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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 737 KB, 1979x4000, 114443447_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65102205 No.65102205 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.65102235
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Last thread

Main links
https://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account)

Peko essentials

1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]

Sololive [Poorfag edition]

>>Original song
Shōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]
Saikyou Megami Usa Pekora
-https://cover.lnk.to/SaikyoMegamiUsaPekora (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g (MV)
-https://pekora.streamlink.to/PEKORAMDOMBRAIN (on Spotify and others)
Iiwake Bunny
https://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/AlibiBunny (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E (Live translated)
-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)
Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/ZenjinruiUsagikakeikaku (on Spotify and others)

>>Cover songs
Discommunication alien
Renai Nou 「New song」

>>Collab songs
[hololive × HoneyWorks] Bridal Dream (w/Marine) [NEW]
Song list


なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!


PekoNoe ASMR
PekoMoona Offcollab

>>Pekora's Sololive Letter


>>Thread template

>> No.65102320

beautiful pekobutt

>> No.65102437

Even seiyuus have male yabs...

>> No.65102462

camerman, show me the peoktyan...

>> No.65102512

tabetai hoshii...

>> No.65102665

me and peko

>> No.65102894
Quoted by: >>65103161

Koyo forgot Pekora is blue...

>> No.65103161

I dont think she counts for the question...

>> No.65103737
Quoted by: >>65103783

Did Pekoyo manage to roll the 2 worst gifts or what kek

>> No.65103783

kinda but being honest there's like 2 good things in the whole thing and it's rigged so everyone gets all by the end

>> No.65104076
Quoted by: >>65104272

first time watching granblue fes. wtf is this moai merch

>> No.65104272

It's like a guess the price game I think

>> No.65104363
Quoted by: >>65104373

We done?

>> No.65104373
Quoted by: >>65104804

I think so

>> No.65104804
Quoted by: >>65104837

It was just a break kek

>> No.65104837

yeah I saw

>> No.65104910

So why are these gb people are so good at 3d tech? And models. This mouse character has twice the fps compared to Peko i swear Would hardly need this for gacha or anime

>> No.65105063

they have better more high end mocap equipment, ofcourse their 3d would be better

>> No.65105120

money, technology and rigger i guess. while cover making money for sure, they maybe dont have the technology or rigger that efficient to produce this quality of 3D. not to mention, if they want to make this kind of 3D they have to considered all members and that will cost so much

>> No.65105587


>> No.65105622


>> No.65105808

kek this dumb bunny

>> No.65106620
File: 508 KB, 1460x2048, 20231221_020011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65108452


>> No.65109470
File: 714 KB, 900x1361, 20231223_173023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the full nude peko in the pool pic you fucker

>> No.65109713

Peko coming up in 3 minutes

>> No.65109947

they are all there yeah

>> No.65109987
File: 172 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20231223-175055_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65110592
File: 1.22 MB, 3840x2160, 1676873133719281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our unroyal princess

>> No.65111040

Peko was very cute.

>> No.65111557
File: 1.25 MB, 2831x3912, GB_DjyWa8AAJyx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65111613

It's not that the grubble stuff isn't fun, but I do kinda wish we could've had normal streams after the 2 day break. Then again, the 2 break was probably because she had to prepare for this.

>> No.65111613

I honestly don’t mind seeing Pekora performing more no matter in what event. If she is not streaming today then she will some other day, no worry

>> No.65112027

mk8 in 30 minutes

>> No.65112053
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65112074
Quoted by: >>65112161

Like the wind huh...

>> No.65112088


>> No.65112111

she still has time to stream despite busy entire day

>> No.65112161
Quoted by: >>65112188

They were definitely there is person, which definitely makes it way funnier to me

>> No.65112188

>is person
in person*

>> No.65112570
Quoted by: >>65112667

Brothers, open your Pekopanels to bask in the radiation of our godedss once more... [Spoiler] it's your ears, the carrrots are batteries[/Spoiler]

>> No.65112584 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 1080x123, Screenshot_20231223-194023_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65112667


>> No.65112730

3D Pekoclaus

>> No.65112735

3D santa peko!!!

>> No.65112746

Peko your calendar reps...

