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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 109 KB, 1010x677, 1 million subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65837449 No.65837449 [Reply] [Original]

How come Irys didn't get 1 million yet, she has been stagnant since forever.

>> No.65837491

everyone moved on to FUWAMOCO

>> No.65837548
File: 151 KB, 1500x1500, 1704225899250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65837630

Mikeneko, if she keeps showing her divine body.

>> No.65837656

What goes on in the head of a retarded numberfaggot when of all the chuubas in the world he starts comparing Mikeneko and IRyS? Like, how fucking schizo do you have to be to stare numbers all day every day and then find this comparision?

>> No.65837696
Quoted by: >>65838208

So what did nijiniggers do this time?

>> No.65837754
File: 23 KB, 742x100, pekofil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the better race

>> No.65837772

I hope it's Mike, she promised to do a facestream if she hit 1mil.

>> No.65837847

Probably because she's kinda boring.

>> No.65837849
Quoted by: >>65837951

IRyS is at 2k per month. So 10-11 months from now, we'll see IRySMillion

>> No.65837865

It's crazy to think that there's a real possibility Filian will pass Gura within the next year or two. I can't wait for the cumbud cope on how she doesn't count for some reason.

>> No.65837912
Quoted by: >>65850702

the real race is Kiara trying to pass a genmate before they graduate

>> No.65837951

This number monkey is so obsessed that he knows the amounts by heart. Holy mental illness.

>> No.65837996
Quoted by: >>65838193

Glowing newfag.

>> No.65838050

You can found a 3 month recent photo of Filliam face and body in a 10seg google search, if you gonna count her, better count pewdiepie and pokimane are vtubers too.

The girl go to TwitchCon showing her face for everyone

>> No.65838106
File: 1.46 MB, 3411x1290, paid subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paid subs?

>> No.65838141


>> No.65838157

she is the most viewed vtuber but only streams on twitch

>> No.65838187
Quoted by: >>65838294

Yeah now show the numbers on filian's shorts, which is why people sub to her.

>> No.65838193
Quoted by: >>65850992

Does the truth hurt your sick retarded brain, numberfag?

>> No.65838208
File: 1019 KB, 1207x724, 1704224018758495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65838376

This what they did. Pomu made herself fat in the thumb nail stealth body shaming Selen while also calling her a worm.

>> No.65838223

none of that is true lmao
seething SEAjogger

>> No.65838227

Good attempt at a bait thread. Obviously Irys. Mikeneko I don't think until later half of the year.

>> No.65838242

Those views are crazy low. She is 100% having her subs botted.

>> No.65838243
Quoted by: >>65838290

It’s dead subs from shorts, it’s easier to subscribe to them and watch them more than her actual videos

>> No.65838272 [DELETED] 

Ask Brad or sound guy why IRyS went stagnant.

>> No.65838290
Quoted by: >>65838346

>dead subs
>more monthly views than anyone else

>> No.65838294
File: 702 KB, 1826x1712, LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??? lmao!

>> No.65838346
Quoted by: >>65838404

>Thinking shorts count
You mindlessly scroll through shorts barely paying attention to what you are watching. That is the nature of shorts. You know this of course but you will continue being a faggot about it.

>> No.65838376

based. Fuck Selen for insulting Nijisanji.

>> No.65838397

Well then, I wonder how her shills will respond to this. Even her shorts views are garbage.

>> No.65838404

>s-shorts don’t count
seething /#/monkey

>> No.65838413
File: 1.02 MB, 1331x812, 689298127834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has an entire page of shorts with 10M+ views.
But let me guess, those are botted too, right?

>> No.65838431

Fillian defense force BTFO

>> No.65838464
Quoted by: >>65838501

>Doesn't know how shorts work
You are really dense

>> No.65838501
Quoted by: >>65838648

Concession accepted.

>> No.65838510

>She managed to get a few shorts go viral
>But no one comes back to watch her again

Meanwhile Pekora has a SOLID fanbase..

>> No.65838585

so many brown nousagis in here lmao

>> No.65838593
File: 273 KB, 1080x1201, 1661201540359383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number monkeys screeching and throwing shit at each other. Good show. lol

>> No.65838648
Quoted by: >>65838746

Continue being an idiot

Shorts are consumed in a fast shotgun style while going to the shorts tab in youtube and mindlessly scrolling through videos. People don't go to the actual channel to watch shorts like they would a traditional video or a lifestream. It's all just youtube shoving them in your face.

