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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 349 KB, 2829x2000, GBuSyhWa0AAcwQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64888534 No.64888534 [Reply] [Original]

Twingo Edition

Previous Thread >>64877576

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream


>Twitter Spaces
>Unarchived Karaokes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr1EI_jYBB8 - KAIBUTSU Cover
https://pastebin.com/KchRJHmN - TL of Fuwamoco's version of Kaibutsu
https://youtu.be/-wzgy7uTuSk Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EE Advent Gen Song - Rebellion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYmZUh_YAq0 - Cute na Kanojo Cover
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9qgXaihce8 - Identity Cover


>Anime NYC2023 Appearances

>/baubau/ sings LTST
https://twitter.com/Ruffian5000/status/1708479258354434288 (tweet contains a link to song only ver)
https://files.catbox.moe/ozlx6q.mp4 (intro+outro voices)
>FUWAMOCO VN & Anime list

>Thread Template

>> No.64888608
File: 38 KB, 206x504, ITSA ME MOCOCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mocochan

>> No.64888678
Quoted by: >>64892627

sex with wuffians!

>> No.64888711

>Mococo bumps her elbow on the side of the desk

>> No.64888714


>> No.64888745
File: 459 KB, 1080x1607, 1680951327896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64888791


>> No.64888814

Kissing Mococo gently on the forehead!

>> No.64888848
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1694920728685517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy

>> No.64888871
File: 1.81 MB, 320x240, f3995343d2041a6025856936048558daa2a9b91b09bc27dc248bc6241c12eeb0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64888944

get well soon, fuwawa

>> No.64888876

Eh, to me, it felt more like something to try and cheer her up a bit. It's obvious she probably felt badly about having to cancel the stream, so doing something like this is just something sweet to make her feel a bit better.

>> No.64888938
Quoted by: >>64889104

I care more that it cheered her up tbdesu

>> No.64888944
Quoted by: >>64889072


>> No.64888980
File: 957 KB, 2894x4093, GA-4xX6bYAA8Z86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo is a cutie who feels a little better

>> No.64889006

That prayer to the toilet god was asking for the wrong 'used goods'.

>> No.64889009
Quoted by: >>64889149

Geoguesser. They should play Geoguesser. They seem well traveled and not just with Japan

>> No.64889018

NTA but all the fags in the comments saying "GLAD I CONTRIBUTED TO THIS" kinda make me sick.

>> No.64889031
File: 1.10 MB, 2480x3508, GBpmjK0bsAIpvok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Using this bait to reminder anons that its fucking Wednesday and it was a perfect opportunity to return the puppy talk

>> No.64889048

Of course the first thing people post is "noticed" it's all about you guys and not about her at all

>> No.64889072
Quoted by: >>64889197


>> No.64889104
Quoted by: >>64889251

A world with a happy mococo is a happy world indeed

Stop role-playing as Itta

>> No.64889136

I actually prefer a Mococo that is sad and crying because it makes my cock diamonds so I am against this whiteboard shit.

>> No.64889142
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64889149 [SPOILER] 
File: 243 KB, 1536x2048, GBuCZ4jaQAApEEo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64889263

I agree wholeheartedly

>> No.64889153

I didnt sign shit as any anon should do

>> No.64889197
Quoted by: >>64889262

>It's a visual novel
>You take the role of a Mahjong player arriving in an imaginary town populated by characters from various Elf titles. Traveling through the town, it is up to you to challenge and defeat them all. This game is a non-canon crossover made by Elf itself.
What the fuck

>> No.64889203

Knowing she can cry over tech issues, I hope she doesnt take it too hard today.

>> No.64889250

>any anon should do
I signed.

>> No.64889251

I'm not pretending to be anyone. I just like it when something makes Mococo happy...
Yeah not a big fan of all those, but whatever. Most Ruffians seem a bit autistic.

>> No.64889262

lits been done before: like dungeon travelers and muvluv?

>> No.64889263

Pioneer KING

>> No.64889280

I didn't sign it physically or electronically, but I used my technoempath powers to transcribe my emotion brainwaves within the signal noise surrounding the card.
I'm glady feelings reached them.

>> No.64889302
File: 856 KB, 1524x1080, Mococo Time to go back[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcgm2q3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64889385

B-but im glad it cheered her up

>> No.64889320
Quoted by: >>64889449

>It cheered up Moco-chan a lot
Sorry attention whores, no tears for you. It didn't even make her cry

>> No.64889330

I'm only anonymous here, so obviously I'm gonna sign it lol
Do you send your mother anonymous christmas/birthday cards?

>> No.64889354

What makes someone into a 4chan nationalist?

>> No.64889366

This is going to make Mococo feel even worse about canceling the stream with this kind of overreaction. She's not dying...

>> No.64889371

Sounds like a (You) problem.

>> No.64889385

If you already signed your name on the thing there isn't really a reason to leave a comment going SO GLAD I COULD BE A PART OF THIS in the responses. That's just double virtue signaling.

>> No.64889392

I said I'm happy it made her smile, whats wrong with that

>> No.64889435

But I didnt leave a comment like that. I just said im glad she feels better

>> No.64889438


>> No.64889449

Gonna level with ya bro, I have doubts that shitposting about this on cooldown is helpful in any way to Mococo.
Just your own message to her and post it and stop sulking.

>> No.64889457

But the fireflies

>> No.64889465

>Kiara, Mori, Mumei, Irys, and Nerissa
What does it mean?

>> No.64889485
File: 2.22 MB, 2340x3600, afefd33a71c7f88bb326fa79a3fa1bc384b48e8d822349fc17d19d7b2f7c5208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64889501

We're all dying.

>> No.64889512
Quoted by: >>64889621

How did you even come to this conclusion? If anything, it'll make her feel way better about it since it's clear the Ruffians care more about her well-being than a VN stream.

>> No.64889536

it's the first time something like this has happened, it's fine
what matters is what happens next - if there's ever another point in time where mococo or fuwawa isn't feeling well and they postpone a stream of it, will ruffians make another whiteboard thing or leave it at sending them heartfelt messages
since this first one was noticed and acknowledged that it helped cheer up mococo, if subsequent ones aren't acknowledged it may reveal that some ruffians cared about it being acknowledged in the first place and that it isnt wholly being done out of pure kind intent

>> No.64889566

>Ignore what was written.
>Make up schizo reasoning inside head
Why are some of you like this?

>> No.64889575

But all I said is, "I'm glad it made you feel better!" Which is true, I am glad it made her feel better.

>> No.64889616

You all should know by now there is just one retardchama living here 24/7.

>> No.64889620

>Think no streams until the usual late time so don't open the thread today
>Tweets about stream being canceled
>No stream so I don't bother to check the thread
>This happens
Well then fuck me I guess
Was this even shared here or is it exclusively by the dm group/discord?

>> No.64889621

I'm a concernfag. Sorry

>> No.64889642
Quoted by: >>64889755

Than clearly >>64889018 isn't talking about you.

>> No.64889648
Quoted by: >>64889968


>> No.64889661
Quoted by: >>64889974

no problem with "happy it made you smile" imo but that other anon is right, saying "glad that I, MY PERSON, ME, ORESAMA contributed to this" feels very attention whorish

>> No.64889669

You already tried this shitposting angle when we were doing LTST

>> No.64889680
Quoted by: >>64889730

It was shared and posted here like 3 times. You can check the archive if you want.

>> No.64889694

>Was this even shared here or is it exclusively by the dm group/discord?
Here and baucord.

>> No.64889698

A good deed done out of selfish reasons is still a good deed. Being a nihilist doesn't mean you have to be a faggot as well.

>> No.64889730
Quoted by: >>64889796

that's how I found it

>> No.64889737

bau bau
they probably read my autistic comment on Itta's post so I just used blue and pink heart emotes

>> No.64889741

Baucord and the dm group

>> No.64889755

But they're not making it sound like that so either theyre retarded and cant make their point across properly or they're a sour loser who wants to shit on everyone

>> No.64889796

There were direct links to it in the thread before there were any links to the twitter callout.

>> No.64889805
Quoted by: >>64889852

He looks nervous...

>> No.64889852
Quoted by: >>64890641

that's a car anon

>> No.64889860
File: 164 KB, 512x512, PeroSus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rufferan plz

>> No.64889870

You already got your acknowledgement from Fuwamoco, do you really have to shit up the thread defending your actions to anons here? Fuck off already.

