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66136289 No.66136289 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

>> No.66136339
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.66136349
Quoted by: >>66136393


>> No.66136365
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The absolute state of nijinigs

>> No.66136378
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>「DAYBREAK FRONTLINE」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover) *new*
>「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)

>> No.66136383

Pomu will mog Amelia tonight

>> No.66136393
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>> No.66136427
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She's becoming another Pippa at this rate

>> No.66136431
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>> No.66136459
Quoted by: >>66136579

>phase shills

>> No.66136467
Quoted by: >>66136496

More like replacing her because i can imagine that their company would gladly have her over the absolute brand risk that is Pippa as a figurehead

>> No.66136481

>It's a big ol' ball of toxic garbage. Trying to draw hard lines was, from what I've been told, a futile effort.
but you can
one of the reasons why nijisanji fans being so shitty was due to the fact that gamers and seeds both managed to get the worse nnd crowd which was the gaming fans and drama fans

>> No.66136496

How does Pippa cope with being by far the biggest but everyone openly wants her out, even 90% of the other girls.

>> No.66136500
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>> No.66136525
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Getting replaced.

>> No.66136527

Breast envy is bad

>> No.66136579

Not like they can shill the Koreans anymore, no one is gonna watch them at Afreeka

>> No.66136597
File: 140 KB, 976x205, 1702723218053425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why is the #1 female streamer of 2023 gigamogged by migo in the same game?

>> No.66136619
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Quoted by: >>66136747

so what did we learn from the last thread anons?

>> No.66136628
File: 89 KB, 850x1105, 170920202393772282941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread. To celebrate I'm painting the thread in Mococo.

>> No.66136631
Quoted by: >>66136766

>What I never got is why they didn't do ID stars given that ID is by far the most male-accepting branch/region of all
unironically reine
her family probably told cover that one of the conditions for their cooperation was that there wont be any chance of speculation that reine is interacting with them irl since that a capital offense in indo and worse for high profile people

>> No.66136658

You may think ID audience is more tolerable toward male collab but it doesn't mean that they ask for ID homos. They just don't care about them.

>> No.66136707
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>> No.66136724
Quoted by: >>66138320


>> No.66136738
Quoted by: >>66136809

Mococo is extremely overrated and ANNOYING. Fuwawa is better.

>> No.66136747
File: 928 KB, 990x1400, 43280ebe36e21da50839f44fc8cd453e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That a big Niji tourney, even hosted by a borderline 3 view, has a bigger chance at gold than a Holo 3D live, or EN outfits and graduations.

>> No.66136753

>Wasting good content like Bloodborne on Tw*tch

>> No.66136754
File: 114 KB, 850x1672, 1709202023937722829438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66136849


>> No.66136760

>ID is by far the most male-accepting branch/region of all
anon thats cope from youtube indofags trying to paint themselves as unityfags
theres a reason why the most doxxed and attacked vtuber in id is kobo and ollie

>> No.66136766
Quoted by: >>66136817

It's simple if you conclude ID management are not retarded. They also known for snooping in anti facebook and discord.

>> No.66136785
Quoted by: >>66137337

You mean one attended by 85 organs. Be more transparent Nijinigger

>> No.66136802
File: 2.65 MB, 1318x1878, 114851262_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137252

They'll always say they're fine with male collab
Until it happen to their oshi.

>> No.66136809
File: 119 KB, 850x1377, 1709202023937722829421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66136833

Have a Fuwawa and keep quiet ya titty loving faggot

>> No.66136816


Chink edits are just next level kek.

>> No.66136817

>It's simple if you conclude ID management are not retarded
>saying this after they let ollies stalker and harasser walk multiple times with just a slap on the wrist

>> No.66136818
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>> No.66136834

I am once again requesting updated data on the advent acrylic closet merch sales.

>> No.66136833

Much better

>> No.66136837

>ID males
How come people come up with the most retarded shit? ID is alfloat because of the overseas fanbase, this will be such a fucking waste of resources might as well fire the management if they ever come up with this retarded idea.

>> No.66136846
Quoted by: >>66136906

No, it's cope from here to explain why holoID's viewership didn't instantly collapse upon contact with a male

>> No.66136849
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Quoted by: >>66136900


>> No.66136851

The one where they used Aster was better.
>Join us, you could be like... Aster!

>> No.66136859
Quoted by: >>66136986

Proof that they are attacked for being homocollabers?

>> No.66136900
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Quoted by: >>66136967


>> No.66136906
Quoted by: >>66137020

>holoID's viewership didn't instantly collapse upon contact with a male
kinda funny that you say that when kobos numbers collapsed after she collabed with those 2 fleshstreamers
not to mention ollie

>> No.66136917

I wonder if people who spent the past few months swearing up and down that Pomu isn't leaving are eating crow. I made that claim only because it pissed off Pomu beggars but I always knew it was true. I hate Pomu beggars for thinking any random organ they like was holo material. I will seriously anti her if she joins another corpo though since she's making such a big song and dance about being sad.

>> No.66136965


>> No.66136967
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Quoted by: >>66137023


>> No.66136986

you can check indog anti facebook groups
if i recall the most recent one was kobo because she accidentally showed some address in a stream or tweet which led people to doxx her house and family
there was even some pics of her in a resort with her relatives

>> No.66137017
Quoted by: >>66137254

The only thing I miss about the chinks is their edits.

>> No.66137020

but it didn't, her numbers went up after collabing with windah, because it's fucking windah. And that's another thing you do where you do where you insist that Kobo's numbers have collapsed to the point where she's below Kaela, and then we actually tallied the numbers and Kobo is still above her, all because it goes against the narrative that non male collabers get better numbers than ones who do

>> No.66137023
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Quoted by: >>66137310


>> No.66137026
Quoted by: >>66137230

That wasn't what i asked.

>> No.66137046
Quoted by: >>66137070

The dogs should collab with pomu if they want 1 million subs.

>> No.66137052
Quoted by: >>66137230

anon is asking proof of they're being attacked for being homocollaber
being doxxed is the norm if you're big enough and have an anti

>> No.66137055
File: 205 KB, 640x511, 66f3a81e95cad1c800b62310393e6709c93d5133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally an all out war. Holokeks status?

>> No.66137070

lol lmao

>> No.66137092
Quoted by: >>66138661

>Nina graduated
>Yugo "graduated"
>Pomu with her graduation date set
>Selen with one foot out the door already
I-is Vox leaving, too?

>> No.66137105
Quoted by: >>66137443

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.66137108
File: 212 KB, 463x453, 1650870738218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66137112

>but it didn't, her numbers went up after collabing with windah, because it's fucking windah
not windah the one where she collabed with the two indogs that got her 32k
that was the last time she had actual good numbers and defeat vox non stop and i remember after that she would slip to milord a couple of times

>> No.66137143
File: 7 KB, 1287x123, ca6e5deb6e367564c534cffa4315b959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137309

I'm having fun looking at grudgeposts in the archive. A lot of nijifans who pointed out how obvious it was got called holofags.

>> No.66137154

Reminds me of the homofags with Vesper and Magni

>> No.66137182

Oily's drop isn't instantaneous.

>> No.66137223


>> No.66137227
File: 22 KB, 223x349, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66137230

put it this way
the home address shit happened with risu, iofi and even moona but indos did the basic doxxfaggotry with them ie just got pics and info of them
with ollie and kobo they seem to go above and beyond like destorying ollies irl displays and ads or doxxing kobos parents

>> No.66137235

Migo has been stronger than Pekora forblike half a year now.

>> No.66137252

you don't know what's good until you experience what's bad

>> No.66137254

I still remember the telephone game...

>> No.66137255
Quoted by: >>66137303

Lmao this can't be true
Were homobeggars really that retarded to shittalk fuwamoco out of all chuubas

>> No.66137258


>> No.66137303
Quoted by: >>66137382

It's not being a homobeggar, posting on fucking reddit is retarded because those fuckers don't watch streams.

>> No.66137310
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Quoted by: >>66137374


>> No.66137309

Im not a nijifan but even I could tell a lot of them wanted out
I still remember posting about how mystas behavior change seem to indicate he was graduating but nijifags just told me i was delusional due to how much money he was making

>> No.66137317
Quoted by: >>66137400

>risu, iofi and even moona
They are homocollabers as well, Iofi in particular.

>> No.66137319

Miko is actually good.

>> No.66137322

that's still not correlate to being a homocollaber

>> No.66137336

>Selen song got cancelled a week later balez song got cancelled
Keep pushing luck with pomu holokeks

>> No.66137337
Quoted by: >>66137446

What do you think "big" means?
Did I really need to write 3-4 adjectives for you to understand simple English?

>> No.66137363

Even warkop explain those doxxers are from retarded kikebook kids, thinking they somehow Based for knowing holo secret knowledge.

>> No.66137374
File: 107 KB, 850x1155, 1709202023937722829422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137470


>> No.66137378

based taiwanbros

>> No.66137382

I mean nijipigs don't watch streams either, but they still post here

>> No.66137386
Quoted by: >>66137702

>Pekora notices Lethal Company after the Kanae collab
How about watching your oversea's branch before letting the other company ran circles around you?
To be fair, Niji was slow as fuck too (but in that case they'd rather have HSKW translate for them than get along with their own EN branch).

>> No.66137400

theres being a homocollaber and encouraging homocollab behavior
even with all the mental gymnastics indos want to push on how they are unityfags they still seem to attack the ones encouraging the homocollabs more than homocollabers

>> No.66137406

>risu, iofi and even moona
are also homocollabers, but the same thing didn't happen to them despite you claiming that Kobo and Ollie got more hate for being homocollabers

>> No.66137421

(You) are Zhang.

>> No.66137439
File: 245 KB, 1280x720, HFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when is dtto part of this gang?
Shouldn't it be Ao?


>> No.66137443

Stop being childish

>> No.66137446
Quoted by: >>66137607

>even hosted by a borderline 3 view
This was you trying to make it seem like the numbers were more impressive than they actually were. And any retard reading your post would think you are implying that it was an impressive feat. But with 85 organs, it is normal.

>> No.66137462

Selen's next.
What's you gonna do? Graduate "balez"? God I hope so. You can take the rest of the homo with her too.

>> No.66137463

But is that because of their tendency to homocollab or simply because they venture outside the box a lot more?

>> No.66137466

Stop being Chinese.

>> No.66137470
File: 88 KB, 850x1085, 1709202023937722829417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137531


>> No.66137492
Quoted by: >>66137602

its their tendency to organize and push homocollabs

>> No.66137506
Quoted by: >>66137577

now you're just straight up moving the goalposts to fit your preconceived notions, do you actually have any proof that they are harrassed because they are homocollabers or do you want them to be the most harrassed because they are homocollabers and therefore look for evidence to support that?

>> No.66137508

Kobo has been in hololive 6 months longer than Ollie was back when Kobo debuted

>> No.66137514
Quoted by: >>66138234

Bae’s cover got pushed back because Myth full original and Advent’s Full cover need some breathing room as well. You may think it’s hateful, but with the absolute shitload of songs and covers Hololive is releasing these days, Management is doing their best to actually give Bae’s project the spotlight it deserves.

>> No.66137531
File: 107 KB, 850x1360, 1709202023937722829449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137591


>> No.66137534


>> No.66137537
Quoted by: >>66137661

that shouldnt be a problem for indos right? so how come they are attacking them more?

>> No.66137539
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>> No.66137544

People got disappointed to pekora after iron mouse mogged her

>> No.66137547

>mental gymnastics
The irony of this post

>> No.66137566
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>> No.66137570


>> No.66137574

Wow, this faggot will never make any solo content ever again.