>> No.65838698

Filian shills absolutely BLOWN THE FUCK OUT! You did good work here anon.

>> No.65838746
Quoted by: >>65838769

one of her shorts helped to sell more plushies than all of myths current plushies combined lmao

>> No.65838769
Quoted by: >>65838841

Oh I'm sure you have proof to back up this ridiculous claim.

>> No.65838841
Quoted by: >>65838885

I like how holokeks are constantly asking for proof of obvious shit because they live in such a tiny bubble

>> No.65838858

>she is the most viewed vtuber
what the fuck am i reading

>> No.65838866

>Nekofami successfully use Filian as deflection
Well I guess they also will successfully make Miguel reach 1 million before irys too.

>> No.65838885

So you made it up. Gotcha

>> No.65838936
File: 232 KB, 1481x754, lilfilplush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of the myth plushies even came close to that

>> No.65839004
File: 73 KB, 1135x446, myfigurecollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear she is popular!!!!


>> No.65839020
File: 52 KB, 1239x610, nousagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nousagibros....how could this happen

>> No.65839035

She sold like 5k plushies or something. Vedal sold like 10k but he gave codes out too. They unironically think it’s a gotcha when it’s the only merch they have. Meanwhile 80% of Hologirls still make shit tons more with everything and the fans had multiple shit to choose from.

>> No.65839039

Filian shat herself

>> No.65839104
Quoted by: >>65841092

Irys doesn't need to sell her pussy for botted views deadsubs and homo collabs like Mike does. Even if Mike gets there first it wouldn't count

>> No.65839135

>$100k worth of merch
Pfffft when’s the next one? You have to keep going every other month to even compete

>> No.65839178
Quoted by: >>65839343

[Holopro shop]
hololive friends with u Vol. 8
hololive friends with u Gawr Gura 3386 $21.00 $71,106.00
hololive friends with u Mori Calliope 1872 $21.00 $39,312.00
hhololive friends with u Takanashi Kiara 1337 $21.00 $28,077.00
hololive friends with u Ninomae Ina'nis 2578 $21.00 $54,138.00
hololive friends with u Watson Amelia 1768 $21.00 $37,128.00

[Holopro shop]
hololive friends with u Vol. 10
hololive friends with u Hakos Baelz 656 $21.00 $13,776.00
hololive friends with u Nanashi Mumei 986 $21.00 $20,706.00
hololive friends with u Ouro Kronii 602 $21.00 $12,642.00
hololive friends with u Ceres Fauna 1091 $21.00 $22,911.00
hololive friends with u IRyS 682 $21.00 $14,322.00

So filian did beat all of Holo, including Gura, but it's also not true she beat all of Myth combined. She did beat all of Promise combined, but not in total sales, but rather in income (at $29.99 for Lil Fil it would be ~$100k).

>> No.65839241

The algorithm loves this bitch, it's like that one ex blizzard dude on yt shorts. There's probably some weird bullshit they're doing to show up all the time on feeds.

>> No.65839280
Quoted by: >>65839359

The current Gura plushie is already approaching those numbers and will pass it

>[Holopro shop]
hololive friends with u Vol. 8
hololive friends with u Gawr Gura 3386 $21.00 $71,106.00

You also suspiciously didn't include the price.

>> No.65839343
Quoted by: >>65839559

The Gura one is still being sold and will pass it. Not to mention that this is like the 4th plushie that Myth has had and it is still outselling the garbage shorts spammer.

>> No.65839359
Quoted by: >>65839435


>> No.65839383
File: 164 KB, 1200x960, 3793190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because people can buy the official merch from Hololive?


>> No.65839435

Proof? I suspect it was much lower. I also see the fact that it was a "campaign" which means multiple of them were probably given out for free.

>> No.65839467

just look at the fucking website you retard

>> No.65839469
Quoted by: >>65839495

it's makeship you retard
they're all $30

>> No.65839484

Reminder that the "vtuber awards" had less viewers than the fucking advent collab overlapping it despite being hosted on twitch which counts people who are tabbed out and/or using ad block.