>> No.64889878
Quoted by: >>64889944

i suppose thats true, i didnt consider that point of view

>> No.64889916
File: 87 KB, 1700x156, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64889944

You can still call out faggotry like all those people who record themselves giving 50 dollars to a homeless guy for reactions.

>> No.64889968
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, MS - DarkSouls of Migraine reversed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go on carnivore diet to grow a new brain fix it

>> No.64889972

When Fuwawa says she's going to 'take care of Moco-chan lots and lots' she means she's going to have lots and lots of sex with her.

>> No.64889974
Quoted by: >>64890238

lots of people are just straight up autistic or retarded, and words and feelings get expressed in vastly different ways between different people, so I
think even if there's some autist screaming WOW MY LITTLE PICTURE IS THE ONE THAT MADE MOCOCO SMILE I'M THE BEST, its really just not something worth much concern

Half the posts saying "glad I contributed!" probably mean expressly "I'm glad Mococo is smiling now!" without any additional baggage
And then the other half are by dudes

>> No.64889988
File: 380 KB, 562x585, 1701403119212535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already got a bunch of (You)'s, do you really have to shit up the thread with your constant whining? Fuck off already

>> No.64890060

There's no need to "defend" anything. The get well soon card made her happy. That's really all there is to it. You're the only one shitting up the thread.

>> No.64890062

Big brain prediction: Advent will release a cover of ochame kinou after their costume relay.

>> No.64890063

the last time my wife had migraine, we had lots of sex until bed went fully wet because of sweat

>> No.64890168

Yeah, I'm aware, I just didn't want to let anyone else know because FuwaMoco deserve their privacy. How often they have sex with each other is their business, NOT ours.

>> No.64890203
File: 1.37 MB, 1262x711, Okayu masturbates to cure headaches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be effective
A back massage too
Blood circulation is the key

>> No.64890235

if you are going to larp at least write my name right anon

>> No.64890238

oh yeah for sure my eyes just frown a bit when i read autistic shit like this but nothing else, i was just replying to that one anon that there is no problem in saying "i'm happy it made you smile"

>> No.64890306
Quoted by: >>64890358

I love Mococo and Mococo loves me (specifically)

>> No.64890355
Quoted by: >>64890474

i pray for the day someone blocks me from that godforsaken hell hole

>> No.64890358
File: 229 KB, 471x427, 1701212516171045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890417

I made this post

>> No.64890405

>>64890235 (me)
also this is the first time I will be harsh, but people can disagree without it being a fight

>> No.64890417

I love you, Fuwawa

>> No.64890474

Just leave it then

>> No.64890525
Quoted by: >>64890704

Maybe some of you retards would be happier if you just left the fucking twitter circle jerk, barely replied to their tweets and member posts except for really important things and just supaed things because you love them. It's working well for my mental health, so far.

>> No.64890595

Just be thankful most of them are newfags otherwise we'd be drowned in tripfaggotry

>> No.64890641

A car that won millions of hearts with its award-winning smile and can-do attitude

>> No.64890704
File: 179 KB, 862x394, 1695830022250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really sure who you're referring to, the only ones I'm seeing spaz out right now are the ones who hate the twitter people. I don't talk to anyone, but I respond to all of their tweets/posts and supa pretty regularly. I honestly feel extremely happy/satisfied with it tbdesu

>> No.64890722

The guy complaining is baiting for the attention-dopamine he didn't because he didn't sign the card.

>> No.64890749

My brain has associated girl nursing a girl to Sono Hanabira hentai OVA
In reality with debilitating headache, you would probably at most hug.

>> No.64890754

whats with fuwawas sex look in this art
this woman is always tempting me, fuck i wanna fap

>> No.64890787

ESL post do not respond

>> No.64890799

>Never SC
>Never membership
>Never chat
>Never tweet
>Didn't do LTST
>Didn't sign the card
>Still happy they are happy

>> No.64890838

>twitterfags continue to defend their circlejerk while denying it in the process
If you could watch this process from the outside you would call yourself cancer

>> No.64890856
Quoted by: >>64890943

Bros... There is a non-zero chance that Fuwamoco are spooning right now...

>> No.64890863

Talking about the people who spaz out about not getting a like or hyper focusing on everything other ruffians do. If you are having fun in your own lane then you are doing it right.

>> No.64890929
File: 29 KB, 1677x789, moggogo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64890990

he should just do this since he's got his panties in a bunch

>> No.64890937

No they wouldn't they love FWMC more than you and clearly they are better people because they just totally care so much.

>> No.64890943
File: 230 KB, 1089x1356, 1690993512567146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon its like a 99.99% chance

>> No.64890957

You lost

>> No.64890972

the strongest gray

>> No.64890977

I don't even know what you're bitching about, Fuwamoco want people to interact with them on Twitter. Mococo said she got annoyed at a Ruffian who wasn't responding to her tweets

>> No.64890990
Quoted by: >>64891039

I'm gonna steal this, post it on twitter, and not give you credit.

>> No.64891035

>Mococo said she got annoyed at a Ruffian who wasn't responding to her tweets
This never happened.

>> No.64891039
Quoted by: >>64891140

i can make more priceless art works for free if you need more

>> No.64891089

he will never stop to namedrop because you all give attention to him, report or forever hold your peace

>> No.64891134

>Mococo said she got annoyed at a Ruffian who wasn't responding to her tweets
Wasn't this just her being jealous that sometimes people replied to tweets of other members faster than to theirs?
Which could honestly just be because twitter notifications are ass and they receive them late

>> No.64891139


>> No.64891140

Please draw Mococo getting destroyed by Fuwawa's girthy cock.

>> No.64891167

>Fuwamoco want people to interact with them on Twitter
Fantastic, keep it their and not on 4chan. Is it really that fucking difficult for you newfags to comprehend?

>> No.64891188
File: 121 KB, 980x688, Phish Pero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891234

Here's my OC from earlier in the day. Pero sighted at a Phish concert.

>> No.64891190

bringing the thread back to its roots, I salute you anon

>> No.64891234


>> No.64891254

Anon, that's a schizo/troll
>inb4 he call me a newfag for not using the forced "sister" meme

>> No.64891269
File: 1.51 MB, 560x560, 1703044507280801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyo is collabing with FWMC during her 24 hour marathon

>> No.64891300

cute jif

>> No.64891310

and when is this taking place?

>> No.64891317

Is Koyo one of the good ones? Who did she ever beat? What towns did she make?

>> No.64891327

See the unending flattery from the Twitter/Discord clique is the wrong track. This is why you should give public displays of love to other Advent members so they get jealous and fight for your love.

>> No.64891389
File: 665 KB, 1181x1575, 1682139639732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah the only ones I'd call "cancer" are the absolute psychotic retards who are obsessed with complaining about random twitterfags, and would rather shit up every single thread instead of talking about FuwaMoco.
With that in mind, bros, what's your favorite stream or series so far? For me, it's still Donkey Kong.

>> No.64891422
File: 771 KB, 1168x5569, F2556FF0-CF28-4748-8C19-FB9D7D0E923B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891786


>> No.64891445
Quoted by: >>64891535

Isn't she collabing with all of Advent, or is it just FWMC?

>> No.64891454
Quoted by: >>64891522

I don't care what cancer would call cancer. YOU people are the ones spamming drama between twitterfaggots all day and when someone complains you pretend as if it never fucking happened.

>> No.64891462
Quoted by: >>64891535

>No streams
>People shitflinging at each other again due to pointless drama
The real guy we should be hating here is headaches and migraines, they ruined everything
We could be having such a good time right now driving Yuki's train off a cliff

>> No.64891470


>> No.64891508

one day we'll be back bro...

>> No.64891515
File: 19 KB, 1171x789, fuwawang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64891751


>> No.64891516

Donkey Kong for me too. Every second was pure kino

>> No.64891522

I don't care, talk about their streams.

>> No.64891535

It's just this guy >>64891445 trying to start shit because nobody namedrops him.


>> No.64891546

sucking a wet natto fart out of fuwawa's plump ass

>> No.64891602

That was not the post I meant to reference but it should be clear who the whiney bitch is. I know which paypig he is too but I'd leave the honor to him to out himself.

>> No.64891603

Why did you give my post a (you) without answering my question about the Koyo collab?

