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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 592 KB, 3000x3000, @nyangnyang3580 GBo4MLJbAAAuWx9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64795735 No.64795735 [Reply] [Original]

Christmas Memories Edition
Previous Thread >>64785167

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream


>Twitter Spaces
>Unarchived Karaokes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr1EI_jYBB8 - KAIBUTSU Cover
https://pastebin.com/KchRJHmN - TL of Fuwamoco's version of Kaibutsu
https://youtu.be/-wzgy7uTuSk Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EE Advent Gen Song - Rebellion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYmZUh_YAq0 - Cute na Kanojo Cover
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9qgXaihce8 - Identity Cover


>Anime NYC2023 Appearances

>/baubau/ sings LTST
https://twitter.com/Ruffian5000/status/1708479258354434288 (tweet contains a link to song only ver)
https://files.catbox.moe/ozlx6q.mp4 (intro+outro voices)
>FUWAMOCO VN & Anime list

>Thread Template

>> No.64795948

remember to not cum until the christmas eve sex stream

>> No.64795985

no sex with wuffians until xmas

>> No.64796068
File: 1.40 MB, 2438x3413, 1678672744570060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64796137

Bau Bau Bau
Bau Bau Bau
Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau ~
Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau Bau

>> No.64796349
Quoted by: >>64797546

handjob from santa-fuwawa with those sleeveless gloves...

>> No.64797081
File: 1.36 MB, 1536x1536, 1700341737314733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64797546

Bursting on those fat tits as she giggles and calls you a silly wuffian

>> No.64798068
File: 99 KB, 1080x1136, 1675471304614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love them

>> No.64798408

nice progress, a few more pounds and you'll be prime fat ojisan fuck material

>> No.64798488
File: 135 KB, 298x389, 1687520117224038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So them uploading "I'm your cute girlfriend" cover solo versions is literally the new most clear case of them checking in on us and how we would choose, right?

Cmon from pocky to christmas scarf date to this... they WANT to test us

>> No.64798730

Sounds like this might divide them.
Now who realistically is gonna win?
>Miss Tits Fuwawa
>Bratty flatty Mococo

>> No.64798817
Quoted by: >>64800465

what christmas scarf date? did I miss a tweet?

>> No.64798820
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x978, 153246798239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scalpers having a melty after getting called out

>> No.64798876


>> No.64799067
Quoted by: >>64799357

if all you take away is their tit size then you're a dumb coomer zoomer and you dont deserve fuwamoco please do better and stop watching their clips

>> No.64799154

>have my 4th dream about fuwamoco
>this time it's about fuwawa
>like the 1st one, it ends right before sex
even in my dreams they tempt me AGGGGGHHHHHH

>> No.64799240
File: 92 KB, 410x410, 1682640370968264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just loop the song from the one that doesn't ignore my existence.

>> No.64799260
File: 17 KB, 328x167, emsdff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of their biggest paypigs was guilt i hope they block him

>> No.64799272
File: 219 KB, 1259x1721, 1693842183473325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64799292
File: 2.20 MB, 1739x2245, 1671597853706501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that the stream starts ONE HOUR LATER THAN USUAL tonight

>> No.64799322
File: 131 KB, 402x562, 1648007403351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64799379

Should I make shit up for the christmas story thing or just not say anything? My only christmas memory from my childhood is videogame BGM + parents arguing in the background, and then after a certain point taking care of my drunk mother

>> No.64799324
Quoted by: >>64801881

still can't get over how unaware you have to be to send that SC

>> No.64799347

why is fuwawa such a slut?

>> No.64799357
Quoted by: >>64799431

Thanks for being a dense retard and jumping to use buzzwords faggot.
It was a joke that obviously went over your buzzword filled head.
Well I better go cancel my membership and and charge back my super chats I suppose, if all I am is a clip watcher.

>> No.64799360

Incorrect picture, Fuwawa wears pink underwear and Mococo wears blue underwear

>> No.64799379

I wouldn't want to lie to them.

>> No.64799426

Why are Fuwawa's thighs so massive. SHE'S MADE FOR BREEDING

>> No.64799431

seethe zoomer faggot

>> No.64799515
Quoted by: >>64799844

But what happens when they both acknowledge you?
How will you decide?
I for one would be happy with either or both if they could agree to that.

>> No.64799542

fuwawa anal gape

>> No.64799554
Quoted by: >>64799677

What a dork. Buying merch from the second market that isn't available to normally is one thing, but when scalpers do that high markup shit, they deserve to just get ignored and have a ton of product that won't move for the prices they want. Dude should have just waited it out and let the market stabilize. Won't catch me giving money to some fuckface who wants to flip promotional merch of my oshi for a quick buck.

>> No.64799557

why does fuwawa hate me so much...

>> No.64799559

Mococo likes me, Fuwawa hates me

>> No.64799618

Mococo is the one who always reads my messages, Fuwawa doesn't give a shit about me. But I love Fuwawa...

>> No.64799677
File: 29 KB, 475x504, 13216546843213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64799721

either you're a paypig or fuwawa doesn't look your way
can't have your cake and eat it too

>> No.64799802

I am a paypig...

>> No.64799844

>what happens when they both acknowledge you?
This is no when but an if. What have I done to make you hate me so much, Moco-chan.

>> No.64799866
Quoted by: >>64799930


>> No.64799904

Moco-chan doesn't even bau bau to my superchats anymore, it's fucking over. Where did I fuck up?

>> No.64799912
File: 169 KB, 1000x1200, 1679658592124226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64800002

>Fuwawa responds to me during the rawr n response
>only Fuwawa reads my comments
>Fuwawa made me an extra special ruffian
>never sent a supa

>> No.64799930

I ran out of them.

>> No.64800002

>be massive paypig
>only ever get read by mococo
>only ever get called out by mococo
>mococo sounds happier reading my supas than fuwawa

>> No.64800064
Quoted by: >>64800210

i've sent them thousands of dollars and mococo gives me way more attention

>> No.64800077
Quoted by: >>64800137

If you don't have a centurion amex Fuwawa isn't even gonna acknowledge your existence

>> No.64800095
Quoted by: >>64804590


>> No.64800137

Only Discover is a more pathetic card to have.

>> No.64800172
File: 120 KB, 900x900, 1679396914171497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever since I posted about Fuwawa reacting to my random headpats in chat like 2 months ago she stopped doing it. It's okay Fuwawa I still love you

>> No.64800188

I don't have money but I'm very fat, old, bald and have a very small dick, Fuwawa would love me.

>> No.64800193
Quoted by: >>64800252


>> No.64800210

They know which paypigs are Fluffians and which are Fuzzians

>> No.64800236
Quoted by: >>64800335

At least have money u fucking useless leech

>> No.64800252


>> No.64800294

>I'm very fat, old, bald and have a very small dick
That's all Fuwawa needs to hear. She cares more about a FAT FUCKING BELLY than money.

>> No.64800326
Quoted by: >>64800736

just say こんにちは in chat and you will get read by fuwawa

>> No.64800335
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1698641657274712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wufiian, you should know better...

>> No.64800355
Quoted by: >>64806815

>small dick
No, Fuwawa loves huge dicked grotesque pervy ojisans

>> No.64800466

They're gonna read all the horny replies to this art. Really think about that for a second.

>> No.64800465

It wasn't a date. Just the meme image template

>> No.64800514
Quoted by: >>64804657

fuwawa braps

>> No.64800540

Good training for the inevitable fuwabunny quote retweet that will let them smell the semen just by reading their replies.

>> No.64800689

take out a credit card and she would

>> No.64800736

so true sister

>> No.64800815
Quoted by: >>64804736


>> No.64800909
Quoted by: >>64800991

mococo that wasn't meant to be shared.

>> No.64800947

send tweet

>> No.64800991


>> No.64800996
File: 278 KB, 671x366, 1692676540927011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuzzians, how can this be?

>> No.64801061
Quoted by: >>64801332

Can't you just comment on both videos? Unless you, on purpose, watch, retweet only one video. There is no scenario where you can't choose both.

>> No.64801135

wrong thread numbersfag

>> No.64801171
Quoted by: >>64801415

I only care about Fuwawa. I'm sorry, Mococo.

