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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 298 KB, 1247x1400, 1625791071798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6291587 No.6291587 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>6325331

Previous thread


1 million celebration concert

1 million commemoration goods

>Latest/current stream

>clip compilation

>Heartbeat ASMR




>> No.6291695
Quoted by: >>6291968

Did someone come into your last thread trying to start shit between you guys and kishidans?
He isn't one of us, he has been trying to stir shit up for months. He also did this in Noel's thread.

>> No.6291885

I wanna do a Marine shitpost with this vid.

>> No.6291968

Yeah we know, I dare say anyone who isn't a newfag knows about that schizo already

>> No.6292225
File: 180 KB, 1400x912, E5nkmDEWYAQIwDe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6292283
File: 1.27 MB, 924x1680, 1624884860621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6293657

From today on I'm never fapping and I'll retain every drop until the day I can show senchou the biggest fucking cumshot she's ever seen

>> No.6294947
File: 92 KB, 653x1422, E4p8l0zUUAoTzaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6295233 >>6295323

Should probably point out about the catbox video;

Idol agency lawyers make their living dealing with sexual harassment lawsuits, so consult your lawyer before sending a dickpick to your oshi...

>> No.6295233

If I just make a tribute and never show my cutlass in the pic I'm sure i can get away with it

>> No.6295323
Quoted by: >>6295410

>use a vpn
>with a burner email
>on a burner phone

Good luck catching me cover

>> No.6295363


>> No.6295410
File: 65 KB, 630x600, image0 (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6295628

all that effort to get cockblocked by mane-chan.
talents don't read their inbox(for obvious reasons)

>> No.6295451

Thanks Shabz

>> No.6295628
Quoted by: >>6295677

How else did she know she got a dick pic then. But fine, I'll send it to covers pr department and they can forward it on

>> No.6295677
Quoted by: >>6295763

By getting it before hololive, dumbo.

>> No.6295763
Quoted by: >>6300148

Well if I send enough one should eventually slip through. Or if I felt like being extra bold, I'll just buy a bunch of billboards around the cover offices and post them there. Problem solved, she's bound to see one of them

>> No.6299325

thank you shabby

>> No.6300148
File: 597 KB, 1174x834, mikohmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6301615

Mane-chan probably deserves to see all the dick picks since she's always cock-blocking mengen streams

>> No.6301430
File: 1.28 MB, 1191x1769, chubby pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6301712 >>6302725

Imagine sending senchou a video of you cumming and it just dribbles out and she starts laughing at you

>> No.6301615

Do want inas fans did for her birthday, rent a building for a day but instead of fanart it's fan dick which I'm sure she'll find fantastic

>> No.6301712

Sph gang rise up

>> No.6301788
File: 124 KB, 850x1202, Marine 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6302783

>has a spanking fetish
Why does my oshi just keep improving herself?

>> No.6301900
Quoted by: >>6302748

smooth particle hydrodynamics?

>> No.6302183

I hope Marine gets to live with her sister, it’s obvious that she misses her

>> No.6302405
Quoted by: >>6302748

"super penis haver"?

>> No.6302725
Quoted by: >>6302854 >>6393210

I used to shoot like a champ in my early college years, the cum would arc over my shoulder and land behind my chair
One time I angled it too far back while cumming and while my mouth was open because I moaned, and it hit me right in the cheek, a little to the side and I would've accidentally cum into my own mouth
these days it just oozes out in super sticky disgusting globs...

>> No.6302748

School of Public Health

>> No.6302783
File: 2.26 MB, 1518x1761, 1623859453079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6336123

Always has been...

>> No.6302854

Um, thanks?

>> No.6304373
Quoted by: >>6304446 >>6304770

I want to try BDO, is there like any affiliate links or items or w/e that benefits Senchou?

>> No.6304446


>> No.6304770

Check the description

>> No.6310600

can't just let senchou's fat arse fall off page 10 like that

>> No.6315816
File: 184 KB, 827x1501, 1625172367717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6317989
Quoted by: >>6318122

Imagine putting Senchou in a trillion credit debt and blackmailing her

>> No.6318122
Quoted by: >>6318213

where did you come up with this idea

>> No.6318213
Quoted by: >>6319441

end of Subnautica

>> No.6319441

Oh right that is a thing, man I wonder how that dude is supposed to pay any if it off

>> No.6322157
File: 1009 KB, 637x720, 1625562151692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6322308 >>6323711

ahoy thread aint looking to hot today, Ichimibros...

>> No.6322308
File: 319 KB, 365x519, 1625828483248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conserving energy for tonight perhaps.

>> No.6323711

Not a whole lot going on today, also alot of bait threads getting made too

>> No.6323996
Quoted by: >>6324357

I hate how she only plays video game nowadays. I wish she would talk to us some more

>> No.6324357

She just did a chat stream two days ago you nigger

>> No.6325331

>ywn stick your nose up senchou's hairy asshole with her fat ass hugging your entire face

>> No.6325936


>> No.6327508


>> No.6328721
Quoted by: >>6328779

God I hope not
A hairy cunt is passable but butt hair is a bit much

>> No.6328779
Quoted by: >>6328966

You'd probably be surprised what you'll put up with when you're horny.