>> No.65112753

I love Peko

>> No.65112798
Quoted by: >>65112863

Have you been a good nousagi or a bad nousagi? Peko Claus needs to know.

>> No.65112850

her hair is clipping through her face...

>> No.65112859

She looks so good in red...

>> No.65112863
Quoted by: >>65112925

i have seen many pekolewds this year. am i a bad nousagi?

>> No.65112884

Tomorrow's chicken status is:

>> No.65112902

warm and cold at the same time

>> No.65112922
Quoted by: >>65113004

>no unicorn perms

>> No.65112925

She doesn't mind so it's ok anon, you're still on the good list that gets warm chicken.

>> No.65112955
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65112995

Schrödinger's chicken

>> No.65113004

i dont understand how she not allowed to do watchalong. Its not like she showing a whole ep

>> No.65113064
Quoted by: >>65113164

The balls of Bandai has been tight ever since Ghost Trick.

>> No.65113076
Quoted by: >>65113116

Japanese copyright law works like the most yandere of yandere gfs anon. You even glance in the general direction of something without her permission and she pulls a knife on you.

>> No.65113116
Quoted by: >>65113153

nta but it probably doesn't even violate any copyright laws, Cover is just ultra fucking autistic about perms about the holocaust

>> No.65113153

>about the holocaust

>> No.65113164

Bamco has always been tough to get perms aside Dark Souls, I haven't seen their stuff being streamed that frequently. Capcom at least relaxed theirs and even did Mio's merch for one of their things.

>> No.65113172
File: 797 KB, 540x300, 1677593472876883.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my inner chicken is always blazing

>> No.65113278

Shoulda just done a zatsu peckers

>> No.65113339


>> No.65113497
Quoted by: >>65113509

Love it when she says that.

>> No.65113509

It's very cute

>> No.65113512

This is a zatsu anon.

>> No.65113583

This is a zatsu with gameplay, anon.

>> No.65113820

>no crab party
>no asmr

>> No.65113858

what a choke...

>> No.65113964

wtf wasn't expecting a stream, thank you goddess

>> No.65113997

God Bless her

>> No.65114003

Will Chicken get cold??

>> No.65114027

what the hell just happened i think my head started spinning

>> No.65114131

>here we gooooo

>> No.65114273

Me neither. Missed some of it. It was a pleasant surprise.

>> No.65114323


>> No.65114380

anal sex peko

>> No.65114390

Thank you for the kino stream, my megami.

>> No.65114409

i love peko-chan so much
she decided to stream just for me, because i started to become lonely
peko love!

>> No.65114418
Quoted by: >>65114435


>> No.65114435

love you bune!

>> No.65114470

Collab party tomorrow after grubfes

>> No.65115288
Quoted by: >>65115765

Pekora? Real?

>> No.65115719


>> No.65115765

other thread said it maybe suisei, marine, aqua

>> No.65116031

She said it in the stream during C part.

>> No.65116127

Aqua's offcollab is at 21. Pekora will be at the final grubfes show until 20. I guess there's a chance it's a pre-recorded 3D performance.

>> No.65116382

Oh it's SMAPe

>> No.65117998
File: 239 KB, 800x800, GB-SeZubMAE9Chg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65118279
File: 2.72 MB, 2585x1440, 1689639649783358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pekora's father bdw

>> No.65118382
Quoted by: >>65122625

85 year old 4chan poster?

>> No.65119332

the last segment for the girls actually fun. its really feel just like ordinary hololive collab. props to tachibana rika being the mc and make it more enjoyable

>> No.65121362
File: 222 KB, 1360x1814, GB0186yaIAAfXTX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 10 peko~

>> No.65122625
File: 74 KB, 500x729, 01298382819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up doc

>> No.65122664
File: 386 KB, 552x1052, pekora chungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65123545


>> No.65122685

Can she get into the tsuyo cup?

>> No.65123545

Cuute :3

>> No.65124055

If she is lucky, sure

>> No.65124707
Quoted by: >>65126105

If she doesn't choke yeah, but she almost always does.