>> No.64801255 [DELETED] 
File: 3.81 MB, 800x564, [sound=files.catbox.moe%F2mw0m9c.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64801395


>> No.64801309
File: 46 KB, 224x288, bruh zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of members only stuff did the two baubaus do already? Thinking of getting membership with them, since i really consume a lot of their content, but not entirely sure its worth the money YET

Did they do ASMR yet?

>> No.64801332

If their views and likes aren't 100% equal they will call you out on it

>> No.64801370
File: 3.81 MB, 800x564, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmw0m9c.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64801395


>> No.64801381


>> No.64801395


>> No.64801415

https://streamable.com/ixuvrw Fuwawa would despise you for this, not even joking

>> No.64801419
Quoted by: >>64801449

Actually, is kinda brave for them to release two solo covers back to back.

>> No.64801444

Keep dreaming. They're women. They want us to choose between them.

>> No.64801449

they wanted to release them a while ago

>> No.64801485

>Don't choose, okay, say you love us both
>get happy when you specifically confess to one of them only
>you forgot didn't you, ruffian?
>oh well... no it's fine, I'm not mad at all..

>> No.64801504

Won’t matter because I will rewatch Mococo’s version a million times

>> No.64801563


>> No.64801577

They've already said it's fine to have a preference. They wouldn't have individual oshi marks if they didn't want it

>> No.64801639

Yeah you can have 3 oshi. Fuwawa, Mococo and Fuwamoco

>> No.64801673
Quoted by: >>64801784

why did this actually make me sad

>> No.64801687
File: 167 KB, 1320x318, 1695697602992414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this

>> No.64801745

Stop leaking mad dog content

>> No.64801784

It shouldn't, it's just them being women
Fuwawa was also a real woman during Die Hard last night asking so many dumb questions...

I love them.

>> No.64801881

With the history of what Anan has posted, is it really that surprising?

>> No.64801891


>> No.64801933

First mover advantage

>> No.64801956

You wouldn't really want a Moco-chan gf, she's kinda cute but she never cleans up her dishes gosh it's the worst

>> No.64801985
File: 504 KB, 534x680, Fuwawa_Were_in_trouble[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fy8y3sr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very hard game and there are no save slots available.

>> No.64802069

Fuwawa will always win metrics wars since she goes first. The only thing which doesn't reflect that is the summer shorts and it's because Fuwawa brought Mococo's back into attention since it was down by so much

>> No.64802132
Quoted by: >>64802724

$5/month is nothing. Besides the members streams, they post heartfelt text posts and ask for things like suggestions. There's also the twitter space archives and at least one short bonus video

>> No.64802146

I love FuwaMoco!

>> No.64802273
File: 257 KB, 647x710, 1698562228317276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64802356

Fuwawa is the peak girlfriend experience and also very cute and kissable

>> No.64802293

stop asking for this shit you weird coomer, they dont need to do ASMR you fucking cunt. It doesnt nothing for me and makes them feel weird.

>> No.64802330
Quoted by: >>64802440

does anyone have that screencap of fuwawa by her hair is swaying to the left

>> No.64802356
Quoted by: >>64802373

Post Fuwawa “kissing” webm

>> No.64802365

They asked if people wanted this pre-debut on twitter, they put it on their goals picture on debut, they already own the mic, watch streams.

>> No.64802373
File: 1.96 MB, 400x400, 1692378992711147.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64802445


>> No.64802433
Quoted by: >>64802472

they always own the ASMR mic then wanted you to be better than this and say no.

>> No.64802440
File: 433 KB, 642x627, 1696655896062807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64802470


>> No.64802445

Thanks anon

>> No.64802470

thank you ruffian

>> No.64802472
Quoted by: >>64802534

No one cares what it does for you
They also already said they'll do it, watch streams dipshit retard mongrel
Of course you're an ESL monkey, too

>> No.64802473
File: 3.18 MB, 302x296, 1680331913011401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asked if we wanted it
>talked about it a few times
>even looked up a specific mic for heartbeat ASMR
cry about it

>> No.64802492
Quoted by: >>64814846

READ BETWEEN THE LINES, have you ever spoken to a woman before you fucking retard

>> No.64802526

purityschizo now has a buddy

>> No.64802534

okay you're a retard, forget it. I've made fuwamoco giggle, have you?

>> No.64802548

purityschizo and one of the BRchamas have joined forces

>> No.64802554

give me the mococo

>> No.64802649
Quoted by: >>64802708

sex with wuffians!!

>> No.64802702
Quoted by: >>64802752

if you werent new fags travellers got their ASMR already.

>> No.64802708

Fuwawa you should like Rev's art right now so my heart can start racing

>> No.64802724
File: 56 KB, 485x3890, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64802908


>> No.64802752

>you already got something once before so you shouldn't want more of it
retard, I guess we shouldn't ask for more karaoke too, we already had some

>> No.64802772
Quoted by: >>64802813

I don't get it, it's intimacy for the heart unless you think Fuwawa will be doing joi countdown stuff.

>> No.64802813

Anytime someone equates ASMR to porn you need to instantly disregard every single thing they say

>> No.64802839

Which isn't to say lewd ASMR isn't also nice and of course that would be great for members on Valentine's, but they wouldn't do that

>> No.64802853

Pretty much this.

>> No.64802890
Quoted by: >>64803046

When do you send your gachikoi SC, christmas eve or christmas day

>> No.64802908

damn man you could've just said watchalongs and fall gays

>> No.64802965

coomer alert

>> No.64803046

The Christmas Members 6 hours of sex date

>> No.64803065

They know ASMR is too dangerous, that's why they haven't done it. Once it happens, the sheer concentrated positivity and goodwill will fill the hearts of thousands of ojisans, recovering their wilted little fleshpumps to a state of childlike wonder... that is why, until they know that every single ruffian has it smile protected, we won't have ASMR.

>> No.64803182

This. Comfy ASMR is for healing the mind and body, and have a nice rest while your oshi takes you on a journey to complete bliss.

>> No.64803189

I wonder if Fuwawa's new year outfit will show the part of her chest underneath her neck garment thing. Simply seeing a different part of her torso/cleavage would make me instantly ejaculate hands-free.

>> No.64803505

I'm gonna go cum my brains out to Fuwawa the temptress

>> No.64803534
Quoted by: >>64803757

I have the need to let other men know how much I desire to fruitlessly spill my seed. No homo.

>> No.64803757

This but unironically.
I wish to make Fuwawa a mother.

>> No.64803769

wuffian coomer circle

>> No.64803798
Quoted by: >>64803875

>Mococo watches Hallmark Christmas movies and sings All I want for Christmas is (You) in winter
she's so cute...

>> No.64803875

>Fuwawa tells her to shut up and calls her annoying

>> No.64803887
Quoted by: >>64805105

Kiara is addicted to Mococo.

>> No.64803913
Quoted by: >>64804508

Why do I find Fuwamoco endearing and adorable even when they act like dogs and Bau Bau, but when I see other vtubers acting similar, they make me want to die. Could love really make something that would be considered embarrassing completely ok?

>> No.64803936

Orange woman just compared Fuwawa to Wamy... would any consumers of the Council of Wamy want to come forward?

>> No.64804119

Still pretty far away I'd say. Lamy is way more troublesome and applies more pressure. Also Yukimin (me) are canonically Lamy's boyfriend

>> No.64804175
Quoted by: >>64804329

Nope, they're sisters. They explicitly said they DONT want us to tell them our individual preference.
>They wouldn't have individual oshi marks
They don't have individual oshi marks. They have color-coded indicators to denote WHO is speaking. Pawprints are their oshi mark.

>> No.64804229

Fuwawa NEEDS to rape me

>> No.64804246

Wrong. ASMR and porn are pretty much intrinsically linked. The entire purpose of ASMR is someone doing things to make the listener feel good. It is inherently erotic. Simple as.

>> No.64804303
File: 259 KB, 989x794, literally me 46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64804329
Quoted by: >>64804661

Go rewatch debut. They have individual oshi marks. It's the paw prints + one heart or the other. Not that I'm condoning choosing one or the other, as I think that's fag behavior.

>> No.64804346

the google link to submit the story has that same "no third party IP" thing, is it just a leftover from the same template or should I take it to heart and not even mention a song that was playing by name?

>> No.64804361

>The entire purpose of ASMR is someone doing things to make the listener feel good.
>It is inherently erotic.
But the purpose of every stream is to make me feel good, are you calling Fuwawa an erotic streamer?