>> No.6328809
File: 101 KB, 767x989, E3MVjdcVcAYY4VO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is at the top but barely any new messages, I take schizo-kun visited

>> No.6328966

I'm aware and it disgusts me

>> No.6329241
Quoted by: >>6330828 >>6333833

Most likely finishing RE2 I would guess

>> No.6330207
Quoted by: >>6412384

haha, imagine

>> No.6330828


>> No.6333833


>> No.6335567

Cumming for captain

>> No.6336123
Quoted by: >>6336252

she always moves in such a weird way in 3d

>> No.6336252
Quoted by: >>6336844

Her 3d is fucked because the model wears heels while she doesn't in real life so the skeleton doesn't map properly, also it was a pretty crude model in general because it was made back when cover was subsisting on table scraps.
I can only hope they'll do a 3d 2.0 update one day.

>> No.6336844
Quoted by: >>6336940

They fixed all that 1 year ago though, it has one of the most detailed heads out there now.
Compare the Korone 3D duo to her 3D birthday stream from July 2020

>> No.6336940

They touched it up, that's not the same thing as fixed. It's better than it was in 2020 but to truly fix it they'll have to go back and redo the entire model from the skeleton up

>> No.6336991


>> No.6337021


>> No.6337052
Quoted by: >>6337308 >>6338182

What's the best tasting part of Marine?

>> No.6337248

Praise the rocket launcher

>> No.6337308


>> No.6338182
Quoted by: >>6348033


>> No.6340080
Quoted by: >>6343902

>the Marine line is the absolute limit for lewdness in hololive

>> No.6343902
Quoted by: >>6441072

pretty tame

>> No.6344155


>> No.6344179

thanks shabby

>> No.6348033

I second this

>> No.6352945
File: 570 KB, 1291x2000, E57fVfCVgAEoMEQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks shabz

>> No.6355489
Quoted by: >>6356263

I bought one and I'm going to cum on it within 30 minutes of its arrival

>> No.6356263

be sure to let her know you made a mess on her face

>> No.6361576
File: 520 KB, 1189x1748, E57FHhzVkAIijnJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6362491 >>6377214

>> No.6362491

senchou need a model where her hair is down

>> No.6377214

Hair down senchou is hot

>> No.6379897
Quoted by: >>6380704


>> No.6380035

Question pirates, did the marineschizo an hero / an heroine themselves after Marine's ban was removed? I haven't heard from them, have you?

>> No.6380704
Quoted by: >>6380995

>the captain... Is going back to sleep

>> No.6380995
File: 392 KB, 1482x2048, E53NrTGVgAsScvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6383451

>proceeds to retweet a bunch of art

>> No.6383451
Quoted by: >>6383911

WTF is up with her left leg?

>> No.6383911
File: 1.31 MB, 2508x3541, E57zFzEVkAMUst3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6391245

Good old fashioned bad anatomy.
Because we haven't yet reached the point where every artist chucks a model into blender and paints over it.

>> No.6388284

When/how did you first realize you liked Marine?

>> No.6388435

When I saw the first clip not portraying her as horny baba.

>> No.6388936

I liked her when I saw the design and heard her laugh
I loved her when I learned how much of a nerd goblin she is and hearing her retard laugh

>> No.6391189


>> No.6391245

Is it really anatomy? It is two different perspectives being shown at once. Happens often and it is SOULful.

>> No.6392194

I sleep.

>> No.6393210

kill yourself

>> No.6394317

Senchou rap wtf?

>> No.6394644

Man senchou's Misato impression is always a joy to listen to

>> No.6394791

Marine useewa cover when?

>> No.6394904
File: 158 KB, 675x1200, 1621322749224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6395014

When my friend was trying to get me into vtubers Marine was one of the girls he sent me clips of
I initially only watched EN as watching a stream in a language you don't understand seemed dumb
But Senchou's charm transcends the language barrier, now I want to marry her.

>> No.6395014

Just stick to EN

>> No.6395076


>> No.6395205


>> No.6395225


>> No.6395368
Quoted by: >>6395382

Why does she like lost my music so much?

>> No.6395382
Quoted by: >>6395427

Why don't you?

>> No.6395427

It was a boring anime

>> No.6396269

hmm shame about those high notes

>> No.6396291

Yikes, keep up with your singing reps senchou

>> No.6396346

>can't hit the notes

>> No.6396417

Don't know what's up with all the Geass songs but I'm all for it

>> No.6396434

God this reminds me of watching code geass together with /a/
I can't believe how far /a/ has fallen since those days

>> No.6396457
Quoted by: >>6396543

>I can't believe how far /a/ has fallen since those days
He says while posting on fucking /vt/

>> No.6396505
File: 494 KB, 508x536, 1625383815075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6396543

>I can't believe how far /a/ has fallen since those days
Says the guy still posting on 4chan, on /vt/ of all fucking places.

>> No.6396507
Quoted by: >>6396558


>> No.6396543
Quoted by: >>6396624

/vt/ has always been shit though, unlike /a/ where there are actual lows to which to fall to

>> No.6396558


>> No.6396624

Yea it's a shame since /a/ was the last of the big boards to turn to shit but 4chan and I guess anime as well got too big for /a/ to keep the old board culture alive. That's life.

>> No.6396809

Se no~

>> No.6396862
Quoted by: >>6397033

I hate this song

>> No.6397033
Quoted by: >>6397098

Why do you have shit taste?

>> No.6397098

I was born this way

>> No.6397107
File: 233 KB, 1430x2048, E5dS4iJVEAg1_XB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6397219

Whatever this song is (the one that follows Renai Circulation) it sucks ass.

>> No.6397187


>> No.6397206
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, 1616802592160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6397219


>> No.6397331
Quoted by: >>6397528

She sounds like she's about to die.

>> No.6397528
Quoted by: >>6397783

She sounds like she's my girlfriend.

