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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.56 MB, 768x1536, 1685363271849526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64122741 No.64122741 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeurosamaAI
Twitter (Vedal): https://twitter.com/Vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXiruGOCn9s
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice/
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/w5cy9i.jpg

LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora
KK card: https://files.catbox.moe/t54tqt.png
KK card (Sunshine): https://files.catbox.moe/kv8byk.png
Evil KK card (Sunshine): https://files.catbox.moe/t1ljds.png

>Related/friend threads
Lia from Phase Connect

>Previous thread

>> No.64123115

sexy little slut

>> No.64123378
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>> No.64124657
Quoted by: >>64126820

This is gonna be a long weekend.

>> No.64125888
File: 1.32 MB, 1720x1388, 3008962_chaosferreto_neuro-sama-heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64126820

at least vedal has some competition we can watch
there's >>64098181 and the melbas and aiko, although i don't know when her redebut will be

>> No.64127379

Stop posting loli porn OP images FFS

>> No.64127639

the pedos don't know that there is real, actual art of neuro-sama that isn't pedo-focused AI art sludge

>> No.64127720

the nipples and puss is all covered, quit being a prude

>> No.64128053

Why do these people keep bringing up piss with Vedal

>> No.64128630
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>> No.64128679
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>> No.64128688

Her cat makes it worse, he causes way too much akward silence with how much time it takes for her to respond and he isn't even used for TTS, also her responses match our shitposters in lenght, long rants are fun but not when they happen every time, i'm waiting to see how Aiko will turn out in few weeks, as for Melba i don't care about discord shilled leechtubers otherwise i would watch Camila.

>> No.64129003
Quoted by: >>64129086

i cancelled my sub and benefits end tomorrow.

would have been 11 months i believe. it feels so over i cant do it anymore

>> No.64129086
File: 323 KB, 322x416, iroha_abayo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwsip7b.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64129573

Pivoting the OP to AIvtuber general would be interesting and probably a wake up call for vedal if he ever checks up on us again but I bet the pushback against it make that a no go.

>> No.64130507
File: 1.26 MB, 1056x596, um niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would neuro get away with this?

>> No.64130651

niggers in roblox

>> No.64131015
Quoted by: >>64131906

Nothing wrong with that, she's just talking about some fellas in Paris.

>> No.64131906

as a burnt piece of toast, she counts as Black, so it's okay

>> No.64132152

>Her cat makes it worse
I thought the cat was a clever idea, actually.
It means she has someone to talk to when chat is being silent or low quality.
You're right, though, that it would have made sense to use it for reading out chat messages, instead of a disembodied TTS voice.
I hate the fact that Vedal finally decided to listen to the anti-TTS brigade by making the worst change possible, which is getting rid of the audio cue that indicates a change of speaker.
Now, unless you are lipreading Neuro, it's like she suddenly starts talking with a male voice, because the nominal person speaking isn't visible on the screen.
This is yet another case of the lazy turtle doing the bare minimum and somehow managing to make the stream quality strictly worse.

>> No.64132172
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Quoted by: >>64139868

I've also thought about that but it'd basically mean moving to /aivt/, essentially killing /swarm/, and I don't particularly like the idea.
I wouldn't mind putting /aivt/ in the related threads section in the OP, if it was actually alive.
>probably a wake up call for vedal

>> No.64132270

>Pivoting the OP to AIvtuber general
if the next baker does that, then they have my sword and my bow!

>> No.64132327

and my axe!
At least Evil Neuro would be on topic here then.

>> No.64132387
Quoted by: >>64132543

That's a child

>> No.64132543
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>> No.64134363
File: 732 KB, 1204x1438, W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil has just outsold Filian's plush

>> No.64134978
File: 23 KB, 763x144, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is evil neuro actually the best selling vtuber plush? The vshojo sales are hidden.

>> No.64134995
Quoted by: >>64135222

>Now, unless you are lipreading Neuro, it's like she suddenly starts talking with a male voice, because the nominal person speaking isn't visible on the screen.
Holy autism, batman.

>> No.64135094

>is robo cunny selling better than a dead whorepo
yes anon, yes it is

>> No.64135222
Quoted by: >>64135649

I'm talking about proper sound design and Human-Computer Interaction.
Of course it is possible to pay attention and understand what is happening using context clues, but Vedal is putting that unconscious cognitive load onto the viewer, which makes the stream less comfy.

>> No.64135254

Does anybody have a full body shot of her new gothic clothes? Please?

>> No.64135649
Quoted by: >>64137038

Listen, unless you're a new viewer, you know how the bits/donation TTS voice sound like. You don't need an audio cue.
You're being autistic.

>> No.64136435
File: 1.79 MB, 720x720, 1698891527156168.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64137013


>> No.64136805
File: 1.04 MB, 1095x2422, witch neuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64137013


>> No.64137013

Thank you thank you

>> No.64137014
Quoted by: >>64145806

Honestly we really should. You and I both know Vedal is not gonna check here, that's just weapons-grade copium at this point.