>> No.64804365
File: 583 KB, 400x300, fuwamoco my beloved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64804408

Don’t care, I’m choosing both. They’re both my wives and I love them equally

>> No.64804408

I love Pero more

>> No.64804416


>> No.64804425
File: 564 KB, 1898x2766, 1692041607075053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64810194

>> No.64804439
Quoted by: >>64804521

Anan onel may have just reached twobears levels of retarded

>> No.64804466
Quoted by: >>64804735

>listen to sportsball dude on the radio
>he's actually ear raping me

>> No.64804507

Not mendokusai enough, that's Mococo's role. Similar in their affection for their fans.

>> No.64804508

To me, it's because they're so sincerely committed to providing a good viewer experience and to being good oshis. Nothing they do makes me cringe. With other vtubers, you can always detect hints of self consciousness and self interest every now and then, and I think that leads to secondhand embarrassment when they try to do ultra cutesy shit.

>> No.64804521

>Anan onel
at least anan onel isnt into ASMR

>> No.64804524
File: 820 KB, 918x1014, fuwawa 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa read out my comments before I became a paypig

>> No.64804550

I'm going to listen to their ASMR.

>> No.64804568
Quoted by: >>64804616

ASMR is actually about getting bedtime stories from my surrogate fathers ER, PS, and Carm.

>> No.64804588

The purpose is to evoke a physical reaction which is meant to feel good.
Also, yes Fuwawa is obviously very erotic

>> No.64804590
File: 147 KB, 470x423, mococo 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64804680


>> No.64804616

Baused gay ruffian.

>> No.64804657
File: 1 KB, 273x26, fuwawa stinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64804834

Imagine the smell…

>> No.64804661
Quoted by: >>64805238

I don't really care since they don't use them that way. The hearts are literally just a way for us to know who's tweeting/responding. That's it.

>> No.64804680
Quoted by: >>64805046

I love you Mococo. Please love me back.

>> No.64804736
Quoted by: >>64804805


>> No.64804735

I'm sorry that happened to you anon.

>> No.64804805
Quoted by: >>64804861


>> No.64804834
Quoted by: >>64805130

most women dont they hide it with perfume. why are these threads filled with virgins?

>> No.64804861
Quoted by: >>64806807

>>64804805 (me)
also on twitter if you want to retweet so that Fuwawa can see your lust

>> No.64804869

>are you calling Fuwawa an erotic streamer
been a while since I saw bait this good.yes

>> No.64804918
File: 705 KB, 1447x1020, fuwamoco asmr 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there WILL be ASMR if not before then by latest Valentines

>> No.64804922

>at least anan onel isnt into ASMR
That's a significant mark against him

>> No.64804973

So he’s a faggot? Got it

>> No.64804979

I'm going to cum when fuwawa whispers in my ear and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

>> No.64805046
File: 1.71 MB, 1191x1684, mococo 72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64805055
Quoted by: >>64805205

>tell us your christmas memories!
>Must be your own original content and contain no characters belonging to other IPs
What did they mean by this? Do I own the "my dad" IP?

>> No.64805105

I wasn't watching tenchou when this happened, but if she said anything funny or notable about FWMC, then make sure to let them know using the hashtag hashtag #FWMCScoop

>> No.64805130

> why are these threads filled with virgins?
If you have to ask that you don’t belong here

>> No.64805168
Quoted by: >>64805476

Timestamp? I'd like to hear her reasoning

>> No.64805186

Wamy is more troublesome but Fuwawa is getting closer over time

>> No.64805205
Quoted by: >>64805313

>I got a spiderman figure as a present
>I went to buy X at Y's
Dont do this.

>> No.64805238

Watch the debut stream. The oshi mark for each is pawprint + heart, its right there. Thats the intention you can cope how you want

>> No.64805313
Quoted by: >>64805355

Is it too rude to send it anyway just to share the story with them, even if they can't read it on stream and would just waste their time? The story wouldn't make much sense without mentioning the spiderman figure equivalent.
I'll watch FWMC Morning archive now, if they answer this on stream feel free to ignore.

>> No.64805323

That doesn't mean they want people to choose, it just means it's possible and they acknowledge that. They've said 50 times you can choose one or both of them as your oshi.

>> No.64805355
Quoted by: >>64805375

If you want to torture an already overworked mane-chan then go ahead

>> No.64805375


>> No.64805406

I literally do not care. Their oshi mark is the pawprint. The hearts are not.

>> No.64805476

She's still live, but she was compating their laughs. Which then turned into how good they make her feel.

>> No.64805485

>They specifically and deliberately add a way to show your favorite in the debut stream
>"That doesn't mean they want you to!"

>> No.64805517

Also, their name only has the pawprints, not the hearts.
The hearts exist to denote the speaker. That's it.

>> No.64805528

It was fairly amusing to see this developing over time.

>> No.64805551
Quoted by: >>64805673

Go watch the debut stream. Take a screenshot of the fan marks then come back and dogeza

>> No.64805592
Quoted by: >>64805692

They've straight up said many times that they know we'll have a favorite, just dont let them know.
Watch streams.

>> No.64805673
File: 129 KB, 750x421, 1694570449262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have, and you're still wrong. You could post a screenshot right now, and you'll STILL be wrong. Their oshimark is pawprints. That is it.
see >>64805517

>> No.64805692

Then why do they have seperate oshi marks

>> No.64805756
Quoted by: >>64805958

Yeah in the context of a tweet from them, obviously it denotes the speaker. But in the name of a viewer's twitter profile, it obviously denotes something else

Just because you CAN choose one doesn't mean they want you to, little retardchama.

>> No.64805814
Quoted by: >>64805920

So they can filter out the retards that can even be bothered to watch streams or their debut

>> No.64805828
Quoted by: >>64805892

But they don't. Their oshi mark is the paw print emoji. They've explicitly said they do not want to know. Watch streams please.

>> No.64805892
Quoted by: >>64806061

The oshi mark is pawprint + heart. You can't just pretend its not there because it BTFO you

>> No.64805918

As anon pointed out, they have straight up said it many times. They included separate oshi marks in their debut, but explicitly provided deeper explanation in the time since. Try to calm down.

>> No.64805920

can't *
t. me, also retarded

>> No.64805943

Stop bitching and post timestamps of them saying what valid applications the hearts have.

>> No.64805954
File: 56 KB, 626x507, 1702783633016282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impressive display of autism, that's what I come to /baubau/ for.

>> No.64805958

>But in the name of a viewer's twitter profile, it obviously denotes something else
I never disagreed with this. Its just a fact. They don't want anyone to choose one over the other PUBLICALLY. So far, not a single Ruffian has played favorites openly like that. Except maybe one or two retarded supas.

>> No.64806061

No. Their oshimark is the pawprint emoji. I don't understand why you're even arguing? If you desperately want to put just a single blue or pink heart in your profile, go for it. They'll mute you.

>> No.64806081

Put one heart and a paw print in yiur display name and max akasupa love to only ne of the cover premieres. You'll get your answer if you're too autistic to figure it out for yourself

>> No.64806086

>expecting anons to post timestamps or any actual proof to literally anything
how new

>> No.64806123
Quoted by: >>64806206


>> No.64806197
Quoted by: >>64806335

less than 24h without cooming and baubau already is this fucking bad, can't make this shit up

>> No.64806206


>> No.64806224

Don't really need a timestamp since they've already proved what the hearts are used for.
Not a single Ruffian out there uses an individual heart. FuwaMoco only use them to let people know who's behind the tweet or message.

>> No.64806248


>> No.64806257


>> No.64806335

Where is that David Attenbaurough anon to record /baubau/'s descent into a testorone driven madness?

>> No.64806345


>> No.64806380

I've seen JP ruffians with a single heart

>> No.64806393

I still don’t understand the meaning behind the deleted ham tweet

>> No.64806434
File: 11 KB, 207x240, 1702606737755151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64807269

don't think

>> No.64806541

>JP ruffians
They literally say they dont understand that much of what the girls say and this was said in English most of the time.

>> No.64806543
Quoted by: >>64806723

there's no way i'm lasting until saturday bros

>> No.64806549

spent a few hours our with some friends and ate lunch together
when my friends were conversing about something i wasnt intowhile we were eating, my mind wandered to visualizing hot sloppy kisses with fuwawa in a sexy santa outfit, i had to curb that thought immediately so I don't pop a boner while I'm out with my boys, christ

>> No.64806597


>> No.64806601

>raping fuwawa in your mind

>> No.64806671

Only the tourists that cant speak any eigo. The ones who speak EN always have the pawprints and never pick favorites.