>> No.64891614
File: 108 KB, 205x260, 1454197361605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64891657
Quoted by: >>64891710

you know now that i rewatch this, this is on par with our kind of schizoing no?
mococo even admitted its overthinking
getting jealous just cause i responded faster to another holomem instead of you means nothing

>> No.64891669

Donkey Kong was great but White album is shaping up to be full of great banter

>> No.64891683
Quoted by: >>64893201

what about mococos natto braps...

>> No.64891692

oh wait i just checked it's backed up

>> No.64891706
File: 152 KB, 800x1200, 20231211_034922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64891710

>getting jealous just cause i responded faster to another holomem instead of you means nothing
The real solution is not answering to any other holo at all

>> No.64891714

Rat is playing Pinocchio and Rock is playing Devil May Cry 4

>> No.64891726

Would you actually do that? That’s kind of nasty

>> No.64891751

How did you age 10 years in such a short span of time?

>> No.64891761
Quoted by: >>64893352

God, I loved OoT so fluffing much, bros... I still replay a few clips from it, like fuwawa bau bauing the hyrule field theme.

>> No.64891786

Josh-kun noo

>> No.64891850

just sub to everyone you're interested in?

>> No.64891896
Quoted by: >>64892075

I never namedrop myself, anons stopped too, but today for some reason my lover tried to larp, he got lonely, I was just playing a game, he rather not only be a stalker but also make his own fanfic about how I behave

>> No.64891995

Looking at the other girls streaming rn, will FWMC ever change up their layout? They have a lot of empty space around the screen and they shrink the gameplay box to fit.
Not sure if that's better or worse than having a full screen play area that they partially obstruct.

>> No.64892016

I miss them so much...

>> No.64892075

Shut up, Tile Seller

>> No.64892096

why does he sell the tiles

>> No.64892107
Quoted by: >>64892186

Why are you looking at other girls streams?

>> No.64892147
Quoted by: >>64892233

you will have to explain this meme to me anon, insults don't work if the one you are trying to insult don't even recognize it

>> No.64892161 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 2048x1024, FAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A regular meal size for me

>> No.64892186

Because I'm not mark

>> No.64892214

If anything I want them to keep the screen size as it is but move it more to the top left, since Fuwawa sometimes blocking important UI stuff kind of bother me, like RE4

>> No.64892230

barely even a snack for the fat ruffian

>> No.64892233

It was a joke you retarded ESL. He knows you aren't Tile Seller. He wasn't insulting you. I am though you fucking stupid mud monkey.

>> No.64892238

Nikocado Avocado collab when

>> No.64892337
File: 32 KB, 350x263, Original_Doge_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64892383

>you aren't Tile Seller

>> No.64892362

anon we already know I am esl, that's not some insult, that is just a statement of the obvious, I used to feed little monkeys by my doorstep, they were pretty nice creatures, I am unaware of what is a mud one tho, you are free to enlighten me, I like new knowledge
In case you didn't notice, I am also joking

>> No.64892383
File: 17 KB, 264x266, 1681660329173190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anyone that's not /here/

>> No.64892426


>> No.64892431
Quoted by: >>64892486

can't we just be nice, if they comes /here/ she'll be sad

>> No.64892451

Also me

>> No.64892486

if they come here they'd already know how we are

>> No.64892496

I'm here but not there, does that count?

>> No.64892516

Fuwamoco are the biggest shitposters, they do it to encourage competition and bigger SCs among the Ruffians.

>> No.64892545

You're never going to believe this but I want fuwawa to shit down my throat

>> No.64892561

Why are people getting so worked up over mococo's blood moon?
She had a headache around this same time last month too, right when shiori said she was synching with other girls.

>> No.64892606

They are oldfags, so I believe it.
If I had the guts, I'd check the /a/ archives for some of their posts like with that one on /jp/

>> No.64892618
Quoted by: >>64892663

She wouldn't have cancelled a stream over that. If you don't know how bad Mococo feels about cancelling streams you don't understand her

>> No.64892627
File: 290 KB, 1150x2048, fuwawa 173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64892656

Who shitposts harder, Fuwawa or Mococo. I think Fuwawa is the type to bait people for attention but Mococo is the type to get autistically angry about something and go a full thread arguing with one other autist about it.

>> No.64892663

She's older now so she's going through peri-menopause. This is worse than the usual cramps.

>> No.64892668

the guy who makes very high-effort posts for them on twitter and also liveTLs
i will not namedrop as you already know his name. he is not here.

>> No.64892687

No one's getting worked up, anon. These girls feel horrible when they have to change plans, so canceling a stream is obviously devastating to them. This is just a way to make them feel better and let them know that we're all thinking of them.

>> No.64892696
Quoted by: >>64892731

I was not noticed until someone decided to start name dropping, blame yourselves

>> No.64892699

god I want to spoil fuwawa she's such a stupid fucking breedable cow that can't function in society without tons of welfare

>> No.64892713
File: 207 KB, 462x340, fuwamoco 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s nice

>> No.64892719

Fuwawa would say something genuinely silly and double down when someone calls her out

>> No.64892722

Mococo for sure ruins the thread quality of any thread she participates in with off topic arguments about anything and everything.

>> No.64892728

I'm also /here/ but I couldn't find a spot on the whiteboard to write what I wanted

>> No.64892731
Quoted by: >>64892807

Drop the list, anon

>> No.64892738

Getting butthurt is the opposite of successful shitposting, but I shouldn't need to tell you that.
Yeah, Fuwa is the better shitposter. She shitposts live on stream, too.

>> No.64892752
File: 381 KB, 1636x2045, 1336979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just caught up on the news. Migraines are one thing I wouldn't wish upon even the worst of shitters, let alone Mocotyan. The only time I had one was with an aura and that thing put me out of comission for a good time. Sounds super debilitating to live with it.

>> No.64892807

>not the list anon

>> No.64892823
File: 1.36 MB, 1536x1536, literally me 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64892891

>This is going to make Mococo feel even worse
Mococo loves passion, she’ll love this

>> No.64892902

There was a small period in my life when I was around teenage years where I experienced migraines and had to throw up too because of some blurry vision. Glad I’m not dealing with any migraines anymore as an adult.

>> No.64893013
Quoted by: >>64893171

Based, though I recommend you get membership, the content on there is kino

>> No.64893024
Quoted by: >>64893105

Wait a few years and everything will hurt all the time.

>> No.64893046

im glad Ive never had one I fucking hate headaches enough

>> No.64893105

I'm still good at 40+

>> No.64893120

How are you coping, ruffians?

>> No.64893130

day 3 of no fap and i no longer have any sexual desire

>> No.64893146
File: 520 KB, 719x857, fuwawa 165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64893257

What I’d give to do that…

>> No.64893171

The value proposition hasn't reached that point yet. Maybe after some ASMR streams.

>> No.64893173


>> No.64893175
Quoted by: >>64893220

really? bro i edged 4 times today, my sexual desire has been crazy
but i think today is the storm, i;ve managed to weather it and it might be easier from here on out

>> No.64893199
File: 638 KB, 1032x1457, 7C3A18D1-0734-4CDC-8F0F-760D15FBC5B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64894651

You sure about that anon?

>> No.64893200

I was looking forward to more VN backseating but I'm glad they're getting some rest and Mococo's is feeling somewhat better

>> No.64893201
File: 154 KB, 312x517, mococo fart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also horrendous

>> No.64893220
Quoted by: >>64893441

Edging is still fapping, silly. No Nut is not the same as No Fap

>> No.64893257
Quoted by: >>64893304

yamero... this was one of the images i edged to...

>> No.64893270

White album is making my dick hard not gonna lie. Also the prospect of Fuwawa losing her mind at getting the Rina ending just makes it more appealing in my book. Also Fuwawa being a whiny brat makes me hard, so more of that please.

>> No.64893290
File: 1.27 MB, 4096x2887, F5H4XhDXAAA3qUi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting drunk and catching up on the karaokes I missed last week.

>> No.64893304

Why are you depriving fuwawa of what she craves? Don't you love her?

>> No.64893352

>FWMC: Side up down, side up down!
God I miss it so much...

>> No.64893361

I started getting drunk to play yakuza but I forgot the second part

>> No.64893441

ohhh you arent wrong huh, i conflated the two
ill try to not edge either because honestly it's risky... the horny desire taking over and stroking to completion is a very real risk

>> No.64893452

Watching Rat. Not sure if Rock is better rn

>> No.64893518

I am surprised you are watching rat over rock.