>> No.65839495
Quoted by: >>65839550

I highly doubt this and find it funny that you aren't posting proof.

>> No.65839525

IRyS had the biggest headstart and just stagnated afterwards. Its sad to see.

>> No.65839550
Quoted by: >>65839751

dumb SEAjogger

>> No.65839559

Maybe it will, we'll have to wait and see. And even if it does, that still means filian easily beat everyone EXCEPT Gura, next place is 1k behind, and no one in Promise even got 1/3 of filian.
I expect filian's popularity to grow in 2024 and she'll have new merch too, we'll see what happens on the next plush.

>> No.65839594

Filian is a short merchant that games the algorithm. She doesn't have many actual fans. The views on her actual videos and streams are garbage tier.

>> No.65839646

that's because filian's stream wasn't embedded on holodex 4 times per viewer

>> No.65839706

Reminder that Holo streams and especially advent are botted to all hell nowadays and you can't take them at face value. I would have to look it up and see if this amazing advent collab had any bart simpsons but honestly I don't care enough.

>> No.65839751

>Links to the website
>Won't link to the campaign

>> No.65839796

Says the nijisanji knob gobbler

>> No.65839809
File: 488 KB, 720x850, 1802320f9ad9f9b268be494fe2ced2127270d9ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65839825
Quoted by: >>65839907


>> No.65839907
Quoted by: >>65840018

>Still doesn't list the price
Isn't this the same site that had the Neuro plushie that was notoriously boosted up by free codes? Since you can't provide an actual price for this I can only assume that this one was boosted by free codes as well.

>> No.65840018
File: 85 KB, 463x821, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are holokeks all there in the head

>> No.65840122

he knows finished campaigns have no price on it and is obtuse on purpose

>> No.65840124

Are you? This doesn't list the plush in question you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.65840186

bold of you to assume he actually tried to check

>> No.65840231
Quoted by: >>65840504

bro this might sound crazy, take a seat first, but i got an insane theory, that maybe the thing sold on this website where literally everything cost $29.99 was also $29.99

>> No.65840269
File: 343 KB, 1044x585, lecobau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65840362

are there any legit hololive streams anymore

>> No.65840365

>Y-you didn't show the price of the specific plush
>Every single plush is the same price
Anon, you could've said anything else, but now you look like a massive retard.

>> No.65840374
Quoted by: >>65840616


>> No.65840419

fr it's crazy how much growth Mumei has had this last year when you consider how much time she's missed

>> No.65840485
File: 60 KB, 466x435, boomer mumei sipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65840574

Very likely, even with my hooman bias, she's approaching very close to 1 million even while on break. I have a feeling her return she'll see a jump, if karaoke it'll hit the 1 million.

>> No.65840504
File: 67 KB, 1331x279, wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where literally everything cost $29.99
>Literally everything
Didn't take long to prove you wrong. I'm still calling BS on your claim.


>> No.65840574

Holy shit I didn't realize she passed IRyS. How long ago was this?

>> No.65840588
File: 466 KB, 1150x648, GOWHITEGIRLGO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her popularity jumped significantly after Holofes back in March, mainly from the Japanese audience found out how cute she is in 3D and in general.

>> No.65840609

I'm not seeing the evidence for this. Bijou + Nerissa + FWMC had 30,818 max CCV streaming over the Vtuber Awards. Filian had 38,498 between her Twitch and Youtube streams, and that's not even counting the restreams, watchalongs, etc. which push it to more like 68k. Are you talking about a different collab on a different day?



>> No.65840616


>> No.65840632

you could have just looked this up yourself earlier and avoided this embarrassment

>> No.65840720

Her subs are 100% being botted. Her growth is unnatural especially since she hasn't seen any significant increase in viewership or song views to go along with the explosive growth. Marine is also somebody who had explosive growth but you can obviously see that reflected by her massive song views.

My theory is that some salty Hooman couldn't handle IRyS and Kronii beating her to 1 million so he has been botting her sub count ever since.

>> No.65840721

It seems like her plan is to do a handful of scattered streams every now and then, and when fans start raising their eyebrows, she pops an extra long karaoke stream and recuperates her loses

>> No.65840788

two of them were botted, jeez

>> No.65840830
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, GBtkE7jWwAA7eZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65840848
File: 596 KB, 2348x2297, DonDon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub botting is a lot harder to get away with than view botting. And if they were sub botting Moom, why not also viewbot her?

