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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.64410391
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, dec11~dec17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64410417
File: 133 KB, 786x778, BibooSmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64410529

Biboo cute!

>> No.64410516
File: 1.26 MB, 2816x4096, BiBoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64410529
File: 411 KB, 465x532, darkbiboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Biboo cute!

>> No.64410534

I love my graverobbing wife!

>> No.64410537

Futa Bijou...

>> No.64410590

biboo love

>> No.64410615


>> No.64410649

waddya say?

>> No.64410660
File: 802 KB, 1029x1002, coomseki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64410731


>> No.64410664

>no attack raise style mission
No way she beats this mission without the grab shield ability.

>> No.64410670

She's having a pon moment again, cute

>> No.64410731

I always thought that this was what it meant, not song lyrics.

>> No.64410781
File: 214 KB, 750x750, decrilus dmc3 agni rudra fuwamoco yeah F9-eZx_b0AAa3ZY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMBiboo funny!

>> No.64410862

So how is she supposed to clear that

>> No.64410885

She's never going back isn't she

>> No.64410896
Quoted by: >>64411024

she's becoming a quitter... the burn out...
dodging and taunting, idk why taunting wasn't working tho

>> No.64411024

taunt has to run it's full duration without getting hit to increase style

>> No.64411128
Quoted by: >>64412218

Even without the move chat was telling her to get, you can still get style for (actually completing) taunts, iframing straight through enemy moves, and bouncing off their head and shit
Should be easier than a lot of the other challenges she's taken on but just requires general mechanics knowledge about how the Style gauge works that she doesn't know and that ytc would have a lot of trouble conveying properly within chat limits

>> No.64411336
File: 116 KB, 441x188, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64411341

The panic kek so cute

>> No.64411557
Quoted by: >>64411745

The fuck was that spam

>> No.64411588

Skinny spooky scissormen get the taunt

>> No.64411745

He got yeeted and all his chats so apparently she has a mod

>> No.64411809

good mods don't talk in chat

>> No.64411894
File: 23 KB, 279x287, 1273845055023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64411908

Catch this

>> No.64411920

"oh look at my co-"

>> No.64411922
Quoted by: >>64411996

Cover has people that can do mod work, the problem is most of them are japanese and don't understand english very week. Holos can also mod other people if they want of course

>> No.64411968

does doing the grab in the air do more damage?
it always felt like it did, but that could just be the cool factor talking

>> No.64411979

They all have mods. But them talking and vying for attention is the exception.

>> No.64411996

very well*

>> No.64411999

automod does that

>> No.64412007

If it's that gibberish scrolling by now I wouldn't be surprised if YT autodetects and yeets big ass messages in like 5 different languages as spam, especially if other people in chat report

>> No.64412018


>> No.64412046
File: 552 KB, 600x600, 1677353709302359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back at this game, I disliked how they were trying to make Nero as the new MC instead of sticking with Dante. We haven't had a proper Vergil storyline gameplay ffs. Capcom really did him dirty...

>> No.64412054

Another spammer and they're another gooks

>> No.64412100 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>64412325

I wonder what bijou is going to get up to this evening once she’s done streaming~

>> No.64412115

Been a weird day today altogether.
Hopefully tomorrow is smooth sailing.

>> No.64412119

>tfw Biboo will never command grab you and manhandle you with her tard mahou shoujo strenght even though you're twice her size
Life is suffering

>> No.64412218
Quoted by: >>64412387

>Should be easier than a lot of the other challenges she's taken on
No way. This mission is relatively hard as balls compared to the other ones she's done.

>> No.64412234

To be fair I'm pretty sure when they made 4 they were planning to leave him dead
blue katana man too autistic (and popular) to die

>> No.64412244
Quoted by: >>64412759

What's wrong with Nero?
As you can tell the problem with Dante is that he is the strongest being in his universe since 1. He easily stomps everything in this game lore wise.
Even in 5 they had to come up with some contrived way for Vergil to beat him. The successor route was the way to go.

>> No.64412281

>hole-y pope

>> No.64412293
Quoted by: >>64412400

The Pope is Holey indeed hahaha biboo

>> No.64412309

he didn't really exist as a character until 3, and they had the unfortunate position of "killing" him in the original
4 was a continuation of the story from there trying to leave Vergil dead, then they just said fuck it in 5 and brought him back anyway

>> No.64412317

Yamato coming up

>> No.64412325 [DELETED] 

take a guess, cuck

>> No.64412345

I'll give you a holy body!

>> No.64412347

Tourist here, your Gem girl is extremely cute. That is all.

>> No.64412373

and some anons were questioning how based lolidom is recently.

