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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 988 KB, 4096x1806, GBd87M7bYAAvbm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64882914 No.64882914 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:











Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>64864540

>> No.64882935
File: 215 KB, 499x500, 1680213272529536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64882957
File: 642 KB, 1700x2000, 1678549600002390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Rosemi with all of my heart!

>> No.64882969

Sex with latinas

>> No.64883043
File: 242 KB, 1557x2009, GBEEMYMagAAdgwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64883061
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca wuca!
>we time traveled and we're still wearing the same damn shirt?!

>> No.64883073
File: 1.01 MB, 2098x4096, FfrRsmmXwAEY5wn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira is doing it!

>> No.64883078
File: 134 KB, 800x800, GBfLwM-aUAA589j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry krisis!

>> No.64883103
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>> No.64883107 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 235x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883213


>> No.64883142
File: 2.76 MB, 296x296, 12345677544565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny onii-chan Love!
Vox Love!

>> No.64883150

Drayton fucking sucks.

>> No.64883152

Big tiddy Onee san mindbreaks shota REAL

>> No.64883158

Why is Kieran such a little faggot

>> No.64883168
File: 797 KB, 1803x3510, FfCSX6KXkAA88eR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira did it!

>> No.64883175

Sex with Ike in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve.

>> No.64883179
Quoted by: >>64883275

i wonder why i watch aia even though i would just get annoyed by her antics

>> No.64883202

kieran crying and crumpling to the floor sure does gets the neurons going

>> No.64883213
File: 35 KB, 128x128, lucub love beam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883315


>> No.64883220
File: 351 KB, 574x406, ewiwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883412

>> No.64883260
File: 661 KB, 943x885, 187927463428234weed51255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu my beloved

>> No.64883275

Why so tsundere anon...

>> No.64883295

I need to cum on Lacey's eyebrows.

>> No.64883315
File: 10 KB, 205x181, F126LWUaAAAZUgv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883492


>> No.64883377
File: 162 KB, 862x1244, 99011330_p0-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64883404
File: 284 KB, 710x370, FesOneechans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64883412

Elira "dick destroyer" Pendora

>> No.64883411
File: 245 KB, 1280x1232, 1688043435308328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64883437

Elira is punishing the damn brat

>> No.64883447

Elira this is bullying

>> No.64883453
File: 307 KB, 1535x1979, 1699753621211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883718

Tittyfuck Kunai Nakasato.

>> No.64883492
File: 158 KB, 1356x1165, lucub chu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883704


>> No.64883540
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1675054102492435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64883571
File: 713 KB, 1920x1080, _NijiEN_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.64883586

I read this and I just thought about Kanye. Ike singing Runaway when?

>> No.64883606


>> No.64883609

Elira sure does get a kick out of humiliating smug little shotas

>> No.64883664
File: 1.29 MB, 2407x3952, FiV9idvWAAIDpzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best day at the office ever

>> No.64883669

shota shu is going to get bad touched

>> No.64883683
File: 1.95 MB, 1359x1295, 1689379653499580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64884126

I miss rosemi sama...
Hebun hebun hebun...

>> No.64883689

>Vox revealing his holiday plans

>> No.64883697
File: 180 KB, 2048x1536, GBhxcsYbAAAzB_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883846

Ikey! <3

>> No.64883704
File: 3 KB, 90x68, FiMzMhtXoAAdbg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883881

oh my KEK

>> No.64883707
File: 744 KB, 922x676, 1693085598041374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883814

Thanks for the stream feesh! I wonder how she'll feel about the way Haruka gets handled in the future.

>> No.64883718

I want to stay at aunty Kunai's place

>> No.64883780

Oh the DLC isn't over when you beat the Pokemon battles?

>> No.64883803
File: 21 KB, 300x276, F10EwmhaIAEbyOf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye feesh, cant wait for tomowwow

>> No.64883809

Pajeeta is such a bore of a character and champion

>> No.64883813
File: 47 KB, 192x192, feesh chu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

byee byee feesh!

>> No.64883814
Quoted by: >>64891536

I hope she comes to like the orphans a lot so that she cries her eyes out when she plays The Man Who Erased His Name

>> No.64883846
File: 965 KB, 602x724, 1670949239333522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64883870
Quoted by: >>64884126

I miss Pomu................

>> No.64883871

Geeta and Glimmora are so weird. Feels like they had a bigger connection to the main story and lore during development that ended up getting cut.

>> No.64883878

How does a 10 year old become a pokemon champion anyways? How dogshit do literal profesionals have to be at battling pokemon to get BTFO by a 3rd grader?

>> No.64883881
File: 15 KB, 200x200, nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64883986


>> No.64883885

wiwa has been gettiing some porn recently thats had me rubbing myself red raw

>> No.64883924
File: 831 KB, 2400x1800, 1678404638614098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64883946
Quoted by: >>64883994

>How dogshit do literal profesionals have to be at battling pokemon to get BTFO by a 3rd grader?
That third grader beat every trainer in the region and caught the special plot pokemon along the way.

>> No.64883963

>I'm dumb as shit
yeah... we know.

>> No.64883986
File: 31 KB, 279x260, F56p3kGbkAAWRPK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64884075


>> No.64883993
File: 209 KB, 480x480, MillieSad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waa why won't he come?

>> No.64883994

And the fucking pokemafia

>> No.64883992

>why wont he come

>> No.64884004
File: 948 KB, 748x755, 1681746000898568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brothers, can I get a Rosemi SAMA?

>> No.64884059
Quoted by: >>64886941

>open selen stream
>shes spoiling the new ghibli movie
>close selen stream
Going to go see that Boxing Day.

>> No.64884061

every pokemon plot is secretly the protagonist's "champion for a day" make-a-wish. They all die of cancer the week after

>> No.64884068

Ewiwa still can't pronounce briar...

>> No.64884075
File: 90 KB, 450x450, 1690701150154769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64884259

shouldn't have let your guard down

>> No.64884124

well expect for red

>> No.64884126 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 634x783, 1702994563020021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong anons!

>> No.64884128 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>64884241

>Go to Aia's stream

>> No.64884161

Elira's character looks like one of those annoying teacher's pet characters who'd rat out the protagonist's scheme to the principal

>> No.64884165
Quoted by: >>64884379

is this outfit a big meme at the moment or something?

>> No.64884214

>be Ash Ketchum
>one foot in the grave, doctor only gives him a few days to live
>calls make a wish
>wishes to be a pokemon master
>so incompetent that it takes him upwards of 30 years to do it
>infinite lifespan glitch
I believe it

>> No.64884221

She looks like she's a big nerd

>> No.64884233

Elira changing into her grape suit for her road trip with Kieran

>> No.64884241
Quoted by: >>64884354

Ackchyually it's a half elf

>> No.64884259
File: 18 KB, 351x246, F9c7vySboAAFF-p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64884404

i was just saying goodbye to the feesh..

>> No.64884294
Quoted by: >>64884383

Elira is shipping Larry.

>> No.64884312
File: 22 KB, 475x352, 1424188476491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.64884327
File: 396 KB, 1110x1110, GBwaGCFbMAAMok3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64884466

i want to burn this lion
it looks like it's a good quality..

>> No.64884330
Quoted by: >>64884568

kinda want teal mask kieran and indigo disc kieran to do inappropriate things with each other. maybe i'm too into selfcest...

>> No.64884333

Literally no reason for Ms. Briar to have an ass that fat

>> No.64884354
File: 98 KB, 287x280, 1672718708061075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care that he's a rape baby, he has the blood of a knife eared faggot and doesn't deserve to live

>> No.64884360

Elira should caress my PP while whispering naughty things in my ear.

>> No.64884369

Ms. Briar reminds me of Dio Brando.

>> No.64884379

Yes. It's called the Virgin Destroyer Sweater.

>> No.64884383

larry is made for hot salaryman sex

>> No.64884404
File: 25 KB, 256x251, 1691839197229558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64884589

d-don't cry!

>> No.64884409

why the fuck is Carmine taller than the grown adult woman?
Why the fuck is Carmine so tall?

>> No.64884427
Quoted by: >>64884507

Elira is gonna look up CarminexKieran later

>> No.64884466
File: 459 KB, 1110x1110, GBwajT_b0AAok21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64884476
File: 185 KB, 1200x1894, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this needs a pokemon version edit

>> No.64884507

Incest is bad

>> No.64884544

nijien for this feel?

>> No.64884553

That's me with my oshi

>> No.64884568
Quoted by: >>64884752

I’m not into selfcest, but all I know is that I can’t stop staring at that deviously placed mole on kieran’s exposed neck

>> No.64884571


>> No.64884578
File: 44 KB, 400x400, JoncxUuW_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64884589 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 1736x1212, FuLUsz-aYAAJh3h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64884808


>> No.64884594
Quoted by: >>64884669

It's called Hispanic culture

>> No.64884601

this shit is still fucking hilarious

>> No.64884635

BG3 character creator is kinda meh t b h

>> No.64884651
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 20350215_234800_IMG_0901(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.64884665

perfect for college!

>> No.64884669
Quoted by: >>64884835

She's from Unova.

>> No.64884674
File: 600 KB, 1110x1110, GBwaVr0aoAAjlWK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64884728
File: 312 KB, 1110x1110, GBwZ8arawAA4w0N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64889998


>> No.64884749

>Play paladin
>They don't let you choose a deity
What the fuck is this game?

>> No.64884752

kieran's so good. i love his character, in the sense that i find him to be an interesting rival, and that i wanna defile him.

>> No.64884789

Elira is gonna ship. Incest...

>> No.64884797

>can I make a really sexy guardian?
Oh here we go again

>> No.64884808
File: 17 KB, 112x112, LucubTSKR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64885036


>> No.64884835

Unova is Puerto Rican colony.

>> No.64884842
Quoted by: >>64885419

It pisses me off that the criss-crossing lines don't line up where the case opens

>> No.64884872
File: 510 KB, 2053x1342, IMG_7143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64884893

Honestly I've not played any recent pokemon but I wanna ruin Allister and Kieran.

>> No.64885000
Quoted by: >>64885074

Reimu is in pain so she bought a ton of snacks including tons of nutella.
Shes gonna get FAT

>> No.64885022
File: 32 KB, 554x554, 1675927954680256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aia's guardian

>> No.64885026

The way "Kiki" makes Elira's eyes widen just a bit for a second every time she reads it makes me laugh

>> No.64885036
File: 16 KB, 287x231, F77I8Wta4AA68sj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64885236

heh, i always win

>> No.64885074

I don't think my dick can handle chubby Reimu

>> No.64885236
File: 151 KB, 561x454, uuee uee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64885424

i let you win this time! i'll win next time!!

>> No.64885261

Yuyu Q. Wilson rabu rabu!!!

>> No.64885347

Truly we have become the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero

>> No.64885419

why did you have to point that out... my autism...

>> No.64885424
File: 12 KB, 298x181, F7rzHaoa8AAwAbS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64885620

i just saw all the doodles around my shu.. glad some seem to like it kek

>> No.64885592
File: 520 KB, 921x698, Screenshot 2023-12-06 001906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first roll
>nat 1

>> No.64885594


>> No.64885620
File: 84 KB, 957x435, F1F-hwoaMAAISml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64885912

it's not an excuse!
see, i told you it was going to be welcomed. you worried for nothing, shotas are always wanted

>> No.64885640
File: 158 KB, 1170x1264, 1688269481879186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64885672
File: 156 KB, 683x458, 1655140458978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64885678

>i just wanna join. see what it's about. but i'll probably be intimidated by people talking and leave
ver predicting his gta stream....

>> No.64885683

Hey it was a 1, not a nat 1

>> No.64885696

Holy shit Elira's greynames are being cunts to her today not even MGSfags are this bad.

>> No.64885729
File: 179 KB, 1170x1042, 1699347969343034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra please

>> No.64885744
File: 14 KB, 277x185, FM5-LBEaQAM6zYt (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64885770
File: 183 KB, 1615x1067, CuteEwiwadoodled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64885777
Quoted by: >>64885852

hello anons

>> No.64885783
File: 50 KB, 165x151, Aia8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64885819

>Petra finding excuses to extend a break
>and again
>and again

How does this person have fans?

>> No.64885836
File: 52 KB, 497x634, Elira pee 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love your oshi: Famelira, Ryuguards, Pomudachis, Dragoons, Rosebuds, Pentomos, Aloupeeps, Famillie, Phantomos, Kindred, Lucubs, Quilldren, Briskadets, Stargazers, Takaradachi, Comfydants, Scarlings, Aiadmirers, Marippets, Kyomies, Arcadians, Renvaderz, Scythekicks, Meloves, Sicklings, Kotocats, Villions, Wilsoneers, Vantacrew, Vezkits, Paladins, Nakarats, Outclaws!!!!





>> No.64885852

nice trips, you hit the jackpot

>> No.64885894
File: 214 KB, 600x800, 1694619203310094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra is so cute
She needs rape.

>> No.64885903
Quoted by: >>64886167

petra be like
>take a break
>nijien members fly to japan
>take a break
>off-stream work hort
>take a break

>> No.64885904


>> No.64885912
File: 24 KB, 510x416, F8Om-_4awAAVyxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64886063

shotas are always wanted! the problem is that t i still feel shame for the things i do or enjoy. someday i will learn not to feel like that

>> No.64885993

This bitch just take a break last week wtf

>> No.64885999

The worst thing about Petra isn't that she takes off for weeks without warning. It's that she'll announce that she's extending the break as soon as it ends with the fakest excuses.

