>> | No.64072045 File: 53 KB, 512x512, 1700109727891348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>64070558 VTuber is a business and the fans are consumers. It is the same as others like football (though hardcore fans hate this fact), KPOP, or any modern entertainment. Like others, you may romanticize your VTuber experience, but the core remains the same. You need to pay the artists, L2D riggers, and others. Corporations want to make a profit so they can do their next project. And so on.
VTubers, like similar entertainment media, are inherently parasocial and people make profits from it.
One of many things that still stick inside my head is gachis. They're willing to pay for the service (something that corpo wants), but they possess an inherent risk for talent's well-being. It's easy to avoid them if you're indie and only treat VTubing as a hobby, but it's not easy if you're a corpo chuuba. The best thing VTuber can hope is they get the gachis that are well-behaved and willing to heed her says.
I donated to a local chuuba years ago, but somehow I regretted it sometime later.