>> No.64806723

It's actually impossible...

>> No.64806732

Mococo was probably sleepy and thought it was funny, then instantly regretted it for some reason.

>> No.64806736
Quoted by: >>64806846

>they've already proved what the hearts are used for.
In the debut? When they had them in the oshi mark section?

>> No.64806783

>they're still going
this might be the number one most retarded discussion since this thread started.

>> No.64806807

they 100 percent saw this

>> No.64806815

which is me ofc

>> No.64806846
Quoted by: >>64806889

>In the debut?
No, over time. They only use them to denote the speaker. They don't even have the marks in their channel name. Wanna know why? It's because their oshi mark is the pawprints.

>> No.64806889
Quoted by: >>64806933

What fwmc and what ruffians use the hearts for are different.

>> No.64806923

Yes. And?

>> No.64806933
Quoted by: >>64806991

True. FWMC only use it to denote the author of tweets. Ruffians, for the most part, pretty much only use the pawprints.

>> No.64806942
File: 82 KB, 205x312, 1701853893048263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Saturday comes, I'll burst a huge bucket into Fuwawa belly.

>> No.64806963
File: 978 KB, 2778x4096, GBlLCgTXQAAn4aC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64806991

The debut made it clear the intention is to put a heart next it if you want to show your favorite. It wasn't an accident having it there

>> No.64806999

I'm not too sure, that guy is search banned, and nobody is using egosearchable terms in the replies. There is one "fwwちゃん", but if they're even using that to egosearch, then they're specifically looking for porn, in which case, yeah, they saw it.

>> No.64807005

Are you team #ruffirans or team #wuffianz?

>> No.64807115
Quoted by: >>64807149

hey've clearly stated time and time again that they DON'T want us to let them know we have a "favorite."
Please watch streams.

>> No.64807149

You're getting baited.

>> No.64807162
File: 219 KB, 1031x1348, ChristmasDateMoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will never have a girlfriend or wife to sing Chrismas songs with
I guess I'll just have to stare into Moco-chan's eyes while I watch this karaoke.

>> No.64807235

Management required it since they are technically two talents sharing a channel. They themselves do NOT use the hearts as an "oshimark." The Ruffians are the exact same way. We all use the pawprints, and sure some do put both hearts in their name.
FuwaMoco don't want us to have PUBLIC favorites cause it will make them feel bad. Simple as.

>> No.64807269

just ham

>> No.64807272
File: 120 KB, 1280x1253, literally me 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s okay, anon. FuwaMoco are better than real women anyway

>> No.64807302
File: 187 KB, 869x891, 1701994380891831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me neither, also I'm just sick of false irl friendships

>> No.64807321
File: 285 KB, 2048x1536, 1693390631649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will never have a girlfriend or wife to sing Chrismas songs with
Sucks for you, I have two.

>> No.64807366
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why there is a japan flag on the captcha now
I'm a fluffian, I cant solve this shit

>> No.64807399

If we don't even get a new years kiss I'm out, cutting the dead end relationship

>> No.64807451
File: 2.36 MB, 2480x3508, 1686081818158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are real women(dogs). That's what makes them so great. The fact that they exist means that the world is more beautiful than I initially thought.

>> No.64807461


>> No.64807471

see you next year, Diana

>> No.64807495

imagine futwawa

>> No.64807505
File: 267 KB, 810x1330, IMG_0570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64807537

Would she be bigger than the Mococock?

>> No.64807581
File: 2.18 MB, 654x918, Mococo giggles[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjulw5h.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64807589
File: 478 KB, 1165x738, moco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64808129

>> No.64807653
File: 381 KB, 778x816, I stole you[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7tk4yd.aac].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64807842

I just want to reach out. I know I shouldn't be so greedy, they make me feel warm and fuzzy, but I just long to feel Moco-chan's warmth physically. To reach my hand out and cup her cheek while I move in for a kiss. To wrap my arms around her and feel her shift under me as she adjusts herself to feel more comfortable and embraces me back. To feel her press her weight into me as she leans in. To get tickled by her short breaths out of her nose running on my face as we share our kiss.

>> No.64807674

Futawawa is wrong and should not exist. Mococo has a cock and uses it to impregnate Fuwawa.
Fuwawa is still the dominant party.

>> No.64807783
Quoted by: >>64807981

please give me the source of this

>> No.64807842
File: 203 KB, 1077x1523, @zhppf76f-1736748848037724169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of this and then loving passionate sex with moco-chan afterwards

>> No.64807981

got on 4chan
probably AIslop

>> No.64808129
Quoted by: >>64808247

Didn't cover nuke that faggot from orbit?

>> No.64808247
File: 1.27 MB, 720x720, Today![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyhhqew.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got today'd

>> No.64808339

Proud of all the ruffians who watch LTST everyday. views are steady

>> No.64808383

Tell me about Mococo. Why does she sneeze?

>> No.64808419

Wait they sang Baby It's Cold Outside? I thought that was illegal or whatever.
Also Moco-chan as the woman!

>> No.64808446

He is though.

>> No.64808494

human laws have no meaning in the northwest passage

>> No.64808532
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1699643479854402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64808541
File: 847 KB, 346x780, Mococo long scream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcxbzym.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64808679
File: 1.57 MB, 1500x1146, GBpGZk5bUAAiV1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for Mococo's plant and any domestic plant that lives alone in their own sterile vase
Plants communicate through earth and eat microorganism, they are smart and social
I hope someday Mococo can get a little garden to let her plants bond and be happy
t. carnivoreschizo

>> No.64808691

how's your homework coming wuffians

>> No.64808697

I don't have any snacks for the stream

>> No.64808751

order a pizza you fattest fucking ruffian

>> No.64808756

I cant remember shit from christmas

>> No.64808780

I wrote one already. I might try another towards the end of the deadline if I remember something a little more than just enjoying time shit talking with family.

>> No.64808809

I looked on twitter after reading here that it was supposedly a cancelled song to see if anyone would complain about them singing it and nobody did, I think this thread was exaggerating how much people give a shit about it.
I did find this, though, which was pretty funny:

>> No.64808893

There was a hot minute a long while back, like mid 10's, where that song was under fire and you'd get a dirty look for talking about it.

>> No.64808955
Quoted by: >>64809088

I'm gonna order some SlopDonalds

>> No.64809023
File: 311 KB, 1547x2048, @nekoroulette-1736541092513022263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64809075



>> No.64809075
Quoted by: >>64809325

did he draw Mococo yet

>> No.64809088

Same, but a local pizza joint nearby. Been about a month since I've had pizza and it's gonna be good as all hell.

>> No.64809269
File: 230 KB, 1277x1277, 1626421013112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojisan Gosling you've gotten bigger in the face

>> No.64809285

Every time I look at their schedule for this week, I'm assaulted by the fact that we can see under Fuwawa's skirt

>> No.64809317
Quoted by: >>64811202

I want to kiss Mococo’s sexy back and neck

>> No.64809325

not yet

>> No.64809435
File: 210 KB, 850x662, HUGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64811202

Every time I look at Moco-chan's face, I'm assaulted by the increasing need to kiss her.

>> No.64809622
File: 3.85 MB, 516x644, mococo shaking her head.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of a good memory in general
My elementary school sucked, my middle school sucked, I dropped out of high school because it especially sucked
and my family more or less ignores me if they aren't getting mad at me

>> No.64809651
File: 253 KB, 660x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fluffians lessened, as if they unclicked the bell
>fuzzians increased
harmony attempting to be achieved?

>> No.64809685

nah I killed them so my precious Mococo wouldn't be sad

>> No.64809692

Seriously, I'm going to be crushed if they don't have a body pillow in their birthday stream. I've been in the anime community for 20 years, have been gifted one or two and put them in the trash during moves, but I will instantly buy a Moco-chan body pillow. If you would have asked me even 5 years ago if I would have ever entertained the idea of owning a body pillow seriously, I would have laughed at you.
I need a Moco-chan to huge every night...

>> No.64809723 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 720x455, 64326532653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluffy bros....