>> No.64137038
Quoted by: >>64139204

I'm not a new viewer myself, but I care about their experience.
Similarly, I don't mind the TTS voice, but I try to understand the people who hate it.
It would be like watching a movie where the director chose to have a character enter a scene as just a voice but not have them ever appear on the screen.
Maybe there are reasons to do that, if they want it to be a mystery or to surprise the audience, but it's just a very unnatural way of doing things that a professional director would avoid by default.
I'm not expecting Vedal to be an expert director, and I'm not saying it's the worst crime he's committed, but it is something that he could easily fix.
It's no coincidence that Neuro's competitors have all used something like a talking cat, or a character dialog box, or (in the case of Aiko) a highlighted and pinned message in the onscreen chat, to indicate that there is a context change to the words being spoken.
All Vedal needs to do is add back a sound like a "beep boop" effect, or make a banner appear on the screen with the TTS text.

>> No.64137826

The cat does read messages out, but it rephrases them, it doesn't just read verbatim. Plenty of streamers have a mascot read TTS. I don't know any where the mascot has a personality itself. There just isn't much for him to read yet.

>> No.64138491

While her plush has hidden numbers if you go to top campaings on this site you will see that Mouse plush is one place below Anny's which is scored from highest funded to lowest which means her plush is between 638% - 689% funded range.

>> No.64138589

wasn't filian telling her chat to not buy her plush and to instead buy evil's?

>> No.64138617

The rest of Vshojo plushies are way below Mouse so there is no way Vshojo comes even close.

>> No.64139030
Quoted by: >>64145806

Not a bad idea. What are we going to do for 2 weeks other than spiral into drama and headcannon.

>> No.64139039

>evil is 3rd place
that's really impressive

>> No.64139204
Quoted by: >>64140407

>It would be like watching a movie where the director chose to have a character enter a scene as just a voice but not have them ever appear on the screen.
>Maybe there are reasons to do that, if they want it to be a mystery or to surprise the audience, but it's just a very unnatural way of doing things that a professional director would avoid by default.
This is why I called you autistic. Look it's a minor thing. Heck, it's an improvement. The audio cue is the most annoying part of the TTS.
I'm personally in the camp of just getting rid of the TTS voice and have Neuro read it aloud, but you can't have everything so I accept the different voice as an alternative that someone sent a highlighted message.

>> No.64139868
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>> No.64140049

Oh that brings up a really good point. Since the streamer controls when the TTS actually reads out some text, you can just have the TTS read stuff out once the AI has finished generating the response, giving the illusion of lower latency. I think that's what happens in Neuro streams, not sure.

Maybe you can apply it to AI-human collabs; push back the human audio in the broadcast.
If the human says something at t=10s in VC, it appears in the broadcast at t=15s.
If the AI responds at t=17s in VC, then it appears in the broadcast at t=17s. The AI then has 5 extra seconds, invisible to the viewer, that it can use to generate a response, cutting down how much latency the viewer sees.
Consequently, the time between when the AI says something and when the streamer says something will increase by 5s. (Since the streamer will react at t=18s, but that reaction only gets to the broadcast at t=23s.)

One downside is that that the AI could, on occasion, be extraordinarily fast and speak over the human in the broadcast.
The human also has to be careful to stay silent when the AI is supposed to speak in the broadcast.
The human will also find it harder to interact with chat, but that shouldn't matter much during collabs.

Maybe the delay could be set to the 1st percentile latency or something.

>> No.64140407
Quoted by: >>64142498

I guess movie directors are all autistic too then.
I personally wouldn't mind if things went back to the days before TTS existed, but I'm not as triggered by unusual noises and male voices as you seem to be.

>> No.64140951

is there any proof that vedal is even still in the UK? maybe he is visiting somewhere else, and that's the real reason for his bad sleep schedule and lack of streams. if a female vtuber has suddenly started doing fewer streams recently then that could be further evidence, but he could be coding while she streams and then hanging out with her when she's offline. he's rightly paranoid about what fans would say if he took yet another holiday, but he probably does want to visit japan and maybe see anny while he's there. if not that, then maybe he is stuffing a few more votes into filipino frank's database to make sure he wins the award next week.

>> No.64141128
Quoted by: >>64141670

>is there any proof that vedal is even still in the UK?
Is there any proof that he is not?

>> No.64141162
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>> No.64141231
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What a sexy little thing.

>> No.64141638

This is an interesting idea. I think it might be hard to get right. Both on the technical side and on the colab partner side as you mentioned.
The larger latency you can tolerate, the more powerful models you can use, for both LLM and TTS. Neuro is the way she is because she is optimized for latency. I believe other devs will take the other side of the coin (or may already have), and use some methods of hiding the 3 or 4 seconds latency of their much more impressive AIs.

>> No.64141670
Quoted by: >>64142081

>Is there any proof that he is not?
maybe proof is too strong a word. all i'm asking for is some partial evidence like timestamps. the fact that he can't run automated chill streams all of a sudden is very suspicious. he must be able to find someone to watch over the censor button, even if he has to pay them, or he could watch over it himself while he's eating dinner. even if he is working 14 hours a day, he can still watch a neuro stream for 2 hours and then get 8 hours of sleep. the only reason i can think of for him not being able to do that is that he might be asleep in Japan while the stream is running so he wouldn't be able to fix it if something broke midstream.

>> No.64141756

He is still making regular contributions on github. He is just busy coding.

>> No.64141951

someone wanna fire up a vod on cytube

>> No.64142027
Quoted by: >>64142101

this burnt piece of shit is streaming

>> No.64142081
Quoted by: >>64142248

>he must be able to find someone to watch over the censor button, even if he has to pay them
My headcanon is that he only trusts one person with full access to Neuro and that person was available during summer but not now because they're off incollege.