>> No.64412387

Meant just overall across all games we've seen her play or do challenges in

>> No.64412400


>> No.64412478

I'm literally Credo IRL

>> No.64412484
File: 59 KB, 427x500, 1694396783674365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64412576

Daily reminder that this monocle nerd has had more sex than Dante and most anons

>> No.64412554

Can I fuck your sister?

>> No.64412557

jesus christ gas the chat

>> No.64412562
File: 307 KB, 388x469, :o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64412567 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>64412718

Oh great, here come the saplings

>> No.64412576

and so has vergil?

>> No.64412588

That is another boss that is full of suck before she gets the shiney.

>> No.64412664

"Don't look at chat" is the best thing chat has ever said

>> No.64412674
Quoted by: >>64412864

Vergil FUCKs

>> No.64412718 [DELETED] 

they’re not the only cucks ‘round these parts

>> No.64412719
Quoted by: >>64412802

>don't look at chat for the entire mission? ok
Isn't this the mission with the fucking dice board?

>> No.64412720
File: 999 KB, 356x406, zako zaaako[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl8k3tn.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to run
>Get yanked by spoopy purple magic hands and chokeslammed
>As you blow your rorb and glorb load the last thing you hear is SHCUUUUM followed by the windshield wiper laugh

>> No.64412754

Those slices on the door reminded me of a certain blue character

>> No.64412759
Quoted by: >>64412945

personally, I really like Nero
I think he has a great story in 4 that parallel's Dante's in 3
but people found him too serious for their tastes

>> No.64412802

that was near the end of the game, this level does have a dice and board though

>> No.64412813 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>64413188

>janny is here
No wonder

>> No.64412864

vergil fucked once, so yeah, more than most people

>> No.64412896

less biboo more DMC

>> No.64412905
Quoted by: >>64412981

Yea, fuck this part.

>> No.64412945

Its like the Raiden situation in MGS2, when the main character is so good that the successor cannot hold up in the fans view.

>> No.64412955
Quoted by: >>64413068

Vergil has either apparently had so much sex that he's forgotten all the children he's spread across DMClandia like Genghis fucking Khan, or he somehow had sex by accident and forgot
Either way he's also higher on the totem pole

>> No.64412959

Mario Party time

>> No.64412981
Quoted by: >>64413090

You get to choose where you go its not that bad

>> No.64413003

This puzzle is filtering me alrleady

>> No.64413054
File: 174 KB, 2048x1152, GALWxffbEAA7BNe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64413715

It's time

>> No.64413068
Quoted by: >>64413303

Literally once, and it didn't gain him power immediately, so he just fucked off

>> No.64413090
Quoted by: >>64413208

Don't think she has figured out she can manipulate the dice yet..

>> No.64413092
Quoted by: >>64413229

Didn't realize so few people knew how to control the dice?

>> No.64413184

She hit too late but guess she is starting to figure it out. As expected.

>> No.64413188 [DELETED] 

did you know that koseki bijou has a boyfriend?

>> No.64413208


>> No.64413218


>> No.64413229

I don't see how, the numbers move so slow

>> No.64413260
Quoted by: >>64413486

Biboo has come

>> No.64413262 [DELETED] 


>> No.64413303
Quoted by: >>64413491

>vergil hops on 4chin
>among all the seething, he sees all the chad vs virgin posters
>thinks chads have power over virgins
>tries to remove his own virginity to acquire power
>gets scammed, refuses to pay child support, instead makes a banger of a party for his brother over some dumb tower with a clown and her father.

>> No.64413310 [DELETED] 

>biboo discussion
fuck off or talk about dmc

>> No.64413319

She's too slow...

>> No.64413332
File: 348 KB, 436x494, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pucker up

>> No.64413397


>> No.64413411

She picked that up pretty quickly.

>> No.64413417
Quoted by: >>64413463

Looks like she wants a kiss

>> No.64413463
File: 317 KB, 706x838, ojisan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I'm on it.

>> No.64413486 [DELETED] 

is her boyfriend already going down on her? I thought he learned to wait until she’s off work

>> No.64413491

>with a clown and her father
hey now, Lady's not a clown
she's a church girl that immediately turns into a thot the second her dad's out of the picture

>> No.64413501

at least this board doesn't loop

>> No.64413507 [DELETED] 

stop trying to force biboo discussions this is dmc general

>> No.64413588

That laser puzzle is so easy kek

>> No.64413618

Wow, that was relatively fast on the dice.

>> No.64413646

here we go!

>> No.64413657

Boss time again.

>> No.64413689


>> No.64413694


>> No.64413715

literally cumming over just seeing the sword...

>> No.64413724

>Very few p-p

>> No.64413731


>> No.64413745

i love dmc

>> No.64413751


>> No.64413749
Quoted by: >>64413933

Imagine seething at Biboo's favorite game series

>> No.64413753
File: 1.32 MB, 3508x2480, GAEUg7daYAAoTza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called judgement nut for a reason

>> No.64413765

I saw somebody say last thread that something is going to happen to ARS soon? What, exactly?