>> No.66137575


>> No.66137577
Quoted by: >>66137661

how so? the goal was always indos hate homo collabs and them attacking the ones organizing it the most is not a surprise

>> No.66137584

A bunch of randoms joined the pizza shop in the last couple of days after some of the gangs disbanded early due to nijifes and other commitments

>> No.66137586


>> No.66137591
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Quoted by: >>66137648


>> No.66137602
Quoted by: >>66137654

Do you have any evidence of that being the reason they get doxxed constantly?

>> No.66137607
Quoted by: >>66137675

>anon is such a tribalfag that he only understands bait from every line, even when it was intended to diss Nijisanji
Go and watch some streams limpbrain.

>> No.66137633

Disappointed to.

>> No.66137648
File: 143 KB, 850x1565, 1709202023937722829427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137715


kys Zhang

>> No.66137654

the fact that the 2 of them are the most doxxed and harassed is proof in itself anon

>> No.66137656

The pekora antis aren't sending their best are they? Remember, your hatred only makes her stronger.

>> No.66137657

>In ID if you push for homocollabs le indog unicorns will dox you and your family
Am I getting this right? Is this the next escalation of the great invisible war? Will it become visible now?

>> No.66137661
Quoted by: >>66137774

the goal was that indos hate homo collabs, but as you admitted yourself, other homocollabers in the branch don't get harrassed to the same extent as ollie or kobo, so now you're inventing some super special edge case that only applies to them but somehow not the rest of the girls despite the fact that if they were really harrassed for being homocollabers the entire branch would be harrassed

>> No.66137675

Explain to me then how the original post can be a diss to Nijisanji. This is straight up cope and backpedaling.

>> No.66137677

Advent acrylic closet merch sales numbers doko?

>> No.66137689

Why do you sound so upset, Anon?

>> No.66137702

She gets her idea from niji. Remember she was inspired by their tournament

>> No.66137708
Quoted by: >>66137774

That's such an unbelievably thin line of reasoning

>> No.66137712
Quoted by: >>66137774

it's what >>66137654 would love to be true but the evidence for it is shaky at best

>> No.66137715
File: 128 KB, 850x1290, 170920202393772282943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137759


>> No.66137720

>Kiara: Yeah, NijiEN didn't do as well as expected

>> No.66137750
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66137759
File: 36 KB, 452x678, 1709202023937722829450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137788


>> No.66137761

It's just Indog making up reason for why ID haven't debut a stars gen yet. It's pretty simple. ID is already accessories for EN and JP homo, homoID parasite is unneeded.

>> No.66137768

Was Aruran right for being bitter before?
The moment he got his chance, he took it and inclined massively.

>> No.66137774

>already pointed out that they get harassed because they organize the most homo collabs
>hur dur special case
SEA are literal bug brained subhumans. I finally understand why Eurochads look down on the filth that is seapagpags.

>> No.66137785

once again, explain why "somehow" Iofi Risu and moona get off scott free while Kobo and Ollie get harrassed despite all of them being homocollabers. Do bear in mind that all of ID1 are extremely close to oga and shien and push collabs with them

>> No.66137788
File: 71 KB, 850x1109, 1709202023937722829446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137830


>> No.66137790

It's going to be hilarious when his numbers crash just like Gamma and Astel before him. I hope he doesn't take it too hard.

>> No.66137800

i just can't see an indog male be appealing to women.

>> No.66137812

Anon, Aruran is way more entertaining than Kazuha and his fuckbuddy Kanae.

>> No.66137829

>The moment he got his chance, he took it and inclined massively.
First time watching stars getting shoutouts from other people? most of them return to their old numbers after a few weeks because they are too boring on solo streams to retain any actual audience.

>> No.66137830
File: 67 KB, 850x1227, 170920202393772282944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137884


>> No.66137836

I'm sorry nobody is buying your adhoc reasoning, maybe next time try actually doing research and not seeing what you want to see and resorting to ad hominems when people don't believe you

>> No.66137843

As far as doxxing goes Moona's situation is definitely way worse compared to those two

>> No.66137849
Quoted by: >>66137909

>Kobo and Ollie get harrassed despite all of them being homocollabers
i don't see any harassment.

>> No.66137850
File: 208 KB, 598x535, 1691316042495086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID1 fans are buck broken

>> No.66137854
File: 304 KB, 1818x1729, 1703996051343003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Say aaahhhh

>> No.66137856

Don't pretend to be EU, you still haven't provided the slightest bit of evidence except conjecture from your own rotted mind.

>> No.66137859
File: 978 KB, 1017x915, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't this solo?

>> No.66137869
Quoted by: >>66138784

Idk literally all of his "big" streams post GTA have been collabs with the all female pizza group. He can't keep leeching forever. Also doing what feels like multiple pizzaya collabs every week for a fucking month is bound to get old soon. At the end of the day he's still a leech and a loser. He's just more shameless than the other JP homos who arguably have the opposite problem.

>> No.66137882

>once again, explain why "somehow" Iofi Risu and moona get off scott free while Kobo and Ollie get harrassed despite all of them being homocollabers
same reason why mori and kronie was attacked despite mumei and ina also collabing with stars

>> No.66137883

yeah, exactly, explain why >>66137774 don't get harrassed like kobo and ollie do when they do this >>66137850

>> No.66137884
File: 121 KB, 850x1184, 1709202023937722829428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137927


>> No.66137886
Quoted by: >>66137929

I'm not that anon but it's probably fine if holoID cucking them with white men but ID men are big no no.

>> No.66137905
File: 671 KB, 1243x699, 1704509255952211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66138053


>> No.66137909

ask >>66137882
he's the one who made that claim
still haven't explained >>66137850

>> No.66137914


>> No.66137917
File: 1.77 MB, 832x1216, 1704235361983572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66143501

/news/ anchor
Reply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!

News from today:
>Kanata album announced
>Sora mini album announced
>A recent interview with Brave Group CEO Keito Noguchi
>Nijisanji x Morinaga Choco collab
>Yashiro, Chaika, Ibrahim, Yorumi, Kagami donated 2M yen for earthquake relief in Japan
>Joucho album announced
>VShojo x bisoulovely jewelery
>Vspo x Cardfight Vanguard collab animation

Yesterday's news:
>Advent kimono relay
>Koyori sake on sale again
>Moona EP is out

>> No.66137922

Call me crazy, but if Zeta was focused on farming EN/JP gachi instead of homocollabing, ID3 would have ended up way stronger.
Huge wasted potential.

>> No.66137924

nah the other members were there chatting with him

>> No.66137927
File: 145 KB, 850x1445, 1709202023937722829423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66137974


>> No.66137929
Quoted by: >>66138041

>White men
do you even listen to yourself

>> No.66137939

Nijinigs leeching off TempusJp now? kek

>> No.66137955
Quoted by: >>66138016

At least homostars leech from actual vtubers instead of JP ecelebs like that Kuzuleech loser.

>> No.66137966
Quoted by: >>66138016

kek you wish
he even got a shoutout from one of his gta fleshstreaming buddies

>> No.66137974
File: 109 KB, 850x1297, 1709202023937722829415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66138137


>> No.66137983
File: 56 KB, 350x464, 1625970386632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad truth that SEA men don't want to hear is that IDs collab so frequently with men is because they are around some of the worst men in human existence. They finally get the chance to interact with White and Jap men instead of ID "men", so who can blame them?

>> No.66137990

kazuleech literally botted his way to stardom

>> No.66137995

ID is literally the branch tailor-made for homos.

>> No.66138000

Mumei and Ina formed a group with the stars and had an original song duet with them? I didn't know that

>> No.66138001

I still don't know what her appeal is

>> No.66138011
File: 153 KB, 197x275, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66138016

>At least homostars leech from actual vtubers

>> No.66138017
File: 232 KB, 720x873, hype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66138085


>> No.66138023

Cute and zany

>> No.66138039
Quoted by: >>66138062

>En and jp "men" in vtubing
>Not subhumans
This is some advance cope.

>> No.66138041
File: 1.09 MB, 1123x1296, 1701070353757391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never give a shit about them, homoEN/JP nor holoID.

>> No.66138052

So i guess the strat for homos is just constantly spam collabs?

>> No.66138053

And Shiorin

>> No.66138062

Now you realize how bad ID men truly are in comparison.

>> No.66138067
Quoted by: >>66138127

clearly not never cause you're giving a shit about them now

>> No.66138085

I recognize that faggot I remember him talking about how restricting hololive was compared to nijisanji back in 2022 because they forbid them from collabing with males

>> No.66138101


>> No.66138113
File: 163 KB, 960x479, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori and Aruran have the same subscriber growth so far in January.

>> No.66138127
Quoted by: >>66138151

Because you're shitting up the thread about them?
>hurr durr doxx muh homoID

>> No.66138130

homos are actual useful for some things like testing out if certain theories that when applied on channels is true or not

>> No.66138137
File: 115 KB, 1080x1583, 20230926_131227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66138177


>> No.66138151
Quoted by: >>66138199

I'm sorry this thread isn't filled with only the things you like anon

>> No.66138153

>high number homo
Are you high anon?

>> No.66138173

the incline god

>> No.66138177
File: 325 KB, 1448x2048, 20230926_131841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66138199
Quoted by: >>66138226

If you're really sorry then stop talking about doxxshit and post #.

>> No.66138226

Oh I'm sorry I thought the sarcasm was self evident
Let me try again
I'm sorry not sorry lol lmao

>> No.66138234

The whole situation could've been avoided easily I just don't get why bae didn't check the internal schedule before setting her covers release date or she could've just asked management when the best time to put out the song would be

>> No.66138237
File: 201 KB, 990x578, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS and Fauna have the same subscriber growth as Rikka and Rio in the month of January so far.

>> No.66138249

holochuuba for this feel?

>> No.66138254


>> No.66138270
Quoted by: >>66139021

ID1 was just not ruthless enough to "Maimoto" the Stars as soon as they finally got a bit of success.
Even if you don't agree with it, you should understand it.

>> No.66138272

Realistically, can Amelia win this?

>> No.66138296
File: 309 KB, 1002x910, 1702351216061544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66138306
Quoted by: >>66138702

Is Moona's new orisong a flop?

>> No.66138307

>Phase, Vshojo and indies making fun about NijiEN
What went so wrong?

>> No.66138311
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66138666

>This user is underage

>> No.66138320

How do you get mindbroken by Mori of all people. Is Niji that bad?

>> No.66138351

Found this Kobo really drilling the SEA mindshare

>> No.66138355

why did mumei decide to act like gura

>> No.66138373

What the fuck am I watching?

>> No.66138374

Easily. The two highest points of a Niji graduation is the announcement and the final day. Pomu won't even hit 20k.

>> No.66138378

ID Mumei with less mental illness.

>> No.66138393

Why did gura decide to act like mumei

>> No.66138412

Pomu won't even hit 10k

>> No.66138416


>> No.66138419

Nice voice.

>> No.66138421
File: 33 KB, 637x637, 20230815_223607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No mindshare even though he's THE Advent mascot
>No one knows his name
>No one knows his lore or backstory
>Irrelevant as irrelevant can be
>Even fucking Pero has some shred of relevancy
How do we save him?

>> No.66138428

7,014 : Henya (Vshojo)
6,893 : Filian (Mythic)
6,274 : Matara (Vshojo)
5,989 : Anny (Mythic)
5,801 : Shylily (Mythic)
5,558 : Zen (Vshojo)

01) Mouse (Vshojo) - 11,902 - VRChat
02) Mouse (Vshojo) - 14,215 - Lethal Company
03) Mouse (Vshojo) - 13,128 - Jisatsu
04) Vedal (Indie) - 19,902 - Cookie Clicker
05) Kson (Vshojo) - 7,284 - Sunkenland
06) Henya (Vshojo) - 7,014 - Minecraft

5x: Vshojo
1x: Indie

3x: IronMouse
1x: Kson, Henya, Vedal

>POINTS PER STREAMER (Gold = 5pts, Silver = 3pts, Bronze = 1pt)
18p: Mouse
11p: Vedal
09p: Henya
05p: Kson
04p: Zen, Filian
01p: Froot, Tricky, Matara

>> No.66138433

sex voice

>> No.66138444

Rio has a really cute model. I wish he went full-blown Kira tier girly voice and mannerisms.

