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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 121 KB, 500x500, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6533326 No.6533326 [Reply] [Original]

who is more menhera, beatani, or her psychotic followers?

>> No.6533373
Quoted by: >>6533400

If Beatani doesn't like my tweet in 30 seconds I am going to scream at the top of my lungs

>> No.6533399

Was last post so reposting.
Anyone have any nice dad interaction they wanna share?
I have an album I love that another dad does too.

>> No.6533400

How did the scream go?

>> No.6533408
File: 123 KB, 690x1024, 1623502545165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6533495

i love this fucking bear

>> No.6533495
File: 72 KB, 742x860, 1620413420618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6533505

i hate this fucking potato

>> No.6533505


>> No.6533513

Followers for sure, Bea doesn't take the nonsense seriously and laughs along with it. A real menhera would be going crazy over every little thing. And no, making an example of a retard every now and then is not a meltdown as much as some want to meme about it.

>> No.6533529
Quoted by: >>6533582

I want to talk to a woman but not a normie so only really like a VTuber. I think Beatani would hate me though so I want to talk to someone else. Should I find some random indie to talk to?

>> No.6533539

Dads are menhera in that they'll hurt themselves for Bea's attention
Bea is kichigai in that she's fucking insane

>> No.6533579
File: 367 KB, 1078x1782, 20210714_163412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6533651 >>6533890

You tell me anon

>> No.6533582

talk to some 2views

>> No.6533651

>two entire weeks to submit
She's going to request something complicated isn't she?

>> No.6533654
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1623484399634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, thanks for asking

>> No.6533667
Quoted by: >>6533736

It's a mutual relationship in a desperate bid for attention. When you think one or the other has finally gone full crazy they unleash a new super sayan level you never thought possible.

>> No.6533686
File: 23 KB, 400x400, FEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6533813

Beatani's feet. What else can I say? Absolutely marvelous. Stupendous. Utterly amazing, I'd say. The scale, the size, the shape all perfect. The perplexing scent may seem, to put it in the poor greys' language, nasty, at first, but as you truly realize the beauty of her feet, it grows on you. It's an incredible metaphor for life - even the most perfect thing will have a flaw, but it too must be appreciated, and in a way, it improves said thing' even more. But the best part is, undoubtedly, the taste. Ohhhh, ahhhh... scrumptious! Splendid! Superb! If it were up to me, I'd lick them all day, every day. From the very tip of the heel to the ends of every single toe, as my tongue slowly drifts across the deserted surface. The burn you feel on your tongue feels odd and makes you feel uneasy at first, but it's part of the experience, and soon enough you learn to love it, as you start feeling it permanently. It's all you can feel. But sucking her toes is truly the highlight. The mere thought of sticking them in my mouth makes me ejaculate poolworths of semen in seconds. The taste... oh, it's too good to describe with even the most complex of words! It truly is an inexplicible feeling that absolutely cannot be replicated. Uncultured virgins would argue that her DFC or thighs are far superior and that liking feet is "weird" (Ugh, even thinking of such an incellous claim makes my spine rattle in disgust!), but only the true intellectuals of the highest level will understand. Beatani's feet truly are perfect in every way, shape and form. This is not a matter of opinion, but rather a stated fact. It cannot be debunked, for her feet are objectively superior to all.

>> No.6533736

I'm afraid of american dads that are stupid and have guns, I wouldn't want them to hurt themselves.

>> No.6533813
File: 50 KB, 680x879, 1626157916186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6533864
File: 254 KB, 614x600, wBSJASA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6533916 >>6534078

Most of the dads I have talked to are pretty nice, but they are most likely schizo posters so it's a complicated feeling

>> No.6533890
File: 62 KB, 376x413, F62FB915-6EE1-4FDC-9040-D5FF759C34EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6540133

just accept

>> No.6533916
Quoted by: >>6534086

yeah I act nice to everyone but I'm very schizo

>> No.6534047
Quoted by: >>6534067

anyone with a working bea tracker yet? what are her work hours and sleep hours?

>> No.6534067

anon you forgot her sexfriend hours

>> No.6534078
Quoted by: >>6534140 >>6539744

Same feeling here. Very nice and kind in DMs they are, but that they schizopost in here all the time when they have no name attached I just know.

>> No.6534086
Quoted by: >>6534157 >>6537284

>News reporter interviewing a next door neighbor after police discovered a Japanese women tied up in his basement.
"I just don't understand it, he was such a nice man. He was friendly to everyone and even helped out at the church yard sale every month."

>> No.6534087
File: 332 KB, 680x1024, 1626fj8o7884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6534101

I'm catching up with the previous stealth /yah/
We talked a little about this yesterday, doing your reps just for getting her attention is going to eventually come back to bite you in the ass
This is not necessarily about Bea, trying to transform a transactional relationship into a friendly one is just futile, you are wasting your time

>> No.6534101

my parasocial reps

>> No.6534140
Quoted by: >>6534173 >>6537255

That's why I don't send DMs to anyone, even if they seem friendly enough when we talk on twitter
I'm just an uninteresting dad anyway, they'd get bored of me real quick

>> No.6534157

always be kind to others, you never know when you will need them or just don't get suspicious of you when your neighborhood pets start disappearing

>> No.6534173
Quoted by: >>6534182

>they'd get bored of me real quick
I'd never get bored of you <3

>> No.6534182
Quoted by: >>6534189

Shut up bear

>> No.6534189
Quoted by: >>6534211

bear is not here now she is busy getting sex form her tinder friends with benefits

>> No.6534211
File: 387 KB, 620x647, MGhUSU2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a community post to make?

>> No.6534217
Quoted by: >>6534265 >>6534318

From her twitter activity I say she went to bed around 5am and woke up around 11am jst.

>> No.6534265
Quoted by: >>6534357

nice that makes sense. shes at work now..

>> No.6534318

she has to go to work. She must have waken up at 9am, which is when her works appears to start. so 5am-9am seems more realistic. I think she set her alarm just a few minutes before her work starts which is why we only got tweets later in the day.

>> No.6534349

I think you might be the only one dad

>> No.6534357
Quoted by: >>6534380 >>6536623

it's 6pm in japan now. So no not anymore, except if she is doing some overtime

>> No.6534380
File: 49 KB, 320x320, risunasad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6534429

so she is at her sexfriend house...

>> No.6534429
Quoted by: >>6534450

yes, if it's her female friend who lets her come over to abuse pichu in smash while she is masturbating for 3 hours alone.

>> No.6534450

that was actually her male friend btw

>> No.6534455
File: 133 KB, 232x260, 1618833510595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea, I really liked that cooking video of chihiro, please do more and show her feet. Thank you

>> No.6534463


>> No.6534492
Quoted by: >>6534539

I would let bea masturbate in my house to pichu for 3 hours. I would be content to just listen from another room.

>> No.6534539

I would buy a large pichu doll and put it in an empty room. I would then remove some of the fluff contents and fill it with blood packs. I would then put large nails/stakes, chains, and other bondage materials along with a strapon dildo. Finally, I would place inside the pichu a remote speaker and cameras through its eyes. I would then invite Bea to my house with no explanation while I hide in another room oberving through the cameras as she succumbed to her carnal desires and abuse raped pichu while making suffering Pichu noises through the speaker to her.