>> No.65840937

Its bait anon, most of the time people just throw out bots to cope with stuff they don't like.

>> No.65840952
Quoted by: >>65881800

You can create nonsense account. You can't look at her sub growth and think it's natural though. If she had an equal increase in viewership or song views like Marine I would believe it, but she doesn't.

>> No.65840973
Quoted by: >>65841047

You know you sound like a crazy person when you run around and scream BOTS BOTS BOTS BOTS, right?

>> No.65841047

Her growth is not natural in any way though and you are just being willfully ignorant if you think it is.

>> No.65841051
Quoted by: >>65841272


>> No.65841092
Quoted by: >>65844528

>It wouldn't count because it would make me seethe

>> No.65841164

Not really. Filian makes content for literal children and gets views from shorts. Honestly, I barely even counsider her to be a v-tuber. She's more like a VR Chat creator.

>> No.65841190
Quoted by: >>65841255

>Filian makes content for literal children
but enough about fuwamoco

>> No.65841210
File: 60 KB, 563x549, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems pretty natural to me. Views correlated with subscribers increasing. Subscribers increasing correlated to her streaming. Unnatural would be if she gained subs for no reason but that's not what I see

>> No.65841251

You keep spouting this, but what about it is not natural? Theres no spike in her monthly gained subs.

>> No.65841255
Quoted by: >>65841668

Seethe. Fuwamoco makes content for sad ojisans.

>> No.65841272
File: 1.09 MB, 654x1162, ohnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65841579


>> No.65841496
File: 156 KB, 325x555, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65841626

>song views
Her song views this year are pretty good desu

>> No.65841550

numberbaiting aside
Mumei is great and i wish she'd stream more

>> No.65841579
File: 1.08 MB, 1353x864, views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sort by popular instead of Latest
I'm sure this channel still gets this kind of viewership too.

>> No.65841626
File: 474 KB, 1027x341, IRyS....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile even with the Idol song buff

>> No.65841627
File: 95 KB, 620x880, 1701467652982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

november views

>> No.65841668

Sadly true

>> No.65841732


>> No.65841809
Quoted by: >>65841910

she uploads daily and every row is like 1 million views at least except the most recent one

>> No.65841910
Quoted by: >>65841973

Not clicking on that garbage channel but >>65838294 proves you wrong.

>> No.65841922

>14. FeFe

>> No.65841973
Quoted by: >>65842086

>most recent one has low views
>last week is over 1 million
how does that prove me wrong exactly?

>> No.65842086
Quoted by: >>65842252

The most viewed one in the image is 700k.

>> No.65842090
Quoted by: >>65842171

I love the massive power gap after marine.

>> No.65842171
Quoted by: >>65842244

even as a filfag i have to agree
Marine is the goat

>> No.65842244
Quoted by: >>65842355

>admit to being an ADD having shorts obsessed scourge
Wow, just out in the open like that. I bet you love tiktok.

>> No.65842252
File: 5 KB, 451x170, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65842355

why watch tiktok when you can go to /wsg/

>> No.65842544

This thread is proof that /jp/ was right about gatekeeping western slop so hard. We have people actually defending a whore who collabs with e-celebs and spams shorts like some shitty tiktok e-girl. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.65842599

/#/ lost

>> No.65842730

>/jp/ was right
lol LMFAO The last samurai have never been right about anything.

>> No.65842812
Quoted by: >>65842900

rangeban SEA and move /#/ to /jp/
that's how you fix this board

>> No.65842829

I wonder why you're here instead of there.

>> No.65842900
Quoted by: >>65852004

/#/ is basically a Hololive thread so they aren't the problem. The problem is that we didn't gatekeep hard enough to keep garbage western vtuber culture out of here.

>> No.65842982

>collabs with e-celebs
>spams shorts
Like a few of the JP members.

>> No.65843023

>Holos in Filian's Vtuber awards
you lost sister, its joever

>> No.65843075

Filian will burn out too, it's really hard not to when you have to crank out novel content day in day out. It's not like the olden days when travelling entertainers could repeat and refine the same act at every town they visit. Today in the digital age they have to keep coming up with new viral or shocking or relatable content on the daily and and that is not a sustainable pace.