>> No.6397783

I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.6398476
File: 713 KB, 2048x1313, 457895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6401288
Quoted by: >>6401715

why'd she unlist the latest karaoke stream?

>> No.6401715

It's not unlisted, youtube just sometimes does this
Where it won't show up in the videos tab if it recently ended
You can still normally see it with a search

>> No.6403091


>> No.6403219

thanks shabby

>> No.6404087

How do I strap my onahole to a body pillow? Asking for a friend.

>> No.6404314
Quoted by: >>6407739

>Have a dream about being on a date with Marine
>Wake up feeling empty inside

>> No.6406305
File: 270 KB, 1700x2000, E5hUZe_VoAItRdF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks shabz

>> No.6406888

So a collab AND a new song every day this week?

>> No.6407061

>possibly the last ever Gen 3 collab on stage together
>Lamy crying about something
>Kanata said there's something involving Marine she can't say
>collabs every day this week
>new song coming out
Ummm how are you guys holding up?

>> No.6407157

I am blissfully unaware

>> No.6407496
Quoted by: >>6412033

>possibly the last ever Gen 3 collab on stage together
>Lamy crying about something
>Kanata said there's something involving Marine she can't say
What's the context here? They're pretty close so it could be any kind of personal topic.
>collabs every day this week
Nothing weird about that except her suddenly caring about Minecraft.
>new song coming out
About time.

>> No.6407739
Quoted by: >>6410043

how was the dream? worksafe?

>> No.6408304
Quoted by: >>6408520

Just passing by, been seeing Marine around a lot and she is always fun and really caring of other holos. You guys have a great Oshi.

>> No.6408520
Quoted by: >>6408646

Your oshi is great too

>> No.6408560

>Kanata said there's something involving Marine she can't say
when did this happen?

>> No.6408646

She does her best, they all do.

>> No.6409206

>possibly the last ever Gen 3 collab on stage together
>Lamy crying about something
>Kanata said there's something involving Marine she can't say
>collabs every day this week
>new song coming out

>> No.6409905
File: 877 KB, 713x713, 1623955957881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6412359

>Senchou's onee-chan quitting her job to go full NEETO at Senchou's house
This kind of shit never ends well.

>> No.6409982
Quoted by: >>6415115 >>6422264

her embarrassed reaction to kanata exposing her vibrator purchase is just more proof that her horny persona is fabricated

>> No.6410043

Extremely worksafe, I think that's actually part of why waking up stung so bad--it felt more realistic and down-to-earth. We were just walking around a Tokyo-ish city and chatting.

>> No.6412033

>What's the context here? They're pretty close so it could be any kind of personal topic.
I don't know what Kanata said, but Marine mentioned collab with Kanata tomorrow or so.

>> No.6412359


>> No.6412384


>> No.6412695
File: 40 KB, 600x766, 1500242311082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't turn into another Polka

>> No.6414077 [DELETED] 

imagine dating Penny and she teams up with Andre for a dance contest lol

>> No.6415115
File: 3.26 MB, 1939x3150, 84137259_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Kanata said there's something involving Marine she can't say
It was a vibrator

Even the most not-give-a-fuck people in the world have trouble buying condoms from store.
Also it's kinda personal thing...

Might come as a surprise but even Marine has little bit of menhera in her blood, she just manages to keep it in check pretty well

>> No.6415254
Quoted by: >>6415545 >>6415562

>It was a vibrator

>> No.6415545
File: 1.49 MB, 498x488, vibrato.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6415860

and reply:

>> No.6415562
Quoted by: >>6415713 >>6415759

How does this add up to everything that has happened? Marine has talked about and used a massager on stream before and everyone insists she was literally masturbating, but now she's getting a new one that Kanata described as lewd and she's embarrassed about it.

>> No.6415713

You have your answer if you watched todays stream

>> No.6415759
Quoted by: >>6416033

you should cut down the rrat intake and clipfagging if reality stops making sense

>> No.6415860

What I would give to be that chair

>> No.6416033
Quoted by: >>6422085 >>6429740

You should probably work on getting rid of those """rrats""" then, faggot.

>> No.6416418
Quoted by: >>6416505

So wait, was the potential morning stream for today or tomorrow?
Timezones hard

>> No.6416505


>> No.6417172 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 327x272, 1626042720565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6417214


>> No.6417214


>> No.6422085
Quoted by: >>6428340

Rubbing sufficient brain cells together to determine rrat from reality is your responsibility, retard.

>> No.6422264
File: 480 KB, 600x450, 1620656505480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6422557

>Even the most not-give-a-fuck people in the world have trouble buying condoms from store.
This. I thought I was way passed giving a fuck a long time ago until I bought an onahole in person for the first time. The cashier tried to make small talk and I stuttered and my hands started shaking and I had trouble putting in my card.

>> No.6422557
Quoted by: >>6422638 >>6426645

>buying an onahole in person
but why tho

>> No.6422638

A local store had what I wanted and I didn't want to wait for shipping.
I used to live near San Francisco and they unsurprisingly have a huge amount of hyper-degenerate sex stores and some carried nip stuff.

>> No.6422731

But the ice isn't melting away. Marine. That's fake news. Nene will be okay.

>> No.6422959

>even Marine has little bit of menhera in her blood
Everyone in hololive has a bit of menhera.

>> No.6423311 [DELETED] 

>Marine opens the box in Kanata's room and they decide to test the vibrator out together since Kanata is curious how to use it properly. After watching Marine masturbate to climax it is Kanata's turn. She is a bit hesitant so Marine forcibly decides helps her out, playing with Kanata's little tits with one hand as the other is fucking her pussy. After months of planning, Marine finally caught her prey.