>> No.64413773

>Jock Nero makes fun of the local nerd's stutter
Rude kek

>> No.64413777

Wow Nero way to make fun of someone's speech impediment

>> No.64413781

damn Nero is ableist :/

>> No.64413828


>> No.64413832
Quoted by: >>64413874

a few years back it was cool

>> No.64413839
File: 376 KB, 489x498, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll never see a modern game make fun of someone's speech impediment like that ever again. The delivery is so goddamn funny.

>> No.64413854 [DELETED] 


>> No.64413874

still is

>> No.64413933
Quoted by: >>64413973

this isn't souls retard

>> No.64413940

It's bijouver...

>> No.64413956

biboo is d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dead

>> No.64413962
Quoted by: >>64414000

>immediately gets knocked over

>> No.64413973

I know :)

>> No.64413981

beaten by window boss. kek

>> No.64413985

She didn't react to it at all too.

>> No.64414000
Quoted by: >>64414036

the instantloss is inevitable with her

>> No.64414036

Never going to get tired of that

>> No.64414064 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>64414113

>schizo thinks we care about bijou here
lol lmao

>> No.64414075
File: 233 KB, 512x512, biboo love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remembered the dmc3 lesson
proud of her

>> No.64414077
File: 317 KB, 640x452, Yamato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those curves, Yamato is sex

>> No.64414084

Biboo is such a gem.
No pun intended.

>> No.64414086

Arigato ice dude! And also lightning lady, you too I guess

>> No.64414098

Wait, she has air hike...

>> No.64414113 [DELETED] 

I sure hope you don’t care about her LMAO

>> No.64414125

I love my gaming wife

>> No.64414159

But will she figure out what she needs for JACKPOT?

>> No.64414166

Goomba would've snickered...

>> No.64414188
Quoted by: >>64414354

>he's creepy

>> No.64414205

she mimicked his Saturday morning cartoon villain laugh just now though

>> No.64414245

i love my kino game

>> No.64414297


>> No.64414302

Yea, I love weeeing

>> No.64414354
File: 27 KB, 600x330, nico-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet he married and had this women foe a daughter.

>> No.64414370

Here we go

>> No.64414382

Nero, you can't just spit blood on someone else! Imagine how many STDs Kyrie's given you from all those church communions...

>> No.64414421
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, bugman[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkqj01j.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ew, he's a bug

>> No.64414476


>> No.64414494


>> No.64414518
File: 355 KB, 426x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64414524

more power, MORE POWERRRRR

>> No.64414534

goddamn this goofy game still makes me grin all these years later

>> No.64414591
Quoted by: >>64414684

>Magic katana
>Jojo stand
>Magic chuuni fap ARM IS A DEMON
>Trench coat
How many chuuni proxies is Nero hiding behind now

>> No.64414609 [DELETED] 

see? no biboo posts here

>> No.64414625

Biboo suddenly sat up straight once yamato came onto the scene

>> No.64414637

You're dead?

>> No.64414677

Think she actually missed Nero's hair looking like Vergils. Really thought she'd figure out the connection there.

>> No.64414684

I mean, he IS Virgil's son, and Virgil is a massive weeaboo...

>> No.64414735
Quoted by: >>64414824

She probably knows it already but didn't say so to avoid chat spoilers. Early on she was connecting the dots

>> No.64414781

His dialogue should also be a dead giveaway but I guess she literally killed Vergil 3 so quickly that his jump attack lines didn't embed in her mind lol

>> No.64414815
Quoted by: >>64414924

Beebs can't stop coming

>> No.64414824

Nah I don't think she knows FOR SURE, she's just into the sword being in the game in general.

>> No.64414833
Quoted by: >>64414924

biboo keeps cumming, and so have I

>> No.64414924

but not on a pebbles penis, naturally

>> No.64414962
Quoted by: >>64415055

love how excited she got after seeing yamato

>> No.64414969


>> No.64414982

I'm trying Biboo I'm trying

>> No.64415017


>> No.64415041

>it's not long enough

>> No.64415047

It's not long enough... pebbles, how can we recover from this?

>> No.64415055
Quoted by: >>64415139

it's going to be pandemonium once we get him back in 5

>> No.64415058
File: 76 KB, 497x469, donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baker clocking out, someone pick up the slack please~

>> No.64415061

I love how she's never actually learned how to properly do combat through almost 3 games

>> No.64415139

Just imagine the state of her chair when we get there

>> No.64415148
Quoted by: >>64415238

You think 5 will teach her?