Filian falling on the floor with 3D tracking can only make you chuckle so many times.

>> No.65843272
Quoted by: >>65859050

she's doing date shows, talent shows, 1-2 view shows and an annual award show now
tomorrow she's hosting a Family Feud show with phase talents and big indies

she does way more than your average chuuba

>> No.65843306
Quoted by: >>65843448

>Filian falling on the floor with 3D tracking can only make you chuckle so many times.
Is she declining? If she was, that would back this point up.

>> No.65843372

And that's why she's branching out into other stuff. Filian's a savvy businesswoman.

>> No.65843387
Quoted by: >>65857955

>Doesn't play that many games
>And when she does she takes the piss out of them because she doesn't want to feel 'le sad'.
IRyS has nobody but herself to blame.

>> No.65843448

She has been inclining on every platform for essentially the entire year.

>> No.65843475
Quoted by: >>65843619

I want IRyS and eveyone else in council to reach 1 mil subs, just to see what prize they choose. Especially Bae and Kronii.

>> No.65843619
Quoted by: >>65843986

i don't understand why cover cares so much about subs
are their investors so retarded that they care more about subs than viewership and merch sales?

>> No.65843986

>i don't understand why cover cares so much about subs
It's more potential viewership which leads to more money in general?
>are their investors so retarded
They wanted Yagoo to cut the girl's company salary, so yes.

>> No.65844209

She literally did the "Gura in the title of a short to get views" and worked like everytime it happens. Gura gave a name to Filian, Gura gave a name to idol corp and it will keep happening

>> No.65844380

Hololive is being retarded by not spamming shorts/tiktoks like Filian does.

>> No.65844456

>idol corp
First they leech on Gura and then they start selling ass on the streets of Jerusalem. Quite a company.

>> No.65844507

Gura said the her dino plushie broke records in hololive merch history, and before that there has been merch with literally more than 1 million $ in profit

>> No.65844528

Mike doesn't deserve it though. It changes absolutely nothing

>> No.65844610
Quoted by: >>65846971

Still more than Gura

>> No.65844701
Quoted by: >>65846093

Mizkif made filian
no one cares about the shark

>> No.65845027
Quoted by: >>65845667

How is that not legit? There's continuity.

>> No.65845184
Quoted by: >>65845261

their content isn't interesting enough to gain short views
only Marine gets good numbers on them and her shorts are made specifically for it instead of using clips from her stream

>> No.65845261

They do spam shorts.

>> No.65845667
File: 315 KB, 1320x778, 856209092321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's botted, just less obviously than the others.
When they're not botted, FWMC are 3k streamers.

>> No.65845817
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1675897029446092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t's botted, just less obviously
Anon, you are going to die from huffing that much copium.

>> No.65846093
Quoted by: >>65846906

>no one care about the shark
Post that one Gura tweet where e-celebs vouching each other

>> No.65846139

Anon, there's continuity in the other one. Also, the gradual dip coincides with the end of the collab.

>> No.65846906

anon that was 4 years ago. things are different now.

>> No.65846971

well yeah, Mumei is doing much better. she got 65% more superchat revenue than Gura for 2023. She almost didn't even make it into the top 100

>> No.65847120

If someone has control over their schedule and they've done well enough to afford working less, why do you seethe?

>> No.65848044

I don't mean to sound rude, but why Mumei out of everyone in council? Kronii still has the sex model even if she's a retard, and Fauna has a higher CCV and keeps consistent, she would have been my guess as the one with the fastest growth

>> No.65848191

>Fillan shills out in full force
lol, what happened? The whore do something?

>> No.65848280

Fauna doesn't even have more subs than Hakos Baelz lmao

>> No.65848402
Quoted by: >>65849596

>Literally BROWN
>Streams during SEA hours
>Gets all the redirects Kiara, Ina and Fauna

>> No.65848469


>> No.65849596

lol wut?

>> No.65849814

She gave up on her channel songs and no longer enjoys being part of holo
She is also more concerned with her rigger

>> No.65849921

Both have discord secrets that got revieled live it is a good one

>> No.65849985
File: 142 KB, 1762x695, does it even matter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the end

>> No.65850028

No. the only way she can up this growth rate is by pandering to chinks or pajeets, otherwise it will come to a stop by summer.