>> No.6423760

>Marine opens the box in Kanata's room and they decide to test the vibrator out together since Kanata is curious how to use it properly. After watching Marine masturbate to climax it is Kanata's turn. She is a bit hesitant so Marine forcibly helps her out, playing with Kanata's little tits with one hand as the other is fucking her pussy. After months of planning, Marine finally caught her prey.

>> No.6426645

So you have an option other than other men

>> No.6428340
Quoted by: >>6428697 >>6429341

You have no brain cells left when you use moron lingo like that.

>> No.6428697
Quoted by: >>6429316 >>6431237

Tourist, reddit is that way.

>> No.6429316

Reddit uses your moron lingo, idiot. You are from reddit, not me.

>> No.6429341
Quoted by: >>6429438

You're a thin skinned bitch who's lazy and demands to be spoonfed. Go back to whatever hug box you crawled out of.

>> No.6429438
Quoted by: >>6429740

>demands to be spoonfed
I never did that. I asked what does this recent event mean for people who believe the shit I posted, because most people around here (aka (You)) seem to believe it.

>> No.6429740
Quoted by: >>6429806

>never did that
>You should probably work on getting rid of those """rrats""" then, faggot
Demanding others to do shit for you, anon.

>> No.6429806
Quoted by: >>6430154

That has nothing to do with what spoonfeeding means, redditor.

>> No.6430154
Quoted by: >>6430390

verb: spoonfeed
provide (someone) with so much help or information that they do not need to think for themselves.

>> No.6430390
Quoted by: >>6430741

Yeah good job you found the definition, redditor.

>> No.6430574
File: 659 KB, 4096x2938, E6BklxjUUAAKK2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6430627

Saw this on twitter.
Does that mean she's covered Usseewa?

>> No.6430627
Quoted by: >>6430807

Why the fuck would a random parody fanart mean that?

>> No.6430741
Quoted by: >>6430867 >>6431332

It's weird that you think redditor is an insult. Are you using it because the other anon used it? You're no different than all those childish Xbox brats who copy and spam whatever they think is a cuss word. Anyways, if you're still waiting for someone to come along and spoonfeed you, good luck.

>> No.6430807
Quoted by: >>6430977

Because we don't live in a completely chaotic universe, and usually things that happen are prompted by things that happened earlier.

And, as it turns out,

>> No.6430867
Quoted by: >>6430964 >>6431040

>redditor is an insult
It is. Now stop muddying up the pirate's thread please.

>> No.6430964
Quoted by: >>6431044 >>6431237

Marine posts on reddit herself so if you have a problem with redditors you shouldn't be here.

>> No.6430977

A karaoke take is not a cover. There were KING parody fanarts for practically every holo before even a handful of them had tried singing it.

>> No.6431040

>It is
Only if you're a thin skinned loser.

>> No.6431044
Quoted by: >>6431128

>if you have a problem with redditors you shouldn't be here.
What kind of mental gymnastic is that.

>> No.6431128
Quoted by: >>6431341

This is a thread dedicated to a redditor.

>> No.6431202
Quoted by: >>6431237

Post /vt/ lingo to trigger the retard

>> No.6431237

Which one is it, newfags?
Also using leddit for self-promotion is vastly different from being a literal nobody collecting internet points (which you get if you use epic cool words like "rrat").

It's reddit lingo.

>> No.6431332

You still don't know what spoonfeeding means even though you just copy pasted the definition.

>> No.6431341
Quoted by: >>6431443

>Somehow that makes it ok to act like a ledditor

>> No.6431397

Cool rrat, not going to stop using rrat though, seethe and dilate

>> No.6431409
Quoted by: >>6431443

https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/jdgsyn/senchou_meme_contest/ Marine loves reddit and their memes and so does /ahoy/.

>> No.6431443

see >>6431341

>> No.6431461
Quoted by: >>6431533

Rrat and Ogey originated from Pekora's Metal Gear Solid playthrough, tourist. /vt/ spread it. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.6431479
Quoted by: >>6431661 >>6431873

stop fighting like faggots, go shit up a different thread

>> No.6431533
Quoted by: >>6431633 >>6431760

They had no meaning for 3 fucking months until you newfags forced one on them in global.

>> No.6431633
Quoted by: >>6431788

So which one is it? Global lingo or reddit lingo?

>> No.6431637
File: 1.07 MB, 3417x6667, 1608354089956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Aren't I just like Tomo, Oogaki, Ritsu"
She just named all my favorite characters from those series, especially Ritsu, with the exception of Oogaki because Nadeshiko is precious.

>> No.6431661
Quoted by: >>6431873

I am just watching at this point.

>> No.6431760
Quoted by: >>6431788

And if you have a problem with that rrat you're free to fuck off back to /jp/

>> No.6431788

Those are the same thing. You tell me why it ended up from global to being used all over reddit and comment sections of clickbait clip channels and h*storian videos.

Never leaving.

>> No.6431827
Quoted by: >>6431872

Then seethe, cope, dilate, and get used to seeing rrat in this thread

>> No.6431872
Quoted by: >>6431943 >>6432107

Get used to getting shit on every time you use it.

>> No.6431873

Sorry, couldn't resist egging the retard on. It's just fun to watch them try so hard to win an argument on the internet.

>> No.6431940

>Those are the same thing. You tell me why it ended up from global to being used all over reddit and comment sections of clickbait clip channels and h*storian videos.
So we are that influential huh? Based. Now go back there tourist, since you are so familiar with the "lingo" used over there.