>> No.64893577
Quoted by: >>64894383

loving white album, mgs was also great

>> No.64893610
File: 232 KB, 550x656, 414dd908a07fcfde5b92adc94474b1023eb6b26f7de2679249674dde972a23a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fwmc fix...

>> No.64893625
Quoted by: >>64893933

Rock is currently having the time of her life in full gremlin mode

>> No.64893654

MGS with that 1hp dream was kino.

>> No.64893734
Quoted by: >>64893933

Rock is good, Rat is a homocollabing whore.

>> No.64893749

Watching that homocollaber over an advent member is crazy. Have fun with the next homocollab next week

>> No.64893755
Quoted by: >>64894383

MGS probably.

>> No.64893806

True. If there isnt one someone could make a good clip out of it to send to the NY thing

>> No.64893900
File: 463 KB, 1402x208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have fun with the next homocollab next week
Is this week.

>> No.64893933

I switched over now that Biboo is fighting a boss.
That combover is rough

>> No.64893957
File: 135 KB, 288x415, 1473813844466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64894018


>> No.64893970

The GTA: San Andreas streams

>> No.64894018


>> No.64894022

Why does she keep relapsing.

>> No.64894029

i need mococo to sit in my lap while we play a game together
i want mococo to agitated while we're gaming and she shuffles around in my lap, rubbing her butt against my crotch unintentionally
i want to have to keep my composure as mococos erotic petite butt keeps rubbing my dick slowly getting more erect
i want mococo to let out an embarassed "oh" as she feels my erect cock against her butt with her continued squirms in my lap
i want to wrap my hands around mococos waist and then kiss her from the side after she realizes she's gotten me horny
i want to hear mococo tell me it's not her fault for exciting me with a flustered tone of voice, and then hear her mumble that she'll still take responsibility

>> No.64894055

>this happened
>the members poll is still at 11, 60 and 30 percent
You really don't give a fuck about Mococo, do you, ruffians?

>> No.64894125

Option 3 is enabling lazy EN whore behavior. You should know better

>> No.64894157
File: 32 KB, 525x469, 1398774273718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64895129

because chinese spy, just like how kson sabotaged hololive with penis and drug jokes

>> No.64894163

At this point, she just doesnt care. She pretty much declare she wants to collab with roberu on debut day. I personally dont care as long as she doesnt drag the others into it. Still pisses me off moona was shilling the homo song collab during minecraft.

>> No.64894182
File: 140 KB, 421x365, 1695782260652678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that I voted for them to stream in the first place

>> No.64894199

there, I voted for #3, everyone you should boost up #3 if you want them to rest up

>> No.64894223
Quoted by: >>64895211

>Why does she keep relapsing.
I don't know, but now her jail sentence has increased by two years. Sad, cause Bae's a pretty nice girl...

>> No.64894233
Quoted by: >>64894317

She's not gonna have a mental breakdown over School Days

>> No.64894317
Quoted by: >>64894375

But I will, since it's GARBAGE.

>> No.64894375

MAL-anon, if it was good it wouldn't be worth rewatching.

>> No.64894383

MGS was really fun. So many incredible moments, plus they got REALLY into the story, which is always nice to see.

>> No.64894399

I usually watch the rat after FuwaMoco ends, even without a redirect. I give zero fucks about collab streams I won't watch. I like her accent and dumb zoomer tendencies.
Feed me (You)s! Dance for me, puppets!

>> No.64894412

I've only fapped to the Visual Novel H-scenes, but I've never played the VN or watched the anime. Does the anime even have any sex in it?

>> No.64894452

Hah! Dance for me you weaksoul, I only watch her homo-collabs and karaokes.

>> No.64894514
File: 363 KB, 1325x928, Ruffian Costumes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does the anime even have any sex in it?

>> No.64894559

>Does the anime even have any sex in it?
the MC fucks his entire school

>> No.64894565

What are migraines like?

>> No.64894591

There's nothing wrong with that. I dont hate Bae or anything cause she's a pretty genuine and open person from what I've seen. I just won't watch her. Personally, I won't watch any girl that collabs with the homos out of principle.

>> No.64894611

I wouldn't know, I'm not a woman.

>> No.64894612

Ever gotten a toe cramp? It's that but inside your skull.

>> No.64894651
Quoted by: >>64895096

Doesn't do anything for me. Post Moco-chan instead and I'll bust.

>> No.64894713
Quoted by: >>64894808

like salty coins and milk

>> No.64894799

like bags of sand

>> No.64894808

Pomf pomf kimochi

>> No.64894816

They should just play the actual VN, so they don't have to worry about overlapping with Kronii and Irys.
In fact, that should be one of the options.

>> No.64894852

When Mococo weeps, I weep.

>> No.64894947
Quoted by: >>64895620

Her accent is hideous and I will never respect her after that obnoxious lecture she gave her audience when HomoEN came out.

>> No.64895030

FWMC should choose the same date and time they're streaming it to assert dominance

>> No.64895041

When Mococo cums, I cum.

>> No.64895096
File: 503 KB, 1928x3300, 1697546761301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64895188


>> No.64895098
Quoted by: >>64896322

>Does GFE asmr yesterday
>Homo collabs after
Why is she like this?

>> No.64895129

>.t 2022 fan

>> No.64895171

Why do they like a VN/anime about a guy who fucks his entire school so much, anyway?

>> No.64895187

i love mococo

>> No.64895188

God, I would lick that belly button clean

>> No.64895211
Quoted by: >>64895278

to filter out weirdos like this:

>> No.64895249

fuwawa self inserts as the mc. mococo self inserts as every single girl.

>> No.64895267

they should watch a better romance anime like Happy Sugar Life

>> No.64895273

It's all Fuwawa.
It always is.

>> No.64895278
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, 420BAABE-4F05-44F4-8D39-CC708A93014A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64895339
File: 2.81 MB, 1960x1114, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64895369


>> No.64895395

How fucking long is the actual VN?

>> No.64895441
Quoted by: >>64895516

28 hours to clear.

>> No.64895464


>> No.64895471

Fuck I need to get the Crunchyroll membership

>> No.64895482
File: 400 KB, 989x794, 1683087835240751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64895548


>> No.64895509

just torrent the show

>> No.64895516
Quoted by: >>64895592

28 for a single route? are there chances to fuck it all up?
I would actually prefer the vn if they get as excited about it as white album

>> No.64895530

Basically same here but it was from the pain. The bones I broke had nothing on a real migraine

>> No.64895548
File: 107 KB, 498x498, 1685981731135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never left.

>> No.64895592

Oh wait, I thought you meant white album and not school days. Not sure about school days.

>> No.64895596

I have Crunchyroll and even I will torrent the show because I find it much more convenient to have complete local control over the video during watchalongs.

>> No.64895603
Quoted by: >>64895729


>> No.64895612
File: 755 KB, 866x891, 1702085544621101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64895659

This is gonna be a great watch a long. I can feel it

>> No.64895620

I mean, she said on day one that she liked the JP homos.

>> No.64895643
File: 106 KB, 800x600, 1702202633456353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concernfag+nutritionschizo here (please don't delete, it's related to Mococo's migraine and I'm genuinely trying to help):
- Sympathetic dominance (being in stressed state) literally depletes certain calming nutrients like magnesium zinc and calcium. Playing horror games for hours is going to make that worse. Try to allocate moments to relax and rest, it can be difficult though.
- You need correct copper/zinc ratio, don't take a lot of just one. Copper is said to be stimulating but also required for healthy nerves
- Too much estrogen is associated with migraines. Soi might increase estrogen (debated). Soi is also high in omega-6, also associated with migraines.
- Too high or low blood pressure can cause headaches. Official recommendations are on the low side to sell you blood pressure meds. Get a meter and learn what BP range works best for you. To reduce BP, eat magnesium and potassium, omega 3s (thins blood). Nattokinase (in natto) (thins blood) also reduces blood pressure. To increase blood pressure, eat more sodium, drink sufficient amount and avoid diuretics. Too much water will actually dehydrate you by washing away the electrolytes.
- Caffeine: contributes to headache issues, but helps acutely.
- Oxalates and heavy metal toxicity: contributing to lots of issues, but stopping exposure mobilizes toxins, causing detox symptoms including headaches, brain fog etc. eating oxalate temporarily prevents your body form detoxing which might relieve symptoms. Foods with sulfur also triggers detox (including natto).
- Carbs and diabetes: Modern diet has too much carbs. Diabetes is associated with headaches and nerve issues. Going too low carb too fast can cause too low blood sugar and headache though, so balance is key (sorry carnivoreschizo).
- EMF radiation activates calcium channels, stimulating nerves. Counter with magnesium or use literal tinfoil hat, avoid unnecessary exposure, or reduce calcium consumption. According to different source though, calcium shields nerves from overstimulation by other nutrients. With magnesium being deficient in food supply, supplementing some magnesium is the easiest general recommendations to make (not oxide or sulfate).
- grass-fed fatty meat is very healthy and good basis of nutrition.
Source: various sources, I don't know what of these are true or false, there's no reliable information. Stressing about nutrition is whole another rabbit hole, listen to your body and do things that work for you.