>> No.65126105
Quoted by: >>65127945


>> No.65127945
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>> No.65129568
File: 342 KB, 2048x2048, GCCMx0bbAAAOOSp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65130286

>> No.65130286

looks like an edit with how massive her eyes are

>> No.65130854
File: 103 KB, 675x900, 1700407396280746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65132492
File: 805 KB, 2894x4093, 1692155172133634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this Pek
very cute

>> No.65132983

Very cute!!!

>> No.65135174
File: 276 KB, 1164x2048, 1698132392107146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute indee, but how about this one?

>> No.65138028
File: 1.85 MB, 720x818, 1679057534865223.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how she does this when playing MK

>> No.65138406



>> No.65138561

also horses

>> No.65138822
Quoted by: >>65138847

Nice! Good lineup.
How much will she lose this time?

>> No.65138847
File: 47 KB, 565x635, 1673397423118218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65139116

probably too much

>> No.65139116
File: 52 KB, 564x704, 1693528986138254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65140724


remade the tweet for some reason

>> No.65140724

maybe it was kinda implying she was gonna stream the race

>> No.65141399
File: 36 KB, 561x406, 1691941091089791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted a schedule for us


Thank you bune

>> No.65142077

road to 2m ikz

>> No.65142128

Here in about 15 then

>> No.65142263
Quoted by: >>65142336

i'm so proud of her, she made it bros. she made friend that she wants to hang out with

>> No.65142336


>> No.65142917
Quoted by: >>65143064

how she able to find time to stream?

>> No.65143064
Quoted by: >>65144869

very hardworking bunny

>> No.65143297

Peko Koyo Polka in

>> No.65143366


>> No.65143529

she's using her hag voice

>> No.65143564
Quoted by: >>65143826

all her voices are sex

>> No.65143826

This is true, it is gospel

>> No.65143965

To be fair, her voice always sounds like that with other mics

>> No.65144122
Quoted by: >>65144326

This game looks exactly like tales of arise

>> No.65144326

This is a full action game for what I can see, even for all the changes ToA had compared to other Tales, it was still a RPG-encounter based game. This is the GB spinoff game that was in dev-hell for years and at first was made by Platinum.

>> No.65144632

Are they gonna play the GB fightan now?

>> No.65144869

no like, she still has part for speacial show yet able to stream for hoarse race. is she streaming at the venue or what

>> No.65145142
File: 2.06 MB, 1919x1080, 1679928491187176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65145683

>Picked Bubs

>> No.65145683

sasuga ベルゼぺこ

>> No.65145971

Polka no don't tell her!

>> No.65146436

having Mk style items in a fall guys race like this is great

>> No.65146448
File: 3.31 MB, 2625x2296, Jill Slater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they playing some monkey ball adventure rip-off?

>> No.65146770

tried to snipe the fallguys but didnt get in

>> No.65146906
File: 396 KB, 2373x1473, 1676985353383458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65147206

>> No.65147206
File: 815 KB, 2400x2400, donchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65147233

Where is Don-chan?

>> No.65147233
File: 17 KB, 155x171, Donchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65148089
File: 251 KB, 1353x1353, 20231224_085444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65148737

I'm counting on Subaru to take a pic.

>> No.65148737
Quoted by: >>65148914

wait did they mention the offcollab at pekora house

>> No.65148914
Quoted by: >>65149023

she said she's the host, the location wasn't mentioned

I would imagine if she's hosting it would be her house but with her who knows might even be at Marine house lmao

>> No.65149023

"hosting" at marine's house is such a pekora thing to do

>> No.65150933
File: 129 KB, 675x1200, 1700652591358540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65151187
File: 301 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20231224-093640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65151812


>> No.65151812

It was fun watching them play

>> No.65153536
File: 98 KB, 630x900, 1674857001797597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65154208

where can I watch the horse race? anyone have the link?

>> No.65154542
Quoted by: >>65154838

any word on the pekora tamagotchi nano

>> No.65154646
Quoted by: >>65155084

i dont think it available outside of japan

i found this but not sure if this the race

>> No.65154838


I found this, seems to be chinks restreaming it

a lot of people already got theirs, unless you mean more batches, then no idea

>> No.65154997

>a lot of people already got theirs
Thank you I was asking this

>> No.65155084

Thanks anon

>> No.65157175
Quoted by: >>65157481

oh some jps are gambling too heh

>> No.65157331

Chinks can suck my dick.