>> No.6431943
Quoted by: >>6431978

Oh no someone shat on me on 4chan, whatever shall I do?

>> No.6431978
Quoted by: >>6432041

Seethe, cope and dilate.

>> No.6432000

>You tell me
Oh look, the bitch demands more spoonfeeding.

>> No.6432041
Quoted by: >>6432089


>> No.6432089

Bro that's not how you use rrat, it means narrative.

>> No.6432092
Quoted by: >>6432210 >>6432214

What is the problem? Marine loves reddit, we love reddit there is nothing wrong with reddit.

>> No.6432107
File: 8 KB, 233x216, 73c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6432142

>Get used to getting shit on every time you use it.

>> No.6432142
Quoted by: >>6432188 >>6432227


>> No.6432188

We love wojaks here. Go back to /jp/.

>> No.6432210
Quoted by: >>6432311 >>6432392

Marine is a stupid bitch for liking reddit, so don't play that, "your oshi will be used as a shield for something retarded" game faggot.

>> No.6432214

please don't false flag.

>> No.6432227
File: 11 KB, 860x773, 20210712_113726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432311
Quoted by: >>6432462

>Marine is a stupid bitch for liking reddit
No she is smart, reddit is great.

>> No.6432346
Quoted by: >>6432407 >>6432516

first we have annoying ass antis and now we have reddit nigs shilling their platform and starting fights

>> No.6432392

>Marine is a stupid bitch for liking reddit, so don't play that, "your oshi will be used as a shield for something retarded" game faggot
I don't actually have that many wojaks on hand so just pretend I posted a wojak here

>> No.6432407

Only the antis have a problem with Marine's love of reddit.

>> No.6432420


>> No.6432449

and we have antis pretending to like reddit to start fights as well, apparently

>> No.6432462
Quoted by: >>6432504

Reddit is awful because of certain features like highly rated posts going to the front page for all the normalest of normalfags to see.

>> No.6432504
Quoted by: >>6432527

just stop responding to them

>> No.6432516

Out of curiosity, with what do antis shitpost in Marine threads? About her being Old?

>> No.6432527
Quoted by: >>6432605 >>6432658

You know he's the retard who calls anything he doesn't like reddit right?

>> No.6432565
File: 340 KB, 640x693, jy2pmifz2v261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6432607

Never leaving Marine loves reddit and so does /ahoy/

>> No.6432605
Quoted by: >>6432654

You literally do the same things as reddit.

>> No.6432607


>> No.6432654
Quoted by: >>6432692 >>6432709


>> No.6432658
Quoted by: >>6433008

he keeps responding to the retard pretending to like reddit. either that or he just likes stirring shit up

>> No.6432692


>> No.6432709

You're not making any sense anon, but ogey.

>> No.6432813
File: 2.23 MB, 1861x1932, 1620979488154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6432872

among us

>> No.6432872


>> No.6433008

>pretending to like reddit
Anon, most people here use reddit. A great number probably have subreddits they love to visit on the regular. /vt/ culture has us shitting on reddit (particularly the hololive subreddit) but it often doesn't translate to actual hate.

>> No.6433092


>> No.6433277

WE love reddit here.
Did you know reddit now has live streaming? So if YouTube bans her she can just stream there.

>> No.6433382
Quoted by: >>6433536

I know theres alot of redditors here, but its obvious trolling when you see things like >6432565

>> No.6433536

/ahoy/ has always loved reddit.

>> No.6433837
Quoted by: >>6433917

Wait what, what's with the fennec clown?

>> No.6433917
Quoted by: >>6434025 >>6434411

You know that joke about Pagliacci? Yeah, that's Polka

>> No.6434025
File: 7 KB, 197x256, worriedlaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.6434411

That's probably a joke-joke

>> No.6434528
Quoted by: >>6435777 >>6438863

Hello /ahoy/ I had a beautiful dream about senchou today surprisingly nothing lewd and I realised I don't watch her streams that much, I wanna change that, what are some of her best streams so I can keep having beautiful dreams?

>> No.6435430
File: 1.47 MB, 1080x1530, E6Ar_8hUcAIG5i4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6435777

I really liked her recent portal stream, her drawing streams have also been pretty good

>> No.6436340

Ai-mama plans for the year. Save some money for the upcoming merch.

>> No.6438863

Portal, Subnautica, her touhou streams and karaoke streams are your best starting point. I'd recommend you her zatsudan streams too but they are hard for anyone who isn't extremely fluent in Japanese to get into

>> No.6440850


>> No.6440931


>> No.6441072

To be fair when you go past her level, you get into amy schumer tier. I for one dont want to listen to someone talk about a hermoid bursting during sex regardless of if their a "pure" anime girl or not

>> No.6441655

Marine loves reddit.
/ahoy/ loves reddit.
reddit chads keep winning.

>> No.6442198

Todays streams

>> No.6442741 [DELETED] 

has marine ever shown her irl body is she as thicc as she says she is?

>> No.6442929
File: 742 KB, 2480x3508, E6B4nVMVUAIuwC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6443042

Do your hololive historian reps and you can see for yourself.

>> No.6443042

Alternatively, quit giving that guy views and money by staying away from his shit. The answer is no, irl body pics of Marine are not available. There is only one face pic that is confirmed and only because another person is in it.

>> No.6443534
Quoted by: >>6443740

I don't know if she has big ass by Japanese standards or normal standards.
But supposedly her ass makes her skirt ride up, which is hot as fuck. When she was laying on the ground with flare and noel she also was noticeably propped up by her ass.

