mint isn't sensitive about her weight in the slightest, its why she's found the success she has>>66749609so does mint desu
>Kiki also has physical issuesIs there a single healthy loli vtuber?
Iku love
almost every single monhun colalb grape says some stuff, from snow bunny to almost being miscarriaged
>>66749590Will do, ligga.
>>66749374Joke's on you I like both.
>>66749709>If she loses any more weight she'll have to get helpKiki...
>>66749818post tits
>>66748606What's with your hateboner for rabbits lmao
>>66749923He's one of these
>>66748238one day there will be a good femboy who isn't a sex pest and break male records, he would have to be actually gay though and not a risk to dating any women
>>66749740need a entire doujin based on this
>>66749709Generally speaking in real life there are very few circumstances where a grown woman having a body like that is simply due to genetics. Whether the health conditions produce the loli, or whether the body produces the health conditions like with some breeds of dogs, it's all the same.
>>66749970The best candidate can be scouted by hosting a pink poster battle royale.
>>66749740Lil Fil cute I love this
I love my non-/here/ retarded rabbit wife
>>66750024Surely there's gotta be at least one loli vtuber without some type of horrible debilitating issue
>>66749129She thought she did bad she wants to do good for us lubbers
>>66749970Moe was good. He quit when lig was just starting.
>>66749923not my fault all rabbit chuubas are genuinely terrible people
>>66750024chromu having to wear a helmet as a child will never not be funny to me
has bat not fixed the fun bat fact to be automated? did her autism made her adamant about it cuz people were talking shit about it
>Fred is super fuckable
>>66750269they're all based and you're just a crying retard
just gobbed to the rainhoe scat pics
>>66750269You're a terrible person
>>66750269Sorry anon but after her going on about how skinny she is to the point that it concerns her mom and how she has a caretaker I'm going to saviorfag
>>66750191I dont watch her but is anything going on with Lily Hopkins?
>>66749923He's jealous of how rabbits are absolute fuck machines
>>66750191The closest you're going to get is a shortstack, sorry.
>>66750296"based" aka a terrible person, yesthank you for corroborating my spoint
I have this image saved from here, but don't know this chubba name, does anyone know; also, more images of her?
>>66750336She seems pretty normal, pretty sure she's also in college.
>>66750377What the fuck is a spoint
>>66750389hanause the archive dumb bitch >>66348786
People always told me I bring bad luck but this is getting absurd. Juni won against fume when I left my pc for like 3 minutes, now naiyo beat ivory king when I went to check if I have food.>>66749263>Oh mothposter...What now?
My Lyra mic has arrived buhh
>>66750458Please do not watch my oshi, her luck is bad as is
>>66750454spointhese nuts faggot
>>66750461be nise
mfw bunnyantis
>>66750377What is your bmi? no skinny person has ever typed somethign like this
>>66750607no, no more nise
>>66750675mating press
>>66750294Knudsen? I am really surprised by how many liggers like and hang out with him. In a year or two he will release a 9 hour deep dive into vtubing and burn every bridge with the community he weaseledhis way into. This will not be the first time he does that.
>>66750627>>66750631Pekora looks like Para if she wasn't a cannibal
>>66748956It's a deep irony that you despise me, for your ways would create more men like me and not all of them will have the restraint tempered by higher awareness that I possess.
>>66750377pls be mean to my cock, shondo
>>66750768Shondo would never make such a mean post
>>66750768>>66750795meant for >>66750675
>>66750734i really don't understand how someone can type this in seriousness, even though i know you're genuinely schizophrenic
>>66750389That's Smeebor, she exclusively plays Korean RTS games and has a shota fetish.
>>66749740This could have been hot if it had been older filian but no, that wouldn't have been creepy enough.
>>66750795She would purely in hopes that I'd get mad and GRAPE her
>>66750722Cant believe hololive ripped off her design so blatantly
>>66750700>Knudsen?Yeah. Laimu and Snuffy are streaming MHW. And in the middle of it all, Laimu mentioned how she often bullies and fucks with Fred whenever they play videogames together. To which Snuffy responded, "Oh yeah, Fred is super fuckable" only to immediately clarify that she meant easy to fuck with.
>>66750458>What now?100 percenting Souls game especially after 1 is for true masochists. >>66750477Lubbuh how is it?
>>66750461But is there more non-RTX images?
>>66750269Total wholesome cute sweet rab domination
>>66750945LOOK AT HER GO
>>66750945>wholesome cute sweetlolpic unrelated?
>>66750768>>66750843this is the most embarrassing misquote i've ever done i'm so sorry shoggas
>>66750847I think you just call people that when they tell you something that threatens the martyr-complex you've woven around being a pedo.
>>66750928I don't know yet but I'm quite positive it'll be good buhh
>>66751056put down the thesaurus
Paraposter please dont feed the obvious troll desperate for your precious (You)s
>>66750734So says the animal cruelty guy
is yuy allowed to say banzai?