>> No.64895650
Quoted by: >>64896704

Haha... I'm spending time with family so I'll probably miss everything this weekend.

>> No.64895659

I've never seen it, so I'm looking forward to it. the MAL score makes it look pretty horrific though.

>> No.64895661

tweet them this

>> No.64895715

You’re not a doctor so don’t spread misinformation

>> No.64895723

I wouldn't be surprised if they do a guerilla stream. No public streams aside from 2 short FWMC Mornings until Saturday will hurt their growth

>> No.64895729
Quoted by: >>64895758

That's where they're watching it.
Makes sense

>> No.64895730


>> No.64895758


>> No.64895781
File: 249 KB, 329x376, 1560188793540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use literal tinfoil hat

>> No.64895782
Quoted by: >>64895849

Early parts are boring. When the drama starts setting in is when its good. Trainwreck kind of good

>> No.64895849

when's the samflam watchalong Fuwawa

>> No.64895914

They're doing more than well enough already with growth, probably going to start surpassing en2 in a few more months

>> No.64895971
Quoted by: >>64896275

tweet this at them with #helpfwmc like the retard that you are

>> No.64895975

>probably going to start surpassing en2 in a few more months

>> No.64896038

Mococo should voice tweet me an "I love you" instead

>> No.64896049

Maybe not in a few months but 100% going to happen during 2024

>> No.64896083
File: 2 KB, 81x70, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god

>> No.64896090
Quoted by: >>64897286

This is a stupid question but how is the school days watchalong going to work? Just go on Crunchyroll too and watch as the same time as them?

>> No.64896101

26h28m from 28 votes
according to VNDB

>> No.64896104
File: 315 KB, 1400x1800, 1698988888720804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64896139

>finished vod catchup on the mgs playthrough
alright what next

>> No.64896159
Quoted by: >>64896665

They should do a Kagewani series watchalong next October

>> No.64896183

>MAL score
We are talking about internet meme history, and you can't put a rating on that.

>> No.64896190

>sympathetic dominance
bro you gotta drop the chirobabble. it's an alright term i guess but it looks like it's trying too hard to sound scientific when it just means "stress"

>> No.64896231
File: 234 KB, 486x377, 1701381611176630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64896270

Sex with Wuffians

>> No.64896270

no my dick hurts i just want to watch a stream

>> No.64896275

>Fuwawa sees it
>Feels bad about it and starts a solo guerilla stream after Mococo falls asleep
>"I'm sorry we couldn't have fun as planned, but maybe I can make up for it by being here for you"

>> No.64896322
Quoted by: >>64896414

just like in my favorite ntr doujin
>today i'll have sex with your small dick and tomorrow i will go for senpai's bigger dick hehe, i love you btw

>> No.64896324

nice boat fuwawers

>> No.64896414

they should stream a you and me and her plathrough

>> No.64896428

no fwmcmorning tweet yet
dont go to slepe

>> No.64896461

did someone do that funny thing on twitter again

>> No.64896502

watch summoning salts "the history of mike tysons punch out world records" video.

>> No.64896567

Doing a poll with a third option to not stream.
It is a hidden message that they hope to get a permission from ruffians to take a break.
Ruffians still voting for the watchalong...
Fuck it I am an ruffian anti now, you motherfuckers just want them to suffer.

>> No.64896665
Quoted by: >>64896876

They should cage my wani next October

>> No.64896682
Quoted by: >>64896729

Is 12 episodes the correct one to get? Do I need the OVAs?

>> No.64896704

I cancelled my plans with my parents this year to stay and watch ch fuwamoco

>> No.64896718

>Gray being based in the membership post

>> No.64896729
Quoted by: >>64896800

just the 12
you can watch the ovas by yourself

>> No.64896778
Quoted by: >>64896872

holy based

>> No.64896784

Now that I think about it, it'd be fun if they did future polls where the options are just vague and short 1-2 word options where you don't know what the fuck they mean exactly

>> No.64896800
File: 36 KB, 394x373, 1694991559124828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64896834

Just by myself? Not with any other Ruffians?

>> No.64896831

From thumbnail to description, everything about this is a masterclass in meme history.

>> No.64896834
Quoted by: >>64896932


>> No.64896847

>Check the poll
>It's 11/60/30
>1% over 100
Is this where the missing 1% from stream polls ends at?

>> No.64896849

Should have crungy playing on your phone or something so you get added to the bump Snoy will be greedily watching

>> No.64896872
Quoted by: >>64896914


>> No.64896876

No, anon, you don't understand.
Kagewani starts out as your typical, unassuming horror anime, but then goes off the fucking rails as it goes, including the 2nd season.

>> No.64896911
Quoted by: >>64896993

Baused. He wrote what most of us wanted to say

>> No.64896910
Quoted by: >>64897024

which one of you zoomers dont know the nice boat meme

>> No.64896914
File: 12 KB, 806x109, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64896932

Why are sisters like this?

>> No.64896994
Quoted by: >>64897084

Oh yeah? I've placed it on my list actually very short

>> No.64896993

he wrote what a lot of people already said

>> No.64896995
Quoted by: >>64897030

>leaking membership content

>> No.64897002

you are correct but fuck off gray

>> No.64897024
Quoted by: >>64897231


>> No.64897028

oh, and the MC is voiced by Sugita

>> No.64897030


>> No.64897034


>> No.64897057

Oh, cool, yeah, I agree with him. I basically said the same thing, but wirh more words and a little bit more diplomatic kek

>> No.64897084

yea, the episodes are bite-sized and they don't overstay their welcome
that's another reason why I like the whole thing

>> No.64897092

Ah shit, it's happening once more

>> No.64897135

>Doing a poll with a third option to not stream.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. Why even include the option at all? It should've been a clear Yes or No question, but instead we got a additional "what if we can rest and don't stream that day" option.

>> No.64897190

holy based

>> No.64897231

i believe the last episode was replaced on national tv with a video about boats and some anon said "nice boat" and 2ch memed it to death

>> No.64897236
Quoted by: >>64897353

they got that rest today anon, why are you so worried about it?

>> No.64897256
Quoted by: >>64897527

>twitter group implodes
>they migrate to a discord with moderators that have power
holy baused! discord GODs stay winning

>> No.64897283
Quoted by: >>64897335

Guys please stop

>> No.64897286

It's not sponsored nor anything like that, so yeah. Have your episodes ready and press play in sync.

>> No.64897288

we are watching yosuga no sora next though

>> No.64897312

SEA hours

>> No.64897335


>> No.64897351

if gray tweets about fwmc right now I'll give it a like with my multiple accs

>> No.64897353
Quoted by: >>64897400

Yeah Mococo dying and Fuwawa worrying about her nursing her and still doing homework is sure a nice rest...

>> No.64897377
Quoted by: >>64897449

It's a life lesson, Ruffian. The favor they are doing us is making the third option, ordinarily only visible to female eyes, plain to see. Make no mistake, the third option is always there

>> No.64897400

thats so fucking erotic, say more

>> No.64897401

Isn't the majority of the comments saying something similar but just not as direct and autistic?

>> No.64897412

Interesting raid

>> No.64897439

Ya'll need to calm down

>> No.64897449
Quoted by: >>64897729

>ordinarily only visible to female eyes
Am I becoming a girl?

>> No.64897458

Feels more like bored shitposting than a raid.