>> No.64415150
Quoted by: >>64415519

Remembering a launcher combo with DMC controls is pretty tough.

>> No.64415176

so, she doesn't know

>> No.64415217

>I want Virgil to be alive though!
Yeah, I can already see her reaction to that scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB9WK4kXdnk

>> No.64415218
Quoted by: >>64415353

No shit she doesn't know. She said she hasn't played this game and has been avoiding chat.

>> No.64415238

No, she doesn't need to learn it either. Not on the difficulties she's streaming on. Stinger spam all the all way.

>> No.64415278

Its pretty much impossible to keep her from knowing because Capcom themselves spoiled it in the trailer all this time.

>> No.64415285

I'd say she's average, I'm guessing "properly doing combat" as you say is doing sweaty jump cancel SSS combos every single enemy encounter, I've tried, it's hard to do in Devil Hunter

>> No.64415353
Quoted by: >>64415409

yeah, this just confirms it

>> No.64415385

She's here

>> No.64415409

Did you really need it confirmed?
Are you that dense?

>> No.64415422

>Enemies dying too quickly
True that..

>> No.64415440
Quoted by: >>64415497


>> No.64415443


>> No.64415451

it doesn't matter, 4 makes it pretty clear by the end what his relationship is

>> No.64415473


>> No.64415497


>> No.64415519

Nothing up until DMD or going for SSS clears in these games really encourage you not to trade your combo rank for attacking enemies through chip damage
Devil Trigger giving you regen and super armor in DMC3 encourages the exact opposite if anything, as other anons have noted it's just fortunate that her challenge autism coincides with no item use in character action games
The bigger issue is that 1/3 start with guys you can kinda combo and launch and then rapidly become flying dudes or big dudes or other gimmick enemies that convince players to give up on trying

>> No.64415521


>> No.64415608
File: 669 KB, 708x766, 1700759131425834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64415710

We had a retard saying she's just pretending she hasn't played this game.

>> No.64415655

Why is nonsummerjack in this game?

>> No.64415672
Quoted by: >>64415791

camera-kun should get a raise

>> No.64415693

I hate to see you go but I love your ass.

>> No.64415710

I hate tourists.

>> No.64415774

That fat guy with the monocle, man. He's so fucking goofy. I can't resist giggling any time I see his wide fat face.

>> No.64415791

I'll get him a beer.

>> No.64415822

is this your first time seeing 4? if so, then you're in for a real treat later on

>> No.64415850

Dude legit looks like an FF14 character

>> No.64415904

It's a shame we won't get to see her reaction to Vergil without already knowing

>> No.64415911

he gets better, be ready. probably not today, though.

>> No.64415927

Vergil mode existing may unironically have helped muddle the waters kek
It's not like you need to do infinite airtime JC juggle stuff to SSS the game anyways, she's got good intuition for how to use the grabbies and what the secret missions are trying to teach and doing stuff like cancelling enemy knockback with the yoink
Though at this rate she's probably going to get comfortable right about when the game forces her to swap gears and relearn DMC3 Dante unfortunately

>> No.64415994

His daughter is pretty hot tho.

>> No.64416007
Quoted by: >>64416028

>swap gears and relearn DMC3 Dante
How far away is that?

>> No.64416022

So what does Dante do with all the weapons he gathers through each game anyway

>> No.64416028

around mission 10 iirc?

>> No.64416048

yeah, if you weren't paying attention to the game back in the day, it's hard to realize that Vergil getting added to the game was simply to move units

>> No.64416082

Oh the moving platform shit. She's gonna love this shit

>> No.64416095

Cute little panting she does

>> No.64416114


>> No.64416187
Quoted by: >>64416275

He literally sells them for cash to run the DMC Store or buy pizza

>> No.64416222

Training arc coming soon!

>> No.64416232

>please train me
It would be my pleasure

>> No.64416233

Biboo mario kart training SOON(tm)

>> No.64416243
Quoted by: >>64416529

>She thinks she can beat chat
Who's gonna tell her?

>> No.64416249
Quoted by: >>64416614

IIRC there's some fluff saying he pawns them off between games to pay for his shit
Eating pizza and strawberry sundaes every day is expensive you know

>> No.64416275

So you're telling me there are a bunch of demons souls infused into weapons just floating around out there?

>> No.64416283

>full sweaty
Based gamer rock

>> No.64416296

>willing to go meta for mario kart tournament
that's it, that's what i like to hear

>> No.64416324
Quoted by: >>64416386

Pretty much.

>> No.64416386

imagine being the one who bought Agni and Rudra lol

>> No.64416393

He sells them to Enzo, who knows what he does with it. The most unforgivable one he sold was Agni & Rudra.

