The rightful rulers of Eden.>YouTube channels>Twitch>Twitter>CoversLa+ Darknesss Lui Koyori Chloe Iroha Thread: >>63774759
I love Koyori!
Gozaru is a ninja!
It would've been funny if she went with Cammy because of the cat and the cat alone
Would Laplus like to get Tsukuyomi'ed, Kyokasuigetsu'ed or yokoshima'ed? Either way Laplus is fucked.
>>64010116I'm not the usual anon you like to play with, but I thought you both would like this picture
Weak brat! Don't touch my Iroha!
>>OPcute outfits
last bread status: alls well that ends with koyo!
Pekobe general is dead. I knew it wasn't going to last long.
>>64031051at least it ended with joshu...
A lot better without the random camera panning
Post Koyo
>>64043537That's a pre koyo you posted
>Nene, Shishiron, Lap, Lui collabhuh>'s the sponsored stream on Lui's schedule
>>64052375Lui-nee is baby sitting today
>>64053017Botan is a mature lady and not a baby.
Friendly reminder that /holoX/ will be participating in Lord of the Board on Saturday! show!
Lui announcement soon!
>>64059098Ideas on what it might be?
>>64059161Something to do with her most recent song, but no idea what. It already got a MV.
>>64059161DQ sponsorship!
>>64059251baseball sponsorship!
>>64059251>>64059303Purple luitomos stay winning
>>64059251yataaa!dragonquest big love!w..what if they made dragonquest baseball?
>>640596101, 2, 3, fuck you!
>>64060122Only 5 winners, best of luck
Lui says this year she's going to be "Greedy Lui." tee
>>64060169They won't ship to overseas fans, so I'm not allowed to participate. We'll get something else as a thank you present, though.
>>64060384She's done a better impression before, but that wouldn't have gotten a reaction out of Gozaru lol
>>64060458I've been too busy and lazy to do this event, I will live vicariously through their streams.
Gozaru's being weird again
Everyone does well enough here in terms of voice acting, Lui sounds tired compared to everyone else though. This will be a nice learning experience for the eventual anime
>goes nande when taking damagenice
Koyori's missles look like vibrators
IroKuro tee!
>>64061893Quadruple the pon
i can't believe Gozaru fucking killed Lap
>>64061943Forbidden jutsu is just too strong.
>>64061943Now Lui-nee, the chuuni kazamatai must be loving this
idk if it's the youtube quality but some of these mechanics are kind of hard to see on this stagei was going to make fun of Gozaru for being a FFXIV player but still standing in all of the red circles but I can barely see the no-no zones
holy shit this stage is even worsealso this game is a lot more involved than i thought it would be
Samurai on samurai violence!
>>64062177It is a phone game, smaller screen and somewhat clunky controls
>>64062255It's really clear on the phone screen but for some reason it's hard to make out on streams. Except Sakamata's the red blends too much with the red on her stage.Also yeah, it's surprisingly involved and isn't just something you autopilot through. A nice surprise.
Lui-nee get!
>got lui>hit skipGozaru...
>>64062513just like me!
>>64062513>just skipping through your gacha rolls>Get what you want>skip it because there's no way it's what you wantA feeling I know all too well
>3 yellowLUCK SHITTERoh it's lui again!we saw it this time!oh it's lui again!we saw it again!oh it's ChloeBAKU BAKU BAKU~N
Lui-nee get x3!Chloe get!
The signed cards are surprisingly big!
>>64063428Her child like wonderment can make any shitty game look fun
I need to kiss Kazama Pokobee
>>64064413Wrong thread. >>63879238
this has to be the the "mobile game" looking mobile game I've ever seen
love my daughter
>>64064634Puzzle time?
>>64064619I was interested in seeing what it was about until I learned it was mobile game only.
>>64064619It is a funny combination of bare bones gameplay, with over the top aesthetics. Just another BR clone for kids
Lap got saved by Asuka! kek wtf
So my eyes weren't tricking when I thought I saw Rei earlier, this game had an Evangelion collab at some point
was that a fucking HIKAKIN attack?what the actual fuck
>>64064834Chat was saying that it's a boss NPC, so they're going to make it flashy as possible
I was surprised they were still making generic BR clones but apparently this game is on it's 6th anniversaryjesus
>>64064653lolikoyo puzzle time?
>>64065101You have been asking for lolikoyo the past 2 days!
>>64065135sounds like a lolikoyo puzzle is overdue, then
Bye bye Wagahai, for now
>>64065016That part I honestly found surprising, the gacha money from kids can keep anything afloat it seems
Wagahai is back, and with friends
>>64065597Let's fucking go!
>>64061893Iroha's shadow clones jumped Laplus's ass that stream
>>64065212adultkoyo puzzle time?
Sometimes I dig through my old screenshots and find some random shit with no context.
4 girls just jumped HIKAKIN
They won against kids!
All of the Shinji impersonations that Wagahai likes to do is making me want to rewatch Evangelion
The whole crew ascended to heaven.
Some weird ass Koyo stream
remove the hole
Sakamata is gone...