>> No.66138455
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66138461

To be honest I think they do care, they just don't watch their own chuubas, why watch ID homo collabers when you can watch JP or EN and not deal with it, these branches are filled with SEA and ID keeps on rotting.

>> No.66138464
Quoted by: >>66138544


>> No.66138465

>big event gets big numbers
you don't say...

>> No.66138466


>> No.66138467

What are you talking about?

>> No.66138477


>> No.66138479

go robert go?

>> No.66138485
Quoted by: >>66138535

>fauna comes back just in time to suck up all of pomus fans
Green woman grows only stronger

>> No.66138497


>> No.66138513
File: 8 KB, 182x160, 1692884395518461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66138525

irys shadow banned
fauna is getting punished by the algorithm for botting

>> No.66138528
Quoted by: >>66138619

>Zeta wass focused on homocollabing
For doing what, 4 collabs? Wow, so much focus

>> No.66138535

Most pomudachi already saplings

>> No.66138533

Is this the "Pomu" everyone's been talking about?

>> No.66138544

want a tissue?

>> No.66138549

>homos have the same viewer growth count despite having lesser subs than the en girls and being older than them
Unironically grim for homos especially with the whole Astel merch thing getting cannned

>> No.66138562
Quoted by: >>66138591

>previous thread
>this thread
Will Zhangs be stepping out of line again? I don't want another schism over their subhuman autism over their retarded feelings.

>> No.66138570


>> No.66138571
File: 26 KB, 668x446, 1695123826464620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting randmoms in /#/. You're worse than homobeggers.

>> No.66138579

Dont worry yorrick i remember yoh

>> No.66138581

My headcanon is that he's the evil parts of Advent. better that he only appears as a memory.

>> No.66138588

I thought you were talking about Shiori kek

>> No.66138591

Too late >>66137055

>> No.66138599
File: 946 KB, 1145x671, 1686957385111504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having your ads turn into a meme

>> No.66138619

1 is already too much and a deal breaker, so she is 400% bad

>> No.66138629

ID3 is roughly as old as Nepolabo was at the time they debuted.

>> No.66138637

ID4 doko?

>> No.66138661

>Selen with one foot out the door already
You retards keep throwing this around and back it up with absolutely nothing. Selen is FINE, she just needs some time off because of her health and management messing with her cover

>> No.66138666

should've done that from the startlol

>> No.66138669
File: 1.21 MB, 1396x1076, 1702007805341596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I AM DR ROTA!!!!!!!

>> No.66138675

Anon that's free marketing. That's how FLEX TAPE became successful

>> No.66138686
Quoted by: >>66138747

they turned the tokopedia ad into a meme

>> No.66138700
File: 764 KB, 1599x770, haruka number.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that is grim
Those are rookie grim numbers
She still hasnt gotten those 28 subs to go to 220k btw

>> No.66138702
Quoted by: >>66138843

Looks like every single song released this weekend is doing way worse than usual.

>> No.66138708
Quoted by: >>66138767

>No mindshare even though he's THE Advent mascot
Is he really? That's like saying mr. squeaks is the promise mascot just because he belongs to bae

>> No.66138709

what did she mean by this?

>> No.66138712
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1080, 1703011201856499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66138719

Aruran cleared 200k subs and no one in /#/ gave him a shout out...

>> No.66138721
File: 69 KB, 987x186, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66138808

Octavio's subscriber growth in January is almost Uyu-tier.

>> No.66138723
File: 144 KB, 1521x816, 1690402756873290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66138728

Pomu was fine too until yesterday.

>> No.66138742

is she the same girl who got a shoutout from pewds or is she someone else?

>> No.66138747

u wot? Is this some ID place I'm too White to know about?

>> No.66138759

ID Amazon

>> No.66138767
File: 519 KB, 1920x1080, 154088066880394 (212).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66138780

that was shizuka rin, iirc

>> No.66138784

the fact that Roberu and the medic gangs seemed to enjoy the server way more (some cried after it ended) and promised to play together again, yet have been silent until now, is the opposite problem.
Too considerate and safe, not shameless enough for content creators with incline in mind.

>> No.66138799

That's KIzuna AI

>> No.66138801
File: 893 KB, 900x900, 321132132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that retarded girl is pic related who squandered one of nijisanjis multiple chance to expand in the west
another one was Masaru getting a shoutout from Ludwig and another one getting noticed by Asmon.

>> No.66138808
Quoted by: >>66138960

Is he really that bad?

>> No.66138809
File: 24 KB, 528x218, 1677488049893326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID Alibaba
also doing pretty well

>> No.66138823
Quoted by: >>66138849

we've talked about this already, she got to 220k and got culled back. Which is why she doesn't bother anymore.

>> No.66138841
File: 462 KB, 1536x2048, 1700413380658096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66138960

Go back to /man /sister

>> No.66138843

Wonder if the earthquake has anything to do with it

>> No.66138849

nah she never got to 220k but instead got to 218k and jumped to 219k

>> No.66138864
Quoted by: >>66139001

xqc also stumbled upon Hayama's Elden Ring run but that was just a passing moment, not really a chance and Hayama was very cute.

>> No.66138901
File: 1.53 MB, 335x974, 1629257485411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ignorant may not know this but we're in the presence of royalty

>> No.66138904
Quoted by: >>66138975

Uhh anon I dunno how to tell you this but thats not yorrick

>> No.66138908

I mean none of the main medic guys are in any desperate need to incline. They'll probably end up doing something at some point after the busy christmas/NY period but they're all doing fairly solid already so it'll just be for their own enjoyment and some genuine fanservice for their viewers rather than Aruran shamelessly leeching from every female 4view he can convince to collab with him.

>> No.66138915
File: 1.82 MB, 1297x733, 331312312321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara is the Mori of Nijisanji

>> No.66138917
File: 274 KB, 1660x268, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ao has inclined alot. Ririka and the gook are now fighting for runt status.

>> No.66138944
Quoted by: >>66139003

Rosemi next?

>> No.66138946

pizzaya saikou!!

>> No.66138957

>Ao has inclined alot
Wasnt Ao the leader?

>> No.66138960
Quoted by: >>66139049

Just posting numbers, I'm more a fan of the JP stars anyway.
Has some really bad content, though not as bad as Flayon. He's attempting the 3 or 4 am EST timeslot which is not working out to well for him.

>> No.66138975
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 154088066880394 (187).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66139092

It is though. Are you blind?

>> No.66139001

Hayama tried then, but it was already way too late, NijiEN was in full swing and people mostly associated vtubing with Gura.
She needed that 1-2 years earlier.

>> No.66139003

>Rosemi next?
Funny you are saying that since phase have been throwing shades at acquiring nijis

>> No.66139014


>> No.66139018
File: 474 KB, 1080x1031, Screenshot_20240106_115450_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armis will call for sure, she shilled them a lot after all.

>> No.66139021

Nta, more like they can't and they won't, id1 debuting just a few weeks before starjp 3. They the runt of the branches and survive with each others before hololive gain their western popularity with myth. And after they lost kaoru, you know they will never sever that ties with them. The fact that risu still using her twitter header with kaoru mean they won't budge. Their fans already accepted that fact because it what they are before the change, it like asking sora to never talk to any homo, it won't happen.

>> No.66139040

I always thought this thing was something from NotMori.

>> No.66139047
Quoted by: >>66139089

No, banchou's the banchou.

>> No.66139049

If you are a Starsjp fan you should try to look at Fumas numbers in the upcoming weeks since I have a feeling he will be blessed

>> No.66139059

No? In what world? There's no "leader"

>> No.66139089

I meant in subs
I remember Ao being in the lead during debut

>> No.66139092
File: 281 KB, 818x426, 1695318083297711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing they have in common is that they both look like blobs you racist bastard

>> No.66139100

>feels like war
Okay, what did they mean by this?

>> No.66139103
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, ENgold240106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>01/06 TALLY
59.273: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | New Outfit Reveal
48.129: Nerissa (Hololive) | New Outfit Reveal
45.770: Bijou (Hololive) | New Outfit Reveal
38.465: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | Advent New Year's Collab
34.221: Shiori (Hololive) | New Outfit Reveal
29.066: Pomu (Nijisanji) | Graduation Announcement
24.215: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | FuwaMoco Morning
17.099: Ina (Hololive) | Lethal Company Myth Collab
14.125: Ame (Hololive) | Lethal Company Myth Collab
9.718: Kiara (Hololive) | Lethal Company Myth Collab
9.289: Kronii (Hololive) | Mario Kart 8
8.605: Calli (Hololive) | Lethal Company Myth Collab
5.737: Shiori (Hololive) | Refind Self: The Personality Test Game
5.135: Meloco (Nijisanji) | NijiMahjong 2024

1) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 26,058 - New Year's Unarchived Karaoke
2) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 13,177 - FuwaMoco Morning
3) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 21,158 - Lethal Company Advent Collab
4) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 32,113 - FuwaMoco Morning
5) Rosemi (Nijisanji) - 22,528 - New Outfit Reveal
6) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 59,273 - New Outfit Reveal

5x: FuwaMoco
1x: Rosemi

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
25p: FuwaMoco
7p: Ina
5p: Rosemi
4p: Bae, Bijou
3p: Kotoka, Nerissa
1p: Ame, Kronii, Shiori

>> No.66139135
File: 267 KB, 585x564, pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66139137

he probably meant early subs. I do recall Ao leading in subs cause her design stood out and everyone thought she will be some cool prince.

>> No.66139147

Anon no homos called into Mori's totsu despite half this thread swearing they would, what makes you think they'd call into Ame's

>> No.66139148
File: 939 KB, 985x554, 1676692267402106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some tagline of theirs, I don't know enough indo to get ti

>> No.66139149


New virtualreal yab. Shit is wild with 2 of 16th gen being yuri lovers and living together. One of them has history of violence, family abuse and multiple personality disorder. They got into fights easily with the schizo turning and larping into a mustache male slapping and hitting her.

>> No.66139151

>niji graduation announcement didn't even get Gold
>didn't even get podium
>and got beaten by a completely fucking natty string of power reveals

>> No.66139158
File: 22 KB, 640x479, Liver disease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No mindshare
>No one knows their name
>No one knows their lore or backstory
>Irrelevant as irrelevant can be
>Even mascots have more mindshare
Which liver is this?

>> No.66139161

>he more popular with comicanon
Just mention him every stream like pero and he will be instant hit.

>> No.66139164
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, ENCope240106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>01/06 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
2.686: Luca (Nijisanji) | Just Chatting
2.650: Alban (Nijisanji) | VRChat
2.332: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Minecraft
2.232: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Mahjong Soul
2.226: Ren (Nijisanji) | Handcam Stream
2.164: Kotoka (Nijisanji) | NijiMahjong 2024
2.155: Sonny (Nijisanji) | Minecraft
1.965: Kyo (Nijisanji) | A Date with Death
1.908: Reimu (Nijisanji) | Metal Gear Solid 2
1.764: Rexford (Holostars) | The Sims
1.742: Hina (Phase-Connect) | Home Sweet Home w/ Muyu
1.693: Petra (Nijisanji) | Hollow Knight
1.631: Millie (Nijisanji) | Lethal Company Collab
1.415: Uki (Nijisanji) | Bokura
1.343: Altare (Holostars) | Minecraft
1.313: Claude (Nijisanji) | Valorant
1.304: Doppio (Nijisanji) | Refind Self: The Personality Test Game
1.236: Ruze (Holostars) | Dungeons & Dragons
1.101: Eimi (Phase-Connect) | Return of the Obra Dinn
1.077: Alban (Nijisanji) | Monstrum

>> No.66139168

Riku... where's my gold? I'm Pomu BAU BAU

>> No.66139192
File: 277 KB, 400x400, 321321312321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont understand it because you are a close minded tribalfag unicorn but Its actually a homage to Pomu and all the things she has contirbuted in the vtuber scene.
Its a nice show of unity from Kobo.