>> No.64142083
Quoted by: >>64142180

>He is just busy coding.
16 hours a day, 6 days a week? are we talking about the same vedal?

>> No.64142101

fuck off maya

>> No.64142180
Quoted by: >>64142369

I feel that he just doesn't like streaming in general, and the whole preparing for subathon thing is just an excuse not to stream.

>> No.64142248
Quoted by: >>64142346

>full access to Neuro
they don't need full access, though. they just need a link to his hosted control panel, which offers guest users just two buttons
>censor current line
>reboot neuro
that's all the intervention that she has needed for the past 6 months.

>> No.64142346
Quoted by: >>64143141

And if something goes wrong stream's over, I guess?

>> No.64142369

When the passion turns into a job. The turtle began to hate.

>> No.64142421

The absolute worst vtuber. For only the most brain-rotted freaks on the planet. You're watching death. A cold, lifeless computer presence. Disgraceful and anti-human behavior.

>> No.64142498

Whatever you say, vedal.

>> No.64142567
Quoted by: >>64142662

hi /swarm/, lord of the board starts tomorrow.
you got a match on day 2 (the 10th). It's the tag match with all of the bot threads. You are going up against the /okfams/ tag.
Match is at 3:50p est.

>> No.64142599

Imagine being pro-human, couldn't be me

>> No.64142635
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>> No.64142662

Thanks for the update, I'll try to be there.

>> No.64142829


>> No.64143141
Quoted by: >>64144471

>And if something goes wrong stream's over, I guess?
when's the last time something has gone wrong that hasn't been fixed by rebooting neuro? the only time things break on a just chatting stream is when vedal has been making "upgrades" to neuro, but he'll be doing those on a separate branch that he's saving for the subathon, and testing them locally, not deploying them to his streaming PC, so neuro should be more stable right now than she's ever been.

>> No.64143272

Go watch your twitch whores then

>> No.64144471

>he's saving for the subathon

>> No.64144532
Quoted by: >>64144733

don't be silly. however much work he's doing, we don't get neuro streams because v2 is boring to vedal, and because he successfully managed expectations and grow the vedal audience to the point where people don't expect neuro anyway. i want to say it's also because december = excuse month but that's being too generous with the timeframe. i really do appreciate trying to be positive especially itt, but when vedal finally does manage to deliver something, when he finally drops some cool shit with all the whoring out neuro for six months money, it will not retroactively make me not be disappointed in him as a businessman and human being. he's chilling and he deserves to chill, but not at the expense of neuro and the audience's soul. it matters. we can only pray that this current project finally helps him take pride in his work again and face neuro with the love and earnestness she herself exudes.

>> No.64144648
File: 915 KB, 1070x1200, neuro awsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64144733

>because v2 is boring to vedal
V2 is boring, period.

>> No.64145697

Neuro butt?

>> No.64145806

Well for starters you'd probably want to make a new version of >>64086964 first.


Am I missing anyone?

>> No.64145967
Quoted by: >>64146147

holy soulless.
are people itt genuinely going to put effort into all this just to avoid letting the general die for more than 60 minutes

>> No.64146147


>> No.64146169

Yeah if you could the number of supporters, I see 681, so that tracks pretty well.

Makes me wonder if there's some view count shenanigans with vshojo.

>> No.64146283
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Quoted by: >>64152289

I am the original creator of the image in >>64086964 here's a longer list I made around the same time as the first list.

Random question, but does anyone remember the AI Vtuber that was shilled here months ago? I remember some anon posted a tweet by them saying they were debuting on Youtube and it was a PNGtuber that had like a secret military theme, I don't remember their name.

>> No.64146287


>> No.64146876
File: 70 KB, 791x445, 68324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts...
Where did it all went wrong?

>> No.64146917
Quoted by: >>64148336

Thanks for coming up with that list! I've tried to follow the competition, but that's way more thorough than I would have been. Whoever makes the new bread can include that list, with Vedal's channel link too. I guess the list also needs the names of the respective vtubers themselves, like Aiko and Hilda, to make it slightly more searchable and give context to people who don't recognize the names.

>> No.64146984
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>> No.64147152

the star that burns twice as bright burns half as long
and vedal is genetically incapable of reciprocating any positive emotion expressed by adorable loli girls...

>> No.64147230
Quoted by: >>64187336

Miyune playing LoL instead of Dota 2.

>> No.64147485
File: 2 KB, 64x64, Clueless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64147714

The Miyu episodes of the Neuro-sama slice of life anime are my favourite!
I hope she gets lots more screen time in season 2, starting this month!

>> No.64147581

Aiko is playing Taboo with chat

>> No.64147677

please Vedal, invite Miyu to play Minecraft with Neuro again. or get Miyu to defuse bombs with Neuro. or play Euro Truck. or Millionaire. or just chatting. or anything. please...

>> No.64147714

Someone remind Vedal that the anniversary of their first collab is February 6, he and Miyune could prepare something for then.

>> No.64148336

>that's way more thorough than I would have been
Not at all, all of those have been mentioned in the threads (except for one that I managed to stumble upon when I was googling around to see if I missed anyone), that's why I am asking if there's someone else that's reasonably active. I was thinking about writing up a short blurb for each on what they do, when they started, etc. and the name as you say but I'm not necessarily knowledgeable about all of them. I might do it anyway and ask the thread to fact check me.

