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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.64239550

Nijisanji won the war............

>> No.64239566

>Result: Decisive Hololive Victory

>> No.64239582

Why would Deron do this

>> No.64239718

I stopped using this board for months and I see it's still exactly the same mental retards making the exact same posts at the scheduled times every day

>> No.64239745

>my oshi didn’t join
Guess I won, nerds

>> No.64239766


>> No.64239841

As opposed to what, anon?

>> No.64239897

Interesting how its only the NijiENiggers saying this.

>> No.64239930
Quoted by: >>64257894

Holonijivshojo love

>> No.64239968


>> No.64240040

Desperation speaks rather loudly, it seems

>> No.64240174

Cute and unitypilled. I’m watching an event right now where friends laugh and cheer each other on and you’re squabbling like crabs in a bucket

>> No.64240436

I like Elira, Pomu, Finana, and Selen. I don't like anyone else in niji en period

>> No.64240517

(You) must be at least 18 years old to post here.

>> No.64240561

>not Rosemi
Disagree but based.

>> No.64240860


>> No.64240868

Those guys weren’t the ones in that screenshot, right? Different people

>> No.64240915
Quoted by: >>64241774

>they say Hololive but not holostars

>> No.64240987

shes boring and plays shit games. sorry chudsy

>> No.64241456
Quoted by: >>64268339


>> No.64241774

Well yeah. Hololive is the superset term. Holostars would be exclusionary.

>> No.64241879

>I love hololive
>nobody from hololive is participating

>> No.64241972
Quoted by: >>64243075


>> No.64241979
Quoted by: >>64243075

k-kapu kapu kapu....

>> No.64242129
File: 408 KB, 1066x726, 1646512684876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64242560

>>but yeah I remember having my hopes up applying for the first hololive auditions thinking they were looking for any holostars haha good times

>> No.64242215

>giga debuff gacha and story games
>told coomers to fuck off after pandering to them and giving them attention

>> No.64242267
File: 26 KB, 826x447, 1701124793308669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The war is over... Unity has finally been achieved.

>> No.64242311
Quoted by: >>64244133

did riku paid them 15 cent per message?

>> No.64242350
File: 203 KB, 1245x841, 1million.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we surrender please stop fucking attack us

>> No.64242524

If they had said "holostars" I might've actually taken them at their word here. They dont have a reason to like hololive.
For me, it's:
And then I don't really watch these guys but I respect them:
>alien guy with the horns
>ike the metal singer
>the one newer brotuber guy who seems friendly. He's blond idk his name

>> No.64242560

>applying to hololive
this faggot retarded?

>> No.64242590

How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep, that have taken hold.

>> No.64242616 [DELETED] 

Homos proving every day they were a fucking mistake.

>> No.64242640

First time using 4chan or something mate?

>> No.64242762

What if there was a new homo EN hire but he declared two things on his debut stream
>"I will NEVER collab with hololive girls as they should remain pure."
>"But I WILL collab with EVERY Niji and any other female corpo streamer i can, flirt with them, and ultiimately fuck them. I will conquerer them all in the name of hololive."
Would you like this homo?

>> No.64242954
Quoted by: >>64243364

Astel Leda?

>> No.64243046

what if there was no war..it was just made up rrats by the spiteful sisters

>> No.64243075

"Not counted because whore"
They'd say the same still of Towa, Matuli and maybe even Sui.

To them, the no-male mems are hololive.

>> No.64243125

Lmao even

>> No.64243282 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1170x1170, 1701741646143964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64243332

Kill Niji organ niggers
Strangle Niji organ niggers
Behead Niji organ niggers
Drown Niji organ niggers
Break Niji organ niggers ribs
Slam Niji organ niggers to the ground
Whack Niji organ niggers heads with a baseball bat
Gouge Niji organ niggers eyes out
Rip Niji organs nigger tounges off
Snap Niji organ niggers necks
Castrate Niji nigger organs
Tie Niji organ niggers and box their livers with haymaker punches
Inject Niji organ niggers with dirty needles


>> No.64243292

Niji peeps seems more open and cool bunch so yeah

>> No.64243300
Quoted by: >>64243415

post that 'i love my nijisanji family' thingy with Nina on it

>> No.64243303

The war is over, it's time to make love. Reimu and Aster already started.

>> No.64243332

Woah Mumei you cant be this based outside your thread

>> No.64243364

That's actually kinda true, I don't recall him doing his flirting shtick with any holo girls, meanwhile he flirted a little with Reimu tonight.

>> No.64243365 [DELETED] 

No. Total Homo Death means Total Homo Death.

>> No.64243415 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 587x2048, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're always so sincere.

>> No.64243633
Quoted by: >>64244003

>only a handful of males and IDs joined
>war over
This is like if WW2 ended once Italy surrendered

>> No.64244000

Reimu saying that Rosemi and Luca were shopping for underwear together https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py00rvy7Kqc&t=4958s

>> No.64244003
Quoted by: >>64244314

I can't believe that Hololive is Nazi Germany

>> No.64244090
Quoted by: >>64244153

>no pomu
>no selen

>> No.64244091

>t.blind retard

>> No.64244133

>Paying for anything
They avoid getting a paycut this month that's the best riku can do

>> No.64244153 [DELETED] 

They're not part of the family, obviously. I thought it would've been clear by now.

>> No.64244160

whos ahoge is in the OP?

>> No.64244181

It feels like an all out peace right now

>> No.64244204
File: 97 KB, 480x360, 1691121622861075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting cringe

>> No.64244314

Kiara is in Hololive EN since first day

>> No.64244599
Quoted by: >>64244807

He has said before Holos are off-limits, because they're idols. Matsuri is the one exception but he was just giving her a taste of her own medicine, even said "so you're finally going to leave us alone?" when she was like "Scary I won't collab with Holostars anymore~"

>> No.64244653

I was going to say Astel and Altare are in the image but noticed that technically they're saying "love you" and not "holoniji love."