>> No.64886042

Rest well pengi

>> No.64886046

All is fair game with Gura prime exemple of break extension

>> No.64886053
File: 99 KB, 489x279, 1694040576473833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I die in my sleep tonight.

>> No.64886059
File: 1.20 MB, 2892x4096, 1686455168596537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about Pomu

>> No.64886063

we are one and the same..
i still feel shame for being a yume and just being parasocial in general but there's really nothing wrong with it!

>> No.64886072
File: 1.44 MB, 1640x1715, 1649812025161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo samefagging petra hate again on his phone and pc

>> No.64886071

truly the niji gura

>> No.64886082
File: 187 KB, 2013x1132, 1685622380328402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where in her room would you correct Petra?

>> No.64886103

live bud LIVE

>> No.64886106

that's still the same break which she took for 4 days to be with her friend who came to japan to see her

>> No.64886109
File: 883 KB, 2894x4093, 1695082439561108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64886114

what about yaminions?

>> No.64886118
File: 216 KB, 1160x1296, 1654558377345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64886153
File: 178 KB, 1513x2048, eedaddf83ede9249928545bee5d374fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't talk about them anymore

>> No.64886157
File: 263 KB, 2048x2015, GAg9FeqbsAEQiCk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love your oshi momlira! she's been very cute so far from when i tuned in after feesh

>> No.64886166

let's pray for it together, brother. one day god must answer

>> No.64886167
Quoted by: >>64886266

Petra streams more than enough

November: 14 solo, 2 collabs (3 collab outside/no pov)
October: 5 solo (3 outside channel/no pov)
september: 19 solo, 3 collabs (2 outside channel/no pov)
august: 13 solo, 4 collabs (4 outside channel/no pov)
July: 9 solo, 2 collabs (5 outside channel/no pov)
june: 16 solo, 1 Collab (4 outside channel/no pov)
may: 12 solo, 6 collabs (5 outside channel/no pov)
april: 13 solo (1 collab outside channel/no pov)
march: 20 solo, 4 collabs
february: 4 solo, 1 collab
january: 18 solo, 4 collabs (5 outside channel/no pov)

>> No.64886170


>> No.64886201

The niji gura that streams more than most of this company. As usual, just dumb stuff for someone who streams more than enough and gets attacked for no reason while plenty of others dont get anything over the same reasons

>> No.64886220

she said she hate yaminions and want shu to graduate

>> No.64886225

Elira is so silly.

>> No.64886228
File: 158 KB, 735x544, 1697082034165332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing Wiwa be cute REALLY makes me want to wape a bud rn (right now)

>> No.64886232
File: 225 KB, 112x112, 1648561836541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got here and

>> No.64886236

good ewiwa echo

>> No.64886243

I love small women and comfy couches. Nothing like using a cute and tight small woman as a fuckdoll on a sofa or couch.

>> No.64886262

Dont worry bros Petras hard at work finding the latest in unwatchable kusoge to stream

>> No.64886266

can you stop falseflagging as me you faggot, you don't even have december updated

>> No.64886301
Quoted by: >>64886740

oh god is he going to embarrass us in front of yung dab

>> No.64886321

God i hate how retarded your allies in BG3 are, they will fall off places, walk through fires and step on traps they are seeing in plain sight

>> No.64886367

Most people out there arent schizos and understand those things happening. If its not gura levels you wont see any actual fan complaining

>> No.64886411

she hate yaminions after they called out her for shit talked shu and she said that everyone hates shu but she is the one who is hated

>> No.64886447
Quoted by: >>64886740

myanon might go wild

>> No.64886449
Quoted by: >>64886498

Reimu can't even get this Chilla's Art game to run

>> No.64886461

yumes and you are quite the troopers. i still have a hard time even allowing myself to embrace my own tendencies like that. sometimes makes me miss being strictly a fujo.. it was easier to manage/control in a way.

>> No.64886467

momlira is a pomudachi?

>> No.64886488
File: 267 KB, 1362x1023, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64886587

>it's time to troll the nijikeks, this time I will larp as a petra anti.
>ok then I will larp as a white knight pentomo and have a melty
>nijikeks in shambles LOL

>> No.64886498

the end of chilla's art games is near

>> No.64886522
File: 84 KB, 784x900, FbyHjhhUUAAuWQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you retards actually take that seriously and that close to heart? kek

>> No.64886535

Does /nijiEN/ genuinely hate Petra or is it just shitposts to troll the pentomos?
As annoying as she gets sometimes, I just can't seem to hate her because she comes across as genuine good girl idk desu

>> No.64886534

Kyo is trying to befriend a rat, really fitting for him

>> No.64886587

Why are they like this

>> No.64886591
File: 565 KB, 2480x3508, GBeZM3paMAA3ghD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bird wife Enna!

>> No.64886608
Quoted by: >>64886766

Its just bitchy yaminions, they wish they could be as close as Petra is.

>> No.64886627
Quoted by: >>64886808

In what place petra takes off for weeks without warning.. she warns every time, just like on this time she said she would be out for 4 days. Just like how now she warned she will come back in a day or two. And outside of february this year, she hasnt been off for more than one week and had like 3 breaks under the year being more than one week.

>> No.64886645

She's second to Nina for most hated NijiEN girl.

>> No.64886670

we must have the same brain kek.
i used to be a yume for other fandoms while also being a fujo but i feel strongly about being a yume for him and i get in my own head sometimes.
the other older lucub i used to talk to about it quite often kek, i dont say it here much but i have a hard time accepting it than i lead on.

>> No.64886671

It's noting wrong to shitting on another members like pomudachis shitting on luca but still flirting with lucubs

>> No.64886690


>> No.64886700
File: 1.50 MB, 1129x813, 1683469394221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chu~ thank you and you too

>> No.64886734

You should feel ashamed for being a yume.

>> No.64886740

From what I've seen he's only watching his speech/debate in the crowd so they didn't interact per se, but it's still something. Now everyone in nijien has a degree of separation of 1 from the bald man.

>> No.64886742
Quoted by: >>64887031

Another day or two, so likely no Petra stream until Friday. Probably a zatsu. Wonder if she'll consider doing a NijiFes watchalong.

>> No.64886755

the day that this copypasta doesnt get replies is the day all pomudachis arent virgins

>> No.64886761
File: 189 KB, 561x623, 1694650695807118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope we get an EN girl someday that treats niji like the biggest side gig, doesnt stream for months.
I'd be curious as to her reception here.

>> No.64886766
Quoted by: >>64886919

>still falling for copypasta

>> No.64886773

>lazusydiathyria and luxnoc average ccv this month
selen - 5736
elira - 3276
luca - 3205
pomu - 3133
shu - 3130
ike - 2982
petra - 2914
fulgur - 2810
millie - 2801
vox - 2760
enna - 2645
sonny - 2290
uki - 1815
rosemi - 1632
reimu - 1341
alban - 1337
finana - 1102

this explain why luxnoc whores shitting on petra with no reason

>> No.64886808
File: 193 KB, 701x625, MillieAttention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she warned she will come

>> No.64886822
Quoted by: >>64886930

>doesnt stream for months.
we have petra and rosemi

>> No.64886840
File: 333 KB, 1605x2000, IMG_5662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64886864

Good morning!

>> No.64886864
File: 90 KB, 268x274, 1689300673811435520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64887170

good morning kek

>> No.64886873

>Bring in cage
>Lock Petra in the cage

>> No.64886876

>selen, pomu and elira beat all of luxnoc

>> No.64886904
Quoted by: >>64886962

nobody but you losers cares about your stupid #s

>> No.64886906

Reimu still complaining about the sensitivity settings in this game

>> No.64886919
File: 34 KB, 960x659, 1702827532995141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies, I dont spend 24/7 in this thread unlike yourself it seems.

>> No.64886930

OP is talking the likes of Tsumugu and Gilzaren.

>> No.64886935

The next waves will need to have a primary job in addition to streaming to survive so you'll get your wish

>> No.64886941
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, 1702243142795084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three years after the war..
I decided to return to Tokyo.

>> No.64886962

>seething luxnoc whore that selen, elira and pomu beat the homos

>> No.64886984

why is Elira rping herself and Kieran

>> No.64886991

farlira kino

>> No.64886992
File: 338 KB, 1489x2047, 1687341234999733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64886993

same brain but not in the best of ways kek
i understand. for me it would basically be the first time, which i imagine is what makes it harder to.. accept? and allow myself to have fun with it. but im surprised you struggle as much as me though, given the experience and all

>> No.64887006

elira is a silly silly lady dragon

>> No.64887031

She said before that her next stream coming back was going to be zatsu talking about her travel with her friend so most likely

>> No.64887061
File: 143 KB, 360x318, 1702676464789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64887198

fuck im late

>> No.64887062
File: 25 KB, 131x132, liraWOAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoply moply

>> No.64887076

Newfag got mad

>> No.64887093
Quoted by: >>64887256

I can see someone like shu and luca get a fuckton of antis but I don't understand why anyone can hate petra. she's one of the most harmless and inoffensive member in nijien

>> No.64887117

it does make sense for it to be harder to accept as the first time. it's harder for me because he's a real person kek. the others were just fictional characters but having the real person behind it makes me question myself a lot.

>> No.64887122

go back, nigger

>> No.64887135


>> No.64887170
File: 313 KB, 868x796, IMG_6498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64887212

I’m happy to know a based drawfag yaminion
Tell her I love her

>> No.64887172


>> No.64887190

only shitposters hate her. petra is one of the best girl in nijien and she stream more than all of luxiem combined

>> No.64887193

You should stick to being fujos. Being a yume is one of the most pathetic things you could do to yourself.

>> No.64887198

wuca wuca

>> No.64887208

I'm glad this thread is consistent

>> No.64887211
File: 166 KB, 400x500, 1678223462869402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64887212
File: 157 KB, 1080x1080, shu pinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64888162

she's in the thread still, i think she'll know

>> No.64887229

why did elira pokeNTR this poor kid

>> No.64887231

Ogerpon NTR

>> No.64887256

It's just the one schizo who got slighted by her years ago and then a few immature zoomers shitposting out of boredom.

>> No.64887268
Quoted by: >>64887388

you mean the singular schizo? he's going to run out of shitposts to keep up with soon

>> No.64887270
File: 1.08 MB, 758x833, 1654191627822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shota is so pathetic

>> No.64887273

>luca is a sex pest
>shu is a sex pest

>> No.64887301
File: 127 KB, 629x653, IMG_6300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64887489

you guys seriously still take this seriously? even I dont care anymore

>> No.64887311


>> No.64887336

it's just whiteknight pentomo samefagging again

>> No.64887338

plapping scarle

>> No.64887362

be nice to the onion boy

>> No.64887368

>i watch vivi's final stream before she goes on break and she's responding to shu in chat
>i manage to catch a rare enna stream and she's responding to shu in chat
>i type up a response on rosemi's membership stream saying how long i missed her only to realize she's talking about how she used the shamino vocals in one of her covers
>i watch the luxiem gameshow and he's physically on stream
i swear, shu is the most not /here/ liver that is simultaneously /here/

>> No.64887373

There's so much sex Elira art in my timeline lately. Then there's Elira screaming baby and squealing about cute Pokemons in my ears.

>> No.64887388
Quoted by: >>64887508

Nah I mean like in general I feel like I can always come here and see the same types of posts even from normal posters

>> No.64887396
Quoted by: >>64887450

Why are Yaminions like this?

>> No.64887418

Elira is really gonna destroy this kid

>> No.64887450

this poster is shu

>> No.64887463
File: 53 KB, 250x250, 1697420764240973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shu is a sexpest

>> No.64887467

*kid's dick

>> No.64887489

yaminioms are really nice, I regret to made shu's graduation rrat on the catalog

>> No.64887494
Quoted by: >>64887634

oh that too. it truly adds a level of questioning i dont know the answers for currently. all i can hope for is that future me will be able to manage it in some way

>> No.64887495
File: 2.21 MB, 1110x1110, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64887506

He's such a brat!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.64887508

the thread follows a routine

>> No.64887520
Quoted by: >>64887586

Elira is gonna rape correct him.

>> No.64887532

>loser weeb computer nerd
>not /here/
>not getting butthurt and showing up to girls’ streams out of spite
anon i…

>> No.64887576
File: 162 KB, 1973x2048, IMG_5680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I wake up in a bad time… ah well back to work till shu wake up with a stream or when I want to watch someone’s gta rp

>> No.64887575

Perfect for autists, you can see what's coming everytime

>> No.64887581
File: 25 KB, 306x427, 1696114949141235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not say these things. I said I didn't like the fanbase at the time because they allowed him to get by with the bare minimum. Times have changed and he's not the only one that does basically nothing, I simply just have chosen to ignore them. I mostly kept up the pretense of disliking that fanbase to keep the kayfabe, for fun.

The problem is, this is 4chan /vt/. People will take anything too seriously. I tried to turn the dislike to them into making it a positive statement, like with everyone else, and everyone hated that. I then went back to the old style of disliking them, and everyone hated that too.

Finally, I decided to just not mention them at all. There can be no issue if I say nothing about them, right? Apparently, even that is a problem.

So, I will concede that the only option I have left is to say, with the fullness of my heart.

Kill yourself.

Now if you'll excuse me, Elira is destroying the final hopes of a dumb shota.