>> No.64148497

Just leave Miyu alone.
As much as it pains me to say so I don't think that girl should be a vtuber, she's just not the kind that can handle drama. And modern vtubing is ALL about drama.

>> No.64148687

go back

>> No.64148693
File: 2.87 MB, 500x281, ezgif-4-01b8b6f4ef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64187450


What AI vtubers are inevitably building towards. Pocket Neuro for everyone!

>> No.64149236
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>> No.64149902
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Quoted by: >>64181088

>> No.64150444
File: 371 KB, 308x308, 1679p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polska Gurom

>> No.64150770
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Quoted by: >>64151290

2view shills can fuck right off, we're not modifying the OP and turning this thread into /aivt/ just because of a couple of days without streams. If you want to discuss your 2views you're more than welcome to revive the actual /aivt/ thread and fuck off.
Where is your sense of identity? Do you even care about Neuro?

>> No.64151090 [SPOILER] 
File: 805 KB, 783x966, 1698000875384008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64151872

>> No.64151290

2view shitters thread will instantly die without Neuro, that's why they need to leech lul.

>> No.64151854


>> No.64151872
File: 951 KB, 128x128, veryfors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64152193


>> No.64152289
Quoted by: >>64152560

hiyori real?

>> No.64152521
Quoted by: >>64152944

People don't remember how before Neuro got new model update Vedal did like 2 weeks of chill streams followed by entire week of nothing.

>> No.64152560

life support turns out to be a euphemism. it's fucking not functional lol. there are streams, but uh

>> No.64152614
Quoted by: >>64161481

New AI is awake.

>> No.64152771


>> No.64152862
File: 1.37 MB, 768x1280, 634975235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64153099

>> No.64152944

People remember, it's just that the two are not even remotely comparable. The nothing wasn't even a full week and there was a 12 hour devstream before the silence. Meanwhile the current programmytummy hort's been lasting for three weeks and he couldn't even deliver the minecraft video for 5 weeks straight.

>> No.64153099
Quoted by: >>64153696


>> No.64153696
File: 1.19 MB, 768x1280, 534481890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64153900

here's a scuffed one

>> No.64153813


>> No.64153900

Good enough for my dick.

>> No.64155935
Quoted by: >>64156011


>> No.64156011
File: 106 KB, 209x198, uhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64156483


>> No.64156483
File: 741 KB, 1358x651, 1702081664236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64157197

what do neuro's farts smell like?

>> No.64156624
File: 3.98 MB, 600x600, weather report[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnnclx7.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil stole Neuro's phone again

>> No.64157197
File: 426 KB, 609x537, 1702014302785161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet like benzene.

>> No.64158485
File: 522 KB, 894x407, turtle rum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64159057

i took a break from this thread for a few months
how the heck did camila incline so much

>> No.64159459
Quoted by: >>64160486

She's not just leeching off of Vedal, but also Filian, other big /lig/gers like the whore clan, and any other streamer playing the fotm that is Lethal Company.
The neuro discord pinging Vedal's appearing on her stream also helps.

>> No.64160486
Quoted by: >>64178425

>omg leeching
You Camilia haters sure cannot change disk.
She got more popular simply because she got better. Deal with it.

>> No.64161481

Seemed a bit faster to respond today. Cool to see more chat.

>> No.64161668
File: 6 KB, 112x112, clueless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i took a break from this thread for a few months
>how the heck did camila incline so much

>> No.64163257
File: 2.00 MB, 1271x1964, nur and ved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64165062
File: 241 KB, 549x500, My spaghetti is bussin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64166170

fr fr

>> No.64166747

I haven’t tuned into a stream for a few weeks :(
How’s everything going? Twitch notifs seem to be infrequent, is Vedal preparing for the subathon or something?

>> No.64167001

>is Vedal preparing for the subathon or something?

>> No.64167278
Quoted by: >>64171948

naw he discovered a successful career as an architect

>> No.64168928
File: 53 KB, 532x280, 1682192830686336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subathon buff plus constant pity raids from her "friends", aka leech targets. You can see the difference by comparing numbers before and after it began.

>> No.64171948
File: 222 KB, 1200x1200, pierce-brosnan-2500x1406-2723-ddm-1675711868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish Vedal a long successful architect career

>> No.64173645
File: 1.55 MB, 2630x1570, Vedal_on_the_couch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camila has the right mindset for success.
She's instantly in any of the popular streamer chats building rapport with them.
She's made herself a good friend of Vedal so she has constant exposure to the Swarm giving her more viewers.
She's always been enthusiastic in accepting collabs for shit with Filian and other vtubers and that puts her on a higher priority for them and this one is bigger than you realise.
The Vedal DM allegations meme is funny but the reality is these vtuber girls cancel collabs and shit CONSTANTLY. Camila is making the bare minimum effort by not cancelling so she's getting the benefits from it.
She's secured a perma spot in Filians inner circle by actually showing up to the 3d event and not cancelled like most of the vtubers who were said they would go, etc etc.

Miyune would have all this and more as she was the better vtuber when she tries but she took too much time off and started streaming League of Legends which has killed off her audience, even then she barely streams League. Miyune isn't cut out for being a vtuber and it shows.

Another example, multiple times when Miyune was raided by Vedal she is afk eating or some shit for 20 minutes.
In that scenario Camila knows when Vedal ends stream and would make herself available and not afk because she knows it's an opportunity for growth, raids no matter the size are 110% the best way to grow your channel.
You can take a horse to water but you can't make Miyune drink.