>> No.64809790


>> No.64809817

Just now saw the same post above me kek

>> No.64809827
Quoted by: >>64809871

Fuwawa is going to be the one with the bigger numbers because she has the biggest tits, this is never going to change

>> No.64809871
File: 472 KB, 2000x2000, 1702893454313594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64809921


>> No.64809921

my mokotyen wouldn't say that

>> No.64810186
File: 59 KB, 594x269, 1629582895843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64811009

What's it like to spend Christmas with someone you love? Interlinked.

>> No.64810194
File: 98 KB, 1024x1024, F6Jc5vDa4AAnOUl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64810495

>If you would have asked me even 5 years ago if I would have ever entertained the idea of owning a body pillow seriously, I would have laughed at you.
6 months ago I would've laughed at the idea but here we are, I want both dakis.

>> No.64810590

if you play the playlist "fuwamoco music" it will stop at Fuwawa's cover.
that is all.

>> No.64810628


>> No.64810675


>> No.64810801

>take a bad memory and change the details to make it happy and interesting

>> No.64810835
Quoted by: >>64811061

The covers will just be the vocal tracks they already recorded for the duo cover, but separated. Not seeing the point. Should've just been a membership bonus like Kaibutsu without music

>> No.64811009
File: 398 KB, 2237x1595, fuwamoco 393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64811161

We’re about to find out, anon. We’ll soon find out…

>> No.64811061

no this is definitely the meta
they can triple dip whenever they release a single thing

>> No.64811155

>666k subs
I guess they really are demon dogs. Good for them!

>> No.64811161
File: 94 KB, 428x424, 1702782153223939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counting the days, brother.

>> No.64811202
File: 278 KB, 1472x2048, @szuukies-1736382250953171049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64811314

i wrote all of these posts
mococo is irresistable
i want to care for her, love her, spoil her, treasure her, i want to feel her soft skin, i want to feel her saliva and tongue against mine, i want to feel the pleasure of penetrating her, i want to hear mococos moans in my ear and her pleasured pants, i want to hold mococo tight as we share an orgasm and i spill my desire inside of her, i want to cuddle mococo tightly after we bathe in the afterglow of our desires, i want to headpat mococo and kiss her on the forehead as we whisper i love yous to each other, i want to drift off to sleep holding mococo tightly in my arms...

>> No.64811210
File: 74 KB, 726x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64811250


>> No.64811250
Quoted by: >>64811312

where's satan at we need to celebrate

>> No.64811312

satan おしへん

>> No.64811314

extremely baused post. because I wrote it of course

>> No.64811375

>123 words out of 150
eh good enough

>> No.64811412

Why is Kronii now doing a school days watch a long too? With Irys. Why not just wait a day and watch with the dogs? So weird

>> No.64811426
File: 2.32 MB, 854x480, STICKING OUT YOUR GYATT 4 NERIZZLER[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5s2qy9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64811462
Quoted by: >>64811495

ask her

>> No.64811481
Quoted by: >>64811537

probably because they want to watch with only us

>> No.64811495

She isn't answering my texts....

>> No.64811519

imagine watching with people who skips op and ed and watch in 1.5x

>> No.64811537
Quoted by: >>64811741

Kronii should watch something else. Fuwawa is the true school days fan not Kronii

>> No.64811587
File: 305 KB, 1536x2048, Embarrassed[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmvchph.aac].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Moco-baby!

>> No.64811716

reminder the pupdogs told us to be here, so be here
diamond dogs

>> No.64811740
File: 90 KB, 445x480, 1691198468954216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every now and then I still catch myself thinking about how is it possible for people like them to exist. They are truly something else, I've never seen anyone like them. Maybe they exist, but it's just a new experience to me. The world is a wonderful place.

>> No.64811741
Quoted by: >>64811930

does not change anything, I will not watch Kronii, I do not pay for her membership, why would I care for it?
she can watch a porn documentary and I would still not give it a view.

>> No.64811762
File: 176 KB, 1051x1502, kakegurui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64811911

something about fuwawa reminds me this fine lady

>> No.64811782
Quoted by: >>64811823

thanks for the contribution to the thread ryan
do you view them sexually?

>> No.64811794

> imagine watching with people who skips op and ed and watch in 1.5x
Calling them “people” is a liberal use of the word

>> No.64811798
File: 563 KB, 556x552, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64811837

Day 19 complete!
can't grab the full sized image

>> No.64811823
Quoted by: >>64811856

Of course

>> No.64811837

This is not global faggot

>> No.64811856
File: 612 KB, 2043x2696, @_magui3-1684573102754205696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64811885
Quoted by: >>64811933

i will do it 6 more times

>> No.64811887
File: 146 KB, 750x417, fuwamoco 853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They truly are a league of their own

>> No.64811911

I wish Fuwawa had a degenerate gambling problem so I could post more
I wouldn't even wish a gambling addiction on my worst enemies. It can be really tough to fight it sometimes.

>> No.64811930

It does change things because she's watching it a day before, so less people will tune in to fuwamoco if they watched it the day before. It's a total cunt move.

>> No.64811933
File: 126 KB, 360x270, 17015792017060501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64811965

nta, buit I'll be wating for it.

>> No.64811934
File: 214 KB, 306x432, 1690940916709074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. The most fitting prize for the most wonderful girls.

>> No.64811965
File: 104 KB, 850x978, Mocothumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64812010
File: 179 KB, 400x400, 1678757490123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called the "Advent" Calendar. FuwaMoco are a part of Advent. therefore, it is relevant to this thread.

>> No.64812020
Quoted by: >>64812230

collab with Filian confirmed

>> No.64812027

noooo, the ironic weeb tourists who are only there for the meme moment reactions won't be there watching with the people who genuinely like the anime, how can we possibly recover from this?

>> No.64812117
Quoted by: >>64812292

whæt? I would agree if it were Fauna or Kiara, but there's very little overlap between the Ruffians and the kronies. Plus if anyone decides to watch it with Kronii first, it means they just aren't a Ruffian.

>> No.64812230

> Filian

>> No.64812292
File: 1.91 MB, 222x400, ruffians.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there's very little overlap between the Ruffians and the kronies.

>> No.64812294

this stupid rock’s voice makes me diamonds

>> No.64812296
Quoted by: >>64812446

the only people it will filter out are people who watch Kronii, and thus nothing of value was lost

>> No.64812348
File: 932 KB, 938x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biboos castle has perrochino

>> No.64812371

Yep, that's definitely a Pero sighting

>> No.64812421


>> No.64812446
Quoted by: >>64812789

It's a Timerys collab. I think we have overlap with irys for sure

>> No.64812463


>> No.64812499


>> No.64812509

What a girlcastle

>> No.64812525


>> No.64812537
File: 1.07 MB, 1758x989, pero 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64812621

None of you said FAT FUCK on biboo's chat. I'm so proud of your restraint anons.

>> No.64812667

I would have preferred a pink and purple grand pure crystal throne room, but I guess this fits her personality better.

>> No.64812682

Biboo is a fuckin dork.

>> No.64812702

it's not like we say it on FWMC's chat either

>> No.64812710
File: 582 KB, 534x616, AIIIEEEEE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F84nk4t.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liked a tweet praising Fuwawa specifically

>> No.64812789

Oh, yeah probably then. I don't mind IRyS and can definitely see overlap fans.

>> No.64812791
Quoted by: >>64812850

wat post

>> No.64812799

I will do it for money

>> No.64812850


>> No.64812867
Quoted by: >>64812944

Why would she have pero instead of fuwamoco? that's so stupid

>> No.64812944

those are the mascots dumdum

>> No.64812962

Jesus I thought I was in /gem/ for a second kek

>> No.64813018

Not that unusual. They like posts praising them individually all the time

>> No.64813035

do these two generals have the most overlap in hololive?

>> No.64813038

I wish there'd be a Holo whose room is just one of those deep red tentacle chambers you see in various hentai anime

>> No.64813101

diamond dogs is a fan favorite

>> No.64813130
Quoted by: >>64813182

if they ever do something like an offcollab week, we should just make /DD/ during that week

>> No.64813164

If it were for me nobody would be able to post anything that is not fuwamoco, no images, no other names or vtubers, nothing. Also this place needs an ID checker because I'm fucking tired of people responding to themselves like fucking schizos all the time

>> No.64813182

we don't know how to deal with bait, it would be hell for pebbles. they mastered the craft while we are still biting.