>> No.65157401


>> No.65157481

lui already planned the collab. she want to invite pekora but she is busy with the fes so maybe that she invited miko instead. thats why im surprised pekora doing it now.

>> No.65157855
Quoted by: >>65157968

Koyo is too...they could've just done it together

>> No.65157875
Quoted by: >>65157968

Koyo is also doing it from wherever they were doing the fes at

>> No.65157968
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1946, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65158085


>> No.65158085
Quoted by: >>65158165


>> No.65158136

Thanks anon

>> No.65158165
Quoted by: >>65158255

are they really on the venue?

>> No.65158216

alright anon, how about we also join the betting?
will she win this time or not?

>> No.65158255

I definitely would not think so, their remaining parts must be prerecorded.

>> No.65158409

Pekora will NEVER win, it's impossible. It's actually a lifehack, when she bet on some horse it means this horse can't win, so you can use in you favor, because you have an insider information that one of the strong contenders will not win 100% and play the odds in your favor.

>> No.65158447

hopefully not, so she knows she's not for gambling real money

>> No.65158849
Quoted by: >>65159046

So it's Title Holder's last one ever is it?

>> No.65159046

injury during race kek

>> No.65159628

did pekora actually ever win in any betting/gambling stream?

>> No.65159687

not for real money...

>> No.65159700

If you count the Minecraft horse races

>> No.65159840

3 is her favorite number. this time she will win

>> No.65159866
File: 65 KB, 1200x675, E8mpdUQUUAotmVC-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, too tired. I have to wait until the morning to check the aftermath and massive loses.

>> No.65160742

which one is she betting for this time, Title Holder again?

>> No.65161667
File: 466 KB, 446x900, image_2023-12-24_141157686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65181418


>> No.65162130
Quoted by: >>65162460

-500k this year too

>> No.65162399

what is the number of her horse?

>> No.65162425

2.5M yens lost on stars on Earth this time. THIS WILL NOT SLIP!

>> No.65162460

this dumb bunny never learn. hope she win this time

>> No.65162492

4 I think

>> No.65163022

so she decided on title holder

>> No.65163221


>> No.65163238

Title Holder (4) to win.

>> No.65163287

Why is this horse isn't a sausages yet. She lost much money on it already.

>> No.65164252
Quoted by: >>65164319

the fuck this race making me more nervous than waiting for her sololive

>> No.65164319

it's very chill if you just accept that she'll lose

>> No.65164505

she'll piss her pants from excitement...

>> No.65164743

jesus christ what's going on?

>> No.65164910

she is winning

>> No.65165059 [DELETED] 

chokekora ahahahahahahaaha

>> No.65165078

Peko your voice.....

>> No.65165097

That was intense

>> No.65165133

title holder got 3rd right?

>> No.65165136

now she's crying for real lol

>> No.65165178

Oh 3rd good enough

>> No.65165200

so did she win?

>> No.65165242

now title holder will be able to sing and dance on stage after the race...

>> No.65165466

How much did she won?

>> No.65165469

did she got back all of her lost money?

>> No.65165491

She won 115k

>> No.65165512
Quoted by: >>65165693


>> No.65165693

nice nice

>> No.65166160
Quoted by: >>65166353

After giving happiness to a rabbit girl, now Titleholder can retire in peace safe from the glue factory

>> No.65166353

Fucker almost choked out of 3rd place, he's lucky he can survive to see another day.

>> No.65166472

now she is rambling how her cheering helping title holder. this dumb bunny

>> No.65166732

You wouldn't run faster if Pekora cheered for you???

>> No.65166888
File: 229 KB, 1890x1580, 1671950521834909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it helped tho

>> No.65166986
File: 285 KB, 1876x2048, GCGFoahaoAA4a9R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65167091

She's rich now. I can already see those greedy bitches asking he to pay for shit during the off-collab. Pekora, stay strong, don't let them to pressure you!