>> No.66139197
File: 459 KB, 1249x685, 1673220993078416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66139225

[Sad News] The rabbit is cooked

>> No.66139199

the fuck is going on over there, Jesus

>> No.66139212

Think that anons having a schizo moment it's literally just a logo, also the logo itself looks more like pero without his wings

>> No.66139221
File: 87 KB, 1024x958, 1630407913716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all look the same

>> No.66139225
Quoted by: >>66139342

Flare is collabing with V-Gori?

>> No.66139235

>Shit is wild with 2 of 16th gen being yuri lovers and living together. One of them has history of violence, family abuse and multiple personality disorder
Didnt something like that also happen last year?

>> No.66139244

Oh fuck, this Tokopedia war song is catchy... My skin is turning brown on its own... HELP

>> No.66139248
Quoted by: >>66139463

Roberu is fine, the real autist is Uyu who got invited to a 1 on 1 collab with Lap and initially accepted but then he saw that her chat was excited for it and he thought they would be disappointed when he actually showed up so he got cold feet and told her he couldn't play after all

>> No.66139264
Quoted by: >>66139343

Mori dropped the homos after the retards betrayal. Ame didn't.

>> No.66139266

>People comparing the logo that was at the end of Connect the World to Yorick of all things
Guys, come on, that teaser was clearly for some kind of EN Halloween event, why the fuck do you think it was connected to EN3

>> No.66139271
File: 1001 KB, 1080x2400, 17202185568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subs Cope

>> No.66139278


>> No.66139287

what the fuck? Can you go into more detail? Because it sounds like you poorly summarized a soap opera

>> No.66139313
File: 213 KB, 1080x609, Screenshot_20240106_120052_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66139332

>what makes you think they'd call into Ame's
She love da bois, end her stream to shill their debut and all.

>> No.66139337

Greentext? look like a fun read.

>> No.66139342

she wishes lol
he only accepts people who can do apesex

>> No.66139343
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x2950, 312132312312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think that pic related didnt happen from vespers job before holo but happened in holo with mori

>> No.66139347
File: 130 KB, 1080x1098, 1704515751365566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66139356
Quoted by: >>66139399

Subaru was also close with Maimoto and she ruthlessly dropped his ass when she got big enough that she no longer needed him

>> No.66139360
File: 396 KB, 538x560, 1701631354281498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66139381
Quoted by: >>66139397

Anon, the aspect ratio on this thing is fucking garbage, could you stretch out the tweets any more

>> No.66139397

I didn't make the image

>> No.66139399


>> No.66139401

Will the "what was his name" call-in?

>> No.66139403

>GGN twins are Fuwamoco
WAIT THE FUCK? I Thought Fuwamoco was Ayamina reincarnated

>> No.66139404

Did Vesper ever go to Japan? Because I'm pretty sure they never met irl

>> No.66139410

>almost 15k likes

>> No.66139420
Quoted by: >>66139618

Well to be fair they did a QRT, maybe Pomu would have replied if they replied instead

>> No.66139423


>> No.66139440
File: 817 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_01_40 ], take=[ 2024-01-06 18.02.31 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this new Moona song is really cute
Both the MV and the song

>> No.66139441
Quoted by: >>66139490

Once, and it was literally the beginning of the downfall of the entire fucking branch

>> No.66139449
Quoted by: >>66139576

Based retard

>> No.66139452
Quoted by: >>66139490

>Did Vesper ever go to Japan?
Anon did you forget the whole depression arc in japan because he couldnt smoke weed?

>> No.66139460

Creepy fag

>> No.66139463

Is she doing well on twitch? How's her new strategy working out?

>> No.66139488

Wait I thought Tokopedia was the guy she was doing the music with, is that guy also another indog YouTuber?

>> No.66139490
Quoted by: >>66139534

I think I memoryholed a lot of the homoarc, honestly. In any case as funny as it would be if it was Mori I really doubt it

>> No.66139504
Quoted by: >>66139604

Honestly, much of what i have heard about him makes me believe that he is an extremely unreliable narrator so that menhera trip might have been an outright lie.

>> No.66139506
Quoted by: >>66139579

He went there before he got suspended if i remember it right

>> No.66139525

That's literally the point.
We know the context, but ID1 is not the type to cut off people for the sake of their careers like Miko or Subaru did after Holo's dark ages. Doesn't help that they work for the same company too.
I don't see the point of asking too much of that gen, it was a miracle they managed to get that far. The later gens though, they don't have that excuse.

>> No.66139534

Vesper and Axel were both in Japan at the same time and he refused to offcollab with Axel

>> No.66139539
File: 18 KB, 360x374, 1693701707790370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66139562

>i'm pomu

>> No.66139566

>Indog company let's indog women employed by a Japanese company sing a mix Indo/Japanese song on indog media.
Total cultural domination.

>> No.66139571

INCLINING to the grave!

>> No.66139576

Ah im happy for them but its such a shame Ayamina didnt reincarnate since they were actually decent vtubers

>> No.66139579

That was after. He missed first Collab with tempus 2 due this

>> No.66139580

Odds of Mumei calling into Ame

>> No.66139585

mindshare inclining

>> No.66139588
File: 731 KB, 1179x2131, yagoo vs riku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66139593
Quoted by: >>66139658

>Selen is FINE
>If you ignore her suddenly having to go to the hospital immediately following management screwing her over
>And her resuming rm activity shortly thereafter

>> No.66139601

Tokopedia is Indonesian company anon...
The dude and Kobo were just hired together

>> No.66139604

>The reason he couldn't post photos of the burgers he bought and that he never met Axel was that he wasn't in Japan for real

>> No.66139605

sometimes she can be 1/2 Karubi
The new Neo-porte debut now mogs occasionally both of them with GTA

>> No.66139614
File: 604 KB, 882x916, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matuli retweeted pekora's post but not koyori's. What is she implying?

>> No.66139618

>maybe Pomu would have replied if they replied instead
Lol Pomu rarely replies to 2views and she usually replies to people that orbit niji back then

>> No.66139626

Mid 4view, it is what it is

>> No.66139628

I still dont know how cover managed to hire such a sexpest, even funnier is that some girls lost their careers for him

>> No.66139644


>> No.66139656

That would make more sense than him being there for purely personal reasons and having a subsequent mental breakdown that confided him to his hotel room.

>> No.66139658


>> No.66139659

no, tokopedia is the store that sponsored them to make the song, that guy is heiakim, a music composer who wrote that song, and I think worked on several other holo songs too. Ollie and Mori, if I'm not wrong.
Basically think indo taku inoue

>> No.66139660

Not a Nijinig but I always thought Pomu would stay indefinitely, same with Selen. They just seemed so bootlicky and stockholmd like no matter how hard they get assraped by Riku they just took it like good little goys and moved on. I think the fact that they finally hit their breaking point is actually pretty significant.

>> No.66139671
Quoted by: >>66139712

4kish most streams but she's slowly (emphasis on slowly) inclining, mostly because she finally stopped playing Valorant every single stream

>> No.66139680

Fauna is a 2k shitter and u hope she graduates

>> No.66139682

"""People""" love him.

>> No.66139689
Quoted by: >>66139752

>some girls lost their careers for him

>> No.66139700

So why don't cover just let indies join their company again like what they did with Suisei? Patra could enjoy the benefits of being in Hololive. Pomu after graduation could too join HoloEN. The only downside to it is Cover not owning the IP, that's it.

>> No.66139707

You cant look at this image and then say karma isnt real

>> No.66139712
Quoted by: >>66139734

Seems like she started playing LoL.

>> No.66139711

I've never paid much attention to twitch tally, but why are the vshojo jp branch members in the EN list?

>> No.66139722
Quoted by: >>66139773

Will you blow your brains out when she starts getting 10ks again regularly once she actually returns to streaming?

>> No.66139725

>oshi mark explanation
Let me guess, is this a womb tattoo?

>> No.66139733
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, 20230212_150141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu being poached by holoEN means that I'll end up warming up to her charms and start unironically shilling her. Anons I'm sorry in advance.

>> No.66139734

LoL is the new off pako incline game.

>> No.66139737

This level of autism can't even be reached by Japs I kneel to the chinks.

>> No.66139739

>is that guy also another indog YouTuber?
Yes, some of his shitpost got really viral like that hotto doggu song

>> No.66139745

>Selen is FINE, she just needs some time off because of her health and management messing with her cover
has the same energy as
>Pomu would never graduate. She's the single biggest nijisanji otaku in the world. Being a liver is her dream job. Her oshi is Mito, ffs.

>> No.66139752

Kronii's #.

>> No.66139756
Quoted by: >>66139850

Based Retard

>> No.66139760
Quoted by: >>66140438

Most people suggest they have some kind of non-compete clauses in their contracts that prevent poaching from rival corpos. I get the feeling like Vshojo only gets away with it through some weird loopholes.

>> No.66139768

>Implying Pomu will get in HoloEN
Lol. ReGloss 2 maybe.

>> No.66139773

The only way she'll get 10ks regularly is if she gets botted which is basically how is been anyway

>> No.66139774
Quoted by: >>66139916

This is more believable than going to japan without his schizo med for literally no reason.

>> No.66139776

lol lmao. Not a chance

>> No.66139784

finally, pomu is boosting nijisanji just like she wanted

>> No.66139785


>> No.66139797

That and watson, her "cover did it again" tweet is still hilarious to me

>> No.66139801

Because they benefit more by having strong ties to the indie scene that aren't controlled by them, compared to just integrating them all into the same brand.
It's the same reason why international trade is more profitable to countries than establishing empires with internal trade. Shit's more profitable when you can let them specialize while keeping good connections with them.

>> No.66139808

It honestly looks like Pero eating Yorick.

>> No.66139810

Why would Pomu apply to Hololive? She knows nothing about holo and she doesn't give a single shit about it. It's obvious that she's going to vshojo where her close friends are.

>> No.66139812

Oh nyo not the CCV

>> No.66139815
Quoted by: >>66139958

Surprising to see the gook so low considering her music does pretty well

>> No.66139822

No I don't.

>> No.66139833

Why is Kobo advertising an ID marketplace? So autistic Kobo fan, can you redpill me on how popular she is? Her numbers aren't great

>> No.66139838

I know you're joking but Mori has been one of Cover's best company woman since they got her a major debut.
When the two clowns pulled that shit after she shilled them like crazy, it was like spitting directly on her face.

>> No.66139850

>saying this when the retard himself admitted that he had several complainst of harassment and sexual harassment from his old office job due to comments like >>66139343

>> No.66139861

There's no reason for Patra to join Hololive, she's pretty much in the perfect position as a vtuber by having a solid and financially strong fanbase whilst being completely indie.

>> No.66139863

her fault.