>> No.64244706
Quoted by: >>64244858

>homos pushing unityslop
roru roru

>> No.64244732

I love how Pomu started this All Out War meme even though she was only referring to Tempus

>> No.64244807

No one with a brain would count Matsuri as an actually viable flirting target.

>> No.64244857

I don't watch male vtubers, anon.

>> No.64244858

As opposed to your endless divisive shite? 10/10, every day of the week, every minute of the hour.

>> No.64247231

cringe forced unity niggers will never represent the majority

>> No.64248613
Quoted by: >>64250400

Yes. It's really annoying. You should IP scrape and shoot them.

>> No.64249017

Oh god hopefully no

>> No.64249312
File: 45 KB, 302x470, FIHof4qVgAEpSQX.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot spams chat of 2 view GFE chuubas for attention and laughs about the shitstorm of gachikoi afterwards with his fellow dicksucket on discords. - ruining their income and fanbases in the process.
NijisanjiEN is filled with filthy subhumans who got bullied at school, who enjoy making others suffer while hiding behind anime avatars, and who should be exterminated like the locust they are.

>> No.64249384

>I stopped using this board for months
I envy you

>> No.64249433

>We love Nijisanji and Hololive!!!!
>Err... What about holostars?

>> No.64249732

Almost but not quite as cringe as NijiEN's usual bullshit family shtick.

>> No.64249911

I wish I had the power to crush lowly 2views under my boot

>> No.64249981

I'm thoroughly curious how Finana made this list.

>> No.64250172
File: 380 KB, 1920x1080, 1679005850993053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting the girl who's currently getting CLOWNED

>> No.64250319
Quoted by: >>64259021

>NijiEN in shambles, shit views, lost half their talents
>StarsEN in shambles, shit views, lost half their talents
>HoloEN not in the tournament, doing relatively well for the EN scene after a steep recline
>HoloJP (only Meru present) thriving
if the war is over, we all know who won
but the victors aren't pictured here

>> No.64250400

>You should IP scrape and shoot them.
this but unironically
in holocure

>> No.64251693

Tamaki is a boy, anon

>> No.64252527

same cringe vibes as this >>64243415

>> No.64252599
Quoted by: >>64267998

The war was something /vt/ made up, they never hated eachother, tribalfags just wanted them to.

>> No.64252697

Fucking hilarious it's only the NijiEN boys saying this. They're so ashamed to be in Niji and wish they were in Holo instead

>> No.64252872

It’s funny how none of them brought up holostars despite that being the main group they were playing with

>> No.64253303
Quoted by: >>64253978

Knox was on a team with Ollie and Iofi.

>> No.64253372

Its almost like they see holostars as another branch of hololive and not a completely different company.

>> No.64253978

>nijimales are HoloIDchads

>> No.64254651

Because you cannot leech on the Holostars branch, and he is a male so obviously he likes the Hololive girls more

>> No.64254654

>Niji males completely ignore their own senpai in favor of licking Holo boots
You know it's no wonder Nijis fanbase is so shit when the livers themselves hate the company

>> No.64254718

There's no war. Only the one you schizo faggots have brewing in your minds and posts about everyday.

>> No.64254727

I occasionally check /vr/ and every day there's sonic vs mario and snes vs megadrive bait threads like I'm still in primary school. People who posts threads on 4chan that aren't generals mostly don't really evolve beyond the age of 10, mentally.

>> No.64257395


>> No.64257894
File: 553 KB, 1734x2560, 1672161043067879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64258720

Reimu doesn’t have any unicorns. It’s not a big deal.

>> No.64259021

>ManjisanjiJP thriving after shedding off some unimportant women

>> No.64259939 [DELETED] 


>> No.64260302

Unity-chads, I concede... congratulations.

>> No.64262375
Quoted by: >>64262413

if so where are their siliver buttons?

>> No.64262413

opps typo, EOP autism incoming.

>> No.64262485

look at these backpedal lying nijis kek.
you spoke your true thoughts in the leaked discord, it's too late to pretend now.

>> No.64263182
Quoted by: >>64263420

I continually forget Alban exists. Thanks for the reminder I guess OP.

>> No.64263420
Quoted by: >>64264693

He's in that comfortable zone of being not memorable enough to anti but entertaining enough that you'll have a good time if he's your guy. He was on the Ollie/Iofi team and it was a lot of fun.

>> No.64264693

I have no beef with Alban. He did his reps and stays in his lane. He just has such little impact on the NijiENs I do watch, I legitimately memoryhole him.

>> No.64267998

no you don't understand, the half-joking comment pomu made had nothing to do with japanese suits having retarded dick measuring contests and everything to do with civil war between vtubers

>> No.64268339
File: 16 KB, 269x296, 1700465558133087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64269283

You're not making any sense. Pomu commented how the audiences for Tempiss (HoloEN entering Nijisanji's EN male territory) almost feel like an all out war. You pretend as if Nijisanji has declared the war, when she only commentehow some foreign entity entered their territory and Holobros hate Homos, so I don't get why there's a need to seethe about this comment for multiple years.

>> No.64269283
Quoted by: >>64269700

nta. By your logic NijiEN entered Holo's female territory. That leaked discord was during the height of Luxiem's popularity, they still felt they have to gloat and talk shit about Holo, like nijifags.

>> No.64269342


>> No.64269700
Quoted by: >>64278751

Tempiss isnt part of Hololive, sister
Go back to /MANS/, shoo shoo

>> No.64275800

The war is never over.

>> No.64275967


>> No.64278751