>> No.64897465

It's a good drama. The low score is another case of "I disagree with the story events"

>> No.64897527

Aren't the ones in the dm group and discord 99% the same fucking people? At least the active ones

>> No.64897565

yeah basically

>> No.64897573
File: 87 KB, 600x450, 1540030615939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64897582
Quoted by: >>64897617

I voted for them not to stream, but I will admit it was for my own selfish reasons. It will be almost impossible for me to watch them over Christmas weekend, so being able to postpone even one stream to after that was convenient for me.
Sorry for having a family.

>> No.64897617

you have a new family now

>> No.64897627

why are you so insecure?

>> No.64897645
File: 459 KB, 1280x720, Goodnight[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbr5av8.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64897663

The dms, the Twitter group, the prechat clique, the subreddit coalition, the WoW guild, the Furaffinity consortium, and the thread regulars are all the same people.
Everyone is here.

>> No.64897709
File: 36 KB, 1235x883, cumulative vs. when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated my spreadsheet, making sure to include members streams as well.
$12,653.60 so far

>> No.64897729

With training man can do extraordinary things

>> No.64897731
Quoted by: >>64897801

glad club penguin is still safe from their reaches

>> No.64897732
Quoted by: >>64897926

>prechat clique
it was interesting and also saddening to see how the prechat main people changed overtime from randoms who were not /here/ to dominantly being /here/ people

>> No.64897785
Quoted by: >>64897833

Scrolling through reddit, so many people were so sure they are of Japanese descent: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/15efjen/maybe_its_just_me_but_isnt_fuwamoco_speak/

>> No.64897801

yes but the poptropica council and the wizard 101 cabal are as strong as ever

>> No.64897833

redditors are retards, what do you expect

>> No.64897849
Quoted by: >>64898727

why post this

>> No.64897848

Is there an UT FuwaMoco clan? That's the only clique I'm willing to join

>> No.64897868

>otm telling the to cancel stream in the mempost
what a fucking fag kek

>> No.64897923

you can join the titanfall 2 custom server or the planetside 2 outfit

>> No.64897926
Quoted by: >>64898067

It's always just the same faggots greeting each other at this point
I just bau bau and close the tab until the stream starts

>> No.64897945

i do not want to be blueballed by mococo anymore

>> No.64898045

I'd buy a Pero plush before buying a body pillow

>> No.64898065
Quoted by: >>64898216

99 or 2k4?

>> No.64898067
File: 29 KB, 215x215, 1681522641527284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironic when some of the posters here make it obvious that they are the same one

>> No.64898109

Some of y'all look at yourselves internally because holy shit y'all are suffering, It's not common for people to be so aggressive and delusional over stuff like this. You may say it sounds like religious deviance but to me it sounds more like a fucking cult, please stop.-

>> No.64898122

bau bau

>> No.64898141
Quoted by: >>64898257

I hate every single one of you.

>> No.64898145


>> No.64898158

>50 regulars shitposting and samefagging
room temperature IQ

>> No.64898214
File: 1.90 MB, 624x994, Fuwawa_Idea_beam![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa2bqmv.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek some of you guys got hit with boredom pretty hard. go make fuwawa proud and read a VN

>> No.64898215
Quoted by: >>64898348

Anyone autistic enough to regularly akasupa or drop an equivalent total sum each stream is likely autistic enough to be not just /here/ but /everywhere/.

>> No.64898216
File: 133 KB, 600x632, 1700647437735964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64898368

Is that even a question?
I have literally never played any other than 99

>> No.64898218

literally whom is he quoting

>> No.64898250

I love the taste of discord buddy cock in my mouth, It's almost as good as watching my wives bau bau

>> No.64898257


>> No.64898265

I read saya no uta and i'm still not sure whether I was supposed to jerk off

>> No.64898269

I'm pooped after running my booth last weekend, give me a break

>> No.64898348
Quoted by: >>64898378

honestly though, if you're able to regularly follow these dogs and fall in love with them, theres a huge chance you browse /vt/ because where else will you be able to have unfiltered discussion/archives/info about your oshi or chuuba of interest
twitter will be a hugbox where you can't say your true thoughts, discord servers often have weird moderation and aren't even fans of the talent the server is for, reddit is reddit need i say more
as shitty of a place /here/ is, it's really the main place to go to

anyways, fuwawa owes me sex

>> No.64898353 [SPOILER] 
File: 430 KB, 3000x3000, 1677148963467889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- real cause for moco-chan's migraine

>> No.64898358
Quoted by: >>64898384

if this was old 4chan we would be abusing twitter's broken group chat system for the lulz instead of whatever schizo shit this is

>> No.64898368

You're an ok ruffian
Surely it can't cost much to host a 20+ yo game, I would join for some matches here and there during the week

>> No.64898378

>because where else will you be able to have unfiltered discussion/archives/info about your oshi or chuuba of interest
my local anime forum

>> No.64898379

fake fans spend time shitposting
real fans spend time finishing all vods and doing japanese reps

>> No.64898384

you mean IRC?

>> No.64898387

someone in the twitter group set up a UT99 server

>> No.64898422
Quoted by: >>64898599

>real fans spend time finishing all vods
>implying real fans have unfinished vods

>> No.64898439

Lack of faith and love makes one numb to others except whom we chose as our religion aka Fuwamoco and that's ok as long as it makes you happy which ultimately is what religion is all about

>> No.64898464

I should make her proud by going to take a bath

>> No.64898472

it's 1am. Normally, I'd be talking about how great the stream was and how much I love fuwamoco right now....
I love fuwamoco btw

>> No.64898475
Quoted by: >>64898659

but I thought religion is all about order

>> No.64898477

The dogs are leaving us for JP fans

>> No.64898483

We're all real fans. Even the so called antis are actually just bored Ruffians.
It's 4chan. It's all for the lulz.

>> No.64898486
Quoted by: >>64898554

I pray to Fuwawa's tits every night

>> No.64898495

ut99.fwmc.fans, for what it's worth

>> No.64898530

I just realized there's no stream until the school days watchalong

>> No.64898551

wait really, holy fuck I love UT but I haven't played it in over a decade

>> No.64898554

Do they... do they ever respond?

>> No.64898559
Quoted by: >>64898642

I hope mococo is doing good. My brother has somewhat regularly migranes and it can get real bad, had to call an ambulance for him once

>> No.64898564

we have fwmc morning

>> No.64898571

are you saying fwmc morning is prerecorded all along

>> No.64898578

>real fans spend time finishing all vods
I'm never touching that haunted house collab

>> No.64898581

I don't have any unfinished VODs... All I can do is shitpost.

>> No.64898592

Gura arc incoming

>> No.64898599
Quoted by: >>64898664

Since they made me begin a new chapter of my life my schedule does not always allow for live viewing

>> No.64898617
File: 1.96 MB, 400x400, 1696787629262650.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64898631

I'm going back to being a gorilla in clothing

>> No.64898625
File: 394 KB, 1228x1226, Granblue Fes 2023 Hololive Guests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Granblue Fes 2023 happening this weekend of the 23rd and 24th in Japan with performances on both days by their JP senpais.
>Mainstage performances start at 9:30 AM Japan time -> https://fes.granbluefantasy.jp/stage/
>School Days watchalong was scheduled on the 23rd, 10:00 AM in Japan
>They ask us if they can just not stream on that day.
Also, links to the streams for those interested in watching later in the week

>> No.64898631


>> No.64898639
Quoted by: >>64899016

>leaking the address
shiggy diggy
let me know if you can actually connect lol

>> No.64898637


>> No.64898642

What can they even do? I thought you could do shit to migraines. Good thing me nor anyone in my family ever got them

>> No.64898659
Quoted by: >>64898732

Ask yourself why so many soldiers what Fuwamoco

>> No.64898664

shoulda finished the vod before the date rolls around tsk tsk tsk

>> No.64898671
Quoted by: >>64898682

Wait when the fuck did that happen
Do people actually join though? or is it fucking dead?

>> No.64898682

It was made like a day or two ago

>> No.64898703


>> No.64898707
Quoted by: >>64898788

I have no VODs to watch and I'm done with nipponese today. What now

>> No.64898705
File: 303 KB, 1235x1079, 1695701941745089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64899016

Thanks, m8, I'll try to check it tomorrow. It's already too late here for me.
I suck at this game, but I'll unironically play with you guys because of how much I love it.