>>OPReally nice piece of art, very cool OP!
It's time (also late)
>>64071887Ran to that song recently and I just couldn't take it seriously when she did that Opera voice. Its such a random moment for a denpa song.
Really wish Chloe did that raft thing with Korone, Marine and Koyori again...
gonna watch chloe's subway 8 stream now
man this place is dead
>>64083914We're still recovering from the anniversaries.
>>64083914We're all in a skype group chat
>>64064758lap getting run over by johnny sins was also interesting
>>64087465Is the game any good?
>>64089403No, it's one of the pubg clones that came out a few years ago
>>64089403Big no, the game looks like it survives solely off of collabs and children>>64087465I like how she was worried that Lui-nee was going to scold her for wasting money on the game
>>64090354remember Alf? he's back, in pog form.
i like this face
>>64093553What is that face?
>>64093553Very boeful
wake up babe, new bakamatard meme just dropped
>>64113739Buy the merch warm up!
>>64122106Too many poes
Chloe will be here
Bakamata will be late to her oshi's brithday...
Wagahai will appear here
>>64123052holy fuck the interaction are scriptedand i thought what scripted was
>>64123417The people behind the characters are going to keep it as authentic as possible, they sounded really great together for Wandering Dream Chaser
Chloe on da telly
>stalker orca and registered sex offender at the same timeDamn, this kusogaki really asking for it.
Wagahai really knows how to boogie.
Gozaru's promotion thing is back
Cute little inclusion from Karubi
Lui (and Chloe) splatoon practice
>>64126417I haven't really looked at their team's practice, or any other teams practice streams actually. How are they faring?
bakamata isn't too bad at spoon
>>64129004Not too bad for just picking it up recently
Time for more soap. We will invest all of this month's HoloX sales into Soap!
I spent more money for inu and a towel than a pocketbook
>>64130057That shipping is atrocious for you...
>>64130344>original order is just 150 (ordered other stuff)>shipping+taxes makes it 200I hate this shit. really wish we get a hololive store in America one day
Shit, the Iroha general is nearing the bump limit. I've tried everything. Replying to threads on page 10 and 11 to make the board goes faster, making a new thread when the Iroha general is at page 10/11, falseflagging as a Kazama-tai and telling them to give up, nothing works. We will lose them just like we lose Joshus.
>>64130819t. Sanest Luitomo
>>64130425That would be nice, that change they've done to base it on volume can really inflate things at times
Best of luck to Olocus tomorrow
I think that Sakamata's team has a good shot tomorrow
I'm going to shoot Sakamata with something alright if you catch my drift
>>64131329Korone's team looks scary
why another Iroha general?'s, this is a fun song
Always end with Koyo
why did the erohatomo's leave?
>>64130904Hey, I was asleep. I want the threads to reunite, but I'm not going to go fuck with people to make it happen.
>>64130819joshu is still here!
>>64147940underrated song
>>64147940The metal part will always get me. The MV of it is even better. Seeing the HoloXers go hard reminds me of the halftime shows in S4 League.
>>64147940This song is all over the place, the screamo part is so dumb I love it
is this the end for the holoX threads here?
>>64156297Yes, cheers.
Shiikuins are welcome to post Chloe in Iroha general
>>64156297I choose to believe we're just in a lull. I hope people are around for our wrestling match tomorrow.
>>64156638Shiikuins are also allowed in /Mayo/!
>>64156638>>64156914I feel like we're just reinventing /holoX/.
>>64156914Back off they're mine.
>>64156638>>64156914>>64157298This must be stopped. We'll not leave /holox/!
>>64157713You do not want to start a gang war with Joshus, Kazamatai.
>>64157805orca secured!transporting to the lab for cleaning!
>>64130819None of them were posting here, you fucking schizo. The entire thread is just an picture dump and they are barely aware about her streams (or the fact there were barely any streams when the thread was first pushed). It's a larp thread, not a fan thread.
>>64158699thats always been /vt/
>>64158721joshus watch streams!
>>64158721Not everyone is eternal threadreader like you.
>>64157794I've said it before, but I'm never leaving /holoX/ for a dedicated Lui thread. I am a HoloXer to my core! Monkeys together strong!
>>64158823you should visit mayo!we have dragon quest!its your favorite!
>>64158899I will do no such thing.
>>64158946but youll miss the dragon questing!
>>64159444Koyote in danger! Shot the assailant down!
>>64160079No posting Starfield in this thread!
>>64160079Real? I will forever hate Tod twice as hard for making this game so shit. Poor orca was so excited to play it.
>>64160911I hate that this is what the west is creating and presenting to other countries as our "best," specifically Japan. It makes us all look like shit because of it.
>>64160998gamedevs suck now.
Fresh Mayo, Joshu-kun! >>64168095
come play with joshu holoxheads!
will sakamata finish ToTK?
>>64173012 okay!
>>64173012 link!
>>64176790nyoomwasnt this a library card meme?
What are you bringing to the company lunch, /holoX/?
>>64178717my appetite!:)
>>64179587I think it needs to cook a bit longer...
splatoon tourney will have team pov frames from Chloe or Lui.