>> No.6534609
File: 195 KB, 2000x2000, 1626197845586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how strange it must be for her to read all these hornyposts and then on stream everyone is acting normally. bet she's wishing she could know who is making these posts

>> No.6534623
Quoted by: >>6534658

i dont talk in her stream or on twitter, i just talk in here. it just doesnt feel the same with namefags

>> No.6534637
Quoted by: >>6534658

I'm pretty sure she has a rough idea of who are the reply guys, at least a couple of them

>> No.6534644
Quoted by: >>6534658

Bet she already knows, not at an individual level, but can associate replyguys with thread activity.

>> No.6534658
File: 59 KB, 646x490, risunadrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6534673

I post only in here and am not a replyguy because I'm menhera and get stressed out when people don't react to my shitposts. I'm like this guy >>6534623

>> No.6534673
File: 11 KB, 158x324, 7fe34e78c0532e89cb87e87e7ac281da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6534698

Good. Don't interact if you don't feel like it, it's ok.

>> No.6534690
File: 461 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Toradora_18_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[243CEC36].mkv_snapshot_22.41_[2021.07.14_11.25.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6534739

since this is the non-stealth yah thread, why is she being a fruit chuuba all of a sudden?
are we getting an orange cover choudai?

>> No.6534698
Quoted by: >>6534727 >>6534759


I hope Bea knows that her biggest and truest fans are not replyguys but in fact 4chan hornyposters.
Bea I want to slap you

>> No.6534727

she doesn't read 4chan : (

>> No.6534729

I feel I have transcended the hornyposting for cute and funny bear. Currently I feel horny for cunny penguin but I actually love and respect Bea as a creator and she is my oshi as a result. So i would say this is a good thing overall.

>> No.6534739
File: 43 KB, 680x624, 1617816471942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6534778

Fruit posting is a secret code/language, no one so far has managed to crack it though

>> No.6534759
Quoted by: >>6534784

>implying I'm not both a twitter replyguy and a 4chan hornyposter

>> No.6534778

>crack it
just peel it you retards

>> No.6534779
File: 912 KB, 757x767, 1618768007505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are (you) learning japanese for bea?

>> No.6534783

I WILL become sex

>> No.6534784

you are too powerful

>> No.6534793
Quoted by: >>6534828

You guys know it's shitposting right? Beatani is the ultimate mesugaki. Like no one else even comes close to how cheeky she is.

>> No.6534809

what do you care, get lost

>> No.6534811

No, but I am learning Japanese.

>> No.6534819

rollercoaster bros...
we got too cocky

>> No.6534828
Quoted by: >>6534857

Those are all lies she told you, she actually wants a boyfriend to cuddle with

>> No.6534836

I have put on hold my JP reps to focus on my art reps, this past year I have learned a lot and I can follow most of what happens in the streams of the other chuubas I watch

>> No.6534837

im learning japanese so i can move to japan and marry a cute japanese girl and leave beatani in the dust

>> No.6534857

She's an asocial OL weirdo with ADHD of course she wants a boyfriend. That doesn't refute anything I said.

>> No.6534904
File: 1.23 MB, 3621x3465, E6NeB9wUUAM7jig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6534915

also holy shit this is hot

>> No.6534915

i imagine this risuna chan as a boy with a dick

>> No.6534942
File: 18 KB, 574x160, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did bea mean by her latest tweet?


>> No.6534967

I thought Bea had the dick. That's why she's holding down her erection.

>> No.6535005
Quoted by: >>6535027

I'm learning another asian language that is listed as taking 1/3 the time to learn with an even larger population and a brighter future. Japanese too useless and mendokusai

>> No.6535027
Quoted by: >>6535109

filipino is not classified as asian, its considered mexican

>> No.6535036
Quoted by: >>6535051

When she thinks before she does things she tends to act normal, it's only when she is not thinking clearly that she acts like a menhera.

>> No.6535051

she is on alcohol and drugs all the time...

>> No.6535052
File: 119 KB, 771x771, 1613188322856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>risuna's useless shotadick getting completely neglected
>bea verbally abusing risuna-chan
>risuna-chan being forced to 4545 in front of beatani

>> No.6535054
Quoted by: >>6535116



tabun maybe

>> No.6535077

Of course it’s a boy with a dick, it’s literally me

>> No.6535109


>> No.6535116
Quoted by: >>6535167 >>6535211

are you saying bea reads these threads and actually feels bad about it?
that's turning me on

>> No.6535138
Quoted by: >>6535211

No, I am learning Japanese to read untranslated porn.

>> No.6535167

>are you saying bea reads these threads
>and actually feels bad about it?
maybe sometimes, she is a cheeky brat but she has no real control over her fanbase and the menhera nest

>> No.6535176
File: 219 KB, 706x703, 1626042382533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6535198

edit dad here?
make smug Bea or risuna version onegai

>> No.6535198

what do you want that girl already looks like risuna

>> No.6535211
Quoted by: >>6535245

Bea's tweet was three hours before those posts
I do that to practice

>> No.6535245
Quoted by: >>6535327

>Bea's tweet was three hours before those posts
No, it was a few minutes after them

>> No.6535251
Quoted by: >>6535627

I think it's something along the lines of
>now that I think of it, maybe I'm not kichigai after all

>> No.6535327

You are right. There's a bug with 4chan where when I hover over those posts it displays the time using the wrong timezone.

>> No.6535473

My oshi is the spreadsheet schizo

>> No.6535627

Bea stop judging us you are kichigai and you made us this way

>> No.6535685
Quoted by: >>6535748

I can't believe Bea thinks she's superior to us

>> No.6535748
File: 114 KB, 489x497, 9h24WVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6535778

>Gives attention to a guy a couple of times
>Moves on to the next one
>The previous guy loses his mind
Bea is the only one sane person in this community

>> No.6535778
Quoted by: >>6535960

wrong she never gave me attention in the first place

>> No.6535960

your time will come

>> No.6535977
Quoted by: >>6536037 >>6537082

I wish I was younger than Bea. I want the real oneeshota grooming experience.

>> No.6536037
File: 59 KB, 403x340, KddYpT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mesugaki experience is much better

>> No.6536623

>Work over at 6pm

>> No.6536644

She's one of those girls with a lot of guy friends

>> No.6536687
File: 61 KB, 1157x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading last thread people really throw around the word "leech" for nothing. Vtubers interact with vtuber related content all the time without it being leeching. Leeching would be someone replying to bea with things like "I hope we can play that game together sometimes!" or "I love oranges too, I was even eating one in my last stream" or pic related.
Things like quote retweeting a fanart not even posted by bea isn't leeching, it won't even show up for her at all. Same for vtubers doing normal replies like other viewers, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6536743

Yeah I'm not sure what some people are on about, far far too overprotective of another vtuber remotely existing near anything beatani related

>> No.6536766

I was but there's too many other things demanding my attention. So progress is glacial

>> No.6536811

holy fuck that is hilarious, didnt expect it to be a real vtuber but bea said fuck off

>> No.6536839
Quoted by: >>6537088

Imagine not being allowed to comment on a nice fanart just because you happen to be a streamer. I agree anons were a bit stupid about it last thread.
That reddit guy however, damn..