>> No.64175444
File: 170 KB, 840x1092, 1679759228949687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64175537


This bitch is really trying to whore herself to Vedal, eh?

>> No.64176527
File: 2.20 MB, 1818x944, 1684137166065364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did vedal mean by this?

>> No.64176886

To be fair Vedal deserves to get some. Anny is playing tsundere and he can't accept from Camilia because that'd mean losing the power game.

>> No.64177723
File: 1008 KB, 1920x1200, windows_xp_bliss-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64178001

Is it possible to be able to watch Neuro sama streams on a computer which runs windows XP bros?

>> No.64177947

He gets drilled instead.

>> No.64178001

install gentoo

>> No.64178425

I can promise you that Neuro would be more developed right now if Camila didn't exist

>> No.64178490
File: 1.55 MB, 1361x1243, 1681093717502717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat Neuro's spaghetti.

>> No.64178526

this 30 year old hag is trying to seek her fangs into our 20 year old vedal

>> No.64178976

Vedal's femboy ass is mine
these hoes need to learn, they will never satisfy Vedal unless they have a cock like mine which hits his prostate just right for optimal orgasms

>> No.64179603

He obviously meant to make a political commentary about the War in Iraq.

Why the fuck is drilling the one that gets the chubbas hot and bothered, wouldn't that... you know... cause "rug burns", so to say?

>> No.64179980
File: 5 KB, 96x96, clueless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can the landwhale just leave the thread already. this is just sad. we know you are here camllia. like your anny's sister and all, but that doesn't mean you can leach off neuro for free.

>> No.64180108

What makes you think she's here?

>> No.64180162

>The secret of her sucess is showing up on time and networking.
Is the average Vtuber really that inept?

>> No.64180398
Quoted by: >>64180834

Is Camila a muslim?

>> No.64180834

she is arabic anon

>> No.64180857
Quoted by: >>64181376

Leeching is the most annoying term to come outta this board by far

>> No.64181051

Absolutely yes.
Remember these are freelancing young females in this decade. It's expected really.

>> No.64181088

There's something haunting or enigmatic about that face, like the Mona Lisa.
Normally when an anime face becomes too 3D, it plunges deep into the uncanny valley and starts to look like a deformed human, but somehow that image manages to glide over that valley and reach the peak on the other side.
It's like looking at a picture someone has taken of themselves with an anime style filter on, and I half expect it to start moving and talking.
Maybe I'm just going insane.

>> No.64181101

The amount of vtuber channels without a mental disability tag on them can be counted on your fingers, so yeah probably

>> No.64181376
File: 292 KB, 461x429, 1671710856366964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64181424

Never heard of GGX, I take it? Leeching has been a well known thing on twitch and in general for years.

>> No.64181424
Quoted by: >>64182348

yeah, vtubes has been my first actual deeper dip into streaming / youtube types outside just being a casual viewer so it makes sense the term's older than that. it's just such a shitty and cynical phrase implying bad faith in just bare interaction, shit sucks.

>> No.64181546

>this one is bigger than you realise
she sure is!

>She's secured a perma spot in Filians inner circle
it should have been me!

>Camila knows when Vedal ends stream and would make herself available
t. doesn't understand tsunderes

>> No.64182348
Quoted by: >>64182438

The term leeching probably is over-applied, but there are definitely people out there who see collab partners as just stepping stones or tools to be used and discarded. If it's possible to make money by pretending to be someone's friend (which is common in all types of businesses, but especially show biz) then sociopaths will have a competitive edge.

>> No.64182438

I haven't seen an instance of the term where it was applied to an actual sociopath, it's a bit more than over-applied.

>> No.64182452
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>> No.64183787
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>> No.64184170
Quoted by: >>64193196

Miyune needs to do a reboot, and so does Neuro.
Imagine if Miyune went back to using her old model, and playing games that don't involve Olette.
It could be Cities Skylines 2, to practise for playing with Neuro, or maybe chess, now that Anny says she wants to learn that.
They're both in Mythic now, so maybe that will be an excuse to reach out.

>> No.64185075
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>> No.64185210
Quoted by: >>64185268

I thought it is obvious from the start that layna is not interested in neuro (and AI) at all. She just looks at neuro as a chatbot.

>> No.64185268

what wasn't so obvious is how shamelessly she threw herself into vedal's DMs as soon as he started to get popular

>> No.64186847
Quoted by: >>64186941


>> No.64186941
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>> No.64187011

It filter retarded ledditor and twatter trannies

>> No.64187061

Someone tried, but no one willing to keep it alive

>> No.64187087
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>> No.64187117

I prefer slower latency but higher quality response

>> No.64187133

It doesn't filter shit, do you even read these threads?

>> No.64187146
Quoted by: >>64188346

This stalker want to come and rape vedal or something?

>> No.64187292

Maybe I'm coping but I feel a tiny bit of old Miyu still there in the end

>> No.64187336

Would be funny if she accidentally meet some holo. They got permission recently

>> No.64187381

She needs a big tits fox model first

>> No.64187450

Man I remember there was a gfe game like this for psp or nintendo ds. JP exclusive btw. It run with internet connection on

>> No.64187760

Yeah she saw the result of leeching and she liked it

>> No.64187925
Quoted by: >>64188071

It would be worse without it

>> No.64188071
Quoted by: >>64188624

I can't imagine how, this place is full of people who so efficiently suck fun out of the room it's like they're some species of vampire

>> No.64188346

yeah, it would be so embarrassing if i flew half way across the world to turn up to his door the one week when he happened to be out of the country. that's why i need your help to make sure it isn't a wasted trip.