>> No.65850231
Quoted by: >>65903768

If you watch on holodex it doesn't count as a view retard. YouTube only counts it if your video volume is at least 10% and you're tabbed into the stream. Even tabbing to a different monitor can make your view invalid.

>> No.65850702

The only way that could happen is by Ina graduating and Kiara surpassing her months after

>> No.65850861

LOL 3500 people paid $30 for this Fairly Oddparents looking crap?
But hey, good for her. If you're implying she can move more merch in general than Myth though, you're retarded.

>> No.65850992

Explain in your own words your issue with statistics. Go on. I'm waiting.

>> No.65851512
Quoted by: >>65852578

She's cute, streamed a lot before her break, is a great singer and does it regularly, kinda makes an effort learning nihongo, can be pretty funny, bounces off well with pretty much everyone in collabs, towa. Almost all of these things are endearing to many and especially her karaokes have a lot of draw since she mostly settles for english songs and there'll be no archive and is also good at it.
Kronii has done nothing to appeal to people outside of her standard audience and Fauna has no main selling point for people that don't already watch her so she lacks people actually checking her out first.

>> No.65851675

Anon, you obviously can't tell bot curves with non-bot curves.
You should give /#/ a visit, since you are dumber than them.

>> No.65852004

It was over the moment western vtubers became mods on /vt/. Of course they would fucking allow themselves to be talked about.

>> No.65852578

>streamed a lot

>> No.65852652
Quoted by: >>65857195

popular jp tiktoker with the same name. yes people are that dumb

>> No.65852748 [DELETED] 

>she pops an extra long karaoke stream and recuperates her loses

I miss Gura's karaokes

>> No.65852858

>Little Manly
My brother of African ancestry

>> No.65853084

>she pops an extra long karaoke stream and recuperates her loses
I miss Gura's karaokes
Look forward to them more than Holo events.

>> No.65857023


>> No.65857195

Nah its just that she's my oshi. I have done nothing but bot subs for the past 2 years.

>> No.65857389
Quoted by: >>65858030

>pureblood vs. konketsuji
It's not even a competition.

>> No.65857955
Quoted by: >>65858610


>> No.65858030
Quoted by: >>65858326

Mike isn't a pureblood kek. She has Russian blood hence the mental illness.

>> No.65858326
Quoted by: >>65858668


>> No.65858610

Tell me where I'm wrong then

>> No.65858668

watch streams. she said kids used to make fun of her for it in school

>> No.65858857

"she" doesn't count. she's not a streamer, or vtuber. she's a fucking VRchat react whore and a rent-a-emcee for literally anything, that's it. it's not even remotely the same category. have you ever actually watched "her?"

>> No.65859050

being a rent-a-host =/= actual streamer. she has no content of her own

>> No.65859130

>how come <insert holo> didn't get <insert number>
hololive is shadowbanned
their subs arent counted properly
do your archive reps assuming you aren't just a troll

>> No.65861143

So for figures she does have one on pre-order right now. To me the face looks a little weird but overall it looks pretty high quality.


>> No.65861723

there was a fleshy that blew up with the "name" mumei. the algo carried hers too.

>> No.65862312

Back to your containment GMT 8

>> No.65863808

>Not made by a Japanese company
Not a real figure

>> No.65866721
Quoted by: >>65866797

Holy mental illness.

>> No.65866797

>bumping the thread on page 11
mental illness indeed, seek help

>> No.65867029
Quoted by: >>65886769

i mean she has every big streamer behind her shilling and even the twitter ceo had a collab gura aint even streaming anymore lmao i would be impressed if after all the filian shilling she didnt, she has people bigger than herself raiding her or going into the events thanks to mythic

>> No.65867165

so her content is just reacting to other people videos or omegle shit that went viral lmao, the entire list on the picture is mostly omegle shit, dont tell me you find this amusing in any way

>> No.65867370
Quoted by: >>65867476


>> No.65867476
File: 394 KB, 1748x618, image_2024-01-02_215258209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image oof, ENTER!

>> No.65867669

Hoomans are probably the best posters as a fanbase.
Good advertisements.
People then see how relatable and funny mumei is.