>> No.6537082 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.19 MB, 390x317, 1626261000543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being younger than bea...

>> No.6537088

It's just networking and it's a totally normal part of vtubing. Bea is pretty unique in her relative lack of interaction with other chuubas. I'm curious to see if there will be a collab or anything with the upcoming dadtuber. If there is expect a bunch of debuts immediately after.

>> No.6537137
Quoted by: >>6537195

Do you really want that? This place would burn like California in the summer if that happens

>> No.6537148
File: 130 KB, 404x407, DPX6YGQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm curious to see if there will be a collab or anything with the upcoming dadtuber.
I can already taste the meltdown, /yah/ will be unusable for a few weeks

>> No.6537186
Quoted by: >>6538276

I would just cancel my membership and walk away

>> No.6537192

6 million goslings

>> No.6537195 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6537270

nta but yes, ofc it's up to her, but I'd welcome it

>> No.6537211

I have, but I'm not sure about sharing it.

>> No.6537212

I want to have a dad stream marathon. Everyone gets a 5-10 minutes slot and we visit everyone's streams.

>> No.6537255

Come on now dad, we can do something together!

>> No.6537270

I misread, yeah no I'd probably gouge my eyes and hang myself if that happened.

>> No.6537278

I think it would be fun

>> No.6537284

I read that kind of thing all the time whenever some terrorist get caught

>> No.6537296

>Wait, he is not even green
>Were they talking over DMs?
>I bet she helped him with his model
>Money is a proof of love...
>Gold digger!

>> No.6537312

No, I don't care about you, I just want to see the bear.

>> No.6537357

That sounds gay as fuck

>> No.6537361
Quoted by: >>6537436 >>6537481

I'm officially lost, your garbage has been keeping me awake at night.

>> No.6537436
Quoted by: >>6537585

Have you tried drinking yourself into a stupor? It works for me.

>> No.6537481
File: 194 KB, 377x511, DPGcXQ6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6537527

holy fuck that bea thread on /jp/ was a dumpster fire

>> No.6537585

I have to go to work in an hour and I haven't slept a wink, thank you, you stupid people!

>> No.6537931

I don't think they will collab, Bea has always supported people trying to be creative and she got excited when she saw a couple of guys wanting to start streaming, at most she will sill them a little, lurk the chat and retweet their debuts

>> No.6538100

never knew i could find so much elitist insufferable faggots in one place

>> No.6538118
File: 636 KB, 1200x1600, nicotiana_rustica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6538155

Which variety of tobacco is Beatani?
I think she is nicotiana rustica, also known as aztec tobacco or strong tobacco. This is a variety of tobacco 9 times stronger in nicotine than that birghtleaf virginia tobacco normie shit and it's has such a high strength that it can be used as a pesticide for killing roaches, which Beatani also seems to be happy to publicly do to those cringe dads she doesn't like. Most varieties of tobacco can only grow in warm tropical/subtropical areas but aztec tobacco can be cultivated nearly anywhere, even the north Russia, of course Beatani has also been able to cultivate such a worldwide following. But Beatani can be a little hard to get into, first you have to get used to her way of speaking english but then you have to get over that she is a much bigger degenerate than you with her guro and furry fetishes. Aztec tobacco as well is hard in the beginning, it is normal to throw up the first time you test it. But with both of these you get used to it and you get addicted, addicted much stronger than normal cigarette, but what an absolutely wonderful and at the same time incredibly unhealthy addiction it is.

>> No.6538131

I thought this board was bad

>> No.6538155

I never knew about this.

>> No.6538197
Quoted by: >>6538249 >>6538360

I just checked the archive, where do these people come from?

>> No.6538249


>> No.6538276

based. fuck the dad lore, I just want to watch bea

>> No.6538304
Quoted by: >>6538388

There's already a dad vtuber but he's not shilling himself and I appreciate that.

>> No.6538360
Quoted by: >>6538480 >>6538528

Oh some of them are here too, I'm sure there a quite a few fans of bea here who post things like "western shit" "fucking EOPs" etc. on a daily basis
I've never really understood that blind elitism but it's always been a part of /jp/ and you can often see some of them posting /vt/ about how superior their japanese vtubers are for being speaking and being japanese.

>> No.6538388


>> No.6538435
Quoted by: >>6538473 >>6538499

please don't ask

>> No.6538473

Too bad. Shill him to me.

>> No.6538480

and no matter how hard they try, they will never be japanese, poor little bastards

>> No.6538499
Quoted by: >>6538616

its the guy himself, he's trying to shill

>> No.6538528

but what Bea special is exactly that, a jap chuuba who talk english

>> No.6538534
Quoted by: >>6538563 >>6538625

im going to bed, I am so mad at bea for no reason except that I am menhera and kichigai


>> No.6538545


>> No.6538547

Let's ask the real questions. What did Bea have for dinner tonight?

>> No.6538561
Quoted by: >>6539016

I'm not going to say obviously, I'm not intent on derailing the thread. Comb through Beatani's followers if you're that interested.

>> No.6538563
File: 162 KB, 314x383, 1618775068008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this bea

>> No.6538567

That's not what makes her special.

>> No.6538575

cock from her sefure

>> No.6538583

I don't watch her just because she's a jap chuuba who talk english, and beside there are plenty of other jap chuuba talking english

>> No.6538616

No, I'm not.

>> No.6538625
Quoted by: >>6538643

wanna rape her and kick her pregnant ass down the stairs

>> No.6538633

While I do like ESL, it would be the same to me if she was a Korean speaking english, or an african girl speaking english, or a russian speaking english etc.

>> No.6538643

yes impregnate her and give a smug smile to her gyaru mom

>> No.6538676
Quoted by: >>6538753 >>6538825

2 fish sausage, 2 cans of beer

>> No.6538753

Thanks bear

>> No.6538825

Come on now, Bea's a bear of refined taste with a varied palette. She had one fish sausage, one mikan cup and 2 beer.

>> No.6538832
File: 183 KB, 400x400, x0UlzA-o_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you asked! That would be me, the one and only.

>> No.6538876
Quoted by: >>6539117

Two calorie mates

>> No.6538942

I kneel

>> No.6539016
Quoted by: >>6539179

okay finally found one
This thread is literally about the fan base. Mentioning a member of the fanbase is on topic. This isn't /yah/.

>> No.6539117

chotto depressing

>> No.6539179
File: 83 KB, 800x450, No_No_He&#039;s_Got_A_Point_Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6539262

Stop trying take my shitpost. I'm the jackposter here. It was annoying when you did it during the karaoke stream and it won't be funny anymore if you just keep posting it. Nigger

>> No.6539306
Quoted by: >>6539336

annoying you only makes it more fun

>> No.6539336

Ok fine let's just burn the joke into the ground then.