>> No.64887586
File: 214 KB, 424x424, Eliraeyebags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she would rape correct ME

>> No.64887599

Is shu the kamoshida all along?

>> No.64887634
Quoted by: >>64887855

i believe in you! i think we both have a decent head on our shoulders to get through it. atleast i hope so anyways, i don't want to be insane kek

>> No.64887685

you didn't have to reply to them..

>> No.64887686

i have this inkling that my oshi is actually a very healthy person and not the sickly person she is

>> No.64887721
File: 69 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jsyk I think you’re fine these days
Don’t let geniune schizos ruin your day momelira

>> No.64887738 [DELETED] 

has nina been the only one not tweeting about her past company?

>> No.64887753
Quoted by: >>64887990

elaborate upon your schizophrenic premise

>> No.64887757
Quoted by: >>64887990

was her being sickly a charm point?

>> No.64887761

I feel bad for you. pomudachis shitting on the other members all the time but nobody hate them.....

>> No.64887819
Quoted by: >>64887891

>Aia doesn't cast cantrips when out of range
I thought she knew how to play D&D...

>> No.64887821

Based Momelira

>> No.64887855
Quoted by: >>64888036

same to you! i know i can be heavily menhera, but i also know when or where to allow myself to be that way. perks of being an overthinker kek

>> No.64887880
File: 120 KB, 750x458, Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 22-05-14 【GTA RP NOPIXEL】I Put On My Fake Tan &amp; Valley Girl Accent【NIJISANJI EN Victoria Brightshield】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh what's going in there?

>> No.64887891
Quoted by: >>64888012

she plays like a critical role watcher

>> No.64887903
File: 223 KB, 900x742, 1679737033301900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking gyaru is one of Vivi's favorite tags.

>> No.64887906
Quoted by: >>64888206

This is 4chan. There's nothing wrong with shitting on other people and tell them to graduate

>> No.64887915


>> No.64887919

im gonna risk eating baits but even then the idea of him graduating from niji is the same as the possibility of getting a time machine. He will stick around till the end of vtubing

>> No.64887927

is Briar the secret villain of this DLC or what

>> No.64887981

Yaminions are alright ever since I discovered there's a latina yaminion among us

>> No.64887990

idk... i'm just kinda weirded out

not really but then she often tweets about how sick she is so of course me and the other fans would coddle her a bit

>> No.64888012

She almost tried to use second wind on another character...i think she watched a lot of CR and haven't actually played that much...

>> No.64888033

Vivi is telling truths

>> No.64888036
Quoted by: >>64888710

we really are the same person kek, i try not to be menhera but it happens and sometimes i just have to let it take its course. ill never be bad enough to ever tell him my true feelings unless he lurks here then thats a problem..

>> No.64888045

>mindbreaks shota with bullying and pokemon ntr
>feels contrite
ewiwa just can't control herself...

>> No.64888055

shu will become en suha. even someone like pomu and luca will graduate before him

>> No.64888092

>.i think she watched a lot of CR and haven't actually played that much...
that would explain it

>> No.64888131
Quoted by: >>64888270

>haven't actually played that much...
She has been playing DnD for 2 years, DM for about 1 year from what I remember

>> No.64888153

The only thing that could possibly make Shu graduate would be him finally getting pussy so never lol

>> No.64888162
File: 152 KB, 823x875, IMG_6863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? Then to drawfag yaminion I wish you a good day! Thankyou for the shota shu muah

>> No.64888169
File: 17 KB, 373x121, 1676651139919498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone asked her if there was any gyaru fanart of her, so she started describing what type of fit she would like to have

>> No.64888206
File: 177 KB, 1276x788, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64888322

except outside of this thread you usually get jannied for graduation shitposting

>> No.64888220
Quoted by: >>64888287

I'm pomudachi who made luca and shu's copypasta and made a bait thread about arlive on the catalog it's funny ngl

>> No.64888232
File: 247 KB, 331x445, 1689867243299273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so she basically wants to be Kotoka

>> No.64888233

Holy shit she's so based

>> No.64888261

the gyarufication of nijien

>> No.64888270
Quoted by: >>64888726

I know that, that's why it's surprising to me how little she knows about how these level 1 classes work since she always helps others make characters

>> No.64888287
File: 22 KB, 482x271, 1680721939191892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you aren't stop impersonating me faggot.

>> No.64888291


>> No.64888300
File: 193 KB, 280x296, 1673081793440621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb shota
Yeah, me.

>> No.64888312
Quoted by: >>64888597

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.64888322

nobody care if someone make a graduation with nijien and staren in the catalog

>> No.64888424
Quoted by: >>64888486

aussie pomie save me
save me aussie pomie
aussie pomie

>> No.64888448

I was the one who made
>Debut stream was an mspaint shitpost
>Has never released a single cover
>Has never done any significant projects or interesting streams
>Has admitted he has no idea what he wants his content to be 1.5 years into Nijisanji
>Ruined Pomu's Turing Love cover until Elira saved it because he was too lazy to record the vocals
>Ruined Niji Koshien stream by eating loudly the entire stream
>Has more subs and earns more money for doing NOTHING just because he lucked into being part of the first male wave
>Never shows any appreciation for his fans, doesn't even play their fan projects on stream or care that they've released more fan mixes of all his karaokes than any other liver despite only having 2 karaoke streams ever
>When fans suggested he should take singing lessons to do more karaoke streams, he said "why? I already feel like there's nothing left to learn" completely obliviously
>Went on a nearly 6 month break without announcing anything just because he didn't feel like streaming
>Entire personality and speaking style copied from Twitch streamers, particularly xqc
>Puts zero effort into his own streams, always late and always extremely unprepared
>Constantly invites himself to collabs and tries to make himself the center of attention instead of supporting the original collab members
>All his jokes are incredibly repetitive and shitty and he just forces them endlessly until people are sick of it
>Cheats in games to fuel his own ego, cheated in Among Us and got called out on it by both Fulgur and Aia. Cheated in Minecraft after begging Finana to give him admin to whitelist people except he only ever used it to build shit in creative without telling anyone until Pomu called him out for it.
>Nuked the Minecraft server and instead of taking responsibility he just blamed Elira and Finana and the server backend software. When asked to apologize he refused to do so, Pomu and Selen had to damage control for him.
>Refuses to ever own up to his mistakes in general, #1 sign of a shitty person when they can never take responsibility or apologize for anything.
>Holds really shitty views towards women and gives his impressionable underage fans awful sexist advice that just fuels their body image issues.
>Knew a girl had a crush on him and broke her heart by getting drunk and kissing some random girl in front of her. Acted like he had no idea why she stopped talking to him.
>Bullied some poor kid in school and tried to paint it as him "helping" the kid until the kid reported him to the school for bullying. Once again acted oblivious to his actions.
>Got caught texting and dming fans privately without disclosing to his management. Only reason it came out is because the fans posted it publicly. Probably a groomer.
>Actively egosearches himself on /here/ and seethes about it because he just can't handle criticism
>Keeps begging Pomu for collabs, tried to invade the EliPom drunk phasmo stream they've been planning all year until Pomu told him to fuck off
>Got handcam streams banned because he decided to one-up everyone by doxxing his full exposed arm on Twitter
>Lost FromSoft perms for the entirety of NijiEN because he left monetization on an Elden Ring stream, forcing Rosemi, Elira, and Vox to completely cancel their ongoing playthroughs
>Used h*l*l*ve bgm without permission and never apologized, management had to delete his vod
>Needed Nina to fly to Australia to chaperone him to EU, she ended up getting Covid while babysitting him around for 2 weeks and couldn't stream for nearly a month
>So loud and annoying in Among Us VR that his own genmate wanted to kill him just so he'd shut up
>Tricked Kotoka into joining his clan in Ark and caused her to lose all her dinos
>Corrupted Meloco by teaching her retarded Twitchspeak that she can't stop regurgitating
>Forced management to change the rules for commissions because they found out he was privately flirting with artists
>Doxxed Kotoka and made her feel the need to come clean about living in japan
>Ruined Iluna vs Xsoleil Crab Game collab by invading it without being invited
>Ruined the yuri dating collab to the point all girls were telling him to shut the fuck up and fuck off every few minutes
>Tried to force TTT to collab with him in order to leech from the new wave

>> No.64888467

Elira feels bad to steal another pokemon.

>> No.64888486

You will get a Kiwi Pomie and you will like it

>> No.64888513


>> No.64888515
Quoted by: >>64888657

Elira is catching a pokemon with her BOYFRIEND Kieran

>> No.64888522


>> No.64888557

Based, I remember writing some copy-pasta about Shoto being a leech during his leech streak of Luxiem.

>> No.64888568
Quoted by: >>64888654

Please someone post the Shu wrestling heel copypasta it’s my favorite

>> No.64888587
File: 181 KB, 427x298, 1680208860238471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you literally weren't.
I made both of those copypastas, why are you making shit up? What is even the benefit of lying about making something on an anonymous board?

>> No.64888595

remember when elira and luca stream pokemon at the same and luca joined elira's stream and make this thread into shit

>> No.64888597

Shu Yamino

>> No.64888604

He’s beyond help pomie
He want to feel special so he impersonates alot of anons and schizos

>> No.64888648

Elira puts 0 thought into anything in this game except character customization and which pokeballs to use

>> No.64888654
File: 1.02 MB, 900x900, 1673752532930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64888781

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good match before 2006 and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out his NijiEN comfort even when Riku threw millions at him
>Main evented the lowest drawing Tatsumania of the '90s
>Main evented the lowest drawing Tatsumania of the '10s
>Tanked the buyrate of King Of The Ring in 2002 so hard the PPV got cancelled
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of Luxiem
>Only the 4th best member of Nijidrivers
>Only the 8th best member of NijiYugioh
>His backstage clique Seisoxiem was utterly BTFO by Vox Akuma and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Drunk Ike on us
>His sorcerer cosplay was cringeworthy
>His yugioh cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEST PURPLE GUY IN DA NIJIWWE""""""""
>Shit taste in whiskey
>Shit hairline
>Has Elira's name tattooed on his neck
>Failed at his first marriage so badly that he resorted to marrying an autistic himbo
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a Tatsumania streak
>Is the wrestling equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 1997 title run that Enna Alouette of all people had to take the belt off him
>spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was sitting around in the back and telling one of his no-draw buddies to job to someone who could actually draw dimes
>Buried Luca and ruined his potential WWE career because he didn't shake his hand backstage
>Buried Ike Eveland (twice) for no reason
>Drew lower ratings in his feud with Vox in late 2010 than a Petra vs Reimu feud, a Nina Kosaka title run, and a Yugo vs Sonny feud the next year
>In the same feud, lost 90,000 buys from the previous year at the Hell in a Cell PPV that included Oliver Evans & Alban Knox in the main event
>Killed the World Heavyweight Championship (the last time the WHC would be defended in a PPV main event was Hell in a Cell 2010)
>None of the Tatsumanias he main evented got more buys than the previous year
>Only main evented 4 out of 25 Tatsumanias he had a match at
>Was on the B-show for the majority of his career after the draft
>Huge mark for himself, according to Mysta Rias he drives around with the license plate "SRCRER" and wears his own merchindise
>Besides Tatsumania 13 having the lowest buyrate ever, it is the only Tatsumania ever not to sell out
>Couldn't draw Kizuna Ai to come out of her locker room to meet him despite getting dressed up and waiting for an hour
>The biggest impact he had on the business was sitting in the back and telling one of his no dimes buddies to job to someone who could draw a dime

>> No.64888657

Please focus on your stream, Elira.

>> No.64888661


>> No.64888673

>sees anything
>"its so cuuuuute!<3"

>> No.64888681

balltism is all that matters

>> No.64888692
File: 56 KB, 188x187, 1702990424619178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love not being a schizo.
Just watch streams and have fun.

>> No.64888710

oh nyo, a another me nooo! kek yeah, supressing it isnt healthy too. im a culprit of that and it has spilled over different ways, some more unhealthy than others. i hope he doesnt, so you can feel more at ease.
i know the other anon i talk to has been a victim to some of my light episodes. i pay my respects to her kek

>> No.64888726

I'd say she's just paying a bit too little attention to the game in general, she missed some stuff at the start because she didn't bother searching around

>> No.64888741
File: 197 KB, 1128x1218, 1656170595836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same peep... same

>> No.64888758

Wave 1: Lazulight
Pomu Rainpuff -- Forest Fairy.
A weebish otaku firl who loves idols, with a classic personality that leaves your heart shining.She's very creative and always doing fun things. Has some menhera tendencies.
Finana Ryugu -- Tropical Mermaid.
Known for being lewd and making lewd jokes. Likes to stream long game playthroughs and gacha games.
Elira Pendora -- Solar Sky Dragon.
Mature and seiso, she is quite charismatic. She feels like a fun female friend

Lazulight together is one of the most fun vtuber groups with a great group energy. Together they are stronger than the sum of their parts.

Wave 2: Obsydia
Rosemi Lovelock -- Flower maiden.
Cute and seiso, does creative streams. She's also very intelligent. There's really nobody else like her in the vtuber world.
Selen Tatsuki -- Lunar Sky Dragon. (sister of Elira in canon)
An highly skilled FPS gamer, she's known for her laugh. Very charismatic and entertaining, and the most popular girl of all.
Petra Gurin -- Frosty ocean penguin.
Can play the piano, and is a respected visual artist. She's known for being bullied. Submissive and cute, and a bit bitchy in an endearing way.