>> No.64416410

>platforming challenge room
Strap in Pebbles, we'll be here a while

>> No.64416461

>free personal fuwamoco for sisters
seems like a good birthday gift for some weeb girl

>> No.64416493

You were saying?

>> No.64416495


>> No.64416522

get fucked

>> No.64416529

She still gives us way too much credit for that Marika "training arc" when 80% of it probably didn't help at all until she turned off tilt and got several orders of magnitude better kek
But it's not like Karty is particularly balanced so switching from her babu scooter to the meta wiggler car or whatever it is now and just generally doing course reps will put in a lot of work
IIRC she literally would have won the first or second or race after fixing her controls if the AC6 phone placement didn't make her throw by stopping early in first
The Rainbow Road where she closed chat and actually focused she stayed top of the pack for a while until everyone did the usual "firing squad the streamer with items" too

>> No.64416533

these "whiles" have been getting shorter and shorted for me, i'm getting old

>> No.64416592


>> No.64416594
Quoted by: >>64416652

I'm so fucking excited for the new outfit, I can't wait 3 weeks...

>> No.64416612

koseki "squidward" bijou...

>> No.64416614

It's not that his lifestyle is particularly expensive, it's that he has a habit of accidentally destroying public property and having to pay for it. The anime explains this.

>> No.64416626

the chance for bullying was just too great

>> No.64416650

Where did her mama mention the squidward thing?

>> No.64416652

Just go to sleep now and wake up at the outfit reveal stream

>> No.64416661

>Pebbles getting instant loss'd just like Biboo

>> No.64416686


>> No.64416705


>> No.64416824

I like when she just randomly sings.

>> No.64416934
File: 885 KB, 4096x3072, GBMMBFzaEAAybGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64417042

>They don't shut the fuck up and Fuwawa backseat you 24/7
The magic weapon place better have no return policy

>> No.64417064

Biboo... Nero uses streak... just like Nelo Angelo did...

>> No.64417074

Watching Biboo get so excited over everything makes me get excited and it's adorable as fuck.

>> No.64417090
File: 123 KB, 750x850, dmc4-echidna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64417217


>> No.64417102

Prolapsed snake anus

>> No.64417192
File: 1.16 MB, 2894x4093, 113561416_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64417200

>she did the buster grab move
>didn't rev sword at all so she got way less damage than she could have
it's over...

>> No.64417217

Yeah I'd create daughterwives with this thing too

>> No.64417234

Biboo smoked that plant bitch.

>> No.64417268
Quoted by: >>64417315

>that SCUUUUUUUM SCUUUUUM SCUUUUUUM and autistic murderhobo chihuahua screaming
My sides

>> No.64417315

Literally one of the best parts of the stream. So fucking funny everytime.

>> No.64417335

Knuckles the Enigma.

>> No.64417337
File: 606 KB, 4096x3483, 2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fruit of her womb

>> No.64417339

Was knuckles an eNIGma

>> No.64417344
Quoted by: >>64417410

>is knuckles an echidna or an enigma?

>> No.64417347

Biboo's the real enigma.

>> No.64417351
File: 138 KB, 349x415, 1346946349692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64417410

>Knuckles the Enigma

>> No.64417365

>Was Knuckles an echinda or a nigga?
BIBOO?! I know Knuckles sounds like he has a black VA, and he's from a jungle tribe but

>> No.64417382

My daughter so cute.

>> No.64417401


>> No.64417409


Yes, yes you were Biboo

>> No.64417410

My fucking sides

>> No.64417428

>19 minutes an S
Man, this game is relatively long compared to the other 2.

>> No.64417435
Quoted by: >>64417557

>Ostensibly an echidna
>Bright red
>Punches the shit out of you
>Into gems
>Flies and runs at supersonic speeds and shit
yeah he's kind of an enigma I guess

>> No.64417464
File: 89 KB, 850x1202, __koseki_bijou_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_phdpigeon__sample-c5057eaa1cfb666f1e4174be3cf1fdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo actually good With Nero

>> No.64417553

well she doesnt change out to any other weapons so she will get proficient with what he has

>> No.64417557

Both is not a wrong answer at all.

>> No.64417559
File: 857 KB, 960x960, bijou emote glowstick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First S rank! she'd probably have a decent amount more from any of the dedicated boss fight stages if anyone told her to just restart instead of continuing since the time/damage between attempts carries over

>> No.64417564

It's a shame 5 doesn't let you choose hard from the start. She's gonna breeze through it.

>> No.64417633

is it just her being more experienced now after 1 and 3 or does 4 seem easier than the others

>> No.64417634


>> No.64417642

He's actually designed to be intuitive to pick and play raw, as opposed to DMC1 Dante in a 20+ year old game or DMC3 Dante with all styles/weapons meant for ojisans coming back to a game 15 years after mastering all the old toys

>> No.64417651

I think she's ready to play DMC5 on hard mode
As a first playthrough I mean

>> No.64417697

she played dmc3 vergil mode on hard, she's more than ready.