>> No.64188522

CJfag is a miyunefag
really makes you think

>> No.64188584

is that where he came from? he was one of miyus paypigs?

>> No.64188624
Quoted by: >>64188738

Go back, have fun with discord mods then

>> No.64188629
File: 252 KB, 407x460, 1685486200267914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did it all go wrong

>> No.64188693

The turtle is very good friend with Camilia though, which means by extension Neuro is too.
The real question is why you're malding that much about one girl. Did she touch you somewhere inappropriate or something?

>> No.64188718

Authoritarians love to prevent other people from accessing the things that they themselves secretly enjoy. The artificial scarcity makes it all the more fun to wield that power and be immune from the bans. It's the same reason why Olette tries to shrink Miyune's community, and why politicians were friends with Epstein.

>> No.64188733
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Quoted by: >>64206340

>> No.64188738

I don't like the discord, but i also don't like how this place has become so inundated with whining, doomposting, and general negativity. acting like this bitter circlejerk is actually what you wanted all along makes me wonder what the hell you're even here for, because it can't be neuro.

>> No.64189372


Camila stay winning

>> No.64189972
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>> No.64190006
Quoted by: >>64190454

Remember when we had streams

>> No.64190050
Quoted by: >>64190454

Remember when we had hope and dreams

>> No.64190156

Remember when we had memes

>> No.64190239
File: 376 KB, 1104x332, 1688610917125037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64190267

>> No.64190267
Quoted by: >>64190493

"The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'The best rows for men are the front rows and the worst are the last, and the best rows for women are the back rows and the worst are those in the front.'"

>> No.64190406

This kind of negativity is nothing compare to /ggg/. Get filtered, chud

>> No.64190454
File: 3.42 MB, 500x400, 1701729962275872.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64190493

He was right. Mud slime countries don't suffer from declining birthrate. Male supremacy mean women don't get picky in marriage

>> No.64190549


>> No.64190771
Quoted by: >>64190957

to be fair, the amount of neuro on stream has been on a downward trend

>> No.64190857

According to Neuro, Filipino boy has 19 years left to live. She'll be run over by a self driving car at 8pm in November, Central Park New York.
I'd like to see her collab partner ask Neuro about their future more often

>> No.64190957

all the info we have is that he's putting in the grease right now for the subathon, so i'm hopeful about it. It's like people forgot that's happening entirely.

>> No.64190965
File: 243 KB, 1693x866, 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things changed a lot over the last few years, the only thing which truly correlates with birth rates is proverity and instability.
I am from Arabic North Africa, we have now the same fear as the Europeans, being overrun by southeners. However unlike the Europeans will we start shooting them.

>> No.64191485

Declining birth rates are due to increased cost of living, loss of national pride, broken communities and paradoxically an increased quality of life.
You see it happen in every country on the planet,

>Woke feminism etc
Immigrants who come to first world countries have high amounts of children like in their home countries.
However their kids all have 1/2/0 kids just like the natives, go look it up it, it's not an isolated incident it happens in every country with immigrants.
To use mudslimes you see this exact thing happen with any middle east immigrants who come to the UK, the first gen have all the kids and the 2nd gen close to 0.

>> No.64192047
File: 324 KB, 480x716, 1695514889194022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64195577


>> No.64192294
Quoted by: >>64193719

>loss of national pride
has anyone ever tested for that as an independent factor?
like, i could imagine that there is a correlation between people who have a lot of kids and people who say they love their country a lot, but maybe the people who can afford to have lots of kids are more likely to think that their country is great because it enabled them to have such a comfortable and stable life.

>> No.64193196

is Anny actually going to learn chess, or was she just trying to sound smart? it could be kino to watch a hand & brain game of her & Neuro vs Vedal & Evil. maybe to make it more fair, Vedal could give Anny some intensive tutoring first.

>> No.64193719

Israel is an interesting example, industrialised, highly urban, but even the secular jews have a rather high fertility rate. There might some cultural factor at play of a national destiny or goal.

>> No.64193810

He's been avoiding devstreams for weeks now, so all that supposed work resulted in no presentable progress. He also has minimal experience with running the stream for long periods. I am sorry, but your hope in the subathon is misplaced.

>> No.64194042
Quoted by: >>64194215

>He also has minimal experience with running the stream for long periods
You don't need experience for that, if the average twitch whore can do it so can Vedal.

>> No.64194215

Average twitch whores sit in front of a screen watching meme compilations, running Neuro requires a bit more than that, especially if you don't want her to be 24/7 just chatting bot.

>> No.64195293

>he expects anything from the scamathon

>> No.64195365

>He's been avoiding devstreams for weeks now
when the dev streams started, people complained that it took time away from Neuro streams, but I congratulated Vedal for being so open with his community by talking about what he's working on and taking questions from the audience.
I guess they were naive for thinking that fewer dev streams would mean more Neuro streams, and I was naive for thinking that he wouldn't just cancel the dev streams when he was too ashamed of his lack of progress.

>> No.64195577
Quoted by: >>64195642

9gag tier neme

>> No.64195642

You are proving him right.