>> No.6539349

there's a real chance we can shitpost this collab into existence and I'm not sure how I feel about that...

>> No.6539401

It would be glorious if it happened desu.

>> No.6539402

Keep posting Jack and I'll post his twitch

>> No.6539465
Quoted by: >>6539523

Imagine being that butthurt

>> No.6539467

That would be poggers as they say.

>> No.6539523

Imagine taking a shitposter seriously

>> No.6539538
File: 20 KB, 463x453, 23c4iupj7t461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6539574

>euro hours

>> No.6539574
Quoted by: >>6539624

5:00 p.m. for me, sometimes being a spic is good.

>> No.6539610

What the fuck is going on here, has everybody gone fucking retarded or something?

>> No.6539624
Quoted by: >>6539705

does not compute

>> No.6539646

Business as usual

>> No.6539649

It still surprises me that Bea is so fast at picking up whatever references you fags drop. Is she a savant or something?

>> No.6539650

The viewers reflect the audience.

>> No.6539657
Quoted by: >>6539862

Bear is 0laying favoritism hard and it's driving dads insane, right now

>> No.6539670
Quoted by: >>6539719

look at my op. it is chaotic and I'm showing chaos in this fanbase to get revenge on beatani

>> No.6539705
Quoted by: >>6539725

I'm next to the U.S. border

>> No.6539719

If Beatani doesn't fuck my asshole and shoot her love seeds inside me soon I'm joining you.

>> No.6539725

It's fucking morning there, not 5 PM.

>> No.6539744

Literally me

>> No.6539753

She is pretty smart when she's not being retarded. Bea is an amazingly fast learner.

>> No.6539760
Quoted by: >>6539858 >>6539874

i actually would want her to colab with an actual vtuber vtuber first, it would benefit her more

>> No.6539763
File: 1.87 MB, 304x354, 1620308375903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani please tie me to a chair and lick my ears while you tease me!

>> No.6539775

We are grooming her.

>> No.6539784

Maybe he meant AM. It's 5:20 AM in PST

>> No.6539790


>> No.6539823
File: 69 KB, 869x117, fcvsdvcxvxdfdx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6539848

sorry, I'm used to military time

>> No.6539828

Corn Potage graduate in meme science

>> No.6539848
Quoted by: >>6539928

why are you a spic?

>> No.6539858
Quoted by: >>6539879 >>6539901

Literally nobody wants a collab herself included.
Maybe if you ever see her networking with another chuuba, you can think about it seriously.
Talking about collabs is boring
Collabs are boring

>> No.6539862
Quoted by: >>6539882 >>6539887

so you behave like a bunch of insufferable bastards?

>> No.6539874

Of course but would need for them to get closer naturally which isn't happening anytime soon. The only realistic way I would see it happen is her bringing some person she knew from before vtubing, some musician or similar from niconico or something.

>> No.6539879
Quoted by: >>6539991

>Literally nobody wants a collab herself included.
I want a collab, they are fun when the chuubas have chemistry

>> No.6539882

hard not to when youre drowning in despair

>> No.6539887

yes we are menhera and bea is purposely making it worse because she loves ruining us

>> No.6539901

I like talking about collabs every now and then, it's fun to imagine. It doesn't mean I wanna force anything, it's just what if.

>> No.6539904
File: 145 KB, 1238x1280, 1619125756944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6539926

Take it easy!

>> No.6539926
File: 186 KB, 1200x1241, 3d4eaad34400d4fb0d2938cc63b3808f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6539955 >>6539962

I take meds with mine

>> No.6539928
Quoted by: >>6539951 >>6540084

no idea, my grandparents emigrated from spain long ago because they were running away from I don't know what war.

>> No.6539945

certified hanabi post

>> No.6539951
File: 218 KB, 584x720, 1374898765739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6540051

>running away from Franco
im disappointed at your parents

>> No.6539955

bea is that you?

>> No.6539962

Doesn't alcohol neutralize meds? anon?

>> No.6539988

how stupid of me I thought we were talking about the stream schedule.

>> No.6539991
Quoted by: >>6540173

>when the chuuba have chemistry
Since there is a grand total of 0 relevant chuuba, exactly who are you looking forward to the collab with? The reason you say you want one is the reason I say it's not worth talking about

>> No.6540051

What could old people do with their children in a war?

>> No.6540065
Quoted by: >>6540351

going balls deep into beatani's virgin pussy while she berates you for being too slow
eventually you give her a nice, thick creampie as an apology

>> No.6540084
Quoted by: >>6540171

Let me solve the puzzle for you anon, are you very light-skinned with no known darkie mixture in your bloodline? Then you're white.

>> No.6540090
Quoted by: >>6540124 >>6540828

There is a Chilean amongus. Show yourself so you can be ridiculed and bullied out of the community.

>> No.6540124
File: 137 KB, 355x405, 1621885640668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6540828

God I HATE chileans!

>> No.6540133


Okay beatani you convinced me.

>> No.6540149


>> No.6540171

no, what do I care about that, I'm still the same shit as everyone else in this trashy country, my ancestors being a bunch of starving farmers doesn't make me special

>> No.6540173
Quoted by: >>6540230

nta but that's the point, speculating about people should could have chemistery with, no need to be so angry over something that harmless

>> No.6540230

yeah I'm not sure what's the issue, it's not like bea will suddendly be gaslighted into trying to do those, she's not that easily influenced

>> No.6540240
Quoted by: >>6540268 >>6540337

Does Bea even watch any vtubers regularly? I get the feeling she didn't start vtubing because she likes vtubing but because she wanted a way to share her creative endeavors.

>> No.6540260
Quoted by: >>6540305 >>6540306

if beatani collabs with a man i'll find another vtuber to watch

>> No.6540263
File: 1.74 MB, 1849x4737, 1625677043690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel like you have addictive an personality? I always had one, pretty badly. Now I think I'm addicted to Beatani.

>> No.6540268

She did, but obviously doesn't really have the time for it

>> No.6540305
Quoted by: >>6540509

She's already collabed with men.
I've been addicted for months.

>> No.6540306

I'm not cancelling my collab just for you

>> No.6540337
Quoted by: >>6540391

She used to at least for sure, she's well aware of Holos and probably many indies, but can't watch regularly right now obviously.

>> No.6540344
Quoted by: >>6540423

110% yes. I move from obsession to obsession. One day I will be totally into Bea and the next I will not.

>> No.6540351
Quoted by: >>6540466

>virgin pussy
Did you miss the stream where she said she did the virginity graduation due to peer pressure and regretted it?

>> No.6540359
File: 553 KB, 729x407, 1625846560312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6540405 >>6540462

What's Beatani's favourite watamelon?

>> No.6540361
Quoted by: >>6540400

if bea collaborated with any dad I'm sure there would be at least one death

>> No.6540369
Quoted by: >>6540423

I can only care about one thing at a time and will obsess and devote myself to it to the extrem before I get bored and goes to the next, I can't care about anything else in the meantime.&

>> No.6540370
Quoted by: >>6540440 >>6540587

We need some art of Bea's feet, do you guys know an artist that draws some really nice feet and is open for commissions?