>> No.65167365
Quoted by: >>65168704

kani party doko

>> No.65167404
Quoted by: >>65167770

>Titleholder won 3rd place (Pekora favourite number) on his last race when she bet on top 3

>> No.65167770

> win on her 3rd horse race gamble
> get 3.3 payout (from 500k to 1.65M)

>> No.65168704

She did mention it during the C part

>> No.65169576


>> No.65170625
File: 1.99 MB, 1042x720, 1698401661836159.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65171031
Quoted by: >>65171821

dammit, I missed the horse racing.. Curse my sleeping schedule..

>> No.65171821
Quoted by: >>65172499

Same fellow burger, same

>> No.65172499
File: 212 KB, 480x480, TINijm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i'm europoor? Have I been adopted?

>> No.65172583

Europe is the 51st State.

>> No.65172592
Quoted by: >>65172926

Oh... you have no excuse then

>> No.65172926

Watching the vod now as a penance. Just got to the celebration scream into tears. This day will be blessed, a holy day in the church of Usada.

>> No.65173555
Quoted by: >>65173603

Someone @ me when she's up

>> No.65173603

its a long part so idk when it will be, but I will say when she shows

>> No.65176068

peko-chan doko...

>> No.65176240

Pekor is up in da club now. Spending on Cristal. Yo.

>> No.65176252


>> No.65176279


>> No.65176440

I don't get it

>> No.65176471


>> No.65176474
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, 1678856659111508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65177006

pekochan got in the news lol

>> No.65177047


>> No.65177288


>> No.65177522

dont tell me pekora the last

>> No.65177566


>> No.65177569


>> No.65177574

She's on

>> No.65177594

absolute silence in the auditory
what an ungrateful bunch, going to fgo was a right decision

>> No.65177679

They've been pretty quiet the whole way through

>> No.65177703

GBF players seem particularly autistic.

>> No.65177719

at least they cheered a little bit at the end

>> No.65177755


>> No.65177766

damn, at least the girls are kind of hot

>> No.65177834

cover needs to update their mouth tracking

>> No.65177858

Guess that's it?

>> No.65177864

that's it?
what a waste of time
at least the song with Vikala during the first day was cool as fuck, something good from this collab

>> No.65177871

Did they even clap? I couldn't hear anything. What a fucking lukewarm and boring audience.

>> No.65177894
Quoted by: >>65177924

They're gacha players man, what do you expect

>> No.65177924

That doesn't even make any sense considering they clapped and cheered before that.

>> No.65177928
Quoted by: >>65178077

Nigger check your ears they clapped

>> No.65177972
Quoted by: >>65178263

At least we've got kino upcoming in an hour.

>> No.65178077

Must've been some pathetic ass clapping then.

>> No.65178263 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 2894x4093, 20231224_1654161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65178394

I hope Aqua distracts Subaru for long enough.

>> No.65178394
File: 146 KB, 343x356, 1690326662210641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that...

>> No.65178432

I'm glad Akutan is there. I need more AquPeko.
This is a really interesting grouping overall and I wonder what they will do.

>> No.65178511
Quoted by: >>65178575

She's back on the grubble stream for the "everyone is here" ending

>> No.65178575

thanks anon, glad the stream has rewind

>> No.65179090

The GBF event was so nothing, can't believe pekora worked for that
The audience was bad and it didn't even end with a collab
What a dissapointment at least she was cute

>> No.65179142

Dumb Hagureschizo

>> No.65179196


>> No.65179220

not everyone who is slightly negative is that dude

>> No.65179305
Quoted by: >>65179487

She got two (three) songs, a main segment feature and plenty of side time on the satellite channel in a festival completely unrelated to her. What more do you want exactly?

>> No.65179449

She was already rich anon, it's the thrill of gambling that matters to her, not the actual money.

>> No.65179487
Quoted by: >>65179602

to be more than just a guest at the event, this is actually compareable to the FGO event, just now that she showed up on stage

>> No.65179602

this. my god the fgo event so boring. at least she got figurine but im not sure when will they announce it

>> No.65179721


>> No.65179804

cute room

>> No.65179826

i bet it hikosan drew this

>> No.65179856

where's Peko, my chikin is getting cold

>> No.65179898

It looks like a redesigned version of the background for mikorone 24, which Hikosan also did

>> No.65179917

It was absolutely Hikosan. Hikosan loves Peko a lot!