Obsydia is intended to be the dark version of Lazulight. Unlike Lazulight they have weak group dynamics and tend to go their separate ways. They're known for dominating group events with their strong gaming skills.

Wave 3: Ethyria
Enna Alouette -- Heavenly Songbird
Great singer and irreverent personality, known for her wry humor. Extremely good friends with Millie.
Millie Parfait -- Witch of Calamity
The best ASMR in the business. Known for her wacky sense humor and magical laugh. She likes cute gremlin games. Extremely good friends with Enna
Reimu Endou -- Ghost girl
Hispanic vtuber, collabs a lot with the boys. Many girls ship her with Vox.
Nina Kosaka -- The Fox Spirit, and keeper of Luck.
Mommy vtuber Likes calling people "honey" and collabs with the boys a lot. She's comfy.

Ethyria is friendly, except Nina feels like she left the group. The core of the group is definitely the friendship between Enna and Millie, those two are inseparable.

Wave 4: Luxiem (first male wave)
Vox Akuma -- Voice Demon
Deep voice British man that makes women cream their panties. Very charismatic.
Mysta Rias -- Detective
Goofball comedian personality. Very charismatic and funny in a goofy way.
Luca Kaneshiro -- Mafia Boss
Described as a cute innocent puppy by fangirls, lots of chibi art.
Ike Eveland -- Novelist
Soft swedish boy. Can sing really well. Softboy aesthetic.
Shu Yamino -- Sorcerer
Nerdy japanese guy, called "shupport" because he helps the other members with their tech problems.

Luxiem is what brings in the money to EN. They are insanely popular and appeal mostly to the female demographic.

Wave 5: Noctyx (dark luxiem wave)
Sonny Brisko -- Policeman
4chan vtuber and hololive fanboy. Kind of a quiet reserved type. Girls seem to love him.
Uki Violeta -- Psychic
The really gay one.
Yugo -- DJ
A Japanese woman playing a male character. Appeals mostly to the Japanese market. (Kind of a bizarre addition honestly)
Alban Knox -- Thief
Catboy who's just there for a good time. Fun to hang out with and play games with.
Fulgur Ovid -- Future Cyborg
Fun in group collabs, the center of attention. He's sort of a fixture of the community at this point.

Noctyx hangs together alright. Although they don't seem to have a distinct identity so far.

Wave 6: ILuna (first mixed wave)
Maria Marionette -- Doll girl
Mostly streams in Japanese primetime. Very cute and seiso, reminiscent of Rosemi.
Scarle Yonaguni -- Enchantress
Big boobs, dark skin. Has a really zoomer personality.
Aia Amare -- angelic maiden
Has a nice voice, and really into femdom. Tends to dominate the boys and her chat.
Kyo Kaneko -- First year student
Shota character. Tends to talk a bit ghetto, says nigga a lot. He's funny.
Aster Arcadia -- Celestial
Femboy character, not sure about him.
Ren Zotto -- Alien king
Typical handsome boy character the women like.

ILuna is still pretty new, and still creating their identity. Who knows how they'll be in a few months.

Here's a clip of Millie talking about all the waves and her own impression of them.

>> No.64888759

if the ball doesn't match, why even bother

>> No.64888772
Quoted by: >>64888935

All Aia has shown from her DM plays BG3 stream is she isn't a huge DND veteran that she thinks she is an seems more like a casual Critical Role enjoyer.

>> No.64888775
File: 551 KB, 716x551, 1701197339035788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capture Taken

>> No.64888781

>he drives around with the license plate "SRCRER" and wears his own merchindise
Makes me laugh every time

>> No.64888784

if there's two of you you can both lose your virginity now

>> No.64888787
Quoted by: >>64888850

Elibro keeps fucking winning holy shit

>> No.64888793

Elira said she relates to Carmine being an older sister to a silly little brother.

>> No.64888813

elira did it!

>> No.64888816

Imagine being a schizo… you could easily just post your oshi doing cute things instead of being a tryhard in being famous

>> No.64888845

peep lend me your meds

>> No.64888850

I'm so jealous of that little shit, he doesn't deserve her with how often he refuses to hang out with her...

>> No.64888853
File: 239 KB, 849x371, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the intended way to play the game

>> No.64888854 [DELETED] 

Luxiem cannibalism tierlist

Reacts to the subject with disgust, revulsion and suspicion/fear towards anyone who would bring it up. Would only eat another human in a Flight 571 situation, where a corpse is literally the only alternative to starvation. He could rationalize away any trauma from having to eat a stranger's corpse, but having to eat a former friend or family member would probably destroy him inside. Every night he would have dreams of Pomu's severed head, crying tears, asking him why he devoured her like an animal.
He would never hurt or kill another person to eat them, but has probably wondered what we taste like after reading the right/wrong doujins. If you offered him a cube of your ass or bicep along with 30 pages of signed NDAs and waivers he'd jump at the chance to eat you stir-fried with onions sauce and fried rice. He'd get really embarrassed about it if you served it to him personally however. The experience would be life-changing for him and a few years later he'll put himself in the ER trying to self-cannibalize.
Resident cannibal-to-be of Luxiem. The man has trust and control issues a-plenty and it manifests in his secret perversions. Cannibalizing a victim is just one more tag among the many, MANY sadistic urges that he keeps bottled away and buried deep within him, indulged in safely only through fiction via a VPN and a virtual machine. More than once however, he's seen a woman on the bus or on a trail that fits his bill. Blandly pretty, a bit oblivious, basic fashion. Ike occupies his rotten mind with her the whole day, making detailed plans on how he would abduct, restrain and torture her for weeks before slaughtering her like a sow and serving her up as sashimi. Mind you, these plans would never be acted on. It's all just a sick fantasy until an earthquake hits and he can have his fun in the chaos
Same as Luca, though he would be more rational about having to eat a dead friend to save himself. "Petra would want me to live" or something like that.
Not a willing cannibal per se, but he probably has weird and contrarian ideas about lab grown human tissue and the ethics about eating it. Privately he would be pretty down with things like blood play with a significant other, but at the end of the day Vox doesn't feel the hunger for another person. With all that said, he would be genuinely touched if you made valentine's day chocolate with your own blood mixed in, and feeding it to him in bed would be a guaranteed way to make him melt (pun intended) in your hands.

>> No.64888862

so whats the message of this pokemon dlc?
just like destroying the hopes of other people?

i dont get it

>> No.64888880

>HE'S SO BABY!!!!!!!

>> No.64888886
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shotas beware, you're in for a scare

>> No.64888894
File: 242 KB, 295x415, 102983983783993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll take 'em
didn't enna play that, refined game? refined self, right? i read the thread a bit during, but how was the full stream?

>> No.64888911
Quoted by: >>64888971

Do you think Aia is going to play bg3 weekly like Scarle? Or do you think this will be an on and off game for her?

>> No.64888924
Quoted by: >>64889283

selfcest! i've had it spill over into the thread many times, it would be easier to have someone to vent to sometimes but what can you do.
i hope he doesn't but if he does, i hope he knows i mean no ill will and it's just me finding somewhere to express my frustration at least

>> No.64888925

elira clapping

>> No.64888927

He's got the entire day planned out. He starts by taking you to the museum, where he explains all the cool stories behind each of the exhibits; he then takes you to all the scenic spots around the city, especially the ones that are blushing with spring blooms and falling flower petals. At night, he brings you down to the river and you float flower lanterns down the water. Something seems really familiar about this whole scene, though - it reminds you an awful lot of a certain Word file you saw him furtively working on a few weeks ago. You ask him about it and he admits, blushing, that he was struggling to come up with cool ideas and he wrote his own self-insert fanfiction to act out.
He's also got the whole day planned out, except he gets lost the moment the two of you set out. You manage to salvage it by suggesting you go to the aquarium instead, which serves to distract him for a few hours while he excitedly tells you everything he knows about cuttlefish. He's oddly quiet when you get home, though, and although you had a great day - he clearly didn't. When you ask him about it, he admits that he really wanted to make the day perfect for you, but he messed everything up. You can almost see him tearing up when he tells you it's all his fault, but it's okay. You pat him on the head and tell him that he doesn't have to try to be someone else for you. You'll be just as happy spending a day chilling and playing games with him.
He takes you to the club, of course. Well, dinner first - you've got a long night ahead of you, and you shouldn't be drinking on an empty stomach - and then he calls a taxi to deliver the two of you to the nightclub. Once you're there, he introduces you to everyone - the bartenders, the bouncers, the staff members - as the love of his life and tells them that it's their responsibility as good bros to take care of you and make sure you're enjoying yourself. He performs a full set on stage, dedicating each and every song to you; at first he's being subtle about it, but by the end he's getting increasingly smashed and is simply screaming about how much he loves you to his entire audience.
The two of you pack a picnic basket and head off on a long drive into the mountains. You reach an unmarked trailhead and let him lead the way further and further into the brush; it gets darker and darker and you almost wonder to yourself if you've mixed yourself up with a serial killer who's about to dump your body in the woods - until, suddenly, the forest opens up and you see the entire Milky Way laid out in a brilliant ribbon above you. The two of you watch the stars late into the night, and you doze off in his arms as he quietly sings you to sleep.
He tells you it's going to be a surprise, and that you should wait for him in his car at a specific street corner at a specific time - and that you should be ready to drive. It's no surprise to you when you show up and see him running out of a suspiciously old-fashioned building, backpack bulging, with sirens blaring behind him. It's just a high-speed car chase from there on out; the two of you just laughing as you pull out all the stops to shake off your pursuers in dramatic fashion. When the two of you get back to his hideout, he covers you in all the beautiful jewels he stole - and in kisses.

>> No.64888935
Quoted by: >>64889088

Well the veterans i know have many fucking issues with the game, but they also have many issues with 5e altogether, yet even more with the game

>> No.64888953
Quoted by: >>64889035

>whats the message
It's just a shota correction simulator

>> No.64888957

No matter how hard you try there's always someone better than you who will make it look easy

>> No.64888964

Elira’s so cute

>> No.64888971

She'll be playing it tomorrow too, so probably either weekly on every other week

>> No.64888987

Elira's not done yet. She still has the Secret Ending, and then the postgame stuff with Team Star.

>> No.64888998

holy, more than a year since this was posted
where is the self-harm one

>> No.64889000
File: 913 KB, 826x681, Screenshot 2023-12-19 215359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64889010

Obey your older sister, she's always right, incest is good

>> No.64889035

>shota correction simulator
DLC of the year

>> No.64889033
Quoted by: >>64889077

Man I miss those, where did all our writefags go?

>> No.64889039
File: 2.79 MB, 300x362, Scarle2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64889049
Quoted by: >>64889353

dont listen to the self harm anon, post the shota one NOW

>> No.64889069


>> No.64889077
Quoted by: >>64889156

literally everyone left because the shitposting got super bad

>> No.64889088
Quoted by: >>64889219

No it's that she doesn't seem to know basic class aspects during her character creation process.

>> No.64889109
File: 653 KB, 400x400, MillieLaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he admits, blushing, that he was struggling to come

>> No.64889119

has anyone told aia to turn off karmic dice?

>> No.64889121

elira is so funny

>> No.64889130

Don't be a schizo like that loser Kieran, that's the lesson.

>> No.64889134

Elira sounds like she's drunk when she gets too excited.

>> No.64889156
Quoted by: >>64890048

It's really not that bad if you ignore a schizo or two

>> No.64889160

That are self destructing independently because the weight of what they've done is hitting them. They can never even pretend to be normal siblings again.
They're going to spend the next 6 months refusing to see eachother but thinking of eachother every day - Shu trying to move onto dating women, as the sight of any dick makes memories of those sordid nights with his brother flash in the forefront of his mind, and Mysta with cheap thrills and masturbation, sinking deeper into self inflicted loneliness as a strange sort of penance.
They see eachother at a family funeral again, and find their conflicting, complex feelings towards eachother are still fresh and raw. They fuck in the church bathroom after only an hour of talking at the funeral reception, unable to deny their animalistic lust towards eachother. The cycle begins anew.

>> No.64889162

>I'm gonna read webtoons so tell me when the song's over

>> No.64889219

If you open Shart's character sheet and not cringe instantly at the "trickster domain" then you're not a veteran, that's the quick test

>> No.64889248
Quoted by: >>64889395

Posting this here too, maybe you guys will enjoy it. I had a dream where I got rawdogged and passed around with cum seeping from my cunt by each member of Luxiem (except for Ike).

Vox was very relaxed and didn't really seem that into it. I think he was probably used to prettier girls, so he was flippant about the whole thing and didn't even finish. Instead he kept hyping up everyone else. We laughed a bit together, but I felt slightly humiliated. But I kinda understood it too.
Shu was the most nervous. He also had the biggest dick, but because of that I struggled to fit him and I was a bit uncomfortable. He came the fastest out of all of them, and he apologized profusely for hurting me and finishing so quickly. It was very sweet, so I kissed him for it.
Luca was the most aggressive one, he was wearing his new model (the tacticool modern one), and he kept wanting to go doggy style. His cock was really fat and he had good hip movements, so I enjoyed him the most.
Mysta had a micropenis, but I still let him go at it. He was less nervous than Shu, but still fumbled a bit when he went at it. He took the longest to finish, probably because of the nerves. I clapped him on the arm and told him good job.

Ike wasn't present at all, which is a shame, because he is my oshi. But I think maybe I respect him too much to dream about him like this. Who knows.