>> No.6540391
Quoted by: >>6540441

I thought she said she didn't really watch many. Aware of yes, but not a regular viewer.

>> No.6540400

You encouraged me to do that

>> No.6540405
File: 2.85 MB, 2993x1691, wa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6540423
Quoted by: >>6540491

Is it a problem to be so fixated on something?
I could probably go down a timeline of my life and tell you what the addiction was at each point.
Right now it's clearly just Beatani.

>> No.6540440

The only Bea foot art I want is Pichu sawing hers off in revenge.

>> No.6540441

Most vtubers viewers are casual viewers, not regulars. Aside from small indie with a dedicated small group that is. But even among bea viewers during the stream, I'm pretty certain at least half are not complete regular that read every thread etc.

>> No.6540462
File: 2.45 MB, 3456x4608, watamelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my watermelon juice of course

>> No.6540466

OH NO NO NO my fucking fantasy is ruined fuck you beatani I thought you weren't normie!!

>> No.6540491
Quoted by: >>6540536

For me it kind of is. I will blow loads of money on something only to totally forget about it in a few months to a year.

>> No.6540509
File: 11 KB, 443x332, 1625091647328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She collabs with me every week, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6540526

>they still believe the beatani is a virgin rrat
Will you guys believe anything she tells you kek?

>> No.6540536
Quoted by: >>6540574 >>6540584


>> No.6540567

nice try beatani, but we know

>> No.6540574


>> No.6540580
File: 530 KB, 100x100, beans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes unquestionably except now I know she's a liar so no!!!

>> No.6540584

Probably too early for him but I don't know his sleeping schedule, unlike bea

>> No.6540587
Quoted by: >>6540678

kairunoburogu, but his comms are closed...

>> No.6540627

no, I don't trust anyone, especially on the internet

>> No.6540667

We'd need photographic evidence of Beatanis intact hymen to be sure.

>> No.6540678
Quoted by: >>6540771

When you don't know any artists, finding skeb requests felt like a pain. Also, I was looking at r18 requests on pixiv and it said I couldn't request NSFW due to my region (burger). I tried VPN, but do I just need to make a new account? It said they take PayPal. I should just stick to skeb.

>> No.6540698
Quoted by: >>6540789

At first I thought she said that to stop the Gosling meltdown, but as time went on I started to believe it. I still think she might have had a couple bad experiences but no relationships. Her interests and background with all these guy friends make it a little hard to believe she's still a virgin at 25. She must be a great actress the way she acts when Tails or Pichu show up on stream.

>> No.6540771
Quoted by: >>6541070

Skeb is pretty easy, just look at artists until you find a style you like. I wouldn't bother with pixiv

>> No.6540789

bro she has friends including males. she likely has a boyfriend and has had them in the past. we must end the cope

>> No.6540820
File: 21 KB, 578x145, 2021-07-14-055614_578x145_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no no no no no no no.

>> No.6540828
File: 1.70 MB, 1123x1296, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6540871 >>6543567

You called?

>> No.6540833
File: 785 KB, 1341x1077, Requests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got through the last round of requested uploads. Here is what is still not uploaded yet. If you have any requests, please let me know and I will prioritize it.

>> No.6540871
File: 2.57 MB, 1648x8219, obsessedchilean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I remember that guy

>> No.6540877
Quoted by: >>6541038

that's it I can't take it anymore I'm gonna fuck my own asshole with an xl dildo and forget bea

>> No.6540884

sometimes i feel like a zoo animal when beatani tweets about us without ever actually posting in the threads

>> No.6540893

How many Bea posts have I replied to without knowing? I'm being mind broken.

>> No.6540918
File: 48 KB, 700x525, K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6540948

I'm sure it's even weirder for her to read these.

>> No.6540949


>> No.6540951
File: 925 KB, 1280x720, 4kNatsumatsuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here

>> No.6540966

what a great joke, I'm going to work, have fun.

>> No.6540971
Quoted by: >>6540988

>you will never be the one who deflowered Bea

>> No.6540988


>> No.6541001

>beatani confirms shes in threads
>max the attention whore shows up
like clockwork

>> No.6541017
File: 253 KB, 490x467, E4hgES7XoAENlIM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without ever actually posting in the threads
No one tell him.

>> No.6541024
Quoted by: >>6541123

I andastand now that the reply guys are the enemy

>> No.6541038
Quoted by: >>6541080

kek. I'm imagining a guy slamming his laptop shut crying tears of rage. He grabs his monster dildo and the lube but realizes the lube is empty. He throws the bottle across the room, wipes some of his tears on to the dildo and slams it up his ass with a primal scream.

>> No.6541039

don't shitpost about yourself

>> No.6541070

Yeah, that's what I ended up doing. Still, would be nice to have the region unlocked for Pixiv.

>> No.6541080

stop describing my actions like a spectator

>> No.6541114
File: 132 KB, 1080x671, Screenshot_20210714-060614(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541123
Quoted by: >>6541159 >>6541211

Grey boring dad uprising when? It's Bastille day, this is our moment to storm the castle and take the cunny that is rightfully ours.

>> No.6541129

>twitter screenshot of replies

>> No.6541147

he should get a life. creepy mid 30s guy always around. doesn't he have a job?

>> No.6541159

I am slowly riling up the greys and lurkerfags menhera levels with each thread to bolster our forces

>> No.6541171
Quoted by: >>6541226

falseflag bea

>> No.6541194
Quoted by: >>6541226

bea... stop being a bitch...

>> No.6541197
File: 36 KB, 767x365, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6541201

>creepy mid 30s guy always around
Hey, that's me!

>> No.6541211

I may have stopped being a grey some time ago, but I still have the soul of grey, this is a lot of fun for me

>> No.6541219


>> No.6541226
File: 8 KB, 484x118, 162567704368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry not bea i just hate that fucking guy

>> No.6541227
Quoted by: >>6541260

bea should do a reply guy tier list and show what she really thinks

>> No.6541242

I knew this was bait but I checked anyway

>> No.6541258

If you were unironic it's pretty cringe, the most cliché and tourist thing to write, nearly "go touch some grass" level

>> No.6541260
File: 127 KB, 644x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541261
File: 365 KB, 750x725, 1625128121678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6541284

Bea has some pretty funny tweets every now and the ngl

>> No.6541273

who hurt you sweetie?

>> No.6541278

He quitted his job to be bea's 24/7 reply guy ever since he won the breakfast contest

>> No.6541279
Quoted by: >>6541390

if a post starts with a "NO NO NO" or similar it's either Bea or someone impersonating her

>> No.6541284
File: 64 KB, 235x269, 1616713624910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541289
Quoted by: >>6541311 >>6543492

>The DM artdad

>> No.6541307

go touch grass retard

>> No.6541310

based i kneel

>> No.6541311

She killed the man but not the idea

>> No.6541318

Imagine unironically saying that on this site of all places

>> No.6541330

It needs updating, unless wewant to see autism art dad executed again

>> No.6541347

He's the pollen carrier, not the pollen source. A living turkey baster in other words. You are not the father!