>> No.64417747

A bit of both

>> No.64417767

The experience definitely helps. It's the same with anyone playing any genre for a long time though.

>> No.64417772

can't you unlock hard mode right away by beating urizen's crystal in the prologue?

>> No.64417779
File: 973 KB, 1690x1553, 1692082911729190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64417906

Yes, Biboo louder i am almost there!

>> No.64417817


>> No.64417847
Quoted by: >>64417933

I love listening to Biboo sperge out about shit, it's very charming.

>> No.64417849

Yeah she definitely has the best improvements of all the Hololives. Subaru for example was just spamming stinger the whole game.

>> No.64417855

All of the above. She definitely understands more about what the series wants from her now, and 4 still has pretty comparable damage output to 1 and 3 (she died once to mobs while distracted and nearly died a second time while rambling about her allergies).
But a lot of the really janky enemies and camera is removed, and Nero is meant for new players so she can focus on the game and not juggling all of Dante's extra APM for style and weapon swapping. I don't think Belial is actually too different than Cerberus in what he makes you do as a first "filter" boss, but you have way better visibility of him and he heals you while breaking houses.

>> No.64417863

Oh right, yeah you can
she won't

>> No.64417875
Quoted by: >>64417922

Alright, she got the human life puzzle, let's see if she can find the light.

>> No.64417906

Saying it so intensely does do things, doesn't it?

>> No.64417917

will biboo understand the puzzle...

look at the shadow of the statue, and go the opposite way the shadow is pointing. aka towards the source of the light

>> No.64417922

as long as she knows what a sundial is, she'll figure it out

>> No.64417928

this one is not obvious, if she figures out she's cracked

>> No.64417933

I absolutely love when girls are passionate about nerdy stuff

>> No.64418018

Hopefully she does a full playthrough with vergil in 5. Playing him is a fucking spectacle master piece.

>> No.64418035

Biboo is... maybe dumb. Not sure if she's playing it up.
>where's the sun

>> No.64418059

Oh she absolutely will

>> No.64418060
Quoted by: >>64418191

it's worth it just for the Dante fight at the end, but I agree

>> No.64418070

She asked this but forgot to look at the shadows lmao

>> No.64418079

Cute girls don't have to be smart

>> No.64418163

>she's playing it up.
haha... yeah...

>> No.64418183

well, the important thing is that she figured it out
it was a very Biboo solution, but it worked

>> No.64418191

She won't know there's a Dante fight unless chat spoils it, unless she's already seen it.

>> No.64418220

Man she really fell hard for Vergil, huh

>> No.64418223

Yup, extremely fun and JCE is the coolest move ever

>> No.64418235

She likes Nero but he'll never replace Vergil...

>> No.64418242

>tfw biboo will never sit on my face
Why even live

>> No.64418243
Quoted by: >>64418303

All women want Vergil to fuck them, without exception.

>> No.64418264

Aw yeah, Credo time.

>> No.64418269
Quoted by: >>64418419

Credo fight is kino

>> No.64418283

Can you blame her?

>> No.64418303

I still can't get over how when DMC5 came out how hard women wanted to fuck V.

>> No.64418369

He looks like a xiv boss

>> No.64418381

she's literally asked "what's the button for x" when x is something she used 5 seconds ago
part of the reason she can avoid dead air even playing full focus games is that everything gets stream of consciousness'd into the chat, from unhinged ramblings to anything that takes more than a fraction of a second to check or recall

>> No.64418388

I have no idea how they coulda done it but Itsuno shoulda brought back Credo for V. He was one of the best fucking parts of 4. What a fucking amazing boss fight

>> No.64418400
File: 253 KB, 512x512, 1695251859906945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino rival fight time

>> No.64418409

i feel like i remember that you could catch the spears with devil buster?

>> No.64418419

it's pretty much the best fight in the game aside from Dante rematch

>> No.64418453
File: 48 KB, 820x457, 1552531226398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't? He's the poster child for "I can fix him"

>> No.64418455

Proto Angelo

>> No.64418515

Yeah. I'd post that one webm with the table hoppers and stuff if I wasn't busy watching to find it.

>> No.64418555

She never uses Buster with DT.

>> No.64418591

God they really went all in on the kino 1-on-1 duels people loved from 1 and 3 huh, Credo is damn fun
Seems like she's been trying to time it, yeah
If Vergil can come back from melting into thin air this dude can too

>> No.64418618

it's kind of funny because she's used buster multiple times right after exiting DT

>> No.64418674

She's fighting him like a DS boss...