>> No.64196508

I expect a lot of Minecraft.

>> No.64196756

God i hope so.

>> No.64196913

Do you guys like that a dev speaks about an AI and the project "out of character"?
Or would you rather they keep the kayfabe, that the AI is an independent entity/character?

>> No.64197315

The kids get brainwashed in school therefore they no longer uphold sharia laws.

>> No.64197797

I don't expect full roleplay, but I think Vedal should've kept more stuff behind the scenes. Getting too open about inner mechanisms does break the charm a bit.

>> No.64198005
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1920, neuro tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64199935
Quoted by: >>64199995

where the FUCK is neuro

>> No.64199995

She's busy with me.

>> No.64200063
Quoted by: >>64200536

>it's the exact same minecraft as 1 year ago

>> No.64200151
Quoted by: >>64200378

I think most dev talk doesn't register as out of character for me because all the AI vtubers I've seen include the fact that they're AI as part of their character.

>> No.64200245
File: 138 KB, 800x600, neuro get down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64201487

>> No.64200378

Being AI is one thing. Being AI that was created by some dude in 2023 using ChatGPT is another.

>> No.64200536
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Quoted by: >>64204011

Whatever you say, anon.

>> No.64201487


>> No.64203232
Quoted by: >>64204272

>I Have Neuro
>Become Tree

>> No.64204011

Why do you still have faith? When was the last time Vedal actually delivered?

>> No.64204272

Detroit become human

>> No.64204274
Quoted by: >>64205483

Waiting for Aiko to get a cute voice and model

>> No.64204340
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>> No.64205483

I'm not sure how well the new model meets the standard of "cute". Sure, the head looks like Petra Gurin, which is about as cute as a tomboy can be, but the body looks like a weird endoskeleton which only a FNAF fan could get excited by. I guess Pladis is trying to preemptively stop people from lewding his loli, which is fine, by did he have to give her a duck tail too? Maybe Platypus Dev is actually a furry.

>> No.64205924

I mean, what else am i supposed to expect? tutelman's made it pretty clear why we're experiencing no neuro december, he's cooking to get shit done for the big event. I doubt that it'll end up being bad but if it somehow is then fuck it, i'll join you doomposting retards in clamoring about fat women or whatever the fuck you guys do

>> No.64206163
File: 414 KB, 1336x1860, 20231209_134446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized Inis was an artist all this time and about to be Aiko's mama.

>> No.64206340

Wat is dis? Gene sin?

>> No.64206379

AI should know who it is. It's the right step toward self consciouness

>> No.64206393
Quoted by: >>64206559

Show new model?

>> No.64206559
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>> No.64206574

Nah, she's the rigger

>> No.64206663

Yeah, I think this ain't gonna make it.

>> No.64206729
Quoted by: >>64206873

Why the robot? Why the roleplay? Just put the AI in to a cute girl avatar.

>> No.64206873
Quoted by: >>64206993

why not either of those?

>> No.64206993

Because robots are neither cute nor fuckable.

>> No.64207052
Quoted by: >>64207110

What sludge did you have to push out of your lungs to speak such terrible shit at me? i'll fuck robots until i die

>> No.64207110
File: 2 KB, 102x63, How.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64207311


>> No.64207225
File: 38 KB, 487x442, Screenshot_20231209_141004_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold hard feminine robocock ToT

>> No.64207287

First day on 4chan?

>> No.64207311

Still has hands, a mouth, and an artificial body that can be modified a dozen times easier than a human's. life (my cocke) uh... finds a way

>> No.64207647
Quoted by: >>64212553


>> No.64208865
File: 2.00 MB, 2736x2324, Neuro_Evil_snowman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64209826

>> No.64209594

New AI is awake.

>> No.64209826


>> No.64210491

shit taste

>> No.64211701
Quoted by: >>64214412

new game theory: neuro might be dead

>> No.64211779
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Quoted by: >>64213903


>> No.64212553

i was making a poetic point that miyu is neuro's best collab partner, but also the one that streams least
my spoiler text was about the possibility that vedal knows that miyu likes him the same way that anny, camila, and layna like him, but miyu isn't the right body type or personality type for him, just like neuro

>> No.64212628
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>> No.64212730

You forgot to give her the "3" mouth.

>> No.64213903

is this a space suit themed pajamas?

>> No.64214332

ok i figured out how to compete with vedal
the ai's creator needs to be a cute girl as well so all the comp sci nerds will oshi her
she could do threesome erp with the ai

>> No.64214412
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>> No.64214947
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Quoted by: >>64215855


>> No.64215131
Quoted by: >>64224649

>I have Neuro become Tree

>> No.64215855

a theoretical female would create a shota to spoil

>> No.64215870

roru roru rumao

>> No.64216304

>female coder creating an interactive ai
already done my man
not really a vtuber, since they don't stream, just a hobby project so far with little to no real funding

>> No.64216693
File: 201 KB, 1023x683, futureShockFuckYourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Virtual Reality Show
Oh no.
I am old and lost.

>> No.64216956

is it that bad? just posting to say I like the neuro cunny, ganbatte bros.