>> No.66139866

wait a minute I've seen this one before

>> No.66139870
File: 207 KB, 1124x716, sc_promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66140305

>Oh nyo not the CCV

>> No.66139883
Quoted by: >>66139922

The merch numbers and spachas cratering is a more direct thing to point to if you don't want to accept CCV as a leading indicator.
Hell, the main thing fans dump on her now are jifted memberships, and since we know a chunk of fans explicitly ARSdump those to spite the unicorns and shit, well, that could be way less profitable than it looks (since jifts don't have the dollar amount shown)

>> No.66139884
Quoted by: >>66139982

>Why would Pomu apply to Hololive? She knows nothing about holo and she doesn't give a single shit about it. It's obvious that she's going to vshojo where her close friends are.
same energy as
>Pomu would never graduate. She's the single biggest nijisanji otaku in the world. Being a liver is her dream job. Her oshi is Mito, ffs.

>> No.66139907
File: 164 KB, 640x360, 5ce83e18ebc4b745a892682189fc1e178b8215c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holokeks status?

>> No.66139916

His schizo med was weed btw

>> No.66139922
Quoted by: >>66139962

I though neal was going to ban ARS in yt

>> No.66139928

She's the only vtuber in ID that ever broke into mainstream

>> No.66139958

>Surprising to see the gook so low considering her music does pretty well
I honestly dont think music matters that much.

>> No.66139962
Quoted by: >>66140081

Hasn't happened yet, afaik
With the situation around Argentina's currency being in extreme flux at the moment, who knows when action will be taken. The currency may not even exist in a year, depending on how things go.

>> No.66139963

Oh no... Kiara is next! Please, anything but that!

>> No.66139965

Vultureshojo have their drool on pumo's still warm corpse and people think she'll be going anywhere else?

>> No.66139982
Quoted by: >>66140036

How many holos does she even know? Kiara? Nerissa? She didn't even know that the trident in the holoEN VRchat world was Gura's and she knows even less about JP and ID than she does about EN. Meanwhile, vshojo is basically family to her at this point.

>> No.66140012

I hope the off collab is longer than 2 hours so that Fauna can eat shit once again.

>> No.66140016

Since Pomu is joining Hololive, who do (you) think she'll get along with the most aside from Kiara?

>> No.66140018

>pomubeggars trying to game the karmic system by shitposting about how she'll never be in Hololive
Karma doesn't operate on the face value of what you say, it operates on the intentions of your soul. Lying won't work to influence the wheel.

>> No.66140022
File: 41 KB, 568x284, 1690020922042130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me bro
this is a one hour version btw

>> No.66140036
Quoted by: >>66140132

Doesn't even matter what she wants, she can't be in Holo, we don't want her at all.

>> No.66140048

Kobo runs Indonesia

>> No.66140050

so are we thinking both Mika and Pomu got poached or just one of them

>> No.66140055


>> No.66140063

How many nijiENs stand a chance of crossing the Fauna premiere line this month?

>> No.66140076
File: 12 KB, 482x202, 31232132132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66140081
Quoted by: >>66140141

But can it go lower?

>> No.66140086

Only Visa banned it

>> No.66140093

This Pomu shit is pathetic.

>> No.66140099

Mika definitely got poached, Pomu might dust off her RM for a bit until she either finds success there or get poached as well.

>> No.66140101

Mika for sure got poached, Pomu is uncertain (but if she isn't poached and she's currently getting ready to go back to her indie persona, you know for a fact Gunrun is fucking slamming her DMs as we speak[maybe Sakuna, too, but don't expect that with a high chance])

>> No.66140117


>> No.66140119

Mika for sure got poaches since she was the one Matara was referencing about being jobless
Would not surprise me if Pomu got in vshojo as well since she sent a message that made mika very happy

>> No.66140132

You guys said the same thing about Shiori.

>> No.66140138

There's no such thing as Vshojo JP same as there's no Vshonen. Its all one block. The only exclusively JP streamer left a week ago.

>> No.66140141

>can it go lower?
The new government literally ran a campaign of establishing the Dollarization of the economy, that shit's gonna hit the Void if they make good on that

>> No.66140152

Mika is ID4. Pomu is vshojo.

>> No.66140150

Is this supposed to be impressive?
Fucking gyatt for nerizzler got 20k and it was a shitpost from some twitter dude.

>> No.66140156

Then why can't her CCV get any higher than shitter levels?

>> No.66140160

it's not that hard to understand
>kiara "friends" a niji
>can't stop talking about the facilities cover gives her to do anything
>complaints about stuff that would never cross the mind of a niji
>talks about the money she gets every month and the share that they get from the company
and that makes them rethink their position
also, the first people that already left must've told them how much better is to be an indie or a vshoujo member in that regard

>> No.66140162
File: 672 KB, 464x825, 1681540715813865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66140178

>JP Gen 4
>Moruru joins

>EN Gen 4
>Pomu joins

>ID Gen 4
>Mika joins

>> No.66140182
Quoted by: >>66140367


>> No.66140189

She doesn't even stream regularly. Music is her main focus right now

>> No.66140191

Bro I don't think anyone even TALKED about Shiori pre-Hololive on this board

>> No.66140206
Quoted by: >>66140256

There will not be a single Niji, other than Luna, to join Hololive.

>> No.66140215

I don't think you understand how shitter levels work here

>> No.66140216
Quoted by: >>66142573

>Tempiss Gen 4
>Vox joins

>> No.66140224
Quoted by: >>66140307

I was going to call bullshit but I realized that some of the nijigirls actually changed their attitude after the offcollab thing with Kiara

>> No.66140228
Quoted by: >>66140421

>Why would Pomu apply to Hololive? She knows nothing about holo and she doesn't give a single shit about it.
You act like this is some big requirement to get accepted

>> No.66140233


>> No.66140236
Quoted by: >>66140295

Nobody even knew who she was before she joined

>> No.66140237

Should EN4 debut before or after advent's anniversary?

>> No.66140244

I don't know much about Mika, is she just Niji Ollie?

>> No.66140243

Unikeks mad that their queen lost to Niji today or what lmao. Reclining ccv just like her hearing kek

>> No.66140253


>> No.66140256

If Mito ever dies, Sora will personally step in and take her ass into the company

>> No.66140287
Quoted by: >>66140935

yeah but she has a more tolerable voice and a slightly less pathetic personality.

>> No.66140293

ENkek seethe

>> No.66140295

Nobody knows who she is even after joining Holo* FTFY

>> No.66140296

>JP4 makes china mad by mentioning taiwan
>EN4 makes russia mad by mentioning ukraine
>ID4 makes india mad by mentioning toilets

>> No.66140305

>SC cope

>> No.66140307

Kiara shitting on anycolor because she wanted to include pomu for her 3D live was funny.

>> No.66140309

Didn't they try to pay for her food and it became whole thing where she inadvertently flexed on them afterwards?

>> No.66140342
File: 64 KB, 174x178, Shiori_My_Beloved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66140824


>> No.66140340

Lol lmao

>> No.66140350

>>ID4 makes india mad by mentioning toilets
KEK, Kingly post.
Took me by surprise.

>> No.66140358

I was out visiting family during the Advent relay, how was it? How was it here?

>> No.66140367

Yeah, add the 0 I obviously forgot.

>> No.66140370


>> No.66140374

They should put her on vacay. Oh wait, she's not an organ

>> No.66140377

I would much rather have Zea than Mika join ID4

>> No.66140393
Quoted by: >>66142650

Kiara is the millionaire complaining about issues a working class person has never even thought of. That’s when they realize just how far apart they really are.

>> No.66140397
File: 77 KB, 230x230, 32123213213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142775

>Sora would rather help Mito whose company attacked Hololive multiple times than the one that actually gave her a break
Hololive needs to honor the blood oath

>> No.66140399

unironically this, and she at least graudated far enough back that she might actually have a chance

>> No.66140404
File: 77 KB, 1026x124, 1676378615002771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is bakatare circus so unpopular

>> No.66140409
File: 207 KB, 666x666, 1703572480025847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID4 makes india mad by mentioning toilets
kek, good one

>> No.66140421
Quoted by: >>66140946

Half of REGLOSS and some of HoloX talked about how they were jotting down mental notes when Shuba mentioned Hololive auditions. It's not like applicants never watched a little.

>> No.66140419


>> No.66140423
File: 200 KB, 989x2048, GDE2OKwb0AAs4P3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh livestreams
Cover and any rational human values music over streams which makes it weird that they hired 0 self sufficient musicians in advent, in 2 years of scouting you should have found someone with some music skills, hell phase got their hands on two lyrics writers and one of them toplines and does other production stuff as well

>> No.66140427

Don't worry anon. Pomu's going to Vshojo.

>> No.66140435
Quoted by: >>66140497

I would rather have someone that is better than both

>> No.66140437
File: 649 KB, 742x1524, please seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66140438

Non-compete clauses are illegal in California.

>> No.66140447

So unpopular that the general died...

>> No.66140457
File: 501 KB, 500x544, 1700221670745010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66140460

As would anyone with a brain.
Mika's only quality is that she actually has a careers plan.

>> No.66140491

One thread hit 1500
Here's the quick reandown
>Shioreo instant reveal SEX
>Biboo beautiful SEX
>Rissa elegant SEX

>> No.66140497
Quoted by: >>66140596

rainych is not going to join ID4 anon

>> No.66140509

I rather have a non vtuber joining holo.

>> No.66140510

The superior Flare group.

>> No.66140519
Quoted by: >>66140568

>Not Miyu or Hyona
such a shame that Layla decided to re-sign with the company even after dealing with that whole drama with her family since she would be a good addition to ID

>> No.66140561

Inonaka doesn't exist anymore
Although I'd be curious if they put random indies into ReGloss and used that as a testbed

>> No.66140562

Mito's antis will hire a hitman from the darkweb if this ever happens.

>> No.66140564
Quoted by: >>66140785

Went well, Shiori was a retard and didn't do hanging reveal but she was still SEX and Biboo's raid broke a bit for some people but otherwise everything went well and everyone was SEX. Great success.

>> No.66140565
File: 2.39 MB, 1894x1138, streamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover and any rational human values music over streams
She disagrees.

>> No.66140568

I vastly prefer the idolfag who did a lecture on the positives of parasocial relationships.

>> No.66140576

“SEEEEEX DORYA” both here and the JP equivalent

>> No.66140588

The main issue is people keep comparing holo to niji when there two diffrent companys which in turn makes niji look worst.

>> No.66140595

>2 years
Xey never looked. Jan 2023 was when notGura actually started. Advent was a super rush job

>> No.66140596

>rainych is 32 years old
biggest wtf moment in my life desu

>> No.66140598

Is that a bad thing?

>> No.66140602

Pomu = EN Patra

>> No.66140626

She's only saying this because she's retarded and lost all her fans. I hope she rues the day she called anyone she doesn't like a holo anti.

>> No.66140649
File: 86 KB, 554x554, Untitled677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new coat of paint rebranded refurbished new car smell bomu elevated by our signature holoEN Lore autism and hard to draw design philosophy.

>> No.66140650
Quoted by: >>66140714


>> No.66140663

I also hate it when people compare Coca-Cola Company to the vastly superior Pepsico

>> No.66140667

Because its actually more profitable and better in the long run to get unpolished gems than just gather indies

>> No.66140672

>out of context screencap from a clip
Rope yourself

>> No.66140700

The Flare and Polka debuff stack.

>> No.66140714

None because her channel is completely wiped apart from her music.

>> No.66140729
File: 15 KB, 554x314, 20230320_124133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66140767

>Mika is ID4. Pomu is EN4

>> No.66140749

>Why would hololive do this.jpeg

>> No.66140751

maybe if Nijisanji was better they would stop coming off worse in these comparisons, have you thought of that?

>> No.66140760
Quoted by: >>66141470

>>66140714 (me)
Nevermind, everything got unlisted

>> No.66140767

Why would Pomu even think about joining Hololive when she has a golden ticket to vshojo already?

