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File: 93 KB, 326x313, 1702615627819835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64545064 No.64545064 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think she regretted not joining Hololive?

>> No.64545108


>> No.64545262
Quoted by: >>64545451

Yes, most of them do lol

>> No.64545349

Of course, if you're female vtuber, hololive is the best vtuber company right now.
Only a retard says otherwise.

>> No.64545451
Quoted by: >>64545634

You say this like people can just pick one or the other, she auditioned for Niji and they accepted it, doesn’t mean Holo will do the same.

>> No.64545634

>settled for the second best
Look at shiori.
Always aim for the top.

>> No.64545765

Im sure that’s really working out for the 2views waiting multiple years to audition for a company they will never get into.

>> No.64545828

she has her Nijisanji family, what else could she want? some stupid Youtube plague or a company wide concert or something? please.

>> No.64545946
Quoted by: >>64546324

save me anon idk how much longer i can take this

>> No.64545981

Didn't that kunai girl from nijisanji literally doing worse than being an indie?

>> No.64546001

lol are holobeggers really asking for Millie of all people? You'd hate her for wanting to bring in the homos any chance she gets.
As for the question she got nepo hired by Elira alongside Enna. She didn't even consider joining Hololive in the first place.

>> No.64546093

I don’t know her pl but she is the runt of her gen, even low by NijiEN standards, shes probably not a very good comparison.

>> No.64546195

Every nijiEN is a holo reject, why do you think they're all so miserable

>> No.64546247
Quoted by: >>64546579

Imagine being this new kek

>> No.64546324

Just 2 more years when EN4 comes out, if not you can always try again 2 more years after that when EN5 comes out.

>> No.64546579

says the dude whose most watch vtuber is catalog

>> No.64546868

You don't even know which holo she used to orbit and leech

>> No.64546993
Quoted by: >>64547077

Implying Hololive would have accepted her

>> No.64547077
File: 70 KB, 650x677, 1677382916357421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.64547096
File: 687 KB, 978x550, Emil 🐘🦊 - Millie address the allegations towards the company [NIJISANJI EN] [5GqrsRdks08 - 978x550 - 0m13s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64548286


>> No.64547109

>the highlight of the collab was Enna twerking in front of Kyo saying "pussy pussy pussy" and calling him "the pussy king".

Nijisanji everyone

>> No.64547139
Quoted by: >>64547292

Didn't she accidentally refer to some JP Nijis as her "Holo JP senpai" once? or was that someone else?

>> No.64547292

No idea who.
It's about minecraft, if i'm not mistaken.

>> No.64547478 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 189x267, IMG_2302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she’s perfect for niiji or indie though.
idol life would nerf her entertainment factor

>> No.64547674

i regret not buying bitcoin when it was 10 cents
i bet she does too

>> No.64547705

not really, vod wise probably but CCV wise it's a boost
She just has to weigh whether it's worth the effort considering it's basically a full time job with no salary or benefits or future (Her chat is 80% female and basically no new blood is being attracted to NijiEN's audience) so unless she has some kind of christmas miracle or says the funniest joke in the universe during a collab with Mr Beast I doubt she's going to budge from where she is now

>> No.64547745 [DELETED] 

Enna has 2 jokes
"I have no boobs"
"I am filipino"
she tells those two jokes over, and over, and over. And that's her entire content

>> No.64547792
Quoted by: >>64547857

Millie has 2 jokes
"I have no boobs"
"I am filipino"
she tells those two jokes over, and over, and over. And that's her entire content

>> No.64547855
File: 42 KB, 720x720, 1679495404157102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect for nijisanji
>unable to grow

>> No.64547857

I thought she hated being associated with flips, what changed?

>> No.64547921
File: 494 KB, 300x200, wolf eye pop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her chat is 80% female
Go on…

>> No.64548286


>> No.64549189
File: 401 KB, 2048x1690, 1680908445899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna being HoloEN's vsinger instead of Irys and Millie joining Council would've been the darkest timeline. The amount of cucking they would've done to own the haters would've probably been the downfall of Hololive as we know it. I don't care how much they regret not joining, it's an absolute blessing that they're contained in that shithole company.

>> No.64549392

those are pretty good numbers for a small corpo

>> No.64549709
Quoted by: >>64550659

She would unironically have a brighter future if she had applied to Phase Connect instead of Niji
Hell, that's probably true for any female chuuba at this point. Even the lower tier Phase girls have been inclining hard recently

>> No.64550659
Quoted by: >>64551089

Didn't know Phase hired giga hags.

Nah Kunai had no hope anywhere. Let's not forget that TTT's trailer was the worst in chuuba history. Imagine if she debuted in Holo with that dollar store headset mic. She truly couldn't have done anything to make herself less appealing.

>> No.64550718
Quoted by: >>64553830

I fucking love how much Shiori is enjoying streaming now. Also that model is perfect for her

>> No.64551089

Holo actually does loan them equipment if they don't have stuff that's up to snuff so that's an impossibility in hololive

>> No.64551118

Phase is inclining massively right now. I am personally shocked to see it.
A girl that last year had a 300 average, this year has a 700 average, which rose to a 900 average just last month. Their ad-buys are working. Even the bottom view girls, which used to get 100 viewers, today can get 400.