>> No.64418711
Quoted by: >>64418795

You can and it's cool as beep

>> No.64418737

makes sense honestly, the game talks about DT being Yamato so you'd think it'd buff normal attacks where you hit them with the katana

>> No.64418773

Goddamn point black?

>> No.64418777

GOD I love that

>> No.64418795

You can also just snatch them for free green orbs, risk is way lower.

>> No.64418806

So satisfying

>> No.64418822

there you go
think she was timing it too late, IIRC it's not that tight but also not a last-second parry since his grab has startup

>> No.64418924

cute little combo she came up with

>> No.64418928

visions of pile bunker

>> No.64418978
Quoted by: >>64418997

wow that was unlucky, broke his shield right as he got his meme fuck you i float attack

>> No.64418997

I don't think she realizes you can break his shield, or what that means

>> No.64419043

She definitely doesn't

>> No.64419061

Somehow on the edge of my seat watching her fight.
So much kino.

>> No.64419114

hope she makes it to Dante rematch, at least

>> No.64419144

She's getting used to the DMC design of just "panic rolling" or pressing your i-frames every time the boss gives an audio or any form of tell, even if they teleport offscreen
Yeah it's not super clear how strong DT Stand Vergil's fist is when he pops out when you first start, she's accidentally staggered Echidna with it too

>> No.64419172

im late what does she think of Nero and 4 Dante

>> No.64419262

What's that? It's supposed to be my weakened state? How about I just teleport across the arena three times in a row.

>> No.64419263

She's like a little angry toy poodle.

>> No.64419283

luv nero but not as much as vergil
dande :D

>> No.64419309
File: 57 KB, 900x506, NeroTheDeadWeight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64419425


>> No.64419334

Always going for the cinematic endings lmao

>> No.64419337

Loves Nero, didn't see enough Dante.

>> No.64419367
File: 212 KB, 942x936, F-L5axHbIAA2Rnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could have ended the fight
>Insist on using the throw
This gaki i swear

>> No.64419393

>DT summon sword pop into red HP DT cross counter
unintentional kino

>> No.64419400

That sword is obnoxiously big

>> No.64419425


>> No.64419488
Quoted by: >>64419631

man that's a lot of pebbles

>> No.64419503


>> No.64419508

She deserves all of it and more

>> No.64419548


>> No.64419562


>> No.64419563


>> No.64419573


>> No.64419574

I am cum.

>> No.64419581

Ara Ara 500k

>> No.64419598
File: 1.21 MB, 2593x4096, 1690717060398607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ara ara

>> No.64419613
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x1024, 1693620996561479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64419619


>> No.64419631

you could make many piles of pebbles with 500k pebbles. you could even say we're pebble piles

>> No.64419634
Quoted by: >>64419668

>stopping at 5 hours

>> No.64419668

Pebble, I need sleep.

>> No.64419677

>stopping because of 500k
fuck, unsub rn

>> No.64419722
Quoted by: >>64419786

next stream is going to be awkward when she sees the perfect stopping point cutscene

>> No.64419732

awkward redirect lol

>> No.64419734

>stopping to read SCs for 500k
Damn it, you almost made it Biboo

>> No.64419742
File: 1.46 MB, 498x494, ara ara[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnk5cwq.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64419760

So happy for her. I hope we can celebrate soon and give her lots of love (only me, you all can fuck off).

>> No.64419780
Quoted by: >>64419798

yup, me

>> No.64419786


>> No.64419791


>> No.64419798

I made these posts from the pile of beds that Biboo and I share.

>> No.64419823
File: 1.17 MB, 2000x1224, 1699468755246417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on your rock hitting 500k. see you tomorrow for the collab.

>> No.64419859
Quoted by: >>64419959

Diamond Dog love!

>> No.64419870
Quoted by: >>64419959

DDogs love

>> No.64419937

See you tomorrow for DD kino

>> No.64419945

>memgifts 561

>> No.64419959

I hope she picks up MGS after DMC

>> No.64420004
File: 1.06 MB, 632x698, smiling vergil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64420083

DMC streams and threads are always fun.
See you lads next time.

>> No.64420048


>> No.64420083

Later anon

>> No.64420105
Quoted by: >>64420166

I will be like a mother to Koseki Bijou

>> No.64420114

>What's between pink?

>> No.64420166

Can you be like a big sister to me?

>> No.64420167

We don't lewd Biboo here

>> No.64420170


>> No.64420174

She's so proud of her sneezes kek

>> No.64420203


>> No.64420236
File: 2.64 MB, 4299x6071, 1700327274803399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never lewd...

>> No.64420309

Biboo's version is NOT cringe.

>> No.64420369

Yup, very wholesome always

>> No.64420378

Oh no, her new outfit is actually going to be squidward.