>> No.66140772
Quoted by: >>66140891


>> No.66140782
Quoted by: >>66140962

Nijisanji and Hololive have a gentleman's agreement after Luna switched sides*, becoming one of the most dislike raided vtuber since gamebu blow up. Being in Niji disbars you from holo and vice versa.

*Universally lauded as a good career move.

>> No.66140785
Quoted by: >>66141017

>Shiori was a retard and didn't do hanging reveal
I mean.
Were you expecting Shiori of all people to do a hanging reveal? It's already great that she didn't appear on stream all dressed up from the get go.
She also almost forgot to show off her accessories because she was too busy calling Mococo as Robocop.

>> No.66140786


>> No.66140787
Quoted by: >>66140815

Before anniversary but after 3D debut and also before 2nd concert.

>> No.66140792

I remember watching it and she said something the lines of “it’s hypocritical for a streamer to demonize parasocial relationships when their livelihood depends on it”

>> No.66140796
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that even Suisei recognized the song, it's pretty impressive

>> No.66140816
File: 725 KB, 904x630, IMG_2454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that’s it? This is literally the most memorable 3D moment for Pomu?

>> No.66140815
Quoted by: >>66141165

>2nd concert
not after flop the world got gigamogged by twinkle 4 u. it would be a waste of resources.

>> No.66140817
File: 841 KB, 1108x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66140861

Truly the best hires of Advent

>> No.66140824

God she's so cute

>> No.66140847
File: 580 KB, 1460x950, 1702912139670644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66140861

>overlaps their first ever outfit reveals

>> No.66140862

The best time to debut them would be after CtW2 where Advent performs. It gives some closure to the first arc of their career.

>> No.66140878

You want to know EN4, I'll tell you EN4 now.
>one literally who from Twitch that no one here has ever heard of (until debut in which case for some reason someone pops up literally within three hours of their Twitter account going active knowing exactly who they are[and that anon is either one of her Twitch friends who is super supportive of them but stupid enough to leak it, or the girl herself])
>one literally who that comes from outside of Vtubing almost entirely (with like, one or two Vtuber streams under their belt almost certainly done to just qualify for Hololive in the first place)
>one slightly notable Youtube 3view who had a minor following on this site but like nothing else going on
>two wild cards

>> No.66140881

She's Enna lite, less abrasive. She has niggerspeak like Kyo and Enna too

>> No.66140890

>EN Patra
Pomu is literally EN Hajime

>> No.66140891

I am not a nijinigger. I like hololive and I LIKE Suisei. I just don't like her attitude sometimes and how she puts her foot in her mouth. You can like someone and be able to critisize her. As much as she insists otherwise her fans aren't always on her side 100% and she shouldn't insult those that have problems with her SOMETIMES.

>> No.66140898
File: 37 KB, 393x393, 20240106_151402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rigging PERFECT. the detail PERFECTION. Overall CUTE AS FUCK.

>> No.66140916

Keep Mika as far away from Hololive as possible.

>> No.66140918

Yes. Vshojo is a good gig but it's not....very creatively fulfilling. The most idol-like thing you're ever going to be doing is singing over a MMD-like video that someone has animated, as a "concert". And this to an audience that at most is only going to even be partially interested in that type of thing. If she just wants to relax and make money Vshojo would be the best choice though.

>> No.66140925

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.66140935
Quoted by: >>66141030

I can't tell if that's better or worse than Ollie

>> No.66140946

Shiori definitely didn't. She just sent in her resume knowing that they'll have to get her because of her history

>> No.66140962

There's no such thing as a "gentlemen's agreement", that would be illegal anti-labor collusion.

>> No.66140987
Quoted by: >>66141028

kys Pomu. You belong in Vwhorejo. Kuro will keep you company. Have fun.

>> No.66140990

That’s why it’s called a retirement home.

>> No.66140991

There are no similarities between the two. I can't even think of a pure indie that fills the 'close friend/frequent collaborator to several ENs' niche. Even if we go to people like Miori or Milky Queen they're not indies either

>> No.66140992
Quoted by: >>66141387

Someone please help me. I've been listening to this Tokopedia song for so long, it's looping from the beginning. Over an hour...

>> No.66140996

Entertainment industries follow different rules than the typical labor force

>> No.66141002
Quoted by: >>66141107

Then how can you explain why no one has switched sides except that one time?

>> No.66141004

Isnt that Luxiem Mika? I remember watching her before Luxiem and she was a combination of off brand risu and off brand moona when it came to personality

>> No.66141006

To be honest, pretty much everyone. Pomu is pretty good at getting along with anyone.

>> No.66141017
File: 76 KB, 203x203, Fancy_Jill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66141189

>Were you expecting Shiori of all people to do a hanging reveal?
No, to be honest, given how much of a semi-newfag she is to holo, I expected it to go worse but she actually did a good job and managed to give Biboo a 34K spirit bomb despite her screwing up her numbs at the last minute. It's good that she's actually trying to take this seriously and learning from her senpais, both EN and JP. I expect a hanging reveal next time tho.

>> No.66141022
Quoted by: >>66141084

That clip was literally about how to make people see you as more than just a streamer (a singer, in Kanade's case) you dumb fucking niggers

>> No.66141027
Quoted by: >>66141190

You assume a JP company follows American laws?

>> No.66141028
Quoted by: >>66141695

I'm not Pomu bau bau

>> No.66141030

I don't like Mika but I think comparing her to the likes of Enna is a bit unfair.

>> No.66141032
Quoted by: >>66141109

So, will Pomu put on 3D lives like all the other girls do now?

>> No.66141040

>complaining about the girl with a regular program instead Koyori playing fucking Mario Kart over them
And at the end of the day, it only hurts their own CCV since even japs were watching Advent.

>> No.66141080
File: 190 KB, 500x500, 1678740401333666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66141084

You think people here watch clips/streams?

>> No.66141097
File: 1.78 MB, 1024x1536, 114768546_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Josh-kun is a fucking slut and watches everyone if chat overlap is to be believed.

>> No.66141107

>Then how can you explain why no one has switched sides except that one time?
hololives sparse debuts and nijijp implementing the 1 year rule for corpo debuts after luna debuted 6 months instead of the usual 1 year after graduation

>> No.66141109

Her 3D model is probably already in the works. Kuro's took like only 3 months after he joined.

>> No.66141115
File: 1.57 MB, 1736x893, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry more

>> No.66141127
Quoted by: >>66141198

jesus fucking christ SEEEEEEEEEEEEX

>> No.66141144
Quoted by: >>66141183

Permaban any male interaction and maybe we can talk

>> No.66141145
Quoted by: >>66141183

Permaban any male interaction and maybe we can talk

>> No.66141146

This stream would've made /#/ shit itself if it got fully translated since Suisei told Kanade that Azki and Mori were the two go-to senpai to ask for advice.

>> No.66141165

kys Zhang

>> No.66141176
File: 1.34 MB, 2200x2200, 17028143346557648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember how much anons were sperging out over Advent just right before debut? Anyway, Pomu and Selen for EN4 bad.

>> No.66141183
File: 223 KB, 468x452, 1697412913864375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nani, nani?

>> No.66141186

Koyori plays Mario Kart over every EN event. It's expected at this point.

>> No.66141189

I don't think it has anything to do with holo culture.
She's just the type to watch an outfit reveal while yelling "GET ON WITH IT" at her screen.

>> No.66141190

If they do business in the US with US employees they need to, yes.

>> No.66141194

Koyori is sexy but older women are a huge turn off to me like Tomboys or Lolis
The only proper woman is a yamato nadeshiko

>> No.66141198

It's pretty good for AI. I think the artist does AI images and then touches them up a bit.

>> No.66141206
Quoted by: >>66141312

This, Joshu kuns are literally always 1st on those Fanbase overlap charts

>> No.66141214

What do we reckon Advent would have gotten without the overlap rape from jp?

>> No.66141231

Botter having another melty

>> No.66141245

>bots ITT again

>> No.66141251

Aren't they counted as JP employees though? They're even paid in yen

>> No.66141274

Irys is 60 years old

>> No.66141280
File: 636 KB, 724x1023, 107390082_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66141423

We share a thread with actually homos...

>> No.66141282

So three whos and two knowns.

>> No.66141302

Pomu's going to Vshojo as per Ironmouse's slipup.
Selen may be following suit, or may be going to VSPO.

>> No.66141312
File: 175 KB, 988x724, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally always
Nah, Joshu-kuns have some standards.

>> No.66141324

to be fair, that last one in the list isn't wrong.

>> No.66141343

Based Joshu-kuns

>> No.66141344
Quoted by: >>66141423

But being an older woman and a tomboy is the most attractive qualities a woman can have

>> No.66141356
File: 1.21 MB, 1140x741, advloss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66141358

DEV_IS EN gen. No idolshit since Selen and Pomu aren't about that and more freedom to expand the brand.

>> No.66141362

rye will be in en4

>> No.66141367
File: 100 KB, 707x943, 3212323123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when some anons thought that she would have been a good addition to en3 before the whole fleshstreaming for car fund and piss stream? good times.
I keep on hearing that she is leaving idol

>> No.66141387
Quoted by: >>66141432

embrace it, it's your life now

>> No.66141412

Yeah she restarted her PL and said she will be pivoting away from /k/ stuff so she is bailing from jewdol

>> No.66141423
Quoted by: >>66141604

>being attracted to women who have qualities of men
>not homo
pick one
tomboy lovers are just closet homos who havent come out yet
subaru would be better if she was disciplined to become a proper lady rather than an uncouth tomboy

>> No.66141427
Quoted by: >>66141563

They're American citizens, in the US, if they're employed the company needs to comply with relevant labor laws in their relations with US employees. . Presumably it's the same with Kiara in the EU and Bae in Australia.

>> No.66141431

>Thread gone
Looks like janny woke up.

>> No.66141432
Quoted by: >>66141487

I don't even speak this mess of a language... Fuck, why is it so catchy? I think this is also my first time hearing her voice too

>> No.66141460

Switch Towa and Okayu.

>> No.66141463


>> No.66141470

That is absolutely based. Get her in ID4

>> No.66141487
Quoted by: >>66141545

heiakim is a good composer
and you say that like you don't listen to japanese music all day

>> No.66141496
File: 291 KB, 438x683, BatVtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66141628

She was hinting at it for a bit then said she had a meeting with idol management and it went very well "we're so back" or some such. Seems she renegotiated something or otherwise cleared up some problem she has with them.

>> No.66141502

They sure as hell aren't subject to Japanese law if they are US citizens living in the US (or Canadian)

>> No.66141505

>If they do business in the US with US employees they need to, yes.
lol no this isnt a thing which is why outsourced jobs from the us are very alive

>> No.66141517

Everyone is replaceable in a corporation especially in a JP one.

>> No.66141545
Quoted by: >>66141562

But Japanese is a beautiful language. Indonesian typically sounds like poverty personified in a language. I know what you mean though

>> No.66141553
Quoted by: >>66141744

Moona gets better numbers than Zeta.

>> No.66141562
Quoted by: >>66141590

anon the song is half in japanse

>> No.66141563

>They're American citizens, in the US, if they're employed the company needs to comply with relevant labor laws in their relations with US employees.
Nope. Im an American citizen working for an outsourced American call center and I can tell you that its full of shit.

>> No.66141583

>Golden ticket to a crack house

>> No.66141590

Then that must be why it sounds good.

>> No.66141604

A girl with masculine qualities is attractive because of that gap. A guy with masculine qualities is just a guy.

>> No.66141625

No I believe it, it's obvious that they have unspoken agreements because poaching any talent from similarly sized company will bring drama, which cover does not want, especially when they can get someone else who will most likely be better then pomu and get equal if not more traction.
It works for vshoujo because that's literally their business model, they are nothing without poaching.