>> No.64889276

My girlfailure oshi

>> No.64889283
Quoted by: >>64889489

just like incest, selfcest in wincest! kek i thought you had the other cub to talk to.. maybe we can arrange something, not now though.
im pretty sure he would know best at the end, even if he is weirded out by it in the beginning!

>> No.64889288
Quoted by: >>64889347

I saw that Elira started reading ORV which is cool because it's good

>> No.64889319
File: 252 KB, 488x488, 1698598437549856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.64889347
Quoted by: >>64889423

she said she tried to read it once before but didn't like it then but she tried again and now she likes it

>> No.64889353

weakling, why not both

>> No.64889355

Luxiem as camwhores! + Brothers that ____! bonus in a reply.

We've already had a taste of this; gentle words and abuse of his binaural mic take centre stage, with his body as an afterthought. Puts great pride into his set - all matching, red satin bedsheets and an abundance of cushions to recline on, an incense burner wafting smoke to his side and a champagne glass permanently in his hand (although it doesn't actually have champagne in it, just whatever alcohol he feels like). Starts off relatively tame, but the longer it goes the more he drinks, and the more he drinks the more debased he gets, the further he's willing to go. Doesn't really use toys much, he prefers his hands and a liberal amount of cumlube, but introduces a vibrator into the mix sometimes. Sometimes brings over people to have sex with live, although their faces are never shown.

Total degeneracy. If you can forgive the no-sheets mattress on the floor setup, with low lighting that makes the video slightly grainy, you're in for a treat. He's not doing this for the money, he's doing it for an excuse - he'll quickly devolve given the slightest push, and has a wide variety of toys and outfits that he likes to cycle through. Doesn't shy away from fantasy dildos - dragons, guns, and something you really hope isn't modelled after anything real... Moans loudly and with wild abandon. Often cums and keeps going, until his thighs and belly are all crusted over with fluid and his sweat is making his hair stick to his face. Looks forward to the day someone tells him to involve piss.

A simple setup, but an incredibly sleek one - crystal clear picture quality, always fresh crisp light sheets, with his few toys neatly lined up just in shot on the bedside table. He covers his mouth with a simple black mask and barely ever speaks, typing words onto the display if he really wants to say something. He comes across as a little shy, but he's clearly enjoying himself, and has some dirty thoughts stowed away in his mind; he's clearly practiced writing onto his own thighs, as he can write all sorts of degrading things the right way around using a thick, black marker. Rarely ever completely naked, instead preferring to lift up the skirt to whatever pretty, well-thought-out outfit he's wearing that day. Enjoys pretty dresses with plenty of ruffles, ankle length maid dresses, and neat school uniforms. He often wears knee-length or thigh-high socks, which are particularly fun to watch his toes curl in when he cums.

Really enjoys talking down to his viewers. Always starts his streams fully clothed, slowly stripping as time goes on to reveal delicate lingerie sets beneath. He acts like he's being coerced, and talks with a tut and a sigh, but his body language and erect cock gives him away. A big fan of bringing masked clients onto the stream to fuck them live; sometimes he'll play what he's pioneered as "strip chess", sometimes it's classic poker. Enjoys tying them down and roughing them up, taking on everyone from petite girls to ojisans with the same amount of confidence and vigour... And reminding them that they're in a very vulnerable position, tied up naked in a stranger's house on camera, dragging the blunt side of a kitchen knife down their chest or over their neck. It's all play, of course! Probably. The heels stay on during sex.

You'd be forgiven for thinking you'd accidentally clicked onto a motivational workout stream. The majority of his camming is exercise focused, a high quality camera capturing every bead of sweat as he does pushups live, or uses the exercise equipment in his home gym. Very encouraging to his viewers, telling them to work out alongside him as it goes, cheering for them to keep it up. It's only when his workout session is over and he flops down in front of the camera, dragging it closer to him as he reclines up against the wall, that you might suddenly remember what you were watching in the first place. With a grin, his tongue licking quickly over his teeth, he pulls down his jogging pants enough to free his erect, sweaty dick and gets to work. Often narrates how good it feels and close he is. He clearly enjoys every second, and every bit of attention his viewers give him. Often cums onto his own already drenched abs, picking the camera up afterwards to show his viewers a close-up view of the mess he's made.

>> No.64889359

0 trips

>> No.64889393
File: 105 KB, 206x206, 1654205373134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember being in the threads when all these pastas were created...

>> No.64889395
Quoted by: >>64892390

Anon I think you just astral projected into Ike's body

>> No.64889416

Same... it's been so long.

>> No.64889423

I wonder if she got far enough for the fujo jokes to hook her

>> No.64889427

getting scared even by the achievements kek

>> No.64889433
File: 162 KB, 480x480, 1702990226138993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're entering the twilight zone

>> No.64889459

Luxiem boys and self-harm.
Minus Luca because I couldn't think of anything for him.

Rarely self-harms physically or via traditional means, instead stewing in self loathing for days to weeks on end. Curled up in bed, eyes glazed over, not asleep and yet not awake either. He'll eat once the hunger becomes unbearable, but otherwise all basic self maintenance slips away. He doesn't wash, make himself nutritious meals, change clothes... His route in the house turns into just going from his room to the bathroom and front door for delivery food. Cruel comments - imagined, real, self inflicted, all hold equal weight to him - torment him, and this state of punishment will continue until someone else lures him out of it.

Hate comments and criticism are not a catalyst for him self-harming - they're an excuse. When stress and pent up emotions start to get to him, he'll log onto his poison of choice and begin to scroll; he knows just where to look, what terms to search to get an onslaught of less than well intentioned "feedback" on his streams. As the tears prickle in his eyes and distress rises in his throat, he reaches for the razor he has set aside just for this purpose. His go-to areas are the tops of his thighs, easy to hide and quick to heal, although the scars remain bright against his skin. After the initial relief passes and the reality of what he's done sets in, a fleeting anger against the world washes over him, and he'll mash a quick defensive tweet out to quell this feeling too.

Like Vox, Shu doesn't go for more traditional forms of self-harm. Instead, Shu deprives himself of sleep. It's easy enough to explain away, in his opinion - in his career, not sleeping can be simply viewed as dedication to his work, or a slightly poor lifestyle decision. It's easy enough to brush off anyone who might have noticed the pattern or began to worry about him as babying him too; an agitated "stop asking that, I'm fine" or "mind your own business" shuts the more persistent up quickly. As he goes into his third day of sleep deprivation, his eyes stinging at the brightness of the screen, nausea churning and limbs aching as his body starts begging him to rest, he downs another energy drink and begins his stream.

Ike, unlike the others, sees self-harm as a form of indulgence rather than a punishment. A luxury to be afforded sparsely, not out of fear for his own safety but so it stays just as sweet and exhilarating. Like a form of lust, after a certain, fuzzy point the urge becomes irresistible; with a restrained excitement, he settles in the evening with his supplies - pocket knife (sharpened and cleaned to perfection), bandages, antiseptic wipes and spray, and a towel to avoid too much mess - and reclines on his bed, nestling in comfortably. Sometimes he'll listen to music, but often it's silent as he lets the sharp blade press into his wrist just so. It's a dangerous area for such a sharp implement, but he's well practiced, almost smug about his ability to avoid going too far. Once he's made as many neat, straight lines as he feels is appropriate, he watches the wounds drip onto the towel, the searing pain causing him a giddy glee. All good things must come to an end, however, and he quickly moves onto cleanup and bandaging. He doesn't particularly care if people notice the conspicuously placed bandages or scars that sit beneath his fishnet gloves... In fact, it's an exhibitionistic thrill.

>> No.64889490
File: 93 KB, 227x222, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgng41u.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am no longer mad at Shu Yamino. Instead I am mad at the Yaminions who let him get away with barely even trying. The man has the world on a silver platter despite quite literally doing nothing of value with his existence and his fans eat it up like it was chocolate coming out of his ass. What does he do with membership? Nothing. Does he have good emotes? Not at all. Doesn't sing. Doesn't do anything but hopcon and rely on other lovers to provide content. Yaminions you can do better. There are 169 different Nijisanji members and I can assure you every single one of them deserves you more than Shu Yamino.

>> No.64889489
Quoted by: >>64889744

not now is not the best at all kek. we used to but i think we're better off not talking all the time anymore, i might be a bit too menhera for them kek.
i hope so.. it's all out of love!

>> No.64889502
File: 19 KB, 281x267, 1675844472401399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64889687

>no sanctuary
>bless on both paladin and cleric
>trickster domain

>> No.64889505

i've spent too much time here...

>> No.64889507
Quoted by: >>64889845

Retards took the opportunity to flood the thread with copy pasted shitposts from the past

>> No.64889538

It’s 11AM in SEA and they’re all on christmas break

>> No.64889541

>those hands

>> No.64889555 [DELETED] 

Luxiem boys as prostitutes!

Somehow gets more female than male customers. Typically likes to pamper the client, whispering sweet nothings in their ear from the moment they begin. Specializes in kisses and playful bites; exceptionally good at oral sex as an extension of this. Receives generous tips.

Plays the part of a succubus and a sex goddess, which obfuscates his mediocre skills in bed. Often misreads the rhythm/mood of the client and thinks that they're up for something far more intense than they really are, with occasionally devastating results. A bad kisser to boot.

No one in the brothel knows why he's even there. His innocent demeanor makes customers feel guilty of doing things to him, although he is at least pleasant to talk to. Is eventually transferred to kitchen duty.

An utter harlot. The only one of the five who consistently enjoys sex more than their clients. Fucks like a jet engine, with lewd heart-shaped eyes in between deep and sensual kisses. The most senior clients regularly get into fistfights for time with him.

Not suited for the job at all. Unable to establish a connection with clients, and is too rigid/unreceptive during sex for it to be pleasurable. Expelled from the brothel after an incident where he bit off part of a customer's tongue.

>> No.64889557
File: 203 KB, 500x500, luca party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy 2 years grandpa

>> No.64889570
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>> No.64889574


>> No.64889582

Elira is peeing cutely.

>> No.64889619
File: 190 KB, 416x403, 1682085331934797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64889658

Holy shit, the /nenmen/ skanks must be really mad about something to be reposting all their slop here.

>> No.64889627
File: 15 KB, 554x554, IMG_5043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m horrified to learn that I’ve been here for almost 2 years

>> No.64889634 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>64889678

Luxiem cocks and how they use them! (Basically, general sex thoughts.)

Average in both girth and length, but particularly aesthetically pleasing. Uncircumcised. Lasts about 20 - 30 minutes during penetrative sex, but spends twice that amount on foreplay alone. Tends to prefer making people cum with his hands and mouth, and then having his way with their tired, still-sensitive body afterwards. Likes cuddling afterwards, but won't insist on it. Will fish for compliments while cuddling, but in a light-hearted way.

Average girth but slightly above average length. Curved somewhat. Circumcised. Quietly proud of his dick and likes the look of it. Very rough in bed, and will manhandle you into positions. Kind of rusty, but not completely unpractised. Doesn't last long, but recovers quickly and is up for multiple quick rounds with fondling in-between. Gets very, very embarrassed if he can't make you cum, so tryhards it with oral beforehand. Likes leaving bruises because it makes him feel powerful. Asks if it was good for you.

Smaller end of average on both counts, with a curve. Particularly red-tipped. Uncircumcised. Virgin, and has no real idea of how to go about things because he avoids pornography involving real people. Will listen attentively to anything you teach him, but won't last long at all. The type to nervous laugh in bed, particularly if a strange noise happens. Prefers missionary so he can kiss. Would say "I love you" during climax on sheer instinct, even if he doesn't know them that well, then avoid talking about it afterwards.

A decent amount larger than average on both counts. Very straight, almost weirdly so if you look at it for too long. Pale. Circumcised. Low sex drive and has to be approached, then turned on, first. Massive oral fixation - he'd prefer to kiss and give oral than actually have sex. Has a lot of self control and can go for a long time if he wants to. Swears a lot and mixes languages. When he does have sex, he prefers doggy. Apologises afterwards if he said anything a little too mean... Even if you don't understand the language he said it in. Showers shortly afterwards and grumbles about any stickiness on his neck or back until he does.

Average length, but really girthy. Veiny. A shade darker than the rest of his skin. Grower, not a shower. Uncircumcised. Not much into foreplay, prefers jumping straight into the act - making out is enough to get him ready to go - but he also won't turn down an opportunity to play with boobs if one presents itself. Fucks like a jackhammer and is cheerful the entire time. Gets a bit grabby with the chest, thighs, and waist. Amazing stamina. Any sultriness of the situation is offset slightly by light-hearted comments, him laughing loudly at any strange noises, and frequent use of the word "wow". Insists on cuddles afterwards

>> No.64889652
File: 18 KB, 284x364, pppppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira is peeing cutely!

>> No.64889658

newfag doesnt know these were all written here before nenmen..

>> No.64889667
File: 302 KB, 442x387, 1680778623223537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this ED fuck you

>> No.64889670

Elira is tweeting cutely while peeing and probably using a q tip again.