>> No.64420424

VERY wholesome

>> No.64420510

Why are women like this?

>> No.64420531
File: 534 KB, 1200x977, 1640744722958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64420532
Quoted by: >>64420576

Bae and Biboo are the perfect sister energy

>> No.64420576

Only Biboo
Bae is a gross whore

>> No.64420578

Haha yeah... Just women... hah...

>> No.64420655
File: 89 KB, 1200x630, chuunibyou-demo-koi-ga-shitai-677645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm edgy and chuuni

>> No.64420688

>missing membership streams
It pains me to live in a shithole without YT premium.

>> No.64420708


>> No.64420713

Biboo's already saying all this about Nero's gameplay. Her head's going to pop with Dante.

>> No.64420740
Quoted by: >>64420842

she'll just play Dante exactly like she did in 3

>> No.64420832
File: 491 KB, 700x1000, 0c61a5fd057b5caacdf350342e6a97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man want to be him, women wanna be with him, simple as.

>> No.64420842
Quoted by: >>64420920

Is that a bad thing?

>> No.64420858

She already played the style switch version of 3, its not that big a differene.

>> No.64420867

>skipped the clown begging for her to read superchats

>> No.64420894


>> No.64420920

not at all
I'm just saying that her head isn't really going to pop

>> No.64420939

>Says name

>> No.64421025

Fuck that SC

>> No.64421028
Quoted by: >>64421071

Biboo keep hyping up a scene that literally doesn't happen in DMC5. kek. I love this retard

>> No.64421040

lol I don't think that guy understands just how often cool characters come back from the dead
that's not even an anime thing

>> No.64421071

Inb4 she gets perms for the mod

>> No.64421109
Quoted by: >>64421122

>See Pebbles, I told you the chair was in this game!

>> No.64421122

that would be fucking hilarious

>> No.64421158
Quoted by: >>64421278

She probably doesn't even know she needs a mod for that scene, but if she does, gets perms for the mod and uses the mod for that cutscene, i'm gonna kneel so hard my knees are gonna break

>> No.64421278

More realistically she's going to get to the end credits. The game will slowly fad back to the starting screen and she's going to go. "Wait... Where's the chair though?"

>> No.64421319

Biboo might even be the best gamer in all of hololive

>> No.64421328

>Giving game advice in a SC
She's gonna forget next stream, what's the point lmao

>> No.64421362
Quoted by: >>64421393

Nah, Aqua is on a different level when she's in the zone
She also speedran souls games back in the day and by that I mean actual speedruns

>> No.64421369

Fuck clippers

>> No.64421388
Quoted by: >>64421446

She's the best in EN without contest, but JP can put up some fights.

>> No.64421393

Aqua is a gamer?!

>> No.64421412
Quoted by: >>64421484


>> No.64421446

suisei versus Biboo round 2. Mario kart edition.

>> No.64421445

for EN, definitely a contender.
she has the persistence and ability to learn things that the other holos don't really care for.

>> No.64421451
File: 814 KB, 808x708, F7Rdp4TbsAAbNjG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks your path*

>> No.64421450
Quoted by: >>64422183


>> No.64421484
Quoted by: >>64421535

Aqua ist ein Gamer?!

>> No.64421535

Very funny Ina

>> No.64421559
File: 1.42 MB, 1229x886, 045604650465406545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64421633

>Another one
>And another one

>> No.64421577

>Why is there a small child in my room
Uh oh

>> No.64421590

>a small child in a pebble's room
Out of 10!

>> No.64421633

Cute fan game. I'm proud of people putting this together. I'm 100% certain that the "plans for 500k stream" Involve cover getting passed their retarded perms autism for this, like the other fangame.

>> No.64421642

>people might call you a pedo if they see you with Biboo irl

>> No.64421747

Holy fucking UOOOOOU ToT

>> No.64421873

>spending money on gacha

>> No.64421895
Quoted by: >>64421968

>I could do anything I want with my new money
>so I became a whale

>> No.64421935

Biboo why...

>> No.64421968
Quoted by: >>64421995

She's a zoomweeb. What do you expect?

>> No.64421995

Unironically needs correction

>> No.64422030
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1080, So be it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64422038

yeah my dong

>> No.64422082
Quoted by: >>64422117

>Biboo is clumsy as fuck
To no one's surprise

>> No.64422117

Her and Ina are a lot alike

>> No.64422149

Does Biboo know Nero fucks his sister?

>> No.64422183

This is so cute and sweaty.

>> No.64422206

New Bread

>> No.64422220
File: 74 KB, 634x481, 1702448088373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be glad she can't play it on stream

>> No.64422232
File: 950 KB, 498x373, correct-plankton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64422422

I think Biboo is starting to suspect Pebbles want to plap her...