>> No.66141628
Quoted by: >>66141902

>She was hinting at it for a bit then said she had a meeting with idol management and it went very well "we're so back" or some such
Thats kinda funny considering she has been more active with pl stuff after that meeting though i wouldnt blame it on her considering they got acquired by brave

>> No.66141652
Quoted by: >>66141682

>Company face that low
>Three ReGloss in big asset
Come on now.

>> No.66141682

ReGLOSS is really killing it lately.

>> No.66141684
Quoted by: >>66141713

Vegeta just went super saiyan for the first time, gotta wait for Goku to recover and hit the hyperbolic time chamber before she’s stronger again.

>> No.66141693

>Not in her own tier
Are you retarded?

>> No.66141695
File: 40 KB, 686x447, 1626542395886540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66141921

I see. So you were Mococo this entire time. Truth be told I do love Mococo's flat chest and how dumb she looks sometimes. She's so goofy in the best of ways. I never know what's on her mind. It's like peering into an endless void.

>> No.66141706

Rank them by ass size instead. Marine and Iroha have really big ones in real life.

>> No.66141709

Kaela is irreplaceable. Cover isn't getting another superhuman anytime soon

>> No.66141713

>DB analogy
Argument discarded unless you can prove you don't speak Spanish

>> No.66141744
File: 361 KB, 1029x389, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for karaokes? yeah

>> No.66141770

i want to have sex with flare

>> No.66141797

Race mixing is bad!

>> No.66141819

>Massive asset
I what universe? Watame is literally lower than disposable tier

>> No.66141824

Liar, no one likes those keebler faggots

>> No.66141834
Quoted by: >>66142032


>> No.66141849

Why were you such a shitty father, anon? What did she ever do to you?

>> No.66141850
Quoted by: >>66141957

Always notice dudes like this almost rarely collab with guys but jump on the girls the moment they can. And they’ll always try to be the only guy involved. Swear these faggots are so insecure and are fighting for women like it’s a fucking resource.

>> No.66141876

>small asset
>he doesnt know

>> No.66141898

If you're popular enough for a successful sololive, you're a big asset to the company

>> No.66141901

Everyone in EN/ID/Device should be in just asset

>> No.66141902

They haven't been acquired by brave. They just formed a partnership where idol is outsourcing their merch to brave

>> No.66141912
File: 202 KB, 1947x1280, IMG_5025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Based, I’m glad to be wrong this once

>> No.66141911

Kiara under big asset only because she’s the only one who can force myth to come together.

>> No.66141917
File: 1.20 MB, 3176x4283, 1704083880472014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142177

Moona: 2661 median | 2511 average
Zeta 2328 median | 2315 average

>> No.66141921
File: 40 KB, 514x596, 1709202023937722829451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66141929
File: 239 KB, 570x403, 1688805645066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66141962

>EN/ID members in anything but asset ignoring mori and gura

>> No.66141957

The very large majority of the collabs on his channel are with other Holostars.

>> No.66141958

That’s just the first step to being acquired.

>> No.66141962
Quoted by: >>66142022

I agree as it stands but I think FWMC have potential for good mindchair if they play it right.

>> No.66141964

>They haven't been acquired by brave. They just formed a partnership where idol is outsourcing their merch to brave
So brave is in the process of acquiring them good to know

>> No.66141968

Ririka-dachis, this is embarassing...

>> No.66141987
File: 381 KB, 800x466, is that some liver i smell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142016

>smells like a liver carcass not to far away, time to pick the bones

>> No.66142005
Quoted by: >>66142243

I don't know what this chart means....

>> No.66142012

>Bijou on Big asset when they put her on lowest stock
Again pebbles always over praise her

>> No.66142016
Quoted by: >>66142031

>It's so easy when all I have to do is pick corpses clean

>> No.66142015
Quoted by: >>66143628

Didn't VSPO start out as a "partnership"?

>> No.66142022

>kanata in massive asset despite having all her projects pushed back or cancelled
Oh yea definitely in a year they'll probably hit that spot

>> No.66142032

I mean nobody replaced them. Not the content they made. Not the SC they made.

>> No.66142031


>> No.66142043 [SPOILER] 
File: 422 KB, 1761x732, 1704509137259208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66142047
Quoted by: >>66143628

Himehina and VSPO started out as "partnerships" as well

>> No.66142060

Is kiara really the only EN member that reacted to pomu's graduation? That seems kinda disrespectful when pomu and lazulight also played a huge part in shaping the english vtubing industry

>> No.66142081

lol lmao

>> No.66142093

Brave is REALLY trying their hardest to make big in vtubing, would be funny if the og black company somehow becomes a competitor for cover.

>> No.66142095
Quoted by: >>66142123

First off, no one cares about Niji outside of Kiara and like, Nerissa
second, Fauna did react because she just Highlander'd another Green Vtuber

>> No.66142098

KEK nice joke

>> No.66142110
File: 236 KB, 1075x1250, 1704079986346427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lazulight also played a huge part in shaping the english vtubing industry

>> No.66142112

Fauna did

>> No.66142123

Pomu is Yellow.

>> No.66142124
File: 394 KB, 596x608, 1704520776841420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's their duo/ship name?

>> No.66142136

>when pomu and lazulight also played a huge part in shaping the english vtubing industry
Now that you mention it what was the impact of Lazulight and pomu in the english vtubing community? I really cant think of any relevant one.

>> No.66142146
Quoted by: >>66142353

>Small asset
are you serious

>> No.66142158


>> No.66142162
Quoted by: >>66142237

Gibera was the first given the opportunity expand in the west with her GTA ‘nigga moment’ and squandered it while Miko (a 2-view at the time while Era was an instant success) grabbed that opportunity and became one of the biggest female streamers in the world. Some people either don’t know or forgot that it was Era who was the first to repeat ‘nigga’ from GTA5 and not Miko.

>> No.66142177
Quoted by: >>66142316

and where would she be without her 16 karaoke streams?

>> No.66142178


>> No.66142182
File: 6 KB, 250x244, 1635942830606s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lazulight also played a huge part in shaping the english vtubing industry

>> No.66142187


>> No.66142188
File: 1.03 MB, 1525x853, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142250


>> No.66142215

Have these two completely locked down the 'little sister' niche in EN

>> No.66142224
Quoted by: >>66142319

It won’t happen cause they don’t know why vtubing is successful. They’re fucking claiming that VSPO is their own success when all they did was buy it and leave it to the hands of the original founders.

>> No.66142225

The only significant thing nijien has done is letting mentally ill underaged Twitter freaks invade the medium.

>> No.66142237

>Nijisanji had multiple chances that were equal or bigger than Hololive to break out in the west
>Squanders it

>> No.66142240

Does anybody have that clip of Pomu shilling herself in Nina's stream and Nina calling out Pomu's dead, dying channel?

>> No.66142243

Basically it's a chart of "of the people that chatted during this stream, [X]% of them also chatted in this talent's stream in the past 30-45 days (I forget which).

>> No.66142250
Quoted by: >>66142321

We only care about hair color, otherwise Lucia would be blue instead of green.

>> No.66142257

That's racist

>> No.66142268
File: 367 KB, 687x649, 1704506474848590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66142293

Neither has hit the "really bratty little sister" niche yet, although that may just be me talking from the perspective of an ACTUAL big brother who is used to my little sister IRL.
Basically, they're not constantly in a state of gaslighting both themselves and people around them, so not a real "bratty little sister" niche.

>> No.66142307

>being successful
lol the only reason why they are a "success" is because vspo wasnt retarded enough to hand the helm to brave when they acquired it.

>> No.66142308
File: 637 KB, 4800x2304, 17028643656785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66142316
Quoted by: >>66142401

Are you trying to say it doesn't count?

>> No.66142319
Quoted by: >>66142666

They did not though? I mean in the interview the CEO says that they are going to let the branch do whatever it wants and only help financially.
There was also the "next vtubing boom" thing, are they hoping for cover to start another one and bank on it with every possible avenue?

>> No.66142321
Quoted by: >>66142355

Then why is Gura blue?

>> No.66142325


>> No.66142331
File: 258 KB, 437x500, IMG_4331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142549

>Nerissa and Shiori on asset
>Bijou on big asset
Who was the one with the lowest Merch stock for advent again?

>> No.66142340

but fr fr tho, Is ID management waiting for some specific NijiID to graduate to debut ID4?

>> No.66142348

And now you’ll learn that Ayamina is not Korone and Okayu but Korone and Inui Toko from Nijisanji. Even sadder, when Ayamina graduated, they promised to remain friends, but Toko and Korone have not collaborated even though both have collabed with other fellow Holo and Niji members.

>> No.66142353
Quoted by: >>66142479

Sell me on her I was hesitating desu

>> No.66142355
Quoted by: >>66142388

Because her hair is blue.

>> No.66142359

We got no idea, bro, on god

>> No.66142388
File: 16 KB, 176x176, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142445

>her hair is blue

>> No.66142401

Of course not. It just reiterates what I said here >>66141744
Moona's karaokes get views. Otherwise, she's below Zeta.

>> No.66142404

Cover begged them to delay the new gen because they will ruin the new boiz momentum, they need at least 10 months please understand.

>> No.66142423
File: 115 KB, 750x738, ExvhOAmWQAYrGlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66142445

I'm looking at it right now. It's blue.

>> No.66142465

It's actually canonically white.

>> No.66142472

Highlights =/= Haircolor

>> No.66142479

without going into too much detail her family runs the biggest tv network in indonesia. Imagine having rupert murdoch's daughter on your payroll, and you might understand her value

>> No.66142488
Quoted by: >>66142523

Jesus Christ. Wonder who it was?

>> No.66142501
File: 1.95 MB, 1753x1710, 1691878256573775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142629

>gets shaped by hololive
>gets shaped by Luxiem homos
>gets shaped by revolutionary girl Zaion
>claims to shape the industry

>> No.66142523

Assumedly some rando office lady in whatever random fucking company he was working for

>> No.66142534
File: 189 KB, 1366x768, 20240106_151458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142651


>> No.66142549

Shitori is the runt, cope.

>> No.66142565

You know what HoloEN is missing? An actual menhera. And no, the person you're thinking of replying with isn't an actual menhera and you know it.

>> No.66142573
Quoted by: >>66142640

>tempus gen 5
>kyo joins
Let that nightmare simmer in your head for a while.

>> No.66142581

Kiara is definitely menhera

>> No.66142588

We actually need GFE

>> No.66142629
File: 351 KB, 1571x1786, 1689593005511692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>gets shaped by hololive
>>gets shaped by Luxiem homos
>>gets shaped by revolutionary girl Zaion

>> No.66142633

So what, it's not like they shill Hololive on her TV network

>> No.66142634

I don't think we need a freak
I'm more comfortable getting my freak menhera content from indies that I can both be assured will not fuck up the girls I like, and have a chance of actually getting groomed

>> No.66142635
Quoted by: >>66143291

Miori EN4.

>> No.66142637

True, Nerissa is trying though, Shiori is unbelivable.

>> No.66142640

This board will unironically go on a rampage until shitcanes him- no the whole gen if cover is retarded enough to try.

>> No.66142645

But I was told Shiori was GFE, what happened

>> No.66142650

Kinda common with the nouveau riche.

>> No.66142651
Quoted by: >>66142861

Did she dye her hair?

>> No.66142657

Fixing a menhera (or letting her make you worse) is GFE.

>> No.66142666

nta but brave group are retards not just because of the whole gamebu debacle but because of what happened to cocoa but with their retardation on previous projects during the boom like k-on clone group, yuika rooms and ayahina

>> No.66142678

I wouldn't know. Her voice is insufferable, so I refuse to watch.

>> No.66142699

Been under a rock for the past 24 hours. What is the overall consensus on Advent new outfits? Both design and number wise?