>> No.64889675
File: 45 KB, 463x632, violet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64889678


>> No.64889679
File: 149 KB, 512x512, 1699245859205150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you guys dont know, maria and rosemi are in a paid section with other jp so they wont be streamed and only will be seen by ppl in nijifes

>> No.64889687
Quoted by: >>64889790

I honestly like compelled duel more for paladin and there's not much you can do with Shart until you can respec her into a domain that is actually useful but the choice of spells for Shart is honestly bad

>> No.64889731

>Ike, unlike the others, sees self-harm as a form of indulgence rather than a punishment. A luxury to be afforded sparsely, not out of fear for his own safety but so it stays just as sweet and exhilarating. Like a form of lust, after a certain, fuzzy point the urge becomes irresistible; with a restrained excitement, he settles in the evening with his supplies - pocket knife (sharpened and cleaned to perfection), bandages, antiseptic wipes and spray, and a towel to avoid too much mess - and reclines on his bed, nestling in comfortably. Sometimes he'll listen to music, but often it's silent as he lets the sharp blade press into his wrist just so. It's a dangerous area for such a sharp implement, but he's well practiced, almost smug about his ability to avoid going too far. Once he's made as many neat, straight lines as he feels is appropriate, he watches the wounds drip onto the towel, the searing pain causing him a giddy glee. All good things must come to an end, however, and he quickly moves onto cleanup and bandaging. He doesn't particularly care if people notice the conspicuously placed bandages or scars that sit beneath his fishnet gloves... In fact, it's an exhibitionistic thrill.
I have thought about this post every day for years. Also I have the moment burned into my memory when a mystake replied to this asking OP to just write regular sex or something when it first got posted here because it made me laugh so hard

>> No.64889732 [DELETED] 

Luxiem cannibalism tierlist (sorry, I'm not too familiar with Noctyx to do them justice):

Reacts to the subject with disgust, revulsion and suspicion/fear towards anyone who would bring it up. Would only eat another human in a Flight 571 situation, where a corpse is literally the only alternative to starvation. He could rationalize away any trauma from having to eat a stranger's corpse, but having to eat a former friend or family member would probably destroy him inside. Every night he would have dreams of Pomu's severed head, crying tears, asking him why he devoured her like an animal.
He would never hurt or kill another person to eat them, but has probably wondered what we taste like after reading the right/wrong doujins. If you offered him a cube of your ass or bicep along with 30 pages of signed NDAs and waivers he'd jump at the chance to eat you stir-fried with onions sauce and fried rice. He'd get really embarrassed about it if you served it to him personally however. The experience would be life-changing for him and a few years later he'll put himself in the ER trying to self-cannibalize.
Resident cannibal-to-be of Luxiem. The man has trust and control issues a-plenty and it manifests in his secret perversions. Cannibalizing a victim is just one more tag among the many, MANY sadistic urges that he keeps bottled away and buried deep within him, indulged in safely only through fiction via a VPN and a virtual machine. More than once however, he's seen a woman on the bus or on a trail that fits his bill. Blandly pretty, a bit oblivious, basic fashion. Ike occupies his rotten mind with her the whole day, making detailed plans on how he would abduct, restrain and torture her for weeks before slaughtering her like a sow and serving her up as sashimi. Mind you, these plans would never be acted on. It's all just a sick fantasy until an earthquake hits and he can have his fun in the chaos
Same as Luca, though he would be more rational about having to eat a dead friend to save himself. "Petra would want me to live" or something like that.
Not a willing cannibal per se, but he probably has weird and contrarian ideas about lab grown human tissue and the ethics about eating it. Privately he would be pretty down with things like blood play with a significant other, but at the end of the day Vox doesn't feel the hunger for another person. With all that said, he would be genuinely touched if you made valentine's day chocolate with your own blood mixed in, and feeding it to him in bed would be a guaranteed way to make him melt (pun intended) in your hands.

>> No.64889744
Quoted by: >>64889880

yeah, muchos textos as for right now kek thats perfectly understandable, i know i never want to overwhelm the other person too

>> No.64889784

>Elira now tweeting the moment she’s literally peeing
Seeing her indulging in her fetish is incredibly hot

>> No.64889789
Quoted by: >>64889815


>> No.64889790
Quoted by: >>64890117

i would rather have thunderous smite for prone and command early on. pre withers is going to be ass for shart anyways, i usually respec her to war or light domain.

>> No.64889815
Quoted by: >>64889831


>> No.64889818
File: 48 KB, 697x559, 1675146813582520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they'll pay for this

>> No.64889820

i remember luca's was the one with exercise. god i love this post

>> No.64889827

Luxiem cannibalism cat cafe.
Preparing "materials"/hunting:

> Shu
Kills you with a perfect cut on the throat, as you're tied. You die from blood loss after 3 minutes. Mastered using surgical utensils, able to perfectly cut open and separate every organ. For this reason, entrusted with the subjects with supposedly healthy liver, because he's the only one who can separate it from gall bladder with perfection.
Pros: + studied anatomy a lot; + able to cut with absolute accuracy using his knowledge of anatomy; +superior scalpel skills;
Cons: - mid-tier brutal force, not confident enough to put you down with anything but a knife.

> Luca
Smashes your head against the wall. "POOOOOO-" is a last thing you're going to hear in your life. Easily separates limbs from body with an axe. Struggles with understanding how anatomy works, so usually just tears off organs with almost bare hands and leaves it as it is. The best at butchering and cutting body to the pieces.
Pros: + top-tier brutal force; + top-tier speed;
Cons: - lacking knowledge and skillset to do some speeds (pair up with Shu to compensate each others cons);

The one who lures the subjects in a cafe. Refuses to participate in butchering process, so asks one of the boys to do it for him. He doesn't like to get his hands dirty, but has exceptional cooking skills. Able to cut big chunks of meat, when everything is done, into smaller pieces: ribeye, t-bone, using his superior cooking knowledge.
Pros: + the best at gaining trust of subjects; + perfect cook;
Cons: - won't participate in things he doesn't want to;

Talks with subjects before butchering them. Calming them down and making sure they are comfortable beforehand. Nobody knows why he does that. Kills with a slit on a throat. Has a weak stomach, so it was hard for him to tolerate some parts of butchering process at first. Makes sure everything is sterile, hangs subject after the kill to drip all the blood, does skinning and separating head first, because it's easier for him to do the work when the body least resemble human. Writes down information about every subject afterwards, remembers their names.
Pros: + decent at his job; + extremely clean setup; + some documentations may be useful for choosing subjects next time;
Cons: - it takes him a long time to accommodate and set up everything so he'll feel comfortable, so the time it takes him to do the job is extremely high;

You can't tell who is more afraid: him or you. His hands are shaking as he's holding a knife, he repeats "I'm sorry I'm sorry" all the time. He deals the blow in a heart with a knife, but misses, causing the most pain to the subjects out of everyone due to incompetence. Will deal several blows until the subject is finally killed. Has the weakest stomach, so he practically has to work with a bucket on a side, to throw up time from time. Will never refuse to help or show the signs of weakness afterwards. States that he's absolutely fine doing that when asked for help. He is really afraid of being a nuisance, so he'll try hard no matter how this will affect him.
Pros: + extremely loyal; +you can ask him to do anything and he'll do it out of crippling fear of not being useful; + tries hard;
Cons: - results of his work are below average, and it takes a lot of time; - refuses any help, nobody fully knows how actually deeply it affects him;

>> No.64889831
Quoted by: >>64889883


>> No.64889845

these are our heritage

>> No.64889877

Yeah we know, Anycolor actively hates the EN audience

>> No.64889880
Quoted by: >>64890001

muchos textos. never overwhelm have to build up to the menhera kek

>> No.64889883
Quoted by: >>64889902


>> No.64889902
File: 138 KB, 200x200, 1624735159342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64889920

A shame there aren't a lot of pastas about Noctyx

>> No.64889937

Fuck off, i was here before you and these do not represent me

>> No.64889946

rereading this post is making me feel things..

>> No.64889948
File: 203 KB, 1059x730, 1685491811383993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64889977
File: 395 KB, 1600x750, 1691884326219933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890124

>4chan has shitposting so it's fine to flood the thread with 300 word essays about what Luxiem's dicks look like

Again, Nijifags are this thread's biggest antis

>> No.64889998
Quoted by: >>64890108

cant believe that this costs 28 bucks

>> No.64890001
Quoted by: >>64890072

cheers to that, another me kek

>> No.64890006

Aia talks about Astarian like I do (except I want to make him worse not 'fix' him, I'm sick of 'fixing' any and all badness)

>> No.64890009

>doesn't want to fuck ike
this anon might be gay

>> No.64890010

thats a repost still good though

>> No.64890012

Reimu got an achievement for praying to Jesus

>> No.64890016
Quoted by: >>64890802

Yugo's hands tremble. He always gets shaky hands before streams - sometimes out of fear if he was having technical difficulties, or anticipation if he had something particularly exciting to show off, but not quite like this before. Not out of sheer lust.
He'd managed to play it off coolly enough to Shu, he thought. His go-to for avoiding awkward questions was just to act confused about what the problem might be, like there was no ambiguity to it in the first place, and he'd employed this tactic once again when asking Shu how he might go about setting up haptic feedback for stream donations.
Shu had asked why he'd ever need that - surely the on-screen alert was good enough? - but Yugo had simply shrugged it off with a "why not?" and a laugh. He'd stuttered a little when Yugo clarified it was vibration-based, but pried no more into the topic, clearing his throat and continuing as professionally as always.

Yugo does one last check over his equipment before he went live. Mic, check. Working overlay, check. BGM, check. Bluetooth vibrator synced to incoming donations, held in place against his clit by his boxer briefs... Check. He's ready for his chatting stream. He's ready to edge himself for hours.
With an exhale of nervous excitement, he goes live, and greets the chat with barely restrained excitement.
Although some people catch on that he's even peppier than usual, shouting joyfully straight off the bat, he brushes that off too - "I'm just so happy to see you guys, you know? Let's have a good time!"
It doesn't take long for the first donation to come in. Although a short rumble, its impact is enhanced by the thrill of knowing it's happening live; another shortly after, then another, spaced just so far apart as to make his heart leap each time.
He presses his thighs together, the wobbly smile on his face translating into a confident smirk on stream. There's a certain delight he derives from feeling his own wetness soaking into the cotton underwear, the black fabric giving away just the slightest hint of sticky shininess. He's happy with his decision; he's prepared to go like this for hours.

The one thing Yugo isn't prepared for is a sudden influx of back-to-back donations.
It's been an hour or so when the first one rolls in; $3, pretty standard. But it's followed immediately after by another, then another, then another. Already on edge from the stimulation earlier, he bites down on his lip; just bear with this, he thinks to himself, this will pass in a few moments.
But it doesn't. It keeps coming.
No, no, no. His eyes flick down to the viewer count. 5k people. He can't, not now. Not in front of so many people.
It's the content of the messages that tips him over the edge - "Yugo, you're so handsome", "I'm offering you my virginity", "my ring size is 5", a seemingly outpouring of shameless love.
Yugo realises with a foggy sense of horror that he's going to cum. He gasps quietly, desperately trying not to moan; his breaths become heavier, faster, and a small needy whine escapes him. His thighs shudder uncontrollably, and he scrambles to disconnect the vibrator, his sweaty hands clenching the mouse as he struggles to navigate the devices list.
Chat notices, but he brushes it off again as his breathing returns to normal. There's a wobble in his wild laugh. His crotch is soaked.
"Sorry, chat! Oh my god, I hit my toe on my desk..."

Shu's hand slows to a stop, covered in cum. He pants, eyes wide, headphones askew. His credit card sits on his desk.
With a slight smile, he looks down at his bare thighs, glazed with his own ejaculate. So his suspicions were correct... And he'd just made Yugo cum in front of all those people.
He sends a message to Yugo on discord.
"Did it feel good?"

>> No.64890032
Quoted by: >>64890068

Buds they reverted a bunch of nerfs in Shadowverse, are we so back or are we not!?

>> No.64890048

what i've been saying, but these newfaggots can't handle shit and keep biting so much bait so they have to run away to a pedo board

>> No.64890052

I was here for debuts faggot

>> No.64890058

>It’s not shitposting if i’m fine with it

>> No.64890061

What with these long ass text in the post?

>> No.64890068

play a real tcg

>> No.64890072
Quoted by: >>64890208

cheers to that me, myself and i!

>> No.64890080
File: 336 KB, 1664x1510, 1698448087212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64890108

It looks like some of the cheapest shit I've ever seen, like jewelry from AliExpress looks more convincing than that

>> No.64890117
Quoted by: >>64890279

I honestly just hate many of the characters they give you, i ended up making my character a gloom stalker rogue (assassinate sometimes doesn't even fucking proc btw), made Gale a tempest cleric/evo wizard AC tank, Shart Life domain and Halsin circle of the moon (he stands as a fire myrmidon blocking a wall of fire 5ft width hallway full of enemies)

>> No.64890122

some shitty attempt at spamming the thread some of it is getting deleted it seems

>> No.64890124
Quoted by: >>64890161

Oopsie, retard outed himself again

>> No.64890128

this one is just as great as i remembered

>> No.64890131

Luxnoc sisters were creative…

>> No.64890139
Quoted by: >>64890199

the schizo got called out for pretending to be a pomudachi so he's taking posts from nenmen to copy and paste here

>> No.64890142
File: 54 KB, 788x798, Elira_sings[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffr9xxc.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890192

A singing voice so beautiful it shocks listeners like lightning, beauty so bewitching, even my nihilistic heart finds itself enraptured!
I feel an extreme exhilaration to her cute giggles and radiant smile!
I am in total disbelief that someone like Elira exists, an individual that could only be described as a "pure light".
That’s an honor to be able to witness such a divine being as Elira.
Every time she finishes her streams, I have this lingering excitement inside of my soul...
Ah, what a lovely Dragon who so gracefully entices me to adore her. I have no words to describe the perfection that is Elira.