The trend is a huge incline over time. They just keep going up and up. They're starting to pass NijiEN

>> No.64552438
File: 1.96 MB, 1125x2080, 1702627208950811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64559699

Nijibros... I...

>> No.64552536

Millie actually could've joined HoloID as a nepo hire via Moona but she declined to join the Elira clique wiht Enna instead

It was a blessing if anything that she turned down Moonas offer. Goddamn what a fucking shitshow that would've been if she joined

>> No.64552579

It's pretty insane to me that there are smaller corpos doing bigger noooombers than "one of the big 2" but... I don't think Millie cares that much now that reality settled in for her.

>> No.64552679
Quoted by: >>64552892

HAHAHAHAHAHA bro wtf is their problem? Is this some kind of weird thing they laugh at in private? Hasn't fans told them that they disliked being this "on the face" when they do this joke? LMFAO.

>> No.64552892

The entire fucking collab Enna is calling Kyo "pussy king" and "pussy conquerer". Even the other girls are like "eww what the fuck" a couple of times. She also starts twerking in front of him singing about her pussy for about 20 minutes. Aloupeeps just love this content.
"You're just upset I'm playing games with your oshi. Aloupeeps are you ok?"
Kyo mocks the aloufags as he cucks them.
Kyo is staying behind on the ship and has one walkie talkie. Reimu has the other one.
The other girls team up to get Enna to take the walkie talkie instead, intuitively matching her with Kyo.
Kyo says Enna has a fat ass. I mean he would know considering how much he meets up with her. Aloupeeps listening to this are like "yesss more ntr".

>> No.64553120
Quoted by: >>64553448

....bro.... this is so pathetic...

>> No.64553428
Quoted by: >>64559712

why would she join holoid if she cant speak id? are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.64553448
Quoted by: >>64553493

Aloucuck seethe

>> No.64553493

No retard what Enna and Kyo are doing is pathetic wtf is wrong with them kek.

>> No.64553587
Quoted by: >>64553705

You do realize you are probably the only person that actually watches them right
Everyone else just has them as background noise

>> No.64553705
Quoted by: >>64553738

nta but if you unironically even have this as "bg noise" you're incredibly pathetic because holy shit how much (You) must hate yourself to think the interactions mentioned were anything other than "entretaning" or "funny".

>> No.64553735

>open first link
>"little wetty to pussy king"
What in the fuck

>> No.64553738

NijiEN viewers having any sort of standards is a completely different topic

>> No.64553751


>> No.64553815
File: 167 KB, 948x643, xe9j0p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else would she make a freudian slip like this? She must have settled by now though. Not like she wouldn't still be able to collab with guys in hololive.

>> No.64553830

Was she like this before when she did was still solo? Now in holo I think she needed some time to grow into her own niche and get a feel for the audience but she’s definitely got her appeal

>> No.64553901


>> No.64553941
Quoted by: >>64554774

Keep in mind that she was a vtuber since 2014

>> No.64553992

>Holojp's senpais
Wtf is she talking about? Hololive memembers aren't her senpais get the fuck away fucking leech ECH.

>> No.64554018
Quoted by: >>64554194

>I missed my holojp's senpais
Uh did she meant NijiJp? or what happened I'm confused?

>> No.64554184

She was IRL friends with Elira and Enna before this. She only applied to Niji.

>> No.64554194

Yes, she meant to say Niji. Said Holo instead because nobody actually thinks of Nijis when they think of older JP vtubers; not even Nijis themselves.

>> No.64554387

I think most of them are just happy they are not 2 views indies and earn enough to keep them going.

>> No.64554472

>80% female
And 17% gay lmao

>> No.64554774

I get that but content styles change a lot; I’m not too familiar with her streams but her shorts were pretty entertaining.

I’m mostly referring to her being this off the wall in her old streaming and am curious if it’s consistent or she’s started easing up with having a massive audience / support structure now.

>> No.64555156
Quoted by: >>64555211

She was like this when she first started wayback when, but a lot of shit happened between her and old group. Plus I think irl stuff were getting to her. Seeing her actually excited to stream and enjoy the kayfabe and stream interactions with genmates and chat gives me a lot of joy.

>> No.64555211

>enjoy the kayfabe
Eh, she doesn't really lean into the kayfabe at all. She just coincidentally ended up with a role she already did. Whenever someone asks about something about her character that isn't archiving/literature she usually just shrugs and says she doesn't know.

>> No.64555649
Quoted by: >>64555930

Imagine saying that when Millie has said lots of times she love being in NijiEN, defended the branch and said on her PL account that she wont go back anytime soon

>> No.64555930
Quoted by: >>64556084

Millie also said that she is looking towards replacing her 'job' in nijien
She wants out

>> No.64556014

'Regret not joining' implies she had a chance. Her place is in NijiEN. And thank fucking God her and her coworkers are contained there.

>> No.64556084
Quoted by: >>64556205

No she did not, that was enna

>> No.64556139

>regretted not joining Hololive
you say that as if she had the option lol, she got rejected like all the others.

>> No.64556205


>> No.64559699


>> No.64559712

It would have been difficult because she's a flip living in Canada. She would have needed to do serious Bahasa reps, and to show appreciation for the culture. ID was used to being able to meet up irl easily at the time, too.

>> No.64562977

no. she wants to be a whore without worrying about collabing with males.

>> No.64566944