>> No.6541367
Quoted by: >>6541414 >>6541572

This needs to be updated, some of those dads don't reply that often anymore

>> No.6541390

OH NO NO NO is a 4chan meme you dip

>> No.6541396
File: 1.02 MB, 1075x982, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6541440


>> No.6541414
Quoted by: >>6541463

thanks for volunteering
post a link to it when you are done

>> No.6541416

holy cringe

>> No.6541420

bea is too pussy to make a tierlist

>> No.6541430
File: 258 KB, 800x600, 1625203435416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6541490

You will never pollinate Bea's flower

>> No.6541440
Quoted by: >>6541468

based true and funny

>> No.6541463
Quoted by: >>6541624

We need the help of schizo spreadsheet dad

>> No.6541468
Quoted by: >>6541538

Not true!
I am NOT D tier

>> No.6541485
Quoted by: >>6541528 >>6541546

>you'll never wake up with bare bear breasts within arm's reach

>> No.6541490
Quoted by: >>6541573

I am going to have a mental breakdown soon

>> No.6541528

Of course not. You can't reach through a cocoon.

>> No.6541538

I am, as in giving bear the D tier.

>> No.6541546
File: 77 KB, 1040x780, 1625331844203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what breasts?

>> No.6541563
Quoted by: >>6541620

Sekkusu, we barely knew ye...

>> No.6541572
File: 3.29 MB, 365x354, 1619527797331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6541617

I'm sorry, I'd reply a lot more if she were to tweet while I'm not fucking sleeping

>> No.6541573
Quoted by: >>6541625

She will never bear your fruits

>> No.6541600

who are more schizo the europeans or the americans?

>> No.6541617
File: 523 KB, 1006x944, I2rx9CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6543099

Don't worry dad, she only tweets when her favorites are awake

>> No.6541620
File: 75 KB, 389x461, 1621513206642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He reincarnated into something far worse..

>> No.6541621


>> No.6541624


>> No.6541625
Quoted by: >>6541697

Fuck you bea I hate you

>> No.6541648

Europeans 100%

>> No.6541666
Quoted by: >>6541714 >>6541777

/vt/ accounts for nearly 50% of the "touch grass" messages despite being only 1 out of the 17's archive boards
You will never hear as much unironic tourist garbage as 'touch grass' 'go get a life' 'have sex' etc. as on /vt/

>> No.6541674
Quoted by: >>6541699 >>6541746

Americans are schizo Europeans are autistic

>> No.6541694

Bear paws. You must be in a shit stirring mood tonight Bea!

>> No.6541697
Quoted by: >>6541752

Lots of bees have already pollinated her, you are not one of them.

>> No.6541699

Europeans are superior

>> No.6541714

who hurt you

>> No.6541746
Quoted by: >>6541795

which is worse, a bunch of idiots who scare easily or a bunch of retards who get angry at everything?

>> No.6541752
Quoted by: >>6541890


>> No.6541755
File: 132 KB, 327x400, w0wuTzA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eruopeans just feel lonely, /yah/ is always fucking miserable when it's their time

>> No.6541777
Quoted by: >>6541839

based satan telling the unfortunate truth

>> No.6541782

Eurocucks would never get it

>> No.6541795
Quoted by: >>6541836 >>6541864

Is it possible to be both?

>> No.6541826

we got too cocky euro bros

>> No.6541836

yes it is the asian option

>> No.6541839


>> No.6541846 [SPOILER] 
File: 708 KB, 844x1500, 1626269395831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.6541847

get what

>> No.6541858

honestly i don't care. the thread is much comfier on burger hours than euro hours. prove me wrong.

>> No.6541864

yes it's called bugmen

>> No.6541869

I wouldn't even pull them off I'd just move them to the side

>> No.6541873


>> No.6541878

Well you're wrong, because I enjoy the thread more during euro hours

>> No.6541883


>> No.6541890

Bea be a whore

>> No.6541917

Of course, then I would use her stump to fuck my ass

>> No.6541925
File: 171 KB, 355x460, 1625085791132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't

>> No.6541934

it's either pathetic bullshit or senseless anger, both are bullshit

>> No.6541943
Quoted by: >>6541972

what are you trying to accomplish posting those directionless message, replying to no one, like trying to force a subject
I don't even get what triggered your insecurities all of the sudden

>> No.6541965

The tier list needs more /yah/ exclusive dads like guitar anon, beatant anon and "which is Beatani" anon.

>> No.6541972

he's probably some burger up early who feels alone and unsafe, no idea

>> No.6541973
Quoted by: >>6542015

"Dad, help me I've never been fucked!"
>Throw her into river
"Now you're fucked!"

>> No.6541990
Quoted by: >>6542010 >>6542013

>the namefag tierlist needs less namefags in

>> No.6542010

kill all reply guy name fags

>> No.6542013

Is it a namefag tier list or a dad tier list?

>> No.6542015
Quoted by: >>6542043

or leave it in a cold bathtub all night long

>> No.6542026
File: 399 KB, 614x600, wBSJASA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6542087

>Euro hours
>Bea doesn't love me, I'm crying, I should stop bothering her...
>Burger hours
>Bea doesn't love me, what a fucking bitch, I bet she is having DM sex right now

>> No.6542028

It was originally meant to be a namefag tierlist but he added a bunch of non namefags in.

>> No.6542039
Quoted by: >>6542071

What is the difference?

>> No.6542043
Quoted by: >>6542077

Only come in the room to slap her in the face and add more ice

>> No.6542053
File: 583 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea who is beatant" anon and "which is Beatani" anon even tho I've read every single
/yah/ thread ever

>> No.6542057

The guy who did it just put the most common names he found in her recent tweets and in the chat, so it's a mix of replyfags, normal dads and literally who

>> No.6542063
Quoted by: >>6542114

I want to strap bea to a machine that moves her back and forth and use her mouth like a sex toy

>> No.6542071

Fair point

>> No.6542075

which is beatani anon is the "which kind of fruit" "which kind of plant" etc would beatani be

>> No.6542077

and should be grateful because she knows she will have nothing better

>> No.6542087

and? someone needs to put this bea back bitch in her place

>> No.6542090

70 IQ

>> No.6542091

I'd OffPako Beatani's Bear Butthole.

>> No.6542093

There are no namefags however, aside from Jack of course.

>> No.6542114


>> No.6542115 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6542152 >>6542178


>> No.6542118

I smell unwashed cunny around here

>> No.6542123
File: 568 KB, 725x748, 1617231104574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6542132 >>6542158

so does anyone have the unedited version of this (i.e. without the shooped hand) after all

>> No.6542127
File: 112 KB, 277x287, duolingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6542170 >>6542274

This is the only video on Bea's channel thave I've never watched. It appears on my home screen every time. Every time I see it I want to click, but I think I'd like to leave it there unwatched. Maybe one day in the future I'll go back to it.