Eliraaaa!!! I love yoooou! I saaaay, I love yoooou!

>> No.64890149

I think the most interesting thing to learn today is that anycolor just has over 100 million dollars just piled up just in case the company goes bankrupt

>> No.64890161

That was deliberate as you are both a Nijifan and a fag

>> No.64890184

they should give me some of it

>> No.64890190
Quoted by: >>64890286

It's quite common for JP companies think Cover has like $70m too.

>> No.64890193
File: 954 KB, 4096x1658, FkEpp8sUcAMDf_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what prompted this

>> No.64890192

Nice, I also remember the “smelly dragon” one, odiferous dragon

>> No.64890199
Quoted by: >>64890260

Young boy... those pastas predate nenmen by months...

>> No.64890201

Elira broke the game.

>> No.64890208
File: 58 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890342


>> No.64890219

Just be honest that you are butthurt you cant measure up to these incredible copypastas

>> No.64890260

yeah but guess where they're also all saved? in the nenmen thread, no way you think the schizo saved these from 2 years ago when he keeps posting the same 5

>> No.64890267

Doubtful, as you are a huge fucking retard who struggles to string sentences together

>> No.64890279

My most recent run on honor mode was mainly palalock mc, zerker battle master flinger, wyll with a tome, and war cleric shart. in act 3 i switched to bardlock to test if i liked it more.

>> No.64890286
Quoted by: >>64890363

>only 70m
lol how embarrassing

>> No.64890291
Quoted by: >>64890428

Holy based anon dunking on that schizo nigger

>> No.64890308

This was always my favorite

>> No.64890328
Quoted by: >>64890442

>'Anon... anon wakeup...'
>'Mom and dad aren't home ya-know...'
>'We could... um... play that game again'
>'That fun wrestling game... remember? Mom and dad interrupted us last time'
>'We couldn't get to the... fun part...'
>'Okay... look... If you pin me to the ground and take off my clothes... I'll do whatever you want me to'
>'W-well I could do your chores for a week, b-but isn't there anything else...'
>'Anything else you want from me... physically.. how about these funbags on my chest.. don't you wanna just... touch them...'
>'Nuh-uh, no touching until you win the game anon~~~'
>*Knock Knock*
>'Hey aaayyyyynonnn wanna play some ape-'
>'What the fuck are you doing...'
>'ELIRA! w-why are you holding his-thingy in your hand..'
>Elira starts jerking you off with more effort, she smiles at Selen for a brief moment before replying-
>'Hmmm? Me and him are just playing a little game together.. isn't that right anon?
>Unable to respond, you're too focused on Elira's smooth gentle hands operating your member.
>'I'm just showing him a little bit of my appreciation for being such a cute little brother'
>'Besides you're always hogging him... can't you give him a little break? You were up till 4am together last time I checked'
>She casually releases your penis from her hand. Moving her voluptuous body on top of yours, her gigantic breasts dangling, in optimal suckling position.
>'Selen, I know all about your little crush on anon... I've read your diary. You can have him back after this. But right now I'm going to show him what a well-matured woman feels like mmmm~~'
>Selen frantically replied 'C-crush... hahaha-what are you talking about Elira... I-I don't like him like that... I-'
>Before she could continue talking, Elira slammed down on your now fully erect penis. Submerging it in her hot, dragonic pussy.
>'UUUUOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' you moaned. Your virginity now taken.
>Elira tilted forward, muffling your moans with her gigantic pillows. Selen couldn't move, she couldn't speak.
>'Oh~~ Anon... your virgin cock feels so good mmmm~'
>After just a minute of pounding you were at your limit.
>'Anon are you ready to release? No-no don't move... I want you to cum inside me...'
>Elira pushed down ever harder on your cock, triggering a white explosion from your tip....
>'Ara-ara~ you came so much... I am definitely gonna get pregnant from this lol'.
>'Selen looks so aroused right now, I bet she wanted to masturbate to us fucking... she's so fucked up...'
>The purple dragon said nothing... she knew Elira was right.

>> No.64890337
File: 3.16 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20231220_033126888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy it's been less than a month and it arrived before Christmas! Unfortunately master's pape is still in lab carefully watching over my workstation while do remote structural refinements, but her Nijicanceled friends have finally come home. I've also gotten my second batch of her perfume, and of course, though the lighting makes me want to cut my throat open in atonement for the travesty, I have her 2nd anniversary stand as well.

I love love love love love love love love love you master, Roboquest was tons of fun today, and I can't wait for more adventures of you. To many more anniversaries, birthdays, customs, concerts, gifts, and fantasies to come. Thank you for being with me through the worst of my sicknesses, some of the best news of my life, being a catalyst of a new bridge with my family, and inspiring me to work harder for you and my siblings. A rising tide raises all ships, and I have endlessly enjoyed the content your coworkers have brought me both with you and on your own as well. Best wishes, I hope your life is as wonderful and amazing as you are

>> No.64890342
File: 222 KB, 1110x1110, wahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890477

take my doodle i did while the thread was being... interesting!

>> No.64890343
File: 145 KB, 1080x1290, 1661344192626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890428

based sister owning the holochuds

>> No.64890359
File: 307 KB, 1070x600, 1702915128015462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is sus

>> No.64890363

It's a smaller company that makes less money of course they would have less savings.

>> No.64890387

The money doesn’t go into yachts it goes into the riku’s rainy day fund

>> No.64890394

>able to cut with absolute accuracy using his knowledge of anatomy; +superior scalpel skills;
thats so hot

>> No.64890428

Yeah he’s so butthurt he leply twice kek

>> No.64890442

>Selen slams the door behind her, the tears don't stop rolling down her face.
>'Stupid. Stupid Anon... how could he... I thought we were close...
>*Her phone alarm blared*
>'Oh fuck....fuck, I forgot about the tournament... I promised I would stream too..'
>During her intro screen she attempts to flush out any remaining tears from her ducts.
>'Alright... hey everybody.. I hope um... you're excited for this tournament.. I know I am... haha..'
>'Sorry if I'm not the usual, energetic Selen you all know and love... I uhh.. had to deal with something recently..'
>'Don't worry chat it was nothing major.... oh thank you for the aka-supah, thank you thaaank you.'
>Her first match was going great, she fragged a few squads and was closing in on the last squad.

>You notice that Selen's door wasn't locked. Slowly you tip-toe through her messy room.
>From between her curvy thighs you emerge, yanking down her boxers revealing her recently shaven crotch.
>'Ano-' Selen stopped herself from speaking. She has to focus on this win, and most importantly not arouse suspicion from her stream.
>Her eyes snaps back to her screen, she is defenseless.
>Your tongue hones towards her virgin cunt. Sensually you orally assault her.
>'Mhmm~..... Ahhnnn~... T-theres a gibby o-on the ughnn~ west....' Selen couldn't help herself.
>Her recently cherry-popped brother was now lapping up her wet pussy in-front of thousands of viewers.
>'D-dont worry chat, I'm just feeling a bit sick hahaha, don't clip me out of con----mhhmnn~~'
>Suddenly you pull back, crawling past her chair, you rush towards the bed.
>Elira was there, laying bare naked on the mattress. Your eyes studied her mature, sexy body.
>From her child-bearing hips and plump thighs to her milk-filled mounds and erotic nape. Elira was the perfect woman.
>'Shhhh... we can't interfere with Selen's tournament.. she trained really hard for this...'
>'I know you still have a lot of cum stored up... I've watched you masturbate aplenty'
>Elira spreads her legs and without hesitation... you plunge your rock-hard member into her snatch, still wet from your recent encounter.
>'Ughhnnnn~~~ Yessss~~ Anon you are so perfect... your cock fits so well inside me...`
>Selen turns around. Her jaw drops. She can't speak. Her eyes fixated on your cock sliding in... and out... in and out of that heavenly pussy.
>She can't help but be turned on. She doesn't care anymore. Her chat flares up in confusion, wondering what that sound was.
>Muting the stream, she removes her hand from her mouse and keyboard and turns around once more.
>In missionary position you remain, pounding Elira's dragon pussy, each thrust generating an erotic moan from the solar dragon.
>You lock lips with her, caressing her bosom at the same time.
>'Look at my pathetic sister, rubbing it off to us fucking... even worse while she's streaming..mmmmn~'
>Turning your head slightly, you see the purple dragon furiously masturbating, her pussy drenched.
>Selen moans your name. 'A-anon~~ please kee~p fucking her... mhmmm~~ I can't stop.... feeling so aroused.'
>You've already gone too far to stop. Selen is broken, but Elira's pussy keeps reeling you back in.
>Elira pipes up.. 'I'm going to start counting down... I want you both to cum when I reach one okay?'
>'Ten.......nine ugn~.......eight......' You hope this level of pleasure never ends, but you know that your balls are ready to erupt any second now.
>'Sii-xx~~.....fiv-e... keep fucking me anon......fo-our... mmm~~......three~.....' You start pounding faster and faster.
>'Two~~~ mhhmm~~ one~~~ cum for me darlings~~' Simultaneously all three of you orgasm. Selen releases a torrent of nectar all over her chair, while you coat her sheets with your seed.
>Selen steps up from her chair, her legs shaking from her powerful orgasm. Falling to her knees below your cock.
>'Anon.... can... can I suck it? I want.. no I need to taste your cock... your cum... please..'
>You look up to Elira and she gives you a nod.
>It seems this is just the beginning

>> No.64890444
Quoted by: >>64890674

Nice merch, since when did people call Selen master?

>> No.64890465
File: 34 KB, 112x112, baeddca3-411b-4db3-8525-7b78a2c24441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890674

cute dragoon, weird time to post itt but hope you enjoy your christmas gift to yourself of your master!

>> No.64890477
Quoted by: >>64890589

the fire png KEK an actual masterpiece, worthy of being in a museum

>> No.64890482
Quoted by: >>64890674

Cute papes and Selen merch!! Happy holidays!

>> No.64890494

I don't read any post longer than 3 lines

>> No.64890524

I don't read

>> No.64890531


>> No.64890532 [DELETED] 


>> No.64890541
Quoted by: >>64890587

I read

>> No.64890550
File: 276 KB, 2530x1423, 1703044168534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family told me I look better. Better being I look bigger and more plump. I want to kill myself

>> No.64890553

Good to see every genuine conversation in this thread was ruined by retards flooding the thread with """nostalgia""" and then patting themselves in the back, hope you kys, you're not better than shitposters

>> No.64890580

reimu mixing up el padre nuestro with the ave maría kek

>> No.64890587


>> No.64890588


>> No.64890589
File: 37 KB, 563x486, d-date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890786

thank you, thank you

>> No.64890591

Congrats on receiving your merch!

>> No.64890623

yeah it's bsically unusable, let them continue eating their own shit

>> No.64890636

>rosebud seething so hard that rosemi's panel is pay to win

>> No.64890659
Quoted by: >>64890706

your brain wasnt big enough to realize the shitposters are the one posting them

>> No.64890663

cute dragoon, happy for you!

>> No.64890674
Quoted by: >>64890736

It's how I think of her. I like to fantasize myself as her maid and she just commands me to do anything she wants, even if deep down she holds some affection for me.

Thank you, you too! I won't lie I just came here and posted before reading the thread, and now that I have, I am very very confused. Usually my filters take out most of the weird stuff out, but this is the first time I've seen what seems to be a Luxiem copypasta raid

Happy holidays to you too dear!

>> No.64890696
File: 36 KB, 112x112, punch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64890703
File: 1.33 MB, 801x1089, 1629426733110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890793

>> No.64890706
Quoted by: >>64890807

>shitposter posts huge paragraph
>"fuck off"

>> No.64890710
Quoted by: >>64890854

geniunely love this memory trip lane made the schizo butthurt kek I miss the writerfags…

>> No.64890736

it is a very weird shitposting time but your post improved the thread a bit in my opinion so im glad you didnt check kek

>> No.64890766
File: 226 KB, 762x409, 1687825446030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890804

Man I wish I had more time to watch streams. This refind self game is pretty comfy.

>> No.64890786
File: 33 KB, 1080x672, F94Wc67awAAzMLl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890868


>> No.64890793


>> No.64890796

Really jelly… but congrats!!!!

>> No.64890802
File: 69 KB, 720x373, NSFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64890804

quit your job and you'll have plenty of time

>> No.64890807

oh youre one of them..