>> No.65179930

so they were really having the party at marine's house? kek

>> No.65179950

i can hear PekoSanta!

>> No.65179953

>meeerrryyyy ita!
My clumsy megami. I love you.

>> No.65179954

usada "i can do off collab if not in my house" pekora

>> No.65179985

Pekora almost showed us her pantsu!

>> No.65180010
File: 395 KB, 1251x1080, 1672280957275013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D santa outfit for all of them

>> No.65180019

bonus polka 助かる

>> No.65180041

what a nice party, they even have a clown

>> No.65180046

Nice Poruka too. This just got even better.

>> No.65180103

Lesbian orgy party hosted by Pekora

>> No.65180127

pekora talk about the money you won today

>> No.65180224

was that focaccia, wtf i want one

>> No.65180289
Quoted by: >>65180372

Wait really?

>> No.65180372

well it looked like pekoshubaporuka just arrived when marine and agua is 5mins in

>> No.65180611
Quoted by: >>65180655

>Sausage Legends

>> No.65180655

the girls are fighting with their sausages!

>> No.65180816
Quoted by: >>65180956

Polcock > Pekocock

>> No.65180946

Pekocock wins!

>> No.65180956
Quoted by: >>65180986

what now?
pekora has fattest and hardest sausage!

>> No.65180986

I got distracted and thought the first match was Poru vs Peko

>> No.65181081

Peko is flashing us again

>> No.65181134
Quoted by: >>65181171

pekora speedrunning this offcollab

>> No.65181171
Quoted by: >>65181276

offcollab like the wind

>> No.65181276

sasuga kaze no onna

so she really stream at the vanue

>> No.65181356

Why wasn't Rushia invited to the party?

>> No.65181387

>they left the two inkyas alone

>> No.65181388


>> No.65181418

it actually happened

>> No.65181426

What a stale joke. No (You) for you

>> No.65181479
Quoted by: >>65181517

no collab for the next 3 years
oh well

>> No.65181517

It was good while it lasted.

>> No.65181679
File: 325 KB, 398x434, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like Polka is blocking something very obscene.

>> No.65181792

Pekora and Aqua are doing some dirty things...

>> No.65181983

So, what were the gifts?

>> No.65182108

They said.

>> No.65182123

pekora - pajama
subaru - candle / ygo card?

that only i can understand

>> No.65182127

i only know that Aqua got pajama from Pekora

>> No.65182397

Why are you mentioning that tranny out of nowhere? Did that single piece of art from him make your peepee hard?

>> No.65182441
File: 394 KB, 600x341, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65182453

On a side note, PekoBae superbunnyman collab on the 26th

>> No.65182455


>> No.65182456

Easy with the mental illness and enjoy the stream

>> No.65182491
Quoted by: >>65182565

oh they decided to collab? nice

>> No.65182495

Stupid sexy onion

>> No.65182559
File: 56 KB, 658x540, 1599654646963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65182612

I don't understand what's happening

>> No.65182565

They have a song premiering the next day

>> No.65182612

everyone wrote down a "when" "where" "who" "why" and "what" about a secret.you have to try and figure out what the secret is from those clues

>> No.65182704

The greatest internet reconciliation of all time.

>> No.65182849

nice, chaotic collab which will have a lot of pekora yelling at bae.

>> No.65182859

World without Pekora is dark and cold indeed...

>> No.65182875
Quoted by: >>65182977

Wholesome and great stream.

>> No.65182977

It really was fun

>> No.65183012
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>> No.65183378
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>> No.65183475
Quoted by: >>65183770

thread is kill

>> No.65183770
File: 156 KB, 2048x1448, GCHEI2zasAAoceK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride off into the night!

>> No.65183809

Love you bune

>> No.65184008
File: 1.32 MB, 2290x2500, GCGFoahaoAA4a9R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65184033

hope it will be annual, she also put effort into it
good stream

>> No.65184074
Quoted by: >>65184094

When this thread die?

>> No.65184094

When it gets pushed off the board in the next 5-10~ minutes