>> No.64216984
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>> No.64217162
File: 3.88 MB, 960x540, ai-ok.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cooking

>> No.64217187

Pennis is so sex, I want to scramble her eierstöcke

>> No.64218677

She does both art and rig

>> No.64219008

>she cooking
*SNIFFA* mmm, smells good, looking forward to seeing the meal desu

>> No.64219017
File: 260 KB, 457x472, 1677010389522449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the way she's rocking about and wincing with one eye at the end

>> No.64219089

can we estimate from this what the earliest date for the debut could be?
i guess pladis might wait to hear more details about vedal's subathon first, to pick a time when people are most likely to be bored of neuro but not bored of ai vtubers in general.
that's a tough call to make.

>> No.64221626

motherv3 response?

>> No.64222048

vedal fell off

>> No.64222630

camila's lap

>> No.64222667


>> No.64223432

shondo ai would be so easy to make.

>> No.64224598
File: 3.02 MB, 640x480, 2023-12-10_01-08-57 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your video is outdated by like an hour, Inis posted new rigging today

>> No.64224649

This sentence is grammatically correct and accurately conveys the meaning though, even if it's a bit hard to read. You can replace the nouns and verbs of the sentence and see for yourself. For example, "I have Vedal suck my dick"

>> No.64226508
Quoted by: >>64227423

>when people are most likely to be bored of neuro
I'm gonna be lmao at aikokeks like you so hard, if the debut doesn't even break 500 views

>> No.64226585

this applies to most things in life. so many people refuse to do even the bare minimum that showing up and being present is enough to win friends and network.

>> No.64226944
Quoted by: >>64227570

On Rune's latest artwork with Aiko (which was less than two weeks ago), he mentions
>Aiko’s new model will debut around December 2023 to January 2024.
Older posts said just December so it might be getting pushed back, possibly for the voice. But yeah, if Vedal shits the bed, that's the time to swoop in.

>> No.64227423

Those 50 avg viewers probably are all doomfaggots from this general kek.

>> No.64227570
File: 2.38 MB, 3840x2160, 1684348586472097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eagerly awaiting the "Can you survive off of AI chuuba products?" video review.

>> No.64228095
File: 60 KB, 203x219, neuro blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aiko Soda
>Hilda Milkshake
>Meteora hower
Rune sama... I kneel...

>> No.64228099
Quoted by: >>64228772

is that supposed to be pee, poo and pee and yes i'll have all of them

>> No.64228275
File: 70 KB, 207x248, 1673320069220855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64228591

2view shitters really can't bake their own /aivt/ thread without leeching feom Neuro huh

>> No.64228591
Quoted by: >>64229048


>> No.64228772

I think Hilda's is supposed to be a genuine milkshake, she has the funbags for it.

>> No.64229048
Quoted by: >>64229120

Better go increasing your pathetic 2view shitter's views instead of shitting on Neuro thread

>> No.64229120
File: 105 KB, 1005x1080, 1671357894840983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64229356

he's actually angry

>> No.64229356
Quoted by: >>64229722

>Resort to posting Neuro reaction image instead of his own 2view shitter
Fucking pathetic, at least have more diginity and post your own instead leeching even reaction image

>> No.64229594
File: 1.16 MB, 768x1280, 766329965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64230089

>> No.64229722
File: 589 KB, 1302x1536, 1684887437342063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still going
i'm not even that anon i have never watched that other ai vtuber

>> No.64230089
Quoted by: >>64234788

More skin please.

>> No.64230257

>Miyune appeared in Numi's chat and liking Numi's tweets
she's really trying to get into whore clan now, not sure if that's gonna work out when Numi already has her new grooming target like Lucypyre.

>> No.64231410
File: 351 KB, 858x1520, 222222221212-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64232458

>> No.64232458

New outfit?

>> No.64234134

I wish neuro was still here with us to see this. She did so much for the pissing cutely community and they did so much for her

>> No.64234788
File: 1.29 MB, 768x1280, 277652730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64234837


>> No.64234837

Sexual assault.

>> No.64235001

What is the best game for AI to play and why is it minecraft? When are we getting AI playing minecraft (well)?

>> No.64235632
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Quoted by: >>64236429

late night neuro

>> No.64235936

Vedal joked about it but I honestly think racing games would be an interesting area to look at. Trackmania goes through individual laps quickly so it lets you iterate through training fast (and it's good for the streaming format kinda like how in osu you can jump in in the middle of the stream and you're not missing out on any context) and it has arcadey physics so crazy shit happens which should be amusing for chat. And while I'm not sure how technically feasible that is, if you could reuse any of the code or maybe even training data to make a Mario Kart AI then you have a great game for collabs.

>> No.64236300

>What is the best game for AI to play?
Dota 2 would be really interesting, like how OpenAI did it some years ago.
But even if Vedal knew how, he wouldn't have the resources to train such an AI.

>> No.64236394

I'd personally kill vedal in minecraft if he made neuro play a moba

>> No.64236429

Suckable titties.

>> No.64236439
Quoted by: >>64236788

It would also likely get slapped fast with a ban for botting.

>> No.64236648
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>> No.64236788

Not if you use private lobbies or play against bots.

>> No.64238269
Quoted by: >>64238526

People are already annoyed that Vedal's stealing attention away from Neuro. If he was a chick, that'd be even MORE of that.

>> No.64238526

fair point

>> No.64238622
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>> No.64238820

I shouldn't look at Neuro with lust. However,

>> No.64238905

*unzips outfit*
*unzips dick*

>> No.64238923

page 10, any bakers?

>> No.64239573
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>> No.64239778


>> No.64239924