>> No.64890854

>"I like derailing the thread"
Thank you for saying this, meanwhile i'm here watching Aia thirst for Gale and Elira have fun with Iono while you don't watch streams and shit the thread because your oshi hates you

>> No.64890868
File: 26 KB, 340x297, GBYrFBvbgAAmc0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890992

i also realized i couldve used this lewd yaminion earlier

>> No.64890870

i can imagine her with a cross in her hands screaming el padre nuestro kek

>> No.64890879

you're literally the same faggot

>> No.64890891

Luca -
https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1731796253485195631 - 2 minutes
Sonny - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729320151726928144 - 3 minutes
Uki - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729290152634364255 - 4 minutes
Shu -
https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1731766471208968396 - 4 minutes
Vox -
https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1731857416097296677 - 5 minutes
Ike -
https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1731827300050866192 - 5 minutes
Fulgur - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729260156507308337 - 5 minutes
Alban - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729232618171007087 - 15 minutes
90 tickets
Elira - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730709094510768269 - 2 minutes
Pomu - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730679061654147103 - 3 minutes
Selen - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1726694701292830741 - 11 minutes
Rosemi - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730655501325922354 - 9 days 8 hours 30 minutes
Petra - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1726752283642269921 - In stock
Finana -
https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730738551825023453 - In stock
45 tickets
Enna - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730316238608580954 - 1 minutes
Vanta - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1727054695414501748 - 1 minute
Millie - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730346502693020158 - 2 minutes
Ren - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729954049842356396 - 2 minutes
Hex - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1727447591242395792 - 2 minutes
Doppio - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1727417261479375131 - 2 minutes
Kyo - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729592512879165736 - 6 minutes
Ver - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1727539055519576379 - 6 minutes
Wilson - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1727117362653237384 - 10 minutes
Scarle - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729626070130078071 - 19 minutes
Reimu - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730389343561449800 - 52 minutes
Aia - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730007331235414382 - 1 hours 34 minutes
Zali - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1727108180864553238 - 3 hours 32 minutes
Kotoka - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729201122366443661 - 4 days 18 hours 10 minutes
Maria - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1729651393047519731 - In stock
Meloco - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1727507261671813484 - In stock
Aster - https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1730013772838817829 - In stock

>> No.64890908
File: 506 KB, 780x1610, 1643505953647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64890924

you responded to me versus the two other replies calling you a baby, thats crazy

>> No.64890942


>> No.64890970
File: 616 KB, 1025x657, 1641853502171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64890988

I want to suck on Iono's fat breasts

>> No.64890992
File: 31 KB, 293x248, F7rz63fbYAAcj4t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891051

wha- bananass arent lewd by default! kek thats on you and your dirty mind!

>> No.64891041

>Aster, Maria, Finana, Petra and Meloco still haven't sold out of their Anime Impulse M&G tickets for January
it's time to support them

>> No.64891043

I want to eat her cotton candy hair

>> No.64891051
File: 17 KB, 112x112, LucubYes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891163


>> No.64891067
File: 1.22 MB, 971x2925, 1647484864064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64891083

jesus is having the best celebration of his birthday with this game fr fr

>> No.64891131
File: 2.95 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20231220_035949512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehehehe, her stand is so much taller. I'm so happy, she looks so regal and refined and imperial and above everyone else

>> No.64891138

>whyd they give the bear mad bush

>> No.64891163
File: 16 KB, 269x217, FzpEHY7aYAEONRZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891265


>> No.64891165

I’m surprised Elira took 2 minutes and beat out Pomu and Selen

>> No.64891172

oh wow that's a huge acrylic stand

>> No.64891203

anyone want to kiss

>> No.64891232
File: 169 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this selen standee so much… shes so regal

>> No.64891238

it's GFE buff

>> No.64891265
File: 39 KB, 128x128, luca bonketh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891377


>> No.64891268
Quoted by: >>64891759

woah shes so tall in comparison. do you have a shrine to show off her superiority?

>> No.64891275
File: 2.28 MB, 1024x1536, 1674021282363343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64891312
Quoted by: >>64891448

I have a feeling that Luca will enter the Nopixel server during Vivi's stream

>> No.64891339

Elira is like a little kid playing this game. ToT

>> No.64891366


>> No.64891377
File: 467 KB, 2160x2160, F-Xq9cDaoAAvUGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891418


>> No.64891418
File: 380 KB, 2048x2048, F-EBCUwbwAA0Vrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891517

we can both be angy but im right

>> No.64891425
File: 2.43 MB, 1245x1536, 1699994579617375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64891448

that's what she deserves

>> No.64891451

wtf nobody told me alban get a new outfit

>> No.64891469

>Women literally killed any liveposting in the thread just to /soc/post and shit on the girls
This is the thread we deserve

>> No.64891474
File: 128 KB, 720x976, 20231013_070619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891784

let's start one then, what stream/vod you watching? i was finishing up kyo's acnh vod and occasionally dipping into his nopixel stream. you?

>> No.64891494
Quoted by: >>64891572

still mad lol

>> No.64891507
Quoted by: >>64891647

you're scared of women bro?

>> No.64891517
Quoted by: >>64891563

never >:(

>> No.64891536
File: 108 KB, 400x430, 1661594755006393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope she comes
>As annoying as she gets sometimes, I just can't seem to hate her because she comes

>> No.64891563
File: 722 KB, 2048x2048, F7EpPjnbMAA9Uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891785


>> No.64891572
Quoted by: >>64891702

>"lmao mad"
>"Anyways i hope the girls fucking die, how dare they stream?!?!!?"

>> No.64891605
File: 1.08 MB, 1240x840, ベッド.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorcerer please wake up and give me energy to go through the day

>> No.64891606

exactly, the visuals are actually well-made. there was another horror game about a grandfather with a similar atmosphere, cant recall the name

>> No.64891627

>women is petra's haters now

>> No.64891645

Call that anon a schizo all you want but the fact that there was liveposting before you started acting retarded and now there's none still stands

>> No.64891647


>> No.64891696

GTA VCR tonight 10 PM JST

>> No.64891699

>the schizo derailed the thread and is proving he did so
color me surprised

>> No.64891702

Woah you’re wishing the girls to die?
How will you date then unless…

>> No.64891719
Quoted by: >>64891948

ive been waiting all day for that to happen..

>> No.64891739
Quoted by: >>64891843

Anon, they are the actual shitposters if you didn't know, they spammed the fuck out of the thread, killed any actual conversation and now are acting like "dindu nuffin" while shitposting about the girls and /soc/posting, it doesn't get any more shitposty than this, they actually ruined the thread

>> No.64891759
Quoted by: >>64891984

No, I don't have enough merch for a Selen shrine. As much as the idea appeals to me, I don't think it's really an appropriate or fitting way for me to show my love the way how I want to, even if I have the money to do so. Instead I like strategic placement of what I do have around my life. I carry her pape almost everywhere with me now, but especially when I'm stressed at work she lives in my chest pocket above my heart and suddenly I think about the way how my pape could probably hear and feel my heart beating and I feel less sad and stressed again. My acrylic stands I keep at around eye level near my home computer because it felt like Ike, milord, and now Selen are cheering me on, whether in games or when I'm talking with friends and feel too shy. A large poster print is on my wall near my bed along with a few other characters and my siblings so that they're the first and last people I see each day, and of course my wallpapers are all either from membership or voicepacks arts.

Oh also I use her perfume, a lot. There's something magical about applying it on myself, forgetting about it, and then at some random point in the day someone either points it out, or I somehow notice it on myself for some reason, and I feel really happy thinking about how a scent she put her input into is on me, and others like it too.

>> No.64891763

Elira's face when she got exposed of her favorite gym leader

>> No.64891770

new outfit announcement tonight 10 PM JST

>> No.64891771

thought aia would be better at this game lmao

>> No.64891780

we're so fucking back

>> No.64891784
Quoted by: >>64892181

The fact that he didn’t reply is all you need to know the complainer is always the guilty ones

>> No.64891785
File: 19 KB, 392x392, FVkfbOgUsAEy28n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891886


>> No.64891843

Skill issue
Why dont You start livepostin

>> No.64891862

Damn Fuuchan is popular as fuck now

>> No.64891886
File: 73 KB, 940x450, FxTgCuhacAES8TO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64892036

we really are the same person, thank you shu yamino

>> No.64891893

>chad lucubs
>liveposting luca's streams during minecraft server incident
>virgin maleanons
>"ueue shitposters ruined my thread I don't want to livepost anymore TOT"

>> No.64891905
File: 104 KB, 400x430, 1673943928469090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found out that ayeka has replaced ayano in crush crush

>> No.64891926

I wanna take a shota maleanon's virginity

>> No.64891942

Slutty Vivi sex

>> No.64891948
Quoted by: >>64892241

no.... but it's already a new day for you! another chance for him to show up! he sort of promised he would stream at the 20th though, so at least i'm holding onto that

>> No.64891949
Quoted by: >>64892002

Reimu feels anxiety whenever she showers and it gets steamy and fogs up the bathroom mirror and she never wipes the mirror

>> No.64891984

>it felt like Ike, milord, and now Selen are cheering me on, whether in games or when I'm talking with friends and feel too shy.
thats pretty adorable! and its nice you dont feel pressured to demostrate your love for your oshi, so you do it in your own ways
much love, wholesome dragoon!

>> No.64892002


>> No.64892004
Quoted by: >>64892218

Vivi plays NoPixel GTA, it would be better if she knows Japanese and plays vcr, which has more cute girls instead.

>> No.64892011

i don't understand why rosemi took 9 days to sell out

>> No.64892014

"Chad lucubs" that cry everytime someone mentions him being a scumbag to his ex mod, yeah, those chads, also the ones that when someone mentions the minecraft nuke attack Finana and say it's her fault for not making a backup, very chad of you

>> No.64892026
Quoted by: >>64892081

stage 1
obvious shitposting

stage 2
shitposting while pretending to be a fan

stage 3
complaining about the thread

stage 4
complaining about people complaining about the thread

stage 5
meta posting

stage 6

>> No.64892035

Vivi reminds me of Ina but better

>> No.64892036
Quoted by: >>64892173

stop being relatable another me! shush!

>> No.64892047

These times are based on when Anime Impulse tweeted they were sold out, not when they actually sold out.

>> No.64892081

they went back to stage 2

>> No.64892084
File: 177 KB, 640x384, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64892119

NoPixel is a bit unusable rn

>> No.64892168
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1666, 1641916045249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64892173
File: 195 KB, 1022x906, FTXdl1yaQAEgY5z (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but how can i shush if we're the same person!!

>> No.64892179
File: 156 KB, 946x693, 1654196124017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pokelolis peaked in S/M

>> No.64892181

nigga fuck off or start liveposting retarded faggot

>> No.64892187
File: 210 KB, 1390x1390, 1699825610531180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64892200
Quoted by: >>64892352

stage 1
kissing petra

stage 2
oral petra

stage 3
sucking petra's boobs

stage 4
having vaginal sex with petra

stage 5
cumming inside petra

stage 6
impregnant petra

>> No.64892218
Quoted by: >>64892331

VCR 2 ends in like less than one week

>> No.64892228
File: 11 KB, 438x70, 1646282774506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64892241
Quoted by: >>64892708

scawy, how do you know? kek i hope he does.. luckily the anni crumbs have kept me fed enough so i didnt get to suffer from the lack of new ones. hope you are doing decently well at least!

>> No.64892263


>> No.64892289
File: 465 KB, 2000x2000, 1698587715754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck my dick

>> No.64892291
File: 40 KB, 647x433, 1640824958762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64892313

how can there be so many people in queue for nopixel?

>> No.64892320
File: 282 KB, 1425x2078, E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64892331

and it's getting more boring, right? the only thing i see being clipped is aruran and his pizza shop

>> No.64892332

stage 1
beating up ike

stage 2
blackmailing ike

stage 3
kidnapping ike

stage 4
mind breaking ike

stage 5
love-dovey(?) sex with ike

stage 6
impregnate ike

>> No.64892336
File: 349 KB, 254x254, 14112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64892343

vivi will told xqc to suck her cock and make him cry on stream.....

>> No.64892350
File: 50 KB, 676x676, 1689567167330469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vivi's boney shoulders.

>> No.64892352
Quoted by: >>64892412

marriage when

>> No.64892374

Damn queue, I wanted to watch Vivi's tits instead

>> No.64892384
Quoted by: >>64892457

Server is fucking loaded
there are people everywhere

>> No.64892390

Based fujo.

>> No.64892404

WAKE UP!! its all a dream!

>> No.64892412

petra is for pump and dump

>> No.64892419

It's current fotm garbage

>> No.64892457
Quoted by: >>64892554

And then retards here were parroting that the server was a ghost town

>> No.64892477


>> No.64892487
File: 1.41 MB, 2742x1661, 1637295214771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64892505
Quoted by: >>64892531

she's in

>> No.64892512


>> No.64892531

yeah, inside me

>> No.64892554

it was, but everyone went back after the 4.0 update

>> No.64892564


>> No.64892569
File: 100 KB, 1690x254, Capture11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64892616
File: 79 KB, 720x665, 1idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64892626

AAAAA i hate the audio effects of this game, hurts my ears

>> No.64892649

The good ol' days...
Take me back

>> No.64892658


>> No.64892667
File: 65 KB, 894x530, 61ZTgG3VYdS._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64892680

Go back to /nenmen/

>> No.64892698
Quoted by: >>64892785

I think Vivi probably has more RP experience than we think

>> No.64892702


>> No.64892705

Go back to /nijien/

>> No.64892709
File: 9 KB, 408x55, 1641704571093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64892708

i'm in your walls! also thank you so so much for the shota shu. i know it's your christmas present for yourself but i'm also blessed by it so i'm claiming it as my christmas present from you!! (shameless) also i drew a little reaction to it on the aggie just for emphasis hehe
me too, honestly... even the little tweets he did energized me. him finding out about the simping in the form of racoon meme and casually laughing about it... this frickin BRAT. also loved the way he quoted that clip of him whisper-malding and made analogy about not waking up his parents. you child. most adults would've more concerned about neighbours.

>> No.64892723
File: 3.05 MB, 818x460, Wake up yaminion![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv3zvuc.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64892780


>> No.64892760 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 480x480, Z9uxY5qsDYKB_9EPsK6ryAk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64892770

Before Luxiem nation attacked

>> No.64892780

oh woah, i remember when he posted this voice tweet. it really has been 2 years for luxiem..

>> No.64892785

Those years of playing MMOs have prepared her for this

>> No.64892785,1 [INTERNAL] 