>>64180590Let's go, Lui/Chloe!
>>64180590Best of luck, Olucus
Yep, Korone's team is scary.
I think our team might be at a bit of a disadvantage. Chloe is bad at washing things...
>>64180590Live now!
Not too much blue...
Comeback starts now!
They have Marine, so it's all rigged.
That laser weapon thing is fucking broken.
it's orcover...
>>64182367I told you.
GO FLARE GOHoloXbros... not like this
>>64182418I'm a Flare anti now.
Is it better to boast and brag prior to the wrestling match? I know it's bad for divegrass, but isn't it in-character for wrestling?
>>64182728Luitomo, this was how /holoX/ lost…
Looks close.
>>64182891Do we win this match-up?
>>64182981Unlikely, unless they can play really well. Korone's team 3-0ed Fubuki's team, and Fubuki's team 3-0ed our team last match
>>64183016We already got one victory against Korone's team. That's one better than Fubuki's team.
I blame Chloe.
Close, but no cigar
>>64182883I know, but that was for divegrass! Wrestling is all about acting big, tough, and boisterous!
They managed to stand their ground pretty well against Korone's team
>>64183842Zako inklings
Divegrass reminder! /holox/ has a match against /vsj+/ on 26 January 2024 19:40 UTC. We'll play with the team's setup of /vt/ League 5. We could update the rooster for the actual tournament in March 2024. Any suggestions?Also check out the wiki page!
>>64184069Everyone becomes Pokobee, you don't need to worry about defense if your opponent physically can't get past it
>>64184069More Koyos!
The wrestler of /holoX/ who will be performing today has been trained by each and every member of HoloX, one at a time! He carries the strength of every one of them on his back! His lessons and experiences will carry us to victory!Glory to /holoX/!
Why does the Luitomo outfit have a zipper on the back of it?What purpose could it possibly serve?Luitomos can just casually slip out of the outfit.
>>64185726Hold up, fursuit luitomo is actually canon?
>>64185809I don't think a glorified piece of cloth for a cloak and a red hood counts as a fursuit.
>>64185726>luitomo can't undress on its own>lui loves to baby everyone to feel neededSasuga
>>64186310We can probably, maybe undress ourselves.
>luitomo undressing each other.webm
>>64186334The hood can just pop off, the grey jacket needs the zipper to be taken off but if you lift your arms to reach it's going to be really difficult to open it on your own. You need something like the diving suit (with a long piece of fabric to keep the zipper vertical while pulling it down). Or maybe I'm just overanalysing the whole thing. In any case I ain't undressing you!
>>64189523>pokobee in timeout cornerWhat did he do?
>>64186310>lui grooming luitomos into being needy for her>tfw luitomos want to start helping each other undress instead>her plan backfires and luitomos are getting gay steamy with each otherhow the turn tables
>>64189573Everything is going as plannedt. Plapmate
I was too busy to take a notice at the time, but Sakamata actually went to bed at reasonable time today.
>>64189567That's his normal spot, his cushion is right below Gozaru's sword rack
Attention everyone! Lord of the Board starts in 5 minutes!We'll be having our first match approximately 5 hours and 30 minutes after it starts. Yes, it's a long time, but there's a fuck load of teams to get through.
>>64193041Jesus, I'll be able to take a nap before then
There he is...
>>64193556That's him
>>64193383Yeah, you should do that!
>>64189573All she wanted was some hot penguin action!
>>64197103There's a reason why her gachi are called yakitori
>>64184069In all seriousness though, is there something that we can do to help out team? I'm unfamiliar with the game, and I'm not sure where to even begin with suggestions
>>64198113participate in polls, give suggestions, show up to matches, make content for the wiki, if you have a decent pc you can instal pes and the aes assets and take screenshots, if you have blender/modelling skills you can help with models (our pokobee came from one of the anons in the bread!), if you can make videos you can make hypes, really its a crowdsourcing endeavour!last time there wasn't much interest in changing the roster but you can suggest roster changes too! (but for someone new to come in, someone has to go...)the whole point of divegrasa is for the bread to have something fun to do together and its been a lot of fun in the past!if you don't know anything about divegrass, dont worry, neither did the guy that managed the team durinf our debut!oh this too came from the bread!
>>64198564It's always a fun watch, I just remember the first divegrass anon linking a stats page of some sort showing a bunch of sliders and traits before and I didn't know what to make of it. The first season we participated we did fairly well because that format favored our aggressive playstyle, but this recent season's was the opposite of that
>>64199683im the first divegrass anon!
>>64198113Check the rules page for what's needed for such a cup and team.The deadlines for the next league are spread across February. Until then, you can prepare all kind of generic stuff like billboards, create perfect goalhorns (in best case the loop is perfect so nobody notices when it replays), create chants, help updating the rooster or write some cool texts for the team's wiki page. There's lots of stuff written how to do things with PES.Just browse through the wiki and you'll find a lot of stuff and you can help anywhere. Even cheap edits can be welcome. Sometimes it's better than nothing.
Always end with Koyo.
Always end with Koyo!