>> No.64813200
Quoted by: >>64813462

>>64813164 (me)
I'm trans btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.64813245

I don't watch Biboo at all outside collabs

>> No.64813263
Quoted by: >>64813328

fuck off back to baucord

>> No.64813267
Quoted by: >>64813323

I'd say all of Advent has a bit of audience crossover, but it's a bit more pronounced with Diamond Dogs because they collab all the fucking time.

>> No.64813323

they don't collab enough

>> No.64813328

So you want to turn /baubau/ into global? Good to know.

>> No.64813350
File: 17 KB, 581x368, 1677834664431491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 132: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched two episodes of an anime.

>> No.64813462

I mean... more power to you(?)

>> No.64813469
Quoted by: >>64813779

Global hates advent, especially Fuwawa and Mococo. I'd rather not.

>> No.64813471
Quoted by: >>64813779

go back, faggot.
ID check my ass.

>> No.64813575
File: 731 KB, 1114x1600, 1700028847191188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want fuwawas fat tits on my face

>> No.64813675
Quoted by: >>64813831

ID-tagged soldiers, carrying ID-tagged weapons, using ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities.
Genetic control.
Information control.
Emotion control.
Battlefield control.
Everything is monitored and kept under control. The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield, controls history.

>> No.64813779

??? But you said you want to turn this into global? Now you dont??
You first, globaltard.

>> No.64813831


>> No.64813921
Quoted by: >>64814073

So, twitter space next week confirmed? Nice.

>> No.64813973
Quoted by: >>64814094

they meant sex na kanojo instead of cute na kanojo right?

>> No.64814045

member post

>> No.64814073
File: 177 KB, 512x512, 1686506865869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64814278

>So, twitter space next week confirmed? Nice.

>> No.64814080
Quoted by: >>64814218

i dont care about bijou

>> No.64814094

would that mean sex girlfriend or am I stupid?

>> No.64814170

Urgent member's post. Go check it.

>> No.64814182

>We noticed that IRyS-senpai and Kronii-senpai
i dont really give a shit about them fuwawa so why should you change your schedule

>> No.64814192

>members post

>> No.64814201

what's funny was at the part where moco sang the lyric about her sister finding out, she stuttered, because she hated the thought of ntring fuwawa.

>> No.64814218


>> No.64814237

Told you faggots it was a big deal. Also the ruffians voting for no stream should be kicked out of membership

>> No.64814239
File: 57 KB, 824x410, 1691422562635030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64814278

During the Pero sighting Moco-chan talked again about wanting to organize their files but with us along with them, but this time talked about "being ready for next year". Not any other week left for that.

>> No.64814302

who the fuck is voting Yes

>> No.64814324
Quoted by: >>64814923

>FuwaMoco thinking they should change their schedule because other holo mems are doing the same thing as them
This is one of the big downsides of Hololive, and I say that as a Hololive fan

>> No.64814339

kronifags and this guy >>64814237

>> No.64814363

people who are weak to stories with NTR

>> No.64814372

Who the fuck is voting for no stream at all?

>> No.64814386


>> No.64814395

Retards. Mongrels. They are the worst kind of people.

>> No.64814432
Quoted by: >>64815075

I wanted to say I've never nor will I ever watch kronii but I held myself back. So many shit opinions from ruffians who voted anything else besides still watching it

>> No.64814456

If we lose our School Days watchalong because of that faggot Kronii, I will be very mad.

>> No.64814469

wait i was wrong
lets watch yosuga no sora instead

>> No.64814473
Quoted by: >>64814594

>You probably don't want to watch the same anime series back to back twice
Why the FUCK would they think I'd care about what other streamers are doing? Are ruffians that shit and disloyal that they just assume?

>> No.64814496
Quoted by: >>64814610

Who planned the School Days marathon first? Regardless, I only watch Fuwamoco, and Biboo (when she is not collabing with Bae, Ollie or Mori).

>> No.64814509

wtf I'm a Kronii anti now?

>> No.64814518

Worse than yes is the 'no stream.' Why the literal fuck is that at 36%? Explain yourself faggot, at least someone here has to have voted it.

>> No.64814524

The ones voting for "no stream" probably just want them to rest and not have to stress about anything. They're cool.
The only ones who should be fucking kicked are the ones telling them to stream something else.

>> No.64814526

Fucking idiots that vote yes. Regardless, it seems that most ruffians aren't idiots and are voting for no. 52 % now. Thank god.

>> No.64814579
Quoted by: >>64814720

Only retards would vote for the no stream option because they would be pissed about you not wanting to see them
They added it as an option because they are women and giving you rope to hang yourself

>> No.64814594

>Why the FUCK would they think I'd care about what other streamers are doing?
This is exactly what I thought but there's no way I can tell them that.

>> No.64814610

Apparently kronii and irys planned this for a year. For some reason this is the one promise Kronii has decided to keep.

>> No.64814620

>Take some time to prepare for the weekend plans
They really don't want to watch it with us huh

>> No.64814627

I voted for them to watch School Gays, but my assumption is basically this >>64814524

>> No.64814635

good thing they split the retards across 2 options

>> No.64814675

Me. If they put in the option, then they must need time for the weekend. If they don't get any time they'll end up missing even more sleep.

>> No.64814681
Quoted by: >>64814954

No that's retarded. They planned their own schedule of things they wanted to do. Saying "nah I don't care if you cancel the stream" is the same as saying it doesn't matter to you. You just lost affection points.

>> No.64814711
Quoted by: >>64814865

I'd say making that a member's poll is a bad move, since most of the doggy pack wouldn't really watch it with other holomem or would watch it twice... but the hard data is clearly agains that reasoning.

>> No.64814717

If they pick something else it will still be based. No stream is fucking stupid. Who votes not to watch their oshii? I'm guessing zoomer ruffians

>> No.64814720

Not really. It's probably cause they want permission to have an off day. Unfortunately for them, I refuse to let them rest.

>> No.64814723

Retarded take. They want to do this, and on top of that, this is an anime (well VN) that is really important to them. Fuck you for clicking that no stream if you did.

>> No.64814750
Quoted by: >>64814954

If they needed rest they would take rest. The people voting no stream actually just don't want to watch fuwamoco.

>> No.64814751

If they didn't need the time, they wouldn't add that choice. It's not like polls are forced to include a "do nothing" option. I didn't vote for it either, but its inclusion is telling.

>> No.64814820

Then why'd they add the option at all?

>> No.64814846

Do you know where you are

>> No.64814859

FWMC specifically wrote about using the extra time for the weekend plans (ie our CHRISTMAS mengen), so I imagine that's how a lot of people are taking that.

If it's a choice BETWEEN School Days and the best Christmas mengen ever, I think the choice is probably decisive for a lot of gachikoi. Still, I voted for "No" specifically, and just commented about the same as this post.

>> No.64814865

Unironically would be better as a twitter poll in the replies of their schedule post. The poll at the end of Die Hard had like 500 votes, this one already has 1.2k, these people are not gonna watch it. They need to get better at reaching their actual core fanbase.

>> No.64814871

fuwamoco would never take a day off unless they really need it (homework/dogtor shit)
they want to stream everyday even at the risk of their health, even despite saying they'd try to take care of themselves more, it boils down to homework is the only thing gating them
i voted for "no", but just know fuwamoco would never take a break unless we wanted it for them

>> No.64814885

>If they didn't need the time, they wouldn't add that choice
if they DID need the time then they just wouldnt have added a stream after FWMCmorning

>> No.64814897

The "Do nothing" option is the classic VN choice that leads to you FUCKING NOTHING and a normal/bad end. Dont fall for the bait, niggers.

>> No.64814923

It's because Kronii and Irys are their senpais so they feel that they should be the one to give way to them

>> No.64814931

To test you. If you ever have a wife young ruffian you need to remember women ask questions like this to test you

>> No.64814932
File: 9 KB, 128x128, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64816535

I think Fuwamoco should get plenty of rest so I voted no stream!

>> No.64814938

Because it's just the natural state for them. They always put shit like this even if it isn't something they want.

>> No.64814954
File: 192 KB, 1080x1210, 1688849855337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't vote for no fucking streams. I'm just trying to explain that they *might* be concernfags. The fact that they added that option to begin with and wrote "take some time to prepare for the weekend" would be enough for the average concern fag. Is this so far outside the realm of possibilities?