>> No.6542132
Quoted by: >>6542145

pretty sure someone replied to your exact same post last thread or so

>> No.6542145

That thread was about to die I'm banking on more people reading it now.

>> No.6542152

I am ascending

>> No.6542158
File: 81 KB, 256x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6542227


>> No.6542162
File: 1.90 MB, 720x720, 1625862501369[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fflwotw.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542167


>> No.6542170

I want to hear her try to say caterpillar.

>> No.6542178
Quoted by: >>6542240

do I want to click

>> No.6542198

I want to hear her read Shakespeare.

>> No.6542227

This will have to do.

>> No.6542240

not really. am drunk and messed up my pointless post

>> No.6542269 [SPOILER] 
File: 717 KB, 689x776, 1626270337749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6542283 >>6542359

Today I will remind them.

>> No.6542274

Do yourself a favor and don't watch it. It's from a time before menhera, namefags, replyfags, membership, paypigs, animal abuse, degeneracy, etc. You'll miss how this community was before /yah/ was created

>> No.6542283


>> No.6542296

I want her to try to read "The Chaos"

>> No.6542304
Quoted by: >>6542367

a boring time

>> No.6542314


>> No.6542321

Simpler times...

>> No.6542345
Quoted by: >>6542353

Beatang dad is the only good artdad

>> No.6542353


>> No.6542359


>> No.6542367
Quoted by: >>6542434 >>6542466

Says you, but I believe it was better when we were all a collective "dad", rather than specific dads clambering for attention. It kept us more unified

>> No.6542386
Quoted by: >>6542434

I'm glad she finally got to be herself and not try to hide it out of fear it would displease people. It's a good thing things changed.

>> No.6542434

both true

>> No.6542436 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 1176x661, 1626270696257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6542463 >>6543290

>> No.6542463 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 448x600, 1626270738240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6543290


>> No.6542466
Quoted by: >>6542501 >>6542562

It's irrelevant, I care about beatani, and being able to both open up and have fun with viewers is an upgrade, whethere some names are recognizable or not is really not a big deal, plus it's inevitable to have good OC like art and music.

>> No.6542468
Quoted by: >>6542494

I'm fine with all that except name fags and reply fags.

>> No.6542470
File: 998 KB, 500x276, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fduqdev.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6542537 >>6542544

I miss the old Beatani..

>> No.6542494

And fag fags

>> No.6542501

as nice as beatani is to all the ocers most of them are literal poop who only do it to farm Twitter likes

>> No.6542537

we heard you the first time
no need to stay here, just rewatch her old videos if you like that les authentic beatani so much

>> No.6542544

I will remember those times fondly but it's better for her to be truer to herself. She hates a lot of the usual crap vtubers think they have to do.

>> No.6542554

Not true, as in there are shit ones but the majority are actually at least passable.

>> No.6542560

Let's see what you can do then.

>> No.6542562
File: 149 KB, 585x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus it's inevitable to have good OC like art and music.
here's your good fan art bro

>> No.6542565
Quoted by: >>6542605

I hope you don't consider me one of those, I do it for fun

>> No.6542578

I've been here from the start, and I am fine with how the community has evolved. Totally disagree with you.
It's really two things you're talking about. Your feelings on Bea's community (paypig, replyfag, namefag, membership) and your feelings on Bea herself (degen, animal abuse, menhera). I'll take a one free timeloop coupon for both of them, thanks.
Boards' obsession with people interacting outside of 4ch is just stale by now. Anyway, why can't I enjoy the new and appreciate the old? Every streamer grows, changes, and evolves. I for one love Bea's content from the start to the where we are today, and that's why I'm still here.

>> No.6542605

I'm a menhera schizo. do whatever you enjoy and makes you happy.

>> No.6542614
Quoted by: >>6542665 >>6542672

He's doesn't post it in the art tag. Mute him if you don't like it.

>> No.6542619

You know, there's something I actually appreciate about this art, and that's how straight the lines are. Not a jaggy or wobbly mess, but clean and nicely flowing. The fact that he needs reps for everything else is a separate matter.

>> No.6542630

Drawing the bear is fun

>> No.6542640
Quoted by: >>6542656

this was mean but funny
now post 4 recolors

>> No.6542656
Quoted by: >>6542676 >>6542704

i think we need one for every flavor of ice cream, actually. yes, that would be best

>> No.6542665

Bullying him out of the art targ is the worst thing this community has ever done

>> No.6542672
Quoted by: >>6542756

Okay Hanabi. You don't need to refer to yourself in third person all the time, we know when it's you.

>> No.6542673

literally the best artfag

>> No.6542676
Quoted by: >>6542686

oh no no no

>> No.6542686

bear paws

>> No.6542702

Eh, I like being able to browse the tag without more than half of it being low effort doddle, thank you

>> No.6542704

31 Beas

>> No.6542716

how did he get bullied lol

>> No.6542736
File: 628 KB, 1057x1081, 936FB490-666A-49DA-B8AC-94C73EC24717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have a sussy wussy impowstah amougus xD UwU

>> No.6542756
Quoted by: >>6542852 >>6542998

Not him. I'm a bit salty that it seems almost half her likes are his tweets but I respect what he's doing.

>> No.6542762
Quoted by: >>6542823

My biggest sin was being the person who originally encouraged him to post in the art tag. In the very next thread I gave him shit for spamming the tag. I did it on purpose.

>> No.6542777
Quoted by: >>6542843 >>6543032

how long before there are deathmatches between similar dads? I'm talking JP commenters, artdads, clippers, everyone who does similar shit. only the strong will survive

>> No.6542823

you are the probably reason she became replyfag to him in the first place and prob enabled notifications for him also.

>> No.6542843

Fight me in Sedma, I'll kick your ass.

>> No.6542852

I find it a pain in the ass.

>> No.6542998

>dads seething about not getting attention from bea yet again
Free us from this cyclic hell onegai.

>> No.6543032
File: 1.18 MB, 771x661, treb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, fight me in minecraft

>> No.6543065
Quoted by: >>6544437


>> No.6543071

If I can't get bear attention I can settle for (You)s

>> No.6543075

But I love this cyclic hell!

>> No.6543076

I want to marry Bea.
Can I have your blessings?
I feel like it would mean a lot to her if you gave it.

>> No.6543099
Quoted by: >>6543157

or they just happen to have the same timezones, and your insecure?

>> No.6543102

I just dislike a lot of the normalfag memes and conversation I see on twitter. I have no Ill will against the dads, just find a lot of shit boring and a little pathetic. Weirdly idm when its same interactions during a stream.

>> No.6543139
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x1901, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.6543157

More likely they have notification pop ups on their phones.

>> No.6543222
File: 50 KB, 376x413, 0F164FEB-96FA-4A67-90CC-0C52E4186B9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot one…

>> No.6543290


>> No.6543297

dont post this. it'll make them seethe

>> No.6543315

people don’t draw to appease your eloquent tastes, they do it to share and have fun

>> No.6543316
Quoted by: >>6543381

I hope you dads don't think that my art is mass produced, I know it's not the best quality, but I'm trying to better myself everytime.