>>66751056The voices in your head sound like 12-tear-olds
thinking about that one anon who posted a entire fanfic about nyan being a teacher in a summer camp or something idk, and she gradually started fucking all the students there.was a good read
>>66751393the damascus one? I think that was modified from some mori copypasta, sorry to break it down to you
>>66750928>100 percenting Souls game especially after 1 is for true masochists.It's not really hard to do. Keeping track of the npc quest items is a pain, but the rest is basically just doing multiple ng+ runs. A lot of people do multiple playthroughs from the start anyways.
>>66751393vtuber fanfiction is weird because they're kind of real people
>>66748956>>66750734>>66750847>>66751056>>66751381Get a room and stop flirting in here
did shimada read the card?
>>66751393Wasn't that a copypasta?
>>66751484yep she went over it on stream
>>66751484yepthen again she also read it last yearwhich tile did you make
>>66751451>>66751504was it? damn (still hot tho)
>Open Hina stream>My mom had me late so that's why I'm autistic
>>66751484yeah and she said she hated it
>>66751116You also accuse them of being overly verbose. Which just makes you look dumb.>>66751162Coming from someone whose idea of humor is art of a little girl getting her eyes gouged out?>>66751469
>>66751393's a danger to the young.
>>66751585yes, you got duped. you're still based for enjoying some good ol /ss/ thoughever
>>66751625what stream is this from kek
>>66751620Why are german people such goofballs
Sarus asmr last night was underwealming to be honest, not even comparable to the previous 2 she did
I don’t want to have sex with FallenShadow anymore
>>66751381I bet you wish that they were so you could molest them. If only everyone was a child you could abuse into silence huh?
>>66751620no I accuse you of being actually schizophrenic and ensuring all of your posts feature verborrhea because you are uncapable of discussing anything without using thesaurus to look for long words that add nothing of value to your post other than make you and only you think you're being smart
>>66751808filian was over 18
>>66751774Traditional German culture embraces the awkward side of human interaction.
>>66751776typo in chat making sure she stays in line like roflgator did to filian
>>66751892They seem to embrace it so much that it comes out in every single conversation then. I swear the only reason german people managed to commit the genocide was because they're super autistic and follow rules down to a T
>>66747408this is your fault
>>66751775thankful you're getting treated for your disease (pedophilia)
>>66751942its youth risky retard
>>66751834Wow, you sure showed me. Yeah, you totally demolished my point with that reasoning. Remember to dumb things down or else your thoughts are invalid, who would have thought?
>>66751978>>66751808>>66751775>I bet you wish weird projection oomfie
I bet you could carry Kiki around in one arm like it's nothing
it's another episode of gatorschizo stealing and posting my webms and making me regret my life
>>66752106>Yeah, you totally demolished my pointyou had none to begin with, which is exactly what I'm talking about
>>66751942I want to be this fox's prey.
>>66752159I salute Snackers for their sacrifice of knowing they share a vtuber with someone who's so profoundly autistic
>>66751946>german people managed to commit the genocide
>>66752159This is the fake schizo
>>66752063I like GirlsFC.
>>66752159Filian schizophrenic anti falseflagging using Filian clips is a low blow
I bet you could see your cock bulging through Grimmi's womb bump
suko owes me a titjob
>>66752228Oh yeah? If you're such a big fan what does the FC stand for
>>66752219/vt/ is a modern day Ship of Theseus, if someone takes on the same habits and moniker of an existing schizo even just to pretend to get (you)s, at the end of the day is it a new schizo or the same schizo?
>>66752283>he accepted the i.o.u.
>>66752338FAT CLUB
>>66752308Feeding Kiki my cum until she gets big and strong
>>66752283an anon introduced me to her thighs earlier and I would take one of those as well while she's wearing nothing but the black thong she has on right now
>>66752245I bet you could see Gaspar's cock bulging through your own stomach if you looked down while he was fucking you in the ass
>>66752283she owes us better feet pics
>>66751852Okay groomer.>>66752164Then you would have attacked it on that basis instead of resorting to going after the language used.
>>66752159Grape (the bug girl artist) makes a ton of outstanding juni art but in 90% of cases when it's posted here it's alongside some rant about genital mutilation.
>>66752348if someone's impersonating a schizo beat by beat, ironically or otherwise, they're really no different from said schizo
>>66752401sucks to suck you could have had filians first time if you tried harder like me
Thinking of Shondo's extremely tight shunny
>>66752366Luv this loli rabba
>You could leg lock someone and call it the Gorilla Glue since they wouldn't be able to escapeCoqui, please
>>66752371Anon please its too cold for me to gob, not to mention my dear sweet Gaspar is sick right now.
>>66752371the good morning poster made gaspar way too hot in this, it feels wrong
>>66752366Why is your cum orange?
>>66752438Assuming you're not just baiting, a "First time" in vrchat doesn't really count. Just a fascimilie like everything else that you try and pretend counts as a positive trait.
>>66751943He was in chat? Kek no wonder it felt so stiff
>>66752558I thought that everyone who replied to you was roflgator? so how could I be baiting
>>66752624Because roflgator dubbed anyone who called him out gatorschizo after the mute incident.
I know for a fact my oshi says mean things and makes fun of me ITT bc she knows I can never call her on it without looking like I’m off my meds which I am but still.