>> No.65867975

Pomudachi screengrab v2.0

>> No.65870397


>> No.65870777

And stay there

>> No.65872458

>All those filanfags
>They really believe she is popular


>> No.65873152

>paid subs
We aren't talking about Mori

>> No.65873329

Youtube was slow to change the (((((((((((algorithm)))))))))))) to discriminate against vtubers

>> No.65877295

This is the reality

>> No.65878058

I'll tell you that the only reason filian is popular is due to her showing her ass on stream constantly

>> No.65879831

Me. I will cum a million gallons.

>> No.65880459
Quoted by: >>65886652

mental illness is relatable these days?

>> No.65881800

I would believe it's bots too but somehow her merch is also selling well. Bots don't buy merch.

>> No.65884010

I'm rooting for Mikeneko

>> No.65886427

Filian is based

>> No.65886488
Quoted by: >>65889593

Menhera fuckup wife>>>grifter whore

>> No.65886524

Take meds

>> No.65886547

Who? Pekora?

>> No.65886593
Quoted by: >>65889154

Mikeneko. IRyS killed her own channel after March 2022 when she decided to be on a semi-hiatus every 2 weeks for the last 2 years, for no apparent reason. I also dislike that when mumei actually showed us her inhaler, big brain had the idea to claim she also had an inhaler for asthma which just sounded like she was grasping for anything she could use to 'excuse' herself. She's just way too shady and way too lazy, I don't know if the management yelled at her too much or something and she became reclusive but it is what it is. She just isn't the 'pillar of EN' that she was back in 2021.

>> No.65886618
Quoted by: >>65901457

However the /who/ thread is terrible and the resident faggots act like it's their own little subreddit/discord, to the point of it being basically unusable.

>> No.65886652
File: 54 KB, 751x946, mumei tummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65890348

>mental illness
She is the most basic "I love spongebob, animals and drawing on a tablet" girl ever.

Mumei has a sexier model, big tits aren't the end all be all of sexo.

>> No.65886690

Thanks for the cope cumbud, I laughed

>> No.65886769

Today I learnt that chumbuds are clearly made up of ESLs

>> No.65886896

Holokeks are pathetic to compare themselves with small corpo like her kek

>> No.65886936

why are we not counting rainbow lamy still if fleshtubers count????

>> No.65886955

She wouldn't fuck you brown nousagi

>> No.65887381

>Bau bau retard enjoyers

>> No.65887699

But enough about matsuri

>> No.65889039

All the big whores from hololive are from jp

>> No.65889065

>Novel Horizons was founded on August 2020 in Dallas, Texas
>Dallas, Texas


>> No.65889154
Quoted by: >>65889317

>the 'pillar of EN' that she was back in 2021.
What the fuck are you talking about? IRyS was always a high-mid tier EN at best, she was never a fucking "pillar"

>> No.65889317

She was a pillar because she streamed like 6/7 days a week and then suddenly she gave up and became HiatusRyS.

>> No.65889593

I agree
IRyS >>> Miguel Cato

>> No.65890348
Quoted by: >>65890454

>big tits aren't the end all be all of sexo

Half the time they're a detriment, even. People really lose sight of proportions and think their mommy issues are valid kinks

>> No.65890454

If you don't want boobs big enough to rest your head on, do you even want to heal the damage your soul has gone through since you were born to where you are now?

>> No.65892615
Quoted by: >>65908344


>> No.65897900


>> No.65901457

/who/ does have some users with sticks up their ass too far.
It doesn't feel like a legionary camp...

>> No.65903768

>YouTube only counts it if your video volume is at least 10% and you're tabbed into the stream. Even tabbing to a different monitor can make your view invalid.
Where is this info even stated?
Does this mean watching multiple streams at once is detrimental to all cept the one you're focussed on most ie. the one whose tab you're in watching most?

>> No.65904251
Quoted by: >>65912861

Curious about this myself. I often treat youtube like a podcast and listen while I play games.

>> No.65908344

Yeah and?

>> No.65912861

NTA but, IIRC someone leaked a cheat sheet created by kpop nutcases that details how to boost views on videos
I think it was further verified by some chink working at one of those view farms

>> No.65912952

Are you expecting sanity and rational thinking from a numberfag? There’s no point in trying to understand them.