>> No.6543381

tell them to fuck off don’t let assholes prevent you from improving yourself at your pace, share what you want .

>> No.6543389
Quoted by: >>6543527

You see why she thinks ear licking is so lewd.

>> No.6543492
Quoted by: >>6543509

what even happened to him

>> No.6543509

I think he was going to stick around but she doubled down and he left

>> No.6543527
Quoted by: >>6543566

why are you making me watch this

>> No.6543566

So you learn to love NTR dadchama

>> No.6543567
File: 5 KB, 534x248, 1623012124338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic samefagging

>> No.6543568
Quoted by: >>6543585 >>6543746

So.. bush?

>> No.6543585
File: 2 KB, 414x120, Error Message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6543599
Quoted by: >>6543620

anon.. your 4chanx reps..

>> No.6543620
Quoted by: >>6543674

>new IP
>can't be samefag

>> No.6543625

It's the same old shitposting that's barely even getting (You)'s at this point. Honestly it's kinda sad, you'd think someone this earnest in their efforts would know you need to vary up the topics you use from time to time or something.

>> No.6543674
Quoted by: >>6543757

when you paste an image using 4chanx instead of uploading it, it's default filename is file.png

>> No.6543740

How new?

>> No.6543746
Quoted by: >>6544311

Honestly? I miss when the biggest debate here was her pubic hair, but I didn't realize it at the time
It seems pretty obvious she wouldn't be shaven, because anyone who's single and lazy doesn't constantly trim their pubic hair. Hell, none of the women I've been with have ever shaved themselves completely because it's too much effort. Imagining her Beatani persona as shaven is fine, but I guarentee her roommate isn't

>> No.6543757
Quoted by: >>6543848

i actually grabbed 828 by accident, but show me how the other 4 aren't the same tired bait.

>> No.6543781
Quoted by: >>6543834

The tier lists would be fun if anyone would bother to actually doing them

>> No.6543802
Quoted by: >>6544039

I miss when the biggest drama was us coming together to defend *** from the antis

>> No.6543826

I miss when I didn't have to wear a diaper

>> No.6543834
Quoted by: >>6543861

We did some last time, mendokusai

>> No.6543839

I like my amputees more symetric so I'd have to cut those stumps down a bit first

>> No.6543848

Bait and samefagging are two different things. It's bait for sure, but the fact you're accusing them of samefagging because of the filename makes you look like a blatant newfag.

>> No.6543861

good shitposting requires effort

>> No.6543893
Quoted by: >>6543909

please stop embarrassing yourself f*******s

>> No.6543909

sorry i'll stop now.

>> No.6544039

No one particularly got involved in defending ***, merely told the antis to fuck off because they were shitting the thread up with offtopic.

>> No.6544097
Quoted by: >>6544151

have you think that ***** usually talks with *** while **** is awake and ***** *** *** himself

>> No.6544110
Quoted by: >>6544250

Please just stay on twitter. I don't hate you but when you constantly acknowledge bait and drama when you're too new to even realise how people recognise it's you, it makes it difficult to not understand why people troll you so much.

>> No.6544151

I thought I was the only one who noticed. **** is a red herring though.

>> No.6544194

Bea is asleep post cocks

>> No.6544238 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 512x379, 1626274851823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6544250
Quoted by: >>6544279


>> No.6544279

guy fawkes

>> No.6544286

I only made the first post, because an ayamephone poster and schizo was pretty famous in the old /hlgg/ days and was found to be chilean..

>> No.6544294
Quoted by: >>6544303 >>6544324


>> No.6544303


>> No.6544311

The thing is hairfags keep making it about her character having hair, which is just wrong

>> No.6544324
Quoted by: >>6544375 >>6544420

jesus christ.. anatomy reps onegai

>> No.6544362
File: 110 KB, 467x929, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6544375

big brain Risuna

>> No.6544420

You're right, that should be a big nutsack full of cum instead of a cunny

>> No.6544434
File: 118 KB, 836x1200, EwOtLmiUcAEcZit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6544489 >>6544494


>> No.6544437
Quoted by: >>6544481 >>6544520

I was considering posting but then I realized adding columns about posts in the tags would be interesting, so I might need another day at most

>> No.6544481

I'm pretty curious about this, I think I have been spamming one of the tags a lot

>> No.6544489

Tummy fat Bea is blessed.SH4VH

>> No.6544494

Yes please. You know Beatani loves to Smash

>> No.6544520
Quoted by: >>6544589

Do an analysis on what percentage of Bea's likes each dad is.

>> No.6544554
File: 15 KB, 959x495, 1626108415573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6544601


>> No.6544589

Haa... this is going to make me want to kill myself... but it's also the only way to face reality...

>> No.6544601
Quoted by: >>6544639

What is this?

>> No.6544611
Quoted by: >>6544662 >>6544690

Dads, I jumped into another small v-tuber who was singing with low viewer count and she is cute. Help what do I do?

>> No.6544618
Quoted by: >>6544703 >>6544713

How big is the stack of porn that Bea has drawn of herself?

>> No.6544639
File: 612 KB, 1100x2760, 1620658708240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6544662

Hold on for dear life. Save yourself from this hell.

>> No.6544690
Quoted by: >>6544782

name? please, I need to escape from Bea

>> No.6544703
Quoted by: >>6544733

Enormous. Can you imagine drawing porn of yourself fucking yourself?

>> No.6544713
Quoted by: >>6544776 >>6544818

We'll never know because she'll never share.

>> No.6544733

Bea has also pro level skills, I bet she is already tired of drawing herself fucking Listener-chan

>> No.6544776
Quoted by: >>6544781 >>6544813

>The reward of the next contest is Bea drawing a porn pic for you

>> No.6544781

>next contest

>> No.6544782

nice try Bea

>> No.6544813
File: 66 KB, 364x390, 1622332722784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6544842

>next contest

>> No.6544818
Quoted by: >>6544922

There is a ton of art of her fucking random animals surely. I remember an old rrat that she used to have a DeviantArt that she drew furry art on.

>> No.6544842
File: 69 KB, 640x640, ec2c32b71c577f24026ab95164ec987a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever going to get a letter...

>> No.6544876
Quoted by: >>6544902 >>6544905

>It's now christmas
>Bea is teasing something
>Some dads receive special christmas letters from her
You don't

>> No.6544902

I feel happy for the dads that got something.
Then I jump in front of the train.

>> No.6544905

but i already have one

>> No.6544922
Quoted by: >>6544974


>> No.6544974
Quoted by: >>6545012

Well whatever they use. It was probably bullshit but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true

>> No.6544981
File: 322 KB, 500x500, 1592768539331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6545046 >>6545132

What do you think Beatani's opinion of the Tsugu is?

>> No.6545012

I remember the good days on pixiv before it was invaded by other countries..Much prefer Nijie these days.

>> No.6545046

kill fuck protect

>> No.6545132
File: 1.48 MB, 2598x1535, 1589834463562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants to pack her in a suitcase and cut her into little pieces
the fashion contest winner seemed a little tsugu inspired so i wouldn't be surprised if she liked her