>> No.64815075


>> No.64815077
Quoted by: >>64815135

this might be a VN litmus test or something

>> No.64815082

"Yes" should be getting violated even harder than it currently is, shamefur dispray.

>> No.64815100
Quoted by: >>64815226

Concernfags are basically passive aggressive antis

>> No.64815103

yeah! I voted no stream! I'm just a conernfag, not some member gifted anti or anything!

>> No.64815119

I feel bad, I've basically stopped listening to what Biboo is saying and got enraged by the retardation of Ruffians voting stupidly and feeling bad that they are even thinking about cancelling because Kronii and Irys are watching it.
I bet those other two won't even watch more than 3 episodes before calling it quits.

>> No.64815135

kick out all the Yes whores from the christmas date mengen

>> No.64815139
File: 40 KB, 858x99, gift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64815146

Whaet...this is a bad look

>> No.64815157
Quoted by: >>64815224

Based zero reading comprehension Ruffian.

>> No.64815167

What if they pick Yosuga no Sora as the replacement? It's the same length and also on crunchyroll

>> No.64815192


>> No.64815213

what the fuck
kick out this whore

>> No.64815217

>next year
we don't even know if FuwaMoco will still be around next year

>> No.64815224
Quoted by: >>64815298

maybe you have zero reading comprehension! I was talking about myself not you baka!

>> No.64815226
Quoted by: >>64815298

Disagree. They unironically care TOO much to an almost autistic degree.
Why even respond if you're not gonna read my post?

>> No.64815253

Well they're retarded, simple as. Concernfagging means having no trust in Fuwamoco and pretending that you know what they need better than they do. Like I said, if they need rest they will make rest.

>> No.64815254
Quoted by: >>64815362


>> No.64815267

Yet another example of why gift subs should stop existing.

>> No.64815277

I know FWMC is trying their best to be a part of HoloEN as a whole, but still, I had to exercise to self-control to not just type "I don't give a fuck about the other stream."

>> No.64815281

Who the fuck still watches Kronii

>> No.64815286

its like all you people forget we have fucking 1000+ gifted members who don't even actually understand fuwamoco, people that make whowawa jokes, etc
alll that matters is "no" is winning, but for so long as we draw breathe, fuwamoco polls will not be filled with their core audience that cares about them, for some reason people love to gift members

>> No.64815298

you niggers really can't read huh

>> No.64815299

So if I just don't like School Days and I don't want them to stream that garbage which option should I choose?

>> No.64815303

Im unironically mad.

>> No.64815315
Quoted by: >>64815469


>> No.64815330

Didn't they say they'll be around for 5 years or more? Unless they both fucking die, or Covers office gets shot up, I think they'll still be here.

>> No.64815340


>> No.64815343

Obvious troll
Yes because we(me and them) will be married. Sorry bro

>> No.64815360

I said it in a nice way. You don't have to be insanely direct to get your point across Anon.
Biboo's getting on the daily train. Pebble of the day rather than doggie of the day.

>> No.64815362

there's a chance

>> No.64815387
Quoted by: >>64815430

>If they need rest they will make rest.
No, they really wouldn't

>> No.64815393
Quoted by: >>64815494

Option 3 obviously, which gives them around 8-10 hours extra to make the Christmas weekend streams better and have sex with other.

>> No.64815411

we never know honestly that's why you should cheer the moment

>> No.64815415

choose jumping off a bridge

>> No.64815421
File: 406 KB, 1411x2048, F5vLqN2aQAAWmhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even concernfagging because I know "no stream" does not mean "take a break" for them. More time spent on the weekend streams means a better weekend stream. They like to produce things up and it's a once-a-year thing. The School Days watch-along can be done literally at any time and makes things less awkward for them. I'd rather the weekend Christmas stream be cooler and see what kind of interesting extra things they could include.

>> No.64815422
File: 12 KB, 513x97, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're alright ryan

>> No.64815430

Watch streams new ip sister

>> No.64815435

I'm gonna concernfag

>> No.64815434
Quoted by: >>64815608

I kind of did, just not aggressively. I also saw someone saying "we watch holos playnig the same game all the time", which is also a fair point. particularly relevant for today, a chilaGOD masterpiece, which are always spammed to oblivion in Hololive.

>> No.64815469

this but with mococo

>> No.64815476
File: 205 KB, 429x464, 1699660450689579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64815486
Quoted by: >>64817123

I hope every paypig that gifts memberships learns to fuck off immediately. Seriously fuck you retarded fags. You know what happens when Fuwamoco redirect me to other chats? I don't see chat as a literal wall of members with one or two greys.

We need breeding standards. Open a Northwest Passage Kennel Club. It's for the good of the Doggy Pack.

>> No.64815492

>The School Days watch-along can be done literally at any time
I'll remind you that this is their christmas tradition. CHRISTMAS.

>> No.64815494

This anon is rising a good point

>> No.64815501

I never once implied they were smart, anon. There are valid reasons to concern sometimes. This is absolutely NOT one of those times.
An important question to ask is, will Fuwawa veto the poll?

>> No.64815518

Retard, they wouldn't have made that stream if they thought they needed more time to prepare for the Christmas stuff. Stop thinking you know more than they do and just enjoy their content.

>> No.64815527

>typing this garbage
fakest faker to ever fake

>> No.64815537

FUCK this bastard! God, this makes me mad.

>> No.64815564

Never watched the anime, only read the manga, so it would be cool to see. That manga is so fucking amazing that I would start leaking precum and eventually get blue balls without even touching my dick.

>> No.64815577

i hate clucks so much bros

>> No.64815591

They said last time they had no plans of graduating anytime soon and look what happened

>> No.64815608
Quoted by: >>64815728

I was trying to make a point, but I don't know enough English to sell it, please help in the answers if you can

>> No.64815647

That wasn't their choice.

>> No.64815664

Don't you love how there's still no option to turn them off

>> No.64815674

I think you should watch streams. The only time they'd ever rest is when they're forced to by their own bodies. Even on "rest days" they're still working on shit because of how much they care about this. So don't talk to me about watching streams when anyone who follows them knows they would push themselves past their limits just to make sure you smile just a little longer. Now fucking kill yourself

>> No.64815678

>Next fucking year
I am so fucking sorry faggot but Fuwawa was looking foward for this and i dont know if i would be alive tomorrow or where i'll be a year from now so no.

>> No.64815685

KxS and YnS will come eventually, trust in the twins.

>> No.64815692

Nah, they wouldn't put that third option if they didn't think they needed it. I voted it. It isn't concernfagging.

>> No.64815694

True, but this is something they do every year, right? They want to share a little Christmas tradition of theirs, so I'd rather not change plans because someone else already decided to stream it.

>> No.64815728

Fanbases are largely different. People come to your streams to see how you two would react or feel about the piece of media in question.

>> No.64815751
Quoted by: >>64815887

The fact they didn't even present what the alternative would be to me is telling that they do want to go on with it. The "nothing" option also suggests that they don't really have any kind of plan B at the moment.
If they made the poll with "we'll watch KissXSis instead", I'd vote for that in a heartbeat, even though I don't give a fuck about the other watchalong.

>> No.64815789

Well seeing how much Yagoo and Jap-sama fucking love them, I think they're fine.

>> No.64815818
File: 50 KB, 222x250, 1702234658649201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64815868
Quoted by: >>64815912

"Yes" is still at 11%.
You can do better.

>> No.64815883

You know, if it was any other talent I'd say no way. But I guess I could endure KxS with FWMC.

>> No.64815887
Quoted by: >>64815991

Big braining over here. Now all we have to do is hope the saviourfags and Kronosuki-types don't get their way.

>> No.64815912

it should be 0 percent

>> No.64815929
File: 20 KB, 289x418, Fuwawa is in love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64815960

This. They'd genuinely smile if that were the case.

>> No.64815972
Quoted by: >>64816038

We can fix this by invading Google's DBs and tracking down all the people voting for Yes.

>> No.64815991

The third option is the one they would want you to pick. They're extremely busy even with the 2 "days off" on Wednesday and Thursday

>> No.64816038
File: 3.70 MB, 374x374, 1700203880887128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64816041

i know
but i dont want to concernfaggot

>> No.64816059
File: 521 KB, 390x498, fag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64816112
File: 83 KB, 690x204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64816796

Oh, mark of the beast. Odds of getting a silly demon dog post about this?