>> No.6443740
Quoted by: >>6443784



apparently she has a big bubble butt

>> No.6443784
Quoted by: >>6443833

Or so she says, I am aware, keep in mind women are retarded and think having a normal ass is "big" sometimes.
However everytime someone interacts with where her models ass should be they touch much further out so she's probably not exaggerating at all.
I love Marine and her fat ass bros

>> No.6443833
Quoted by: >>6443878

You're referring to that Hinata collab and her arms reach much farther than the model shows.

>> No.6443878

Yes that, but as I said, when she laid down she was much more propped up than noel and flare in comparison.
She probably actually has a ridiculous ass

>> No.6444075
Quoted by: >>6444128 >>6446664

Kanata what have you done?

>> No.6444116

[a/ was already shit by then with normalfags liking that shit show. It hasn't been good since 2007.

>> No.6444119

did senchou's subs go down or is it just me

>> No.6444128

She's immune from desire sensor because she doesn't care.

>> No.6444824


>> No.6444973
Quoted by: >>6445072

Marine really sounds like Angie today eh.

>> No.6445072
Quoted by: >>6445260

She has a very different tone at off collabs

>> No.6445260

different room, different mic, different audio settings, sitting far away from mic.
not sure what you expected?

>> No.6446222 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6446285


>> No.6446285

Thank you Kanata-sama

>> No.6446301
File: 3.17 MB, 3035x2004, 1619095592124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6446568

Bathtub punishment stream ikuzo

>> No.6446568

I'm expecting her to cheat her way out of doing it properly.

>> No.6446664
Quoted by: >>6446836

Bath stream soon
This move to the morning

>> No.6446787
Quoted by: >>6446836

Wait what the fuck?

>> No.6446836


>> No.6447320
Quoted by: >>6447631 >>6447762


>> No.6447544
File: 1.08 MB, 1112x1600, 1599575503453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6447664

Dreaming of Marine's ass.

>> No.6447631

Nice thumbnail Marine

>> No.6447664

Drawfags should focus on her huge ass, not her boobs, prove me wrong
t. titfag

>> No.6447762
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, 1615599023415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing Marine having fun with her friends makes me feel so happy. I'm glad she found hororaibu.

>> No.6448099

She's so absolutely embarrassed already

>> No.6448178

I wish I was Kanata.

>> No.6448251

Stay still my dick

>> No.6448254
Quoted by: >>6448293 >>6448318

Who's house are they streaming at?

>> No.6448293


>> No.6448318


>> No.6448321
Quoted by: >>6448369

>hot tub stream
i would have never guess this day would come

>> No.6448369

not only, but with Noel

>> No.6448371

i'm imagining so hard right now

>> No.6448376

this is peak content

>> No.6448418

why no preorders for that bathwater...

>> No.6448419
Quoted by: >>6448592 >>6448679

this would be 100% better if we had their models on screen like usual

>> No.6448464
Quoted by: >>6448621

Fucking hell
What are you all doing

>> No.6448468

please stop mentioning oppai. My dick is about to break

>> No.6448592
Quoted by: >>6448619 >>6448679

Bringing the cameras into the bath sounds like a good way to ruin them.

>> No.6448619

waterproof the camera's problemo solvedo

>> No.6448621

This content makes my dick happy

>> No.6448625

God I'm so hard

>> No.6448645
File: 190 KB, 601x661, 1590247230167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6448727

>that shower sound
hooooly shit, i'm soooo fucking horny.

>> No.6448679

How the fuck would they do that?

They use iPhones that are most definitely waterproof but the avatars would still be unusable because they're not going to be just sitting still in a chair like usual.

>> No.6448696
File: 561 KB, 650x680, 1599614672149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can only make out like 1/10th of what they're saying
Fuck this, I'm going to bed.

>> No.6448715

is coco in the house?

>> No.6448727

the scratching sound man, the scratching sound

>> No.6448767

twitch whores are better than you hag

>> No.6448792
Quoted by: >>6448870

so this is how it feels to be an anime protagonist in onsen huh?

>> No.6448793

i already coomed 2 times during this stream

>> No.6448797

The fanart that this stream spawns is going to be amazing

>> No.6448834

Noel vs 2 horny womans.
Poor big tiddy cow.

>> No.6448866

welp I can barely tell what's going on
time for more reps

>> No.6448870
Quoted by: >>6448937

yeah, but the anime protag actually gets to see the titty

>> No.6448875

oh my god i need a fucking girlfriend.

>> No.6448890


>> No.6448891


>> No.6448926
Quoted by: >>6449828

Don't bother with a girlfriend, just get a fuckbuddy. You just want sex. Not the commitment that comes with an actual relationship of that level. It's like those people that decide on a whim that they want a puppy.

>> No.6448937

That's why we have fanart.

>> No.6448985


>> No.6448988


Guys please

>> No.6449000

>noel: marine's butt is so big

>> No.6449009
File: 53 KB, 695x641, 1604437636239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers make me feel lonely and horny too. I miss the days of playing vidya 18 hours/day and not giving a shit about these kind of feelings.

>> No.6449020
File: 53 KB, 324x289, 1348552204782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6449163

>"Marin oshiri ooki!"
>"so dayo!"

>> No.6449024

For maximum immersion, put this thing on your smartphone, place it in your bathroom and listen from the outside

>> No.6449030

So they have swimsuits on, right?

>> No.6449043

Nope. Fully nude.