>> No.64898727

I'm an autist who likes numbers. Also curious to see if anyone else has done this

>> No.64898732

why soldiers
what fuwamoco

>> No.64898786
Quoted by: >>64898939

now post the non-cumulative one so we can see the trend

>> No.64898788
Quoted by: >>64899087

Sir I have seen VN reps mentioned multiple times over the course of the evening

>> No.64898927
Quoted by: >>64898961

Can you explain what your spreadsheet means as if I were a retard. Is it your supas? If so, damn that's way more than I've sent.

>> No.64898939
Quoted by: >>64899093

Wouldn't you need the cumulative one to see the trend?

>> No.64898961
Quoted by: >>64899017

Yeah, that's superchats

>> No.64899005

12k in 4 months
how much of a % of your income is that?

>> No.64899016 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 1360x768, 1684357870556316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I tried

>> No.64899017

now what does cumulative mean

>> No.64899087

I was shitposting but thats a funny coincidence. I'm getting the nip fonts so VNs can run on linux right now.

>> No.64899093
Quoted by: >>64899341

do you really think I'm sharp enough to see the trend purely based on how sharp the angle of incline looks like

>> No.64899098
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1696339561165118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64899197

is the game free?

>> No.64899149

Fuck it, I'm torrenting it right now.
Why the fuck did Epic delist it?

>> No.64899155
File: 28 KB, 237x222, 1701697670484654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64899197

a lot of people have been having this issue and I'm not sure why. i'll look into a fix soon.

>> No.64899194

I haven't done it for myself, but I have done it for all of you

>> No.64899197
Quoted by: >>64899573

It's no longer for sale on steam and I've never checked EGS for it
You can probably just pirate it and have online working anyway since the official servers are dead
Wait are you saying it was not just a ruse?
The master server shows as dead so after googling apparently you need a specific community mod to play online which I didn't have when trying

>> No.64899238

If real, I'll play tomorrow. Baused as fuck. It'd be nice if we could just play with /baubau/ though.

>> No.64899274
File: 212 KB, 2047x1256, GBsR6rpWAAA1f14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 4 of NO fap or no nut until Christmas sex stream
>fuwawa presenting mococo wrapped in ribbon to you as one of your gifts
>fuwawa guidng you through sex with mococo, whispering in your ear as you passionately thrust into mococo
>fuwawa whispering into your ears to entice you into being rougher with mococo
>mococos hot and loud moans
>mococo wrapping her arms around you pulling you closer, while fuwawa presses against your back
>fuwawa whispering in your ears to finish inside of moco-chan, she'll love it
>your hips and legs moving on their own at this point, unable to stop thrusting inside of mococo, you get faster and faster, cumming buckets inside of her
>the intense waves of pleasure and relief as you fill moco-chan up
>pulling out and seeing mococos body twitch and spasm lightly as she pants heavily
>fuwawa suddenly deeply kissing you with tongue, then pulling away and telling you
>"you can't just be done with only moco-chan wuffian~"
>fuwawa presenting herself to you with her legs open while you're still hard as fuck
>make me feel just as good as moco-chan okay~?
>ravaging fuwawa with all your desire as your head clouds over with insatiable lust
>fuwawa leglocking you as she moans into your ear and whispers to you to let it all out inside
>leaning in and kissing fuwawa as you cum balls deep inside of her, hearing her muffled moans as you both share a deep kiss
>pulling from the kiss and pulling out, the pangs of pleasure overwhelming as you breathe heavily
>fuwawa also panting heavily
>as you both bathe in the afterglow, mococo has also recovered from her euphoric state
>mococo and fuwawa move beside you on each side
>they whisper into your ear
>there's still 5 hours and 40 minutes left ruffian...
>spending hours and hours fucking fuwawa and mococo in all kinds of positions, threesomes, individually, until your balls are so dry there'll be nothing left for weeks
>somehow alive, before your consciousness fades from the overexertion and 6 hours of pure euphoric pleasure that shouldnt be survivable you hear
>merry christmas ruffian...we love you

>> No.64899327
Quoted by: >>64899464

You better not jerk off during the stream, you sick FUCK

>> No.64899341
File: 33 KB, 1569x371, _vs. when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to do some trendline thing, but it always curves down at the start and end.
It's $/day

>> No.64899347

I think there's some pain relieving medication, but mostly it's for making sure there isn't some more serious cause like a tumor or some shit if it lasts for a really long time

>> No.64899353

there's no way they're really gonna stream sex on christmas bro

>> No.64899389
Quoted by: >>64899409

watch streams

>> No.64899398 [DELETED] 

I think I need a breather after maggot baits. Maybe I'll start Go! Go! Nippon!

>> No.64899409
Quoted by: >>64899442

that's a holy day dude, its not gonna happen

>> No.64899423

>downward trends this month

>> No.64899425

of course I wouldn't fuck a dog, what kind of retarded challenge is this?

>> No.64899437

30% yt, 30% cover, 25% taxes

>> No.64899442
Quoted by: >>64899468

more like holey amirite

>> No.64899464

don't worry I have some class, I will wait until after the stream to fap.
unless they give us a kiss or a hug during stream then the rivers will run white

fuwawa raped mococo on stream live infront of 100k viewers, anything will happen
mococo also counter raped fuwawa live infront of 300k viewers
sex stream is real

>> No.64899468

oh ho! you betcha !

>> No.64899476
Quoted by: >>64900082

prolly better to show it in bar instead of line graph then?

>> No.64899498
File: 507 KB, 1920x1080, Captura de pantalla 2023-12-20 034835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm that the magnet for the GOTY version available on the bay works but the server doesn't.

>> No.64899512

>I try blocking faggots
>now I follow faggots

>> No.64899521

That's a lot of fucking cash

>> No.64899529
Quoted by: >>64899749

So do you supa every single stream?

>> No.64899573
File: 129 KB, 278x329, 1696820818380641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, not a ruse. i'll try setting it up on a different machine and see if that works since somehow i'm the only one who can connect to it. i'll also drop the password here when it's ready.

and yes you'll need to pirate it, you can't even buy it on GOG anymore.

>> No.64899613
File: 207 KB, 512x512, 1693150039081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64899622

Nicely done Tiny

>> No.64899624

Fuwawa was born to be a useless cumdump used by multiple men (one of them being me)

>> No.64899635

can you stop posting mooms
all the moomsposters on this board are gay and have erp in global, even if you're baused for setting this up im hesitant to believe you're the exception....

>> No.64899683

when you browse global you get what you get

>> No.64899686
Quoted by: >>64899806

As I said, I tried connecting but without the community mod that "fixes" online
Are you using that too or no?

>> No.64899709

You were born to be a meal of semen for Fuwawa.

>> No.64899714

fuwawa was born to have her fuwawas covered in cum

>> No.64899739
File: 331 KB, 753x707, 1702007737991866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i just noticed fuwamoco will be guest in my country's anime event. Welp now i have grudge to buy ticket or not

>> No.64899749

I did for a while, but stopped after missing a couple days

>> No.64899775
Quoted by: >>64900082

may I ask why you do this?

>> No.64899806
File: 551 KB, 804x1080, 1690713110575156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64899928

i haven't been on global in months
the server uses the 469c patch and i'm using the GOG version with the patch as well. seems to work fine for me but not others.

>> No.64899833
File: 60 KB, 159x204, 1695396293750160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, I'm I think I drank too much. I drowned in Deck-16's acid pool playing against bots as soon as the match started.

>> No.64899928

>the server uses the 469c patch
Latest is 469d so might want to check that first

>> No.64899960

I feel like I have an idea of who you are, but I could be wrong, so whatever.
I don't supa every stream cause it's too much imo and I dont really wanna supa a 20 every day when I could just do a big aka every now and then

>> No.64900057
Quoted by: >>64900154

where do you get the data to do this?

>> No.64900058

>That filename
My fellow spic

>> No.64900082
File: 48 KB, 1542x371, chart (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To support them and show them (and management) that they have dedicated fans.
Plus it's nice to interact with them, even if SCing is essentially forced interaction.

Like this? The bars are $ SC'd in a day, and the line is a 7-day moving average of $/day

>> No.64900122
File: 90 KB, 312x343, 1695780622508265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalmente lo intento editar, pero se me pasó, wn.

>> No.64900154
Quoted by: >>64900225

Hololyzer for non-members streams and a much more manual process of using ytcfilter to record SCs with verification from emailed SC receipts for members streams.
It's hours of numbers, but my autism makes me like it

>> No.64900184


>> No.64900205

Remember the days when people made fun of Orca for dropping 30k on Rushia in 3 years? This dude is on track to beat him within a year

>> No.64900207

Buy it

>> No.64900225

>Hololyzer for non-members streams and a much more manual process of using ytcfilter to record SCs with verification from emailed SC receipts for members streams.
Can't you just look at you "Bills and Purchases" in the YouTube settings? Seems waaaay easier tbdesu. That's what I do.