>> No.64816121
File: 2.83 MB, 576x872, fat_dog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll click on the hand symbols to mog the gift fucks

>> No.64816136


>> No.64816145
File: 178 KB, 1662x895, 1673725763445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the paypigs and twitterfags in the comments saying they would rather just watch School Days with FuwaMoco and no one else
For once, none of you have disappointed me.

>> No.64816154
File: 3 KB, 250x225, 1619446027255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need sleep they should cancel the Christmas date

>> No.64816164

You dumb autistic SEA monkeys they are clearly begging for a day off and all of you fags are being selfish

>> No.64816231
File: 19 KB, 385x207, 1700204442145874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64816235

Anon, they're going to watch School Days either way. This is just a poll to determine if they share it with us or sadly watch it alone in their small, dismal dog house.

>> No.64816274

They can beg all they want, I want time with my daughters watching cursed anime. Your concernfaggotry has no power here

>> No.64816275

I truly love FWMC.

>> No.64816282
Quoted by: >>64816342

Losing an argument on /vt/? Just call the other guy brown, say he's autistic as if it's an insult, and maybe also imply that he likes getting fucked in the ass while wearing girl clothes.

>> No.64816292
File: 129 KB, 960x520, IMG_6706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64816293

Eat shit retard. Stop playing pretend saviourfag and go shitpost elsewhere. Hell, Biboos stream died, go waste your time saviourfagging over that.

>> No.64816312

No, that option is there primarily as a test to see how much ruffians "need" them. 60 to 30 is a solid number and will make them feel needed I guess.

>> No.64816337

fuck you otm

>> No.64816342
File: 258 KB, 437x500, 1702017915723582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that not what every anon that disagrees with me is doing?

>> No.64816345

I dont care for EN only Fuwamoco (and Biboo)

>> No.64816376

Average r/hololive user

>> No.64816380

How can one be so brainless?

>> No.64816382


>> No.64816387
File: 3 KB, 314x61, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

antis pay to shit on them
its over

>> No.64816407

They're gonna sit down and watch an anime. That's hardly work. At least say they're asking for more time to prepare for the stream for your bait.

>> No.64816417
Quoted by: >>64816500

that reminds me i need to download the anime soon...

>> No.64816422
Quoted by: >>64816533

otm i thought i could trust you..

>> No.64816435
Quoted by: >>64816678

she wouldn’t say this

>> No.64816438


>> No.64816500
Quoted by: >>64816536

please post the torrent again anons...

>> No.64816505
File: 976 KB, 720x720, 1692029748355.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64816599


>> No.64816506

i think the biggest takeaway from this, is that fuwamoco for some reason is so respectful or afraid(?) of overlapping plans, or that they don't fully understand that people will watch what they want to watch no matter what
i don't think there was any need to make a poll for this, none of the streams are unarchived
>but the live experience!
yeah, sure, but its far better than it being something unarchived. it's just odd to me for them to ask something like this, but it is very sweet of them i admit.

>> No.64816522

>wanting to do this for 2 years
then why fucking didn't they?

>> No.64816533

I mean, his kamioshi used to be a one of the holoCNs

>> No.64816535
File: 200 KB, 1258x720, 7754335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64816536

check nyaa dumb dumb there's multiple copies

>> No.64816547
Quoted by: >>64816671

Ruffians, Mococo is running around iur apartment raging at all of the people who voted for no stream...I've never heard her so mad. HELP
(She's kind of right though...)

>> No.64816561

Ah I didn't see that.... Doesn't he know how much they love this dumb fucking garbage anime? They were so obviously excited to watch it with us.

>> No.64816567

Based Gosling poster

>> No.64816582

Nyaa? Are you suggesting that there are Ruffians in THIS FUCKING THREAD that are so low powerlevel that they don't even have AB membership? I'm gonna be sick...

>> No.64816595
File: 15 KB, 261x165, 1677982951329464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64816599


>> No.64816601

is this a meme? teach this ojisan

>> No.64816661
Quoted by: >>64816833

On one hand I agree because who knows how much more work they need to do. But on the other I absolutely love how excited they get about things they really like.

>> No.64816671

This didnt happen and i know it because it didnt happen to me

>> No.64816678
File: 53 KB, 360x203, 1701937315696809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64816881


>> No.64816679


>> No.64816689

i've tried to get one but gave up

>> No.64816703

Sorry, I only have Boxtorrents membership

>> No.64816728

I don't know why this made me laugh so much.

>> No.64816743

Oh no it's so over for me

>> No.64816751
Quoted by: >>64816829

Fuck off, they’ve openly stated they love spending as much time with the ruffians as possible. This is something they’re looking forward too

>> No.64816762

>ywn be ravaged by feral Mococo
why even live

>> No.64816782

i lost my empornium membership...

>> No.64816796
Quoted by: >>64816840

If we're not getting any mention of Christ, we aren't getting any mention of Satan

>> No.64816827

Otm…you’re an oldfag…why do this?

>> No.64816829

>they love spending as much time with the ruffians as possible
Heh, sure

>> No.64816833

Can't be THAT much more if up until a few hours ago there was no issue whatsoever with keeping the schedule. The only reason they're asking at all is the overlap, there would be no "is it ok if we delay the watchalong, ruffians!? *cum emoji*" poll if not for that.

>> No.64816837
Quoted by: >>64816978

I think he just phrased it badly and means he voted no but would prefer no stream over yes. It doesn't make any sense otherwise because voting no isn't a change of plans.

>> No.64816840

Satan doko

>> No.64816857
Quoted by: >>64816998

I didnt feel like dealing with their process to get in.

>> No.64816881

I thought I knew who you were…

>> No.64816890
Quoted by: >>64816940

It's a zoomer ironic meme
The joke is supposed to be that Mococo thinks she's the cool edgy wolf but it's devolved to the point that Mococo and wolf because funny

>> No.64816892

Clipfags and gifted mems are the only people who don't want them to do this. They've talked about the show multiple times since debut, had it listed in their favorites, and obviously have a bigger attachment to it than someone like Kronii (typical ironic anime enjoyer) could ever have.
Fuck this gay Earth for making them even have to think/worry about this.

>> No.64816906

I told you OTM was a fucking faggot.

>> No.64816935
File: 297 KB, 2643x1572, 1702188503800627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone else starting to develop the fuwamoco accent? sometimes when I talk, especially when I ask a question, I realize my enunciation is like fuwawa

>> No.64816940


>> No.64816965

clipfags would want to see Fuwawa's reaction to the sex scenes though

>> No.64816970

Hot are you a femruffian by any chance

>> No.64816978

After re-reading it, yeah, I think you're right.

>> No.64816980

anon it isn’t cute when a guy does it. you need to stop this immediately

>> No.64816985

I got one to one of the 'private' sites a long time back but let it lapse when I fell out of anime for a few years. I went back but my account was gone despite me having a really good ratio.

>> No.64816998
Quoted by: >>64817054

It's literally fucking nothing anon, I had to post feet pics on IRC to get into oppaitime. Joining AB is a joke.

>> No.64817029
File: 2.59 MB, 640x372, 1702341757781791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had a conversation in spoken english since 2010

>> No.64817031

You're becoming retarded?

>> No.64817039
Quoted by: >>64817158


>> No.64817054
File: 1.02 MB, 212x212, 1686885940826272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had to post feet pics on IRC to get into oppaitime

>> No.64817082

Yeah with the ruffians except me (They hate me)

>> No.64817088

No, anon, that's pretty fucking gay

>> No.64817100
Quoted by: >>64817245

I hate kronii so much.

>> No.64817123

I gifted 5 once and that was a horrible horrible regret. never fucking again. I see the light and I can only hope the grays who got it aren't as pathetic as the screenshots

>> No.64817157

Their actions speak infinitely louder than their words. They clearly love spending time with the Ruffians(me specifically.)

>> No.64817158
Quoted by: >>64817220

>he doesn't know

>> No.64817167

My wording is starting to resemble theirs. Help.

>> No.64817213


>> No.64817220

Know what? That you’re a troon? I already know that

>> No.64817239
File: 1.21 MB, 2356x2000, 435252354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want them to do this because I will be one the road for 8 hours right at stream time to visit family and will have to miss it, so I am praying for a miracle that it gets pushed back to Christmas night. Don't ruin this for me, you fucks.

>> No.64817245

I don't hate her, but I also don't care for her. Though to be fair, my only exposure to her after the council debuts was in collabs.