>> No.6449045
Quoted by: >>6449123

You should worry more about self-improvement. Become the person your ideal gf deserves.

>> No.6449060
File: 22 KB, 500x327, 1592595089447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need a big momma milkers gf...

>> No.6449074
Quoted by: >>6449163


>> No.6449075


>> No.6449082

holy shit, why didn't i think of this. brb

>> No.6449089

In my headcanon they are naked but they are probably have swimsuits.

>> No.6449123
File: 454 KB, 720x720, 1507966794793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Become the person your ideal gf deserves.
When you're 30 years old, ugly, poor, unskilled, and diangosed autistic I think that ship has sailed.

>> No.6449125

BIG BRAIN holy fuck

>> No.6449128

Senchou's wet freshly washed ass cheeks slapping down on my lap.

>> No.6449131
Quoted by: >>6449176

What am I doing with my life?

>> No.6449139

They're fully clothed, sitting outside the bath just spraying water around and silently laughing at us. R-r-right?

>> No.6449163
Quoted by: >>6449249

AAAAAAAAAAA I hope someone fansubs this I hope they're discussing her ass in detail

>> No.6449176
File: 59 KB, 704x400, 1595976963661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449216
File: 140 KB, 521x480, 1487384872686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449238


>> No.6449249
Quoted by: >>6449356

Marine mentioned that her butt is almost 2x bigger than Noel.

>> No.6449272
Quoted by: >>6449340 >>6449469

30yo isn't that old, you can always use makeup or a new haircut to mitigated your shit genetics, being poor and unskilled can be work on. Being autistc can't be help but some girl can tolerate your autistic tedency if they love you enough.

>> No.6449331

80k huh?
They even debuffed other holos
You motherfuckers need help

>> No.6449340

I mean, 30 in Japan is like ... 25 in US in terms of body

>> No.6449347

this bath stream isn't unarchived right?
it will stay, r-right?

>> No.6449356

I'm going to cum my pants at work

>> No.6449364

Kanata is the perfect self insert, she's jus sitting there at the bottom of in the screen, in awe at what she gets to see.

>> No.6449368

I didn't want to switch streams, my dick did!

>> No.6449369
Quoted by: >>6450814

Tell me someone is fucking archaving this, i dont want to lose this material.
Youtube will ban Marine again.

>> No.6449384
Quoted by: >>6449469

You’re not even that old. You still have time to develop skills and change your self-image. There’s also loads of autistic girls. Good luck bro.

>> No.6449385

>Noel naked
>Noel in a bathing suit
>Noel in a wet towel
Jesus fuck, I can't.

>> No.6449399
File: 83 KB, 260x246, 1378503561328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heart racing
>sweating even though A/C is on
>spaghetti ready to be dropped at any moment for no good reason

>> No.6449432

>A B C D E

>> No.6449438

Stop hating lewd.

>> No.6449469
File: 222 KB, 1200x675, https _cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_210711135341-02-wembley-stadium-general-view-0711-restricted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah for for context that's enough people to fill Wembley stadium.

Forgot to mention bald, and I can't gain mass in the gym because of hormonal problems (tried for 8 months). I'm all ears if you have an career advice though; currently 30k in the hole for a useless degree.

>loads of autistic girls
The rate of autism in girls is between 1:4 and 1:6. Only 6% of autists ever marry, and it's the girls bloating that statistic; men are much more willing to put up with autistic partners than women.
The only way I'm touching a woman is if I finally give up and pay a hooker.

>> No.6449475

orgy soon

>> No.6449476
File: 1.07 MB, 915x1280, 1616094676126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6449541

I can't take it anymore. I'm supposed to be working and the fantasy of Marine's sweet wet cheeks jiggling around Kanatan's room is driving me crazy.

>> No.6449504
Quoted by: >>6449521

>blue, laced
are they talking about what I think they're talking?

>> No.6449515

>blue lace pantsu

>> No.6449520
Quoted by: >>6449533

This is a moment in history,
i will be waiting for more Bath streams from my Oshi and other holos.
This is only the begining.

>> No.6449521

Yep, its her pantsu

>> No.6449533

holospring when

>> No.6449541
File: 1.38 MB, 1228x611, 1617192622170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6449635

I can't write code with a hard-on like that, fuck you senchou

>> No.6449542


>> No.6449550

What the fuck am I watching

>> No.6449570


>> No.6449586

Something beautiful.

>> No.6449611
Quoted by: >>6450372

If bald try growing a beard otherwise just shave everything and go for a neat look. Clothes really help improve your image to people. I know it's a meme but learning to code can earn you a decent sum of money. You can do it anon we are all going to make it.

>> No.6449616

>hair dryer
fuck i wanna smell their hair and kiss their napes FUCK

>> No.6449630
Quoted by: >>6449838

>Marine didn't piss in the shower
Immersion ruined

>> No.6449635


>> No.6449652

i can already smell the wet hair

>> No.6449661
Quoted by: >>6449765

softcore hentai

>> No.6449683
Quoted by: >>6450196

There's nothing weird about taking a shower/bath among close friends in non-puritan countries and people even go naked in front of strangers in public bathhouses.

>> No.6449688

yep, that's a shukkou alright

>> No.6449698

what a fucking legendary stream

>> No.6449709
Quoted by: >>6449763 >>6449925

>you will never wash Noel's fat tits
>you will never slap Marine's fat ass
>you will never drink Kanata's ppwater

>> No.6449715

>its over
damn i only coomed 5 times during the stream

>> No.6449754

>bath stream
everyday we grow closer to my dream toilet stream

>> No.6449756


Sorry Marine, that time already came and went. I need like 5 more minutes.