>> No.66142709

And disappear people who pose a problem to their programs

>> No.66142710
File: 552 KB, 1350x664, 1696012997692533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142744


>> No.66142722

Numbers were good
outfits were sexual (Fuwawa's being the most explicitly sexual)

>> No.66142725
Quoted by: >>66142791

Biboo = Fuwawa > Powergap > The rest

>> No.66142729


>> No.66142740
File: 623 KB, 480x720, aki roru[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F159x25.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny anon

>> No.66142744
Quoted by: >>66142887

seethe about your hypothetical yab more, Demi

>> No.66142743
File: 474 KB, 500x514, 1689016403154956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66142852


>> No.66142741

We don't need EN Rushia

>> No.66142758
Quoted by: >>66142838

>Have these two completely locked down the 'little sister' niche in EN
That will be mococo no? Especially with the way she interacts with fuwawa.

>> No.66142767

Designs were pretty standard, nothing mind blowing

>> No.66142766


>> No.66142770

Mostly good
Mostly overperformed

>> No.66142775

I demand a Watame/Mememe collab and the return of Natori. And speaking of Mememe, can they find Pinkie Pop Hepburn and give her a 2D model similar in appearance to Polka but enough difference that they’re not actually twins?

>> No.66142791
Quoted by: >>66142835


>> No.66142825
Quoted by: >>66142873

>So what, it's not like they shill Hololive on her TV network
they actually squeeze in hololive in the shows like that one with gura and another one referencing pekora

>> No.66142824

numbers did good, beat council, designs are high quality, only Nerissa's a little lower quality with her mama refusing to give her some cleavage.

>> No.66142835

No one cares about the rest it's all about the rock and the big titted bau bau

>> No.66142834

>very creatively fulfilling.
twitch will never have that.

>> No.66142838

Mococo doesn't really have little sister energy when it comes to other ENs in the same way Bae or Bijou do. She's actually a little awkward outside of Advent compared to Fuwawa so far, kind of retreats into just going 'ueh'

>> No.66142852

You clearly didn't read that anons post

>> No.66142861

Her hair is two tone

>> No.66142870

Reines usefulness is way more than that. iirc she was the reason why they managed to nab the og ollie harasser

>> No.66142873
Quoted by: >>66142947

Oh shit wtf

>> No.66142879

fuwawa is a fucking cow and her tits are too big.

>> No.66142887

The tweets are real, the community post is real. What's imaginary here?

>> No.66142889
Quoted by: >>66143038

Kys retarded brrat

>> No.66142899

why was biboo getting gassed up a shitload yesterday? just excited she's not shiori tier or what

>> No.66142927
Quoted by: >>66143354

but she becomes super genki when interacting with her JP senpais though. especially with her polulu onee chan.

>> No.66142930
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>> No.66142947

theres like a picture of someone holding a gura merch in one of the shows they are producing

>> No.66142954

Who knows

>> No.66142962
File: 1.08 MB, 900x900, 20240106_122017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66143138


>> No.66142994

Fuwawa needs her disgusting fat cow tits chopped off, it's unsightly how they just bounce all over the place without a care in the world. She should be like her sister Mococo.

>> No.66143017
Quoted by: >>66143036

Did they forget to color the sides?

>> No.66143018
Quoted by: >>66143076

I still cant believe that she got away with it, icomochi wants to conquer comiket

>> No.66143036
Quoted by: >>66143105

Those are her boobs

>> No.66143038

nta but its immediately obvious she's still finding her place.

>> No.66143066

funny you mention that when back when kobo was attacked and banned by the frogs it was a radio station associated with her family that first reported it in the mainstream

>> No.66143076

already sold all her books and the reprints fast

>> No.66143081
File: 250 KB, 1858x1169, 20240106_115218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66143292

The details and the great rigging are the best aspects and they knocked it out the park.

>> No.66143105

holokeks can't even afford a full outfit

>> No.66143121

im coming out of lurking just to post laughing at you


>> No.66143130

t. Sister

>> No.66143138

Cute cat.

>> No.66143223
File: 286 KB, 1152x2048, 0240106231420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66143258

>Mococo doesn't really have little sister energy when it comes to other ENs
Thats the charm point. A little girl who is shy at the start, and then becomes more and more energetic as she knows you better.

>> No.66143291

Yes, please bring the earlicking ASMR revolution to HoloEN.

>> No.66143292
File: 231 KB, 585x564, 1687637029613804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great rigging
aiEEEeeeeeee Riku-sama have mercy

>> No.66143306
File: 183 KB, 1598x1227, 1704315869401715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66143395

He didn't post the one that goes beyond top 50, did he?

>> No.66143322

>Towa joined Hololive to get friends
>Haachama joined Hololive to get friends
>Noel joined Hololive to get friends
>Botan joined Hololive to get friends
>Reine joined Hololive to get friends
again what is it with people joining hololive in order to make friends? Thats like joining Machester or Real Madrid because you like to meet new people

>> No.66143329

so fucking sadistic mommy femdom vibes

>> No.66143354

That poruru just talked to Bettel. Collab when

>> No.66143356
Quoted by: >>66143404

most professional footballers aren't shut in inkyas

>> No.66143373

people like her here

>> No.66143375
File: 167 KB, 776x208, Screenshot 2024-01-06 at 19.34.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last ASMR before graduating

>> No.66143384
File: 171 KB, 401x334, image_2024-01-06_153516420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga Shillsei

>> No.66143388
File: 2.41 MB, 1200x1200, 1704522519613478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66143395

Wait I just noticed. Lamy council is all together?

>> No.66143404

>not a shut in sperg

>> No.66143419

She really doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.66143430

Did you open /#/ by mistake and meant to go to global?

>> No.66143438

What a waste of a model

>> No.66143444

honestly, based

>> No.66143450

It's a nice answer the audience will like. Notice not a single corporate every says "I joined to get money" even though that's probably the motivation of 95% of them. Someone like Ina or Reine or Noel might be serious with the friends answer but for most people it's just money/fame and they're not gonna say it out loud.

>> No.66143456
Quoted by: >>66143495

is she joining that new VA company

>> No.66143481

Odds of any Advent girls calling into Ame's birthday stream?
I think it's actually pretty low

>> No.66143495
File: 171 KB, 780x194, Screenshot 2024-01-06 at 19.36.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of ASMRs imagine getting this slamdunk and never doing it again, I dont get why talents in small corpos are allergic to getting good numbers
People are speculating Pixel Link and hoping for EN4

>> No.66143501
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, 【 #ぶいすぽ年末カウントダウン2023 】カウントダウン生配信 56-47 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66143581

>Vspo x Cardfight Vanguard collab animation
So that makes 4 MVs VSPO has released in 7 days. The other 3 MVs showcased at their year end countdown.

>> No.66143518

>Notice not a single corporate every says "I joined to get money"

>> No.66143520
Quoted by: >>66143579

Did she say she is doing a totsu?

>> No.66143524

Just like her oshi, sasuga DeathStar.

>> No.66143536
Quoted by: >>66143624

I will never get why EN has such a aversion to shilling. JP is in your face with it and reap the reward.

>> No.66143543
File: 317 KB, 2048x1447, 20220826_221613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albedo gods we're winning

>> No.66143555

I would tend to agree with you if not for the fact that literally everyone in that example has a good case for that genuinely being the answer.

>> No.66143558

last EN totsu I remember had three so

>> No.66143561

>Pixel Link
Why would someone graduate a small corpo just to go to... another small corpo within the same sphere, more or less
Unless VReverie is actually collapsing, that's wild

>> No.66143579

She said there would be some call-ins in her tweet

>> No.66143581

brave money is really something else
i just hope they never hand the controls to them

>> No.66143587
Quoted by: >>66143705

>Gen1 hololive was worth jack shit
>Noel studio predates her debut
>Reine is ID zaibatsu
>Botan is a washed up hag looking for a retirement home
>Tower wanted SEXfriends

>> No.66143586
Quoted by: >>66143641

Pixel Link would be a step down from VReverie, no? Idol would be pretty good for her. She popped up in Roca's birthday stream earlier.

>> No.66143593

>Unless VReverie is actually collapsing, that's wild
literally everyone except 1 is active on PLs or started new lifes, so yeah they are collapsing alright

>> No.66143600
File: 113 KB, 771x1200, 5ae71a8fa6c70e10d56e91aa6c5a41ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mika: I hope we can still talk beyond the grave
>Pomu: Yeah, we will, I know. Because I know some..., Shit, I'm just gonna DM it to you
>Mika: My real reaction, I'm not gonna expose it
>Pomu: I said, I sent this and I said "hehe" at the end
>Mika gasps and SCREAMS
>Mika: AAAAAAA, REALLLYY?!? Oh My God, wait
>Mika (screaming): Wait, let me write my secret response "I'm so Fucking happy, Suck my balls!"

They're both going to the same place.

>> No.66143624

>I will never get why EN has such a aversion to shilling
because it has the opposite effect in en sphere because of the past

>> No.66143628

Nope, acquired immediately

>> No.66143638
File: 61 KB, 879x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Coco graduated, not a single person called her the "X of Hololive".
Because she was unique, and far beyond anyone else in the industry at that time in terms of creative content.
Pomu is an inferior mishmash of much better chuubas, and even her fans know it.

>> No.66143641

They dont want their pure seiso gf to end up in a den of whores and she has pretty good contacts with pixel link

>> No.66143642

Is it even a totsu? If it is probably Biboo/Shioro and maybe FWMC. Nerissa will probably be asleep.

>> No.66143654

>Unless VReverie is actually collapsing
I believe that they are, i mostly just check out one whore from there but it seems like everyone is fleeing while writing about how the management failed them.

>> No.66143656

Yeah, Mika is following Mysta and Pomu is following Nina.

>> No.66143673

This could literally just be
>Pomu telling Mika that she's ALSO graduating

>> No.66143694

>i mostly just check out one whore from there
you don't need to be so mean to Ophie

>> No.66143705
Quoted by: >>66143815

>One of the biggest prudes in the company
>sex friends

>> No.66143708

Unless management is straight-up criminal like with Wactor, I have trouble believing this sort of claim after Kawaii gen 3.

>> No.66143734

Yeah, the "suck my balls" response would be much more fitting

>> No.66143741
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>> No.66143745
File: 329 KB, 989x1400, 24dbd3ae7b8a356cf352bf69038c451a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is implied but, you understand the rest.
>I hope we can still talk beyond the grave
>I'm so Fucking happy

>> No.66143746

Eh, management being incompetent isn't hard to believe.
Hell, Kawaii gen 3 is pretty decent proof of that, seeing as how they chafed under the "Neneocracy"

>> No.66143748
Quoted by: >>66143800

It's objectively true though.

>> No.66143779
Quoted by: >>66143840

I don't think it was ever clipped

>> No.66143792

if you sell your body aren't you a whore?

>> No.66143796

Did they ever say why they all quit in lockstep?

>> No.66143800

I know, but she's a cute whore

>> No.66143804

Like a half dozen vtuber companies have already folded because of bad management. Typically because the company runs out of cash, cuts management to the bone, puts managerial duties on the actual talents, then everything falls apart and the company closes.

>> No.66143815

>Next you'll say she's one of the girliest too huh
she is.

>> No.66143818
Quoted by: >>66143847

I can add to this that Erika is superprofessional and not active on her PL, she knows that how you act on your way out is a big red or green flag if you want to get into a corpo again

>> No.66143837

Is that what happened? To me they just thought they didn't need Kawaii and left to form their own small corpo.

>> No.66143840

>"All out war" in the chat

>> No.66143847

That sounds good at least.

>> No.66143854

Wasn't cover going to air a short anime of HoloX on new years? Whatever happened to that?