>> No.64900245

dude, i thought chloe liked shion?

>> No.64900260


>> No.64900271

If you do go dont forget to record it

>> No.64900302

where can i meet femruffians?

>> No.64900326

twitter chat
even fwmc is there

>> No.64900364
Quoted by: >>64900437

Good. Management notices this shit, they'll know fuwamoco are the money makers and face of advent and become one of the top names
As a side effect ruffians will also become notorious for being fat ugly bastards who crank their hog and erupt millions of dollars to hags

>> No.64900373

40% by a rough estimate

>> No.64900419
Quoted by: >>64900536

i dont want fwmc, they're idols. i only want femruffians

>> No.64900428

That page is bugged as fuck with a ton of duplicate purchases. Emailed SC receipts would probably be sufficient, but I also want to record what I SC'd, when in the video I SC'd it, and what their response was

>> No.64900437

>fat ugly bastards
also old

>> No.64900460

oh that's way too autistic for me
wouldn't you still need to put it into a spreadsheet manually? also, I SC a lot of random indies

>> No.64900464
Quoted by: >>64900628

There is a femruffian that masquerades as a male in these threads and they joined the twitter group a while back, but they largely lurk
They commented once when another femruffian sent a message

>> No.64900525

FWMC is in the twitter dm group?

>> No.64900533
Quoted by: >>64900628

You already have females in these threads shitting them up with bait. Why not try your luck with them?

>> No.64900536
Quoted by: >>64900628

>i dont want fwmc, they're idols.
I do, but I'll wait for them to retire first. We'll marry in our late 40s

>> No.64900573
Quoted by: >>64900628

Every FWMC morning when THE WALL sends a supa

>> No.64900577

A ruffian being findom'dd by Fuwawa and paying alimony...

>> No.64900595

Yes. Fuwawa chooses a random wuffian and then types "sex with ____!" once every single day. I've been chosen dozens of times so far.

>> No.64900624

wait, that's a graph for that specific anon spending
damnit, I thought that's the graph for their SC earning

>> No.64900628
Quoted by: >>64900876

i dont know anything about twitter, i just want to sniff a femruffian

>> No.64900631
Quoted by: >>64900874

No, but moustache is and he reports back

>> No.64900638

Fuck off! You won't take them from us. JPs already got the boot and you will too.

>> No.64900639

>not even 50%
Fuwawa's laughing at you

>> No.64900666
File: 207 KB, 850x1198, 1686701073211155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open up, ruffians!

>> No.64900693

Yeah, that's why I originally asked why he even posted it. It's interesting, I suppose.

>> No.64900704

no way satan

>> No.64900714
Quoted by: >>64900794

no their total earnings are many times that. i think they got nearly 12k in the 100 day celebration alon

>> No.64900729

I've spoken with a JP femruffian I met on Twitter before

>> No.64900794

I thought the dude already taken out the youtube+cover parts and also the earning tax out

>> No.64900874
Quoted by: >>64900933

Where does he report back to? Here?

>> No.64900876
Quoted by: >>64901021

femruffian don't exist

>> No.64900881
Quoted by: >>64900955

how do you even connect to a server? is it a console command?

>> No.64900933

To them

>> No.64900955
Quoted by: >>64901149

open location and paste the address

>> No.64900957

Moustache is in the Warcraft Guild. He reports to Papa Puppy.

>> No.64901013
Quoted by: >>64901080

>opens up
>both leap into my arms and face
>give them both headpats and hugs
>later have rough animalistic sex with them as punishment for scratching the door

>> No.64901021

nice try, i've found you now

>> No.64901049

You thought Fuwamoco only get 500 bucks after cuts from 12k in superchats?

>> No.64901066

i think it would still be higher than 12k but im not going to bother doing the math

>> No.64901080

>wake up and realize you will never fuck your oshi because you are just some lonely parasocial retard

>> No.64901143
File: 187 KB, 720x557, Screenshot_20231220_003103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro when i see 1views in my feed I get nervous...
Decided to check them out, doing a karaoke and their voice is nice
But shit... I don't wanna chat or be noticed, but a compliment would be nice... but I'm EOP.. AIEEEEEEE IM AUTISTIC

>> No.64901145
Quoted by: >>64901303

Where did this rrat even come from that Moustache has any power? He never did and never will.

>> No.64901149
File: 169 KB, 1000x1200, Fuwatumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64901176
File: 155 KB, 500x500, 1699671391342072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally connect to a random server
>have to download 25 years worth of packs

>> No.64901182

don't cheat on the dogs with some titty cat

>> No.64901196

>wake up
>my dick is hard

>> No.64901199

wrong thread?

>> No.64901267


>> No.64901303
Quoted by: >>64901403

It's funny

>> No.64901403

I used to think the JP cuckposting was funny too and even participated in it until the discords started using it as ammo to spam the thread with

>> No.64901447
File: 95 KB, 512x512, F3XlDf7XcAA4zjP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64901504

>haven't played in over a decade
>second place
I've still got it

>> No.64901504
Quoted by: >>64901645

what server you on?

>> No.64901634

Not only do I have no power over them they actively hate me and do the opposite of what I suggest

>> No.64901645
File: 61 KB, 636x742, baubau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on unreal://

btw, you can find servers here:

Good night, ruffians

>> No.64901676
File: 209 KB, 340x764, Mococo Ah, goodnight![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6aoqh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64901731
File: 179 KB, 605x561, 1693023178935452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how these girls who show more affection toward their fans than any other talent in HoloEN have managed to make "they hate me, I am the most hated ruffian" become a meme. What is wrong with you

>> No.64901754
Quoted by: >>64901771

I have my UT99 CDs but I don't have a cd player in my PC and the files on it probably can't patch up to whatever version people use to play anyways, maybe I'll try and DL it later.

>> No.64901771
Quoted by: >>64902094

This one worked for me

>> No.64901788
File: 147 KB, 500x500, F247ctibUAADVuZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, ruff--
Hey, wait a second

>> No.64902094
Quoted by: >>64902162

thanks baubro, I'll grab it tomorrow and see if anyone's playing

>> No.64902162

no problem. i might write up a quick guide for joining too since there's a billion patches now.

>> No.64902328

will Mococo be okay by tomorrow morning?

>> No.64902394

migraines don't last THAT long she'll be fine

>> No.64902462

No, I'm going to be keeping her up all night

>> No.64902538

It's precisely because they show so much affection. It's that contrast that is funny

>> No.64902562

From my experience, migraines only last 3-6 hours with pain slowly fading for no more than 30 hours.
She might not be her usual 100% self, but she'll be fine

>> No.64902574
Quoted by: >>64902584

do femruffians prefer fuwawa or mococo?

>> No.64902584
Quoted by: >>64902664


>> No.64902664


>> No.64902701
File: 12 KB, 190x285, 512gd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64902855

Imagine thinking the wall is a femruffian and not some hiki pretending to be an anime girl

>> No.64902702

No fwmcmorning tweet yet btw
Don't sleep

>> No.64902786

reply for me too

>> No.64902805

Tell Mococo I said I love her

>> No.64902809

Just comment in english anyway
They'll be surprised you ended up in their stream somehow

>> No.64902815
Quoted by: >>64902942

You really should have written "get well soon Mococo AND Fuwawa", because they often mention how when one's sick the other feels it too

>> No.64902855

It's weird they don't attract a lot of trannies by the mixture of the color of their names, those people usually get attached to anything that they think are "allies"

>> No.64902907

FUWAMOCO hate sisters and love Christmas

>> No.64902941
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, F-8aEiVaAAAKzpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subscribe to the 1views you like, mate. I've come across some excellent chuubas to add to my weekly karaoke repertoire thanks to that, some even mogging the holos.

>> No.64902942

They said before that Mococo is the only one that gets headaches and migraines often

>> No.64903046

Waiting for a few wet natto farts until her asshole is ready and her rectum is damp to insert my huge cock

>> No.64903392

>trans colors
>fanbase has least amount of trans people
Pretty funny

>> No.64903535

The brightest lights reach down into the darkest depths