>> No.6449758

Fu~ mission accomplished.

>> No.6449763

>you will never wash Noel's fat tits
>you will never slap Marine's fat ass

>> No.6449765

This is less explicit that 90% of what is on TV in japan.

>> No.6449768

I feel empty now. When's the next bath stream?

I'm used to Aki's but this was something else.

>> No.6449795

God bless senchou. Whish more girl were as based as her.

>> No.6449813
Quoted by: >>6450372

You gotta believe in yourself amigo. Several strangers just tried to encourage you and we had absolutely nothing to gain from it. You live in a world where you can listen to an anime girl pirate bathe with her hot friend over the internet. You can do it.

>> No.6449828
Quoted by: >>6450011

how do i get one? it seems harder than finding a girlfriend.

>> No.6449838

She emptied herself in my mouth before stream sorry

>> No.6449853 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 1440x622, 1626101445509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449854

Imagine the hot steamy lesbian sex between Marine, Noel, Kanata, and Coco tonight

>> No.6449879
Quoted by: >>6450008

It's done
How do you rate it, kaizokutachi?

>> No.6449925
Quoted by: >>6450294

I want kanata to take a bath with me so badly.

>> No.6450008


Imagine the Scent/10

>> No.6450009

That was the first Marine stream I’ve ever caught live. What a world we live in.

>> No.6450011

don't listen to that guy anon, fuckbuddies dont give you nearly as much satisfaction as a good girlfriend will

>> No.6450123


Remember to thank Kanatan for making such an event happen

>> No.6450196

alot of Americans dont really understand that many countries don't view nudity in the same way as they do

>> No.6450211

Wembley Stadium (ENG-ITA football match) holds 90k people

>> No.6450294

I want to Kanata to piss in the water while taking bath with me

>> No.6450372
File: 3.00 MB, 2428x3439, 1625542779507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6453041

>learning to code
I thought this was a meme? Maybe I'll ask /g/, because while I suck at maths the only alternative I'm seeing to coding is some kind of graduate degree.
Anyway I can't grow a full beard due to the hormonal problems, but I'm hoping it'll improve now I'm getting T shots every 10 weeks. Clothes is a sticking point though- shit's expensive, and my body is weirdly shaped such that buying from a magazine or off a mannequin doesn't look right.

And thank you, I appreciate the vote of confidence. It's just hard to have faith when all the available data, and plenty of personal experience, says shit's not happening.

Alright that's enough blogging. I'll shut the fuck up now.

>> No.6450536

Guys...I think I've found the secret to world peace. Bath Streams.

>> No.6450566


>> No.6450607

thank you very much kanata sama

>> No.6450814

Fuck it,
>download what you value,
have a copy of this whole stream now for youtube shenanigans.

>> No.6450923
Quoted by: >>6451064

madlad did it

>> No.6451029

I think I'll throw Kanata a red one.

>> No.6451064


>> No.6451435
Quoted by: >>6451580

Get some decent facial hair and be funny. Any girl worth keeping will pass over looks for humor and likeable personality. Yes easier said than done, but it's not hopeless. Source: been with my girl for 12 years

>> No.6451580
Quoted by: >>6451677 >>6456026

Not him, but what if you are a fat fuck

>> No.6451677 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6451735

lose weight

>> No.6451735

Damn, I shoulda thought of that

>> No.6451948
Quoted by: >>6451983 >>6452032

now that the dust has settled, how much would you pay for the bathwater? latest clip of hers i watched was about that

>> No.6451983

My entire life's savings and then some

>> No.6452032

I'm willing to pay ten (10) mapledollars.

>> No.6452129
Quoted by: >>6452186

Imagine if Kanatan wasn't there and there weren't any covid precautions. They were holding back Marine so she wouldn't rape Noel the second they went in the bath.

>> No.6452186

Marine wouldn't do shit.

>> No.6452635
Quoted by: >>6452655 >>6454316


>> No.6452655

Thanks shabby

>> No.6453041

>I thought this was a meme?
there's always people needing people that can code, specially after 'rona showed us that it's actually feasible to work from home, and in most coding related works the only thing you need is to type and test shit which you can do online from your home.
Also, funny thing, there's people spending a fortune to get a degree on computer science and end up working with literal whos who learned coding via youtube, sometimes earning less because they have less experience

>> No.6454316
File: 999 KB, 1736x2456, 1611331567244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6454630 >>6455204

Imagine Marine leaving her hair laying around your room.
Imagine a few days after she leaves and you're still finding some of her hairs here and there

>> No.6454630
Quoted by: >>6454661 >>6454869

When I lived in college dorms, I had a girl visit me once and she left a strand of her hair. I had that strand of hair stored in a shelf for the full 4 years I was in college. Now that I think back, that must have been border line creepy behavior.

>> No.6454661

What the fuck do you mean "borderline"?

>> No.6454869
Quoted by: >>6455247

That’s pretty weird. What did you even get out of keeping it around? It’s like you accidentally created a totem that kept future girls from entering your dorm.

>> No.6455204

>implying I'd let her leave

>> No.6455247

it started as an ironic joke that I'd show to my friend now and then, who was also creepy nerd like me. I had the hair in like one of those top shelves that I never used anyways, so it just kinda stayed there.

>> No.6455423

She really is an angel.

>> No.6456026

probably the best time to be a fat fuck with dad bod in style. Same rules apply. Be fun, be cool, and obese just becomes "teddy bear"
